Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 16, 1881, Image 3

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    Ma. J. n. BATES, NEWSPAI +* Adverti g
Agint 4- Park Row (Tiroes Bui! ?.ug t. ' *
York. t» anthoriied to contract for adv.r e
mer.ta in the CITIZF*.
THIS PAPER R ftowct <-■ C i>
Advertising Tlurean i.'ißpruce £ ...
cor.lracu w /UJ lor I: 15 A£ IV iO- H.
LOCH! nnd (icm-ral.
Which do you prefer, too mneh
snow or too much water ?
There ceem* to be no apograph
ieal limit to the weather th;s year.
A SOLID Silver CAW and « Ccnn w
Ame.ri.-an Movement a- low i-
K. G in'
The man who ha? hip l oi:-e fu't
upon the eands was anx'ous la<t week.
Yell 'Fenian !' at a Londoner ami
be will clear seven feet at the first
,Yoantr Locbinvar' mn-t
be»n a blizzard. FI" canto out of tbo
SPFCIAI.TIEP in woolens ft ib am
Aland'* Merlnnl Tailoring e»t;.hji-i not • -t
fat In- hail el-eiTher* >ri " " ''
The Xew Y< rk urt'
worked up over the n|e<»n fir eritu arid
adulterated cheese l»ti«irie-s
Free entertft'onient*: are Svt ■■ t
the public ?cho >1 tm i, d>n;rin this pUce
every Friday afternoon.
WILLIAM AL.WP. Merchant TaPor,
hue just nmn'H 'b<- lar.ev linen* ■ fur
men and bovs w«r ever offered in Butler
Gou'd are hereafter to w >rk together.
Heaven have mercy on the public I
Mr. Moody denies, by telegraph.
that he paid that hi? prandmotber:
had pone to the legion of eternal tor- J
Oris p ligon thenise'v « f« r !<>▼••
at fourteen year-" in I!'in• i-s. A'j
thirtv-four they take to ful-e hair and :
public speech making.
A whole family were f< nnd fn zc '
to death a few boys a{r >, : n an i«i!a?efl
hovel in the nei<rhliorbood < f the t< wn
of Burns, Minnesota
—The tremendous intellitrence that
bit* Royal Hiirhues* the Puk« of Cam
bridge, has invented a new wb'fUle, in
is circulating bj mean* of the British
news paper.
Pennsylvania has bad a surfeit of
executions in the last five years, and
with this kno«iedire comes the fact |
that three more person? are to l>«-
banged in Snyder county.
Pee a woman in another co'iiicn, rear ■
VinmHt with a hunch nt prut- - In rr. v l.'ei
B|teer's Port Grape wine is >• *<le. ti : ' i- s
h'gbly bv the medierd pro' •
tbe use of invalid*, wea kIV |>erv in «' •' th>
agfd.—gold by alt I'mcci''- -
Reoeived ! Ri*•» «I! ft«•» «•'v■•■t T
New Embroideries! New Kml-roi i
deries ! One of the choicest line* ever t
shown. Please call and examine, at I
—General Oarfield'H bouse i* st<>r< <i
with petitions from reller to unrret
But that is b»'tt»*r than f< have made it
a hornet's ne?t by unn- unrinjr bi? r^l
inet appointments a month :»jjo.
—A Saltaburjr lad dieil theoth.'r liv
from tbe effects of ©Mi-tine 'ltollv-bti -
ker.' Thia mode of riding bad ; njured
his internal orirans to such a decree
that death ensued in a few days.
—An old farmer savs that ftr'tiers
who left their c«rn standing out will 1
find it dariiferous in the wprinsr. !
as tbe Hh"ek? will be ftj!l ■! - ni:i -
wbieh are sai<l to )<aih»r in tbein 'or
win er quarters.
A man who three y ar? »i/o«as ;
wenlfby it- now \z< in r :ib.-n' : n <.■
b : s wife i* in- in< an his children di
tributed var o:is be i-vofent i
stitutions. Jle WHS fond of i:« o a
sional little game.
—A Yenanifo county paper recently
asserted that a school teacher over in
Indiana connty. recently »dvertiseo for I
'boarding in a respectable family where t
bia Christian example would be con- j
sidered ample compensation for his j
—The floods that harp spread over
BO much of Spain and «»tI.»T countr
in Enrope seem to \y fully matched by
those that have inundated the Pacific
const. including Itrtl-h ColumMa
Washington Territory, On■* ri, and
—Between 3 000 000 and 1 ( 0 - <OO
pounds of |K>rk in an IIHU-iihl HIIK urn
to be cooked all mi one time The
Indianapolis lire of which wax a
feature, overtops nil the U-r Wit*- that
bar© taken place n th * coumry for
many a long year.
—A Suite Tempt ranoe Convention
will be held in llarr!«.burg on Tuesday j
aud Wednesday, March Ist and 2d. i
Delegates are aske.l frow all temper- j
ance societies, Snbbatb schools j
churchenjand other organization- friend i
ly to the cause.
—Two men trot into a di(fl*nltv on:
the railway near New C t-tle. I it el v and
whilethev were scuffl 'ns >• trai-i came j
thundering along, striking the fighteri-. |
one of wh >m WAS i'ijure.| 11 btdly i
be died soon after, while th<! other one !
will lie crippled for life.
—A railroad war has be<run in N'ew
York between the New York Central, I
Erie and Pennsylvania Railroad* over
the emigrant travel westward. The
fare to Chicago has been cut from
(11.80 to #3.50.
—The north-west has been visited
by a nother great snow storm and the |
snow in some places :* th'rtv feet de< p. j
Oue passenger train on th» line In t ween
St. Paul and Sioux Citv hi- bi»en
snow-bound for two we« k - and the
passengers are beginning to get mad
about it.
—The highest hopes ahd interests
of the race rest on the purity health,
and strength of womanhood. We take
pleasure in referring our readers to the
remarkable eflicicv of Lvd>a E- Pink
ham's Vegetable Comp mud in all that
class of di-ease from wh'CH UHIIDII
suffer so much.
ABKTII. N. .1 — I could M-anelv ,-|n ;.k
above a whisper, and it was »ilti 0.-t
impossible to breathe through my no—
trils. Us ng Ely's Cream Balm a *hort
time I wa-entirely relieved. My l.e ri
has not b en so clear, nor my voire so
strong in years, i have warded ofl sev
eral colds si-.ee I recommend this
admirable remedy to all who are afflict
ed with Catarrh or Cold* in the head
J. O. Ticbe or. Dealer iu Boots and
Shoes Jane 15, 1870—See Adv't.
I belier. E * Balm to be the
best articl i" Ca'arrh and Hay Fe er
eTe.roffere I I be public |i
satisfactlo » evf:. ;iinl knou '\ip
its merits I cm ii ml Kanm I I
W rflMibwrn-, P*.
CovcEiiT.—The second erand \
eal Inatrumental Concert of the Ger
m.Miia Orchestra. a«s ; sted by the Phil
i ;' - :ri "inic ? >rietv. under the direction
i f Pr L Von M«' vrhoff. of \ ;enna.
will lie given on Thursday evening,
Feb. 17th. 1881. at the Court ll<m*e.
Bv central and enthu-iast'crrqueft the
• Orand Medlev Overture of National
Airs" will be repeatt d in nn improved
manner. A Piieeial feature will also lie
the "Grar-' Rel : tri'»us Fantasia," on
v.'ell known Lvrm". Fa:v ly t; 'k»t?,
:---'-!.'t- j.s three. $1 00: t ; ck-ts adm:t
ting ; vi, 50 cents. Seits can be re
served with u! extrf charge throotrb
th«* Manager, E. W. Yogelev, at But
ler Savings Bank. Doors open at
o'clock; concert commences at 8 P. M.
sharp, local time. Ttie proceeds ofthe
concert are for the benefit of the
( J< rniania Orchestra.
v» «t! |t» cen cd! I?"eelvi d!
F r ear!v j-princ trade. Ni w l'L'ht
Calices. New Tta'k Ca'ieei'S New
leiiirhiiniH. V* h''e (iood*. li!te
O'J'lt**. Lace Curtains. Table Linen
J'. I ed. Table L : nen Unh'eficl.ed.
Table Linen Tuikev, Red /»!nsl:r:~
j I leaeled and Unbl ached. and
!\ • >ii will find our -tick complete in
: Dress* Goed-. Black Sills Cashmeres.
Abekas, Trimmings and Notions, and ,
i i fact good-* of nearly evefv variety j
can 1h- had all at the b we«r prices, at j
—The board of directors of the Mn- j
tual Fire Insurance Company of this j
place met at Secretary Ileineman's I
office last Friday a-id organized by j
I electing the oltl officers. The board of |
[direct 1 rs remains ihe sairH*, with the;
{i x-e| tion of Judge Dodds who retired J
| and whose place was filled by Mr. J. ;
J Croll. The Compa/iv. as one of the >
d'rect.trs said after examining the state-1
n < -it of the secretary i.i financially in a ;
very healthv condition.
(Vii caiiiat Premium H'im*.
Phv-icians have used Speer's Port i
Wine' of New Jersey, and hav- |
| i:ig applied to it the strictest test, pro- j
I nounce it a pure wine' and recommend
| it to the aged and infirm, and for gen- {
eral use where wine is desirable, as the
most reliable of wines to be had. It
received the highest awar 1 at ih-» Cen
tennial Exhibition. For sale by D. II
—Judge Patton a member of the
Ohio Lcrisbitiire. and has raised quite
.. i-tir bv introducing a hi I i which con
f< rs upon the state the power to print
H complete set of school books and dis
tribute them to all parties needing
them at «n advance of five per cent,
ovi r 11 e first cost.
