Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 23, 1881, Image 2

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Entered at the Pout office at Butler as
xecvnd<la*t* matter.
TUK Democrats elected their can
didate for Mayor in Philadelphia at the
late election, Also in Aleadville and
of Petrolia this county, was e'ected
Mayor of Bradford city at the recent
election. Mr. Jordan is the Editor of
t he Bradford Era. We congratulate
bim on his success.
MAJOB R. W Lvos, citizens' can
didate, was elected Mayor of Pitts
burgh over Hon. Miles Humphreys,
Republican. Mr. Lyon was born and
raised in Butler county, being a son of
Mr. John Lyon, of Middlesex Town
ship, this county.
A JOINT resolution has been offered
in the Legislature to so change the
Constitution as to require sixty thou
sand of a population in a county to
make a separate Judicial district, in
stead of forty thousand as now. This
is not likely to prevail; but if it should
all Judges now in commission would
hold their office until the expiration of
their commissions.
CHURCH NEWS. —The convocation of
the Kittanning district, diocese of Pitts
burgh, held its session here on the 14th
and 15th inst., in tbe St. Peter's Epis
copal Church of this place. The usual
public services were very largely attend
ed, much more so than for some time
past, and the congregation of St. Peter's
are to be congratulated on the acces
sion of tbe Rev. Burke to their pulpit,
and their consequent success and zeal
in church affairs.
Tbe Armstrong Republican gets off
a good one in relation to the pending j
Senatorial contest. It tuggests that >
tbe whole matter, as to who shall be '
U. S. Senator, be referred to Mr. By ram '
of the Pittsburgh Telegraph, for deeis-1
ion. Mr. Byram, it will be recollected,
was umpire last summer in the State
Senate Contest of this district, Arm
strong and Butler counties, and decided
in favor of this county. Mr Greer will
of course favor tbe suggestion of our
Armstrong neighbor.
Up to yesterday 33 ballots have j
been taken in tbe Legislature for a
United States Senator, and 40 in the j
Conference Committee, without an elee
tirn. In tbe Conference, or comprom
ise Committee, tbe following new
names were voted for during its sess
ion : Sbiras, Scofield, Harry White,
John M, Thompson, Gen. Koontz,
Adam M. Brown, Esq., of Pittsburgh,
and others. Sbiras received as hiirh us
y votes on two ballots, and Scofield us
high as 7 on two ballots. Either of
them would be a good compromise man,
as would Col. Thompson, Major Brown
or Gen. Koontz. Both the convention
and tbe committee held sessions yes
terday, bnt as we go to press we have
not the results of further proceedings.
Tbe following resolution has been
offered in our State Legislature by
Senator Jones, of Philadelphia, which
was adopted. It is intended to com
memorate a very imprrtant event in the
history of Pennsylvania, aud therefore
will be read with interest;
WHKREAS, His excellency the gover
nor in bis message has suggested that
in tbe fall of 1882 two hundred years
will be completed since William Penn
landed at tbe place where Philadelphia
now stands ; that the celebration of
such a great historical event should he
observed in a befitting manner, and
that tbe city councils of Philadelphia
and the historical society of Pennsyl
vania have already taken steps in re
gard to such a celebration ; therefore,
Resolved, That (if the house of rep
resentatives concur) a committee of
seven senators and nine members of
tbe bouse be appointed to confer with
committees appointed by other bodies
throughout the stale, and that said
committee report at an early day to the
present general assembly what action
should be taken by tbe commonwealth
to commemorate such an important
event as the first arrival and residence
here of the distinguished founder of our
Tuc official count (fives Pennsyl
vania a population of 4,252.78<"»
malef*, 2,139,935 ; females, 2 14<>,15l
THE indebtedness of the cities of the
Union average SSB 23per capita. That
of Pennsylvania is sr,:j 20. The high
est municipal indebted- ess is in Mary
land, $lO {.61 p>;r capita. Oregon takes
the lowest rank —54.35.
WK publish in another column, by
rerpiest of a subscriber, a letter sent to
Hon. Wm, P Braham, of Butler county
requesting bim by all honorable means
to elect Mr. Oliver. Mr. Braham,
knowing full well the desire of his
constituents in the couoty, not in one
or two particular places, but the whole,
declined so to act, but stood true to his
pledges made prior to election. Other
candidates for same position expressed
their intention of voting for (Jrow, in
opposition to the ring, which has
controlled this State so long, but when
tho time came for them to act tln ir
vote* were recorded on the other side
froin which they had assurances they
would. Butler county, withouta shad
ow of a doubt, is anti-Cameron, and
that being the case her representatives
should, without fear or favor, stand
manfully to the rack —Parker I'hmnis,
Feb. \Hth.
W. P Braham, the member of Leg
islature from this county, has proved
himself the right man in the right
place. He has taken an honorable
position in the Legislature, and he has
the sympathy of a majority of the peo
ple of Butler county, irrespective of
politics, because he dares to represent
the wishes of the people honestly and
fairly, notwithstanding the ring influ
ence that has been brought to bear
/CIT —K arru> OUy Telephone,
NO 3ZNAroa Y£T— t£ci SITUA
At the time ofour issue la.-t week the
balloting for a Senator was progressing
daily between Bayue and Beaver, the
sneeessors of Grow and Oliver. And,
so far as the joint convention of tho
two houses are concerned, it continues
to be mainly between those two geutle
m«?n, with the u-u.il result of no elec
tion. But in the mean time another
body has been agreed upon and organ
ized in the hope and w th the intention
of finding some man upou whcm both
rings of the party could unite. This
bodv is a committee of twenty-four
members, twelve from each side, who
are endeavoring to present some com
promise man. They have been chosen,
have organized, and up to this time
have had some—ballots without agree
ment. All eyes are now directed to
' the action of this committee of twenty
four. If it agrees upon a compromise
man be will likely be adopted by the
Legislature aad be elected. The first
ballots in this committee, of tweuty
four, were twelve for Beaver and
: twelve lor Bayne. But each side soon
, began to scatter in their votes, casting
thein Litre ut,d there tor new into. In
, this respect the twelve independunts,
or anti-ring members of the committee,
show more liberality thar. do the ma
chine or riug side. And in fact the in
dependents selected their twelve mem
bers of the committee in a better and a
fairer mariner than did th other wing;.
They selected them indiscriminately
from the wLole b< dy of their force,
while the ring twelve were picked out
of their force by a special committee of
five and were cbooeu with special reler
ence to the interests of (Jen. Beaver and
as his friends. Tuis ialortunate action
of that side embarrasses aud may pre
vent an agreement upou a new man.
In the meantime the joint convention
j ol the two houses meets daily, a.->in law
they are bound to do, and go through
the forms ol a ballot without any refer
ence to the action or voting done in
the compromise committee. This week
will likely end the contest. So far the
following results are patent to all.
