Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 12, 1881, Image 1

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An communications intended for publication
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a truaiantee of good faith.
Msrria*e and death not wee moat be aeeomp*-
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Addrees th| bvti br CITIZBB.
1 ralni le-.vc Butler f"i 8t- Jor. *Mllerslo»ij,
Aarns City, Petrnlii, Parker, etc., at 7.27 a. m.,
and 2.35 and 7.25 p in.
Trains arrive at Butler from the above named
points at 7. 7 a. m.. ana 2.15, aud 7.15 t-.ni.
The 2.15 liain connect* *Hh 'rain ■'>n the West
Penn ro*d throneb to Pitt*t>ur*h.
IXD ULMHSKt iltll-IIOil)
r rains leave HillUrd'- Mi l. hitler county,
it,i Hnrrinvllk-, Oin-nvllie. tc., -a 750 a. ra.
«n<l 2.25 p. is. , „
Train* it «illi*i<s - "i' -v *:» *• M.,
' H.ick* to and froni Pe;rol:a. Mr.rtlrjeOuf*.
Fairrlew, Mooocind T»onimn>. connect at Hil
jard with ad rdu* »n the - A K roiwl
PK!»*»IXVa*l» RAIL«O.\D.
Train- leave Buiter tßatler or Pituhnrph Time.)
Marktt it 506 a.
gheny ari'Ving at 8.01 * ni. Thi» train con
ret- at Kr-w >"-rf *ii* Freest ACTTOITI -la
li'.o. wh'.!. . -i». a - •« >'*>•■ m.
Tuinnirt tii"'
Bxprem . ■- ' '">7
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I Tf> * L - 'fr;-i IT : a*
a! ui trvi F ■ • • 1 ( af Blairxv'lle
«l in SB i fii •*»• ■'•
«J3 « ' • '■ ' ,UR ' -
,i<>n witi oo- i 4- '• •' *
arriving in Mrzn"i) ■< |* ra.. ana Ex
t,rM. «,« -r.in •' •■l"H|e mft-cctlon
,15 s*. ' i *
Phllmti' •••.- • • • > '.*»*" >'t n-f
Tnc 7ti '■ ;■ ->* '■
it tl.«*V ru M *«t >•<*• tr " '* ■**
r,. m. 'r*lfi f>i I.W .<■ r ' r* • telphta Ex
,-i| » ■>*».. t nHf.
Tr-.ifi* an •>- .t Hull < ' r. W-' » «n'»i K K at
•» Va m 4* "> i,.! 7.111 v . Hi. ift !me The
'•»>« «r<l air 4-1 ".-.b '»IUS on
tbc IJUtlei A rsinr P.. It.
tf'/in / <«<•.
Hir.n.li Itmi- itnvi fri«tMtrsn I°' Sa>*
i 2.Sb an* •» »■ TI 'H<l 1251. 42! a d S.'XI p.
a-, arriving ai Plill*>lpH» «na 720
t.. in iod>J.C<>. :•••■! 7 -M) a. IB.; at Kaltimore
iU,ni the *«"•«• i roe, at N<;w York three hoara
t«ier, and at Wa<hii«l"u atH>nl one and a lutil
bunra later.
Time of Coirls.
The aeveral Conrta of the oonnty of Batler
oomKeooe on the flmt Monday of Maroh, Jane,
September aod December, and eootlnne two
weelu, or so long aa n-rceeeary to dlapoee of the
txuineea. So causes are put down for trial or
traverse Jurors ammonea for the tin* week of
the several terma.
Offio* with L Z- Mtteheli. ntataond.
Office in Brady's Law Budding. Batler, Pit
8. 11. PiERSOL.
Office ou N. K. oornor Diamond, Biddie Ituld
lag fOOt 12
Office on K. E. corner thv nm. novl2
,VM fj T-r-iK,
Office with W H. H Ttiitdle »iaq.
Office oti liiaßt<>nd, near CVmrt Kouae. <toaU.
- i; BKI;<4VI
Office in Kiddle's Law Building
> F'. BOWSE!.
Office ai Bi>ldl>i'a Law Building imc.r'-_''
rtjKJrlal attention iflv«ni t« eoOeetlooe
Ol ixwli*- Willard Hou-e.
Offlcw nortb-eerl itirwr of Diamond, '•u'
itt iicbiiMKieuiau's irtul 'ip |
? I rxiNj.v I
i.rt!lc»r OKal I Hotf'j 74
, J-.K
r ■
Ottuw- >ti Kr<y? n i'' nuV '
Offii'" ir li-jr «w -nj'!.lin_' M-»«*' ■ 'r<*•- ij
I< ti AN,
Ot6e>: ift Btuiit. noid ug.
Lk\. is: ION,
Offic. Main street, t d«x»r -ou'' • ( onn H-n
JOS. I' V\Ni>f.;sU,iN.
Office KtU: nrc-t. I noatK of ( onrt Ran»
Wto A. FDUQt'EK,
«)ffice o i opp<>*K» Voi' 'ej
"""OEO.'li WHITE.
OIJi h, N JL evTtu t o< Oi'imorn
Fit A NCI s s prKVIANCE.
Ollice with inn. J. N Purvtane*. Main wdhi
sonih of (Vjiirt Hoivu>.
J i» MrJl NKIN
Ijtfh f in f>chii<-id';>rian*s l>«ftoln>>, w, *i »id< o
Mail) Kl'Kl, iii.d m) 0 >rc from Court Honre.
