STORY OF A BED QUILT. The ladies of Middletown, X. Y., had decided to present a fine quilt to their pastor. It was,to be an auto graph bed quilt. Every old, yon Eg, married and unmarried woman of the congregation was to donate a fragment of some wearing material from which the quilt was to be made. Then the autographs of all the donors or any body else who chose to contribute the gmall sum of one dime was to be skill fully wrought on the patches in many colored silk, by the needles of the fairest of the flock. Work was begun on this wonderful quilt two mGuli-s a-m. Long before it was finished the question of who should have the honor of presenting it to the pastor was the leading one for discussion at the meet ings of the ladies When the quilt W9S completed, the question was rstii! undecided. Two prominent young ladies were rivals for the honor. Fin ally, to settle the matter without creating unsisterly feeling and making the quilt a stumbling block, it was con cluded to decide by lot who should place the quilt in the pastor's hands. The plan was to hold a social, at which the drawing was to take place Chances were to be sold at ten cents each, the proceeds were to go to the church fund. Whoever should draw a ticket inscribed "Quilt" secured con trol of the privelege of presenting it The social was held at the house of Brother William Davy. Everybody was there. The quilt, gorgeous in coloring and remarkable as to auto« graphic inscription, was prominently displayed. There was great excitement over the taking of chances. The two young ladies were supported by their respec tive frieDds and almost every chance sold was placed in the name of one or other of them. Old Uncle Tunis Wood, who lives near Centreville, was passing Brother Davy's house about 9 o'clock on the night of the sociable He heard the sounds of merriment within. He knew it was a public gathering, and the purpose of it. He went in. Uncle Tunis was surrounded by the young ladies and tbair friends at once. Each besought him to buy a chance for her. "Gan't choose betwixt ye," said he "I'll split the difference and buy a chance for myself." He bought one Seven hundred and sixty chances were all that could be sold. Then the drawing commenc ed. After about four hundred tickets had been drawn and the prize ticket was still in the hat, Tunis Wood's name was called. He drew out a ticket. It was marked "Quilt." The old man bad drawn the prize. He was beseiged by each young lady to let her be his substitute in presenting the quilt to the preacher. "The preacher! Give this quilt to the preacher! Well' fc not this vear, 1 guess. Ain't the quilt good enough for me? I guess no preacher don't git this quilt. I wont it, I reckon !" And the old man took the quilt and went home with it. A committee fol lowed him to tell him that he didn't seem to understand the object of the drawing. He said that he thought he understood it very well. then the ladies have visited him and offered to make bim a quilt exactly like the one he drew if he would let them have that one. "This nn suits me to death," he re plied, "an' I'm afraid you couldn't get them colors jist like that again. I wouldn't like to part with it, ladies." And at last accounts neither plead ings nor threats could induce him to change his mind. He Sllll Liven. Some years ago Dr. R. V. Pierce, of the World's Dispensary and Invalids' Hotel, of Buffalo, N. Y., and London, was sent for to examine a terrible dis ease of the knee-joint, resulting in ul ceration and extensive sloughing of the bone and tissues. The man's life bad been despaired of by the previous at tendants. Amputation at tk? thigh was promptly decided upon and skill fully performed by Dr. Pierce, and as after treatment to purify the blood and prevent a recurrence of the malady the doctors Golden Medical Discovery was freely prescribed. The man's system was thoroughly purified and strength ened, he rapidly gained his health, the stump healing nicely, and be is to-day a happy man. This case was among the first in which this wonderful blood purifier was tested. It has since man ifested its wonderful power over the worst scrofulous and other blood dis eases. Taken for a time it so purifies and strengthens the system as to strongly fortify it against the encroach ments of disease. Sold by druggists. MIBDLEVILLE, MICH., Feb. 15, '79. Hon. R. V. Pierce: DEAR SIR—I would say that I have sold your medicines for seven years. The Golden Medical Discovery is the best cough remedy I have ever used and in every case where 1 have recom mended it, it has cured. I have used it in my family for my children. It cures their colds and coughs in day or two. My wife has used it several times when down sick. It invariably gives immediate relief. Its sale in creases daily. J. B. Keister, Druggist. A real Christian is a man who pravs on Sunday and then helps the Lord to answer his prayer all the rest of the week. MRS. LTDIA