First, the people have defeated the ring,
in that it wa- compelled to drop its
candidate, Oliver. Second, in its nam
ing Gen. Beaver to tak • the; place of
Oliver it placed a mill stone ol weight
about bini that completely bore him
down. If, when Grow and Oliver were
with-drawn and were out of the way, the
members of the Legislature had been
permitted to as.emble as the law con-
they should, and vote for
candidates or men without any caucus
dictation, and the more particularly !
without any caucus dictation from tin- !
private bouse of Senator Cameron, ,
then there might have been a Senator
chosen before this time. This is now j
apparent to all the ring included, and
therefore we ho|x> and look for a selec
tion that will be acceptable to the
people. But the bands of tho ' bosses"
must be kept off if this is to be effected.
A PKTiTIon has been numerously
signed by the Republicans of this
place, recommending Col John M.
Thompson for the pending Senator
ship. It is intended to be laid before
the compromise committee of twenty
four, which has been chosen to find a
way out of the present dead b.ck at
Harrisburg on the Senatorial question,
if that can possible be done Col.
Thompson has already received some
votes from friends on the committee
and bis prospects for being finally
settled upon would appear to be as
good as that of any other new name.
He has more ability than many of
thope heretofore voted for, and if he
should be the sueces.-fnl "dark horse''
it will give general satisfaction not
only to tho Republicans of this county
but ; a well to many friends in the
Western part of the State.
<'orr «-|>ni«l nee.
NORTH IIOPK, PA., Feb. 19. 1881.
MKBHUK KlJlTlKS:—Thinking per
haps a lew notes from this part of tho
county might interest your readers, I
will attempt to (rive you i short ac
count, of our standing
Washington is prospering. Our bus
iness men all look • <T'l*y- Tlie X W.
Academy in prospering under the su
pervision of Prof. Crawford The pres
ent term will clone, Friday, Feb. 2.'»tli
The prospects for the spring term are
I!t v. I>ean gnve a very interesting
lecture here on the evening of the 1 tth
E. W. Moore spent part of last week
here, Come again Kluicr.
The Presbyterians of this place arc
about to erect a house of worship.
Flection day p used off quiet ly.
Strayed or stolen Fight bushels of
apples, t he; property ol It. .M. Harper.
VVh« re are they?
One ol our most peaceful citizens
Mr. Jesse Glenn, came near being an
nihilated a sln>rt time ago. lie is
janitor of the academy and rings the
bell at 1) I' M. One night as he eli
te rid the building, three men sorang
upon him, bore him to tin floor and be
gan pounding him in it terrible manner
The cries of murder became so loud
that one of the party '»egnn ringing |
the bell to drown the noise. After
having beaten the old gentleman un
til he was insensible the rioters Ilcd !
A few days afterward six of our young I
men appeared at the office of the Jus- |
tice of the peace and were sentenced to j
pay a fine of $1 each. Mr. Ulenn is
known all over the country as one of
its rims! peaceful and highly respecta
ble citizens, and why he should receive
such treatment, is a mystery The '
next time you want revenge, boys, take
more lawful course.
We have h.nl no cases of stoves be
ing blown up by explosive coal this
Paruonville still lives and has its
Will tell the rest next time.
A bill has been reported and placed
on the House calendar at llurrisbnrg
for the protection of uiauuiuclurero of
barter at*! UiVMA;. i
(Mje feitttLcf Cit£s#u : iFiefaicttstrg 23, t§Bl.
The following, among other bills,
have been introduced in the Legislature,
some of which may be of interest to
our readers:
An act requiring the party appealing
from the judgment of a Justice of tbe
i'eave to p:i v nil costs to that date.
An act, by Mr. Greer, relative to the
pay ii.ent of co»ta iu criminal cases tried
in Coui t.
An act providing that all certificates
given lor oil in pipe lines shall desig
nate the county and district in which
the oil was product^
An act allowing Irisbauds and wives
to testify in each other's b'jhalfiu crimi
nal cases.
By Mr Braham, an act to repeal the
present fox scalp law in this county.
This repeal of the fox tcaip law is very
generally demanded by the tax payers
of thecounty.
AD act defining the duties of Court
Stenographers .11 tUe several counties
of the Slate.
Mr. A merman offered the following:
Whereas, The people of Ireland are
now engaged iu a noble struggle to
rescue their national anu political rights,
aud to abolish a most unjust and in
equitable system ol laud laws by which
liiey are cruelty oppressed ; and
II in t\a l ne people ol the coinmon
weitii ot I'euusv i vauiu, under just and
equitable laus, are prosperous and
happy„ and as it is eminently tilting
that express their mpathy
for the oppiesseU, and give their moral
support to those w h- are struggling lor
civil liberty ; therefore, be it
Resolved by the donate and /louse
of Jtiprene/ituii ceo oj l/ie Common
wealth"/ r'eiiPaylcania, That, we here
in express our sj mpathy tor the people
ol Ireland, misgoverned ana oppressed,
and our admuation lor then* bravery
under great piovocation, iu pursuing a
!>eaceabie an<i iavviul couise in me
agitation ot their course, anu a.-> in the
pant, the Pennsylvania have
been lore) ».«t m aiuingaunermg human
ity, v\ e now request them to assist by
lawful aud | eaceabie means, by counsel
and bv pecuniary assistance, tiie people
of Jr« laud until me evils ol landlordism
are abolished ano they secure to them
selves their natural ami political rights.
Objections were maUe aud the reso
lution WHS not entertained.
Among the bills lead in place were
the following:
Supplement to the act regarding the
preservation of the records of mine in
An net prohibiting peddlingand hawk
ing without license.
An act iu relererice to the payment
of money into court.
Supplement to the act providing for
tlx; health and safety of persons employ
ed in 'joal mines.
Aii act apportioning the State into
Legislative district*. The bill intro
duced makes the same apportionment
as the old one, and in intended merely
to get the lii itivr before the committee,
wln-re it will be amended to tin; desir
ed form.
Tlie act to authorize county commis
sioners to discharge from prison ali per
sons con lined in jnil without proceed
ings under insolvent laws, came up
and was debated at great length, and
passed second reading.
The supplement to the act providing
for the healtn and safety of coal mine
employees requiring owners of mines
operated by slope to att eh drags to
cars passing over the same, passed
second reading.
A DISPATCH says Mr John Cessna
is still disgruntled "liecause Senator
Cameron, in arranging f>'r the with
drawal of Mr. Oliver, failed to send in
his name to the Independents as a
compromise candidate as he had prom
ised to do." • "To send in his name!''
11 us not Senator Cameron done with
bossing this Senatorial business yet?