V<» (innil
No man can tin a good joh of work,
p-eaeh a good sermon, try a law suit
well, doctor a patient, or write a irood
article when he feels miserable and dull,
v. it h slngtrish bra : n and unsteady ner
ves. and none should make the attempt
in sin h a condition wh» n it can be s.
e ai d ih( r. lv removed by « l'ttle
,1 : i. Bttt«rs. See other column.—
Alb' ni/
I awrence comity *s now entirely
out of debt, MI) indebtcdneps o r SBOO
- huing paid in fiftvteen vears
An old farmer in the county held the
last unpaid bonds, amounting to SO,
< 00, and wn« so well pleased with his
it:vestment that he refused to present
tl ipi for payment. A few days ago
tbe treasurer ami one of the comrnis
.'iers drove out to h' ilj house, and
(>'!• red h'ui his ru un'V. and a- the action
• tipped <he psvmeut of "urther interest,
11 ". iv vi-rtr if w ; M'ncrlv d"Hver
•d up the ' onds, an the county - n w
lut o' eb for he rst lime in it* Ii
o v.
—The I!iu>*rated (Juide Book to
Wa-hington City, m ting every p'ace
sue) object wf interest at the National
Capital, and containing a map show
iue the route of the procession on the
4;h of March, and among other illus
trations a view of the new Museum
where the trrand Inauguration. Hall is
to be given. The views alone are
worth more than tbe price of the hook.
Price 25 cents Address J H Soule,
Washington, D. C. Mention this pa
During the high water in the
stream that flows through Petrolia,
la-t Thu'>dav. a son ofpi. Suthetland.
a:r, (| 11 years fell from ihe bridge across
the stream just below the town and
vas carried away and drowned. The
v 'er was onß about four feet deep at
the place of the accident but the current
was strong, and it is supposed that the
body was carried to some deep place
and covered with sand. The I)r was j
at Bradford at tbe time of the accident,
but he hastened home and with some
j friends dredged the bottom of the creek
| from the bridge to the Martinsburg
dam without, ifl last accounts, finding
the bod v. The boy was an only
child an<l his loss is a heavy affection
to the bereaved parents.
\ Gri'nl Ite«' *»«•!I«»n.
We call the attention of our readers
! to the advertisement of Charles A.
' Wood Sz Co., No. 17 North Tenth
• -i ci t, Philadelphia. I'a.' who manu
fa''in re the Philadelphia Singer Sew
! ing Machine, which they offer for
! twenty dollars. They warrant if to be
1 an exact duplicate, and as g oil in everv
respect as the ones manufacturer) bv the
«.ld Singer Company, which they sell
for fifty dollars on installntet ts, or
f rty doMnrscash The fact that Charles
i . Wood iS: Co. oil. rto send their ma
chine to be examined before lieiugpaid
I ! ir ought to be full guarantee that they
j nte all t hey claim.
MO\ Kt>.—The Presbyterian church of
North Liberty, in the Presbytery of
Butler, Pa , had built a neat nnd beau
tiful house at a cost of about $3,0u0.
A debt of $ 1,000 remained on it, and
after hearing of what the Pre bvterian
• bun h of Butler had done in clearing
i.ft m debt of SB,OOO, this little church
invited the pastor ol the church of Isu'-
:• r to come and help thcui On the
(lav appointed Wednesday, Feb. Jbh,
iui.it l. all \ at 1 o'clock, I*. M., the hoin-e
v.uf well tilled by the congregation and
friends. Several neighboring pa.-tors
were present. After a season of devo
tion the subject was presented to the
people by the pastor of the Butler
church. After a service of four hours
the people joined in a prayer of thanks
giving, and sang the Doxology, rejoic
ing that their church was freed from
debt On Feb. 24'h the church is to lie
dedicated. Thus the Presbytery of
Butler is at work " wiping out church
debts." and hopes soon to be able to
report a Presbytery in which not o e
' e'lureb is II debt.
There houhl be n generous rivalry
i FrvbU*nwrfcW Mr wo wirfy
i&tsilje*? Citixen: sht?le*r, !?*.♦ iFefcrvatrgr 13, X?St.
on tbe "Roll of Presbyteries whose
Churches are Out of Debt.
At the borough election yesterday,
Jacob Keck, was elected Justice;
Adam Tr< utman and Lev McQuistion,
School Directors; John Frazier, C.
Roektnstein and John M. Muntz,
Town Council; William Williamson,
Ili-rh Cun.-tible ; A X. McCandless
and John Kennedy, Constables, and
John Lawrf?!, ()v rwer of the Poor.
—The flood durinir the later part of
last ne< k washed away tbe Butler
and Allegheny plank road bridge over
Thorn creek, also the Renfrew bridge
over same creek Travel on the Zelie
nople and Allegheny railroad was
interrupted by the destruction of some
bridges on that line, but we have not
heard which ones, excepting wfcat is
known of the Harmony bridge across
the Co* uoquenessing a few miles below
11 rmony, in Beaver ,'ounty. Several
railr'-ads and county bridges in Mercer !
Lawrence and Beaver c u ties were i
dertr- ved 11> one place in the Alleghe- ;
ny river tie ice w«s piled up to the j
height of firty feet and it required
thirty feet <>f water to move it. At the
mouth of Buffalo cretk the ice lodged
to tie depth of twenty-five feet and
some of the people of Freeport had to
get out of their houses In some of
the lower streets of Allegheny City the
water was up to the second stories of
tbe hou.-«s. At the mouth of tbe
Kiskiminetas the costly iron bridge of
the Allegheny Yallev R. R. was de
stroyed. In Washington county a
m n was drowned while attempting to
cross a swollen stream with a load of
hides and three children while crossing
a foot log on their way from school
were thrown into the water and drown
ed. The flood seemed to extend a'l
over the country, as reports of loss
and damage caused by moving ice and
hitih water come from all point .
About five square miles of the city of
New Orleans was inundated, the water
in many places being four feet deep.
ICi-ail and Take Advantage ol
the Following low prices.
Xow l» tlie lime i<» liny.
Good dark dress goods
Best Standard prints.
Soft finished bleached muslin.
•Yard wide unbleached muslin.
Good wide crash.
Cheviot for bhirts.
Fine dark grey suiting.
New furniture calico.
New fancy dress goods.
Fast colored plaid-.
Genuine Rus-i% crash.
Good cotton flannels
AT 10 cfcNTs.
Dress ginghams.
Fine plaid cheviots.
Columbian cheviots.
Fancy dress goods, new shade*.
(iood straw tick ng.
Oottcn-ide for b vs.
White twilled flannel.
Best stair 0.l cloth.
Garners purcales
Ladies' heavy da k hose.
Ir sh linen.
Victoria lrwns.
White P. K's.
Best, heavy sof«, finished bleached
oiudiu in the market.
Double width alpacas.
Fine dark cretones.
Fine ,-:riped mohairs.
I ine v k mixed dress goods.
Fine hiuey plaids.
Fine damask for tow< Is.
At 25 CENTS.
Dama-k table linen.
Colon d damask.
Double with cashmeres.
Double fo ! d brocades.
Yard wide floor oil cloth.
Ingrain carpet.
AT 4i> CfcNTs.
Rag carpet.
At 40 CENTS.
Yard wide momie cloth.
All wool cashmere.
Heavy ingrain carpet.
Jann st wn brocades.
AT 50 o.NTS.
Fancy dress si.k-t.
Blac'* dress silks.
We have a very large stock of dress
goods running from cents up to
per yaid. An immense stork of car
pets running from 18 cents per yard up.
We can show you a full line of dry
good-, carpets, millinery and fancy
goods at much I >wer prices than they
can be found elsewhere. Call and be
convinced, at
—The following is the trial list for
week commencing Monday, Feb. 28:
Eli Marks by his Guardian vs 11. B.
Claflin <fc Co., et al.
.1. F. McCiung, for use, vs J. O.
Glenn, et al.
W G. Stoughton et ux vs H. Howe.
Robert Hogg, vs (). K. McClel an,
et al.
\V. L Beep, v., Matthew Storey.
John West, vs Win Heaven, own
er, \e
Weisz, Brittain k Co., vs W. C.
Latehuw, Klias Zietler, .1 r.
v- I>. Lytic, M. Si tier A;
J. Kn-len.
William Stewart, vs Alfred Gibson.
Kittanning Insurance Co., VH Adam
M iiler.
•1 M. Reamer & Co, vs Merwiu Ac
John West, vs J. B Storey, owner,
<kc., et al
Elijah T. Phillips, vs Jacob Reiber.
Elijah 'i'. Phillips, >. W F'. Brown.
Elijah T. Phillips, vs E. Mank.
Elij»h T I'bsllips, vs .1 M. (inrvey.
II P. MoEiwee, el al, vs Lawrence
>1 olin S'*ott. Assignee, VH Samuel
Jacob Ehrman, Trustee, M. N.
G < er, et al. Ex'rs.
C. Wagner, v* Philip llilwig, et al.
Benton Feidler, vs Frank Winter.
John Ward, vs David Atwell.
Alex Commings, vs Mrn M J.
Stoughton, et al
W. II Davis, ct ux. for use, vs A.
II Stoughton. et al.
Catherine Mcßride, et al, vs Hugh
McCrca, et al.
Jacob Larrimcr, et ux, vs Michael
McElwee, et al.
James Woods, v« L Mitchell, et al.
Samuel Mi rshimer, vs W. A. Donald
1 tkerhrtr
For* ale » For Kalr ! For Sttle S
One thousand bushels of Corn in
the ear at the store of
\\ unl< «|.
