Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 01, 1880, Image 3

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    ila. 1 U BATES, Newspaper Advertising
■ Agent. 41 Park liow (Times Building), New
York, is authorized to contract for advertiMe
tuenta ia the CITIZEV.
New Advertisements To-Day.
Day's Kidney Pad.
Single Sleigh—For Sale.
Holiday Goods— Reed £ Co., P Hsburgb.
Planing Mill and Lnml>er Yard —Adam
ITafTner. .. . , „ „ _ .
Prospecti—Litsell's Living Ace, N. l. tri
bune, Frank Leslie's Publications.
Local and General.
Albums, at J. F. T. Stehle'a
Christmas is already catching on
to its boom.
LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at sls
and upwards, at . .. Grieb's.
—Hobby-horses, at J. F. T. Stehle's.
Those wishing to make the best
use of the winter should attend school at Edin
A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine
Ameriean Movement as low as $lO, at j
E. (jrRIEB 8.
Toy-carriges, at J. F. T. Stehle's.
Poes anyone recollect that a Pre
sidential election took place only four weeks
Toy-wash sets, at J. F. T.
—We could be thankful last Thurs
day that the eold snap wasn't colder and snap
—Tov bedsteads and willow cradles,
J J. F. T. Stehle's.
SPECIALTIES in woolens at William
Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not
to be had elsewhere in the county.
Look at those boss shirts in the
Window of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest style of
llats and Caps at low prices.
Some 250 loaded grain cars pass.
cd eastward over the West Penn Railroad last
Monday. They are crowded on the main line.
WANTED. —Cherry and Walnut
lumber. Inquire of George Ketterer, Furni
ture dealer, Butler, Pa. tl
—Dolls, Toys, Wagons and Sleds,
J.F. T. Stehle's.
The public debt of Mexico Is
$144,0 10,000. Who will take the country and
Assume the liabilities ?
__-Look at those bo9S shirts in the
window of J- F. T. Stehle. Latest style of
Jlalß and Caps at law pricee.
-i-Dr. Beaver's Lung Pad cures
Coughs, Colds and all effections of the Lungs.
Sold in Butler by D. H. Wuller. [sep22-3m
A paper hanger in Indiana county
hung himself recently because he could not
bug paper properly. Ha succeeded in the
late hang.
He who neglects to use Day's
iTftliiey Pad, for aov disease of the Kidneys,
Iftaddcr or Urinary Organs,courts suffering and
invites death.
A splendid violin for one dollar,
it J. F. T. Stehle'*
WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor,
fiss just opened the largest line ol woolens for
jnen and boys wear ever offered in Butler.
A lot f'f Heating Stoves suitable
lot hard and soft coal, for sale very cheap, at
Joseph Rockenstein's Saddle and Harness es
tablishment. dct-.iw
We are under obligations to tur
genia! friend of the Herald for a very c
plimentnry notice, also to the Parker Pli<enix
and Karns City Telephone.
Look at those boss shirts in the
window of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest style of
Hats and Caps at low prices.
Mr. Garfield has plenty of advice
about making his Cabinet. At last despatches
two torchlight processions had applied to be
Secretary of State.
ia do njt neglect a cough or cold. Use Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup at once and be cured by
that iiever failing remedy.
—Look at those boss shirts in the
window of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest style of
Hats and Caps at low prices.
—A lot of Heating Stoves suitable
for-bard and soft coal, for sale verv cheap, at
Joseph Rockenstein's Saddle aud Harness es
tablishment. dcl-3w
—The absence of the twittering
English sparrow this winter is very noticab.ti
They are said to be dying in large numbers
throughout the State.
Foi the cure of Consumption,
Bronchitis, CaUirrh and Asthma, nse Dr. Bea
rer's Lung Pad, sold by D. H. Wuller, Butler,
Pa. " sep22-."m
—The amount of eastern bound
freight over the Penn'a R. R. has been so great
of late that the company have had to run cars
over the West Peun.
A lot of Heating Stoves suitable
for hard and soft coal, for sale verv cheap, at
Joseph Rockenstein's Saddle and Harness es
tablishment. dcl-3w
While France persecutes Jesuits,
Germany enters upon a crusade against the
Jews. Both policies are reactionary and hos
tile to the spirit of the age.
—Dr. Beaver's Absorption Lung
Pad a positive and permanant cure for - con
sumption'Bronchites, Catarrh, Asthma and all
disease of the Lungs, Throat and Heard. Sold
by D. H. Wuller agent for Butler county, Pa.
—There must be an unusual num
ber of inexperienced gunners in the field, judg
ing from the number of accidental shootings
recorded in our exchanges.
SEE a woman in another column, near Speer's
Vineyards with a bunch of grapes from which
Speer's Port Grape wine is made, that is no
highly esteemed by the medical profession for
the use of invalids, weakly persons and the
aged.—Sold by all Drnggists. 28aplv
—As to the new treaty with China. 1
the gist of it is intimated by government offi
cers in the terse words, "We do not want them
to come, and they do not want them to go."
■exes Endowment half a million. Tuition fr>-e
Coui>«B of study. Cla-sical. Scientific and Ag< i
cnltnral A thorough Preparatory Department.
Expenses f3 to i* per week. For catalogne. ad
llangltw Pres. State College Pa
The passengers in a Pullman
sleeper, en route from Washington to Philadel
phia lately, were robbed of their money and
other valuables by thieves who escaped- The
loss was some $7,000.
—C. M. Gould, Orono, Maine, says.
During more than 20 years' boot and shoe ex
perience, I have paid considerable attention to
tip goods, and will eive it as my opinion that
the A. S. T. Co. Tip will in time supersede all
others for children's wear.
—The most novel and unexpected
celebration last Thur-day. was that of several
Detroit churches that joined in a service of
thanks for their release trom debt Churches
get out of debt »bout as seldom as tramps do.
sible that her children should be slrontr. Ly
dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a
perfect specific in all chronic diseases of the
sexual svstem of women. Send to Mrs. I.ydia
E. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass.
for pamphlets.
—General Garfield get 9 credit in tbp I
story for doing moat of the work of his hired
man. Ever since the hired man heard the sto
ry he has tried to have Garfield do all the
work, if it is only for political effect.
Ely's Cream Balm is the only
Catarrh remedy of many I have tried which
has acted as a cure. I have been troubled for
over fifteen years ; my head ha* been most of
the time stopped and very much inflamed. It
has opened my nostrils and reduced the inflam
mat«on. My eyes are improving, so that I can
stand strong light, which I have not been able
to do for vears. Nathaniel Feglev, with E. F.
Montz, Merchant, Wiikesbarre, Pa.
My son, aged niue years, was afflicted with
Catarrh ; the use of Ely's Cream Balm effected
a complete cure. W. E. Hatoman, Druggist,
E&sfnn, Pa.
' July's Crean» Balm seil* better tha"> any oth
er prei aration for Catarrh, and give bette xat
irfito on. Anartruuffc l*uggu>, W.ikw
w, Fa.
5.000 Bushel* \Vheat.
5.000 *• ll>
5.000 •*
| For which the highest market pr.ee will be
, paid in cash.
nov24:lm JOHN* BERG & SON.
—The seven million bushels of grain
locked up bv ice in the Erie Canal are likely to
be winter-bound, if this cold weather holds a
few days longer. There is still a chance of
escajie, which diminishes each day.
Health, the poor man's riches, and
the rich man's bliss is innia'ained by the .judi
cious use of Ayer'sSarsnparilla which strength
ens and invigorates the system !>*• purifying
the blood. It is so highly concentrate I that it
is the most economical medicine for this pur
pose that can be used.
—We could be thankful on thanks
giving day that we arc not the subjects of any
Czar or Kaiser, but free citizens of a free re
public. Perhaps we do not nppicciateas we
ought our good fortune in being Amer ca s.
To prevent drunkenness, don't
drink ; but if you have been drinking, more of
it will not sober you. While you are shaky,
nervous and distressed, i.ave resort to Simmons'
Liver Regulator, as a tonic to arouse your tor
pid liver to action, enliven jour spirits, dissi
pate the blues an J drive away despondency.
Nine cases out of ten it is your heavy liver that
causes your desire to get rid of yourself in in
toxication. We know hundred* that have tried
our remedy, and it has proved their salvation.
HAW They Fecial Adrian, Mich-
Reed, Beach & Smith, druggists of this city,
say that Day's Kidney Pad is giving the very
best of satisfaction. One of their customers says
he would not take two hundred dollars for the
one he has if he could not get another.
RING LOST— In the borough of
Butler on thanksgiving day, a large sized gold
ring with cameo stone, representing the bust of
a knight wearing a helmet, the same having a
mask, and the .stone apparently having two
faces. The finder will be liberally rewarded
be returning the same to Gricb's Jewelry >tore,
Butler Pa. tf
All kinds of grain for which I will pay the
highest market price iu ca-di at mv mill.
Nov. 3, 1880. Butler, Pa.
—Andy Armstrong, formerly of tuis
place, but who for some months has had charge
of th« Keg Manufacturing Department of the
Allegheny WorkuOßsa, is recovering from a
severe attack of typhoid feve»'. JJjs brother
Billy is also down with the same disease.
What Kverybody Hants.
Is a pleasant, re)i»b|e medicine that never
does any harm, and prevents and cures disease
by keeping the stomach in perfect order, the
tiowels regular, and the kidneys and live aftive.
Such a medicine is Parker's Ginger Tonic. It
relieves every cise, and we have seen stacks of
letter from thousands who have been saved and
cured by it. See other column.— Tribune.
—A law of this State provides that
all money put into a stakeholder's hands as a
wager may be seized and devoted to the sup
port of the |>oor. The statute is sixty years old
and has long been a dead letter. The Poor
IfcHM-d ofScrantou, however, have undertaken
to enfonob it in that city.
Catarrh Noiuel»»!«<•••
commences with a cold, but ils cure always
commences with the use of Sage's Catarrh Rem
edy. This old, reliable and well known reme
dy stood the test of years, and was never
more popular !)ow.
The Willicrspnopi,
The next term of the Witherspoon Institute
will ofu.il 1') the Oild Fellow's Hall, this place,
on the tilh ot December next Monday.
This is a more central loeatiot) and prefera
ble for the winter term.
The indications for this Institution are en
—NEW FIRM. —We call the atten
tion of the public to Ihe advertisement in an
other place of Mr. Adam HnflYier, who has
bought out tha Messrs. Bauer & Bro.and is now
located at that extensive lumber yard and plan
ing mill where he is prepared to furnish all
kinds of lumber, either in rough or finished.
Kprer'x Porl f«r»pe Wine.
Physicians employ S peer'a Port Grape Wine
in their practice in all cases where a pure wine
is called for, and do all in their power to foster
BU<J encourage its production, for the reason
that pure wi»e is a difficult thing to Ret, and
they are loth to prescribe ft doubtful and infe
rior article. Hundreds of New York doctors
have visited Speer's Vineyard's, but twelve
miles from New York and examined and tested
the wines. For sale by D. 11. Wuller.
—A man has commenced suit in
Cleveland, praying a divorce from his wife and
alleging, among other grounds, that he married
her "when but twenty years of age, inexperi
enced in the ways of the world and wholly
unfamilliar with the blandishments of design
ing females." When did he cut his eye teeth,
I Don't Want That Stall."
Is what a lady of Boston said to her husband
when he brought home souse medicine to cure
her of sick headache and neuralgia whioh had
made her miserable for fourteen years. At the
first attack thereafter, it was administered to
her with such good results that she continued
its use until cured, and was so enthusiastic in
its praise, that she induced twenty-two of the
best families in her circle to adopt it as their
regular family medicine. That "stuff" is Hop
Bitters.— Standard.
» —Beware of inflammable combs!
A little daughter of a man in Portland, Me.,
while combing her hair before a mirror the
other day, brushed a gas jet with her hand.
In an instant the celluloid comb was in flames
and the child's hand and cheek were severely
burned. The comb was consumed as quickly
as a piece of pa|>er would have been.
Consumption Cured.
An old physician, retired from practice, hav
ing had placed in his hands, by an Last India
missionary the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for
Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh. Asthma and
all Throat and Lung Affections, also a positive
and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all
Nervous Complaints, after having tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to
his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive
andadesireto relieve human suffering, I will
send free of charge to al! who desire it, this ree
ipe, in German,-French or Lnglish, with full
directions for preparing and using. Sent by
mail by addressing with stamp, naming this
paper, W. W. Shearer, 149 Powers' Block,
Rochester, N. Y. [nov3:l3teow
—Now and then an item is publish
ed al>out some one kindling a fire with oil, and
as a rule there is mention of one or more
funerals. The case lately reported from Mc-
Kean county .involving the burning of a shantv
the death by burning of four men, and severe
burning of four others, is the worst that has
happened for some time.
Rntterieks Pniierns.
—The statue of Alexander Hamilton
lately unveiled in Central Park is of granite,
and with the pedestal stands eighteen feet high.
It represents Hamilton standing bareheaded,
in the act of speaking, a roll of manuscript in
his left hand. The face is pronounced a faith
ful likeness by his aged son, John C. Hamilton
who makes a gift of the statute to (lie city.
It H (en IN,
Heavy Dress Plaids, at
—The first heavy snow fall was last
week. It made le<s noise than a train of cars
when it fell, anil was cooler than a blast fur
nace. but for all that it was welcome. It gave
hope for sleighing, smoothed the vacancies in
our streets, and furnished a subject for gush.
N. B.—This is the first snow item ever con
structed that diil not mention the
Look ill ilii*!
At 10 cents, Ladies' and Children's
Felt Hats, at
—Henry Lemon, a youth living in
Readinjr, this State, arrested lately on a
charge of robbing his grandfather of money
and valuables. He denied the aocu s ation, say
ing that he hoped the Almighty would para
lyse him and strike him dumb if he was guilty.
A sensation was caused in the town when af
terwards he w»« seized with a stroke of pural
ysis while confined in ;a 1.
.4 liarc <>»rgnill.
Heavy Bed Twilled Flannel at 2~>
oeuts per yard, at
H£S?* Citisett : lstTtU>e, t« ISStt.
j The State Supreme Court lately sitting in
Pittsburgh adjourned last Friday afternoon to
meet in Philadelphia on the Ist Monday of .lan
nary net. Th- fdlowirg are the decisions
. in Butler county eases that were heard week
before last:
Overseers of Cherry township vs. Overseers
of Marion township. Butler county. Judg
ment affirmed.
Monroe vs. Arms ton™ <fc Storey. Butler coun
ty. Judgment reversed.
Wiu. M. Dickison vs. Benjamin Campbell.
Batter county. Judgment affirmed.
Charles 1.. MeCutcheon, for use of David
Gregs, vs. Robert Allen ; liutler county; also
David (irejrji's appeal in case. Judgment
rever-ed and appeal qu-ished.
S. N Callendar tt al. vs. Thomas Robinson.
Bmler county. Judgment affirmed.
Couuty of Butler vs. Bullock & Hawkins.
Butler county. Judgment affirmed.
J. B. Storey et al. vs. Ilood, Bonbright <Sc Co.
Butler county. Judgment affirmed.
S. D. Karris vs. George Given. Butler coun
ty. Ju lgmeut affirmed.
The dix-ision of the Court 111 the case of A. M.
Monroe against Armstrong Ac Storey, delivered
by Justice Trunkey last Friday, is of general
interest to producers. The history of the case
is that a man named Rup leased to Clark i
Lilly certain oil territory iti liutler county for
a period of 20 years. The work of drilling was
to have commenced in 10 days after the sealing
of the agreement, and was to have been contin
ued with due diligence until the works were a
siie«:e>-, or the
was agreed further that if the lessees lulled to
get oil or ceased to work for 30 days the lease
was to be void. If they failed to get oil in one
well, they had a right to bore as many wells as
they liked, while they were not bound to bore
any certain nirnber. They were not bound to
drill holes for 20 years, but to use due diligence
in their search for oil. It appears that after
working unsuccessfully on the territory that
they quit for a period of nine months, and oth
ers "took possession of the property and struck
ile. Clark <fc Lilly then demanded an interest
in the production under their lease, but it was
refused them, and they entered suit to recover
in the lower court. Here they got a verdict and
then the owners of the property appealed the
case to the Supreme Court. Justice Trunkey
held that in the rapid development of oil lands,
taken with their rapid exhaustion, a cessation
of work for nine months was a very long
period. The prices of oil lands and leases fluc
tuated so that speedy work was necessary to
ward development. Tne decision of the lower
court was reversed and a new trial awarded.
In the case of Dickson vs. Campbell, Camp
bell claimed that the signature to a note held
by defendant \yas a forgery and proceedings
were instituted to prevent recovery of the
amount. The case was decided in the lower
Court in favor of Campbell. The opinion,
fchifh js a per curium, holds that the note was
a forgery and that it would be a rank injustice
to hold Campbell liable for a forged paper made
without any fault of his.
The FairiiMT*.** Paper.
Farmers more than other class, should see
that they receive weekly a Rttoti reliable news
paper. A paper that will keep them thorough
ly posted on markets. For the small sum of
one dollar and fifty cents the Pittsburgh WEEK
LY COMMERCIAL GAZETTE will be sent for an
entire year. There is no farmer within one
hundred miles of Pittsburgh but should sub
scribe for it. The Pittsburgh market controls
the prices for everything that farmers within
this territory have for sale, and there are nu
merous instances where hundreds of dollars
have been made by knowing just when to sell.
The market reports of the COMMERCIAL GA
ZETTE can be relied on, as the dealers who li\ e
in bijy and sell on the reports pub
lished by this journal. It is the largest paper
in the Suite. It, besides its market reports,
gives over thirty columns of news, from a'l
parts of the world. It is ably edited and has
correspondents all over the country. In a word
it is a live paper especially adapted for the far
mer 4i;d his fa ml v. Specimen copies sent free.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
—Mr. Henry Duiter, of Alt. Chest
nut, this county, buys all the skunk skins of
fered to him, and aends them to a firm in De
troit. Michigan. The most valuable skin is
the black one with white head and tap. Mr.
I), says that the skins of the skunks of New
York", Penurylvanra and Ohio are more valua
h]e than those of the n> rth or south, on ac
count of the fur being heavier.
To Close.
A larpe lot of heavy (}ark Dress Goods,
at 10 cents, at
—ln North Beaver, Lawrence coun
ty, is a school district that, a few years ago,
was one of the most populous in the country.
For the past eight years not a child has been
born within its limits, and none are expected
to put in an appearance there tor an indefinite
period to come. At the present time there ate
but fourteen children in the district, and this
and next winter's operations will clean up the
school for want of pupils.
For The Holiday,
An immense stock of Goods, at
& Co.—A short serial by Mrs. Burnett, author
of "That Lass o' L nvrie's," etc., will begin in
the February Scribner. Meantime Mrs. Bur
nett is writing what promises to bp her longest
novel, for ScriLnr.v'* Munthly. lis scene is lain
in Washington. Mr. Cable s new serial, "Mad
ame Delphine," will also begin in February,
and run through three or four numbers. Mrs.
Schayer's "Tiger-Lily" will be concluded in
the January number.
From to sl3 per pair.
Blankets, at BITTER & BALSTON'S.
—Bye brearl is the "staff of life"
of the people of the (!|.nuan empire, and as the
crop there this fell Bhort of the demand,
large quantities hve In.tin imported from this
country. The farmers of this section, however,
who raised more of tiinl grain than tliev needed
for home use have had a nearer market than
Germany. Since the Ist of September last the
Gukenhuimers of Free port have "mashed"
fifteen hundred bushels of rye per day.
:in<! Children's
Underwear, at
. —Jt appears that one Hancock elec
tor was chosen in Indiana, in consequence of
the Republicans in t number of counties vot
ing a ticket with only 1-1 names on if instead
of 15. Tbis will just balance the Democratic
loss of an elector in California through the
scratching of J ml'' Terry. As the matter
stands, however, it makes very little difference.
Ilut as under our M stem of electing a Presi
dent, it is easily possible that the turn of a
single eleetorial vote may decide who is to be
President, these acts of folly or blundering
ought to be a warning for the future. The
President of the I'uited States should never
owe his election to s up an act.
—We hear that an oil refinery is to
be built at Foxburg, Clarion county, on the lire
of the A. V. R. R. It is said that an oil refiu
cry along the lines <-f the Penu'a It. R. Co. or
any lines controlled by it, will pay for itself in
ninety days. Sine,. Mr. Roberts lieeame Presi
dent of the Penn'a C >. and their contracts wilh
the Standard Oil Co. c-pired, the two comp.-
nies have been at ' oil!-." the Standard lias been
shipping little or no oil over the Pennsylvania
roads, and the I*, liii'.x Co. has been encouraging
out-i'le parties en.'i/inj[ ill the refining busi
ness. The Stand ir. I Co. get crude oil to their
I'ittsburgh refineries through pipe lines.
In 1881 The Liviiii/ Iy< enters upon its thirty
eighth year of < otiiious publication, and it
steadilv increases value with its years. Its
frequent issue an I well filled pages render it a
fresh and complete compilation of an ind *•
pensable current livr.iture—a literature which
irrows richer and in >r • abundant every year in
the work of the ni >st eminent writers upon all
topics of interest. In no other way can so much
of the best of this literature be obtained so con
veniently and cht ply as through the columns
of this standard w•< klv magazine. Its value to
every American rei d- r is therefore obyious. It
supplies the place <;f many magazines, reviews,
and papers, and alone enables the render nt a
smill expenditure of time and money, to keep
well abreast with fho best thought and litem*
i ture of the day. The prospectus is; worthy the
attention of all who arc selecting their periodi
cals for the new y. ar. Reduced clubbing rates
with other periodicals arc given ; and to new
subscribers remitting now for the year 1881, the
1 intervening numbers are sent gratU. Littcll &
u Co., Boston, are the publisl ers.
—An interesting life insurance case
was tried before ih.; Court of Westmoreland
county latelv, end terminated in favor of tne
company, fh.' suit was brought by the ad
ministrator of W-i. L Hair neainst the Cor.
ncctieut Mutual Life Insurance Company. Tho
main point «f (4HF UR6 was inttn.prranee; th. $
the ii KU--d had b • Oin <• so far intemperate as to
impair his ln'ttl'h, ?nd that his intemperate
jiabits h d induced delirium tremens, which
point* were firmjy iustaiurd bv the Cuurtaal
rtttrttW to SL vWiA atf Afeted.
An Unprecedented Failure!
Editors or newspaper men, as a rule, adver
tise merchants and their business because they
are paid for doiug it. Their brains and their
printing press must earn for them their liveli
hood. This will account for the fact that a
great deal finds itself into the newspaper that
is imaginary and not real, as in the past so in
the future ; we propose to abide by realities
and let others stretch their imagination as fa
as they choose. It is tangible proof we furnish
and not innumerable promises never fulfilled.
We have just purchased from the Reliance
Works, Edward P. Allis & Cc v of Milwaukee
Wisconsin, another extensive set of Rolls to be
placed iu our mill with all the necessary ma
chinery, o:i its arrival, by the Richmond C':ty
Mill Works. The immense rush we have ex
perienced for the past few weeks from the far
mers, and the lar;:e orders from our trade ne
cessitates this addition to further increase our
capacity. There will be no stoppage, whatever,
occasioned in placing this new machinery.
Thus have the grave fears and ill-iiiernt mis
givings of the fearful and envious nev-.-r been
realized; all have»coine to a happy f«i'ttre.
Never before in the history of the milling bu
siness in this section has one mill turned out
the amount of work we have done in the past
weeks. This is a fact that means something.
Unexcelled flour an I large yields are induce
ments that every intelligent farmer will tak>*
advantage of. Good flour is what ever}bodv
wants, and when it is sold at the low price of
inferior goods, it is no wonder we are selling
our product as fast as we make it. To farmers
we would say, ask those who have been getting
their grain ground with us how they are sat-
isficd with the yield and how they are pleased
with the flour; to the public, osk your neigh
bor who deals at the Kiingler Flour Hou.-e
what his wife says about the flour he bought
so cheap. Stubborn facts are most convincing
As we advance our paying price to-day for
wheat, we must quote our flour a trifle higher:
Oriental flour per 5y0k.............. -51 40
Wheat bran per cwt 75
" shorts " " 100
" chop " " 100
Graham flour same as oriental. New pro
cess buokwheat flour and oat meal, former pri
Farmers attention, we would again call to the
fact that we make the market ou grain for this
section, and on this account, if you appreciate
the favor, you should sell your jjrain to us,
even when other parties pay as much for grain
as we do, we have paid the highest price first
and often from three or four days to a week be
fore all others, We make every change iu the
market that occurs and just as soon as it oc
curs, and everybody knows that other dealers
in grain only change their prices alter they
have heard what we are paying. There are
farmers who have closely watched our course
and are convinced that were we not keeping up
the price of grain iu this section, they would
be obliged to accept just what dealers would
feel like paying. Gentlemen, sell your grain
£o ns, for we always pay the highest price and
we want everybody to know it.
The following are our figures for No. 1 grain
tor one week :
Wheal per bushel £1 10
Rye " " 90
Shelled corn " 55
Oats " ' 40
Buckwheat " 65
Butler, Pa., Nov. 80, 1880.
—The factory tor the manufacture of lamp
blapk, at Sftion station, this v.as en
tirely consumed by fire on Saturday morning
last, about 4 o'clock. It was quite an exten
sive establishment anil made lamp black from
the gas of a well that had been drilled for oil
some years ago. It was owned by gentlemm
we believe principally residing in the eastern
part of the State. The manufacture of the
lamp black from the gas proved ouiet a suc T
cess. Then; was no insurance on tne property
and the total loss is estimated at several thou ;
sand dollars. As it was the only establish
ment of the kind in the county, there is general
regret at the loss.
Sherman, in his annal report, recommends that
the arinv be increased to 30,000 men. He re
fers to the cond'tion of the sea-coast defence-,
to the effect of the Pacific railroads, and say*
thit all distinctions as to colored regiments
should be abolished.Quartermaster Gen. Meiers
in his annual report to the Secretary of War,
shows that the total efirnjngs on aocount of
military transportation of the bonded Pacific
railroads during the year were $10,603,473.
Fourth Auditor lieardsley, of the Treasury, in
his re|»ort, embodies a statement giving the
defails appropriations made for the support of
the navy, and the amounts expended. The
aggregates are: Appropriated, $12,393,000;
amount expended, $11,190,000. Seuqnd Audi
tor Ferris, of tin; Tn usury Department, in his
annual report, sfiov-s the application of money
appropriated for the War Department and in
dian service, during the year, was an follows :
Appropriations, war, $10,524,000; expendi
tures, $17,740,000 ; appropriations, Indian, sl3-
603,000 ; expenditures, $3,1-n\ooo. I'he Chief
of the Bureau of Statistice reports that the to
tal values of the exports of domestic bread
stuffs from the United States during the month
of October, 1880, were $25,711,4(14, and dr ring >
October, 1879, $33,048,607. For the ten months
ending October 31, 18*0, $231,338,030, and for
the same period in 187!», $208,005,344,
Those of our readers desiring steady and pro
fitable employment, or valuable reading matter
cheap for 1881- should send 15 cents to the
St., New York, for a complete set of their pub
lications and Il'u trateJ Ciitalugue, containing
list of premiums, ic., or sl.>ofor a complete
agent'? outfit of 12 beautiful Chromos and our
Premium Hook of Valuable Information, con
taining over "KX> pages, with sample copies of
all our publications, <fcc. See advertisement in
another colqmn.
An acttye agent wanted in every town
twenty to thirty dollars can be made weekly.
Their Illustrated Publications with their new
Premiums, take at sight. Do nfit delay if you
wish to secure your territory.
Address Frank Leslie Publishing Co., 15
Dey St., New York.
A discovery which cures by the natural process,
all diseases of the Kidneys. Bladder. Urinary
Urgang an<l Nervous fcivstem, when nothing else
can. It is comfortable to the patient, positive
in its effects and the first cure for those painful
and muoh dreadful affections,
Diabetes and Disease,
while its cures of Gravel, Dropsy. Catarrh of the
Bladder. Urickdnst Deposit. Painful Urinating,
High-Colored Urine. Nervous Weakness and
Pain in the Back seem more like miracles than
c ises of natural healing.
or victims o' wasted or prostrated energies,
caused by irregular habits, the abuse of nature
and mental or physical over-exertion, find tneir
greatest relief in the use of DAY'S KIDNKY
PAD, which strengthens and invigorates the
invalid and restore* the vigor of health.
We sav positively, aixl without fear of contradic
tion, that DAY'S KIDNEY PAD is tlie only cer
tain and permanent cure for everv form of tins
prevalent and distressing complaint.
Buffering from nervous and physical debility,
loss of memory, or Vitality impairjj.l by the
errors of youth or too close application to busi
ness or work, may be restored and manhood re- '
Avoid all kidney medicines which are taken
into the system by w»y of the stoitaoh , it is an
old treatment well tried and proven iuetlicieut.
though aometinios effecting apparent ourca of
one complaint they sow the seeds of more troub
lesoir. and permanent disorders. The price of
our PAD brings it within the reach of all, and
it will annurlly save many times its cost in doc
tors bills, medicines and plasters, which at best
' give but temporary relief- It can be used with
' out fear oi liaiiu, and with certainty of a perma
nent cure. For sale by druggists generally, or
ecut by mail (free of postage) on receipt of the
! price. Regular Pad, 42.00; Children's $1.50;
I Special (extra size,) $3.00. Our book, "Ho.v a
5 l.ife was .Saved," giving the history of tl,is new
- (discovery an! a large record of meet iviinai ka
. b'o cures sent free. Write for it.' Address,
s JTAY K.DNEY PAD CO.. Toledo, O.
1 • l'» - now no-iking a wale on o;;r wo
1 [ it tl'ifclLie alliiuleil io wain iheui. Auk for
1 """ Br
A^sigiuM l * Sale of Yailimble
Real Estate.
| The nudersigned will offer at public sale, on
the premises, the following de*ciib«d property,
j located in I'nffalo township, liut'er county. Pa
| Ist. Thitty "cres more or less, located and
ditcribed as follows: On the north by tlio B it
' ler and Freeport pike, on the east bv Charles
Kruuipe, on the south by lan.ls of John Atkin
son and on the wer-t by lands of Mrs. Grizzilla
M. Greer; mom of which ia cleared.
2n.1. A piece of land in »a;ne township, con •
tsining threeaeres, of an irregular sh-»pe. bound
ed on the eant by lands of Mrs. Orizziil* M.
Greer, south by lands of J. Atkinson, on the
north by a public road and on the west by sun 9
roul. upon which is a small orchard Sale to com
cense at 10 o'clock a, m of
3rd. A certain piece of land in same town
ship. containing nineteen acres more or less,
bounded on the north by lands of Robert Ken
ne ly. on the a ie! by lands of Widow MeLure,
on the south b\ lands of J Biker, on the wet t
bv lauds of Jonathan Walker's heirr, said
propeltv being underlaid with a good vein of
coal, with a bank now open, about throe acres
of this piece cleared, the balance in timber.
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, p. m. of
4th. The undivided one-half interest in
sixtv-two acres more or less, situate in Win
field township. Butler eountv, Pa-, bounded
north by lands of Mrs Moser and Win Cypher,
on the west bv lauds of Wm 8. Boyd A Co.. on
the south by lands of A. Turk, and on til* east
by the Dr. F. Eliiotr property. Underlaid wit I'
a good vein of coal, abou forty acye» cleared, a
log house and log stable then on ert>oted.alno an
oreherd of fruit trees in good bearing condition,
this piece *oid subject to a uiuitgage for about
Sale to take place on
At 2 o'clock, p. M.
Terms on the above sales to be. one-third in
hand and the balance in two equal animal pay
ments, secured bv bond and mortgage
Assignees of M. N. Greer.
Butler Female College.
Winter Term will opeu November 29th, ISBO,
closing March 4th, ISBI.
Primary Department, -?ij. Normal and Clas
sical, SB. Music, >lO. Boarding in College
very low. Rooms for self boarding can be had
free of charge.
The course of study in this institution is ex
tensive and thorough, embracing all the valua
ble studies taught in any Female College.
ADVANTAGES : Ist. * Cost is very low.
2nd. The buildiug is well situated aud well
3rd. Easy of access, good plank und board
4th. The manners and morals of the stu
dents are carefully cared for.
MR. & MRS. A. T. DOI TIIKTT, Principal.
WiditwV AppraiMiUfiilN.
The folfewing anpraism Hits of personal pro
perty set apart for the benefit of the widows' of
decedanta have been filed in the office of the
clerk of the Orphans Court of Butler county as
Benjamin Sloan, $ 52 00
Zepheni&h Double, 3'K) On
H H. Barr, 300 1)0
George Vox an, 14 00
Patrick O Donell. 300 00
John Hippie, 3 Of, 00
Joseph Itinker, 300 00
0 M. Cool 800 0«i
Albert S. idle SOO 00
John E Muder 111 sft
J L Morilaud 31*0 00
Fran'.js Wallace 300 00
Michael Gatens 300 (X)
Robert McKinney 300 00
All persons interested in the above appraise
ments will take notice that they will be present
ed to the Orphans Court of Butlor co. for con
firmation, ou Wednesday the Bth day of Decem
ber. 1880. W. A. WEIOHT. Cleric.
Rheumatio Cure.
lias cared rheumatism after tl}« treatment of
fourteen doctors l|»d faiipd arid after ho had
nnfd crutches for sixteen yeare,
It was discovered by K Donnell, in the treat
ment of himself- Sold by
», 11. WVM'GR.
nov24;Bm BU CLER. PA.
xoilt E.
The Rcirlstcr hereby gives notice tlmt. the fol
lowing accounts ol Executors Administrators,
Guardians and Tiuateea have beeu tiled in his
ofli-e according to liw and will be presented
to Court for confirmation and allowance on
Wednesday, the Bih day ol pecemlipr, A. p.,
IH#O, ->t 2 o'clock, H Vi
Final nn>i distribution account of Mary
Gnjssiuau, Administratrix cf.Junius Grossman,
late of Brad) township, dec'd
2. Final account of Johu Rohner, Adtn'r cum
testamento anncxo ol Win. P. Graham, late of
Canber|ry township, (Juc'd.
rt. tfin il account of John Esler'and .lames
Elliott, Executors ot the late will of William
Kiddle, late of Clinton town»hlp, dec'd.
4. Final account ol Mary V. Oibson, Execu
trix cf William Gibson, late of Venango towu
ehlp, dec'd.
5. Final and distribution accoqqV of John-
Emri< k, administrator ot IliU estate ot Rebecca
It, khar)., |ate of Summit township, dec'd.
(5. Final accQiint of 0, S. Ucighle and Klizi
beth Hark ley, Ex'rs of the estate ol
B rkb-y, late ol Muddyereek town-hip, dw'd.
7. Partial account o| Wm. Snider ami Robert
Trimble, lix'rs of the Inst will and testament of
lacob Snider, of Middlesex township, dec'd.
8. Final account of Robert Stewart, Guardian
of AI v I L Uouthett, minor child ot John Doutti
eti. late ol Winfitld township, dec'd.
9. Final and distribution account of 11. H.
Vincent at.d Levi Hale, Administrators o( Sia
tlianii'l Cooper, late o) (Qck township,
10. Partial and distribution aooonnt of Na
•lian F. MeCaudiess and Keaia J. MoCandless,
Ex'rs of Josiih McCandless, late Of Centre
township, dec'd,
11 Partial nueoum of O. C. Redic, Ex'r ol
the last will and testament ot Nancy Rcdic, late
o! Allegheny township, dec'il.
12. Final accouLt ot Rudolph and J. J. Barn
hart, Executors ot Kredetick Baruhart, late ol
Fait view township, dec'd.
13. Second and Dual account of Haryej On
born. Administrator of Poclur R 0. McClel
land, dee'd,
14. Final account of P. |l. l.auflman. Adm'r
of Williurd Leonard, dec'd, late ot Penu town
15. First and tlr.al account of Pnmnel Dnfl,
Ad in nistrator ot tin- estate ot Elizabeth Widen
liotler. late ot, Wiiifield township, Butler coun
ty, dec'd.
lti. Partial account of Thomas Donagby.Trus
tie, aj pointed by the Orphans Court ot Butler
county to sell the real estate of Mary O Dou
nel', late of Oakland township, dee'd.
17. Final account ol Hannah W. Potts, Exec
utrix ol Wm. McCaslin, late of Middlesex town
ship, dec'd.
18. Final apcunnt of Jacob Garwig, Adm'r ol
George JCrh, late of Lancaster township, deed
lit. Final account of John C. Moore, Guidian
ot R M. Allen, minor child cf William Alien,
late of Wa»h.tn;ton township, dec'd.
SO. Final account of Barbara Lei»e and Hon.
Samuel Marshall. E»'ls ol Frederick Leise, late
f Ormitierry township, dee'd, as filed hv Bar
baia l.eise ami Johu Rotiucr, coiniuittee of
Samuel Marshall.
Nov. 10, tt. Register
Xoiive to and all
The following Road petitions have been ap
proved and will be presented to Court for con
firmation, absolutely ou Wednesday the Bth
day of December, 1880.
No. />, June Terra, 1880. Public road in
Cherry township, to vacate part of, beginning
at or near Kinelians Bridge on said road and
the point at whicli it intersects with the road
leading from Annandale to New Hope.
No. l.'i, March Term, ISBO. Road in Cherry
township, beginning at or near the ui action
house in Cherry township., said county, on tlie
public road leading from Kiye Points to New
Hope and to cud at point near James Bryan's
residence ii| said township ot| (tie public road
leading from Unionville to New Hope.
Vf.A. wuiGHT, cierk-
TfiAOE <gj'MARK.
Spitt tier ot it|(xvt. Br-TrrhftlK, Artlhm.-i.
a«.t a 1 rtia.i:«6s of t'lo l'u.nv>.iary
t*r CO 50 Cents ni|:t One ['(Jil l •.
39 Filth Avs.-ua. «iil-VS3UBGii, PA.
k*H V»UF HruuKlxt (hr i».
\rp\lf i'ITRI? Consumptiou and Asthma.
I'JLi " vU 11 Jit }j«vei' yet failed. Addreau
with Btsmp; "trnMK," i uotrtmnso, ilu. (Ja7 Iy
I Go to CHARLES R. GRIEB'S for" f
ffi *
00 J i A NIT.
l_ i I CIIIkFS. w
O . i^ 1
S i i hlvb ' s
" MiIS"BTUEKT, BU t'I.KR, PjfT \
Barrels, Choke
1 " " -J'^^SBURGH'PA
To meet the demand for a reliable hard close shooting breech 1 *id
er, at a moderate price, we now offer a line of FINE ENGLISH GUNS,
Grreatly Reduced Prices:
12-bore. 10-bore.
No. 845 C. G. BONEIIILL, Top lever, double bolt, bar reboun ling locks, low set hammers, solid stri
kers, pistol grip stock, patent fore end, skeleton butt plate, fine Damascus barrels, choke
bored, finely engrav.ed and finished $45 00 1 SSO 00
No. 850, do. do. With extension rib fastening 50 00 | 55 00
No. 855 do. do. Challenge brand with horn iiccl plate elaborately engraved 55 00 j 00 00
All'these ciins have raised level ribs, anil the 1) bore* are made extra heavy arid wide ;:t l>iveh, ntiiun,' in weight from 9 to 10 tbp., mak
ing an admirable gun for dack and trap shooting where heavy charges ure necesstry. An • of thes™ <_" ins will be sent C. O. D., with privilege of
examination and "trial on receipt o a remittance sufficient to cover express charges to vo ir pi ice and return. No deviation will be made from
these prices under any circumstances. [2.>augi m] J. PALMKK O NKIL A ( O.
Monday, October IS, 1880.
Wakefield & Co.
| 3 Special Bargains!
38 inches wide, ail wool, all shades, ,
including Blacks, at 50 cents per j
PLAIDS, Hew anil distingue com
binations, at 75 oents per yard.
MERE, 42 inches wiile, Toe per
yard ; 4<i inches wide, 87A cents per
yard ; 48 inches wide, £1 per yard.
Extra Heavy Weight and Superior j
Plain tvnd Hrooaied Silks and j
Satin D'Lyons Novelties. '
dolma JSTS.
We have taken special pains in select
ing our goods for this department, anil
feel confident oi\r present stock will es
tabjii.lt our reputation for Stylish, Per
fect-fitting and Well-made Garments.
124 Federal Street, ,
Nos. 92 & 94 First Ave., PittsLurflh, Pa.
Steam Engines, Boilers,
Saw Mills and
Wood-Working Madhinerv, new and second
hand. --T. ■■■>•'
L. 91. tOCHIi.U,
Livery, Sale, Feed and Exchange
Rear of Lowry House, • • BUTLER, PA.
Fop Catarrb.
JJKL_ _?, iflSl I lav fever, cold in the
WCRFAM 5(, ~ 11,5,,,t v : n ,"
Wf\ y cu^^nul H'Uter. !l I'-ir!l "If
f CATARRh'cOLOS *Of the fia rn into I he
Si? ■
healing the diseased
Ul&Ztm luPHibrane.
For Dt afnese,
Occasionally apply a
WS particle Into and back
of the ear. rubbing in
Is receiving the endorsement of the sutlerer, the
druguist, ami physician. Never lias an article so
iiiueli merit been produced for the treatment of
iiiemhrunal diseases as this never-failing MALM,
unci is universally acknowledged as all that
is claimed lof R. I'he application is easy and
pleasant, musing no pain, is soothing, and is fast
sujierseding the use or powders, ltipiids and snuffs.
Price su cents, on receipt of mi cents, will mail a
package free. Send lor circular, with full Infor
At WholaHale by
NKW YORK -McKesson & Robblns Hall & Buck
et, C. N. Crlttentinn, W. 11. Schetflelin & Co.. I>.
M. Stiger & Co., I.azelle Marsh & Cardncr, Tar
rant & Co.. Frazer & l.ee. and others.
PHIIi.VDKI.I'IIIA—Smith. Kline & Co., Ji4VW»tol),
Hollowav & Co.
SCKANTON, l'.v.-Mathews Um.-,.
At Retail by all ll...«idsts. oet 27-om
FOR S5. Ss, 510. St 2. - s r> or •■&*,, I will make
you a full set of beautilul natural limkim; teeth,
warrant tliepi to years, Teeth extracted and
LattultinttOasor ptlier given without extra charge.
I will ask ftir no money until the patient is fully
satisfied «ith their new teeth. I also till teeth at
very low rates. I>l{. A. 11. Lkwim. Dentist.
nov:i-3m No. y.S7, Penu ave. Pittsburgh. Pa.
Hide >lark«'t.
Beef llitlfs from 8 to 10 cents per
pound. If you want to get the high
est t ash price in the county for your
Beef Hides, take them to Wm. -Mur
dorf, West Cunningham struv i, butler.
Pa. 9C&--3iii
The wast complete institution in thy United
states for the thorough praolieal education of
young and middle ajfed men. Sludents admit
ted fit any time.
lytf For Circulars givint ful' particulai®,
address J. C. SMITH, A. M.,
sep27:3m Pittsbur^ii
' AdWr«i«ti iu Hie Uriwn.
Jefferson St., Butler, Pa.
All the Flour made bv the New Process and sold as low as per
sack, and up to "7=> per sack. Also, Buckwheat Flour, Rye Flour, and
bolted and unbolted Corn Meal.
All kinds of Feed—Chop, Bran, Corn, Oats and all kinds of Mill Feed.
All kinds of grain bought at Store or Mill, and Highest Cash Price Paid.
Custom Work done at Mill bv the New Process Machinery and grists
warranted to be equal in quantity and quality to those ground anywhere else.
George Reiber, Sr.
Co:. Main and Cunningham St., Butler, Pa.
One Door Soutli of JOHN BERG & CO.'S BANK.
Having re fitted tlie large and commodious Store Room, situate
in the above stated location, formerly occupied by Martin Reiber
Sr., we will in a h w days opon up a first-elass grocery, and will
ofler to the public at bottom prict-s, a fine selection of choice,
The Highest
•Xolm ner" 1 £*oll.
I>KC?EMBKIi Ist, l^O.
2,000 Yds. Genuine Silk Mixed
And placed on sale at the REMARKABLE price of 20 cents, about
ono-third their value.
One lot Imported llandkirclil I I'l.iiil . a! 37 1 ,-.!
former price, , „ ■
One loi Handkerchief I lilt* .«. line fci «Kl>. • i.
former price. .■?!.£>. ..... . f
One ot Kl««:iiit Handkerchief l'l.ilti • a? -»I.Ior
i»»ir prio- .*) ami upwards.
A portion tin**' nwnt jmiviiiises ;mi si\.isn
Onn mst' E!«'jiant Satin 'litml 1 pmkm Sin?-
» f >.
Superb ipmiitivs U-n:. I: 1 u-m-n !>!»• |
Goo Is al ci. -I ami leorr.;.-- ad
combine, with Slims. I"!n-.i • . \clxe,- .'MI >1 i
Del.vim Brocades. now -oid ill .itci liutt*. — n- de
signs at our silk counters at sicli low* prict • r«r
elcirnhl <imlltics.
Maxniiieeu! Si!'; Novelties, <;. k n to s?.->. "- 'inv
of lie- former solil recently »l ■<>.
American Press Pcp..i t m.-Vt shmercs
best shades, r.i' ■<: up.
( ' Lwulile \\ idth Ariniin s. _•<»< np
«:* i. 1". I'-" : anil inc. tin- two latter In sryl
,sh effect*. ami all these woll-kimwn American
Fabrics. uiMus em»tun»w ••.•nil :an I ■< >-
vice, til rft\ :ug iwrc rv•••■ ■■ than
some pried* at feveral ttni.-s th: . r.i t,_
Choir* l Wo*" 1 '! Hal In- and I!: « ado Velvets
Lvtra Will - lsjacli Saluis an 1 V«4ve« for Skirts
ami Trliniuiuys.
118 MI (1 120 Federal Street, A llegheny.
V P—FlamieV n - -1 Winter I*l-?rrw r ard I'< i-trj% Pomcotio and Honoekeoplny
Ooodfc »nd retii • • -i «r ahorHime bttf
eiHivlli au»rr\cd treat. ,NY» Hue.. 1 v luied Silk tiirl<f.< Spi.e:". B. Bwis BiUtJ, lift-.
puii<nl Unttonn. in tvrtj to mau-ii f<«' l/o-.tiitue» w; i Jiol.t-rv.
l ath replenished Willi New Styles.
i:\oiilslte I'll ami Slvlhli Materials.
\ law lot Klegant Sen Shape l» .il'mtMs :M
Mie best it-rniem eve r solil at this price.
At s:t. sr.. 5r..."-!!, <s. siu ami £l3.
that arc S|>eeial Bargains.
Dolman; ami Jackets ■.>{ .< -."io, st i,Si2,r><"-I."', £H>',
• ;nui..it th< e price we invite special atleii-
F, NFI \Vr.\ and Gariaoiits at %!•*>. £lO. IH
■ ' mid "!> ♦I c ll, fctately ami uobbv
U'-.lcs. in S;ii-: d'l.you and Sie.lieuue, line I
with Satin 111 liia. 1 ';. wine and old jrold an 1 fur.
and Dimmed with fur. licn.l-d paHeoiuenterie.
pit:- lie*. Ac., to tsuit t'.ic faiu-y of alinivt *uy
Genuine 1.011 lon dye, ilJ.i. c l."0, *175, £*)(> ami
l'lejjant Otter a: 1 Poal Dolman* «2'«5 to # 15l>.
llxira larxo a*.>ortm jut Far-lined
r i 5 to eaoa.
("I 1 o l.inn ')irc".i ir.*, mvle k* Lifttcc
. 11 iff t 1 t!". \.tri i't.» mwv
n-e within two d.iv*,