'» G W LLIAMH. "
Office on Diamond, two doors west of Crnzci>
offioe. apdti
Office is Berg's new building, id floor, earn
tide Mala et.. a few doom sooth of Lown
Hotwe. mart- tf
may 7 Office 8. W. oor ol Diamond,
Office on Main street one door aonth o
Brady Block, Butler, Pa 'sep. 9,187*.
Offioe in Brad/s Law Buililng, Main street,
south of Court House. Root** 0. Mitxaa,
Notary Pnblie. tuni I>
479 A WF.FK. 912 a day at home eaallymade
s'*> Coal Iv Oatflt free. Addretw Tap* A On.
AvgtMta. H*">» dae«-1y
dVOlvea particular attention to traoaactloo,
la real aetata throughout the oonnty.
Omox ov Diaaoxb, axiß OOOST Uorsc. i-
Omsxx nmLi'iKO
(Late of Ohio.)
Office In Brudf'n Law rtulldiuir. 4ept.V,7«
Attorney at taw. Leifal hualnea* citrefull)
tran«a't«*d Collectioiik made and promptly
remitted. B'inlne** corrc«poridrtii'c promptly
attended to and answered
Office o|/po*ite Lowr» House, Butler, Pa
rtmi.tlij oi t and lii dlord, Pa.
M N MiLE:\
Pctfili*, Biitiec lounty. Pa |)ni
M. li. BENk >n;!.
jan6 t! Pftrolin Bullwr J*»
pi«i ; su;i.\Ns.
myil-ly] BUTLEH. I'A.
OU WALDRON. Or duate ol ibe PbU-
H 'tdelulda Denial College,)» prejiarMt
e lis to do auything in the line ol bt»
profession in a sail*factory manner
Office on Main «tr«et, Untie,, Union Block,
upstairs, a pi i
ot? rr H '* 3u "* l "' K««'
UnUAIIO dwell* Htoot, Book, only
th7.<so. HMI op Organ, rtlool, B<,ok, only #5,1.75.
Piano-, Hlool, (Jover, Bok - 'JO to lllna
iititkt; mm.
H *3
i n CARPET soon j
w NOW i
w On© Door South of thefo ©lotting Howte, b
u* ' t-m
OnflyV f lock, Butler. Pa. X
y QO>I \\\ ]< ISFTM i's'mv ;SHJ.« NO R NO ISJ.-WVN
141 Fine Merchant Tailoring 141
.)< >ll> OMMERTB,
m-m-m ■»•«»«• «»«-«•■ mm/m a ■«•>;*»*«-»».»• «"*•*'» ■-**_
A fine selection of Fall and Winter goods wiil be made to order at reasonable price*, and
**ti<-faction guaranteed. . .
Overcoat* a »r*-cialty. A cordial invitation is extended to the people of the V icimtr, to
call and examine visitor* as well a* buyers will l>e welcome.
JOHA OMMJEIXT ;41 Federal Street, Allegheny City. Pa
Dry Goods, Notions, Trimmings, Groceries, etc,
Corner Main and Mifflin Street, - - - - BUTLER, PA.
Dress Goods of all kinds, large assortment colored and black Cashmeres, large
assortment Black Silks, Momie cloths, fancy Brocades, Plaids, Cotton Dress
Goods, Calicoes, Chintaes, etc.
Trimmings, trimmings. Trimmings.!
Btocade sfiks, all eolors.
Plain Slim, all colors.
Plain Satin*.
Brocade Satins.
Striped Satin*.
Brocade Velveteen*, all colors.
Plain Velveteen*, all colors.
Black Slik Velvet.
Fringes, Black and Colored.
PawMunentrle*. ornaments.
Cord and Ta«el*. a flue assortment.
Buttons. Buttons. Buttons
A full line of Drena and Cloak I'.uttons -A large ;
A full tine of RIIIIJOUH, Lace*, Embroidery, Iju-e
Tien, Buching and Ladles' Neckwear.
Cloaks xi Djiman3 I Clcaks and Dclmans !
Flannel*, burred :ind (willed, plain colors ami b< st uiiikcs ;
Canton Flannel; I iulies' Clolh. nil colors; Ladies' Sacking;
Black Heuvers ; <'MSIIITH ICH ; Jeans; Tweeds; Ticking; Shirt
ing; Mucins; Table Linens; Toweling. Blnnkets. etc
1 also keep a (till line <>f (Jroccries, Queensware, etc. All tlie
above goods at lowest prices,
f« untv produce and grain taken in exdiange for goods.
A. IVontman.
4T*> T""*n jitib*.
Cor. Main and Cunningham St., Butler, Pa.
One Boor Boutii of JOHN BERG & CO.'S BANK.
Having refitted the large and commodious Store Room, situate
iri the aliove stated location, formerly occupied by Martin Heiber
•Sr., wi- will in u few opon up a first-class grocert, and wiil
oft'-r to the public at bottom prices, a fine selection of choice,
line Highest
Jolin Berg Ac Non.
Corner &9lh St. dc Broadway,
On lloth American anil European Maun.
Fronting <.n Central Park, the drum) lloulcvard,
Broadway ami Fifty-Ninth 8t„ thU Hotel occu
ptM th« entire square. and was bulll, ami ftir
niahed at an expense of over »u*),ouo. It U one of
th«- moat elegant ait well an being the Illicit lo
cated 111 the city ; ha* a pu*Hctii(cr Elevator anil
all modem Improvement*. ami I* within one
square of Uie derails of Ute Hixth and Kli(hth
Avenue Elevated K. K. cars and still nearer to the
liroadway cam-- convenient and accessible from
all pari* of the elty. Rooms with hoard, 9- per
day. Hpeclal rates for families and jMTiuanciit
K. HAMKELL, Proprietor.
National Hotel,
Ml W \ Oil K
nOTC'HKIKH k POND, - - I'rop'rn.