All kinds of grain for which I will pay the
highest market pnee in ca«h at mv mill.
Nov. 3, 18*0 Butler, Pa.
ori Ii Ki iiiemberiitg
N'ow that good times are again upon
us, liefore indulging in extravagant
show, it is worth remembering that no
one can enj- y the pleasantest surronnd
ings if in bad health. There are
hundreds of miserable j>eopl» going
about to-day with disordered stomachs,
liver or kidneys, or a dry, hacking
cough, and one foot in the grave, when
a 50 ct. bottle ol Parker's Ginger Tonic
would do them more good than all the
expensive doctors and quack medicines
they have ever tried It always makes
the blood pure and rich, and will build
you up and give \ou good health at
little cost. Read of it in another col
• *S
Nlier-ifl '8 Sales.
By virtue of aniidry write of Fieri Faciae
Venditioni Ei|K>iiae. I-evan Faoiae. Ac., isntietl
< ut of tbe Court of Common l'leae cf Butler
county, and to me directed, there will be ex
posed to Public Sale at tbe Court House. 1L the
boroneh of Butler, on
Wondar. March Till, i I>..
1"81, at one o'clock, P. M. tbe following de
it. ri tied property to wit:
E D No 72, March Term. I*Bl. James Vanderlin,
Ml tbe ri»jbt, title, interest and claim of Pat
rick Carrof. in fcnd to one hnndred acres of land,
more or le**. eitua ed in Vena go township,
I'utler connty P*-. bounded as follows, to w.t :
On the north by Fzra Met. nllongh, east bv lai.ds
fotmerly of Francis • arr and Jnd);e Mcjunkin
sonth by Charles IJuffy. et al and w- st by
Church property, log house, low stable and
orchard thereon. an l taken in execution
as the property of Patrick Carr at tbe suit of
George Berringer.
ED No 31. March Term. 1881. S F Bowser, at'y
At tbe same time and place all tbe right, title,
inteita-t and claim of Matthew Forquer of.in and
Ut seventy (70) acres of land, more or less, sit
uated iri Donegal township, Butler county. Pa.,
bounded fs foi'ows, to wit : <in tbe north by
Brady and McOlintock. east by Maloneys. south
by Double heirs and west by Owen Brady, two
► toiy leg ar.d log barn weather-boardet
and two orchards thereon, about 50 acres o'ested
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of Mat'bew Forquer at the suit of H. L. Taylor
A Company.
EDNo 9. March Term, 1881. t Z Mitchell at'y
At the same time and p aoe all the right title
interest snd claim of G H Neebitt of. in and to
aM the m divided three-eighths (%) of that cer
tajn p ece of land situate in Fairview township.
Butler county Pa., bounded and described as
follows, begin inn at a wh te oak on tbe south
east corner and tunning thenes south S7 degrees
west l^t" 1 peicbes to a poet, thence by part of
eaid tra«-t btdon ing to or formerly of Win Mc
• .afferty north S decrees west 104 perches to a
poet, thence tiy lands of John Uianey north 87
rjegteps east 120 perches to a post, thence south
3 degrees east 1M iterches to the place of begin
ing. containing 120 acres, more or less about 75
aces cleared, a two-stoi-v dwelling house, frame
bank bam errhard. coal bank, 4 board houses,
ens 2?.000 barrel iron tank. 10 producing oil
wills thereot., tlerrii ks. engine houses boiler
hoi,re". b< i'ers ai d engines, woodcu tnnks. cas
i g tubing, r sis and all naohinere au l fixtures
tl-ercio btdonging. Seized andtal6U in execu
tion as lbs pr .;>eity of '1 H Nesbttt »t the suit
r.f Kittameng Insurance Company for use
J'. D No 9. Match Tetm. lfiHi. t. 7 Mitchell, at'y
At rhe same time and t iaco all the right, title.
iiitt-rtf* atid eiaiiu or Olf N'e-b:tt of, ni »»d t
the undivided one-half of that certain pa r e of
lan I -ifnite in Concord t >wnabip. Butler c ,unty
I'a.. Ix'tuideti a: d a* follows U fciii
ing a' tbe south east corner of the fann of
Isaiah B r o«ti at a white oak. thenc- by land of
Samuel McClelland due north fi 10 -t
a i-ost, tliet ce bv land of Isainh Brown due
we-t flfi 5-"' fetches to a po»t. t',enct> by land
of P Ken.merer die south 28 C-10 perches to a
pot-f thence by 's.nd of I-aish Brown 40 rods to
a post, thence by same land d ie south 4" tod*
to a |H st on FOiith line of I-aiah Brown farm.
th« nce by land of Btmhart Pendeison Christie
7fi V'O | < aches to rhe j.lace of beginlug. cou
tsinin* 40 acres more or less, about 24 ac>es
cleared, beard house one producing oil well
llieieen. derrick, ensrino bonse. engine and boil
er Int.ing. <'ar-iiic. tanks, rods and all meeliineiy
Slid flllires thereto belonging Seized and
fsk'n ir ritecnlion ss tbe of G II N'es
bitt at the suit of Kit anning Insurance Com
j any for nse.
E DNo 9 Ma'ch Term 1881. I Z Mitchell, at'y
A' Ihe snme time and nlsee a'l the right, 'itle,
itiferes' and clain of G II Nesbitt of. in and to
the ut divided onerhalf of the oil right o' about
Pft' acres of land situate in Fairvietv township.
Butler county Pa bounded and described as
follow* (and known as Pnmkard farm.l br—in
ing af the north ea"t c->rtier of a lot conveved to
John Mel augblin on tbe west lin» of lend of
For'nger and K»ler. thence »iong the said west
line north degrees went 6 r % perclns to tbe
eontb ea»t cor. er ct a lot in isissession of John
Vensel. thet;ce a'ong the south side of said
Vensel'e land son'h 8T degrees west 117 perches
lo the south west corner of said Vensel's land,
tlisnee along tbe east line of land formerlv of
l'«nl McDennoft now or recent'*- of Matthew
Banks erntl J4f , fgre«s east Trjjj percl es to
the north line of said lot couveved to John Mc-
T.anglilin. thence along said north line north H7
degrees east U7 perchea to the plac-> of begin
ing mostly cleared, 3 small dwelling bouses,
two producing oil webs teereon. derricks, en
gine houses, engines and lioilers. tubing, caaintr
rods, tank" and all machinery and fixtures
thereto belonging. Hpi/ed and t'ken in execu
tion as the property of G H Nesbitt at tbe suit
of Kiifanning Insurance Cotnpanv for ss«
F. PNo 9, March Term, 1 RSI L 7, Mi• att'v
At the '»mc limp and place all tfie title, i
in?f>-c»t and claim "f fl H Vealitt of. in and to
the following dencribed 'ennhold. ait nat« on tho
Tlioni*" J rricon farm Paii-view townahip, "nt- .
ler cnnlv Pa.. (tcwrtM aa followM befitting •
fit the north ea*t comer of the Thonin* Jimmon ]
firm tbei.ee eaet alone th« lin» between anid
faitn and the MeOa-vey farm to the Rrady*
Rend ro'd. thenc* along eaid road according to ,
the deecnntion of Maid road to tbn MrKitmev
line tbenrn along eatd l'tie to tlie couth line of
t'ie farm thence wee» alo> g a»l > line to the Me.- ;
PermoM corner, ttienoe along tlie linen between •
H*i I Tbornae Jaini on farm and the MrP'imi.>tt |
co-ner. thence along the linn between aaid 1
Tboma* Jamieon farm ami the McDermott farm
north to tbe pare of beginning containing
• boot 25 acre* mo e or lean, together with 5
ti oditci p oil well" tbereon. derrick. eti"inn
h iiHec. engine* and 'ni'er*. tnbing, caning. ro.l*
tank* atid n'l m*chiner* and fixture* thereto be- <
longing- Hei/ed and .taken in execution aa the
property of O H Neabitt at the Hiiit of Kittan
nihg Ineiiram e Compai y. for u*e.
KF» No ft. M irfh T IHHI 1. 7. Mitchell, ntt'y
K\ tin- •••tn- time and tilnei- all the rl 'ht, title,
Interest and claim o* II Ncul'ltt o' In and to
the followln deacrlbed 'cfi*"hohl "ituate on tint
""boa .tnml<'in l.»m Kalrvlc* Caller 00, Fi,
bounded ntt the north by lb'- V< Ib'rtnoil and ,
Mi fJn* r< y t'lriri', on I|m' '-aat *n S tV|lca, -»n the 1
eotitt» I'V tbe Kt* iv. MeKlil* ev an#* Riddle farm* i
it:d on ihe we.t In the Hank* and Mt'lliTHl'itt
faun*. eon' lining 'JO a'-te*. more or le*«, togi-th
i*r with two p'odncin*? o|l w«-|la tin-icon. d»T
--t ieka. • n 'li e Mi't e* rnelm-" and I ol!er», tub
loL' «a«lni r 'anka. rod- and all nn-'hluciv aid
t|ie-eto lieloilL'lnir Helzcd rind taken
( iilloli II" !'"• pi-OJK rt\ ot <4 H V-.MII at
il»- htiit o' tl e Kilt inttin Fn«urtiice I'n for u- e.