E. PINKHAM, 233 West ern Ave., Lynn, Mass., is rapidly ac. quiring an enviable reputation for the surprising cures which daily result from the use of her VEQETABLE COM POUND in all female diseases, Send to her for pamphlets. Farewell is a Bad word, but if we could only contrive to say it to some of our bad habits we should be much happier. The objections to the metal tip upon children's shoes do not hold good against the A. S. T. Co. Mfeautiful Black Tip, and it is time parents were enquiring for them, for fine shoes as well as common, as they reduce shoe bills one-half. It is more comfortable to keep house on the point of a cambric needle than to live in a fashionable set and not be in the fashion. "I suffered for a Jong time with goi tre, cake or swelled liver, indigestion and general bad health, and after try ing many other remedies, nothing done me so much good as Simmons' Liver Regulator. It cured me, and now I have not to take any medicine, for I am well ; but I shall always keep it in the house to cure any one else of the family that have anything the matter. It is good for nearly everything. M. J. Wilta, Clinton, Ga." MRS. LYDIA E. PINXHaM. OF LYNN, MASS. DISCOVERER OF LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S TBSCTAELB COMPOTOD. ThePo^itiveCnre For all Female Complaints. ma preparation, M Its Ban» rirrifiw. eonri«ts of Vegetable Prope. tli-t are Lunnlc 3to the xuofct eel icate invalid. Upraono Uic !_> rits of ti..j Coin pound will be ■ I, M relief i» irnmcuLUc ; and TTHENLT-iusol* continued,In ninetj-ninc CAJC.T in A HUA d^d, will tr» ti.y. On account of its proven m.rit-, it is to-T*I>ICAI,QUAJJ- |® TLIU or ALL OTUTB J they CUKE i Alt Diseases of the Stomach, Bowels. Blood, E Liver, Kidneys, and Urinary Organs. >rr- H vouautsa,Sleeplussnpssttml especially Elj Female Complaints. SIOOO IN COLD. Wtll be for a case they wilt rot care or h.lp, or for anything impure or injurious Bj found in tin in. 5a AsKy.nir (imrpfst for llna PIUTS vnd l-y PS llit'in before jou Sleep. Titliu no oilier. K D T.r. ft an absolute and Irr-'-slsflVeriir's for Pa Drunkenness,ate of rriuai, tobuccound tg S«NI> FOB CIBCI'LAH. TVJII KIDNEY REGULATOR AND DIURETIC. KFDNEOEN is hitjlily reemnniended and 1111- curpasxed for WEAK of FOUI. KIDNK\S. I>l(., IMillti. _apr2«-ly Butler Female College. FIRST WARD SPRINGDALE. Winter Term will open November 2Uth, 1880, closing March 4th, Ixsl. TF.fIMS OF TUITION. Primary Department, sfUj. Normal ami das *ical, SB. Music, $lO. Hoarding in College very low. Rooms for sell'boarding can be had free of charge. The course of study in thix institution is ex tensive and thorough, embracing ail the valua ble studies taught in any Female College. ADVANTAGES : Ist. Cost is very low. 2nd. The building is well situated and well arranged. 3rd. Easy of access, good plank and board walks. 4th. The manners and morals of the stu dents are carefully cared for. MR. A MRH. A. T. DOUTIIKTT, Principal. PTTltltlH AltMDIt, Justice of the Peace, Main street, opposite Postofflce, jly 16 ZELIENOPLE, PA. #nUee v£ifeia#» s UntUv, s*.♦ 3«««wirg 26, 1881. A. Haffner, CESS OB TO H BAUER IBROS. KITI.Kii, «*A„ PLANING MILL AND Lumber Yard, JIANCtACTUBER ASD DEALER IN Rough ar.d Planed Lumber OR EVERY DESCRIPTION, DOORS, SASH, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SIDING, FLOORING, BATTENS, Brackets, faug, d Cornice Boards PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELL POSTS & BALUSTERS, FENCE PALINGS, Ac.. Ac. MICEIG/ 3SJ Si IIsGLES Ba.n Boards, Plasterinir Lath, Hem lock Bill Stuff, of all kinds, constantly on hand, All o which I will .sei! on reasonable terms and guarantee .satisfaction. Planing Mill and Lumber Yard on Jefferson street, Butler, Pa. ldecly A. II FFNER NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. The c ifiliation <>l this [«; ne ("paper is cr,instantly increasing. Ir contains :»lI the Icnd >nir news of lb•• Daily Herald jnd is arranged in handy departments. The Forelirn News em I races fjecial dispaUluß from all quarters ol tbe globe. Under the bead of American News are given tbe Telegraphic Dispatches of the week from 'til part» of the Union. Tliis teaturc only makes The Weekly Herald the most valuable chronicle in the world, as it is the cheapest. Every week is Riven a faithful report of POLITICAL NEWS embracing complete and comprehensive des patches WASHINGTON, including 'nil re port* of th' speeches of emluent politicians on the questions of the hour THE FARM DEPARTMENT of ihe WEEKLY HBFAI.D fives the latest as well .is the mo«t practical suggestions nnd dis coveries rel itittir to 11 e dunes of the turner, hints tor raisin* Cattle. Poultry, drains Trees, Vegetables, riee Every item ot cookit-jr or economy su« Iletters from our Pari* nnd Lon don correspondent on the very litest fashion The Horn Department of tl.p WEFKLV HFK ALD wi'L save tbe hoiwwifc more than one hundred tiints the price of