Tim roetaiirant, cafe and lunch room attachei
are mwoitiaiHUKl for cheapness »nd excellence of
service llonttet fih ctr. to j,nr day fit to vti
jrtir week. Convcne-nt to all femes nad rilv
r-ilroa/l- N w KniiMTtw* Nr.w M«>*ot
**.vr. J.nilijlv
•y-nr: iwheiper iioukr.
Having taken possesion of tlie above well
I > wo Hotel and |» being furnished m lh«
best of stvie for the a«c iu i'ia>ion of giiesir. the
public 'tri respectfully nvitcd to give tu« n call
I h*v« also posse sioo of the barn in rmr of
hotel, which fumlshee excellent stabling. ac
comodations for uiy patrons.
AdmlnlMtratrix'* Police.
Notice la herob, uiven that I, Kate R. Howe,
have taken out letters of administration on the
oatale of Lewis Howe, Into of Karus (Sty. Ilntlrr
county. Pa., dee'd, all 'persons having ch>iu>e or
demand* against to« estate of Haul decedent are
reqnwlted to pr»»»*iit the same to UM> at once
KATK It It .-Wf,
Aden's of Lewie Itowe. deo'd Kjttaiuunv. P*
dec» Si
A Fine Single Sleigh, mu<Je in the
latent Htyle, nwcll bed. Also it fine two
borne Mleitrh CHII be bought (.in up.
rrftfuTro Oi UttMifit cfflftfJP
Corsets. Corsets, Corsets,
A large stock to select from.
Gloves, Gloves. G'oves.
Kid Gloves, Silk Gloves.
Lisle Thread Glove*.
Cashmere Glovea, and lieriln Gloves.
Yarns. Yarns, Yarns
Germantown Yams. Saxony Yarn*, Caslimere
; Yarns, German Worsteds, Factory Yarns, Berlin
! Zepher.
Underwear, Underwear, Underwear.
For Children, Laities' and Gentlemen.
Hosiery, Hosiery, Hosiery.
I.arge assortment for Children Ladles' and Gen
A bnndsotnc six ro> in frumu house, located
on Mln I! street, inn Hi western part of Hutlcr.
I,ntsoxl7fl. All tr w-.iry outi>nllrJltitrn.
TERMS—Ore-third cash and bnlnticc In four
equal annual pajn elite. Inquire at thin olbco.
Tlie vrell-lraprov< '1 fvrn of Rev. W It. Hutch
ison, in th«j north***! corner of Middlesex town
ship, Hutlcr ooiint \ Pi . In now offered for sain,
low. Inquire of W K EKIHREE, on the pretn
leoa. aplfltf
$» will buy a oii' liall interest In a (rood bus.
ltie»s In Pittsburgh. One who knows Hi>m> •
ililnc about fartiiin - | i< Icrred. An homat tmiu
with the above atiioiti t will do well to sfldrcse
by letter. HYtITII .l"l!NK, cure H M Ji.mes,
I.lbcrty sit- el, I'ltt .luirirli, Pa |iin*i7-l y
IN'< > riCK.
Those of our re« ! i - desiring sleadv ami pro
fitable cinployuiei.', or valuable rciidiuif matter
••heap fin I hi- sl.i.nM send l"> cents to the
FRANK I.KSl.li, PI HI.IKIIIS'(! CO , |r. Dev
St., New York, (or <t coniplntc set of their pub
lications nmf llliKtrnted CutaluKUC, containing
li»'t ill pr< iiiitiiiis, Ac , or .1, ,ti for a eomideti'
atrcnt's outfit of I'J Is siitiful ('hrotnoa an<i our
Premium Hook oI Valuable Information, con*
tnininj; over ."»(Ki p IKC<, with sample copies of
nil our publications, Ac. Sec advertisement in
another column
An active ajjeiit wanted in every town—
twenty to thirty dollar* can lie made weekly.
Their Illustrated Publications with their new
Premiums, take at .ifl.t ilo not di lay if you
wish to secure your l< rritorv.
Address Prank Leslie Publishing (,'o., 15
Dey Ht., New York,
Union WlVlill,
BU 11.EH, PA
M.inul.ll iorci of I:I.\NKKTS, KI.ASNKIX, VAHNS,
\i' Also custom **ork done to order, auch ar
csrdln,' Rolls, malum- Hlnttkeii,, El.itinola Knlt
tli „- and Weaving Varna, Ac., it very low
;>i lees Wool M orked on the a! area, II de
sir ~(1 >nv7-1 V
Slock Speculation and Investment.
'/pcrntior.s on Marcln or by Privile((ae. Hfx»-
cinl biismeee in Mliuim Swaiks. Full i>arttcularN
<iii upplichtioti JAMKH DliliWN, Dealer In
1 1 1 »0j tynrt*. Hi ft « Uroadw*jr, York.
[From Harper's Monthly for December ]
Xow the deacon had a clear field
and appeared in the of Bassett
in the character of an injured and for
saken husband. His prayers at meet
i ing were longer and more eloquent
| than ever, anu the church, sympathiz
! ing with his sorrows—the male mem
i bers especially deprecating Mrs.