F. I) M.ireh T. ISHI I. 7. Wltrhcll itt'v
/.t tlie aarie time nnd F •' re all the rlif! I. 'llle,
Intele-t and claim of fJ II Neab it 01. in ami io
ihe foil' w:nL' de-e'llieil |en<eho'd «-illlate on
the Tlioa .1 inilnon firm. Kalrv'' w towuihio,
"tl''er ('< , l'». bounded on t'ie north l>V tlie
VefJ irvev Inuu. aonth hv barnyard anil lane,
e»«t bv the «piitii» run and lane ten'f a- d went
liv tbe pnli'le raid, contalnirnf 5 a.-iei, more or
leaa toiT' ttier wlih «.»»»• proiltnvnv oil well there- ,
on. de'iii k. en •Ine honac. enirlne and hol'er,
Itlbin. iiialt if. I'd", tanka ind all tnnrhbie'f '
a - d llxl'i'e" llieret'o h'-lonelns Helsed and la- (
ken in e*e< iitlon a the (iroperty ot II II
hitt at the aull of Klitannl tir lit-iiranee Co lor
Kl>V ». Mareh T. • I. 7. Mitt-hell, all'v. '
Ai the fa mi time and place all tin- rluht. title
Inlerc I and claim ol (J II Neabbt of. In and to !
about 1!5 u-rea of land, aitnale in V >irv|ew town- i
alilp, Miitler t'o l*.«, l elnur n p'r-ion of the .TIM |
HUny latin adjuininif landa • I <1 W Ornhnm. .1. I
II .latiilaon, on tho north an IR J .tnlaon on I
the earl "it d part of land i.f aaid Jaa It lan V on j
the roilllj anil win to he »tir»eve.l by a line he. j
L'lnrlni' »l the Rlaek .link corner and riinninir '
writ nlonif '5 W IJ-ahain line !<• tin- cro-. lin- |
of ihi a Id Blany land, thence aouth to aonth |
aide ol ravine, Ihenee aouth a anfllel'-nt dlatiince
lo make 2S aerea par ly now In the borough of !
Peirolla, (M Iwi lllnu' and wooden hulld- ;
Itnfa and one jtrod'elni' oil well thereon, der
r|ek, engine hoi'-e, eiiL'lne and iMil'er, tuhlnif
laiainir lank*, rod- and all "tin r machinery and
flxluri a thereto thereon- 8e17.'-d and
| takeu In < x<a ti'lnli aa the property of (i II N'e#
I 'djk rU ' t ° JuMimutaj Ou, or.
EDNo 9, March T, ISSt L 7. VilcheP, all'y
At tlif dame time nnd pi ce :• iI tbe ihjht, title
intercut nnd claim of <i II Ni*nitt of, in ai.d to
. a IcaM-hold. heiiijr a | onion ot the J 15 Janii-nD
farm eirnate in lli<- the Ititntuub «•! Petiolia. hut
, l»-r fit. e» ooiuaining 4 »crc . iiior«* or l-si-. and
1 rie-i ril>en a- loltows, itd'oininsr land* of -'aiue
( Klativ or. the MIUIII .11 d N-i and (T * Graham
lon the north pari of J B Jo»l»on land on ihe
cast, totei er wi h a* mci lmf said J H.F oi i-on
, "jn'ts a» I'm «i»l ttie pnh'ic real I- difTir
j from M:trtm»lta't' to rs s„ i i :iI KJ ,(!jo:n
--' intr I • isiti» ni .t i- HI my on Hie wcki, and on t! e
-oijifi t»\ W A il-on 3i d s ill t K Jan i-«.ti
land on tl:e east Al-o. -o inin li n» ti' « -on !»
, RraitvV Rend p ad 'dj ieit-ir It* ds ot Kly -te I
a« wi't m k«- S aiw in all. 40 hoard dtv. long
IHIOXS and tni dinu* ep-cn-il theie. ii Siz d
' ml taken n ex.- mien •* I! e eronertv * ( O II
N<-«t>nl at the sui o! Kil'anninsf Insur itite to.
for c-e
ET)No V. M*rib T, ISK| L 7 Mitchell, att'y
I At the Mime lirue and Pai e all »he riirht. title
t INIEREM and claiin ot TT II Nifhitt ot. in nd t »
I a leasehold, tsina a portion of TL.E Mclleiraoti
[ I arm ciluale in Fairciew |..wn«h'p, tfitile- TO.
Pa. Ivanite I on the north b\ lease- ot WeKe
j OWN and MOT I*Y,CONN' 11%. Leslie Hro«. f
I Pipe Line Backus Smiih, east hy Tho~ Jain
! i.on SI uth HY Mat'bew H UTS and we-t by
! smi'b tarni, containlntr . r >o teres, more or LT-F«,
: wirti TWO J r.;d .• oil W.-LLN ihereon, derri KK,
! engine boufes, entities and Is iler«, ca-injr. tut.-
inLT. lank*, rods, hniirtinsrs and till in ihinerv
and tix'nies thereto betonjr i'- thereon. Si iz. d
aim taken in execution as the i,ropertv of <1 11
Neshitt at the suit ol Kittaonioi! Insurance 'J<<,
tor u^e.
E D Nun !9 and 70. M irch T. ISBt. N Black
and J I) .Mc lunkin, atty'-.
A> the fame time at d i lace all tite riirbl, title
intere-1 ai d claim of Solomon Al' ert of, in and
to Ihirtv (30) acre- of land more er less, situa
ted in Franklin townoh p Butler Ce. Pa. hottnd
• d as follow*, to »ii: on the north by John
Stam"'. e st hy W S Thouipson. soa'b by W
S Thompson and we*t hy John Statnm. a
fto'y and ah; If tra•• eor plank dwelling house,
log barn and fruit irees therecn, mostly cleared.
Seized and taken in cxecatiou a- iLe property
ol Solomon Alt'C.'t at the suit ol 1 J M'Candles*
and Jtihu Iterg & Co
E D So IS, March T 18*1 J D VlcJunkin,
At the satne time and place, all the right, ti
tle, interest and claim 1 f Francis Coniey of, in
and to one hundred and thirty-one (131) a* res
of land, more or less situated in Centre town
ship, Kutier conity. Pa., bout ded a* follows,
to wit: lin the n rtb by lands cf Robert Alli
son. east b lands of John Pollock and Jacob
.•"lianor, south by lands ot Sarah Shanor and
w--sl by Pcry Smith and Tin s Ho n ; a two
story stone dwelling house, frame ham. frune
st »hle and w iifon st/ed mid orchard tbeieon,
mostly cleared. Seized and taken in execution
n> the property of Fr ucis Conley at the suit of
Robert Oealey Sr.
E 1» So Sri, March T, I*Bl. Thompson <£ Scott,
Ai the *«i le lime ami place a'l the liaht. title,
in'ere-t anfl claim ot Win M Alt mn of, : n ami
to thirty aire* ot land, n.urc or les*, situate ami
l\inp in the borough ot Pctrolia and Fairview
township, Batter Co.. P%-, and bounded a"d dc
acriht-d a» follow*, tietinninir at a stout-, iheuce
north, 5 degrees west, perches to .1 po*t
by lands ot Win (Jihagn, thence sou.h 9 decree*
went. 'fi pei( be« to a po*t by lan s formerly
owned f>v VI B George, i hence aou h,2l degree
ei-t, 32}-£ i-erchea to a post, thence souih, ti:i
decree* east, s*' perches to a poat bv lands ot J
H Jamison's heirs, thence by Undo ol the same,
89 d'-grcea ca*t. 11 8-10 perihea to a post,
thence nor'h, 12 decree* ea*t, 74 peri-he* lo the
place ol be inning by land* ot Met ler, and be
ing the a Die piuce of land which wan conveyed
t • Jas Campbell, church building, school build
ing, tuac: me shop. six-y wooden buildings,
more or lc*«, ercciert ther on and u-cd »* dwel
ling Imu-e* and -lore hou-c«, one ptoducing oil
we I thereon, deirick, engine house. ctifine ami
boiler, tubing, ca*ing, rod-, innk« and all ma
chinery and rlxmre- thereto lielonging. t"-j/.ed
and taken in execution a- tlie propelty ol Win
Vt A brums at the unit of.l <;ralt W il lace for u*e
ot i H I lame* now for u*eol .lon M'Eiroy, aaa'e
ol Citizen* Savings Bank, ot E.isl Brady.
E D No 29, March T, 1881. M C 8.-nedict. att'y
/l the name time ai d place all the lit hi, tile,
I merer I and claim of 8 ii Hamilton 01, in ai.d
lo one acre ol land, more or le-s, fcituatcd in
Kairview tow n-nip, Butler countv, Pa,, hounded
r* follows, lo wit: >n the north t.y (-} W W iier*,
W| by fi W Wile*, ntlth In public ro >d anil
west bv M> rtuuer la u., a otic-story board dwe,-
litii: hotiac and bo.ird atahlc lb leon, el. a-ed ami
leiiceil. Seized aid taken in execution a* 'lie
I ro.-criy of « 11 Hamilton at the suit ot <i W
U He-.
EI)No ». March T I**l W H l.u-k Ait'y
At the ame time and place nil the right, title
lnteierl nil claim ol William Bell of in ami to
thirty-two <S2) ncris ol land, more or less, snu
aled In Washington township, Boiler < o. Pi
bounded as follow-, lo wi!: on the norlh b»
Is.i-iC Thomp-on's te ir*.ea-t Ah X Hell. non>li
bv A Campbel and wot by ' ooicird "Mcwn I,
a oiie-stoiy loir mil bo.nd hou-e, frame -tabic
and small orchard H ertson, all clenr.-d Seit'd
and lnk«n in cxcciiim a- ihe properly of Win
Be|| ai the suit ol John F Cochran.
