Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 15, 1880, Image 3

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    :>Jn. J. It. BATV.S. Nf-vfpaper Adverti-icg
aJ. . JY.w (Times Building), New
Voik. i i ti. T"i o contract for advertiue
ments in t!ie Cin.TS.
Kcw Advert. ; ~eineut3 To-Day.
Per. or —Ptoddart & Co.
Christmas Presents —.1. KeeV.
Chnstmas Present.—ll. C. Ileineman.
Norite to Creditors «.f Francis t'onley.
Notice Regarding Butler County Fox Scalp
Election Notice —Glade Mill Mutual Fire In
surance Co.
Pro»|>ecti — N. V. Tribune, Lippincott's Mag
azine. Cleveland Ilerald.
Local and General
—Albums, at J. F. T. Stehle's.
—Mormonism must go.
—Hobby-horses, at J. F. T. Stehle's.
California Canned Goods, at
This weather draws heavily upon
the coal bio.
Tov-carriges, at J. F. T. Stehle's.
strokes in India.
—Toy-wash sets, at J. F. T.
—The latest styles in Hats and Caps
at Chas. It. Grieb's.
Dakota desires to become one of
the States of the Union.
—Handsome foot stools for ladies,
for Christmas gifts, at Ketterer's.
—A fine selection of Confectionery
for the Holidays, at M. REIBER, Sr.
—Toy-bedsteads and willow cradles,
at " J. F. T. Stehle's.
—Tons of candy are waiting to be
crunched on Christmas.
Figs, Currants, Oranges, Lemons,
Malaga Grapes, at M REIBER, Sr.
—Handsome foot rests, with slipper
case, for Christmas gifts, at Ketterer's
—Nohodv seems to care whether
the sparrows starve or not.
—A large line of men and boy's
Gloves at Chas. R. Grieb's.
—lt did not take long to get up a
very respectable row in C'oogress
—A splendid violin for one dollar,
at J. F. T. Stehle's
—England wi 1 probably have to
fight for pence iu Ireland.
A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine
American Movement as low as 410, at
—A Georgia woman ninety years of
age is cutting a new set of teeth.
Wool and Cotton Half Hose from
3c a pair up, at Chas. R. Grab's.
—Dolls, Toys, Wagons and Sleds,
at J. F. T. Stehle's.
—ln such weather overcoats are
worth on" hundred cents on the dollar.
SPECIALTIES in woolens at William
Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not
to be iiinl elsewhere in the county.
„ —Dry Raspberries, Blackberries,
Currants, Ra:.-ins, Peaches and Ap
ples, at M. REIBER, Sr.
—Another Wel.-b coal mine has be
come a tomb, this time of a hundred
—Beautiful suits of parlor and bed
room furniture, for Christmas gifts, at
— WASTED.—Cherry and Poplar
lumber. Inquire of George Ketterer, Furni
ture dealer, Butler, Pa. t»
—Toy-store windows are objects of
great amusements to the little folks
just now.
—Dr. Beaver's Lung Pad cures
Coughs, Colds and all ejections of the Lungs.
Sold in Butler by D. 11. Wuller. [sep22-3m
—The largest and finest line of Silk
Handkerchiefs iu Butler at Chas. R.
—A liver pad wou'd make a good
Christmas present. Why, yes it would
—what are you smiling at?
—Beautifully cushioned and carved
patent rocking chairs, for Christmas
gifts, at Ketterer's.
—The British Cabinet is said to be
at loggerheads again over the situation
iu Ireland.
—A lot of Heating Stoves suitable
for hard and s fi coal, for sale verv cheap, ai
Joseph Uockeiisteiu'i Saddle and llarncss es
tablishment. dcl-3w
WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor,
lias just opened the large-t line of woolens for
men ami I toys wear ever offered in Butler.
—The population of Berlin has more
than doubled since 18f>0. It is now
1,118,G30 souls.
—The largest stock of men and boy's
Underwear in Butler county, from 45e
a suit up, at Chas. 11. Grieb's.
—Foi the cure of Consumption,
Bronehitis, ('atnrrli and Asthma, nite Dr. Bea
ver's Lung Pad, sokl by 1). H. Waller, Butler,
Pa. sepJJ/Jm
—Pittsburgh glass factories send
their wares to China and Japan in
large quantities.
—A lot of Heating Stoves suitable
fur lmrd and soft coal, for sale very cheap, at
Joseph Ho keusteiu'* Saddle uud llurnesn es
tablishment. dcl-3w
—Sheriff Borland, of Greensburg,
has failed and his liabilities are put
down at $(5u,000.
—Do not forget the fine display of
silverware at l-„ (jri< l»'H, if you intend
making a handsome cln istmas gilt.
—From forty-three to fifty cars now
constitute a freight train on the Penn
sylvania railroad.
—.\ lot of Heating Stoves suitable
for hard and suit coal, fur sale very cheap, at
Joi-cph ll K-keustein's Saddle alid Harness e»-
jlhlwhwul. dcl-.'Jw
—Thus far the Pittsburgh water
works have cost nearly $5,000,000 and
the end is not yet.
—The best seL'ctiou and largest
stock of Foreign and Domestic canned
and bottled goods, at
—A Golden motto for young men :
"Don't a.sk her unless you can pay the
livery bills in advance."
