INTERESTING FIGURES. Amonir the languages of civilized nations English is the most widely spread. It is the mother tongue of about 80,000,000 ; German of between 50,000,000 and 60,000,000; French of between 40,000.000 and 50,000,000; Spanish 40.000,000; Italian of 28.000,- 000, and Russian of between 55,000,- 000 and 60,000,000. In Bavaria, out of 1,000 children born alive, there died, of legitimate children, 248 boys and 212 girls; of illegitimate, 361 boys and 342 girls. Out of 100 children suckled by their mothers, only 18.2 died during the first vear; of those nursed by wet nurses, 29.33 died; of those artificially fed, 60 died; of those brought up in institutions, 80 died in 100. Taking 1,000 well-to-do persons and another 1,000 of poor persons—after five years there remained alive of the prosperous, 943; of the poor, only 655. Alter 50 years there remained of the prosperous, 657; of the poor, 283; at 70 years of age there remained 235 of the prosper ouss and of the poor, 65. The average length of life among the well-to-do was 50 years, aud among the poor, 32 years. The effects of professions and trades on mortality is great, the term of life varying from 65 years 11 months for clergymen to 40 years and 10 months for lithographers and copper ensravers. In England, according to the census offiot. •tatistics, the duration of life has been found most defective among the fteetworkers, and grinders; aud next to these the lifeoftbe collier— -1 bat fearless delver in the bowels of the earth—i» leant secure, owing great ly, no doubt, to the occurrence of acci dent! hi mines ' ! Fal*e Reasoning. Oppose a machine should fail to perform its work, and the owner, in stead of trying to ascertain the cause of failure and remedy it, should con clude to run right along, and argue that as the machine had heretofore come around all right it would soon be so again. If a general and perma nent break-down ensued could anybody be blamed but himself? Now, precisely this way do people act and argue when the "human machine', is out of order. When the liver is "torpid' and bowels constipated every one knows that Dr Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets afford prompt and permanent relief Yet some gueni r the "machine" will come around all right, and do nothing. Could any system of false reasoning be more pernicious ? Suppose the blood be out of order and there be pimples, ulcers, or running sores with scrofulous tumors, swellings and general debility, and those thus affected should refuse to use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, guesting that the bloodjwould purify itself, could any body be blamed but themselves, if a general and permanent break-down of health ensued ? No remedy yet known equals the Discovery in curing all scrofulous, throat, bronchial and lung diseases. Sold by druggists. A Michigan farmer invented a trick with a hole in it. He sold rolls of but ter that had been made hollow, filled with water and frozen solid. Arrest the sufferings of your friends by advising the use oi the DAY KIDNEY PAD. Country people have more time to read and reflect than the masses in the city, and they get a deeper and truer insight into political issues. As a purifier of the blood, Ayer's Sarsaparilla has no equal. It wonder fully improves the complexion, and brings to old and young the bloom of health. Mr. Beeeher says that "he who sleeps with himself has the devil all the time for a bed-fellow " How he found this out is bard to tell. We are always pleased to reccum mend a good article Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup never fails to cure a Cough or Cold in a short time. The doses are small and it is pleasant to the taste. Price 25 cents. A Norwich, Cono., firm makes a business of shipping live frogs to dif ferent parts of the country, but princi pally to New-York and Buffalo. They are fattened on fish before shipment. The A. S. T. Co. Black Tip for chil dren's shoes should be called for by parents, not only upon heavy shoes, in place of the metal—as it wears as well —but upon all fine shoes, as it looks neat and doubles their value. Jesse Pomeroy.the sweet angel who is confined in Massachusets for killing bis playmates, has discovered another diversion—the flaying alive of a young kitten given him as a plaything. It may be insanity, but that sort of insanity fbat looks beßt when seen through a noose. "Have derived some benefit from the use of Simmon's Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a further trial. Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, Georgia.