MB J. H. BATES, NEWSPAPER Advertising Agent. 41 Park How (Time* BuiMiitt), sfe* York, is authorized to contract for *d vert ice- MEN t« in the OITIZEX. THIS PAPER SeWiw Arfrrntainx Uur-aii < Hi S^ruc*- coQtrncl-i jca}*l <3 niu«k lor It New Advertisements To-Day. Liverv & Fred Stable. Sewing Machine for sale. Assignees' Sale-Estate of M.N. Greer. Prospectuses for 18&1 —Atlantic Monthly, Scientific American. Christian Advocate. Local and General LADIIS' Solid Gold Watches at sls and upward*. at JO. Grieh'a. M reports a rapidly increasing demand for Days Kidney Pads. An eastern paper asserts that John Kelly is a D*m«*rat 'Tor revenue only." Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves at reduced prices, at J. G. & W. Campbell's. A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine American Movement as low as $lO, at E. GBIEB'S. Xov 17tb. The Normal School Edinbom, opens its winter session Dec. 7th. Eveiy young man who can should attend. A very large number of deer have been shot since the season opened on the eastern •lope on the Alleghenies. —Full Line of Fodder Cutters and Corn Shellers, at J. G. & W . Campbell s. A bear weighing four hundred pounds was killed on Salem mountain, near Carbondale, this State a few days since. Look at those boss shirts in the window of J. F. T. Sfehle. Latest style of Hat- and Caj« at low prices. SPECIALTIES in WNOLENB at William Aland's . erehant Tail r-ug establishment not to be had elsewhere tu the county. Don't throw your old clothes away. There are pe.»ple iu rags within a few squares of your home. Look at those boss shirts in the window of J- F. T. .Stelile. Latest style of Hats and Ca|w at low price*. Dr. Beaver's Lung Pad cures Coughs, Colds and all effectiona of the Lungs, gold in Butler by D. 11. VVuller. [sep22-3m —We are indebted to Mr. James C. McNees, of Middlesex township, for a present of some very large and flue apples of the l'ippin variety. WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor, has just opened the largest line ol woolens for men and boys wear ever ofFered in Butler. The Eiuer Bros., of this place, have rented their mill to Adam Hoffher, and they intend goimj into business at Herr's Is land, just above Pittsburgh. Look at those boss shirts in the window of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest style ol Hats and Caps at low prices. Rev. Robert Edwards has returned from bis European trip, and was in town for a lew days last week. He has not been well since his return. —Look at those boss shirts in the window of J. F T. Stehle. Latest style of Hata and Caps at low prices. —We direct attention to the prospec tus of the AHuntU Monthly. To persons who enjoy good literature we can cordially recom mend this publication. Foi the cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh and Asthma, use Dr. Bea ver's Lung Pad, sold by D. H. Wuller, Butler, Pa. sep22-3m —Yorkers Gazette : "He's an hon est youug man," said the >aloon keeper, with an approving smile. "He sold his vote to pay his whisky bill." —An Irish village blacksmith, who was ardent in behalf of his country, recently Hud:—"l know the country, and I tell you it la full of absentees." —Ned Kelly, Australia's champion bushranger and bank robber, was hanged Inst week. An elaborate dime novel will umloubt edly be erected to his memory. —The liver is the organ most speed ily disordered by malarial poisons. Ayer"s Ague Cure expeh these poisons from the system, and 4i a most excellent remedy for liver complaints. —AH over the world Dr Bull's Congh Syrup is making its way, and eveiy place it reaches consumptive people are more seldom met. It is truly a blessing to humauity and costs only 2fi cents. —The snow of last Sunday caught us without a poem on the beautiful. The snow poet has been backward in coming forward. We trust that be has not forsaken bis occupa tion. —Health, hope and happiness are restored by the use of LydiaE. I'mk haui's Veg etable Compound. It is a positive cure for all those diseases from woien women suffer so much. Send to Mrs Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue, for pamphlets. —"Jefferson Davis' Memoirs" are announced to appear in April. There are sev eral people in this land who have faint recol recollections of Jefferson Davis and his pens. —Dr. Beaver's Absorption Lung Pari a positive and permaoant cure for eon sumption'Bronchites, Catarrh, Asthma and all disease of the Lungs, Throat and Heard. Sold by D. H. Wuller, ageut for Butler county, Pa. sept22-3m —Meyer Si Co., Pittsburgh. Penna., nr: For wear we think the Black Tip beltt r than the Solar Tip, as we often have trouble with the Solar Tip from ripping on the top, and have to be sewed free; but the A. 8. T Co. Black Tip needs no sewing. —Messrs. Bickel A Fry have dis olved partnership, and Henry lias removed Ins stock to the stable lately occupied by Putnam, • on Jefferson street, west of Lowry House. See his card in another place. SRK a woman in another column, near Speer's Vineyards, with a bunch of grapes from which Bpeer's Port Grape wine is made, that is HO highly esteemed by the medical profession for the use of invalids, weakly persons and the aged.—Sold by all Drnggists. 