Is he in collusion wit 11 Mr Wallace
and other I>eiuocra s for the utter de
struction of i lie Republican parly? If
not whv does he n .t go back to Wash
ington, attend to his own business, and
leuve to the people's Represeutatives
the t; sk of selecting a United States
Senator ? We should say one defeat in
a single session, so conspicuous as that
which sent Mr. Oliver to the hospital,
would be all he could stand at present
l! he wants another, however, it still
looks as though he might be accommo
If the bosses at II trrisburj were half
as much concerned for the "unity of the
party' as they pretend to be, and a.-
they really are for their own personal
i'Merests and assumed prerogatives
they would end the dead-lock on the
Senatorial question by accepting the
Hon John Welsh,.Wayne MaeVcagh,
Ueorge Shiras, or some other high-ton
ed nnd able Republican, who would be
acceptable to the miti-caiicus men and
a credit to the party in Pennsylvania.
The door is to open for a fair and
reputable compromise, and he is a
blind man or a fool who vvi I not sec it
and walk straightway in it The
trouble is the 15' - -cs don't like to get
down from their u.-iirped throne and
acknowledge the right of the people to
rule. The Republican party wants
"unity," but it only wants it on the
basis of liberty, right, and fair play.
Any other basis will drive the masses
into revolt and make Republican tri
umphs in the future, especially in State
contest#, absolutely impossible.
We glory in tin- r«t«rn«lf:»f*ln«;r*M of tli«*
anti-lloss members of our Legislature
They arc not to In; transferred, not to
| lie seduced, not to Ijo I) night 11 till not
to be driven into a surrender of the
I>ri11<-i|»l«* for which they have been con
tending. (jeucral Beaver, apart from
his Camcrouism, is reirar led as a fair
man ami a straightforward Republican;
I Imt Representative Wolfe, who is still
.spokesman for tin; I mlcpcndents, in
tiie course of a lon# ami friendly inter
view with him, (General IJeaver.) on
Monday afternoon, informed him that,
j no matter what promises he might
make to the ludependedtH they could
not vote for him, owing to the manner
of his uomimttiou, without self-stultifi
calion, and tliat they would not do so.
lie further said they weve lighting for
a principle and would not deviate one
iota from the line of policy they had
marked out. That is the true course
to pursue and if thelifty odd Independ
ents in the Legislature stick to it they
will yet win a victory that will make
I hem ail famous and at the same time
save the Republican party from disin
tegration and premature dei»th —(Jrair
ford Journal
Tixe opinion is daily becoming more,
general thai an extra session of Con
gress will become necessary. It can
only lie avoided by extraordinary dili
gence- on the uart ol Mojnbcrs from
n'l/w until t'bb fib Of Mtatib. j
!-'!:8{»r vin" i**t, issi.
S'irplus Stock Must ba Thinned Out in Lvery Department.
Even at Half Their Ccst!
Our entire stoek Kin" Fancy i■.«'«! ltrocade Silks '
aad SaUrn, oflne I at fiJSt a yard.
Sui iil I' l I'l-.trl Colored Silks, slightly damaged,
at J'> cents.
Very large lot Black ami White Stripe and Fancy
Summer Siik<. :it ST'i, }j aad vx*.
Small :<•! He-.vv Cru- i!r Salmon Colored >iiks |
iit «;v. worth si.2s —clean, perfect goods. j
One lot Black l'ekin Stripes a! cents—nice 1
cp ility -value. >1 :i yard.
Monday M >i*iiin<r. at 0 O'clock,
will be offered entire stock Fine Brocade Silk Vel
vets. ;it ?L MI to t- niter price, <•.' ."<» to Those
lirst will set :r-• the choice.
Fancy Fiaid and Brocade Cireasv in Silks at 75
o-nts. 0:1 counter—not a!l si!k. but an exuv. bar
Dress Goodsßargains from 15c to ®l 50—toogreat
a variety of redactions to enumerate.
flarmen".- of ai! mis Ho-ing out at a -.icriflcc.
S«>:i» • Very temp'l:l:s bargains 111 Fine Wraps still '
remain and m : t he soid.
}] QC i C& B UH I_j,
118 and I'2o Fedei*al Street,
N. B.—N."> Wlii - (Joo.H, New iloasfkeeping Goodii, Blankets, Flauncls, Hosiery attd Gloves, at
the right prices.
Jefferson St., Butler, Pa.
All the Flour nude by the Xew Process and sold as low as Ml .2-1 por
stick, and 7 '» per sack. Also, Buckwheat Flour, Rye Flour, and
bolted and unbolted Corn Meal.
All kinds of Feed—Chop, Bran, Corn, O.its and all kinds of Mill Feed.
All kinds of gr.tin bought at Store or Mill, and Highest Cash Price Paid.
Custom Work done at Mill by the New Process Machinery and grists
warranted t«> be equal in quantity and quality to those ground anywhere else.
George lieiber, Br.
II*OX IiITTERS are hi-lily recommended for all diseases ro-
I <iwiring a certain and efficient tonic | especially Intliyeitton, jM/*prpsia, Inter
a viilicnt Vcvcrs, I Vantof Ajiprtite, Lou of Strenrjlh, Lack of l.nrr<pj,ttc. I'.nriches
9 the blood, Btrengtliens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. 1 hey act
I li!:e .1 charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such
las Tailing the l'ood, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn,etc. Till) only
| Iron Preparation thut will uot blacken tho teeth or {five
| headache. Bold by all druggists. Write for tho ABC Jiook, 32 pp. of
I useful and amusing reading— sent free.
j A IIAKM8B1!RU telegram statesthut
! supporters of IJityni! have been receiv
ing furled telegrams tin- past few days,
urging iIn* HI lo vote for leaver. The
fraud has been exposed Representa
tive Wolfe liuil a loritr interview with
General Heaver, ami told him that.,
ow.ng to the manner in which he had
lieen nominated at the caucus in Cam
eron's residence, and without consult
ing independent Republicans, he could
' not have ihoir support, sis they Were
fighting fir principle — tfrir Dispatch.
(i.iiid tiHicc.
I If you keep your stomach, liver and kidney-
I iu perfect A .rkm. order, you will prevent and
cure by fiir the gre iter part of the ill* that at
| ll. ct mankind in thi-»r any Hcctimi, There is
no mi- Heine kn>>wn that will do tliisas quickly
or mrely as Parker's Ginger Tonic, which will
HOrurti n untunl union of tlnw ini*
portant or; HIS without interfering in the least
with your daily duties see advertisement.
TUK difficulties against which sci
ence has had to contend is well illus
trated •J v the fact tloit Fernando Wood
was once defeated lor re-election to
Congress because ol his having voted
for an appropriation to enable Prole ■wor
Morse to establish his lir.-t > X erinien
tul telegraph line, the people ol his dis
trict refusing to send to Congress a
man who was so crazy as to lielicve
that messages mitrht be tran-initted
through space by means of electricity
ainl a wire.— Kx.
