COBBESPOX UEXCE. A Church Iteui. EDITORS CITIZEN The Pittsburgh Synod of the General Synod of the Lutheran Church has ju.-t closed a most delightful series of ses sions in the town of Worthington, Ann strong county, Pa. This ecclesiastical bodv now numbers twenty-three min isters engatfed in active work, all of whom were present with as many lay delegates, representing a membership of near 6ve thousand, comprised in fifty four congregations. , The reports for the year past are re garded as most encouraging, evincing diligent and faithful pastoral work in all the churches, resulting in large in crease in numbers and in benevolent contributions. Almost every congre gation has its prayer meeting and its Sabbath School especially ; the latter of which consists of over four hundred teachers and upwards of four thousand scholars, while the number of catechu mens reported is upwards of four hun dred. The brethren composing this Synod are a cheerful, joyful, harmonious set in tbeir intercourse with each other, while their cordial manner towards strangers is refreshing and assuring. They seem to be a body of faithful and devout men. That venerable patriarch Peter Graff and his most noble lady, are as ever, active, cheerful and hospitable, and in tbeir age have the immense satisfaction of seeing the fruits of their steadfast ness and self-denial in the cause of Christ and to the church of their choice. Formerly they were almost the only Lutherans in that community; now they are members of a very large con gregation, and on Sabbath last, though there were services in the other church es, in the morning the Lutheran church was crowded, large as it is ; while in tbe evening there was anxiety felt on account of the immense crowd which thronged the large audience chamber. With such men as Father Graff as an active leader, and such preachers and pastors as Rev. Schwartz, the cause of Christ will flourish anywhere. Tbe choir of tbe chinch at Wortbing ton is, in our humble judgment, equal to the very best we have ever beard, and is composed of persons who have not only musical talent well cultivated, but who are pious and devout. AN OBSERVER. October 19, 1880. A Friendly ftujuc<-»llon. EDITORS CITIZEN: —If it were mere ly a matter of personal choice between two candidates, each voter has a chance to say whether he prefers for tbe chief magistracy of the Republic a Christian who pray » or a man who wear*, and if as a Christian voter he prefers the man who swears bow may-it be re garded, as consistent or inconsistent ? How will Jesus regard it, as for him or again»t bim ? AIT HUMBLE DISCIPLE. THE EFIZOOTY. During the last few days frequent comparison has been made between the catarrabal influenza now prevalent among horses in this city and the epi zooty of 1872-3. That there are many points of resemblance is obvious. Every one has beard tbe cough and seen the discharge from the nostrils which are characteristic of both epi demics, but in extent and fatality hap pily this year's visitation is, as yet at feast, far tbe inferior. The epizooty of 1872 made its appearance, also at the close of a hot summer, at Toronto, Canada, at tbe end of September. A fortnight iater it reached New York by way of Niagara, and by tbe end of Oc tober 40,000 horses in this city and 12,000 in Brooklyn had been attacked by it. It followed the Atlantic slope southward, and in two months reached Galveston. Then it followed the Mis sissippi northward to St. Louis, where it turned westward reaching Colorado, Wyomipg and Nevada in January, 1873, and California soon afterward. Chicago and tbe lake region were vis ited about the same time as this city, northern New England about the end of October, and Southern New Eng land early in November. This year no fatal cases, we believe, have been re ported, but is 1872 a good part of a column of the Time* was needed on several days to merely give a list of tbe stables where fatal cases had oc curred, the total deaths being, of course, far more numerous. Tbe effect in this city can even QOW be recalled. Nine car and stage lines stopped en tirely, and others ran in morning and night. Trade nearly came to a stand still, and oxen were frequently seen in our streets. For once the ice, coal and asb carts were conspicuous by their absence, and butchers carried meat through the streets on their shoulders. Sermons were preached about it, and the scare was complete when it was re ported that a man had caught the disease. That was the first appearance of epizooty in the United States, but it is by no means a new disease. On tbe authority of Prof. Law it may be said to have appeared in Greece, Italy and Sicily about B. C. 415. It has also occurred in A. D. 330, 876, 117", 1219, 1209 (very severely), six times in the fourteenth century, 39 times in the fifteenth, twice in the sixteenth, five times in the seventeenth, 15 times in tbe eighteenth, and—if the present ep idemic is really thefepizooty—lß times in tbe nineteenth, thus far ; so that as it has become naturalized here we may expect it from time to time hereafter.— New York Time*. . "THE TfAICL" It nsed to be said of a noted lobbyist in Albany that at the beginning of a legislative session he calculated that there might bo a hundred thousand dollars sent to the city as a corruption fund, and decided that it was better to turn it into the hands of his own party rather than into those of the opposition tbe condition being that his party should support the legislation desired. The sophistry that reconciles the vo ter to the illicit use of money in elec tions is of the same kind. It is, indeed, the oldest and most familiar of pleas. If you don't steal, or bribe, or swindle, somebody else will. That is the whole argument, stripped of its disguises. The trouble is that the more generally it is believed that money determines the election, the more general will fu tile withdrawal of honest men from politics, and the more complete the management of politics and the control of the government by venal knaves. To buy elections is to sell the govern ment. It is the overthrow of the Amer ican system, and the introduction of the most sordid of despotisms. These are very elementary truths, but I they are still truths even in "the closing weeks of a great po litical contest. The legitimate expens es of a canvass, indeetl, are immense, and everv man who is sincerely inter ested in the result will be as generous in {riving as he can honestly afford to be. It is not of honest hut of dishon est uses of money that we are speak ing. It is the universal, open under standing that a State is to be carried by a "still hunt,'' or by "tappinj? the liar'l," not that documents and tickets are to be printed, and advertisements paid for. and the expenses of speakers paid, and banners bought, and halls and music hired, which is menacing. These last are all fair expenses. Hut buying votes is the beginning of the end. To teach men that their votes are mer chandise is to dig away the foundations. Our government is in the keeping- of everv individual voter. He must make an individual protest against corruption. But if he enters into comj>etition with others as to which shall corrupt most swiftly and most surely, he is merely struggling to bore a hole in the ship s bottom before t'other fellow can sue* ceed in the same effort. MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. DISCOVERER OT LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. The Positive Core For all Female Complaints. Thtepreparation, a* iti hum diamines, com I U of Vegetable Propu. tiea tliat are Lonr.kra to the u.osl del ieate Invalid. Upon one trial tho raeritn Of this Com pound *iil be a?relief is immediate ; and when its ose is continued, in ninety-nine car/.-a in a hua dred, a permanent cure is thousands rrVA tc* tiff. On lOC'OOt of ill proren merits, it i» to-tlay ro eommenc!e 1 and prescribed by the bc*t physicians in the country. It will cure entirely the *or*t form of filling of tho uterus, Lct:co.*rhc_-a, irregular and j aliifuJ Uenstrnation,all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation tnd Ulceration, Flooding*, all Msplacermrnt* a ;i d the con eoqucnt spinal weakness, and is er.xx-laUy adapted to the Change of life. It will dirwolvo and expel tumore from the uterosin an early ttaffe of development. T;e tendency to cancerous humors there is cLocked very speedily by Its use. In fart it hat proved to be the est and ti»t remedy thai ever been discover ed. It permeates every portion of tho system, anJ gives nnr life and vigor. It r< moves faintnc * ,f.atul- nc 7, Co stroys all saving for stimulants, an-1 relieves weakneM of the stomach It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Pror.tration, General Debility, f;k*-pl* Kx:i* •-*, L^prem.ion and Imli gcrtlon. That feeling of bearing c'own, causing pain, weight and baekache, is always js rmanently cored by Its use. It will at a!l times, and under rll cirrumxtan c**, act In harmony with the law that governs the female system. For Kidney Complaint* of either se* thi< compound Is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 233 ami iftt Western Avenue, Lynn, Ma«n. Pr'.r,o£:.oo. Bis bottles for £5.00. Sent by mail la the form of pills, also In the form of Lowngr*, on of price, SI.OO, per box, for either. Mr*. I1"KILA!J frec!y answers all I tiers of inquiry, fiend for pa:n phi't. Atl.lreaj as above ZTrntfon thU jmprr. Ko fuvul/i houlrlbe without LYDIA K. lINKTTAM' LIVE?. HUA They cure Cor tlpatlon, Lillousness, and Torpidity of the Liver. £5 cents uer bo* GEO. A. KELLY & CO.. General Agents, Pittsburgh. P?. Sold by I). 