Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 27, 1880, Image 3

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    ME. J. H. BATES. Newspaper Advertising
Agent 11 l'aik Kow (Times Building), New
York, is authorized to contract for advertise
ments in the CITIZEN.
Kow Advertisements To-Day.
Elv's Cream Balm.
Jury List—November Special Term.
Public Sale —Estate of 11.I 1 . Leibold.
Drv Goods —Wakefield A Co., Roseubaum <fc
Co. '
Local and General.
Piit.-burgh ships gas machines to
LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at sls
and upwards, at E. Grieb's.
Hog cholera is killing off the
gwine at a (weeping rate in Nortlii-mberland
Oct. 28th. The best place to spend
the winter i« at the Normal School, Ediuboro.
Opens Dec. 7th.
The worms in tbe chesnuts are
said to be sweeter and fatter this year than ev
er before.
—They have either discovered an
other large cave, or produced another large liar
in Kentucky.
The great strainers of the human
■ysteni, me Kidneys, are subject to a variety ot
diseases that Day Kidney I'ad will certainly
Again it is "understood" that the
contract for tie completion o« the Canada Pa
cific Railway it. signed.
Look for the fine assortment of
Husan l Ca|M, at G. P. Conway &. iJro., Fair
view. - l
—The Queen of Spain was
"churched" Inst Friday, according to the cus
tom of her church and j>eople.
Look at those boss shirts in the
win low of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest style ot
Hats and Ops at low prices.
Those men who are shooting all
their near relatives and then committing .sui
cide, thou Id begin at the other end.
Couubs, Colds and all effeetions of the Lungs.
Sold in Butler by D. H. Wuller. [aep22-3m
Mr. 11. Julius Klingler has another
interesting article on flour and milling in this
paper. Everybody should read it.
We should not suffer from a cough,
when a few doses of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will
cure. Time, money, comfort, health, all are
saved by it.
As the new school house in Cen
tre township is not yet finished, the election
there will have to be held at the old place this
SPECIALTIES in woolens at William
Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not
to be had elsewhere in the county.
—Balloonists say that when at the
heighth of two miles they have heard women
calling over the back fence to borrow flat-irons
and starch.
Look at those boss shirts in the
window of J. F. T, Stciile. bitwit style of
IlaU and Caps at low prices.
The number of people alive ft year
ago but dead now from not knowing it was
ioaded is estimated at 32», with a few old shot
guuti yet to hear from.
A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine
American Movement as low as ; 10, at
A Kentucky woman, ninety-nine ■
years old, not only walked three miles to at- i
tend a circus the other day, but she saved 50
cents by crawling under the canvas.
—A tramp was arrested lately, who
can t»-g in seven different languages, and also ,
completely change his identity in the garb of
the different na.ions represented. \
—Go to GP. Conway k Bro., Fair- j
view, for your Gents' Furnishing Goods. lit
—Carpets should be thoroughly '
beaten on the wrong side first, and then on tiie ,
right, after winch s|«<ts may be removed by tbe
use of oxgall or ammonia and water.
—lf you have a friend with a cough
or colli, tell him to try Dr. Bull's Oiugh Syrup.
He will thank you for your advice. The price
is only twenty-five cents.
—The story that a York State facto
ry has picketed 11.000,000 cucumbers this seas
on suggests the pleasant reflection how much 1
choleia morbus that factory has saved.
—Forepaugh's circus elephant has
taken a new advertising dodge ; dodging on the
sidewalk and injuring several children. The
cost was per child, paid on the spot.
—Look at those boss shirts in the
window of J- F. T. Btehle. Latest style of
Hats and Caps at low pricee.
—Another murderer on the scaffold
has attributed his fate to whiskey and pro ,
nounced himself ready for heaven. At least
one of these statement* was not open to doubt.
—Nervous debility in all its forms
from whatever form contracted, is what Gray's
Specific Medicine cures. Have you not more
faith in a preparation that only advertises what
ilcures than in a cure all. Sold by J. 0. Redick.
—Let no man hereafter undervalue
the peanut. It is a staple. The crop this year
will reach an aggregate of 2,220,000 bushels.
There is a hugeness about these figures that is
—Write to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham,
No. 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pam
phlets relative to the curative properties of her
Vegetable Compound in all female complaints.
—All men who appreciate really
good underwear should call at < has. R. Grieb's
Cents' Furnishing store. Charley's business is
Increasing so rapidly that he has had to again
enlarge his store room.
—Foi the cure of Consumption,
Bronchitis, Catarrh and Asthma, rise Dr. Hea
ver's Lung Pad, sold by D. H. Wuller, Butler,
l'a. sep22-3m
—Parents should not forget that their
shoe bills can la* reduced one-half by purchas
ing for their children shoes with the A. S. T.
B'ack Tip upon them. They wear as long as
metal, while adding to the beauty of the shoe.
—Beautiful autumn leaves—tinted
resplendenlly with all the hues of the rainbow,
yellow, russet and brown as they lie faded, re
minding us of departed days. Beautiful leaves
—and yet they make good bedding for cows
WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor,
has just opened the largest line of woolens for
men and boys wear ever offered in Butler.
—"T* e Queen of England recently
alighled from her carriage and went into a Held
to watch Mo' operations of a new reaper and
binder." Her condescension in not having the
field and reaper brought to her is the subject of
general remark.
—Ladies' Coats, at prices that defy
couipction, at G. P. Conway <fc Bro., Fairview.
—An exchange heads an article "A
woman turned to stone." We haven't time to
read the article to discover whom she turned to
stone, but no doubt il was some fellow who ad
versely criticised her back hair or bustle, or
something that way AW ithnvn Herald.
Look at those boss shirts in the
window of J. F T. Stehle. Latest style of
Hals and < 'up* at low price*.
—A disease has broken out among
the firn- flock ot Southdown sheep,on the prem
ises of Samuel Sharpies* in Chester county,
which carried off nine of them within a very
few days. 'I be sheep are attacked in the throat
and are soon carried off.
