BUTLER CITIZEN. JOHN H. I W. C. NEGLEY. PROP'RS Entered at the Pogtojfice at Butler as second-clauss matter. Republican National Ticket, FOR PRESIDENT, 1880, GEN. JAMES A. GARFIELD, m ■■ ■ «»- FOR VICE PRESIOENT. 1880, HON. CHESTER A. ARTHUR, «»r Republican State Nominations. FOR JUDGE SUPREME COURT, Hon. Henry Green, OK NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, Hon. John A. Lemon, OF BLAIR COUNTY. Republican County Nominations. Congress. 8. H. yTT.T.F.R, ESQ.. of Mercer county. Senate. JOHN M. GREER, ESQ., of Butler borough. Assembly. WTLLIAM P. BRAHAM. of Mercer township. SYLVESTER D. BELL, of Millerstown borougb. District Attorney. A. M. CUNNINGHAM, ESQ., of Butler borougb. Associate Judge. AWTtAHAM McCANDLEBS, of Butler township. County Surveyor. NATHAN M. BLATOR, of Butler borough. Election, Tnesday next, Nov. 2d. "GIVE us Garfield and our Daily Bread," was the significant motto up on one of the Republican banners last Friday. IT was a stupid forgery—that Chi nese labor letterand General Garfieldjlost no time to brand it as such in very vigorous language. PRIVATE Dalzell, we are informed, was in town last Saturday, coming to attend our Mass Convention, but by mistake coming a day too late. THE epizootic, or horse disease,seems to be again working itself this way and horses hereabouts may not escape. It seems to be in a milder form than before, but owners of horses should prepare for it by giving their animals good care and avoiding exposure as mach as possible. "THE Tuesday next following the first Monday of November," is the lan guage of the new Constitution of this State when fixing the time for holding the general elections. The first Monday of November this year is the first day of the month, and hence the election next Tuesday is on the 2d day. ONE of the congratulatory dispatch es recieved by Gen. Garfield, the day after the Indiana and Ohio election, was from Petroleum V. Nasby and read as follows: "There is lots of ag iny and sorro all round the corners. Injeany and Barnum's mules kicked over the traces. There is no hope for s postoffice. Lord be mercifull to us poor sinners." IN answer to a friend we would say that Messrs. Braham and Bell, our candidates for the Assembly, will both recieve the united vote of the party next Tuesday. They are both good men and deserve the full, square vote of all Republicans, and so far as we know each will recieve it. We advise the earnest support of both and hope for their election. ON our fourth page this week will be found an interesting "Church Item" from a friend, giving an account of the recent meeting of the Pittsburgh Syn od of the English Lutheran Church at Worthington, Armstrong county, Pa., Those who know Mr. Peter Graff, the "venerable patriarch" of the church at Worthington, will bear testimony to all our correspondent says relative to his worth as a man and Christian. BEWARE of apathy ! It is more to be dreaded now than the Democratic par ty. The Cincinnati Gazette directs at tention to the fact that in states where tbe test is made in October, the vote is apt to fall off in November. It adds, by way of warning as to Ohio in 1876: Re p. Drm. Secretary of gtate in 0ct0ber...317,866 311,220 President in 1876 297,817 292,273 Falling off 20,039 18,047 The Republican vote fell off, it is seen, 1,092 more than the Democrats. The Republican majority for Secretary of State was 6,636, and for President 5,444. Had the Democrats known their power, as Tilden expressed it a few days since, they might have car ried Ohio fo" President in 1876. These facts are suggestive. 