CONCERNING COMETS. S2OO Reward for a New One. Ni'x York Sim. Mr Warner of Rochester has offered a prize of S2OO f..r each new c<>roet clis covered rui American rstronomer i within a year. TI«» mav have to put his hand in his pocket a iiood many times to settl * his account with the star !_az er« f<>r KepW said that the depths of 8-iace are as full of cowls as the ocean i is of fishes. lJut Mr Warner has ni si-! iected one very important matter.— | There is n«» discriminat.on in his oftur. j lie is ready to piy 'he same price for a : minnow as for a whale. If some en- j ternrißt ." astronomer, af er spending nifny sleepless nights at the telescope, should detect the e .mmg >S suc.iia comet a" tlut of 1850. wh-ch hid a tail that reached the z. iiUi and lighted the skv with its blaze ; or like that ol 1744. which 1 ad six tails, eai h thirtv five million miles l'nj;; a hlaz r linC the one that seated the war lov-ua Ko mans about the time that Cic-ar was assassinated he would get no mure for it than for a lit.ln polliwog of a comet that would n<>t fi'i'- ' l ' when ; H'fn thromrh a foity-foot tel. It has been a l-m* time since a hrst-c!a-s comet has paid i'S a visit, and it is not to be expected ilift*nch a one wit I take the trouble to displ »v its splendors for au unappreciative generation that reck ons it at no higher value than a bit o, unterrific vapor that no one but the as tronotmrs ever sees. S me disrnmi nation mu-t be made against the tailless small fry that of late have been flock ing to this particular shoal of the uni verse, or else the bin follows will Mav nway. Mr. Warner should revise hi ofler. A Lot of Comets. New York Times. In the best encyclopedias, unde' the title Comets, may be found page after page of the choicest italics and lnero-. elyphics known to scientifie persons. Ij, is impossible not to have the hi_r les respect for whatever these cryptograms mav mean, but for general reading something more intelligible, even it less exciting, seems to demanded. There are in all about 830 recorder! comets. The 540 seen before IGIO must, of course, have been observed with the naked eve. __The first known comet appeared in IT« 0 8.C., so that the average of discovery then was about one in twentv-four years. But from the binh of Christ to the inven tion of the telescope thev were seen much more frequently. In those 1,600 years the average was one comet for every four In the 270 years since the invention of the telescope, 290 comets have been seen, out only a few of them without aids to vision. Tycho Brahe, the Danish astronomer, who died in 1601, was the first to show that there were celestial bodies moving in regions iar beyond this earth's atmosphere And Isaac Newton first showed that tlioir apparently erratic paths were strictly governed by the laws ot gravi tation. A modem invention, the spec troscope, shows that thev consist in part of vaporized carbon. So that while a great deal remains to be learned about comets, yet er.ough is known to make them no more portentous objects than any planet. Even in quite recent times, however, the ignoran. have been deeply moved by them. Thus, Will'am Miller's predictions of the coming of Christ and the end of the world found no small support in the comet of 1843, which was visible to the naked eye at noon. Even more ludicrous was the belief of some that the first steam boat which ever sailed on the Ohio was the comet of 1811, which had fallen into the river. The extreme absurdity of this best appears from the almost incon ceivable tenuity of the substance of a comet. In comparison with it air is almost a solid. Tbus a comet maybe thousands or millions miles broad, aud yet faint stars may be seen shining through it. So that, even though they move a million miles an hour—some thing which it is hard to believe of so incoherent a maf-s—they would suffer more than this world in case of a colli sion. It is, indeed, believed that the world actually did pass through the tail of a comet on June 30, 1861, and then there was not even a smell < f smoke. And the col'iMon between Jupiter aud a comet in 1770 is known to have re> suited disastrously to the comet. It did, it is true, trv its best to pass the planet, but Jupiter's attraction was far too strong and the comet became caught among Jupiter's moons. Not one of those little bodies was disturbed in the slightest, but the comet, when it was released after some four month s con finement. was so changed in its orbit that it could scarcely be recognized by its most intimate friends. This liabil ity to disturbance makes computations about cometary orbits liable to errors. Otherwise they would arrive according to schedule time with far greater regu larity than any railroad train. Bror son's comet is expected in 1884 and Hallby's in 1911 .and many others might be named. Some of the figures about comets are among the most stupendous playthings of astronomers, those Brah mins among mathematicians. Thus, Donati's comet year is equal to 1950 of the earth's and its grey test distance from the sun is 500,000,000 miles. The corresponding figures for the comet of 1811 are 3,050 years and 40,000,000,000 miles. Another Good Boy. A Detroit grocer was the other day hungrily wailing for his clerk to return from dinner and give him a chance at his own noondav meal, when a boy came into the store with a basket in his hand and said : 'I seed a boy grab up this 'ore basket from the door and run, and I run after him and made him give it up.' 'My lad, you are an honest boy.' 'Yes. sir.' 'And you look like a good boy.' 'Yes, sir.' 'And good boys should be encourag eil. In a box in the back room there are eight dozen eggs. You may take them home to your mother and keep the bosket.' The grocer had been saving those eggs days and weeks lo reward some one. In rewarding a good boy he also yot eight dozen bad carried out of the neighborhood free of cost, and he chuckled a little chuck as he walked homeward. The afternoon waned, night came and went, and one; more the grocer went to his dinner. When he returned he wa? picking his teeth and wearing a complacent smile. His eye caught a basket of eight d< zen as he enter ed t'ic store, and he queried : 'Been buying some eg„'s ?' 'Yes; got hold of those from a far mer's boy,' replied the clerk. 'A lame boy with a blue cap on 5" 'Yes.' 'Two front teeth out ?' ' Yes.