Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 08, 1880, Image 3
M . i. !•;. Pi~r.s. Kew-p»pcr A lve r t»^ - ip A: i't. 41 Park I'ow (Tiuie* Bni'dinp), St* York. is *ntlioriwd to contract for n!verti je jjaetfh :n *'ue f J ■ ''•••"•« r■> ? t lain •* " - TIJC *»* r 1: v OltH Now Advcrti/rcmontP To-I>ay. fl-tray N'otiw Xi.tiee to Tax Collectors. Exec tor John I■ r yth,'■r. [>rr ('•• X'!*, etc.—ITMI '. Bi |M *r & Ea^ton. Adnnni'trat' iN i« —Lstu'e ot Lew:« '' s, r R • »i-.i. !•» Clay T-.wn-llip Bond ;]. ■ Mn'l >r AFii'nn?, and Worth Mi< ' : •' ■"i"""''" Local Rtui Goresal mornings. Hobby-horses, at J. F. T. Steble's. LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at sls and up 'jrardf». at E. Grieb's. —American wheat is being shipped to Macedonia. Toy-carriges, at J. F. T. Stehle's. A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine \iiit ri'-an Movement as low as $lO, at E. GRIEB'S. The Ohio Senatorial fight is at tracting no little attention. Toy-wash sets, at J. F. T. Stehle's. The latest styles in Hats and Caps at Chas. R. Grieb's. H L Westerman, Esq., is for man of the Grand Jury this week. Tov bedsteads and willow cradles, at " J. F. T. Stehle's. A Jar:re line of men and boy's Gloves at Chas. R. Grieb's. "What will he give her ?" is the soul-absorbing Christmas thought. A splendid violin for one dollar, a t .1. E. T. Stehle's Wool and Cotton Half Hose from 3c a pair up, at Chas. It. Grieb's. Only an old rntid will buy a rock ing chair not strong enough for two. Dolls, Toys, Wagons and Sleds, a t " .1. F. T. fctehle's. The ch'ldren are anxiously look in: forwaid to the Christmas holidays. SPECIALTIES ijt w«r»leiis at William Aland's M "!M'> T tilorinir not to !>•• hi; 1 e ■ rut n<- couutv. — WANTED. —Cherry and Poplar ! lum • In G • Ketterer, Furni ture d-'.vi f, luiter, Pa. ti —K<ep a f-1 arp lookout for mid night mechanics. They are on the prowl. —Drlays arc dangerous in diseases of the Kidneys, Days Kidney Pad, is the sure cure. Twenty-one years ago last Friday John Brown waahung atCharlestown, Va. —Dr. Beaver's Lung Pad cures Couch)., Colds and all effecti> ns ot the Lungs. Sold in Butler by I). 11. Wuller. [«ep22-3ni —Wayne coontv farmers complain of tie depredations oi wolves and minks. —The largest and finest line of Silk II tndk'-rcbiefs in Butler at Chas. R. G rich's. —There are two thousand anil two hundred dent and dumb persons in Pennsylvania. —A lot of Heating Stoves suitable for! aid ind n f- coal, for sale very cheap, at Jo* t»ii Rockenctein'B Saddle and Harness es tablisl ro rit. dcl-3w —Bear hunting is the sport in Lu zerne county in which lumbermen en gage on Sunday. WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor, baa just opened the largest line of woolens for men and hoys wear ever offered in Butler. —Cases of hydrophobia have appear ed among some hogs iu the northern part of the State. —The largest stock of men and boy's Underwear in Butler county, from 45c a suit up, at Chas. R. Grieb's. —Foi the cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh and Asthma, use Dr. Bea ver's Lung Pad, sold by I). H. Wuller, Butler, Pa. sep22-.'im —The average cost of a mile of rail road in tlu- United States is $52,744 In England it is $197,077. — A lot of Heating Stoves suitable for 111 rd and soft cm I, lor sale very cheap, at Jwph i!o keustein's Saddle and Harness es tablishment. <Jcl-3w —Three hundred bushels of Fo tx i wheat were raised on a two-acre field in Chester county this year. —Do not forget the fine display of 1 silverware at E Grieb's, if you intend making a handsome christnias gift. I —A lot of Heating StoVes suitable 1 for hard and s .ft coal, f«r mile Very clo-ap, at Joseph Kofitein-tein's Saddle and Harness es- i tabi-hmeut. dcl-3w Peru and Chili nre still pulling one another's hair, and "t a*>t accounts u great battle was imminent. —Dr. Beaver's Absorption Lung Pad a |« ive and permaimot cure for con cunipii».i»'i!i'eiiehiti.'fi, < ularrh, Afthma and ail disease of the LUHK", Throat and Heard. Sold by I). If. Wuller agent for Butler county, Pa. «ept22-3in —Pittsburgh's professional gamblers are now taking a rest, the mayor hav ing closed their establishments. —lf you want to make a handsome and useful present stop in at Chas. R. Grieb's and examine the largest line of Neckwear in liutler. —Work has been begun on the tun nel which is to be run under the Kng- { lish channel between Dover and Calais. A good change, if you want to J m ike n t::tndsofne Holiday Gift, a s lid ! gold ladies' watch, which was selling! heretofore at. sls 00, can be had at $12.7."), at E. Grieb's. —Already tunny applications have been made for the admission of pa tients to the Warren Insane Asylum. —Several of our young attornies wi i change their places of doing busi- : nes« wi h ihe advent of the new year. —\DVICK TO PRESENT SEEKERS.— Stop in at Ch.is. II Grieb's and exam ine liis stoek of Hats and Caps and Gents Furnishing Goods. —Congress blossomed last Monday, i and our gent'emaoly M. CV troubles | began at the old stand. —The Congressman who was not ' re-elected -h'.uld g ve his jaw a full wag now. This is his luht chance. What KUTJIMMI} Uiuit*. I* a pltanant, reliable medicine that never does any harm, and prevent* and cures disease by keeping*li • ti-.irneii inpcifeet order, the to*efs regit a , andili !.i iue> and live attive. Such a m is P ► K»-r** i nger Tooic. Ii r. lieves every ea«e, a >d we h > e ecu -Ha. ks o le r tr.Mil 11.ou -ii, . . Imv ■ been nave I an.. cured try rt. ttoe oilier o^nuru.