MA. 3. H. BATBS, Newapaper Adverting Ajrent. 11 Park How (Time* Boildina), New York, is authoriaed to contract for advertise ments in the Oiniw. THISPAFEE Local and General. —Albums, at J. F. T. Stehle's. Go in. This is the last week of the sweet buy and buy. —Hobby-horses, at J. F. T. Steble's. —California Canned Goods, at M. REIBEB, Sr. A Clearfield county man recently killed three bears in one day. Toy-carriges, at J. F. T. Stehle's. —Moody and Sankev are to go to Ireland ; and Ben Butler, too f —Toy-wash seta, at J. F. T. Btehle'a. —The latest styles in Hats and Caps at Chas. B. Grieb's. There will be some more cold weather before spring.— Vennor. —Handsome foot stools for ladies,' for Christmas gifts, at Ketterer's. —A fine selection of Confectionery for the Holidays, at M. REIBEB, Sr. Toy-bedsteads and willow cradles, at J. F. T. Stehle's. The smart boy has already entered his name in several Sunday schools. —Figs, Currants, Oranges, Lemons, Malaga Grapes, at M BIIBEB, Sr. —Handsome foot rests, with slipper case, for Chriatmas /ifts, at Ketterer's —A large line of men and boy's Gloves at Chas. R. Grieb's. The best time to buy Christmas presents is when you have the money. A splendid violin for one dollar, at r J. F. T. Btehle's A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine American Movement aa low as $lO, at E. GRIEB'S. —Wool and Cotton Half Hose from 3c a pair up, at Chas. R. Grieb's. —The amount now at risk in Amer ican life insurance companies is $2,705,- 000,000. —Dolls, Toys, Wagons and Sleds, at J. F. T. Btehle'a. SPECIALTIES in woolens at William Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not to be had elsewhere in the county. —Hon. John M. Greer will likely be the next president, protem., of our State Senate. —Dry Raspberries, Blackberries, Cnrrants, Raisins, Peaches and Ap ples. at M. RXIBER, Sr —WANTED.—Cherry and Poplar lumber. Inquire of George Ketterer, Furni ture dealer, Butler, Pa. tf —Lesseps pays Thompson $25,000 per year. A pretty good salary for an amateur mariner. —Dr. Beaver's Lung Pad cures Coughs, Colds and all effections of the Lung*. Sola in Butler by D. H. Wuller. [aep22-3m —Beautiful suits of parlor and bed room furniture, for Christmas gifts, at Ketterer's. —A constable or policeman in Ire land just now is certain to have a steady run of business. —The largest and finest line of Silk Handkerchiefs in Butler at Chas. R. Grieb's. —Fot the cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh and Asthma, nae Dr. Bea ver's Lung Pad, sold by D. H. Waller, Butler, Pa. sep22-3m —The Jury Lists for the January special Term have been drawn. We publish them in another place. —A lot of Heating Stoves suitable for hard and soft coal, for aale very cheap, at Jnaeph Rockenstein's Saddle and Harness es tablishment. dcl-3w —Do not forget the fine display of silverware at E. Grieb's, if you intend making a handsome christmas gift. —Grain speculators in the West will spend an unhappy Christmas. The cereals are all shrinking in price. —Beantifnlly cushioned and carved patent rocking chairs, for Christmas gifts, at Ketterer's. —The largest stock of men and boy's Underwear in Butler county, from 45c a suit up, at Chas. R. Grieb's. T —Beware of the man who pretends to laugh when he comes down on an icy pavement. He is a hypocrite. —A lot of Heating Stoves suitable for hard and aoft coal, for sale venr cheap, at Joseph Rockenstein's Saddle and Harness es tablishment. dcl-3w WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor, baa just opened the largest line of woolens for men and DOTS wear ever offered in Butler. —Clover seed is likely to be unusu ally high-priced next year, as the crop seems to have been short nearly every where. —A lot of Heating Stoves suitable for hard and soft coal, for sale very cheap, at Joseph Rockenstein's Saddle and Harness es tablishment. dcl-3w —"Revive our commerce!" say rep resentatives of various boards of trade to Congress. It sounds like a battle cry. —The best selection and largest stock of Foreign and Domestic canned and bottled goods, at M. REIBER, Sr. —A man always abandons the worse than foolish habit of walking on the railroad track the first time he dosn't hear the train. —lf you want to make a handsome and useful present stop in at Chas. R. Grieb's and examine the largest line of Neckwear in Butler. —Dr. Beaver's Absorption Lung Pad a positive and permanant cure for con suniption'lironchites, Catarrh, Asthma and all disease of the Lungs, Thmat and Heard. Sold by D. H. Wuller agent for Butler county, Pa sept22-3m —Trains out of Baltimore are carry ing more than usual loads of bivalves, notwithstanding the fact that election bets are nearly all paid. BKE a woman in another column, near Speer's Vineyards with a bunch of grapea from which Speer's Port Grape wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical profession for the use of invalids, weakly pereons and the aged.—Sold by all Druggists. 28aply —When drilling at the bald-ridge oil well last Saturday, gas commenced issuing from it, which indicates that there is oil in that vicinity. —ADVICE TO PRESENT SEEKERS Stop in at Chas. R. Grieb's and exam ine his stock of Hats and Caps and Gents Furnishing Goods. —A good chance, if you want to make a handsome Holiday Gift, a solid gold ladies' watch, which was Helling heretofore at . sls 00, can be hod at COURT SEWS. A special Court for the trial of civil cases has been appointed for the weeks commencing with the 3rd, 4th and sth Mondays of January next, and week commencing with the 4th Monday of February. The Jury Commissioners and one of the Judges, will commence, next Monday, to fill the wheel for next year. TRIAL LIST OF LAST WEEK. The cases of the Commonwealth vs the following persons were disposed of last week. W. H. Curran, false pretense. Set tled and nolle pros, allowed in pay ment of costs. R. G. Thompson, larceny bv bailee. Not guilty. William Steiubrook, false pretense. Not guilty, and prosecutor and defen dant to each pay one-half the cost. John Hockenberry, larceny. Nolle pros, allowed in payment of costs by defendant. William Wood, obstructing private road. Not guilty, and prosacutor, William Leckie to pay one-half the cost, and defendant to pay the other half. Same, distroying a bridge across a private road. Same verdict. Joseph Saylor, aggravated assault and battery. Found guilty of assault and battery. Joseph Gre«n, larceny. Not guilty. George Cummins, horse stealing. Guilty, and sentenced to 3 years and 11 months in Penitentiary. James D. Lewis, larceny from the person. Guilty as indicted, and sen tenced to the penitentiary for 2 years and 11 months, or until November 15, 1883. Crawford Rankin, FAB. Gliilty, sentenced to pay 125 to Poor Board of Fairview township, and $25 to prose cutrix, and $1 per week from Septem ber 1, 1880, to September 1, 1885, for maintenance of child, and costs of pros ecution. Security in SSOO. Joseph Flick, assault and battery.- Settled, and nolle pros, allowed on pay ment of cost. M. J. Miller, selling liquor without license. Pleads guilty, sentence sus pended for 3 months. J. A. Milfser, assault and battery with intent to kill. Defendant enters a plea of nolle contendre, agrees to pay prosecutor $25 and is sentenced to pay a fine of $lO and costs. Ellen Deeley, larceny. Guilty, and sentenced to the work bouse for five months. A. Vogan and J. Honeywell, keep ing a bawdy house. Found guilty, and A. Vogan sentenced to Work House for f> months, and J. Honey well to Work House for one year and 11 months. Same, selling liquor without license. Not guilty, and county to pay coßts. THIS WEEK. The Court adjourned over on Sat urday until Monday morning of this week, when the following cases were tried: Commonwealth vs. William Schock ey, indictment larceny of a shawl Verdict, not guilty. Same vs. Joakim Snyder, and same vs. John Shoaff, cross bills, and both for aggravated assault and battery, and both tried together. Verdict, Sny der guilty of simple assault and bat tery, and pay the cost. Shoaff not guilty. All the jurors except those on