^ "I have never seen or tried such a simple, efficacious, satisfactory and pleasant remedy in my life. H. Haines, St. Louis, Mo." Don't despair young man. If you can't learn law or medicine, or measure tape or weigh sugar, you may at least be a weatber prophet. It is only neces sary to throw out your predictions in a sufficient quantity and then point with pride to those which come true. Keep quiet about the rest and no one will remember them. The following method of getting rid ol stumps is recommended by the Scientijii American : "In the autumn bore a hole one ore two inches in di ameter, according to the girth of the stump, vertically in the centre of the later, and about 18 inches deep. Put into it one or two ounces of saltpetre ; till the hole with water and plug up close. In the ensuing spring take out the ping and pour about a half gill of kerosene oil in and ignite it. The stump will smoulder away without blazing, to the very extremity of the roots, leaving nothing but ashes." Mrs. Betsie Ewing died lately at her home in Armstrong county in the 107 year of her age. She was well known throughout the county and her advanced age, and also her remarka ble good health until lately, were fre quently the subject of conversation. She was admired for her many good qualities and had fathered around her a large circle of young people who en joyed her talk on bygone days. In this connection it may be stated that Mrs. Nulton, a resident of Kittanning, the same county, and age 105 years, is still living and enjoys good health. She likes to be constantly employed, and spends a good portion of her time ia sewing. She doce qat, pee glasses, jjp Mr fcyetfgW W vrty &*>o. j MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OP LYNN, MASS. * » "v fZJ'M DISCOVERER OF LYDIA E. PINKHAM'B TESETABLE COMPOUND. ThePositiv^Cura For all Female Complaints. Tils preparation, u its name sirr.ffles, consifU of VecotaJle Properties that arc hormleuj to the most del icate invalid. Upon or.o trial tho merits cf this Com pound will fce recojnteod, as relief is immediate ; anil when its use is continued, in ninety-nine cases ia a hu:i dn.xl, a peiaaancr.t cure is thousands will tc» tify. On account of lt.i proren merits, it Is to-day ro eonimenited anJ prescribed by tho best rLytcUni In the country. It w:U cure entirely tLj verst form of fal'.lnj of tho nteras. Lrucon lu -a, irregular an bit ten lion't wait untilyoanw," s l>ut If you only feel bad or niiz4a"abk\?l u:i3t * cn *t ono» It may haua* a * bundrem SSDO will be paid for aca they wlil cat cure or hel;>. Do not su.Ter A 0 "11 T&ar frieiu suiTer.but use and urfre tUem^t lou * J Hop B Kemember, nop Bitters b noV Ti!s . drugged Idrunlicn uo-trum. but the Medicine t laailo .tlia **[.'■ VALir FEJ£>J> and nor*" and 110 person or should ho without them. amnn Mn n | O Is an a'nolato and trmisti'iic cti": forDruntenness.usoofoniuin, tobacco narcotics. All sold by druiTKlsts. s.-nd Jfi JH for Circular. U«t Blttm »rj. Co., J S|H| -treat' KIDNEY REGULATOR AND DIURETIC. KIDNEOEN is highly recommended and nn curpassed for WKAK or FOUL KIDNEYS. DROP SY, BRIOHT'S DISEASE. LOSS of ENERGY, NERVOUS DEBILITY, or any OBSTRUCTIONS arising from ({RAVEL or BLADDER DISEASES. Also for YELLOW FEVER. P.LOODnnd KIDNKY POISONING, in infected in alarial sections. the distillation of a FOREST LEAF with JUNIPER BERUIES and BARLEY MALT we have discovered KIDNKi.F.N. which acts speci fically on the Kidneys and Urinary Organs, re moving deposits in the Bladdeu and any training, smarting, neat or irritation in the water ;.e giving them strength, vigor and causing a lie i!tu> color and t>asy flow of urine. It can be taken at all times, in all climates, without injury to the system. Unlike any other preparation for Kidney (fiflleiilties, it has a very pleasant and airrecable taste and flavor. It contains positive diuretic pro perties and will not nauseate. Indies especially will like it. and Gentlemen will find KIDNEOEN the best.Kldnev Tonic ever used ! NOTICE—Each bottle bears the signature of LAWRENCE & MARTIN, also a Proprietary (ioveniment Stamp, which permits KIDNEOEN to be sold (without license) by druggists, grocers and other persons every when;. Put uj) in Quart-size Bottles for General and Family Use. LAWRENCE & MARTIN. Prop'rs Chicago II t2r"Sold by Druggists. Grocers and Dealers everywhere, and by LA WHENCE & MARTIN, NO. 6 Barclay St.. New York. octl.i-ty WILL IT CURE ME? Said a man, whose woebegone counten ance and broken-down constitution plain ly showed traces of disease—a sufferer with Nervous Dyspepsir, in whose stomach the most delicate morsel lay like lead, Re freshing sleep and quiet nerves were stran gers to Film, and he despaired of ever being well. We advised liim to take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR, which he did. and in a short time was not only relieved but cured. Header, if you are suffering with Dyspep sia or Liver Disease m any form, no not wait until the disease has taken a fast hold upon you. but use the Kegula'or when the symptoms first show themselves. SIM MONS LI V Kit KEG (I LATOR is not an al coholic stimulant, but a PURELY VEGE TABLE REMEDY that will cure when everything else fails. It is a faultless fam ily medicine. Does not disarrange the system. Is no violent drastic purse, but nature's own remedy. The friend of eve ryone, and will not dlsap[H>int you. A single trial will convince you that it Is the cheapest, purest and best Family Medicine in the world. ASK the recovered dyspeptics, billions sufferers, victims of fever and acne, the mercurial diseased patient how theey re covered their health, cheerful spirits and good appeilte—they will tell you by taking j Simmons Liver Regulator. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Sinimons liver Regnlator! j Original and genuine prepared only by J. 11. ZEILI.V d Pklla. I apr LB-iy ! Butler Female College. j FIRST WARD SPRINGDALE. Winter Term will open November 20th, 1880, closiug March 4th, 1 SSI. TKKMS OK TfITIOS. Primary Department, 54;. Normal and Clas sical, SB. Music, $lO. Board ng in College very low. Rooms for self boarding can be had free of charge. The course of study in this institution is ex tensive and thorough, embracing all the valua ble studies taught in any Female College. Advantages : Ist. Coat is very low. 2nd. The building is well situated and well of access, good plank and board 4th. The manners and morals of the »tu« dents are carefully cared for. Mr. & Mks. A. T. Doltiiett, Principal. XTTMIT PTTU V Consumption and Asthma, LUivEi. yet failed. Address with stamp, "HOiLE," FttUbTiiuaU, Mb. IJV7 ly if&lr* : 3i**U**r, Jl*., 3*m»*cy 12, 1881. A. Haffner, 8U C ESSOR TO H BAUER 1 BROS. bi;ti,er, i*a., PLANING HILL ASD Lumber V ai-cl, MANVFACTCHER ASD DEALEB IN Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVEEY DESCRIPTION, DOORS, SASII, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SIDING, FLOORING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELL POSTS & BALUSTERS, FENCE PALINGS, &c„ Ac. MICHIGAN fcE INGLES Burn Boards, Plastering Lath, lli'Ui lotk Bill Stuff, of all kinds, constantly on hand, All o which I will sell on reasonable terms and guarantee satisfaction. Planing Mill and Lumber Yard on Ji'ftrrson street, UutU-r, I'?. ldecly A. II \FFNER. NEW YORK WML! HERALD, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. The e rculatioii «•! this poi-nlar m- epnper i? e»>iistautl\ iwri asfnir I' ••onininc hI! the lend ing news of th" Dally Herald and is arranged in tinidy departments. The Foreign Xows eml races dispatches tiom all quaiters of the globe. Under the bead of A nicrlenn Sews are (riven the Teleurnphlc Dispatches of the week froin all part.-* of die Union. This feature only makes The Weekly Herald lb' most valuable chronicle in the world, sis' it in the cheapest. Every week in given a faithful report of POLITICAL NEWS embracing complete and comprehensive dec patches from WASHINGTON, including full re ports of rh- speeches of eminent, politicians on the questions of the hour THE FARM DEPARTMENT of the WEKKLT HBRALI> irive* the latest as well as the must practical suggestions and dis coveries relating to the duties of ihe farmer, hints lor r'islnir Cattle. Poultry, Grains. Trees, Vegetables. tnt, poMace free, for One Dollar. You can subscribe at any time. NEW YORK WEEKLY KERALD in a weekly form. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Address, NEW YORK HERALD Broadway and Ann Street New Ynrk. CATARRH CDNSUMPTTDN ' JBpgj Cnred at fit Aidß«ta«i. fWHfc mj 111 vertod lau *•»>•* *a4 «•%« II lirMl tm U« diaaaM *hcr« M fcaal* U quMklj u »fc' rJI GAnoiMM aa ordtaarj J. FRIRW Jilllrr. 8.D., «*n4 AdstHls; draw strong I breaths through the SfJ nose. It will be ab- Jhea is forbed. cleansing. and /NASAL/K'-'tfjß healing the diseased ,viaO (. /£&&&B membrane. For Deafness, HV 'rrffiJU Occasionally apply a ■B particle into and back of the ear, rubbing in ELY'S CREAM BALM Is receiving the endorsement of the sufferer, the druggist, and physician. Never has an article of so imi-'ii merit been produced for the tre itment of mcmbranal diseases as this never-failing HALM, and is universally acknowledged as being all that Is claimed for it. The application is easy ami pleasant, causing no pain, is soothing, and fs fast su|H*rseding the use of powders, lic|iil tu OTLIENUPLE, VM , Rpee Port Grape Wine t'seti in the principal Cfc*rches for Communion purposes. For l-*clle« and Weakly Per«oiiß and tlae Afed. S 'EER'3 PORT GRA.PE WINE! FOUH \ EARS OLD. This OU'liratert Native Will" is made from the juice of tne Oporto tinipe,raised 111 tui.s country. Its I valuable Toalc and Strengthing Properties are uiisurpa-<.-nal supervision, its purely and Ifeiuuneiiesji fire Kiiarautced. The yoiuigest child may partake of itH generous qualities, and the weakest invalid use it to aFK OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. "About the handsome*! eight-page paper in the country."— Philadalphia Timet, THE PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY PRESS! Independent. Enterprising Trustworthy, Having greatly strengthened Us st iff and general equipment, tiiis favorite lumpy journal will enter upon the year 1881 prepared for the occupation of a w!d -r Held than ever before. In ail that ninny contribute to the edification or or the entertainujent of the best class of read ers, it ia ever foremost. POINTS ABOUT THE PRESS: EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT. —The pens of the best writers are engaged in fearless discussion ol all topics of living interest—political, social, and geueral. THE SEWS OF THE WEEK, covered not only t.y associated press dispatches, bu' special cor respondent Iroui every point of interest, foreign or dome-tic. POLITICAL PHASES,--PI esented In the most attractive and trustwoitliy lorm by the most brilliant letter writers ot the (ay, including staff correspondents ol national reputation. "Ilia FOREIGN FIELD —FuII und accurate cable dispatches |:oin special agents the PRESS in every European capital. AN AGRICUI.TI'RAL PAGE. —Not a re-hath from the agricultural weeklies, but fresh and seasonable dircussiou, under the supervlsou of practical men of acknowledged authority. HOME AMI SOCIETY—A department invalua ble to women for f.i'thlul fashion reports and hints to housekeeper? THE BEST STOTIES <>( Ihe day, froin advance sheets, by arrangement with English publish ers. POETRY, TALES OF TRAVEL and adventure, criticisms of art. literature aud the drain.i: wit and humor, gi.nies and puzzles, personal intel ligence, and gleanings from every pait of the fields of tact and fiction. Clinuii'g to all that is good lii its record, the WEEKLY PRESS means to ke p pace.with the march ot ideas and events, and lias an opinion on every subject touching the welfnrt of the people. It is ag'-res'ivo for the right, tint ever courteous; enlerprii-ing, but not sensational, th, re is nothing in its that would make it uuweleouic in any family circle Term* : $1.25 a Year ; SI.OO to Club* olTeii or Store* A SPLENDID PREMIUM ! THE FUE.-SJ has made a peculiarly favorable contract by which it is enabled lo oiler, iu place ol the c'ub oflers, a splendid premium, consisting of the Litirary ot Universal Knowl edge, a verbatim reprint ot the London edition ol Chambers' Encyclopaedia, complete iu fit teen volumes, ol more than 700 pages each; or Shnkspearc's complete wirks, iu three vol umes, an accurate reprint of the famous Globe Kdiihn, with a copious glossary. The*e pre miums me tillered lo friends sending clubs, a* follows: For club of lo copies, one copy free. For club ot 20 copies. Sh.ikspeur's Works. For club ol '-'0 copies »tid $8 (HI additional, the Library of Universal Know ledge. For club ol 30 copies ant fl.oo additional, tl-.e Library ol Universal Knowledge. For club of 50 copies, the Library of Univer sal Knowledge. For club of 100 copies, the DAU.T PRB-sfor one year and Library of Universal Knowledge. FORM A CLUB AT ONCE! There is no chance for a sample copy. Bend a postal card, and get one by return mail. Address : THE PKESS, Philadelphia •'The Philadelphia Fress grows constantly fresher and stronger."—4'. F. TrUrime. The oldest and the best appointed Institution for obtaining a Business Education. For circulars address, ocfl-2:'i] P. DUFF & SONS. Pittsburgh, Pa. Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call fhe attention of the pnblic to the Union Woolen Mill. Butler, Pa., where I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Tarns, and I can recommend them as being very dura ble, an tlicy are nanufactured of pure "Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and wiil bo sold at very low pricca. For samples and prices, address, H. FULLERTON, Jniw/TB-Iyl Rntler. Pa Notice Extraordinary. Persons desiring to have their Old Furniture repair d or New Work made to order, such as .Music Stands. Hook Cases. Wardrobes. Ottlce Desks. Office Tables. Ac., would do well to call on A. T3. WILSON, Practical Cabinet Maker. I hold that a piece of furniture made l>v hand worth two made by machinery, and will cont out little more, if any. Then whv not have hand made ? All work made in the latest styles and of the best material. I guarantee entire sat isfaction in stvle. workmanship and price. Give 1 me a call. Shop on Miflliu utreet fonr doors j west of Main street, a id opposite A. Troutman'g j store. Bntler. Pa sepl7-ly L. n. (OCHttAN, j Lively, Sale, Feed and Exchange STABLE, Rear of Lowry House, - - BUTLER, PA. jupe4- fy ( A MEW MPAitrtKR II BOTTI.E PATENT MEOICINBb FOR 33 CKNTS ! JADWIN'S TONIC LAXATIVE Is Appetizing, Palatable and Non-Alcoholic, AND AL"'AT3 CUKES D}*pe|«in, ?:• !: H.-i • (he Constipation, iiil |otiMiL--s, B<>Ui si -'i.-a li. Uivtr Complaint, . Waul ol A;>pcin«. i i li •rati-ci, i itludice, Kid ney Complaint, Nir»ounn-«», Dizziness, Sloep- Icest ess. Heartburn, Colic, Debility, Foul Breath, Worm#, files, Fevers, Colds, Ac. THE TONIC LAXATIVE regulates the bowels and strengthens the system, gives a clear head, pure blood and elastic spirits. Is purely vege lable, contains uo mercury nor aloes. 8al« at all times. Pleasant to the taste, and a substi tute lor Pills, Castor Oil, Ac. Best family nted ieine known. Adapted tir strong men. delicate females ai:d feeble inlands. In liquid form Sold by druggists. Price onlv 3S cents for a large bottle HENKY B. JADWIN, Apothe cary ai.d Chemist, Role Proprietor, Carbondale, Pa. D. H. WULLEK, Drugist, Sole Agent for Butler, Pa. jan2S-ly 1831 T "* : «»„»'»»« m COUNTRY GJOTLEMA,\ TIIE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. A Premium Annual to Every Reader. Tiie Country Gentleman is I'liaurpassod, if not Une(|ti.ii:ed, (or the amount and variety of the practical information it eontirms. and for the abil ity and extent of itsC'orrespondjnce -in three-chief directions of Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture and Frult-Qrowing, Live Stock r.nd Dairying while it also Includes all minor departments of ru ral interest, such ;is the Poultry Yard, Entomology Bee-Keepmg. (ireeuhouse aud drapery, Veterina rv Replies, Farm Questions and Answers, Fireside Reading. Domestic Economy, and a summary of the News of the Week. Its" Market lie]K>rts are utuisaily complete, and more information can be gathered from its columns th:ui from any otheir source with regard to the prospects of the crops, as throwing light UJKIU one of the most important of all questions—VV lien to Buy and When to Sell. It is liberally illustrated, and constitutes to a great er degree than any of its contemporaries A LI YE AGRICULTURAL NEWSPAPER of never-failing interest both to producers and consumers of every class. The Country (ientleman is published weekly on the following terms, when paid strictly in advance : One copy, otic year, &.50 ; Four copies. 