E F) No 51, March T, 18SI. Newton Black,
Ai the tonic time and place al> the riifht, title,
inle'i Ht ninl claim ol ROIm ri A i en of. in i.nd to
all that certaii inn to' parcel of and t-itu ilr in
Brady and Worth townships, Bu ler county,
I'a , hi united and .lescibeil a* toliow* be. in
ning at* poat. thence by land* ol A and R
Olefin south, 89}£ deu ee* wist, 27 pcrche* to
a | om, thence by laud* ol Win Curry and A
tilt nil couth, of a deptce east, 207 and 41"
pi relies to a post and atone pile, ttience
to a po*t, thence north, % ol a deiriec wen. liv
land* of VcClymond* anil other* 2 7 'lid 4 10
perch'-* to the place of beginning, containing
, three hundred and fifty acre*, more or lea* ( ~s<l|
j log and frame house, loir bam and outhuilditiL'a
i and orcnaid thereon, partlv cleared and fenced.
| S'-ized and taken in eXeiuiUin an the properly
ol K 'tier' Allen at the -uit ol Cliarle* McCutch
eon for uae.
EI) No 51, March T. I*Bl. N Black, ait y
At the *ame time and place ill the rii'ht, title
iireieat and el hit of Ro'e't Allen, all that
piece or parcel ol land ailuale in Brady towi .
| alilp. Huilereo nty. Fa , bounded and deccriherf
!a* follows: bcLinniii at a pout at the iiorili
wc*l Co'iter, thence by inud- of II Mi-De'llt el
! aI, uoitli.
iea to a poat. Ilfeiu-e by land* ol Jatnei- (}ro**
mau aomli. I decree c at I.IH and <5 1(1 pcrche
to a poat. thenci In land ot the heir* ol i*tniti
: aoutli hUdi-ifiei- we*t, and .'{-10 perehe* to
■ h pi »t. thenci In land* ot to the place
, o' iM-ifluulHK cotitainini; two hundn d and fort\-
: eiirht more or le-*, a one-#tory brick dwel
■ lintr hou*e. larue frame bam and out bui dint*
< ami ifood on hard then on. moMly cleared Si-ik
• »nd taken In excctlllou a- the property ol Hob
i • rt Alien al the euli ot Charie* McCutclieon tor
E D \'o 51. March T. 18><1 N Black, att'y.
At ihe* itm- time and place all the rU'ht, tiile
interest and claim t Robert Allen ot. In and to
all thai iraef or parcel ol l .nd, situate hi Frank
-1 lin townahlfi, Buiier countv. Pa, hounded on
• the north by inn V ol Stephen Allen heir*, on
the east by t'-e P'ntiklin road, on the south
: a public rond and on the west by lands of (J i|
| lather and Bike', containing tonr hundred aerea
' more or leas, and known a* the Itiker tract,
• subject to a reservation oi twenty a< re* lo be -e
--• ba led by a rail os.d coin >anv for depois, Ac.,
when a Kal'road i* built over - -Id land, a I
frame dwelling h"U*e and f'amn barn and other
oiil-tnilldliii'H and food orchard then-oi., uio*tiy
, cle-iied Keized and taken in execution a» the
property ol Robert Alleu at the suit ol I'harlc*
MeCutchcon lor we.
E D No 54. Man-h T 1881. t' Met 'an d 'ess ai'y
At tlie ►ame lime and place all Hie nirht, title
liiteresl and claim ot Oeo (' (;• nway. d-e'd. of,
in and to |t>s acie* ot 11 nd. more or le*-, sllua-
I d in .Joticord t wn-hip. Butler Co, Pa bound
ed as follows, to wit: on tie north by E <Jia
. ham, Ri v Marshall and II Don ild-nn. Ast bv
' Fzr- A R R t'am| bell, -out'' bv Mc<'alli-ter and
I il K uhii mid >vi *l I J R II t'linpbel .a frame
dwcllinc liou-e. lot' Imi ii sprint' house :li il two
0 chard* then' n. mostlv cleared f*e|/.. d ::nd
Ink'n in ixe ii ion a* the propciiy of Oeo (! |
Conw 'V, dec'.;, ai tlie suit ol Commonwealth of
t'entl'a lor use. <%e.
E 1» No 76. M rch T IhSt II Collieii, .tt'v.
Al l||i same lime mid nlice II llie li'.'ht. title
lnt. ri"-t and claim of W P Hall i t m and lo
flOx Ml fi et ot land, more or h * . "itnated u
Snnburv boroiiL'h, Buller •Pa hounded a*
follow*, t• > wif . on Ihe tlO'th tn Jeltc*ou Dun
lap. east by Main s'reet, sotitli bv an alley and
we»t by an allev, a triune dwellintr hou-e and
frame stable theioon. Melr.ed mid taken in exe
cution as ll c proprrly ol VV P Hall al the suit
01 James and B|mi;n limit.
F. I> No 74, March T IBHI C Walker, All'\.
At the same time and |it«Ce all the • It' 1 I, lit le
1 interest and claim ol John l.ind«ev 01, in and
J lo tliltti (HO) a n a of land, more or less, situa
ted in Cheny township, Butler countv. PH.,
bounded a* follows, to wi'; on the n rth by
IJoliy Nel-on, ca*f l'\ N* Ison ami Atwell, soii'li
by 1) Al wi II and Jos ill ill -sly and wi-st by K
II end K l.lndsi-v, loir house, loir stable and
, some frail tr> ea thereon. Seized and taken in
j execution a* ihe properly ol John l.lnd-cy at
the suit ol W I) Met'unc for use.
K II Nn 74, March T, 1881. C Walker. Att'y.
Al the •ame time and place all the rit'M. tllle
j I- ler* st and claim ot John l.lndscy ol in and to
i a pleci or I steel ol land beint will ol' lot No
'• M9I in 3 d di'trict ol dontiion l»nd in Clier v
| township. Biitie' to, Pa, hounded and describ
ed as follows: bet'luni c »t a port, llience norlh
I 8U di-gree* easi, by lauds ol John Billinf-I\ 7
| and Btt 100 pi relies to a po*l. tliem-e north, 1 de
i glee ea*t, by land' ol V 1.1 d*cy 58 perch' * to a
post, ihence south, 89 deirn iia east, by lands of
aauie 7 mid 811 ltai pen-lies to a po-f, theni'e
south, 1 dcree ea-t, I V land of the S"hl John
I.ln.lacy Ml | e dies lo a post, the place of be-
Iflnnlii", ' oiil ilnlti'' acres of land, stiict
me. ure. witn ihe aiii'Urtsii mce«, <tc, thereon
| dMMd rrfd ftflrVn In KhHMQcn tbl Ok-
of .1.-hn l.it d e_\ a: th>- ► it o' W I) Mt<3une,
for u-e.
El> So t'S. March Tcm. 'BBI WII I.usk. att'y
At t e sati'e rime an I place *ll he rigl.t. title,
interest and claim < f 'ohn of. in
and to all the f > lowing de-crih.-d traits an!
pieces of land situate in W'mfieM towt sliip. B'lt
ler coniey. I'a.. bonndol and doscribctl as fol
lows; lots of gn nnd nnml*ring from and iicluit
ing (.ne to at d including einbt hundred (sep)
lots of grnii.l i'i the town of Six.MiCitv laid
out and tna - it>ed bv the Enterprise an I I.a i 1
Comj at v of Pittsbii'gh, a'so all that other
I it e of land joining the town of m Cry. on
the ra>-t by the raitioa >. on the WIST hy t- »n
--slup toad -nd tu> tbt north l.y land of
a?. p«-r mat* and dr: Pe. contaitiiiig four aon
more or I—. •\c ting howerer out of the
eig! t hundred iotn of groilud fifteen (ts'i in
nun Itr -ndnnnil*rel H.- f ill tws to <vif: ;> . !*'!.
91 9 r >. ?.?. 97.146. 1 17. 148. • 40. 64!. 643. * 44.
144 *nd 14">. ail ..f «l o\e descrtU'd 1..n i and lots
of gr. 'ied: coiii :i ning one huu lre-J acres of land
morr-or less. ab "it sn acts cleared, small or
chard the eon Seized and taken iti exe.-ntion
'■ rht- t<ro|.« rrv of John Blakcmort at the su.t
of Wtl'iam Ikivd.
F. DNo 81. March Term. ISBI. It P att'y.
At the s;ime time at .1 place all the right, title.
. interest and claim of Thomas Gar- ev and Jeru
sia Garvey of. in and to one huiii'oed and eixtv
(IfiOl seres of land, more or less. -i;uafe in C.ti-
tow , hn . Butler county. Pa .
hounded a- fol ows. to wi' : i>n the n >rt!i !>▼ J
ShMiiftm et al. e.ist hy ,f >hn Graham, south i v
Graham Duncan and west hy John : ! han::on tt
i al. n dwelling house, frame barn and orchard
| thereon Srzed a;:,! taken in ex-c ttio-i as t'i«i j
| propei ty of Thomas G irvov and Jer-wht Garwy |
•it the "nit of Joiui \1 Thomison, for use
E ft N «4< and 94. Minli tmm, IKh O Mc- I
Citndless and E (t Miller, att'ys.
At tbe same iim -and place all ihe ri/ht. titie |
interest and .1 lru of John M Thomps >!i of in i
ami to sixty acres of land s'tuato in Su .itu t
t wi:i-bip. Butler countv. adj .i.iing lan 1< ot
John Itear. Hon E McJunkin. OD I homitso.i
and others, log dwl nig house and t.aru
thereon, about 25 acres cleared. St-iz* d and
t.kenin execution as the pronerty of John M
Thompson a! the suit of Charlee McCandiess
for use. and John K* p Sr. for u->e of B >4 C
ED No 48, Maich Term. 1831. Mi'Cimllins,
At the same time and place all the right, title,
interest and cUin of John Thompson of in
and to one hundred ( 00) a- ree of iand. more
or less situated in Slipperyroek Tp. B rler Co..