; Flint's example, lest it should some
time be followed by their own wives—
unanimously agreed to withdraw their
fellowship from Mrs. Flint; a proceed
ing in kind, if not in degree, like the
anathema of the papacy. The poor
old woman quivered under the blow,
imparted to her parson Roberts, awful
in the dignity of his office and a new
wig. But the parson was human, arid
the meek grief of the woman, set olf
Mab's blazing indignation, worked up
on his honest soul, and caused him to
doubt a little the church's wisdom.
Mab had followed him across the door
yard to the gate in order to "free her
'I want to know what you wanted
that poor woman todo.Parsou Roberts.
She was dyin' by inehis for want of
vittels fit to eat, and the care most
folks would give a sick ox. Do you
think, now, honest, she'd ought to
have staid with that old wretch ?'
'Speak not evil of dignities, young
woman. Amasy Flint is a deacon of
Bassett church ; it Uoes not become
you so to revile him.'
This glittering generality did not
daunt Mab a moment.
'I don't care if be was deacon in the
New Jerusalem, or minister either; if
he was the angel Gabriel, and acted
the way he did act, I shouldn't have
no faith in his piety, nor no patience
with his prayers.'
Parson Roberts glared at her over
his spectacles with pious horror.
'What! what! what!' be sternly
cried. Who be you that set in judg
ment on your elders and betters V
'l'm one that's seen him where you
haven't, anyway, nor your church
members. I've lived to his house, and
I know him like a book.'
Was it possible, the parson thought,
that Brother Flint might have been in
fault—just a little? But he was faith
ful to his dogmas and his education.
'Do not excuse the woman's sin.
She has left her lawful husband,
threatened to swear the peace against
a Christian man whom she was bound
by human and divine law to obey, and
caused a scandal and a disturbance in
the fold of Christ. Is this a little mat
ter, you daughter of Belial?'
Mab laughed—laughed in the par
son's face, in full front of his majestic
wig, his awlul spectacles, his gold
beaded cane uplifted in the heat of ar
gument. He could not see that she
was a little hysterical; he grew red
with ungodly rage; but Mab did not
care a pin.
'You ain't a fool, Parson Roberts,'
she said undauntedly. 'You've got
eyes in your bead, aud you'd know, if
you d use 'em, I hat Aunt Flint is a
weak sister anyway. She wouldn't
turn no sooner'n the least turn that
ever wan but. they will turn, if you
tread right on them. And whatever
you say, you know jest as well s I do
that Amahy Flint drove her into Icav
in' him, and drove her with a whip of
scorpions, as the Bible tells about.'
'Woman, do you mean to say I lie?'
thundered the parson.
'Well, yes, if you don't tell tho
truth,' returned Mali, completely at
bay now. An audible chuckle betray
ed some listener, and the parson, turn
ing round, beheld old Israel silently
unloading u wheelbarrow-load of pota
toes at the corner of the fence, and
wondered in his soul how long the man
had been there, but considered it tho
better part of valor to leave the scene
now that it bad ceased to be a tete a
tcte; so be waved his hand at Mab
with a gloomy scowl, and went his
'Land o' liberty !' ejaculated the old
man, drawing the buck of his hand
across his mouth to smother a laugh,
'didn't you give him jesse ! I swan
your the gall for a free fight, now.
He's heerd the fac's in the case if he
never did afore. Of all things! what
b« you a-cryin' for now, eh?' For
Mab, a real woman, bad flung her
apron over her face, and was sobbing
violently. Uncle Israel gently tried
to pull the check screen away, but she
held on to it.
'Let me cry,'she said. 'I ain't sor
ry ; I'm mad, and I've got to cry it
'Well,'said Israel, returning to his
potatoes, and slowly shaking his head,
'women-folks air the bcatercd. I don't
know nothing about them, and I'm
five and sixty-year old come Friday.
Lordy ! there ain't no riddles or Chinee
puzzles to compare with 'em. I've bed
a wife an' lost a wife, praise the Lord !
but I never was sure o' her, even. I
wouldn't no more try it agin than I'd
slip down into a bee tree, for there's
full as much stings as honey to 'em,
and take an everidge, I guess there's
Whether or nut the parnon'H wilent
idea coincided with thonu Ixrael ex
preHHed in not fo» the ignorant chroni
eler to way, but it iw curtain that bin
candid and generoUH noul WUH HO far
moved l»y Mab'n tiriide, however lie
denied and defied it during liiw deliv
ery thai the next day he r«Holved to
eall in a council of li in neighboring
brethren to UiMCUhH the matter, and in
dorms or reprobate tho action of bin
own church.
80 he wrote to the Reverend Ami
Dobbin**, ol Hornet, and the ll> vereud
Samuel Jehoraiu Mill, of BanMington,
better known an Father Hill, and in
compliance with bin request they re
paired to Bat-wett and investigated the
matter. Being advised of the pastor,
who liad had his experiences, they
went to Mr*. Flint'H during Hcbool
bourn, and Mabel had no chance to
pour out her HUUI before them ; tln-y
encountered only a pale, depressed,
weak woman who wan frightuned out
of what little heart wan left her by past
trialw, when these two august pernor)-
ageH came into her presence, and with
Hi vere countenances begau their cate
'etifltw V/f Wr mb wffti rtMWh rTfift 1 ;
As in the case of many another woman,
her terror, her humiliation, and a ling
ering desire to shield her husband front
his own misdeeds'all couspired against
her; her testimony was tearful, con
fused, and contradictory, though
through it all she did feebly insist on
her own sufferings, and depicted them
in honest colors. From her they went
to the deacon, whom they found re
signed, pious, and loftily superior to
common things; then he was a man,
and a deacon ! Is it to be wondered at
that their letter to the church at Bas
sett was in the deacon's favor ? They
did indeed own that Mrs. Flint had
'peculiar trials,' but went on to say :
'Nevertheless, she cannot be fully
justified, but has departed from meek
ness a; d a Christian spirit . . par
ticularly in indulging angry and pas
sionate expressions,tending to provoke
arid irrate her husband; and however
uujustiliable bis conduct may be, that
doth no exculpate her. We think that
it would be proper and suitable for
hei to make suitable reflections; ac
knowledge she bath given her brethren
and sisters of the church occasion of
stumbling and to be dissatisfied; and
upon her manifesting a becoming spir
it of meekness and love, we think they
ought to restore her; but if she should
refuse to make such reflections, they
can not consistently receive her.'
And with a few added remarks on
the perplexity of the case, and advis
ing the church to call an ecclesiastical
council, the Reverend Ami Dobbins
and Father Hill retired for the present
But Bassett was not content. Weeks
passed, aud no act of concession or
contrition came from this poor old of
fender. To tell the truth, Mabel stood
behind her now, afire with honest rage
at the way she bad been put upon.
•You sha'nt do it. aunty !' she said
with all her native vehemeuce.
'You confess! I like that! It is that
old hypocrite's place to confess. He
drove you out, now when you get
down to it, and he hain't asked you to
come back that I've heard tell. I'd
let hint and the church, and Bassett
too, go to thunder if they're a mind to.
If you make 'suitable reflections' they'll
reflect on old Flint aud Bassett church
members. Dear me ! I know one
thing; I'd rather be an old maid ten
times over than marriwd to that man !'
A faint smile crept over the old wo
man's pale face; from her high pillow
she had a good outlook, and more than
o: ce she had seen an interview by the
little gate that did not at gur long
maidenhood for Mab.
•Well, Mabel, if that's your say,
why, it behooves you to be real cau
tious, though 1 don't know as Sam
Pratt's brother could be anyways oth
er than good.'
Mab blushed like a Provence rose,
but said nothing; ye. day after day
kept hardening her aunt's heart as well
as she knew how; and Parson Roberts
receiving no 'reflections' from the of
fender, and having great faith in Fath
er Hill's power of persuasion, invited
him to come again by himself and hold
a conversation with Sister Flint on
the subject of her trials and her contu
Father Hill was a quaint, gentle,
sweet natured old man, steeped, I ow
ever, in the prejudices of hit* faith ; he,
too, went to the house mailed with his
fixed assurance of ecclesiastic 1 dignity
and marital supremacy. Sympathy,
pity, comprehension of her side of the
case, would have disarmed Mrs. Flint
completely; she would have sobbed,
confessed, laid her hand on her mouth
anil her mouth in the dust, and been
ready to own herself the chief of sin
ners; but to be placed in the wrong
from the first, reproved, admonished,
and treated as an impentinent and
hardened culprit, made it easier for
her weak nature to accept the situation
than to tlefy or deny it. Nothing
Father Hill could ay moved her, but
her dull and feeble obstinacy stirred
his tender heart to its depths ; he felt
a despair of human means and a yearn
ing tenderness that could find no out
let but in prayer; be fell on his knees
before the chair in which he had liecn
sitting, ami lifted his earnest face to
*() dear Lord and Master,' bo said,
speaking even as a man unto his friend
'Thou hast borne our griefs and carried
our sorrows Thou knowest by heart
every pain and woe that we feel; a
stranger cannot intermeddle, but O
thou hope of Israel, why shouldst thou
be as a stranger that passcth by, and a
wayfaring man that larrieth but a
night, in this dwelling of thy hand
maid ? Dear Lord, it is not in man
that walketh to direct his own steps,
how much lesn the steps of others 1
Come Thou in the might of Thy great
gentleness and Thine all-knowing sym
pathy and love, ami show this child of
thine the right way, saying, 'Walk ve
in it.' Thou knowest every sorrow she
has pussed through, every bitter
draught she has drunk, every sin she
has been led into; yea, when she said
there was no comforter, Thine eye
pitied and Thine arm wailed to save
her, though the eye of flesh saw it not.
Come now and place beneath her weary
heart and failing flesh the everlasting
arms of Thy overflowing love and care;
give her peace mid rest; above all,
with Thy love and pity redeem her, as
Thou didst the elder Israel, and bring
her with tender leading and Divine af
fection not only into Thy fold on earth,
but to the (Jcnernl Assembly and
Church of the first-born in heaven, and
to the shall be praise and love and glo
ry forever. Amen.'
When he arose, his old face fair with
the shining of the Mount from whence
lie came down, the poor woman, who
had dropped her head on her hand, lilt
ed it, and tried to thank him, but
streaming tears choked her; and behind
the door into the shed a stilled sob be
trayed some bidden auditor.
'Farewell !' said Father Hill, and
with a look i f heavenly benignity went
out from the house. His deep and
earnest piety has got the better of his
dogmas, and, so strange is human na
ture, lie was a little ashamed of it. Rut
on his departing steps the shed door
opened, and Mab came in, her face all
Washed with tears.
• 'l'hat man's got religion !' she s.iid,
dudsivcly. I never lieerd u mortal
"dlWlWe pVrfy ffkti tli'ift': hV
though he see right into glory, and
talked face to face with the Lord. If
that's bein' pious, 1 wish 1 was as
pious as fury myself.'
'He's a good man,' sobbed Mrs.
Flint; 'one of the Lord's an'inted, I
make no doubt; and, Mabel, I don't
know but what I have did wrong. I
ain't noways heavenly-minded like him;
mabbe I had ought to have put up
with everything.'
'Xo, you hadn't; that ain't so ; but
if it's goin' to make you easier, aunty,
to 'make reflections,' as old Parson
Roberts says, why, make 'em; only
don't tell no lies to the church because
you've got into a heavenly mood all at
once. Folks that ain't just to them
selves don't never get justice else
wheres, now I tell you.'
Father Hill, despairing of having
impressed Mrs. Flint, had cast the mat
ter into his master's hands, and from
his study in liassington sent a letter to
Parson Roberts, running thus :
had Opportunity wiih Mrs. Flint, and
find that she conceived her leaving the
Deacon was a real duty at that time;
that her Recovery uuder Providence
turned upon it ; that she did not then
foresee ihe consequences that such a
step \ould issue in her final Separa
tion .... She stands ready to reflect
upon herself as far as she can be con
vinced she ought to do so, but thinks
the fault is not on her Side as things
now are.
'I feel unable to direet or advise fur
ther. The cause of Religion, the cause
of the Christian Church, you are very
sensible, is of more Consequence than
the Honor or Pease of any individual.
If such a settlement can be made as
may secure Religion from suffering, it
must be an object to be desired . . Sen
sible of the Embarassmeuts you and
the church labor uuder, and desirous to
contribute my mite, I use this Free
'This from your affectionate Brother,
'To ltev'd Mr. Roberts.
'To be communicated if you think
But while ihe ministers were in this
strait about their obstinate parishioner,
the Lord had answered Father Hill,
unknown to himself, wl ile he was yet
speaking. Moved, and indeed melted,
by the love and sympathy that prayer
showed, Mrs Flint, no longer hindered
by Mabel, prepared herself to write
'proper reflections' to the church ; but
in doing so was also perpetually
prompted by Mabel not to traitorously
deny her own cause or slip aside from
the truth in voluntary humility ; and
in due time the following confession
was laid before that august body :
•I, tin; subscriber, Sarepta Flint, a
member of the church of Christ in Bas
sett, sensible that the Church are dis
satisfied with me on account of the I
Separation that has taken place be-1
tween Deacon Flint and myself, and !
that they are Apprehensive that 1 have j
not been innocent as to measures which
have led to this unhappy Event, where- |
by Religion is wounded and the Pease j
of the Church disturbed, take this op
portunity to publickly acknowledge
myself a poor, imperfect Creturo, and
to own that under my Weak state of
Body and weakness of mind, with
which 1 was attended at one Time or
another, ! no doubt manifested on cer
tain Ocasions an unsuitable Temper of
mind, said and Did things which un
der other Circumstances 1 should not
have said or done. I am far from jus
tifying myself in all my conduct. Par
ticular I would reflect on myself for
thut Expresion in regard to swearing
the Pease against Deacon Flint. .. .1
ask the Forgiveness of God and this
church, and of all others who are ag
grieved, and request the prayers of my
Christian Brethren and Sisters that I
henceforth conduct as a true and faith-
Disciple of C'hriht, and adorn the Solcm
Vocation by which I am called.
I'. s. —l Htarid ready also to return
to my Husband as HOOD AN a suitable
Door opens for that Purpose.'
Perhaps something in the self-re
specting yet honest humility of thin
document touched the heart of fJassett
church, or perhaps only their self-love
and pride <>f pluce VVUH soothed by it
Be that an it may, the confession was
accepted, ami Parson Roberts, with a
valor and persistence that did him
honor, insisted that Deacon Flint
should go with him to inform his wife
of her release from interdict, and also
to open that "Door" or reconciliation
to which she had so pathetically allud
ed. The parson's wig was fresh buck
led, the deacon's queue new wound and
tied, and their Sabbath-day garments
prim anil speckless, as the uexi morn
ing they opened the door of the old
house where Sarepta Flint had taken
refuge from her oppressor. A scene
they little expected met theireyes. On
the low bed, covered with its rough
blue homespun spread, lay an evident
ly dying figure. A more "Solem Vo
cation" than life had called Deacon
Flint's wife, and she was about to obey.
Mindwell ami Sam Pratt upheld her
as she gasped for breath, and the two
children clung together sobbing at her
feet, while Mnliel, with .loe Pratt's arm
about her, and her face streaming with
tears she did not feel, stood by the bed
side gazing at her 'riend. Her face
blazed as the deacon and Parson Rob
erts < ntercd ; but r. used by the click of
the latch, Mrs. Flint opened her eyes
and looked nt the youthful pair with a
gentle smile; they bad been the one
bright outlook of her latter life, and to
them she gayc her last smile ; for as
her eyes turned toward her husband a
cold terror tilled them, the lids fell, her
head drooped on Mimlwcll's shoulder,
and with one long shuddering sigh she
escaped forever. The forgiveness of
the church and the coudcscent-ion of
her husband came too late: she was al
ready safe where the wicked cease from
troubling, and the Consoler dries all
mortal tears.
Deacon Flint stood like a stone.
Did remorse trouble him ? Was regret
busy at his heart? Or did he feel a
bitter and deep chagrin at the loss of
so much income?