UK'Kcti lor > It'iKJ ini'ii.
K.-v. , W'a liinirton, I>. ('., writes: "I
lielieve il to lie nil wri.nrf a i I even wicked for
clergymen or other public men to be led into
K ivilli; testiiiioiruls to <pinck doctor- or vile
stutiTs called medicine, but when a really HUT
itorioiis article made ol valualilc remedial
known to nil, tii it til phvsieians us.- and trust
in dailv, we should l'r»*ely commend it I
tliercli.r'e elie-rl'iilly and heartily <• itumeud Hop
lor the IT'MMI they have done mu and my
friend , tirmly believiiii.' they have uo • uuiil for
family use. I will not be without them. -.Yen?
York lUii'H't Wcrhhj.
Police l?» and
all f nit'H'stcd. .
The tollowlne road iietltlom hive lieen eon
flrni "1 ill-1 »>:, llie Coort nmt «til tn; |>re n'■ <1 lor
eoiitlriiialiou on \\ I a I .si» \Y, M \IICII iith, !
uevt. dioii dno jceptimi tie tiled will lie eoiiQnn
eil itlisoltllcly :
No H, of Miiicn term, I>•►<•. I'utillc ro.til iu I'nrker
touii«hf|>. to |.-al Irom a n uil oil tin Brady's
Meuil and Wa lin .lon puhlle ro nl on the so itli
side of dwelling lloic-e on I li< Wli te lien-. 1 1>111. to
a point on Hie Arnmtrimi; ■■ ■ unity line at the cor
ner ol the Morrison IvHil''on. tien. Knox and
William I liu mI 1 unis. lo c . m«- \ltli mail that
lolus lir.wlv's I'end and I'aiker i'if. puiilic road tn
AriostroiiK county. W. A. Wltiuil I'.Cl'k O. ('.
To llie ( reilloirs nl \. S. I
iii»ii—Tiilif Xoilrt).
B(in]fitnin P«ar« n having nifi<%vp'ir.atioo to
th« Court <»f ( «»r> mon PlO'in «»f P jimtv
for fJiwhti;:#' ftf ikw for fomiWU of o' editom
of Mii') A. Kui!;rj'-n Jnmury 19. MM!,
flit Court on dlU* con ti »ii f |M4V>r of
petitioner-ititl iliMnrt ii to tH) <U>Tharu<Ml
111 >* *■ i KlV.i, k ' fi(i«ic«. I»y Hi*' ( % MI •t . Acplioi
tion for lixai «»r lor ol' tlircii w II l> < St lo
Com t on tlio iUlii ol Muri'h net.
1 Fr-vio::* to • t >ck taking, must be sold. 500 pairs,
choice designs in Ecru and White. Kll tire stock
ji>stematics«l;y gone over and marked down. Qual
ity ■> in ilits offering c.uiimeiiceat FT (JO worth &'• tw.
| a-s there are no inferior grades.
1 Kura large fine Curtains at 35 00, often sold at
! sto per pair.
Aiiti<:ue CurMins reduced to ?15. Any nouse
| keeper or pro -pective one, will find real bargains
i in tn-'sc goo ts, at anv price or >t\le.
\i'w o:"erings that are sp -eial —One case pure
flint ■ehiinire ItUvk Silk* at sl, the best sold any
where at this price.
Se\,-ial large lots Black Silks, lust received, pur
clia.-. -d for >j«>t cash during the dull season, at
S~<. - ; i "' i. <1 7." and 00. and up to St 00 per yard,
that arc much less than value.
New Bronze Silk Flushes.
New Seal Brown Silk Flushes.
New (iarnet Silk PliLsiies.
N . w Nav . Silk Flushes.
New Black Silk Flushes.
3.000 PiEC F S HAM3URGS,
(M;r fourth importation order this season.just
i'pi-;i-i!. Laigest, ciioieest and chea;iest offering
111 tuts :ic uo-.v on sale. Most careful retail, a*
• -.sell closest cash wholesale buyers' atteution
Nt icitar.i*.
M<;(:<)NNI'.L —CII JtISTY Feb. Id, IK.SI, liv
I' v S. William-', Mr. William 11. McConncl
tn Miss Mary Melixi.i < lirinljr, IMI!|I of llutler
county, I'a.
M' 11 LI N'G—M A HSIIA LL—Feb 1.1. I«K1.
ill Llit> residence of the brides pareuta in Annia
ville, lintlcr e ■uuty, I'a , liy Itev. T. M I hmnp
urn, Mr. A. W Mcchlini;, of Weston, Oregon,
and Miss Lottie I>. Marshall, of Anninville, Hut*
ler comity, Pa.
-at M t. < lieslnut, Butler county, I'a.. liv Rev. T.
X. Young, Mr. 0. K, MatliewH anil Miss L. 15.
Rev. E. Ogilt'ii, Mr. S. M. Painter, of Winfielcl
township, and Miss Clara Is. Powell, of Bulfalo
town hip, thin county.
DICKSON BROWN Jan n, ISM, by the
Haul", Mr. It"bert M. Dickson, of Al leghcn v
county, I'a., anil Mini Marv X, Urown of .Mid
dln-x township, Ibis county.
»'rtORIIEAI> IM'vlVf Keli. 4, 1881, at the
re .idem; • of the bride's parent*, by Rev. I/. Me
Campbell. Vlr. John P. Moorhetiil, of I.easure
villi*, Butler county, to MIHS Lizzie Pumm, of
Slate Lick.
AVI>ERSON Fell. .1, IMKt, of scarlet fever'
in Allegheny township, Butler eoun'y, I'a.,
Ma'iel lone, da-t ,'liter of S A. and Ollie And
erson, in the .'lrd /ear of lier as»e.
K'iIILMEVER Feb. 7, l««l, at Byrora
(Centre, Butler county, I'a ..George Kohlmeyer,
son of llenry and .lane Koulmeyer, Hired *l*
years, live months and fifteen days.
The death of little iienrge was a very Had one.
lie wan killed by an auger-stem being
over him. S me men were hnulnigit, with one
end on a sled and the other on the ground, atid
as they passed his home he ran out, and with
other boys climbed upon it lo ride. But he
swung Under it and it was dragged over hiin.
He lived but lo or 1.1 minutcH and never *|>oke.
He had been at school on the afternoon of the
day on which bin death occurred, about 4 P. M.
lint a lew minutes before bin death he wan
romping in high i»l•••■ at home with a friend
who had called. It was a terrible shock to hiN
parents to lose their dear little hoy in Hitch a I
Midden and distressing manner. The whole
community felt a deep sympathy with them iu
their sorrow. Little (ieorge was liuried by the
side of the old hcriibgrasK Presbyterian Church,
in which the religious services of the occasion
Wi-re coiidiiiited by Rev. .). Mcl'herrin, Rev.