29 ELECTORS. There are twenty.nine names on the Electoral ticket. Let each Republican voter see that that number of names are on bis Electoral ticket before vot ing it. And let him scan over the names and see that they are the same names as printed in our paper this week. We give this caution in order that there may be no fraud practiced in this county next Tuesday. Very little attention is generally paid to the names of the Electors. But they represent tbe Presidential candidates, and the omission of one name, or a spurious name inserted in the list of Electors, would be juat that much of a loss to Garfield and Arthur. Greater care is perhaps required in this matter than at any previous election. George W. Delamater is the name of the Republi can Elector on the ticket for thin dis trict. SEND RETURNS. We will be obliged to friends for tel egraphic election news of this county, on the night of the election, from all districts that they can thus send from. Our office will be kept open late to also hear from any other districts in the county with which there is no tele graphic communication. TAKE YOUR CHOICE. We demand that all custom house taxation shall be only for revenue.— Democratic Platform of 1876. A tariff for revenue only.—Demo cratic Platform of 1880. Duties should be adjusted to pro mote the interests of American labor and advance the prosperity of the whole countrv. Republican Platform of 1876 and 1880. NO DIFICULTY IN THE COUNT. The next Electoral College will stand as follows, according to present calcu lations : Solid South Solid North ...231 Majority for Garfield There will not be much difficulty about the count. This is another cir cumstance from which the business of the country takes courage CONVENTION IN BUTLER. Great Outpouring of Republicans- Ten Thousand People Estimated to be in Town. Tnree Thousand Voter 3 Supposed to be in the Day Procession — Thirteen Hundred in Torch light Parade at Night. Last Friday is admitted on all hands to have been the greatest day ever wit nessed in Butler. The unfavorable ap pearance of the weather did not keep the people back—though the cloudy morning doubtless prevented many more from coming Every township and town in the county was represent ed in some form or other. From many, large delegations came in wagons, with banners, mottos, glee clubs, etc.—sev eral delegations came on horse-back. The procession, when fully formed, was supposed to be 2 miles in length. When it broke up, about two o'clock, every alley and stable in the town was crowded with horses, carriages or wagons. The scenes and incidents would be almost indescriable, and we cannot particularize when all were so deserving of praise. An oil derrick was in the procession in operation ; and a number of them "same old coons," caught and brought in for the occasion. Many good devices about the tariff and the late rebellion were also to be seen. After the people had some refresh ments a meeting was organized in front of the Court House, with Hon. John N. Purviance as Chairman and repor ters of the press as Secretaries. Owing to the rain coming on it had to adjourn into the Court House Addresses were then made by S. H. Miller, Re publican candidate for Congress, and Col. John M. Thompson. The speech of Mr. Miller was able and eloquent and much commended by all who heard it. TORCHLIGHT DISPLAY. But the great feature of the occasion was the torchlight display and parade at night,which the people generally re mained iu the town to witness. March ing clubs, with their bands of martial or instumental music, came from Par ker, Martinsburg, Petrolia, Millers town, Prospect, Portersville, Harris ville, Freeport, Buffalo township, and other places. Mounted companies came from Petersville and form Penn, Washington and Concord townships. These, with the two Butler clubs,when all were formed into line, made a pro cess on that filled both sides of Main street in passing up and down the same. The best of order was preserv ed and all kept step to the music iu admirable style. In addition to this music was that given by young ladies in front of the Court House and in vari ous places in the town, who sang their campaign and patriotic songs with much effect. The young ladies from Middlesex township came in a large decorated conveyance, fitted up for the occasion, and sang iu the same, at tracting the attention of all. But it wonld be impossible to particularize— suffice it to say it was a grand and iu terestiug occasion, and one that will be long remembered. The Republicans of the county seemed to have been hold ing themselves up for the event and the greatest enthusiam prevailed as well as patience endured. Not a sin gle accident happened a3 we have heard of, although many had to reach their homes in a rather dark night. We congratulate all that the Mass Convention in Butler, October 22d, 1880, was such a success. To be sure there were some features that might well have been omitted, such as the fantastic parts, which detracted rather than added to the procession. The en thusiasm of the people this campaign surpasses that of all previous, and all should hope,that whatever may be the result of the Presidential struggle, all will endure for the better to our great and common country. A CARD. To the. Ladies: The Committee appointed to provide a lunch for the marching clubs at the Convention on Friday, desire to ac knowledge their gratitude to the ladies who BO kindly and patriotically gave their assistance in the preparation of the sandwiches for said lunch. "Hon or to whom honor is due;" and we heartily say it is due to the aforesaid ladies. W. 11. 11. RIDDLE, W. HOWAUD COLBERT. Com. on preparation of sandwiches. t&k* W>ntl*x Cifciseu: Pufci,j&je, his work, and saying I was worthily wear ing his mantle. I am glad to meet yotf young gen tlemen. believing you to be bound by unusual ties to be true to those great principles that the Western Reserve helped to plant and cherish. I know what thia old district has done and what it has suffered for it; convictions, and 1 am glad to know that in rainy and tempestuous weather, in season and out of reason, the old guard will be found wherever the banner of free dom points the way to battle. You are welcome here to-day, gentlemen, thrice welcome. We are friends, we are neigh bors, we are companions iu a common cause, and I trust that no young man 1 who makes his Jiivt choice of party as sociations 10-1 lay will Im l sorry for it when he looks back from the end of this century to the year of 1880. The Grealmt lllt»K*iiig. A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that cures every time, and prevents disease by keeping the blood pure, stomach regular, kidneys aud | liver active, :« the greatest blessimr ever cou -1 ferrcd upon man. Hop letters is that remedy, and its proprietors are being blessed by thou- I sands who have been saved and cured by it. Will you try it'/ See another column. While Quills, German Quilts, White Blankets, Grey Blankets, Red Blankets, All styles aud prices, at HITTER & RALSTON'S. A Elij; Siicfcss. "My wife had been nilintr a long time with dyspepsia and nervousness and was iti bed two years witii a complication of disorders her phy sicians could not cure, when I was led by read ing a circular left at my door to try Parker's Ginger Tonic. Having been so often deceived bv worthless mixtures, nothing hut my wife's dangerous condition could have led us to make any more experiments. But it was a big suc cess. Three boiries cured her, at a cost of a dollar and fifty cent- 1 , and she is now as strong as any woman, and regularly does her house hold duties.—li. D., Buft'aio. Pee other column. General Election Proclamation WnEtiEAS. In and by an Act of tho General assembly of the Comcionwei'th of Peinsylvanie entitled "An act relating to the elections of the Commonwealth, the *2ud day of Jitlv, A. D. 1839. it is made the dntv of the She: iff of evorv county within thi-. Commonwealth to give public notice of tIM (raneral Elect.oa an lin tmrh lr-tic© to enumerate : 1. The officers to bo elected 2. Designate the pla e where the election is to L>e hel'. I. WM. H. HOFFMAN. High Sheriff of the county of fiutler do hereby make known and give this public isct.ce to tho electors of the county of Butler, tint on Tuesday next follow ing the first Moniav of November, being the 2iiii dij.v of .November. ISBO, a general E'ection will be held nt the several election districts e-tabhsiiel by law in said county, a* which time they will vote by ballot for the Severn 1 officers hereinafter named, viz : Twenty-nine persons for Presidential and Vice Fre?identic! Elector for the State of Pennsylva nia. One person fur the oflije of Supreme Judge of the State of Pennsylvania. Oi:p. person for the office of Aulitor General os li;c State of Pennsylvania. 1 One person to represent the 26tb Congression al district >f Pennsylvania in the Unitod Ststoa Hon: e of Representatives. One person to rep'ooent the 41 ft Senatorial district of Pennsylvania in (he State Senate. 'i wo persons to represent the county of liutler in the Pennsylvania House of Kepreaontativea. One person for the office of District Attorney of Butler county. One person for the office of Associate Judge of Butler county. One person tor the office of County Surveyor of Butler conntv. The said elections will be held througluu' the county as follows: The electors of Adams township at t'.ie li luse of J. S. Douthett. The doctors of Allegheny towneiiip at School Honso No. 5. m siir 1 towns.rip. Tlie elector.-! of Buffalo tawnshlp it the house of Kobi-rt Gregg, now George Traby, uoiv Rob ert Bartlcy. The electors of Butler township at the C -urt House in Biu'.er. The electors of Brady township at the School house at W»t Liberty. The electors of Clearfield township at the h v.i..e of John Green. The elector* of Clinton township at the house of fohn C. Riddle, now John Anderson. Tho elector" of Concord township at the School hon?e No. 4. in Middletown. Tiie elector* of Clay township at the Centre School house in said township. The electors of Centre township at the house (formerly oocupiel hy.Tense Harvey) formerly ow:.ed l,y W. D. Mc^and'ess. The electors of Cherry township at th 3 hotis e of William Lindsey Tlie electors of Coonoquenessing township. Northern jircoinct. r.t School house No. 7, in Wliiti sto« n : Southern precinct at the house of Peter Staff. in Petersville. The electors of Cranberry towouhip at the house i f Freederick Moeder. The electors of Donegal township at the house of Adam Schreiber, in Millerstown- The electors of Fairview township at the house of J. Dickey in Fairview borough. Tlie electors of Forward township at the bonso of R >bert II Brown The electors of Franklin IOTI.S lp at the School house in the borough of Prosoect. Tlie electors of Jackecu townsliin, Wostern precinct, at the ho'iee of J icob Heil in Har mony ; Eastern precinct at the hoti«e of John P. Miller in Evainburg The electors of Jefferson township at the bouse of .Morris Reighter. , Tlio electors c.f Liiiaeister township at the Public School house No. 5. The electors of Middlesex township at the house of George Cooper. The electors A Marion township at James Bailey's. Tim electors of Muddycreek townehip at the Town Hal! i:i I'orteriiviile. Tlie electors of M.iicer townthip in tli3 School house No. 4. in said townnhi:>. The electors of Oakland township at the house of William McClung The electors of Parker township at t'uo houso of John Kelly in M.vrtinaburg. The electors of Peun township at tlio house of Richard Fisher. The electors of -Summit township at the house of Adam Frederick. The elect ore of Slipperyr >ck township at the School house, at the North end of the borough of Centreville The electors of Venango township at the house of James Mnrrin. The "electors of Winfield township at School house No. 5, in said township. The electors of Washington township at the Town Hall in North Washington The electors of Worth township in the Town Hall in Mcchanicshurg in said township. The e'ectors of the borough of Butler at the Court House in said borough. The electors of the borough of Centrevillo at the Scdiool houso in s lid borough. The electors of the borough of Zulienop'e at the Council house in said borough. The electors of tho borough ot Prospect at the new School House in said borough. The electors of the borough of Saxoubui'gh at the School house in said borough. The electors of tho borough of West Banbury at the Public School hoUne in Sunbtirv. The electors of the borough of Millerstown at the house of Adam Schreiber in said borough. Tho electors of the borough of i'etrolii 3t tho Town Hill in said b trough The electors of the borough of Fairview at tho School house in said borough. The electors of the borough of Kama City at tho Town Hall in said borough. And I, the said Sheriff lo further give notice to all election officers, citizens, and others, of the Jollowinj; provisions of the constitution and lawn of this c uumoiiwcalth, relating lo elections —viz: OF TIIF. QUALIFIED ELECTORS. CONSTITUTION OK PENNSYI.VAN IA —A ITT. VII. SECTION 1. Every nmle citizen twenty-one yi ars of age, possessing the following qu iiitl ra tion*, shall lie entitled to vote at all election': First— H" shall have been a citizen of tlie United States at least one month. Second—He shall have ro'iued 'r: the St ite one year (or if having previously been a quail lied elector or native horn citisen ol the Slate lie shall have removed there and returned, tl en six months) immediately preceding the elec tion. Third—He shall hive re-d'led in t' e election district where he shall offer his vote at least two months immediate!> | receding the election. Fourth—lf twenty two years or upwards, he sh.Vl have paid williin two years a State or coun ty tax, which shall have been assessed at least two months and paid at least one month before the election. SKOTIOH 5. Electors shall In all cases except treason, felony and breach or sutcly of liie pe .ee, he privileged bom a'rest duiiug their at tendance on elections and in going to and re turning therefrom. SUCTION (i. Whenever any ol the qualified eleetors of tills Common wealth sha'l he ill act ual military service under a requisition Irom the I'rei-i h nt of tiie United States, or by theaulhor ity ol this Common we dlh, such eleetors may cxt rcisc the right of suffrage iu ; II e'eclions by the citizens, in:der such regulations as are or shall be prescribed by law, as Cully as if they weie present at their usual places ol election. SrcTloN 7. All law* regulating t e holding ol Ihe elections by the cillfcns or lor the regis tration ot eh. tots shall he uniformed through out t' e State, luil no elector shall be deprived ot the p 1 ivilcgo liy reason ol his name not being r gfeterwL SBCTION 1.l For tlie purpose ol voting, no person shall he deemed to have gained a resl d' liee by reu-oii ,-,f hi. presence or lout il by re:>»on ot hi< absence, while employed In the service, either civil or inilllary, ot tills Slate, or ol the United Slates, nor while engaged ill tiie n 'vig'itlon of the waters ot this Slate or of 'lie United SI lies, or on the h:gh seas, nor while a ; siudeut iu nny iubtitute ol teaming, nor w'oiie I kept iu any poo> house or other asylum nt pub lic expense, nor while confined in a public pii sou. Election officers will t»ke notice that the h i entitled "A Farther Supplement ,o the Eh-cliou Law - ii*' 1 tic Coir.'i'onwcalth." di-qu ditv i|»;» de sertei - !i ~i [!.(».iriiiy ol the Unite*! Stales f:oi;i vutir",- I. is r«-c ll* been iln-ttwl unconstitu tional ;1 ,e s"i:.e Conn ol I'ennM Ivn i, is ie u null and eoic!, mi that all persons for merly il.iii J ihereunder are uo*.v lawful voter.", it ( tliei wire qualified. OF ELECTION OFFICERS. CON TlTtrrloS OF PENNSYLVANIA. HIT. VII. SE : 14 District election boards »h ill consi-t of a j'idgc and two ia.-nci t»rs, who shall be cho sen anru.illy by the ti izens. Kieh elector sh .11 have the li-jlit to vole lor the judge and one in- I specter, vi d each injector shall appoint o'e clerk. Election officer* shall lie privileged Iroiu arre»t 11 0:1 <1 iys ol election and while engaged iu making op and transmitting returns, except upon Mat nut uf a > ourt of record or Jud°e thereof, for an election Irauil, for lelony, 01 lor wanton breach of the peace. No person shall be ipi o.::;;. to »ei v< .is an election <.filcer who shall hold, o.- rhall v. .M.i two months hate held any ollice, appointment or ciiplovineu! in or under the •overnmenl ol the United -tales or of this State, or ol any city or cotfnty, or of any munii-ip* l ! board, commis sion or 1 u-l 111 any city, save only justices ol the peace, and iluerranu, notaries public and persons iu militia services of the State; nor shall any election officer be eligible to any civil offlee lo be Ilile 1 by an election at which he shall serve, sue on v to such subordinate mu nicipal or local office* as shall be designated by general law. ACT JANUAKT 30. lS7t. SEC 7. Whenever there shall be a vacancy in an election, it shall Iu filled in conformity with existing laws. ACT JULX 3, ISS9. SEC. 16 In case the person who sh dl have received th secon I highest number of votes lor judge at the next preceding election shall act as inspector in his place. AuJ in ease the poison who shall have received the highest number of votes for inspector shall not attend, the person elected judge shall appoint an inspector in his place; ind in ease the person elected judge shall no! ittcnd. tl en tbe inspector who receiv ed the lii.cst number of votes shall appoint a judfc iu hi-" p'are ; md il any vacancy shall c«.n tiuue in the l>oir I lor the spaec ol on - hour al ter the time !jx ■ 1 !>• law for the opening ol the election, the qui lifted voters of the township, ward or district fir such offl rer shall have been electid, i' r u.*e:it at the place of election, shall select one of their number 10 till such vacancy. ACT JANUARY 30, 1574. SEC 'J In iddil'. jn to the oath now prescrib ud by law to he taken and sub-eiibt'd by flec tion ortie!.-, they (-hull be severally sworn or affiitned not to diseiosc how any elector -hall have vate.l nnlc.-s required to do so as witness es in i jalieiil proceed i n'. Adjudge*, inspec tors, c erks and over-ccrs ol any election held under this act. sliill '»cfore enleiiujr upon their duties, hi? duly sworn or affirmed in the pres euce of h li'lier. Tnc be sworu by ti.e in MO - iy insj' e!«r, it there shall be such initio:i y i,i-j ec'or. and in ci«e there be no mi nority inspector, men byaj;t>tit*e of the peace or alderman, and the inspector*, ovcr-eers and clerks shall lie sworu by t';e judiie. ecriidoatc o:' such swearing or affirming siia'l be duly made out and signed by the ofh -era s.i sworn, and nt tesled : y the officer who adin i.istered the oath. ACT. JANUAItY 30, IS*4 SEC. 8. At (he opening of the polls at the elections it rhall be the duly ol the judges ol election for tut ir respective district« to de-ig nate one of the inspectors, whose duly il shili be to have in custody the registry ol voters, and to lit tk e the entries therein requited bylaw; and il shall be tbe duty of tbe oilier of said in spectors to receive and number the baliole pre sented at said election. MODE OF CONDUCTING ELECTIONS ACT JANUARY 3), ISri, SEC 5. All the elections here alter held tin ler the laws of thi- Commonwealth, the p >.!» shtil be o; ened at 7 o'clock, A M , and c os.'d at 7 o'clock, p. M. CONSTITUTION OF PENNHYLVA N ' A—ART. VII. SEC. 4. All elect ins by tbe citizen- -dia'l be by ballot. Eve y ballot voted shall be number ed In the order in which it wis received, and tbe number recorded t.y tbe eleeti >ti offi -ers on tbe lis! ol voters, opposite t-ie mm" of liie elec tor win) pi cseiits tbe ballot. Any elector may write his name upon his tieket, or ctuse the same lo be written thereo i and attested by a citizen ol the district. ACT MARCH 30. 1803. SEC 1. He it enicted by the Senate and L!»n*e of Representatives «:f ths Commonwealth of Pennsylv.n.ia in 'Jcner.il Assembly met, and It is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, Th.T tbe ipialiti • I voters of the several counties of thi" Commonwealth at all general, lowidiip, borou.h and special elections an I hereby bec after anthoiized and required l'> vole by tickets, printed or writt n. or puitly printed and partly writle::, set'* rally cl.ts-illed as follows : One tic'-el shall cniain the 11 ituea of all per soi s voted for the Elcal-irs of President and Vice President ol lie* I'nitcd States, and •• hall be labelled 011 the out-id' wiUt the word "Elec tqrs." On -, lieliel sUi',l cunlalu the n mes of all per sons voted lor for Me her ol Colli;re sof the UnicJ St iles, all peisotii voted for fa Member of the s'tate Senate of t'c C 1 nmonwedlli ol Pennsylvania all p- r»on* voted for fo. Meui'er o! the House of Representatives ot the Common wealth of Penili-vlvania, and all p-rsotis voted for for county offices 0!' s-i|d caamj l C o polls shall close, ill-* officers of the election shu'l ptoceed to count all til votes cast for cacti candidate voted lor, and make a full return ol the same in triplicate, with a return sheet in addition, iu all of which the votes received by each candidate shall be given after his name, li'ut in words and »g&iii in Htrures, and tdinll lie signed by all the said of ficer* and by nvcr*e«?n«. it any, 01 if rot so cer tified, the civi'iweic and am olli: er retu to sign or cei l ify. or either of :he 11, sh ill .vtiic up on each of the return* hi.- or their reatnii lo not feigning or certifying Diem. The vole, us soon P.B counted, -Inl! also ' u pu'di'dy and ful ly declared from the window 10 the citizen present, aud a hrlel ►latcuonl ■tbou ini; I. i< vines received by each candidate sl.a'l be made and signed by the election officers is toon as the votes are counted : and the « nne !-|iall be line e diately posted upon the d.»or ol the election hou-e lor informal ion o* Ihe t.tibiie. The tripli cate returns shall be enclosed in envelope* aud be seali'd in the prcs 11 -e ol the officers, and one envolo|>e, with the unsealed return sheet given to III* jndje, whMi thill cont in cne !i->t ol voteie, tally papers, and oath of «.ili eerg. and another of s il envelopes sh ill tie given to tho minority inspector. AM j 1 iiv - ing within twelve mile, of the prol!i. ri of tho day af ter tho election, deliver m d relnrn. together with return sbwet. to the prottionot&iV of the court of oommoti pleas of the «ounty. wiiich Bai.l return shall he tiled, aud t'ie liyan l tho hour of tiling in u ked thereon leas shall present the s lid returns to the said court. In counties where there is 110 resi dent president judge, tho associate judge shall perform tho dutiex im|Mieed u[K>n the court of common pleas, which ehall c niveue lor said pur pose; tbe return presented bv tho prothonotary shall be opened by said court and computed by such of its officers and such sworn assjntants an tho court shall appoint; in the presence of the judge or judges of said court, the returns certi fied and certificates of election issued under the seal of tho court as is now required to be done by return judges: and the vote as so computed aiid certified shall be made a matter of record in ■■aid court. The sesxions of said court shall be o|iened to the puhlin. And in case tho returns of ao election district shall be missing when the returns are presented, or iu any case of com plaint of a qualified elector under oath, charging palpable frmd or mistake, au 1 particularly spec ifying the alleged fraud or 11.intake, or where fraud or mistaku is apparent on the return, tbe court, shall examine lie return and if. iu the judgment of the court, it shall be necotaarv to a just return, said court shall issue summary pro cess against th« election nllleirs aud oversee is, iu any of the election districts complsiuod of. to bring them forthwith into c.mrt. with all elec tion papers in their possession; and if palpable mistake or fraud shall be discovered, it shall, upon such hearing as may be deemed necessary to enlighten the court be corrected bv the couit aud SO certified ; but all allegntmns of palpable fraud or mistake shall be decided by the said court within three days after the day tho re turns are brought into court for computation; and the said inquiry sliail b« directed only to palpable fraud ot mistake, and shall not be deemed a judicial adjudication to conclude any content now or hereafter to be provide 1 by law, and the other of said triplicCe returns shall be placed in a box and sealed up with the ballots If any of lite sai l judges shall hi nself bo a can didate for auv office at any election, he shall not sit with the ounrt, or act in o muting the returns of such election, and in such cases tho other judges if any, shall act. (liven under uiy hand at !$ Pier, this Ist day of October. 18811. and in tho lost • year of the Independence of tbe Unite I States. \VM. H. HOFFMAN, Sheriff. 1 -•J . Oct. 1880. OPENING EVERY" DAY ! New Jackets, Surloiils. Cloaks and Circulars! ! Newoet Designs uiid Shape-s. Ex ra Low Prijco for Quality Gar lii xts, $3 OO to S2OO. ___ 5 Cases American CasLm. res, Wool llliiajr. at 12 ,o, all n '.,'K Two c;w< Strti-.-d At inure Monties at :"•••, tisua, ! price 2oc. i Cheap Dress «•» hD -.1 s. t , and I k-. One eas,- l'in I'liwic Camcis M ::r Sa.l;- *'s at I 12" north ssc. ; Five cii'-OH elegant new Dr • < Ila'd- . t -v to ! $1.50 per yard. ) c..s. 'arli new Moifiio'i- I'vi-J : and 50. Rcw PimA Dmi GoqAj, aoUd colon [ft tarti j Cordnretles, -i-t-iuoli Arnu:i-- Mo.ua-s. -t and Celebrated French ' ohired C.r.hiaei".-.. -osse at .">o. (K'j ami 7.V uj». All-wool double-width Oolwi Caaliui rt-s at 37Hc. BARGAINS. BARGAINS! Ten oases Black Cashnieres.genuine French vll wool Goods, at I."'. .VI. 18, 7". ;; au ,i values that are 5 to l.'c i>or yaid tie,..jr than lay ers uMia.ly have tin plasureto |iio an-. We re spectfully call wholesale l-:ivrs' at.n;, hi to these beinx willing to s. : ;i i.s tor a mere commission. You will fin-t b-- r than often sold in exclusively who!,- a» :»es BOGGS & BUHL, 118 and I*2o Federal Street, A. 11- yheny. ~?• B -zs°SsuS3s®' r.an,i.-,s. i*.: nket* and Minimi! 11 nuiiilmii ar< aSedM. ». » m ' Frillies Bi ieit ■ ees m'uie' I I I r 1 I I I OPENTINTG Al 1 B. C. Huselton's, IMMENSE FALL & WINTER STOCK OF B0( )TS and SHOES. The Largest Stork of any House in Butler county. Goods guaranteed as represented. Prices as low as tli ; I west Cull and examine prices and stock. Cil«^V:\ T l> EXIHJSITiON < >l^ FALL DRY GOODS! ,M. FIRE & Bro. 100 & 102 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, lluvo Juki SSeliirneil from tlie Mii>.lcr:i ('i.'ics ui»!i :t Very l arge Kinck orMell.Sclct'icd l>rj (iootlN. Siiitikbli-itir Hit' J-ttll Nntsnii. I ... . . Dress Hoods in Kreut variety, mixed ami plain,' from li" i to 25c. Several eases of Motntes, In all colors and shades only '-!"e, a (treat bargain. A few eases of l»ress I'laids, 8, 10, 15 and L'Oc. New designs of Freneh Novelties, at 25, .15, loand soe. Colored and Itlack rash meres, very piod ind All-Wool, only -to and r.o . JA.MKS K. ItKKI). ESTABLISHED 1847. ci'OHHE M. KEKI> JAMES It. K10B0I) & < '<)., DEALERS IN DimoaDS, WATCHES, JIWUhV red Divs-. silks at .v*', recently sold for 7~c. and v. ortli«; .e to-pav. i oio.-xU I'iiuimi!!,: si.Us r.c. Fine Colored Dress Silk ~ 7". j : . -t in .v on sale. Nt w iM-:u< ii Mi.:..: 5... :n Cardinal, Old Gold ami l.iuht Illue, t.>r linings and trimmings, at social low prio. -. Heavy Sur.tii Di -s S.lk-". new shades, at .«) |)!«* - 1' :■•••;; Dress Silks. at si, *!.- . #1.40, st.'.-. Sts- a:..i to v Im-ii we sitnplv ask an inspection. Tl ■ v:.li:,- ci ea h wi'l i-peak for itself. {'•lack Satin ue Ly« n Fx. Ex. 1 an;a ins at 51 to ft. Blnck fSuiali Snks and .Scilieimo. B«iperbsad extrabuze a- oitntiU Satin Dam a- -<-i. in Mack and colors, and in combinations. Hlaik and Co' >r A Satins. Black and Colored Velvets, Black limeade Velvets. I'olka Spot is; D.! i he-.I in Silk Velvet* 2". and 2T-Hsell Bia -i; Velvets ."-0 to sx..». <>i:. <-a. i ,-ach n.cii l.lack S:ik Velvets at st.2j aad ?i..Vi a,i extra bargain. New Hosißry and Gioves, Nt'w l"ii»lcrwear. low lo finest quality regular made Scotch gootht. 0 r IViineslie Departnsi-.it ; veiycomplete,eiu bnieiiiK in part t!»;• following: Prints from I . to He. Muslins frem -I'« lo B<-. 1 hevolts tnnii N to VJ'ir. Turkey Red Table Damask at 50and lir.e. Turkey lied Table Damask, best <|i:a!itv. T. r .c. \\ list** and Colored Hed Spreads in ureal variety :ill't 'it a l priees. from tln- lowe ito (lie \er\ best. lad is' and (Jems' t'nderoear, 111 Coloreil and While. S-arl: t t'nd.'rwear for I ..idles and Genta. Whit'' Blankets ::l all priees. (Irey lilankets at -.11 pi fees. Utiiudried and I'nlaundried Shirts, from 50e to SI. We are now daily receiving Hosiery, (iloves, &c., I l.;;dif>" Hose from 10 tn 25e. I.i'.dh s' lb. ■ very sujierior goods, from an to sue i (ientV Hose, (i, 10, 12',. ! tients" Hose, extra good value, 20, .'to, -k), 80e.