Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 10, 1880, Image 3

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    MB. J. H. BATES, Newspaper Advertising
Agent. 41 Park How (Times Building), Ne*
York, is sutborized to contract for adYertise
menttn in the CITIZEX.
Adrertmlnn BtUCCU ( M) Spruce m*
eoctntctx n;.-y F o modj for it I™ HLW lOKH.
New Advertisements To-Day.
Butler Female College.
Notice to Supervisors and all interested.
Widows Appraisements for confirmation at
Dec. T.
Final accounts for presentation for confirma
tion at Dec. Court.
Accounts of Executor*, etc., to be presented
at Dw. Court for confirmation and allowance.
Local and General.
The whole county has gone into
the cabinet-making business.
LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at sls
and upwards, at E. Grieb's.
—Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves
at reduced prices, at
J. G. & W. Campbell's.
—Georgia returned but one of the
forty State Senators of last year.
A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine
American Movement as low as $lO, at
£. (jrRIEB 8.
—The Capitol doorkeepers in Wash
ington are politically demoralized.
Full Line of Fodder Cutters and
Corn Sbellers, at
J. G. A W. Campbell's.
Look at those boss shirts in the
window of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest style of
Hats and Caps at low prices.
General Bob Toombs will erect in
Georgia a cotton factory at a cost of $200,000.
Esq. Pringle says that although
Garfield is elected, he is still selling flour at
$1.25 per sack'
SPECIALTIES in woolens at William
Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not
to be had elsewhere in the county.
Now is the time for buying a new
hat. People will think that you have won a
Look at those boss shirts in the
window of J- F. T. Stehle. Latest style of
Hats and Caps at low pricee.
Dr. Beaver's Lung Pad cures
Coughs, Colds and all effections of the Lungs.
Sold in Butler by D. H Wuller. [sep22-3m
Two English magistrates and five
missionaries are said to have been murdered
by the Basutos.
WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor,
has just opened the largest line of woolens for
men and bovs wear ever offered in Butler.
—No one would object if the boys
would let up on the horn blowing. It grows I
—Look at those boss shirts in the
window of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest style of I
Hats and Caps at low pricea.
—Should both Houses of Congress
change bv the last election it will be the first
time in the history of the country.
—lt was a young housekeeper who
Kt the cake she had baked for a party out of
doors one cold uight to be frosted.
—The annual production of kero
sene is now about 15,000,000 barrels. The first
oil well was sunk nearly twenty-one years ago.
—Look at those boss shirts in the
window of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest style of
Hats and Caps at low prices.
—Last Wednesday was Thanksgiv
ing day in Canada. The tnrkey ripens sooner
on the other side of the lakes than it does here.
—Foi the cure of Consumption,
Bronchitis, Catarrh and Asthma, nse Dr. Bea
ver's Lung Pad, sold by D. 11. Wuller, Butler,
Pa. sep22-3m
—They voted a ticket eighteen inches
long in lowa. A man who can smuggle a foot
and a half of voting into one election ought to
be happy.
—Nov. 10th. We advise every
young person to spend the winter at school in
Edinboro. For terms address J. A. Cooper,
Edinboro, Pa.
—One agreeable consequence of the
winding up of the campaign will be a surcease
of dirt-throwing. But we shall have just as
much of it next time.
—Ayer's Pills are a general favorite,
because of their powerful yet gentle operation.
Medical men prefer them for nervous or deli
cate constitutions.
—General Grant says that the man
who did most toward the Republican victory
was Wade Hampton ; and that President-elect
Garfield ought to make him Secretary of War.
—There will be a lecture at the M.
E. Church, of this place, on Thursday evening,
November 11. Lecture on Classic, Oriental
and Bible Lands, by Frank S. De Haas, D. D.
—"The average life of a hog is only
fifteen years." This always consoles us when
we see two persons occupy a street crossing and
compelling a person going in an opposite direc
tion to step on into the mud.
—Write to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham,
No. 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for
names of ladies that have been restored to health
by the use of her Vegetable Compound. It is a
positive cure for the most stubborn cases of
female weakness.
—lt is astonishing bow large a num
ber of persons resent the smart sayings of their
associates. That is whv bright people are al
ways so unpopular. The dull man has the
most friends every time.
—A well known gentleman of Tole
do, 0., says: I commenced to wear a Days Kid
ney Pad, after my doctor told me I could not
f;et well and within twomonths I had complete
y recovered.
—lf Mr. Frye should succeed Han
nibal Hamlin as Senator from Maine the con
test for the Speakership of the national House
of Representatives will probably be between
Conger of Michigan and Kasson of lowa.
—Life is but short, and we should do
•11 we can to prolong it. Check a cough or
cold at ouce by using an old reliable remedy
such as Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Price only
25 cents a bottle.
—Dr. Beaver's Absorption Lung
Pad a positive and permanant cure for con
■nmptiou'Bronchites, Catarrh, Asthma and all
disease of the Lungs, Throat and Heard. Sold
by D. H. Wuller, agent for Butler county, Pa.
—General prosperity throughout the
conntry and a popular desire not to interfere
with business interests by any change in the
policy of the government produced a Republi
can victory. At least Secretary Sherman says so.
—We I ave sold many gross of Ely's
Cream Balm, and are gratified to hear from our
customers the most flatteriug reports: believe it
is an article of real merit. Smith, Kline A Co.,
Wholesale Druggists, Philadelphia, Pa.,
SEE a woman in another column, near Speer's
Vineyards, with a bunch ot' grapes from which
Speer's Port Grape wine is made, that is no
highly esteemed by the medical profession for
the use of invalids, weakly persons and the
aged.—Sold by ail Ornggists. 28aply
—A dispatch to the London Daily
New* from Berlin says: "In accordance with
the new socialistic law eighty citizens of Ham
burg have been ejected from that city ; also
twenty families have received notice to quit dif
ferent towns in Schleswlg-Holstein."
—The A. S. T. Co.'s Black Tip for
children's shoes, i* superior to all others tor the
following rem »n : They protect the toe fi«m
wear just at the point where the wear come*,
and do not Kive tn® shoe a bungling and patch
ed appearance, as do toe caps sewed on to the
—Two clubs or companies of men
all of this county, will shoulder their guns
next t ridav morning and look for game.
What they bag, they will bring to town that
eveuing and have supper at one of our
hotels, the losing party to pay for the supper*
—Many an unhappy sufferer from
nervous debility has wished himself anywhere
but on this beautiful earth. No ope need now
have any such feelings, all that they require to
do is to go and purchase one box of Gray's Spe
cific Medicine and they will realiie a change as
if by magic. Sold by J. C. Redick.
sexes- Endowment hair a million, Tuition free
Coainea of study, Cla-sical, Hcientiflc and Aui i
cultural A thorough Preparatory Department.
Expenses *3 to *5 per week For catalogue, ad
Uau#l4w Pres. State College, Pa.
—The forty performances of the
Oberammergau Pauion Play brought the nel
receipts up to the oim of $520,000 This
amount has been divided into four parts, one
quarter being devoted to the construction of the
theatre. a second to householders in the village
a third to the public schools, and the fourth to
the actors.
—A gloomv story is told by the
Timet of India concerning the ravages of wild
beasts and venomous reptiles in that country
The total number of deaths during the last year
caused by wild beasts and snakes was no less
than twenty thousand. It ought to be possible
in some way to lessen such an appalling mor
—Nearly two hundred wrecks on the
British coast alone are already reported as the
results of the late storms, and the full number
of wrecks everywhere for that fatal week must
be enormous. A second hurricane with blind
ing suow, blocking the railroads and causing
dozens of wrecks on the coast, has since passed
aver Denmark. The autumn storms have been
terribly destructive in north-western Europe.
—An experiment tried in a Chicago
iistillery resulted in the death of seven persons
find the severe wounding of seven others. Corn
was put whole into a mammoth kettle, and
steamed, then a strong pressure of steam applied
to force it through pipes into the mash-tub The
pipes became choked with the swollen corn,
and the pressure on the kettle constantly in
creased. until a terrific explosion followed, tear
ing the roof off the building.
—Messrs. Walter <fc Boos desire us
to sav that they have secured the services of
Mr. R. B. Bryson his assistant millrights,
who are now thoroughly overhauling their
mill, and putting in what new machinery is
necessary to entirely complete their process,
when they will be able to make as good flour
ssjis made in thecountry. The improvements
will be completed this week and the mill will
be running as nsual next week, when a fnrther
notice will appear.
—Dried potatoes have not yet come
into our market, but it is saiil preparations have
this year been made in California for drying in
large quantities and shipping them to England,
where last year they met with a ready sale. A
machine has been invented for pressing and
drying potatoes so that they will keep for years
and yet preserve their natural flavor. After
being thoroughly dried, they are ground into a
coarse meal resembling rice.
—A certain clergyman lately an
nounced as his text tor the evening sermon
"Hold fast the form of sound words" (2 Timo
thy, i, 13.) He then repeated from memory,
in a deliberate manner, trie entire Shorter Cate
chism,'after which he closed the service with
prayer, without a word of comment. To many
r>f tne congregation the Shorter Catechism, as
a whole, was a genuine novelty, and they lis
tened with great interest.
—Dr. Cutter says that the increases
r>f nervous diseases, decaying teeth, premature
Idindness and general lack of muscular and
bone strength are greatly due to the impover
ished quality of flour now in use, the gluten be
ing thrown away in order to make the flour
white. He urges the use of unbolted flour and
eggs, milk and butter. He denies that fish is
brain food or that Agassiz ever said that it was,
Mid claims that butter, being nearly all fat, is a
better kind of brain food than any other.
—"What will the papers find to
talk about when the election is over?" is the
question that has frequently been asked during
(he last two or three weeks. Newspaper man
might with equal wisdom ask their questioners
what the people will find to talk about now
that the compaign is over. There is, fortu
nately, always something sensational occur
ring in this age of excitements, and hence the
public is not long lett without a subject of ab
sorbing interest to be talked about and dis
cussed in the press.
—S. A. H. McKim, M. D, of the
Board of Surgeons of the Metropolitan Police,
Washington, 1). C., favors the Country Gentle
man witn the following, relative to the disease
in horses which has been so prevalent of late
through a great part of the county: "Let me
give a prescription for the epizootic, tried and
not 'found wanting,' but always successful: Sul
phate of quinine, 20 gr.; pulverized ipecac
comp., 30 gr. ; carbolic acid crystals, 5 gr. Make
into one or two pills, according to the severity
of the attack, and repeat thrice daily.
—And after all the intense strain of
excitement, lasting several months, election
day passed, with but two insignificant disturb
ances in the whole vast country. No
American anxious for the future of his coun
try, for the security of orderly free government,
but mnst thank God and take courage, as he re
views the summer and fall, and sees how, in the
midst ot the apparently wildest excitement, and
when the intensest passions are aroused, the
American love of order prevails over all, and
all abide by the result in peace and quiet.
—"We learned, many years ago,"
nays The American Rural Home , "that we
could arrest the usual decline in milk and but
ter, and even cause an increase, by giving a
peck of apples to each cow, morning and night
and that a little more would not Hurt them,
especially if they were sweet app'es." It ad
vises beginning very moderately, so as to do no
iniury, and to increase the quantity gradually.
When well accustomed to them a cow will eat
from half a bushel to a bushel at a meal, with
out detriment, but with increment of flesh and
milk, and milk that will make butter too.
— WICKEDNESS. —Not a bad heart,
but a diseased liver, is often the cause of vio
lence of temper, vindictiveness, and sometimes
crime; for, when the spleen is affected, the
heart is clogged in its better impulses, for want
of action to carry off the bile. "I have used
Simmons' Liver Regulator, not only once, but
often, and can confidently assert it has done me
more good than any other medicine I have us
ed. I think it is the greatest medicine for dis
eased liver made in the world. Many of my
neighbors have used it, and all will say as much
if not more than 1 do for its virtues.
"JOHN J. ALLEN, Bibb county, Ga."
—One of the fundamental principles
on which the Tennessee colony of Rugby was
founded is that there shall be no liquor saloon
in the place. But about the first thing Mr.
Huhes found, after his arrival, was a couple of
Tennesseeans who had squatted on a piece of
ground with an involved title, and opened a
dram-shop. How to get rid of these most un
welcome of all intruders was a puzzle, until
the happy expedient was hit upon of building
a school-house next door, and opening school.