John tMcElree and Iti v. J. It. Coulter. The
large I'hiireh was alimat filled liy the assi-mldy
gathered at bin funeral. The children of the
Ityrnni Centre nchool, of wiiie.h Mr. J. C.
Trainer is !• aeher, were present in a body, and
H;J NT£ the "Sweet By and By." The heart* of
bis little HI hoolmate.s, and indeed of all present
old and youn if. were verv tender on that mil.
emu occasion. The Kohlmeyer family had h
reunion on last New Year'* day. Little George
will not meet with them again on eartli ; may
they all meet with him in due time in heaven.
A* i'lmsi Mid while OB eartli, "Sulfer the lit
tle children to come unlo Me," HO now in hea
ven lie says the name concerning the little one*
whom he calls away bv death. Thanks to
find for the c >tufort lie gives to christian pa
rents, when heir children are taken away from
them ut an early age. J. It. C.
4/111 \f i'l» WIC WANT YOI' In every
i\ I i I j,\ I ii County, to sell our Nr.w At;- I
i••.i y i i• i Aiii'Ki Swi:i:i'KH. You can make I
from S3 OO F> OO per daj tin- year INN. <;OO«I I
proilis xnt rnplil - iles. Capital not necessary If'
you 'Jin {urulstl K'ktJ rutcreiicc • Address at ypnu ,
aLKinrr b-w '."br, j
Mercantile Appraiser's List for 1381.
j ADAMJ TOWMSniP. ni'TI.EIt BOR. (Con.)
| Saints. Ctass. Same*. C7u*«
I SMKSN'T Adp.ms.l4 M C. RockensteinM
; .T. A. Anderson 14 K. Grieb 14
! 11. W. Walters 14 Charles H. Grieb...l4
: C Is. Irvine 14 Stock 14
i \V. A. McCombs .14 Mrs. C. Koch l:t
i J. J. Smith 14 J. R(jckenstein 14
ALLKOHENY TP. Jacob Keck 14
H J. Thompson. .14 A. Troutman_ 11
A. B Bnckholdt .14 Henry Hiehl 14
J.C Wales A Co.. 14 liauder A Pyle 14
M. W. Conway A L.Stein 13
Co 14 Zimmerman A
W. H. Fencll 14 \Vuller 14
W. M. Forquher.,l4 R. C. Ilusolton 11
T. S. Flinn A C 0...13 Ritter A Ralston... 8
J. P. Si-hell A C 0..13 H.Schneidem»n...l2
J. S. Kiskaddon . 14 D. H. Wuller 11l
S. P. Eaken 14 A 1 Ruff 13
J C. McKalip 14 John Bickel 13
W. 11. Hankins 3 iJ. F. Shafor
billiard tables P. T. Pape 14
BUFFALO TP. J.AB Keinper....l4
J. M, Fleming 14 J. F. T. Stelile 13
G. C. Cramer 11 L. Bishop 14
Marshal Bros 14 John Berg A 50n..13
JIKADY TP. Harvey Colbert.. .14
E. G.Clutton 14 A. IlafTner... 14
W. W. Robison 14 Coulter A IJnn 14
Mortl'd A GordonH J. G. A VV. Cauip-
OONCORDTP. bell 13
A. I>. Kuhn A Co .13 S. Sykos 14
S. Markwell 13 George Boulger 2
K. A. Nesbit.. 14 billiard tables, 1
W. J. Hovis 14 pool table.
D. Crawford 14 CKNTRKVILLK 808.
ohn Baisiger . .14 Bard A Sons 12
I A. Harding, 1 J. B. MeQ>iistion...l4
J.billiard table J. 11. Muntx 14
CLINTON TP. J- H. *Valker .13
Samaol Snvder 14 T. Wilson A 50n...12
Wm. Wood 14 James S. Wilson. 14
R. Anderson 14 C. W. Coulter 14
CENTRE TP. ' W. T. Ramsey
Joseph Coulter 14 <\o. Kingsbury ..14
D. C. Miller 14 ! Bingham A 50n5...14
CLEARFIKLD TP. jUber A Sons 14
W. s. Jfc-Oea 14 ' KAIRVIKW BOR.
M. J. Mcßride 14 jC. Scott 13
t'HKRRY TP. iJ- M. Ervin 14
H.C. McCovASon 14 it-. C. Alexander .14
N. W. Christy A |G. P. Conway A
Bros 13, Bro 12
Shannon A Book 14 (Graham A Wilaoul t
John A. Bailer 14 jG. N'. tirow 13
CONSOQrKNKHSINO [Win. Kelly A 8r0.14
Peter Staff 14 jC G I, Peffer IS
C. Nicklas 14 S H Wheeler 14
J. T A W. A.Pur- Aug Foehringer ..14
viance 14 i Latshaw AStainml3
Joseph Graham.... 13 'A. I„atshaw II
CRANBERRY TP. jSwain A 8ente1...12
Win. Garvin 14 A W Ziegler 14
P. B. Wils «n 14 HARRISVILI.E BOR.
H. G Ileiidriaksonl4 |D L Cleebuid 14
DONKOAL TP. jMr.i E Black 13
C I>. Wilber 14 jJ K Curry 14
W. M. Durham 11 jW B Brown A Son 14
Reisner Bros 14 'J S llodii 14
FAIRVIKW rp. iS B Binghain 14
W. G Havs 1:'. -R R Walker 14
I. N Hawk 14 11 C Black 12
I). W. Kellv 14 J X Cubbison 12
John Baisiger 14 !T W Morrow 14
Paul Troutman ....13 ■ M ILLKRKTOWM BOR.