—Some of our merchants have al
ready received their holiday goods.
Mrs. Grieb's display of silverware is
attracting considerable attention.
—A jury acquitted a Chicago bank
official, in ten minutes. Wonders will
never cease on Lake Michigan.
—Mr. Alfred Wick has purchased
the hotel he has l»een occupying for
some years, from the Purvis Bros.
Price £4,0U0.
—A good chance, if you want to
in;ike a handsome Holiday Gilt, asr I d
gold ladies' watch, which was selling
heietofore at $1;") 0 i, cau be bad at
. $12.75, at F. Griwb'*.
5.000 Bn«liel£ Wheal.
5.W00 '■ R) v,
5.000 •'
F«>r which the highest market price will be
paid in cash.
nov24:lm JOHN BERG & SOX.
—An exchange says : "Strrams all
over the country are running' dry."
This is a canard. When a stream is
dry it can't run
Stop in at Chas. R. Grieb's ami exam
ine his stock of Hats and Caps and
Gents Furnishing Goods.
—Justice Strong, Pennsylvania's
representative on the I.". S. Supreme
Bench, who. desires to retire, is over
seventy years of age.
—lf you want to make a handsome
and useful present stop in at Chas. It.
Grieb's and examine the largest line of
Xeckweer in Butler.
—Dr. Beaver's Absorption Lung
Pa<l a positive and permanant cure for con
nimption'Bronchites, t'atarrh, Asthma anil all
disease of the Lungs, Throat pnd Heard. Sold
by D. 11. V.'uller agent for Butler county, PH.
—That sparkling, newsy exchange,
the Congressional Record, is again at
hand. What would life be without a
little brightness and mirth?
SEE a woman in anotherco'iimn,near Rpeer's
Vineyard* with a hunch of grapes from which
Speer's l'ort Grnpe wine is made, that is so
highly esteemed by the medical profession fur
the use of invalids, weakly persons and the
aged.—Sold by all Druggists. 2*aply
—Young men are allowing th°ir
winter beards to grow, and the down
now conspicuous upon tlx* crosiing fore
tells the maturity of the fowl.
( liiMro.'K C'«a«s
For all ages from 4 to 14 years, at
—The Episcopalian congregation of
this town, have secured the services of
Rev. Burke, lately of York State, who
with his family is stopping at the Low
ry House.
Ladies' Misses and Children's Furs
at much less than city prices, at
—This is the time of year when 'he'
is positively restricted to three nights
a week Those daintily worked slip
pers for his big feet must- be finished
for Christmas, you know
—RING LOST —In the borough of
Butler on thanksgiving Hay. a large sized gold
ring with cameo stone, representing the bust of
a knight wearing a helmet, the same having a
mask, ami the stone apparently having two
faces. The Coder will he lilientllv rewarded
be returning the same to Grieb's Jewelry Store,
Uutler I'a. tf
—Slate-making in the organization
ol the different State Legislatures is
a business in political circles through
out the country which wrings more
than one breast with sorrow.
For Tlie Hot
A very full assortment of all kinds
of Fancy Goods, at
—With scarcely a single exception
men banned for murder, who confess
their guilt before execution, warn those
who are present when they pay the
extreme penally of the law, to avoid
the use of whisky.
All kinds of grain for which I will pay the
highest market price in cash at iiiv mill.
Nov. 3, IXBO. Butler, Pa.
—A prominent restaurant keeper
yesterday rolled into the cellar ten
barrels of 'Willson's Highspire," and
the fellows on the pavement winked
and said "Preparing for the Legisla
ture."—Harrixburgh Telegraph.
(arpel Weaver*
Furnished with chain at the lowest
wholesale price, at
—New York City has, for the pres
ent at least, got rid of another "Boss,"
Kelly by name. A combination of
Republican and anti-Tammany Demo
cratic alderman elected another man,
last Friday, to take his place as Comp
troller of the city.
—Lydia E. Pink ham's Yegetab'e
Compound revives the drooping spirits;
invigorates and harmonizes the organic
functions; gives elasticity and firmness
to the step, restores the natural lustre
to the eye, and plants on the pale cheek
of beauty the fresh roses of life's spring
and early summer time.
—The vote of Pennsylvania aggre
gates about eight hundred and sixty
five thousand, according to the official
count, a gain of nearly one hundred
and sixteen thousand over 1870. Ac
cording to the same ratio of increase,
it will be brought up to a million iu
18X4. A commonwealth that polls a
million of votes is almost a nation
within itself.
For Ihe Holiday* at E. GriebV
A larjre selection of Ladies' and
Gents, Gold and Silver Watches, both
key and stem winding. Watch chains,
clocks, silverware, necklaces, medal
lions, lockets, crosses and chai-s of all
kinds, also rings in great variety, con
sisting of cameos, amethysts, amethyst
encrusted, turkois, garnets rubys,
pearls; emeralds, plain gold hoops,
fancy engraved bands, children's rings,
etc. decß-3t
—Although there are forty-two fire
water-plugs in this town they are
placed so ridiculously close to each
other that the grater part of the town
is left unprotected. With hut few ex
ceptions, the plujjs are all on Main and
Jefferson street, and in some places
less than one hundred feet apart This
state of affairs is an imposition on the
majority of the taxpayers of the town.