Then, under the State law, the discomfited na
tives were obliged to pack their liquors and
move away, and Rugby is now a teetotallers'
—Prescribing an overdose o f opium,
with the expectation that a part of it will be
spilled when it is administered to the patient,
is a novel system of medical practice. But such
seems to be the method of a certain physician
of one of our large cities, who was recently ar
retted on charge of malpractice. He prescribed
ten drops of opium tincture to be given to a
young infant. The child's mother was told by
the druggist that the dose was excessive, and so
she gave only seven drops, but death resulted.
The doctor explained that he expected several
drops would be spilled when the medicine was
administered, and, moreover, that he told the
mother to give strong coffee if the child fell in
to a doze.
—At the new town of Rugby found
ed in Tennessee by Mr. Thomas Hughes' Eng
lish colony, a church for common use by the
various denominations of Christians has been
built. But Mr. Hughes is anxious that all of
them should use "the common prayer of that
liturgy which both in England and America
has proved itself the best expression, through
many generations, of the joys, hojies, and aspi
rations of a large portion of those who speak
our language." It is doubtful, however, wheth
er his desire will be gratified. The experiment
of maintaining what are called union churches
has not usually worked well. There needs to
be competition in religion, as in other things,
to keep up activity and interest.
—Experience has proved that the
Presidential election lasts all the time. The
terra of four years is so short that the plans of
one campaign overlap those of another. No
sooner had General Jackson been defeated in
1824 than he was in the field again for the sue
cession, and since that time the patronage of
the government has so enormously increased
that the contest never ceases. It is in some
aspects an annoying fact, but it must not be
forgotten that frequent elections of chief offi
cers are the safety-valves of a republic. The
vital point is the honesty of the yote in casting
and counting. To secure that nothing must be
spared, and that being secured, we need cot
grudge the trouble of elections.
for the United States Blue Book, a Register of
Federal Offices and Employments in each
State and Territory, the District of Columbia
and Abroad, showing who is eligible for ap-
E ointment, the mode and form of application,
y whom appointments are made or controlled
with complete directious and information for
per.tous desiring public employment. It con
tains information never before published and
will be found equully useful to editors, politi
cians, office-holders, office-seekers anil the pub
lic. This book shows the number of offices in
. the gift of the government, their location, sal
j aries paid and duties. Price, 75 cents. Ad
! dress J. 11. SOULK, P. O. Box 69, Washington,
I D. C. The great book for amenta!
ISntUc ; Slttiljer, P«s., 10, isso.
, 1 A Perfect Mill.
t A first-clans milling establishment like any
i other first-class manufactuting establishment
i is an object of both pride and profit tu
the people of the town in which it is located.
i It is pleasing to know that there are men in
your town who thoroughly understand their
business, and it is profitable, l'or the reason
that the people of the town get better goods
at lower prices.
Mr. 11. Julius Klingler, of this town, spent
two weeks at the late miller's convention at
Cincinnati, studying out the new machinery
exhibited there, and the new processes in mil
ing. He has since that time spent nearly
; twenty thousand dollars on machinery, which
he has placed in his mill in this place. This
' machinery has now been in operation for about
two weeks and is turning out at the rate of
; one hundred barrels per day, an article of
flour which cannot be excelled. Mr. Kling
ler is making three grades of merchantable,
; flour, either of which will surely hold its own
in the most particular graded market, so that
he can reasonably expect to find a city market
for what flour he can make over and above the
home demaud. The buckwheat flour that he
manufactured last winter soon secured a very
wide reputation. This winter he is making
a still Letter article of buckwheat and has or
ders ahead for more than he cau make. He
has already this fall, shipped buckwheat flour
to many points along the different railroad hues
as far east ai Philadelphia, and as for west as
Indianapolis. Such is the result of eu'erprise,
when connected with a thorough knowledge
of one's business. In his mill Mr. Klingler
uses the best machinery known in the business,
i His grinding stones or burrs are the best made,
• one set that he has in his mill took the premi
um at the Cincinnati Fair, and he paid an
extra hundred dollars to secure them ; his
bolting cloths are of the same make and pat
tern as were those that secured the premium
at the same place, his machinery for manufac
turing the middlings is so complete that not a
particle of the meat of the grain is lost, his
machinery for cleaning the grain previous to
grinding not only takes out all the chaff, cockle
and other impurities, but also polishes the
grain, and his millers are cxperieueed hands
who for years have been employed in new pro
cess mills. In his grain house adjoining his
mill Mr. Klingler has thousands of bushels of
both wheat and buckwheat in store. His mill
is now kept running day and night eiving em
ployment in all to ten persons. His mill is
connected by telephone with his handsome
store on Jeffersou street, an arrangement made
necessary by his constantly increasing business.
In addition to the expense which we havevien
tioned that Mr. Klingler incurred for machin
ery, he spent large sums in experimenting and
his enterprise and perseverence surely deserves
the success that has crowned his efforts.
—Some slight changes were made
in the time of the arrival and departure of
trains at and from this town, on the Branch
road at the beginning of the week : The Burn
ing train now comes in at 10:15, afternoon
train goes out at 2:45, evening train comes in at
5:17 and market train at 7:10, all railroad time.
All kinds of grain for which I will pay the
highest market price in cash at mv mill.
Nov. 3, 1880. Butler, Pa.
Butterlck's Patterns,
—By the law, hunters are prohibited
from killing night hawks, whipporwills, spar
rows, thrushes, robins, meadow larks, barn
swallows, woodpeckers, cedar birds, orioles, cat
birds, blue birds, or any kind of insectiverous
birds, under a penalty o'f five dollars for each
bird so killed.
Doctors and Churches.
The doctors of New York City, hundreds of
whom have personally visited Speer's vineyards
during the wine malting season, say his Port
Grape Wine has proved to be pure, unadultera
ted, of a fine flavor and tonic properties, and is
unsurpassed for its restorative powers: and they
prescribe it as a very superior wine. The prin
cipal ehurches in New York and Brooklyn use
it for communion. For sale by D. 11. Wuller.
Jamestown Ca*simeres
For Men and Boys wear, at
—The value of the crops raised in
Pennsylvania in 1880 is shown by the official
reporters to be $111,250,000, and the value of
live stock, $85,570,912. The acreage of wheat
was 1,450,000; hay, 2,550,000; corn, 1,261,000,
and oats, 1,156,000. The cost of fences in the
State is $lt»2,000,000.
—The last week of a Presidential
canvass is the most humiliating week for the
country of all the four years. "Look out for
lies about this time," is the inscription that is
written all over it. Happily grog shop politi
cal methods always recoil, and the utterers ot
stupid lies in a canvass are surely made to suf
Albert Coppley, of McDnniels'
P. <>.. 0., Makes a Statement.
"I have been a great sufferer for years with
inflammation of the Kidneys, and a nervousdis
ease that caused a twitching of the face, mouth
and eyes to such an extent that I could not ap
pear in company. Days Kidney Pad has en
tirely cured me, and I shall never fail to do all
I can to have its merits known."
Ladles' Cloaks and Dolmans.
A splendid assortment, at
—The recent earthquake at Lisbon,
Portugal, seems to have caused little damage;
but it recalls the disastrous one of 1756, by
which that city ami about 60,000 people were
destroyed. Severe shocks have also been expe
rienced lately in other Spanish towns and sec
tions of France.
Advertising Cheats.
It has become so c >minon to write the begin
ning of an elegant, interesting article and then
run it into some advertisement that we avoid all
such cheats and simply call attention to the
merits of Hop Bitt.-rs iri as plain, honest terms
as possible, to induce people to give them one
trial, as no one who knows their value will ev
er use anything else. —Providence Advertiter.
—The democratic political 'boas" of
N. Y. city is recei vini left-handed compliments
from the democracy all over the nation, who
claim that his sectarian city ticket which
very narrowly escape] defeat in a city that us
ually gives the dem-K-ratic ticket some sixty
thousand of a majority, c.iused the defeat of the
national ticket in tl at state and therefore in
the nation.
Ladles' and 1 liildren*' Furs.
A large stock, at
—Secretary Evarts believes that the
Republican victory was due to the solid South
and the tariff. He appreciates the advantage
accruing to the Reo ihlicans by the nomination
of Mr. Grace for M ivor of New York. He an
ticipates quiet, penr-fill times. The bitterness
of the campaign, he -ays, will be forgotten in a
month and good nature will prevail.
Preftidcnt Hayes.
The validity of Mr. Hayes' title may always
be questioned, ami his administration criticised,
but the payment of one dollar gives a valid ti
tle to one bottle of |)r. fierce'* Golden Medical
Discovery, and its administration can never be
criticised in oases of coughs, colds, incipient
consumption, and general debility, for leading
physicians of all selioo's endorse the Discovery
and prescribe it in their practice. Sold by
all Druggists.
—The proposition to make a new
State out of that portion of Pennsylvania west
of the mountains, hi; been revived. It would
be a good thing for aspiring office holders, as it
wonld just double the present opportunity for
securing offices, liiusm-jch as.there would be
just twice as many offices to fill as at present.
The only objection th it could come to the pro
ject from this end o'"tlie State would be the dis
like to see the grand old Keystone State, the
best State in many respects which the Union
affords, divided, it is proposed to call the new
State "Allegheny."
Blankets, Fliuin OIH and Yarns,
Best in the Market, at
Every Family, Without Excep
In City, Village and County, will it highly
useful to constantly read the" American Afjri
eulturitt. It abounds in plain, practical, re
liable information, most valuable for In-door
as well as Out-door word and comfort, and its
800 to 1,000 Original Engravings in every
volume are both plea-ing and instructive. In
this respect it is pre-eminent and stands alone,
and it should have a place in every Household,
no matter how many other journals are taken.
Its Illustrated Depart.nent lor Youth and Chil
dren contains much information as well as
amusement. Its Humbug exposures are in
valuable to all classes. The cost is very low,
only $1.50 from now to the end of 1881, or four
copies for $5. Single numbers, 15 cents. One
specimen, 6 cents. Take our advice and sub
scribe iunc for volume 40 (1881.) Orange Jtidd
Company, Publishes, 2-15 Broadway, New
Hall, Butler, Wednesday, Thursday and Kri
day, Nov. 10th, 11th anil 12th. Grand appear
ance of the World's Greatest Magician, Signoi
Bosco, who will open his Palace of Illusions on
the above evenings. We can insure the citi
zens of this place a first-class entertainment,
for Signor Bosco comes well recommended by
our leading exchanges. He has been perform
ing the last week in Hamilton, where he has
drawn crowded houses with his clever tricks.
In addition to his refined entertainment he
gives away 100 beautiful and costly presents
nightly. We clip the following from the Ham
ilton Spectator:—
SIGXOR BOSCO. —The second of this talented
magician's entertainments was given in Lar
kin Hall last night, before a large and delight
ed audience. The Siguor does everything in
dicated on his bills, and his sleight-of-hand
tricks and wonderful illusions were simply
marvellous, and produced feelings of the great
est interest and admiration amongst all present.
The Signor has many very complimentary no
tices from the press of different parts, and the
entertainment last night and the night before
fully proved that they were well merited.
This performence is without doubt, the best of
the kind that has been in Hamilton for some
time, and there will certainly be another large
house to-night, when he appears for the last
time. His exposition was very effective and
interesting. One distinguished feature about
these entertainments is the distribution of a
large number of beautiful and costly presents
So fortunate ticket holders.
Have you Ever
Known any j>erson to be seriously ill without a
wreak stomach or inactive liver or kidneys?
And when these organs are ill good condition
Jo you not find tueir possessor enjoying good
lealtii ? Parker's Ginger Tonic always regu
lates these important organs, and never fails to
make the blood rich and pure, and to strength
:n every part of the system. It has cured hun-
Ireds of despairing invalide. Ask your neigh
!>or about it. Sec other column.
It Will Pay
To drive 40 miles to buy Dry Goods,
Carets uud Millinery, at
The Kc*' litci-gaiti* Vet.
New Double Fold Brocade all colors
Aud full yard-wide at 25 ceuts per
Yard, at
Captain Finis" Ship Hallway.
The Scientific American of this week con
tains two full page illustrations of Captain
Eads' proposed railway for transporting ships
with tneir cargo across continents.
Captain Eads ciiams by his plan to be able
to take loaded ships of the largest tonnage
from one ocean to the other across the Isth
mus of Panama, as readily as can be done by a
;anal after the Lessup plan, and at a much less
cost for engineering construction.
The project is certainly bold and ingenious,
ind the projector anticipates no serious diffi
culties in carrying forward has enterprise,
rhe engravings* referred to in the Scientific
American show Hie proposed construction of
not only the railroad, but the appliances for
transferring the ships from the water to the
In addition to the large number of engrav
ings, illustrative of engineering works, inven
tions and new discoveries which appear weekly,
the Scientific American has, during the past
year, devoted considerable space to illustrating
and describing leading establishments devoted
to different manufacturing industries. *
This feature has added very much to the at
tractiveness and usefulness of the paper.