Walter Jackson.... 14 George Glass 14
FRANKLIN TP. |P S Wakenight....l4
Wni. Watson 14 R Salvage A Co .14
JACKSON TP. Westerinan Bros 13
A Preabert A Pr 0.14 |W P Turner 13
(ieorge Ifft ASons.l3 C Scharbach 14
Rog<*>» A C00per....13 M P Marks 11
II Barkev 14 SA A Fleeger 14
WahlA "Bishop 13 M R Marks 14
PrT Korsltng 14 S SchwHgor 14
Lowis Gantz 14 C 1) Aldlni<er 14
F V Brooks 14 W W Bowen 14
Andrew Boggs 14 C F Pierce 13
JKKFERSON TP. H C I.itzinger 13
Hartenstein A Co. 12 A H Simpson 14
M. P. Linch 13 J M I.ander 11
Wm Montag • W JCampbcll 14
Wm. I.inrtsev M
LANCASTER TP. Alston A Sutton..l4
Jacob T,*dercr 14 11 I.ockhart, 3 bil
A. K. Metz A Son. 12 : liard tables.
Lewis Owens 13 J H Mcßurr 14
Wm C Brvson 14 C CSullivan 13
MARION TP. GclbAGoodfricndl2
Joseph Bailev 14 SS Forrester 12
J H Gormley 14 H Young 14
P Mcßride 14 W R Riddle 14
Wm Mavbold 14 T Cntchlow 14
J B Flick 14 .Wm Humphrey... 14
IJ J Cooper 14 Wni Williams ... 14
Anderson A Marksl4 H lleberling 14
OAKLAND TP. j Mrs.Travera 12
I) J Mo El wee 14 H A KliugetiHm'h. 13
PARKER rr. H W K(M)nce 14
G W Hicks 14 R J ISottner 14
J P Robison 14 PA Cypher 14
J W ()rr H •' Benedict A Son. 9
R I, Black .... .... 14 P 1- Backus 14
J A McKalllp 13 SEEenchan 14
A L Black 14 Freeman A Markell
FM Kintor _...14 J BKilroy 14
TC Campbell 13 J BKilroy 14
B K Pennisou 14 John Burns 14
Win W'lson 14 BJ Hunt 14
John Kolly, 3 bil- 811 Kerr 14
li ird tables. Jav. l.azonby 14
tknn TP. HroM 11l
P II Sutton 14 E 1' Chesebro 11
LG Moore 14 J«hn Pill ~... 14
Nicol Allan 14 G K JhlenfeJA 14
HLIPPRRYROCK TP. A M Kllchensleliil4
Bard Bros 14 J A Footo, Agt... 14
II E Wick 13 POrwlg 14
SUMMIT TP. J Aaron 14
C G Graham 14 John Pill, 2 bll-
VKNAN(H) TP. liard tables
A Burnett A Son. 141 W Hutchings, 4
M'CatidlessA Kerr 14 j billiard tables
p J Sloan 14 SAXONBUK« BOK
John MeCorkell... 13 Thno 11e1m1>01d....10
McKee A Son 14 John E Muder 14
John I, Beattv 14 i SUKBPRY BOR.
Philip Milliard 14 |P A S I.Rhodes ..14
J W Hitfgln* 14 j John Mechlin 14
R A Mifflin AHonll A B Rhodes 14
Harper A Gibson..l4 It J MoMiohael... .14
RM Harper 13 Bread-
N M Hoover 14 en . 12
WINFIKLD TP. 'Jas PryorACo 14
SJ Whited 14 Mrs Susan Kelly. 11
G II IiOVO 13 G Brown 14
RA A Krauw ....12 John Wcr»h 14
I,ewls Weidhas ... 14 A J ll«trie 14
EG I.eithold 14 |J Ros«.-.berg 14
WORTH TP. E Marks 14
N Gardner A 50n..13 W II Kcntt. 11
BUTI.HR BO ROC ci li. !P It Bnr!:o 14
11. <'. Helneman. .13 J II Boreland 11
Mrs. M. Rocken- IA A West It
stein 14 IJ A Rlchev, 4 bil-
Ttertf A Cypher ... 11 J Hard tables.
M. Relber, Sr ... .131 ZKMKNOPI.k BOR.
Jafkson A Mitch- •' S I'assavant 11
ell 14 II Miller 11
f»eorg« Itetber 14 Summer A Mille
-11. J KUnifier 14! man .12
Mrs. B. Roeselnu . 13 GeorgeStiydor 14
S. (1. Purvis A Co 12 A Sliier 14
J. Nlggel A Bro 13 Gen B Bastian —II
Miller Bros A Co II FG Kline. 14
G. Wilson MlllerA (John Blum II
Ilros 10 John Plndlnger. !3
J. C. Redlck Iji Ed win Zelmer II
Heck A Patterson.lo , H Pmdlnger .14
C. Puffy 12, A Winter II
Any in«rchant who may be omitted In
the above list, as furnished by the Mer
cantile Appraiser, will tako notion and
apply within .TO days from date of oom
meni'lng business, to fountv Treasurer,
who will grunt or issue such a license ac
cording to amouut of sales. Ifotherwlso
neglected over 30 days, therti Is 2(1 per
cent added and liable to a penally if re
turned and proaeouted by the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania. Wholesale 11-
eonses are due the op
June Ist, IHKI, and must be paid to the
Treasurer on or before July Ist, IHBI, un
less altered or revised at the ap|M«al, April
Bth, IHHI, at which time only can any re
vision be made.
Fob. 15, *81.) A. I>. CRAIG, Treas.
df l.iKht on thn Groat Kuturn it) this t.ifn thro'
tln* li«rk Vulli'v and in tint l.ifn Kterual. ILLUH
TItATF.t). l'ayn over
ciiii nn* month
nP -L V7vy K AfiKNTS
Hnml for nrcnlar and terms. Also MPIJII addicsa
of two or more book ayxiitt and ten oentia for
cost of niftilinx, and r«'Cfiv« the People'*
sine of choice literature fre<- for ♦! nionlhn. Ad
dreAM P W. ZII OI.KIt A CO.,
VIS Arch Htreet, Philadelphia, Pa.
D. L. Cloeland,
•JT Finn Watch and Clock repalrltiK • fpecj- '
alily. All work warren led.
Htore lietwi-on Wiilier'e llrnir xtom and Mntler
HaviiiKH Itnuk, Main ntrnot, llntler, P*.
GiJ\ In WJJII per ciar at home Hainplea woith
Q>/ IU 'ySU frae. A>ldr«u« ,A> (SO. I '
foKiaua, Mklua. daUl-ly I
Planing Mill
J. L. PCRVie. 1., o. 11 KV 1
S. G.Purvis & Co.,
Rough and Plansi Lumber
of KVKUY UKfctiilJ HON,
Brackets, Gauisd C)ito Bonds
Nfwe!l Posts and lialustere
Birn Board:-; Plastering Lath; Ilem
lock Bill Stuff, puch ifi .Joibt Raf
terp, Scantiiiiir. Ac., all sizts
<K#iistantiy on Land.
All of which we will t»ell od
reabonablt tornif md guar
antee satisfaction.
Xrur Uormiiu ( KiiiullcClinrrb
j «i7- vl Ci : y
ni. Unun 1 E ii,
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
MAIN STREET (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA.
:-grWATrnK.s ANT) clocks REPAIRED, AND warranted -«rt
o r inionN of l!»«* Puhllr,
Tlie Padu lire CI nil K lln*e Heveral old
chrotii<- CAfOi i.f Kidrirv trouble tirhiK th«m. and
they report «n imrrovetnetif mid think tirnoh of
them. A. L. UO if BOCK A CO.. DriyKiMtK.
Yonr Pud Iv.n di.ne tne nu rc i/nod limn any
Remedy I ever lined. J AH. 15. CALLAWAY.
Yonr Pud baa cured mi of Pain in the Buck
*ii.l Kidney Trouble. M. J. ITOCOfI.