the paper. Tic interests o! SKILLED LABOR itre looked alter, nnd cerjtbiuir relating to mechanics and Intior saving is carefully lecorded There I* n page devoted to all tlx; latest phases of the business mat kcts, Crops, Merchandise, &e , Ac. A valuable feature i.s found in the specially reported prices and condition* of THE PRODUCE MARKET. Bporti"tr new* at Jiorae and abroad, together with a f'toty evrv veck. a Sermon f>y some eminent divine. Literary, Musical. Dramatic, I'ersoual and Sea Notes There Is no papei 111 tbe world wtiich roptnlns M> much lews mat ter every week as the WISR.NI.IR |IKH«I.I>. whiib l-" fent, | osfage free, 'or One Dollar You can subscribe at nn\ time. NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD in a weekly form. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Addrcfe, NEW YORK HFRALD Broadway and Ann Street Sew Ynrk. F F~J*r S I dI»S Procured for all soldiers di'ibled in the U. H. service from any cause, alto for liciirf* of deceas ed soldiers. Tie rligh'est diitil ility entitles to pensions. I'EKSIONH INCiiEAM T>. Bounty ar:d new discharges poe.ured Those in donbt an to whether entitled to anything, should send two 3-cent ttnmj s for our '•<*ir< utur of informa tion " Address. with stamps. STODPAUT u tbe east by lands ot heirs of John Vognn On thes> uili bv lands of John Link and public road, and on the weet by lands of F. Albin el al., containing TWENTYONE ACRES AND EIGHTY PEKCIIEB, more or less. About ten arrrs cleared, loir house thereon erec erf, good orchard of bearing fruit trees Thl*- piece of land is about two u lies from West Liberty, and is convenient to churches, schools nnd stores. TERMS—One-:hiid on confirmation ol sale, the reiimindei in twonptai in-' i linents, with interest from date ol sale—said installments t > be i-ccured t>y bond nnd mortgage. ADAM PISOR, Adm'r Postofflce—lacksvllle. Butler Co., Pa. LAND FOB BALE. FOR saij:. A handsome «Ix-room frame house, located or Mult street, nortljwestern pnrt of Butler. |.«r 50x17»i. Ail necessary out ' uildintrs. 'I EKMS —Ot e 'liint cash and balance In lour equal annual payments. Inquire at this ofl'ce. jtnUtl ITor fc-»ale. The well-improved f» r m of liev. VV. H. Hutcb tlie northeast corner of Middlesex town ship. Butler county, Fa . in now offered lor naif, low. Inquire of W K FIiI.HBEE, on the prem •fPH. apKitf FOR NAI.K. will buy n one-ball interest in a trood bu«- inerf in Pitlsbunrta. One who knows some thing about farming preferred. An honest niim with the above amount will do well to artrires l.y letter. SMITH cure H. M James, Sl.'i Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa |nu37-ly NOTICE. Those of our reader" desiring steady and pro fitable employment, <>r valuable rending matter cheap for IXMI- should send 15 cents to the FKANK LKHLIK I'dIiUSIIINO CO., 15 I>ey St., New York, for a complete set of their pub lications and Illustrated Catalugue, containing list of premiums, 4c , or .-I. J) for a complete agent's outfit of 12 heautiful Chrnmos ami our Premium Ilook of Valuable Information, con taining over 500 pages, with sample copies of all our publications, tin. See advertisement in another column. An active airent wanted in every town— twenty to thirty dollars can be made weekly. Their Illustrated Publications with their new Premiums, take at sight. |)o not delay if you wish to secure your territory, Address Frank Leslie Publishing Co., 15 I>ey St., New York. JAMES J. CAMPBELL, «"•» ma « jp-' 4 *«» a a •» Office in Fairview borough, in Telegraph Office. auICJ BALDWIN F. 0.. litifler Co., P» Port Grape Wine t'sed in the principal Ctvehes for Communion s. For »nit Weakly Perioni and the Igcil. gf : '~<'S /vS S AIC, H. J. \ s - " r v ft--- | d / > - • - - -• - § ■t'T \ . ■ KI ; T rp m S SEB'S TORT GRAPE WISE! FOUR VKAItS OLD. This Celebrated Native Wine is made from the n:i e of 1110 Oporto(irajje.ntiscd in tui.s country. Its I valuable Tci ic =-»ud StroDgthing Properties are unsurpassed bv anv other Native '.Vine, Being tiie r":re fuiee ol tin- Grape, produced under Mr. Speer sown pt rsouai SUJK rvision, its puiety and ::rr a lar mteed. The youngest child IUTIV |.r:. ice of it- generous quaiities. and the weakest invalit! •ise ii to a -vantage. Itispartieu larilv t>er.efe-:al to the age.l an.l debilitated, and siiiied to the v:.rious ailiaeuts that atfect the weaker M V It i- in ev ry resiiec: A WINE TO UK RLLiI-.U ON. «» i■: »•; k'S T 3 . J". SHERRY, Tne P.SHERRY is a wine of Superior Char acter, and partakeol the golden qualities of the gni'ie f tosn «Inch it is made. For purity. Richness, Flavor a:ii» Mechanical Properties, it will be tound unexcelled. WIMC HItH 3?. J~. BRANDY- This BRANDY stands unrivaled in this Country, being jar superior lor medici-.iial purposes. IT IS A PI'RK distilation from the grape and contains valuable niedieinial properties. It has a delicate flavor, similar to that of the from which it is distilled, and is in great favor among first-class families. See that the signature of ALFRED SPEER, Pas sale. N. J., is over the cork of each bottle. S«hl by I>. H. W IMKR. apr2B-lyr Taxes! Taxes! All taxes dun in tho various Boroughs and Townships of Butler county, Ta., for the year 1880 and for all previous years vet outstanding, miibt bo paid to the respective Collectors and by them paid into the County Treasury on or be fore the 25th day of December, 1880. Bv OatiKß OF COUNTY COMMISSIONKIIS. "About the handsomest eight-pane i aper In the country."