SCBUURIPXIOJT BATES : Per year, in advance $1 50 Otherwise No eubaeriptioii will be discontinued until *1! arrearages are pud. neglecting to OoMtv its when ' r -tent office. All communications intended for publication i! tluc paper lanst l>e accompauied by the real ii.. of the writer, n->t for publication, but as « li'iaian tee of good faith. V..rriago and death notices must be acconipa ll* d l i . hi Buller from the above nsmcd oi •! 7. 7 :i. p.). ana 2.15, unrt 7.15 p m. Tli.- 2 l"> train connce:> wilh traltwon the West I'ori:• r'.'id uuh to Pittsburgh. : [;VAV(. ■ \'-T> XI.LCOFEST UAIJ.KOAD. ', ii ii :iv lib. .riiV Mill, Butler county, (ji* . :i.\i!ie, Greenville, etc., at 7.50 a. m. m l 2.25 p. ra. . „ 1 , c ,;i liilli.nd'e Mills at 1:45 A, m., ill. r ' I' M. ii • , > from Petrolia, Msrlinsbnrtr, Fairi i. .Uo ami Tiontiumi, connect at liil lurd wi ii ■ !l trains on the S & A road. PENNSVLVV.MA RAILROAD. Train* leave Butler (Butler or Pittsburgh Time.) Market at a. in., iroes through to Alle gheny, art ivlnfi at 9.01 :v tn. This train eon reets 'at Freeport wi'h Frecport Accommoda tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. m., railroad tine. Exp) est at 7.Ci a. m, connecting at Buller Junction, without cbinjre of cars, it 8.26 with F.xp.efe west, aniviujf In Allegheny at 9.58 a. m., and Express east arriving at Blairsville at 11 00 a. ra. railroid time. Mail At 2.53 p. m , conn<:ctin2 at Butler Junc tiouwithout change ol care, with Express west, arriving in Allegheny at 526 p. tn., and Ex press east arrivintr at Blairsville Intersection at 6.10 p. m. railroad time, which connects wUh Philadelphia Kxpre*s east, when on time. The 7.21 a. in train connects nt Blairsville] at 11.05 a. ra with the Mail east, and the 2.36 p.m. train at 6.59 with the Philadelphia Ex press east. Trains arrive at Butler on West Penn K. R. at 9.51 a. m., 5 and 7.20 p. m.. Butler lime. The 951 and 5.06 trains connect with trains on the Butler & Parker K. R. Sun ay train arrives at Bntle* at 11.11 a. m., connecting with train for Parker. Main Line. Through trains leave Pittsburgh tor the East, it 2.56 aDd 8.26 a. m. and 12 51, 4.21 ai d 5.06 p. on., arriving at Philadelphia at C.-10 and 7.20 p. m. and 3.00, 7.0 and 7.40 a. to.; at Baltimore about the same t'ine, al New York three hours later, and at Washington about one and a half hours later. ~ PHYSICIANS. JOHN E 13YERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURn BON, fny 4 21-lyl BUTLER I'A i)KNTISTS D HiJSf 1713T hx.Y. fi < A \I.DRO\M-" MlaU ot be Phil || * idelp* In Hen' >! ' tl!e:.e.i-|ire| red V . t•• ■ i,, ij•. ,nr>ilii:i' m the lint- ot lii» profession in a - iti»f..( t"i y unimiei Office oil Mali- Street. Bullet. Union Block, nt' stairs, ll>ll LAND :"h SALK. FOR SAIjE. \ i iiri.i.i i*-ii. ,111 fi.inie li< u#e, located I: it .i no'th»'e*t'TH t art of Butler I - ; A i.e.- ity on:' uil lilies. Kt () l ii.' it»«h and l-Hlanee in font ~,. 1 t quii-i at ihit- i»tl cc, r J^ale. s . -mi ved K mof Rev. Vv". R Hutch fc...i,.i,, 1.i,. ti . comer of Middlesex town „lii. i! . I cr.n fv. Pi .if let"" cffeve'l for Hale, low Inquire of W K FUIHBEE, on the prem ieeH aplCtf F" I? SAIjE. f v-s i,.i. Ati t'-liall interest ill a tood bu«- lnt-s in Pitt- 'Urth. Oue who knows soine tlil: abut t ri> inir pit ferred. An honest man «• ••• •• i i tiniit «ill do well to address !i .7 HI VS. cure S M James, i Pi iri'll Pi | a u27-lv N< \ O'ilPA .Y vv I'U } »», ; itl »s S| v r-s. ! H 1 ,000 \ f -K' N . V. \ « •»S' r on - f t-t" huf «r. Pa. T\ Y | rirt-. insurance Co. fir Cor Vlam n DIHKCTI »|{tS : ■1 1., tirvi. E. A. Ile.'mboldt V ll Ham Cam, I«I •I W. Buikhart A. rronittiHu. -lacob Schoene. (}. 0. R.K-«-IHH fohn Caldwell. Dr. W Irvln, W. W Dodds, J. W.Ohrlstv H. C. Heineman. J AS. T, M'J UN KIN. Gen Ag't BTJTT "FIT?, F A *u\H\ HAM; r ' 4 riiim TMLOB, ■ ■*. ■i l -IXTiJ STREETS f - ,h till V' I __ t Apply at once, if you Pi \ ' 1 . have lieen disabled in the U. S s-rv. I. \\\ KX PIKES JILV Ist, ls.Ho, tr', i: ' K- : K v-IOXS INCREAS- i'b .ti-i . PciMtntr* are rated too low. I ROUS r 7 Ni>\:;w DISi HAKGES PRO (l'ifF.n liifttrmation freely giveu. Send, stamp for blanks. Address. STODDART & CO., I Room ,-,St. Cloud Building, Washington, D. C. Notice Ex* Pf-iHim- it ~:neok ''a«es. Wardrobes. Office Ueekt-. offi :o Tablos, Ac.,woulddo well to call on A. 13. WILSON, Practical Cabinet MakPr. I bold that r. piece of furt iture made bv hand wnitii two ti.ide ity macliinery. and will cost Diit little moi . u any. Then why n it. have liand uia-ie? All notk ni'ide in the latest styles and of the best notorial I fjnaranteo entire sat isfacfi m tn Htvle. workmanship and price. Oive mo a cail. Khop on Mifflin street four doors west of Mvti ;*rect. undoi)posite A Troutman's store. Iliulm. Pa. sepl7-ly BAUSU & BAXTER, Liygiy, Sale and Feed Stables, REAR OF VOGELEY HOUSE, Jni'9-3 n _ BUTLER. PA. For this style Singer. ■EMr ll 12 We will senil it to your JmU Depot to be examined l>e- JBCMN fore you pay for it. If it is Iw' 1 RrJ not as represented it can lie —IT returned at our exiiense. Send a postal card for illus- Wij.j.y * IV. 17 X. Tenth St., Philadelphia. julyl4-3m 4[ . XVII. CARPETS! OIL MATS! RUGS' STAIR_RODS § STOCK! *nsw STOCK! > !g 5 HECK & PATTERSON'S | IS CARPET BOOM ! L TSTOAV OPII]S r ! sa On© Door South of therr Clothing r j Duity'N Klock, «ept2o-tf Butler. Ta. 2 IHivxs jgOflH iSIVK iSHXQTOjno 141 Fine Merchant Tailoring 141 AT JOHN OMMERT'S, a B • Nt., «"S t J'. Paw. ALSO A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF :MZ-E3SPS BOY'S _A.:N" ~D F '3 RT.ADY-MADE CLOTHING, AND GENTS FI EXISHING GOODS, AC. A fine selection of Fall and Winter foods will be made to order at reasonable prices, and satisfaction guaranteed. Overcoats a specialty. A cordial invitation is extended to the people of the Vicinity, to call and examine our stock, visitors as well as buyers will be welcome. JOHN OMMERT. 141 Federal Stree*, Allegheny "ity. Pa septls-3m 2nd DOOR FROM SOUTH DIMON'D STREET. Dry Goods, Noiions, Trimming?, Groceries, etc, LARGE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS T A. TROUTMAN'S Corner Main and Miffliu Street, - - - - BUTLER, PA. Dress Goods of all kinds, large assortment colored aud black Cashmeres, large assortment Black Silks, Alomie cloths, fancy Brocades, I'laids, Cotton Dress Goods, Calicoes, Chintzes, etc. iriiummes. nmining-s. Trimmings. Brocade Silks, all colors. Plain Silks, all colors. I'liun Satins. Brocade Satins. Striped Satins. Biocade Veiveteens. al! colors. Plain Velveteen . ail colors. Mack Silk Velvet. F>ii;g 3, Black arid Cclareu Passamentries, ornaments. Cord anil Tassels, a tine assortment. Buttn Biu.'ons. Butrcs A full line o£ Dress and Cloak Buttons—A large assortment. A full line of Hihhon . Ibices, Embroidery, Lace Ties, liiiciiint; and Ladle.--' Neckwear. Cloaks and Dclmans ! Cloaks and Dolmans ! ©FI A.WLS ! SKIRTS ! Flannels, barred find twilled, plain colors and best makes; Canton Flannel; Ladies' Cloth, all colors; Ladies' Sacking; Black Heavers; Cashmeres; Jeans; Tweeds; Ticking; Shirt ing; V*u-.lins; I ab'f Linens; Toweling. Blankets, etc I also keep a lull line «>f Groceries, Queensware. etc All the jihnve gods at lowest prices, n-i* \ j,r I 'ce and grain taken in ex. liange for goods A, Trout mail. tii'i- .• Ii ' • • <« v ri«. rile reve' ..I Conrtx of U. county of Butler romireliC" on Hi- ti M .n k«. or • •» a» u c<-y~nry toil: r>.t-e of the bnaiu ** So car<-«*s are put down for tria 1 or rraverf-e >nro. - runiiuoricd for the lirxt week of r|i«« 8 -ve-»l term*. AT'TT)HNEYe U LA v» . BUTL3R. PAT" J. FT BRITTAIN, Office with L Z Mitchell I namnnd. a. M7CUNNINGHAM, Office iii t'.rrfdv'- L*w Building. Rittler, Pa. S. H. PIERSOL. Oftict- ou N. E. coiner Liiau ond. Riddle build ing uovl l 2 JOHN M. GREER. ~ Office on N. E. corner Di i ond. nov 1"J WM 11 TUSK, Offict- with W R. II Riddle. F.sq. NEWTON BLU R K Office on Diamond, near Court MOUHC, couth Hide. E. I. BR UGH 7 Office m Kiddie's Law Building. S F. BOWSEB otttob ll Riddle's !.*«' Biulduig 1 111 'rH'7' I B ~H > KIN. v.f huildirit CLARENCE WALKER, Office in Bredni bnilding- mir! 7—t FEUD RFIBER, Office in Bern's new Imildiiur, Main street/ipWlj F VT EAST ANT Office in Breflin l>uildiii«?. LEV. \I.QU7SI TON, Office Main street, I door south ot Court llout-1 JOS. O. VANDERLIN, Office Main ntreet. 1 door south of Court Hoane Wm A. FORQUER, C?" Office on Main street, opposite Vogeley House. GEO li WHITE, Office N. E. c.nier of Diamond FRANCIS S PURVIANCE, ~ Office with Gen. J. N. Purviance, Main street, south of Court House. J~D Mc.JITNKIN, Office in Schneidcinan's huildinir, west side ol Main street, 2nd square from Court Houi-e. \. G W ILI.IAMS, Office on Diamond, two doors west of CITIZEN office, ap2ti T C CA ' PBELL. Office in Berg's new building, 2d door, eas> side Main st.. a few doors south of Lowrj House. mar:!—t! n A. & vi. SULLIVAN, may 7 Office S. W. cor of Diamond. BLACK"& 8110., Office on Main street one door south o Kn.dv Block, Buller. Pa. tsep. 2, 1874, joHN~~M MILLER & BRO. Office in Brady's Law Buil'ling. Main street, south of Court Hoo-ic. KCOEMF O. MIIJ-KU, Notary Public. jun4 ly THOMAS ROBINSON, BUTLER, PA. Advertise in the CITIZEN. FVTOEI>N DIAMOVr. N V, AP ConjlT HoTtkk • ''FTIZF* «nii,WNo E RT. ECKLEY, KENNEDY MAHSHAI.I, (Line of Ohio.) KrKLKY & MARSHALL • itlice in Brady's L-uv Huildintr. Sept.9,7- C G riIRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Lcgrnl business earefulh irunsaclcd Collections made and promptly remitted. Bt;siucs<- e-.rruspondencc prompts attended to and answered. Office opposite Lowrv House, Butler, Pa. lOSCBM. INEOU3 McSWEENY & McSWEENY, Smethpoit at.'.i Br. dford, Pa. M. N MILES, ~ Petrolia, jiutler county, Pa. |ju: I M . c iii ;NET > fcf, tl IVtmlia. Butlwr eo.. Pi j I] y >T KLS GRAND Bill LEVARI) HOTEL Corner 59 th SI. Ib Broadway, i NL V 7 iORK Ou Both Ameri; ,:n mid European Plans. Fronting on Cenlrii l.nk, ftieOrnnd Boulevard, Broadway and Kilty-Xn Hi St.. this Motel occu pies tlie entire wpi re. aud was lmilt and fur nished at an expens ■ .1 over Skju,uw>. It is one of the most elegant ,\eti as bcinsjthe finest lo caied in the city; i. .... passenger Elevator and all modem impi-ovem:-! ts, and is within one square of the depo s i i the Sixth and Eighth Avenue hievated J:. i!. e;trs aud.still nearer to the Broadway cars—cilent and accessible f roin all parts of the c:i>. Jtnoxns with board, $2 per day. special rates jo; families and permanent ; guests. E. I lASKKLL, Proprietor. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, On tlie K iropean 2r*lan-; 54 to 66 North Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Single Rooiiis 50c., 75c. and $1 per ! day. O. J-*. Sell neck, Proprietor. Excellent Dining 1 room furnished with the best, and at reasonable rates. ]JspP*Cars for all Railroad Depots within a convenient distance. National Hotel, COP.TLANDT STMTET, NEAB Ba DWAY, NKW VOl tit, IIOTCHKISS & POND, - - Prop'rs. ON THT. Kt" ROPE AN PLAN. | The restaurant. ;'uf" and lunch room attached j are unsurpaHHed fcr cheapness and excellence of ; service Uoonia 50 ets. to $2 per day, to •f 10 I per week. Cunvri i.Tit to all ferries and city I railroads. N> w I'cuMTCiiE. NEW MANAOE | MENT. janls-ly | BBHREIBER HOUSE. L NICKLAS, Prop'., MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. | Having taken p< set-sion of the above well known Hotel, and it being furnished in the 1 best of style for the arc >modation of guests, the public are respect f ully invited to give me a call. I havo a!.-to posnemion of the barn m rear of hotel, which furnishae excellent stabling, ac comodations for my patrons. L. NICKLA9. ±7s A WEEK, i 12 a day at home easily made , V Cost I v Outfit free. Addteaw True & Co. 1 Augusta, Maine. t dec'3-ly HI'II.ER. PA.. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 10, '*Bo j BRIGANDS AND KOXAXZAS. Tale of a Prospecting Tour in North ern Mexico. On August 10 we started from Tuc son, Arizona, for Hermosillo, the cap ital of Lonora. Our lot was cast with miners in prospecting garb and Mexi cans returning from California and Arizona. With the mercury at 104° in the shade we bowled away toward the border. The stage ride was like all stage rides, tedious and dusty, though it was enlivened by several novel experiences. The first of these was camping out at night when no wayside inn could be reached. We passed through Tubac, a very ancient Spanish town, and through Calibasas, which is a new town on a sterile plain, and rests all its hopes of future pros perity or success in boring for water. Should this fail the place will be as valuable for residences as a quarter sec tion of the Sahara. At rarly dawn on the 12th we drove into Los Bigtiitas, where we were regaled by a French gentleman with bloodcurding accounts of the deeds of Reyes, the revolution ist. The narrator had lost a mule, a a fine new saddle and SSO in coin. He declared that we would be stripped to the skin, and tried to dissuade us from venjuring further on the road. We had taken on a number of Spanish passengers at various towns on the way, and one of these, the Sub-Prefact of Magdalena, alarmed by the stories about the brigand, left the stage and struck across the mountains on mule back. As we ncared Magdalena the con trast between Sonora and Arizona be came more striking. We had been travelling over a parched desert, the very picture of desolation; now we were rattling along- through fertil fields of grain and by the side of vast roll ing plains of vendure. The totvn con tains about 3,'-00 inhabitanfc and is situated upon an open road. As we entered it the church bells began to toll the signal that the stage was com ing. The little plaza was full of peo ple, all with very mournful counten ances and all talking about the great event—the bloodless capture of the town by Brigido Reyes. METHODS OF A MEXICAN BRIG AN O. It seems that the brigand dashed up to the town with a small following of well-armed ragamuffins and took it without the firing of a single shot. The authorities had fled. His first act was to levy a forced loan of SIO,OOO, which was to be paid within twenty four hours by the merchants. Mean while each languished in jail until he had made up his portion of the sum. The I'adre was assessed §I,OOO, but, more foftunate than the other victims, he enlisted the aid of all the women, and soon gathered the amount. Don Joseph I'ierson, the principal merchant claimed to be an American citizen, but Reyes was unable to take the same view of his nationality, and mulcted him in §1,500. The I)on lingered in limbo at the time of our arrival. It was high noon when we drove up in front ol the hotel. A crowd of ill-look ing men scanned uselessly, but Gen- La Grange, who had giveu Chiriqui, the Mexican driver, a fee ot $25, or dered him to be ready for departure promptly at 2 o'clock. We then went into the hotel, but scarcely had we seated ourselves when Chiriqui rushed in , and said in Spanish, "The Com mandment has ordered me not to leave town until he shall give me orders." The Commandment, it was found, was Don Brigido Reyes, who was in the neighboring barracks. The General and I went over there at once. At the entrance two ragged, barefooted guardsmen presented arms, muttered something in Spanish, but allowed us to pass. An officer ushereu us into the presence of a small, swarthy man, with full dark beard tinged with gray, who was very suave and polite. He gave us his hand, and we found it was none other than the ferocious revolu tionist. A I'OTENT TITLE. When we were seated General La- Grange said to me, "Say to Colonel Reyes (he is a colonel in the Regular Army of Mexico) that we are Ameri cans on our way to Hermosillo, and that our visit has no political significance whatever ; that time is valuable to us, and that we wish to know why he has given orders to detain the stage." To translate this into Spanish I be gan by saying, "Dice el General" (the General says,) but scarcely had 1 ut tered the words when Reyes jumped to his feet and interrupted me with, "Did you say General?" "Yes, sir, an American General. Reyes at once opened wide his arms and advancing said, "General, you are my brother of ficer; embrace me." Seeing that we had carried the day, I whispered to mv compannion, "Do it, General, if you have to embrace the Revolution." After the Spanish-American embrace, given with great enipressuient by Reyes, wine aud cigars were brought out and a pleasant chat followed. Reyes on our departure said : "Gen eral, you and your party may go when and where you like. I will give you a pass so that you may safely travel all over the State, and I will also give you a letter to my chief and friend Pesquiera. When you are ready to start allow me to escort you on horse back a short distance out of town." During our conversation I asked Reyes what was the cause of the movement begun by him against the Government. He said. "Diaz and Gonzales have conspired to secure the election of the latter to the Presidency. Fraud was .committed at the polls, as those opposed Gonzales were not al lowed to vote. I have requested Se nor Vail arte to assume the Presidency until I can make this movement gen eral and tLus secure a new election. Mv purpose is honorable and legitimate." I had my doubts of this as I saw in the corner a heap of about 5,000 Mexican dollars, which had been wrested from the people of Magdalena and yet before we left the town we heard that a compromise had been made made with the captives by a pay ment of $5,500 in each. This talk of legitimate revolution is all bombast. j The people are growing tired of revo- I lutions, and it is not too much to say that Sonora will not see another. The . better class of Mexican know that these periodical revolutions are death • to progress; that capital will not come |to a place which cannot assure it against loss. With the tide of Ameri can prospectors now setting into Son ora and Chihuahua the days of brigand age are numbered. A half dozen well armed American miners would put to flight un army of Mexican brigands. When we set out from Magdalena the gallaut Colonel came spinning alongside the coach, mouuted on a magnificant charger, with a superb Mexicansaddle ornamented with silver, and with silver spurs, silver monnted bridle, etc. He was accompained by an aid, both armed to the teeth. About a mile out of town the Colonel called a halt, and requested General La Grange to dismount, as he wished to give him a parting embrace. This cere money was performed after a draught of brandy from the General's pocket flash. Cigars were lighted, and the hero who carried on war for silver coin disappeared in a cloud of dust. IN THE SONORA VALLEY. Our journey was now through a very fertile country—the Valley of Son ora. Toward midnight of the 13th, the third day since leaving Tucson, we drove up in front of the hotel in the centre of the city of Hermosillo. All along the streets people were sleeping in cots outside their doors. The mounted police came dashing up to make inquires about the revolutionists. We found beds in the interior court yard of the hotel, as it was too warm to sleep in-doors. Hermosillo—called the city of lovely women—is a beautiful town, built in the Spanish style, on the banks of the Sonora River, and surrounded by the greenest of fields. Unlike most Mexi can cities the streets are well paved, there is little dust, and the large grounds which surround the low, ir regular adobe houses, are filled with groves of orauge citron and lime trees Toward the south, aud overlooking the city, towers a huge mountain, rising majestically from the level plains. The city contains 12,000 people, and boasts of one of the finest public parks in Mexico. Wa were driven about the town by Don Jose Ortib, oue ol the leading citizens, and visited in succession the large steam flour mill, the finest in the counfv, and the Casino, where we met Clarence King, chief of the geolo gical survey, in company with a mill ing expert. Both of them had just been examining some mines in the vi cinity recently purchased by Eastern capitalists. Hermosillo is the base of supplies for the States of Sinaloa, Jalisco aud the territory of Lower California. The principal industries of Sonora are wheat and cotton growingand mining. The wheat is converted into flour, which is celebrated throughout North ern Mexico. The Sonorians who live in the settled districts pride themselves upon their women and their flour, and there is a proverb which says "Flour and wife must be from So iota." The sugar cane is also largely cultivated. One little village, thirty-two miles north of Hermosillo, the home of Ortiz, has 300 women and men engaged iu its flour and sugar mills. The firm owns the village and almost owns the people, as they are too poor to get away. Fruit also is very abundant here. The oranges surpass those of Los Angels, and lime, quinces, pom egranates, grapes and citrons are pro duced in great abundance and of excel lent quality. POVERTY OF THE PEOPLE. In spite of the cheapness of all veg etables and fruit, the common people are very poor. Large uuinbers live in shabby little adobe huts, for which they are charged only $1 per month, and yet they find this sum very hard to pay. It costs about 3 cents a day for them to live. Pinole, corn meal or flour mixed with milk or water and a little sugar added; and panocha, or sugar cane, together with frijoles, or dried beans and tortillas corn cakes, from the main articles of diet of the poorer classes. Only the well-to-do indulge in the luxuries of tea and cof fee. Many of these people are very scantily clad and nearly all go bare footed. The children dispense with j cloth clothes and ruu about stark na ked. The city is infested with beg gars who lie in wait for strangers at the hotels. They are not pertinacious and they will shower blessings on you for a gift of a cent. A RURAL PARADISE. We spent four days in Hermosillo and early on the next morning set out for "Las Delicias," the residence of General Ignacio Pesquiera. We trav elled in a northeast course for the City, of Ures, fifty-four miles distaut. The drive was through one of the finest countries that can be found on this coast; not even the famous road of Santa Clara county, known as the Alamida, surpasses it. For miles we passed by green fields, with brilliant spots of wild flowers here and there, and groves of semi-tropical fruit trees. We passed through many small towns, and on the afternoon of the 17th en tered the road, lined with tire trees, which leads to the oil City of Ures, the capital of the State during the twenty years that General Pesquiera was its Governor. It is a reduced copy of Hermosillo, having the same fine site, aud the same abundance of fine shade trees and picturesque drives. When it was the capital it boasted of 10,000; now it has not over one-half that number. It hopes, however, to regain its lost prestige by means of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe rail road, which it is claimed, will pass through the city. "Las Delicias" was still sixty miles away, but we quickly passed over the intervening ground, which was equal ly fertile with the country through I which we had passed. On the second ! day, about noon, we reached the ha cienda, which comprises 30,000 acres, one-fourth of which is cultivated, the remaiuder pasture land. General La j Grange visited many mines in the 1 vicinity owned by Pesquiera, and two days after we started out for Arispa, ' arriving there late in the afternoon. This is one of the most curious old cities in Sonori. Once it was the capital of the State and had many handsome buildings. The. spoei.*.' oo ject of interest now is an ancient church, once famous for the magnificence of its alter. Even now, after being des poiled many times, enough remains to give oue a good idea of its former splendor. The festoons about the al ter are of solid silver, as likewise was the cross. Beautiful paintings of the sufferings of Christ, in rich frati e adorn the walls. The town is imv .i dreary picture of desolatio.)—.-horn of all its former life and importance. A rough ride of another day brought us to Bacanuchi, another stock-raising hacienda. Here to use an American phrase, we were in "the back woods," where the most primi tive customs prevail. At one place near by a large farm was cultivated by an intelligent looking man and his six sons. The house was destitute of ta ble or chairs, so the wife served lun cheon up m a large palm leaf on the floor, and we are squattim; in Mexican fashion. Next morning we started for La Cauana, sixty miles distant Here we met General Pesqueira and his son and W. 11. Chadsey, the mining ex pert. General Ignacio Pesqueira is to day the most popular man in Sonora. To say this in a country where a man's popularity and reputation last while he is in power or successful in politics, is, indeed, saying a great deal. General Pesqueira has ever been the idol of his people. While in office or out of it be has held the confidence of his countrymen. A man of character, strong will and mag natism, his influence in Mexico is pow erful. He possesses marked natural abilities and great foresight. We spent three days with him, inspecting mines and ranches, and found him thorough ly conversant with these two great industries upon which the future of Mexico so largely depends. From La Canana it is one and a half days' travel to Tombstone, where we visited prom inent mines; but of these you hear every day. During our trip we frequently slept on the ground, but failed to discover the tarantulas, centipedes or rattte snakes, of which so many stories are told. We were annoyed by none of these reptiles, nor could we learn that they were common in Sonora. THE NEW BUG BY. The writer met a portion of the ad vance guard of migratory Britons a few days since upon a train leaving Cincin nati bound for the Plateau. It con sisted of a handsome, well-built man, of about forty-five, formerly a school teacher, his fre.-h, rosy-cheeked wife, seven boys, veritable Tom Browns every one, and the grandmother, eigh ty-seven years old, who gave fine evi dence of English endurance by under taking at this advanced age a journey of four thousand miles by land and sea. What a fine group they made, indeed, at the station, standing by their bun dles of wraps and inevitable collection of umbrellas and walking-sticks! How they contrasted with the gaunt, sallow long-jointed mountaineer who stalked before them ! From the father of so many sons much information was obtained, which may as well be given in his own lan guage : "You see, we are literally crowded out. England has a popula tion more than double that with which she can comfortably get along. If a man loses a situation it is quite impos sible for him to find another. There's my eldest son ; he was a capable bank accountant, aud was glad to get £BO per There are now, no doubt, hundreds of applicants for his place, and that, too, from men of fine educa tion and broad experience. The next younger boy is nineteen. He got sev en shillings per week. I could give you plenty of instances where young men of good education and influence are working for half a pouud weekly. Men of fifty are almost completely barred out of pursuits on any terms." "What," the writer asked, "is your opinion of the probability that the great pleasure-grounds of the nobility will revert to agricultural uses ?" "That relic of feudalism, entailed property, will have to give way before many years, and open these grounds. There is one thing which may hasten that consummation. The parks of the nobility are heavily mortgaged in many cases to money-lenders. It is the great exception lor the British farmer to own the land he tills. The rents are some thing oppressive. I had a farm of 240 acres. The rental was £32o—more than equal to the price of good farming land in America. I raised corn and wheat and sold dairy produce. After all accounts were settled at the end of the last year I had £BO with which to meet the balance of rental due, which amounted to £1(>0. My case was but the repetition of many. Read this let ter which I received this morning from and old neighbor." " , COUNTY DURHAM,) 24th August, 1880. i "MY DEAR Slß—Yours of the 21st has just reached me, and as it is a showery morning, I hasten to reply. Our corn is ready to cut, only it is so damp this morning we can not com mence, but I hope we shall be very busy before evening I'm much pleas ed to hear from you again on this side the fish-pond, and do hope the post-of fice will not be so far away but that you will find time to let me know how far things are meeting your expecta tions. I have carefully read the book and studied the district, and decidedly think you are on the right track. These virgin soils have been proved to grow continuous coru crops for some years without manure, until you have time to lay up a stock of manure from your own cattle, whereas our farms must be covered with manure of some sort, or else we get a very poor return in the coming crop. "Then, again, though the situation is isolated and rather rough after leav ing the old home and paved streets, etc., yet what's that? Compare the future, and which result is likely to be most preferable? See the old home and comforts gradually slipping away into the pockets of (in my ease) vile, ignorant landlords, and if you do not meet them on the day appointed with the rent, receive the comforting words, 'lf it is not paid we shall take steps to recover it ' Then take the isolation and hardships of the first few years, and you will see comforts growing, end you can sit and smoke the pipe of peace, and chuckle at the old landlord, and .say, with Punch, 'Thank you, my lord ; I like liviDg on my own capital much better than letting you live on :* J •'We have had many talks about for eign lands, but I should mighty well like one more, and were the cash a lit tle more plentiful, would spend a few hours with you yet, but it cannot be now; but I will sav, and with a belief that it will be, may I grip your hand over there some day, and be asked to step into your own home, and step out and look at the crops without the us ual calculations as to whether it is go ing to pay the rent ! Ido not say this at ail in jest, because I feel it will be, i f health be gnmted to us both. * "Sincerely, The recipient of this letter expressed his belief that the coming year would witness a grand exodus of the middle classes of England, especially farmers, toward the United States, aud, open ing a pamphlet, called attention to the following paragraph excerpted from a late speech by Lord Derby : "Emigration is for a people like ours a natural and even necessary outlet. There are children living who will probably see the United States num bering 200,000,000 inhabitants, and 1 do not think there is any subject to which the leaders of working-men can more usefuily turn their attention than the supplying to those who want it here accurate and trustworthy intelli gence as to their chances beyond the Atlantic." Colonization, under the conditions outlined, has its comic side, the memo ry of which will amuse the participants when the novitiate is past, quite as much as it does the looker-on. Since the foregoing was indited, the writer has visited an outpost of Kug by, set in the woods some six miles away, where a young Londoner of aris tocratic blood, assisted by two friends whose stay is but temporary, has taken possession of an abandoned hut and clearing, establishing what Mr. Hughes happily refers to as the "Ilanch of the Danites." One of the incipient agriculturists was discovered in the work of making bread in the wash-bowl from an entire ly original recipe, in which flour, bak ing-powder. and saleratus entered as equal components. Scattered about the floor, or dependent from the ancient rafters, was a strange medley of things luxurious and things indispensable, among the former being an aristocratic poodle, concerning which one of the "Danites" remarked, "We all think this is most jolly, but the dog, you know, and she think it's rery low." The other occupants of the cabin, clad in the gorgeous remains of polo and lawn-tennis uniforms, had gone forth to seek the vitals of the monarchs of the forest. Perhaps the proudest moment in the lives of these young fel lows was realized at the (all of their first big tree. We found them surrounded by their victims upon the brow of a hill giving a far-away outlook toward the moun tains, making a clearing for a house just where a single old pine lifts its gnarled branches far above its surround ings, and we venture to hope that in coming years the rearing of "Lone Pine Cottage" may be remembered with no attendant regret of subsequent failure This colonization experiment will be watched with more than ordinary in terest, and for more than one reason. Firstly, because it will induce, if suc cessful, a most desirable class of set tlers. Secondly, because it will intro duce a new element of vitality into the South, opening up new lands, and do ing more toward regeneration of the region than all the legislation of the past fifteen years; and lastly, that it is a practical admission, by men whose judgment every Briton respects, of the superiority of the United States as a place of residence over Australia, the Cape of Good Hope, or Canada. The citizeus of Tennessee have been quick in appreciating the compliment paid their State in the selection of a a site for the now colony. Upon the arrival of Mr. Hughes at Rugby, after his recent trip to Philadelphia, he found a telegram awaiting him, tender ing the hospitality of the cities of Chat tanooga and Knoxville. Upon his ac ceptance of the invitations a special train was dispatched to llobbins Sta tion—the point upon the Cincinnati Southern Railway nearest the colony bringing a committee of prominent residents of the former city, and the guest, accompanied by several of his countrymen and the writer, was speed ily conveyed southward. The day fol lowing was devoted to a visit to Look out Mountain, where prominent partic ipants upon both the Union and Con federate side explained the battle which have made this mountain famous.— Harper's Weekly. PITCHBLENDE IN COLO. Some three years ago an intelligent mineralogist discovered specimens of pitchblende on the waste dumps of Denver City, Colorado, and, recog nize the value of the mineral, gathered a quantity and sent it to Swansea, where it" brought five shillings a pound, or at the rate of $2,500 a ton. To what extent the mineral occurs in that region does not appear, but the inciilent affords another illustration of of the facility with which unscientific miners may throw away minerals of more value thau those they are look ing for. Pitchblende, or uraninito, is an ox ide of uranium, obtained iu Saxnnyand Bohemia, and used in fine glass mak ing. Glass colored with uranium has the peculiar property of showing green when looked at, although perfectly and purely yellow when looked through. Al>YKltriSl>«; ItATI>, Otio square, oue insertion, {1 : each suh»o qncnt insertion, 50 cents. Yearly advertisement* exeeoding one-fourth of a column. 95 per inch. Kig'ire wor* donblo these ratee; additional charges where weekly or monthly changes are made. Local advertisements 10 cents per for iirrt inrertion, and 5 cents per line for each additional insertion. Marriages and deaths pub lish <1 fr» r of charge. Obituary notices charged as a-iiviti. e:n-nts. and payable when handed iD Auditors' Notices, it: Executors' ai d Adminis trators' Notices. ?3 each; E?tray, Cauticn ano It-solution Notices, not exceeding ten lines, each. From the fact that the CITIZEN is the obits' established and most extensively circulated lie publican newspaper ia liutler county. (a liepub licaii county i it must be appaient to business men that it is the medium they should use in advertising their business. NO. 50 : H7 L L ED UCA 770 N )IE L D SUBSISTENCE? An education, ves ; but what sort of |an education ? A bricklayer's educa tion, an artisan's, a farmer's, would in deen help him to earn a living. A col lege education would give him a social advantage, but it would not, in itself, increase bis change of earning a living: it would rather diminish it. For, as was pointed out in an interesting pa per lately published in this Magazine, our colleges do not, like the French and German universities, instruct a young man in the bread-winning pur suits ; the American colleges are, on the contrary, institutions for general culture. I do not take up the ques tion here of the amouut and value of the culture they supply. The point for us to note is that the educated young American who has not a special education as a bread-winner is worse off, as to his money prospects, than the you lg American who has no col lege education at all. Dig he can rot, and to beg he is ashamed. Two of the professions at least are fatally over crowded. The United Suites, with a population not greatly larger than that of the German Empire, graduates every year five times as many physicians; for the German Empire limits the num ber of its doctors, r.nd we do not limit that of ours. Very many of our phy sicians not only wait yen's tor practice, but never get into practice at a'l. It is much the same with the profession of law. In both professions there are prizes for a few, and failures, more or less complete, for the many. The en gineering, mining, and other scientific professions offer somewhat better chance, and public life, almost neglect ed as a profession, will attract a bet ter class of young men year to year. But upon none of these, save in favor ed and exceptional cases, as where a son succeeds to his father's practice, can a young man depend for fortune, or for immediate support. They, too, offer a certain social dignity. But as a rule it is the laborer, artisan, or tradesman that has the better chauce of supporting himself: it is the edu cated man that has, more frequently, to wait before he can pay his way. If, therefore, we educate our sons, it is all the better reason why we should pro vide, not iudeed for their independ ence, but some aid during the years which they are likely to spend in waiting before they can achieve their position. It is to be remembered, too, that these years of waiting may become, with such aid, years of scholarly or scientific accomplishment, if not of money-making; years that might in troduce and brighten a career, instead of wasted years that cloud or spoil it.— T. M. COAN, in Harper' A Magazine for November. THE CULTIVATION OF J THE SUMAC. There are thousands of people who wander through the woods in autumn picking the beautiful scarlet and yel low leaves of the sumac bush to deco rate their rooms, without kuowing that there is any other use for the plant. Yet the importation of the sumac into this country this year will amount to about 11,000 tons, costing about sl,- 100 000 The leaves of the sumac, dried and ground, are largely used in tanning and dyeing, and in Sicily and other parts of Italy the plant is care fully cultivated and treated. In view of the fact that the American sumac contains front 6 to 8 per cent more tannic acid than the Italian, aud re membering that the plant grows wild in profusion throughout this country, it seems reasonable to believe that it might be made a very profitable crop. At the present time the amount of na tive sumac brought into market does not exceed about 8,000 tons yearly, and its market price is only S2O per ton. just half the price of the Italian product. This large difference in the market value of the foreign and the domestic article is due to the fact that the American sumac, as at pres ent prepared, is not suitable for mak ing the finer white leathers so much used for gloves and fancy shoes, owing to its giving a disagreeable yellow or dirty color. The many attempts that have been made to avoid this difficul ty by care in collecting and grinding the leaves have not resulted in suc cess, and it has long been supposed that this objectionable quality was in herent in the Americau plant; but Mr Wm. McMurtrie, in a report to the United States Commissioner of Agriculture, shows that this difficulty can be surmounted and the American product made even superior to the for eign. Mr. McMurtrie made a number of tests to learn the relative amounts of tannic acid found in the leaves at dif ferent periods of their development, and while the amount was found to be greatest in the leaves gathered in July, he found that those gathered in full development in June were even then more than equal to the best for eign leaves in this respect. But furth er, he found that the deleterious color ing matter (due to the presence of quercetin) was not yet developed, and that therefore the American leaves gathered in June were superior to the Italian for alt purposes. The impor tance of this discovery may be seen by the fact that the cultivation of the plant may be carried on most profita bly in this country as soon as manu facturers and dealers recognize the im provement thus obtained in the do mestic article, aud by classifying it ac cording to its percentage of tannic acid aud its relative freedom from coloring matter, advance the price of that which is early picked and carefully treated. In Italy the sumac is planted in shoots in the spring in rows, and is cultivated in the same way aud to about the same extent as corn. It gives a crop the second year after setting out. and regularly thereafter. The sumac gathered in this country is tak en mostly from wild plants growing on waste lands, bit there is no reason why it should not be utilized and cul tivated on land not valuable far crops. Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah for Garfield