— Tribune. CO I BT * KU i. CIV in CASES DISPOSED OF LAST WEEK. James Vanghan vs M. P. Black, Dec 2, 1380; verdict ior plaintiff fur I -8.40. H. J Berg, assi. siee of John <i. Gal | laher vs K. C. k B. R. R. Co ; ca.-e ! settled bv the parties as per paper ! tiled. James Sellers vs Hugh McGratten, \,.v 9, 1880; verdict for plaintiff for §4(1.40. U. J. Morrison vs Wei. Ree l, slan der Dec. I, 18S0 ; plaintiff discontinues i h<- ca.-e and therefore judgment for dc j feodant ! r c >-ts. j .!•.-■« ph Clark vs Wm. Reed, slander Dtc. I. VW ; plaint:?! discontinues this suit ur.d therefore judgment !• r defend ant for costs. S. Addleman and wife vs borough of Petrolia, Nov. 29, 'SO; case settled by parties. Defendant confesses judg ment for $125, damages and record costs; plaintiff to file no bill or claim for wi.nesses and subpteaes. H. and J Christie for use vs Cam eron Bros., Nov. 30, 1880; verdict for defendants. Wm. Leckie vs John Jones and E. Jones Nov. 30, 1880; verdict for de fendants. A. M. Hogue vs Randolph k Mar shall, and others, Nov. 29, 1880: case settled by parties; defendants confess judgment to plaintiff for oO. All other cases on the list for last week were continued. Sheriff'* vsi lew. List of properties sold on Monday at Sheriff's Sale : All the right, title and interest of John Cannon, in lot and house in Martiui-burg, to J. C. Martin for $lO. Same, in lot and house in Butler, to same for £2O. E. M. Addleman, lot in Farmington to John Poliock for *7O. John MeLafferty in 50 acres in Marion township, to Will am Murrin for § I,oo*o. E. A. Finch in lot and bouse in Clearfield township to W. L. Graham, for $265. Charles McClunc in lot and house in Sunlury to Robert McClung lor ;j550. Charle- MeClung 54 acres in Clav towu.-hip t< Robert MeClung for SSO George Rothmyer lot and house in Mercer township to Thomas Galloway for $25. Carl Linn in 4 lots and buildings in Saxou City to Vv. S. Boyd for S2OO. Same iu 4 lots iu same, to same for S2O. Same iu 4 lots in same, to same for S2O. — BAZAR. —Don't fcrget to attend the I'azar at the Presbyterian Church, on Thursday and Friday evenings, December Ifith arid 17th. All are cor dially invited to attend. —Compulsory education is enforced in lowa, where a woman led her truant son to school by a rope tied around his neck. SEK a womnn in anoihercolUTnn,n< , ar? , pe'>r's Vineyard.-! with a bunch of grapes t'rom which Sjwer's Port 'irnpc wine is made, that i.s so highly esteeiwl by the medical prot'e-.sion for the use of invalids, weakly persons and the aged.—Hold by all Druggists. 2saplv —Three more weeks and our State Legislature will bloom and again shed its fragrauce on the desert air of Ilar risburg. —Only three executions were issued last Monday, a few years ago the num ber for a first day of Court was nearer three hundred. —There are about 63,000 criminals in the prisons of the United States—a little over one in one thousand of the population. —A wealthy citizen of Rockford, U* linois, has married his mother-in-law, and thus become the grandfather of his own children. —Of forty eases on the docket of the Fayette county, Texas, District Court nineteen arc for divorce. Only twenty-one murders! —William A. Slupe of Jefferson township, cut a severe gash in one of his feet on Friday last, while engaged in chopping wood. —lf the mot her is feeble, it is impos sible that h'-r children t-hnuld be strong. Ly <lin H. Pinkhnm's Ve:.'<tab'e Compound ii si perfect specific in all chronic diseases of the M-XU.II system of women. Mend to Mr*. I.ydia i:. Pinkham, - _M3 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. —An exchange says: "Coal oil rub bed on the neek nd head w II cure hog cholera; we have tried it." Who can dispute testimony like that? —Very few merchants complain of dull lniMiiesM. Those who do are not advertisers. The shrewd man under stands the value of printers' ink. —No of her remedy has proved so effectual in relieving Coughs and Colds us Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. It is reeommended by many Physicians and only 2f> cents a bottle —KI.VFJ LOST—In the borough of Butler on thanksgiving day, a large sized gild ring with cameo stone, representing the bust ot a knight wearing a helmet, thy same having a mask, and the Ht'ine apparently having two faces. The tinder will he liberally rewarded tie returning the same to Grieb's Jewelry Store, Butler Pa. ' tf —Jud/e Black Fays the State and United Stateg Governments can regu late the rates of railway companies whose charters they have granted. —Some of our merchants have al ready received their holiday good-. Mr.<. Grieb's display of silverware in attracting considerable attention. —Doctor Lee, late of this place, is now located at New Castle. His son William, furmcilv a compositor on the CITIZEN, has a like position on tho«New Castle Indtx. —No remedy in the world ever came into such universal use, or litis so fully won the confidence of man kind, as Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral for the cure of Coughs, Colds and Con sumption. —"She died»>f scarlet fever The funeral was largely attended by frientls and neighbors." And how many chil dren of those friends and neighbors paid the penalty ? —The peculiarity of the A S. T. Co. Black Tip is, that it is indepen dent of »he upper, and simply protects it from wear, without endangering the upper from ripping, as is the ease with the caps sewed on to the upper. —The report that Eugene Ferrero, Esq , WHS one of the pa-sengers of the steamer Alp n«. which wentdown dur ing a storm on Lake Michigan, in the latter poto October In t. is contra dicted b\ a ma I wh he saw him ia te=u.«. s P«., c, 18&0 L A i\Ti:»:: fi.OCO Bushels W heat. 5,000 *• Rye, j S.OOO •• Osit*. F->r which the highest market price will he paid in ca«h. nov24:lm JAUN BEBG & SON. I>oliiinns Cheaper thaa yoa can make them, at RITTKR & RALSTON'S. —The Butler and Pittsburgh mar kets will be found corrected iu this week CITIZEV. Our Butler mer chants are now paying good prices, which brings the country produce to town, and makes trade and business. —The latest form of evening- amuse ment in social circles is known as a "dumb party." Up to a certain hour no one is allowed to speak, under pen alty of some fine or forfeit. Dancing 1 and other pleasures are indulged in but! not a word is spoken. Barred Flannels. At 12i cents aDd up. at HITTER & RALSTON'S —A woman was arrested in New York a few days since charged with havivg two living husbands. The charge faded into insignificance when it transpired that she had fourteen. A good deal of married bliss for a sin gle woman. Wauled. All kinds of frrain for which I will pay the highest market price in cash at mv mill. GEO. REIBEIt, Nov. 3,1880. Butler, Pa. An linmeiiHe Concern, Ritter k Ralston's Dry Goods, Carpet and Millinery House, Butler, Pa. —ln the estimates which will be submitted to Congress by the Secreta ry of the Treasury there will be includ ed $75,000 for the improvement of the Delaware, and £50,000 for improving the Schuylkill, while for Philadelphia's new postoffice $400,000 is named. SppprV Porl Cir'ipc Wine. Physicians employ Speer's Port Grape Wine in their practice in all ea s es where a pure wine is e;)IU"l for, and <lo all in their power to foster run! encourage its production, for the reason th:it pp.r.- wi"e is a difficult thin;: to fret, and they are loth to prescribe a doubtful ami infe rior article. Hundreds of New York doctors have visitel Speer's Vineyard's, hut twelve nrles from Ni-w York an<l t xamined and tested the wines. For f-ale by 1). 11. Wuller. —ln Pike county two young-women have swapped lovers on account of pol itics, and the; lovers appear to be per fectly satisfied; yet it is said the peo ple didn't want a change. —According to Secretary Sherman's report, the total receipts of our nation al treasury for the year ending June 30, 1880, were $133,526,610.98, and the total expenses $26?,649,957 78, leaving a balance of some 70 millions which was applied to the redemption of bonds, etc. Ladle**' Cfoalm, At $1.50. $3 00, $3.50, $4.50, $5.00, $6 50. $7 Oft, $7.50, $S 00, $8.50. $9.00, SIO.OO, $12.00, $1».00, SIB.OO, S2O oft, and $25.00, at RITTER & RALSTON'S. —The Shenandoah News says tbet town consumes five hundred gallons of beer daily. "Beer," we believe rs a patent compound, lately introduced, which is eaten on the bead, and has already usurped the place of butter.— Norristown llcrahl. —Binghampton Republican : Tears contain a little phosphate of lime, some chloride of sodium, and water. But this is not all they contain. Pretty of ten, when dropping from the eyes of a woman, they contain an •irgument that induces a man to hand over the price of a new winter bonnet Children'* and MIKHCH Heavy Cloaks, running from 2 years up to 14 years, at RITTER & RALSTON'S. For the II«li«luyH hi E. Grirb'N A large selection of Ladies' and Gents, Gold and Silver Watches, both key and stem winding. Watch chains, clocks, silverware, necklaces, medal lions, lockets, crosses and chains of all kinds, also rings in great variety, con sisting of cameos, amethysts, amethyst encrusted, turkois, garnets rubys, pearls, emerald*, plain gold hoops, fancy engraved hands, children's rings, etc. decß-3t —The American Union Telegraph Company is building a line of tele giaph through ihis county from east to west. The Iin•? will pass through Petrolia, liutler, I'etersville and Har mony, and is part of a'four wire through line, connecting New York city and points west. * Happy ('!<>rgyni;i<i. Rev. K. F. L. Gauss, Galena, Ills,: "I have been a great sufferer from Kidney disease, and after being told l>y my doctors that I could not get well, I commenced the use of Day's Kidney Pad, which has now comple tely cured me. lam strong and again look the very picture of health. May all the suff'ring be helped as I have been, is my came it wish." f'!tii!«»ci FIIIEIIICIH, At Sc., 10c., i2l<:., 15c., 20c and 2. r » cents, at l\ f'i'J ER & RALSTON'S. —The Building and Loan of this place sold $2 fO!) to John Gillespie last Saturday evening at 10 per cent, premium. Tin* asociation yet has seveial thousand dollars in its treasury and when mor.ey is so scarce about town, it serins ?rrange to us that there is not a greater demand for this money —Throw oil : !> it' despondent spirit, crush that ft t!i»>jr of despair, be cheer ful, happy and well. Take Simmons' Liver Regulator. It i.s no humbug, its virtues can be proved by hundreds right here at home. Examine the cer tificates. It hn cured the worst cases of dropsy, <h>p«psia, and prevents chills, fever, A<\ "I have bci n a dyspeptic for years; began to use the Simmons' Liver Reg ulator two yi'ni o ugo ; it has acted like a charm in my case. HEV. J. C. HOLMES, Clayton, Alabama." Tli«' llf*< Yet, Heavy read twilled Flannel at 25 cents, at RJTTEII RA I.STON'S. —There is something remarkable in the generosity <>f men who start to 'get square' with others. A Yankee, who is said to have once stolen cider from another, has been gathared to-his fath ers by a jrlass of cider with poison in it, the draught having been given, it is alleged, by the sufferer by the theft, who * said t>i have declared his inten biou to V"it rtfuatu' wMi the tljief. I»re«>i «; ods. At Sets.. Good Heavy Plaids, at 10 cts., Ni e Fancy Dress Goods, at 15 cts., Double-width Brocades, at 20 cts., Genuine Alpacas, at 25 cts , Double Fold Cashmere, at 25 cts., Double Fold Australian j Crape. at 25 cts., Mary Stuart Alpacas, at 35 cts., Fine Fancy Brocades, at 40 cts., Yard-wide Momie Cloth, at 50 cts., Brocade Cashmeres, at 50 cts., Dress Silks, at 50 cts., Jamestown Brocades, at 75 cts., Silk Brocades. We do not put wild advertisements ! in the papers, but only mention goods we have in stock. You can rely on finding all the goods mentioned, and liesides an immense stock of all kinds of goods found in a first-class Dry Goods store, at RITTER k RALSTON'S. —The Dominion line steamer Mon treal, bound for Liverpool, passed the Mississippi jetties .November 17, with the largest cargo ever taken from New Orleans. It consisted ot 6.G09 bales of cotton. 42,658 bushels of cora, and 2,000 packages of miscellaneous cargo, the total being equivalent iu bulk to D,565 bales of cotton. —The man who was found writh ing on the sidewalk of one of our large cities the other day, under the belief that he had taken arsenic, when he had really taken powdered chalk, fur nishes another example of the power of imagination in diseases. The drug gist who furni-hed chalk in place of arsenic had a degree of quick-witted ness not always found in his calling. HomanV WiMrioiu.' "She insists that it is more impor tant that her family should be kept in full health, than she should have all the fashionable dresses and style 3 of the times. She therefore sees to it, that each member of her family is sup plied with enough Hop Bitters, at the first appearance of my symptoms of ill health, to prevent a fit of sickness with its attendant expense, care and anxi ety. All woman should exercise their wisdom in this way.— New Haven Pulladivm. li-wlii'*.* siixl riiildren's Fur*. Ladies' and Children's Gloves. Ladies' and Children's Hose. Ladies' and Children's Hats. All the new things in fancy goods and trimmings, at RITTER k RALSTON'S. —Cremation again is a subject of gen eral mention, but its failure to become popular is shown by the fact that only eight bodies have been burned in the two or three years that have elapsed since the only American crematory was built. Though many people be lieve in the resurrection of the bodv few desire that their remains should be wafted heavenward from the chim ney of a furnace. A CUBE AT LAST. —Specifics without number for the cure of Catarrh have been extensively advertised, and doubt less there is some virtue in all, but the evidence is overwhelming that Ely's Cream Balm goes more directly than any other to the seat of the disease, and though it is a comparatively new discovery, it has resulted in more cures within the range of our observation than all the others put together. Wilknsbarre, Pa., Union Leader, Dec. 19, 1879. We have sold Ely's Cream Bill in for Catarrh for the past year ; have never had a complaint but have received praises. It gives satisfaction to every one csing it. NAT. WOLFE k Co, Druggistß, Wilkesharre, I'a., January 28, 1880. —Ex-Sheriff Kelly's team attached to a bob-sled took fright on Main street last Saturday and ran off "Bob" McClellan bobbed out and tried to stop them, but by a niis-calcu latiori bobbed under the team and un der the bobs, and strange to say is now bobbing around as usual, with only an injured ankle to show for his advent ure. His escape from more serious in jury is remarkable A Faintly Ncnspiiper. In our last issue wo referred to the importance of farmers subscribing for the Pittsburgh Weekly Commercial Gazette on account of its market re ports. We would also recommend it as a family newspaper. It is a large 40-eolumn paper, full of the best kind of reading matter suitable for the fam ily. Notwithstanding it is the largest paper in the State, the subscription price is only one dollar and fifty cents. Send for a sample copy. Address, COMMERCIAL GAZETTE, Pittsburgh, Pa. —A case in the Courts at Chicago will illustrates the ytrarijre differenceH in State hws. A man had divorced his Ohio wife utnlttr the laws of Illi nois and married arid removed to lowa. The divorce WUH declared null by the Courts of that State, and the man is in a curious predicament, and according to the laws, can live with neither of them in certain parts of the country. —The rumor that the Berks county pretzel erop this year is a failure is a base roorback, got up for political ef fect. The vines were not injured by the early frosts, and the burning heat of July only shrunk the pretzel a little in size. The crop will average sixty bushels to the acre, as we are informed by a friend in Reading, who knows more than we do about farming.— Norrixtotvn Herald. Tim Xew heal Of the World's Dispensary Medical Association of Buffalo, of which Dr. it. V. Pierce is president, consisting of a figure of Aesculapius, the Father of Med icirte, surmounting the globe, fitly symbolises the world-wide reputa tion gained by the Family Medicines of Dr Fierce now manufactured by this incorporated company and sold in all parts of the world. With a mam moth establishment, tin.' World's Dis pensary and Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo and a correspondingly large branch es tablishment in London this association make medicines for the whole world— not only that but. they personally ex amine and treat with special medicines thousands of cases. Among the most celebrated of the proprietary or family mediciens are Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery—the great blood purifyer, anil Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets (little pills),—and I)r. Pierce's Compound Extract of Smart-Weed—for bowel affections, colds and painful attacks, as colic, neuralgia, and rheumatism, —Favorite Prescription furnisher relief from fe male weakness, ami kindred affections. All s<rhl by druj-yitrtw. These Prices are only up iu Jstuiiar} I*l. l^Hl. At 10 cts., best Stair Oil Cloth, at IS cts., Best Hemp Carpet, at 25 cts.. Best Cottage Carpet, at 28 cts., Good Ingrain C.irpet. at 35 cts.. Better Ingrain Carpet, i at 45 cts., Extra Heavy Ingrain Carpet 1 at 35 cts., Good 1 tag Carpet, at 25 cts., Good Stair Carpet, at 25 cts., Yard Wide Oil Cloth. at 50 cts., Genuine Cocoa Matting, at 50 cts., Good Ilall Carpet, at 7;S cts., Extra Fine Hall Carpet at 90 cts., Extra Super Carpet, at s>l, Higirans Best Brussels Catpet. at $1.25, Best 3 Piy Carpet. Any person needing Carpet in the near future, will save money buying during this month at the above prces, I at RITTER & RALSTON'S. ; — j Slock Speculation and Investment. Operations 011 Mirnin or by Privileges. Spe cial business in Mining Stocks. Pull partiouii/s on application. J iMES BROWN*. Dealer in Stocks and lionds, <H A G6 Broalway. New York, mar 17-9 m. EIE\RY G. IE tsTtt, HIE mm MOB, COR. TENN AND SIXTH STREETS. Pittsburgh, Pa ldiii : nistratri\N Xo(>ce. Notice i« herebv civen that I. Kite R. Row 9. have taken out letter* of administration on the ertate of Lewin "owe. Lite of Kanm City. R itlfr county, Pa . dee'd. all having claimn or demandH t:i» estate of waid decedent are requested to present the name to mo at 'mc3. KATE R R AVK. Adm'x of Lewis Rowe, dee'd, Kittanuina. Pa. dec>S Ct Slrny Xoliec. Came to the residence of eul>- Hcriber living iu 'leailielj town Tj übip, Butler county. Pa. 011 or \(j, about the lut of Oct. iant, one yearling oteer. red, with a white utar in the fuce. and a white fctrenk aloiifj its baclt: 110 other marks. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pa- and take it awav or i' will be ilisprtsedof accord ing to law. (B.iec4t) ABUAHVM FEN'-EI.L. 11 . Bickel, LIVKHV & KEKDSTABLE JEFFERSON STREET, WEST OF LOWRY HOUSE, BUTLER, PA. Having removed nil my stock to the above Stable, the public are respect fully invited to call. The best Horses, Carriages. Bug gies, See. kept constantly for hire. Open all hours, day and night. THE SUN FOK 188lT Everybody rends TUB SUN. IN the editions ol this newspaper theyear to eoiue everybody will fii d : 1. All I <■ world's news, so presented tint the reader wilfuet the y;r ate-t aiuonnt <it iiitoi ni. - tiou willi the leap-t UMpr,>Ht:iM ' expendu ure of time and eyesisriit. TllKSl'N ioiijj :iiro d scov i'l'd the Lolden mean b.iwi-en reduudaut tulni i-s and iingatl-tsaiorv brevity. 11. vi uch of iliai con of new* which depends IL'KH upon iig recognized importance thin u;>on it- if.l crp t to maul ind. From tnoruiil£ to morning Tuit SUN |>riui» A continued «to Y of I In- lives of rivil uii'n mid women, mid of tlu-ir deede, pl.niD, love*, hams ami trjutdes. ThU story i* more varied and more interesting than any romance that was ever devised. ill. Good wriiiinr in every column, and frerhneM, originality. accuracy, and decorum in the treatment of every BU'i|cct. IV. Honest com men* TUB BCN'S linhlt is to frpr-.k nut learlcsrly ii'-out men and tilings. V. Equal c nrl< r in dealing with • net' politic al pari), and equal icnditici-s to commend wbal is praisi-wortliy or to rebuke what i» bhtraablc in Democrat or Republican. VI. Absolute independence ol partisan or traiiiralions hut liiiwaverim; loyalty to true Democratic principle*. IUK SUN believes that the Government which the Constitution give* us Is a jrood one tn keep. Its uoilon ol duty is to rei-im to its utiuoxt power the ellorts ol me i in the Kepuhliean parly to net up auollicr form ol government in place ol th;H which exists. The year I*Bl and the year immediately follow ing will probably decide this cuprum ly im portant contest.. 'IHB SUN believes that the victory will he with the people as against the Hints for monopoly, the lliims lor plunder,and the Klii)Cs or Imperial power. ' l ur terms are as follows : For the iJaily SUN, a four-pane sheet of twe.n ty-eiirht columns, the price ny mail, post paid, Is 55 cents a month, or $0 50 a vear; o , includ ing the Sunday |>nper, an sheet ol litf\-six oltintiiß, the price ig tis cenlg a iiionih, or #7 70 a year, | o-aiitre paid. The Sunday edition ol TIIK SBS is also f'ur lii-l'ed separately at <1.20 a year, postage piid. Th*-price ol the WBKKLV SUN, eight paifes, lift)'-six column*, is $1 00 a year, | o«i me paid For < tubs of ten sending f 10.00 we will send au extra copy tree. Address I. W ENOLAND, I'uhlifher of I HE SUN. New York City. 1). c. 8, 'bo,o t AxMigiict'H ha««» »l Valuable lien I I'NlHle. The ttnden«igued "ill offer at public Male, on the premises, the following described property, loen'ed in Huffalo township. Hut ler county. I'a Ist. Tliitty seres more or lesn. located and discribed a« follows : On the north by tlio l!nt ler and Freoport pike, on the east l>v Chsrles Krunipp, on the south by lands of John Atkin son and on the west by iands of Mrs. Grizzilla 11. Orenr; mosi of which '« clefirod. 2u 1. A piece of laud in same township, con taining threeaercs, of an irregHlar sh«pe. bound ed on th« east by lands of Mrs. Ortaailla M Greer, «outh l>y lands of J. Atkinson, on the north by a public road and on the west, by samo road, upon which is a small orchard Salo to com cense at 10 o'clock a. ill. of THURSDAY, the 9th DAY OF DECEMBER, IHNO 3rd. A certain pieco of land in same town ship. containing nineteen acres more or lesj. bounded on the north by lands of Itohurt Ken ned)'. on the eist by lands of Widow Mel,lire, on ilie south l>) lands of J Halter, on the west by lauds of Jonathan Walker's heirs, said propeitv being underlaid with a good vein of coai, with a bank now open, about three a*res of this piece cleared, the balance in timber. Kale to commence at 2 o'clock, p. m of TIIUI&fMY. 9th I) \ Y OF DECEMBKU, 1880. 4tii. The undivided one-half interest in Hixtv-two acres more or less, situate ui Wiu lield township. lintler oonntv, I'a-. bounded north by laud-i of Mrs Moser and Win Cypher, on the went t>v lands .if Wtn 8. Ilovd it Co.. on the south by lan.ls of A. I'm k, ami on the eist by the Dr F Elliott propert*. Underlaid write a good vein of coal, aboil forty a'-res cl'viil. a log house and log stable thereon erected,also an orcheril of fruit i ree« in good bearing condition, tills piece sold SII ject to a mortgage for about $ Halo to take place on SATURDAY, llili DAY OF DECEMBER, 18SO, At 2 o'clock. P m. Terms on the above sales to l>e one-third In hand anil the balance in two equal annual pay ments. secured by bond and tuorigago WILLI VM IJAKKKR. JO IN T. MAKTIM. Assignees of M. N. Greer. A. G. 11 ARM I-:sr MACHINERY AGENCY Noa. 92 & 94 First Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills and Wood-Working Madhinery, new and second hand. «ep2J):3m ii. W, corn RAW, Livery, Sale, Feed and Exchange HTABLE, Rear of l.owry House, - • IJUTLER, PA. juiiel-ly Kirm t • p*m !%'of !«•«». Notice is hereby given that lettois testamen tary have lit en granted to the undeisigned on the" estate of John Forsyth, Kr . late of Penu township. Hut ler county I'a.. dee'd. all persons therefore knowing Iheniselves indebted to sail e«late will please n-ake iiiuuediite payment, and any having claims against the same, will present them p-operly authenticated for settlement. JAMI S A FOKH*TH. Executor, lirowusdaii, Htttler couuty, i'a deox tit fjgPAdvertise ru the CITIZEN. \ s. "X.THK LA KUEaT STOCK OF HATS and C IP." I V HL I'f.El!. / | Go to CHARLES B. GRlEli'S for K i __ : w x IIA M»- k £ HATS, CAPS, GLOVES, SHIRTS. KKH- 3 jjg* [ I i : rniKFs, >» [ X HALF HOSE, UM)ER WEAR, 2= EES, > COLLARS,' < LFFS, , NECK WEAK. 4c., &c.. 3 H„ . ! / M v i.\ b'i KfcJEi l L J l.Jiii, PA ' X / \ X X ,:'r y-i'J- VALUER O'NEIL & CO. BORED. / JT 63 FIFTH AVENUE, t • PA. To meet the deiii.tnil for a ri'liab'e lurd elose shooting breech 1 <ul •r, sit ain price, we nnv offer a iiueoi' FIN E EXGLI&II GUXS, Greatly IJeduoed Prices s 12-bore. 10-bore. Xo. 845, C. G. BOXEIIILL, lop lever, doable bolt, bar reboun lisiur locks, low set. ban mers, solH stri kers, pist«»l icrip stock, patent fore end, skeleton butt plate, line Damascus barrels, choke bored, ihicly eujyraved and finish d $45 00 I SSO 00 No. 850, do. do. With extension rib fastening - - - - 50 00 j55 00 No. 855, do. do. Challenge brand with horn heel plate elaborately engraved 55 00 | 60 00 All tin**" l.ave raided li-vcl f■"-. u«.-l the 1" Store* tire male ex'rn heavy -illwi let lire eh, ran- n- in weight from Ito 10 RII., mak ing an a<lm:raltle mm !'»i' ■!■! ■ :1 I trap sl' 'titt; wli- .■ it vy 1 haive.; art' siee* v. An ' «>f tl. 'se nuns will lie sent C. O. P., vitli privilege of examination an 1 tri-t! on r.' • -i:»i o ;; resistance to etiver fxit't'-s charges 10 your place and return. No deviation w1" l>e tnatle from these prices under any ein nn- .nee-;. mu'7ln j J. PALMER O'N "j r r. •* I Manila;. October I s . 188fc J Wakefield & Co. . JUST Gi'E TJI. 3 Speci i ierpiiis ! ICASE COLOIIKI) CASIIMI-'ItE j 38 inches wide all wool, ill! shades, j including 15l:icks, at 50 cents per I iyard. r 1 CASE 4S-INCII FRENCH J PLAIDS, new and d'stinjjue mm- J j binatious, ut 7." cents per yard. ? -| CASE VOZEL BLACK CASH j | MERE, 42 inches wide, 7">c per I 1 I yard ;40 inclies wide, 'V I i t its per I I yard; 4S inches wide, si per yard, jj Extra Heavy Weight an I Superior a Finish. Plain and TBrcoa led arid 3 Satin D'Lyons Novelties. WRAP DEPARTM l-'.N I', SAOQ,CTKJS, j DOLM_A NS. We have taken special pains i u select- 1 , iug our good* fortliis departm nt, and J feel confident our present stoc!> w;! 1 es. j. tablish our reputaiiou for Sty! -h, IVr- J® feet-fitting and Well-made Garments. 124 Federal Street, ! s AIXEOHEKY. A discovery wliioli cureH hv <li« nH*nial proco«*H, ABSORPTICN, all difleanoH of tlio Kuli»« yH. Uiinary Organs an<l N* i VOIIM can. If in cotnfDit to the |« «ti« i«t. ponitivo in it« efffCtM «II 1 »!.<• lir-f riir#» fur th -ho painful and mucli <lrf*ariful iifft ctionn. Diabetes and Rr ; lit's whilr iIM cnrr*H of Oravr l. I) , f . ?•»•!, of ;!•« iS'p ffl'T. hrcKdii-1 i* •nfn' IT?mutiny. 111 rii»p, Ni rv< mk Wf h* »1 I'ain in tlio Back K( IM r•rc f U«• uiir- <'< H tJ»aii CiiHfH t,f natural h^i'iiUT, DELICATE FEP.IALES or vic(if:iH '» d or pr-»-«f r 1 niinr iif^, oaiiHod by ir. !».»: ♦ft n nature and menial or phynical nv i"?i Hn I tneir LTcat'-Mt relief in tin* iim« of DAY'H KIDNKY rAI», wliich n ryllioriH and invt -or.■♦»♦ HlO invalid and ivMon-n tlie vnror of lioaltl;. PAIN IN TIF B\C\K, Wo bav | ( livciv. HIM) wi»iiouf of contradic tion. thnf h\YN Kff»N' Y PAl>i < »li« oi !v cer tain and j < r.<iancnr for c\ >\ f ku of Hiih 1 lent ;ind di-t«• »in;»!aiut. YOU'vG MKW nnfr. rini( from n««rvo?i.i p 1 v-i al debility, 1O»h of un in«»'y. or vi' vilv i-np-oro I by tti«• erroru of yor,tt« 01 foo C!-»ho at plic.tlviii to bn.si IICHM or uoi h, in y !>e i«*h» ••♦•d and luatiliood re gained. Avoid all kidnov mud ciimm which nro taken into the »y**tuui by w y *»f t in tou aoh , it is an old treat uent woll t'n-d it 1 1 pmvc.i iii*• iliotent. though HoiiictiiiiMM < ff« t n/ a pov ,t CUTH of fine couiplatnt they h »H tin b> > JM of ni'- it* troub lewo i and p« 1 1; :i:i»'».t <1 oid«T«*. I: 1. pricj «t our I'M) briiigf* it witir 1 tin* re.» • 1 1 all. and it will anniirhy oiany f i n • • 1 - co-t in doe torn bill , tnedi rinew and pi • t« in. ui:ieli at be 1 give but temporary r. In-f It en bn with out four o< h >ini, an I with <• *tt onty .f a pernm nent cure. I'or «ale l»> <ll n^t*ir-t - ■• n< dly. o» pent by mail ( free of poking >on 1 not «»f the price. Pad. .2.011; < 'hi; li • n'»* Special (extra MI/.b. ) - • O »r b wik. **flowr 1 ijfe wan -»av« d," giving the In . .»! t .ih new discovery and a larg' rvo-i'd «»t ni »«t 1* mnika ble cur«> neiif fi «v NVfite lor it Adflreu^, DAY Kil>M.Y PAD i'O., Toleih!, U CAUTION. M> king a M ile on oilr 1 e,-ntation. we deem it due the aHlie.lod fo w.uii tli 1 -111. Ahl< for IMY'H KtIiNKY I'A I', take no <• « . and you will not be deeieVi-d. Oo20«lta Ehcmnatic Curj r)Oisr rsr . x.x-' ItUEHMTJC (OMi'OlM) ha-" cured rhc'!iu»li»m aft«-r the treatment of fouiieeu diaitorx li»d fuel uiel after ho had II ed Ctll'e.ie for n *t ■< 11 Veil . It «»« diHcnvereii b K lii iueil, in tha treat- Went of l.iitibc f So t I l». LI. U « 1.1.KR. I nv' IUJ I.KH PA V 1; \\ | I f'li 1 ''on-u . | li-" no A~tliu.a 11 li It it II lj, y C | f tt j| ,| Aildren with Kt«rap, ' IIU.UH," riKMTBt'MO, Mm (J«7 ly , NEW FLOTJR&FEED fInCOXUBp REIBER'S BLOCK, | Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. ( All the Flour made by the New Process and sold its low ns $1 .!2£ per sack, and up to £U 7>"S per sack. Also, Buckwheat Flour, live Flour, aud bolted and unbolted Corn Meal. All kinds of Feed—Chop, Bran, Corn, Outs and all kinds of Mill Feed. All kinds of grain bought at Store or Mill, and Highest Cash Price Paid. Custom Work done at Mil! by the New Process Machinery and grists warranted to be equal in quantity and quality to those ground anywhere else. George iieiber, Sr. J s£2l l«t, 18NO. J US'F iMLCEIVKD, 2,000 Yds. Qsnuins Silk Mixed PERSIAN NOVELTIES ! Ann placed ou sale at the REMARKABLE price of 20 cents- about one- bird their valu°. UAIUIAINS! lUIiCAPS! | One li'i imported ilandki rehiel l'l.dd , at former pra Oit» lot Handkerchief |"1: iil.T, line i:oo«!S. I.'IC, former price, «l. One lot Kieuaut Handkerchief I'laids at si, fur- J nier pric" :t in I upward*. A portion of these rn .'ill purchases ami stylish ' de-il^ns. Our rase Klfgaii! Satin Side 'land French Suit ings ."1.:.\ former ;»ri'M . >ll. blacks and «•■>;< rs. Superb qualities U-meh All-Wen! French Die - i < too. Is .11 r<si ak.l lami iwii rl shades to j combine. with S tn:'-, Plushe •. Velvets and Sal ill | l>cl.\ i a !',M»eai|. ~ now soid ia : I!■ •;i handsome de sign' at our silk counter* nt tuieta low prices f.ir elcur:Ht qualities. M.v. '. lieellt Silk Novelties, «l.aO to * Millie oT tiie lei mer sold reeeiu. v nt . AH- I i :'■! I»r< .i i .00 Is llcpurtlli lit (• -I nicies be-t - . at 1." • ■ up. ( ho'i-e 1 loiliiie Width ,\ rill i" . 'ec n ■. ri.'.l-N, 10. lil' • 'ml t'e, the two, 1 1< rin st, 1- I'.h i ll""! -, and all it' v.•• known \nn 1 can I'a'ul"'- iii|L' eunsinai is > oinfort and ; 1 ■>-r --vi'e. In lean* inslimce* tfivln ; more M'l'vi' e than some _i>od< at several time- their c«>s|, ( It• >i> e Cn' ir il Satin and HrecMle Velvets I \iia \ 'I I 'm"!, '-niiii: and Ve.vet . for Skirts and Trimming .. 800 OH HUT-ILj, lis .'ind 120 Federal Street, Allegheny. N " riiiniu VI 11 l-.tf <• d Wintei rp ' ruti.r i.nd He I-m ry, Domestic and Honnekeeping (Jin. 1 - nlin'r. .'.U- 1 1.1 rt li'i ai 1 a-miti :• inlv Hi t i atlrai't the eioneet cash or abort limn buy er- v.,;!. : (»•'.»* •! «•!-. ib. N ■l.se. 11 i l <-o!n .d Silk (lirdieK. Spikes, Taaseto, Beadu, I!alln, iia por ti d Hut li us. in two • ti niteti liCi-tuniiH and Jackets. <1 Fnr 'tow*. I 1 |" ' "inr 1 '• i.Vv'-* I', i- ' I. • 'lil la Ill'' U'li VI lt»ail. &«*.. liwrt Will ■*Y-S< ' 1.1 s •••V\i • t.-i |.-r:i. If - ? »U.'. p''£Al'' ni'-'-lr'N ; I'law -tn'iiu ,• >• 11 •• t!iri». all I'll- I T i I.OM-. it tti:: |«. ah- i ii' <■<:, c! :iii»li rial [ LV''' /•' • 'tf- * * ' l! ilisr. I'll '*( - A muul.»iitM% ?:-j ,<,r I^'ofnes*, /' - ~ r V 1 *"ii I- :ii'j»ly a • . . 7 )' '»'<• •' til!' ' ... ■ \ i of riiM'lll'.' in j " . '• w.tt" i tlioroiiclily. FLYS CR - AVI JBALM Is rei-i-iv !!•_ I hi'l'liilom |i|"i)i tl r the inlTi'rer. the i ilmjcif! i'lrl I'll', h i,in. NVut lias mi ui-llcle of sn nun li 111**1.; I'm ii |>rinlu"'''l fur III" In itnii'iil i»l mi'inliiairil i!isi'ii-(>< as i|I!H i .n.-i faiiiiiK II VI.M, iinil h a<'kii<r.\:<'li."'i| (ti-iiin all llial is I'lmaii <1 I ir It. Tin- application is easy anil pli'i;. nil.' ii inif mi inin, n mllilsi);. mid (« list siljn I i-ilin ' III" iisi• nf pmuli's, |li|!.k!s .'.'.i I sunlit, l-f.ci' .*> C'li (11l rci-lpt of 1-11 rills. Will mail a |iar!i.iu" fi■ Si'lHl fi'i-rii alar, Willi full infor mation. i:i,vsri:i: am u.\r,M en., n. \ At \\ liolesHl© by NEW YORK McK '• bobbin* Mali* I'.mk i'l. < \'. I i .ili'iiMii.i. V li s •!,. i!|. .i, .. IV. I«. "I -r . ' ' i.. li'• : " M.'nli (iariliiiT. Tr- | I lit '■ 'l' : i l/'T I -I'. an I 1.1 lift <. I -I' !! Sinilli. Klint' & <"o,, JolniHtuli, sci:\ I'lVl" >V. I'm, At Itctall by all r r?h:a<: r raa. I ll : ~ •!.. *|-. I will Uiike jrmi a full "it i>enuiiittl : :ura) lookim? ti'iii. warrant ' 'in ■'> colli oxtrii-toil ami Ijiii'/lilliL' ..i KHii-i-k v. ii wliliout extra rha«:e. I will ask ii" MI tii' null lh' patient Is fa'lv -nti fli-il w 'i t!ii'lr iii'\\ . I'.li, lati-.iii.il tf'lli al v,: tt J'ii t \. 11, Lj^vJHilii'iifi*!. • ... 1-n < I.OvK I)I.PARTMENT ! 1 111!!'. 11 paaiishcd Willi New Styles. l''\t|iilslli.' t'.t a.i I St%ll.sU Materials. \ i.l. it l;i< cant Sew shape Unlmaiis at ftai, tiie b 1 g.timent evi .- sold at this price. .IA( li Krs AND CI OA KS At .SI. -s., 5i,.50. >»s. uill ami JUS, that are Special Bargains. liiilman- ai d .laekcls at sx./Vi. 510, sll'.:ki.?ls.St6, ami s ... at these pru'e t we invite special atten tion. I',no Writ h end o«rmoidn at Cl.">, S4O, tJ>O, • . £75. -r !• 1 and up t.» *1 0, atately and nobby Imvlc.-i. io sill.; Satin d'Lyonftni Hioilinune. lined witii s*t! 1 in black, wine and old irold aid fur, ami trimmed with fur, lietded pa»aetiienterio, pin Iks. ,Vc.. to unit the fanjy of aiinotU any inrciiaser. SEAL SACQOES, 'le ■ line I.■ ad on dye, *125, i 150, #175, f 900 and li'-'.i'. Klegant Otter and Heal Dolmaua ?2G.% to $350. F.xlta af-ortmont Knr-licod Circular*, i? 35 to ♦!*!> each. Choice Una Oiivulan l . male from now Ulator h 11" C:.<tiiH T"> t 1 *lO, extra fall made to mean ure wit bin two days, I Butler Female College. ' FIRST WARD SI'UINQDALE. Wii.ii i Ti-nii will open November2oth, 18S0, rln v inj{ .M'liri-li 4th, lfMl. t l,l:M« OF TfITIOS. I'rimaiy I'. ja: tn»>iit, ; (i. Nnrninl nn l Clu i i"'l. •••■». " is.', lii Itimrdini; in ColleftJ ! v." • low. I■ him lor »eir iMtardiiiK can be hal i in i ofeliar^. '1 !r- i'oiiisi- nf xtinly in this institution is e*- i I ■iii.i !• iin l l ihor- iili, all the %'alun- I liln -iinli.'. I in -lit in j ny Fenmle t'ullifte. i A i» v \n t ,\i i . l-t. ('nut i« very low. -'ml. Tin' Imiiiiiiii; is »i>ll -itu.itrii ami well arrmi^i'il. .'"• I. I.asy nf n.-i-ss, ijooil plank ami ho ird walk". lili. The iiiannt'ra am) mnriils of the *lu 4enis nr.' inrrfnllv oared for. Mn. A Mus. T. Dui thktt, Principal. i In - must eompleU' ni l ilution in the United Elates fur tin- tli.irnuirh practioal education of y niiis; nn.l miildte ajjed men. StudenW admit u*il at iiiiv time. For ('ireulan jjivinjr full partionlar*. a I In s J. ('. SMITH, A. M„ p .T: 'in Fittdhurgh. SIOO A MONTH =;:.K AGENTS SK ► ii|.pit>. lil.'lilv i-oninii'mlisl. luuueuwtljr |■ jtul..r uid Cwt :MEWBOOKS3SsS R.-11.1 f r rirru-iin nn■] <khus AUo, fur Tk« I'fopl* S *J.':;uinf .11.1 <.rmi«l ITemluni*. OoWfllV*