11. Wuller, - Butler Pa. HOP BITTERS?^ (A Medicine, not u Drink.) ■ OONTAIKi ■ iioph, nrciin, MANDRAKE, I J> AN DEI.JON, H Axd nir. rt-mnrr **n Rk*t »lQi-ali- K TIK» or ALL OTIIJCK iSITTKUS. P TIIEY CUKE | All niiMMf-iof theStomsrh. Bowrl», Hlood, I Liver. Kliln<-T»,»nd UrinaryOrKftim, Her- H touuu.**. inp'-plc«»ni «»!,n'l nupaclalljr ■ Female Complaint*. 81000 IN COLD. ■Will be puld for * ca«« tti*y will not ruri- L> lp. or for anrthliiK Impure or Injuriou* n found in tin m. □ A»k pur dratrtrlat for Ilnp Ulttrr, ani! fry I tliLtn before y«u alcrp. Take no other. ■ D I r In an alrtolnlr and ITI «1»'lhl<-riirff for I Drunkemieaa, uae of n;>luni, tobacco and H narcotlca. ■ R«xt> roa Circttlab. MnHU All H H»j> Mfr. N. V, * T'rrtnt", Oni. B M A L AR I A L POISON. Tiie iimir-l|i:i| nnwc of ri' ;trly all aleknewt :it till* Hiue hi the year hat IN »rlt:iri in a rtlaoreered l.ivcr which, if not rei/iilalcd In tunc, Krcal Hiillc rinir. wrdchcdnest ami death will eimue. A L'enllemaii writiiiK from Hoiltll America Hiiys : "I have nscil your S»minoiiH' I.lver H'yiilalor with Kood < tfect, iM)th a* a prevention and ciire for Malarial Fever* 011 the I.Htliinui of I'anama." TAKE Simmons' Liver Regulator, A Purelv Vegetable Medicine. AN KITKCTI'AI, HI'KCIFIC fob MAI.AUIOI7H FKVKKH, BoWKI. ( OMI'I.A IVTH, JACNIUfK, ('((, IIKHTI.K.H.HN K.HS, MKNTAI, DKI'ItKHHIOV. HICK IIF.ADAf Hfc, CO.VHTII'ATION, NAISKA. ISIIXIOUHXKHH, DYHI'F.I'HIA, &c. If von feel drowonr amx-hlc, and tonuuc eonteil, you are MiifT> riiit( from Torpid I.lver or ''BIIIIOUHIIC44," and notliius; will euro you no ajwedlly and permanently an to iak<- SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR. It Uklvcii with aafety, and the liap|>i<'*l to the mc»t delicate infant. It takes tin place of •lululnc and liltlcr of every kind. It is tlie ehcap cml, purcNt and l>e<- acrlher in Clinton township. Hut- , ler county. Pa , on or about tho asth day of AuiMint last, a white row, with brlndlc cpots, with '" V - T crop f.ut of light car nnil about t'-n years old. Is i> ilkhrr. The owner U requested to come lor v md, prove properly, p:iy cbargen and tnke her aw iy, oilieiwlse ulie will be disposed of > c £ m 3 KIIKA. iMl'iiTKX beforeTakmeljf Taking. ver-al I.a~tiiuil nature and over indulgence. The Specific Sl»*d:ci:i■ ■is '.he re sult of a life study and many years of e\|»eilence in treating Ihe-e s;.eeial diseases. hull particular; in our pamphlets which wo de sire to send free by mail to every fine. The Spe« ifle Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 |mt package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money by addressing THK GRAY MEDICINE CO.. No. lo Mechanic's Jilook. Dkthoit. Mtcii. in Butler by J. C. Kkiuck, and by all Druggists even-where. £yn~HARKI»& KwiXfi, Wholesale Agents. I'itfs burgh. mv'l2-ly. PIINSIONS. EVF.KY MH.DIKK disabled in line of duty by wound, disease, or iiilurv. i- entitle I t'i pf ri this. I'KXSIONS INCUEArtKD.—Manv are drawing less liiaii entitled to.—Tlioiwands of Heirs entitled lo Pensions and Bounty. KKJECTKD CASES re-f.pcned. ABANDONED CASES Unbilled.—Copies of I>>. C. AdminiNtratorN Xotice. Letters of Administration hive been granted to Janien W IJarr and G. H. i.arr on the estate (,f H. If. Barrdec'd. late of Jefffin-on township. Butler county. All ] To take Milj»criptit.nß for the INTERNATIONAL REVIEW, Ibe latest and bi.t.t American publication, of 'lie liigbent cI-:sh. with original coutril ution* from the mod celeLrated writes in evny coimln-. Edited by J T. Morse. Jr.. afid Henry Cat it Lodge, gentlemen of the highest attainment* ami cnlture. and whose names are alone sulli cient guaranty of the value of tho ltrvii: v. Always bright, readable and inatructive ; cos mupolitac in literature, progressive in science, unscctaritn in religion, and independent in poli tics. l'rice 50 cents a number; £"> a year. A com plete Agent's Ont:it sent on receipt of it (0 A rpecimen copv sent t.> anv a.J.lros fir I~j cuius, A. BAI'.NES A CO.. Pnblirers sept-Ht 111 A 11J William St., New York. A GOOD BUSINESS OPENING.—THE UNION Insurance Company, of Obi >, desires to ev tablisli a General Agency for tin* section of I'eimsylvaiiia. Its assert., oiceed fl 5')'.),000 00, with a large surplus, and lilh fir inaiiv years se cure 1 the largest amount of new business in Ohio of anyone company in the Uniied States. Its inteiest receipts exceed its death losses, matured endowments raxes, and commission paid to t.geuts. Its able, management i* further Illustrated by the feet that its rate of losses and expenses toil® pn miu.a income for the year 1H79. according to the New York official reports, in lower than that of any i.tlicr compa iy l! issues endowment policies at life rates, which aie nonforfeitable without surrender ,vi 1 inc »;i --testible after tlnee annual payment*. It is governed by the insurance 'a-.v of Ohio which are now the most strio 'ciil for the protection of policy holders of any in the Union. I bey re quire a foar per cent, reserve fund invested in unquestioned securities, which tho Superintend ent of limurunce is required uunnally to ex amine The business of life insurance is now rapidly increasing, and men possessing first class business ability and character, who desire a G< neral Agency for this st irling company will do well to address GEO KG El IIoRNT'/N. Man ager. Room 33 Astor House O.iices. Now Y' ik, stating, in full, a«e. past experience in liie in surance or other business, salaries receivt l and reference. HUBD, BlSlil i UJIOS INVITK YOUR INSPECTION TO A LARGE SHIPMENT OF AUTUMNan" WINTKR X)re»H Fubrii'H, ' Comprlnlnii ml Tliot Ih Choice, Fashionable AND Elegant! in color, texture arid ilesiKii, are now displayed on our counters, at price* tliat. will prove to you that it I'AYS TO TKADK AT Itfo. 105 Market St. ELEGANT NOVELTIES IN BROCADE VEL VETS, .SATINS AND FACONNKM KOfl TItIM MINOH AND HUITINGB. MOUCHOIR rr-AIDS, MOUCIIOIR SUITINGS. SURAHS, DRAP D'OR, Fit I ".NT 11 MOM I KM, CANTON' SUITINGS, ARM I'I: FX, MERINOS AND CASIIMKRRS. FOR SCHOOL OUTFIT, WK AUK. OFFKKINO All-Wool Suitini;*Ht All-Wool Momies at .'!«'. Lotters leHtsinnntary having been grantod to tho undersigned on tho estate of Hilas I'earce, Into of llutlot township, Bill lor comity, I'a ; deceased, notioe is herchy given to all persons knowing themselves indehted to said estate, that imme«*<> Fort frrape Wine in the principal Ctwlios for Communion l*tiri>< s-. f.icellent For I ami U cakly Person* aaail 1 l»e i^r«l« C, N. JT" ' SPEEE'S PORT GRAPE WINE! FOCK YEARS OLD. This Celebrated Native Wine is mmlc from the juice of tne <>l M,r, oi;r;i|i". r;iise "R/ ITs The P. .1. SHERRY is v. wine of Superior Cliar | acter, and partakes ol the golden qualities of tlie from w hie'n it Is made. For purity, Kicliuess, Flavor aitp Mechanical Pro|ierties, it will belound unexcelled. s i* i; i 3. J~. 13 Ky A.IST ID Y• Tlii- BRANDV stands unrivaled in this Country, being lar superior for inedlcini tl purposes. IT IS A I'l'RK distllalion fr<.in the grajie and contains valtuiMe inedlelnial projiertii s. It h is a delicate ll.t\or. similar to that of the gratis from which it is di . Illeil. and is iu great favor among first -class f uuilies. See that Ih'- -i;rualure of AI.FRKI) SI'KKlt, Pas sale, N'.ls over the cork of each bottle. Kol. IX. WIT LLC It. aprffi-lyr AOniiiilNfralrix** Mi»lire. Notice is hereby given that letters of admin istration bavin? been granted to the undersign ed on the estate of .lames Stoops, late of Cherry township, county of Butler, State of Pennsylva nia, dec d, all persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate will please make immedi ate pavment, ind those bavin; claims against the same to presi nt tliein duly authenticated for settlement. ELIZA IANE STOOPS, Adm'x, jel6;6w] Annandale, Butler Co., Pa. Union Woolen Mill. BUTLER, t* A If. FDM.EIiTO.'V. I'r«u»'r. Vlantilactorcr ol Bi.ankbt», Flan.nki.s, Yakns, &c. Alf-o eu'toui work done to order, such af carding Rolls, tn ikin. Blankets, Fbinnels Knlt t'ng an.l Wcavlne Y irn», the., it very low prices Wool workc I on the Bl ares, II dc- ft\. in v 7-1 v' TALK ABOUT YOUII LITEBMT RjVIUIIIIS! A Complete ( vclopiedia for $7.00. Everybody, youn;? and old. learned and nn leauiei. white or black, in iiutler count v. I here will bo a meeting between you aud E. W Moure on or after Augn Ri*Ait riifcie «1 BDTTI.R I'ATKHT MKtIICINBs rOIt W CKWTB I .TAD WIN'S TONIC LAXATIVE Is Appetizing, Palatable ami Non-Alcoholic, AND ALWAYS CURES Dyspepsia, sick Headache Constipation, Mil- Inilsne**, Sour Stomach, I.lver Complaint, Want of Appetite, Indigestion, .Jaundice, Kid ncy Complaint, Dizziness, Sleep leani es-i. Heartburn, Colic, Debility, Foul Ure»t!i, Worii'i", Piles, Fevers, Colds, <\tc. Tin: TOMC I,ax*TlV« rc/nliics the bowels and atreiigtbciM the sysleto, gives a clcr head, pure blood and elastic spirits. Is purely vege table, contains no mercury nor aloes. Hale at all times. Pleasant to the taste, and a siibstl tute ler Pills, Castor Oil, Ac Best family med icine known. Adapted to strong men. delicate female* ai d feeble irifan ». In liipii I form Hold b> drilL'glsts, Price «>til\ i'"* cents for a lirge liottle IIICNRY B JADWIN, Apothe cary inal Chemist, Hole Proprietor, Carbotidale, Pa D. II WULLER, Dru-ist, Sol- \oent for Butler, Pa. |an2B-Iy fl 'u'i'tfi V' Hook of nearly 10 i large ft M M octavo pares tor the sick. £lb £. iL*Ju I ull of valuable notes, by I jr. K. R. l'*ofiTK, on Scrofula, Diseases of the breathing orgaii'i; Hisca-ieH of Men; Diseases of Women; tiches and pains; Heart Trouble*; and a great variety of chronic diseases, with evidence that in most cn«es these di.'eases are curable. Send a three Cent Ht imp. Addres, MIRRY HILL I'lM. I /" CO., No. I«'!i East'JHth II I K street, New York city. -1-V-# junU-.'im $5,000,000. fhe American Shoe Tip Co. WARRANT 'I II K f fl Aj&TjCOJ^ Tbfit li* now uo witciinl vcly worn on O' SiLDREEM'S SHOES TO V/EAR AH LONG AS THE METAL, V.'hi' h v/ns by thoni, nml l»y which tli«* ovo Amount lins befii i»uvr«l to I'ftrontf nn i i.'liy. Thin l*ti«« h 'i'ip %t ill wi»r ntill Riio.r, rij hc«titco h«Miitf worn on tho ronrvor I'g if, Is worn lnt; f«• r rhlldren. t mm-f Wolicr. WHRIIRAX, my VVIF« • liaclid W. ban li'ft mv t»otl im I Sonrfl wllliout any ju*t (*nUM% and without my comiciit; thh Ih, theniforo, to notify ail pcMon* not to r a r< rlit or harhor heron my account, an I will p v no ur«, I'a. I2mylm j THE BEST REMEDY FOR Diseases of tls Tiiroat and Lnngs. IJsrrt In diseased of the pul il A il. Hv> nonary organs a >afe aud reliable remedy is M| invaluable. Ayek's Tl Cherkv Pectokal is . \ siicli a remedy, and uo othersoeniiiieutlv luer- IjKJLh its the confidence o{ I \lßk% the public. It is a sci- cntitij combination of the medicinal prinei jiles and curative vir . tues of the finest drugs, feu- chemically uuited, of. lym such power as to insure -l\r' the greatest possible I|/V./ efficiency aud uiiiforui- Dr/*TADOT ity of results. It strikes 1 vltnli. a t the foundation of all pulmonary diseases, affording prompt relief aud rapid cures, and is adapted to patients of any age or either sex. Being very palatable, the youngest children take it readily. In ordinary Coughs, Coltls, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, InlSiienza, Clergyman's Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, ami Ca tarrh, the effects of Arm's Cherry Pec tokai. are magical, aud multitudes are an nually preserved from serious illness by its timely and faithful use. It should l>e kept at hand in every household for the pro tection it affords in sudden attacks. In Whooping - cough and Consumption there is 110 other remedy so efficacious, soothing, and helpful. Low prices are inducements to try some of the mauy mixtures, or syrups, made of cheap and ineffective ingredients, now offered, which, as they contain uo curative qualities, can afford only temporary relief, aud are sure to deceive and disappoint the patient. Diseases of the throat and lungs demand active and effective treatment; and it is dan gerous exj>erimenting with unknown and cheap medicines, from the great liability that these diseases" may, while so trifled with, become deeply seated or incurable. Use Ayek's Cherry Pectoral, and yon may confidently expect tlie best results. It is a standard medical preparation, of known aud acknowledged curative power, aud is as cheap as its careful preparation and fine ingredients will allow. Eminent physicians, knowing its composition, prescribe it in their practice. The test of half a century lias proven itsalwolute certainty to cure all pul monary complaints not already beyond the reach of human aid. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemi»tg, Lowell, Mass. SOLO BY ALL UKCUUISTI) EVKIiYWHEBK NEW FAUTSTOCrC Strassburger cfc Joseph take pleas ure in informing their many friends and custom ers that their FALL AND WINTER STOCK is now complete, and they are able to show a beautiful as sortment of choice suits and overcoats in MEJSTS,' HOYS' —AND— CHII DRFNS' SIZFS. Their stock this season is the largest the} - ever had, and as for STYLE. —AND— WORK M A iSTSH IP' stand unexcelled in merchant tailoring. They have the best fabries in Foreign & Domestic Productions. Parties buying iu large quanti ties will get special rates. They have the best assortment of reliable clothing of any house in the two Cities, ntid their prices are the very lowest, as they buy all goods strictly for cash. Strangers and visitors to the EXPOSITION should not fail to give this bouse a call. They are known as the OI uA.i, t.j win. ti bf iiio autuo Author, rm invisißLE EMPIRE. V ro it-.,,-in Oi«. Vtl. J lllr.«tr*t. • \ : -rl.i 1 -•• " - i»t- rtt'tn The m-»«t j'.#%v«rfol let- -" il mil in- "i r* niy alnew 'l'Drlo Tom « (Hbtll *••-»> f •r„ ,1 r "If t».li tHi'ik «|nn't U«or« III" 1 Itirn v 1 hut ♦ 1 iH»<« in !!••» Am>«rf«'iin jh* •{'!« **- ('Mraao I Iff fir rti "It V lit I If) lit r«* It N ■ 111 |||«trtl tlt • I' V IU ,*1 V r- -iry «,( v I, I, | ► , . v •*_ T « UoV «»»*»» 1* 14 '■ f I lil'l, I9 ; 'l V< r/ V UI A 1 |HIU# It Will t» . ; •/ r fl«l " .. /. l .rfUM. Th« CootoJnu Book for th#» Cnmpaign, 4 -H f ript'My F-T p to 11 (. LiiKUT./T i'mk I'Ute, N.t. 1A MAH »»° 15 UN»CQU»m ffv O WITJ, THE or W„ L jjjg * | E jj CHICAGOTROCK ISLANDTPACIFIC R. R. IS THE GREAT CONNECTING LINK B Its main line runs from CblcuKO to Council j BlutTti, v»as*tna throuuli Joliet, Ottawa, 1,& Salle, ■ Uenc.teo Moline, ltkaloosa. and Knox- Tllle; Keokuk to Farmington. Bonaparte, Ben tonsport. Independent. Kldon. Ottumwa, Kddy ville, Oskuloosa, Pells. Monroe, and Ues Moines; Newton to Monroe; DesMoines to Indianolaand Winterset; Atlantic to and Audubon; and Avoca to Harlan. This Is positively the onlv Railroad, which owns, and operates a through line from Chicago Into the State of Kansas. Through Express Passenger Trains, with Pull man Palace Cars attached, are run each way dally between Cuioauo and Peohia. Kansas City, COL-NCtL 81.1-FI-S. Leavenworth and Atiiii- So-.\ Through cars aru also run between Milwau kee and Kansas city, via tho "Milwaukee and Bock Island Short Line." The "(ireat Hock Island" Is magnificently equipped. Its road bed is simply perfect, and its track is laid with steel rails. What will please you most will be the pleasure of enjoying your meals, while passing over tho beautiful prairies of Illinois and lowa, in one of our magnificent Dining Cars that accompany all Through Express Trains. You get an entire nn al. as good as Is served tn any first-class hotel, furseventy-Hve cents. Appreciating the fact that a majority of tho people prefer separate apartments for different purposes (and the immense passenger business i of tills lino warranting lt>. wo are pleased to an nounce that this Company runs Pullman Pulaci \ Sleeping Can for sleeping purposes, and Palate \ PIILLHAN PALACE CARD are run through to PEORIA. PEW MQI\EB, COIWCIC BLUFF*. ItANBAH CITY, ATCH iSfox. ».d EE AV EX WORT". Tickets tlii thu Llnr. known m Ihe "Ort»t Ilock Island Koute," »re »old by •11 Tlaket AltaU In tbe United Ntutea ai d Cunudn. For Inroraaatlon not obtainable at yoar hone ticket oftlce, addrra*. A KIMBALL, E. KT. JOHN, " Gen'l Superintendent. (ien'l Tkt. aud l'au'gr A»t„ CbILKgU. 11l WHY DOES a woman's health often break down at an early age? Pat a man at the; » t heated from the hot suds until every pore is opened; then let him stand o-er the it. O.i that comes from scalding and boiliug clothes, that ait? full of sweat and exhalation-; lrou. »!:•• skin, and his health too would break down before long; and yet this most terrible ordcul is . i.a A WOMAN has to go through with on wash-day; and, besides, with her clothing wet from persplrm: a the hot work, she has to her life by going out in the air to hang up the clot 1 I-Aei those not at work are in the unhealthy atmosphere: its smell, so apparent to M i« . snow ing that it finds its way through the house,—the family, however, often becoming so ueeus tomed to the peculiar odor from its own wash as not to notice it. These li'.cts readily ix pluiu why so many women suffer with colds, rheumatism, weak nerves, or ueji'ul(. r ia. and LOOK OLD while yet young in years, and physicians ami boanls of health cannot draw attention too strongly to the injurious effects of the usual way of washing, with its necessary rteuiu i.nd scalding or boiling to get the clothes pure and sweet-smelling, especially as it is without «1 i.i t often tlie direct cause of those dreadful diseases, diphtheria, consumption, and typh >id fever. Fortunately this trouble c»n be avoided; scalding, boiling, steam and all dijagreiablo smell from the wash completely done away with; clothes made sweet and beautifully white; from the eavino in fuel the wash dune at less cort than Ten when home-made soap u uxap on wound.! and sores, and to wash the youngest infants, as well as for j*>r "lis with di lieate skm. Now tliut there ia a remedy for this, to economical thai '.he jtoorcM can tut it, there 1* not a » uiuan or A MAN ivho is not directly interested In having nsed in their homos, In splto of prejudice, 1 iIAT WoNDKKFUL WAY OK WASHING CLOTHES, which does away with the hard work, ol.ciisivo uracil ami fearful steam on wash-days, makes the white pieces whiter, colored pieces brighter and flannel* softer than they can be made by washing tho old way, leaves the hands smooth enough to do lino sewing and overy article as clean, as sweet and as pure as if never worn. ->TESTI M O NIALB-: - From 11. K B»)\«. M. T).. Ilammonton, N. J., I'/lltor HiiUA Jrrwy JtrpubUtxm. Mv attention was calteeen overstated. For remov ing printing Ink it Is Invaluable, while for toilet and shaving II Is the best Soap I have ever seen. From Man. 11. f„ Kknyon, Northfleld, Vt. I do my wash with EItANK SIDDA I.LB BOA P In half the time and with no expense fbr Hoap, iu l/ui Miivlnn tn furl mtirr t/uin j*iys/ i r r i: AND— MARBLE, 295 and 297 Penn Avenue- LMTTSimiUiII, I'A. Cemetery Work a Speciality AllkintlnofSTONK WORK prniiipt lv ftttttnth'd !<>. Charges Hcnwoiiublc!. Stilisl'uclioti (JII n ran I oil. J refer to iho propriutofH «il the Labor Tribune. [Hepi.'2-lin STOVES, RANGES, Grate Fronts, Fenders, &c. CREA, GRAHAM L CO. MANUFACTURERS, 291 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. Fa xeplW-.-llii on oo WIU i - r " Il lull »el <>r FINE PORCELAIN TEETH W»rraiitn. 4 K.; I. B. A W.; 111. Mill.; and T. P. & W. H is. At HOCK ISLANJ>. with "Milwaukee 4 Rock Island Short Line." and Rock lsl'd A Peo. lids. At UAVE.VPOIIT, with the Davenport Division C. M. A St. IV R. R. At WEST LIHEUTY. with the 8., C. R. 4 N. R. R. At (JItINNEI.L, with Central lowu R. R. At I)Es MOINES, with 1). M. 4 F. D. R. 11. At CoCNCIL BI.CITH. with L'nion L'ncitlc R. R. At OMAHA, with B. 4 Mo. U. R. R. in Nib.) At Cot-CMHCSJCNCTIoN.wItii 8..C. R. 4 N. R R At OTTDIU A, witli Central lowa K. R. ; W., St. L. 4 Par., and C. B 4Q. It. Rds. At KtoKL'K. with Tol., Peo 4 War.: Wab.. St. Louis 4 Pscand St. L.. Keo. 4 N.-W. R. lids. At CAMIHOS. with H. St. J R. R. At ATCHISON, with Atch.. Topeka 4 Santa Fe; Atch. 4 Neb. and Ceil. Br. U. P. R. Rds. At LEAVENWORTH, with Kan. Pac., and Kan. ! Cent. 11. R£s. At KANSAS CITY, with all lines for the West | and Southwest. and nil household ohm. and a* it become.' mora generally known, must have an Immense sale. From Mrh.E. STOCKwkII, Hiitnmonton, N. J. FRANK BIDDALLB SOAP ban been used In my house for the hist seven months, and by follow ing tho printed directions, we find It to do every thing claimed on the wrappers. We have not scalded or boiled a single article, ami thr ebithra art whiter find nurrtrr Uutn whrti washrd in ths old inxy. JMy h unhand, who Is a dealer here, has a steady demand for the Hoap from his customers. From Manaofu or Dkxtkh T.aiindhy. S»1 Hlxth Htreet, (XjrnerC Street, N.W., Waahlnjton, n. U No laundry or IHrally ciin airiirfl to lim without FRANK HIDI>ALJ.B BOAI*. We follow direc tions nn. 11. LYON, SALE iND FEED STABLE. At Iho old a anil of I'alricli Knlli'V, Ka<|., Co nor of C.mi 111 tliam and Mai'i > Klroot, opnni John Boi'k'h JSiink. whore 1 will at loud to tho foo'lini! of HorwoH or IIOAHIXNU »V THK WKKK OH MONTH of tho Hftino. «liv" mo a oall and I will make tho moderate to wuit l lie litnea 'l'lioMo having Hontee for Malo or poraoiiH want ing to hiiv, it will ho to thoir advuntago to call. sng2K-8m _____ DiLML ; FACTS W > >TH KM M \ lllnffer, llwrhn, !Hnni!rn' i in- • iim • known .I. r 1 ; jsl ilifully eonil'iacd in I' •i. • ' • (ilNi.i 1: Tm.-u ! is tu iii.iUe it the t;reat< A Blood Puriiior and j The lleNt Health and Strength Kcttorcrj Krir I'MoUe « • So perfect is the tomp' in f I'ain • ( r. -' 't.KH I onic that nodi.' c can long mi "ii nr« liimM »ii >nt.J |-»r appetiser, the T«»sn i» 1 > t j ,for yen,it is liighly curativ and invi^t>r.«tin 4 ;' •but never itttoxh at iu£. t t , ' |f ytmi arc sl«»wly w 1 tin ;nv »v '1 Con-, gumption or any m» km ,il y 1 I iv. 1 IVinfuC •Cough «»r a bad Cold. I'akk 1 <. • 1 I•• 1 j •will surclv help yn. It tivn • 1•' - an- , [vigor to Itie |e««l»lc un>l BK r '«, ai,, > '■ •' «erl.»iii< .1 nre for Rheumatism snd Cholora Infantum. ' It Has Hared llnndreda of Lives; It 3la>. Sato tour*. If you arr ferhntf ini .rf »1.l- d«n*t w;«il tinti V 'yon are ilown »ick, I'Ui 11 the Tomi* - « «v. ( | So mailer what your diir i «: or symptom* niuy< »|jc. it will |jive prompt rrli»*f, ■ Rememl*erl I'ankik'h GiNr.Rti Tonic i« ii"i' |a ruin drink hut the Be«l ami Purest Fnmilyi Medicine ever made, compounded by n new' l»riKfsi, snd entirely diflrrent from I'illrr*,* |Kii»Kcr preoaralions and all other Toni< 1. Try, A bottle. Vonr c.«u supply y< u. J PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM The (lent and Mont Kronnmlrnl ll ilr hrrinlnf e«p its (ailing, its |*ruwl4 ami prevent !• ildne**. # A few apple ai ions of the will soften the hair, * all ilandrnff a»i'l • nrr ll« hire* a* I ' i~ mwursot thesvalp* bwld by ail druggists at mj Planing Mill —ANI> Liuitl>ei- Yard. J. L. i L KVii. L. <). PURVIS. S.G-. Purvis <&, Co., MA-NtirACTI Rl KS AND Di AL.EUS IN Rough ana Fisnc:' Lunicr OF KVF.KY Ut&t'itli 1 luN, KUAAJES, MOULDINGS, SASH FLOOIiINt , SID M-i BAT'I ENS, BrackbEs, Gup utr-icc ftads, I'OKCIJ POSH?, ST All; I; A 1 Li- Newel 1 PostK and I'HII.H# FENCE PAI.IMiS, .. & . MICHIGAN SUIMiLJh I'arn Roardfe; I'lastfriiij.- I.:>>l . iui lock Bill Stuff, such : s Join liat tens, Scantiinii. «Jbc. all constantly oi> 1 M><-. All of wliich xvt will ft I <. reasonable tern s • c j_i m an tee ISM tit i . PLANING MILL AND Vrar (kCiurn < 1 l»nr«b jlt.7 >()•! V ii). C;t it IKB, IN KiNh Watches, Clocks, Jewelry | SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. L'.u-EAVIL'G Ojf AI L A SPECIALTY. I MAIN STREET, (North ct Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA. » ! Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. j (F>trmrrly Pr. CYnfo'* Kldnn/ Curt.) 1 A vegetable preparation and the onlr «itr* i ren«e«l.T 111 the world for llrlulll's l>i I IXiibcicN, IIIMI ALL HlUuvj* Liver, una B t'rlnasr.v DlkVam**. 3 itimonhil* of the highest order In proof , of these atutementa. i' t> For tho cure of ninhrlca, call for War- Birr'a Nnli' IMuhete* € lire. 1 wiTFor the cure of IKrlglit'e and the other J diseases, cull for WMrucr'a .Suit* Hidnej | «tii«l Lli er Cure. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It Is the best Bliti Pari 1 ess and > every function to more healthful action, and is thus a benefit In all disease*. It euros %< rofulouH and other ftliln Fn»p lions and Diseases, Including ( am rrs, « w roi'M, and other Morr*. By>.v»s»c|»»l>i. IVenl* »!«*•»* of I lie Stonuu > h s l'miaJ|»afloia. fl.v* etc., are cured by the MuCc ltltti>i-n. It u« tmequnled as an appetizer uott regular tonic. I lot ties of two slies : prii'i", uOr. and '(l.i)O. • WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly gives IKrat nnd Wlee|» to the MiffV i In?, cures llsuMf and Neurit Ik la. pnvei.u fi;i»lloptfle l lm. nnd relieves Nccvinm Piev flratlloai brought on by excessive drink, over work, mental shocks, and other cause*. Powerful its It Is to stop pain and otiie »V • torbed Nerves, It never Injure?* the vin, whether tak*-n In small or lance dotws. Bottles of two sisos; prltvt, oo«*. and (JI.OO. / WARNER'S SAFE PILLi; Are an Immediate and active stheiiVo* n. i Torpid Ltvsr. and euro Costlv-M ■ n py, - j ,i. * IjMMPJMHHIin ft iottiDVM, Bi :t ui» V r rhors Malaria, r FnynimQ %«.-•*». mgr.' jJ 1 1 i \ Opinion* «>4 I lie l*«il»lle« waiiahiT. ini.iana. I'llH V. • , ■ IlliVK Kr vcrnl old chronic ca of 1 '< • • !>••> i•• noing ti l much of till !.!. A Ij. lit >llls ■< K.V I (J. I>IUi4KtBtB. (V I I;! MY. 11 XAS. V .tir I. ii. < «i•''l "*n !" n y Iltiui.t!y 1 t.vor i r ..ii r V .! ir.> lit I "i >' " r naok and Kidney Tiou! v IWDOH. D iY KfCWh CO., : ri:o i:n roit^. TOT ED \ - - " 01110. J. (J HKDK K. At :it I. > Mailtr ''v. MILLS & CO., NTntiii lit uri i » 'I ■' 1«' M ydr .i.Hc (e --roent nnd Sewer Pipe. White Mine, 1. in /. i* Wlilio t». JtiyM J.iiil N>. "Ji'C't!'> M. ' Hlfl 'ii: li. l'»- ' p • iii.i in I .fioiHii , I' • I / Mil 111 pel 111! IUIH- Wi r.nt' t!>i :• I - . ;•»!-! • nr'l •■.i<• k i 11i'lii ;i''l' lhi : !i\ il'Mhiiuse iII thi' I'lni i-. Ainerlf: n ?'iniul 'u ( oli'linny. I Jim'.' , tin I ranltilti City. *TaW. ' \! L 1 U' I' I M I, 1 ii ati'l A»il na. ;X JV U \ I 111 j. , v ,, ( . AdiTn >b [ with et ui,', UOJlili," luosllH'UU, ill'. |Ja7 1J