The two hose companies have but 500
feet of hose each.
—lt isn't much advantage to he
elected President after all. When
Garfield and his wife took the cars at
Mentor to go to Cleveland the seats
were full, and both would have had to
stand bid it not been for a kind old
lady who "set along" and gave Mrs.
Garfield a seat. The breakman finally
managed to squeeze out a place for
James also; but the average Ameri
can does cling to his seat with the
tenacity of a burr.
M incN.
But few persons are aware of the
great amount of grapes raised in New
Jersey. Alfred Speer is known to be
the largest wine grower east of the
Rocky Mountains. His Fort Grape
wine is the best, ond is considered by
physicians and < bertiists as the best
wine to be procuied. For sa.'e by I).
j U. Wulk?r.
'(&!?« littttexr : Sutler, P*., 13» lssU.
— RECITAL.—A grand musical feast,
on Saturday eveniug, December 18th,
1880, at 8 o'clock p. m. Dr. Louis
Von Meyrhoff's Piano Recital and
OpcniDg Address at the Conservatory
■of Music, (Baptist Church.) Butler,
| Pa., under the auspices of the "Ger
mania Orchestra." Don't fail to come
if you love and appreciate classic mu
sic. Admission, 5U cents, children 25
cents 'Tickets can be procured of E.
W. Vogeley, Rutler Savings bank.
Doors open at 7I o'clock P. M.
The committee appointed to prepare
a constitution for the "Woman's Chris
tian Temperance I'nion" for Butler
! county are ready to report, and the
! ladies of the county interested in such
| an organization are requested to meet
in Butler at the M. E. Church, on
Thursday the 30th day of December,
1880, at 3 o'clock P. M., to hear the re
port. and permanently organize. Mary
E. Sullivan, President, N. D. Black,
Secretary. decls-2t
At $1.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.50. $5.00,
$0.50. $7.00. $7.50, $8 00. $8.50. $9 00,
$lO 00, $12.00, $15.00, SIB.OO, $20.00,
and $25.00, at,
—"Golden Days," one of the best,
if not the very best papers "for boys
and girls" published in the country,
began volume II last week with a new
story entitled "Bob and Bob, or the
Right Path and the Wrong." It is a
neatly printed "sixteen page paper, al
ways fiiled with instructive reading
matter and interesting stories by good
authors. The yonng folks bail its
weekly appearance with delight.
James Elverson publisher, S. W. cor
ner Eighth and Locust streets, Phila
delphia, Pa.
or ten days ago Mr. Solomon Young,
while eno-aged in the mill of the
Messrs. Starr, at Glade Mill, Middle
sex township, this county, was caught
bv one arm between two 'cog whells,
while in motion. The arm was liter
ally crushed, but it was thought be
would survive the injury. On last
Saturday, however, he died, and was
buried here on Monday last. He
formerly lived in Centre township, and
was physically a powerful man
When caught by the cogs, it is said
that by his other arm alone he raised
a weight of about ten hundred before
he could be released
IV <>IIIIUI*B Wisdom.
"She insists that it is more impor
tant that her family should be kept
in full health, than she should have all
the fashionable dresses and styles of
the times. She therefore sees to it,
that each member of her family is sup
plied with enough Hop Bitters, at the
first appearance of my symptoms of ill
health, to prevent a fit of sickness with
its attendant expense, care and anxi
ety. All woman should exercise their
wisdom in this way.— Neic Haven
Best Lonesdale Bleached Muslin Lan
caster Ginghams. Fancy Dark Dress
Goods. You will find bargains ia
everything, at
—SCHOOL NO. 4. —The following is
the list of pupils who have attended
school every day during the past
month: Emma Doerr, Eita McQuis
tion, Anna Grohman, Maggie Groh
man, Mattie Heller, Maggie Smith,
Sadie Black, May Ifarvey, Mark Mc-
Candless, Thomas Eastman.
List of pupils in attendance during
the whole month : Mark McCandless,
George Eba, James Bredin, Frank Col
l>ert, Huber Ferguson, George Robin
son, Harrie Krugh, Millie Ruff, Emma
Doerr, Etta McQuistion, Anna Groh
man, Maggie Grohman, Mattie Heller,
Sadie Black, Carrie Ensminger, Anni
Cronenwett,Belle Adams,Gussie Bauer,
Laura Bauer, Lillie Cratty. Mrs. M'-
Lure, teacher.
—The alarming prevalance of diph
theria and diphthertic or membranous
croup in some places has made the
preventure and cure of the disease to
be a subject for general consideration.
Sulphur, crude oil, and many other
things are recommended as remedies
and cleanliness and proper food are
recommended as preventatives. Cel
lars should be lept clean, decaying
vegetable matter left therein, poisons
the air, which in turn poisons fresh
meat, milk and other eatables and
drinkables left stanking in them. Well
children should be kept from the sick,
and no child that has had the disease
should be allowed to go to school un
til the attendinf,' physician says that
it has entirely recovered.
—FIIIE IN I'lTLEß. —Shortly before
five o'clock ln.«-t Sunday afternoon the
people of this town were startled by
1 the rapid ringing of the fire bells, and
flames were seen issuing from a
frame house ne:ir the new Witherspoon
Institute occupied by Mr. W. E. Reed,
who moved into it, from Summit
township, a few days ago. The house
caught from a defective kitchen flue,
and the scarcity of water in the vicin
ity rendered it isnitossible to put it out.
The hose compni s weie promptly on
the ground, but as there was no fire
plug nearer than that on Jefferson
street, at the depot, they could do
nothing to save the building, which
was entirely consumed iu an hour or
two. Mr. Reed with the help of his
neighbors managed te save most of his
household goods, the windows, doors,
stair-railing and some other things,
but lost some grain stored in the sec
ond story of the house. The house
was built in IS7 ,by Mr AJlen Wil
son, but had become the property of
the Pari.er and Butler Savings Banks
and Ist National Hank of this place.
It was a six room frame house, and
cost about $1,500, and was not in
A CURE AT LAST. —Specifics without
numl>er for tne cure of Catarrh have
been extensively advertised, and doubt
less there is some virtue in all, but the
evidence is overwhelming that Kly's
Cream Balm goes more directly than
any other to the seat of the disease,
and though it is a comparatively new
discovery, it has resulted in more cures
within the range of our observation
than all the others put' together.
Wilkesbarre, Pa., Union Leader, Dec.
19, 1879.
We have so!d Kly's Cream Balm for
Catarrh for the past year ; have never
had a complaint but have received
praises. It gives satisfaction to every
one csing it. NAT. WOLFE A Co.,
Druggists, Wilkesbarre, Pa., Junuary
I 'Jtt, TWO.
Crawford Rankin, F. & B.
William Shockey, larceny.
James D. Lewis, same.
George Cummings, horse stealing.
Joseph Green, larceny.
Joseph Fleck, assault and battery.
R. L. Barnes, same.
M. J. Miller, selling liquor without
William Wood, maliciously destroy
ing bridge on private road.
Same, obstructing a private road.
Joakim Snyder, aggravated assault
and batterv.
John Moon, wantonly pointing a
J. A. Minser, assault and battery.
Joseph Savior, aggravated assault
and battery.
John ShoalT, aggravated assault and
battery. Motion to quash filed.
Antony Vanghan, et. al. keeping
bawdy house.
Jackson Snyder, aggravated assault
and battery.
Antony Yogan, et al. selling liquor
without license.
Kllen Deeley, larceny.
The sixteen bills before the
grand jury were either ignored, held
over or settled.
Charles Weidhaus, case heard, and
defendant sentenced to pay costs and
enter recognizance in S2OO to keep the
peace towards George Iliger for one
George Riger, case heard and de
fendant discharged, and Charles Weid
haus sentenced to pay cost.
Christ Pfeister, case heard and de
fendant discharged and county directed
to pay cost.
sociation for the protection of Game
and Game Fish, want to get all the
live Quail that they can get after the
20th of December for the purpose of
keeping them over winter. In order
to keep this, the bestinsectivrious bird
we have, from being exterminated, we
will keep them over winter and liberate
them on the farms in the spring,
of parties who trap and deliver them
to us free of charge. Those that we
have to pay for we will be at liberate
to free where we see proper. The sea
son for trapping quail for the purpose
commences on the 20th of December
and extends to the first of February
following. We will pay for quail, de
livered iu good condition to John S.
Campbelln 20 cents per pair. By order
of the Association.
Great Clearance Sale of Dol
at $ 6.00, former prices $ 8.50.
at 7.50, " " 10.50.
at 8.50, " " 12.50.
at 10 00, " " 15.00.
at 12.00, " " 18.00.
at 14.00, " " 20.00.
at 17.00, " " 25.00.
at 20.00, " " 30.00.
at 25.00, " " 35.00.
Now is the time to secure barpains,
The stockholders of the Butler County
Agricultural Society will commence
the new year in good spirits. The suc
cess of the Fair held here this year was
very encouraging, and they will en
deavor to make next year's a far great
er success.
At the annual meeting of the stock
holders last week, the following offi
cers for the ensuing year were elected:
P/esident, W. I'erry Smith.
Vice Presidents, Alex. Hunter. W.
H. 11. Riddle.
Directors, \V. M. Brown, Thomas
Hays, J. D. Anderson, Harvey Os
borne, R. D. Stephenson, J. L. Purvis
and J. S. Campbell.
Secretary, W. P. Roessing.
Treasurer, J. S. Campbell.
Sup't of grounds, J. L. Purvis.'
These "hames mean enterprise and
fair dealing. The next Fair will be
held on the 20th, 21st and 22d of Sep
tember, 1881.
Programme or ( o. Institute.
Opens Monday, December 27th, at
1:30 P. M. Address of Welcome, Rev.
K. G. Ferguson. Prof. John S. Mc-
Kay will treat of the "Natural Sci
ences" throughout the session. Mrs.
McKay will illustrate "Object Teach
ing" by class drills with children, &c.
Prof. J. H. Young ill talk on Eng
lish Crammer, Punctuation, Latin and
Greek, pronunciation of proper names,
pronunciation of current French words
and phrases and explain current Latin
phrases found in English. Prof. M.
B. Goff will give talks on the various
divisions of Arithmetic, such as Fun
damental Utiles, Compound Numbers,
Decimals, Percentage, Interest, Square
and Cube Root, Metric System, <tc.
Miss L. E. Patridge will treat of "The
Qincy Method,"advanced and primary
reading, primary geography, need of
literary culture tin the part of the
teacter, manners and works, school
government, will give a short .sermon
to Directum, and other subjects if need
Monday evening, D< cember 27, Hon,
Clinton Lloyd ; subject, House of Rep
resentatives of the United States as
Seen Through the Spectacles of its
Chief Clerk.
Tuesday evening Decenilier 28th,
Prof. J. 11. Young; subject, "Physical
Culture "
Wednesday evening 20, Hon. Geo.
It. Wendling; subject, "Ingersollisin
from a Secular Standpoint."
Thursday evening, December 30,
Miss L. E. Patridge; subject, Com
mencement Exercises of the Oinpom
panoosuc Academy.
Directors day, Wednesday Decem
ber 29, 2:30, P. M. It is hoped that
teachers, directors and all friends of
education will be present.
Very respectfully,
I). F. MCKEE, CO. Supt.
PAKKER, PA., Dec. 9, 1880.
I D. F. McKee, Superintendent County
Schools, Fair mew, I'a :
DEAR SIR —We will sell return trip
tickets to teachers and directors during
the time of your County Institute in
Butler, from all stations on our road
where tickets are sold. This will be
one-half the regular fare. Have each
| one ask for a return ticket at the ticket
office before starting. Between ticket
offices they will have to pay fare to the
first ticket office and then get their
tickets. Yours respectfully,
W. C. MOBLEY, Supt.
VDIU piTpr Consumption an 1 Asthma.
bl IVLii flew yet failed. Address
| with stamp, "HOiLE," f KCWTBUBU, Ml>. Jja7 ty
These Prices arc only up lo
January Int. 18M1.
At 10 cts., best Stair Oil Cloth
at 18 cts., Best Hemp Carpet,
at 25 cts., Best Cottage Carpet,
at 28 cts., Good Ingrain Carpet,
at 35 cts., Better Ingrain Carpet,
at 45 cts., extra Heavy Ingrain Carpet
at 35 cts., Good Bag Carpet,
at 25 cts., Good Stair Carpet,
at 25 cts., Yard Wide Oil Cloth,
at 50 cts., Genuine Cocoa Matting.
- at 50 cts., Good Hall Carpet,
at 75 cts., Extra Fine Hall Carpet,
at 00 cts., Extra Super Carpet,
at sl, Higgans Best Brussels Carpet. |
at $1 25, Best 3 Ply Carpet.
Any person needing Carpet in the I
near future, will save money buying
during this month at the above prices,
Lippincott's Magazine.
Lippincott's Magazine for December
opens with an interesting and finely
illustrated paper entitled "An Histori
cal Rocky-Mountain Out-post," by
George Bex Buckman. Another il
lustrated article, "Our Grandfathers'
Temples." by Charles F. Richardson,
is a verv readable account of the oldest
places of worship still existiug in the
eonntrv. "Will Democracy Tolerate a
Permanent Class of National offioe
lolders ?" is a challenge to the Civil
Service Beformers, which cannot fail
to attrnct attention as an able expose
of the ideas on which our present svs
tem appears to be founded, and which
the Beformers will have to take into ac
count if thev hope to effect anv radical
chancre in the practice hitherto followed
bv both parties. "The Authors of
Froufrou," by J. Brander Matthews,
has a tim ly interest in connection with
Sara Bernhardt'.* performances. Other
papers deserving l of notice are "fras-
Burning and its Consequences," by
George J Varnev ; "An Episode of
Spanish Chivalry." by Prof. T. F
Crane; the conclusion of Dr H. C.
Wood's exposition of "A utomati=m
and a contribution to Shakesperian
studies by Prof. James D. Butler,
The popular serial. "Adam and Eve,"
reaches a dramatic and satisfactory
termination in this number, which also
contains several strkiner stories in
cluding: a thoroucblv realistic sketch of
1 Edinburgh street life, bv the author of
"Flitters. Tatters, and the Counsellor.'''
The "Monthly Gossip" is unusually
full and entetaininfl-. with the January
number this Majrazine will enter on a
new series, at a reduced price and with
the promise of greater attractiveness
and wider claims to popularity.
TURNER—McCALL—November :io, 1880.
by Rev. C. L; Streamer, at West Sunbury, Mr.
Jacob Turner to Miss Sadie E. McCall, both of
Concord township, Butler county, Pa.
BRACKEN—MARTIN—December 7. 1880,
at M. E. Parsonage, by Rev. W. P. Turner,
Mr. Charles C. Bracken, of Oakland township
and Miss Jennie Martin, of Butler township.
SMITH —November —, 1880 t at his resi
dence in Allegheny township, this county, Mr.
Simon Smith, Esq., aged 80 years and months
Esquire Smith was a man of more than or
dinary intelligence and influence and a very
hospital and esteemed neighbor. He came
from Wales a poor man and by industry as a
miner acquired means enough to buy the fine
farm upon which he lived and died.
Has opened the stock of
Cul (•l:iHs\»velli< > N, Fancy Box
Paper, €3ol<l Pens,
Photo, and Autograph Albums,
Picture Frames, Oil Paintings,
Call and Examine.
$3.00 per Annum, 25 cts. per Number.
Lippincott's Magazine,
A Popular Illustrated Monthly of Literature,
Science, Art, and Travel. •'
With the January number Lippincott's Mag
azine will enter upon a new series, a change
will be marked by iniiny improvements and a
material reduction in price. Maintaiug the
same high literary strndard as in the past, but
presenting new and attractive features, —render-
ing the Magazine somewhat lighter in character
than hitherto, —its conductors will spare no ef
forts to secure for it the distinctive reputation
of a thoroughly popular and first-cla ju Family
Lippincott's Magazine will aim to furnish en
tertainment and a healthy stimulant to those of
both sexes who find their best mental refresh
ment in light and attractive reading.
Its new scheme will embrace a great variety
of topics, giving special prominence to those
that concern actual life, its interests, soeial as
pects, and various phases, pathetic and amusing
presented in vivid pictures and graphic sketch
es. The list of writers will include many new
contributors, fresh editorial departments will
be added, and illustrations, carefully executed,
will continue to hold a place.
For sale by all Hook and Newsdealers.
TKKMS: Yearly subscription, S3.(M); Single
Numlier, 25 cents. C'LUIi KATKS.—Three copies
$7.5(1; Five copias, $11.50; Ten copies, with an
extra copy to the club-getter, $22.00.
y.-ir- Specimen Number mailed, postpaid, en
receigt ol 20 cents.
J. B. LIPPINCOTT &. CO., Publshers,
715 ami 717 Market St., Philadelphia.
Has on bands a large stock of goods for
Christmas Presents,
committing of
Vases, Dolls, Toys of all kinds, purses bends
Faccv Cups and Saucers, and a variety of other
articles oxpressly got foe the holiday season.
Call and I'A amino Itcforc I'tir
Auditor's Police,
O. C., No 2G, Sept. terra, 18S0 In the matter
of the tiual account of James Wilson, adm'r of
the estite of Allen Thompson, dee'd. late of the
borough of Centreville, lintler Co., Pa. All par
ties interested will tnke notice that I will make
. l-tribution of the funds in the bauds of the ad
ministrator, at my ollice, in butler, on THURS
DAY, Dec. 30th. at 1 o'clock. I* M.. of said day.
Dec. 13th, 1880—3t.
Election Notice.
Tlie members of the Glade Mill Mutual Fire
Insurance Co. will meet »t the Ulade Mill School
11. use. Middlesex township, oil TUEHD vY. Jar.
1 Ith, 1881. being the 2nd Tuesday in January,
for the puipoee uf electing oilicers for the ensu
ing >#<ar. U. tHUtfRNie, Pnfs't.
- " "
X / I
\ !
§j Go to CHARLES R. GRIEFS for" f I
1 tZ T. I
00 HAND- <:
C >
—• J?;
> COLLARS. CUFFS, NECK WE Ail, &c.,&c., §
rx 1
blXililji, IJi,. 1 LElv, FA.
/ X
„r i'ALMEK O'NEIL & (X).
borep. ~ 60 FIFTH AYENUS,
To meet the demand for a reliable hard elo.«e shooting breech 1 >ad
r, at a moderate price, we u iw offer a line of FINE ENGLISH GIINS,
Oreatly lledueed Prices:
12-bore. 10 bore.
Xo. 845, C. O. BONEHILL, Top li ver, double bolt, bar rebounding locks, low pot, hammer?, soli! stri
kers, pistol grip stock, patent fore en 1, skeleton butt plate, line Damascus barrels, thoke
bored, finely engraved and finish d $45 00 | SSO 00
No. 850, do. do. With extension rib fastonin? 50 00 | 55 00
No. 855, do. do. Challenge brand with horn heel plate elaborately engraved 55 00 | 60 00
All these euns l ave raised level r;lw. and the 10 bores are made extra heavy and wide at breech, ranginir in weight from }• to 10 !♦>?., mak
ing an admirable gun for duck and tra;> shootiiiir where hiavy charges art' necessary. Any <>f these gnns will tie sent C. O. I)., with privilege of
examination and trial on re vipt o a remittance sufficient to cover express charges to your place and return. No devirlion will be made from
these prices under any circumstances. I2.~>auir7ml J. PALMER O'NEIL & CO.
F° r Catarrh.
KVPrsr 7. r r-• 1 *,' v £r HiiV f< v, ' r - , '" i ' l '" ,!l °
"<*/ LtnfAM V-l I lead. &<■.. insert with
StnAct/r/li!little lltv.'iT. ;i |>:ir: i -le
cLATAPPH POLES 'S 1 , n'i "f tlie Halm into lite
R ?S, n !.irAo' nost riN ; draw s t ron K
*V>V^':Vt Iwa'hs through the
/fd B»Sf/ nose. ! i will lie al>-
/ttcALS /w sorl>«*l, cleansing, ;unl
V healing the diseased
For Deafness,
-r'f' r "c a>i.,;r.lly apply a
gS fHgi?S»:^l g 2M p»tllc;. lino and hack
VjvTt 'i'ioi* of tin* ear, rubbing in
.«•££ uiDiuiiKiiiy.
Is receiving tlie endorsement of the sufferer. tlie
druggist, ami physician. Never has an article of so
much merit been produced for the treatment of
inembraual diseases as this never-railing I»AI,M,
and is universally acknowledged as beini; sll that
is claimed r«ir it. The application h easy and
pleasant, causing no p:.in. is soothing. and is fast
superseding the use of powders. Ijipiid ; and siiu",>.
Price 50 cents, on receipt of cocen's. will nil a
package free. Send fur circular, with full infor
ELY'S CKFAM BALM CO.. owego. N. V.
At Wholesalo by
KBW YOBX—McKesson & Robbina Hall* Back
el. ('. N. Crlttention, W. 11. Schetfl.'lin .<. Co.. I>.
M. Stlger&Po.. Laze lie Marsh 11 inlner, Tar
rant & Co.. Kramer it I. •■■. and others.
PHILADELPHIA—.SmiIh. Kline & Co., Johnston,
Holloway & Co.
SCK.WTON, PA. Mathews Bros.
At Retail by all Druggists. oet 27-6 m
Butler Female College.
Winter Term will open November 20th, ISSO,
closing >larch 4th, 18-sl.
Primary Department, ffi. Normal anil Clas
sical, .SB. Music, $lO. Hoarding in College
very low. Rooms for self hoarding can be had
fret- of charge.
The course of study in this institution is ex
tensive ami thorongh, embracing all the valua
ble studies taught in any Female College.
ADVANTAGES : Ist. Cost is very low.
2nd. The building is well situated and well
3rd. Easy of access, good plunk and board
4th. The manners and morals of the stu
dents arc carefully cared for.
MR. & MRS. A. T. DOCTIII'.IT, Principal.
The most complete institution in tiie United
States for the thorough practical education of
young and middle aged men. Students admit
ted at any time.
For Circulars giving full particulars,
address J. C. SMITH, A. M.,
sep27:"m Pittsburgh
G. 11A I{ >1 i-:s,
Nos 92 &. 94 First Ave . Pitis!.urgli, Pa.
Steam Engines, Boilers,
Saw Mills and
Wood-Working Madhinery, new and second
band. sep2!):3tn
Slock Speculation and Investment.
Operations on Margin or by Privileges. Hpo
cial business in Mining Snicks. Full particulars
on application. J\VFS liltOV/N. Dealer HI
Stocks and bonds. <U A (M Broadway. Now York,
mar 17-9 m.
Procured for aII soldiei> disabled in the U. S.
service from any cauw. also for heirs of deceas
efl soldiers. The . ligh'est disability entitles to
and new discharges procured Those in doubt
as to whether entitled to anything, should sen 1
two H-cent stamps for our "circular or insinua
tion " Address with stamps HTODKAIIT .* Co..
Solicitors of Claims and Patents. Uooin K. St
Cloud building. Washington. D. C. (15dec:lm
\ollcc Itcgnrdiii;; Fox Scalp
Notice is hereby given that an application will
be made at the next meeting «>t the Legislature,
ror the repeal of An Act. entitled "A further
supplement to an act giving a bounty on fox
sculps in the county or Danpliin." approved the
27th d»y or March, lWill. exti n lii g the s m o
theCountvof butler, approved the 1 th dav of
April, 1873. J. C D'»N\L"S<»N,"
lSdeclw J. MAYbE'tUUV.
Commissioners or the County or liutlcr.
Notice to C'ri'illlt»r< ol" Fraiicis
< iinlej.
In the estate of Francis Conlev Assignor. In
the Court or Common Pleas ol Hitler C unity.
On petition of Perry Suiilh and J. C. Vauder
lin to he discharged.
1880, Dec. 6th. 'J'lie Court direct notice bv
publication, on the creditors of Assignor, that
prayer or petitioners will bo granted unless
cause be eh un to the contraiy. on Monday Jan
uary 3d, IBSI. HY rn K CofiiT.
Now, Dec Uth. 1880, to th« creditors of Fran
cis Conley. take notice that the Assignees in the
abov<; case have made application to lie dis
cliatged from their rru-t uiileßS cause is shown
on or before Jan. .'id, 1881.
I'KIOC tt Assignees^
Kxmil«r\ Police.
Notice is hereby given that letters testamen
tary have been granted to the nude signed on
the estate of John Forsyth. Sr. lit.- of Pcnti
township. Butler county Pa . dfe'.l. all persons
therefore knowing then.selves indebted to sai 1
estate will please n'ake immediate ptvraeni, and
auv having claims again:! the same, wi 1 present
them p'operlv authentic .ted for settlement.
Executor, Brownsdale, butler county, i'a
decß tit
Advertise in the CITIZEN.
Jefferson St., Butler, Pa.
All the Flour marie by the New Process and sold as low as fjit.2s per
sack, and up to £sl 7."# per sack. Also, Buckwheat Flour, Ilye Flour, and
bolted and unbolted Corn Meal.
All kinds of Feed—Chop, Bran, Corn, Oats and all kinds of Mill Feed.
All kinds of grain bought at Store or Mill, and Highest Cash Price Paid.
• Custom Work done at Mill by the New Process Machinery and grists
warranted to be equal in quantity and quality to those ground anywhere else.
George iieiber, Sr.
2,000 Yds. Genuine Silk Mixed
And placed ou sale at the REMARKABLE price of 20 cents, about
one-ihird their value.
One In! Imported ll.imlki rcliief l'laid.-, :ii :>7'jc.-
former imt, T. r <\
One h>: 11:; julk<-r» lii< f I'laids, fine goods, 7"c,
former price.
One lot Kiegant Handkerchief I'ialiU ;i; .'•'l, for
mer |>rir" 51..V1 and upwards.
A portion of these recent purchases and stylish
One case Elegant Satin Side ".and French Seat
ing* -I.T'i, former price. ■ f -'."n. »>!:s«- k- mi I colors.
SlllM'ili (|ua!ities tl-',uch All-Wool Kr< ueli Dress
t.ooiis at Mi. s.">. >1 and si.Si. anil correct shad' .-, to
combine, with Slims. Flushes, Velvets and Satin |
Dcl.yon Brocades, now sold in sneli handsome de
signs at our silk counters at such low prices for
elegant onalitic-.
Ma;oii!i«vi!t silk Novelties. M.'iO to- some
of the former sold recently at S.'i.
American Dress CIKMIS iH-pirtimlit —Ca.sl.iiieies
best shades, at I'-" .e no.
Clioiee Double Width Arninn s. '.!<*• up.
l-i-iids. t. 1 1, In. p." . and 1.-.C, the two!: :b rill vtyl
isli cfTects. ami all these well-known American
Fabrics, giving consumers comfort and good -
vice, in many instances giving more service than
.some go ils ;»t several times I heir cost.
< lieiee tVoic.l Satins and Brocade Velvets
I vt i:• Wide Black Satins and V elvets for Skirts
and Trimming?.
118 and 1%20 Federal Street, .Allegheny.
N. "—Flannel**, Plar kftH and Winter I*n«T# rwcr.r and Hcit»ery, Domestic and Housekeeping
GCKKIH wholesale arid retail, at priccn hUfti ifiitly low to attract the ca»li or short tune buy
er* with approved credit. Ne v Black an 1 colored Silk Girdles, Spikes, Beads, Balls, im
ported Buttons. in twe hizrH. to m itch for CoHtumcs ami Jackets.
It Will FayYoS!
is offering free, postpaid, to < aeh sub-lili.r for 1 vsi, mi ELE< JA NT IL LI "ST RATED ALMA-
N'AC, aIKI MI aililitiou i» ilii ;i \ ilu.hlc KI <>l KKHOi..l> ISO M\ containing over .*IOO recipos for
cooking that liavc been thoroughly t "sted by an experienced hou<eke«f>'T, many of them new
ami all valuable. Besides these arc tabhs of weights and measures, antidote!* for poisons, rates
of jn>s»ti»ir«*, "nd other useful iuforniatioii. Together they constitute tin- most vuluuble |iremiums
ever ollored by a iiewspa|K-r. Tli• Herald is a live, wide awake journal and given all the news.
It has special correspondents in all tin l leading cities of the country, and in every citv and town
in Northern Ohio. Its special department, "Agricultural," "Market#," "The Family," ami
"The Young Folks," arc each in charge of a special editor, und furnish valuable information for
the older ones and endless uinusc:!icut tor the young folks.
Subscribe for the Herald
Tcrniw : Per Year.
Sciml for S|>cfii)i<'n Iddrt Ms
THE HERALD, Cleveland, Ohio.
We will club tli • CITIZI N :ind the HEKALD at |cr year, and fur.iish each subscriber
1) th j n-ornms r«»-
R I > BOB-: r a" , a s. ! «<• "• WBKMI"
! Lifßii, Sale, Feed and Exchanp
I.ai:glnng<; i or Et t u.vcii tviUii.u* cMraclia O
I v> ul asK .. , , x 1 STABLE
sali ii.il \\ 'III tile.r lli-u tet i I o 1 I- ,|..l I
vuj lu« tales IU:. A. 11. j.j u is. J.> •!111-1. Rear of Lowrv House, - . HITLER, PA*
IIOVJOUI No. IVllll live. l'irt»l'iiriili. 1 a. june-l-lv
< 1.0.vK DE I'ARTMENT !
Daily replenished with New Styles.
K\<iiilslte Kit and Stvlish Materials.
A large lot I-.:.-,tut Sew Shape Dolmans at *2O,
the b. g.;rineni ever old at tins price.
At ■ >•">. sc..Mi, ss, sio ami sl3,
that .sue Special Bargains.
Dolmans and .lackets at $8.60,1*10,812.50, sls, sl6
- and •-at these prices we invite special atten
t 1011.
Fine Wra s anil Garments at $35, S4O, SSO,
rC">,*B7s. B>> Binl up to 81.'0, stately and nobbr
Styles, in Silk: Sal in d'Lyon and Sicilienue. lined
w .tit Satin in black, wine a.nd old gold and fur,
and trimmed with fur,"beided paraementeno,
plushes. Ac., to suit the fancy of almost any
Genuine London dye, 8125, if ISO. $175, S2OO and
Elegant Otter and Soil Dolmans 8265 to $350.
Extra large assortment Fur-liuod Circulars,
835 to rilO each.
Choice Line Oirculars. male from now Ulßter
ette Cloths, r5 to 810, extra full made to meat*
ure within two days.