—l>r. .Beaver's Absorption Lung
Pad a positive and perriianalit cure for con
sumption'Broriehitcs, Catarrh, Asthma and all
disease of the Lung*, Throat and Heard. Sold
by D. 11. Wuller, agent for Butler county, Pa.
—The story that the land on which
is now situated the city of Chicago was once
sold for a pair of boots, is a campaign lie. The
facts are, that the man to whom it wa* offered
was not possessed of a pair of boot*, and the
sale fell through.
SEK a woman in another column, near Speer's
Vineyards with a bunch of grapes from which
Hp'-cr's Port Grape wine is made, that is so |
highly esteen„,d by the medical profession for |
the use of invalids, weakly person* and the j
aged. Hold by all Druggists. 2»aply !
—(Jo to (J. P. Conway & Hro., Fair
view, for your Jamestown Alpacas. 2t. I
—Traius blockaded in snowdrifts
twelve feet deep »a« the c«ol re[*»rt from W is
j consin la.-t week. The storm of wind anil snow
. was one of the severest known there, and ex
tended eastward as far as the Allegheny moun
tains. Telegraph lines were blown down, ami
many disasters on the lakes with loss of life oc
curred. _
The only place you can buy the
Genuine Jamestown Cassimere, is at
ter herebv jrives notice that Monday, the Bth
day of November next, is the la~t day on which
aecoun's of Administrators, Executors and < iuar
dians can l>e filed f r presentation and cmifirma
tion at the December court of 1 <H>*.
H. 11. GALLAGHER, Register.
The annihilation of chief Victoria's
band of Indian' is confirmed by a dispatch re
; ceived at army headq iarters at Chicago. Not
i only Victoria and his braves, fifty in nuni!>er,
! hut eighteen women and children also, were
killed. The Mexicans did the job, and they
appear to have done it thoroughly.
illreii nn I»y Doctors.
'ls it possible that Mr. Godfrey is up and at
work, and cured by so simple a remedy ?" "I
assure rou it is true that he is entirely cured,
and with nothing but Hop Bitters; and only
ten davs ago his «!• --tors save him up and said j
he must die "Well-a-day! That is reman;- j
able! I will «-»this day and ret • in" foe mv
George—ll know bops are good Salem
Post. _____
Brussels, 3-Plys, Kxtra Supers, In
trrains in all the new styles Also a
full assortment of Rugs, Oil Cloths,
Mattings, kr., ft
will settle a'rain iito the rut- of a normal busi
ness and social life. all. r i!..- excitement of a
Presidential ra'nprttsn. Ha-'w»cN "111 again
be at (heir fir. -iu.-- st night; journal.* will re
sume their woi.t'"| devotioi. Jo f ie*.v-. and brass
bands w ill think regretfully of the time of daily
At the Charleston races, tiie finest
thoroughbreds in the country are to lie se-n.
aud the condition of the horses is a wonder to
all who behold them, and it h is only recently
been discovered that they can be kept in this
condition bv mixing in itie foo 1 'if horses a ta
table-spoonful of Simmons' Liver Regulator. It
Is also given to chickens.
—Mr. Josiab Campbell, |of Concord
township, brought with him to town iastFri
dav, a large ami splendid looking ajyde of a
bright red color, which he raised from t'te
need. The tree, from a seed, bore well and the
specimen had a fine flavor. Mr. Campbell's
success would indicate that good fruit can l>e
raised without grafting.
A Bllianw Hall's Opinion.
B. Dorr, of Toledo, 0., savs he has used
Day's Kidney Pads in his family with results
so superior to all other treatments that lie re
gards them as the best Kidney doctor in the
AI 10 C'cnfft,
Good Stripe and Plaid dress goods,
at llitteb <fc Ralston's.
(}. P. Conway & Bro., of Fair
view, have started from the Last with a large
and well selected assortment of Dry G'iods,
Notions, Boots, Shoes, Cloaking and Water
Proof in all colors, Rhawls of all descriptions,
Ladies' Coats at prices that defy competition,
Yarns and Zephyrs in all shades, which to ex
amine, will be to buy. Blanket* and Flannels
in endle-i varieties,"Cotton flannels and Mus
lins end prints at prices lower than ever. Also
a larae and complete stock of Gents' Furnish
ing Goods, which we can sell at prices to suit
all who may be so fortunate as to give us a call.
Thanking you for all past favors and soliciting
a continuance of your patronage,
We remain vours respectfully
(I. P. CONWAY & 880.
As an offset to Garfield's Ge-inan
address to his Teutonic guests at Mentor it will
probably be necessary to take a crowd of Ger
mans to Governor's Island and have Hancock
wind up his speech to them something as fol
lows : "And now, my friends, I will close by
reminding you, in the words of the immortal
Schiller: 'Sie haben zti viel bier getronken.
Bratwurst und Knrnmei, geuiulhliclikeit und
sehwartzfcrodt Hoch !' "
Have yon Kvcr
Known any person to be seriously ill without a
weak stomach or inactive liver or kidneys?
And when these organs are in good condition
do von not find t.ieir possessor enjoying good
health ? Parker's Ginger Tonic always regu
lates these important organs, anil never fails to
make the blood rich arid pure, and to strength
en every part of the system. It has cured hun
dreds of despairing invalide. Ask your neigh
bor about it. See other column.
At sOn Ik IVr Yard.
Not flimsy, cheap calico, hut good
Heavy dark calico, at
ltlTTKlt <fc R ALSTON'S.
—Tanner is to fast forty days in
London, taking as here, only water, iu compe
tition with mx other men, selected by brewers,
distillers, and physicians, who are to be allowed
wine, beer, or spirituous liquors. It would be
a deprivation to lose the other foreign news
hut a simultaneous breaking of all European
cables, during the infliction, would have its ad
—There will he no luck of political
roorbacks from this time until after election.
Stories of colonization schemes, compromising
letters, projected purchases and the like may be
expected on every hand. ISut it is too late in
the dav for them hi have much influence, even
wjeie tlicy true. Those who wish to be con
vinced will liclieve anything those who don't,
would reject proof which would convict in a
court of justice. But these little occurrences
tend to make the campaign lively, and that is
one of the features which the public has a right
to expect in a Presidential-year canvass.
—A yourij? man in thin place, Hays
the Way newborn Valley Itrronl, was quite re
eently taken down wilh malarial lever, no pro
nounced by the liuiiily physician, his pulse
marking one hundred. In the evening the
family determined to test tin- onion cure. Hev
erol onions were accordingly bruised ami ap
plied to the Hole* of hi* feet and his wrist* ; the
consequence wa* a thorough sweating during
the uiglu and an absence of the fever in the
morning, the cure being complete.
A round I IK* World.
A fame that in world-wide and acquired in
the short apace of a few years, must have true
merit for its support. I>r. I'lerce's Family Med
icine) have gained HUCII fame and the foreign
order* for hit Golden Medical Discovery— the
greatest blood-purifier of the age, lor hi* I'leas
ant I'urgutive I'elleU (little sugar-coated pill*),
111* Favorite Prescription woman'* he*t friend
anil other remedies became so great, that a
branch of lhe World'* Di*pen*ary ha* lieen es
tablished in London, Ftigland, for tln-ir manu
facture. From this depot they are shipped to
every part of Kurope, and to the Fast Indie*,
China, Japan and other countries. Their *ale
in both iNjirlh and Houth America i* iierfeclly
enormous and increases yearly. World'* l)ih
p<-usury Medical Association, Proprietors, IJul
falo, N. Y., and Ureal Russell Street ltuildingH,
Loudon, Fng.
ROY W, <l;sTltl., CAKH CO., I ML)., I
February iißth, 1 M7!>. . j
Dr. f*. V. I'irrrr :
DKAK Hilt: I take pleasure iu writing my
testimony with other* in regard to your valua
ble medicine. For a long time I have suffcrc 1
from disease of the lung* and until I u*ed your
llwcorery found nothing that did me any go'id.
Thank* to it, I am relieved and recommend it
to all. Your* truly, M\RY KFN NFL.
—That ourn in preeminently a coun
try of readers i* a statement that may be made
with greater emphasis every year. A* a proof
of it, the a iiouut of newspaper and periodical
literati!re forwarded la*t vear through the
mail* wa* pound*, an increase of
nearly M |M r cent, over that of the proceeding
year. The correspondence of the country also
grew, and in every department of the postal
service there wa* a large ineren*e of business.
The value of ordinary postage *tiunp< issued
was of postal card* !i,7.'>3,470, of
stamped envelopes m arly "),t*JO,OOO, and of
other Mtump* about #1,800,00').
—The firHt nyniptouiH of the epizoo
tic are said to be a* follows : Heavy coughing
when the uiiimal first COIIICM out of the warm
stables into the brisk uir. The animal Nceum
seized with languor and a growing stillness
pervade* all the limbs. The eyes become twol
ten and b'ooil-shot, and the nu-al pas sage* are
tilled with an abnormal secretion. Farmer*
and horsemen can now watch their stock, and
upon the first appearance of the disease treat as
follows: Keep the uflccted animals in warm
stable*, soak their fond in warm water and rub
their throats down with oil or warm water.
This is the remedy used iu the cites by the
I veterinary surgeons.
Jiufclcir t&itix&n : SiulijeJC* ©irfjcckej?
A Public Good.
On the 2iith day ot October the Klingler
Flour House and Mills make a new departure
of highest im;>oruiuci- to those having anti-
Tanner proclivities. As these are yet in the ma
jority, we can truly say, what is profitable to
this class ot the community becomes a public
The great and, no doubt to all, welcome
change in the order of tilings consists in lower
prices, and higher quality to the consumer,
and likewise, more and l*etier flour for the far
mer, and last and not lea-t, increased values for
the latter'-s products. We to-day reduce flour
nearly on" dollar per barrel and advance our
paying price on grain above any olfered here
or in all the surrounding country. What can be
more convincing to the intelligent mind, that a
radical change in the manner of makintr flour
has taken place ? Only a trial of our goods and
prices can give a stronger illustration of this
fact. For selling prices of flour and purchas
ing prices of jrrain, see below.
In the process of manufacture we employ the
latest and most appr »ved machinery, construct
ed on scientific principals, and in charge of
men wh'< are as thorough a- practical in scien
tific ru:!1 in_r. We d.> not propo.v to advertise
any mill building establishment or any of our
employee?, but we do wi-h to say in this con
nection, t!:at the machinery an I workmanship
of the Richmond < itv Mill' Works—Mr. Chas.
Schrover, Superintendant, who had the con
tract of reconstructing our mills, is not excel 1
eJ in the United St.it- s: and we further wi'h
to state, that our millers, the one from lowa
and the other from < >hio, are of the most effi
ent new process millers in the conuirv.
We caution fanners and the trade to ma .
due allowance when o'hers speak ot "d ting
as u«Kid as Klingler," for there is no in ich ucr.
use 1 in this section equal to, or so extensive,
a- that which we employ, and th" re-uits must
therefore be fir behind thos" which our enter
prise iias sc..ured for us. "Talk is cheap," and
in eoriscqueuce tiie uuimfnruied are made to
believe that a Pony Middlings stone and a
Small Purifier constitute the new process.
We arc readv at all times to show that such
a new process is a grow deception as compared
with ours, and an examination of our mill and
a trial of our manufactures and prices will
prove this to the satisfaction of the most
To show that we have implicit faith in our
products, we warrant our flours to all. The far
mer or consumer lias no risks to take what
ever: anything not proving as represented, can
Is: returned and the damage sustained will !>e
paid in full and at once.
Wheat, Buckwheat and Rye flour all made
on tiie new process system, the one being as ex
cellent as the other. Corn and chop ground
every day of the week and on hands at all
times. Our capacity on flour is US) barrels per
day. We can send farmers home the same day
they come with their grists. From the re
motest points it will pay farmers to come with
their grain to us to sell it or get it ground.
The Oriental flour per sack of 4!i lbs : 1 .'!(>
Graham flour per sack of 241 lbs tio
Corn Meal per sack of 24t lbs. 35
Corn and oats chop per cwt 1 10
I'nsifted corn meal pe r cwt 1 2">
Wheat bran per cwt 75
Wheat shorts per cwt 1 00
The Oriental flour is anew straight grade
family flour, of best quality of winter wheat,
manuf.u'iure l under the new process, making
more and Ijetter bread than any other flour of
fered in this market for from $1 to $1.50 per
barrel more.
We pay the following price* for No. 1 grain
at our Mills on Mifflin street.
Wheat per bushel £1 O.'i
Buckwheat per bushel of 48 lbs ii'>
Rye per bushel 87
Shelled corn per bushel 57
Oats per bushel 35
These prices guaranteed for fifteen days.
Klingler's Mills.
Butler, Pa., Oct. 26th, 1880.
LntlieV and Children'M I'tirs
Full line, at
Rittkr <fc Ralston's.
—The alarming prevalence of an ep
izootic affection among the horses should show
to the owners of living beings of any sort that
man is not tin: only animal that is sensitive to
his surroundings. Horses, cattle, sheep, dogs
and the higher animals in general have vital
systems exactly like those of man, and seem
ingly as sensitive, too. A dose of any particu
lar poison is just a< fatal to a large dog as to a
man of similar weight, aud poisons that are
breathed in by the lungs of a horse find their
way just as quickly to the blood as they would
if inhaled by man, woman or child, while bad
food is just as mischievous in its effects upon
the health of animals as humans. The inmates
of stables and sheds need light aud ventilation
fully as much as the denizens of houses.
—There is a Balm in (Jilkad.—
The success which lias marked the introduction
of ("ream Balm, a Catarrh remedy, prepared by
Kly Bros., Oswego, N. Y., is indeed marvelous.
Many persons in Pittston and vicinity are using
it with uiost satisfactory results. A lady down
town is recovering tiie sense of smell which she
has not enjoyed for Alb-en years through the
use of the Balm. She ha I given IIJI her case as
incurable. Mr. Barber, the druggist, has used
i', in his family and commends it very highly.
In another oolunirt, a young Tuiifchannock
1 iwyer, known to many of our readers, testifies
that lie was cured of pirtial deafness. It is cer
tainly a very efficacious remedy.— I'itlstou, /'a.
(laxette, Auij. 15, I 79.
Nailed and Clinched.
The Western I'rrnx, the organ of
the Mercer county Democracy, and the
mouthpiece of I'ieree, Magoffin, Elliott,
<■/ at., published tin article last week
attempting to shift the burden of the
inception, preparation and circulation
of the Congressional roorbach from the
shoulders of the Democracy. Wo reit
erate the charge made in the Dixpatrh
of lu-t week, that the "address" was
u Democratic pr< duetion, prepared by
Democrats, print-d by Democrats, paid
for by Democrals, the postage stamps
bought from I'-n-tmaster Krepps, of
(Jreenville, by Gillespie, chairman of
the Democratic County Committee,
the document folded in the office of the
Greenville I'rojrt;**, owned by Gilles
pie's father, and then put in envelopes,
addressed and mailed.
We are also infirrncd by the Green
ville Arf/HH that -''.ild will's contribution
to the project to assault his opponent
was two hundred dollars.
We charge further, that one of these
Democrats, whose home is in Mercer,
the same week the roorbach made its
appearance, and shortly before it, tried
to bribe one of the employees of the
l)i.*l><il< li office, offering him one hun
dred dollars if 1.0 would surreptitiously
furnish him a correct list of the sub
scribers to the IHHJXIIIII. The man
who made the offer is notorious for his
hide-bound principles in money mat
ters, and nothing could be more certain
than that his stingy soul would not
permit him to make this contribution
out of his own pocket to the mud
YVc charge further, that Peter Pierce,
Chairman Gillespie ami J. G. Elliott
were in secret consultation at the St.
Cloud Hotel, last Saturday, for over
two hours. It is said they were pre
paring ii supplement to the "address."
We shall see.
We charge further, that Win. S.
Garvin, J, G. Elliott and IJeriah Ma
goffin were in ecret counsel at the of
fice of Magoffin, 'in Monday morning,
taking counsel on the "address,"
We charge furl her, that the Demo
cratic County Committee of Butler
was sent, bv express, a large package
of these documents (the "address,")
and that the Democratic County Com
mittee is circulating the same as a cam
paign document.
We do not wonder that the Demo
crats are ashamed of the "address" and
' deny its authorship. We are not sur
prised that they attempt to evade their
share of the obloquy that is being vent
ed by a disgusted public on the heads
of its authcrs.
The moment the public learns that
its object was to elect Caldwell, and
thereby help the Democrats to retrive
their Congressional losses in Ohio and
Indiana, its force is broken.
Oh, no, Mr. Garvin, such a dirty
production could not have been con
ceived and brought forth without hav
ing such virtueless wet nurses in at
tendance, as Pierce, Magoffin, et al.—
MfTcer Dispatch, Oct. 22.
ItiK'kwtieal Flour.
In your issue of Oct. 13th. we notice an ar
ticle headed, "For the Household," signed If.
Julius Klin-iler, in which re with Mr.
; Klin<{ler, as to the deleterious or |>oisouc>us sub
; stance mingling with Buckwheat, a fact we
! were aware of years ago. Mr. K. seems to be
at a loss to know wherein the poisonous sub
j stance exists when he says, though at the
I same time it is not known that the shuck or
j outer black shell is reaily the portion of the
■ berry containing the deleterious substance. We
i will endeavor to t;ive more lisht on the subject,
| viz: we have manufactured buckwheat dour
i for year* past by a system of hulling or shuck
' ing, and -opnratinar all other impurities from
th<- meats before grinding; and of this flour,
onr family (several in number), fared daily
' dunn? the winter season, ami have so far ex -
I perienced ro skiu disease or itch. This we
| consid ra test in nature's own laboratory, which
! convinces it* that the deleterious substance
iiiU>* be in the external and not in the !1 utr
lmr lKirt of the berrv.
' lIKXHY BAunr.rt,
of (lander & I'vle.
The HIBIVC fl"tir foe <a!e by Vqulre
. iiiitler, I'a.
Hartrory ""h'lrch h' i n.
The lTanrionv Church in which the
First Svnod of the West held its 22>\
annual meetinir latelv i< located a mile
west of Ilarrisville, Butler Co., and
three east of Pine Grove. Mercer Co ,
on the road between these thriving
villages, and about one-half mile north
of the Shenango <fc Allegheny Rail
way. It is surrounded by a very
healthy and prosperous section of
country that is favored with a fertile
soil, abundance of timber and water,
and whose hills and valleys are under
laid with an untold wealth of iron ore,
coal and limestone. The congregation
is one of the oldest, largest and best in
Butler county, and numbers nearly
300 members. Of the congregation,
well named "Harmony," Rev. Samuel
Kerr has l>een the pastor for the last
27 or 2H years, and he is still in the
prime of life and vigor of bis strength
The old church has recently under
gone needed repairs, and has been in
ternally improved so that with the
modern pulpit, new carpets and furni
ture, painting, graining and varnish
ing it looks even better than when new
and first used as a house of worship.
Around this old spiritual home of so
great and goodly a company of both
the living and tin; dead are entwined
many precious memories, and out from
its pews have gone a number of its
sons to preach the gospel. Just east of
church, and on the same low eminence
is the old cemetery, full to its utmost
bounds with graves and white unto
the resurrection harvest with the monj
omental marble marking the la-it rest
ing place of Zion's dead. What a rec
ord could that old cemetery reveal, if
once unrolled, of days of suffering and
deaths of triumph. Back of the church
is the extensive grove of large; native
oaks that, during the Synodical meet
ing, was crowded with the teams and
carriages of those attending the meet
ing. And still farther away in the for
est, was the largest tent in which the
Synod, and guests of the congregation
dined sumptuously every day on the
rich viands, prepared most abundantly
by the "Mothers in Israel" ami their
fair daughters. The characteristic hos
pitality of the" Harmony congregation
and the other churches and families of
Ilarrisville and the region round about
was most markedly manifest through
out the entire occasion, and '.here was
not a brother in Synod butcurried away
with him pleasant memories of the
open-handed, free-hearted hospitality
enjoyed, not only at these free and
bounteous dinners, daily served, but
also in the courteous, Christian con
sideration and attention received in the
pleasant homes of those who did so
very much to ma e all feel, not only at
home, but honored guests around their
firesides. Brother Kerr, the pastor, is
worthy of special mention for his con
stant ami tireless efforts to make all en
joy this most enjoyable gathering to
gether of Christian brethern.
[The above should have appeared in
last week's issue, but was crowded
out by a press of other matter.—Kit. J
]tf tltltlKM.
KI,I,IOTT IIIOIHT Oil Thursday, 14th
iiint., at the residence of the oHic.ittting minister,
Itcv. .1. Waters, Geo. t'. Klliott and Kliza
beth Heist, both of Centre township, this coun
ty. |
ItO<'KKNSTKIN I" Butler, Saturday morn
ing, < letolier 2.'td, 1880, Anthony KocUcnstein,
Hr., aged 70 years
Coughs, Colds, Sure Throat. Bronchitis,
Asthma. Consumption at d All Diseaoeu
I'ut ii|> lii Quart-'.l/.e lloltles for Faintly t'se.
Hcienltllcally prepared of Bnl<ani Tolu. fryslal
ll/eil Rock I only old llye, mill ot Iter tonics, lite :
Formula Is known to our be-,! physician*. Is lllttll ■
lv recommended by them, ami the analysis ot our ,
iiio»t prominent chemist, I'rof. <•. A. MAItlNI.lt,
111 Chicago, I. on the label of every bottle II Is
well known lo the medical profession thai TOM! !
KIM K mid It VK will aliord the (.-reali ; relief for
Cotlifhs. Colds. Illtlueii/a, Hroneliltls, Sore Throat,
Weak l.iuii;*, also Consumption, In Ihe incipient,
and advanced stages.
I ' ted as a Hi: VK.it AOK and V PIT. i r/.iit, It makes
a delightful lonic for family I. pleasant to
take ; if weak or debilitated, II KIVC* lone, activity
and strength to the whole human frame.
(14 I ''I 1 !/ \Vi DON'T in. IIKCKIvrn
;A 1 II W s •hy imprluclpll'd deal- \
I ers who try to palm olt upon you Itoek llyii j ,
1 In place of our Tot.i ItocK \NI> lt\ i . which I,
\ h the only ineillealed article made, I h"- i{erin / I
lite liavlui; a yoveiiuneiil stamp oil eaelt hot lie /
L.A WItKNCK .T M A 1!TI N, proprietors, 111 Mailt
lion Street, I'lib atto.
| fr~ Ask your l>r!IKP!l*l for II !
J » Ask your 'lroeer for it !
i *r~ \sk your Wine Mi reliant for it !
i j/-children, ask your Mamma for it !
; 4t~ Sold i.v i»iti i(i;inrs,iJiiot Kits ami WIN r.
Mi.ltt HANTS everywhere ami hy I.AWItKNCK
\ MAItTIN, Nit. a Barclay St.. New \nrk. _
llxecufor'N SVolli'e.
I,utters terfamentrirv htvllift been granted lo
the undersigned on HID ent»te of Hila« I'eareu,
Into of Butler towii»hli>, Butler oounty, l'a ;
deceased, uoti.'.e i» hereby given lo all i er*om»
knowing themselves ihdebled lo said estate,
that immediate payment Is required, and to llinso
I having eUims against Ih« name to pi«ment them
duly authenticated for payment.
i ncptls-8t Butler P. <>.. Butler. l'a.
Vl/ 11/ i' I 1)1/ i 'oimiimptioti and Asthma.
IJ iV I/1 II IJ4 Sever yet failed. Aildren«
[ with »tMui>, "UO.MK," I'ttOMTUuuo, Ut>. Ija7 ly j
Pennsylvania Stats Ollege admits both
s-:xos. Endowment half a million. Tuition free.
Course.* of study, Classical. Scientific and Agri
cultural A thorough Preparatory Department.
Expentes 43 to TO per week. For catalogue, ad
dress Josrrn SnoßTUtxuc. A. 51.,
llaugllw Pres. State College, Fa.
V ( ard,
To nil who are suffering Irom the errors and
indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early
decay, loss ol manhood, &c , 1 w ill send a rc-
I cipe that will cure you, FKEE OFCIIARGK
! Tills great remedy w is disr overed liy a mission
ary in South Ainea. Send a oelf-addressed en
-1 viiopt- to the Kev. Jobeph Inman, Station D,
, Xew York City. tf
Dr. Hartman Has at Last Conclud
ed to Reman iu Pittsburg, and
Opened a Permanent Office
at 207 Penn Avenue.
This is good news to his three thousand pa
tients who have availed themselves of his skill
iu the treatment of his specialties. Many can
now visit him in person who exacted to be
treated by letter. And those who hesitated be
cause they looked upon him as a traveling doc
tor can now take treatment of him as a resident
Dr. Ilartmau has done a wonderful work dur
ing his seven months snjourn among us. His
operations for Strabismus cross eyes; can b_-
couuted by the hundreds, and every one success
ful, and si) with other operations. Few sur
geons have as many in a life time. It is this
wholesale KUi"ger\ aud practice that m ike- him
so premiiiently .-ueeosiul. The certificates and
testimonials that lie has the privilege of pub
lishing oi |,a;.eiits tr« tied here w. uM li'l oi:r
paper fur a whole week, but hundred* ot them
a,,- l,n- .-am- as tii >-e already published iu
th -• c . unit
in e "ii ie- the r der of Dr. Ilartman's
•laim upo.i u.W.ivn .e... t..vJ m.y iec:t
in. .ui.e-, "i a i »v s well i.nowu ton
M. . :: , , .i.i.ii, da rof t apt. tlu
Ie .e>vey, »•! this city, had ih-cii treale 1
■. tr- ;>r caacer oy the most eminent pny- .
an- aud surgeons n -l only ot this city but .Sew
York and other cities. She had speut over one
thousand dollars with great medical expert-,
and was told tha* she must die. Her limbs and
body were literally covered with running sore
and half detached masses of flesh ; nearly blind
and deaf and barely living. Dr. Hartman was
consulted, and declared it was no cancer but
scrofula, anil proved it by curing her without
the knife and without any painful external ap
liiations. Every sore is healed; she sees aud
hears perfectly, and is now in every particular
the very model of good health. She now re
sides at 450 Rebecca street, Allegheny city. Go
and see her.
Willie Curtz, 17 years of age, now working
in H. K. Porter «5c C'o.'s Locomotive Works, in
this city, had been afflicted with Chronic Rheu
matism for one year, unable to work, his joints
much enlarged, painful and stiff. The bones of
one side of the face were enormously enlarged,
giving him a most hideous appearance. His
heart wan diseased with 170 beats in a minute,
he was emaciated, pale and almost dying. Two
eminent Pittsburgh physicians assured his
mother that the end was hear. Dr. Hartman
was consulted and immediately placed under
his treatment, and in six weeks he was well and
ever since lie has been at work. Go aud see
him, call on his mother, on his employer and on
his pastor, and you will say the half has not
been told.
The Pittsburgh Sunday Leader of October 3d,
tells of a boy, the son of Mr. G. W. Logue, ol
Red bank, Pa., who had been attacked, about a
year ago, with verticle curvature of the spine,
and in spite of the efforts of several pliysicans
grew rapidly worse, and was soon powerless,
and unable to work from paralysis of his legs.
He continued so eight months and was consid
ered by all physicians within their reach a
most hopeless case.
Dr. Hartman was consulted, who applied an
apparatus to his back, rapidly straightening
him and in exactly eight days lie commenced
to walk. It is two months since Dr. Hartman
took hold of the case, and in that time the im
provement in the little patient's condition has
been so great that from a deformed and help
less being he is become a bright and active
child, with a shape perfectly natural, and an
equal chance of happiness and usefullness in
alter life with other children.
The happy restoration of theircliild to health
is the cause of much jov to the parents, who are
deeply grateful to Dr. ilartmau for his service.
We think these references to cases, within
the reach of everyone to visit, are sutticient to
convince all persons afflicted that Dr. Ilartmau
stands at the head of his profession.—Pittn
burgh Commercial Gazette.
I,ini or Traverse Jurors
drawn for a Special Term of Court, commencing
ou I lie llltli Monday of November, lsso, being the
29th <tav.
Allegheny township Henry Kohlmeyer, Joslah
Butler borough -Henry Bickel, Augustus t uth
liert, Ailam lltmncr. Adam Hclicnck.
duller township W. 11. Nicholas, V\ . (.. Martin.
('oniioi|iieiiesHliiK Joseph lialph,
Clinton Woodruff tilb-on.
('ranoerr> Newton (liaham, Kradin (larvln,
John r. I Coll, Robert Trimble.
Clay - Jacob Halstlne.
Centre James M. Thompson.
Cherry John Grubh.
Forward (Seorge Marbergcr.
l airvlew township John (i. Ilawk, Thomas
Jamison. J. S. Aiiltmau.
Jefferson J. It. Wright.
Jack ion Daniel Fculler.
Karns City .1. Borland.
Lancaster (ieo. liiiliy, J as. Morrison.
Marlon l.evl Porter, A. Bailey.
Mercer 11. Mcl.lutock, Hugh Brilliant,
Miiildycrcek Nicholas Bowder.
Oakland Henry Conway.
I'enn Krastus l.o;;;tn, Harvey Osborne, l*hlllp
Hul ton.
I'etrolla It. C. Whltford
Parker W. C. Beck.
Prospect Augustine Bowers.
Hllpperyrock Thus. Mitllln, J. (i. Kerr.
Venango Kerr.
Wlullelil John ( ooimt.
Worth (SeurKc Taylor.
Washington K. K. Evans.
For Catarrh.
OTK n «, ~ Hay fever, cold In the
rUr iintiAM R&LVA v **'•• w,,h
W&nA" I "'' 11 particle
ffIfLATARRH COLD® 'S.rr«of the Balm Into the
ra^p;V^°, n Host ,11s : draw stroiig
I hr. alhs tlirou k 'li the
Jff 'lose. It w ill lie ab-
WurALj /* R, t r J v , v sorbed, cleansing, and
LBJ IIBOU .(/Jt.,' fl| iiieiilbralie,
r . c apply li
B1 W- particle into and back
the ear, iiibhliiKln
Is receiving the endorsement of the sufferer, the
druggist, and physician. Never lias an article of so
much llierlt been produced for tile licatmcut of
lueuihriiiial diseases as lhi > never-fallliig BAI.M,
and Is universally acknowledged as being all that
Is elalined for It. Ilie application Is easy aud
pleasant, causing no pain, Is soothing, and (s fast
superseding Hie use of powders, llipilds mid snuffs.
Price fsi cents. Ou receipt of no ccntw, will mall a
package free. Send for circular, with full Inlor
KI.V'S CItKA M BAI.M CO., oswego. N. V.
At Wholoaalo by
NKW VOltK McKesson & Itobblns Hull X Buck
cI.C N. Crltleiillon, W. 11. Hcheiffclln K Co.. 11.
M. Sllgcr X4'o.. I.a/elle Marsh tianlner, far
rant >V Co.. I'ra/er & l.ee, anil others.
PHI I A HI.I rill A Siultli, Kline \ Co., Johnston,
Ilolloway A; t'«.
SCItANTON, I'A. Mathews Bros.
At Itetall by all Drugglsls. oct 27-tSui
Heef Hides frotn 8 to 10 cents per
pound. II yon want to the high
est, cash price in tlx; county for your
Beef Hides, take them to Win. .Mar
dorf, West Cunningham street, liutlor,
l'a. oc6-Brn
lixeeiilor's \oi(<■<>.
I.etterH test Anient ary oil the entato of Marl!>a
M< elding, dee'd. late of Jcfforson townnbip, But
ler county, I'n., having been granted to the uu
deihigbcd, all poisons knowing thmmclrcH In
debted to said nutate, will ploaso make immedi
ate payment, and any having claims against
said estate, will present theai duly authenti
cated for payment.
A. L. BHBADKB, Kx'r,
Butler, I'a.
Agents for K. It. MAI.I.OKV Jv co.'sCan and Tub
Oysters, No. '.'sn Liberty Sim el, I'lltsburgll, I'a.
Itefeie ; i r|(KY & MKIZtiAlt. t oiiKlgnment
Hol letted, octlSlm
PSOWfO BE ■ V ! • sac
YQ: ??:.■» *;vt: ' • \"V ,
■ •' •»:
etle ' n In 13 < tya. tare* •. a o i»« n . I
, . ,1. !•- r ( • T a.4 t 1.. ..
tcfili tt w "ek in your own town. Terms mi l ifs
on till free. Address 11 I'uwt .V iUt.,
Poithuid, Maine. doc3-ly
I vsnsvsssvn \ /
x. - /
1 Go to CHARLES R. GRIEB'S for *
S : j J CHIEFS, ~
EZ3 ! t
S ' S
E- 2
§ ! i__ _
1 \ j "t h "^^3SWt
Oi-eatly Reduced Prices:
12-bore. 10-bore.
No. 845, C. (r. BONEHILL, Top lever, double bolt, bar rebounding locks, low set hammers, soli 1 stri
kers, pistol grip stock, patent fore end, skeleton butt plate, fine Damascus barrels, choke
bored, finely engraved and finish d ' $45 00 I SSO 00
No. 850, do. do. With extension rib fastening 50 00 | 55 00
No. 855, do. do. Challenge brand with horn heel plate elaborately engraved 55 00 | (50 00
All these guns have raised level ribs, ami the 10 bores are made extra heavy ami wide at breech, ranging in weight from !• to 1 i Ibf., mak
ing an admirable gun for duck and trap shooting where heavy charges are necessary. Any of these guns will be sent C. O. D., with privilege of
examination and trial on receipt of a remittance sufficient to cover express charges to your place and return. Xo deviation will Ik- made from
these prices under any circumstances. [2saug7m] J. PALMF.R O'NKIL & CO.
| Monday, October 18, 1880,
j Wakefield & Co.
j 3 Special Bargains!
J|| 38 inches wide, nil wool, all shades, ;
| including Blacks, at ;>0 cento per
PLAIDS, new and distingue coin
j " binations, at 75 cents per yard.
MERE, 42 inches wide, 75c per
yard ; 46 inches wide, 87$ cents per
yard ; 48 inches wide, $1 per yard.
Extra Heavy Weight and Superior
Plain and Brocaded Silks and
Satin D'Lyona Novelties.
SACQ, U"3ijS, i
We have taken special pains i n select
ing our goods for this department, and
feel confident our present stock will es
tablish our reputation for Stylish, Per
fect-fitting and Well-made GaruienU.
124 Federal Street,
\il ini ii is(i'iiiriv's Police.
I.nttors of Administration have been granted
to the undersigned on the estate of Ouorge (3.
Conway deo'd, late of Concord township. Butler
county. All (lersons indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims or demands sgsinst the
same, should mike them known without delav
septl-f>t Hooker I" ()., Butler.
Hpitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, Coughs,
and all diseases of the Pulmonary Organs.
Price 5 t'rnla ami one Hollar.
GUENTHER & CO., Proprietors.
ocO-Oin] ltd Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa.
A«l ill liiin Irm t«»r*m !%' oI i re.
Bettors of administration having heen granted
to the nndurt ign"d on the estate of Zei haniah
Double, deceased, lute of Millerstown borough,
llutler county, Pa., notice is hereby given to all
those knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate, that immediate payment is required, and
those having claims sgainst tie same to present
them dulv authenticate I for payment.
sepHS-flt Barnharts Mills. Butler Co., I'a
Nos. 92 &. 94 First Ave., PittsLuryh, Pa.
Steam Engines, Boilers,
Saw Mills and
Wood-Working Madhitiery, new and si ml
hand. sep2o:Bm
I'iuiio lor Nnle.
A B|tl<'»<li<l piano, good as now for
pain cheap.
Inquire til Dean's Tobacco Store,
Jcfferrtoti street, opposite Lovvry
House, Hutler, I'a. tf
w~. cochbam,
Livery, Sale, Peed and Exchange
Rear of Lowry House, • - BUTLER, PA.
WANTI l> Willi AWAKK AOK NTH, 111 all
parts of tlic Still"-, to sell llieseil's new and
clem ml M\I'UI ri:N'NSYI,V AMA. Kvery eltt
/imi m11 < »t11 « I li;ivi* li. SollihiK li.'tn Hiin'pwii'u llk«'
il hlii'-i- \\iir ItiiM'M. I n fill, ornament ill ami < lw:t|».
A gulden o|»|»nri iinlly fur energH-le emmuwer*.
Maniple for eenK A«lilre*n,
Quarter rlly L*ul»l Islilnir llimihi*,
7'Sl Saiemm SI., t'liiia<te)pli)a.
In the matter of the assignment of Charles
(ierlach t« A. M. Hutchison for the iM-neflt of
creditors. In tli<- Court of Common Picas of
Butler county, No. li'i t June term, IK7H.
Sept. Xth, I to, A. T. Illl.rk, Es«|., is uppoiut
ed an Auditor to pass upon the exceptions tiled
to account, to lake testimony and report the
same to the Court, ami to re state account it
neei csary, and also make or state distribution
account. By tiik ( oruT.
All persons interested will take notice that I
will attend to the duties of ahove appointment
at my ollice in llutler, on Tuesday, November
9th, A. 1, Ihmii, at 1 o'clock, I*. M.
Oct. JO-.'it A. T. BLACK, Auditor.
Dry Goods, Notions, Trimmings, Groceries, tic,
A. TllomiA.YS
Corner Main and Mifflin Street, - - BUTLER, PA.
Dress Goods of ull kinds, large assortment colored and block Cash meres, largo
assortment Black Silks, Motnie cloths, fancy Brocades, l'laids, Cotton Dress
Goods, Calicoes, Chintzes, etc.
' ' '
i Trimmings. Trimmings. Trimmings.
Brocade Silks, all colors,
l'laln Silks, all colors.
| Plnin Sat I us.
Brocade Satins.
Striped Satins.
Brocade Velveteens, all colors,
l'laln VelveteetH, all colors,
lilack Silk Velvet.
Fringes, Black and CoiorcJ.
rassanieniHcs, ornaments.
; Cord and Tassels, a line assortment.
Buttons. Buttons. Buttons.
1 A full line of Dress and Cloak Buttons—A lalX"
1 assortment.
A full line of ltililHin». Laces, Rmhroldcry, I.aco
Ties, KucliliiK and l-adles' Neckwear.
Cloaks and Dolmans ! Cloaks and Dolmans !
' Flannels, barred and twilled, plain colors and best makes;
Canton Flannel; Ladies' Cloth, all colors; Ladies' Sacking;
Black Beavers; Cashmeres; Jeans; Tweeds; Ticking; Shirt
ing; Muslins; Table Linens; Toweling, Blankets, etc.
I also keep a full line of Groceries, Queensware, etc. All the
above goods at lowest prices,
County produce and grain taken in exchange for goods.
A. THi*oiitiiiaii.
Cor. Main and Cunningham St., Butlor, Pa.
One Door South of JOHN BERG & CO.'S BANK.
Having refitted the lanxe and commodious Store Room, situate
in the abovi' wtatcd location, formerly occupied by Martin IJeibor
Sr., we will in a few days upon up a first-class grocery, and will
ofi< r to tin; public at bottom prices, a fine selection of choice,
The Highest
• 10111 l 1 «V Hon.
112, 114, 116, MARKET ST., Cor. l iberty St, PITTSBURG.
Blink Press Silks, S7«•. $1.25, $1.50 to #2.25.
lllack Silk Velvets, l)sc, #1 25, #1.5). Ac.
27 Inch Silk Velvets, #2 'JO ami 11.00
Black < 'ashmen's, Best (futilities, 50c, 86c ami #I.OO.
Silk Warp ('a-diniercs #1.20, #1.45 mid #1.05.
Kid (iloves, :{ Hut.oil |Bc, 75c, #1 00 ami *1 25.
Finest Seamless #1.60, #1.75 ami #2 00
Ladies' ami Cent's Lined Kid Cloven.
Ladies' ami Ceut's Cloth Cloves. ami Infant's Cloth Cloves.
Knit Hoods, Caps, Mitts, Nubias, Kxlra Finn Reinforced l>rem* Shirts, #l.
Uulaundried Reinforced Shirts, 7."»<• and $1 00 Misses' ami Boy's Scarlet Un
derwear 75c, up. Hoy's Grey Underwear, :i7 l ,e. up. Woolen Hosiery of all
kinds. Men's Kxtra Good Cnderwear, 50c., 75 #I.OO up. Men's Fine Neck
wear. Men's Scarlet Woven Underwear. 500 Styles Silk Handkerch ef*
from 10c. to s;i. Kuiliroidcred and Lace Handkerchiefs, Chenille Fringes tfo>d,
45c. up. I'asseiiK nlrie, 30c. a yard up. Hp k«'d, Cord arid Tassels, Jetted
Halls, Knotted Fringes and Ornamcnte, Colored Chenille Fringes. Buttons
of ull Descriptions, &c.
Corsets. Corsets. Corsets.
A large stock to select from.
Glovas, Gloves. Gloves.
Kid Cloves. Silk i»loves.
I.lsle Thread <iioves.
Cashmere Gloves, and Berlin (iloves.
Yarn?, Yarns. Yarns
(icnnantowu Yams, Suximy Yarns, Cashmere
Yarns, (ierman Worsteds, Factory Yarns, Burllu
Underwear, Underwear, Underwecr.
For Children, Ladles' and t.cntlcmca.
Hosiery, Hosiery, Hosiery.
Laixc assortment for Children Ladles' and Gen
tl -men.