28aply —Piue trees have recently been cut on land of Judge Wetinore, near his mill in M'Kean county, one hundred and seventy-five feet high. > ine logs, sixteen feet long, have been cot from a single tree frequently. —Mr. George Shoup, of Oakland township, lost a fine horse by the epizootic n' w prevailing among the horses. The disease ip pears to be general. Almost every horse Is coughing. — PENNSYLVANIA HTATF. CUMI admit* both sexes Endowment half a million. Tuition free. Coornea of study, Ola weal, Scientific and Agri cultural A thorough Preparatory Department. Expenses 43 to «6 per week. For catalogue, ad dretm JOSKPH HHOKTIJMIF., A M.. Ilangl4w Pre*. State College, Pa. —Ai Ohio river packet steamer re cently made the run from Cincinnati to Pitts burgh, 4061 miles, against a strong current, in 85 hours and 40 minutes—the best time on record. —Qen. Mahone, of Virginia, having become very neuriy or quite the balancing point on which the next Senate is to rest, naturally grows to be an object of interest, and finds him ailf sought after. r—fn the matter of the petition of fitizens of Butler aud Summit township regat|- og the dividiug line, Mr. Geo. If. Graham "as appointed surveyor and Thou. Craig and Lewis Millingcr viewers. —Mr. Adam HofTner requests us to sa that tie has taken possession ot the Bauer P Hiniig Mill, aud is now running it, and is tn.-niri'/ «Hl* all kinds of manufactured lumber. His advertisement will appear next week. —A grand supper will be given in the Petersville M. E. Church ■ n Thursday and Friday evenings,of this week, for the lienefitof the church. Oysters, 15 cents; lunch 15 cents; admission 10 c-nfs. Have you Eter Kn >wn any person to be seriously ill without a warn stomach or inautivu liver or kidneys? An I when these organs are in good condition do vou not find tueir |w>s*essor enjoying good hei'th ? Parker's Ginger Tonic always regu lars these important oigans, and never fails to mi e the b' "'I rich an 1 pure, and to strength en r\ )',rt »t the sy»ti m. It bus cured hun dre I of n-' pairing iuvalioe. Ask your neigh bor uUl it. See other column. DKEDS NO I' WORDS- A Homf Industry for Home Profit! The V'nhlie Uo«(l «nd no* Indi- Tidual AKKrHiidizciiieul! ■ The people reiterate our saying —"Deeds not Words —when you ask your neighbor who us es the unexcelled Oriental Flour and hear : "Best I have ever used, ran't sec how it is sold so cheap. It cost me just 35 c less than last sack I bought elsewhere and is Jar better.' Another savs: "Everything is wrong when the bead is bad, but there is no discount on the Oriental Flour, and my wife *•"/•» > f takes much less flour to make a baking. Will use no other flour but the Oriental. i Such are the reports coming in from all quar ters, showing that our new enterprise is an un doubted success. One hundred bbls. of flour made every day. Away goes the flour as fast manufactured. Every household reached by it is made happy. The husband eoining home with a sack of Oriental flour jingles some of the monev in his pocket be expected to spend for the flour. The housewife meets him in the evening with a smile on her face, for she has nice, white, spougv, fresh-baked bread on the table. Thrift, comfort and extreme satisfaction inevitably follow iu the train of the Oriental flour. Farmers are equally jubilant over the good results of our improvements. Ask your neigh bor who got his last grist floured at Klingler's Mills, what he thinks of the yield and the flour. Ask those who have given other mills and ours a trial at the same tune. Astonishing revela tions! one says, "you made uie three pounds more to the bushel another claims, be has received four pounds; and a third heralds the suprising fact that we have really given him five pounds more to the bushel than he has re ceived at places where they were making trial tests, and as to the flour we need say nothing. Everybody is saying it for us. We ask producers and purch-isers to compare goods, yields and prices and tl:ere can be no doubts whatever as to the truthfulness of our claims. We repeat, with e npha*is, that there is no* in Western Pennsylvania a mill so -oin pletc in all details in t: i Patent Process a o.irs, und we Woiiid I'mrfi• r ioe -i nri , outside of ours, even rtpproa iiing ih • genuine New Process system, despite ail claim- to th>- contra rv. "'Tis Deeds, not Words, the public cry— Their only rule to test the lie." H. JULIUS KLINGLER, —William Salavah of Des Moines, lowa, hail both eves shot out of ins bond in the late rebellion. He has just finished a house built entirely by himself. He has a patent also for a stair-carpet fastener and a picture hanger. He receives a pension of fifty dollars a month, is married but has never seen his wife. P»rlor CarpolN, Bed Room Carpets, Sitting Room Carpets, Dining 1 Room Carpets, Kitchen Carpets, Hall Carpets, Stair Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, &c., an immense stock, at RITTER & RALSTON'S. —The Omaha Bee contains more far western news than any other paper on our ex change list. The efforts of the publishers to draw immigration to that fertile region by cir culating sample copies of their weekly anions; eastern farmers is commendable. The lire is mailed free to every applicant who forwards his address to the Daily ket Omaha, Neb. —Mr. Benj. McCullough, of Muddy creek township, who was injure 1 by the burst ing of a saw-mill engine strap last August, died at the home of his father, Tiios. McCullougii, last Thursday week, 28th ult. He was about 44) years of age, and the