More than fifty of the most important indus
trial establishments of our country have been
illustrated, and the processes ot the different
manufactures described in its columns, iki
entific American has been published for more
than thirty-four years by MUNN & Co., 37
Park Row, N. Y;, and has attained a larger
weekly circulation than all similar papers pub
lished in the country. The publishers assure
the public that they have not printed less than
50,000 copies a week for several months.
Children and Misses
Cloaks and Saques, light colored
And Black, all sizes from 4 to 14
Years, at
M 4 K It I r I>.
ISSO, by Kev. S. Williams, Mr. Thomas Jasper
Campbell to Miss Mary Amanda Kelly, both
of this county.
KIRKER —At his residence in Connoquen
essing township, this county, on Sunday morn
ing, October 31st, ISBO, Mr. William Ivirker,
in the 69th year of his age.
Mr. Kirker was one of the oldest aud most
respected and useful citizens of our county, and
his death is much lamented by a family to
whom |je was much attached, as well as by a
large circle of friends and the community in
which he lived.
llntler Markets.
BUTTER—Good 2 2 cents f lb.
BACON--Plain sugar cured hams 14 sts. V lb;
81l xildera, 8 : Bides, 14
BEANS— White, $1(2)1.25 T? bnsh.
CHICKENS—2S to 30 cts. per pair.
CHEEBF—IS cts ¥ lb.
COBN .MEAL—2 cts. FT lb.
EO(IK—IS cts t* •'ozen.
FLOCB—Wheat, tti@B ¥ bbl, sack. $1.25®f2 ;
buckwheat. f2.50 V cwt.
GBAIN—Oats.3O cts H biiHhel: corn 45 ; wheat
9 ic F S ; rye 80 centß ; buckwheat, 70.
HONEY—IS cts. T? lb.
LABD— 12C "# tb. Tallow, G@7.
MOLASSES—SO<ff'7Oc ¥ gallon. Syrnp, 50(S 60c,
ONIONS—7S cts ¥ bush.
POTATOES—3fic. ¥ bushel.
SUGAB —Yellow (®9C.; whjto ®llc. V lb.
SALT—NO. 1. 41.30 V barrel.
The Register hereby gives notice that tl e fol
lowing accounts ol Executors, Administrators,
Guardians and Trustees have been tiled in his
ofli e accor.iingtto law and will be presented
to Court lor confirmation and allowance on
Wednesday, the Bth day ot December, A. D.,
1880, at 2 o'clock, P. M.
1. Filial and distribution account o( Mary
Grossman, Administratrix ef James Grossman,
late of Brad) township, dee'd.
2. Final account ot" John Kohner, Adin'r cum
testaiuento aunexo of Win. F. Graham, lute ol
Canberry township, dee'd.
3. Final account of John Esler and James
Elliott, Executors ot the late will of William
Riddle, late ot Clinton town-hip, dee'd.
4. Final account of Mary V. Gibson, Execu
trix ot William Gibson, la'c of Venango town
ship, dee'd.
5. Final and distribution account of John
Etnrick, administrator ot the estate ol R-becca
B, Burkhurt, late of Summit township, dee'd.
0. Filial account ol J. S. Beiirlile and Eliz i
bctli Biirklcjr. Ex'rs of the estate ol Nicholas
B rkley, late ol Muddycreek 'own-hip, dee'd.
7. Partial account ol Win. Snider and Robert
Tumble, Ex'rs otthe last will and testament ol
acob Snider, of Middlesex township, dee'd.
8. Final account of Robert Stewart, Guardian
of Alvi L Douthett, minor child ot John Doutn
eti. late of Winfitld township, dee'd.
it. Final and listribution uecount of H. H.
Vincent m.d Levi Hale, Administrators ol Na
thaniel Cooper, late ol Slipi eryrock township,
10. Partial and distribution account of Na
than P. McCandless nud Kezla J. MeCnndless,
Ex'rs »f Josiah McCandless, late of Centre
township, dee'd.
11 Partial account of O. C. Redlc. F.x'r ol
the last will and testament ol Nancy Redic, late
ol Alle«her,y township, dee'd.
12. Final aecoui t ol Rudolph and J. J. Barn
hart, Executors ot Fredeiick Barnhart, late of
Fail view township, dec'it.
18. Second nod final account of Harvey Os
born. Administrator of Doctor R. C. McClel
land, dee'd.
14. Filial account ol P. II J.aullman, Ailm'r
of Williurd Leonard, dee'd, late ol Peun towu
15. First and Ann) account of Samuel Duff,
Adin nistß.tor of the estate of Elizabeth Widen
holier, late| ol 4 Wintii Id township, Butler coun
ty, dcc'U
10. Partial account of Thomas Donaghy.Trus
tee, appoiutud by the Orphans Court ot Butler
county to sell the real estate of Mary O'Dou
nell, late ol Oakland township, dee'd.
17. Final account ol llanuah W. Polls, Exec
utrix ol Win. McCaslin, late of Middlesex town
ship, dee'd.
18. Final account of Jacob Garwig, Adm'r of
George Erb, late ol Lancaster township, dee d.
19. Final aceouul ol John C. Moore, Gurdian
ol R. M. Allen, miuor child cl William Allen,
late of Wuaii.ugtou township, dee'd.
20. Final account of Barbara Leisc and Hon.
Samuel Marshall, Ex'rs ol Frederick Leisc, late
of Cranberry towuship, dee'd, as filed by Bar
bara Leise and John Kohner, committee of
Samuel Marshall.
Nov. 10, tt. Register.
VI? lIT I'FTRC 1 Consumption and A-thina.
1™ Ej TI vl AJji Never yet failed. Address
I with stamp. "HO»IE." Fao-TWinn, Mn. (ja7 ly
Advertise ia the CITIZEN.
Butler Femals Collsgs.
Winter Term will "pen November 20th, 1?80,
closing .March 4th, 1881.
Primary Department, •><». Normal ami Clas
sical, .>3. Music, >lO. Boarding in College
very low. Rooms for self boarding can be had
free of charge.
The coarse of study in this institution is ex
tensive and thorough, embracing all the valua
ble studies taught in any Female College.
ADVANTAGES: Ist. Cost is very low.
2nd. The building is well situated and well
3rd. Easy of access, good plank and board
4th. The manners and morals of the stu
dents are carefully cared for.
-MR. & MRS. A. T. DOITHETT, Principal.
Notice to Niipervinors auri all
The followinßoad petitions have been ap
proved and will be presented to Court for coir i
Urination, absolutely ou Wednesday the Bth
day of December, I*SO.
No. 5, June Term, 18£0. Public road in
Cherry township, to vacate part of, beginning
at or near Kinehaus Bridge on said road and
the point at which it intersects with the road
leading from Annandale to New Hope.
No. 13, March Terra, ISSO. Road in Cherry
township, beginning at or near the old election
hou-e in Cherry township, said county, on the
public road leading from Five Points to New
Hops and to en 1 at a point near James Bryan's
residence in said township on the public road
leading from Unionville to New Hope.
\V. A. WItIGHT, Clerk.
Widows' .41>2>raiMiiieiits.
The folloAuig a:»prainmouts of personal pro
perty feet apart for the benefit of the widows' of
decedants have been tiled m the office of th
clerk of the Orphans Court of B'ltler county as
Benjamin Sloan, 4s 52 00
Zeplmniali Double, 3 *0 0 >
II H. Barr, SOU 00
George Vogan, 44 00
Patrick O DonelL 300 00
John Ilippld, ftOC 00
Joseph ltiuker. .100 00
All persons interested in the above appraise
ments will'rake notice that they will be present
ed to the Orphans Court of Butler CJ, for coa
firiuation, ou Wednesday the Sth day of Decem
ber. 1880. W. A. WEIGHT. Clerk.
Auditor*' Notice.
In the matter of the petition of Ellen Stillwagon
for citation on John J. Kelly administrator, to file
an account.
<). C. No. 40 March Term. 1878. And now, Aug.
?th. lsso. it appearing by due proof that the cita
tion in this ease has been regularly served on the
respondent, and that he lias not and do«.s not ap
pear in obedience thereto, the petition is taken ;us
confessed, and the Court appoint George C.
Pillow, an attorney to take proof of the facts. &e.,
and report an account against the defendant.
Notice is hereby given that I will attend to the
duties of the above appointment at my office in
B .t e |) I Tn< s ay. Nov. 23rd, lsso, at LU o'clock, A
M., at which time and place all parties interested
may attend if they sec proper.
nov3-3t Auditor.
jPL\ X 3"
Public Kale.
There will be exposed to public sale at the
premises of Mrs. Catharine Leibold, Centre
townohip, Butler county. Pa., on
the following vropertv of the late Frederick
Leihold. dee'd : 2 horses, w agon and harness,
2 milch cows. 2 steers, 1 heifer, hogs, liny. coru.
buckwheat, oats and wheat in the bushel, pota
toes. farming implements and household fur
nitn e.
Also at same place and time, as the property
of Mrs. Margaret Grinder, a lunatic, the follow
ing : 2 milch cows, 1 calf, liogs, hay, potatoes,
a one-story dwelling house that can be moved,
and other personal property of said Mis. Grinder
too numerous to mention.
Terms n_ade known on dav of sale.
Administrator of Frederick Leibold, and Com
mittee of Mirgaret Grinder, a lunatic. 0c27-2t
Spittiru; of Blood, Bronchitis. Asthma, Conrjhs.
aad a'! disuses of the Pulmonary Organs.
s'rirc .10 Cent* uml One Dollar.
QUENTHER & CO. Proprietors.
39 Fifth Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA.
.fury liiHl lor l>o«*eiubrr Term.
Grand Jury for first week, commencing Mon
day. December 6.
Allegheny -F. Jamison.
Buffalo—John Harbison, John Murphy.
Untler township—Benj. Dixon. Juo. Schaffner
Butler borough—J. J. Elliott, L. O. Purvis,
John McQ. Smith.
Connoqueneesing— P. I Barnhart.
Cranberry—Austin Graham, Adam KirscMer.
Cherry— J. B. Kelly.
Concord—A. G. Meals.
Clinton—Henry Sefton
Centre—Simon Young.
Fairvicw township—Michael Andre, Andrew
Blakeley. W. H- McKee-
Millerstown—H. L. Westerinan,
Oakland—J. M Beatty.
Parker—J. C. Dnubenspeck.
Washington—Thomas Campbell, Jr.
Worth—John Boyle, Jr.
Winfield—Henry Deer. Sr.
DECEMBER 13. 1880.
Adams—T. M. Marshall, William Mentzer,
James Parks.
Allegheny—J L. P.osenbury, Crawford Don
Butler borough—Christ Stock. Casmer Wise.
G. W. Milter, lI.J. Klingler, Jacob Geible.
Buffalo—John Sarvor.
Brady—Henry Double. William Moore
Clay—.James Findley.
Concord—John Chappel*
Counoquencstjing—Thomas Edmundson, Tlios
Centre—Alex. Pollock.
Donegal—Leroy Dolemater.
Fsirview—it M. Hepler. I'liilip Dtbeuspejk,
Daniel Evans. H. W. Jamison Isaac Kavlor.
Ilarrisville—H. A. Avers, Alec. Black, Joseph
Jackson—James Jones. Ezra Liken, James D.
Lvtle, William Roth. David B. Shoritz.
Jefferson —Alfred MaurlioH, Benson S'irader.
Lancaster—John Myers Joseph Powell.
Muddycreek—Wm. Douler.
Mercer—W. A. Roberta, J- J. MeGarvey.
Prospect -John Hyle, Jr.
1 Parker—David Jackson. D. P. Kelly.
Slipperyrock—Frederick Gerwick.
Washington N M. Shira.
Wuitield—Frederck Welty, Argus Keck.
Worth—Mathias Bennett.
Zehenople —E, V. Randolph.
B,i*t of Traverse Jurors
drawn for a Special Term of Court, commencing
' on the til til Monday of November, 1»<*0, being the
2!>tli (lay.
Allegheny township—Henry Kohlinoyer, Josiah
Butler borough -Henry Blekel, Augustus Cutli
bert. Adam Holfner, Adam Schenck.
Butler township—W. 11. Nicholas, W. C. Martin,
t 'oniioquenessing—Joseph Balpli,
Clinton—'Wtmdmff Gibson.
Cranberry—Newton (iraliain, Bradin Garvin,
John I*. Roll, Robert Trimble.
( lav—Jacob Haistlne.
Centre—Jtunes M. Thompson.
Cherry-John Grubb.
Forward —George Marberger.
Fairview township—John G. Hawk, Thomas
Jamison, J. S. Aultman.
JelTerson—.l. B. Wright.
Jackson—Daniel Fetdler.
Karns City—J. Boriand.
Lancaster—Geo. iiuby, Jas. Morrison.
Marion —Levi Porter."A. Bailey.
r Mercer—H. McLintock, Hugh Braham,
Muddycreek—Nicholas Bowder.
Oakland—Henry Conway.
Penii- Eraslus Uigan, llaivey Os'x rnc, Philip
' Petrolia— H. C. Whitford
Parker—W. ('. Beck.
Prospect—Augustine Bowers.
Slipperyrock Thus. Mifflin, J. G. Kerr.
Venango - Levi Kerr,
f i Winlleld—John Cooper.
Worth—George Ta> i«ir.
Washington—E. E. Evans.
To every work ills agent, male of famele.
s Agents are elf ariui; from 85 to #l.l a day on our
t goods, in addition to above premium. Send 10
■ cents for sample or s>l.(ia for full out lit and secure
1 CO. Lewisburg, Pa. li'mytm
hM j
§ ! |_ CHIEFS, £
m i I EKS,
>- COLLARS. CUFFS. NECK WEAR. kc.,kc., %
g j
main street, builek, pX \
s \ j
■ MJ
(Greatly Ifcedncecl Prices:
l°-bore 10*l)orc«
No. 845, C. G. BONKIIILL, Top lever, double bolt, bar rebounding locks, low set hammers, solid stri
kers, pistol grip stock, patent fore end, skeleton butt plate, fine Damascus barrels, choke
bored, finely engraved and finish d $45 00 1 SSO 00
No. 850, do. do. With extension rib fastening - - - - - 50 00 |55 00
No. 855, do. do. Challenge brand with horn heel plate elaborately engraved 55 00 | 60 00
All these guns have raised level ribs, ami the 10 bores are made extra heavy and wide at breech, ranging in weight from !> to 10 tt.<•., mak
in** an admirable gun for duck and trap shooting where heavy charges are necessary. Any of these guns will be sent C. O. D., with privilege of
examination and trial on receipt oi a remittance sufficient to cover express charges to your place and return. No deviation will be uin le from
these prices under any circumstances. [2.snuir7m] J. PALMER O'NEIL & CO.
Monday, October 18, ISSO.
S Wakefield & Co.
1 I
3 Special Bargains!
38 inches wiile, all wool, all shades,
including Blacks, at 50 cents per
i yard.
PLAIDS, new and distingue com
binations, at 75 cents jier yard.
MERE, 42 inches wide, 75c per
yard ; it! inches wide, S7J cents per
yard ; 48 inches wide, $1 per yard.
Extra Heavy Weight and Superior
Plain and Brocaded Silks and
Satin D'Lyons Novelties.
idolivt a jsrs.
We have taken special pains i n select
ing our i;oods for this department, and
' feel confident our present stock will es
tablish our reputation for Stylish, Per
fect-fitting and Well-made Garments.
124 Federal Street,
AdiuiiiiNtratrixN Police.
Letters of Administration have lieen granted
to the undersigned on the estate of George C.
Conway dee'd, late of Concord township. Butler
county. All persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment, and
those having cliims or demands against the
same, should make them known without delav
to SARAH CONWAY. Adm». '
septl-Gt Hooker P. 0.. Butler.
Lstters testamentary having been granted to
the undersigned on the estate of Silas Pearce,
late of Bntler township, Butler county, Pa ;
deceased, notijo is hereby given to all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said estate,
that immediate payment is required, and to those
having claims against the same to piesent them
dulv authenticated for payment.
septlo-Gt Butler P 0.. Butler. Pa.
A<iin iit i«f ra I or** \ oilee.
Letters of administration having been granted
to the undersigned on the estate of Zephauiah
Double, deceased, late of Millerstown borough,
Butler county, Pa., notice is hereby given to all
those knowing themselves indeLted to said es
tate, that immediate payment is required, and
those having claims against the same to present
them dulv authenticated for payment.
septls-St Bamhaits Mills, liutler Co., Pa
Nos. 92 &. 94 First Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Steam Engines, Boilers,
Saw Mills and
Wood-Working Madhinery, new and second
haud. sep29:3m
I'iaieo Tor Kale,
A splendid piano, good as new for
sain cheap.
Inquire at Dean's Tobacco Store,
Jefferson street, opposite Lovvry
House, Butler, Pa. tf
L. 71. CJMIIKA.\,
liveiy, Sale, Feed and Exchange
Rear of Lowry House, - - BUTLER, PA.
parts of the State, to sell liuisell's new anil
elegant MAT OK PENNSYLVANIA. Every citi
zen should have it. Nothing has succeeded like
it since war times. I'seful, ornamental and cheap.
A golden opportunity for energetic canvassers.
Sample for til) cents. Address,
Quarter Cit> I"nI>1 isllinir House.
7'S.i Sanson, St., Philadelphia.
A an! i 3 or*.S Notice.
In the matter of the assignment of Charles
Gcrlach to A. M. Hutchison for the benefit of
creditors. In the Court of Common Pleius of
Butler county, So. till'* June term, 1878.
Sept. Bth, 1889, A. T. Black, Esq., is appoint
ed an Auditor to pass upon the exceptions filed
to account, to take testimony and report the
same to the Court, and to re-state account it
necessary, and also make or sta'e distribution
account. BY THE COURT.
All persons interested will take notice that I
will attend to the duties of above appointment
at my office in Butler, on Tuesday, November
yth, A. D., 1880, at 1 o'clock, p. M.
Oct. 20-3t A. T. BLACK, Auditor.
Cor. Main and Cunningham St., Butler, Pa.
One Door Soutli of JOHN BERG & CO.'S BANK.
Having refitted the large and commodious Store Room, situate
in the above stated location, formerly occupied by Martin- Reiber
Sr., we will in a few days opon up a first-class grocer} - , and will
ofler to the public at bottom prices, a fine selection of choice,
Tli© Highest
Jolm 13erg; & Son.
112, 114, 116, MARKET ST., Cor. Liberty St, FITTSBURG.
Black Dress Silks, 87c, $1.25, $1.50 to $2.25.
Black Silk Velvets, 95c, $1.25. $1.50. <&c.
27 Inch Silk Velvets, $2.5)0 and $4.00.
Black Cashmeres, Best Qualities, 50c, 85c and SI.OO.
Silk Warp Cashmeres $1.20, $1.45 and $1.95.
Kid Gloves, 3 Button 48c, 75c, $1 00 and $1 25.
Finest Seamless SI.OO, $1.75 and $2.00
Ladied' and Gent's Lined Kid Gloves.
Ladies' and G«»t'n Cloth Gloves. Misses' and Infant's Cloth Gloves.
Knit Hoods, Caps, Mitte, Nubias, Extra Fine Reinforced Dress Shirts, sl.
Unlaundried Reinforced Shirts, 75c and SI.OO. Misses' and Boy's Scarlet Un
derwear 75c, up. Boy's Grey Underwear, 37ic. up. Woolen Hosiery of all
kinds. Men's Extra Good Underwear, 50c., 75::., SI.OO up. Men's Fine Neck
wear. Men's Scarlet Woven Underwear. 500 Styles Silk Handkerchiefs
from 10c. to $3. Embroidered and Lace Handkerchief's, Chenille Fringes good,
45c. up. Passementrie, 30c. a yard up. Spiked, Cord and Tassels, Jotted
Balls, Knotted Fringes and Ornaments. Colored Chenille Fringes. Buttons
of all Descriptions, &c.
(Pi A n iIiiPILES
VP\ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Kerned) t.:i- to CUT®. It s.llauthe IU hing, al.«orb# the
J ■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■ tnmoi -Mr-ii-f. I'rrjwrwl by J. I". Miller, M.D.,
■ ■■ ■■ ■ H Philadelphia, i'a. «' *. i'» 2 un/ess wrap
1U ■ prr -m b".l' i.miairts II siiiuturp <1 rile of Stones.
Ail druggists ■•"J country More* have it or will get it for you.
For Catarrh.
ELY •> |j; V y fever, cold In the
aCATABRH,coi.»vf7KI J';;; 1 ,!;:
breaths through the
Vis- r c\ : >™fp\\sg'fsA ,m ' :il> -
WMtt ls < -.o pt \GV > \' ' Ss&M sorhed. cleansing. and
i/fSt'.A healiiiK the diseased
B membrane,
fctf \B For Deafness,
■VV.-f&k 0 ■ nr £)«?SjW<>ecas:onally appij
HE VW article into ami back
Is receiving the endorsement of the sufferer, tl e
druggist, and physician. Never has an article of so
much merit been produced for lite iieatment of
iiieinbrunal disease < as litis never-failing ISA I.M.
anil is universally acknowledged as being all that
is claimed for it. The application is easy and
pleasant, causing no iiaiii. is soothing, and fs fast
superseding the use of powders, liquids and snuffs.
l*rice 50 eeut.H. On re-eipt of mi cents, will mail a
package free. Send for circular, with full infor
KI.V'S CKKANI BAI.M (■().. oucgo. N. V.
At Wholesale by
NEW YORK McKesson & KoMilns HaIUV Buck
el. (". X. I'rliteiitinii, W. il. S'h'iffelin \ Co.. D.
M. Sli-jer Co.. I.a'e'ie Mar-ti .& Oardrier, Titl
rant \ <'o.. Kn/er I.ee, and other;.
PHII.AKKI.I'IIIA Smith, Kline Co., Johnston,
Hollow: i\ & Co.
SCI: »VP )'N. I'A. Matin w* itros.
At Hetail by all Unijjgi ts. <x t 27-iau
itullt r Hide Markrl.
Beef Hides from 8 to 10 cents per
pountl. If you want to git the high
est cash price in the county for your
Beef Hides, take thena to Win. Mar
dorf, West Cunningham street, Butler,
Pa. oc6-3tn
VfiiJ a wo, l> iuyoiirown town. Teriut< and £5
V "Joutlit frue. A'ld read H J* \LIJETT A Co.,
Portland, Maine. dec3-ly
FOR lwwi.
Itrduclions lu Prices.
Free for Noxt T ->ths to New Suh«
The Wkkki.v Ti:lki;u.u-h. which i» Hip oldest
:iiul largest spacer published in l! c SI site
Capital, will bo furnished at
f.ir the year 1881. In addition :o from ral and
local news. Thk I'KLKUIIArif will "outiun reports
i>i and Congrc siouai pnceedlnEs.
Stories and Miscellaneous reading for the Family,
;:;i Agricultural <!> • • i-.iifin. AlarKets. etc., liiak
liiH il one «n Die \ery 1h i newspa] < r tor the
r.niuly, the Farmer, tiie Mechanic and the Husi
ness Slan. In ord rto ti'a-c I'll;: TEl.wiliAl'H
within the reach <ti cverytiody, it will he funi shed
t<> snbscriiK'r< at th • fallowing very low pries :
SillJil." copy 20 cents.
Ten ">r more e< pies, each 15 cents.
F.>lt THK \ KAIt ISM.
single copy (outside of Dauphin cotmtv) ?t •"'<l
'feu or iti'ire copies each too
Twenty or mor'.' copies, ea-ii !*►
X-w Mih-erihcts who p:r, for the year tWI. will
ive Int: TKi.t:«ittA!»ii I'ill'.K OK t'ilAlttJH
lor ihc balance 01 1 vo, from the di.te of subscitb-
Any p *1 son scndini; a lisi of ten or more sui'-erl-
Iwrs. will re' -tve mi extra c.i i.y w"»charoe.
The l'.iim*'' nnt.: aceoiup ;hv the outer hi all
cases, [and shou'd he sent ny regPU'red letter or
I«i t '-I money-order.
Addrc s till letters to the jitthli Iter.
I'll AS. 11. llittllKKK.
no<°3-3t Hnrrlsbnrg.
KOI! v . sio. «e.:. si"» . r I will make
yo-.i a fu.r .! oi len.i'.ti il natural lookuv! teeth,
wan >.it litem 10 ' ■•'■T . T< Mi cxiric'ed and
l.t. c'.i n r ii •or I'Ui.-i: • veil wiitiont e\ti-tcharge.
1 wilt \'lr no 'it iv> ct;!t| the •• ;< t;t Is fully
si.iisil I > h their n»'w teeth. I also till telhat
very low rales. I>u \. 11. Lewis. U.nit st. ♦
ihi\3-''»!I No. - >T. l'cnn ave. Pittsburgh, I'h.