— Philadatphia Timet, THE PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY PRESS! Independent. Enterprising. Trustworthy. Having greatly strengthened its staff and general equipment, this favorite fami'y journal will enter upon the year 1881 prepared for the occi'palion of a Wider Held tban ever before In all that many contribute to the edification or or the entertainment ol the best class of read ers. it is ever foremost. POINTS ABOUT THE PRESS: EniTOMAI, DePAItTMBNT. —The pens of ti,e best writers are engaged in fearless discussion ol all topics ofliriug iutire>t —political, social, and general. TOE NEWS OK TUB WTKJC, covered not only t y avsoeia ed pre-s dispatct es, bn* special cor respondent tioni every point ol interest, foreign or dome tie. POLITICAL PHASES, — Picsented in the most attractive and trnstwoithv form by the most brilliant letter ot the < ay, inchidiuu fctall correspondents ol natioft ai reputation. 1 lite FOUEION FIKI.D Full and accurate enblu ■ ispiilclies bom -pecial agents of tile PKBSS in eveiy European capital. AN AORICULTUKAL i'AOK —Not a re-hash lr.Mii ti.e aniicnltiiittl wa eklles, but fri »h aud seasonable discussion, nn'Ser the su;n-rvlson ol r c'ical men ol acknowledged ai tin lit.v. HOME AMI ->OC:ETT A department inv ilua file lo wiiiiien for i ,' p pace with the marci/ o idea-and events, and lias all Opinion on evt ry subject touching the welfare of the people, it is ig restive lor Hie riglit, full ever c«iurte> us; enterprising, but nut sensational 111 re is noli ing in its that would make it unw' Iconic in any (Bti.iiy circle. TrrniM : ii Year ; Wl OO to < «f Trii or More. A SPLENDID PREMIUM ! THE F Kits H lias made a peculiarly favorable coninict bj which it is tnabled lo offer, in place ol the c'uh oilers, a fplendid premium, consisting ot the Li l rary cl Universal Knowl edge, a verbatim reprint of tin; Loudon edition ot Chambers' Entyciopft'dia, complete in fit teen volumes, ol more than 700 pages each ; or Shakspeiun's complete w rks, in three vol umes, an accurate repiiiu of ihe famous Globe Ediiirn, witli a eo;iious g'ossarv. Tho-e pie tniums are offered to friends Beading clubs, a* follows; Fci club of 10 copies, one eopy free. For club ol copies, Sh ikspcar's Work?. For club nl 20 copies and #3 00 Additional, the Library of Universal Knowledge. For club ol 30 copies an t-.O'J additional, the I.ihiniy ol Univcisnl Knowledge. For club ot 50 copies, ihe Library of Univer sal Know'edsre. For eluti of 1(K) copies, the DAII.Y I'UU-s lor one year and Library of Universal Knowledge. FORM A CLUB AT ONCE ! There in no chance lor a sample copy. Send a postal ( ,rd. and get 1 no by return m ill Address; Tin? FKESS, L'tiilndcl| hla •'The Philadelphia Fre«s crows constantly fresher and stroniter." —A'. V. Tribune. The oldest ;'[i(l the best appointed Institution for obtaining a Business Education. For circulars address, oer,-2!'il P. IMI'K «; SONS, Pittsburgh, Pa. Unicn Woclsn Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to tho Union Woolen Mill, liutler, l'a.. where 1 have new and improved machinery for the manufacture ol Barro'l and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I csn recommend them as being very dura ble. as they are manufactured of pure liutler county wool. They aro beautiful in color, su perior in texture, awl will be sold at very low prices. For samples and prices. mldress. 11. FULLF.RTON, |nl94 -7B ITI Kntler. P* Notice Exti&ordinary. Persons <1( -irniL' to have their Old Furniture repmr d or New Work made to order, such as Mmic .Stands. !!ook Cans. Wardrobes, Oitice Desks. Oftiee Tal les. Ac..wonlddo well to call on - WII.SON, Praclical Cabinet Maker. I hold tliat a piece of furniture ma le by hand worth two made by machinery, and will cost out littia more, if any. Then why not have hand made? All work made in the latest styles and of the best material. I guarantee entire sat isfaction in stvle, workmanship and price. Oive me a call. Shop on Mifflin street, four doors west of Main street, aid opposite A. Trout man's sbire. Hurler. Pa. sepl7-ly r. n. ( otiiRAN, ~~ livery, Sale, Feed and Exchange NTABLE, I'ear of Lowry House, - - BUTLER, PA. juue4-ly A MFW DEPAIMUB $ 1 BOTTI.B PATENT MEDICINES FOU CENTS JADWIN'S TONIC LAXATIVE' 1b Appetizing, Palatable and Non-Alcoholic, AND ALWAYS CURES Dyspep'!", Sick TT-ad-iete Constipatior, Kit iou.