Mabel's tears ceased ; she withdrew
from .J "c's arm, and went round to
WMfrV LMIUVU Flfut rfUftAf. 'Aik' Vo'a
proper pleased now ?' she said, in a low
voice of concentred contempt and rage.
'You've got her turned out of church,
and into heaven. You won't never
see her again—no, never I not to all
eternity; but you've killed her a 9 good
as if you took an axe to her. You can
take that hum to sleep on.'
'Hush !' said Parson Roberts, with
all the dignity a little mau could give
to his voice and manner. 'When the
Lord giveth quietness, who then can
make trouble ?'
But even as he spoke, Joe Pratt, his
face full of black wrath, set his hand to
the deacon's collar, and walked him
summarily into the road. Mabel had
:-poken the truth : never again did he
M-e his wife's face, not even in the fair
peace of death. Whether ever in that
far world of souls they met again is,
perhaps, doubtful ; let us pray not.
Mrs. Flint's married experience was
orer in this world a hundred years ago,
and iu the next "they neither marry
nor are given in marriage.'
The proceedings of the first week of
the session of Congress show that un
less public opinion compels some effec
tive legislative action, every Presi
dential election will bring the country
to the verge of anarchy. There is no
question in any quarter of the result
of the late election One certificate
only will be sent from each State.
There is no dispute. Everybody
agrees. But because of a point of
form for which the Constitution make 9
no provision, there are threatenings
and mutterings of a dead lock and a
failure to complete the election. It is
a national disgrace that this situation,
at once pitiful and perilous, should re
cur with every Presidential election.
It impeaches both American patriotism
and American commonsense. The
responsibility and the shame rest
equally upon botß parties; upon the
Republican, that during their long as
cendency in Congress they did not
place a proper law upon the statute
book; and upon the Democratic, that,
after the startling alarm of the dispute
of IB7G, they have proposed nothing
but the partisan trick of the Morgan
resolution. The debate of the first
week in the House wa upon that res
olution, which provides in effect that
either House of Congress can throw
out the electoral vote of a State. This
reduces the Presidential election to the
will of a party majority in the Senate
or House of Representatives, and the
Republicans have done wisely in op
posing it. Under the Morgan bill as
it stands, if an objection should be
made, during the count, to any elector
returned from the State of New York,
for instance, or to all the thirty-five
electors, tho Convention of the two
Houses would separate, five minutes
would be allowed for debate, and upon
tho re-assembling, if either House sus
tained the objection, the vote would
be rejected. Rather than such a pre
posterous trick as this it would be very
much better to abolish popular Presi
dential elections altogether, and au
thorize the House of Representatives
to elect the President.
In the debate, the Democrats, taking
advantage of tho want of definite pro- 1
visious in the Con>titution for deciding
between several certificates from a
State, and for counting the vote, en
deavored to force the Republicans in
to the position of asserting that it is
the right of the Vice-President to de
cide what certificates to open, and to
count the vote. This would be tech
nically to assert that a purely minis
terial officer might exercise the most
vital judic al functions, and in effect to
clafm that the Vice-President might
elect the President. The Democrats
did succeed in driving Mr. Robeson to
allege that the Vice-Prosidont must
•decide himself the questions which
govern his ministerial action.' Ho
quoted Chancellor Kent as saying that
in the absence of proper legislative
provision, the ministerial action must
stand as the only thing to determine
the question. Mr. Rolnjson admitted
that it was a great wrong and shame
that such provision is not made—an
omission which, he said, impeaches tho
patriotism, judgment, and statesman
ship of Congress. The assumption of
this vital power by the Vice-President,
however, is no more tolerable than its
assumption l»y Congress. To claim
for hiui a quasi judicial power ex ne
crnnitat<- is as unpermissive and not so
reasonable as to claim the same power
for Congress. If two electoral cer
tificates should be sent from a State,
and the selection between them is to
lie intrusted to Congress or to the Vice-
President, there is no doubt which is
the proper depositary of the trust. Hut
in fact the Constitution intrusts the
decision to neither. It does not con
template disputed certificates. It pro
vides merely how certificates shall bo
prepared and transmitted, and then
"the President of the Senate shall, in
presence of the Senate and House of
Representatives, open all the certifi
cates, and the votes shall then Iw
counted." That is all. And it is im
possible to extort from this direction
the authority either for tho SonaUi and
House, or fur tho President of the
Senate, to decide which of two or
more certificates from any State to
open. If there be no dispute, the way
is clear. The President of the Senate
is to open all the certificates, and it is
perfectly indifferent who counts the
votes. This fact makes the folly of
tho Democratic insistence upon tho
Morgan rule so long as they deny the
right of the President of the Senate.
For while they properly deny to him
a power not granted, they claim a
power not granted for one House of
The Democratic menace that if their
theory of procedure in a case upon
which the Constitution is silent should
not l>o accented, the majority of the
House would stop the government, by
refusing to Is* present at the count,
does not help the matter. It would
merelv produce anarchy by raising the
question whether the members who
shonld refuse do not violate tho Consti
tution, and whether those who should
attend would not compose the House
VToWnt l«J a gamo rorlwo. JTyauc<H:k
One square, one insertion, tl; each snbM
quent insertion, 60 cents. Yearly advertisement
exceeding one-fourth of * column, #5 per inch
Figure work double these rates; additions
charges where weekly or monthly change* are
made. Local advertisements 10 cents per line
for first insertion, and 6 cents per line for sack
additional insertion. Marriages and deaths pub*
lished free of cbarge. Obituary notices charged
as advertisements, and payable when handed to
Auditors' Notices, 14; Executors' and Adminia
trators' Notices. $3 each; Estray, Caution an#
Dissolution Notices, not exceeding tea lines,
From the fact that the Cinzwr 1s the oides>
established and most extensively circulated B«
frablican newspaper in Butler oounty. (a Repot
ican county) it must be apparent to business
men that it is the medium they should use in
advertising their business.