Addn HH
TOLEDO, - - - OHIO, j
J. C. KKDIf'K Acer I tor huiler''o.
| plrs s| a,nil a
T« a ro*vt pound *if the virtues «.f r
la. »tillini»ia. mandrake. v \U. \ '■
flitt iodide <if po'ash ;in<l iron. »< I i :
liIiHHl-lliakiliS. I.J«»«»»l-< I'-uus ill;-, iill< I illi—u» I
'ainirij* rVmeti-s It is iln- pnivM. S -r
an I uioHt ••!T • tital aliera'i'e >it« <ii. »«*
aimwn or avai'uh!" to the puhli< . Tin M.-
filers ill liiedii'itl" atl«l . Ilettir IIV lia\»' !ie\Vi
produced m) vai 'iii.li' a ri'iiirih . nor ofi
ihif l'h t iii en re all disi-a.-eH result in,; Iron
:ill|>llre li'oi.d It ruts St'iolttli KM
,il| scrofulous rlUciisi'K. l-.ryslpi l.»»
Itosr, or St Anthony's (''lre, ['limi'i
(lolls, Illinois, Fitter, Humous
Suit llhetiin, S ■«!*. lie il, Ki»i;t worm.
I'lcers. Soi es, K'ifiiiiiil I on, .Mercurial
DIWNSI', i rui'iiliilH, 1 i'in.ili* \V" ak
tiesscs itiif| ilii'sniiullics, .licitiiiri.
Vlled lonn of I:io l ( |vcr, I>j s|n p>.l.<.
(Cmiii'l.ilion, anil (icai'iiil I.'NMII')
By its si-Hi liiiix ami < !• ausinfr
it purges out lii<' foul I I n-itptiotn v!i '
roiilatriiii t'c tin- 1 >oii II<I 1 • ant" «;•• • I
incut ami il"It Mtiiiitit ilrs ami cli e !
the vital lun'ioi*. •■>»•<> loti-s "in i " ••
Mrri iiu'li. ri'stoi'"* nml pr s rw-s li -.il*'
infuses new 111" a t< 1 vK'nr thtou *! •
who |* svsti'ii). Nil MIITI l. I' iro I •
I'IHI* Vlii-h aiisi > L;O::i tri". i
blood nml il -sp.m ni.o will ;,ii"
.SAH- vt'AH.I.: v a lair tri I .
It is folly n i'\pi',. ni'ir wit't t ••• n
Otis low-pmeil lUiN'tlli's. HI il .11. .
anil without tiled, iliui \..' •
I'iooil-puritiiM s. while il ,I.M •>• mil
tirtuiv .seated Avi-lt .» ■ ■ \it- WM.• i : \ •
inmlu iiii' of Mttcli t 01l "ii i ll«'il i nil
\>OWfr, that it Im liy lar 'l " ln-s:. . ~r.< .
nml iuo»t mliali!" lilooil-puriliir known
PIIVNII'IHIIH knoii its rompum!ion. ami pv
nrril>« It. 11 II.IM lii'l'Ll wjili'ly US' il Inr lm '
J years, anil iias won tin- nnip'alilii il . ■ •; r i
dolire of itnilioils wlioni it lias «'tirlilcil
Prepared by Dr. J. C Aver Ct Co. j
- l'ru<-(l<nl nml Annlvtltnl
Lowell, Mass.
•OM> BY ALL VHVUtunT* Ivr r: \ tvu RNW.
Proctimd for »U Kildietn disabled In 11.»> I'. H.
«nrTii<« RRCNU iiny cmim, almi r< r LU LM «.f IIMOCIUI
IMI i-nldirm. Tilt i>liiili'ni| dl-«l ili'v rntitli » to
|viii<iotiH. I'KS'hIONS INCItf AhVI). I
and new di-cliarppH pro«'tired Tl.oi-e in ilntibt
MI to whether eiititlid to Mi>thing. HIIHIIKI CIIIIII
two 8-cent htnnipn fur our "i'in u.vr of nifoiilla
tion," Adilroi-H. w.tli Ki-mpi- SIOIIDABT A <'o..
Sijii'orti <f.
otlij {JUiiditi£. W»tJjl"tftv'i| T». (). I'ISUI-CJU» ,
Battle Creek, Michigan,
Traction and Plain Englnos
and Horsepowers.
Mo«t Cor nietp Thr»h«r F «ct«fT} Established
In t»»c Warli 5 1848
A Y Z of eontinnouiand »uee«s*ful butim
4 I I bHlltf pw, without cliruim of nuoe,
or location, to "back
v a.i wr food*.
Cot*ipJ«-te Strasi OufUtso/
>**<.« Irnrtitß Plain Kn^hiM
fver eeor ir» thft American market.
.:>?•, of tpfx a' festhart and improvement*
for I*l. th r\* JJi *t>} *ricr qua! tin in c<m*tr*6>
her makers.
Four k:-' Separator*, from G to Ji> horse
CM piWitv. for it» u:.t or hor** poorer.
Two style* *"»f " Mounted "II r*e-Povern.
" kOA nn r # »>M «»f Nclectrd Lumber
f )''■ (/rjTi 'Arc* fO(nxy*nr«air-dn'«f)
<■ frl :u which i» I uilt the in.
! I,::..■ar.J_.io v.l ,i v.ork of curiacchlnery.
Strut 7 j;r• *t dfriib>,a*d cflctent ever I\SI
w. uU. 8* I 0» ltf ilorfjo Power- f|M/
Ftrm r> and Thr.?«,hermen arc invited te
.liTee4-' ' «.• tli. ■ ./<-.* hltn 'j hrefhiug Machinery.
tArcuWp aout fit*. A(lJrcaa
Rattle Creek. Mlcn***a«
I '
g ' * • m • ->• I . tir-A
i • .M.' ■ J * x • noifc *
' • . spsf
'•«. n'--. ■. ". »i.t !l IkV'.'.":, 'uVr ~
glnuary :< n.r .t>. v•« . Ivcmi «i bj using 1
■ gL»
| * l V ' ;•• '•••;• •» y wu . i «•;.sumption, ie~>
.m-ic weakn-.s or any -a knes*» if you have . pain-'
sure relief in \
• 1' } j . s o'tl ajjc or dis-i
Nipatioi:, .ij y r y«i ii ncetls invigorating, or
:f you h.'vr _■'•■< anil blotches. and your blood
i• K'.vis • ■ u*. »? »| I.i ,«• on '
.M c! . m •. Bu hu, M»n( rske. Sttilingca
•end m *nv oihr o t l r Srst medicine* known ft M
[the G >*t nd Restorer Ever
, J -od. it .•• ir i nrri.n i«»l\itcr*. Essences of
( *i"K r ;>n<l 1 nics, a-i it nev»r intoxieetet,
'-lurv. thr 1» t ">tr ttive prr of alt. <
! It Has Nftvtd '/-tn-'rils of Lives; It Bay (
>ivh Tours.
; Buy a *oc. *» 'tic i •! y >ur «ir*.j£rsn*t, and to avoid
'•o'irrtfrftits Lc Mt»r ' u is on the out
•iide v*r '••■'•r. 1! »v&<' Chemists, N. Y.
i > c - • - r T ty^es
Parker's Hair Balsam.
Tlie !• *st. A. »>t Kronomfral Hair Dn»sslsf
Com .inp r.::y i-;grc.liC(*ts that are beneficial
tn tSte hair .• I v. i!p, the 1 LSAM will be found
fir nor': s.ni,f.ic: iy than any other prrpararion.
It >'c%t>r Fa is to Kostore it rs > or Faded Hair
to tV
• " vent bVtir.css an»i stop i.'liog
9i k l i t r. .S \ by at jc C**tS,
THE GREAT A<«omponß<ioftlwariivvprineiploiaf
Ii ■ a Eucalv r tnp. Sir-apanlU. Mtoarska,
I\3 Dan«lel». n, K»jn«y*Wort. Buohta,
r ■ ft «■ Bl H"p». mhirh a«-tii prompt!/ oe
• pa % m t!)a Liv«r. Ki'lnuy*. Blood, Stomack
11 innl V * n,i Bo««l« »t tl « Hum# tim«. Th«M
■ 111 iV r I orptns are to mtimaul/ eonatet«4
|\ sI3P ■ U I tbat oh- n one is diMnscd. tbrr all
fTD become m/re • r 1-m s.Toeted. lie nee
rS tfl * a»»d euperioiitv of
C f fßhi th e fon pnuod, which roetor** u»em
p» f or# all »«• ht-Ahhv action, and at a tonic,
rl? "n Ttprv'V/ build# up (he entire etatam. It is
,li I i Ijl/ I ali*•• a«• >*teu!'labia n*m«J/for Head
-4 Anti-Bilious «'"• "' |, l ou ' n *7 c «««:
**. ' « ration. (<rav«l.
. ; * I Skin <cr fnloue and Srphi-
Iti'- aflerti"iia ®M iK-rce and ukvis. P'einaut to tak». Tnal
*M>t ' LaryobMt&k*. SOt'tn. Ai <1 rutr#'»ta*n<i oountr/
a*rt ■» t »r ** ill gn it tor > ..rj. |<r»-«re«t ia atifar*
eob -u and i -i. Jf- r «-»e a U>* a :k*ts Wii'sa
l.o:: L MKDICINE to . Pi. ladelphia. Pa.
I.VP 0 >'OUR.
Sl:ttinr of r-lnod, rronchiti., Acthm*. Coivha.
r..il n ! <! » • <ir« of t'ju l'uimnLmy
I'r- ; > C'«'ri-1 i n.I Oti<* I>o!I»r.
OUUr<T!. r? /'i CO. F'roprietors.
3a F:.ln Avciu*. PITTSOuRCII, PA.
4mU lour lor 11.
Jff. Bieltel,
Wl -T OF J.oWllY lIUl'yK, Itt'TLER, PA,
l[nvi:i<r rcmiivril nil ni}* stock th«
ihuvt* Stnl'h', tlif public are respect
' fn!'\ invilctl to call,
j Tlio In st Horses, Carriaprcs. Bug
gies, Af. kc|it eeii.-tantlv for hire.
Open all hours, tlay and ni^ht.
| BIN I'IITIII i!" inn item nfter tlifl tre»tin«nt of
; fnin ■. en i!li RI .• n had fmled mid after he had
HM'd rrnteln's i n »ixt. en vi'ir-i.
I wt c lie is.vi-ri'il Iv K Dotniell. in the'treat
nn i.t nf iliifolf- Sold i r
i». is. nri.i.Kß.
ii v :<.ii 111; I'LER, PA.
A i ml fo tr-rnn.il frame Louee. two town lota
*ll t oiini- 'e 1. xituate in PctoraWlle; Lutler Co.,
P» .ik fur Hail-. I'liffiniiai on lirnt of April next.
F"i terniH n,III:III. tho iiinlerei|.ni<'d at Harmo
tiy. Hut U r Co.. 1 a.
Ji,nltf: <m RUDOLF I! \US HART.
How Losl. How Hectored !
•lint ;-trill- »"l. i new I'ltlll ni ol l>r. Culver
wrl V i !i I I I'III I n» nn tlie radical cure Of
9|H m-il'i rl o-1 >i iii I tin I lVti»kuWt„ InVOl
tint \ f i ini H I • i-. Inipnii-iii-y, MI'MUI nnd
Pin- iillm u| w uv. In.i eiiiiin-i ti. to Murrliirr,
en-, ii ■ - 11. ti it i- II 111; • i inn, K | ilepi-y and Kiu,
it ii i ii> -i ll inilii nre i r it-xual i-xtraru-
'I In- i-ht ited nlltlio». In '|iln .idrnlratile
K-- n. re mil di-iiii i.Ktiiiti », tnini a thirty jremw
.u<i i-i- II ) )imi ii i-. that the iiiinilnu ciinße
qin-I-I - - NL ►. It .1 UM in .Y l.i- l anti-all) rurert }
pol in tin :i ii."iii-nl i mi' ni oner riuiple,
111 iti ii di Hi I 11. it. In IIUHIIK nl wliu-li every
-til' iii. ii" ' .ii i-i »Ii il Id- i-iindlti il muv tie,
nr>\ "IIM Inn -i it rl.i-.ipH p, Ivati U and radically.
ll» l. ciun 'lioi.iil »•« in lh' ti.iiid** of
CVi-i v >*-u l« mm! t xviy iiiati in llit? Isiiid.
hriil ui»* i r ii .t plain «*nvHu|n\ lo any
add. ♦justpaul on imipu of »ix rcuU or
iWn | ><>t 11 -hllll, H.
A<Mr< li t I'll l ' 1-'
41 ANN ST . NT-w YOIM, N Y :
ft-l.ft-ly l'oat tJtllcr Box, 45««.
ion SALE.
|is will liny * INII'-iiall imeie«l IN a irood hna-
Inrn In PitUhuruH. ''ne who know* antno
thlnu ahnui lurn lnif preleru-d. An liom-at man
wit Ii I In-aiint e niniiiint >« 111 itn well lo adnreaa
hv letter. S\!J'III JI'LLVH, run H. M. .lumen,
9rl i ILN ii) clri-et. I'liu'iiiu-11, I'ii. |iiit'^7-IY
Vl*.ltlt Ih* AltMOIl.
tTiifstice <>t tlio Peace,
Main rttis-l, oppoiiie I oxitjMre.