310, and an additional copy for the year free to the sender of the club ; Ten copies, S2O. and aln additional copy for the year free to the sender of the club. For the j'oar issi. these pries ituiude a copy of the ANNUAL RKCISTF.U OV KURIL AFFAIRS. to each subscriber—a book of 144 pages and about 12i engraving—a gift by lhe l'ublisliers. ;#~Aii New Subscribers for ISBI, paying in ad vance now. will receive the paper weekly, from re ceipt of remittance to January Ist, 1881, w.tliout charge. SPECIMEN COPIES OF THE PAPER FKKK. Address LUTHER TUCKEK & SON. Publishers, ALBANY, N. Y. IMPROVE T«C HOUR. GUENTHER'3 LUNG HEALER CURBS COITSUMPTIOIT, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma. Crmxjhs, sad sil diseases of tho Pnlmcmary Prlw 50 Cent* and One Dollnr. QUENTHER A CO. Proprietor#. 39 Filth A/»no«, PITTSBURGH, tk. Aitk Your DrugKlßt for If. NOTICE. THE BEST OFFER YET MADE I FOCB OF FRANK LESLIE'S ri'BLICA- I TIONS, ONE YEAR FOR ONLY #2.50. The Fran'; Leslie Publishing Co.. IS Dev St., New York, will send Frank Leslies FAMILY FRIEND, a 16 page illustrated paper, for onlv S?1 per year. FRANK LESLIE'S YOUSO FOLKS devoted to the interests of young people, and containing much to i interest those of a nnye mature age. This paper contains it; pages of illustrations and valuable reading matter, .lust the paper for young children. Price, per vear 50 cents. FIT\NK LESLIE'S NATIONAL AGRICULTURIST ANII WORKING FARMER, a LFI page illustrated pa|ier, for onlv Si.l*l per year. FRANK LESLIE'S PULPIT OK THE DAV, a 16 page illustrated paper. Just the paper for Sunday reading. Price only 75 cents per year. Or all four of the above publications for ?2.50 l>er vear. Any person desiring to act as our agent, on send- lng tw 91 .SO, will receive post paid, sample copies or tlie nitove publications. together wltlt a com plete agents outfit of yj beautiful pr«Miiii:ni eliro mos, also a copy of our Hook of Valuable Informa tion. of over r >on" pages, containing an Illustrated Dictumarv of every useful word to be found 111 the Knclish rlaniniMire. M 'fllcal and Household re ceipts. Legal advi e a;id form*, articles 011 eti quette and letter writing, advice to merchants, clerks, mechanic :t id farmers. Samples of *ll of our rubllcHtimis :>.nd Illustra ted Catalogue (wi liout premiums.) for 15 cents. All desiring stea I. and profitable eini'loyuient should send at ou before their territory is taken. Address, FRANK LE-JLIIS PUBLISHINC CO.. 15 l)ev street. New York. ~THE~S'JN FOR 1881." Everybody rea 1« TUB SUN. In the editions of this newxpap r throughout the year to com? everybody will tTcd : I. All the world's news, so presented f it the reader will cet t *e gr.'aks't iimnnnl ot inlorira tlon with the lea t unprofitable cx| endiinre of time mid eyesight. TUB SI N 10118 :i>ont men mid things. V. Equal candor in dealing with each politic al party, and cqu il readiness to commend what is praiseworthy or to rebuke what is blamable in Democrat or Republican. VI. Absolute independence of partisan or ganizations. but enwavering loyalty to true Democratic principles. TUB SUN believes that | the Government which the Constitution gives us Is a good one to keep. Its notion of duty is to resist to its utmost power the etlorts of men io the Republican party to set up another form of government in place ol that which exists. The year 1881 and-the year immediately lollow inji will probably decide this rmprcniHy im portant contest. THI 80* bellevea that the victory will be with the people as ag.dmt the Hints lor monopoly, the Rings lor plunder,and the Rings 'or imperial power. Our terras are as follows : For the Daily BUN, a four-page sheet of twen ty-eight columns, the price by mail, pot-t paid, Is 55 cents a month, or $0 50 a year ; or, Includ ing the Sunday paper, an eight-page sheet ol flftv-six columns, the price >s B5 cents a month, or #7.70 a year, postage paid. The Sunday edition ot THE SCN IS also fur nisl ed separately at $1.20 a year, postage paid. The price ol the WEEKLY SUN, eight pages, tlfly-six columns, Is f 1.00 u year, post me paid. For ctubs of ten Fending (10.00 we will send an extra copy free. Address I. .W. ENGLAND, Publisher of THR 3T;s, New York City. Dec. 8, 'BO. fit TEETH. FOR «5, SS, sio. si 2, «I sor ?2r>. I will make you a full set of beautiful natural looking teeth, warrant them to years. Teeth extracted and Laiu.'hine<:a.sor Ether(?iven without extracharte. I will ask for no money until the patient is fully satisfied with their new teeth. I also (111 teeth at very low rates. UK. A. H. LKWIS. Oculist. novS-3m No. 2.'i7, IViui avft. Plttst>iirj(h. T'a. Nfray Wolloe. Ciune to the residence of snb- ■ . scriber living in Clearfield 'town ship, Butler conntv, P» .on or liWPfVflk about the Ist of Oct. last, one yearling stoer, red, with a white* H star til the fsce, and i white streak along its back; no other marks. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, par charges and take it awav or it will be dii*po«ed of accord ing to law. (Bdec4t) ABRAHAM FENNELL. Rheumatic Cure* IDOIsTITEZJL'S RHEUMATIC COMPOUND has enred rhenmstism after the treatment of fourteen doctors had failed, and after he had used crntohes for sixteen years. It was dtscoverod by K Donnell, in the treat ment of himself 8o!d by D. 11. WFLLER, nov24:Sm BUTLER, FA. IIORY G. lIAE.K, FIJI RFICIIIF TIIIOR, COR, PENN AND HIXTH STREETS. Pa 1A MAM WMO M UHACOUAIMTCO WITH THC QCOORAFHV OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. 18 THE WHEAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN* THE EAST & THE WES I ! iMmtln HM run* from CIUeMO to Council Blntfi. pf« lIO!i P. 3, r«HcIT BLIFM. EAVtAI CITT. ATCHISbx, and LKAVO U UU I'M lttkeli tU Ikli Lime, known H Ik* "Great Rock. lslunU E»uU," arc f. i . hy ■H Ticket Agent* la tke United State* and Canada. For Information not oktaliakle at J»» r bone ticket office, n.r.l-i t. JL. KIMBALL, E. KT. JOH s. Uea'l Superintendent. Geu 1 lkt. u.:>. :rv j- " , WHY DOES a woman'* oAen break down at an early age? Put a man at the wi Fh-iub, let him pet frmm too teat Mdi anttt every pore to opened; then lei him stand over the tilth) t-team Int wmw from nakMag and boQtaa eloChea that are fall of sweat and exhalations from the •fciß. aa4 hie koUh toa would breakdown betore long; and yet thin .most terrlbie ordeal Is whai A WOMAN has to r» through with on wash-day; and, besides, with her clothing wet from perspiring a the hot work, the has to risk her life by noing oat in the air to hang up the clothe*. Even thoae not at work are ia the unhealthy atmosphere; its smell, BO apparent to visitors, show talc th«t it finds its way through the house,—the family, however, often becoming so accus tomed to the peculiar odor from its own wash as not to notice it These facts readily ex plain why ao many women suffer with colds, rheumatism, weak nerves, or neuralgia, and LOOK OLD while yet young in years, and physicians and boards of health cannot draw attention too strongly to the injurious effects of the usual way of washing, with its necessary steam and scalding or boiling to get the clothes pure and sweet-smelling, especially as it is without doubt Often the direct cause of tlioee dreadful diseases, diphtheria, consumption, and fever. Fortonatelj this trouble m** be avoided; scalding, boiling, steam and all disagreeable smell from the wash completely doue away with; clothes made sweet and beautifully white; frm a the «o»M0 ia Jwd tke wash dome at leu cod than even when home-made soap is wed. , and very much SOONER THAN by the old way, by using FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP,— a Soap so purifying and cleansing that the dirtiest clothing can be washed in lukewarm water with very little rubbing, and clothes, bedding and utensils used by the sick disinfected and cleansed without either seal ding or boiling, while the work is so light that a girl twelve or thirteen years of age can do a larva wash without being tired; and yet so mild and healing is this Soap that for toilet and shaving it has no equal, and physicians advise its use in preference to imported Castile Soap on wounds and sores, and to wasn the youngest'infants, as well as for persons with delicate skin. Now that there is a remedy for this, so economical thai the poorest can use it, there is not a woman or A MAN Who is not directly Interested In having used in their homes. In spite of prejudice, THAT WONDERFUL WAY OF WASHING CLOTHES, which does away with the hard work, offensive smell and fearful steam on wa*h-days, makes the white pieces whiter, colored pieces brighter and flannels softer than they can be made by washing the old way, leaves the hands smooth enougn to do Cue sewing and overy article aa clean, as sweet and as pure as if never worn. From n. K. BOWI.KS, M. D., nammonton, N. J., KdKor .Stoat* Jrrtey ltepubtican. My attention was called to FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP from an advertisement in my own paper, and its use in my house for nearly a year, according to the directions, has proved that Its remarkable properties have not been overstated. For remov ing printing Ink it is Invaluable, while fbr toilet and shaving it it tbe best Soap I have ever seen. From Mas. H. L. KBMYON, Northfield, Vt Ido my wash wit h FRANK SIDDALW SOA Pin half the time and with no expense fbr Soap, at the toeing i» fuel more tKttn paytjttr U. I have no steam er scent from the wash, while the saving in health, clothes and labor can hardly be estimated. From B. W. STAKTOM, 130« N. «Xh BL, Phllada. We are confident, from a long experience h> using aa4 recommending FRANK SIDDALIA 80AP, that one trial Recording to the very cay printed dlreeUoas, will overcome all prejudices. also really Mas wonderful merit for shaving, toilet. TIM fclWwlajt are UM> IHrectlons fop Uso, so simple that a child can understand tlicin. Deaf 4a anything s« ridiculous as to buy the Soup unless you intend following them. &fsloo poriHctlff forfeited if it infurra Uir cloth**, or will not do cv—ytiling claimed. First, pel the white clothes in a tub of water, only made warm enough to be comfortable for the hands. Then take one piece out at a time on the wash-board, rub the Soap lightly over it, roll it tip and put it back into the same tub, anil so on with each piece until all hara the Soap robbed 00 them. Then go away and let them soak at least twenty minute*, without touching them, when the dirt will all be loosened, and a very little rubbing on the wash-board, out of that one suds, will make them perfectly clean, being particular to tarn each piece while washing so a3 to get at the scams. Then wash lightly on the wash board, through a lukewarm rinse-wnter (without any S Ji'.p,) so as to get the dirty suds out. Then put through blue-water, and on the line, without Holding or boiling a single piece. Afterward put flannels and colored pieces to soak, and wash them exactly the same way. It is important not to heat the wash-water in n tin, brass or copper kettle. A tea-kettle will heat enough water for a large wash with this Boap. Just Think What You will Save by this Easy Way of Washing! No Wash-boiler! No Steam! No Smell of Suds through the House! It has the remarkable Property of keeping the Diih-C loth, Wash-Rag and Sponge always Slveet, and of Washing Freely in Hard Water. -HBOLD BY 6ROCEB 3 i—*— Get a Cake and Try it for Yourself next Wash-Day. To Point* wbar® this Soap to not yot Introduced a Trial Calce will be sent by Mall, on receipt of Price, (10 Cents), iu Money or Stamps. FRANK ssoaans SOAP, 718 CALLOWHILL ST.. PHILADELPHIA, PA. STOVES, RANGES, Grate Fronts, Ferrers, &c. CRBA, QRAHAM & CO. MANUFACTU REUS, 291 Liberty Street. Pittsburgh. Pa sept22-3m insukanck. Incorporated 1819. yETNA INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. Asets 57.078,224 49. Losses paid In 61 years, $51,000,000. J. T. McJUNKIN «fc SON, Amenta, Jan"9ly Jrflerson street, butler, Pa. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. G. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. WM CAMPBELL, TREASURER IL C. HEINEMAN, SKORETAKY DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, | E. A. Helmholdt, William Campbell, |J. W. Buikhart, A. Trontman, j Jacob Schoene, 0.0. Roessinjr, John Caldwell, Dr. W. lrvin, W. W Dodds, • J. W. Christy H. C. Heineman. JAS. T» M'JUNKIN, Gen- Ag't- BUTLER Ar, Ann per day at home Samples worth tj>») 10 f5 free. Address STISSON A Co., Portland. Maine deeS-ly Subscribe ftrr tlie CIITZEN. Dinina Can for eating purposes only. One otlier great feature of our Palace Cars Is a SMOKING BALOON where you can enjoy your "Havana" at all hours of the day. Murntfleent Iron Bridges span the Mississippi and Misaourl rivers at all points crossed hr tini line, and transfers are avoided at Council Bliiils. Kansas City. Leavenworth, and Atchison, con nections being made in Union Depots. THK PRINCIPAL R. R. CONNECTIONS OF THIS ORB AT THROUGH LINE AltE AS FOLLOWS: At CHICAGO, with all diverging lines for the East and South. At ENGL*WOOO, with the L. 8. Jt M. S„ aud P.. Ft W. AC. R. Rds. At WASHINGTON HEIGHTS, with P., C. & St. At LA SALLE, with lIL Cent. R. R. At PBORIA, with P. P. A J.; I*. D. Jt E.; I. B. i W.; 111. Mid.: and T. P. &W. Rds At ROCK ISLAND, with "Milwaukee A Rock Island Short Line," and Rock Isl'd & Pec. 1:0s. At DAVENPORT, with tho Davenport Division C. M. A St. P. R. R. At WEST LIBERTY, with the 8.. C. R. & N. R. R. At GRINNELI.. with Central lowa R. It. At DKS MOINES, with D. M. & K. D. R. R. At COCNCIL BLUFFS, with L'nlon Paclßc 15. R. At OMAHA, with B. S Mo. R. 11. H. in NT-B. ATCOLCMBFSJCSCTION.wIth 8..C. It. & N. U.R. At OTTUMWA, with Central lowa It. K.: W , St. L. A Pac.. and C. B. A Q. R. Rds. At KEOKUK, wtth Tol., Peo. & War.: Wub.. Pt. Louis A p»c., aud SL L.. Keo. .V N.-W. K. Uu.- 4 . At CAMERON, with H. St. J. R. R. At ATCHISON, with Atch., Topciia ft b::n(a l'e; Atoh. A Neb. and Ceu. Br. U. P. It. ltd?. At LBATENWORTH, wtth Kau. Puc., r.ii>: :;. r>. Cent. R. Rds. At KANSAS CRRV, w'.th all line.. f>r %!.,_• V', .t and Southwest. -^TESTIMONIALS-:- and all household uses, and as It becomec more generally known, must hare an Immense sale. From MRS. E. STOCKWELL, Hammonton, X. J. FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP has been used In my house for the last seven months, and by follow ing the printed directions, we tind It to do every thing claimed on the wrappers. We have not scalded or boiled a single article, crncl the eU.thes are. whiter and tweeter than whtn washed <» the old wfty. ;jly husband, who is a dealer here, has a steady demand for the Soap from his customers. From MANAGER OF I.AI'NIIBT. 