Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 05, 1881, Image 4
CHIC AO O'S MA NI FA CT UR ISO IS DCS Til ItS. The recent census of the manufac turing industries of Chicago discloses evidence of a pht nomcnal rate of pro gress during the last ten years. The footings sho-v 3,752, establishments, capital, 113,507 persons employed. $37,615,381 wages paid, and $253,405,695 in value of the articles manufactured. This is nearly three times the annual product in 1870. The leading industry is meat parking: 72 establishments, with $8,46-,000 capi tal, employ 12,891 pen-ons, and put up in valde of meats The iron acd frteel manufactures reach about $25,000,000. The rolling mill products are valued at $15,073,624,n0t j including the Bessemer Steel Works. ! the values for which are merged in a general item. The manufacture of clothing foots up $17,423,607 ; sash, doors, etc., $3,951,281 ; bridges and railroad stock. $3,030,398; furniture, $7,138.278; tanning and currying, s•>,- 637,000; alcohol and rectifying, $•"».- 024.220 ; lard oil, $6,508,800. Rational Trputineut, POM)11V«' Dr. R. V. Pierce, President of the World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, is in earnest in selling his medi cines under positive guarantees, and if anybody who purchases and uses any of these winely celebrated does not derive benefit therefrom, the Association would like to hear from that person with description of symptoms and history of case. Or ganized and incorporated, as the Asso ciation is,to teach-medicine and surgerv and for the successful treatment of all chronic diseases and managing annually thousands of cases through our origi nal method of diagnosis without ever seeing the patierrts, and having also the largest sanitarium in the world for the accommodation of the more complicated cases, and also for surgical cases, the Faculty feel themselves pre pared to undertake even the most dis couraging cases. They resort to all the best remedial means known to modern medical science—neglecting nothing. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo. N. Y., or Great Russell Street Buildings, London, Eng. The carcass of a white whale, bound for Chicago, passed through Pittsburir lately. Don't hesitate if your Kidneys trouble you, for DAY'S KIDNEY PAD will surely cure. While you are in a museum looking at the mummy, did you ever wonder how many political speeches he in ght have made ill bis time ? Persons who are inclined to criticise Mr. Vennor should remember that that gentleman,s weather predicti<itis are made for the latitude of Canada. Tbc Boers—Dutch farmers—in the Transvaal, South Africa, have thrown off the yoke of Great Britaiu and pro claimed a republic. Success to them. When yon are telling a man a secret do not say "Now, you will not tell this." The man that you have to say that to will tell your secret, sure. A Canadian paper reports that an lYsh resident of Pembroke, being about to return to Ireland, sold his wife and family for SIOO to a fellow-countryma j. Formal articles were sigued. A Bashful young clergyman, recently rising to preach for the first time, an nounced his text in this wise: "And immediately the cock wept and Peter went out and crew bitterly." —Another investigation of the re ported misery and suffering at the set tlement of Conncmara, Minn.,* results in confirming the first accounts of dis tress prevailing there. C. 11. Penrose, Millersburg, Penn., says: I sell the A. S. T. Co., Tip Shoes, and can recommend them above all other tips. They give perfect satis faction. I sell more shoes with the A. S. T. Co. Tip tbaa any other. Professor Swing, of Chicago, got a lift from $7,000 to SIO,OOO on his salary. Reason : Threatened to go to New York, It is believed the extra $3,000 was secretly contributed by New Yorkers. We are glad to hear it. Our druggist informs u* that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup sells better than any other medi cine, and always gives satisfaction. Its very cheap too, costs only 25 cents a bottle. —Representatives of the Pittsburg, Titusville and Buffalo railway com pany, the Buffalo, Pittsburg and We*- tern, the Salamanca, Bradford and Allegheny River rail road, of New York, and the Titusville and Oil City rail way met in Philadelphia lately and agreed to consolidate their interests. The first successful porcelain factorv in the United States has been estab lished in New Orleans under the man agement of enterprising Frenchmen. The kaolin from which the ware is manufactured is found in Louisiana and Texas. Large beds of this white clay are also found in South Carolina THE ROAD TO HEALTH. —CIeans the stomach, bowels and blood from all acrid, corrupt and offensive accumu lations, and you remove the cause of most diseases, and thus preserve good health and also save large doctor's bills. The most effectual and reliable remedy for this purpose is Siminon'H Liver Regulator, purely vegetable. The trial of one bottle or package will prove to the patient the virtue of this medicine. Cincinnati must have the credit of a very novel counterpart to co-opera tive life insurance, in which not the family of an assured members benefits but 'he member himself, and not death but marriage is made tho occasion for tho d'sbursement of the benefit. A company has been formed in that city, the object of which is to pay to each monitor SI,OOO on his marriage. The entrance fee is $5,. and the assessment ou the occasion of a marriage is $1 per member. As promotive of double blessedness the society may to a philanthropic institution, but if all the members should take it into their heads to avail themselves of its benefits at once, from whom would the assess ments to collected ? —A gentleman was wondering why there are so many bad reputations, when a friend said: "It is probably because evory man bas to make L a own." —Grace: "I am gting to see Clara to-day. Have you any message ?" Charlotte: 'i wonder bow you can visit that dreadful girl. Give her my Jove." Cou*tiui|>lion Cii'fd. An ol<l physician, retired from practice, hay- : inir hail placed in hi* handa, by an Ea*t India missionarv the formula of a simple vegetable : remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for j Consumption, Bronchitis. Catarrh Asthma and , •A 1! Throat and Lung Auctions. a*so a pcMtive and radical cure for Neivous Debility and all j Nervous Complaints, after having tested its ■ wonderful curative powe s in thousands of j cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his =ußering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve huma i suffering, I will send free of charge to all wh■■ desire it, this rec ipe, in German. French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with st»mp, naming this paper, W. W. Shearer, 149 Powers' Block, Rochester, X. Y. [nov3:l"teow MRS. LYDIA E. FIHKHftST OF LYNN, MASS, DticovEr.Eß or LYDIA E. PINKHAM'B VEGETABLE COMPOUND. The Posltiv Cure For all Female Complaints. This jr-emratloii. u it* rim err.r'.-tA ot TegeUUs Propoi '.ie» tj-t »re Lone:.. j to the t.at dc 1- icato Invalid. I"pen oae triU thcci .-Its of tt.L» Con p-xmd w.U be recocsix?l, u relief U iOßßedlaie ; ar.J wb*n ltn use is continued, la ninct7-niaccaacsin ahun Crwl, w.ll t j t<:j. On acco-mt of it< [rorcn merits. It! it<x'--r> ronunendis.l aad prescribed L j t!w phfticiiLaa In the co.rtry. It will rare entirclj t'_o «cr*t form of tz'Vng of the ntcraa, Lcncorrhc.-a, Irrfgul-r and ::«n*traat.on, all Ovarian Trtmblci, i-r.J Ulceration. flooding all Pi. placemr.iis aul the con itancr.HpiuJ weakness, awl is trpecioDy adaj.t-d to the Chime® of Life. It will dissolve and expel tamori from the uterus In an early rtsce of development. T..e tendency to cancerous humors there 1: checked very speedily ty Ps use. In fart It has proved to be the rreat Mt and bat remedy that baa ever been discover ed. it permeates every portion of the system, anJ gives new life and vigor. It removes de stroys all craving for stimulants, an-1 relieves v/caineis of the stomach It cares EloaUng, neadache*, Kcrroua rroclrat'.on, General Debility, Ckepioszccsa, Dcpreralcn M.d l:Xl (Htlan. That fee Una of bearing do*-n, cju-'sins weight and bnriacho, 13 always i< rmarer.r.y curt <! I y luoxs. It will at all times, end under r!l drcunwtcn eea, act In harmony rrlt&tjo law that C"»eraa the female lyitem. For HUlitey Complaint# of either «ex t~U compound la unaarponed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compotr.J Is pre;*ired at 233 and 235 Western Awiw, Lynn, 3T* Price C--00- bottles for Ecnt Ly mo*l Li t form of pills, also In the form of Losenscs, on re*" of price, SI.OO, per box, for either. II t. free!/ answers ell letters of Inquiry. £y.nd for pl'.ct. Address oj a!x>ve H-nt'.on this paper. Xo family raould be without LYDIA 11 I"! "IIHAI!* UV?. mUI Tlury cure Constipation, LUlotuxc a, and Torpidity of Ibe Lircr. c«.:its z*-r lx»* GEO. A. KELLY & CO. Genial Agents, Pittsburgh Pa. Sold by D. 11. Wuller, - Butler Pa. I The ll'Mnst ui.U kir-t lifdic»ne ever J*-tie. 8 S of HopS« Bucbu, Man- 8 0 draK%eai»d Uandelioiif ■ B mo* tc« oratlre 1 1« rlu-s of oil oilier L.tiers. ■ r. r. %t he grtate .t B!OO'- Purifier, Liver ■ dog U \ator, c:.'i Liio a.v<l ricaiUi Hc«.u»i iu* 'A Agent t ** rLh * « No dL«ca£C m** **'**- * h/,r * 1?> ' B:ttcra are ns\edp»v «*ukx* leti a.^t±*-.r opcrationtHC^k Tiajr giv9 w? ii%'* J#4^js?t3tblljsiißi loan wLroie ©Wf^is tntscrr. e irreynlari tyvfli-al, Uor\urin..;y or-i:i», or who r . q >lre«:> *n.foAl an-ln.WHtlm.ili»i U ...E V/it.iOUt i eating. Kor:...ter wbai7<mr or arc w*~*t tlie It use Koj> Lit ter* L wa.t i..:tllyc it-l\' c •" but i/ you or.ly feel bal or ir.ij era!>| -.■4 Us/ ' I on c- I*COO v. ;j be ;>ald fbrftccfi ßo V'l »ot B eu.oor l.cl;*. Lj n 4 tfu.7. r A o ' ! : r i»orf.-.' ,dj R suffer,but usea:ul u-.*o tueni^jL''" w Ho#> O g ' Kemotriber. Hop B,tlti Is no y dr«frr«i B drunken i. > tram, bat iuc f*"J u J U';*t m iUdieinm vcr i:iau3.tl.e UVUIBrV ri'ISD ■ and HOPE" »r/i no pt rson or tjj shonM be wttl njt thcrn. CVPX3V? P, O.Hana»r*ol^tean^Irrw: e j r /jkSB a of f an. f narroti?i. Al/ sol 1 I / d'-n"'n. Jkn l jt ti £K3 for Circular. Ilf mttrr« If?. C*., >f |jWB FOH Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat. Bronchitis. A&thma. Consimpfion and All Diseases of THROAT anl LUNGS. I'ul up In Qtiart-<«lz«- HoUlch fur family !'*<•. Scientifically 1 >r«-p;ir»-<l of BiU.iaiu Tolii. Crystal* 11/c'l Kork C'anuy. Ol'l Ityc. ami other tonics, 'flic Formula Is known to our Ix-st pliyxiclau.i. i» Ulkli ly recommended by them, and tin- analysis of our most iirominent rheinlftt, I'rof. <:. A. MAItINEK, in C'lifc.ijfo, 1* on the label of every bottle, ft is will known to the medical profession that TOMT IMM'K an<l KVE will afford the ureal est relief for ('oiiklh. Cold*, Influenza. Bronchitis, More Throat, Weak Ijliukh, also Consumiition, In the incipient and advanced stages. Uwd as a Ilf.vkmaok and Al'l'KTizrr, It makes a delightful tonic for family u-u-. Is pleasant to take ; If weak or debilitated, it Klves tone, activity and Ktr< nKth to the whole human frame. / n \ rr/ \ v dom't i»k dwkivkd / \j r\ ' I" " * »by unprlncliiileil deal- \ I er» who try to palm ofJ npon you Kock & Ityc \ In place of (Hir Tom; K«.« k am> H> k, which I is the only medlcaled article made, the Kenu- / ine havliix a ffoveniment ntainp on each bottle ' I.AWKENCE & MAKTIN, rroprletom, 111 Madi l.soii Htreet, Chicago. Ask your DrugKi't for It! A«k your firoeer for It! f*r-.\sk your Wine Merchant for it! Children, ank your Mamma for it! »r*Hold bv DRI'fHIIHTH.OIWK'EKH and WIVE MF.IU'IIAVfS everywhere, and by I.AWKENCE fc MAKTIN, No. « Barclay St., New York. Th" oldest and the Iwst appointed Institution for obtaining a llusine.is Education. For circulars addre t. oeo-2tnJ I". DiJI'F <t SON.-l, rittsl>urgh, Pa. Union Woolen Mills. I wonld dcHiro to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill. Butler, Pa., where I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, KnittinK and Weaving Yarns, "and I can recommend them an being very dura ble, an they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, mii perior in texture, and will bo Hold at very In* prices. For eamplee and price* nddreen. H HULLEItTON, |nm.'7«_>v> lititW p. Notice Extraordinary. Peramiß dfnirinir to have tlieir OM Furniture 'fpuiri cl. or Now Work In order, mch •fiiKir Htaiifln liook Cmap*. Wardroben. Otflre Owk«, Offlkft Tablef*. Arc. wmilddo vrntl to rail on A. B. WILSON, Practical Cabinet Maker. I hold that a piece of furniture made by hand worth two made by machinery, and will com! rmt little more, if any. Then whv ie>t have hand made? All work made in the latest flylee and of tho bent material. I c"arante« entire Hat tefaction in wtvle. workrnaimbip and price. Give T»e a call. Hhop on Mifflin street four doom ▼eotof Mf.in atroct, aid opposite A Troutman'n •ore Butler. Pa. '<.pl7-lv l.lecilon *«»!«•«•. Tlie membern of the Olade Mill Mut'ial Pire Insurance On. will meet ..t the Olade Mill Keho >1 , flonee Middlesex township, on TI7BHI)* Y. inn. 11th. IKKI. beitiK the 2nd Tuesday in January, for the purpose of electi 'K offloers for tbeenn i iDg yw. U. Prvw't, &!*» #nlJueie €*»***»: Sutler, |J*., 3*«n«rs 5, ISSt. A. Haffner, BCC ESSORTI H BAUER 1 BROS. RtTI.KK, i'A., PLANiNG MILL AND Lumber Yard, MOCFACTUBKB AM) DEALER IS Rough and Planed Lumber OF LVthY DEssCfalPIlOS. DOORS, SASH, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, ! SIDING, FLOORING, BATTENS, Br<xkelSi Caug d Goinice Boards PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELL POSTS & BALUSTERS, FENCE PALINGS, Ac., <tc. MICHIGAN SHINGLES Barn Board?, Plastering Lath, Hem lock Bill Stuff, of ail kinds, constantly on band, All o which I will sell on reasonable terms and guarantee satisfaction. Planing 1 Mill and Lumber Yard on Jefferson street, Butler, J'a. 1 dec 1 y AH FFNER. t <« •'( M ~** GRAM) BOILEV IS DIIOTEL. Corner 59 th St. it Broadway, NEW IORK. On Both American and European Plans. Fronting t.n Out ml I'ark. the Grand Boulevard, Broadway and Fifty-Ninth St., this Hotel occu pies the entire square, and was built and fur nished at an ex |»ense of over SKio.OOO. It is one of the most elegant :LS well a . being the finest lo cated in the city ; has a |«ju»enscr Elevator and all modern im|>rnvemeiits. and is nillilit one •wiuare of the depots of tlie Sixth :uid highlit Avenue Flevated I:. K. ears and nearer to the ltroadwav cars—convenient and accessible from all parts of the city. Rooms with board, is per day. SjM-cial rates for families :>nd permanent guests. K. HASKELL, Proprietor. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, On the European l^lan -54 tn 66 North Third Street, Philad lphia, - Pa. Single Rooms 50c., 75c. and $1 per day. O. 1-*. Hchneok, P'oprip'or Excellent Dining room furnished with the best, and at reasonable rates. Js*?~Cars f° p a " Railroad Depots within a convenient distance. National Hotel, CORTLANDT BTP.EET, NEAB Bit DWU, JV I W V*» It K . nOTCIIKISS & POND, - - Prop'rs. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. The restaurant. cafe and lunch room attached are unsurpassed for cheapness and excellence of wervico Rooms 50 cts. to Vl (>er day. *3 to flf) jier week. Convenient to all ferries and city rtilroads. N'-w FuRNtTCBE. NEW MANAGE MENT. j aril 5-1 y •j-HF. HBUREIBER HOUSE. L WICKLAS Prop'., MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. Ha%iog taken posesrion of the nlsjve well town Hotel, and it lieiiig furnished in the l«jsl of style tor the accom >'lalion of guests, the public *r< tefpecl f u!ly invited to me a call I have al-o possession of the barn m rear of hotel, which furnishes excellent stabling, ac oinodationK for n.y patrons. L NIOKLAB. LAND FOB SALE. FOR SAI.II. A li.indKOliie -ix-rooni fmino hour"-, "located on Hlull "ticii, northwestern pirt of Butler. Loi 50x170. All in cc»« ny outbuildings, 1 EU VH—Ove-:hird cash ind Iwilance In four equal annual pay tncnt*. inquire at this office. JunMU Hale. Tlie well-improved farm of Rev. W. R. Hutch iron. it. the northeast corner of Middlesex town ship, Butler county. Pa . is now nffere'l for sale. f low. Inquire of W K. FRISBEE, ou the prem ises. aplGtf IX)R HALE. t~> will huy a One-halt interest In a good bua ineffs in Pittsburgh. One who knows Hotnc- Ihlnfr alsiut farminir preferred. An honcat man with the above amount will do well to address by letter, SMITH JOHNS, cure S. M Jntuea, t(3 Liberty street, Pltt«hurcb, Pa |au27-ly SELECT NOW From a Full ki^ant^armkn™ S'ock SATIN ici.VON VA/„ Cn KAM'V I.ININCS. ItK II We s>l<W THIMMINd.S, T,-rtav DOLMANS. ' u ' NKVV I>KSI(JNM. FINEWRAPS! IMPORTED NOVELTIES IN Cloaks, Coats, Dolmans —AND— MANTLED, Htylifdily trimmed in Plush, Bugle, Velvet and Fur*. jj SEA'. SKIN CLOAKS, I ■Beat qualities Seal f'oaU, fine nkini,l jj rich fur ami excellence in dyes. 1 CIIILDKRN AND MISSES' Jackets, Cloaks and Ulsters. Circulars and Havelocks. Fancy Ulster Cloths, Fancy Circular Cloths. New 6-4 Clotl.s. all-wool, at $1.25. KINK DRFuSS FABRICS SPECIAL OFFERINGS IN Wide Goods, all Wool and Silk and Wool Novelties, Bought away under value, and selling low. ASK FOR 4t!-ineli at O'.'c. ASK FOR 4<>-inch at 75c. ASK FOR 4tf-incli at #l. ASK FOR -W inch at f1.25. EIGHT YARDS FOR A SUIT. Heard, Biber & Easton, 105 MARKET STREET 105 aui(2s-4ni PITTHBFROH. PA. JAMES J. CAMPBELL, aat9' uflUcß in Fairview borough. in Telcgraiih Ofli«e janirj BAI.DWI* P. O. Rnt'wr Cio., P» F*i»*fS «itMoit. »JiiHtioe of the Hence, Main street, oppo»lte I'oitofllcc, Jlylli ZKUBMJFtB, PA. Po3pt Grape Wine L'sed In the principal CI ur«*hes for Communion purples. Excellent For L«dle§ and Ueakly PerkOiu aud (he igrd. ft V*.^..r^.£\,.S* | i" ■*■' V <wKi : i.-4 V 5« ri" - -rjfg>rf» . v' M ?:SB'S LOHT ORAPII WINE! FOUR YEARS OLD. This Celebrated N'ative Wine is made frr.in the juice of tne Oporto Grape.raised m taU country. Its IvaJaible To:.ic and Properties are unsurjia -sed by any other Native Wine. Being the pure juice of the Grape, i>r.i,luced under Mr. Speer's o .vn per-ona; t upcrvision. I<.-» purely and gentuiien- :ue guaranteed. I'll - vouiiycst" •■hiltl iii.-c, part ike of its generou-. qualities, and the weakest invalid u-e j; to advantage. Itispailicu larily l-euellci.il to the aged and debilitated, and «.iiie<! to th» various ailments that affect, the weaker sex It is In every respect A WINE To BE ItlXlKI) ON. >-• <» t; i: IP. X SXT K 'R, R, Y, I Tne I'. J. SHERRY in a wine of ,S:ij>erior Cliar ' acler. and partakes of the goiden qualities of the gripe from which it is made. For purity. Richness, Flavor ani< Mechanical Properties, it will be lound tuiexeelleu. H I* 13 KH'r> IF 3 . J\ BRANDY. Tliis BR.VNBY stands unrivaled in this Country, lieing jar superior for medicinia! purposes. IT ISA I'l'RE distilation from the gragie and contains valuable medtciilial properties. It has a delicate flavor, similar io that of the grapes from which it is distilled, and is in great favor among first -class families. See that the ripn iture of ALFRED SPEEK, Pas saic, K. J., is over the cork of each bottle. Kolfl by I). IE. WI7LLER. apr2ft-ljrr Taxes! Taxeis! All tutu due in the virion* Boroughs and Townships of l!u!lor county. Pa., for the year IKHO aud for nil previous years »et outstanding, must bo paid to the respective Collectors and by them paid into the County freasnry on or be fore the 25th day of December. IHXO. BV OK KB OF CotTVTY ( VIMXISSIOWKBS. Mrpad A discovery which cures bv the natural process, ABSORPTION, all rtiseaf-es of the Kidneys. Bladder. Urinary Organg *nd Nervous Svstfm. when nothing else can. It is comfortable to the patient, positive in its effects mil the first cnre for those painfnl and much dreadful affections, Diabetes and Br ! bt's Disesse, while its cures of Gravel. Dropsy. Catarrh of the Bladder, firickdust Deposit. Painfnl Urinating. High-Colored Urine. Nervous Weakness and Pain in the Back ceem m'rn like miracles than c.'isex of natural healing. DELIOATE FEMALES or victiuiM o wasted or pro«trit«d energies, caused by irregular habits the abuse of nature a'iil mental j-livsicnl ov.■ r-ejeenion. find tneir great'«t reli-f in the use of DAY'S KIDNEY PAD, which ntren thens and irivitoratcs the invalid and restores the vigor of health. PAIN IN THF BADE, We sav | ositivelv. ai d without fear of oontradic tion. that DAY'S KIDNKY I'AD is the only cer tain and permanent cure for every form of this prevalent a-id distressing complaint. YOUNG MEN suffering from nervous and physical debility, kwa of memory, or vitality impaired by the errors of youth or too close application to bnsi ncss or work, may be restored and manhood re gained. Avoid all kidney medicines which are takon into the system by way of the stoicach , it is an o'd treatment well tried and proven inefficient, though sometimes effecting apparent cures of one complaint they sow the seeds of more troub lesorr. and permanent disorders. The plica of our PAD brings it within tho reach of all. and it will aanurlly save many tiroes its cost in doc tors bdlr, medicines and plasters, which at bent give but temporary relief It can be used with out fear oi haim, ami with certainty of a perma nent cure. For sale by druggists generally, or sent by mail (free of postage,) on receipt of the price. Regular Pad, ; Children's $1.50; Special (extra size,) #'l.o'l. Our book, "How a Life was Saved," giving the history of this new discovery and a large record of most remarka ble cures s'uit free. Write for it. Address, DAY KIDNEY PAD CO., Toledo, O. CAUTION 0 worthiest Kindey Pals now Keeking a sale on our reputation, we deem it due the afflicted to warn them. Ask for DAY'S KIDNEY PAD. take no otl cr, and you will not be dccleved. oc'iO-lm THE SUN FOR 1881. Everybody reads THE HUN. In the editions "I this newsp r.er throughout the year to come everybody will find : I. All i| e world's news, so presented that the render will net the greatest amount ol Informa tion with the least unprofitable expenditure of time and eyesight. TUB St'N long ago discov ered the L'olden mean between redundant fulness anil uiisalNfai lory brevity. 11. Mitch ol that eort ol'new* which depends less upon Its recognized importance than upon Its intcre t to mniil-ind. Fro n niorninif Io moriilnir Tne SI'N prints a continued story ot the lives of real men and women, nud of their deeds, plans, !ove«, hale# and tr Miblc*. This story Is more var cd and more interesting tliau jiiy romance that was ever devised. 111. Good wriihu: In every column, and freshness, originality, nccurncy, and decorum in the tre.ittneot of every aubiect. IV. Honest I ommeii' TUB BUS'S bnblt is to s c:>k out fearlessly n' ont men and things. V. Kipial candor in dealing wllh i atrli politic al parij, mid eijual icadlness to commend what Is | raisi worthy or to rebuke what is blamable In Democrat or Kcptibllc ni. VI. Ab-olutc. ludi peud' uco ol |>arlisan or ifanlzalloiis. tint t.nwaverlrii; loyally to lru«i D' moer.itic prin'-lpb-s. Til K firN believes that the Govcrnu cut. which the (/ousiltuiion gives us h a good one Io keep, for- notion of duty Is io tcsi-i to |t» utrnoft power the ellorta of uie i in the Itepiitillean party to set UJI anolher form of govcintnilit in plain ol tli.it which exists. The year IHNI and the year inuue.iintely follow, ing will probably decide tld-> supreim ly Im portant contest. In w Sun believes that the victory will h - with the people n* at'.ifnpt the ItitiLs for monopoly, the Rim s for pliindcr.niid the Klnj.f, or imperial power. • "in teitns are n« follows : Fo» the Dally SUM, a four-pnge »hect of twen ty i ijiht • oliimus I lie prii e t>y m ill, tmst paid, is 55 cent' a month, or £'i.Y) a year ; o , includ ing the Sunday | aper, au ciirht-|. igc sheet of tllt\ -«IX ■ OIIIIK us, the price IS IK cents a mouth, or $7 7'l a \ e ir, | osoige paid. The cuiid iy edition o! TIIK -UM Is also fur til- ' ed -i par .ti ly at tl '■!() a year, | intage Vdd. The |,lire 111 the Wki ki.y M/N, eight pig s, flfly-six eo uiiitis. U JI.IJO a year, |ostiue paid. For clubs of ten selid.lig flO.tMj wu will send an ext u copy tree. Address I. W. EXII,\NI>, Publisher of I HK SM. New York City. D c H. V) (I t For this style Singer l/ll *i'l send it to your Depot tt> be cxniriined lie njßj lore you pay for it. ll' ilia not as represented it can Is; _A I returned at our expense. <t*nd a postal card for ill UH i rated Circular. ('. A. W<>Oi> .« <O. 17 N. Tenth St., Philaielphia. JutyU-3m A SCW PEPARI'LBE $1 BOTTLB PATK»iT MEDICINES FOB 38 CENTs! JADWIN'S TONIC LAXATIVE la Appetizing, Palatable and Non-Alcoholic, AND ALWAYS CUKES Dv»pp|''-in, Sick i? . i-iclie Constipation, Hii iou.-nv«-, S .n*" si Hl, .n il. Liv, r Complaint, Want «»t Api-eilt-. i ,iii I iitndice, Kid ney Couij'Niint, \ , .nihin-o, Dizziness, Sleep- Hwtbaru, Cyltr, UtbUU, Foul Breath, Worn -, I*l.. s, Fiver-, i olds. jti_. THE TOXIC I.AXA.-IVK regulate* the bowel* and strensf'heus the system, gives a clear head, pure blood and elastic spirits. Is purely vege table, conU'iiib no mercury nor Sab- at all times. Pleasant to the t.istc, and a substi tute lor Pills, Cantor Oil, Ac Best lami<> incd ieici known. Adapted to strong men. dertcale a: d IVeble in lan s. In tiqui-i t.ir'n So'.d !n Hric<- on!v RS <.-.-uts lor H large bofhs 11ENKY B. JAOWIX, A s ...>he cary acd Chemist, Sole Proprietor, Caibond - :!.;, I".. l>. 11 WULLEK, l'ru.i.-t, Sole Au''Ut tor Butler, P.i. }uu2S-ly is;l TIH trLTIVIIOIt 13S1 KIHJVrHV JiKNTIiKVI VN THE BEST OF Tilii AGRICULTURAL WEEKLFS. A Premium Annual to Every Reader. The l ountry Gentleman is Unsurpassed, if not Unequalled, for th* amount and variety of tin practical inmruiatiou it conttrnis. and for "the abil ity and extent of its Correspondence -in three chief directions of Farm f'rojis and Processes, Horticulture and Fruit-Growing. Live S:<> k and Dairying— while it also includes all minor departments of ru ral interest, Mieh as the Poultry \ ai I, Uuloinology Be.'-Keepiii>r. t in-nhonv and Grtpery. Ve;.-iina ry l?"p!ies. harm Questions and Answers, Fireside lt.-ad:: K. !>om- st:? E-.inoiay, ;;nd a summary of the N.-is-, of the Week, it* .Market Reports* are uunsally coinplete, and more intormaiion can be limbered from its coiiuiins than from any other souri'e with regard to the pr rsoei is of the crop-, as thniwing ligiii ujion OIK* of the most important ot all que iion>—V\ hen to Buy au l Wii -n to Sell. It is li;.era:ly illus'.raieil.aud ecn -titutestoa gieat er degree than any of its contemporaries A I.IVE AGRICULTURAL NEWSPAPER of never-failing interest botli to producers anil consumers of every class. The Country Gentleman is published weekly on th<- followini; terms, when paid strictly in advance : One copy, one year. 92.50 : I-our copies, -r H>, and an additional copy for the year free to the sender of the club ; Ten copies, SJO, and an additional copy for the year free to the sender of the club. For tb<* year Isst. these prices include a copy of the AN.VLAI. KKHISTKI: OF itcuAL AFFAIRS, to each subscriber—a book of to panes and about 120 engraving.—a gift by the Publishers. tsy All Xe.v Subscribers for 1881, paying in ad vance now, will receive the paper weekly, from re ceipt of remittance to January Ist, tssi, without charge. SPETIMK.N' COPIKB OF THE PAPEIt FUEE. Address LUTHER TUCKER & SON*. Publishers. ALBAXY, N*. Y. IMPROVE THE HOUR. GUENTHER'S LUNG HEALER CURES CONSUMPTIO2T, Bpitt:!j« of Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, aad a.l diseases of the Puimousry Or£ius> PrJpe 50 rent* and One I>ollftr. CUENTHER &, CO. Proprietors. 39 Fifth Avoniw, PITTSBURGH, PA. Ask Your l»riiK«M for ii. NOTICE. THE BEST OFF Hi: YET MADE! FOUR OF FRANK LKSI.IK'S PI'IILICA TIONS, ONE YEAii POP. ONLY £2.50. The Frank Leslie Publishing <'<»•. Isl>ey Bt..New York, will Hi- in I Kr, in ; Leslies Kami! v Fiiikkd, ali; pane Illustrated paper, for only si ]>er year. Frank Lkmi.ie'b yd' n<; Pol, km devoted to the interests of young p ;0,.v, an<l containing much to Interest those of a ill -ic mature age. "this paper contains t<; pages o: illustrations and valuable reading matter, .lust the p.ipf r for young children, i'riee, js*r year 50 cents. Khank Lkhlik.'s National Aciticui/ruitiirr ANl> Wohkino F.IEMi'.R, 'i l« PW illustrated paper, for only fl.nt) p -r year. Frank Lksi.iks Pim.i'lT ok tiik Day, a ir> page lllust rated paper .lust the pa per for.Sunday reading. Price only 7"> cents pi year Or all four of the above publication* for $2.50 per year. Aiiv person desiring t'l net a.sonr.i<;ciit.on send ing IM #1.50, will receiv ■ post pi-111. • .ur.pl" copies or Ihe nl>o\c |mU!eati'.i s, t>: . r \«iih i com plete agents outfit of t bea.itiful i r rn chro mos, alio a copy of our I oofc oi Valuable li.i'.r.u - tlon. of over 500 page.', "onlalnitig an I linti itcd Dictionary of every usef i w irl to l>' f > i id in the English Language. Me l c.il ;.n l • I--In»''l re ceipts. Legal advice and 'onus, article. oil etl quette ami letter wrl-i'i;. j.-ivle: to merchants, clerks, mechanic aad i'h ! Sample* ot all of our I'tib!': • or -md "! i tra ted Catalogue million pi"ii.li..i-.i for 1". (-eiita. All desiring steady mi I nrofllable • mployiiient should send at onee bef : ■ their tcrri'.ory itaken. Address, FKANK LESLIE PiTTSLIHIIINf; CO.. 15 lie. Mli-el, New oik. XX. Bicbel, LIVERY &FKBH STAISLK JEFFERSON STREET. WEST OP LOWRY HOUSE, BUTLER, PA, Having remove;! all my stock to the above Stable, the public are respect fully invited to call. The best Horses, Carriages, Bug gins, Ac. kept constantly for h re. Open all hours, day and night. 'M- ■ ■ Now York Tribune. THE TltrilUSE is ik w (-pending more money .Hid labor than ever before to hold tb<* distinc tion it lias lon_' enjoy d of TIIK LAUEST CLLT CUI.ATION AMONG TIIF, ISEHT PEOPLE. It sccued. ami meant) t-> retain it, L.y bee >n:ii.g the medium of the best thought and the voico ol the beet conscience of the time, by keeping abreast of the highest progress favoring the freest discussion, hearing all aider', appealing always to the best intelligence and the purest morality, and refusing to enter to the tastes of the vile or the PREJUDICES of the ignorant We will send Tin; Wkkki.v Twihtsk and the Citizen for 9'2.7!> a year: or TIM Hkmi-Wkkklv Triwjmk and the Oitizk> for a year, all postage paid. NOTKKT Those of our readers d» siring steady and pro fitable employment, or valuable rending mutter cheap for IHKI- should send 1.1 cents to the FRANK LESLIE PUBLISH I N< i <"<■»., V, Hey St., New York, for a co"ip!etc set of tlo-ir pub lications tinil Illustrated < 'atulugue, containing list ol premiums, Ac., or si. for a complete agent's outfit of 12 beautiful Chromoa and our Premium Hook of Valuable Information, con taining over .100 pages, with sample copies of all our publications, Ac. See advertisement in another column. An active ugenl wanted in every town — twenty to thirty dollars can be made weekly. Their Illustrated Publications with their new Premiums, take at sight. I'o not delay if you wish to secure your territory. Address Frank Leslie J'ublishing Co., 1.1 Hey St., New York. HBRSf <4. II U.K. FINE MERCHANT MOD, COR, PENN AND SIXTH STREETS, I'Htxburgh, Pa TKinn. FOR Sr., *4O, .*l2, sir. or 525. I will make you a full set ol beautiful natural looking teeth, warrant them in years. Teelli extracted and launching Cas or Etlierglveii without extra charge. I will ask for no money until the patient Is fully satisfied Willi their new teeth. I also till teelli at very low rates. III!. A. 11. Lr.wis, Heutist, iiovti-.hii No. 257, Peiui ate. Ilitstmrgh. Pa. Nlray Hollh-, OUIIU to the residence of hiili- -JY | _ scriber living in ''leiullold ■ ship, Ihiller county, Pa. on or about tho Ist of Oct. last, """, , yearling steer, red, with A star in the f .ce. and A white streak along its back; no other marks. The owner is requested to come forward, prove J ropeMv, p»v charges and take it aivav or i' will be lll^posed of accord ing to law. (S.iec4t) ABRAHAM FKNNELL. Rheumatic Cure* KHfiI'MATIO COMPOUND his cured rhenmstism after the treatment of fourteen doctor* had failed and after ho had used crutches for sixtoon vearM. It WAS diseoveriwl bv K Honrinll, in tho treat ment of himself- Hold bv D« U. M IM I K. T>9V24RBM UVTLFLS. PA. /|R k - f fart —-• - :> u% # 4s*' . " ° v° rf J w '' % r "sf^jp-''-'- j ' CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PAcTfIC H. . IS THE GREAT CONSECTING LINK BETWEEN THE FAST & 1! Its main lino runs from Chicago to <-ooncil Bluffs, passing through Joliet. Ottawa. La telle. Geneseo UolTne, Hock Inland. Difenporl W«t Liberty. lowa City. Marengo, Brooklyn. Orlnnell. Dos M.lines .the capital of lowa'. Stuart. Atlan tic. and Aroca; with branches from Bureau .1 unction to Peoria; Wilton Junction to Musca tine, Washington, Kalrfleld, Bldon. Belknap, CeutreTllle. I'rinceton. Trenton. Uallatin, Came ron. I.eayenworth. Atchison, and Kansas City; Washington to Slcoorney. Oekalooea, and knoi rille; Keokuk to Farmington. Bunaparw. Ben t<>nsport. Independent. Kldon. Ottumwa. Eddy vllle.Oskaloosa. Pella.Monroe, and Des Moines: N»wton to Monroe: Dee Moines to Indlanolaand V.imerset: Atlantic to Lewis and Audubon; and Avoca to Harlan. This is positiTely the only Ka'lroad, which owns, and operate# a through line from Chicago into the State of Kansas. Through Express Passenger Traina. with Poll man Palace tars attached, are run each way daily between CHICAGO and PEORIA, Kansas CITT, COUNCIL BLUFFS, LBAVIKWOBTH and ATCHI BOW. Through cars are also ran between Milwau kee and Ksnaas City, via the "Milwaukee and T.ork Island Short Line " The "(ireat Rook island" U magnificently equipped. Its road bad is simply perfect, and 1M track is laid with steel rails. What will please you most will he the pleasure of enjoying your meals, while passing o*er the beautiful prairies of Illinois and lowa, In one of our macnltlcent Dining Cars that acoompany all Through (Express Traina. You get an entire meal. SB good as Is served In any Orat-class hotel, forserenty-flTe cents. Appreciating the fact that a majority of the people prefer separate apartments for different purposes tand the immense passenger business of this line warranting it), we are pleased U> an nounce ihat this Company runs Pullman Palace Peeping Can for sleeping purposes, and Paltice FI'LLIUAK rALACC rAM >rc rat tkrouah to PF.tUti I. : . COWILBItFW, KAKBAS (ITT, ATCHIMOW, and l.rij • Tlrkctl vl« thU Line, known us the " Brent Suck Island ha all Xlefcet Agent. In Ih.- United States m 4 Canadn. For tuforoat!ir. not obtalnublo ill junrnomc ticket »i»ii ?, r i ■■■ jV. KIMBALL. IS. \ .?' Can't fcjj.c-lntciulent. uo. i i . WHY DOES a woman's health often break down at an early age? Put a man at the wish-'." t heated from the hot t>u<l« until every pore in opened; then let him stand «r-<»r tlx lip'-v i that cones from Madding and boiliug clothes, that ate full ol' sweat aiul exhala'lo:. J skin, and his health too would break down before long; and yet this must terrible oidi. i i. A WOMAN has to go through with on wash-day; and, betide*. with her clothing wet from jwp.r:v the hot work, Shu has to risk her life by going out in the air to hang up the <'.<■> ia • l w those not at work are in the unhealthy atmosphere; its smell, so apparent to ;m; sh ing that it flnds its way through the house,—the family, however, often In '"rain > tomed to the peculiar odor from ito own wash as not to notice iL These fac: ■ n :. < plain why so many women sutler with colds, rheumatism, weak nerves, u: uni;. i LOOK OLD while yet young in years, and physicians and boards of health cannot draw attc: n: o strongly to the injurious effects of the usual way of washing, with its net. try •u i. .1 scalding or boiling to get the clothes pure and eweet-Mnelling, cspi ißlly as it is «it!i-.." d t often the direct cause of those dreadful diseases, diphtheria, consumption, and ty j >l' ' . fortunately this trouble can be avoided; scalding, boiling, si -:im and nil ■ ■ o smell from the wash completely dono away with; clothes mate sweet and l- i.r' tul:> v\l. • ; frjm the aariny in fuel the uxuh done at leu evft than rren wlunhome.nax'c toap is t. k.'. and vtr. mm h SOONER THAN by the old way, by w.-lnjf FRANK MUDAUS SOAP,—a Soap « purify In,; nrd .n- T that the dirtiest clothing can be washed in lukewarm water with very little rubbii 1 clothes, bedding and utensils used 'by the nick disinfected and cleansed v li'-m > r s' ai ling or toiling, while the work Is so light that a girl twelve or thirteen yeat H i ■ . ?i n a large wash wilhout being ti ed; and yet so mild and healing is this Soap that I-r in.l • i I shaving it has no equal, and physicians advise Its use in preference to imported Casi.l. < :i wounds and sores, and to wash the youngest "infants. a< well as for persons with del: at.- sin. Now that there is a remedy for this, to ecor.omioU that the poorest can r.tc it, there i: not a Wi man ( >r A MAN who is not directly interested In having ned In their homes, In spite of prejudice, Til ' T WONDERFUL WAY UK WASHING CLOTHES, which does away with the hard work, < !'.« i a ■melt and fearful steam on wash-days, makes the white pieces whiter, colored pice, brh htei a I flannels softer than they can be made by washing the old way, haves the lion.is smooth eri"i., h to do flue : ewing and every article as clean, as sweet ami as pure as if never worn. *>TEBTIMONIAI.S«> Prom H. E. Tlotvtjcii, M. !>., Hammonton. N. J., Editor Swtlh J'rvy Kr/mblv-im. My attention wan call.'d to FRANK BIDDALLB 80 A P from mi advertisement In my own paper, m ami it* use in my house for nearly a yeur, according to 11:" directions, Lai prov.wl ttint Iti» remarkuble properties have not been overstated. For remov lafc printing i.ik it Is Invaluable, while for toilet una tthavln/j it in t.ie lient soap X have ever seen. From Mas. 11. I- KEMVO*. Northfleld, VT J<U> my wash with FRANK BIDDALWBOA P In 1.. If the time and with no e*penso Ihr Soap, <i« t/>« Jiitmp in fuel mart than payt/or U. I have no Menu or went from the wanti, while the nuvlmc In health, clothe* ami labor ran hardly be estimated. From K. W. STAWTOM, l.lofc N. 30th St., Plillada. We Tire confldent, from a lon* experience h» lurlnjr auJ recommending FRANK sIIJUALI.it ! SOAP, that one trial, according to the very faff ! printed directions, will overcome all prejudices. i » really Uaa wond.-ilul u-er.t fur sijavmfl, tolloc, The following ore the Directions for Use, ho (hut u child ran understand them. In.of. do anything »o ildluulous a* to buy the Soaj. uultHS you Intend following theta. t-j-fttOO pnaiiin hj fvrft itetl if it iijuri s thx rhtlhrn, vt trill not do < rri i/lhitty « •'" First,putthe white clothes in a tub of water, only made warm enoii.-li 1 fur the hands. Then take one piece out at s time on the wash-l"sard, rub the / over it, roll it up at. 1 put it back into the name tub, aud *■> <>» with each pi.v.- i»il! Ml haro the Soap rubbed on them. Then go t»way and lot them r..ik at lea.-t r.vei-iv I<; r.I », without touching them, when the dirt will oil b« 100 ;>:ne«l, arid a vcrv lilii-: i i the wash-board, out of that one sudu, will make them perfectly clean, b. ■■ i>:> > turn each piece while washing no as to get at the seams. Then w.'-.li lightly om i! i board, through a lukewarm rinse-water (without any H>up,) *<> us to get the diily . Then jmt through blue-water, mid on the line, without stalling or boiling a •* , Afterward put flannels ami colored pieces to r.uak, and wiikli thorn exactly v.; . It is ini|Mirtiiut not u> heat the wash-water in a tin, bra' or e<*pj>or kettle. A te . will heat enough water P..r a large wash with thin Soap. Just Think What You will Save by this Easy Way of 'ng! No Wush-boilcr! No Steam! No Smell of Suu>> Ihroun'-th ■ ! It Has the remarkable Property of her/jinn the Di h-Cloth, I Sponge always Sweet, and of Washing Freely in If iru -H-SOLD BY GKOGHnSi-^ Get a Cake and Try it for Yourself next IVask To Pain'a where thi* Soap In not yet Introduced c. Trial Cn'ro TVI.I . i 1. I J Mail, on receipt of Price, (10 CoaU-j, in Moi.ey or iitnmp % ADDRESS ALL LETTERS FR ft WS£ Q ? f"! |f> f\ i |f ( " TO office OF rnAnA OIULI'ILLC! , 718 CAM.OWHILL ST.. rUILAI>E:.FIIM I .1. STOVES, RANGES, Oratf Fronts, Ftlid 'O, &c. CREA, QHAKAM & CO. M ANUFACTT KKIIS, 291 Liberty St'er.f, Pittsburgh. Fa sc|>t22-.lni I.\ s I KA N ( K liM'»r|»or:it< <] ISII>. /ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY OK IIAKTKDKD, CONNECTICU I . .\selH ?7.07>Vi'2l 4!t I .OHM p ilil 111 c,| ve 1., C" I.oo' ,o<K> J.T. Me.! NKIN * m »N, Aim-ul*, lan'iHly Ji (1> r»on piitei, Hnt!er, !'ii. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Srs. (J. C. ROESSIMJ, I'ItKMIPKNT. \VM CAMPBKLU Tkiahuk*U II C. IIKINKMAN, Skckk.tain DIUKcrOKS: ■I. L I'urvls. K. A. HWmboldt, Willi.mi Campbell, .1 \V. HuiUhart, A. Troutman, -Jacob Hchoene, G. C. Koesidnir, John Caldwell, Dr. W. 1 rvln, [ W. W I)odds, J. W.Chrlstv 11. C. Ileineinaii. JAS. T» M'JUNKIN. Geu. Ai?'t BUTLER IP-A --d: \ (/, »1- ill t"* r ~av *'■ h"'"° H *m| I«k w. rtl. lU 45 fre.i, Addrexs Hti.nh«.n .V Co., PorlU.Kl M*ln« dsoS-ly hi the Ctti7*w. Dining Curt for eatius pnrpo?! .!v great feature of our rnlai-e t ..i SALOON wlierf you ran enjoy your ' I. at all hours of tlie day. Maauitloent Iron Bri'lgea span the? and Mlssouil river*at all (x.lnis • . line, and transfer* are avoided ai Couc i Kansas City. Leavenworth, ami At l.i- >i.. c .i --nections being tnade in Union D-M*-:*. TlUt PRINCIPAL K. R. CONNKCTIONV THIS GREAT THROUGH I.INK AKE i FOLLOWS : At CHICAGO, with all diverging lines for ; i.a East and South. At JCNGLEWOOD. with the L. 9 & SI. S.. I'., Ft. W.AC R. Rds. . At WASHINGTON HEIGHT.-", with P., < & *At LA SALLE, with 111. Cent. R. K. At I'Eomt A. with P. P. 4 .1 : P.11.4K; I R. A W.: 111. Mid.: and T. P A W. lids. At ROCK ISLAND, with " Milwaukee / !: Island Short Line," and Roek isl'tl .* P.- At DAVBNPOUT, with the Davenport 1-. . At W«ST LIBERTY. with the B.C. 1i . N.K I. AtURINNKJ.L, with Central lowa R K At nun MOLM:B. with I>. M A i K it. At COUNCIL RLCKFB. with 1 niun I'. • n R. At OMAHA, with IV \ Mo. R. K. K. AtCOHTM»CB JUNCIION.witU 8.. . K... > i P. At OTTPMWA, with Central lowa It. . v . St. I- A Pao., and C. B. A y. R. Kiis. At KIOKCK, with Tol., Peo. \ \ .'ur.: Loots A P»c., and St I. , keo. « N.-V. i' At CAMERON, with H. St. J tl it. At ATCIttsOK. with Ateb.. Top • ;u '. Atch. A Neb. and Cen. Br. P. It IM- At LEAVENWORTH, with Kan. P: c , I Cent- R. Hds , , At KANSAS CITV, with all lit e" f i and Southwest. and all bouKclitld uses, and a* It heron *, mori geaeroliy known, must navo an Immense wale. From MIIH. R STOCKWKLL, Hammonton, N. J. FRANK KIDDAT.US HO A P has I*«vi u> t i in my koune for the lust seven months, ami h> fol'o-v --lng the printed directions, we find it to <> » every thing claimed on the wrappers. Wr i •• r> t scalded or boiled a single article, arut li «/ ' ' » are whiter av/l iurrtcr than wl ' i nv ' ' '*l old way. "My bu>tbnnd ( who Is r <1 i. r J <•* \ bus a steady demand foif the 8o:<p in u wis customers. From MANAOKR OF Dicxrin LAT*KT>I:Y. 3»T Bi.VLI Htreel, Corner C Street,N.W., Wi; •:?. I). C. No laaodry or ffemlly can utt >rd to v. it Fit AN K ttli>l)A IJ«8 BOAP. We luil v lions and use 110 other Soap, ami huv* a ri . :» necoiul to no laundry In Washington t i* 'v clotbes; the superior work we have hi • » • I to turn out having secured u* the tru do 01 -or i the brct gontiemea's furnishing nton* In Uu« city. 1). !!. LVOX, SALE A.NiJ FKFO ' M E. At tlio old t in 1 . I' r CO iht of <Jniiiiin :li "i ii '' pool John Cciir'M Hi, nl.vi'o I in 1 the frcilinK of HOIHI* I or ItOAIIIiI.NW ItY Till'. WI 1 ! - \P>VTn of tlio Hiwin. <livi> me ! fi»k«< tin' cliai'K"" moil' tali' to 'J'liimn imvin,- Unix f ttiit in;: to I'Uv, it will lio to (i i i in' i call. Mig'2o-itra •*FAcVb ; ! IJ ' ►mn"y ci'u-r « I i i f l iilfully lit' U; to m ike it t.t • ; 11 ho lk-Nt llt uh f» '< ; l!v r I • j' ► So nrrfrrt \■ t l»o • - • R(JSR I'ONIC • '* Lit it n-cd. 11 \ 'hi >»lSoumnlis'~», IJcur DilorJc »n \ " |or appcti/rr, t' • I i ,forit i-. I «:K! •but n« \ir inio» * ! ' If y-i are *1 wly w <-«!■ Itumplion « r nny • I i» f .' • •Coughor * bs J ColJ, i ' 'will Mireljr hrlp \ ! ' [vij;* r t'» lt»« 1 x ine f " Fihoum ' «m t. . J j It Ilu* Sa?eif Hundreds <>f L» j ; i' | hare \ « u r . « . If you mr f'-r mi. <l, «'» ; |y'»u aic fl> w»i ,I•' ' t I iNoOultfr wlui > "iir ti < • ui J . « -b«« it will ttivs pf'inj t i i i j » KemrniUr I I'AHKI.K '■» t>' .r 'a rum drink hut the Boil snd f*u : « Modioine ever made, t »mj»n«* pftx snd entirely <!i)ft'» nl I I finger prr n.i rati on» and nil other 'J ,a V" . 'ttlr. V"ir it t •'» »r irir.w rfww. * PARKERS HAH P.A* ' ' ' The ll4«Ntand Slant Eronomi« : e*<|ui»itcly perfumed «md y»' « Will Always Itestore («rity or » ■ r to It» or!j;if»ul V'" tl»(iil « "l i' i« warranted to • > it* *t t -i wild prevent !■ !«' • f A lew op--! oi". tfieT • ami- " 'is hair,< n f f .i- •' 1 •* >' •* UrtAff®vl tl& bvfd I'y all dnC;»• i .■j *• Planing Mill —AKD— LiiHiber Yard* • ' V L. «. I UK VIS. 8.1.. ii rvi & Co., M • . CFACTI li K» «V| I I AI PK H:i .c li.ir.ier OF RVFKY |)KM , I • ) * i> moi I.D:N< A - H K1 < (■ '• 12 , »!]> < ens, 8. a fields, P«'l ( <v i , ' ' l ' T> New r r* I IM, ! W ! M•( < . • i i ■ t |l hn . ( , V All. r*. i. i. j.» ; • ' . V , i i t ~ I i • .i. . » J I: ' * Is E. IX H r re H, i• fa.A i L I< IN KIN K W ies. , , i we try, * ft V , . w. > .;7i M. \ «• ,) -R, PA. 1 1. • «•, < f • VO • I old i t. I em. »nd ' i'i,l of J 0 v. I nggit ts. ' : XAS. '• i■ i- i t" i d il'*n »ny i I CAU.AWAY. ' r: , >!!« tf. ■ .mi ii. tl.o Jtuck J. HOUGH. Addrtrn [ • :r r? pad CO., OI.E I'UOl UIKJ 089. TC , - - . OHIO. 1 I'M I- A' i • i fiuilcr / »«»«• «»y • >i - ■■■•■ >f- 4 vs ' <>• '■ > 1" ! ■» the !*•«< preifp *. "vV . ' r, "i « ■ • i i i > vo , i. * cr y - - Ji' ',t t i: i ' -' '' ! Ii «! Ul.d Tt * li»'< V" * I ti. • * • i . | • IIA 1 . it * . ♦ p I "" ; . ~ v 'li . i. ; [ HI! •• I \ ' . ); i ■ • s i j ■> BVs v avv js w.: •|i ' i ril »i lIItOWN or Itf t is*' r« I I •'?>£ OHO i • ami pi Itwd vflQ o« « ' or. R. P. ' ALL CO!! HUA, N. H. iv'J b/ : Put:. adicint. I» I ' ' "ti ■, |f vou it ii- ii.ii-ii in lli ■ I • V A i I XJi l.v Ut, i> ' ! i* im KI;AS. I*l • ill "f I' tl*l •i. i tOO low. H«»r , i ,1 t'KO ( I II i« i iv ii. H.'iid •»Unu(> : I .II . \if,!r > ' i:T ifc I'O., Houui t, Mt. Cloud liuHilios, W ■•'jlilnflim, D. Q