Pi . Ismnded as follows, to wit: On the north
by Mrs F Kerr, c ast hv Henry oxford south by
Thos McGatKoh and Scrubi;rase roa>l and west
by Pine throve and Centreville road, a brick
dw- i.'iig hon~e aud frame barn and frame stable
and orchard thereon, about 75 acres clearetl.
8- iz and trken ill execution at- the propr-rty
of John M Thompson at the suit of Charles Mc-
Candless for use..
F. DNo 87, March Term. 1881. AG William*,
*t the same time and p ice all the right, title,
interest andcla.mof Peter Hutchison of. in and
to all the undivided one eiglnb of all that cer
tain piece oi land situ-te in l'aiker Tp.. Butler
Co-, l'a.. bounded as follows. be c 'iutiing at the
north east corner at a post, t'lonce south 67
degrees west hy lands of T Cam:-hell 18 2-5 per
ches to a |«ist. thence H9 decrees west by 1 mils
ot said ampbell 70 perclie to a post, thence
Bouth 1 degree west by lands of said Campbell
50 perches to a post, thence south 19 degrees
west by lands of said Cituipbell .1 :J-4 perches to
limestone bouse south 1 l-'i degrees by laud of
J H (tibson and E Keep 9-? i perches to a p >st.
thence s uth 8S degret s by land of A Gra
btm 189 2-3 perches to a post, tiiotict west 1 de
gree east by lands ot J ii Gibson 59 perches,
thence south degrees west by sad Gibson
65 1-5 perches to a p wt. thence north 1 degree
nest by lauds of J H (iilmon lOn perches to ttie
place of beginning, containing llOaciee. more
or lesH (two acres on the south we.rt ottrne 1m
ing reserved and tiie whole l- snbj ct to a coat
lease) alout 75 acres cleared, orchard, frame
bouse anil frame h-.rn a d 4 pro iicuig oil well
t ereon, derricks, engine h 'Uses, engine- and
boilers, tubing, casing r. its, tanks an I nil lua
cbinery and tlxiures thereto belonuiog Seized
an • taken i'l • xecution a- the nroperty of Peter
Hutchison at the suit of Jacob H Walter
EDNo 87 .Match letm. IB*i A G Williams,
At tbe same time and place all th« right, title
inteie-t and claim of Pi ter Hutchison of. in and
to the undivided one sixth of ail tht.t cettain lot
or parcel of land situate in Pa«ker Tp . Butler
. Pa., h ni'nied and as follows, bu
giniug at a pftrt i:- ar a maple at the north e i-t
corn.-r. tli.-nse l y lands foiledlV of Otv- n
'I bom as now IJr -wwiti and others. IhenceHoutn
decree- we-t 49 peiches to a port thence b\
u„- line of 11 to Morgan farm south 8 S >legre< s
est 165 per h-.-n to a post, thence by au .« in
Ilemy G t.son nott ■ decrees east o ' netche
to port thence by taiulM ot P (i Hit*, et - 1
north ■"< 'l"(T ecu e tr-t I«i !pe cho* to tiie pla •
of tiegiiiiiijr, containing s'* more or les -
about iO seres cleui -d. eigtit old oil welts there
on fieized anil taken in til-CUMOU its the pi'.ip
erty of I'citr Hu'C lisoii a. she unit of Jacob H
E I) No 87, March T, l <#t. A <; Willhims. Atl'y
At the s.une time and p'ace all the right, litie.
interest and claim of Peo-r Hiilchiiison of, in all'l
to tiie undivided oni -eighlli of all lliat certain lot
or parcel of ground situate in Parker township,
llutler I o. Pa, hounded and ileserihed as follows :
beginning it a post at the north east corner,!ln-nee
hy land of tiwen Thomas, now BIOWIIHOII el al,
south. \ of a degree north, 49 perches to a post,
thence by lands sold to Peter Hutchison and M
Hulltigs south. Hf'j degrees west. li»> perches to .i
|Hi't. llieuec lij lands of Harve\ i;it> on n-nth. 2
degrees east, lit percbe> to a post, thence by lauds
sold to Isaac Ash ail l 'lieorge V Foreman north,
Hf'i degrees east. 103 perei.es to a post, being tlie
outer piece of the Win Thoni|tson farm, contain
ing ,V) acres more or less, about ten acres c'.ea.ed.
Sold oil welis thereon. Hel/id and t:ikeu In eve
c.iflon as the proiierty of Peter Hutchison at the
suit of Jacob If Waller.
I. I) Nos7. March T. Isst. A <1 Williams, Att'y.
At the same time and place all the right, lite
Interest and claim of Peter Hutchinson 01, iu and
to all the undivided one-fourth ol nil that certain
tiact or parcel of land situate in Allegheny town
ship, BiitlerCo, Pa. hounded as follows: beginning
at a post, thence by lands of M pt rawfor.l north,
M degrees C.LSI. h;u perehi s lo a post m the run.
thence down the run south, tl degrees east,
perches to a post, thence south. It degrees east, (!
porcho* to a |Mi«t. tie-lice south, 20 de»ree» e::-t.7
perches lo a post, thence south.."> degrees east. 14
pt-ri iies to a post, thence south degrees west 4
perches to a post, thence south. V> degrees west,
ft perclie,. thence sotltll, 40 degrees east, tu 2 loth
perches, thence south, W degrees east, II l-tu pcr
ches, thence south. HO degrees east, 7 perches,
thence south .'to degrees east, c «-10 pen hes.thence
south, 1 degree west..'l perches, thence south. .'M
degrees east, 7 perches, Ihencc souUi, 2*l degrees
e.lst. 3 3 Pi [icri'lies, thence south, unlegrees east,
II 2-111 peri hes, thence smith :ci degrees e;ist 2 :t-tu
perches, thence south t degrees east 7 ;t-lu pi ii'li
es, all by lands ol Win Turner, thence by same
and Thos Mar-hall north sit i Meg ret- s east To |ier
ches to a pie I. thence hy lands formerly of .1 K
llrov.n south '-'H degrees west.:« perches to a post,
thence by land of .1 SColgln. Oliver Itedlck and
f'llas Cooper «'i degrees west. 17.1 perches
lo a white oak. thence south 1 degree east I .Vloth
perches to a po-t. thence south s:e . degrees east,
Wi perches to a post, tbeiice hy lands of Jolly
north 2 degrees east :i"i perches to a post, thence by
lands of James Ktskaddiii north Ki>' t degrees east,
sn perches to a post and thence hy same north 1'*
degrees west sr, perches to a chestnut the place of
beginning, containing 172 acres and 20 perches, to
gether Willi the light of way to the river over the
lands of .1 K I'row u and others, log hou .e. log barn
and small orchard thereon, about so acres c eareil.
Seized and taken In execution as the property of
Peter Hutchinson at the suit of Jacob II Walter.
K I) No 17, March T, I;<HI.
At the same time ami place all the right, title,
interest and claim of Peter Hutchison of. In and to
ail the right, title. Interest and calm ofthe ib--
lendant of. in and to the undividedof all lliat
certain piece or parcel of land situate in Parker
township. Butler «"o. Pa. beginning at a ]JOS| at the
north-east corner, thenct bylHlnlsof James Kel
ly's Jielrs north si l , degrees west I roils to a
Chcn-y tree, thetice h- lands of Henry 1> tiben
speek' south P, degrees w •«.( :»i rods, thence by
lands of same south 22 degrees east sft perches to a
stone thence b\ lands of John Hanbenspeck. for
tuerU Thos Kelly south IS degrees e:»st 2s rods to
a black o tk tree, thence by lands of same 41', de
grees east :w ■ pi tches to a pn-.t, thence by lands
of Amos Young north MS degrees cast t.Hi rods o
:i white oak thence north 2' . degrees eaM by land
of Archibald Kelly :«>'» perches to Ihe place of be
gliintng. coiitiilnlng "•! acres ami HI pcrciies. more
or less, about itu j'cics cleared, old log bouse and
small orchard thereon. Seized ; tut taken iu exe
cution as ilie pr<ifert\ of Peicr Hutchison at the
-ml of Jacob II Walter.
Kj)No w» and ac, M-" T. tssi. T C Campbell
At the same lime: tee all the right, title,
on ci est and ebiitn ot \Y i. Slnuj liton of. in it d lo
line 111 nil led IWO I acic- of land, moil or le s, s lu
ated in Sllppervroek tewnsbip. P.utler count). I'a,
itounded as foifows. to wit : on the north I v i:rnds
of (ieoige Cross, e.e-t In lamb o! .1 I .in aid. • oulli
n\ lands' of lilc' iml i rilel. o,\ ei al, ami west by
hind -• .f .'ltliit Mel ilian' . oil log house, it.g - table
hard. uio-t!y Heated. S- i' d and ttikeli in e\-
eeuiion as Ha- pro) i rty of W ti .Kto„gbtoii al the
.mi of II I. Wick.
ICO Nos Si ami w; Match T. I**l. T C Campbell,
Alt v.
At the saine time and place all the right, title,
interest and claim of W<: stoughton 01. in an to
one hundred uno) sen .of I nil. more or h s<, s;in
.tied in s||p|.ervrock towi -hip. t'.uiler county. Pa,
hounded as follows, lo wit : .11 the north by lands
of l> M ( toss and Job iiMcl lliany.east by MeOnii
aiil farm, now owned b\ MeCaiiille*s el al, south
b\ lauds of Thus and O.ili'el M. Otollf he rs, and
west bv half ol same by c M'C uullesa ct
• I lo M l«aughlln. about .acres denied. Seized
and taken in execiilion as the propetly of \S <1
Stoughton at the suit of II E Wick.
|.; |) No-it. March T, ls«l JD M '.luiiklll. Att'y.
At Hie same Ifuie a- d place ;l || tti.- right, title,
nteicst and claim of pegene Ferero of. in and to
lifiv . .in nies i f hill.l. more oi |e-s.-Ituated 111
t 'tier TV town hip. Bullet < o I'a bounded and lie
ciibed is follows, to wit I egmntmr at a white
oak brush, thence south ss', degrees cad tiy lands
of tlrev and Adam llilllard toln perches to a
post. I lien e south l', degrees we t. Pt7 710 itereli
i*. to a white oak b\ hinds "f .tuo M lltlliatd,
Ih'-nce north *s', degrees
Christy and Jacob liroasuian Mi ft lo iterches to a
walnut, thence north t' ? ileg ces east by lands of
• las I.ilt-lillst nd M Crane et al. 127 .1-to perches lo
the place of beginning, log bouse Slid leg stable
therein pa"!v cleared Sei/ed nd taken In e*e
i itlou a. the nron.'iiv of I'a,gene I'ctero at the
suit of Mrs C.ttharluc Koeh.
E 0 No ill March T. 1881. .1 l> McJunkin at'v.
Al the same time and place all the right, ti
tie, interest inul claim of Eugene I 'errcro of, in
and hi nil that ceitMin piece or parcel of land
situated iu Washington and Cht-rrv townships,
I'liller Co. Pa, Imunded slid tlescrilmd na fol
lows: Iteginning at a p--at south 8 ° east .11
perches to a post hv binds of Philip iltllitird,
thence 1° lo.'t |I» relies to a |tost, thetlOe
oorfti ViV wmt h w a jfcie* Imm
n>Ttli e;i t. perches to a post, containing
acres n.i.re «>r l< |>art!y cleared. tailed
and taken in execution as th«* property of Eu
gene l'erero a! the suit of Mr* Catharine Koch.
Ki>No •s, March T, lssl. E (» Miller, att'y.
At the same time mil place all the right, ti
tle, interest ami claim of (i Ktzel of, in and to
ail tiiat certain piece or lot of ground situate in
the borough of Itutler, iiutler Co, I'a. l»ounded
and described as follow-. lie in g part of lot No
- > in the general plan of said borough : liegiu
ning at a |«oint on li:gh or Main street 18 teet
fr.mi the south west corner of lot No 2ti, thence
at rightangle. I*► said High or Main street, back,
in an easterly direction ISO teet to an alley,
thence by said alley south 'J<> feet, thence at
rii»ht aiglc-i west toward Main street I\s feet,
thence .it right angles south 4 feet, thence at
RTiitli's west seventy-five feet to high or
main street and thence hv line of said mam st,
14 lei t to tlie place of beginning, on which is
erect. *d a two story house, part brick and part
Ir.tnie, about 24 fret front and about DO teet deep
:ivr opjHj-ite the V ope ley House and bounded
north bv Hughes property and south bv K i?l
store property. Seized and taken in execution
as the property of (i Ktzel at the -nit of Build
ing and Loan Association of Butler, Pa.
E I) Nos 9i and 42, March T, l»si. (J McCaud
less and (i A A A I" ltiack, att'vs.
At the s:i!iie time and place all the right, ti
tle, interest and claim of W D McCandb-ss of,
in and to one hundred loos acres of land situ
ated in Centre township, Butler county, I'a..
bounded as follows, to wit: on the north bv B
Benirrjjer, east by B Berringt-r and The* Rich
er I-. -i. itli l>y K Miller and west by sUiimel
Irviu et al, a story and half frame house, frame
burn, two-story store house, small frame house,
frame blacksmith shop and orchard thereon,
sb nit 75 acres cleared and fenced, underlaid
* tli coal. Seized and taken in execution as
the property of W D McCandless at the suit of
VV (_' McCandless, guardian, and Simon Young.
El' N • > : and 42, March Vrra, 1881. C Mc
<\nid!ess and (! A A A T Black, att'vs.
At the si ne time and place all the right
title. interst and claim of W 1> McCandless of,
in ami to all that certain lot of ground situ.ie
in the borough of Butler. Butler Co., Pa ,
bounded north by First National Hank build
ing. east by Mai::e street, south by Butler Sav
ings Bank and west by narrow a;ley, a tnres
story brick building erected thereon, together
with the right of way to upjK'r stories of said
building through stairway and hall in First
National Bank building, a good busiuess loca
tion. Seized an 1 taken in execution as the
property of W i> McCandless at the suit of W
C McCandless, Guardian, and Simon Young.
EI) No S>.'» ami 42, March Term, ISM. C Mc-
Candless and U A A A T Black, att'ys.
At the same time and place "11 the right,
title, interest and claim of W I> McCandless of.
in and to the undivided ii of 111) acres of land,
more or less, situated in Slippervrock Tp.,
Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to wit:
On the nortii by George Cross, east by J 1>
Bovard's heirs, south by Thomas Critchlow
and west by N F & W I) McCandless and John
McElhaney, log house, log stable ami orchard
thereon, about 50 acres cleared. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of W O Mc-
Candless at the suit of W C McCandless, Guar
dian, and Simon Young.
ED No i»3 ami 42, March Term, 1881. C Mc-
Candless and G A & A T Black, att'ys.
At the same time and place all the right,
title, interest and claim of W D McCandless of,
in and to the one-half id' 7-9 of 100 acres of
laud, more or less, situated in Slippervrock
l'p , Butler Co , Pa., bounded as follows, to
wit: On the north by J Mel. 11l any, et al, east
by \Y !> & N F McCandless and Thomas Critch
low, south by Thomas and Daniel McDevitts
heirs and west by McGlaughlen, coal bank
open and in working order, about 8 acres
cleared, not fenced. Seized and taken iu execu
tion as the property of VV D McCandless at the
-nit of \V C -McCandless, Guardian, aud Simon
El> No 9.1 and 42, March Term, 1881. C Mc-
Candless and G A & A T Black, att'vs.
At the same time and place all the right,
title, interest and claim of W I) McCundless of.
ill aud to the undivided one-half of 3:5 acres of
of land, more or less, situated in Marion Tp.,
Butler Co , Pa , bounded as follows, to wit: On
the north by Alex McMurrv, east by W Dou
pan ami Creek, south by .1 McAnallen and
west by Win Carson, et al, lop house thereon,
all clean (land fenced. Seized and taken in
execution as the projierty of W D McCandless
.it the suit of W C Met and less, Guardian, ami
.Simon Young.
E D No 9.1, March Term, 1881. McJ and
Camplicll. att'vs.
At the same time and place all the right,
title, interest and claim if Catharine Clark of,
n ami to seventy 7'.»; acres of land, more or
iess, situated in Worth l'p., Butler t 0.. Pa.,
bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by
Joseph Pisor, et al, cast by John Book and
Mampsoii Dean, south by George Brant and
west bv Robert a two-story frame house
frame barn aud other outbuildings and orchard
thereon, about jD acres cleared. Seized aud
taken iu execution as tte property of Catharine
i lark at the suit of Singer Manufacturing Com
E1) No 89, March Term, 1881. E G Miller,
At the same time aud pla-e all the right,
title, interest and claim of Grabiel Etzel aud
\ntia Ktzel of, iu and to a part ot lot numbered
25 in the borough of Bugler. Butler Co., Pa.,
having a fronton High or Main street begin
ing at a point on High street forty-two (42) ft
from the south west corner of lot No 2fi, thence
at right angles to Main street back in an eas
terly direction 25 feet, thence at right angle in
a northerly direction four (4) feet, thence at
rtpht angle iu an easterly direction one hun
dred fifty-five (155 feet to an alley, thence 22
'cet south by an ally to an alley, thence west
along said alley one hundred and eighty (ISO)
feet to High on Maine street and thence 18 feet
to the place of beginning, upon which is erected
a two-story brick store and dwelling house.
Seized arid taken in execution as the property
of Gabriel Etzel and Anna Etzel at tlie suit of
Leonard ami l assamer Wise Kir's, <tc., for use
El> No 9(», March Term. 18S1. E G Miller,
At the same time ami place nil the right,
'•tie, interest and claim of G Etzel ami Anna |
Ktzel of, in and to all that certain piece, parcel
or tract of land situate in the borough of Butler
Buller Co., Pa., and located i ll Main street op
posite the Vopeley House, bounded and de
scribed as follows: On the west by Main
street, south by an alley, east an alley and
north bv part of same lot, sold to and now oc
cupied by Hughes, lieing part ot lot No (25)
twenty-live. aliout (42) forty two feet front aud
one hundred and eighty feet deep (ISO.) the
above comprising that part of said lot deeded
by A Wise to Mrs A Etzel on which is gr<>cery
store and residence iu one brick building.
ALSO that part of lot deeded by John M
Miller to (i Etzel on which is a two-story brick
and frame dwelling house, excepting from sale,
tie said last recited part of above described
|i>einiscs deeded by Miller to Etzel, being the
i.orthern part thereof, containing one two-storv
brick and frame dwelling house being about
'4 leet front and on Main street, the pirt to lie
sold being the southern part of first almve de
scribed premises and described as follows : Be
iup H partof lot No 25 in the borough of Butler,
Butler Co., I'a., having a front on High or
.1/nin street begining at a |>oiiit on high street
4; teet from the south west corner of lot No J6
llience al right anples to .Vain street back in
an easterly direction 25 feet, thence at right
anples iu a northerly direction 4 teet, thence at
right angles iu an easterly direction 155 feet to
an alley, thence 22 feet south up an alley to an
alley, t'hei west along said alley IJJO feet to
lli 'h or l/.iiu street and tlienc • is feet to the
place of hepinning, upon which is erected n
two-story brick store and dwelling house.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of (i Etzel and Anna Etzel at the suit of John
.1/ J/iller, for use.
Wit.MAM lIOKI MAN, Sheriff.
Sheriff's < Iffiee, Buller, Pa., Feb. I4tli, 18.s|^
IV(trill Jluliml Hrc Insur
iinrc < *•»!* |»h wy.
ip|M ami KxpenditnreH of Worth Mti'ual
Firn lii*tiraiio« l.'O , fur MH'I :
Pn rniiim if '2f. 1 81 >
Art-fHMlurilt. . 1.038 (Hi
italauceof 1870... 140 < 0
* i , mi
*• alarieH. commito-ioner* $ #8 05
l'i» |>riiilio(f. iiitorwt.... 110 t'.ti
Liiskcvh paid 1.004 50
* I 111!) II
Hal. Jk it. Int. 1881 240 75
i 1,43!) Hfi
W. E. TAYi <>lt, t
WM. M'OoY. ( Audito«n.
A Hirer (.' i iun < ,'ti-iom Mill Ittr H.ile, -ituatj
it, r Wl.lieMn« it. Mm lit, Co., I'ii., litn'i *te:iin
Kid « iter power; !»'t i<t-h hi I.toil, gu<Ml dwell
Inu <tieh 'til. eoal l>niik, ,1m n det-lralde Ima
I 101 l mid null dttlni; u I'U-lne-*. Win |, t .
ni l it i lirt*L.'iiiu, ItviDtr llie properly o! Win
\j |t'ii ili'cM It noi -old It' fore April I*l, wil
lire in eXpei I'll' e'l Miller W li't run lurnUli
L'ood r«'l" renew For parilctilitr«, iwldre-»
MK.I H. AI I.F.N, v\ iiiif-iown, I'ii
E- ale ol Sar.ili J.tite Mith 11, l ill* of M d lie.
*ex low * lp, Huilrr e.uiuiy, I'n, I el «r» «tl
•dminlat ration 'in I lit* nhttve rotate linvlnif )»een
Ifrtintef 1 to tho iindemlifned, « I pruona kto«-
ins! thetnaelvea Indebted Hi above ehtati* will
plen««* mil e iir.tnrillaie p>yineiil. mid miiv h v-
Inn cliilm* I'lfalllft mid eft tie will ,>retM*ni tlieiu
dulv •ulUenlleiiUd tor piynieni
.It ill N » ' VI MU\. Adin'r,
frW Hlntfc vrm». P. Ufc Uh<T»t <JtWot«r. I'n
LM or Application* Tor Ll*
"I r f >l lowing applications have lieeu tiled lntUa
Office I>: the Clerk ot the Quarter Session*. which
wo. lie (indented lor actiou on Wednesday. In*
Wli ilay of March. IsXl :
lit' n.Kit BOROCOU.
Tavern —(1. W. Campbell, J. J. Keidler.H. Ritea
m ; er. Xicho.as, Alex liOwry,jCUa» Boyta.
restaurant - ileiTgc .1. Smith. Jordan Kyth. .
Merchant—l». & .1. Kelber, Oahriei KoUler.
Tavern—H Lockliart, .Johnston & Campbell*
James Copuii. John Kiolnuer, Leroy I>eleraaler.
John til.Lss.
K'-staurant-C. A Aldlnger.
Tavern—Edward O'Dona 1. W. 11. JellLsoa, JIM
L . irK, Jolni a. I»auclierty.
.Merchant —James Morrison.
Tavern—Jo!in A. Ki.'icy, Johu Mctiuire.
HAKMOSV uoKoroii.
Tavern—Jacob Bell.
Restaurant—Peter Otto.
Merchant —Jacob ShontZ.
T ivem—James Oesterling, Jacob Schelley, Has
ty Stokev.
Merciouit—George Stall!.
Tavern—W. C. Adams. James T. Wllsoa.
Tavni—K K. Mutter. Joseph Kohnfelder, run
eis I,aubc, Charles Pbabe.
Tavern—William Duncan, Jacob Feidler Jr.
Tavern -J. S. Miller.
Tavcm— F. P. Murrln, Hugh Murrln.
Tavern—William Wanl.
Tavern—l>e wis Wehlham.
Tavern—Neal Blaney, Albeit Smith.
Tavern—Michael Mcßride.
Taveni—John A. Harrttng.
Merchant—William McCrea.
Tavern— Micheal Shields.
Tavern-Joseph Keith.
Tavern—George P. Tader.
W. A. WRIGHT, Oik.
ExenUorN Notice.
Letters testamentary bavinp tx'en granted l«
the u dersignt-d on the estate of flimon Smith,
late of AHepheii., township, Butler county, Pa.,
dei-ensed, this Is to pive note- to ill |s-r-oris,
Wnowiop thenifelv. » to ire indebted to said es
tate th it immedia e payment i-i required, and
those b.Avinp ciaiuis arain<t th" same to pre* al
themselves dulv nntbenth-ated for settlement.
felt 10 SAMUEL SMITH, \ A(sm
Slopiliig of Kiot'kholders. .
The annual meeting ot the stockholders of
the buildinp and Loan Association of Butler,
Pa , wl'l meet at the Otiers House on Saturday
eveninir, March -Vh. 188", at 7 o'clock, tor the
purpose ot elect iup officer* lor the. ensolng year
«ii't|'ittcndl'ig to any other business that|may
come betorc them.
leblo-3t J. S. CAMPBELL. Sec'y.
Notice is here' y piven that an application for
a charter will t>e made to Hon. E. EcJankla
President Judpe ot the Cou'ts ot Butler coauty,
on the 14th day of March, ISBI, Incorporating
the Carbon Ccntn United Presbyterian Cliurch.
The character of said proposed corporation la
religious ind Ihe oliject thereof, the promotion
of religion i . the world. W. P. BHAW,
fcbltiiii Committee.
Port Grape Win*
Used in the principal CI nrches for Communta*
pnriM.se s.
Excellent For Lodlti aa ft Wtakly
Perilous •■><! the Aged.
This Celebrated Native Wine Is made from tfe*
juice of the Oporto Grapc.r.tised in tills counTy.
Its I valuable
Tonic and Btrengthing PropertiM
are unsurpassed bv any other Native Wine. Being
the pure Juice ol the t:ra|>e, produced under Mr.
Hpeer's own iiersonal supervision. Its purety and
genuineness an - guaranteed. The youngest child
mav partake of its generous iiualities. and th*
weakest Invalid use It to advantage. It is particu
larly beneficial to the aged and debilitated, and
suited to the various ailments that affect the
weaker sex. It Is In every respect A WINK TO BJC
Rl'.LlK.l* ON.
M I* I-: nit'H
The 1". J. SIIKRRY Is a wine of Superior Ota»-
actcr. suid partakes ot the golden qualities of tfc*
grape from whicli it Is made. For purity. Richness.
Flavor an it Mechanical I'nipertles, It will be found
13.I 3 . J". BR/A.ISTJDY.
This HR ANDY stands unrivaled In this Country,
being jar superior lor medieitiial purposes.
IT IS A IT RE distllation from the grape and
contains valuable meiUclnlal pro|»ertles.
It has a delicate flavor, similar to that of tat
cra|ies from which It Is distilled, aud is In fTMt
Favor among flrst-class families.
See that the signature of AI.FRKI) BPEER,
sale. N. J., is over the cork of each bottle.
Nol«l by D. 11. H ULLER.
Union Woolen Mills.
I would desire to call the attention of the
public to the Union Wooleu Mill. Butler, Pi,
whore I have new and improved machinery fs*
the manufacture of
Burred and Gray Flannels,
Knitting and Weaving Yarns,
and I can iccoiumend them as being very dara
ble. as they are manufactured of pure Butler
county wool. Tliey are lieantifnl in color, ra
perior in texture, and will be sold at very low
prices. For samples and prices, addrees.
1u19t.*7«-Ivl Rntler. Fa
Notice Extraordinary.
Persons desiring to have their Old Fnrnitu*
tepair d or New Work made to order, stieh sa
Music Stands. ftooU Casee. Wardrooes, Oflea
Desks, office TaMoe, Ac. would do well to oall OB
TV. 11. WII.HON,
Practical Cabinel Maker.
I hold that a piece of furniture made bv hao4
worth two untile by machinery, and will eoal
nut littlo more, if any. Then whv not have ban 4
made i All work made iu tlie latest styles and
of the beet niatorirl. I guarantee entire sat
isfaction in stile, workmanship and price. 01T«
me a call. Shop on Miftliu street four doors
wert of Mam street, a nl oppoeite A. Troutmao'a
st.ne. Batter, Pa. sepl7-ly
Mutual Fire Insurance C«.
Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Stt«
J L. I'urvls, I E. A. Helmlioldt,
William Campbell, J. W. Rnikhart,
A. Troutma-i, 1 Jacob Bcboene,
<l. C. RiH>»«lng, John Caldwoll,
l)i W Irviu, J. J Croll
J W.Ohrlsiv H. C. Helnemaa.
IAS. T, M'JUNKIN, Qen. Ac't-
|jjW"ATlnTttw» tn the OtTO»i»'.