* The grocer sat down and examined the egy;s. The shells had been washed clean, but they were the same eggs that good boy bad lugged home the day before.— Detroit Free I'resx. A young mnn in New York is becom ing independently rich by breaking off marriage engagements objectionable to his father at SIOO a time. Lately a gentleman sat down to write a deed, and began with 'Know one woman by these presents.' 'You are wr ng.' nrd a bystander, 'it oi ght lo be. know all men.' Very well," t.ns wered the other,' if one womau know® it, all men will of course.' MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. ! OF LYNN, MASS. DISCOVERER OP LYDIA E. PINGCHAM'S VTSZTAELI! COMPOUND. The Positive Cure For all Female Complaint 3. This ai i'l r ine (H7rin ». rcnM-ts ot V' -ct--!.lo'l*roiw lis l!u.t o--e 1-arcJ. Jtot'a 1. del icate invalid. Vroao:.otri Jth" Kicritrs of th::i Com P anil »;.l be reccyaii • t, oireiicT i£ iamie'tlaio ; a:.J v'acn ltaiuaisconti=v. -d, ta ninety-nine ca*.M ia a taa crt\i, a;v rinr-ni-: i cure is eirecte'i.r ath'' T. ii tc» tify. On account of its proven marita, it t: txlayre (■'.•'Jicd aud pretcri'jed by tho be physteiaiia in the country. It will euro er.t:relr I'd *orst form cf fulllra of tbc ut:ru3, I-:accrrh<. a, Irrcffiikr end p._araJ ITenstrnatlon,ailOvaritsTronblia, li:f_-unmat:oa er.d Ulcara'.ion, Floodicga, nil and the co.i- Bcijucat a;>iiu.l wca-ne. 3. tn.l ia axkpir-i to tieChcnseL'few li willdiswlvo and cijwi tumors from t'-e utcrasln aa c-:!y tta~o of d -Telopmoat. T'.c tendency to caaceroaal.uaiorjtiiere iJ cLecied rcrj speedily by Ju t:so. in £act it hns proroil to bo the Rrcr.fc. est ami best remedy t!xs.t has ever been discover ed. It permeates every portion of tLo Fy=lc:z, cul fc-ves new life and vijor. I: removes faincncvXatulcncy, c> | stroys c-IleraTins for Ftiniulanta, an i relieves of tae stomach It cures Eloatlnu, Ilccdaches, Nervous rro<rat or., General DcbiLty, Glccplccfucsd, Depression &:-'l lutli f action. Tlmt fccllns of bearing Cov. Ntn t caiisir z weight and backache, ia alw ays permanently Ctred 1 7 Ita ua<\ It will j.l all times, and under rll clrcnmiian ccs, act in harmony with tho law that c >rcrns the female system. For Kidney CcmplainU of eitiier sex this com -jouad is unsnrpa£3ed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compour.! Is prepared at J33 and SM Western Avcaur, Lynn, Price CI.OO. B.'* bottles for J-kCO. ben; Lyla i e form of pills, alio In tho form cf on re c « of price, C!- f A per bo-, for either. Uri PIT": 1. "! freely answers all 1 of inquiry. Send for paiu pklct. AJdrO£3 as obove Mixtion t'.-.Li pcpcr. y.o fami'.y should be without LYDIA II I'll HIT ATT' LIVZH PH-LS. They euro l s, ! and Torpidity of the Liver. c^atsDor Lox GEO. A. KELLY & CO. Goneial Agetts, Pittsburgh Pa. Sold by D. H. Wuller, - Butler Ta. ■ The Ipurvnt aud bkst 3ie« ever Made* ■ 9 Acc«nibination of Hops* Buchu, Wan- I H draVclo aud Dandelion, best and » I mojt cmurativii preycrtiea of ail other ■ 9 raazfc«\thesrcat€btß!ocd Purifier, Liver ■ M Ro"* u |\ator, liektoiing H 1 cx; I M Bitters are R H areda*" 8 ! -*-a B "iltu W-W9 eUpylojx cntacaaao irrcrulai i g 1 qairean AppeU*crV T ,a!c , H ll.>pDitterjarcVVi»JlOUt into* - ■ icatins* Nonu-ttcr what your or fymptr>ms |l arc w!ua the disease or oilW ll ® ll6 ÜBC 0 tcra pon't wa;t until you s^c ' c but if you Q only feel bad o/ ni:sc;alilc.l Bsct l * n ouce» H it ;aay savj lualf »tr d hundreds. ■ jSOO^bepaidforaca* B ® they vrV.] rot 8 euro or help. I) J not suffer yocr friends ■ »uHer,but ujeand unro them^k 1 10 1160 WOP O B IKemomtxjr. flop li.ttors is noVj :Ic » ■ drun-c a n tram, but the l*u " J test ■ Medic: no ever made, the 4 ITtUasn and HCFJ'* and no person or MIII.II 1.1 bo vrit.i jat thc-m. y ■ '4 , ..... D I c.i' * n aVol ltf and irre;;-t: >ls ca ' V fflMfiidß faibrutiiieniu-«,i!s«of opiu:n. tobacco narcotics. All aoli by onigcists. Kend > £ JIB for Circular. B.p Bltttn afg. Cj., £ tjagMH a HlaaflP Coughs, Coldi, Sure Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption t All Diseases Of THROAT ano LUNGS. Put «i) in Quart-size Bottles for Family Use. Scientifically prepared of Balsam Tolu. Crystal lized Kock f a'mlv. Did live, and other tonics. The Formula is known to our best physicians. Is high ly recommended by them, and the analysis of our tiiost prominent chemist, l'rof. (!. A. MAltlNKl!, in Chicago, is on the label of every bottle. It is well known to the medical profession that TOLU KOCK and RYE wilt afford the greatest relief for Coughs. Colds, Influenza, llronchitis. Sore Throat, Weak Lungs, aiso Consumption, in the incipient and advanced stages. L'sed as a BEVEKAGE and AITKTIZEB. it makes a delightful tonic for family use. Is pleasant to take ; if weak or del.ilitated, it gives tone, activity and strength to the whole human frame. K DON'T NN DKCIIVED I / ' '1 ' * » •hy unprliiciplled deal- \ ers who trv to palin c-fl upon you Hock & Rye | in place of our TOLU HOI K AND RVE, which I is the only medicaied article made, the genu- / Ine having a government stamp on each bottle LAWRENCE & .MARTIN, Proprietors, 111 Madt ison Street, Chicago. IST" Ask your Druggist for it ! Ask your (iroccr for it! Ask vour Wine Merchant for it! iftf Children, ask your Mamma for it! ar- Sold In* DRUGGISTS, GROCERS and WINE MERCHANTS everywhere, and by LAWRENCE .* MARTIN, No. « Barclay St.. New York. WiLL IT CURE MO? Said a man, whose woebegone counten ance and broken-down constitution plain ly showed traces of disease—a sufferer with Nervous Dyspepsir, in whose stomach the most delicate morsel lay like lead. Re freshing sleep and quiet nerves were stran gers to him, and he despaired of ever being well. We advised liim to take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR, which he did, and in a short time was not only relieved lint cured. Reader, if you are suffering with Dyspep sia or Liver Disease ni any form, do not wait until the disease has taken a fast hold upon you, but use the Regula or when the svmptoms lirsl show themselves. SIM MONS LIVER REGULATOR is not an al coholic stimulant, but a PURELY VEGE TABLE REMEDY that will cure when fails, li is a faultless fam ily medicine. Does not disarrange the svstem. Is no violent drastic purge, but natuie's own remedy. The friend <.f eve ryone, and will not disappoint you. A single trial will convince you that it is the cheapest, purest and liest Family Medicine in the world. ASK the recovered dyspeptics, billions mitlerers. victims of fever ami ague, the mercurial diseased patient how tlfeey re covered their health, cheerful spirits and good appeilte they will tell you by l;iking Simmons Liver Regulator. ASK YOUR DBJGGIST FOR Liver Regulator! Original and genuine prepared only by J. 11. ZEILIX A CO., IMiila. Apr l'S-ly Butler Female College. FIRST WARD SPRINGDALE. Winter Term will open X< veinber 2Mb, IKSO, closing March Ith, 18S1. TKKMS OF Tt ITION. Primary Department, s<>. Normal ami Clas sical, SB. Miuic, $lO. Boarding in College very low. Rooms lor self boarding can be had free of charge. '1 he course of study in this institution is ex tensive ami thorough, embracing nil the valua ble studies taught in any Female College. ADVANTAGES: Ist. Cost is very low. 2nd. The building is well situated and well arranged. 3rd. Easy of access, good plank and board walks. •Ith. The manners and morals of the stu dents are carefully cared for. M A MRS. A. T. DOUTHBTT, Principal. I' i .it It 1- " It MO It, Justice of the Peace, Muia street, ot.po ite IVstofflce, jlylG ZELIENOPLK, PA. (kt,* jUttUer A. Haffner, SUCESS OR TO H BAUER IBROS. I A., FLAKING MI L AND Lmiil>ei- Yard, MANUI"ACrtTRKII AND I>E\L! K IN Rough and Lumber OF EVERY DI>XTIPXICN. DOOKS, SASH, Fit AM ICS, MOULDINGS, SIDING, FLOORING, BATTENS, B; ckeis, U&j! o Gomce Bosrd, PORCH POSTS, STAIR KAILS, NEWELL POSTS & I'.A LUSTERS, FENCE PALINGS, Ac. Ac. M LIG' IS hi IKGLfcSj Barn lb suds. Plastering Lath, Ilein- j 1.. k Hill Stuff, ot all kinds, constantly on band. All o which I will sell on reasonable terms and guarantee satisfaction. Planing Mill and Lumber Yard on j Jefferson street, But If*, Pa. 1 dec 1 y A. 11 FINER ' e VGhK Mil HERALD, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Tl !■ >• 1! I! ' I lid- I"'- ul.ll* III* sp»! Ct I-I it(i> inertl cori'iiins ii: the «'■ ing neiv« of tl) Daily Herald ut:d is arranged in hai dy depart iu« lit*, 'i li>' l'oi clui' \cws cm' row sj rchil di-pat-las fti-ni all quarters o! the globe. Under the Lend of Anurlean TSews are given the Telegraphic Dispatches of the wci k fiom -ill pails of the Union, l'liis feature only makes The Weekly Herald the most valuable chronicle in the world, .".s it is the i ten I ifrt. Evi ry ivei kis given a fai: Lful rep*>rt of POLITICAL NEWS embracing complete and comprehensive des patches from WASHINGTON, Including full re port* of ill' speeches of cmluent politicians oil the questions of the hour THE FARM DEPARTMENT of the WKEKLT JTEI'AI.d gives the Pitest as well no the most pr.icliial suggestions and dls coveries relating to the duties of llie farmer, hints for raistnif Cattle, Poultry, Grains Trees. Vegetables, &c, <fee., wi'h snffsrestlons for keepintr buildinirs and farmine nleiisi's in re p.iir Tlii." is snpplemcntcd by a wi 11-edited depaitment, widely copied, nrdir the head of THE HOME, L'ivinjr rciifi's for ]imctica! dishe ß , hints for inukine elothinir and for keeping* up with the latest fashions al the lowest price. Every item ot cooking or «conomy eujrirested in this de partment is practically tested by experts I efore publication Letters from our Paris and Lon don correspondent on Ihe very lalisl fashion The Horn Department of the" WEFRLT lleh ai.u will save the housewife inore than one hundred timis the price of the paper. Tie interests o! SKILLED LABOR are looked after, and e'erytbinar relating to mechanics and labor saving is < areftllly recorded There is a j»aire devoted to all the latest phases of the business markets, Crops, Merchandise. &c, <tc. A valuable feature is found in the specially reported pilccs and conditions ot THE PRODUCE MARKET. Sporti 'ir news at home and abroad, together with a Sloiy evry wcik, a fcitnon by some eminent divine. Literary, Musical, Dramatic, Personal and Pea Notes Theie is no paper in the world which contains to much i . ws mai ler every week as the WKEKI.t HEKAI.D. which is fcnl, postage free, for One Dollar You can subscribe at any time. NEW YCRK WEEKLY HERALD in a weekly form, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Address, NEW YOKK HFKALD Broadway end Ann Street Sew Ytnk. F E~IB S I O IU S Procured for all soldiers discbled in the U. 8. service from any cause, also for heirs of decern ed P oldiers. The disnliilitv entitles to pensions. PENSIONS INCREASED. Bounty and new di'charpes ptocured. Tl.ose in doubt as to whether ei.titled to anything, should send two S-cent stamps for our "circular of informa tion." Address, witli s'amps. BTODDART A* Co.. Solicitors of Claims and Patents, Itoom 8. St. Cloud Building. Washington, I>. C. (15dec3m ORPHANS' COURT SALE!! Pursuant to nil order ol the Orphans Court of Butler County, ther will be exposed to pill lie sole on the premls's, in Worth township, But ler Cot nty. Pa., on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17th, IWI, al one o'clock, L' M, the following de scribed leal estate, 'ate of George Vogan, dee'd, to wit: All that certain piece or tract of land t-iluate in Worth township, Butler County, Pa , bounded on t> c noilh by lands ot Edward fut I it) and Henry Sutiill. On the east hy lands ol heir- ol John Vogan. Ou the south by lands ol John l ink and public road, aud on the west by lauds ol F. Albin ct al., containing TWENTY-ONE ACRES AND EIGHTY PERCHES, more or less. About ten n< res cleared, log house tin reon crec ct?. good orchard of bearing liuit trees This piece of land is about two r lies from West Liberty, and is convenient to churches, Is and stoics. TERMS — Onc-thiid on confirmation ol sale, the rcimiindei in twoequa; instalments, with interest from date of KI'C --aid installinents to be secured by bond and mortgnge. ADAM I'l.-OR, Adm'r Postoflice —J.ieksvllte lauler t'o.. Pi. LAND »1 i SALK. FOR SALE. A handi-onie -ix-room fiaiue house, located n Itlutl street, norihwestern | art of Butler. Lot s(l*l7ti. All ncrei-ary out Luildings, TERV.S—Oee-'hiril cash and balance in font equal annual payments. Inquire at this otlice. jinHtl For Sr^ale. The we.ll-iinproved fa' in of Ile.v. \Y II Hutch the northeast corner of Middlesex town ship, Butler comity. Pa . is now • £fere<l for sale, low Inquire of W K FRISBEE, on the prem ies. apifttf FOR SALE. will buy a one-half inlere.-t in a nood bus inctS in Pittsburgh. One who knows soiue ■hing ab tit farming preferied. An honest man ailli the above amount will do well to address hy litter. SMITH JOHNS, care S. M. James, ;t" Liberty str< et, Pittsburgh, Pa. |au27-ly NOTICE. Those of our reH(iti*s desiring steady and pro fitable employment, or valuable reading matter cheap fur 18M- should send lo cents to the FRANK LESLIE PI BLISIIING CO., 15 Dey St., New York, for a complete set of their pub lications and Illustrated Catalugue, containing list ol premiums, <kc., or s'l.jOfor a complete agent's outfit of 12 beautiful Chromos ami our Premium Book of Valuable Information, con taining over -TOO pages, with sample copies of all our publications, &e. See advertisement in another column An active agent wanted in every town — twenty to thirty dollars can be made weekly. Their Illustrated Publications witli their new Premiums, take at sight. Do not delay if you wish to secure your territory. Address Frank Leslie Publishing Co., 15 Dey St., New York. JAMES J. CAMPBELL, «"a» i> am fl «*«»■-«» ■» w-*-- Oflice in Fairview borough, in Telegraph Office. aulC] BALDWI* P. 0., l utler Co., P». Port Grape Wine l'sed in the principal Cturches for Communion ; purposes. | £tccllrut For and Weakly | Ptraoim mil the igid. gwSMSM ' h j. .... . '" V " '** -U T <-. ' "r s rEirs tort wine! I-OI R YEARS OLD. Tli- CeV!.r-*i-*d Native Wt i" is made from the i..i e •>{ i!ieO!iortoGrai.-e,iai.seu in inis country. Its ivaiiuWe To.. ■ • S:•. * >.* hints Toperties are tin- •i.-pav-«t bv an 1 * other Native Wine. Being the pure Mii:*e ot {he Grape, produced under Mr. SiH-cr's ov. n •): r.»oi:ai supervision, lis purely and geniuiieness guaranteed. Hie ytJitngest child may partake of its generous qualities, and the weakest invalid use it to advantage. It is particu larity beneficial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various rj'.iuents that affect the weaker sex. It is in every respect A WINE TO BE [RELIED <>N. - JP. >X TrT <~*j EL "2" , ' The p.SfIFRRY is a wine of Superior Char acter. and partakes ot the golden qualities of the | g;; t r>e lioia winch ii is made. I'or p.uit k. Riciine.>s. Flavor ant> Mechanical Properties, Ii wul be touud tme .eel:en. •«i»»i: i :it' •* I 3 cr. BR/ A. D Y This BRANDY stands unrivaled in this Country, being jar sooerior lor inei'.icin; par]> IT IS A PURE distilation fiom the gra|»e and contains valua! .e medieinial properties. It lias a delicate flavor, similar to that of the grapes from which it is distilled, and is in great favor among first-class families. See that the signature of ALFRED SPEER, Pas saic, N. is over the cork of each bottle. Knld by I). 11. WIILLKK. apr2B-tyr Taxes! Taxes! All taxes due in the various Boroughs and Townships of Butler county. Pa., for the vear 18«0 and for all previous years vet outstanding, nnift be paid to the respective Coilc-ctors and by theui paid into the County I'reasury on or be fore tho 25th day of December. 1830. Bv OKT EB OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. "About tbc handsome*! ciglit-page i aper in the country."— l'hiladalphia Tim»t. THE PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY PRESS! Independent, Enterprising Trust worthy. Having greatly sirengtnened its st >fT and general equipment, this favorite fami y journal will enier upon the year 1881 prepared for the occvpalioti ol a wid *i' field than ever before. lu all that many contribute to t!:e edification or or the entertaininent ot the best class of read ers. it is ever foremost. POINTS ABOUT THE PRESS: EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT —The pens of the best writers are engaged in fearless discussion oi all topics of living interest —political, social, and general. THE NEWS OF THE WEEK, covered not only by associated press dispatci cs, bu' special cor respondent from every point ol interest, foreign or domestic. POLITICAL PDASES,— Picsented in the most attractive and trusiwoithy tonn by the mom brilliant letter writers ot the i ay, including staH correspondents of national reputation. 'IIIE FOREIGN FIELD —Full and accurate cable dispatches fiom special agents of the PKESS in every European capital. AN AGRICULTURAL I'AOE. —Not a re-ha.-h fr.-ni ihe ntiiicultuial weeklies, but fresh and seasonable difcussion, under the supervlson ol praciical men oi acknowledged aulboriiy. HOME AMI SOCIETY. —A department Invalua ble to women lor fu'thful fashion reporla nnd hints to housekeepers. THE I>E-T MOTIES of the (i.iy, fn in advance sheets, by arraugetnenl with English publinb ers. POETHT, TALES OF TKAVEL nnd adventure, cri'icistiiS ol art. literature aud the drama ; wit nnd humor, gtitnes and pu/xbs, personal intel ligence, and gle.mlius from every part of the fields oi' fact aud fiction. Clinging to all that is good i> its record, the WELKLY I'LIE.-s means to ke p pace with the march oi ideas and events, and has an opinion on every subject touching the welfare of the people. It is ag'Tec-ive for the right, but ever couiteius; enterprising, but not sensational th. re is nothing in its pages that would make it unwelcome in :iny family circle. Terms : #1.25 >« Year • 91.00 lo C I lib* ol Tt-n or More. A SPLENDID PREMIUM! fur I'ltEss has made a peculiarly favorable coniiact by which It is enabled io offer, in place ol the club otlers, a splendid premium, consisting of the Lil rary < 1 Universal Know! edge, a verbatim reprint of llie London edilion of Chambers' Enryclopa'din, complete in fli teen volumes, ot more ihni. TOO pages each ; or Shakspearc's complete w- rks, in three vol umcs, an accurate rcpiiut of the lanmus Globe Editicn, wilh a copious g'ossary. These pre miums are oficred to friends seudiug clubs, u« follows; For club of 10 copies, one copy free. For club ot ~0 copies. Sliakspear's Works. For club ot UO copies and 00 additional, the Library of Universal Knowledge. For cluli of 30 copies an Si.OC additional, the Libiary ot Universal Knowledge. For cluli ol 50 copies, the Library of Univer sal Know'edge. For club of 10') copies, the DAU.Y PRB-S for one year aud Library ol Universal Knowledge. FORM A CLUB AT ONCE ! There is no chance for a simple copy. Send a postal e ird. and get one by return mail Address; THE PKESS, Philadel| hia •'The Philadelphia Press grows CO' stantly fresher and (•trniißer." —A'. 