BUTLER CITIZEN JONIRIRX W. C. KF.c. EV. FROP'RS, Entered at the Post office ot Butler ae second-claw* matter. ■ I MK. W. W. TURK, formerly of this county, and a brother of Mr. Samuel C. and John A. Turk, was elected to the State Senate of Nebraska at the late election. He resides at Humbolt city, Richardson county, Nebraska. THE Chicago Times a week or two ago, in a published statement of the popular vote, made it appear that Gen Hancock bad a few thousands over Gen. Garfield. The Louisville Cour ier Journal does not agree with its Democratic contemporary Its foot ings,'derived lrorn official sources, are as follows: Hancock, 4,453,498; Gar field, 4,460,349; Weaver, 307.998; Dow 9,834 ; scattering, 970 Total vote 9,241,338 . Garfield over Han cock, 6,751 ; combined opposition over Garfield, 340,835. THE sensation of the session, in Con gress, has been the disclosure made in the House regarding tne new burdeus of the pension system, burdens "so appalling in magnitude,'' said Mr. Hubbell ot Michigan, the leading au thority of Congress on the subject, "as to almost stagger one who looks at and computes the vast aggregates that must be paid out." Already a year ago the pension ap propriation had risen to be the heaviest annual expenditure of the country, ex cepting the interest on the public debt. But the sum of $32,404,000, set apart last winter for the current fiscal year, has been increased to $50,000,000 for the year to come; and this enormous increase must be mantained for many years. No wonder that Congressmen for a moment stood aghast at these figures. This was not all. It was discover ed and announced a few days since that the Arrears of Pension bill, passed by Congress would cost this country the monstrous sum of upward of two hundred and forty-three millions of dollars. THE people 01 Allegheny county are desirous of unsettling a settlement. They have complied with the law of the State by indemnifying the sufferers through the destruction of property in the Pittsburgh riots, but they want the State to pay tbern back again 2,f>00,- 000. Tbey also want the laws repealed which make the cities of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh specially responsible fur riot losses within their boundaries. Both propositions are preposterous. Tl e State has already paid its due share of expense in putting down the Pittsburgh rioters, and after protracted consideration of the matter has refused to pay more. The latter proposition is thrust upon the attention of the Legis lature wrong end first. It is right that the counties of Philadelphia and Allegheny should pay for the property destroyed by their mobs. But it is wrong that other counties in the State shood be exempted from the same salutary regulation. If the counties of Schuykill, Carbon, Luzerne and Co lumbia had been legally responsible for the destructive copers of the Molly Maguires, and of other malevolent organizations which have set law at defiance within their borders, the State would never have been disgraced to the extent it has. The State paid the bills. The pocket nerve of county people was not rudely touched, and violence finally took on a chronic form. The potency of this money consideration was illustrated in a startling form by the farmers of Northampton, who lynched a murderer on Monday chiefly because it was cheaper to do so than to take the case into Court. We will gladly join the citizens of Allegheny in prescribing for the State nt large the medicine which Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are obliged to take Hut any step backward is against the grain, and is also against sound canons of municipal self - goverment.— Pliila. Hecord. —lt WBB suggested by one of those present at tLe poor-bouse meeting Inst Wednesday, tbat a committee should be appointed to examine the county records for the past few years, and as certain exactly what it has cost the people of this county to support their paupers, and also to secure the reports of different poor-houses in order that costs might be compared. It wouldn't do to allow the man in the Moon to appoint this committee, but if it so happens tbat there is to l>e an election on this question, we think that the county Court or County Commission ers should appoint one or more jwr- a committee to make such investi gation, secure the reports, and muke a report, to be laid before the people of the county, previous to election day. A person present at the meeting stated that be bad looked over the township and borough auditors reports filed and on record for 1879, only 23; and that the expenses for kcepiug the poor in these 23 districts, as shown by these reports, agpreifated over S1 wase wv rt/ ( jAhvob tf'b-, ' fcfSTl-. FiiK-rlsiiiiiiiK Leclurc. Clinton Lloyd, Esq., of Williams port, this state, occupied t' e Court House on Monday evening, Dec. 27th, delivering the first lecture before the "Butler County -Teachers' Institute' at its recent s. as'on. li s subject was '•The Hott.se < i{. preventatives of the United States »s seen through the Spectacles of its Chief Clerk " This, was an interesting subject and attract- j ed a large audience to hear Mr. Lloyd, j lie was the chief clerk of the House j of Representatives for about twelve j years, during the war and after, and | when the gravest and most difficult questions growing out of the Rebellion came up and had to be settled. He had the opportunity to s e every phase of the proceedings and to know the character and ability of all the mem bers then iu Congress. After Mr. Lloyd had spoken in a general way and given some interesting facts as to Congress as a botlv, he then proceeded to delineate the characteristics of some of the leading members of the House during the time he was clerk. Com mencing with the speakers, hisdescrip tion of Colfax and Blaine was enter taining in the greatest degree. Thad deus Stevens, the "Great Commoner;" Gen. Benjamin F. Butler, and other distinguished members,were portrayed in life like manner. The wits and the fools then in Congress were also illus trated. This was perhaps the most interesting part of Mr. Lloyd's inter esting lecture. Proctor Knotts' wit, and the sublime but not very clear elo quence of Mullins of Tennessee were particularly well told. Mr. Lloyd is forcible and rapid as a speaker, and his earnest manner at once secures your attention His lecture here was quite a success and made a good impression on all. The Teacher*' Institute. The Teachers' Institute held here last week was the most successful in everv respect that has ever been held in the county. Two hundred and three teachers and' thirty-eight directors were enrolled ; the average daily attendance was one hundred and fifty-four, and the whole number of days of attend ance, seven hundred and sixty-nine. There are some two hundred and sixty schools being taught in the county this winter and all the teachers should have been present, unless prevented by sick ness or some other good cause. Some teachers were prevented from attending bv either the stupidity or bigotry of their boards of directors who do not appreciate the value of our County In stitutes to the cause of education, and who refused to allow their teachers for their time if they attended or insisted upon their teaching during the holiday week. The Institute was graced by the presence of and instructed by the remarks of the following well-known educators: Prof. M. I>. Goff. who is the author of a series of books on Mathematics and who addressed the Institute on several occasions on the subject of Mathematics. Prof. John 8. M<-Kay of the Indiana Normal School, explained what is called "object 'teach ing, and lectured on Naturul History. Prof. J. 11. Young, of same school, sp< ke on English Grammar and phys ic I culture. Miss Patridge explained what is called the ' Quincy Method" of conducting a school. Mrs. McKay gave some practical lessons on object teaching, and several others. The evening lectures by Hon. Clin ton Lloyd, Hon. Geo. R. Wettdling and Miss Patridge were all good and secured good audiences. Revs. Ferguson, Wylie, Staufter, Waters and Dickey aided the Institute bv the interest they took in it. Music was furnished by a choir of teachers, Dr. Von Meyerhoff and M . 11. 11. Lid die and family. Our County Superintendent, Mr. McKce, deserves great credit for his successful management of the Insti tute, and also for the great interest ho has taken in the cause of education in this county. He is one of the best County Superintendents of Public schools we have ever had. A II C ongrogalioii. The Presbyterian Church of Butler celebrated the Ist Sabbath of the year 18)Sl in a very satisfactory manner A debt of about $8 (JOO had been rest ing on the church for several yea's, and not only was a load grievous to be born, but it crippled every effort of the pastor to enlist the chureh iu christian work. Some weeks ago the pastor had preached on the subject and the trus tees had started to call on each mem ber to join in an effort to lift tjip debt off the church. There were difllcul ties and discouragements in the way. "The wheels dragged heavily." The ladies called a meeting and organized a Deborah Baud, and set to work to enroll every woman and girl as a help er. In a little time the ladies had 100 na.n. s enrollpd and SlliOO secured. At this juncture the pastor resolved to preach again on the subject and lay be fore the people on Sabbath morning, January 2, the actual condition of the work, and call for each person not al ready enrolled to report at once w hat lie wouid do. The result was that by half past one o'clock, ufter a service of' three hours, the debt was entirely re moved from the church, and a happy and thankful people were ready to rise and endorse the paper which tin; pas tor offered, pledging each to keep the door of the church forever closed against the incoming of church Until the work was actually accom plished many persons did not believe that it could or would be done. The church had not the presence of Mr Ed ward Kimball, debt destroyer, in per son, but tin* pa tor declares that a long interview with him some weeks ago gave him great aid and encouragement to begin the work and go on with it. The principle adopted throughout this effort was to enlist every man, woman and child in the undertaking. God has crown* d the effort with success, and the church shows one of the long est rolls of contributors in such work. The work of the women and children can not be too highly commended. No church which is willing to east itself on God's promisi s need despair of suc cess, if it will heartily go forward. Few towns in the United States have suffer ed more under financial depression than Butler, and although the tide of pros perity has not yet reached this place, the load has been lifted. To any church which has "the ball and chain" of debt fastened to it, we say heartily: "Up! quit you like men; be strong and of good courage and wi|»e out the reproach which rests upon you. RKBOLUTION. Presbyterian Church, Butler, I'a., Ju: uary 2, 1881. —Thankful to God fbr ttoV flttiwrunvo to'iuy t/urdrun*i from a debt \\ L Ii has been resting upon us as a load of sin and misery. We. the meiutiers of the Presbyte rian church, do promise before God that hereafter we will oppose any out lav f or the chun-L which will place any debt upon it. • vititr that such ac- i tion is I ad in pr!w-i:»!c and dangerous in practise ; and als-o that it is dishon oring to God and damaging to all the interests of his church, both temporal and spiritual. We also declare our purpose as in- ' dividuals to urge the adoption of this purpose and pledge by all churches of our Lord Jesus Christ until sueb a thing as a church debt shall become impossible. This paper, after being read and ex plained fully, was adopted unanimous ly by a rising vote. Prejudice KII'.N. "Eleven years our daughter suffered on a bed of misery uuder the care of several of the best (and some of the worst) nhysicians, who gave her disease vaiious names but no relief, and now I she is restored to us in good health by as simple- a remedy as Hop Bitters, that we had poohed at for two years, before using it. We earnestly hope and pray that no one el.-e will let their sick sufle*' as wo did, on account of prejudice against so good a medicine as Hop Bitters."—The Parents.— Tele gram. MA MR lE®. YOUNG—PORTER—On Dec. 26, 1880, in Allegheny C ity, by Rev King, Mr. Harry B. Youn>», of Centrcville, this county, and Miss Slay M. Porter, of Allegheny City. WISE—NELSON —On Dec. J-th, 1880, at the parsonage, by Rev. R. G. Ferguson, Mr. Win. Wise, of Penu township, ami Miss Aunie E. Nelson. RAY-CAMPBELL—On Dec. 2L'd, Mr Jus. Ray, of North Hope, Pa., to Miss M. .1. Camp bell, of Petrolia, I'a. GARDNER—REEP—On Dec. 23d, Ht the residence of the bride's mother, in Fairviewtp., by the Rev. A. B. C. McFarland, Mr. W. B. Gardner and Miss M. J. lteep, of Petrolia, I'a. GRAHAM—NORI4IS—On the i!(ith alt., at Williamsport, by the Rev. Dr. Hopkins, Rev. John Graham, formerly of this borough, to Annie C. Norris, of Erie, I'a. FLEMING—SUTTON—On Pec. 2Sth, I*Bo, by Rev. E. Ogden, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. Samuel Fleming and Miss Anna M. Sutton, both of Penn township; Butler Co. I'a. VORPE—FOX—Jan. Ist, lssi, by Rev. E- Ogden, at his residence, Mr. Henry A. \ orpe, of Middlesex twp., Butler Co., I'a., to Miss Ellen N. Fox, of Allegheny Co., I'a. HOFFMAN—BAILEY—On Dec. 14th, IK3O. by Rev. Samuel Kerr, Mr James Hoffman and Miss Eliza M. Bailey, both of ISutler Co , I'a. BAKER—RIDER—On the 2XI h, inst., by Rev. C. L. Streamer, Mr. Andrew J. Baker, of Butler township, to Miss Bella Rider, of Centre township. RAY—NELLIS—On the 30th ult., by the same, Mr. W. P. Ruv to Miss Sarah J. N.llis, both of Clay township. CHRISTY—BAKER—On the Bth, uit., by Rev. S. Williams, Mr. I'. M. Christy to Miss M. J. ISaker, both of this county. DEATHS. TIP >.M I'SON—Dec. 25th, 1880, Robt. Thomp son of Clearfield tvvnship, Butler Co., Pa., aged 77 years, 7 mouths and J days- Mr. Thompson died u.-ry suddenly of neural gia of the heart. Though suffering from fre quent attacks of it for some time past, he arose on that morning, dressed and went down stairs and (lied in a few ininuies. Thus an old and much respected eitizen of our county has passed away. W. P. S. M'CULLOUGH—At his residence, in Fair view township, this county on December !»th, 1880, Mr. David MeCullough, aged t>9 y-iri. Mr. McCullough was born and r.ii-.ed in I!ut ler and is a younger brother of Mr. John lie- Culiongh yet living here. David removed to a , farm above Millerstowu when young and no man urospereu belt r or was more highly es teemed by nil who knew lr.m. lie was ipi rf- Ctefjinjfly ni'l'i, tfoocl l»eartei man. 11.; the morning of Lbs day ol his ile,if'. he wont out with his horsiis aad *ltd to haul home a load of wood, and not returning In the usual t'mj he was sought and found frozen and almost dead. A stroke of some kind or an accident that par alyzed him'is supposed to have overtaken him. His lo.s is a .serious one to his n .-ighboihood and his death lamented by nil of the communi ty in which he lived. He leaves behind ,i large family and very many relatives to m >uru his su Idea loss. \ ( n;d, To 11 u lie. are iitlleriug It'oni the error* mid Indlsereiioris ol youth, nervou* w.aktit. s, e iily deeu\. In « ol manhood. &:•. ! \t!l: s-t*?:;! : re cijVthat will inre you, I'UKK c-V CIIAKtiR This sreat remedy was discovered by a mis ion Ary iu South Africa. Send a c»«ed en- Vl*l OJI • to the REV. JOSEPH INMA.N, Statinn 1), New 1 otk Vitn. tl "Abou the handsomest paper Iu the conn ry."— Plulartalph 'ni Times. THE PHILADEJLFLTLA, WEEKLY PRESS! Independent. Enterprising. Trustworthy. Having grently slicnctncned Its staff and general equipment, this favorite family journal will enter upon the year IS O prepare! for the occupation ol a wid-*r field ihn-i ever h -foro. In all ih it many contribute to tlie editieatlou or or the entert iluir.eiil of the b"st cI jiH of rti «l ers. i( i* ever iu^emuM POINTS ABOUT 'THE PRESS: bmroKlAl. DeeAKTMKNT.— The pens of the best writers are oi all topics of living Interest —political, social, and general. THE Nr.ws or Tits WKEK, covered not only by associated prcs dispatches, tin* special cor respondent from ever) point ol interest, foreign or dome-tie. roMT'CiL PlJ*•!