serious in juries sustain ed by the accident produced hemorrhage, re sulting fatally. —Last Friday morning a fire on Herr's Island, above Pittsburgh, destroyed C. T. Pease's oil refinery, owned by the Standard Oil Company. A man dropped a lamp in the hydraulic press room, which started the fire. Four hundred barrels of paraftine wax, three hundred barrels of lubricating oil, engine, presses, etc., were burned. The loss is $.3,000 ; no insurance. —ln the matter of the petition of the Tnwri Council of Kutler, regarding widening of MifHiu street. Messrs. Jacob Keck, H. C. Ilei neman, R. C. McAboy, Win. Seibert, George Krugh. M, Reiber, Sr., and Jos. L. Purvis were appointed by the Court, viewers to award dam ages to those who wili be injured and assess those who will be benefitted by the change. —We again call attention to the prospectus of the Country Gentleman, n first class weekly agricultural and family journal. The suliscription price in #2.50 per year but we can club with the CITIZEN at $2 j>er year extra or $3.50 per year for both. We can also fur nish the Scientific American, weekly,or Amer ican Agriculturist, monthly ; to our subscri bers at reduced rates, also any of the publica tions of Harper & Brothers, of New York. —AN INVALUABLE ARTICLE.—The readers of the Argui have no doubt seen the ad vertisement of Ely'* Cream Balm in another column. An article like "Cream Halm" has long been desired, and now that it is within the reach of sufferers from Catarrh, Hay Fever, etc., there is every reason to believe they will make the most ot it. Dr. W. E Buck man, W. E. Hamman, Druggist, and other Eastonians have Eiven it a trial, and all recommend it in the ighest terms. — Kustun (Pa.) Daily Argut, Oct. 7, 1879. We have sold many gross of Ely's Cream Balm, and are gratified to hear from .ur cus tomers the must flattering reports ; believe it is an art cle of real merit. Smith, Kline & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Philadelphia, Pa. —We direct attention to the price list of G. W. Milter A Bro., grocers, printed in another place. Wherever they have introduced the Keu Ball flour, it holds it* own. Out ot seventv odd orders from the oil country for groceries, to be delivered this week, over forty of them included orders, ranging from a sack to a barrel, of this flour. Since last April this firm has sold Red Ball and other brands of ll'H'ir from the same mills, at the rate of a car load a month, each car load consisted of 125 barrels or 600 sacks, divided into five different grades. The Ageof Jl'raclPH is past, and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery will not raise the dead, will not cure you if your lungs are not half wasted by consump tion, or your system sinking under cancerous disease. It is, however, unsurpassed both as a pectoral and alterative, and will cure obstinate and severe disease of the throat and lungs, coughs and bronchial affections By virtue of its wonderful alterative properties it cleanses and enriches the blood, thus curing pimples, blotches, and eruption.*, and causing even great eating ulcers to heal. Sold by druggists. —With the excellent buckwheat flour now manufactured in this county, we think every body in it should have nn opjiortu nity of enjoying that celebrated Butler county luxury a good buckwheat cake. We publish in another place a receipt for making the bat ter, which we know U> lie good. Some house keepers mix their flour with buttermilk ami lighten the hatter with soda, aud many are in the habit of sweetening sour batter with soda. This is a great mistake, the continual use of soda, which is a mineral, is injurious to the digestive organs. —The latest turn in Ireland's curious affairs is the organization of a fund aud party for the relief—not of starving peasants or evict ed tenants, but of a landlord who could not gather his crops because he could get no labo rers to work for him, nor buy food because no body would sell to liiiu. He was under the ban of the terrible League, and in a fair way to starve under it, when a London newspaper started a subscription for his relief, and an ex pedition was made up of determined men wh<> agreed to carry the relief to him and help him out with his crops. The expedition was armed and equipped as for war, and with good reason : for the last time this landlord went to market it took a whole English regiment to guard him from the mob. —Some English statistics just re ceived show the amount of wheat and flour, reduced to a wheat staudard. Imported into the United Kingdom during the year ending Au gust 31st. From these figures it appears that from the following countries the quantities op posite the names were imported : I'nited States 89,350,969 bushels. Canada 10,130,388 " Russia 8,898.748 " Germany 6,867,301 " Australia 5,510,285 " British India 4,040,783 " Egypt 4,270,832 " Chili 3,343,982 " France 096,207 " All other countries 4,960,300 " Total imports,.,,., 139,678,924 " Of the wheat importod from Canada 7,250,- 000 bushels merely passed through the Domin ion from the United States, making the aggre pated importations from this country 96,6(t:i,- 1*69 bushels while those from Canada dwindh I down to 2,250,000 bushels. Thus it will be seer, I that the United Kingdom obtained from thii I country abou k 70 per cent, of the wheul needed. : HSuiUr, fist., "Mottjcmkift? tc, ISSOL LEADING CASH GROCERY. BOTTojfPRirES. M<>€> ■(«>«! •»«••»«»■«» - SUGARS: 1 12 lbs Choice Brown Sugar $1 00 11 lbs White Coffee Sugar 1 00 10 lbs Sparkling "A" Sugar 1 00 9i lbs (iranulated Sugar 1 00 OUR 50 CENT LIST. I 7 Boxes Concentrated Lye 50c 7 Balls Babbits Potash s<>c 12 lbs Oat Meal 50c 6 tt>s New Turkey Prunes 50c ; 5 lt>s New Valencia Raisins - 50c I 1 Gallon Good Syrup 50c WHAT 25 CENTS WILL BUY. 7 Bars Superior Wax Soap 25c 6 " White Boss Soap 25c 5 " Blue India Soap 25c 4 " Babbitts Best Soap 25c 3 lbs Best Corn Starch 25c 3 lbs Best Gloss Starch 25c 3 lbs Carolina Rice 25c 3 lbs New Dry Currants 25c 0 No. 1 Lamp Chimneys 25c FLOUR. Magnolia, per sack 49 lbs $2 25 Red Ball, per sack 49 lbs 1 65 Riverside, per sack 49 lbs 1 50 Empire Mills, per sack 49 lbs 1 30 Florence, per suck 49 lbs 1 00 Again we repeat and without fear of contra diction (from those who have used it that the Magnolia has no equal in the United States. "Red Ball" which has gained so much favor and become so popular, is without a doubt the leading flour sold in this market. One "River side" brand :s an A No. 1 family flour, giving the best of satisfaction. "Empire Mills" is ful- Iv as good a< most fl 'urs sold tor .jl 40 to $1.50 per sack. Some merchants in order to help sell other grades of flour frequently make the remark it is juur at 1.50 per sack, made in Butler, that i< ju>t as g >i»iC<»Teri<'H bj Accident. The fact that many of the most valuable dis coveries have been the result of chance rather than of design or contemplation, is again illus trated in Day's Kidney Pad. l.a(lit>V JIIUI Ciiildr«-n'B Underware at all prices, at Rn*TER & RALSTON'S. —A Deadwood woman recently set on example to t hie vis of the masculine gender which, if followed generally,will render flittings unnecessary. She stole a house, during the owner's absence, by hitching six oxen to it and dragging it away. duller. We call the attention of our readers to the announcement of the PITTHJIL'IM;!! ("IIHISTIAN ADVOCATE is the official organ and home pa per of the M. E. Church in thi« locality, ami should be patronized by all Methodists who wish to keep informed in matters pertaining to the Church of their choice. It will be sent from now until toe ciose of next year, for a vear's subscription—Two Dollars. Send for a sample copy. A( 25 Ceil IN, Australian Crape in the new shades, And full double width, at RITTER & RALSTON'B. —A Washington city physician and photographer tried to frighten a widow into paying them s2lKl by charging that she had poisoned her husband. The plucky wid w didn't scare worth a cent. But she placed their letter in the hands of the police, and now the writers arc scared. Ph>MiciitiiM' Wine. New York Physicians say that they have l»een using Speer's Port Grape Wine and Wine Bitters in their practice for years, to the entire satisfaction of their patients and themselves, and take great pleasure in recommending them to the public as being all that is claimed for them, and, in fact, th ' most reliable they can find. It is especially recommended for con sumptives, theaT.-l a.ill for females generally. For sale by D. 11. Wuller. At lo f'rntM, Double width Brocade Dress Goods In Black and the new colors, at HITTER served that no at tempt is made to hunt up out of the way or un known places to ti i I names to endorse Simmons Liver Regulator : Hon. Alexander If Stephens; John W. Beck witli, Hishop of Ga.; General John B. Cordon, U. S. Senator; Hon. John Gill Shorter, ex-Gov ernor of Ala.; Rev. David Wills, I). D., Presi dent Oirlcthorpe Ci'.lege; Bishop Pierce (of Ga.); Hon. James Jar >on (firm Howell, Cobb & lames Jackson), Attorney at Law, Macon, Ga.; Jno. B. Cobb; R. L. Mott, Columbus, Ga. —A favorite competi ivo occupation of astronomors, n u long since, was discovering planets ; now Ih • ' ishion has changed to pick ing up comets. Lob e, a European observer, was thought to h iv>■ found another comet lust Sunday, but it 11 lie I out to be Swift's. As there are already four telescopic comets still within range, bes: l -s those that came and went in the spring and sti .jiuer, 1880 may well be called a comet year. idvcrilsiiig ChealH. It has become s > common to write the begin nin/ ot an elegant, interesting article and then run it into some a lve. tisciiie'it that we avoid all such cheats and sitiplycall attention to the merits ot Hop Bit i in us plain, honest terms as possible, to in l'i people to give them oi(e trial, as no one who knows their value will ev er use anything c!«!. f*riiviilenc-e Advertiter. —I). C. Iviv jn, of Conntllsville, this State, went to Hciland to look aft* r an estate which he though: he might have inherited ; ar rived there just in time to listen to positive tes timony that he w i; d -ad ; got .-erjurers sentenced to prison for twelve years, and returned home with the money. — WE have now in stock a beauti ful line of Dress Ootids in all the new styles, running from ten cents a yard, up to three (jollurs. Ladiep wishing tq purchase will find it to tl)eir advan tage to call at BITTER K BALSTON'S, as they will nut only save money, but can also get suited in all kit.ds of Trimmings, Millinery, Wraps and Fancy Goods. You can always do better buying your goc's at BITTER & RALSTON'S, than at any other House in Butlor county. Til E WHITE IS KIXG. TUNE—MY GRANDFATHER'S CLOCK. As composed and sung by William Gregg, of New Orleans, La. My Grandfather Howe, thirty-five years ago Lay dreaming at midnight in l>ed, Next morning he told to a wondering world Of all that passed through his head. And tins was thesong that hesung to his chums As they chucklingly formed in a ring : The Weeler & Wilson and Singer went in And agreed to a very wicked thing. CHORUS— Thirty \ears of monopoly, Ring, Ring, Ring! Millions put in our treasury. Sing, Sing, Sing! But they stopped short, never to go again, When the "White" became king. The next thing they did was our Congress to bribe The extension of patents renew, Thus millions of money were wrung from the poor By these tyrants, the privileged few. But there came a glad day when our wrongs were made right, Our nation as one man arose, And said to Congress, our servants ye are, So down the monopoly goes. CHORUS—Thirty years, etc. As the dav of our freedom has come to us now, We' re allowed all the patent* to use, So old Mr. Singer just take a back seat. For all your bail points we refuse. And now let us shout of a perfect machine, Self-threading and quiet aud light ; So friends all unite in the chorus we sing, As we tell of the beautiful "White." CHORUS —Thirtv years, etc. The "White" sewing machine is for sale by Vou Johns ton, Sutler, Pa. The "Union" Wooleu Will. Among the industries of this town, that are well worthy of note, is the Union Woolen Mill or us it is commonly called Fullerton's Woolen Mill. When Mr. Fullerfon purchase)! the mill I some twenty years it WH~ A in' re *h> 11 cont fin ing soim old 1 I*• *;hi* • r> s i »v . tia.it ;in»e l.c *. r■ u li-w uiachi nery ami making «t the rule ot about a ihou.-and dollars w..rih a year and he now has a complete ami valuable mill, capable of doing the best of work and making anything that any other woolen mill can make. With his mill as it now stands he can manufacture daily some five hundred yards of flannel. a dozen pairs of blankets and three hundred pounds of yarns, and he is now making im provements that will enable him to hereafter make the finest cloths, if he sees fit to do so. In the manufacture of these articles he uses large quantities of wool, the most of which is grown in this county, and he uses nothing but wool, using no shoddy whatever. There has been some talk of late of the injurious effects of wearing colored wool next to the skin, but Mr. Fulierton thinks that this is a mistake and that the skin poisoniug comes from flannel and yarns made entirely or partly of shoddy. This shoddy is made from woolen rags gathered chiefly in cities, and often in districts or wards where small-pox, itch or other infectious dis eases are prevalent. The rags are not washed and if they have been worn by diseased per sons the disease is likely to cling to them and to the shoddy. Mr. Fulierton manufactures flannels and yarns of all colors and his cus tomers need have no fears of being injured by them. * —The student of European affairs cannot fail to be impressed with the war footing of the Christian nations over there. In ilussia the "peace establishment" is 590,000 fighting men ; France, 475,000; Germany. 418,000; Aus tria. 292,000; Italy, 22o,000; Great Britain, 198,- 000; Spain, 100,000; Turkey, 141,000; little Greece, 40,000. The outbreak of war would double these forces, and with the reserves would put nearly ten million men under arms in Eu rope. What wonder there is constant danger of losing the peace where it takes so many sol diers to keep it. What wonder that the taxa tion consequent on these establishments is de structive of national welfare. How happy we should be to look at our own handful of soldiers in contrast, and to reflect on what the difference means. The European position savors neither of the gospel of peace nor of the grounds of prosperity. CoiiNiuiiptioii Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, hav ing had placed in his hands, by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh. Asthma and all Throat and Lung Affections, nlso a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to all who desire it, this rec ipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. W. (Shearer, 149 Powers' Block, Rochester, N*. Y. [nov3:l3teow —The Supreme Court of this State, last week, delivered an opinion at Pittsburgh involving the right of parents to obtain dama ges for injury done t» children while playing on railroad cars. This opinion re-asserted the principle laid down in a previous decision by the same Court, that "Except at crossings, where the public have a right of way, a man who steps his foot" upon a railroad track does so at his peril. The company has not only a right of way, but it is exclusive at all times ami for all purposes." Judge I'axson, who read the opinion, said, "It also ought to be equally well understood that parents who |>er mit their children to trespass upon the track of a railroad, are L'uiltv of neglitrenee. It is not onlv gross but culpable negligence, as it imperifs the lives of the children so trespa-sing as alss the lives of the traveling public. Every Family. Williou; Excep tion. In City, Village and County, will it highly useful to constantly read the American Agri culturist. It fllwmnds in plain, practical, re liable information, most valuable for In-door as well as Out-door word and comfort, and its 800 to 1,000 Original Engravings in every volume are both pleasing and instructive. In this respect it is pre-eminent and stands alone, and it should have a place in every Household, no matter how many other journ«ls are taken. Its Illustrated Department tor Youth and Chil dren contains much information as well as amusement. Its Humbug exposures are in valuable to all classes. The cost is very low, only $1.50 from now to the end of 1881, or four copies for Single numbers, 15 cento. One specimen, 0 cents. Take our advice ami sub scribe mm> for volume 40 (1881.) Orange Judd Company, Publishers, 245 Broadway, New York, —What Chicago as the center of the parking business, is to the hog trade of the country, Boston as the center of manufacturing bneiness, is to its wool trade- the prices in both places powerfully influence those for the respective products throughout the remainder of the land. For some months wool sales in the "Hub" have been slow, as sellers held their wool firmly for high prices, which manu facturers refused to give unless their require ments forced them to do so. Throughout I lie country, too, farmers have been keepinir their wool hack more than usual, a prudent precau tion. Stock* in tilt* hands ot manufacturers arc now nearly exhausted, ami for the last couple of weeks they have been buying freely even at an advance on the figures they former ly declined to pay. Hitherto the mills have gone abroad for a good deal of their supply, but this year most of them have used the do mestic dip exclusively, and there is no doubt but every pound of it, coarse anil fine can be sold at prices satisfactory to the producers. TO METHODISTS. PATRONIZE THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. HIE PITTSBURGH i CHSISTIM iCIOUTE, ESTABLISHED 1833. REV. A WIIEEMCR, D. D, Editor. Office, IHI Smlthflcld Si cel. Organ of the Methodist EpUcopa I'liu eh in Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio and West Vlrifinia. Aide Editorials on all the 'lvc questions of the djy. Tlie Conliilnitois include some ol Hie moct d Interesting news all the churches. Special intention is given to the Young Folk*-' Department Terms, $2,00 per year in advance All Itine rant Ministers ol tlie VI. E. Church nr.- agents to whom subscr titlons may tie paid. Sim le copies tent Iroo Mention this paper. A.blre- J. A. MOORE, Christian Advocate, Pittslmrub. Pa. nov 17,21 HPllf PI T PI? Oonanniption and Asthma ll Ei VV CI II ri< Mover yet failed. Addre«> with stamp, "IKjilK," PaouTßuao, Mi>. Ija7 1) A •».«*!{£ nee* Sale of Valuable Ileal EMate. The undersigned will offer at jmblio Hale, on the premise*, the following described property, located in Buffalo township. Butler county. I'a let. Tbfaty acres more or less, located and discribed as follows : On the north by the B if ler and Freeport pike, on the east by Charles Krnuii>e, on the south by lnils of John Arkin non and on the west by lands of Mrs. Gtizzilla M. Greer : most of which'B cleared i 2nd. A piece of land in sa.ne township, con • j taming thioeacres, of an irregular sl.ipe. boiuid ed on the east by lands of Mrs. Grizztlla M i Greer, south by lands of J Atkinson, on the i north by a public road and ou the west by s%me I road, upon which is a small orchard Sale to com cense at 10 o'clock a. m of THURSDAY, tho 9th DAY OF DECEMBER, 18S0 3rd. A certain piece of land in same town ship. containing nineteen acres more or iesj. bounded 011 the north by lauds of Robert Ken nedy. ou the east by lands of Widow tfcLure, on the south bj lands of J Baker, on the west bv lands of Jonathan Walker's heir*, said property being underlaid with a good vein of coal, with a bank now o|>en. about three acres of this piece cleared, the balance iu timber. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, p. m. of THURSDAY. 9th DAY OF DECEMBER. 1880. 4th. Tho uudivided one-half interest in sixtv-two acres more or lees, situate in Win field township. Butler coun't. Pa-, bounded north by land-i of Mrs Moser and Wm Cypher, on the west bv lands of Wm S. Boyd A Co., on the sonth by lands of A. Turk, and on the east by the Dr F Elliotr propertv. Underlaid wit • a good veir. of coal, abon forty acres cl-ne I. a log house and log ntable thereon crecte l.ali > .1 1 orcherd of fruit trees in go m 1 bearing c >ll litio •, this piece sold su'iject to a mortgage for about $ Sale to take place on SATURDAY llcli DAY OF DECEMBER. 1880. At 2 o'clock, v M Terms on the ib >ve -ales to oe one th rd i 1 hand and the b.i mce t 1 iw 1 epi I 111 mu ;>t. meiits. secured 'V t>-m lan 1 mor gag < WTl.i I\M liXkKEK J > N I'. M i UTIV. Axpigueert of M N Gre -r Eutlsr Fsmal: Ocllsg FIRS! WAR ) -4[*l IN . A! V\ n'er ' • « cl' sing March K , 1 TI-.KMS Ul- 1 L'l. ION. Primary Department, sii. Normal and tla •- sical, *B. Music, $lO. '{oanling in Collet very low. Rooms for self boarding can be hud free of charge. The course of study in this institution is ex tensive anil thorough, embracing all the valua ble studies taught in any Female College. ADVANTAGES: Ist. Cost is very low. 2nd. The building is well situated and wt 11 arranged. 3rd. Easy of access, good plank and board walks. 4th. The manners and morals of the stu dents are carefully cared for. MR. & MRS. A. T. DOVTHETT, Principal. Notice to Supervisor* an township, dee'd. 2. Final account of John Roliner, Adin'r cum teetau ento annexo of Wlll F. Graham, late of Canberry township, dee'd. 3 Filial account ot John Esler and James Elliott, Executors ot the la'e will of William Riddle. I.ite ol Clinton to'.wi-lilp, dee'd. 4. Final account ol Mary V. Gibson, Execu tiix ol William Gibson, laieof Venango towu ship, dee'd. 5. Final and distribution account of John Euirick, administrator ot the estate ol K-becca B, Rtirkliarl, late of Summit towu«hil>, dee'd. 0. Final account ol J. S. Belirlile and Eliza beth Biirkley. Ex'rs of the estate ol Nicholas B rkley, late ol Muddycreek (own-hip, dee'd. 7. Partial account of Wm. Snider and Robert Trimble, Ex'rs of the last will and testament of laeob Snider, ol Middlesex township, dee'd. 8. Final account of Uobcrt Stewart, Guardian ol Alvi I. Douthett, minor child ot John Douth ctl, lute ol Wiufitid township, dee'd. 0. Final and distribution account of II 11. Vincent and Levi Dale, Administrators of Na thaniel Cooper, late ol Slippery rock township, dee'd. 10. Partial and distribution account ol Na lian F . MeCaiidles* and Kezia .1 MeCandless, Ex'rs of Josiidi MeCandless, late of Cvutre township, dee'd. 11 Partial account of O C. Redlc F.x'r of 1 he last will and testament ot Nancy Rcdic, late ol Allegheny townshio, dee'd. 12. Filial nccoui t ol Rudolph nnd J J. Riirn liart, Executors of FredciUk B irnhart, late ol Kali view township, dee'd. 18 Second and final account of Harvey OB born. Administrator of Doctor R C. MeClel nilid, dte'd. 14 Final account of P. II l.auflman Adin'r ofWilliard Leonard, dee'd, late of Penn town ship. 15. First and Una' account of Samue' Dull, .idni nistrator id the estaieol Elizal Don licit, late ol Oakland township, dee'd. 17. Final account ol Hanuali W. Polls, Exec utrix ot Wm. MeCasliii, laieof Middlesex town ship, (he'll. |H Filial ac'iiunt ol Jacob Garwig. Adin'r ol George Ei b, late ol Lancaster township, dec cl IH. Final account ol John C .Vloore, Ouidian ol l< M. Mien, minor child ct William Alien, ate ot Wa«li.ngton to" usliip, dee'd. SJO. Final account ot Barbara Leise and lion ainitel Marshall. Ex' sol Frederick Leise, late f Cr.iulierry townsldp, dee'd, aa filed liy Har tira Leise and Join Kobuer, coinuiltlee of amuel Marshall. 11. II GALLAGHER Nov. 10, tt. Register. r ri:i: r rii. FOR !*s, $lO, sl2, «t"i or $T>, I will make you a full set u( licaulilul natural looking tcetli, warrant them in years. Teeth extracted nun Laughing (las or Et Iter given without extra charge. 1 will ask for no money until the patient is fully satisfied wltli their new teeth. I also fill teeth at very low rates. I>n, A. 11. Lr.wts, Dentist, nov.l-3m No. 257, I'Him ave. rittslnnvli. I'a. ifiiflcr >l<«rk«>l. Beef Hides from 8 to 10 cents pur pound. If you want to the high est cash price in the county for your Beef Hides, take them to Win. Mar dorf, West Cunningham street, Butler, Pa. ocO-.'Jrn * The most complete institution in the I'nited states for the thorough practical education of young ami middle aged meq, Utivh wU admit: led at any time, fair- For Circulars giving full particulars, address J. C. SMITH, A. M., aep27:3m Pittsburgh. Vcfiii R wof, k In your own town. Terms an I tS V ' outfit free. Address H F u.i.ETT A Co., Portland. Maine. deeS-ly A To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions ot youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood. Ac., I will -end ;i re cipe that will cure you, FREE OPCUvRti" - Tills great remedy w i« di-covered by a oils*inn ary iu Houth Africa. Sei d a aelf-addres cd en vtlope to the ItEV. Justin INMAN, Station IJ Neto York City. tt / THE LARGEST STOCK OF IIATS and C VPS IX BU 'LKR. X | Go to CHARLES R. GRIEB'S for f x * 7 iIAMJ h HATS, CAPS, GLOVES, SHIRTS, KEK- = CIIIKFS. £ ~ HALF HOSE, UNDER WEAR, T f* >• > COLLARS. CI'FFS, 1 NECK WEAR, § g I _! | * / tTRLET, lib ILLR, i'a. O NEIL &^CO. Greatly Reduced Prices: 12-bore. 10-borc. No. 845, C. G. BONEHILI*. Top lever, double bolt, bar rebounding locks low set hammers, solid stri kers, pistol grip stock, patent fore end, skeleton butt plate, line Damascus barrels, choke bored, finely engraved and finish d $45 00 I SSO 00 No. 850, do. do. With extension rib fastening - - - - - 50 00 | 55 00 No. 855, do. do. Challenge brand with horn heel plate elaborately engraved 55 00 j 60 00 All these guns have raised level ribs, and the 10 bores arc mad? extra heavy and wide :it breech, ranging in weight from 9 to 10 Ibf., mak ing an admirable gun for duck and trap shooting where heavy charges are necessary. Any of these guns will tie sent C. O. P., with privilege of examination and trial oil receipt o a remittance sufficient to cover express charges to your place and return. Xo deviation will be made from these prices under any circumstances. r2saug7mj J- PA LMRR O XKIL A CO. j Monday, October K 188 A, j Wakefield & Co. lUST OPENED, 3 Speci I Bargains! ICASE COLORED CASHMERE 38 inches wide, all wool, all shades, including Blacks, at .">0 cents per yard. ICASE 48-INCII FRENCH PLAIDS, new and distingue com i " lunations, at 7"> cents per yard. ICASE VOXEL BLACK CASH MERE, 42 inches wide, 75c per yard ; 46 inches wide, 874 cents per yard ; 4S inches wide, *1 per yard. Extra Heavy Weight and Superior Finish. Plain and Brocaied Silk* and Satin D'Lyons Novelties. WRAP DEPARTMENT. SAGQUES, HAVE LOOKS, ZDOLUVT A MS. VVe have taken special pains in select ing our goods lor this department, and feel confident our present stock will es tablish our reputation for Stylish, Per fect-fitting and Well-made Garments. 