-i.e—, S ><;r Sioiaa b. Liver Complaint, Wmt of Appe 11.. ' i.<-ti >n. ■' OF id ice, Ki>l ney Conip' .int. \ . ...nsi,,— >_ is;z/.ii»ess. Sleep less' eft-, ilea:iimi.. ''•ilic. Debility, Foul Breath, Worn -. I'ii. s. Fever*, i olds, togy Bee-Keeping, (Jreenhous ■ atl I Gr.ipery, Veterina ry' Replies, i'unu (j;;.'stioiis and Answers, i-'ireside licadi.;g. Domestic Economy, and a summary of the News of the Week. Its Market lte ( .orts are unusally complete, and more information can be gathered from its columns than from any other source with regard to the prospects of the crops, as throwing lighj upon « ne of the most important of all questions—\\ hen to Buv and When to .Sail. It is liberally illustrated, and constitutes to a great er degree than any of its eontemporaiios A I.IVE AGRICULTURAL NEWSPAPER of never-failing interest both to producers and consumers of every class. The Country Gentleman is published weekly on the following terms, when paid strictly iu advance : One copy, one year, 92.50; Four copies, sto, and an additional copy for the year free to the sender of the club; Ten copies, S2O, and an additional copy for the year free to the sender of the club. For the veur tsxt. these prices include a copy of the ANNUAI. RKCISTKK OK RURAL. AFFAIKS, to each subscriber—a booK of 111 pages and about l' Dev St..New York, wi:l sen I Frank LESLIES FAMILY FHIKNO, alii page illustrated paper, for only ,-i per year. FRANK I.KSMKV FOLKS devoted to the interests of young people, and containing ranch to interest those of a more mature age. Tills paper contains in pages of illustrations and valuable reading matter, .lust t'.icpaper for young children. Price, per year 30 cents. Fit INK Lt-st.lK'S VATIONAL AOKU'I i.TUBIST ANI> WiiuKiN'o FAKMKR, a Hi page illustrated paper, for only fI.'JQ jj -r i.:ut- PIIANK i.KSI IK'S I'l LCIT or Til K I).\v. a ifi page illustrated paper, .lust tup ipcrforSun lay reading. Price only 7.) ce,i'.< per ye-ir Or all four of the above publications for per vear. Auv desiring to act as our agent, on send ing u« $ ."0, will receive post pai l, sample espies or llie alHive pu'i ieations, tugeiher with a com plete agents out-lit of 12 premium chro mos, also a copy of o:ir Boo'; of Valuable ! .itorma t'on. of over vi i pages, eonl lining an ll'ustiat - d IMelionarv of every iis-*fi 1 word to be Ton id in the English Lanxua-Medx.i! an I II utseii ild re i ceipts. Legal advice an I form, artieim o i eti qnette and letter vvrili ig advice to merchanls. Clerks, ineelianic Hint far'uers. Simples of all of oil' I'ubVe.ition s ill niusiri ted ( Dialogue (without 'rem n lis.) f> • l", ■■■• its. All desiring steady an I otofit ilde '-m -I• -lit should send at once before tli-*>r f< riioxy .* :a!. -n. Address, FRANK LESLIE PUBLISHING ' 1 ■ 1", I)PV street. N■ v or':. TIIE SUN FOH 1881. Everybody reii's Tiir. i >«', in tiio eiliti >n j of this n-wspij'ir tiiron oi: the year to en n • evciyhody will li: d : I. "All I e worl.l'« news, *o j r -seu'ed t'lii the reader wiM get the gr.ate- t amount oi i i'or n i tion with the lea.-t unprotit itile i-xpenditire Oi time and eyeoight. THB HCN I ago d iscov ered the irolden mean b•! ween redundaal fulness and unsati faciorv brevity. 11. Much ot that - ort ol'ni-ws wtiieli depends less upon its icco'/uiz-'d i'liport- uic:; thin u,)-in its interest to minl-itid. Fro n morning to morning TUB SO* prints I continn VL sb> y ol tile lives of real men and w.itncn, ami ol their deeds, pinus, loves, bates mid ti jubies I'iiis story is more varied and nore i'lici i sting than jny romance ih it was ever devised. ill. Goo I writing in every column, an.l freshness, originality, accuracy, and decorum in the treatment of every su'»|ccl. IV. Honest com men'. Til: SUN'S habit is to spenk out fearlessly a'>ont men and t'.irigs V. Equal candor in dealing with each politic al party, and equal icadiuess to commend what is praiseworthy or to rebuke what is blataable in Democrat or Republican. VI. Abf>• mail, port paid. Is 5."i ecu's a m -ntli, or f-i 5-> a year ; ■) , includ ing the Sunday p:i,>cr, an eight-page sheet ot lifiv-six columns. Hie price >s 115 cents a month, or #7.70 a vear, poo age paid. The Sunday edition o! TUB SUN is also fur nished separately atfl.iiOa year, po-tage paid. The price ol the tf'3FKI.V SUN, eight pag. s, fifty-six columns, is fl 00 a year, | ost iiie paid. For ctubs of ten sending f 10.00 we will send an extra copy free. Address I. W ENOI.ANH. Publisher of I lilt SUN, New York City. Dec. 8, 'BO. fit TEETH. FOR ?■">, •¥*. slll, SI2, «1"> or *£'<, I will make you a full set of beautiful nn'ur:'! !ookm« teeth, warrant them 10 years. Tetlli extracted ami I.amdilng fiUKor F.thergivn without extraeharue. I will risk for it" money until the patient is fully satisfied W illi their new teeth. I also 111 l teeth at very taw rates. Dir. A. II- I-IWIM, lieu tut, nnva-.'tm No. 2." iT, I'enn :»ve. I'ltlshunth. Pa. Nlrny ft'ol !