A WONDERFUL COUNTRY. NEW YORK, NOV. C. —At the first anuual meeting of the American bo cietv of Mechanical Engineers, Prof. Thurston delivered the address. Much, he said, remains to b* 1 done hy the general government in the de velyoment of the resources of .this counlrv. The new organization of the geological survey is such in form and in the character of its administration that we hope to see the work of deter mining the value of our mineralre sour ces done with maximum rapidity and efficiency. In tracing the progress in ihe various departments of American industries, be said that ninety years airo Samuel A. Slator started the first successful cotton spinning mill at Paw tucket, 11. I. To-day we raise 1.500,000- 000 pouuds of cotton to supply mills in every New England State and near ly every other State in the Union, which manufacture $500,000 000 wor.h of goods. From the day in 1794, when the lirst rude woolen mill was established at Newbury, Mass., our woolen manu factures have grown in extent and in excellence ol product, until to-day our 12,000 or 15,000 sets of machinery, handled by nearly 100,000 of the most skilful operatives to be found in the world, produce $250,000,000 worth of goods, which in point of cheapness and excellence compete with the best in the world. We have seen the silk manufacturer, after struggling with difficulties of every imaginable sort for hall a century finally secure a foothold and enter up on a period of prosperity which is as marvelous as it is encouraging. The enterprise of lie Cheneys during the paat generation and the steady persis tence of the Patterson, N. J., manu facturers, have borne fruit in the erec tion of 250 mills, with a production of $30,000,000 worth of silk goods, which io strength and durability excel and in beauty are fuily equal to the finest products of its French competitors at Lyons. In the manufacture of iron aud steel the story is the same. We have fur naces which are supplied with every variety of the'best ores, and are mak ing 2,000,000 tons of pig iron per an num By a wise policy of legislative pro tection we are practically free from that foreigu competition which threat ened to throttle our manufactures in their infancy. We consume our whole product and that is nearly fifteen per cent, of all the iron used in the worlu. Of our enormous coal yield, about 50,- 000,000 tons per year, a large fraction is consumed in making aud working iron, 1,000,000 or more tons of which goes to market as wrought iron in a thousand different shapes. The growth of our Bes' emtr steel production is eveu more marvelous. Twenty years ago this wonderful illus tration of the marvels of chemical science was looked upon as merely an interesting and curious process, of no immediate value and of most uncertain promise. To-day a single establish ment is making 100,000 tons a year. The United States is looked upon as the home of all ingenious and effec tive labor-saving devices. The Cor liss engine has revolutionized the steam engine manufacture of the world The class of men from whose ranks the members of this society are prin cipally drawn direct, and the labors of nearly 3,000,000 of working people in a third of a million mills, are re sponsible for the preservation and'pro fitable utilization of $2,500,000,000 worth of capital direct: the payment of $1,000,000,000 of wages; the con sumption of $3,000,000,000 worth of raw materials, and the output of $5,- 000,000,000 worth of manufacture pro ducts. Fifty thousand steam engines and more than an equal number of water wheels turn the machinery of the hundreds of thousands of work shops throughout the country.} The concluding portion of Prof. Thurston's address was devoted to re marks on the future of mechanical en gineering and the methods to be pur sued in the collection of facts and the study of all phenomena involved. Little boy at the opening of a pro posed spelling match—"Let's start fair grandmother. You take 'Nebuchad nezzar' and I'll take 'cat.' " What is wanted just now in Europe is some great composer who can pro duce a few overtures for peace that all the crowned heads will listen to. A Chicopee, Mass., small boy de clined to eat soup at dinner the other day, on the ground that be hadn't any teeth that were little enough for soup. "Did you do nothing to resuscitate tic body ?" was recently asked of a witness at a coroner's inquest. "Yes, sir; we searched the pockets," was the reply. "Do you ever have malaria here ?" said a lady to au illiterate hotel-keeper. "Yes," said he, "we'll have it to day, for I've got the best French cook in the city. The class in German grammer is on the subject of Renders. "Miss Flora, why is 'moon' masculine in German ?" "So that she can go out alone nights, I suppose." The latest waltz is called "The Wave." It is very pleasait to which the buoys bobbing up and down to the music of the dance.— New York Com mercial Advertiser. "Julia, my love, what do you think of my moustache?" Julia (looking earnestly at him for a moment—'.why Alfred, where is it? Why didn't you bring it with you, darling?" New reading. A young man of twenty recently took to wife a Penn sylvania widow of fifty, the sole pro prietress of a couple of paying petrole um wells. Of him it may be truly said that "he loved not wisely but two H'ells.'^ Teacher (to class in geography)— What does geography describe ? The earth, on which some live, some exist, and others starve. How is the earth divided? By earthquakes. Of what does the earth consist? Land and water and brickbats. Class nwy sit down. " 'Pears to me you've got a putty slim fire, Miranda," said a spindling youth, the other night, as he sat in front of the fire-place by the side of a buxom young lady, who hurl no earth ly use for him. "Yes," she said, as she wickedly looked at the floor behit.d him, "it's about all you and the fire pan do between you to get up a re spectable shadow " a wor kln your own town. Terms and t5 outfit free". Address H J* A, Off., fortiMiii, Mtuue. de<.3-ly [ MRS. LYDIA E. PiHKHAM. or LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S temtablb compound. The Positive C-nre For all Female Complaints. This prwwrat'on, a * i'-l rir.ll t'rrn: ".