£-,-• Piesentcd in lim most attractive and trustwoithy foiui !>y the most brllllan letter wrlt>-n- ol the i ay, including stall co respondents ot national reputation. TUB KOKEIGN FIEI.U —Full and aecuratc cable dispatches from special agents of the Pitssslu every European capital. AN AUHICULTCIIAI. I'AOK —Not a re-hash from the ULiicii lUial weeklies, b«l ►iiamnuolc oi-t,usn|uii, undor the siipurvUou ot practical iiieii 1.1 acknowJi .u thuilty. HOME AM> SoctETV —A department invalua ble to women for faitlilul fa-hiou reports and hints to housekeepers. TIIE litfT MOTIES of tin' ci.iy, fr in iid nuce -heels, by arrangement Willi bullish puhlii-k --ers. I'onrnv, TAI.ES or TKAVEI. and cdrci tuie, eriii-i-niK ol ait. literature and lh<> draii',a ; wji and hlltnor, games and puitfh'fc, personal Illlel ibeuic, on ation it. ill re i- in i r * pa-''* Unit would make it unwHcoinc in any i.mily circle. Terms- : #!.» »:i Year ; SI OO to < nibs of I'eii or Jlore. A SPLENDID PREMIUM! THE FUSTB lias made a peculiarly favor: t.)O eon tract by which it Is < uabled to od.-r. iu place of the club oilers, a splendid i remlum. . onsislii'K of the Id rary . ! U nlvc. .-.al Knowl edge, a verbatim reprint ot the London ciliilou { <>i"chambers' Eusyclopa-dia, complete in ti:- tccn volumes, of uiore than 700 each j or aliakHpi are's complete w rks, In llpec y o!- j nines, an npcuntte reprint of th(s famous (Jlobii Kdiilon, with a copious ir'ussaty. These pic ifllmn* aic ollered to iriend* aeudlng clul'», a» follows ; Fcr club of IP copies, one copy free. Kor club ot 30 copies. Shakspeur's Works. For club ol 20 copies and #8 00 additional, the L.ibiary of Universal iinow edue. For club ol 30 copies an additional, tie l.lbiary ol Unlveisal Knowledge. For club ol 50 copies, the Library of Univer sal Knowledge For eluh of 100 copies, the DAILY PBB-B for one year and Library ol Uuivers.l Knowledge. FORM A CLTJK AT ONCE! There Is no chance lor * sample copy. Send u postal eird, and one by return mail. , ADDl ess : TUB I'HESS, Philadelphia 'the lM,i ideiphli Pre«« grows eonatautljr ta'-'Wr atia :Vr"nger. ,, Y\ Trtovn* ORPHANS' COURT SALE!! j Pursuant to an order ot tlie Orphan* Court of j Butler County, ther* will lie exposed to pu lie > wile on the prerui* 8, in Worth township, But- : ler County, Pa., on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17th, j ISSI. at one o'clock, I', m., the following de- Scribed real cMate, late ot George Voga.i, dee'd, to v it: All that certain piece or tract ot land situate in Worth township, Butler County, Pa , bounded on ti.e north by land> ol F.d» rd lilt and Henry -utlitl. On the east by lan«ls ot heir- of Joh:. Vogan. OL. the south bv lands of John Link and public road, and ou the west by lands ol P. All-in ci al., containing TWEN'TY-OXE A< RES AND EIGHTY rEKCHES, more or lr««. About ten acres i le.irvd, bouse thereon eroe ed. eood orchard ot bearing fruit trees Till- piece of land is about two tiles tro'u Wist Lilierty, and is onveuk'iil to churches, schools and stores TEK.M.S—Oue-:tiiid on continuation ot sale, the rcmaiudei in two input; in-la 'nieu ■>, with Interest trom dale ol safe-—said iustallii enls t i lie teeured by bond and mortt >ir*- ADA M PI-OR, Ad n'r Postofll> e—lacksville, Butler Co., Pa. NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. The e ri ula lion of thispopultr ne.-spa per is constantly incrrasirg. It contains nil lhe lead ing news <>f tli • D.ii'y Herald and is arranged in hai.dy departments The F<»rclm> News em'.races »| eel.. 1 di-pat. lies lioni all quwtcr» of the globe Under tile head of A u News are tiroii the Te'eirmpliic Dl-p t< lies ot the week fio:n ill pint- of ih.' (Julon. This t atuie only makes The Weekly II»»rstl«l the roost valualile chronie'e in the world, as it is the t bea| est. Every wei kis given a fai.blul repirt Ol POLITICAL NEWS eml-rai ing eonipl. te and comprehensive dc«- patches from Washington. incliuli.ir lull te j>orls of ih speoelie* of eiiiincnl politicians on the questions ot the hour HIE FAUM DEPARTMENT of the Weekly H ei* ald -jives the. latest as well as the most pi.ftical sugeeslicns and dis coveries relating to li e duties of the farmer, hints for raising Catlle, Poultry, Grains Treis, Vee< lollies, Ac. i&c., wth suggestions for keeping buildings and farming utensils in re pair This Ib supplemented bv a w-IlJ'dited department, widely copied, ui der the head of THE HOME, givin-r rei if cs for pracl'cal dislic 8 , hints for tnakiiiL' f othinr s»nd tor keeping up with the latest I. ►h'niis nl li e lowest price Every Item of CO' 1 f " •cm u.y Mltae-Ud in this de parli. e' l !► |"i lleillv ic t«d bv cXOCrtS before pubilciii .ti I.i M i-, from < iii' I'.lis and Lon don lor'i-ponnenl 0" the * cry latest fas'ilon. The Horn 1 -' 111 |M.riment <»f the Wr.' ki.v llfk ai.o will save the bou-cwi#e more thau one hundred tlra:B the prlie ol the paper. The interests ol SKILLED LABOU are lo«»ki d after, and e* erytliing relating lo meehanit s and labi,* snvli g is - aretullv n corded There is a t>age devoted to all the latest phases of the business markets, Cro;is, Merchandise. Ac, 4e. A valuable feature is fonnd ill the specially reported piiccs and conditions ot THE PRODUCE MARKET. Kporti >g news nf !)S-iir 1"'! abroad, together With rt Slc.iy eviv weeK, a Pennon by some -mlnent divine. Literary, Musical, Dramatic. Personal and Sea Notes. There is no piper in the wo'ld which contains so much tews mat ter every week as the W Ei'Kt. V lleuai.d. which i< ft lit. po-tage free, tor One Dollar. You can m.itw r:be at anv lime. NEW VORK WEEKLY HERALD in a weekly fcrm. ONE OQUAR A YEAR. Address, NEW YORK HFRALD Bro iriiray and Ann Strict Xeir I ntk. I LADIES' fTORAL CABINET AND PICTORIAL HOME COMPANION. The Hart'trirftt !l!urtra*rd Jourral of Housrhold Art, Flowers, and Horns Literature ; a Amor;p«- PY«|4SUKU MONTHLY. ! A !:s rfi- 18 f! i ill'ml ralcd Monthly Jottnal. EiJ;t |'i.e» n-odevoir !to i'riic;ir-al F'o:irulti:re, and the »u*i i to short nloilcs, *pl< V ci'lrt' Joiix, :'.|d hou.schoU' topics of geiier il interest. A clioiir eltill li o( ici. sir N witli (iu-li No. To each -u's. r iber i* given i rare | .r.-n.lutu. (SC:.il IT premium li-t.) See * hit ••Tut* ClirbUiu at \Vork"sa>i» ; ot it: A GEM OF A JOUKNAL. Rincr I lit Floinl Cabin- I |iw i i»'Wd on a re* | career i« |j lis>i(|-> < n'vi lllii' U ill ltM'.li!i rial inanaL'clueiil. il ha* rapid > riM U in public favor ~nd Ims en joyed n 1} il.cri'ansd i in ul iilon, u» !t ric Iv deocrvu*. Tin - Floral '"at InH IK out' ol the best guide* to flower w> the diflt-rtiire be tween lilui agrnnil nml ml.-iimna:ctncnt. With ll:<-aid ot Ihe Komi Cabinet «ny lady may easly make her home lieauitlnl. The IHMJ ol exact!} Mu h ;■ pubd alion ax thin ninnm the you:.g people i.l a bnrlly hail* lo refine ment of tn~te, nml to an MUII 'iiiCiicu v»»»»i nil that iiirki.-s home liglilV- fliu Cabinet U full o| dt;;i;Ui,.j Iroin f:roftc and poetry, and clegiut with ehoire woodcut* mile ex pre sly lor lis piaix by mo»t cmiuenl lu ptleo Im onh a dollar ai'q a ijunrtrr a year with premiums cnuugli in the way ol valuable neeilntof.i t up a warden or conservatory. No hoti'e ought to l»c wiili. ul the tu >nthiy v:»lts ol the Floral Cabinet. The a hove is only one 11 many notices ol the same character subscription', ln» ol tin- Flower* and VCL'- etahleH, and IMiei lion* I >r growing. Only l(> rents In Kngll-h or Oernri . II you alter ward* order secdifdc iurl tile 1" cents. Vff'K'S SEKDS »ie th" best ill the world The flora] t;,..de will till how to get and trow tliein. Vick'n Flower ar.d Ve; • l ihle Garden, 175 pages, ti Color- il Plate*. 5»• • i". i :raviiijr« Km' 50 cent- in paper mveiit;s! 'in elfjcuul cloth. Jn (German o F.uulihb. Vlck'it Illustrated M M.lhlv Maifaaslnc—32 [i.-ice*. a ccloied plme In evny number and many line eiu'tnvlni;* Piice il 25 u yiwr, five en| ten lor t-YOQ #p< cimeji iiuml'crs oeiit tor 10 cents l i» trill Tuples fur X 5 celltx. Addresri, JAV.ES VICK, Koches'er, N. Y, \ollcc l« C'rcrtlior- of FrmiolM C'onlrj. In the e.tale of FranciM Coulev. AnHinnor. Iu the Court of Common I'lnw of Butler County. On petition of Perry Smith anil J. 0. Vander liu to l>e dii-eli»iyed. 1880, Dec. 6th. The Court direct notice by publication, on the ceditorM of \MHignor. that prayer of petitioner* will be fjr* iiKwl iinlOMt. caune be ihown to the contraiT. IT> Momiav .fau na i v 3d. 1881. Hv THK Cot'BT. N..w l>ec 9th. IRBO, to the crc ditora of Frnn ci« Conley. IAIUI lio'ire thml the iu the abov.* cane bavo made application to be din chaiged from their UII'OK» caune in hliumi on or before Jar. 3EKLIN. 15deo tt Atcigneee. Wotioo in hereiiv (ityen tl.at lotierM toMtawen tarv have been «raiii<«' to the undesigned on the ent4tn of Jolui Forwfh, Hr . late of Penn township. Uutlor comity Pa . dee'd. all per»ona therefore knowing themnelvea indebtivl to nai 1 enfate will p!ea-e iralie immediate payment, and ■any having elaimn ißaliiHt the name will preeent them pioperly authenticated for nnttlement. JAMKS A FORSYTH. F.xecntor, Ilrownadale, Butler county, Pa. deeß ttt Wauled—llomefi At tho WiUar.l lioiife, (formerly Jack House,) Butler, F'n . on Tiifsday und Wednesday, tli«* ll'li an I 12th of January. Horses must be from 3 to f> years old and broken to hartu s-". AW AM 13 iMLOLW. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! GRAND DISPLAY THIS WEEK, AT Rosenbaum & Co.'s, 112 % 714, 110, .Market Street, Cor. Liberty Street, PITTbHUKGH, t>A. FOR I JESUIT KID GLOVES. pi'LVL'V 'IX ' SILK 1 MBRELLAS, ALPACA I MBRELLAB, LEATHER SAT< HELS, POUTMON XIES, PR* SENTS. GENT'S CARL) OASES, BILK MUFFLERS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. PRESENTS. HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS, I EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, MOTTO HANDKERCHIEFS, PRFCXVY'LX I JEWELRY BOXES, 1 I J">. BREASTPINS, CUFF BUTTONS, PPL"W\'T. UNDERWEAR, SILK SUSPENDERS, CARDIGAN JACKETS, PRESENTS. LACE SCARFS. * GENT'S SCARFS, SCISSORS, KNIVES, LLT „, LA DIES' FANCY SETS, 1 ULBLA FUR SETS, FUR CAPS, TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS. And 1,000 other useful Presents at Immense LOW PRICES- M. FIRE & Bro" 100. and 102 Federal St, Allegheny. We Are New Daily Opening New and Choice FALL AND WINTER DRY QOODS ! I Or Kvery f)e*«*rlpf ion, Comprising in part the following Mixed Drew Goods. c : ; . R. in. lj'i.'. Plain l>rexs tioods, in M colors nud sliides, 12'4 15, 20C. I Cashmere*, 15, 20, Kc Cashmere, verj wide. e\tin i nit «*, .*», v«. French Cashmere, a!l-\ViM>l. to, 4.">. flee. French Cs-lmjere, all-Wool. vt ry fine. fil>. 75c, $l Henrietta Cloth, good quality. ;'<6, U), 75c. ili-tirieiia Cloth, Silk Wiirp. Si. >1.25, fl.ro. In Black and Colored Silks. We offer extra iwlucev.iftiits in order to reduce Ui>- heavy s;u; k on hand. We «i(i> r « l«ai:;ifi:l K:ack Velvet at 50 and 75c. Itrocade Velvets, Mac:; and < .hired, new and beoiitiful style*. 75c au«l #l. We have lliis d ty opened a very larnt let of Silk Fringes, Triiruiilnzs, Silks. Satins, &c. In CLOAKS and KOI.MANs onr assortment Is very complete, wlucli enables us to suit every body. Buyers of Dry Goods are respectfully requested to give ub a call be'ore par chasing elsewhere, and we feel confident that every one wili leave our establishment with the conviction of having saved money. M. FIRE & BR0„ 100 and 102 Street, A 'egh^n*'- NEW FLOUR & FEED ISis* REfBER'S BLOCK, Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. All the Flour made by the New Process and sold as low as IjM.Sft per seek, and up to £ll 7Si per sack. Also, Buckwheat Flour, Rye Flour, and bolted and unbolted Corn Meal. Ali kinds of Feed—Chop, Bran, Corn, Oats and all kinds of Mill Feed. All kinds of grain bought ut Store or Mill, and Highest Cash Price Paid. Custom Work done at Mill by the New Process Machinery and grists warranted to lie equal in quantity and quality to those ground anywhere else. George Heiber, Sr. Jfj£• DECEMHER" ist, 1880. ,T TJS r 7~ RECKIVED. 2,000 Yds. Genuine Silk Mixed PERSIAN NOVELTIES 1 And placed on sale at the REMARKABLE price of 20 cents, about one-third their vain*. BAKGAINBI BARGAINS! One lot luiimrWU llamlki rrlilef l'laid , at :n\ie, fO.IIH'r |'l.i e, out* li t 11Hiialki it-liU'f Maid*. f.nc nooda, 78c, fOlllilT price. tl (ii i• !ri< •• mid upwards. A portion <»» these recent puichaaes and »ty.l»li designs. One r 1 1 ! .<('.• ut •*': III: Sate "and Fri l.ch Suit iiiir* jfi.T:., !nr: u r f>rc. y-'-'". Ills • !ls ami colors. Si. perl) i|i;a: : «••• M-lllili All-Viol Frei.cll Dress (.mills at 1 in, .v., ' 1 m il <• I.ynii Hroeadcs, now sold in Mich haiiilsoiiie de signs at our silk counters at such low prices for elegant qualities. Magnificent Silk Novelties, gl.rx) to $2.'.% Home of tin- former wild recently at S-'i. American lire . (ioo'ls Departmcht—Cashmeres best shades, at ISSc 1111. Choice Double width Armures, 20c up. Plaids, (i'i, tu. 12' i anil 10c. the two latter in styl ish effects, nail all these well-known American Fal>rh«, giving attract the closest cash or short time buy ers witli approved credit. New Itlack and colored Hilk Girdles. Hpikee. Tassels, Beads, Balls, im ported Buttons. in twe eizrs. to match for Costumes and Jackets. mi n n nP EH>sa ~spiLEs ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Iteuiolr lull ts rum. It uJlstilba iubloc, absorbs Ik* ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ H H tninm*, r.if ■» i.awiimv n liol Prepared by/. P. Millar,M.D., ■II ■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■ Pblladi M>Ma, Pa. «' Al' M'tu gnwav unit* wrap- IU ■ Vv VjjV jyr «i nmi'iiiu / THOMPB IN. TH E* I.ILLINGATON. .Cl Pine Street, St. Louis, Mo, C-'lcclloii THE irierilM»ri of the Worth Mutual Fire In- Hiiraj.ce Co. will meet a* theHchool House in West Liberty. on the sicond Hatunlay of Jan uary, I SI. betiß the Mtli lost., at 1 o clock, p. M . for ilie purp »o of r 'ctiiiir oflio.rn for the amiunj? %ww. J! M. MA'WUAW/i I Extra Raruams in Housekeeping Goods. Heavy Blankets.sl.2s. $1.50, $2. 1 Heavy country Blankets, Colored and White $9, $5.50. s>;. Table Cloth. 20. 25. 35, 50c. Turkey Red Table Damask, fast color 50,60, 78c, Cirey Flannel. 124,10,»> and 25c. Hed Flannels, 20, 25 and 30c. Colored, White and Scarlet Underwear for La dies and (Cents' from the 'owest grades to the vary best, at exceedingly low prices. Our Stock in Hosiery and Gloves is very full and comprises n part the following s s' Gloves, 12Vt, 15, 30, 25. 35c. Indies' Uloves, very superior goods, 50, 76c, |L I-olics' Hose, 8,10.12!4.15c. Ladies' Hose, much better, 25, .15, 50C. Gents' Half-hose 10, 12H, 15, 20c. Cents' Half-hose, extra value, 25, 3 , soe. We have just received a lot o: regular made Hoisery, all wool, beautiful goods, and » be I sold veiy low. CI,OAK DEPARTMENT! Dally replenish!*! with New Styles. Exquisite I'll and Stylish Materials. A large lot 1 l-gant New Shape Dolmans at s3>, ithe best garment ever sold at this price. ,lA< K i:TS AND CLOAKS At .®:i. &, W. 30, B*. *lO and sl3, that are Special Bargain*. Dolmans and .Jackets at »x.r.O, $lO. $12.50, SIR, 91 • 3t!2 and $25, at these prices we Invite speclul atten tion. Fine Wra h and Oarmcnts at $35, S4O, 960, *65, $75. *9O and up to 41(0, Btately and nobbr Atyle><. in Silk; Mvin d'Lyon and Hicilienne. lined with Hntin 111 blaek, wine and old gold and fur, and tiinimnd with fnr, bonded paxaeraenteria, plunheH, ot Joe. K IOTICE is hereby g.ven that it ta the inten 1N lion of the citizens of C ay township to op ; ply to the c.mniiK Legislature for the repeal ot the present r .«■ I law o%er the same, known as the -vv, iih Tp.. ltoa-1 I aw," and which was ei iende.l TO SHI. I Olav township, by Act of Aseem tdy of 'J -it . March. I 87M, which said act it is here by sought to be repealed and the old law rein *-»*t ' <\ Sdeeit * ieetion Notice. AN P.lecton for twelve Directors of the Batler Mntn«l Fire I- rtuanoe Co., toserre for the ensniiiK ye. nr. will b held at the Office of the Secretary in Birier Pa., on the neoond Tuesday of Janttarv neit. I • ing the 11th day of th# month, between the ' onrs of one and two P. K. Udec tt 11. C. HEINEMAN, Secretary. for rt» OfTI3»N.