«•«*, fame to the residence of si scriber living in Olearlield town- 2. i. H ship, Butler county, l'a .on or ljlllWvjEL about the Ist of OC'. iast. 0110 yearling steer, rid, with a whit-'"* star in the face, anil 1 white streak along its back; 110 other marks. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, psi'- charges and take it away or it will lie disposed of accord ing to law. (B. 11. Wl)M.Kit. nov24:Hm BUTLER, PA. HEum o. IIIM;, FIIIE miss, COR. I'ENN AND 81XT1I HTItEETH, Pittsburgh, Pa, . oj-'-Sp i*:t : :-"X -<' lo sssrarg' r° H c »; H ja. co "" T ' ,y --| ^ 1 " 1 "*" ~ r ', ' *"~ i*^. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS THE GREAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE WEST! 1,1 I lir. IIHI.AI VV.ll>KV«ll'U ■"•"• ■ lis in:'ln lino runs from Chicago to ( otincil Bluffs, passing through Joltct. tHiawa. La s>alle, tteoesco. Moline, Ri-ck Island. Davenport. \\ est Liberty. lowaCity.Marengo, Brooklyn. Grinnell. !><•* Mi inos (tliu capitul of lowai. Stuart. Atlan tic. and Avoca; with branches from Bureau Junction to Peoria; Wilton Junction to Musca tine. Washington, Fairfield. Kldon, Belknap, C'entrevllle. Princeton. Trenton. Gallatin. Came ron. 1 ..'Svenworth, Atchison, and Kansas City; Washington to Slgourney, tlskaUKisa. and Knox vlllo: Keokuk to Farinlngton. Bonaparte. Ben t msport. Independent. Kldon. Ottuinwa. fc.ildy- Tllle.Uskalooia. Pel la, Monroe, and lies Moines: Newton to Monroe; Des Moines to IndlauolaanJ Wintcrset; Atlantic to Lewis and Audubon: and Avoca to Harlan. This is positively the only Rr.ilroad. which owns and operates a through line from Chicago into the State of Kansas. Through Kxpress Passenger Trains, with Pull man Palace Cars attached, are run each way daily between CHICAGO and PEORIA. KANSAS CITY, COUNCIL BLurra. UATINWORTH and ATCHI SON. Through curs are also run between Milwau kee and Kansas City, via the "Milwaukee and Kock island Short I.ine." ... The "Great Kock Island" Is magnificently equipped. Its road bed is simply perfect, and its track is laid with sleel rails. What will please you most will be the pleasure of enjoying your meals, while passing over the beautiful prairies of Illinois and lown. in one of our magniiicent Dining Cars that accompany all Through Express Trains. You get an entire Bioat. as C'Jod as is nerved in any flrst-class hotel. f..r seventy-five cents. Appreciating the lact that a majority of (lie people prefer separate apartments for different purposes (and the immense passenger business of this line warranting it), we are pleased to an nounce that this Company run* Pullman Palttce Bltrping Cam for slecptng purposes, and Palace PI 1.1.M \\ PALACF. CABN are run through to PJCOHIA. I»ES MOINES, COV vJ lI Hi rKKM. K*KBAS CITY. LFA Vb v oRTH. rieketa via this Line known «» the "Bw>#t Koch lslnud nre ould by ai! Ticket Agcnt> In the l - ulted fliatfw ourf For lEforiniitlou not obt»u.:it>|c ;»l yo;«rhome ticket office, ad drew, A KIMIiAIiL, E- ST. JOHN, " Uen'i S'j.erlutendcuu Uen'l Tkt and I'ass'er Aft., Chicaiso. 111, WHY DOES a vronan's hea'th often break down at an early age? I'ut a nun i. wi • " It :;ic 1 from t'ie hot suds until every pore is opened: then Jet Mm stand ■ \ t:,.;t couies from .scalding and boiling clothes, that tire lull of sweat and c «iin, cud Ills health too would break down before Jong; »ud yet this most teinbli -s A WOMAN has to go through with on wil-h-day; and, besides, v. ith her clothing \u. f. the hot work, she to risk her life by going out in tiio air to hang uj» t ci u • those not at work are in tiio unhealthy atmosphere: its smell, so apparent i v sin in- that it finds its way through the house,—the iamily, however, oilen h « cr.uin. n to:ncd to the peculiar odor from its own wash n* not to notice it Tht 1 : ' plain why SJ many women sutler with colds, rheumatism, weak nerves or i:.ur: LOOK OLID while yet young in years, and physicians and beards of health eannnt drr-v t> -1 t ktrongly to the injurious effects of the usual way of washing, with its n cv-iry •»- scalding or boiling to get the clothes pure and sweet-smelling, espcciail; >■< i i- v often the direct cause of those dreadful diseases, diphtheria, consumption, ar.d t; , li . . " Fortunately this trouble can be avoided; scalding, boiling, steam an 1 ; i until from the wash completely done away with; clothes mado sweet and I < *»::' it: f: .n tUc saving in furl the va»k ikxtoatless cod than eras token home-made t>xip i*t.. a' • ••. ; SOONER THAN, by the old way, by u puiifviii »n\ry r.ttu- i: . Clothes bedding and utensils used by the sick disinfected and cleans i \\ ti- . ■ e-"tiding or boiling, while the work is so light that a girl twelve or thirteen \c;:r . 1 large wash without being tiled; and yet so mild and healing is tins Unit . f shaving it has n<> equal, and physicians advise its use in preference u> Inn /• 1 wounds and sores, and to wash the youngest infants as well as for persons with ticiwn , KJW that there is a remedy for thU, so ewnomtca l thai the poorest can vse u, there u> n raw UJ u..