NO. 8
had received the electoral majority, in
stead of Garfield, and the President of
the Senate should refuse to attend and
open the certificates, there would be
the same confusion. Yet the President
of the Senate has the same right to ab
sent himself that the majority of the
House has. But this is child's play.
The Constitution does not sav who
shall decide between certificates, nor
who shall count the votes, and as it is
proved that the omission is full of peril,
and will expose the country to the
gravest risks every four years, there la
no duty more imperative upon Con
gress than to pass a law supplying the
omission. As between the Edmnnds
bill, which provides that disputes shall
be settled in the States, and that if
there are two organizations, each claim
ing to be the State, only that certifi
cate shall be received which both
Houses agree to receive, and the Mor
gan bill, for which the Democrats are
now contending, which makes either
House of Congress a returning board
for every elector in every State, there
can be no difference of opinion amoaf
intelligent men of either party. It is in
no sense whatever a party question,
and sensible Republicans and Demo
crats do not differ upon the absolute
necessity of immediate effective legis
lation upon the subject legislation
which shall give to every State the
settlement of its own electoral disputes
and refer to the decision of both Hous
es a dispute of State authority. The
attempt to drag along with implica
tions and constructions and deductions,
in a matter where there is confessedly
no direction, is worthy of Sancho Pan
za's Congress at Barataria, if there was
one, but not of the American Congress.
—Harper's Weekly.
The most serious trouble with read
ers and writers is, as might be predict
ed from their peculiar work, weak eyes.
We find that engravers, watch-makers
and all others who use their eyes con
stantly in their work take extra care to
preserve them by getting the best pos
sible light by dav *nd using the best
artificial light at night. The great ar
my of readers and writers are careless,
and most of them, sooner or later, pay
the penalty bv being forced to give np
night work entirely— some to give up
readiug except at short intervals, un
der the best conditions, and now and
then one loses the eyesight entirely af
ter it is too late to take warning.
Greek, German, short-hand, or any
other characters differing from the
plain Roman type, make a double dan
ger. The custom is to laugh at all
warnings till pain or weakness makes
attention imperative, and then it is of
ten too late to avert the mischief Fe*r
comprehend the vast number we flip
pantly call a million, but it takes a
million letters to make UD a fair-sued
volume of 500 pages, forty lines to the
page, fifty letters to the line. A reader
makes an easy day of reading this, but
his eyes must go overa thousand thou
sand letters ! We can do no better ser
vice to readers and writers than to call
attention to this great danger of failing
to take the best of care, which is none
too good, for the eyes. Every tyro
kuows that ho should have the best
light for reading, should shun careftilly
early dawn or twilight, should always
stop at the first signs of pain or weari
ness, etc Most know that the glare
from a plain, white surface is very try
ing, and that the eye is relieved by a
tint. Recent experiments in Germany
are reported to indicate some yellowish
tint as easiest for the eyes. Dark pa
pers, inks that show little color on first
writing, faint load-pencil marks that
can be read only by straining the eyes,
are fruitful sources of mischief. So is
bad writing. Tho bad paper, ink and
pencils most of our readers will have
too good sense to use. The intelligent
public should so clearly show its dis
gust at tho line type, solid matter, poor
paper and poor printing which some
publishers and most periodicals, except
the best, are guilty of offering, that no
publisher would dare attempt the ex
periment a second time. The modern
newspaper, which so many read in the
cars Hud by gas light, is one of tho
most fruitful causes of poor eyesight.
Wo cannot control this at once, bnt
owe it as a duty to protest stoutly
against such printed matter, and, if
possible, to refuse to buy or tolerate it
in any form more than absolutely
necessary. Printed matter ought to be
leaded. A size smaller tvpe with this
extra space between the lines is easier
to read than the size larger set with
out it. As the leaded smaller siso will
contain fully as much matter to a given
space, there is no reason why publish
ers should not adopt it, Inieause It is
quite as cheap.— Literary Journal.
Man proposes, and woman often
wishes he would not bo so long about
making up his mind to do It.
In one week recently there were 98,-
400 deaths in Chicago. Of this num
ber an even 98,000 were hogs.
Two old maids in Rhode-Island
have made, for several years, a <JoII
that is sought for by dealers In all
parts of the country. Various attempts
liuve boon made to Imitate these dolls,
but they have been unsuccessful, atul
the Rhode-Island makers control tbs
markets for their specialty.
Some time since a man by the name
of Kersey, a resident of Altoona, this
State, was robbed of SI,BOO, which
was taken from his dwelling. A re
ward was offered for the recovenr ol
the money, ami detectives found f6OO
of it upon tho porsou of Kersey's wife.
The officers brought suit for the reward,
and a verdict was given in their favor
for s'.>4. It is a strange case, and will
likely be appealed to a higher tribunal.
The Utah papers intimate that Pres
ident Hayes would not have Ihiou se
vere on polygamy if he had been a
Mormon himself.
A factory has boon started in Brook
lyn, New York, for the manufacture of
padded tights used by ballet daaoera.
Neither the stage nor the circus ring
take all that are. manufactured, but
men and woman who promenade the
streets and make an effoj-t to exhibit a