the last above case were discharged on Tuesday morning. Court rose on Tuesday evening. Some of the cases taied were of more than usual interest, and the ver dicts meet with very general approval. Twenty-five or thirty men are be lieved to have perished in a burning wall paper factory in Buffalo, New York, last Friday. —A week old baby in this town is afflicted with both the chickenpox and and measles, an unusual circumstance and an unusual combination of diseases. — RING LOST—In the borough of Butler on thankagiving day, a large sired gold ring with cameo atone, representing the bust ot • knight wearing a helmet, the same having a mask, and the stone apparently having two facet. The finder will be liberally rewarded be returning the same to Grieb's Jewelry Store, Butler Pa. tf —The New York Commercial Ad vertiser says that the popular tipples among Chicago ladies are opium, arse nic, strychnine and belladonna. —Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound revives the drooping spirits; invigorates and harmonizes the organic functions; gives elasticity and firmness to the step, restores the natural lustre to the eye, and plants on the pale cheek of beauty the fresh roses of life's spring and early summer time. —Complaint is made in many of our exchanges that poison can be bought too easily at drug stores, by irresponsible parties. —A factory has been discovered at Milwaukee from which 12,000 pounds of oleomargarine are sent out every day, with no marks to distinguish it from genuine butter. —All the jury men of last week were held over for this week, although part of them were allowed to go to their homes and report aeain on Mon day afternoon at 2 o'clock. —The imports of coffee for the year ending June 30, 1880, were over s<»!• man*. at $ fi.oo, former prices $ 8 50. at 7.50, " " 10.50. at 8.50, " " 12.50. at 10 00, " " 15.00. at 12 00, " " 18.00. at 15 00, " " 20 00. at 17.00, " " 25.00. at 20.00, " " 30.00. at 25.00, " " 35.00. Now is the time to secure bargains, at RITTER & RALSTON'S —The opening of the Conservatory of Music of this place, by Dr. Louis Von Meyerboflf, last Saturday night was a grand success. The audience was greatly pleased with the Dr.'s music, and his amusing and instructive discourse on music was well received. The Germnnia Orchestra, deserves the thanks of the community for its efforts to increase its knowledge of music. They have rented the building used last Saturday evening, and have purchased three fine instruments, two pianos and one organ. —The price of rye in St. Petersburg has fallen very considerably of late, and a similar decline is expected in Germany. In Russia the Government it seems, following the advice of Jo seph of old to Pharaoh, is accustomed to purchase, in years of abundance, large stocks of that cereal, so as, in times of war or short crops, not to be deficient in a commodity which is so extensively used by the masses of the people. To lower the high prices of rve bread and thus alleviate the suffer ings of the poorer classes, the Govern ment has thrown a large supply on the market, thus depressing prices, much, no doubt, to the disappointment of those who were speculating in public distress. —LITTLELL'B LIVING AGE. —The numbers of the Living Age for the weeks ending December 11th and 18th, contain the following, among other in teresting and valuable articles : Nature and Law, by Dr. Win. B. Carpenter, Modern Review ; Marie Antoniette and Robespierre, translated for the Living Age; The Procedure of Deliberative Bodies, Contemporary Review ; A Re ligious Poem of the Ninth Century, Fraser ; Political Somnambulism, Mac millan; Jomini.Moreau and Vandamme, Fortnightly ; The Works of Sir Henry Taylor, Nineteenth Century; Insect Conservatism, Spectator; Science for Babes, Saturday Review ; Erasmus Darwin, Temple Bar; A Successful African Expedition, Nature ; together | with installments of two serials, and j the usual amount of choice poetry, etc I The new volume begins January Ist and to new subscribers remitting be fore then, for 1881, the intervening numbers are 6ent gratis. For fifty-two numbers of sixty-four large pages each (or more than 3,300 pages a year), the subscription price ($8) is low; while j tor vtf ttfifer to sWU any one of the American S4 monthlies or weeklies with the Living Age for a year, both postpaid. Littell it Co., Boston, are the publishers. Philadelphia newspapers report that the American Union Telegraph Company are about to try in th t city the experiment of putting their wires | u iderground. The plan works well ! enough in European cities, and there would seem to be no reason why it should not succeed here, save the indis position of the companies to bear the first cost of making the change. I These Prices are only up to Jauu »r.v Ist. IWMI. At 10 cts., Best Stair Oil Cloth, at 18 cts Best Hemp Carpet, at 25 cts., Best Cottage Carpet, at 28 cts., Good Ingrain Carpet, at 35 cts.. Better Ingrain Carpet, at 45 cts., extra Heavy Ingrain Carpet at 35 cts., Good Rag Carpet, at 25 cts., Good Stair Carpet, at 25 cts., Yard Wide Oil Cloth, at 50 cts., Genuine Cocoa Matting, at 50 cts.. Good Hall Carpet at 75 cts., Extra Fine Hall Carpet, at 00 cts.. Extra Super Carpet, at sl, Higgan's Best Brussels Carpet, at $1.25, Best 3 Ply Carpet. Any person needing Carpet in the near future, will save money buying during this month at the above prices, at BITTER IT RALSTON'S. police. The committee appointed to prepare a constitution for the "Woman's Chris tian Temperance Union" for Butler county are ready to report, and the ladies of the county interested in such an organization are requested to meet in Butler at the M. E. Church, on Thursday the 30th day of Decern her, 1880, at 3 o'clock p. M , to hear the re port, and permanently organize. Mary E. Sullivan, President, N. D. Black, Secretary. dec!s-2t —lt is possible that may be a sequel to the discovery of the skeleton of a man in the woods in near Mil lerstown last fall. A man named Vaughan, a Frenchman, who was con victed last week of keeping a house of ill repute iu Petrolia says that on a certain day last fall be and "Jim" Lew is, who was convicted of larceny last week, agreed to follow and rob a ped dler, and that when the peddler left town he and Lewis started out after him ; that he got tired and returned to his home or place of business, but that Lewis continued the pursuit, and that when he returned he had plenty of mon y, an unusual thing for him. There may be something iu the story but the source of it must be takeu into consideration. The peddler, it is said, has never been heard of since. —Mr. C. B. Porter, Druggist. Towanda, Pa. For several years I have been troubled with Catarrh ; have tried many remedies, without mnch relief. Eiy's Cream Balm has proved to be the article desired, having wonderful results in my case I believe it to be the only cure. L. B. Coburn, Tow anda, Pa. May 14 1870 Messrs. Ely Tiros. Druggists, Owego, N Y.—The supply of Cream Balm 1 purchased of you sold rapidly. Such is the demand I have had occasion to duplicate my orders no less than five times within three months My cus tomers have found this is no humbug, but a preparation of real merit and evi dently a sovereign eatholicon for the cure of Catarrh. An article that will produce such results will prove a blessing to any community. WM. Tuck, Druggist. Wilkesparre, P., Jan. 28, 1880. The case of the Commonwealth versus George Cummins, for horse stealing, tried in our county Court last week, had some very curious features. The facts of the case are about as follows : Mr. Kellerman, of Venango township, this county, had a horse stolen from his premises on the night of the 18th of August last. lie gave a description of it to detectives who found it in the possession of a man named Burkey in Clearfield county, who said he got it from Cummins. The horse was returned to Mr. Keller man and Cummins was arrested. Soon after a man named McElwain, said to be a respected citizen of Clarion coun tv put in an appearance and claimed that he had lost, on the night of the 30th