3UI Sixth Street, Corner C Street, N.W., Washington. D. C. No laundrv or family can ufTord to be without FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP. We follow direc tions and use no other Soap, and have a reputation second to no laundry 'n Washington for white clothes; the buperior work we have been enabled to turn out having secured lis the trade of some of the best gentleman's furnishing stores in the city. : Profitable Reading for Everybody ► Business men and women, teachers, mechanics, ►farmers, minister*, mothers, and all who are tired [out by the constant toi! and worry of your work ? [don't drink intoxicating hitters, but use Are you sutteriug Irom Dyspepsia, Kheuraa-' >:ism, Neuralgia, or with Dowel, Kidney, Liver or 'Uriiuuy • *n plaints, you un be cured by tiling i i?A;l aAstefrraw u viil fintl sure relief in I Kipatu n, and your system needs in\i£oratinj?, on [if you have pimples and blotches, and your blood' .needs purifying, you ran always depend on , :as33©srssMSEiSGis .Madefrom Ginger, Buchu, fr.anbrake, Btiiiingia, ■and many other o. the best medicines known it U< 'the Cest Health and Stronoth Restorer Ever !l)sod. ar.u i- far superior to "letters, Fssenccs of ►Ginger and other Tonics, as it never intoxicates,, •and combines the b-:st curative properties of all. 1 llt llnet Saved Hundreds of Lives; It Slay ' , Save Tours. . ' Buy a *,oc. bottle of > our druggist, and to avoid 'counterfeits be* s'ire our signature is on the oul-| ,side wrapper. His.i-x & C , Chemists, N. \ . , Parker's Hair Balsam. The Itrst A; Most Economical Hair Droning Containing only ingredients that are beneficial to the hair .'ad scalp, the BALSAM will be found far more satisfactory than any other preparation. It Never Falls to Kcstore Grny or Faded Ilalr to the original youthful color and is warranted to remove dandruff, prevent baldness and stop tailing of the hair. Scut by druggists at 50 cents, 11. ISiclsLelT MVBRY&PBKD STABLE JEFFERSON STREET, WEST OF LOWRY HOl'&E, BCTLER, PA. Having removed all my stock to tho above Stable, the public are respect fully invited to call. The best Horses, Carriages, Rug. gies, &:e. kept constant'y or li re. Open all hvurs, day and nights Planing Mill —AND- Liimt>ei- Y tii-cl. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS. S. 6. Purvis & Co., M IN'UFACTTTBHRB AND DEAI.ERB I* Rcuch and Planed Lumber OF EVF.KY DEt»( KIPTION FRAMES MOULDINGS, ;■ ASII DOORtv FLOORING, SJD > G. BATI ENS, Brackcis, rtrrice Beards, PORCH POSTb, >1 Alls HAILS Newell Posts- «nri Bplisteit FENCE PAI IN«tS. A. <*-. MICHIGAN MiMJjf Bam Bt-arrtf-; I' i. vi« t•) • l; ; Imh lock 1 iill Sn;iV t.< f Jr.f l.jil tc-r*. »■< tr I :: i . ► €•< r ri> r i' i i 1 • i . 11l Oi V. 1:1( i v> V v J II Ol reftj-c.nablt tern <: > I HI tt) l«-' Ml tit-j J- i H i I'LAMM; Jill I Ab\ \ M 1 >«at ( » ri:tin < r ilr* !»« • i urtb } ■ ~ -«:-u E. Gr R I E B, DEALER IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. E.TGKAVING OF AIL KINDS A SPECIALTY. itfLlii'S uTKEET, (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA y? I > I{N AND OMX'KS H v v V" KKJ >, -V*l» V \RH . : n ol the Public, V. AFASH. INDIANA. Tl:e Pi.i't t-c.liii c well. Have several old chn ni rat • * of Kiiiney trouble neing them. and thtv rc; l it ; i. ini| iov mf lit and think much of thcin. A. L. P.OIIBOCK ^? _ tties i>f rlie finest drug*, < JT.-j"' 1 chemically united. o' ' •gr.'p". s'irli power .'is to insure S? =— ••' the greatest pwsih'a Ej.<" efficiency and uniform* DPrTAD 1f" ity of results. It strike* £IL\J I at the foundation of ail pulmonary diseases, affording prompt relief and rapid cures. and i* adapted to patie.i!-* of any age or either sex. lieing very pn'atabln, the vounjj 'st chi'.dr; n Miie it readily. Iu ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hroiuhi; is, Intluenza. Clergyman'* Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, and Ca tarrh, the effects of Avi k - Omkhhy I'kc- Toral are majtcal. and multitudes are aa uually preserved liom serious illness bv i(a timely and faithful use. It should he kept at hand in every household for thn pro tection it affords in sudden attacks. In Whooping - cough aa.l Consumption there is no otiier remedy so ettrjaciou*, soothing, and helpful. Low pries are i'udu •-m ';its to try simo of the many mixtures, or s v.! made oi chea;i and ineffective i.uivd. ui.s, now otlered, which, as they contain v.:< . native qualities, can afford only tempo: :y l-lief, and aro sure to deceive and disappoint the patient. Diseases of the throat and iuuirs demand active and effective treatment; and it lsdan gerous experiiii nting with unknown and cheap medicines, from t iie great liability that these diseases may, while so trifled with, become deeply seated or iu urabie. Usa Avut's Ciikkky Pkctokal, and you may contideiitly expect the best results. It is a standard medical preparation, of known and acknowledged curative |w>wer. and is as cheap as its careful preparation and line ingredients will allow. Eminent physicians, know mg its composition, prescribe it in their practice. The test of half a century lias proven its alwwilute certainty to cure all pul monary complaints not already beyond the reach of human aid. 1 Prepared by Or. J. C. Ayer Si Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. SOLD BV ALL DHCU(iIsT» EVEHYWHBR*. I) I."! VviThVG t Apply at once, If you I J j V I' ) > . leive In en disabled In the r. s service. LA W KXPIRKS .11'LY Ist, iNSit, for HREARM. PENSIONS INCREAS ED. Ili usnnds of Pensi.uier* are rated too low. ;tOI'N I Y AND NEW DISCHARGES PRO i I*RED. Information trecly given. Send -tamp fir blanks. Addre *. STODDART & CO., K»xini j? St. Clowll VYashmy-TTvnj O. C»