-: A MAN who is not directly interested In having used in their homes. In spite of prejudice, TI r WONDERFUL WAY OF WASHING CLOTHES, which does away with the In 1 v . ■ «me!l and fearful steam on wash-days, makes (lie white pieces whiter, colored pic. .1 flannels softer than they can be made hy washing the old way, leaves the ham.s ,aow..i • > to do liuo sewing and overy article ai clean, as sweet and as pure as it ucver worn. «>TE9TIMONIALS<- . From n. fi rinwt.ES, M, P-, nammonton, N. J., Kditor South Jrrteu J{epublican. Mr attention W»H cdled to FRANK SIDI)ALL« bO.vl* from mi iwtverllsement in my own paper, «nd Its uso In my house for nearly a year, according to I'IO directions, has proved that its rcinarkaul« properties have not been overstated. For remov ing printing Ink it is invaluable, white for toilet and shaving It is the best Soap I have ever seen. From 51 us. 11. L. KENYON, Northfletd, VU 1 do my w.i-.h with FRANK SIDD A1.1.S SOAPin tail tlte time a id wltti no expense for «oap, "J the vamp in furl more ftin pay* for It. 1 have nosteura or scent from the wash, while the saving in j health, clothes and labor can hardly From E. W. HTANTON, N. antli St., rhttiula. We nro confldent, from a long experience t«» is l i IT aud recuni'nendltig FRANK sIBHAIXs, jO \ P. that ono trial, according to the very eii f irln'.i-d d!r»ctlon«, will overcome all prejudices. S . .j really baa wonderful merit for shaving, toil t. Hie following are the Direction* for Use, no Mini pie tlwr n eiilid can o;ui . :m'. • ■ In,at ilo anything MO ridiculous as to buy the Soap unless you Intent. . .11 . (I StOO positively forfeited if it injures the clothes, or will not ppcr k. will heat enough water for a large wash with this Soap. Just Think What You will Save by this Easy Way of•■■■-/! No Wash-boiler! No Steam! No Smell of Suds throve >' •" It has ike remarkable Property of keeping tkc Dish-Cloth. ?. ■■ Sponge always Sweet, and of Washing Freely i;i Han: -K-i BOLD BY GROCEBSH- n 'jf a Cake and Try it for Yourself next Wash , r , points where this Soap la not yet Introduced a TWal C»!co will I * Mall, on receipt of Price, (lO Cents), In Money or Stamps. FRANK SIDDILLS $V V: \ 718 CALLOWHILL ST,. PHILADELPHIA. V STOVES, RANGES, Grate Fronts, Ferd s, &c CREA, QRAHAM & CO. MANUFACTURERS, 291 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. Pa sept22-.ini INSUKA'ycii' I n<*or|»oml«'«J ISI9. /ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY OF LLARTFOLTL), CONNECTICUT. Asets $7.078,234 4!». Losses paid In '*l vers, $51,000,000. .1. T. M. JL'NKIN A ON, A:eni . |an'2Hly .Icflerson street, M'ltler, Pa, BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. O. C. ROESSING, Pit EH! DENT. WM CAMI'RELL. TREASURER H. C. IIEINEMAN, SKORKTAHV. DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, K. A. Ilelmboldt, William Campbell, J. VV. i'.uikhi't, A. Troutman, Jncob Srhoi ti", (J. C. Roessing, John < aldwell, Dr. W. Irvin, VV. VV. Dodds. J. W.Christy 11. ! einemin. JAS. T. M'JUNKIN, Gen, A?'t- BTJTLBR PA. tb/C «« per dav at ln'ii e Ha-n' w rlh 1310 rji'll tßfi»f, A'liln ss .-.TI N • > • TC < 0., Portland. Maine "-Iv |3ySub»tTilw for tlio CITIZEN. Piniiiu fin for eating purposes only. Oneother great feature of our Palace Cars is a SMOKINO SALOON where you cau enjoy your "liavana" at all hours of the day. Magnificent Iron Bridges span tha Mississippi an.l Missouri rivers at all points crossed by this line, and transfersare avoided at Council Bluffs, Kansas City, Leavenworth, and Atchison, con nection* being made in Union Depots. I THE PRINCIPAL K. R. CONNECTIONS OF 1 THIS GRKAT THROUGH LINE AKB AS I FOLLOWS : I At < HIOAOO. with all diverging lines for the East and South, i At KNCLEWOOD, with the L. s. &M. S., and P., Ft. W. tc K. Rds. T At WASHINGTON HEIGHTS, with P., C. & St. U K K. ! At I.A SALLE, with 111. Cent. R. R. I At PEORIA, with P. P. St J ; P. D. & K.; I. B. A W.; 111. Mid.; and T. P. A W. Kds. I At KOCK ISLAND, with "Milwaukee A Rock Island Short Line," and Rock lsl'd A Peo. Rds. I At DAVENPORT, with the Davenport Division i C. M. ,v St. P. R. it. At WEST LIBERTY. with theß.. C. R. A N.K.R. I At GItINNELL. with Central lowa K. R. I At DES MOINES, with D. M&F. D. It. R. I At COUNCIL BLUFFS, with Union Pacific R. R. I At OMAHA, with B. A Mo. R. K. R. in Neb.l ! AtCOLUMBUSJ UNCTION,with 8..C. 11. A N.K.R I At OTtPMWA, with Central lows K. K.; W., : St. L. & Pac- and C. 11. A Q K. Rds. At KEOKUK, with Tol., Peo. A War.: Wab.. St. 1 Louis A Pac., and St. L.. Keo. A N'.-W. K. ltds. i At CAMERON, with 11. St. J R. K. , At ATCHISON, with Atch.. Topetrn A Santa Fe: Atcli A N'eti. and < en. Br. U. P. K. Rds. At LEAVENWORTH, with Kan. l'ac., and Kttu- Cent K. Kds. At KANSAS CITY, with all lines for the West I an.l Southwest. and nil household use*. and as It become more generally known, must nave an Immense s..U\ From MRS. K. STOCKWELL, Hanr.uonton, N. I FRANK BIDDATiI>S SOAP has b on u in mv house for the last seven month*, an! Jr. IIIK the printed directions,we Hnd It toe e\ \- thin# claimed on the wrappers. \\" I ve i t scalded or boiled a single article, CM ' IFF • J are vhlter and tweeter thin i. /. n " < obi way. *My hu band, who i • h d bos ft sternly demand fur th Soap in "* customers. i From MANAOKR or DKXTFH larxnav. " 1 *»h Street, Corner (.' Stri t, N.W., \\ < t< ' 1 • No laundrv or femily cm afr- i i to re v. t FRANK Sil>l>Al.l.S SOAR v. ■ i< tions and use no other Soap, a ha . > f second to DO laundry »n W. hi; to; . .. ? clothes; the superior work w< t • to turn out.havingsecured uih the best gentlemen's ruraisbin: »tor- •in |*v wu |l w«*H"V 4*tpw »fw »»m> f Profitable Reading for Everybody Busine is men and women, teachers, mechanics* farmers, minister-*, mothers, and all who are tired. it by the constant toil and worry of your work!' duji't drink int< x hating bitters, but use ' rsctsoESEEEHaaasxaß Are you suffering Irom iJyspepsia, Rhetima r m, Neuralgia, or with Bowel, Kidney, Liver oi« rt .iiun omplaints, you can be cured by using « ft I f you arc wasting away with Consumption, fe ■ male weakness or any sickness r if you have o pain- Liul t "ugh or had coM, you will find sure relief in , ft If you 01 dttn Ij; ! u and your systrm needs invigorating, or in \ 1 have pimples and blotches, anil your blood I> • ] . i#urifyiiiK. ! »n can always depend on ] ► Made from Ginger, Buchu, Mandrake, Sfillintjia, -and many other of the best medicines known it 'the Best Health and Strength Restorer Ever !'J§ed. and 5s far superior to Hitters, 1 ofl (iin j r and Other Tonics, as it never intoxicates, »nd < »u.bines the b**st curative properties of all. | It lltt« Saved Hundred* of Lives: It May Sure Yours. • Ruy a sac. bottle of your druggist, and to avoid' 'counterfeits be sure our signature is on the out-- ,«ude wrap|H*r. ll'scox &(. . Chemists, N. Y. , Parker's Hair Balsam. [•irKtl/ HmtwUm. The Best A .Ho«»t foouomlcil llalr Dressing ( .1 ."ning only ingredients that are beneficial to the I • r and scalp, the BALSAM will be found far inorc -ati .factory than any other preparation. H Never Kails to BestoreOrtjr or Faded llalr t> 1! i'ii -if »1 youthful« olor and is warranted to 1 ■ , 1 , ;rn#f, t-Tvent baldness and stoptailing vl t law hair. So'a by J rug £itUat 50 ants. 11. Bickel, LIVKUV&FfiKi: STABLE JEFFERSON STREET, WEST OK I.OWRY liOt SI , I I Tt.KH, PA. llavi' K lemovcd !1 ny to k o the above Sta'i p, tin* |»uM <• . en port fully invit •(! t > mil. The boa; Horses. Cmri g>-> Bug. j fties, Ac. k'-p' const:inllv or h <•. Open nil hijurn, day ami nig t. Waning Mill —AND— I.iuuber V ard. . I. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIB S. G.Purvis & Co., MkVrrACTI H r RP AND DEAI.ERS IN and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCKIPTJOJS, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, hASfI PC-ORf FLOORING, SID f G, RATH ENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Ecerris, PORCH POSI b, STAIR RAII> Newell Posts and fialueten FENCE PALINGS, , - - - OHIO. ,) C. K F.DICK, Agent for Hutlcr Co. Ayer's Hair FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. IT is a MUST a:reeablo dressing, which is ;it once harmless Hint < ITeetual, for pre serving the h ir. II I -lores, with llio gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, and red hair, to a rieli brown, or deep black, as may be desired. By ils use thin hair is thickened, and baldness often though nut always cured. It checks falling of the hair immediately, and causes a new growth in all cases where the glands arc not decayed; while to brashy, weak, o» otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitalit and strength, and renders it pliable. The VIOOB cleanses the scalp, cures ant presents the formation of dandruff; and by its cooling, stimulating, and sootbinf properties, it heals most if not all of tin humors and diseases peculiar tothe s.-alp, keeping it cool, clean, end soft, under which conditions diseases i f the s.e.ilj> and hair are impossible. As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair The Viaoit is incomparable. It is color less, contains neither <• i 1 nor dye, and will not soil white cambric. It imparts an agreeable and I idling perfume, and as an article for the toilet it is economical ;:iid unsurpassed in its excellence. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayor & Co., I'r.ictir:il and Atmljrtiral Choniwl*, Lowell, Mas",. d'U.n ET AIL UIiI'UUIMS KVtHm'MBBS. I \ 0 I \t>|>L at once, If you ■ s | Vl . iircn illsal>ie IONS INCUKAB - i I iisi..t>. is are rated too low. I W l> -rIIAKGES PRO- I, 1 in im I'M ely given. Send ,irp '< blanks. Addr*- . STODDART A CO., Uooui t, tjt. < loud Ktiilding, Waßhingtoa, P. C.