of August, a hoise whose des cription answered exactly to that of the one stolen from Mr. Kellerman. McElwain found the horse in the pos session of Kellerman aud sued out a writ of replevin. Kallcrman gave a property bond and kept the horse. At the trial Cummins' folks swore that he was at home on the night of the 18th of August, bjt was away on the night of the 30th of August, and he himself acknowledged that he had stolen McElwain's horse. McElwain and a crowd of Clarion county men were here at the trial aiding in the defense of Cummins. The jury must have regarded this action of theirs as being suspicious, for thev found Cum mins to be guilty as indicted, and he was sent to the penitentiary. Mc- Quistion and Vanderlin Esq's aided the District Attorney in the prosecu tion. A board of arbitrators next day, awarded the horse to Kellerman. IHMTHS. ROCKENSTEIN—At her residence, in this pi ce, on Tuesday, 21st inst., Mrs. Frances iti ekensiein, widow of the late Anthony Rock enstein sged <>'' years. Police !«► Creditor- of Francis < oni«-y. In the e-tUe of Francis Conley Assignor. In the Court of Common Pleas of Butler Cunity. On petition of Perry Smith and J. C. Vander lin to be discharged. 1880, Dec. 6th. The Court direct notice by publication, on tbe creditors of Assignor, that prayer of petitioners will be granted unless cause be fhown to the contrary, on Monday Jan uarv 3d. JBSI. BY THK COURT. Now. Dee 9th. 1880, to the creditors of Fran cis Cotiley. take notice that the Assignees in the above case have made application to be dis charged from their trust unless cause is shown on or before Jan. 3d, 1881. PERRY SMITH. J. C. VANDERLIN. lMec tt Assignees. l-'.xe«'iit«p , N Xolicp. Notice is hereby given tlint letters testamen tary have been granted to tbe unde'signed on the estate of John Forsyth, Hr . l"'o of Ptuu township. Butler county Pa., dee'd. all persons therefore knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against the name, will present them properly autlienticnted for settlement. JAMF.H A. FORSYTH. Executor, Browrisdale, Butler county, Pa. decß-6t Notice Hcgariliiij; Fox Scalp Law. Notice is berebv given that an application will be made at the next meotiug ol the l.egislatura, for the repeal of An Act, entitled "A further supplement to an act giving a bounty on f >x scalps in the county of Danpliin." approve 1 t ie 27th dav of March, 1869. extending tbe sara« to the County of Butler, approved tbe Kith day of April. 1873. J- C. D'.NA,, M>N, JAMES' RISBI N, 1 MJ&'Wbr. I X TIIK LARGEST STOCK OF IIATS and CAPS IN BUTLER. | y Go to CHARLES R. GRIEB'S for 1= £2 _ * x HAND- r- HATS, CAPS, GLOVES, SHIRTS, KER- « g! I I !_ CHIEFS, m C I -r HALF HOSE, UNDER WEAR, SU §E« ND " i XliXXk^f t-H « I 1 I <3 -' " > >- COLLARS, CUFFS, . NECK WEAR, kc.,kc., 5 gi;, i ! * J&J- I J ALMEJK O'JNEIL & CA BORED, S3 FIFTH AVENUE, To meet the demand for a reliable hard close shooting breech load- * • r, at a moderate price, we now offer a line of FINE ENGLISH GUNS, Greatly Jrfceclixoed Prices: 12-bore. 10-bore. No. 845, C. 0. BONEHILL, Top lever, double bolt, bar rebounding locks, low set hammers, solid stri kers, pistol grip stock, patent fore end, skeleton butt plate, fine Damascus barrels, choke bored, finely engraved and finish d $45 00 j SSO 00 No. 850 ; do. " do. With extension rib fastening 50 00 |55 00 Xo. 855, do. do. Challenge brand with horn heel plate elaborately ensrrnvpd 55 00 | GO 00 All these eims have raided level ribs, and the 10 bore* are made extra heavy and wide at breech, ranging in weight from 9 to 10 Ih?., mak ing an admirable gun for duck and trap shooting where heavy charges are necessary. Any of these guns will be sent C. O. D., with privilege of examination and trial on receipt ot a remittance sufficient to cover express charges to your place and return. Xo deviation wll he made from these prices under any circumstances. f2saue7m] J. PALMER O'N .11, & CO. F° r Catarrh. TTTfVv-r.hi irei Hay fever, cold tu the | y VntAM RALWIf Head. Sc.. insert with , liu 'e Anger. a particle f LATARRH POLOS 'liVrS of tne Balm into the i ■rf'vrjs nostrils; draw stroll* • r'_ Itreaths through the; ✓ "jRC> nose. It will lie ab •'EAL3 * sorbed, cleansing. and : •ASi. i t»S v ', healing Hie diseased Umm membrane. j Srtf For Deafness, j r- rf :;rtfci«)eeaM. nally apply a I V.V-' particle into and back j &KSS-." I ELY'S CREAM BALM Is receiving the endorsement of the sufferer, the druggist, and physician. Never has an article of so i much merit been produced for the treatment of memhranal diseases as this never-failing BAI.M. and is universally acknowledged as being all that j is claimed for ft. The application Is easy and I pleasant, causing no pain, is soothing, and is fast ) superseding the use of powders, liquids and snuffs, l'riee flu cents. On receipt of IKJ cents, will mail a package free. Send for circular, with full infor- , illation. I ELY'S CREAM BALM CO., owego. N. Y. | At Wholesale by NEW YORK—McKesson & Bobbins llall& Buck- , cI,C. N. Criltention, W. 11. Sclieiffelin & Co.. I>. I M. Stiger .v Co.. I-azelle Marsh & Gardner, 'l'ar r:'.nt & Co.. l'razer & Lee. and others. PHILADELPHIA—Smith, Kline & Co., Johnston. Ho'loway & Co. j SCRANTON. PA.— Mathews Bros. At Retail by all Druggists. oct 2T-61U Butler Female College.] FIRST WARD SPRINGDALE. Winter Term will open November 29th, 1880, i closing March 4th, 1881. TERMS OF TriTION. Primary Department, Normal and Clas sical, SB. Music, $lO. Boarding in College ; very low. Rooms for self boarding can be had free of eharge. The course of study in this institution is ex tensive and thorough, embracing all the valua ble studies taught in any Female College. ADVANTAGES : Ist. ' Cost is very low. 2nd. The building is well situated and well arranged. 3rd. Easy of access, good plank and board walks. 4th. The manners and morals of the stu dents are enrefully cared for. MR. & Mas. A. T. DOUTHETT, Principal. The most complete institution in the United States for the thorough practical education of young and middle aged men. Students admit ted at any time. For Circulars giving full particulars, address J. C. SMITH, A. M„ sep27:3m Pittsburgh A. G. HARMES, MACHINERY AGENCY Nos. 92 &, 94 First Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills and Wood-Working Madhinery, new and second hand. " sep29:3m Stock Speculation mid Investment. Operations on Margin or by Privilege*. Spe 1 cial business iu Mining S-ocks. Full particulars |on application. JAWE-t BHOWN', D> alf-r in i stocks and Bonds, 61 & Broadway. New York, mar 17-9 m. PE nrsiows Procured for all soldiers disabled in the U. 8. i service from any cause, also for heirs of deceas ed soldiers. Tie .ligh'o-t disability entitles to pensions. I ! ENSlO\8 INCREASED Bounty and new discharges piocnred Those in doubt as to wbetber entitled to anything, should send two S-cent ( tamps for our '•circular of informa tion." Address, with stamps. NTODPABT A Co.. Solicitors of Claims and Patents, Room 8. St. Cloud Building. Washington. D. C. (15dec3m W Li IT CBRii ME? Said a man, whose woebegone counten ance and broken-down constitution plain ly showed traces of disease—a sufferer with Nervous Dyspepsir. in whose stomach the most delicate morsel lay like lead Re freshing sleepaud quiet nerves were stran gers to him. and lie despaired of ever being well. We advised him to take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR, which he did. and ill a short time not only relieved but cured. Reader, if you are suffering with Ilvspep sia or l.iver Disease m any form, do not wait until tile disease lias taken a fast hold upon you, but use the Reguln or when the symptoms Dial show themselves. si.M MONS I.IVER RKdt J.ATOR is not an al coholic stimulant, but a I'UREI.Y VEGE TABLE REMEDY that will cure when everything else fails. nis a faultless fam ily medicine. Does not disarrange the system. Is no violent drastic purge, but nature's own remedy. The friend of eve ryone. and will not disappoint you. A single trial will convince vou that it is the cheapest, purest and best l'amily Medicine iu the world. ASK the recovered dyspeptics, billions sufferers, victims of fever and ague, the mercurial diseased patient how tlieey re covered their health, cheerful spirits and good appeilte—they will tell you by taking Simmons l.iver Regulator. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Liver Regulator! Original and get uine p p ltd only by 11. #£lLl.\ tOs, Pllila. j 'a NEW FLOUR & FEED STORK* REIBER'S BLOCK, Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. All the Flour made by the New Process and sold as low as $1.35 per sack, and up to ssl 7J5 per sack. Also, Buckwheat Flour, Rye Flour, and bolted and unbolted Corn Meal. All kinds of Feed—Chop, Bran, Corn, Oats and all kinds of Mill Feed. All kinds of grain bought at Store or Mill, and Highest Cash Price Paid. Custom Work done at Mill by the New Process Machinery and grists warranted to be equal in quantity and quality to those ground anywhere else. George Reifoer, ©r. Ms» DECEMBER Ist, 1880. JUST" RECEIVED, 2,000 Yds. Genuine Silk Mixed PERSIAN NOVELTIES ! And placed on sale at the REMARKABLE price of 20 cents, about one-third their value. BAEG AINS! BARGAINS ! One lot Imported Handkerchief l'laids, at 37'ic, I'oi mer price, 7".e. One lot Handkerchief l'laids, fine goods. Tie, former price. 91.25. One lot Kiegant Handkerchief Plifids at #l, for- , nier price si.">o and upwards. A portion of these recent purchases and stylish ■ designs. One ease Elegant Satin Side 'land French Suit ings Si.Tr>. former price. S2.r><). blacks and colors. Superb qualities 44-nieh All-Wool French Dress at (»>, xr>, .«t and $I:&>, and correct shades t<> combine, with Satins. Plushes. Velvets and Satin | Del.yon Brocades, now sold 111 such handsome de signs at our silk counters at such low prices for elegant qualities. Magnilicent Silk Novelties, $1.50 to $2.35, some of the former sold recently at 93. American Dress Goods Departmelit—Cashmeres best shades, at r»»c up. Choice Double Width Armures. 20c up. Plaids, (>'%, in. 12'4 ;>n»e tun-i- I 1 in*/ir. H! OSTJGfiNET; >Wt. CI.OAK DEPARTMENT ! Dally replenished with New Styles. Kxqiilstte Fit and Stylish Materials. A large lot Elegant New Shape Dolmans at S3O, the best garment ever sold at this price. •IAC KEI"S AND CLOAKS At $3, 85, ■<('>., V). SB, sio and 813, that are Special Bargains. Dolmans and Jackets at $8.">0,510,512..*>0,#15, *lO -'.>2 and $25, at these prices we invite special atten tion. Fine Wra- s and Garments at $35, *4O, SSO, ' ?65, 575. S9O and up to $1;"0, stately and Dobbv Istyles. in Silk: Sa'in d'Lvon and Sicdieune. lined with Satin in black, wine and old gold and for, and trimmed with fur, beaded passementerie, pirn-lies. Ac., to suit tiie fancy of almost any purchaser. SEAL SACQUES, Genuine London dye, $125, $l5O, $175, S2OO anil *250. Elegant Otter and Seal Dolmans *'265 to $350. Extra largo assortment Fur-liced Circulars, #35 to ?!H) each. Clioico Line Circulars, made from new Ulster ette Cloths, $5 to 410, extra full made to meas ure within two days, J. KECK Has on hands a large stock of goods for Christmas Presents, consitting of BOOKS, SCHAP BOOKS, PHOTO. A AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, L'DliS WORK NIB. FANCY INK STANDS and PAPER WEIGHTS, FANCY PICTURE FRAMES, , Vases. Dolls, Toys of all kinds, purser, beida Facer Cm s and Sanceis, and a variety of other articles expressly got foe the holiday season. > all an«l I'lxtintiiie llef'ore Pur chasing. Aiuliiur'N .\oliee, O. C., No 20, Sept. term. ISHtI In t!ie matter of the final account of James Wilson, adra'r of the esftte of Alien Thomjwon, dee'd. late ol the borough of Ceutrovillo. Butler Co.. Pa. All par ties interested will t ike notice that I will make di tributiou of the funds in the hands of the ad ministrator, *t my oiKce, in Butler, on THUBS DAY, Deo. Sflth. at 1 o'clock. I* M.. of said dav. WALTRB L. GRAHAM. Auditor." Dec. 13th. 11-So—3t. ! \ T I? W ITPr Consumption and Astluaa. ; 11 Bill L l II Lt. Never yet failed. Addrow with SLAINI'; "HOME," FROSTRVHO, Ml>. |j»7 iy