Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 05, 1881, Image 3

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    u. j (i BAT»» New>-P»I-E R Advertising
Agent. 41 P».k how Building), New
York. is antlioriied to contract for advertise
meiito iii the CiTLZEit. _— —
New Advertisements To-Day.
Horses Wanted.
Lumber W»med.
Pen 11 township, Farm for Sale.
Orphans' Court Sale of farm, \\ ortb twp.
Votice to persons intending to apply tor 11p~..5.
p~..S. ~WJ
Vick'n Floral Guide, Ladies Floral (abinet
Prof. Tiee s Almanac.
Local and General.
Albums, at J. F. T. Steble 8.
A bappy New Year to all!
Hobby-horses, at J. F. T. Stehle's.
—Sprinkle asbes on the slippery side
Toy-carriges, at J. F. T. Steble'a.
1, —1881!
Toy-wash sets, at J. F. T.
—The coal dealer and the livery
man suiile.
The latest styles in Hats and Caps
at Cbas. R. Grieb's.
The Boers are winning battles iu
South Alrica.
—Take a look at that diary you
started a year ago.
Toy-bedsteads and willow cradles,
at J J. F. T. .Stehle's.
The milk of human kindness
should well tip in such weather.
A large line of men and boy's
Gloves at Cbas. R Grieb s.
The wise nope knows its own fire
side and keeps poiuted toward it.
A splendid violin for one dollar,
J. F. T. .-tehle's
It must have been a strange sight to
gee suowballing in the bouthern
Wool and Cotton Half Hose from
3c a pair up, at Cbas. R. Grieb's.
—Ben Klee's New Year card comes
to us this year ail the way from Rico,
A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine
American Movemeut an low as fl' 1 , at j
£, (jRIEB 6.
—"Time wings its ceaseless flight,"
and again we commence a new score
on the calender.
Dolls, Toys, Wagons and Sleds,
J. F. T. Stehle's.
—The bibulous individuals who cel
ebrated Christmas Eve did not enjoy
Christmas day.
The largest and finest line of Silk
Hand kerchiefs in Butler at Chas. 11.
Youmans, of Canada, will
lecture in this place on the 14th inst.,
on Temperance.
SPECIALTIES in woolens at William
Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not
to be bail elsewhere in the county.
Charles Dickens said: 'I will
honor Christmas ~n my heart and try
to keep it all the year.''
The largest stock of men and boy's
Underwear in Butler couuty, from 45c
a suit up, at Cbas. R. Grieb's.
All the branches of tbe Methodist
church, are to bold a grand 'Congress'
in London next September.
A lot of Heating Stoves suitable
for hard and soft coal, for sale very cheap, at
Joseph ttockenatein's Saddle and Harness es
tablishment. dcl-3w
There is more political gab to the
square inch in Harrisburg now than
tere has been for two years.
A lot of Heating Stoves suitable
for tiurij ami soft coal- lor sale verv cheap, at
Joseph Rockenstein's Saddle aud Harness es
tablishment. dcl-3w
—Without th t row Sparks would
never have beeu known to even that
burlesque on fame—notoriety.
WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor,
has just opened the largest line of woolen* lor
men and boys wear ever offered in Butler.
The Jury Commissioners and
Judge Bredin have been engaged for
some days as filling the box for 1881.
A lot of Heating Stoves suitable
for hard and soft coal, for ►ale very cheap, at
Joseph Rnckeusteiu's Saddle ar.d Harness es
tablishment. dct-Mw
Tbe daily papers lately contained
lengthy obituaries of "George Elliot,"
who was oneol our great modern trash
SEE a woman in another column, nearSpeer's
Vineyard* with a bunch ol grapes from which
Speer's Port <irape wine is made, ttiat is no
highly esteen.cd by (he medical profession for
the use of invalids, weskly person* and the
agtd.—Sold by all Druggists. 2Saply
—Joseph Selingman, the Hebrew
banker of New York City, gave away
tweuty-6ve thousand dollars in charity
on Christmas day.
—G. Wilson Miller & Bro, of this
place, inform us that during Christ
mas week they sold over three-fourths
of a ton of candies.
—Henry Shanor, A. 8., of this place,
will spend tbe balance of the winter in
Philadelphia at tbe Lutheran Theo
logical Seminary.
—At several points in this town last
Thursday morning the mercury stood
at 12 degrees below zero, and at other
points at 14 below.
Tbe legislator who introduced the
law to pay taxes just before Christmas
and New Year's will catch it if Santa
Claus canever find bim.
—Already $18,000,000 are invested
in tbe manufacture of slk in this
country, and the industry promises to
become a very important one with us.
—Venango oil men have offered
large rewards for the detection and
couviction of an incendiary who has
been firing oil wells in that county.
At the poor-house meeting last
Wednesday, one of the speakers gave
it as his opinion that the different
churches should provide fcr their own
—The census counts up about fifty
one millions of men, women, ami
children in the United States. We
wish them one and all a happy New
A Long Island bar-keeper cele
brates Christmas by shooting and kill
ing a customer wilh whom he had a
little difficulty. Both bad been drink
—A boy put his tongue to tin
bei.utilui white frost on an iron fence
He was rt riid by the aid of ho
Water, but vv .U otii VtlUulb lui
a wlnfe.
All kinds of grain for which I will pay the
j highest market price in cash at mv mill.
Nov. 3, 18£ d. Butler, Pa.
New Castle has had an epidemic
of scarlet fever. Old and young were
attacked alike, and in some instances
nearly every member of a family was
down with it.
—According to De Lesseps' esti
mates the cost of the Panama canal
will be $534,000,000. It is estimated
a canal over the Nicaragua route
would cost but $75,000,000.
—Will Lee, formerly of this place
but now of New Castle, has accepted
tbe position of violinist, cornet and
flute player in the choir of the first M.
E. Church of that place.
—Rixo LOST —In the borough of
Butler on thanksgiving day, a large sized gold
ring with cameo stone, representing the bust ot
a knight wearing a helmet, the same having a
mask,'and the stone apparently having two
faces. The finder wiil be liberally rewarded
be returning the same to Grieb's Jewelry Store,
Butler Pa. t'
—The green Christmas that makes
a fat churchyard was not upon us this
year. If there has been a Deceml>er
less discouraging to green things than
the one just passed no one cares to set
himself to shivering by recalling it.
—Some days ago Sin-riff Hoffman
received a fine large tleer as a present
from a friend in Clearfield county.
This be had sliced up, and with the
generosity for which he is noted, dis
tributed it among the people of the
—lf the yjung man who went up
Main Street the other night singing
"Ob. dear I'll never get drunk any
more !" will put that resolution in
writing and stand by it for about a year
he will have more money in his pocket
a tbe end of this year.
—The subscription price of The
I'hilad'-lphia litcord, daily, is but
three dollars per year, or thirty cents a
month mailed to any address tree of
postage. It is one of the best and is,
we believe, the cheapest, lirst-class dai
ly newspaper published in the United
—Allegheny county has within its
limits three poor-houses, one for Alle
gheny City at Claremount station, on
the West Penn R R. ; one for Pitts
burgh, on the Perrysville road,and one
for the county, outside of the two
cities, on tbe other side of the Monou
Thousands of hidi s have found sud
den relief from ail their woes by the
BLE COMPOUND, the great remedy for
disease* peculiar to females. Send to
Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 Western
Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pampb ets.
—The sales of holiday goods in But
ler week before last exceeded those of
any previous holiday season. The in
terchange of gilts on Christm&b Day,
however trifling they may be in value,
is a beautiful custom, banded down to
us from a remote age, and should nev
er be neglected.
—ln carrying out their laudable and
highly promising efforts to introduce
silk production as a domestic industry
in this country, the Women's Silk Cul
ture Association of the United States
has discovered the need of a suitable
band reel for home use, and appeal to
the inventors of the country.
School No 11, of this place, Joseph
Mechling, Esq., teacher, was awarded
the prize globe, offered by Mr. H. C.
Heineman, for the best specimen of map
drawing from memory, exhibited at the
Institute, and Miss Maggie Gallagher
of Donegal township secured the prize
for best spelling, offered by the firm of
J (J & Win Campbell.
—A strange feature about the re
cent "blizzard" was the fact that the
lowest range of temperature was not
in the extreme Northern States.
Canada did not suffer so severely as
States, and in Butler the lowest tem
perature was 14 degrees, but in Peters
burg, Va., 16 degrees was registered.
—At Oxbridge, Massachusetts, late
ly, a prominent grocery man on open
ing a hogshead of molasses found in it
tbe body of a negro in a fair state
of preservation. The negro is sup
posed to have been murdered and
placed in the cask to conceal the crime.
Be that as it may, the sale of molasses
in Oxbridge is not as lively a-4 it was.
—Horse sense from un exchange:)
"A man who 'clips' his horse at this
season of the year should lie compelled
to go without clothes until brought to
his senses. Putting an iron bridle bit
into a horse's mouth before warming
it these frosty days is equally inhu
man. Let those who think it don't
hurt try putting their tongues on a
piece of cold iron."
—During this week and next twenty
Senators in Congress will be elected
by the Legislatures of as many differ*
ent States. These elections will ma
terially change the politics of that im
portant branch of the Government. The
Senate is divided into three classes,
having regard to the expiration of the
terms of the several members. These
classes are numbered respectively one,
two, and three.
—Some one designated the position
of the mercury during the cold weath
er of last week as being '"two yards be
low freezo." The cold weather seems
to have extended to the Gulf. At
Jacksonville, Florida, where they sel
dom have frost, the mercury stood at
but 19° above zero; the oranges on
the trees were frozen and it is feared
the trees were injured. Only about
one-third of the crop had been gather
Messrs. Walter Boos arc now
making an excellent article of straight
grade fl .ur which they are selling at
$1.50 per sack. By "straight grade"
is meant a flour that contains the whole
of the meats of the grain, tbe better
parts not be ng ta»en out for a fancy or
patent flour. They also make a patent
flour which they sell ntsl 75 per sack,
and a good flour that they sell itl $1.40",
but persons who buy their "straight
grade" can rely upon having good
— VIC it's FLORAL OLII»K. —This
work is Itefore us, and those who send
10 cents to James Vi<k, Rochester, N
Y., for it will Is- dimppointed. Instead
of getting a cheap thing, as the price
would seem to indicate, they will re
ceive a very handsome work of 112
|iages, and perhaps 500 illustrations—
not cheap, I'Ui elegant illustrations, on
)1 be vet > best of ciilaudi red pap r, and
j ts a set ott to lie whole, a beaut,till
Liiing Witnesses.
The hundreds of strong, hearty, rug
-1 ged and healthy looking men, women
and children that have been rescued
from beds of pain, silkness and well
1 nigh death by Parker's Ginsrer Tonic,
are the best evidences in the world of
! its sterling merit and worth. You will
find such in almost every community.
Read of it in another column.
—Mr. Adam Maxwell, formerly of
; this county, is now a successful mer
i chant in the town of Cla-inda, lowa.
| Mr. Maxwell is a son of Mr. Leslie
| Maxwell, deceased, a former well
| known citizen living about three miles
1 west of this place. We are pleased to
bear of the p osperity and good health
of our old friend.
The Xcw l>ar.lßßl,
50 patterns new style Gingham ;
Bleached Muslins, all prices;
White Quilts, full line ;
Table Damasks and Napkins ;
Towels and Crashes, at
—Some citizens of Mississippi late
ly burned a man alive at a stake, but
the niiin had chloroformed a whole
family while asleep; robbed them, then
set fire to the house and burned them
all up. As in the case of Snyder, who
was lynched in this State a few days
ago, we cannot see that the dignity of
the common law has been lowered by
these proceedings. Both men confess
ed their crimes, and such terrible out
rages as they committed deserved
prompt and terrible retribution.
—The "Petroleum Agricultural As
sociation," composed of citizens of
Armstrong 1 , Butler, Clariou aid Ve
nango counties, was organized at Par
kt-r on Friday afternoon of week before
last. Mr. Elisha Robinson was elect
ed President and G. A. Needle Secre
tary. A committee was appointed to
name a board of directors, who are to
report at a meeting of the Association,
to be held at the Opera llou*e iu Par
ker next Saturday.
( b-aranre Sale
Of Cloaks, Dolmans,
Knit Jackets, Blankets,
Flannels, Yarn, aud all other
Winter Goods, at
Last year was a bad year for
political bosses, and the downfall of
men who undertake to control the
affairs of the nation, a state, or a city
by the power of money or patronage
which represents money, is always the
deligbt of the masses, who know that,
suc K rule is not to their best interests.
The downfall of John Kelly, the 'boss'
of New York city, was a conspicuous
instance, and this was brought about
mainly through the enterprise and de
termination of that wonderful newspa
per, "The New York Herald."
Brandt, %I'ino anil »iit.
Speer's P. J. Brandy, port Grape
W ice and Wine Bitters have an exten
sive and reliable demand. Physicians i
recommend them in preference to any
other poods of the kind. Speer's Vine
yards are at Passaic, New Jersey, but
twelve miles from New York, and his
wine was awarded the highest pre
mium at the Centennial, for sale by
I). H. Wuller,
—lt is generally during such weath
er as we have been having lately,when
people must of necessity keep up good
fires in their grates and stoves ; that
defects in chimneys become apparent,
and house burningsare frequent. The
defective flue is the source of a great
deal of misery in this world, and the
cause of a great loss of property, a loss
which in this country is said to equal
each year the value of our wheat crop.
This subject, we think, merits the at
tention of our state legislators. No
man should l>e allowed to set himself
up as a flue builder who has not served
an apprenticeship at the business, and
taken out a license- and he should for a
reasonable time be made responsible
for his work, both in fines and impris
A Wokingman says: "Debt, poverty,
and suffering haunted me for years,
caused by a sick family and large bill
for doctoring, which did no good. I
was completely discouraged, until one
year ago, by the advice of my pastor,
I procured Hop Bit ersand commenced
their u«e, and in <<ne month we were
all well, and no;te of us have been sick
a day since; and I want to say to all
poor men, you run keep your families
well a year with I [ >;> Bitters for less
than one doct-.r's visit will cost."—
(Jhrintian Adv.o ale.
A Williaii!-;< >rt. Pa. woman says
she cured her !*ix children of diptheria
by the followir:/: "Take a slice of
fat bacon—side i:.eat—the older the
better; sew it on a soft piece of flan
nel; ttien saturate it with coal (petio
leuui) oil. Place It on the neck, hav
ing the meat reach from ear to ear.
After pounding several raw onions in
to a poultice pi: e ( nou/h of tlie same
into the patient's stockings to cover the
soles of the feet, an I have the patient
put. the on. The poultice
must be warm in order not to chill the
patient. The throat should then be
gargled with some tomato catsup,
strong with red |>< pper, salt and vine
gar, or pepper, salt and vinegar shaken
well together will do. If the patient
is too young to gargle wet the throat
with a few drops, if vomiting occurs
lime wuter pun linsed at a drug store
with directions should be given. Be
sure to cause an irritation on the neck."
complimentary designation has been
fitly applied to the PHILADELPHIA
WEEKLY I'KKIS uider its present able
management. With a greatly
strengthened editorial staff, a large
corps of trained special correspondents
arid distinguish* d occasional contribu
tors, and an i; surpassed mechanical
equipment, it may fairly claim to have
distanced all rivals in an enlarged field
of usefulness. In editorial discussion
it aims to lx; courteous as well as fear
less and independent; in the collection
of news its enterprise is great; in the
family departments nothing of interest
in th< home cir< le is slighted; in fic
tion its standard is high, and the best
stories of foreign authors appear exclu
sively in its columns by arrangement
with the publishers; there is some
thing in its pages every week to inter
est all classes. We commend the
attention of all who are making up
their liMs of newspapers and periodic
al.-, for the new year. It is a neatly
printed new-paper ofcL'ht pages, and
I is off nd to clubs on particularly at
trac vi terms. Send to the I'uEob,
1 fVfr a
We take this means of extending
1 our sincere thanks to the good jteople
of Butler, and surrounding counties,
for the liberal patronage they have ex
| tended to us during the year 1880,
and assure them that during tbe year
,1881 we shall use our best endeavors
to offer, at ail times, the largest stock
of goods and the lowest prices in this
end of the State. Nine years ago we
opened in Butler, perfect strangers;
to-day there is scarcely a family in
this district that does not know that
the best place to buy dry goods, carpets
and millinery, is
Farm lor Sale.
One of the best farms in Penn town
ship, containing 86 acres, and situate
4 miles from Butler, is for sale. Im
provements good ; orchard of 200 bear
ing trees. Inquire of Geo. Walter,
Butler, Pa.
Jan. 5, 'Bl, 4t.
—Three hundred and one oil wells,
thirteen of which were dry, were com
pleted during December; 399 wells
are now being drilled and 413 rigs are
up or building. The average daily pro
duction of these wells i« low, less than
25 barrels. The majority of them are
in the northern, or Bradford oil field.
In what is called the southern field, in
cluding Clariou, Venango. Butler and
Armstrong counties, but 25 wells were
finished, of which 7 are dry. The
whole daily production of crude oil at
present is about 70.000 barrels, and al
though the wells finished during De
cember are yielding over fiOOO barrels
per day the yield from the old wells
has decreased more than that amount,
which of course decreases the average
yield. The price of crude oil during
the last three months has ranged from
90 cents to SI.OO. Yesterday it was
quoted at cents.
Mr. C. B. Porter, Druggist.
Towanda, Pa. For several years I have
been troubled with Catarrh ; have tried
| many remedies, without much relief.
Ely's Cream Balm has proved to be
the atticle desired, having wonderful
results in my case 1 believe it to be
the only cure. L. B. Coburn, Tow
anda, Pa. May 14 1x79
Messrs. Ely Bros. Druggists, Owego,
X V.—The supply of Cream Balm I
purchased of you sold rapidly. Such
is the demand i have had occasion to
duplicate my orders no less than five
times within three months My cus
tomers have found this is no humbug,
but a preparation of real merit and evi
dently a sovereign catholicon for the
cure of Catarrh. An article that will
produce such results will prove a
blessing to any community. WM.
Tuck, Druggist. Wilkesparre, P., Jan.
The lynching of a man named Jo
seph Snyder, near Easton, Pa , on
Monday of last week, is said to have
been the first case ol the kiud that has
ever happeued in this state. Snyder
was a miner and was boarding with a
family named Gogle. lie made im
proper advances to their fifteen-year
old daughter. This the Gogles resent
ed, but as they were poor and Snyder
owed them for two months board, they
thought they could not afford to order
him out of the house. On Sunday of
last week the parties had some hot
words regarding the matter and that
night while Mr. and Mrs. Gogle were
fast asleep in their bed, Snyder killed
them both with an axe. He then
alarmed some neighbors, claiming that
the murders had been committed by
burglars, and hid himself in a barn.
When arrested next morning he con
fessed his crime, and the people who
had collected strung him up to a tree.
Some time previous, in the same coun
ty, a murderer named Laros had been
acquitted in the plea of insanity and
the people seemed determined to make
sure ot this man.
F;irm for NHl<>.
One of the best farms in Penn town
ship, containing 8(i acres, and situate
4 miles from Butler, is for sale. Im
provements good ; orchard of 200 bear
ing trees. Inquire of Geo. Walter,
Butler, Pa.
Jan. 5, 'Bl, 4-t
A NEW VOU.ME. — LitteIV F Living
A'ji'. enters upon its one hundred and
forty-eighth volume in January.
Foreign periodical literature embra
ces more throughly every year the
work of the foremost wrirers in all de
partments of literature, science, politics
and art; and The. Living Age, which
gives in convenient form the best of
this literature, can therefore hardly
fail to become of more and more value
everv vear to its readers.
The tirst weekly number of the now
year and new volume—a tfood one
wiih which to begin a subscription—
has the following table of contents ;
Village Life in New England, by a
Non-resident American, Contemporary
Review; The Marshal Duke of Saldan
ha, Quarterly Review ; Lyme Regis ;
A Splinter of Petrified History, Corn
hill ; My Holiday in Jamaica, Charn
ber's Journal; The Photophone, Spec
tator; Girl and Grandfather, Temple
Isar; Sir Alexander Coekburn. Spec,
tator; Jewish Success and Failure,
Spectator ; and a variety of select
poetry. For fifty-two numbers of
sixty-four large pages each (or more
than «i,300 pages a year), the sub
scription price (SS) is low; while for
$10.50 the publishers offer to send any
one of the American $4 monthlies or
weeklies with The Living Age for a
year, both postpaid. Littell <fc Co.,
Boston, arc the publishers.
The following is the trial list for
week after next:
Edward Gardner vs Allison Thomp
son et al.
I'aul Hotline vs Lina Boehme.
Wilson McCaudless et al vs K C Al
Butler R R Co.
Citizens Sav. Bank, E Brady vs W
M A brain set al.
.James Bennett, Trustee vs Sam'l
McKamey, garnishee.
Chas McCutcbeon, lor use vs Robert
Gibbs ti Sterrett Mfg. Co vs S S
Margaret F Patterson vs Jacob
Henry A Miller et al, < xrs vs Mary
Ann McCorinick et al.
Coui'th Penn'ft, for une vs George
Walter et al,
Borough of Millers town vs S I
M< Kee <*t al.
John ion I'atton, for use vs Jas
McCullough r
.1 A Rninbau h vs Ol vor P Tru»>y
Woods &i Markwoil, unevd Surah
J Tiflfctm tft aT.
| Samuel and John Walker vs John
A Goldinger vs P J Lynch.
E S Crooker vs A E Barnhart.
Walter Jackson vs Win Branden.
Wm Logan vs Glade Mills Fire
Ins. Co
Wm Mardorf vs Eberbart Gessler.
same vs same
J X Cubbison vs James McCormick
Hugh Coliins vs United Pipe Lines
Elizabeth Collins vs same
John Humphrey, exr vs Adam Pisor
et al T overseer
The 1 st for the following week can
be seen in another place in this paper.
Llrenfte Court.
The Court fix Wednesday the 9th
day of March, A. D., 1881. for the
hearing of applications for license to
sell intoxicating liquors, and direct no
tice thereof to be given by publication.
All persons interested will take no
tice that all Petitions for license must
be filed in the Clerk's office on or be
fore the 16th dav of February, 1881.
W. A. WRIGHT, Clerk.
The Ponr II»u«e Question.
In accordance with the call published
in the county papers the woek previ
ous, quite a number of the citizens of
the county met in the Arbitration
room of the Court House on Wednes
day afternoon of last week to consider
the Poor-house question.
The following towns and townships
were represented at the meeting: Bra
dy, Clay, Fairvimv town-hip, Frank
lin. Oakland, Clearfield, Centre. Perm.
Jefferson, Middl sex, Fairview bor
ough and Prospect, one eaeh ; Parker,
2; Concord, 4; Donegal, 3 ; Conno
quenessing, 2; Butler township, 3;
Summit, 4 ; Forward 2; Winfield, 2;
Cranberry, 2; Clinton, 3; Millerstown,
3 ; Petrolia, 2 ; Butler borough, 3.
Hon. A. L. Campbell of Petrolia
was elected President of the meeting,
and Jos. B. Bredin, Esq., Secretary.
The first thing in order was the read
ing of sections 1, 2 and 3 of the Act of
Assembly, approved .lune 4, 1879,
which creates each county in t he Com
monwealth a poor district, and empow
ers the Couutv Commissioners to buy
real estate, erect buildings, etc., pro
vided the people of the county decide
upon hsvinjf a poor-house. To reach
this decision the act provides that the
Court of Quarter Sessions of the coun
ty shall, upon the petition and recom
mendation of two-thirds of the Over
seers of the Poor of the county, then
in office, order an election, submitting
the question to the people either at the
usual February or November elections,
or at a special election ordered for the
purpose, sixty days notice to be given.
After the reading of the Act several
warm speeches were made, for arfd
against having a poor-house. Some
contending that the paupers of the
county were well enough taken care of
at present; that the present system
was by odds the most economical, and
that a poor-house would be a burden
and a curse to the county ; others that
the poor were not well enough taken
care of as it is ; that it was often hard
and sometimes impossible to find any
body in the town or township who
would take them in ; that having a
poor farm was the most economical
way of providing for the poor, and
that a poor farm properly established
and managed would be almost, if not
entirely sel.-sustaining. Those present
holding the latter views seemed to be
in the majority for the following mo
tion was put, seconded and carried :
Resolved, That this meeting recom
mend the Overseers of the Poor of the
several poor districts to petition the
Court at once to authorize an election
for the purpose of allowing the citizens
of the county an opportunity to vote
for or against the purchase of a poor
Some more discussion on the ad
vantages and disadvantages of poor- ,
houses followed the adoption of the ,
resolution. The only poor-house report
in the meeting was one of the Alleghe
ny county poor-house for 187f, which
states that the maintenance of each i
pauper provided for at the institution |
cost the county but $71.30 for the
year. The average number of inmates
for the year is stated at 285; the bills
for groceries, dry goods, salaries, med
icines, tobacco, etc., aggregate $21,-
74'.) 71 ; but the bills for other things,
new buildings, repairs, etc., and in
cluding a Hospital bi'l of $14,879 84,
aggregate $32,105 38, making $53,855,-
09 in all.
It seemed to be the desire of some of
those present who favored havimr a
poor-house or farm, that the election
should be held with the coming Feb
ruary election, but as the act provides
that at least sixty days notice of the
election shall be given, it cannot lte
held at any regular election prior to
that or next November, but if two
thirds of the Over-eers favor having a
poor-bouse, and so express tlemselves
immediately, and ask for an election as
soon as possible, under the act the
Court might order a special election.
These expressions for the, rojectcan
be sent to the Secretary of the meet
ing, .1. I'. Bredin, lvsq., of this place,
and if the number equals two-thirds of
the whole number of Overseers of the
county he will make the fact known to
the Court.
Ml. (lie* til lit IteuiH.
January 3d, 1881.
Christmas passed quietly.
Our young men tried to shoot out
the old year and shoot in the new with
a cannon manufactured at the Iron
Works here, but failed on account of
the vent being frozen shut.
While Al. Litzenberg was removing
his furniture to Prospect on the 16th
ult., his team ran off. No one was in
jured, but some of the furniture was
badly damaged.
Rev. Young delivered a strong tem
perance sermon on the 19th to a large
audience, who were well pleased with
It was so colli last week that Mr.
Graham, one of our blacksmiths, had
to put up a stove in his shop. Nearly
all the contents of Mr. Barnbart's cel
lar were frozen.
Messrs. Watson Co ship large
quantities of country produce and
poultry from this place. They are do-
I in a good business. It.
j ft 000 It. Cherry t.«id M»i>i i onrds ■ >j, in thick.
' ft WW ft I'oplar ->nd Ouk i onrds, 1V» u- thick.
ft.iHXtil. M ipl«; «nd''heri Flank 2 thick.
3'» e It. A-li Pi«uk, 1 luchea tb k.
2 It A- li Htui Cherry nntltng x 3 in tlilok
a tin: Kurnituif Factor) ot
i m the OrrwuN.
I Go to CHARLES R. GRIEB'S for \f
00 HAND- <
. S, CHIKFS, 5
c " >
K ' ERS, *
Eh t >
Oi*eatly Reduced Prioesj:
12-bore. 10-bore.
So 845, C. G. BON Ell ILL, Top lever, double bolt, bir rebounling locks, low set hammers, solM 9tri- J
kers, pistol grip stock, patent fore end, skeleton butt pUte, fine Damascus barrels, choke
bored, finely engraved and finish d - - - - 00 SSO 00
I\ o 350 do. do. With extension rib fastening 50 00 oo uu
No 855* do do. Challenge brand with horn heel plate elaborately engraved 55 00 60 00
All'these nun* have raised level ribs, and the 10 bore* are made extra heavy and wide at breech, rangingjn weight from 9 tolo ft
in,' an admirable trim f.>r duck and trap shooting where heavy charges arc necessary. Any of these guns will be sent C. O. D., wuh
examination and trial on receipt oi a remittance sufficient to cover express charges to your place and return. No deviationiwill be made
these prices umler any circumstances. .——————
~,,■4 1. a I>l •%«» ( IN. nmtr-ith NOIOIV OF JAXIAHV, 241H d»Y.
No. Term. Yr. Fia.Ht.jf s AU»r«*y. >' " VeftmkuU. Jh/nrl.int's Atlor»g(._
AD 17 June I*Bo John M. Greer ,J. H. Tebay et al., for use. J. vV iU-eU et al. T. & Sand Brandon.
«• 4H " " Same. I'. Dorsey. J. H. Tebay et al.
O. P. 387 " 1874 Mitchell and Fleeger. Itrvant A Patterson for use. John Smith Ureer and Fleeter
ED 16 Sept ISM. Greer John Smith. Samuel Smith. M.tcnell and * ledger.
17 i " Same. I Same. Same. f>ame
.• 13,; « " Walker aud Greer. Fir«t National ISank for use. Same. . £
TP 47 Fan'v 1874 J. D. McJ. A Walker. J. E. Martin. |F. W. Andres et al. ,V V
'» ' i.56« Oct" 11877 Marshall. Samuel Bel four, ex'r. John Balfour wllklr
■' :57.-, Sept 1878 Mitchell Samuel Mershuner. Dr. A. Donaldson. Tt S and Marshall
« 3lti Dec'r " Brandon & Greer. J. Dambach aud son Robert Ash T &S. and Mars .
•« sti2 March 1879 Mel'and less. A.L.Scott. 8. P. Eakin et al. V D MeJunkin
" 1') Sent " Lusk Mrs. Julia Roessing. Mapes Bros. .1. 1). Mc.lunKin.
„ ,51 r « jDMcJ.4 Pillow. Mrs. S. A. Tweedyjet al. John W. Wimer et al. MeC.. Greer and T. AS.
•< »Oi " " McQuistion. William Allen. Lewis Reed, Ex'r. t.reeir
„ r . « « White P. Mcßride. J. Kerr, def't Jc N Black ad r Gar G. A. AA. T. Black,
r'p' 320 " " Mitchell. J. K. Brainard et al. Patrick Conarty et al. McßrideA Gr< ? r ;„. lli
« •' " Robinson. Jane Borland et al. John Young et al. wTu n iw'hrUtl
» •' " Purviance and Greer. Henry McGee et al. Henry McNa.uy et al. Mitchell and Christie.
\ D 49 Dec'r " Newton Black. I Jonathan Snyder. Benjamin Snyder. i n u-i.mkin
<< vi .. 1 « Greer William Harvey. Natural Gas C ompany. J. D. MeJunkin.
xti " i" Mitchell. J- R- Succup et al. Farmers Hutual Insurance Co. Greer A Brandon
,i ui. ii •< Walker Simon Grossman. Junes Grossman. I. AS. n
:: « " ::
J* n 29 Sept :h 1 •'° M r er ,y &N ' B ' a " k " 'John''John sS"' OWn "' AC '_ _ Uc-d A Greer.
' pruth'y C'llli'e, 27, A. RUSSELL,, Prothono'ary.
For Catarrh-
UKL. e "-X,,. >iW Hay fever, cold hi the
fljyCffr.AM RM Head. &c„ Insert with
little llnpT. a partl.de |
CflTAt^wTrDLDs 'i T . rS <>f till- Halm into the
W rtAV, nostrils; draw strong
I breaths through the
ii«»i'' 11 will De iih-
WHeui sorbed, cleansing. and
«/**?« healing the diseased
ry? AL TnueO CM&M membrane,
For Deafness,
Occasionally apply a
DT particle Into and hack
of the ear, rubbing in
Is receiving the endorsement of the sufferer, the
druggist, and physician. Never has an article of so
much merit been produced for the treatment of
inembranal diseases as this never-failing HAI.M,
r* (I is universally acknowledged as being all that
is claimed for ft. The application is easy and
pleasant, causing no pain. Is soothing, and is fast
superseding the use of powders, liquids and snuffs.
Price vi cents, on receipt of iso cents, will mail a
package free. Send for circular, with full inlor
",atio"jgj j y, j j ckeaM HAI.M CO., owego. N. Y.
At Wholesale by
NKW YORK--McKesson & Kohblns Ilall& liuck
el N. Critteiition. W. 11. Schcilfelin .% Co.. I).
M. Stlger fi Co., I««ellc Marsh & Gardner, Tar
rant & Co.. I'razer & l,ee. and others.
PIIILADKM'IIIA Smith. Kline & Co., Johnston,
Hollow iv <'o.
SCKAN'TON, PA. Mathews Pros.
At Retail by all Druggists. oct 27-Om
Butlsr Female College.
Winter Term will open November t'th, 18S0,
closing March 4th, 1881.
Primary Department, £<>. Normal and ( las
sical, *B. Music, $lO. Hoarding in College
very Low. Itooms for sell boarding can be had
free of charge.
The course of study in Ibis institution is ex
tensive and thorough, embracing all the valua
ble studies taught in imv Female College.
A DVAN'TAGKS : Ist. Cost is very low.
2nd. The building is we'll situated and well
arranged. ... , , .
.'{rd. Easy of access, good plank and board
4th. The manners and morals of the stu
dents are carefully cared for.
Mi: A M US. A. T. Dm iin.n, Principal.
SUM! H inan, whoso woeljefj* ne eounten-
I and broken-down eonniitutlon plain
ly showed i races of disease ~a siifl>f*r witlt
Nervous Dyspepnir. in whose stomieli the
| most delieate morsel lay like lead. Ke
freshhw si#•« |» ami quiet nerves were stran
ger* toliiin, and lie despaired of ever being
well. We advised liini to take
which he did. and in a short time was not
only relieved but cured.
Ucadcr, if you are suffering with I>vspep
sla or l.lvcr Disease in any form, do not
wall until the diseii.se has taken a fast hold
upon you. hut use Hie Kegula or when the
svinnfoiiM tirst show Ihemselves. SIM
MONS 1.1 VKit llMit I.ATOIt Is not an al
coholic stimulant, but a PC UI'.I.V VKtifc-
TAItI.K KKMKI'V that will cure when
everything else rails. || |s a faultless fam
ily Heine. l>oes not disarrange the
system. Is no violent drastic purge, but
nature's own remedy. The friend of eve
ry and will not disappoint you. A
single trial will com luce you that II is the
cheapest, purest and best Fatally Medicine
In the world.
ASK tli" recovered dyspeptics, billions
sufferers, victims of fever and ague, the
mercurial diseased patient how theey re-
I covered their health, cheerful spirits and
good apiH-ilte they w ill tell you by taking
Simmons l.ivcr Regulator.
Liver Regulator!
Original and genuine prepared only by
j. ii. a to., Phil*.
I apr as-ty
police IC«'Kiir<liiiK Fox Ntal|»
Notice is hereby given that an application will
be made at the next meeting ol the legislature,
for the repeal of An Act. entitled "A further
supplement to an act giving a bounty on fox
scalps in the county of Dauphin. ' approved the
27th day of March, lMfilt. extending the same to
the Oountv of Butler, „pp.ov«d the l(>tli day of
April, 1*73. .!•<.! I" 'N I' - S "N.
.< AMKs iiltll'UKN,
10cWc4 ■> Hi.Y.
Ocroiu/weivrjori) of tito tAfiflnty vt tfutfer.
Tiik Timkk will enter the New Year with n
larger circle of regular reader* than it had at
any previous, period of its history, an<l the lin
poitant events of the next rear must steadily
enlarge the field of independent journalism.
A new administration will he inaugurated;
new political occasions will create new political
duties; the great commercial and industrial
prosperity of the country must stimulate pro
gress and thrift in all sections, and the tendency
of political power will he toward corruption
and despotism, as it ever is when the people are
diverted from the stern criticism of authority
by peace and plenty.
THK Times will be in the future, as it has
been in the past, absolutely independent of po
litital parties, but earnestly and fearlessly de
voted to integrity and patriotism in our states
manship and to the freedom and sahetity of the
ballot. Dependent party organs will continue
to babble about party men and party measure ;
to cvcuse the public jobber and the dcmugngve;
to suppress, pervert or deny the truth when
parlv interest demand it, and to lavish the
regulation praise of the servant to the inasteJ;
bin the glowing intelligence of the age daily
multiplies the readers ot the independent news
paper, and the journals which rellect the
rapidly increasing Jindejiendent of the people
will Ire the great American journenls <>i the
Tin: Times aims to reach ihe highest stand
aril of the independent newspaper. It fearlessly
opposes corruytionist and rings in all parties,
whether in city State or Nation. It opposes
ovary forui of imperial political domination,
whether represented by the individual, by a
faotion or by a party. It opposes sectionalism
North and South as" the demon of the Republic,
and it demands public tranquillity and the
supremacy ol liberty and law tor every citizen
of the Union.
Tiik Timf.h will begin the New Year
Strengthened in all of its already exceptionally
strong departments. Its Annals of the Wat
wilt be continued in the W'KKKI.Y I'. It I TON,
with specially interesting extracts therefrom in
the other editions and the contributors lor IK, si
to this imyortant feature of the paper will lie
from the most distinguished soldier* and civil
ians of both North and Soth. Its large list of
contributors in this and in foreign countries
will be more than maintained; it.-; ruliahlc
news correspondence i* unsurpassed by that ol
any other journal of the country; its various
departments essential to a complete newspaper
tor the home and family circle are constantly
enlivened bv fresh writers, and it will main
tain the position it has won,solely on its mer
its, as one of the most reliable and complete
newspapers of the world.
'lut.MS: DAILY— delivered by carriers, for
twelve cents a week ; mail subscription, six
dollars a year, or fifty cents a month, postage
I free. SI NDA Y EDITION—DoubIe sheet, two
dollars a year, postage free; single copies, four
cents. Weeki.Y— Published every Saturday
morning, two dollars a year; five copies, y.s;
ten copies, sls ; twenty copies, s2">. An extra
copy sent free to the gettcr-up of a club.
Address Tiik '1 IMEB,
Tim eh IlriuilNG, Philadelphia.
The most complete in titution in wie United
States for the thorough practical education oi
young and middle aged men. Students admit
ted at any time.
>1 For Circulars giving full particulars,
address J. C. SMITH, A. M.,
sep27:3m Pittsburgh
A. (i. UAItMi:S,
Noa. 92 &. 94 First Ave., Pittsburijh, Pa.
Steam Engines, Boilers,
Saw Mills and
Wood-Working Madhinery, new and second
hand. " aep29:3m
rrocuted for all soldiers disabled in tlto U. H.
service from any Cause, also lor heirs of decetx
ed soldiers. The *ligh'eet dissMll'v entitles to
pensions. PF.NSIOSS INCRKAHKD. bounty
»nd new discharges procured Those in dou >t
as to whether entitled to anything, should soon
Iwo 3-cent stamp* for nnr "circular of inform*
tion." Address, with stamps. Hropoanr A Co
Solicitors of Clai us an I I'stent*, It >o n a. St
Cloud Building, Washington, I). C. (Ifidoe-ln
I Advertise In ebe Uitizbn
Jury Llmim fur Hpeflttl Term
Jminary, 1881.
Jurors for week commencing 3d Monday of
January, 1881.
Adams —James Ternpleton, farmer.
Allegheny—J. V. Vance, Stephen Stoops.
Buffalo— Robert Elliott, James Smith, W. J.
Bartley, Fred. Kemarer.
Butler borough—John Lefever, John Gam
Butler township, James Karns.
Cherry—John M. Bollinger.
Clay—Japhtea McMichael.
Clearfield—James Green.
Clinton—Thou. Westerman, Geo. P. Harvey.
Concord—J. A. McClymonds, J. S. Hutche-
Connoquenessing' —Peter Staaf, Alex. Stew
art, Esq.
Cranberry —Jesse Barto.
Donegal—Thos. Ilouton, John Snyder.
Fairvlew borough—W. C. Adams.
Forward —Samuel Douthett.
Jackson—Alex. Ramsey, Sr.
Marion —John Vincent, John L. Kimes.
Mercer—Robert Dinwiddie.
Muddycreek —Samuel Oakisou.
* iskland—Robert Hamilton.
Penn —Leonard Bartley.
Petrolia borough—James Buizard.
Saxonburg borough—Christian Warneck.
Sippervrock—Win. Wads worth.
Summit— Peter <>esterli 11 g.
Ven intro —Hugh Fortjuer, John H. Gormly,
Henrv Stalker, David Kelly.
West Suubury—Joshua I)unlap,T. C. Thomp
Worth—Cyru* Albin.
Adams—John Dobson, John C. Kelly.
Allegheny—J. C. Redick.
Brady—Samuel Turk.
Bull'alo—A. I>. Weir.
Butler borough—S. F. Mcßride,
Butler township—Win. Walker.
Clay— Jesse Brackney, J. R. McJuukin.
Centreville—L. C. Cartwright.
Clearfield—Michael Downey.
Centre—Philip Grove.
Cherry—Jas. M. Hogg.
Concord —Peter Kemercr.
Donegal—Jeremiah Malonev, Joseph Orbi
son, Thos. Rislgers, Dauicl Black, Archibald
Fatrview borough—Wm. Fleming.
Fairview township—Wm. Hepler.
I Ilarrisville — 11. ( . Black.
Jackson—Henry Zehner.
Jefferson —Daniel Wallet, Wm. Gallagher.
Karns City—Charles Stockier.
Lancaster—W. L. Kneisa, John Lehman.
' Millerstown—Clias. 11. Johnson.
Middlesex—David Logan, S;*., W. R. Parka.
Oakland—Dennis McElwee.
I'arker—T. C. Harrison, L. C. Miller, J. M.
Sliira, James Storey.
Penn —Philip B-rger.
Slipperyroek—Henry Thompson, Thomae
Worth—J. T. Grove, John M. Studebaker.
Venango—Robt. Wilson.
Adatns—Thomas Anderson.
Allegheny—Lycargns Sloan.
Butler borough—Benj. Vosbrink,Wm. Balph,
C. W. Coulter.
Clearfield—M. J. Mcßride.
( berry—W. J. B { lling«by, H. P. Double.
Cranlwrry —Jacob Bur t linrt.
Centre—Daniel Heck, Jacob Fleeger, Andrew
Clay—Robert Allen.
Ciiirnville—ll. A. Wick.
Concoid—John McWilliama, John Coulter.
Cltntoi —John W. Hay, John Glasgow.
Forwaid—Thos. Graham.
Fairvnw township—Joseph Orris, David
II irri- vllle—R K. Wick.
Mudd> creek—Henry Cicland.
M reer—Wilson Cochran, John S. Perry.
Marion—Asa Waddle, '(owl Vandyke.
Millerstown—E. H. Bradley,
Penn —Nicholas Mangel.
Parker—J. A. M.-Cullongh.
Petrdia—Thos. Carlin.
Summit—Leander Wise, Fred. Bowers, Ja*.
Slipperyroek—Norman Patterson.
Venango—Michael M Bride.
Washington—John McCorkle.
Worth— D. P. St. Clair, Wm. Pisor, G. W.
W infield—Wm. Denny.
Zflienople—Geo. Snyder.
Amlltor'N Notire,
<). 0., No 26, -tept. term, 1880 In the matter
of the final account of Jamns Wll«iu. adm'r of
the estate of Allan Thompson, do t'd. lata of the
borough of Oautreviila, llutler Co . Pa. All par
ties interested will take uoriee fiat I will inakn
di-trO>utiou of t'la fun la in tha bauds of theal
mlnlstrator, at my ofll'-a, in Butmr, on TUCKS.
DAY, Deo. «Oth. «t I o'clock. P. M . of said day.
WAi. L. GRAHAM, AadlMr.
H*». IStb, l#P-Bt.