124 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY. Kx^'Ulor'N Litters testamentary having been granti d to the undersigned on tho estate of Silas I'eatce, late of Butler township, Jint lt>r county. Pa ; deceased, uotioo is herel>v given to all ergons knowing themselves indebted to said eMato. that immediate payment is required, and to those having claims against the same to piesent them dulv authenticated for payment. HORACE PEARCE, septls-6t Butler P. 0.. Hntlcr. I'a. A«liMiiiiNtriifor% .\oli«*c. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Ze lianiah Double, deceived, late of Millerslown borough. Butler county. Pa., notice is her - given to all tlioKO knowing tbeiuHclveH indebted to said OH- , late, that immediate payment is rep tired, and those having claims against tin same to present tliem dulv autbentieato I for payment. PRIMHEY I)O n BLE. Adm'r. , Hfptls-Mt IJarnliailH Mills. Untier Co., Pa A. nlf. A nplendid piano, pooil us new for Rale cheap. Inquire at Dean's Tobacco Store, .le (Tor so n street, opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa. tf fj. U. Livery, Sale, Feed and Exchange STAHI I tear of b»wry House, • * IiUTLLR, PA. june4-ly For llav finer, colli in tlie 7 ClVAtvl FMJNI 11 Head. Sit-., insert v. ill! W/»/^ l linger, a pattHe ILATARRiT POLP'Ailvl o ' Ralni into lie' I.r. iilhs tliroic'h tin- J ■ft-i 11 ,vi " ul ' JHt.US , N sorlied. demising. and jNAee.) heiillng the diseased LJ membrane, £>& ,*9l I ''or I 'eafness, 0l '' ' '" ll; dl> Ht'pl.V :i ..W&Jia I'arliele i.ttttt and back i«f the ear. rublilng in iii >' j ~ $ amrn moroughiv. ELY'S CRhAM BALM Ih rceeivlnß the eiulorM'iiirnt of tin* HtifT«*r# t. tin* ilnitfKlHt, aid plivMelan. N'rvrp lias all article <»l so mil4*li merit l»«*eii pnxluccil for tin* lio timciit of liiciiibranal illHi-aneH as this tit>v«*r*falliiitf HALM, I ami Ih mtlvcr ally acknowledged as belnic all that Ih claimed f<»r It. Tim application Ih cuv and plea*aiit. causing no nalii. is Kootlilng. ami im fast mtp«*a%cl in x i 'o.. I>. M. si|:;cr & <'o.. I.i-e" • \l.irsii ,\ i* irdiier, Tar rant *•'>. I'n/rr.'i I. I'li l others. PHlL\t>l'"l PHI A Smith Kline K t 0., Johnston. Hollo v •> ft Co. BCRAN I" >N, Pa Matin ws Hi is. I At Retail by all Drujjgists. act 27-iim JOIN BE & SON, C3-ES.O CSRS Cor. Main and Cunningham St., Butler, Pa. One Poor Soutli of JOHN BERG & CO.'S BANK. » ITiivinji refitted the and commodious Store Room, situate in the above stated location, formerly occupied by Martin Keiber £?r., we will in a few da\ s opon up a first-class grocery, and will oft- r to the public at bottmn prices, a fine selection of choice, TKAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, SYHUPS. MOLASSFS, PURE SPICES, i HEESE, FISH, SALT, &c. The Highest MARKET PRICE PAID IN CASH FOR ALL KINDS | OF CHAIN AND PRODUCE. •loliii Berg & Hon. Dry Goods, Notions, Trimmings, Groceries, etc. LARGE STOC£ OF FAIL AND WIJUER GOODS AT A. TROUTMAN'S Corner Main and .Mi 111 in Street, Dregs Goods of nil kimls, lurgo assortment colored and black Cashnieros, large assortment liluck Silks, .Minnie clot lis, fancy Brocades, I'laids, ( ottou Dress Goods, Calicoes, Chintzes, etc. Trimmings- IVimmings- Trimminga. Uroeaile silk-<, all eolnrs. I'luln Silks, ail eolnrs. I lain Satins. Brncaile Satins. Strl|»eil Sal Int. ltroeade Velveteens, all eolors. I lain VelveteeiM. nil eolors. Blael; Silk Velvet. Fiing s, Black and Colore.!. rassiinientries, ornaments. t'oril anil Tassels, a line assortni lit. Buttons. Buttons. Buttons A full line of Press anil Cloak Buttons A law ILSsoitlllent. A full line of lillilioiM. I,aees. Kniliroiilery. I.aee Tli'H, Uiieliliiß and l«ulles' Neekwear. Cloaks and Dolmans! Clcaks and Dolmans ! Sir A.WLS ! SKIRTS ! Flannels, burred and twilled, plain colors and best makes; Canton Flannel; Ladies' Cloth, all colors; Ladies' Sacking; Black Reavers; Cashmeres ; Jeans; Tweeds; Ticking; Shirt ing; Muslins; Table Linens; Toweling. Blankets, etc. 1 also keep a full line of Groceries, Queensware, etc. All the above goods at lowest prices. County produce and grain taken in exchange for goods. .v. r rv«>iit limn. A FEW OF THE MANY B A R ( i AI N8 OFFERED AT ROSENBAUM & CO.'S 112, 114, 116, MARKET ST., Cor. Libarty St, PITTSBURG. 1)1 ek Dross Silks. M7e, $1.25, Si 50 to £2 25. Black Silk Velvets, 95c, jil 25. .51.5'). Ac. 27 I licit Silk Velvets, $2.90 nml *4.00. 11 lock <'ishmeres, Best (Qualities, 50c, 85c and >7 !,c. ii|>. Wqulva Hosiery of »1I kinds. Men's Kxtra dood Underwear, 50c ,75 , sloUupk Men's Fine Neck wear. Men's Scarlet Woven Underwear. ftoo Styles S'lk Handkerchiefs from 10c. to *!. Fmbrnidered and Lace (lamlk> rcbiefs, Ch< nillo Fringes gt>od, 45c. up l'a.-.-i mentr e, .',oc. t\ yard up. Spiked, Cord and Tassels, Jetted Ba Is, Knotted l'ruige.-, und Orumucnla. Colored Chenille Fringe#. Buttons of all I'cooriptious, &C. Corse's. Corsets. Corsats. A larK«' *t«x'k to select from. Glovfls. Gloves. G oves. Kill Cloves, Silk (Jlovei. I,is!e l'lirMil (iloves. Caslimere Cloves, and Berlin Gloves. Yarns. Yarns. Yarns Germnntown Yarns. Saxony Yarns, Tivsliinere Yarns, tieruiiin Worsteds. Paetory Yarnn, Berllu Zepiier. Underwear, Und'rwear, Underwecr. For Children. Ladles'and (ientlemen. Hosiery, Hosiery, Hosiery. l/irge assortiiK'iit forCliiMrcii unci Ot in tl 'men.