1". Tribune. The oldest and the best appointed Institution for obtaining a I'.UMIICSS Education. For circulars address, P. DCFK & SONS. Pittsburgh. Pa. Unicn Wcolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill. Putler, Ta.. where I linve new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Oray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them as being very dura ble. at- they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will be sold at very low prices. For samples and prices, address. H. FULLERTON, Jnm.'7S-Iv"> Rnller. P» Notice Extraordinary. Persons deniring to have their Old Furniture repair- d or New Work made to order, s-icli as Music Stands. Pool; Cases. Wardrobes, Office Decks Office Tables, Ac..woulddo well to call on A. H. WILSON, Practical Cabinet Maker. 1 hold tint a piece of furniture made by hand worth two rondo by machinery, and will cost out little more, if any. Then why not have hand made ? All work made in tho latest styles and of the best material. I guarantee entire sat isfaction in stvle, workmanship and price. Give me a call. Shop on Mifflin street, four doors west of Main street, a id opposite A. Troutman's Store. Bntler P*. sepl7-ly 1.. n. 4 OCIfeKAW, Limy, Sale, Feed and Exchange SIZABLE, Rear of Lowry House, • • BUTLER, PA. june4-ly A NEW DKPARrtKI $1 BOTTL* PATENT MEDICINES FOR 38 C«>*TB ! JADWIN'S TONIC LAXATIVE Is Appetizing. Palatable and Noo-AlcoUollc, AND AL«IMYS CURES Dyspe| sii, *"iek I! :i 'aehe Con?ti{.ation, Bil- IniiMii -r, s-.m s. ■■.ii.irjt. Liv-r Complaint, U..1,i ni AppeiiN. I t«ii.crii-.ii, Jiuudlce, Ki.l my Cohtpiain!, N. i vo.tsness. Dizziness, Sleep lcs«! ess, lleailbuni, c'.die, Debility, Foul Hrmt.'i, Worn Piles, Fevci*, Colds, <ste. THE TONIC LAXAnva rrifulste» the bowels and slrenethens the system, gives a clear bead, pure blood ar.d elastic spirits. Is purely vege table, contains no mercury nor aloes. Sat<* at all times. Pleasant to the taste, and a substi tute lor Pills, Castor Oil, Ac Besllamiiy med ict m known. Adapted lo strong men. dell.ale aid feeble inians. In liqui: for'r. hold t>* dni'.gists Price onii 38 cuts Mr a large t«»ttlc IIENKY B JAUWIN. Ar-t*" c:ii v ai:d < heiuist. Sole Proprietor, CarlnniJal-, Pa." D. 11. WULLER, Dru.i-i, Sole Agent tot Butler, Pa. jan'iß-lv 1831 THEHJILTIVArOK 18Sl CUUMTHV I[KMLK\IAN THE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLI S. A Premium Annual lit Every Reader The Country Gentleman Is Cnsurpassed, If not I'uc.'jUaiied, f«>r the amount and variety of the practical information it conftrms, and for the abil ity and evleiit ot itsCorrespoadeace —in three chief directions of Kami Cro;.s and Processes, ilort.culture and Fruit -Growing. Live Sun k and D.iirying wliile 1: :Cso incU.d:-s all minor departments of ru ral mtcn'st. auch as the Poultry Yard, Entomology Bee-)Ce; j-.ii.g. tin in house aud (Jrapery, Veterina ry llc.iiiet. l arm (J'.ientions aud Answers, fireside ! Heading, Dom.'stic Economy, and a summary of th" News of the H'eek. Its Market Reports are uum tily cotnplele, and more information can be gathered from its columns than from any other source wilh regard to the prospects of the crop<. as throwing light upon one of the imjKirtant of all questions—\Viien to Buy and When to Sell. It is libera ly illustrated, aud constitutes to a great er degree than any of its contemporaries A LIVE AGRICULTURAL NEWSPAPER of never-falling interest both to pradaoers aud consumers of every class. The Country Gentleman is published weekly ou the following terms, when paidstrictly in advance : One copy, one year. f.'.W); Four copies, Sio, :uid ;ui additional copy for the year free to the sender of the club ; Ten copies, and an additional copy for the vear free to the sender ol the club. For tile vear tsxt, those prices include a copy of the ANNUAL RKOISTKK OK RURAL AFFAIRS, to each subscriber a book of 144 pages and about 130 engravings—a gift bv the Publishers. All New Subscribers for 188!, paying in ad vance now, will receive the paper weekly.from re ceipt of remittance to January Ist, I8»i, without charge. SPECIMEN COPIES OF THK PAPRR Fkkr Address LUTHER TI CKER & SON. Publishers, ALBANY, N. Y. IMPROVi T I OUR. GUENTHER'S LUNG HEALER CURES CONSUMPTION, of Blood, nrtmcbltis, Aathma, Coughs, t- ! a 1 diaeases of the I'ulmouary Orgaas. I'rice 53 Cents and One I)o!lor. GUENTHER & CO. Proprietors. 39 Fifth Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. 4«k Your Druggist for if. NOTICE. THE BEST OFFER YtT MADE! FOUR OF FRANK LESLIE'S PCBLICA TIONS, ONE YE.\R FOR ONLY S2.M. The Frank Publishing Co., I" Dey St..New York, wiM send Frank Leslie's FAMILY FRIKNP a 16 page illustrated paper, for only #1 per year. FRANK LESLIE'S YOI nc; FOLKS devoted to tie interests of young iieople, and containing much t<i Interest those of a more mature age. 'rills paocr contains it; pages of illustrations and valuaob reading matter. Just the paper for young children Price, per vear m» cents. Fit Av K LKSLIK'S NATIONAI. Ar.HICDLTVttISI AND WORKINC. FARMER, a tt> page illustrated iiaper. for only fl .<*> per year. FRANK LKSLIK'S PI LPIT OF TIIR DAV, a if. page illustrated paper. Just the p i|>er for Sunday reading. Price onlv 75 cents per year. Or all four of the above publications for 82.5< per vear. Any person desiring to net as our agent, on send ing us, will receive post paid, s ininle copies or the above publications, together wltn a com plete agents outfit of 12 beautiful premium chro mos, also a copy of our Hook of Valuable Informa tion, or over . r >oo pages, containing an Illustrated Dictionary of every useful word to be found in the English Language. Medical and Household re ceipts. Legal advice and forms, articles on eti quette and letter writing, advice to merchants, clerks, mechanic and farmers. Samoles of all of our Publications and Illustra ted l i'talo*:ue (without premiums,) for 15 cents. Ml desiring steadv and profitable employment should send at once before their territory is taken. Address, FRANK LESLIE PUBLISHING CO.. 15 Dey street. New York. THE SUN FOR 1881. Everybody rends Tint Sew. In the editions of this newspaper througl.o *. the year to come everybody will flrd : I. All the world's new*, 80 presented thai the reader will get the greatest amo int ot informa tion with the least unprovable expenditure o' time nnd eyesight. Tug SUN long ago dlscov ered the golden mean between redundaui fulness and nnsati■'factory brevity. 11. Much <>l that fori of news wl.ich depends less upon its recognized importance th m upon its intere-t lo mankind. From morning to morning THB SUN prints a continued story ol the lives ot real men slid w.mien, and of their deeds, plans, loves, hires and troubles. This story is more varied and more interesting than any roin inee that was ever devised. ill. Good wrillng in every column, and freshness, originality, accuracy, and decorum In the treatment of every subject. IV. Hones' tommen' TIIB SUN'S habit is to speak out fearlessly about men aud things V. Equal candor in dealing with each politic al party, and equal tcndliiuss to commend what is pralHcworthy or lo rebuke what is blamablt* in Democrat or Republican. VI. Absolute independence of partisan or gauizallons. but unwavering loyalty to true Democratic principles. THE BUN believes that the Government which the Constitution gives us li a good one to keep. Its notion of duly is to resist to its utmost power the cflorts of inca in the Republican parly to set up another form ot government In place of that which exists. Th" year 1881 and the year immediately follow ing will probably decide this supremely im portant contest. TUB SON believes that the victory will lie wilh the people as azalnst the Rings for monopoly, Ihe Rings lor pluuder.and the Rings or im|>eri»l power. Our terms are as follows : For the Daily SUN, a four-page sheet of twen ty-eight columns, the price by mall, uo»t paid, Is 55 cents a month, or fd 50 a year ; o', includ ing the Sunday paper, an eight-page sheet ot fifty-six < olumus, the price is tSS cents a month, or $7.70 a yoar, postage paid. The Sunday edition ol TUB SUN IS also fur. nlshed separately at 91.120 a year, postage paid. The price of the WEEKLY SUN, eight pug s, fifty-six columns, is 91.00 a year, postage paid. For ctubs of ten pending 910.00 we will send an extra copy free. Address I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher ol THE SUN, New York City. Dec. 8, '6O, ls-t "teeth. KOIJ *. r >, SB, *lO, *l2. sls or $25, I will inake von a full wet of beautiful natural looking teeth, warrant them 10 vears. Teeth extracted and Laughing (ins or Ettierglven w it limit extra charge. I will ask fur no money until the patient is fully satisfied with their new teeth. I also fill teeth at very low rates. I)N. A. 11. LEWIS, Dentist. nm:t-:<m No. 2f>7. Pcnn ave. Pittsburgh. Pa. Ntruy Police, Otme to the residence of sub- iff*. ■ ■ m scriber living in Oieartl»ld 'town sbip, Butler county, Pa . on or about the Ist of Oct. iast, yearling steer, red, with a whit star in the fice. aud i white streak along its back: no other marks. The owuer is requested to come forward, prove property, pav charges and take it away or it will be disposed of accord ing to law. (Bdec4t) ABRAHAM FKNNELL. Rheumatic Cure, 3DO3STIT FLL'S RHEUMATIC COMPOUND has cured rhenm«tism after the treatment of fourteen doctors had failed, and after he had used crutches for sixteen years. It was discovered by K Donnell, in the treat ment of himself- Bold by I>. 11. WULLER. nov24:Bm BUTLER, PA. noRY G. 1141.*:, rim MmcHiNT lines, COR. PENN AND SIXTH BTREETB, Pittsburgh, Pa m MAM CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS THE GREAT CONNECTING LINK BET WEEN THE EAST * THE WEST! Ila main Une run* from Chicago to Council ! Bluff*. passing through Jollet, Ottawa, La telle, UeneeeoTliollne. Rock Island. Davenport. Weet Liberty, iowa Clty.Marango. Brooklyn, Urian*ll, IV. Molne* (the capital of Iowa). Stuart, Atlan lic. ana Avoca; with branch** from Bureau Junction to Peoria: WUton Junction to Musca tine Washington. Fairfield, KJdon, Belknap, Ontrevllle, Princeton. Trenton. Osllatln. I ut ron. l,eav en worth. Atchison, and Kansa* City; Washington to MnuMf, Oufcaloo**. and Knox- Vine; Keokuk to Farmlngton, Bonaparto, B*n tonsport, Independent, BTdon. OtWinwa Bddy- Tllle.Oskalooea, Pella, Monroe. and De* Moines; Newton to Monroe; DM MOIIM* to Indlanola and Win tercet: Atlantic to Lewis and Audubon; and Avoea to ilarlan. This 1* positively th* only Railroad, which owns, and operate; a through line from Chicago Into th® 9tateof Kansas. Through Express Passenger Trains, with Pull man Palace Car* attached, ar* run *a«nway dally between CHICAGO and PCOBIA. Crrr. COCKCIL Burrs. LXAVEXWORTH and ATCHI lox Throuah cars areal*o run between Milwau kee and Kansas City, via the "Mllwauk** and Rock Island Short Line." Tbo "(Jrest Rook Island" is magnificently equipped, lu road bed I* limply perfect, and 1U track Is laid with steel rail*. What will plea** you mo*t will b* the pleasure of enjoying your meals whll* passing over the beautiful prairie* of Illlnol* and lowa, m on* of our magnificent Dining Car* that accompany all Through Express Traina. You get an entire meal, as good as 1* served In any flrsl-class hotel, for seventy-five cent*. . Appreciating the fact that a majority of th* people prefer separate apartments for different purposes (and the Immense passenger business of this line warranting It), we are pleased to an nounce that this Company ran* Pullina* r«u«« Sktpioi Can 'or *J*epUig purposes, and haiac* Ticket; Tl« Ihl. Lue, k"«w» mi the "»«•» Koek Island Ka.te," -re .old b» All Tii-kat Avent* la the V ntted BtslM uid ( unadit. FVr laftnMUM Ml obtainable at yoar have Ueket oSee, uMrta, a KIMBALIj. 4£. ST. JOHN. Gea'l Sooerintenilent. Gen'l Tat. and Pass'tr Airt.. Cnlcujto. 11l WHY DOES ••.".ar.'s l.enl'h often break down at an early age? Put a man at the wi ;h-tub. ! . from the hot su-Ls until every pore is opened: then let •him stand o <er the i.iw j , . .;cio inn a boaMlng and boiling clothca, that ar« full of sweat and exhaUuoiH lr.«n . ..jJ L'.i health too would brvakJown before long; and yet this most lerriLk ordeal A WOMAN - r"> thro-j'h with on wash-<'.ay; and, besides, with her clothing wet from porspir.r - v- hot work, slid Lmito rick her life l>y going out in the air to hang up the clonus. Kv-i ,«j n .( « work are in the unhealthy atmosphere; its smell, so apparent to visitois, tlx ■r - (but it pß'ls it* way through the house,—the family, however, orten becoming ; coed to Cse odor from lu own wash as not to notice it. These facts riyhiv «•:••- ■; n v.;iv to loiiiy women buffer with colds, rheumatism, weak nerves, or neural l:. 1 LOOK OLD vet youn* in years, and physicians and boards of health cannot draw t.-o t Jtiky to the injurious effects of the usual way of washing, with its necessary. steam and - ItMiusr or boiling to pet the clothes pure and sweet-swelling, especially as it is without uou t f:i tiic direct cause of those dreadful diseases, diphtheria, consumption, and typhoid l '-\' r '« ;xMinate'y this trouble can he nyoldtxt; scalding, boiling, steam and ail *1 fro-.n the wash completely done away with; clotlies made sweet and beautifully \Wiito; . i'.r. *ucing in fud the wmh done at less cost than even when heme made soap is umt, and very much SOONER THAN •\ rl 1 way, by FRANK SII>DAIAS SOAP,—a Soap fo purifying an.l . .1 iiit> i lift test clothing can be washed in lukewarm water with very little rubbing, ard ;V bedding and utensils used bv the sick disinfected and cleansed without either . r boiling, while the work is so light that a girl twelve or thirteen years of age <«: i do a it wash without being ti ed; and yet so mild and healing is this boap that for tndct and .Vini; ii has no equal, and physicians advise its use in preference lo Imported Castile Soap en -'.iv U end sores, nud to wash the youngest infants, as well a* for persons with delicate ►kin. N w w tint there Is a remedy for this, to ccQnQiaioul ihai t/iepoorat can ux it, there is m. t a woi-ua or A MAN i !« rot directly interested In having used in their homes. In aplte of prejndjco, TH AT V/n:;i>i£itKUL WAY OF WASHING CLOTHES, which does away with the hard work, oftens.vo tmc'l and fearful steam cn wash-days, makes the white pieces whiter, colored pieces brighter end flannels seller than they can be made by washing the old way. leaves the hands smooth enough lo '.a fine tewing and every article at clean, at iweet and as pure as it never worn. « >te£ltimonials-; » wYnrq n. E. EoWIJCS, M. D.. nammontoo, N. J., K'lUor ' u'A J*-rity Jlt-publican. s!r mention w is ca!1«<l to FRANK KIDDALXJ3 HO .VP frum an advertisement iu my own paper, end i> mein iny huunei'or nearly a year, according ;.J the directions, has proved tbat Ita remarkable r r iiicrtici have not been overstated. For remov ':■ K Pr n'.i"* Ink it la Invaluable, while for toilet i.ii uiiuviii* it is the best Soap I have ever seen. ;:.m M hi. U. U Kin VON, Nortbfleld, Vt. r.'omy wail, with FRANK SIDDALU3SOAPID :r the time and with no cxpens® fbr Soap, cu th» . !:,s in/urx more thimpaytfar U, I have no steum • from the wblla the auvlnit in •allu, clothe* and labor can hardly be estimated. -om F. W. STANTON, 1306 N. 30th St., rhUada. V.'e are continent, from a long experience fc» ■ £ nid recommending FRANK HIDDALIiJ ■. > \r. that one trial, according to the very eay ,ni dl'eetions, will overcome all pnsludice*. it :i really haa wonderful merit for (having, toll*. j following are the Direction! for Vm, m simple that a child ean understand them. •I.r,t do anythiag so ridiculous aa to buy the Soap ualeaa you intend following thenx. t'to fWMitirriy forfeited if U ittfurtt iMo ctotUeo, or will not do everything t-UimcJ. put the white clothe* In a tub of water, only made worm enough to be comfortable hands. >Chen Uike one piece out at a time on the wnsh-board, nib the Soap lightly roll it ap and put it back into the same tub, and bo on with each piece until nil • 'se Soap rubbed on them. Then go away and let them soak at lea*t t*c:ity minutes', >ut touching them, when the dirt will all be loosened, and a very little rubbing on j.;h-board, out of that one suds, will make them perfectly clean, being particular to • »;«ch piece while washing so aa to get at the seams. Then wiush lightly on the wa. a *, through a lukewarm rinse-water (without any Soap,) so aa to get tilt dirty suds on* out through blue-water, and on the line, without tcalding or boiling a sii'vle pi--- .•ward put flannels and colored pieces to soak, and wash them exact!) th -» w • . !i is important not to heat the wash-water in a tin, brass or copper kettle. A tke • ice' enough water for a large wash with this Soap. ' What You will Save by this Easy Way of Washing! "o Wash-boiler ! No Steam! No Smell Qf Suds through th? /.'r-.r. : ~ lii£ remarkable Property of keeping the Diih-Cloth, Wash-i.cj Sponge always Sweet, and of Washing Freely in Hard Water. —*-! SOX-D BY GROCEBS i-*- z Cafe and Try it for Yourself next Wcch-Dc}. .:te vrhers this Soap Is not yet Introduced a Trial Cato vrill be wr.'. »•.- Hail, on i feceipt of Price, (lO Ceuta), ic Money or £temp«. To^ t o7 ERS FRANK SIODALLS SO#. 'WI.I.OWHIU.. ST.. PHILADELPHIA r' STOVES, RANGES, Orate Tronts, Fend a, Ac. CREA, GRAHAM & CO. MANUFACTURERS, 291 Liberty Street. Pittsburgh. Pa sepl22-.ini INSURANCE:.' Incorporntcd 1819. /ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. A*ets *7.078,224.49. I.oni'n lii fil year?, #51,000,000. J. T. McJUNKIN A: .-ON, Agents, ianWlv Jrtlomon ptreet, butler, Pa. "butler coujsty Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. O. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. WM CAMPBELL, TREASURER H C. HEINEMAN, SKCRETART. DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, E. A. Helroboldt, j William Campbell, J. W. Hurkhait, A. Troutman, , Jacob Schoene, Q. O. Roesxing, John Caldwell, Dr. W. lrvlu, j W. W Dnddo, J. W. Christy ! H. C. Hetnemm. JAS. T. M'JUNKIN, Gen. Aij't- BUTLER PA. 6c i. OfiA per day at bone Bamplea w< rtb Portland. M»in» dwiS-lv |sjgT"ou bscribc for tbe OITIZEN. | iXttiia Oecs tot '«tUn|par»oj« oaly. On«oth«r ! irwilittttt* of oirruHt Cars la • BMOKINtt 8 A LOON where you can enjoy your " Hirrn" at ail boar* of UM day. Hunilctnt Iron Bridces (pan the Mlssttstppi and Missouri rUrers at all point* crone J br this line, and transfers are avoided at Council Bluffs. city. Leavenworth, and Atchison, con -oW»^f/kuUoncß^ls;-TiONBi 0 N 8 OF THIS ORKAT THROUWH UKI ARK AS FOLLOWS : At CHICAGO, with all diTSJTIn* line* for the Tast an/) SoDth. At KKGLBWOOD. with the L. 8. ft M. S- and P., Ft. w. AC. R. Rds. At WABHIWSTOX HEIGHTS. With P., C. A St. At with DL Cent. R.R. At PBOHIA. with P. P. * J.; P. DA*.; I. B. ft W ; 111. Mid.: and T. P. * W. Rds. At ROCK ISLAND. with ••Milwaukee * Rock Island Short Una." and Rock Isld A Peo. Hds. At DITINPOKI. with the Davenport Division C "iU WMT LrSnrTT, with theß., C. R. AN.R. R. At GRINNBLL. with Central lowa R. R. At DBS MOIXM. with D.M.4K.U.8.8. At COCNCIL Buurrs, with Union Pacific R. R. At OMAHA, with B. * Mo. R. R. R. in Neb.) AtCOLUMBUS JUNCTION, with 8., C. R. ft N. R.R- At OTTCMWA, with Central lowa R. R.; W.. St. L. ft Pac.. and C. B. & Q. R. Rds At KBOKCK, with ToL,_Peo. ft War.: Wab.. St. Louis A Psc., and St. L-. Keo. A N.-W. R. Rds. At CAMKBON. with H. St. J R. R. At ATCHISON, with Atch., Topeka ft Santa Fe; Atvb A Neb. and Cen. Br. U. P. H. Kds. At LHAVBNWORTH, with Kan. Psc.. and Kan. Cent. R. Rda. At KANSAS C*TT, with all lines for the West and Southwest. and all household use*, and as It become. mort generally known, munt have an immense sule. From Mas. K. STOCBWELL, Hammonton, N. J. FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP liaa bewi awf In my house for the last seven months, and oy fcUovr lng the printed directions, we find it to do every thing claimed on the wrappers. We t.ave not scalded or boiled a single article, and tU clMi-i arr whiter and rurrtcr than vhm iraA J In ths old tray. IMy husband, who is a dealer here, has * steady demand tor the Soap from b«s cuutamera. From MAJ»AG** OF DKITKR tArjruav. sol sijtih Street, Corner C Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. No laundrr or fUmliy cain afford to iw witlicnt FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP. We follow d.reo tlona and use BO other Soap, and have airpuUtinn second to no laundry In Washington for m-intn clothes; the superior work we have been eonl>i«l to turn out having secured u* the trade of ionic of the best gentlemen's furnishing stores in the city. : Profitable Reading for Everybody . Business men and women, teacher*, mechanics, fanners, ministers, mothers, and all who are tired jout by the constant toil and worry of your work! Idon't drink intoxicating bitter*, but use j Are you auflenng trom Dyspepsia, Rhrurna 1 tism. Neuralgia, or with Bowel, Kidney, Liver or, Urinary complaints, you can be cured by using » If you are wasting away with Consumption, fe male weakness or any sickness • if you have a pain-| ■ful cough or bad cold, you will find sure relief in , ! If you are enfeebled by disease, old age or dis-, •Mpntion, and your system needs invigorating, or [if you have pimples and blotches, and your blood jiceds purifying, you can always depend on , •Made from Oisgir, BMOIIM, Mandrak« T Stilling** -and many other of the best medicmes known it is 'the Sett Health and Strength Restorer Ever 'Used, and i» far superior to Bitter*, Eisencc* of tiinger and other Tonics, as it never intoxicate*, Und combine* the best curative properties of all. | It Haa Saved Hundred! of Uvea; It May ; Have Toara. ' Buy a 50c. bottle of your druggist, and to avoid [counterfeits be sure our signature is # on the out-; !side » rapper. Hiscox & Cu., Chemists, N. Y. , Parker's Hair Balsam. W/.ESE?- The Beat A lest Keoaoaileal Hair Dreialag Containing only ingredients that are beneficial to the hair and scalp, the BALSAM will be found tar more satisfactory than any other preparation. It Never Kails to Restore Gray er Faded Hair to the original youthful color and is wan-anted to remove dandruff, prevent baldness and stop falling of Ihe hair. Ae.'rf hy drrnggutt mi jo emit. I 11. Bicltel, LIYRRY& FEED STABLE JEFFERSON STREET, WEST OF LOWRY HOUSE, BITLER, PA. Having removed nil my i-tock to the above Stable, the public are respect fully invited to calf. Tbe best Horary Carriages Bog giea, &c. kept constnntlv 0*" he. Open all boure, Uuy uo<i oig t. Planing Mill —AND- Lmiil>ei* Yard. . L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS S. 6. Purvis & Co., M\Xl-r*CTtTKERB iKD DZALXMIII South and Planed Lumber OF EVKRT DESCRIPTION. FRAMES. MOULDINGS, SASH. r>< •« »K --FLOORING, SID • Q, BATT ENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice bits, PORCH POSTS, STAIR HA I Newell Posts and Itan nr- FENCE PALINGS, *< .. A MICHIGAN 811 ]> til Barn Boards; Plastering Lain . t lock Bill StufT, such as Join I > • ters, Scantling, &<■'• all »r/< > oonßtautly on b»n«*. All of which we will t*ti\ reasonable term? "id gum an tee satislactii r. PLANING MILL AM- \ Ai ; Near German € hIIioIM « t.n«< i - * E. GrRIE B, DKALKIi IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. GRAVING Of ALL KINDD A SPECIALTY. MAIN bTKEET, (North oi Lowry Hi use,) BUTLER, PA. . • • .«•• . b ("> OC*K ' • li'i' ! tun Oj.fnloiiN of the Pnblle, WABASH, INDIANA. The Patie are well. Hava several old olircni" ca»e« of Kidney trouble tiring them. and they report mi improvement and think much ot them. A. L. HOB BOCK A CO,, Droggiata. COURTNEY, TEXAS. Yoiu Pvl Lae done me more prcod thin any Remedy I used. J AS. B. CALLAWAY. MT. CLEMENS, MICH. Your Pad har cured me of Pain ir. the Faafc and Kidney Trouble. M. J. HOUGH. Addrese mx kipniy mb o©.. ; OLE PROPRIETORS, TOLEDO, - - - OHIO. J. C. KKDICK, Agent for Bailer Co, Is a compound of the virt la, stillintria. mandrill"' . the iodide of potash am! • bloo<l-makin», blood-Hi-tiu- ■ taniiiijj element*. It is »!■ and most effectual 11 . r known or availa!>l» t'> !'i ences of uictlit.-in>- and el produced »o valuable .1 :• potent to cure all diwas impure blood. It «.tir - " all scrofulous dU«»r.*>' Kose, or St. Anthony"** and Kace-grtibs, Pustu Boils, Tumors, Te» '•• > Salt Rheum, Scald-houtt, > !<• Ulcers. Sores, Rheumatism, "i. Disease, Neuralgia, Kor.uiir •. . uesscs mid Irregularities, .In'.-' Affections of the Liver. r ■*. Kmaciation, and GenCi-tli : ■ Sn: By its searching and «lt a:is.r ;• it purges out the foul corrtij contaminate the blootl and can.-.- ■ mcnt and decay. It atiiuu'atcs an the vital functions, promotes < i. stretißili, restores and preserves '• infuses new life and vigrr tliivi wholo system. No tm!Trr«-r fro 1 : ease which arLses from inijmn v blood need despair who will p!-. >• Sarsatakilla a fair trial. It is folly to experiment with t!»- ous low-priced mixtures, of cheap n\. . . and without medicinal virtues. oJeir blood-purifiers, while ilisease bev oiut* firmly seated. Avek's Saksai'Aiui>l.\ medicine of such concentratod cur. power, that it is by far the best, cliea and most reliable blood-pnritier knowv Physicians know its comiiosition. and pre scribe it. It bas been widely used for torn years, and has won the unqualified confi dence of millions whom it has benefited. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer U Co., Practical rad Analytical C hernia U. Lowell, Man. tMJI If ALL DIIUGQISTB IVSRTWIIKt. PENSIONS! lie I S. service. LAW EX PI RES J ULY la< lt>«0, for ARREARS. PENSIONS INCRKAfI ED. Tlk'-usands of Pensioners are rated too low BOUNTY AND NEW DISCHARGES PRO i I REl'. lnfonfl&tion fieely given. Sew sfxijir for blanks. Addre--. STODDART & CO., , Kouiu £>, St. Clotni Building* Washington, D. C
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers