Proclamation By The Fres* id«nt. Faalt-finding is so seldom indulged in, b T those who use tbe medicines manufactured by the world's Dispeo ?ary Medical Association, that the Pres ident of that corporation, the Hon. It V. Pierce, M. D. bas issued a special request or proclamation to any and all persons, if there be auv such who may have taken or shall hereafter use any of the family medicines now made and sold by the said Association, in all countries «f the world, and who udVo not derived full benefit from said Asso ciation a descrption of their maladies tbe Faculty of the Dispensary will ad vise tbem with respect to the successful featment of their diseases. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is guaran* teed to cure, all humor - from the com mon blotch, pimples or eruption, to the worst scrofula or king's evil, nud those virulent poisons that lurk iu the system as a sequel or secondary affection result ing from badlv-treated or neglected primary diseases. It also cures bron chial, throat and lung diseases. Favor ite Prescription is guaranteed to cure female weaknesses and kindred allec tions. Extract of Smart-weed cures bowel affections, colds, and all painful, rheumatic and neuralgic affections. Dr. Pierce's Pellets (little sugar-coated pills.) are the little giant cathartic. Address, world's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. \ .. o 1- Great Street Building, London, Eng. —lt is strange how much deeper a bold Dr. Tanner's forty days' fasting took upon Europe than upon America. Oue would say that a starver is not without honor, save iu his own coun try. While he was on exhibition in New York,he was talked of, three thou sand miles away, niorj than any other man iu America; and now that he has been almost forgotten here, a Styrian soda water manufacturer wants to ar range a forty days' match with him, Tanner to fast on water, and he him self on beer. A Prosperous Sewspapor. The most prosperous journal in Pitts burgh is the Commercial Qazette. Its weeklv now numbers over thirty thou sand copies, which proves conclusively that it is the great Pittsburgh paper. It is up to tbe times, aud bas the news from everywhere. Its special dispatch es last year cost about eighteen thous and dollars. Having the leading Daily of Pittsburgh to select from, they offer their Weekly for one dollar and fifty cents. It is worth for markets alone twenty times the price. A sample copy mailed free on receipt of name. Address COMMERCIAL GAZKTTE, Pittsburgh, Pa. The latest Treasury bulletin shows that since the advent of the pre sent admiuistrotion to power the prin cipal of the public debt has been retim ed by about $184,000,000 the an nual interest charge by about $17,0U0,- 000, while the cash in the government vaults has increased from $99,000,000 in 1877 to $202,000,000 at the present time. This is an exceedingly comfor table condition of affairs, but how pro voking it must be to the claim ag'iita and lobbyists who infest the Capital. lCemarknble micocsh The science of medicine and chemis try have never produced so valuable a remedy for the treatment of Kidney disease as the accidental discovery of the vegetable contained in Day's Kid ney Pad. Its reliable character, de sirable qualities and masterly curative power have deeply won upon the con fidence of the medical profession and countless sufferers who have used it. An important meeting was in progress at Springfield, Illinois, last week, viz: the inter-State Agricultural Convention. The main object of this meeting, as stated in the circular an nouncement, was to secure a uniform system of crop reports that shall give to farmers and others prompt and relia ble information in summer and autumn in regard to the probable and (on ma turity) actual grain, fruit and meat productions of the west. Conftninptlon Cnred. All old physician, retired from practice, hav ing had placed in his hands, by an Kast India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh. Asthma and ail Throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of eases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will ■end free of charge to all who desire it, this rec ipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. W. Shearer, 149 Powers' Block, Rochester, N. Y. [nov3:l3teow The person who retires with the sun maet have a warm bed fellow. —For all derangements of the Uri nary Organs, wear a Day Kidney pad. "I wish I could parse that sentence," said the convict as the judge gave him two years at hard labor. —Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer is a universal favorite for re storing gray hair to its original color, and making hair grow out thick. What i« the difference between a jeweler and a jailor ? The one sells watches and the other watches cells. This is to give notice that all citi letis troubled with Coughs or Colds should at once procure a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. It is for sale by all druggists and costs only 25 cents a bottle. "One-half of the world doesn't know how the other half lives I" exclaimed a gossiping woman. "Oh," said her neigh bor, "don't worry about it, 'tisn't your ilault if they don't know." ( _Abram S. Ditman, Washington Heights, 111., says: I have always found a ready sale for A. S. T. CoJ Tipped Sboeß; they take the lead in children's shoes, and my customers will have no others. An Indianapolis child swallowed half a dozen pills which bad been left for its father. It was evident they were not intended to be taken in such doses, as now the lather has a funeral on bis hands. —Distress after eating, one of the most unpleasant results of indigestion, will no longer be experienced if a tablc spoonful of Simmons' Liver Regulator is taken after each meal. This will prevent the distress referred to; and by persevering in the use of this reme dy for a few weeks a permanent cure will be effected, and pain will no longer be the penalty of eating. An Irishman of a mechanical turn off his gas meter to repair it himself, and put it on again upside down. At the end of the quarter it was proved that tbfe company owed him $15.75. MRS. LYCIA E. PiNKHAM. Op LYNN. MASS. ..!•< ••• •. r, '^ LYDIA E. FIN&HARfI'S VmTAELS CJMPQLTD. Tha Po'irirp Cere Tor all Female Complaints. This preparation, *3 it* cor« 3 o( VcjeUjiJ rrop la uort civ 1- icatc Invalid. Upon 0r.3 trial the iuei::s ct Ccn pound TJ-lil bo «3rcLcf is i:n^"'-'::: 1 ; tT-J t hen iti use is coaC :-cd, In nia' tj-nlna cisca la a l:u.\ Cred.mpcraaaer.tCttroiscCcttcd.ssthsiisaEds r.-;:i tc» ti.'y. Oa o=c ---£ of it 1 t rmancr :t\ it,i: t>tV yr> cornmendsd and f,resci.-<-'i ly Ca» U--t I i-yd-iaaa ill the country. It will euro f-;tire:y t' • T-orst for~.i of f.IUr-j of the uterus, L-ueorrhaa, iiicjuL.:- aad r-~tj llenstniation, an Cvtriai Trou'-ics, .a en-J Clccn-'-on, Hoodln.-s, r '-l L!. ;.!accne::ts aL.I the coa cequent spinal the C-anco ci I-ie. It v. IU dlaaolva and expel tumors from the uteraaln an car!/ rt.-.~a of V ; teadca?y to cancerous humors titers Li ci-ocucd very speedily ty it 3 use. la fact i: hi! prorcd t; > tis est and best remedy that lias ever Lt 1 C- core r ed. It pemcatc3 every ;>ortion cf Iho system, ar.;2 jivci new U'ennd vljor. It removes f de stroys ail craving for ct!3iulanU,aal relieves x. earners of the stoma h It cures C:o.-.ticcr, Kcadachc.-, Nervous I'rcr'.raticn, Gcnerrl Dcbillt", SleeflramecM, Deprreelcn ar.d In gestion. Tliet feeling of bearing dovn, ecuri::? rein, vrc!cht and bachiehc, laalvrcTO jx—terril 1 y itjass. liwUlotolltl=:c:j,c=dC2dcrr:i C'_rc-_u-afcn ccs, act In harmony with the bw that porercs the female system. Tor Kidney Complaints of either rei this compound j:; unsurpasned. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at £3 and 235 T.'eetorn Avenue, Lynn, Ma rs. Six bottles for C-"-.00. Ccutl y lutJi.iti.e form of pills, alro in the form of on receipt of price, SI.W, per hoi, for cither. Its. rn~TT.'.:i free'y answers all li tters of inquiry. Cead for poei phlrt AJ-ress cs t~ov3 Jfenf.'wn fiis paper. i;o family Ehoulil be without LTDIA II n?iX*T \"V The7 ctii-o Conrtipeticn, Eiilousnees, and Torpidity of the Liver, a c~nta ner Lor Q£o. A. KELLY & CO. GciiPial Agents. Pittsbu gh Pa. Sold by D. H. Waller, - Butler Pa. ■fEliy if ton are a«U£d If yon ar» •» |y ofU'Wu&is.weak- man of l»»t- HT eoed by the strain of %«/ terstoilingovwniiu £a jl your duties ar »id to |y | Hop Bitters. Bifaafc, it« Hop B. H B |f TOU are youne an 191 suffering from r.ny in 13 Ml discretion or uinsioa [£ tion, if you are mar- kg H ried or \ eld orH young, sotferinir from |S| H uoorhealthor'aai-uLliGji;.,? oa a btd of audi- U 9 aw, rely oa H O PUs Bitters. B Whoever Touar.. fS* ThpuMnds die an- W ■ whenever you Itel tS' nuallj 11 o m some M ■ thai your system m. .J forw of |c ,id ney H B n<*cdi> eiean>tn(r-'on-yi*r??cluiaaao tHal *■ ■ tin or nima&iing, h®* 1 ' hare ueen ;.reti uied M B without intoTfeat/atff 1 by a timely u*e of ffa Ej take Mop Hopßlttsrs ■ M Bitters. „ y B // - m 21 ■ Have rmrtys- Afcj - SI a I"" »n absolute S lof the'»(omadi,f! t |) 11(113 r"'f "r I pi arnmat M- *• I druiii:enne» b , P fcj liver or nnres t Mi !,useof opium! ■ B Tou will be fl niTTrnn !;tobacco,or M pi cured if you use ii 111 II III' j narcotic*. H B Hop Bitter. %H I I If you art-v ml j 1,111 ?| Sn-'i livdrasr- g R nly i' ;i u ftalti J > iirvtrn ScLd.Or B| I foJarfriAtf? a- NEVER j, Circular. E I save your'i' C"A II til mr EtTraßa I I fire, it has *4; r A ILI "' ro "•» i H saved hun-®, cj HocLcslcr. k. y. I B dr©dßs £ ——■ ~ ll' A Twnto, Oct. g| M A LA RIAL POISON. The princii»;il pftiise of nearly :ill sickness aLtlils time of 1 lie ye;ir hitn Us origin in a disoiefredT.ivcr which, if not regulated ji'i Jiine, great suffering, wretchedness and death will eusu?li :i* a prevention and cure fur Mnlaiiul FeVL'r? on the Isthmus of Panama," TAKE Simmons 1 liver Regulator, A Purelv Vegetable Med'eine. AX EFTECTUAL SPECIFIC FOB MALAJIIOITH FEVERS, BoWEL COMPLAINTS, JAUNDICE. COLIC. RESTLESSNESS, MENTAL DEPITKSSION T . SICK HEADACHK. CONSTIPATION, NAI'SKA, BILLIOUBNESS. DYSPEPSIA, &E. If von feel drowsy, debilitated, have frequent headache, month tastes badly. )>oor aiuietite. and tonife.e coated, von are suffering fmm Torpid I-ivcr or '•liillionsness," and nothing "ill enru you so speedily and pennanei.liy as to take SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR It is Riven with safetv. and tli" happiest result* to the lniwt delicate Infant. It tikes the plaee of ei' Yard, MISN ACTCREIT AND DEALER IS Hough and Planed Lumber CF EVIF.Y DESCRIPTION, I DOORS, SASn, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SIDING, FLOORING, BATTENS, Buckets, Eaif d Cornice Boards PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELL POSTS & BALUSTERS, FENCE PALINGS, Ac., &c. MICHIGAN SFINGLES Barn Boards, Plastering Lath, Hem lock Bill Stuif, of all kinds, constantly on band, All 0" which I will sell on reasonable , terms and guarantee satisfaction. Planing Mill and Lumber Yard on Jefferson street, Butler, f\i. 1 tkc 'y A.HAFFNER. U (iRANIi BOrLKVAIiO HOTEL. Corner bQlh St. & Broadway, NEW YORK. Oa Both American and European I'laus. Fronting < n Ceniral l'ark. the (irand Boulevard, Broadway and Kifty-XinMt St., tliis Motel occu pies the entire squate, aud wa.-. limit and iur- I iiisiied at an expense of over -'ioo.flou. It is one of the most elegant ;.s well as lieing the finest lo cated in the city ; has a passenger Elevator and all modern improvements, and is within one •iiinarc "f the depots of the Sixth and Eighth A venue Elevated It. It. ears and still nearer to the ilroailway cars—convenient aud aceessihle from all t-aiis'of the city. Rooms with hoard. ?2 per da\ Special rates for lainilles and pennauent E. H ASK E1.1., Proprietor. m. CHARLES HOTEL, On the European .Plan -54 t.o 66 North Third Street, Philadelphia. - - - Pa. Single Rooms 50c., 7oc. and $1 per day. (). P. Pclmeck, Proprie'or. Excellent Dining room furnished with the best, and at reasonable rates. I for all Railroad Depots j within a convenient distance. National Hotel, i COItTLANDT STREET, NEAR BB DWIY, NEW VOUK, HOTCHKISS & POND, - - Prop'rs. ON THE EUROPEAN PEAN. The retstanrant, cute and lunch room attached are nn? - a«T.ayped for cl.capnecM and excellence of service Itoonm 50 ct». to £2 per day, 43 to *lO per week. Convenient to all fenies and city nilroadM. Nw FUBNITCBE. NEW MANAOE -ptlK SBHKEIBEH HOUSE. L Prop'., MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. Having taken poseauinn of the above well L /wn Hotel, and it being furnished in the bent of Hty!e t-ir tl;o accomixlation of g-ac»ts. the public nre respectfully invited to give me a e»ll I have aVo piwtrCHiiou of the barn in rcr.r of i liotdl, which fartiirheM tixcclleiit btahling, ac coinodatiams for inv patronH. L NH KEAS. LAND »H SALK " FOR SALET A handtoinc six-room frame house, loeati d on Blutl street, north western put of Boiler. L»i 50*17 d. All ni'cesfinj- outhnildinirs, TEIJVIS—Ore-'iiird e; s!i nnd I'al.uiee i-i four equal nm:uu! pi,jmi'|if3. Inquire at this oflice. juni-itt P"or Hale. Tbe well-improved farm of Rev. YV. R. Hutch- Ison, in tUo noi Micanf corner of town ship, county. Pa , is now nfTere'l for aale. . low. Innajre of \V FIiISBKK, on the prrm it-08. aplGtf FOR SALE. ♦ * will tiny a o:ic-hnlt inleresl in a yood 110"- inef* in Plitbl'Urtrh. t.'nc who knows goinc liieg iihuiit farinlii'. r prelcrred. An hoiie»t man «itli the atiove uriioont «11l do well In address l>V letter. SMITH .KUINS, care S. M Jatrie#, H.'t l iherty sir et, I'iil-hurt'h, I'n |an27-ly SELECT NOW From a Fu|i ! Stork SATIN iI'I.YON u/„ c h * FANCY UNINtJS. RICH We on(W TRIMMINGS, IIOI.MANH, iu my, NliW HI-sicns, FINE WRAPS! IMPOKTEI) NOVELTIES IN' Cloaks, Coats, Dolmans —AND— MANTLES, Stylishly trimmed in Hmfle, Velvet amj Fur*. I SEA'. SKIN CLOAKS, j Best qualities Seal Coats, fine skins,! rich fur ami excellence in dyes. | —*Tii —TV —' "" ' """ " CHILDREN AND MISSES' Jackets, Cloaks and Ulsters. Circulars and Havelocks. Fancy Ulster Cloths, Fancy Circular Cloths. New 6-4 Cloths, all-wool, at $1 25. FINE IMUCSS FA Bit US SPECIAL OFFERINGS IN Wide Goods, all Wool- and Silk and Wool Novelties, Bought away under value, and selling low. ASK FOR 46-itich at (>2c. ASK FOR 4ti-inch at 75c. ASK FOR 46-incli at sl. ASK FOR 4ti-incli at $1.25. EIGHT YARDS FOR A SUIT. Heard, Biber & Easton,, ' 105 MARKET STREET 105 auit2s-4m PITTSBURGH, PA. j Itullcr lli 1. f£T Vi ■ 9 -V m wjzu I $ ~ -v . Li' f : B -*••> :\ ' .s- •'?&& '■ v'."' 1 ■' ' - 1 -" - V-:; :-.~w -■ w - -■ S EER'S FORT GRAPE WINE! FOUR YEARS OLD. This Celebrated Native Wi is made from the •uiceof tne Oporto C-rape,r::iscd in tuis country. Its Ivuiual'! ■ Tcnlc and Strcrgibing Properties are tin uirita-sed b\ any other Xative \\ ine. Being the pure jui - of i'a - <;r.ipc. produced under Mr. Sneer*.' own persenal >tt| ; t v,s-e.i. its pa.e.y all*! gcnvuueii"-s are guaranteed, ilie young *-t child ma*' paiiaHr ei:?;ieial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various i.i.ments that alfect the weaker sex. It is in every respect A WINE TO BE hi:LIL:> ON. MIMir.O'M Tne P. J. SIIKUI'Y is a wine of Superior Char acter, arid partakes ol tbe golden qualities of the giape from which it i. made. For purity. Richness. Fla- or aim Me.-lianical rropei-tics, it will be found tin* xcelleu. wi'i; U.H's JP. o'. B BL, A. 3STTDIT- Thi< RRANI'Y stands unrivaled in tills Country, being jar sum rior for meriieinial purposes. IT'ISA l\' HE SPkEH, I as sail-, X. J., is over the cork of ea'ell bottle. Sold by I). 11. WVLIiGB. apr2»-iyr Taxes! Taxes! All taxes due in tho viriaa-. Boroughs anl Townships of Butier conntv. Pa . for the voir JKSO and for all previous yeirs \et oilt*tandiug, muct be p lid to the respective Ooilfaotors and by them paid into the Comity freaHiiry on or be fore the 25th day of Oecetnber. IHSO. Bl' ORI EK OF CODNTT OiMJUSSION-EBS. . ; m ! mp A discovery which cures bv the natural process, ABSORPTION, all diseases of the Kidneys. T"adder. Urinary Organg and Nervous Svsleni. when nothing else pan. It is comfortable to the patient, positive in its effects and the first cure for those painful fyud n.uoh dreadful affections, Diabetes BrVht's Disease, while its cures of Gravel. Propsv, Catarrh of tbe Bladder, Brickdust Deposit. Painful Urinating. High-Colored Urine. Nervous Weakness and Pain in tbe Back seem more like miracles than cases of natural healing. DELICATE FEMALES or victims o< wasted or prostrated energies, caused by irregular habits, the abuse of nature end menial or physical ovor-exenion, find tneir greatest relief in tho use of DAY'S KIDNEY PAD, which streuLthcnH and itiviuoratos the invalid aud restores the vigor of health. PAIN IN THE BA.OK, We say positively, and without fear of contradic tion, that DAY'S KIONEY PAD is the only cer tain and permanent cure for eveiv form of this prevalent aud distressing comj laiut. YOUNG MEN suffering from nervous aud physical debility, loss of memory, or vitality i npxired by the errors of youth or too cl'.se appl.eitiun to busi ness or work, may be restored and manhood re named. Avoid all kidney medicines which are taken into the system by way of the st Hcacli. it is an pld treatment well tried and proven inelnjieut. though spmetimes effecting apparent cures of one co»iplaiiit tliey 3o>y Ihe see is of more troub lesou and permanent disorders. Tiie price of our PAD brings it within the reach of all. aud it will annurlly wave many times its cost i:i doc tors bill j , medicines and plasters, which at best give but temporary relief Item be used with out fear or le.rm, and with cert liuty of a perma nent cure. For sale bydinggists genet ally, or sent by mail (free of postage; ou receipt of the prise. Regular Pad. r'2.00; Children'* -v1.50; Special (extra wiae. ) -i'f 00. Oar book. '-How a Life wao .siiyed," giving the hist iry of tliis now discovery and a large record of Uiort leunika ble cures sent freo. V« rite for it. Address, DAY KIDNEY PAD CO., Toledo, O, ITIAM Oivitig to the many Vj/AU I I\J wort blew Kiudey Pad.-nou t'«l King a»aje oil our reputation, we deem it due the afflicted to i! (hem. Ask for DAY'S KIDNEY PAD, take no other, »nd you will not be >x:2o-lm THE SUN FOR 1881. JSverybidy reads THE Sun. In the editions of this new'spupgr tlroughou; flic year to coiuc everybody will (ird. I. Ail I e world's pews, so presented I hit the reader wi'l gel the gr ate.l amount ol tion wllli the len.-t unproUtahl • expenditure of time mid eyesigiit. 'lhe Si m long ago d scov eied the golden mean between redundant faliief? and U> w»li-faitoiy brevity. 11. Much of iln>t sort ot news which depends Ices upon ji* rtM'ogniH L 'd i:i|}»«?rt oiee ill MI qpon its ii leic t to maul iinl. {i-'roin Hlorp.iqg lo morning Tiik t?u.v prints a continue 1 story r ( l the lives ot real men nut women, and of their deeds, plans, loves, ha'es and triuMes. This story i> mole varied aud more iiiau any romance that was ever devised. jlf. (jood wruinst iu every column, and |j-e>|if!P*s, oriujnaljty. aecipacv, and decorum in the treatment »f eyery aq'iieei IV. IJotirsi i OIIHPCi)- TfJE SpN : S 1| I'lif i s fp speak out learlet.-1> a'oin null and things. V. Equal c udor iii drilling with oa-i. priljilt-T al pari}, ml equal icfidiues* to coinminid what is (.ruict worll y or to rebuke wi al is blaiuable iu Deinoei ai or Republic in. VI. A'i-olu:e iiiilepeiid- ncc of partisan or gauizalions. hut Miwaveri ig loyally lo true Peinncratic principles. THE Sun believes that the OoVer||ii:c||l H'hi. ll the Constitution gives us |s a t'aid oqe to l»cep. {is uoii moreui Iv im portaul contesi. liib Sun believes that the victory will be with Ihe people as agalu.-t llie RinsjS lot monopoly, ihe Riiii:s tor plnndcr.aud f|ie Rings or imperial power. Vffr tei'|i|K arc a> follows : For the Jfaj.y a four-page sheet ol twen ty-ciglit ( Oiumnj Ihe pfjcp i.y Ijjajl, tipst paid, Is ;V> feats a uu»]th, or J.i t)! a year ; 0 , ijjclud; ing the Sunday i a,an, an page shed c.l ti'H-six oliiiniis, Hn price '* 115 cculi a month, or #7 7d a year, t o-iage<|. The fuuilay edition o! TUB Is ul«o fur. nisi ed M parately at $1.30 a year, postage [> lid TH«- price ol ilie WEEKLV MJ.N, eiirlit pages, llfty-six columns, i> $1 00 a year, uolme paid. For etuits i>) ten fendinu *IO.OO we will send an extra copy tree. Address I. VV ESQI.ANP, Publisher ol TUE 3UN, New York City. i>C. it, '>o. (5-t Bwfa For this style Singer We will (tend it to your fiLwH fore you pay for it. If it is not a« represented it can he returned at our expense. \* I OI 4 CO. 17 N. TeatiS" •, I'liilaJeiphia. Juiyi v (a 1 •••*; 5 nws oisO ;.. J c w <«' « ' w> a " v «e Araeri;"*? Shoe Tip Co. : ... -»>* i%" •.. .. "r-sptistt : i3LhCKa IF Tlrt I? row so er* .: .Vrelv worn cn ,'::: :^';f^shohs "j Ti' "*. AS mio '. ei T7IF VTT' j ""!• li r—.3 irtrodac- 1 h? llictn, an*.! bTv.?:i»-h '- Si « «a Ctif and *!.< es v!.:-:o tho Metal "tip on account of its looks x: .-I'M n lto l it 1. 'H.ey all have our Trade Mark A. S. T. Co. f:i u ;j».l on front c[ Tip. J'.ireuts should ASS FOR SHOES wi:li tliiJ BEAUTIFUL BLACK TIP on tbem when pur fca?insr for tfcrir children. cc-jU-k II ul.icl: ■ < u::-lii'.itio' , i'i. i.iu- 11Siouia li, Liv T Com; Im- t. Willi I Ol Apl-l-tllr, t.l !'i_ca -I JUIKIio", Kl. ! IK ) Cotlli' .lilll, \i I Vdii-ilUrj-a, lji/.Z.1,' - Slcvp iCSM W.' l , lliMrtliurn, t,,. iic, !>*.•?» »;*>, Foul |ir- :ii!•, Woi'i -, Kih-p, Fi'Vfru, ( •;! !-. ,Vt. THE IONIC I.AXV.IVC IO_!<..«:«•» i t- twifi't ,iii(i Mrtiu ui'm> Hit; &3:;ud, jrivi..- i l i.- ir iiisi*i, pure Iduod aid t lasli >|iiiit-. Is ; urc'y vc-u --i:tl»le, continue ii" i:.«--rLMi > S;i!h at ail timet*, fica-anl i<» ii««- t if-'c, an.: i >ui>6ti lute lor t'iii*. C'aMo; On. .St* K» -l I :ni y iiied- U'ilH UlU'Wtl. Adapted l> MlOll4 iiicii. ■■(•IIl-.Uu JeiJ.-iilt-s a.! ii-eblc i"I;it» 1:: li j;.; l'.rm Stfkl !'\ - mii% .S* >• uis lira .aire tMtflo JIiSNUY .$. .JAUvVTX. \:-.'lie. i-aiy ai.d <.'iie.ii!-l, Sole I'ropiii-ior, Caclioud .K", t'a. L>. il. VVin.LLIK, I'lU-i-i, iS ile (or Sutler, I'a. jaiu'b-Iy jv_>| THE Cl'li'MV i rou liuU.VI'HV jiKNTLKHAN T:IE i!!:sror TMK AGR2CULVUHAL WEEKLIES. A Preiriam A.inuai i Evtry Reader. Tho Country Gc.;;>iii:in is nnsiirpiiAiPd. if not Uti('<|iiiilietl, i'or t'.ie amount and vanrrv of tile practical uifonnatum t! iimfirnw, and fjirthe aliiir uj- and exu'iituf UsCorn sp-nul :ice intutt'uoluef directions of Farm Crops and Processes. Horticulture and Kruit-Growinp:. Live Stock and dairying— while it also includes all minor departments of ru ral interest, such as the Poultry Yard, Entomology iJce-iveeping. iiieriiuouM. 4 aud Grapery. X'eteruia ry Iteplics. i aim ijnestioiis and Answers, Fireside Reading, i'oi'ii'siic hcouoin ~ ami a summary of tli' X \vs of lie Weeli. Its Market lie ports are unasailv complete, ant! inor< intoniiatiou can be giithercil from its columns than from any other soure" wl:ii to t'.ie pro-iiccU of the cro]M, !js throwing noon one of the mo-it important ill a 1! <|iie>.:ioiis—When to i?uy and \Vlten to Sell. It is lil>enillvi!lu«trnted. and constitutes to a great er degrep than any of its contemporaries A LIVE AGRICULTURAL NEWSPAPER of never-failing interest both to producers and consumers of every ci.-v-s. The Comitrv Centlcinau is publi.4i<.! weekly on tiic following terms, when paid -tricliy ;:i -'dvance : Oip copy, one year. ; .'.. o : i'oiircopie . >!.>, :mh! nr. ad lifiona! eojiv for t'l ■ year free to the end r of tile elub; Ten copies,-"io, and an :idii:ti(..i;*l fopy for tll« veur ,r»j. i>. iiiv ol ike chili. For tiie year Isnl. Ihes* nri >< « me'; ih- •• ennv of tllß each subscriber—a IIOOK of Hf payees an.l about 1211 engravings—a gift l»y the Publishers. i*™ All New Stdi- eribers for u ! 81, j'aying ir ad yuuee now, will pe-HUVp 11 ->- paper weekly,minire= cei|it ot reiiiittanof to January i.»t, 1&.£ ONLY .-.VO. Tim Fran'.'. Li-slle Pa'i'i di'ug Co.. 1." P ~y St.,Ne'.v York, wi'l send FranLe !'\\MlI.Y I".; M>. alii page illustrated oa IT. for onlv ~i p-.-,- year. FRANK LESI.ik'S V> S.i I OL o :->ot- ! to :lie interests of young penp 1 ", and < ontabi :<; luueii to interest those of a more »■»•»*• r» Tdis paner contains l*v pages of illustrations and v !»le reading matter, .lust the paper • cliildrcn. Price, per vear SO cents. FRANK LESLIE'S XATIO.AI. Aiitiii" :.ri.i:isr AND Wokkini; FARMER, i !■; pa;:* illii trated paper, for only per ye r. Kb AN K LESLIE'S itlp r <■ ' TIIE DAY. a to page illustrated paiier. .1 ; 111 ? paper for -5 -ii : iy leading. Price only 7a ep 1 - per year. tlr all four of tho abou" pubb-.-atKins for • per year. Any person desiring to act as our :•« 'at. on send ing 11s Sl.aO, will receive no I paid, saniole copies or iho uljove publioation;. logeiher v.iiii a com plete agents outfit of 1 i 'v.iulifnl pieaiieni 1 bro nios, also a copy of oar I'o " Va' Infomia tion. of over.Too pages, ountai •: 11 illustrated Dictionary of every u«'ful word to '«• f "e: 1 1 > the English Languig". Medical and Huns'''• I re ceipts. Legal advice and forms, article.. 011 eti quette and letter writing, advice to merchants, clerks, mechanic and farmers. Maniples of all of our Publications an 1 I'lustra ted Catalogue (without premiums,) for r> cents. All desiring steady and prolltal.le employment should send at once before their territory is taken. Address, FiiAXH LESLIE PUBLISHING la I)ev street, New York. 11. Hit lcel, LIYRRYftPKKDSTABLE JEFFERSON STREET, WEST OF LOWWY HOUSE, BI TLKB, PA, Having removed all my stock to the above Stable, the public are respect fully invited to call. The best Horses, Carring*s, Bug gies, &c. kept constantly for li re. Open all hours, day aud niffht. K NeAY York Tribune. THF. TRIBUNE is now spending more money and labor than ever before to hold th« dietinc tiao it has IpUL- enjoved of THE LAOEST Clll- UULATION AMOHQTHP BEST PEOPLE. Jt apil tiieanw t° retain jl. by becomipg tbe ruedatm of tbe thought and the voice of tbe best conroieiiea of the time, by keeping abreast of the highest progress favoring the freest discussion, Learii g all sides, appealing always to the bint intelligence and the purest morality, ar.d refuting to cater to the tastes of the vile or tbe prejudices of the ignorant. Wp will send Tre Wekklv TRIBUNE and tbe Citizen for a ypfir: or THE SEMI-WEEKLY Tut nil* E and tbe Cm*Ef for f5.75 a year, all postage paid. NOTICE. Those of our readers desiring steady and pro fitable employment, or valuable reading matter cheap for 1881- should send 15 cents to the FRANK LESLIE PUBLISHING CO., 15 Dev St., Xew York, for a complete set of their pub lications and Illustrated Catalogue, containing list of premiums, or |. >0 for a complete I agent's outfit of IS beautiful Chroij»os and our Premium Book of Valuable Information, con taining over 500 pages, with sample copies of all our publications, o not delay if you wish to secure your territory. Address Frank Leslie Publishing Co., 15 I)ey St., New York. J AMI'S J. CA MI'HELL, Office ia Fait view borough, in Telegraph Office. j-inl'l BALDWIN P. ().. Butler Co., Pa Fr.IIHIK AllMOIt. Justice of the Peace, Main street, opposite Posiofflce, jlylU ZTSLIENWLE, PA. , J ' , V 1 T vim in" CrTJ - HV • _ sne BY Tuts .. *- • —. .. .. I ' ) AM- - , '■" " -|V\ ■ y r V- . ; fI 'M. O"*'"'": V.VXx i s - ; -C- ' B. ' ..\'- 4 -, A V» \ $2 \., ,c- £^ %^)j \ V'. > VV*) -> 5A' '" s.' .* lE# j] t j cn tjuT- 1 ' • '^ ghicago, rock islandT 1M THE (JI.E VT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE WEST ! its mmII IV." tuns rroni C hlcat'-i to » ounctl UliitN i through Ottawa. I,a Salle. ICS. > M -tine, lt « k Island. Davenport. eft l.iM.Tty. lowa C ity.MarcnKo. UrooUtyn. Grinnell. Des M.ilnes 'the capital of townl, Stuart. Atlan t< • r! \vH I : v.'i; h branches from Bureun Junctt m t:> l'eorta: Wilton Junction to Musca tine. Washington, 111 tr Be Id. tildon. Belknap. . I < ittre\ lie. I'rUu eton. Trenton. Gallatin. Iniiw rt.ri. l.';uvetiworth. Atehtson and Kansas City; \V isliiiwton to Stpournev, Oskaloosa. and Knox \dle; KeoLnK to Karininpton. H..naparte, lieu- | tonspiirt. Independent Eldon. Ottumwa. Edly \illc,<>akaloosa, Pelta, Monroe, and t>.» Mmnea; !> owtun to Mor.ioc; I>ea Moinoa to Indtanoiaaud V.'li.tciaetl Atlunticto U'wiaand Aadubon; and . \voca to lh;rlan. This is positively the only limlroad. which owns, and operates a throunh I line from Chieaico into the State of Kaunas. Through Expresa Passemter Trains, with I'nll njun Palace t attached.arc run ench way daily | between CUICAOO and PEOHIA. ICANSAS citv, CofMH. ai.n'KS. IJtAVENWoRTU and Arc 111- | SON" Tbrouifhenrs arealsorun hetwi-en Milwau- , kee and K nsus I Ity, via the "Milwaukee aud Rock Island Short Line." , , 1 T!'" "Great Keck Island is masmiflcently | equipped. Its road bed is simply perfect, and its tr.ic!; 'is laid with steel rails. Wh-t v.-lil please you most will be the pleasure cf otiio»i:nr your tr.e;i!: . passing over the } :| ••~lr;«5 fit llliCQii and lowa. In one of ntdcent nining t'ars that nceompany alt ? * rough K vprrss Trains. Voc got an entire i ri> n! as go ,J i< served in any Brs'-elass hotel. I f.-rr-ovcntv-tlve cents. . , Apiireeintlnß the fact that a majority of the peopi - prefer separate apartmeuis lordiflerent - ari l the immense passenger business of this i::i • v-arrar.ting It >. we are pl. as.-d to an ro-.TO t:sat this fompany runs PnUnum Piii'ir* Sit-in'- I «*«r» for sleeping j- jrposes. and Mm Pl I LU »«.' P.iL.ti •' lilts ai* rill lliriaiKii to PEORiA, JlEi KfOIXES, ftlVvrif. ttl.lTPs! K.'N'SAM IITV, ATCHISON, and LBATBIVOK.U TlVdceU via thl* Line known as Oie " tirent 55 icU lalnnd Monte," tire *oLl ».y oil Vtcket Aaeiu* la the t nlte.l State* 111 d t :ui»dii. For lut'oriiiut; -n nx>£ ol>t:>.iiiiblc at your Uooie tltket offlce, oMrcn, A Vi I- XV. JOHX. Can'l -iulendenL Uen'l Tkt. and t'asr'jtr A=t_ C ,UCt.nO. 11l WHY/DOES .... a woman's health often break down at an early age.' Put a Sit »ft© wi iJi-tub, Wt him y t heated from the hot suds until every pore is oj»vnc-<;; then let him stand o'er the 1 ltLy stL»a.ti that eoines from Fealdius and boiliuc Unit are full of swreat and exhalations Irom U e skin aad hid health too would break down before long; and yet this nioM UmWle ordeal is v hat A WOMAN has to go through with on wash-day: and, besides, with hir clothing wet frcm pc-rspirin_' a the hot work, she has to risk her lite by going out in the a'r to .tig up the clothes. Kve# those not at work are in the unhealthy atmosphere; its smell, so apparent to visitors, ing that it finds its way through tbe house—the te.mily, however, otten hew ..nine so accus tomed to the peculiar odor from its own wash h< ret to notice it. These iaets readily .x --plain why so many women suffer with celd?, vUv.u+iAi*iiam, weak nerves, or neuralgia, and LOOK OLD white yet yonnj? in years, and physicians und l>oinis of liealtli cannot draw attention to atroDKly to tiie Injurious effecla of tho usual way of washing, with its necessary; and ■eaidin? or boulngr to tot ihe clothes nure and sweet-smelling, especially as it is without don:»t often the l to wash t'je younijest well as for per>ons with delicate skin. Now that there is a remedy fuy tiiu, so economical that the jHwrc*! can use it, uiere is net a woman or A MAN *-ho t- rot directly interested in having used in their homes, In spite of prejudice, THAT WONDERFUL WAV OF WASHING CLOTHES, which does away with the hard work, offensive smell and fearful .team on wash-day. makes the white pieces whiter, colored pieces brighter and firn'icls softer than they can be ma*ic by washing the eld way. leaves the hands smooth enough to da liae sewing and every article as clean, us sweet and as pure as if never worn. From Tl. r. Eowirs. M. TV. Ilaramonton. N. J., Kdi'.or SaiUh Jfrnry Mican. My attention was called to I IIA^"K s-'TPDAI.T/S BOAI* from ail adverlisement iq pivowu IKI;.-r, and its iisem my IIOUSH lor peat iy a year,according t s l»ave not over>tateti. r «>r remov* iig printing in'c -t is Irvahir.blo, u l >r toilet aud sliuviiis t: «e b;*at Soap I Imve c-7cr scca. From Mits. 11. L. KENYOX. XortbfleM, Vt. I do my wash with FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP to half the time and with no < xpense for So a- I'm J j s tvir.p iii furl more than p*'.*:r.j'nr it. 1 have no steam or seenr rr<»m t)ie w;taß, wni.e tiie f.*vur< hi liealtli, clutliej and labov can hardly be&Uimated. t From V. W. STAXT»>N, K>»o X. 20th St., I'hitada. V/o are eonfl.lent, .rom a lons e.TP;-r:«;nce in | usbiir and recMftiiiienuiuif hilAiSiv >IDD.\LLi ; P, mat one trial. iuv »ruiti« to the vrrv c:\ >y 1 printed dir"Cvions, w iil ovi.Teoai" all also really uas \\ anderi'ul merit tor shaving, toilet, The following are tli»* Directions f.»r Use, so simple iliac a c!;ild can understand them. I>o:it do anything so ridiculous us to buy llio unlc ,s jou intend following tlicni. G3~SIOO positie -jlf forfaited if it injures //<•■ cu,i?u*s, <;*• will not *«'»> everything clmnictf. First, put the white clothes in a tub of watt r, en\v ma 'e warm enough to be comfortable for the L::nds. Then UU one piece out at a tiaic .-:i tie v. .t.-h-buara, rub the Soap lightly over it, roll it up and put it back info the sst.'-c ik. Iso «.;i v. ith each piece until ;.li have the Soap rubbed on tht m. Tii_ a go away and let t . roak at tv.enty luinut without touching fir. .a, when the »<; n p- ce. Afterward put flannels and colored P"<**» to « it.';, it 1 wash AMI exactly die WU war. • It is iinportiipt not ia beat the wash-water in a t :n,' . aor c ] pe.' kettle. A tca ke will beat enottgh water far a larga wa.ili with th.; ->ap. Just think What You w3l Sbps lj this Easy Way of Washing J No Wask-boikr! Ko Steam! No Sir-:il of Suds through the II ::~e! Jl lias lhs remarkable i ropcrtj of hecpiug thj Phh-Cloih, \7a:> and Sponge always Sweet, end of Washing Freely in Hard Water. [• ? : A j ,jr Ch • Get a Cafes end Try il for Yourself next Wash-Day. To Points whore this Soap i 3 refc yot Introduced a Trial Calzo will he sent by, on receipt of Price, (10 Cenfcc;, iti Money or Stamps. AOBRESS ALL LETTERS P[S fl Eg ff Q g Rf. § CO ft © TO OfFICf or ti FsMliiil'l tJWnHln f 713 cALLOY/HILL ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. STOVES, R A N G E S,, Grate Fronts, FciicL-ra, &c- CREA, QEAHAM & CO. MANUFACTURERS, 291 Liberty Street: Pittsburgh. Pa- IN S I R ANCH; III«'OI-|»OB*:I(4'<2 IN!!). /ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY OF 11 AKTFoItD, CONNECTICUT. Ascts p .iil in 111 y., $51,00(\000 J. T. McJTNKIN A St IN, \ L < nis, j iu'.'Sly J. H. r>on flrei-t. butler, Pa. butij:k county Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Hunningham S s. | U. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. W r M CAMI'IiKLL. IV.i ASCKKH II C. IIKIN KM AN. SK«.uKTAH> DIHEI'TOI.'S : ■). L. Purvic E. A. Ht-lmtxildi, I William Campbell, .1 W. Ruikhart, 4.. Tmatman,' Srliocnc, G. C- Kl>cK~iri)r, Jxlm Caldwell, Dr. VV. lrvfn, \V. \V Dodds, . J. W.CUrlßty 11. C. Heineinan. JAS. T, M'JUNKIN, Gen- Ae'r PA. f<> C' i)fl ,lp ' '2 av at l' ome San:>l< »V' rtli ML -r, fien. Aildi«<»« STI VS. > A i 0.. Pirtlnt.H Main« .W-U Adwrrisc ru the CrrmrN. Dtniii j Cars for eating puri>oscsonly. On" other gre:ii i'eaiureof our Pulace Cars I? a SMOKINU BAI.OON Where Ton can enjoy your "Havana" at;r!l hours of the .lay. Magnificent Iron Briiltes spun the Mississippi and Missouri rivers at all points crosse.l UT luis line, and transfers are avoided at Council lilutln, Ka.isus t it jr. Leavenworth, and Atchison, con nections beini made in L uion Depots. THE PKl.N'l ll'AI. It It. CONNECTIONS OK THIS CHEAT THROUGH LINE ARE AS FOLLOWS * Ait HtOAOO. with all diverging lines for llio East aud South. At Kngllwood, with the 1.. 8 ii M. S.. and P.. Ft. W. 41 It. Rds. At Washington Heights, with P., ('. £ St. L. R. R. At La Salle, with fit. Cent. R. R. At PEORIA, wuli P I". A 1 : P. L>. H K.; I. B. * W.: 111. Mitl.; and T. P AW. Rds. At Rocu ISLANIi. with "Milwaukee .t Rr.>.k Island Short Line." an.l Hoot Isl'dft I'eo. Rda. At L)AvlviHiltT. witii the Duvenuort Dlvlsi >n C. M. & St. P. K. is. At West Liberty, with th»B . C. R. Jt N. R. K. At littlNNl 1.1.. with * entral lowa U It. At IJES Moi.N'l e. with I). M. .V K. O. R. R. At Council Burns, with L'nkin I'aclfle R. R. At OMAHA, with R. »V Mo. R. It. I>. in Neb.' At CoLCJlbl'S J UNCTION.with 8..C. |{. 4c X. R.R At Otti mwa. wuli Central lowaß.lt.; W , St. 1.. X Par. an.l ('. 11. *Q. R. K.l>. At ivuoki'U, with Tel.. Peo. \ War.: \V:;tv. r-t. lamP.s .V Pac.. aud >t. L . Kei>. i X -W. R. hds. At C AMERON, with H. St. J it. R. At AT. uisON. with Atch-Topeka .'c '". nta Fe; Atoll \ Neb. and Cen. Br. L*. P. it At LEAVENWORTH, with Kan. Pac., and Run. Cent It. Rr's Kj.Ns.tS City, with all Hues for the \V ■ I and Southw esL | and nil Ik nsehold uses, and as it fcfK'ome", more ; generally known, must have an immense Bide. i From E. fcirocKWKLL, Hammonton, N. J. 1 FTIANiv SIDDALLS SOAP has been used in 1 nay kouse for the last seven months, and by follow ing the printf l directions, we iiiid ir to do every tiling claimed ru tho wrappers. We have not scalded or boilc-d a single article, arui tlir clothes err viliter and su*:rter Uutn when teaxhed ir. t.'ir. old u -nj. *My hu band, who is a dealer hcrf». ! li»»ci a steady demand for the Soap Irom his customers. From Manaqfr of Dexttsr Lacndby, »1 Sjxth i sir* ot. Corner C sir<\ t,X.W., Washington, Dm . j No laundrv or family cin all* rd u< he without Fit AN K SI'DDALLS SOAP. We follow direc | tions and «s-.» no other Soap, and have a reput:ui< i second u» no laundry »n Washington l r white < clot! rs; th" superior work wo have b on enabled ! to tnm o;:t having secured us the trade ot some of the I t i'uruliliing stores in tiie City. J). H. LYON, I SALE AND FEED STABLE. At the oIJ stand of Putrick Keller. Efi|oo ncr of Cunningham and Maine street, opori John Berg's Bank. where I will atteud to the feeding of Horses or POAHHING BY THE WEEK OH MONTH of the same. Give me a call and I will make tlie ehaigew moderate to suit the tinies. i '1 liopr- iiavin r Horees for »a!o or pi-mouH want ing to buy, it will he to their advantage to call. &ug2s-3iu LikiA' : £ ",. ; • ,-i J r4v io. \ l IT H KfIOWIW - 1 I tlttgor, IJnr' -. ;:i '.r i'.--, s: i'.'.lnci.i >•' l fm;i. / « ;Ucr oi i : I « mcjicmc-. known i..e so .4 IK.: iitull/combiu l i.i P To: -jj [■'..> to make it the .atc.t BiocJ Puri ~;r c. J 4 t iho liest lleail i a*iili c.i •:« i.i I .» iv. J LtK is used, li y ' 11» .ve Ly-. 7:! .!. ■ ..J L.iheumntisn, ticur3Hi% t wcS, L ' t.J y. J. .1 f>r a;>:»ciizcr, t.-: J *»m i; j : ? . 1 j ,(ory ii highly curat. ivc..a 1 UIVIJ ;.u» J •jut never i.iioxi. e J [ If y»u are s! a. It \ws »:.•■./ 1. 1 kV» *or to the feeble and a 1, a" !i> a cr. . ijl [cure for Hheum I'.zr* c.i J!-*a ». jl ( It Has Save*' Hnnlreds of Lives; It ilayj Savo Your*. j •If you ar'* f•! >; nii !e wait :: : .!j 'v >ti a.-c down .',I at u c tlie Toxic t /.I _»o matter what your discn cor symptoms ay J >L»e, it will give i» r >:a;-t rr'.. f. J » Rcmcaik'r! l'.v ki s Ginger Tonic itl |a ruin d inlc but the Bc:t and Purest Fcrr.. ;l Modiclno ever nude, c MJ>ounde«l by a J j •process, and entirely different l orn T.:: 1 |ginger preparations and all other Tonics. TjvJ ,a 50c. Lot:!-?. Y i-.r dntf cau supp'.y y J PANKCR'O HAI72 CALGAF.L The Itr stanil Tloit Cronoiulcal Ealr Drossin; cx ;u!..*;c!y pcrfu.-.icd ar.J pcr;cci!y harmlc?s. V. ;:i Always Ilcstorc Cray or I'ai-'ed Kair »•> youthful eo'-r »inear-.nrr. . "ft ir» nmn: 1 I > * ■ 7 iti faliliij, its growth un i prevent 1 ' 1 At \va-nsof the Halsam sofrrn lic h r.fhT cr \ r. l: . '-X J1 ■- fVJrs lA l:tniV.if* L .^UlyU'atfrv^jWt*2.soA • Piling Mill —AND— Li . L. PI I.VIS. L. O. I'URVIS. S.(. Purvis & Co., KiIOTiCTI H' RF AMI PEA I RRK IN He; h a. d Planed Lumber OF EVKKY DEf( KIPTION, FKA. ES MOULDIN< S, SASJI [•OPh> FLO O KING, MD I. HAT! ENS, ajd U i ice Boards, POIU'II FOSTS, 1A11» KAUb Newell P or! > hi Bfllubttrt F] ::< iv i im.s. Ac (,1> Barn ! :u - ; 1.. >t< . i ; .,f , u tli loi . l>r, Sun,, mm I s .!< in li«i i f>, i> ;■ i J t i, A•. all -in i> F( . SI Mill J IM.(1. All c \. i•ii ;, v. t V" lii i»eli ii|. re;.. oi •! : ;oii. ' a gusir ttiitt't tUllbiiiCllOli, J I -.NG >SII L AMj YAIfD \<:i: •.n.rv * y '««•!{«• < l1 '"O W' 3 t t '■*. > a* «' W b i J ] •i 1L V SL i"t V- i'-t i\ uLy s ;*'£ v w i MuL«Oj > '■ Ju ■ n! ;nv i! i.» ' . «.X '.v ' ■■ •'I ;j,T, \K< House,) ,\ r km % '«> n 1 •'•■ •' « uutic, ■ A! A fl. IN' IANA. _ •. ■ II •»> r < vera I old . i. . «•> f; .hie i-.- g them, tnd .. • i> 1 ti'ink mncU of ti.iiii. a .. 1a • I»« K A CO. Druggists. cori/i M:V. I XAS. \ c •• tin- in •.* c d thun any 1.. cri.L'd. J AS. 11. CALLAWAY. " r. CLEJIKXS, MICH. Y ; :;!• curtdnu of k'uiu ic tie Pack ai dK: y Tioul le. il. J. HUUGH. Addrets . PAV ;• DMLY FAD QQ„ SOLE PRO! RIETORB, TO - - - onio. .! 1. KDICK, Ajrtnt lor Butler Co. Ayer's j Ecir Vigor, fc > iE£ro.u?:i en.-.y hair to its NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. IT is a most agreeable dressing, which is :u li;:n: ss i-ffeeltial, for pre servii:;i I'. c hair. It restores, with the gin?".--• ami fr< sln. ss of y >tith, fadotl or gray, li;;h'.. lid ml l.;;ir,t.ia rich limwn, or deep blacl:,: - 1 • tlesirosl. Dy its usO thin hair is thiekened, and baldness often thoi:: li !i t always cured. It checks failing of the 1 :■ • inline.iiaii'ly. e.nd causes a new jt«\. ,'i in all cases wli re the glands are n: < i. 1: while ! • brashy, weak, oi oth . . e :iseas I hair, it imparls vitalitj and gfi'eiiu'ii, and renders it ](liable. Th Vh.oh o! uses tlie scalp, cures and prev< ,ts the formation > f dandruff; and, by i; i ling, s:imula:i;i and soothing pro]" ::ie«, it h<;ils most if not all of th( Jmiii (1 dis -ases pi. uliar to the scalp, k ;! . 1' cool, clean a.. 1 soft, under v.hi : . . l.;i.>ns discas sof the scalp and hair... • impossible. A > a Dressingr for L die 3* Hair The \ ii. : i> ineoinparablc. It is color les-. lit s ii. it her oil nor dye, and will not :! . ite iinbric. It imparts an au.■ ■ ! • ;::id la-ting perfume, and as an arii i r t : et it is economical and infill :!■ lin i;s excellence. Pre : _.! by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., 1 1: .1 n».l •.ar.l; J CliomUts, Lc.vo! 1 , r. .33, i.v j.:.l i ~i\. . Ev;:BYWilKi:e. r»| • ' , v < | :it once, if vou ! r, dibbled In uv 1 •,; , ir.KS JL'LYUt, rr loNS IXCREAS e rated too low. •V>r- . M> N. WDi C HARGES PRO ■ 0.. ii tidy given. Send ii . i hi uk>. Addres- STO HDART & C<^, t£