(•». consi ta of I'rojJCi'liei U»at are Larml--.i to the- taott icate invalid. Upon one trial the merits of thia Con fwjuiid will be recogaixod, osreUt;/ ia Immediate; an-i V, ben lta use Is rontinnc-1, in ninety-nine ccsc:.la a hurt dred, a permanent care Is thou aacs v.-ill tc» tify. Oil aocaast of its prorca merits, iti. t-xTay re commended and prescribed by tho be»t physicians in the country. It will caro entirely '.ho r-orst form of fulling of the uteris, Iyrueorrha- i, lr.-cjut-r and llenatruation, all Ovarian Troubles, L.fjunm*tioa arid Llcentficn, a!l Emplacements and t*ie con sequent spinal r-nd is c.-pc'Ully adapted to the Change of Life, K will dissolve and expel turner* from the utcraslnr-n early cic.ge of development. T!:e tendency to cancerous humor» there is cLecked very speedily by its CMS. in fact It has proved to be the (great est and best remedy thnt ban ever been discover ed. It permeates every rortlon of the system, aid jives new life and visor. It removes falni-ncr.'-,.latulcncj-, de stroys all craving for stimulants, an-1 relieves of t!io E'.omach It cures Gloating, ncadathcß. Xervo.s I'rortration. General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Iniil (re-tlon. That focllrj of bearing down, caurinff fiin, weljht and baciache, la always penaanently cured ly it" use. It willat all tia:C3, and under ril cireum-tan ce3, act In harmony with the law that governs the female system. Tor Kidney Complaints of eltlK r sex this compound in unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at £3 and £3Wertcm Avenue, Lynn. Mn'.. Prico £I.OO. Six bottles for SJ.OO. Scut I rnuJUL-C form of pills, alao In the form of Lozenges, on rcc:; t of prise, SI.C 3, per box, for either. frcc'y answers all letter* of Inquiry. Send for paa pLlct. Aiiirras as store i r r. itfun l.'iij paper. V.o fam:"y rhould bo without LTDIA E. PirilTlAM' * :~U3. They cure Conrtlpatios, ruiocscccm, mnri Tnmlti: ' Tof the IJTIT. t j CJUtI IM.T U>* 080. A. KELI.Y & CO. Genial Agerts. Pittabu gh Pa. Sold by D. H. Wuller, - Butler Pa. by tbeatrain of D your duties a<r >id W n.tflit work, to re»- B stimulants And u»e W to:* brainlie. veaiiii B Mop Bitters. □ *a»te, UM Hop B. 3 if youarey jcnjt »n I Htufferlni; Troip »ny in H di- jrtlion or o.nsipa 9 tion , it you urcassr- B rit*d or finttl •■, old orHvuuurf. soiferiiiK from ■ poorhealLh or on a bed of sick- H ness. i'iy on Hop! Bitters. In Whoever ton are, ThouMudiol* an ■ whenever you reel 'lff-1 nually lr o ... »ou-e ■ tb.t vo.ir system JJL! form of* idn e» H Vhon->lng. ion- *JtX n'u.-oase tnai miKl.t H lag or siimuiatinir, s have been prevented H without iiitoricatini, Ifls ,'l by u timely use of ■ uiie Mop Hopßltters H flare r«n rtya -8 a. Hut You will be 3 : fiirvrnnß'tobaoco , or eared if you use Eg I nil I Lul I narcotic* Hop Sitters & K Nttl Ifyouares'm- H U " 1 UIU « Sold by din* ply weak an.i Z ~r wcD I E™*- bend for low spirited, ti y ]dß NEVER L.Cinrulur, iti It may;*ll_. .. t" nor mttos save you r'g« 1> A [I | life. It has) 38 i|AI L I " PO,O -» saved hun-l|| l I Eo»ko.trr, *. j. CSrecio« ' " .T*?3- Ont. MALARIAL POISON. The principal muse of nearly all sickness at this time of the year has its origin m a disoreered Liver which, if not retaliated in time. gieat suffering, wretchedness anil death will ensue. A gentleman writing from South America s?.ys : "I nav-j used your Ssmmons' Liver Regulator with good effect, both as a iirevenlion and cure for Malarial Fevers ou tlie Isthmus of Panama." TAKE Simmons' Liner Regulator, A Purelv Vegetables cine. AN* EFTECTL'AL SPECIFIC FOlt MALARIOUS FEVERS. BoWEL COMPLAINTS. ,IAI .VIUCK. COLIC, RESTLESSNESS, MENTAL PETRI SSIOX. SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION. NAI'SEA. BILLIOURNESS, DYSPEPSIA, &c. If von feel drowsy, delimitated, hare frequent headache, mouth tastes badly, poor amielite, and tongue coated, you are suffering from Torpid Liver or "Bllliousness," and nothing will cure you so speedily and permanentiy as to take SIMMONS' LIVER REGULAKT. II is given with safety, and the happiest results to the most delicate infant, it tak> s the place of quinine and bitter of every kind. It is the cheap est, purest and lies! family medicine in the world. J. 11. ZEILIV. A «•«>. Pliila. Sold by nil I riißftiili, apr2B-lyr s CURE FOR Coughs, Colds, Soru Throat. Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption d Ail Diseases of THROAT and LUNGS Put up in Ijuart-slze Potties for Family Cse. B<'.entillcaily prepared of Balsam Tolu. Crystal lized Rock Candy.<Hd Rye, and other tonics. The Formula Is known to our best physicians, is high ly recommended by them, and the analysis of our riiost prominent chemist. Prof. <!. A. MARINER, in Chicago, is on the label of every bottle. It IH well known to tlie medical profession that TOLU lilK'K and RYE will afford the greatest relief for Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Weak Lungs, aiso Consumption, In the incipient and advanced stages. L'sed as a BKVKHAOK and AITETTZKK. it makes a delightful tonic for family use. Is pleasant to take ; if weak or debilitated, it gives tone, activity and strength to the whole human frame. (C\ K t 'i'ln\ DON'T iie DECEIVKD \ V/A ' 1" ' N «by unprinelplled deal-\ ers who try to palm oft upon you RoeK & Rye 1 in place of our Toi.r HOCK AND RVK. which I is the only medicated article made, the genu- / ine having a government stamp on each bottle / LAWRENCE & MARTIN, Proprietors, 111 Madi- Isou Street, Chicago. Ask your Druggist for it ! Ask your (.nicer lor It ! {<,*" vour Wine Merchant for it! i*r- children, ask your Mamma for it ! {Sold bv I>lt I'OCISTS, (;ROCERSand WINK MERCH ANTS everywhere, and by LAWRENCE A MARTIN. No. « Barclay St.. New York. Tile oldest and the best appointed Institution for obtaining a Business Education. For eirculais address, ocfj-'.'mj P. DI'FF & SON'S, Pittsburgh, Pa. Union Woolsn Mills. I would debire to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, I'a., where I have now and improved machinery for the manufacture ol Barrod and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, 4iid I can recommend them as being very dura ble, a.- they aro manufactured of pure Butler comity wool. They aro beautiful in color, MU- Ijerior in texture, and will be suld at very low iiriceu. For nam plea anil ptices. address, H. FULLERTON, jul'i4,'7B-ly) liutlor, P» <£****#»: iSutloc, fi*., U*JC*mfcjM: t, X3BO. Jury liinl tor Docrmbrr Term. 1880. Grand Jury for first week, commoncing Mon d«T. December 6. Allegheny -F. Jamison. Buffalo—John 11 v bison, John Murplir. Butler totrm-Uip—Benl. Dixou. Juo. "-'chaSfner B'ltler borough—J. J. Elliott, 1.. O. Pnrw, John McQ Smith Cot ncqneneesiug- P. I Larnhait, Cranberry—An-tin Graham, Adam Kir»cM«r. Ciicriv—J. L- Kelly. Concord—A. G Meals. Clinton—Fle'.rv Seftou Centre—Simon Young. Fairview township—Michael Andre. Andrew Bialrelev. W. U Mc-Kee 51iHereto*n—H. L. Westerman, Barker—J. C iiaobenepeck. Washington—Thomas Campbell, Jr. W« tli—John Boyle. Jr. Winfieid—Kenry Deer. Sr. TBAVF.BS TVBOhe F- it WEEK OOmTENCING IfOND4T, PiX'EJtHEU 13 1990. Adams—T. M. Mar-':.ail, William Mcntzer. Jann t. Barks- Allegheny—J L. Boscnbary, Crawford Don aldson. Butler borough—Christ Stock. Casaier Wise. G. W. Miller. H J. K'inxler, J.wsob Gcible. Buffalo—John Sarver. Brady—Henry Double. Wilii*m Moore Clay— Jaims FiuJley. Concord —John Chappel- Connoqoen; ssing—'ibonias EJmuudson, Thos Galloway. Centre—Alex. Bollock. Donegal —Lt iov Delemater. Fair view—B- M. Flepler. Philip Dabenspeck, Daniel Evans. H. W Jamison Isaac Kavlor namaviUe—U. A. Ajcrs. A 1 c. Biack. Joseph Pew. Jackeon—James Jones. F.zra I iken. James D. Lytle, William Both. David B rtaontz. Jefferson—Alfred Ma-irhoff. Benson Shrader. Lancaster -John Vvers Joaep i Powell. Muddy creek Wru. Dowler. Mercer W. A. Itobc-rts, J J. McGaivey. Prompt ct John Hyle, Jr. Parkef—Bavid Jackson. D. P. Kelly. Blipperyrock—Frederick Gerwick. Washington—S M. Shira. Winfield— Frederck Weltv, Argus Keck. Woith—Mathias Bennett. Zelienoj-le—E. V. Bandolph. 1881. HABP£R/a WAGAZINi, m WjMJ i'MX ■« .-m r «" K ■>. '\Slti<:yiug Ibc sul'ject . h(ecliv< ly auJ fiom Ihc cduciitionai point .•! v'u w->«• king to '-ro r vide th.it whic , taken allogotber will be of the | luo-l rvice l ■ the laiiret-l nurubei—l I- ng ago conc'udi-d ibnt. if I c.iul'l l-.iive nnt one work' lor a pIU lie Mbr.uv, 1 would selt-i t a ci mpiete set oi Uar/ter't Monthly"— l UAKLKS FRANCIS ADAM ,JK Its con len I-are conliibulcd hv ihe most em inent antiiorr an 1 itrii-l- o iC'ir* pe .nd Ameri ca, whiie the long experi • :c of ;<u' ln's made them thoroughly eonver-ant with the de-irwi ol the puhlie. wi.ifb they will ap.iro no ellort to gratify. HARrER'S PERIODICALS HARt'EK'S MAGAZINE, One Tear - ? 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY. One Year - 4 00 HARPER'S BAZ AK, One Vear - 400 The 11-KEE above publications mie ve ir 10 00 Any TWO a! ove nain< d. One - 7 00 HARPER'S YCUNG KEOl'l E, One Y •ir I 50 Putlage j'ree to (ill t.ub*criberii in the United St itei ur Canada, The volnini-* of til- Magazine be in with the numbers lor Jure mid Decern 1 erol each >ear, When no lin.e is specified, ii will' e uiide- stood that the sub-erilier wishes to beglii with tl e current numlier A complete s< I 111 HAIII BU'S M AOAZIN B, Cllln pr sing til volumes, in neat cloth l inding', « il> be bent by expre.s. Iri'ighl at expense ol pur chaser, on leceipl ol per volume Single volumes, l>> am\\, post-paid W 'K) Cl«-til eases, lur binding, S" cetit", bv mail, postpaid. Remiitanees should be iii t'le l«v Fo.-l-OlSte Money t)rder or Draft, t<» avoid chance of lo*f. Newspapers are nut 'o copy this advertisement without the express ordc oj Harper <t itrotheis. Adlr».-s HARPER A BROTHERS. New York 1881, HARPER'S: WEEKLY. I bLi 8 ritATKO. This periodical, by its able and jchol .rly di*- cussious of ihe question* of the lav, as well as by its illustrations—which ire piepan-d by the best artists—has always exerted i lU"«t power ful and benellcial influence upon the public mind. Tie Wright "f it- infiiii IT e will itlwats bi ll und on Ihe side ol morality, en!i:i tenn etil. and reliuumcut. HARPER'S L«. HA H PER'S WEEK I Y. One Year - $ » 00 HARPER'S VI »(}.\Zl>F., One Ye r 4 00 HARi ER'S BAZAR, One Year - . 4 00 The THREE above publications one year 10 00 AIIJ TWO above named, One Year - 700 [IARI ER'B YOUNG PEOPLE. One Year I 50 Postage free to all subscribers in the United Mates or Canada. The volumes of the Weekly begin with the tirst number for January ol each year Whin no lime W mentioned, it will be understood thai the subscriber wishes to commouce wjlh the number next after the receipt of order The latt eleven annual volumes of HAKFEK'S WKKKLT. in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, post paid, or by ax press, free ol expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for #7 (HI each. Cloth Case* fir each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by uiail, postpaid, on re ceipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Or «r or Draft, to avoid chance of 10.-s Newspaper* are not to eo/ry this advertisement without the esprms order oj Harper 4" Brother*. Addren HARPERS & BROTHERS, New York. 18*1. Harper's Baxar. ■ LLUMX a* A.'*•«». This popular periodical in pre-eminently a Jonrual for the household. Every number furnishes the latest infnroa lion In regard to Fashions in <lre«s and orna ment, the newest and most approved patterns, with descriptive articles derived from antheutlc and o-iuinul scnrces; while its Stories. Poems, and Essays on Social and Domestic Topics, give variety to its columns. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER* BAZAR,One Year - - * 4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE, One Year 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY, One Year - 4 00 The THKEE above publications one year 10 00 Any TWO above named, one year - 700 HARPER'S YOUMi PEOPLE,o-<e year 1 !i0 Postage free to all submribem in the Unitrd Slates or Canada. The Volumes nl the bazar betiti with the first number of Jinuaty i I each year. Wlieu no lime ir- uientioned, it will be understood that the su.'iserilier wirlifs to eoiuuienee Willi the number next after the receipt of older. The last eleven animal volumes of llakt'Ek's Hazak, in neat cloth biiidiiiLT. will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by i xpress, tree of ex pense (providi d the Ireiirht do s not exceed one dollar per voliiiui'), for *7 ' 0 each. Cloth Cases for c.»ch volume, suitable for bin itnr, will be sent by mail, postpaid, ou re ceipt ot «! 00 each Remittances should be made by Posl-Oftiec Money Older or Draft, to avoid chance of ioss. Newspaper! are not to copy thin advertisement without the express order of llarper A- Brothers. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. LAN I) FOR SALE. FOR HALE. A h'iiidsonie six-room fiame house, located on lilutl street, northwestern part of Butler. L"t 50x170. All necessary outbuildings, TEKMS—Ore-'hird cash and balance in lour equal annual payments. Inquire at this oUlce. j'inHtl For teale. Tlie well-improved farm of Rev. W. R. Hutch ison, in the northeast comer of Middlesex town ship, Butler county. Pa., is now offered for sale, low. Inquire of VV. K. FRISBEE, on the prem ises. apl6tf FOIIHA LE. #5 will buy a one-ball luierest in a good bus- ' iness in Pittsburgh. One who I nows some ihlnjr about farming preferred. An honest man with the atiove amount will do we to address bv letter. SMITH JOHNS, care 8 M. James, WJ I Iberiy str-et, Pitt-burirh, Pa. |au27-ly .vr ibe Cli'jZEy. ( ■I Port Grape Wine t '>eil in the principal t l unhes tor Communion purposes. Excellent For x.«dle» and Weakly Ptrtoss and the Aged. , r Mt «•' ' pf,E' '!. * » f S EEB'S PORT GRAPE WINE! FOLK YEARS OLD. *liis Celebrated Native Wine is iiia.'.e from the I mice of tne Oporto tirape.raised in tnis country. Its Ivalnahle Tonic and Strengthing Properties are unsurpassed bv any other Native \\ ine. lleini; the pure juice of the (inijie. produced under Mr. Speer's own j'l-r-onal supervision, its 1 ,11 Ir-t y and genuineness are Kuantiiteed. The youngest cliild mav partake of its generous qualities, and the weakest invalid use il to advantage. It is particu larilv benellcial to the need and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that alfect the weaker sex. It is ill every respect A WINE TO BE KELIEI) ON. HPEEH'H IP. J\ SHERRY, The V. .1. SHERRY is a wine of Superior Char acter, and partakes ol the Rolden qualitie- ol the Kniiie from wlueii it is made. For purity. Richness, Flavor .11151 Mechanical Properties, it will be found unexcelled. J? vJ- BRA-NDY. This BRAN l>Y stands unrivaled in tills Country, beinc jar superior for nicdieinial purposes. IT IS A I'l'RE ULstilittion from the ffr.ii>e and cont.iins valuable medieuiial properties. It Ins a delicate flavor, similar 10 that of the cra|>es from which it is distilled, anil is in great favor among first-class families. See that the sicuature of AI.EREI) SPEEK, I'as saic, N. J., is over tiie cork of each bottle. «»|4| l» n. If. WI LIER, apriß-lyr [|i ¥3iP;U:H 4 The foremast religious newspaper of the ul ted States " -JOSEPH COOK. I he lNnrjpcNHP.NTsei. ks the patronage ol the pnhlic 011 three er uuds, as follows : Ist. It is the largest religious newspaper pub lißlied in the world and. It employs n« conlrilirtora more able wiiters, at home aud abroad, tliau any other WEEKLY NEWSPAPER 3d. Il tives Its readers a wider ranjfc of top ic* and more and fuller departments than they can Hod elsewhere in any journal. The INDEPENDENT ennuis'* ol;« pnires.neatly cut and pasted It is printed Ironi clear type (we Mercotvpe the pages weekly, and, hence, every issue is really printed with n- vv tvpe> and HI trooJ paper, niu niechnnicailv it is unex l-ellcd. There is no que.-lion of prominence in reli- I L'ion, politics, science, eduention, finance, or ;iny ot er depgrtineni .1 hqmaq knouiedjre which TIIE INBEPENU«>.i does riot discuss. It has regular depattineiits devoted to biblical He -carcli. Mission- Ri liirious lateiligeuce, B'Hik Reviews and Lite ary News. Ihe Sunday school, Educ ti in, science, Sanitary questions, Fine Arts, the movement of inini-u-rs, personaluics, news ol the week, fliiaiui.l and cominerclai nia'lers, including weekly prices current, mar ket reports, cattle market, Pry Goods Quota tinns tlowers and tar tiling and insurance. In its religion* deparfnent it gives news aud sta tistics of 1111 rtenoniinai ions ol Chri-tia s, ever .- where, iu ullncs-, accuracy ami coiiiljrc!;eli siveneßs thi - department is uneqnalcd- Several pages ol stories and poems adapted to old and young are given every wtek, wiiii a coiuiuu of ' puxzl s. Fr in time to time sere on- by eminent uiin i.-icrs ai" pub.ished Tie current *o -I sol lliu I n arc tlis ussed i . our edito.ial eoiuuins free ly and vigorously. We arc not a< raid to suite our opinioiii- Oar New Terms for 1881. one Mf'scri ilon one year, in advance f:> 00 for -ix months #1 ..'>o ; for Ji months 7o »!!•• snliM'iipuon two years in advaaee 5 00 Ore -it ' < i'i[fli"ii Willi 'I ID u«)iv siiKgurlber totn In n 'vanoe, hi one remittance 5 00 One subscript'on with two r;ewsubscribers all three in advance, in one remittance 7Od 1 subscription wiili three new subscribers all lour in advance, in one remittance 853 1 subscription wiili four new suliseribers al. live in advance, i.'i one remittance 10 00 Any number over live at IUL- same rale, inva riably with oue remiitai.ee. There deduced prices ($2 per annum in ciulis of five or morel are very IU toll lower than any ol the standard religious weeklies, though the paper is much larger an i belter, u:> comparison will show. Subscribe with your friends and get lite low rate. We offer no premiums, and reserve the ri»;ht to withdraw our liberal club rales at any tune alter six months. tiamplc Copln (rre upon application, SUBSCRIBE VOH. Address THfi IN J) PKNDENI'. '251 Braadieay, .Ync York City, F« (» BOX 2757. SUBSCRI4E FOR THE JaSAii |«f jWrt. For the North, South East and West. FA RM ERS. FRUIT-G R' > WERS STOCK MEN, OARDBrts, DAIRYMEN, FLORISTS, YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO DO WITHOUT IT. 500 BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATIONS FROM NATURE YEARLY. The First American Rural Authority! 1(1 Pages, Weekly, Only $2 a Year. It has distributed FREE among its subscribers some ol the most valuable varieties ol plauts iu cultivation. Send for Specimen copies which will be Forwarded Free. T' e present Free Pee:! and Plant Distribution U worth more than the yearly cost ol subscrip tion Ask Those Who Know. Your family will lie with the Kural New-Yoi ker. It* is Pure in Tone. Sparkling, Conscientious, Original. The Best Writers in the World. 31ST TEAK OF ITS AGE, 4TH OF ITS PRESENT MANAGEMENT. SUBSCRIBE NOW. Experiment grounds ol acres, worked in the interests ol subscribers I lie rin il New- Yorker will aid lo make ai.d to save money. It will tcl: you whit' new seeds and plants, (arm implements, etc , to purchase without regard lo adv rtising interests. Hjieol il departuii uts devoted to Markets, News ol the Week, lo Women, Home-lie Econ omy, to «cligii;Us Matters, Fashions Trustworthy market reports Irom all con ers a specialty. Address, Rural New-Yorker, 31 I*ark Bon, I¥ew York. JAMES J. CAMPBELL, <"«» ■> ■ > • Office in Fairview borougn, in Telegraph Office. janlS] BALDWIN P. 0.. Buller Co., I'a ri'.IIIIIH AllMOIt. Juwtice of the Peace, Main street, opposite Posioffice, jlyte 2EUEMJFLE, PA. The American Shoe Tip Co. v>..KKAXT rilK:n A. S. T. QS.v— --71:2? ;> cow so eiiflUivek nrorn on OH*LORD'S SHOHS Zj m?. 13 io:«'G A3 Tirr mil, Wli- h T.-.-.3 Introduced by t!:cn:. anil lynhiili ll.c;. o»e amount l.as been raved to parents s:.- IISIM1!>. 'J'I IA iii.:cU Tip «i'l »«»c still mere, cs besldei tM.ir.e tvorn on tl ** ft-arser (•ra itS it is vwrn on liur anil <*o-ily »ii"es wlieie :!:e Motal 'Jip cu accuucl of its lr>ott won 1.1 not bfl t;3c»!. 'I !ipy all !,avo our Trade Mirk .A. ». T. <'o. *ta>i pf-il 0.0 front of Hp. J - ::r«.ut» s!.uuia ASK FOR SHOES V. :;1. tLU BEAUTIFUL BLACK TIP cn r '' r ' p ' r • A NEW PEPjftii'LKE $1 BOTTI.E PATE* T MEDICINES FOR CENTS ! JADWIN'S TONIC LAXATIVE Is Apj'Clizir.tf, P.il iial.ili- and Noi-.-AKoholic, AND ALWAYS CUKES s.i-1, Sick Hi-ii'Jaclic (.'oosli; :itior, Mi!- iou&ness, Sour Stoma-li, Liv.-r OomL.lnt, \V;.nt of A|ii»e!itf. IfiiliL-. io:i. .I iaiidi-.t-, Ki.' ncy Coinj> :iint, V, rvousm-s-;, D'//ih Slcep -11-SM Hfartfitirn, O i'.ic, Ui i.'liiv, Foul Br. at'i. Worn l'i.' s, K. vtrf, C>>! Is .Vc. THE IONIC LAXHTJVK ami hi'us the s\st<on, givos a . l.- .r liead. pure I lood a - d eiastic spirit!*. Is j ori'ly ve-re- I:ible, conticus no use i-iiry n..>r aioos. Sal« at all times to tin* nr. ' .. »u!>sti tiile li r I'ills, Castor OH, vte liest laiuilr im'il icinr hiiowu. Adapted to delicate teuiales a>:d feeble inlants. In liquiJ !'.»rn Sold IN druLTjrisls. Price o I'V ::S e.-ats for a lar-o liot'le (lEVKY B. JAO A IN, Apotlie carv ai;d Chemist, Sole Propilet >r, Carl'Oud ile, Pa." D. 11. WULLEK, DruKist, s.jle tor Butler, Pa. JauSS-ly 18:il Till. U I I IV4TOH I^l COUNTRY liKNTLKUAN THK ISEHTOF 1 Hfc AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. A Premium Annual Every Reader. The Country Gent t'in;ui is Ur.sur if not Unequalled, for the amuir.it and variety of the practical information it confirms, an ! for the abil ity and extent of its Correspondence —:n three chief directions of Farm Crops a.nj.\ Pro^^stij,, Horticulture and Fru't-Orowinp. Live Stock and I airyin?— while it also includes all minor departments of ru ral interest, such as the Poultry Yanl. Entomology Bee-Keeping. (irf.-nlio,i>e aud Omjiery, Veterina ry lU-jili.'s, l atin Questions and Answers, Fireside Heading. Domestic Economy, and a summary of the New< of tiie Week. Its* Mari et Reports are unusaily complete, ami more infoni.ation can be ga'.hered from i:s columns than fro.i: any other source with regard to the prosnectsol the crops, a lltrowing light upon one of the Mo- t .-mpjrtant of all questions— When to Buy and Wh;ru to S.li. It is liberally iilustrateil. aud constitutes to a gieat er degree than any of its contenipornUs A i.IVE AGRICULTURAL NEWSPAPER of never-failing fcjtere*t bciti| tu prudUw<>ra and (•MU'liujeri «>* ovur.v' e;a-a. The Country UentleniHii is published weekly ou the following tcmn, when paidstrictly in advance : One copy, one year. W.'iO ; Four copies. 910. and an additional copy for the year free to the sender of the club ; Ten copies, S2O, aud an additional copy lor the year tree to the sender of the club. For the vear ISBI. these prices include a copy of th' AWIAI. it KI; IST Kit OK RL'RAI, Al'KAtltS. to each suhscri'ter -a book of 1 tl pages and about 12> engravings—a gift by the Publishers. ;r/* All New Subscribers for !-st, paving in ad vance now. will receive the paper weekly,iron;re ceipt of remittance to Jalj.iary Ist, isi(, wiuiuu CItHWB. Sl»Kl'l>fh\ (ut'l r.H OF TH v. PAPKR FUKK. Adtfres* LUTHEU TUCKEK &. SOX. Publishers. ALB.\N V, X. V. MH9, BllfJ i IISIOS INVITE YOUR INSPECTION TO A LARGE SHIPMENT OF AVTVMN^ V WINTKU Dresa Fabrics, Coiiip isins n O rum i« CJhoice, K'ashionabLj AND in color, texture au.l llesi.-xn, are now liisplaye I on our counters, at prices that will j.rove to von that it PAYS l'(> THADK AT Mo. IQB St ELEGANT NOVELTIES IN BROCADE VEL VETS, SATINS AND FACONNES FOR TRIM MINOS AND SUITINGS. MOUCHOIR PLAIDS, MOUCIIGIR SI'ITJNiJS. SURAHS, DUAP D'OR, FRENCH MOMIES, CANTON SUITINGS, ARMURES, MERINOS AND CASHMERES, FOR SCHOOL OUTFIT, WE ARE OFFERING All-Wool Suitings at 25c All-Wool Momies at 30c 36-inch All-Wool Cashmeres, at 30c Navy Blue All-Wool Cloths, 1J yards wide, »>sc Navv Blue All-Wool Suitings 30 to 10c Cloth Jackets, 2, 3 and 1 years $2.50 to f t.OO Cloth Jackets, 6 to lo years $3.00 to sls IMPORTED NOVELTIES IN Ladies' Wraps, Cloaks k Jackets, SHAWLS, SKIRTS USTI>KK- W I'M IS Wll IKIXIKRY. Hsard, Bibsr & Easton, 105 MARKET STREET 105 BETWEEN FIFTH AVE. AND LIBERTY, augis-4m PITTSBURGH. PA. INfIITR \yCB liK-or|»«vrat«'<l IS 1 !>. /ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY <»F HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. Asets ?7.075,-."2t 40. Looser, paid in lil years, $51,001,000. J. T. McICNKIN & SON, Agents, jan'JSly Jctl rsOn street, Butler, Pa. uirn m COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Cor. Main md Cunningham S*s. G. C. ItOESSIXG, PRESIDENT. W'l CAM I'BKLL. TKRASUKEH II C. II KIN EM AN, SECRETARY DIRECTORS: J.L.Purvis E. A. Ilclinboldt, William Campbell, J W. Buikhart, A. Trontman, Jacob Schocne, G. C. Rocsslnjr, John Caldwell, Dr. VV. Irvin, W. W Dodds, J. W.Chrlst\ 0. C. Hclnema.ii. JAS, T, M'JIJNKTN, Gen Ae'r BUTLER FA. fA V ')II " er c *' homo Samples worth JW I" t5 free. Address STIUHON .t Co., Fortlnul; Maine. dbc-l-Iy *C "' *>& " v,** . v sarvi • S fc.*" -V. ' >J Vp ■i '• ■ > »•• • - . tip .-.«?r •. '*r'i* or r. •_.•;■! - ••_ hf_.: j;/_cxA««iN»ric : • THAT • ■ •.•*. "Vi-H - .. N - . \ • • • ' l .■ T ">.T \ \■ - S! ■:■ It] J - ' V 4 ■/. . ,|j M .-;• . ". ,r 'k. . N v*aji •*v »£ ri V \ — i "'-V *- : -*./ ■. < *•-*•• -5* •"• H ,i. (• • • , i.\ N -'.. \\ m fjjn )■ ' t T v,, n v :. •- _/ \ L- jj ' v V • Si ' \ ■ - * "■" Iv «1? \• > -V". ■ '.'"X -'-V :'-•*. '- 1 A;-y m* :/ \ \ - 7 • v?r\ \ <r(l l'-.-V--* ; • •■'' ->St] yNs ' .:• V . " iirlf J*:s ' CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. T :::: cm:. r coxfrcrixu LINK BETVVE n; HII; F.A«T & THE WEST I 1 r: in . i-:s f.-.ej t",.' M «'«ejn il r.l ■ P-IS-.I •: tinl irt. <'•-! iW.i. 1.-i Sailc. (Jen---e<> M -I. !;•« !; li> .v..ft. V.'r-t I ■■'it'-. Ma-ttr- -Ulv.i. Crin-'-il. D.-i M.il': - ti:.» i .'.rital f lowa .?' aart. tic. an! Av i; ««!. 1..-jr.<-! o . I a. ISurcH Ju i-:i .*1 to IV .11 1: Wilton .iua. '.i :i t . Ma-.a tin ' \i\- ii:;:--.!; .1. ( I !«1- Belknap, Or.ire-.i l , i-i.-..-i*-.r..Tr- tia'-l tl; < i.-'i-- rcia.- 1 :av> ; w«rt!i. .U-1.U...1 a-..t Kan \Y. •hiV.'.'U.iit..#U!.mrn y. 1-: »i<>o. mid lvimx- Kc-.kuli to Kur.uin.iMn. H..-iapi r.Ue toa,--...1n.1-pen.lont, Kl.i'.n Uttuuiwa. Kd.lv- : ville.Ostak.o3a. IVIIa. Monr-a? ami li ltiuv; j,'. vt- !l to Munnie; r«es M. lili'i i > lml.anolaaail V-'iatei? -t: Atlantic to I.t-wi* ami Aa.lun.iu: and Avii-a n. Harlan. Tliin ii p..Mtiv. !y the *:ilv iluilroud. wiiich uwns. anil operates a through line from Chicago into the State "i' i-lar^ai. Hxpruss i rata-. with laon l*alaco(. wsiittaeheil.arerun a« h waj- daily 1 between CHICAGO anrt PEORIA. Kansas citv. COCNCII. UI.t'KKS, LEAVEKWOBT.I a!l-l ATCIII son. Thn.u'ihparaarealsorunbetTreen Mi'.'.au kce ami Krnsas City, via the "Milwaultee and H k'K Inland Short I.me." The "(ireat Unck Inlanil' is ma2nifli.ently equijiped. Its road bod is simply perfect its I track is lui J with steel rail*. What will picaie JO.II luo>!t will W. the (.leasurc ; CiS niieprU yobt- AM*, wlillo poa:n« river tUo : tiCaiilitui -ai-nlrUie of liliuois and luwa. In one of : out tMWUiiieent Diniiw t.'ara that accompany all 1 TUroiirfi Express Trains. You Kef. an entire | meat, as tro.-o as is sorved In any lirst-cla.'s hotel, 1 forseventy-Hve cents. Appreclotlne the fuel that a majority of the ; pooplo prefer sef-irate apartments for different ' purposes ian-1 th«i iminenso passenger business of tills line warranting' It 1. we are pleased to an nounce that this Company mnj Pu'lmait J'Maef SlrepiH'j Cars for sleeping f arposes. und 1 PtLLMAI PA|.AC*I (iAUN are ran through to PEORIA. »EH MOIXEB, CfIIJiCIL RLITINIi K.'AahHTV, ATt'H!"US, und I.KATEXHOHTH. Tijitcft nii lhl> I.lnc, known »• tho "Orrat Rock Island K««tc " arc miM toy ull Woktl Ajrenta In Ike VnltiMl l*tat«a ui d ranatla. /or l-ilternall'o not ulilalaahlc at your home ticket ciw, addrea, A. KIMBALL. K. ST. JOHN, Usn'l Sv iTSntendent. lien I Tkt. m,d l'fu'gr A?t.. !U WHY DOES . - he-Ith often break down at an early age? Put a man at tin w; r..-l_ -< !i .. . • : liic h<.t suds until overy pore is opened; then let him ►.and o'er thy i . .-vii from scalding and boiling clothes. that are full of sweat and tr.-rn •. . i Li: h?al,;i tjo v.-ould break down before long; and yet thi*.jao«t itrr.u;- w v A WOMAN has to fir-Tgh i*t(h on wash-day; and, beside*, with her clothing wet trr ra j -.rrjir.r- a ti .0 hot Work, hha ta* to risk her life by going out in the air to hang u;> the elotlif. hvei n*'t at work are in the unhealthy atmoaphere; its nodi, s»> apparent to visitors, nnow ir,■£ that i' finds its way through the house,—the family, however, often becoming aeci!*- t r»: J i > ibe peculiar odor from its own wash as not to notice it. These fuel* readily tx- I-i-'a why so women suG'er with colds, rheumatism, weak nerves, or t.:.d LOOK OLD v*Vl" y t voting in years, and physicians and boards of health cAnnot orat\ cttont.cn t o <. :r-lv t >' ih-j injurious effects of tiie usual way of washing, with Its netes nry stesr-t und raiding or K iling to get the clothes pure w«l swect-onelling, especially as it is without doubt r.i'.ei ike direct cause of those (JrcaOlul diseases, diphiheria, consumption, and typhoid fevir. V'nrtmiatclv th".. troubfc r»it be avoided; ccaldlnjr, boiling, steam and all >•■ '1 f;w» t'V- «f«sh liompletely done away with; clothes made nveet and beautuully white; / . it,— si i,ij ;•> fuel the. wash doneat lets coet than cren tchcn home-matte soap is used, and very mucu SOONER THAN I.- r <ll >THV, by u-ing FRANK 8IDI)ALL8 SOAP,—a Soap so purify in* and rie».B«!Pg x ihe dirtiest clothing enn be washed in lukewarm water with very little rubbing, r:..1 l;.(ldi:ig and utensils used by the hick disinfected ttnd cleansed v,.di-ut e.luicr s.!it or boiling, while the work isso light that a pirl twelve or thirteen yearso« age can do a !. • w.i-h without being ti <ed; and yet so mild and healing is this ,S>ap thatior toilet and .. -v. i. :l j rv, equal, and physicians advise il» use in preference to imported Oustile . oap > u • ou-vis c-:<l s >res. an 1 to wash the youngest In fants, as well as for persons with del. cite skin. ;; j-,v i' vl i thi re is a remedy fur this, so economical that the poorest can i/set(, there is not a woiuan or A MAN »"n :i r<"t d : r'"tly int?reste<J in having usod in their homos, In spite of prejudice, TITAT 'iil't'L \V VY or WASHING CLOTHES, which does away with the hard work, oflenaivo s n ;mi i fear rill steam on wash-days, makes the white pieces whiter, colored pieces bripliter nnd 1 -.••els i.oftir Ilian tii'-y can be ramie by washing the old way. leaves the hands smooth tßough i.j ,o line t owing and overy article as clean, as sweet and as pure as if never worn. •n 11. R Ti r.-i.rs. SI. IX. Hammonton, N. J., .. -.iiiir SoMti Jersey Republican. "v;. tenli 1:1 vvri called lo l-'HANK SIDDALI-S p from an advertisement lu my own patH-r, 1 ill aiy in.j.->c lor nearly ayear, according l ihe ti'rmio.-M.lMi* proved that its remarkable rli"i hav • not bet-n overstated. Forremov •'lT :itin-r i-i< it is Invaluable, while for toilet i ..inn ill# it is tiie best Soap I have ever seen. ■ •IL JLI.r?. IT. L. KF.NVO.V, Northflc-ld, Vt. m,-« a-h v.ih PRASK SIDDALLSSOAP in •r i'a- iiT.s .iad with nor xpen:)e for Soap, ustha '/il I*l more than p.iysfoe it. I have ..osU-am ,i from il e nvjtii, while the savin? 111 ;• rlelliui and labor can hardly beestimati-d. • U. W. STA-.-TOS, li)C N. 20th St.. Philada. , ,-ire contldi'nt, from a lone experience In -.'id reeonmcndlng FItANK sIDHALI.S -. . 1 t one trial, aeeording to the very eusy • ;• Ttions, w .il overcome nil prejudices. It . (■jliv :iai wor lerlul merit for shaving, toilet. ' wing lire tlie IJlrections for Use, so simp'-o tbar a child cna understand thei'i. ' uuyl'uiag so ridiculous us to l»uy the Soap unless you Intend following ILeta. - pnallitc';/ forfeited If it injures the clothes, or will not <lo everything claimed. f, pnt the white clothes in a tub of water, only made warm enough to bo eomforJab e r.ds. Then take one piece out at a time on the wu<h-hoard, rub the i-iap iii-lii j ■ roll it op and put it back into the same tub, and soon with each picoo until nil • Heap rubbed on them. Tlu-n go away and let them soak at loa*t tw. nty ni.nu'.o, toncliin ? them, when the dirt will all be loosened, and a very little -Un-rd, out of that one suds, will nmke them perfectly clean, being pari.icu.ar to '1 pi ce wiiila washing so as to get at the scums. Then w.i»ii lightly on the . : rou'.'h I lukewarm rinse-water (without any Soap,) so aa to get the dirty SU<!J »> I. • t through blue-water, and on the line, without Mottdiny or boii.'ny a rmglt pi'C .v.l p"t lianaeW and colored pieces to soak, ar.d wash them exactly the •mr-v.- .•JJ::) -jant not to heat the wash-water in c tin, brass or copper kcti-'o. A :ev r-.ough v.--iter for a largo wash with this Soap. c What You will Save by this Easy Way of Washir.g! '. 'ash-boiler ! No Steam! No Smell of Suds through, the I'a: ~o! "h: remarkable Property of keeping the Dnh-Cloth, Wash-Rag c.o Sponge always Sweet, and of Washing Freely in Hard J' a'er. —»-rSOLO BY GROCEBSi-t- C'r.h end Try it for Yourself next Wash-Day. --vhm-o ikia Soap is not yet Introduced a Trial Cat*: vrill to seat bv il on receipt of Price, (10 Cents), In Money or Stamps. •;^ ERS FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP '"M T.OWHILL ST,. PHILADELPHIA, PA. STOVES, RANGES, Grate Fronts, Fend &c. CREA, QRAHAM & CO. MANUFACTURERS, 291 Liberty Street. Pittsburgh. Pa sept22-3in Notice in hereby ivoti that Kennedy Mar hli&ll. . awd({iioe of "Fowler UroMionj" hi« tiled his Final ae/ottot in the ofH*e of the Proth'inotarv of the C "'t of Common PIOIH of Butler county at <7. I". No. 4.15, Deeeml er Term 1878, and that the name will be praxent.-d to fcaid Court for contiruiatioti and allowance nn Wodneedav. December the Hth. A. I). 1880. A. ROTSMX. Frothy. Not ire in lierehv niven thit John li ihner Committee of Hon Sauna. M>i>haU late I'osn mittee of Irwin It ha« rt!oJ hm Fiml an count in the office of the I'rothouotary of the Court of Common Pl»ax f 15 it lor con it v. at P. No. 1. Hepteriber Ter ii. 1 S4*f, and that the name will he prenented to s< I I'onrt for c n -11 rm at ion and aljowanco o*i Wednesday, the Bth day of Decern' er next. A. IlnsKKLi,. Prothy. >' o' !<•«» Notice in hereby n> v ' " ''.at Tame» I, David Hon axfinnee of rolui M Davidrfon h tiled hi* Final HCCOtwt in the ofti.e of the I'rotli uiotarv of the Court of Common I'leae <>f Butler count at C. P. No <SOB March Term. l*7'.t and ; n I tint the rime wilt be pre-eiited to * ii'l Co'irt for contirmation and all wanee in Wediiehday the Bth day of December, A. D. t M'l. A llp-HBix. I roth v. Malice. Notice in hereby niv-n ti i .lolin liner '"m mitteo of Samuel Matxlndl h » ti • d li w I .nal account in tho oltii" of the fr .tl'onot >v .f the Court of Common I'lean of li o'er •ounty. it M * D. No. 1 .ratio Term, IHS'i and 'hat the :ue will be preaented to naid (V)iirt for continuation and allowance on Wednet:!av the Nth day of December 1880. A. lUiHfFi,!.. rio.hy. in ttte CrmtN. i i r. . tin-i i'i»rpcnf' , :4only. Oneothcr jcreut : t iu.ct! our l aaro Cars isn SMoKlNtt ai: !» Pt'iur «t tln? « ay, ami Mi iiv#;H{ uit i «••:!:> crot&etl l»y tnis 111«(*. :.;ui trt;isfcftar*' avoided al Council Hlaifs. iva - • . . I MTen rth. i Atchison, con- Tir-i:i. • -< i iv i iu*uie in Union Depots*. YilK PUII* IPAi. !: U. < ONXKCTIOXtJ OF THIS <;UI:AY TiiKtH GH LINK AilE AS tou.o\v> At i iiit" AGO with all diverplne linos for the Kant a:;d > >uth. At Kn«.!.kw« oi>. with the I*. S. ii M. 8.. and P., - it. N K '- .V « K. it. J-. A! WASHINGTON HEIGHTS, with P., C. & St. Ij. K. U. At LA SAI IX. v. ah 111. Cert. 11. it. At Pro it! v villi l\ P. .V J ; r. I>. <% F..; I. B. & \V ; 111. Mi I : JUKI T. P. .V; W. Rds. At KOCK I*-' AND, with "Mil nukee & Islnnd Short L ne." and Ro. k lsl'4 Pea. :!»!•- At I'A VUN FOIST, Willi tl|Q DiVliLm I C. M A St. P. R. At WKS \ .cat iv. xvit'.x thetL. C. R. A NR.R. Al i 4., wiiit < entrai lowa U. It. | As ii; s N i>IN C*i, with I). MA V. L>. K. It. At * ut'KCtL 11..L with lui.ni PacUtc R. R. A" OMAHA, With H \ Mo. 11. K 11. in Neb.. AtCOLI'MBCSJrsc-rioK.wtili 8..C. K. AN. U.K. At OTTCMWA, with t entriil Imrii It. R. ; W., St. L. A fttc. awl C. i!. iy. It. Ri's. I At hfcOKPK, with ToL, l'eo.*Wj7.; Wub.St. ! Ix>u» & Pac.. and .St. L... K«w. * N.-W. It K<b. i At ( AMERON. with H. St. J K. It. J At ATCHISOX, with A tell,. A Sunta To; 1 Atch. i Neb. «n<l <>u Ur I*. P.lt. ltd*. At I.EArr,\v,-usTH. with K«n. Psc., roJ Kan. Cent ii- k<!h. At KANSAS CITY, Vith all lines tha Weot i and Southwest. and all household u*e*, and as It more generally known, must have an immense sale. From MRS. E. STOCK WKLL, Ilammonton, N. J. FRANK SIDDAIJLS SOAP bar, been u*ed Jn my kouse for the last seven months, and by follow ing the printed directions, we find Jt to do every thing claimed on the wrappers. We have not scalded or boiled a single article, and the cMhet arr tvhiler and aiinetrr than ivhcn trash'd in th old tmy. £My husband, who is a dealer her#*, has a steady demand for the Soap from his customers. From MANAGER OF DEXTKH LAUNDRY. »*1 S xth Street, Corner C Street, N.W., Washington. 1). O. No laundry or family c .n afT-rd to be without FRANK SIJDDALLS SOAP. We follow direc tiom and use no other Soap, and have a reputation second to 110 laundry *n Washington for while clothes; the superior work we have been en ble<l to turn out having secured us the trade of scrr.o 01 the be>t gentlemen's furnishing stores in I'm city. i D. 11. LYON, < SALE AND FEED STABLE. At tho old stand of Patri-.-k Kellcy, Esq., oo ner of Cunningham Mid Main* street, opori John Berg's Bank, where I will attend to the ! feeding of Horses or BOARDING BY THE WEEK OB MONTH of the name. Give mo a call and I will make ! tho charges moderate to suit the times. ! Those having Horses for sale or (Kirnons vrant iug to buy, it will be to their advantage to call. aug'2s-3m Uvii' f*- . - ' t - 'j * J RCK- W3Tt i KCJOVr INC. ! £ (i in;<r, Dnc'i".. "in !rit\ •.Illlusi* .-.n' 1 ' J-i. '/.-..rut 'I . , nem:* known swio, t ikultullyronit i ial 111' j>j:n'iGlwn Tom. J r i I i.i.lke it llio grcjlc.t 6 ood I'uri lcr Rnd j j-iho lie<it Health a i l Strength iiistorer, i i:rcr I't-ttd. < t So prifeet i* thee.»- '-. i-: »of Park'-'i'sCis-] p.. i< i'o .lC tiiat i.niii ...i -• t ;ii I 1: ;<.. t v.. re. '.t U used, li > j tiyjuopiiheaOacae.' MiScumitis-s, Nouralni', Buncl. Kidney o t | > _ivcr er if v ;i ii". ! ;\mild *timi:.m:., *r appetizer, t.r? 'I "-'t jit t'ie mc(ii< .nc< '''or v .ii i< highly curative and invij Ta'-.n;;' !jut ir vcr i.itijxi _ r , If \ u ji:c *1 iwly wasting s'.v*y wilh (urnp;,an "my • line i I ivo ;< k'-iniu^' Sfttighcrr b.i J Col J. Pa! kl Ginokk 'i u-.f will sure]* li.lp you. ll gives new life at: vi»ar t» IN feeble and . T I. a id i> a certain* arc f -r n'icum'.iism and C .lolcra In&tlu'l. ' It IIj» Saved Hundred* of Live«; It Kay.' K.na \uurs. ■ If y >'i are fc-!..i' iniser.iLle d»n't wait unti'J vou are <! 111 k, Int n e i!ie Tonic to-day* I io m.itt< r wli.it y ir di\ca".c or symptom* may Ll'c, it will give prompt tel. f. J f K mcm'.crl I'akki it's Gincbr Tonic is not, r.i r.::n t! i ik but the Boot and Purest l am.' L".1cdi11..3 ever nude, c -npounded by a new' and entirely different from Citt.-rs,' preparati< n» . id all other Tonirs. "lry, ujoc.l :e. Your druc™ist can *uppty you. < PAtiKErrs kairj balsam The r.osl and riust. Economical Hair Dressloj ex ;■;! itely pcrfur'.ed and perlcctly harmless. Trill Alrray* llcstoro Cray or Faded Hair to i*s or* ■'••• .1 y"u:l.ft:l ri ' r r-id a-wanncr, aid il wan Iti •• its (aL'ing, assist its (mA ... J■ - v t I • . . A I wa .1 i.tf tbeT m.sam wH! soften tbe Planing Mill —AND— Liniil>er Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PUR VIA. S. 6. Purvis & Co., KiNCHCTI HKHfi AND DEALERS in Bough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES MOULDINGS, >A>H I>OORK FI.oORINt* *11)1 M, HAT! ENS, Btackets, Gained Cornice Boards, FORCH Fos'ls sTAIh HAILS Newell Pouts and Balusters FENCE PAJ IIM-S. a, Ac , MKHIttAiV M.JMiLiS, Barn Bonnie; I'Wtetit t Lath; Hem lock HilJ Mut', Mich .•(► Joint Raf t» i»>. Scaniiii u. «1"«. h]l -iz»> C« IiHIJiM «.I I } |i«*. Alio! wliiil v\« u) J i m)i OD reasonhl,.i, tt-in h c apt* * MititlM H< i FLAKING Mil AM \ARD ti in>Mi <: l<< it« 4 burok j«. ?->0- y K 5^ B S iu> 22 £ g r O s 2 W < ™T» a t?d tst m av w p? o rn . , « H M JJ CD M 5 5< 0) H e & < 1 !| s Q(0 £ O i H J ST w -o X -rJ ~ i 5 m O * , £ "3 3 or 3 H c - » , /> 5 v g > H (/) aw g I IS o " " > Pin w K I § 3 - W * ' g c w O /-PS i » " SL T3 ""S > monns~ pdiq " 'll PAD - Ofiiiioum ol (lit i itbtlc* WABASH. INI IANA Tie Tad* mv cellii.g well. Have several old elm nio cai-ei of Kidney trcmhle ni-ing them, and tlitv lcjort mi improvement and think much of them. A. L. ROIIBOCK A CO., Druggist*. COURTNEY. IEXAB. Yotir r*d lihb done me moie good tlmn mf 1 emui} I ever used. JAM. B CALLAWAY. JIT. CLEMENS, MICH. Yon r Pad lian enrtd me of Pain in the Baok and Kidni y Trouble. M. J. HOUQH. Addreett PAY K BHiY PAP; GQ., BOLK PROPRIETORS, TOLEDO, - - - OHIO. J. V. REDICK, Agent for Butler co. mL ron fiisosscs ef tie Tlrca! ait ijnn •AVFID'Q Ini Vine*' ,>uU monar* orj{ai'.> a >*«f» i,ml ii-iii;'jle r.*ti)fil,v i« I' C.iKtti:\ Pr T. :-Ai. :* \ mi. ... :i r'li'.nl'. .il l: <» uii.' .xn-'iii;;. .i;l\ ui. i-- ' ' ' of!ri,: "■ cherry" ; p^f :.Sj. • ' 1 s % -ii*t!ra ■■ i* y* ill* ;; r - • i <»w!»i«e m... etii !:•;.! y an.i . iiiiortu pr."TAT>Pf" 1 4 t-V 1 * a ; tli«- fottiitt •*•>*!» ». A.i pttlmonnry .li<e,T«e«. nSorwit'if CO'Ji''' rin:«f ami r.ipiil cnri'.. am) ,% a.l:i'«*.'.! o a-.iy age or either sex H-iny the youngest ehihlren '.ik- i' rotiiliiy. In oriliiiHrv Col i«. >Oi'f lliiont. iiroiiciiitts, ItiHtien/. t, Sore Tliroal, .Vs'.iittiH. Croup. «irl tarrh, the eiT>.. ts <>! .V R'« CHHUMV P*O» TUKAI. wre H , h:i i tn:: i 'm-I.** an nually jireservetl t'om - > i'.in -< * hv its timely and faithful as,.. . -»i»»• ,1 oe kepc at hail.l in every li >.: 'i ) t !'»" 'lie pro tection i' aff<iril~ in «• M n a*r.i '«<. Ia Wliounin?• <'o :t> • > 1 oii^'imptloa there is rn <)• 11-l' |e:ii- t; -o ,;rti A.;UKI% S'.inthiiiK. niid hel i'n Jx>w priet•< are itnlu -em otr> rosnoof 11n-maii\ inixturi s. n: s> .-.»•*». m i 1>».1.' -heap ami incffeitive iuirr.-ti:i:ui»w offered, wliieh. us they <oatam no . .t* v.- i i ilities, can aflonl oniv teuniora.> r-ii-l. and aru sure toileeeive ami iLsa );ti.u tli- patieur. lliseasis ol the throat an l mig* <ieluaiKt ai-tive anil I'ileriive t i-edriiiea*; a ail isiiau -. Rons ex|H.Tiinemiua «itn ,:nkin>w» ami > heap iiieiliriues, from tlie jj'. 'lit . ability that • these ihiM'u.-H'H tuny, wliiie so with. iM-fome deeply s-ateil or ,ti nrilt.e. Us» Avut's CIIKI:I:\ PKCTOKAI.. ami \oil may I ontiileiitly cxpei t the liesr results It is a standard tneilU al preparaf inn. of known aud a Unowledaeil enritiv power, and is M rlieap as its lanlul pre pa aliou jie.l tin® iu-ri dieiits\\ iit aiiou . Kui'tien; phvsiriaiM. knowing its I'oiirMiHitiou. (h-.S i i»- it in their praitiie The test <il lit': .♦ .i-ntury luw iiriiven its ai»o ate . >.rtainl.\ to cure .til pnl liioiiary I'oiiiplain'- not 'i n' . tba rcat h ol hum.] Prepared O i f>. - & Co., Pt-nctieal mill Aiim.il C'lieailgta, Lowe., f.'asi. ► OLD BY AI.L TVt-HYWUERS. pL I Y'. Ti IVC I Apply at once, if yow Ii ' !i:ne IIIMMI L\l-»blM la the U. S service. LAW KX PI RKB JUIS' Ist, IsSti, f.>r AKKHARS. PENSIONS INCREAB - Thousands of Pensioner- are rated too low.. BOUNTY AND NEW DISCHARGES PRO ( I'RED. Information freely given. Sendi Vamp for blank*. Address STOOD ART & CO., K<Mo iff. IfuiWiuj*, \V*jhingtt»n ( U.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers