TROOPS CALLED OUT. DUBLIN, NOV. 9. —Four troops of hussars were dispatched hence for Bil linrobe by special-train at 2 o'clock this morning. Four hundred infantry hare arrived at Ballinrobe and will en camp near Lough Mask These pre cautious are taken in view of the in tention of the Northern Orangemen to send laborers to harvest the crops of Mr. Boycott, Lord Erne's agent, for whom the local peasantry, at the ins tigation of the Land League, refuse to work. The government will protect a moderate force of laborers, but §refuse to permit anything approaching armed demonstration, which would certainly Srovoke a collision. Tke situation of Lr. Boycott is anything but pleasant. He has evidently been picked out as an example to frighten landlords and their agents. Although acting as agent for Lord Erne, he has a farm of his own, in which all his money is in vested and which he has labored tor several years to improve, until it has become one of the best and most pro ductive in the country. The agitators however, ordered no one to work for him and, as a result, he has been ob liged at times even to tend his own sheep, protected by members of the Royal Irish constabul* ry, who follow ed him with carbines loaded. A few weeks ago a process-server and his es cort retreated on Lough Mask House, followed by a mob, and on the follow ing day all the farm servants were or dered to leave Mr. Boycott's employ ment. The peasants did not dare to work for him and he has been actually in a state of eeige. Personally attend ed by an armed escort everywhere, he has a garrison of constables on his pre mises, some established in a hut and the rest in that part of Lough Mask House adjacent to the old castle. For seven years Mr. Boycott has farmed at Lough Mask, acting also as Lord Erne's agent. He has on his own ac count had a few difficulties with his workpeople, but these were tided overly concessions on his part and all weut smoothly till the serving of notices up on Lord Erne's tenants. All the weight of the tenants' vengeance has fallen upon the unfortunate agent, whom the irritated people declared tbey will "hunt of the country." Con sequently when Jthe orders went forth everybody left him to his own resourc es. Farm laborers, workmen, heads men all went long ago, leaving the corn standing, the horses in the stable, the sheep in the field, the turnips, car rots and potatoes in the ground. Such has been the state of affairs for many days, until finally Mr. Boycott sought the protection of the government. Or angemen have agreed to do his harvest ing and correspondence the government agreed to send troops to his relief. The troops that went to day consisted of four squadrons of the Nineteenth Hussars, with a detach ment of the army service corps. QVEER ELECTION BETS. The loser in a Memphis bet is to stand on his head five minutes, in a public square, with a Garfield banner suspended from his feet. In Oswego, N. Y., a groceryman bet his store against a neighboring meat market that Hancock would be elected. On Wednesday morning he turned over his wager like a man, but the butcher declined to accept it. A combination bet was made by ten Democrats and ten Republicans in Houston, Texas. The losers were to harness themselves to a stage coach and draw the winners through the principal streets. In both parties were some of the foremost men of the city. A wheelbarrow bet in Baltimore of forded more amusement to the specta tors than had been expected. The loser was annoyed, while wheeling the winner over the stipulated route, by the taunts of the latter, and followed up the payment of the wager by whip ping him soundly. Joseph S. Miller and Henry Klein dients of Rochester, N. Y., bet on the election, the loser to walk a block at noon, attired in his wife's night dress. Miller lost, and at noon on Wednesday appeared and walked in Mrs. Miller's night gown, followed by a crowd of men and boys. In Ogdensburg, N. Y., William AI -Bsr bet bis moustache against A. A. abcock's whiskers that Garfield would not be elected. On Wednes day morning be had bis moustache cut off and sent to Mr. Babcock. Insects detest the odor of elder bash. Phctons are on their last wheels for this season. Linseed oil mixed with lime is good for barns A little Rock man went around town after election, according to the Gazette with a shingle over his eyes "to shed his tears" for Hancock's defeat. Hur rah for Giflin. The gases and vapors of manufac turing towns, especially where chemic al works aboand, produce variations in the color of moths, even in the fall grown insects. A three-story flouring mill at Hol mesburg, Pa, was burned October 13, causing a loss of $12,000. The mill was the oldest establishment of the kind in the State; and was built in the year 1697. "Why were you late this morning, sir ?" said the teacher rather sharply. "Well, sir, you see, I heard that a lit tle fellow next door to us was goin' to have a dressin' down with a bed cord, so I waited to hear him bowl." A certain Chinaman gave a dinner party. The viands were not to bis taste. He ro6e from the table, asked to be excused for a few moments, and left the room with the remark: "Must lickee wife." This was not in China. A boy who had been engaged in a fight was reproved by bis aunt, who told him he ought always to wait until the other boys "pitched upon him." "Well," exclaimed the little C«sar, "but if I wait for the other boys to be gin, I'm afraid there won't be any fight. There are no# 22 starch factories in full blast in Aroostook county, Me. Each factory uses from 1,500 to 2,000 bushels of potatoes a day, and as they ran about 90 days the total quantity of potatoes used will reach 3,000,000 bushels, for which they pay 20 cents a bushel. Cut horseradish roots in thin slices, lengthwise, and lay half a dozen or so of these pieces on the top of each crock of pickles, allowing them to remain un til all the pickles are used, and it will prevent the gathering of mould Orat ed horseradish will not do, as it soon loses its strength and then ferments. MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS* DISCOVERER OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S toiotabt.T; COMPOTOD. ThePositive^nre For all Female Complaints. This preparation, u its nam# signifies, consist® of Vegetable Proportles that are Lannlcss to the most del icate invalid. Upon ono trial the merits of this Com pound will be recognised, as relief is Immediate ; and when its use is continued, in ninety-nine cases in a hen. dred, a permanent cure is thousands will tee tlfy. On account of its proven merits, it is to-day r» commended and prescribed by the best physicians is the oountry. II will cure entirely the worst form of falling of the uterus, Lcucorrhcea, irregular and painful Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, Flooding*, all Displacements and the eon sequent spinal weakness, and is especially adapted to the Chancre of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumon from the uterus in an early stage of development. The tendency to canoerous humors there eLecked very speedily by Its use. 1b fact it has proved to be the CTeat sst and best remedy that has ever been discover ed. It permeates every portion of the system, and elves new life and stroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of tho stomach It eoros Bloating, Hsadaches, Nervous Prostration. General Debility, Glecplet&ncss, Depression and Intli gsstlon. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by Its use. It wlilat all times, and under ell circumstan ess, act In harmony with the law that governs the female system. For Kidney Complaints of either sex this compound is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound la prepared at 233 and 236 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mara. Price £I.OO. Biz bottles for $5.00. Sent by mail in the form of pill*, also In the form of Lozenges, on receipt of price, #I.OO, per box, for either. Mrs. PDTIIIIALI freely answers all letters of inquiry. Send for pam phlct. Address as above Mention this paper. Ko family should be without LYDIA E. LI Villi PILLS. They cure Constipation, Biliousness, and Torpidity of the Liver. 25 c*nts Der box GEO. A. KELLY & CO., General Agents, Pittsburgh Pa. Sold by D. H. Waller, - Butler Pa. you are ajf? * of business, weak-man of let eneU by the strain of ters toiling over nifd your duties avoid W night work, to res stimulants and as e V ton? brain nerve ana Hop Bitters. I waste, use Hop B. If you are young an J I suffering from any in discretion or disaipa ■ tion , If you are mar ried or single, old or ■ young, suffering from poor health or languish ■lng on a bed of sick ness, rely on HO p ■Bitterft. Whoever you art;. Mk Thousands die an whenever you feel U fl nuaily f roin some that yo a r system form of Kidney needs cleansing, ton- that might Ing or stimulating, ■! have been prevented without intoxicating, ■! by a timely use of take Hop Hopßltters Bitters. Have yon dys peps-a, kidney nt /» ZZT d££«' tSI is an absolute of the IIOP Ue'Vu?^ ««r*2r££« HU F drunkenness^ " or TMTyts M.j use of opium, Toni win be|« fllTTrnO tobacco, or w - ouc * Ifyouareslm- SI LIU* soldbydruf ply weak and ■; ...iirn ri-taSendfor low spirited, try ■ NEVER Circular. "Lj* J" f* 1! r« I I BITTOB life, ft has I|A I L B ' ro C0 *' saved hun- ■ s. T. dreds. A Toronto, Opt. J MALARI AL POISON. The principal pause of nearly all sickness at this time of the year has its origin in a disoreered Liver which, if not regulated in time, great suffering, wretchedness and death will ensue. A gentleman writing from South America says : "I have used your Ssmmons' Liver Regulator with good effect. Doth as a prevention ana cure for Malarial Fevers on the Isthmus of Panama." TAKE Simmons' Liver Regulator, A Purelv Vegetable Medicine. AN EFTECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR MALARIOUS FEVERS, BoWEL COMPLAINTS, JAUNDICE. COLIC. RESTLESSNESS, MENTAL DEPRESSION. SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION, NAUSEA, BILLIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, &c. If vou feel drowsy, debilitated, have frequent headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appetite, and tongue coated, you are suffering from Torpid Liver or Billiousness," and nothing will cure you so speedily and permanently as to take SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR It is given with safety, and the happiest results to the most delicate Infant. It takes the place of quinine and bitter of every kind. It Is the cheap est. purest and best family medicine In the world. J. H. ZElLn,_d CO. Pill la. Bold toy all Druggist*, *pr2B-lyr The oldest and the best appointed Institution for obtaining a Business Education. For circulars address. oc6-2ra] P. DUFF & SONS, Pittsburgh, Pa. TTiS GEEAT KIDNEY REGULATOR AND DIURETIC. KIDNEGEN is highly recommended and un curpassed for WEAK or FOUL KIDNEYS. DROP SY, BRKJIITS DISEASE, LOSS of ENERGY, NERVOUS DEBILITY, or anv OBSTRUCTIONS arising from GRAVEL or BLADDER DISEASES. Also for YELLOW FEVER, BLOOD and KIDNEY POISONING, In Infected malarial sections. jy-Bv the distillation of a FOREST LEAF with JUNIPER BERRIFS and BARLEY MALT we have discovered KIDNEGEN, which acts speci fically on the Kidneys and Urinary Organs, re moving deposits in the Bladdej and any straining, smarting, heat or Irritation in the water passages giving them strength, vigor and causing a healthy color and easy flow of unne. It can be taken at aH times, in all climates, without injury to the system. Unlike any other preparation for Kidney difficulties, it has a very pleasant and agreeable taste and flavor. It contains positive diuretic pro perties and will nrrt nauseate. Ladies especially will like It, and Gentlemen till] find KIDNEGEN the bestKidnev Tonic ever used ! NOTICE—Each bottle bears tile sluiut, n;,< lit LAWRENCE & MARTIN, also a Proprietary Government Stamp, which permits KIDNEGEN to be sold (without licensei by druggists, grocers and otUor persons everywhere. Put up lb Quart-size Bottles for General and Family Use. LAWRENCE &. MARTIN, IChicago II tySold by Druggists. Grocers juul IfMidt-TS everywhere.and by LAWRENCE & MAKTIN.No. 6 Barclay St„ New York. octt3-ly JAMES J. CAMPBELL, ' County Office in Fairview botougb, jj) Telegraph Office. janlS] Baldwin P. 0.. Batter Co., Pa. FEHIHB ARMOR, Justice of the Peace, Main street, opposite Postofficc, Jlvlft ZBLTESOPLE, PA._ \TI? W PITDC Consumption and AsUma. i 1 .Li m \j U XVJji Never yet failed. Address with (temp, "HOME," Fwmtbubo, Mb. (J»7 ly ( Cifcisseu: IXavemJbwJC IjfHt of Traverse Jurors drawn for a Special Term of Court, commencing on the flftn Monday of November, isso, being the 29th day. Allegheny township—Henry Kohlmeyer. Josiah Kiskadden. „ Butler borough—Henry Bickel, Augustus Cuth bert. Adam Honner, Adam Schenck. Butler township—W. H. Nicholas, W. C. Martin. Connoquenessing—Joseph Balph, Clinton—Woodruff Gibson. Cranberry—Newton Graham, Bradm Garvin, John P. Roil, Robert Trimble. Clay—Jacob Halstine. Centre—James M. Thompson. Cherry—John Grubb. Forward George Marberger. Fairview township—John G. Hawk, Thomas Jamison. J. S. Auitnian. Jefferson—J. B. Wright. Jackson—Daniel Fetdler. Karns City— J. norland. Lancaster—Geo. Ruby, .Tas. Morrison. Marion— f.e\ I Porter, A. Bailey. Mercer—H. MeLintock, Hugh B rah am, Muddvcreek—Nicholas Bowder. Oakland—Henry Conway. Penn—Erastus Logan, Harvey Osborne, Philip Sutton. Petrolia—R. C. Whitford Parker—W. C. Beck. Prosj>ect—Augustine Bowers. Slippery rock—Tlios. Mittlin. J. G. Kerr. Venango—Levi Kerr. Winfleld—John Cooper. Worth—George Taylor. Washington—E. E. Evans. Jury List tor December Terui. ISSO. Grand Jury for first week, commencing Mon day, December 6. Allegheny—F. Jamison. Buffalo—John Ha< bison, John Murphy. Butler township—Benj. Dixon. .Ttio. Butler borough—J. J. Elliott, L. O. Purvis, John McQ. Smith. Conncqnenessing—P. I Barnhart. Cranberry—Austin Graham, Adam Kirscliler. Cherrv—J. J'- Kelly. Concord—A. G. Meals. Clinton—Henry Sefton Centre—Bimon Young. Fairview township—Michael Andre, Andrew Blakeley. W. H. McKee Mitlerstown—H. L. Westerman, Oakland—J. M. Beatty. Parker—J. C- Danbenspeck. Washington—Thomas Campbell, Jr. Woith—John Boyle. Jr. Winfleld—Henry Deer. Sr. TBAVERB JURORS FOR WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1830. Adams—T. M. Marshall, William Mentzer, James Parks. Allegheny—J L. fiosenbury, Crawford Don aldson. Butler borough—Christ Stock. Casraer Wise. G. VP. Miller, H J. Kliugler, Jacob Geible. Buffalo—John Sarver. Brady—Henry Double. William Moore. Clay-l-Jamts Findley. Concord—John CLiappel - ConnoqueneMting—ibomas Edmuudson. Tlioe Galloway. Centre—Alex. Pollock. Donegal—Leroy Delemater. Fairviow— K- M. Hepler. Philip Dabenspeck, Daniel Evanii. H. W. Jamison Isaac Kavlor Harrisville—U. A. Ayers, Alec. Black, Joseph Pew. Jackeon—Jamee Jones. Ezra Tiken, James D. Lytle. William Roth. David B. ijhontz Jefferson—Alfred Maarhoff, Benson Shrader, Lancaster—John Myers Josepu i'owell. Muddycreek~Wm. Dowler. Mercer W. A. Roberts, J J. McGarvey. Prospect John Hyle. Jr. Parker—David Jacl sou. D. P. Kelly. Slippery rock—Frederick Gerwick. Washington—N M. Shira. Winfleld—Frederck Welty, Argus Keck. Worth—Mathias Bennett. Zelienople—E, V. Randolph. XwliCP. Notice is hereby given that Kennedy Mar shall. ECQ . assignee of ''Fowler Brothers" His tiled his Final account in the offlie of th« Prothonotary of the Court of Common Peas of Butler county at C. F. No. 455, Term 1878, and that the sxme will be prasented to said Court for confirmation and allowance on Wednesday, December the Bth, A. D. 1880. A. RUSSELL, Prothy. Notice. Notice is hereby given that John Rohnor Committee of Hon. Samuel Marshall late Com mittee of Irwin Rimsevhas filed his Final ac count in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler county, at C. P. No. 1. September Term. 1843, a«d that the same will be presented to said Court fct firmation and lljowance on Wednesday, the Bth day of December next. A. RCSSKLL, Prothy. Xoticc. Notice is hereby given that James L. David son assignee of John M. Davidson has filed his Final account in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common PleaH of Butler county at C. P. No. 603 M.veh Term, 1879. and and that the same will be presented to said Pourt for confirmation »nd allowance on Wednesday the Bth day of December, A. D. 1880. A. RUSSELL, Prothy. Notice. Notice is hereby given that John Rohner Com mittee of Samuel Marshall has filed his Final account in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of But'er M's D. No. 1 June Term, 1880. and that the same will be presented to said Court for confirmation and allowance on Wo<hje»4ay fhe Bth day of December 18U0. A. RUSSELL, Prothy. THE BEST PAPER ! TRY IT ! BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. «E«* f: e » *.- THE Scientific American. The Scientific American is a large First-Class Weekly Newspaper ot Siiftum Pages, printed in Ibe most betulilul style, prolusely Ulif-trulcd with tpienfild engravings, repteaenUujttlus new r est Inventions ami til'- most recent advances in the Arts viud Sciences, including New and In teresting Facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, Health, Medical Projjress, Social Science Natural History, Geology, Astronomy The most valuable practical papers, by eminent wri ters in all departments of Science, will be found |u the Scientific American. Terms, fiv'#o per year, fl.fiO half year, which includes posing*. Discc-unt to Agents. Single copies, ten cent', Sold by <»:) Newsdealers. Remit b> postal order to MUNN dfc CO., Pub lishers, 37 Park How, New York, n * "T" r~ KI T O In connfctPn witli rM I tIN I O.'he SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Messrs. Muuii & f 'o. are solici tors cl American and Foreign Patents, have had 35 years experience, anil now have the laigest establishment in the world. Patents are ob tained on t|ie best terms A special notice is made in the 8' IPNTIFJC AMERICAN ct all Inventions patented through 'his Agency, with the name and re-idenco ol Hi- Patentee. Uy tlie Injmo' Be circulation thus given, public at tention Is directed to tlio merits of the new pat ent, and sales or introduction o'tuu e i&lly effect ed. Any person who has made a new discovery or invention, can ascertain, tree ol charge, whether a patent on probably be obtained, by writing to MUSK & Co. We also send lee our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Pa'ents Caveats, Trade-Marks, their costs, and how pro cured, with bints for procuring aijviincpa on in ventions. Address lor the Paper, orco|icci uii)g Patents, MUNN & CO., 37 Park How, New York Branch Office, corner F ds. 7tb Stß., Washing ton, D. C. ~TO METHODISTS. ~~ PATRONIZE THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. HIE PTTTSBUROH CHRISTIAN HDVQC&TE, ESTABLISHED 1833. Rpv. A. WHEEI.ER, D. D, Editor. Office, 131 Sjiiithfield Street. Organ of the Methodist Episcopal Cfifl' oil in Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio aud West Virginia. Aide Editorials on all the live question* of the day. The Contributor Include some ol the most eminent writers cf the Church. The weekly exposition of the Sunday School Lesson is pronounced l.y leading Sunday School worker* to fyp unexcelled. Interesting news from all the churehtw. Special attention is given to the 1 ouwg (folks' Department Terms, 12,00 per year in advance. All Itine rant Ministers ol the M. E. Church are agents, to whom subscriptions may be paid. Sample copter »/jnt tree Mention this paper. Address J. A. MOUR£, CJj."is>ian Advocate, Pittsburgh, Pa. novl7;2t A GOLD WATCH FItKE. To even,' workihg agent, male of famele. Agents are clearing from s."> to sir» a day 011 our H/jiAo, i/f 4'l/lit.iou to above premium. Send to cents tor sahiifle ut it J 00 far full outfit and secure your county. THE MESSEKIGbU PUBLISHING CO. Lewisnurg. Pa. tUiu'yi^i Stoek Speculation and Investment, Operations on Margin or by Privileges. Spe cial business in Mining Stocks. Full particulars on application. JAMES BROWN, Dealer in fkoukH "i'(J Bonds, CJ A 66 Broadway, New York. ni*rl7-lrtn Port Grape Wine I'sed in the principal ('lurches for Communion purposes. Excellent For I_,*dle« We»kly Persona and the <tg>«l. r C- V3m jC iV c». v ' SPEEB'S PORT GRAPE WINE! FOUR YEARS OLD. This Celebrated Native WJne is made from the juice of tne Oporto Grape .raised in tnis country. Its Ivaluable Tonic and Strengthing Properties are unsurpassed by anv other Native Wine. Being the pure juice of the Grajie. produced under Mr. Speer's own personal supervision, its purety and genuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake of its generous qualities, and llie weakest invalid use it to advantage, it is particu larity beneficial to the a«ed and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that affect the weaker sex. It is in every respect A WINE TO BE RELIKI) ON. Sl* EEH'B 3?. J". SIT "E IR, :R, Y, The P. J. SHERRY is a wine of Superior Char acter, and partakes of the golden qualities of the grape from which it is made. For purity. Kichness, Flavor anp Mechanical Properties, it will be found unexcelled. int's IP. J\ BRANDT. This BRANDY stands unrivaled in this Country, being jar superior for mediciidal purposes. IT IS A PURE distilalion from the grape and contains valuable medieinial properties. It has a delicate flavor, similar to that of the grapes from which it is distilled, and is in great favor among lirst-ehiss families. See that the signature of ALFRED SPEER, Pas saic, N. J., is over the cork of each bottle. .Sold by I>. 11. WULLEtt. apr2B-lyr A«lininlNfratrix'M Notice. Notice is hereby given that letters of admin istration having been granted to the undersign ed on the estate of James Stoops, late of Cherry township, county of Butler, State of Pennsylva nia, dee'd, all persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate will please make immedi ate ]>av ment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement. ELIZA JANE STOOPS, Adin'x, jelG;6w] Annandale, Butler Co., Pa. I .Mm J mv vfe# SHJ PAD DISCOVERY BY ACCIDENT, which fapplies a want men of eminent ability have devoted yearn of ntndv and experiment to find—a specific for diHeanen of the Kidneys. Bladder Urinary Organs and Nervous System from the time of its discovery has rapidly in creased in favor, gaining the approval and con fidence of medical men and those who have used it ; it has become a favorite with all class es and wherever introduced has superseded all other treatments. In short, such is its intrinsic merit and superiority, that it is now the only recognized reliable remedy DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS are the most prevalent. dangerous and f ital af fections that afflict mankind, and so varied and insiduoUß in their character, that persons often suffer for a long time before knowing what ails them. The most characteristic symptoms are gradual wasting away of the whole body; pain in the back, side or loins; a week, feeble, exhaust ed feeling: loss of appetite and dread of exer cise; scautv and painful discharge of variously colored urine; inability to retain or expel the nrine; minute shreds or casts in the urine; and jrliep the cjinease is of Ion" duration, there is WU£h emaciation ana ueueral nepous {)tootra fiori. THE ONLY CURE. We sav positively, and without fear of contra diction that DAY'S KIDNEY PAD is the first and only infallible cure for every form is Kid ney disease. It is the best remedy yet discover ed for this complaint, and more effectual in its operation than any other treatment. By using f£it})fully and persistently no case will be found so invetf-raie »o uot to yie'd to its powerful remedial virtues. IS STRONGLY ENDORSED, We have the most unequivocal testimony to its cuiativo poweis from many persons of high ct;»rjpter, intelligence and responsibility Our book. ' llow a Lifo was flaved." giving the his torv of this new discovery, and a largo record of m st remarkable cures, sent free. Write for it. DAY'S KIDNEY PADS are sold by druggists, or will beaeßt by mail (free of postage) on re ceipt of their price: iieguiar. *XOu. bpeuial, for obstinate cases of long stsn ing. §3.00; Chil dren's, 41.50- Address, DAY KIDNEY PAD CO.. TOLEDO. Ohio. CAUTION a worthless Kindey Pads now seeking a sale on our reputation, we deem it due flip afflicted to warn them. Ask for DAY'S KIDNEY PAD, taue no pther. apd you will not be decieved. oc2o-lto Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa., where I have now and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barrod and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them as being very dura ble, as they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in feature, and will be sold at very low prices. For samples and prices, address. H. FULLERTON, ',n124.'7* IT) HnfW. Pa THE HA R RISB URG TELEGRAPH FOR IHBI. Reductions hi Prices. Free for Next'T*o Months to New Sub scribers. FLU* WEEKLY TELEORAPH, which is the oldest and newspaper published in the state Capital, will be furnished at I!EDUCED PHICES for the year ISBI. In addition to general and local news. THK TEI.KISRAFII will contain reports of begislanye and Congressional proceedings, MIOMBS and Miscellaneous reading for the Family, an Agricultural department, Markets, etc., inuk ing it one of the very In si tutw.spapcrs fur tlie Family, the Farmer, the Mechanic and Uie Busi ness Man. In order to place THE TKI-KCKATM within the reach of everybody, it w ill be furnished to subscribers at the following very low prices : FROM NOV. IST TO DEC. 31 ST, 1880. Single copy 2u cents. Ten or more copies, each 15 cents. FOB THK YEAR 1X8!. Mingle eopy (outride i,( Dauphin county) ,«l 80 Ten or more copies, each... l ou Twenty or more copies, each yj New subscribers who pay for tlie year l**l. will receive THE TEI.EI;I:AI-H I'LU'K OK CIIAKCK for the balance of 1880, from the date of subscrib ing. Any person sending a list of ten or more .subscri bers. will receive an extra copy without charge. The money must accompany I lie order in all cast's, lotf.l sJ;ould be sent by registered letter or postal iiinneyiirniei. Address all letters to the putillsiiei, CLIAS. 11. P.ERC.NEK, nov3-3t llarrishurg. Pa. AudKom' Police. In the matter of the petition of Elicit Stillwagon lor t,uiMio,°! on John J. Kelly ;idmiuistralor, to tile an acteoriitf. O. C*. No. 46 March Term, i»i'». AIW ...V,, *ug sth. tsso. It appearing by due proof tbat the eitu* tlon in this case has lieen regularly served on tlie respondent, and that lie has not and does not ap pear in obedience thereto, the petition is taken as confessed, and the Court appoint (i'org. l Billow, :iii attorney to take proof of the facts. Sc., and report an account «««!!—< the defendant. BY THK COURT. Notice is hereby given that I will attend lo the duties of llie above atiiMiinlment at my office hi 11 t e (on T.I s ay. Nov. 23rd, IN U, : t 10 o'clock, A M., at whteh lime and place all parties interested may attend if they see proper. UKOROK 0. I*IIJX>W, nov3-3t Auditor. i tOYfW •"viYfi" The Air.sricufi Shoo Tip Co. W a Iti; A ST S^T^Co. TLat if cow so extensively w<*rn on QHILQRZN S SHOES TO TEAS AS LOXG A3 TZS KETAL, \vii idi was introduced toy them, and br whi« h thei'Ove amount has been paved to parents an nually. This I5!;ic!; Tt|> will Mif Mill more, ns beside* being worn on tl .«• coarser grades it is worn on fi;ie and co-fly Fines where the Mctnl 'iip on account of ils looks would not be used. They all have our Trade Mark A. S. T. Co. •tamped on front of Tip. Parents should ASK FOR SHOES wish this BEAUTIFUL BLACK TIP on tben when pur< basin; fr-r ;l;«.r children. A NEW DEPARTURE ? 1 BOTTLE PATIENT MEDICINES FOR 38 CENTS ! JADWIN'S TONIC LAXATIVE Is Appetizing, Palatable and Non-Alcoholic, AND ALWAYS CUKES Dyspepsia, Sick Headache Constipation, Bil iousness, Sour Stomach, Liver Complaint, Want of Appetite, Indigestion, Jaundice, Ki.l ney Complaint, Nervousness, Dizziness, Sleep less' ess, Heartburn, Colic, Debility, Foul Bri ath, Worirs, Piles, Fevers, Colds, Ac. THE TONIC LAXATIVE regulates the bowels anrl streng'liens the svstem, gives a eleir head, pure blood ai.d elastic spirits. Is purely vege table, contains no mercury nor aloes. Sale at all times. Pleasant to the taste, and a substi tute lor Pills, Castor Oil, &c Best family ined irint known. Adapted to stroug men. delicate females ard feeble in lan s. In liquid form. Sold bj druggists. Price onlv 38 cents for a large bottle. HENKY B. JADWIN, Apothe cary ard Chemist, Sole Proprietor, Carbcnd lie, Pa. D. H. WULLEtt, Drugist, Sole Agent for Butler, Pa. jan2B-ly 1831 T,,,; WJ.TITATOB 18S1 COUNTRY GKNTLKMAN THE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. A Premium Annual to Every Reader. The Country Gentleman is Unsurpassed, if not Unequalled, for the amount and variety of the practical information it confirms, and for "tlio abil ity and extent of its Correspondence-ill three chief directions of Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture and Krult-Orowing, Live Stock and Dairying while it also includes all minor departments of ru ral interest, such as the Poultry Yard, Entomology Bee-Keeping. Greenhouse aud (ir-.tpery. Veterina ry Heplles. Farm Questions and Answers. Fireside Reading, Domestic Kconomv, and a summary of the News of the Week. Its Market lt-ports are uunsally complete, and more information can be gathered from its columns than from any other source with regard to the prospects ol the crops, as throwing; light upon one of the most important of all questions— W hen to Buy and When to Sell. It is liberally illustrated, and constitutes toa great er degree than any of its contemporaries A LIVE AGRICULTURAL NEWSPAPER of never-failing interest both to producers and consumers of every i-iass. The Country Gentleman is published weekly k »n the followlngititilis, wiitsh paiil strictly in advance : One copy, one y«:»r, £st.!>o; Four copies, s:n, ;iud an additional copy f<ir the year free to the sender of the club ; Ten copies, 820, and an additional copy for the year free to the sender of the e!nb. For tiie year ISBI, these prices include a copv of the ANNUAL KROISTEB OK RITUAL, AFFAIRS, to each subscriber—a book of I*4 pages and about 120 engravings—a jrift by the Publishers. i'ft~ All New Subscribers for lssi, paying in ad vance now. will receive the paper weekly, from re ceipt of remittance to January Ist, i£si, without charge. SPECIMEN COPIES OF THE PAPER FREE. Address LUTHER TUCKER & SON. Publishers. ALBANY, N. Y. iurd ,m & am INVITE YOUR INSPECTION TO A LARGE SHIPMENT OF AUTUMN winter Dress KahfioM, Comprising ml That Is Choice, Fashionable AND Elegant! in color, texture and design, are now displayed on our counters, iu prices that will prove to you that it PAYS TO TRADE AT INTo. 105 Market St. ELEGANT NOVELTIES IN BROCAbE VEL VETS, SATINS AND FACONNES J-OK TKLM -VfINGS AND SUITINGS. MOUCHOJII PLAIDS, MOUCIIOIR SUITINGS. SURAHS, DRAPD'OR, FRENCH MOMIES, CANTON SUITINGS, ARIiJJRgS, MERINOS AND CASHMERES. FOR SCHOOL OUTFIT, WE ARK OFFERING All-Wool Suitings at 2Sc All-Wool Momies at 30c 36-inch All-Wool Cashmeres, at oOc Navy Rlue All-Wool Cloths, 1J yards wide, 65c Navy Blue AlMVool Suitings.,,,,3o to Cloth Jackets, 2, 3 and 4 years s2.n() to 54.00 Cloth Jackets, 6 to 16 years $3.00 to sls IMPORTED NOVELTIES IN Ladies' Wraps, Cloaks & Jackets, MI AULS, BKIRI'N, UIVUjBik WEAK AM) RIDBBT. Heard, Eiber & la3ton, 105 MARKET STREET 105 BETWEEN FIFTH AVE. AND LIBERTY, au«2s-4m PITTSBURGH, PA. TRADE GUENTHER'S LUNG KEALTR CURES COIT3UHPTIOIT, .; of DIO»H1, Bronchfti*, Asthm.l, (V*l a i l ai (liauaca of tiie Orga..* I'r re ~,0 Cent ! mid <>;»<■ l»o!l i •. GUENTHER & CO. Proprietors. 39 Fifth Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. sico AMONTiTz^fflSwa or woman in •very A £*A T* T^TT I C! {ur our t ■»m. Wealsowant Avf Xlil JL K9 unique, tiuperb, highly commended, immensely i..>|>nl«r and fturt « m. ■■!!! nAAU Immense «»le« mire- Wind- MkCMKB II IH in every family. Nothing like 1 |l tII OUUH it. Ageiitamakemonej'fHat. Send for drculnrs and term*. Also, for The People'* W.n-a/.ine and <iri»nd Premium*. Only ll.tiu a v.'ur f " r "tamp, or 3 months for 10 centa. K w.'ll£t,r » Mi «r IU. Wot lee. Notice is hereby given that If. H- Bicker, Committee of O. Char'es Schmidt has filed his Final account in the oft?ce of the Prothonotary of tiie Court of Common Pleas <tf Rutier county, at C. P. No. 15, June Term. 1877. and that the same will he |v't-*oiited to sal 1 Court for con tinuation and allowance on. Wednesday the Bth dty of December. A. D. 1880. A- licse£Lii. Protbv. V • > . .i rt ;OJ»!JiTJD WITH TH: CeOCRAT-'HY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL SFE fcygXAWIWINCT HIS tVI AP. THAT^THE^ .••: -v " S: h lt X_ r , \ •££j "%' \ x /v 1 * m \ i ! 1 1- V,, ■; | s u nzml.Jr Jr-ih<rXi%- k l KANSAS city*;X_3uj^- ";*«'«»«sJ*J i:T*§ ,% Wf<yf^ — !S^f*P^rr «i.w6^.iecS!2hl^» CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. i , y :ie: cheat connecting between the east & the west! 1 i ioain » run J from Chicago to Council L'.uu-. pcs>i.ur through J -net, Ottawa, !«a Salle, Geres* o Hock Island. Davenport. Wcat l,tt»:»rty I OWJ City. Marengo. Brooklyn, (liinnell, Pes M »!r. •* the cipiial «»f Iowa), Stuart, Atlan t. ami \ V •- :i : with BRANCH— from PIIFOM Ju.iv ii m t*j i*oori:i; Wilton Junction to Musca tinc. \\*i.sliinuu»n, Fairfield. Kldon, Belknap, t\ it»rr«\;lie. l'rinceton. Trenton. <>alhitin. Cauie rou. Leavenworth. Auiiison and Kansas City; W:i>liin>rton ti» Slpouruey.«rsUaloosa. an«l Knux vllle: Keokuic to Farmineton. Bonaparte. Ben t<»n«*i»or!, 'ndependent. Kldon. Ottumwa, Kfldy viil-. Oskalooia. Pel la, Monroe, and Dos Moines; Newton lo Monroe; DesMolnea t»lndianolannd Wlnternet; Atlantic to Lewis an»l and AV«KM TO iiarlun. This is iK>»itively the only Ituiifqad. which owns, and operate a through lino txuin Chicago into the State of Kansas. riirough Express Passenger Trains, with Pull man Palace < arsattached, are run each way daily between CHICAGO and PEORIA. KANSAS CITY, COUNCIL BMTKPS, LEAVENWORTH and ATCHI SON. Throughcarsareatsorunbetween Milwau kee and K .nsns City, via the "Milwaukee and Rock Island Short Line." The "ureal Uock Island" Is magnificently equipped. Its road bed is simply perfect, and its track is laid with steel rails. What will please you most will be the pleasure of enjoying your meals, while passing over the beautiful prairies of Illinois and lowa, in one of our muaniticent Dining Cars that accompany all Through Express Trains. You ge{ ur, entire meal, as good as is served in any first-class hotel, forscventy-Hve conts. Appreciating the'fact that a majority of the people prefer separate apartments for different purposes (and the immense passenger business of this line warranting It), we are pl 'ased to an nounce that this Company nins Pullman Palact SUcpiiij Cars for sleeping purposes, and P*U*ce PALAIS CAH* at* rua tlirou«li to FEOItIA, DE> MOIXEB, (JQCKOIL fll.l't'FS, K *SAS CITY, ATCHISOV, und I.E\VEVWOKTII. Ticket* via tliia Line- known »> the "Ureal Koclt laluutl KouU," are cold by #ll TleJict Ait?nl< In the United Malen 01 d Canada. For inforraqt!-!! not obtainable at y«ur home ticket oillce, addrc<«, A.. KIMIiAi,!,. ST. JOHN. Gen'l iWpe-.ntcudetli. Geu'l Tkt. and Pastgr Asst., Ciiittutfo. lIL v.uicago, lib WHY DOES" z . ■ ■:.*{.> I.v :"'!i often break down at an early ago? Put a man at the v.-s M: I .. i tiio hot cuds until every pore is opened: then let him stand «v- >r : 1 : til- sir .ia t-calding and boiiing clothes, that ait: full of sweat and e\. .L.a.i :t :. i : si. in, tal lui Leaiiu too would break down before long; and yet this most ternoic c. .». . . A WOM AN hn- to go taroug'i with on wash-davi and. besides, with ht-r cloth:n.« r.v; f.-; »r: -ft:.!* •• r the hot work, she has to risk hev life by going out in the air to hang up the c.! i!n . l.u : tl. tie not at work jirj, the unhealthy atmosphere; jt< siucll, *0 ajipareiit t . . > '• ins that u liuOi through the house,—the family, however, olten becoming . •.-.1-- toir.. J I-, (ha p»' uliar odor from iu own waub a.j not to notice it. These facts plain -vlry SQ "suoy women sutTer with colds, rheumatism, wen's nerves, or ncuruigU LOOK OLD w'-..1e yet young in years, and physicians and boards of health cannot c'rr.'.v t:t M'.. •» I- •> st.-oiijjly to the irjurioua elfacts of the usual way of washing, with Its nccesfary . «• 'aliiini or boiling to get the clothes pure and sweet-smelling, especially a- it i without (' of' "i t:ie direct cause of those dreadful diseases, diphtheria, consumption, • no ty,...■>>,! Fortunately tliia trouble can l>e avoided; scalding, boiling, steam f d ail disafn-al-'j mcll fr •» tho wash completely done away with; clothes made sweet an-.i U.-aut:t'>:Vy v.iift.-; f.-ira Vxtsxing in Jiul the. waahdoneat lets cost than ere it xchen home-made soap is tw.-J, ve* v muu SOONER THAN by V. s <l-1 May, by u.irg fj; iaili UDuiuXS a()AP, —a Soap so purifying and tit :t l!t« vlothiiig can "be washed iu iukeworm water with very liitla p.bbi: t;. rtfl ci t . i. ' l'ttn? and utensils used by tho sick disinfected and cleansed <■ ili ut oMur t ::;1 ljii- , r boiling, while th« work Is so light that a girl twelve or thirteen years 01 1 • i w;>h without belli# tl t'd; and yet so mild and healing is this Soup that tor U,:let ;.• 1 >h:trlnT it has no equal, and physicians advise Its use in preference to imporU 1 (V. tiiL- s p.p >.n woun-ls r. -r\ itiw, an 1 to wash the youngest.infants, as well as for persons with dtlicste fkii>. Now tii re is a remedy for this, so economical that thei>oorc.;t can use it, there is tel a w m:i;i et A MAN >,h-) i" r-'.t directlv infresta*! in having used in thi-ii aoaios, m or |-.r«'Jndlco, 71! AT WUI« Dliiti'UL WAV OF WASHING CLOTH fed, Which does away with the ham work, olieiisivc Knei: .in.l <oari'ul steam on wash dajj, tr.ktrtt'tht> white pieces whiter, colored j brir.hti r: » 1 I'3:>:ie'<seffer tiiaii tliKg cau be mode by washing tiie old way. liaves the hrnd- s..iouii enough to .i-i |»a., stsvftliii and every article as clean, as sweet and as pure as if never woru. •.XTE3TIIVIOWIALS^ r-f-1 n. r. 80-.71.f.-5. M. n., irammooton, S.J, Ktiitor .'A. i.'h J'rxcy j.ublican. '.'r alt.'iitle'n w.i i called to FRANK PIDDALLS BOAT* fro:i an advortis«Dient in my own palter, and itn usain my house ibr nearly a year, accordiuif t<) '.lie directions, has proved that lis remerSa'ole rrop rtk'; liav-r not lieun overstated. For remov ing prating ink it is Invaluable, while for toilet ani shaving it U tho best Soup I have ever seen. From Mm. Ft ?.ucii,acKt, vi. liK.U4»., f .v'lliri-ttAli' tc SIDDA LLS3OAP la 1 .ill irretlTueutid witli no expense forsioap, m tfw. ■m (7 in/uel more ihnn pays for U. X have no steam tr sent from the wash, while the .saving tu :.ea!th, clothes and labor can hardly be estimated. i'r. ra \V. STANTON-, 150 C 20th St., Philada. %Vc are confident, irom a lor.e egpbrlettcttt m • - t - :':il r'»o.>Uimeinlins FRANK SIDDALLS -•< > V i'. one trial, ae-ei rding to the very easy prlntO'l i'ir"ctions. will overcome all prejudices, ft i: o r-.-ally ias wonderful merit fur shaving, toilet. r;.c r.liotTing are the Directions for Use, so simple tliat a cV.ild can u:o!.'r,-;'..;rd t! - r.uti! da auytluag so l ldlculous as to buy the Soap unless jou intend folK iii-r 11.em. $ I'iO positively forfeited, if it Injures the clothes, or u-ill not do everyikiu-j el:', 7. first, put the tvlilte clothes lu a tub of wate*, only Wilde warm enough toh; . r:.iMa . h snds. The n take one piece out at a time on the wash-board, rub t'.u - r.t!y •■•r it, 'oil it up and put it back into the same tub, anil ro oa each > t»1.1:i ■:1 the Soap rublted on them, Thou go away and let them soak at least t'v : .ty \\V ', v.". e.otit them, when the dirt will ail be loosened, and a very iit:!" r •! • i f.:.} was.!i-busrd, out of that one suds, will make than perfectly clean, >.•• "t:; ;. ■ ■ r ' t ;rn each piece while washing so as to get at the scans '. The:; w.-.-.h it;, tiy t':' t>oird, liiroutrit u lukewarm rinse-water (without unv Soap,) w> as t > ;<- l'• ' -iir : - Tbea put tUrcbgh bliu-water, and oij the line, without or t:oif- ■ a - Afterward put flannels and colored pieces to soak, an-1 wash th-m '. r.:.' . ; !: * ■ J; is imjh riant ::ol to heat the wash-water in a t-n, brass or k-iiic. !• w'V. it.' it e.' i water for a large wash with this Soap. ' ■ 7 TV :h V,luit You will Save by this Easy Wcy <:f Tfc l : o He h-boiier! No Steam f Nq Swell of sa<is 1 -u. . ' s the .'ixuiriuila /. v-jtsriy of hsepmg ihe Ditk-( loth. *'. <-• - Sporgs elzays Sued, and of Washing Freely in Lu:.". -t-i-501:23 GRCCI2P.S: <- * 6 Cute and Try it for Yourself noxt h - > v:'-, ?: - -hi:i Soap io r.ot yot {ntetrdtvcc Jti T.'iu.i Cui- v. ■ .. I •, on receipt of frlce, (lO OentS/, iti Money or-""1; . . J. F!'_< n %-ni isi" -31 T.OWHILL ST,, PHSLAD3LPHi.*• Boyle & Co., Importers and manufactures of GRANITE —4.NP— MARBLE, 295 and 297 Penn Avenue. PITTSBURGH, TA. Cemetery Work a Speciality. All kinds of STONE WORK prompt ly attended to. Charges Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. KiT We refer to the proprietors of the Labor Tribune. [sepi'2-lm STOV E S, RANGES, Grate Fronts, Fenders, &c CREA, GRAHAM & CO. MANUFACTURERS, 291 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. Pa sept22-311l AdmiuiNfrutorm Xolioe. Lettein of Administration have been granted to James W Barr and O. S. Barr on tlie estate of H- H. Bwrdet'd. ,ate ot Jeffeiron township. Butler conirty. All persons indebted to s*id eetkte are raijuetted to make immediate pay ment, And those having tlaiins or domandb against the same. should make tUery'kuowu without delay to MMF.S \V, IlAllß, . sepß-6t] 0.8. BAKU, I jJjgT* Advertise in the CITIZEN. THniii] Cars for eatinit purposes only. One other prcat Ipatureof our Palace Cars is a SMOKING SA IjOON where you can enjoy your " Havana" at all hours of tlie day. Mauiittlceui Iron Bridges span the Mississippi I and Missouri livers at all points crossed by this lino, nd transfers are avoided at Council Bluffs, Kansas < Ity. Leavenworth, and Atchlton. con nectior * beinu made in t'nion Depots. TUB PRIN< IPAI. R. It. CONNECTIONS OF THIS GUI:AT TUKUI'UU LINE ARE A3 I FOLLOWS : At < ME AGO. with all diverging lines for the East and South. At ENGLEWOOD. with the L. 3. it M. 8., and P., Ft. W.&i . R. Rds. At WASHINGTON HEIGHTS, with P., C. & St. At i.A SALLE, with 111. Cent. R. R. I At I-EOKIA. with P. P. * J.; P.D.4K.; I. B. 4 | W . 111. Mid.; and T. P. a VV. Rds. I At ROCK ISLAND, with "Milwaukee & Rock Island Short Line," and Rock Isl'd 4 Peo Rda. At DAVENPORT, with the Davenport Division C. M. .t St. P. R. K. At WEST LIUERTV. with the 8., C. R. * N R. R. At (iRINNELL, with Central lowa R. R. At DES MOINES, with I). M. i K. D. R. R, AtCorNCH. BLUFFS. with Union Pacific R.B. At O.MAnA, with B. A Mo. R. R. R. In Neb.) AtCOLt'Mlfl-s JCNCTION.with 8..C. R. * N. R.R. At OTTUMWA. with Central lowaß.R. ; \V.. St. L A PM.. and C. B. 4 Q. R. Rds. Al U.EOKCK, with Tot, Peo. Ji War.: Wab.. St. Louis & Pac.. and St. I, . Keo. & N.-W. R. Rda. At CAMERON, with H. St. J R. R. At ATCHISON, with Atch.. Topeka A Santa Fo: Atch. Jk Neb. and Cen. Br. U. P. R. Rds. At LEAVENWORTH, with Kan. Pao., and Kan. ! Cent. R. Kcs, At K ANSAS CITY, with all lines for the West | and Southwest. end all household and r - It boenn ri.cre generally known, must i.:..e an li:inienM.»B From Mas. E. STOCKWULL, Ilammotiton, I'. .T. FRANK BIDDAJUB sOAl* has tat I 111 my house for the last seven mctui; ■.. .t.-. by r".■; .v leg tin jirlntr 1 iWrecttom. v Itw It lo do tiling cl. linei; en ih-t wrapper-. W.- I •• n : aeaMe-i or boiled a win? 1 " ar. '••.« .it. >! ■ ir/rt whiter and swifter L\ ' !. <■ o'<l way. ;My btt band, who i t :th r ' hua a st.-iidy demand I" .r tLc r ,t liw:.. a.-, customers. From JfANAQEn or Pnrn i 1. i Street, Corner C Street, Is.W., Wash!., '. .a i> No laundrv or family en an -r 1 to be v. i FRAXU tiIJJDAI.IJS SOAP. We iollew . lions and use nootherSoap. and It.'.v r> : ><: : :: second to no laundry 'n Wiuihirgten f. r ' clothes; the superior work v.e it l .'..' t er; ... i to turn out having secured t•- i!u- trade . r .>1 the best geullemea's furnishing Kluteti m is.; e-ity. | D. ft LYON, ! SALE AND FEED STABLE. At tlio old stand of Pntrick Kelley, Ewq co ner of Cuniii mid M«n < street, oposj JOIIII Berg'w Bank, where I will attcnid to the feeding of Hoi-Ben or BOAKDINQ BY THE WEEK OR MONTH of the same. (Jive me a call and I will make the charge* moderate to *uit the time*. Tliotw) having Homes for nale or persons want ing to, tt will be to their advantage to call. aug2s-3m ; facts v 2 ] ► (J inßpr, RurTiu. TTir !r :!;<*, r.tilllngla ar! 1 ► ni.i i / ouier of t.• l> A «:\c>li ;inci knot, n arc J r kiilfully romb-ned i.i 1' "KI.K'SGINGER TONIC j ,as to make it lit® grcuicot b.'jod Purifier £r J J Khe Best lit all it c.i'l Strength Lc»tor: rJ ; liter J ► So perfect i* the cor. IIOSI»I LOFPARICRR'SGUI-L 'GER IONIC no TLL.C.L ;I.M 1 -113 cxi t W'FI- J Jit is used. If you have Dysj>ep3:J ( Headacac,«J ..iheumntism/Ncureljij, B_»wel, KiJney c. j 'Liver Disorder, or it ) 1 nee J » m.ld stimulant.* for the TONIC i. j ; t the 1 A [for you, as it ii highly curative and but never intoxicating. 1 j If you are slowly wasting s -.rny \v!.!i C J sumption or\iny si kn i,i.y>i' ave :: ..•1 • Joujhor* fca J Col J, I'A 'ia: ;To.\: J [will sureW Kelp yon. It jives 1 .v 11,"e a J [vijor to the fee!/..: and a*r i, n:vi i> a c?r - . •] .CURE F>r r. ioum-HSM CRJJ L IN" n!; .. J _lt lias Saved llnn<!rc!s of Lire*; It Jlayj fUv* Tovrt* I • If you are feeling muc;-' u '.e don't wait tin:! j 'you arc down sick, but use the Toxic ick' y.l ~»o matter what your disc a c or symptoms ma* J ■Uc, It wiil give prompt relief. 1 » Remember! PARKER'S GIVGETI TONIC U n?' J |a mm d;ink but the Best and Purest Fsmi. I .Medrslno ever made, compounded by a ncv. j •process, and entire!/ rdiflcrent from Ditto-';,! |ginj;cr preparations and all oih*r Tonics. TryJ PARKER'S KAin BAL3ah TMt) F»r**tan:l !lo;;t Fcanomicn! Hair dressing EX-FAL.;i:ely perfumed and piriectly HARMLESS. Vll\ AI rays Cray or Faded !!a!r to its original youthful col r R-.L anneapner, AID ii v. arr 1 t > ? * ;> its f-iliaj, assist i:s growth and PREVEN T 1 TMNCSS. A '.".vanVti-r: »»*of TawaM wi'l soften t'le F R,C!- V• C A'L C , atv , ":T ::: \ cure rch:*v;R- I 1 «• I Kjour* al taw bulu by J Planing Mill —AND— Liuiiber Yard. J. L. PL'KVIS. L. O. PURVIS. S. 6. Purvis & Co., MANUFACTURERS AM, DEALERS IM Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVF.KY DKf»(JHIPTM»N t FRAMES MOULDINGS, J<ASH. FLOORING, DOORS, SIDING BAT! ENS, Brackets, Gaupd Cornice Boards, PORCH ROHI>, NTAJI; RAILS Jewell Posts and Hp lusters FENCE PAI INT;>, F MICHIGAN SIi]>GLKS, Bam Bonrrip ; Plastering Lath; Ilero lock Bill Stnfi, such HS Joist Raf ters, bcantiine. <£c.. all sizeb COD stand} OD hand. All of which we will SELL OD reasonable teiir.B «»id guar antee satiplaction. PLANING MILL AND YARD Near U«IIL«U < »il>«lif ( hurch E. GRIE H, DEALER' IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,' SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. ENGRAVING OF ALL Ell'Bfc A SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET, (Worth of Lmvry House,) SUTLER, PA. j:-StP"-\"AIVHFS >ND (M.OfKS RKPAIWKJ). AM> VVAKHANTED. l ; I? Oj iitMtiiN oi th« k itbiie* WABASH. INI IANA.. The I'.ids arp well. Have several old chroii.'r * of K dnfjr trouble lining tlicm. and they report an linf-ovf ntf-nt and think much of them. A. 1,. BOHBoCK <& « 0.. Druggists. COURTNEY. IFXAS. Your Pel b*:e dore me mote pood thin mj Beßiedj I ever used. JAS. B CALLAWAY. SIT. CLEMENS, MICH. Your Fad lian cured me of Pain ir the Back and Kidney Trouble. M. J. HOUGH. Addresis PAY KIDNEY PAD; QQ.» SOLE I'ROI RIETOKfj, TOLEDO, - - - OHIO. .1. C. If F.DIC K. Afjent lor Puller C'o. f agg|| yJ egetadl^ TRENEWEI^^ V 1. 3? .*;• *J&h} been In constant, j.-' - V «»o by tu • I for over twenty t< .•»*••, ' Zf , I ! «*\ iiuj u till- L- nt - s>- tt--- ever invent- <1 for y :i;: Z- t '.,j iNfj <;uav HAiit to r Cirta YOITIHIL COLOU A' S: y— / / It C»:;»i:JSo» t!ic n •'.•l ] i 1 ; | ItoO'l ittitJ c01..r t > <!;<• ; . j C'.mils viitiloui. :•> -. - ~n . f ski a. It will incn:-.s - j ' tilick;u the jrowlh of ". » I j hair, prevent its I iai « l _ ' " aud .ailir.c off, ami i. : *-■ ' - •f - j CV.U J l it «uiv» :t . - vr.-;> it: | tic: h ; !fl IteurirntV. : ;sr. I HATIt l>ltl-> • IX. H i-. \ < . I r;c:t ! ' d''*l'.ibl<', liik {!;«. 1 .j" ( ,j t ' j diiUen EoflncM vtlk 'i •, .1 j ' 1 •. admire. It hceji.-i tH» I.< :•.'* j '*' * 1 ' | ci< an, n« <H-t an;l iie.ii . I I C..10. '>' N . ■ f • i WHISKERS wi!l < liHTi'v {2if» Jjf.ird t » : ' K»V N or BLAI'K at il'Kcreiiuj . 11 in;. i?i ciw ;>ro» nrftlion if i« easily rp|>Hwl| end prodnt'os tx pc-rniaiicnt color i. ill nut waul) ofr. ncKiUi:i;j> r.j R. P. HALL & CO., fcASI'UA, \\, H. Sold by all Dea.ers in Medicine. ItloihWHfrntorn \otiee, loiter. <if A'lniliustratlun Invito been grafted li. tip* !inU« i Lciii-d <■!: liio i-»t :tc o{ J-'reiiejick l.elboid. late of t i 'it:>• township. Buffer oo\|t)ty; l*a.. i!r- • .i"!. ivitli- I; hei*-!i" :;i- -n that all par tle* knowfti'x iliemsi 'ves in<lel>:<Hl to said estate tlutt '!:»'e |i 'v.mont is and tliose havles c! i'tas :ijr the same in present them I dulv tiutUen. l"itod fo<- 1 ocl3t>t iiLMtY LLiiiuLD, AUiu's iluUor. Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers