A HUGO ISO MATCH. Among the baggage coming down on a Flint & Pere Marquette train the other day, was a full-grown black bear. Bruin lad been in captivity fur two or three years, end was on liis way East for a zoological garden. His owner was allowed to ride with him in the baggage car, aud be. seemed to think the bear was the greatest animal on earth. He was ready to bet that bruin could out-hug and out bite any thing human, and was rather disap pointed when the railroad men refused to dispute this point with him. He was indulging in his brag when au old man came into the car to see about his trunk. He saw the bear, of course, but the glance of contempt be bestowed on the animal instantly kindled the in dignation of the owner, who called out: "Mebbe you think I'm toting an old byena around the country !" "I guess it's a bear," slowly replied the other, "but I see nothing remarka ble about him." "You don't, eh? Well, I do! Mebbe you'd like to see him hug that trunk of yours? What he can't Bliver when he gets his paws around it has got to have roots forty feet under ground." "I've got a son in the back car reflectively observed the old man and then he stopped and looked at the bear. "Your son ! Egad ! Will yon match your eon agin my bear ?" chuckled the owner as he danced with delight "I guess so." "You do! Bring him in ! Trot him out! I'll give him all the 3how he wants and bet five to one on the bear." The old man slowly took in a chew of tobacco, left the car and when be returned he had his son Martin with him. Martin seemed to be about twenty-seven years of age, and a little taller than a hitching post. He was built on the ground with a back like a writing desk and arms which seemed have been sawed from railroad ties. "Martin, this 'ere man wants to bet five to one that this bear can out-hug yon," quietly explained the father as sat down on a trunk. "Yes, that's it —that's just it!" cackled the owner. I'll muzzle him so he can't bite, and I'll bet five to one he'll make you holler in two minutes." "Muzzle your b'ar!" was all that Martin said as he pulled out a five dol lar note and handed it to the baggage man. The bear man put $25 with it, grinning like a boy in a cherry tree, and in a minute be had the bear ready. Martin removed bis coat and paper col lar, and carelessly inquired : ."Is this to be a squar' hug, with no gouging ?" "Jess so —jes 1" replied the bear man. "You hug the bear, and he will hug you, and the one who squeals first loses his cash. Now, then, all ready !" As Martin approached, the bear rose up with a sinful glare in bis eye, and the two embraced. It was a sort of back hold, with no sell out on the crowd. "Go for him, Hunyado I" yelled the bear man as they closed, and the bear responded. One could see by the set of his eyes that he meant to make jelly of that young man in a York minute, but he failed to do it. Some little trifle stood in the way. For instance, it wasn't ten seconds before he realized that two could play at hugging. Martin's hand sank down in the bear's coat, the shoulder muscles were called on for duty, and at the first hug the bear rolled bis eyes in astonishment. "Go in Hunyado—go in—go in I" screamed the bear man, and bruin laid himself out a? if be meant to pull a railroad water tank down. "You might squeeze a little harder, my son," carelessly suggested the fath er, and he spit from the open door, and Martin called out his reserve muscle. Each had his best grip. There was no tumbling around to waste breath, but it was a stand-up and a stand-still hugging match. Little by little the bear's eyes began to bulge and his mouth to open, and Martin's face slow ly grew to the color of red paint. "Hang to him Hunyado—l've got my last dollar on your head !" shrieked the bear man, as he saw a further bulge of his pet's eyes. But it was no use. All of a sudden the bear began to yell and cough, and strangle. He was a goner. Martin knew it, but he wanted no dispute, and so he gave Hunyado a lift from the floor, a hug which rolled his eyes around like a pin wheel, and then dropped him in a heap on the floor. "Well, may I be shot!" gasped the bear man as he stood over the half-life less heap ot hair and claws. "Martin," said the father as he handed him the thirty dollars, "you'd better go back thar and watch our satchels./ "Yes, I guess so," replied the son as he shoved the bills into his vest pocket and retired without another word or look at the bear. That was the bear they were feeding gruel in a saloon on Randolph street two evenings ago—one man was feed ing him gruel and another feeling along his spine to find the fraeture. somethingYn A NAME. The following circular has been pre pared by the First Assistant Postmas ter General in addressing postmasters relative to changing the names of a number of postoffices throughout the country, the titles of which are too long or similar to others in States where the name when abbreviated is liable to be confounded, such as Ga., La., Pa., and Va "Sir : A great deal of confusion in the transmission of the mails is caused by the unnecessary long names for postoffices; particularly is this the case when the prefixes of East, Centre, New, North, South or West, etc., or such additions as Burgh, Centra, City Corners, Creeks, Cross Roads, Depot, Hill, Hotel, Hollow, Junction, Mill, Mound, Peak, Plain, Point, Port, Prairie, Rock, River, Run, Ridge, Store, Station, Spring, Town, Yale, Village or Valley, etc., etc., are used. The Department proposes to change the name of your office, but before do ing so a reasonable time will be given you to state the wishes of the patrons regarding such change. If you can suggest a short name, more suitable, due consideration and attention will be given to your suggestions." It is believed that the names of at least 5,000 postoffices will be altered, but the change will bo made gradually so as not to cause much embarasmcnt in the mail service. Hooray for Injeany ! MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. TLSCOVSRER OF LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VE6ETABLE COMPOUND. THEJ^OSITIV^CIIRE For all Female Complaints. This preparation. aa its name eonai-tj ot PropfcrUea tliataro Lirml. a totfc 1 . -si del icate Invalid. Upon one trial the rocr.ts cf this Cora round will tw as relief is imincdiat ; ai.J T >jen lti O»i* continu A, !I ninety-nine CI«J in a hua drod, apcnnancntcuroiscfr«.:od,ajtho"_ .anils w:"l te» tif j. on account ot It* I roven merits, It i ; txlsr r<> conunendod and prracri jud 1. 7 the- Le*.t j.hysklans In the cour.try. It will cure entirely the r orst form of falling of the uteris, L.acorrho-a, Irregular and Menstruation, all Ovtrian Troubles, InCammatlcn and Ulceration, Floodlntrs, all and the con sequent apinal weakness, cxd is especially adii :ti to the Change of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterasin an early of development. T.f tendency to cancerous humors thero lj checked very speedily by lis use. In fact It has proved to be the treat est and best remedy that has ever boen discover ed. It permeates every portion of the system, and gives new life »"'i vigor. It removes falntnces.fuittJcr.cy, de stroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous rrostratlon, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indl gestlon. That feelins of bearing down, causing jjcin, weight and backache, Is alv.-ays permanently cured by its use. It will at all timeu, and under r'A circumitan ccs, act In hanntMiy with tho law that governs the female system. For Kidney Complaints of either sex this compound Is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at £l3 and 23S Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price Cl-00- 81* bottles for #5.00. Sent by msil in the fortn of pills, also In the form of Locecges, on receipt of price, SI.OO, per box, for either. Mrs. PIXXILA'I freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for pam phiet. Address as above Mention this paper. Ko family should be without LYDIA E. PINKHAM* LTVXItmXS. They cure Conrtlpatlo.i, Eiliousness, and Torpidity of the Liver. 25 cents i»r box GEO. A. KELLY & CO., General Agents, Pittsburgh. Pa. Sold by D. H. Wuller, - Butler Pa. ■I HOP BITTERS^ (A .lledicioe, net a Drink.) PJ CONTAINS E BOPS, BCCHC, MANDUAKK, »j DANDELION, jjfe ASDTHJ Pt-r.EST AST) HESTM KNIE vIQi AU- p TIKS or ALL OTLLII: liITTEtS. F ' THEY CURE | All Dlseanesof tbe Stomach, Bowels. Blood, B Liver. Kidneys, and Urinary Orynns. Xer- ■ vousnuuk SieerikMsne-*»ami especially 13 i'euiale complaints. SIOOO IN COLD, V!ll be paid for n raae they will rot euro litlp. or for anytliiuz li:i;>urc or injurious K found in tin m. B A.lty-iur druFKlst fur lloi Bitters nnd try ■ n them before you sleep. Take bo olfat'r. F Bj D I.C. I»an absolute and Im slstlblemre for H Drunkeuneiu, uxe of oiium, tobacco and g BBBM fia.vt) FOB CintTLAB. H AM »bore »oW try dnr irt*. ■ H»p Wttert C"., N. V., A Tnrontn, Ont. K MALAR I A L POISON. The iirinclp-tl cause of nearly all sickness at tliis time of the year has its rtrijiln 111 a tli.soreeretl Liver which, if not regulated in time, great wtTeriiiß. wrefelieilness anil death will entitle. A petitleman writing from South America says : "I have used frour Ssinmons' Liver Regulator v.lth good effect, K»th as a prevention and cure for Malarial Fevers on the Isthmus of Panama." TAKE Simmons' Liver Regulator, A Purelv Vegetablo Medicine, AN EPTECTUAL SPECIFIC roit MA I.A RIfM'S FEVKKH. HOWKI. COM PLAINTS. JAUNDICE, COLfC, RESTLESSNESS, MENTAL DEPRKSSION. SICK HKADACIIK, CONSTIPATION, NAI'SKA, UII.I.IOt'SNKSS, DVSPKPSIA, &c. If vou feel drowsy, debilitated, have frequent he;tdache, mouth tastes badly, poor at)|>etit<-. and tongue coated, you are suffering from Torpid Liver or Blllimwoesn," and nothing will cure you so speedily and permanently as to take SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR. It Is given with safety, and the happiest results to the most delicate Infant. It takes the place of quinine and bitter of every kind. It is the cheap est, purest aud best family medicine In the world. J. If. ZEILIX, A CO. PbllH. Sold by all Orugglala, apr2B-iyr Notice in Divorce. In re-application of J. P. A. Gallagher for di vorce from Anna B. Gallagher. A. D., No. 70, March terrn , 1880. Having been appointed Commissioner in the above caae, to take testimony and report the name to Court, notice is hereby given that I will attend to the duties of the appointment at my office in Kutier, on THURSDAY, OCT. 21st, at 1 o'clock, P. M., at which time and place all parties interested may appear if tliey see prop er. [29sep.'Jt] E. I. BFLUGH. A. G. IIARMEN, MACHINERY AGENCY Nott. 92 & 94 First Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills and Wood-Working Madhinery, new and second hand. sep29:3m Piano for Nale, A splendid piano, good as new for sale cheap. Inquire at Dean's Tobacco Store, Jefferson street, opposite Lowry House, Butler, l'a. tf L. 91. . 2 ca-ses—l>ark. I-'ast colored. Calicos worth 7 ct.s. AT . ."> llale« Heavy, yard wide. Unbleached Muslin, worth 8 cents. AT 2u CENTS PER YAKD. Heavy Lootn Table Linen- . sold at 25 cents. Filler grades,—3l cents to £1.50 AT 15 CENTS PER YARD, Good Grey Twilled Flannels worth M cents. AT 25 Cr.NTS PER YARD, Fine, 27-iuch. all Wool H-d Flenneis. AT S, CENTS, 35 CENTS AND 45 CENTS, Barred Country Flannels. AT 25 ( ENTS. Mens Merino Shirts aud Drawers. EXTRA BABGAINH AT 25 CENTS. 5o CENTS. 75 CENTS AND ;1 For Men, Women and Children. BLANKETS, COMFORTS. QUILTS. DRESS GOODS, At 31 cents, yard wide. Cashmeres, Illack and all colors. AT 73C. 44 and 4C-ineh Black Cashmerers. superior qual ity and color, tor this price. AT 81. 4:;-incll Black Ca -hmere. These goods are made from pure wool, and };iiaianteed tlie be.-i quality for price in the city. We have everylning ilesirahle in all the new de sighs of Foreign and Domestic Dress Goods -and our slock of French and Persian Novelties in un surpassed in the city, either in variety or price. BLACK DRESS SILKS. 75 cents. U. 5i.25. 51.50, «!.7."> to -Si. Clean pure goods, and w ill not eut or shine. COLORED DRESS SII.KS. From 50 cents to §1.25 per yard, (all shades. > CI.OTH SAQt'ES, DOLMANS AND SHAWLS. par-Mail order-, promptly attended to. W. H> WAKEFIELD & CO. ( ( ) / JPecleral Htreet, 9s & Allegheny City. I*n. septx-3in PENSIONH. . EVEKY SOLDIER disabled in line of duty by wound, disease, or injury, is entitled to pensions. PENSIONS INCREASED. Many are drawing less than entitled to.—Thousands of Heirs entitled to Pensions and Bounty. REJECTED CASES re-opened. ABANDONED CASES finished.—Copies of Lost Discharges obtained.—Claims of every description prosecuted.—Patents Procured. Address with stamps, 11. S. BERLIN k S; CO., Attorneys. Box 502. [septs-6t] Washington, D. C. Adminislraior* Soiice. Letters of Administration have been granted to James W. Barr and O. S. Birr on the estate of H. H. Barr dee'd. late of Jefferson townrhip. Butler connty. All persons indebted to said estate are requeued to make immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against the same, should make them known without delay to JAMES W. BARK, I Aflm rH stpfWU] G.S. BARK, fAdmre A (i ENTH WA IV TKD To take subscriptions for the INTERNATIONAL REVIEW, the latest and best American publication, of the highest class, with original contribution" from the most celebrated writes in every countrv. Edited by J T. Morse. Jr.. and Henry Cabot Lodge, gentlemen of the highest attainments and culture, and whose names aro alone sufii cient guaranty of the value of the REVIEW. Always bright, readable and instructive ; cos iropoiitac in literature, progressive in science, unseetariun in religion, and independent in poli tics. Price 50 cents a number ; *5 a year. A com plete Agent's Outfit sent on receipt of tl 00 A specimen copy sent to anv addres for 15 cents, A. 8. BARNES A CO.. Publireri. sept-fit 111 A 113 Wiliiem St., New York. A GOOD BUSINESS OPENING.—THE UNION Insurance Company, of Ohio, desires to es tablish a General Agency for this section of Pennsylvania. Its asserts eice.ed #1,600,000 00, with a large surplus, and has for m-.uy years se cure 1 the largest amount of new business in Ohio of anyone company in the Uniied States. Its interest receipts exceed its death losses, matured endowments, taxes, and commission paid to aeents. Its able management is further illustrated bv tho fact that its rate of losses and expenses to its premium inc line for the year 1879 according to tl"- New York official reports, is lower than that of any other company. It issues endowment policies at life rates, which are nonforfeitable without surrender and incon testible after three annual payments. It is governed bv the insurance 'aw of Ohio which are now the most stringent for the protection of policy holders of any in the Union. They re quire a fowr per cent, resorve fund invested in unquestioned securities, which the Superintend ent of Insurance is required annually to ex amine. The business of life insurance ib now rapidly increasing, and men possessing first class business ability and chaiacter, who desire a General Agency for this sterling company will do well to address GEORGE THORNTON, Man ager, Room 83 Astor House Offices. Now York, t-tating. in full, age, past experience in lile in surance or other business, salaries received and reference. nuns Jin & sisios INVITE YOUR INSPECTION TO A LARGE SHIPMENT OF AUTUMN WINTER Dress Fabrics, Comprlslnit nil That 1m Choice, Fashionable AND Elegant! in color, texture and design, are now displayed on our counters, at prices that will prove to you that it PAYS TO TRADE AT NTo. 105 Market St. ELEGANT NOVELTIES IN BROCADE VEL VETS, SATINS ANI) FACOXXKS FOR TRIM MINGS ANI) SUITINGS. MOUCHOIK PLAIDS, MOUCHOIR SUITINGS. SURAHS, DRAPD'OR, FRENCH MOMIES, CANTON SUITINGS, ARMURES, MERINOS AND CASHMERES. FOR SCHOOL OUTFIT, WE ARE OFFERING All-Wool Suitings at 2.0 c All-Wool Minnies at 30c .'ili-incli All-Wool Cashmeres, at 50c Navy Blue All-Wool Cloths, 11 yards wide, 63c Navv Blue All-Wool Suitings 30 to 40c Cloth Jackets, 2, 3 and 1 years $2..Vl to *I.OO Cloth Jackets/; to I<> years $3.00 to sls IMPORTED NOVELTIES IN Ladies' Wraps, Cloaks & Jackets, SHAWMS, NKIKTM, l WEAR i\l> HOSIERY. Heard, Biber & Haston, 105 MARKET STREET 105 BETWEEN FIFTH AVE. AND LIBERTY, iug2s-4ni PITTSBURGH, PA. liXeoutor'N Vol ice. Latter* testamentary having been granted to the undersigned on the CMtato of Hilas I'earco, late of Butler township, liutlor county, Pa ; deceased, notion is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate, that immediate payment is required, ami to tlioi-o having claims against the same to piesent them duly authenticated for payment. HORACE PEARCE, septl.Vfit Butler P. 0., Butler. Pa. 15P"' Advertise in the CITIZEN. k»b Port Grape Wine I'sed In tlu* principal Churches for Communion purposes. Eicflleni For Ladle* and Weakly Persons ami I lie Ag-d. SPEBB'S POUT GRAPE WINE! FOUlt EARS OLl>. Tliis Celebrated Native Wine is made from the iiii.-e of tne Oporto C.rape.raiscd in tins country. Its lv.illiable Tonic and Strengthing Properties are unsurpassed l>v any other Native Wine. Being the pure juice of the > the various ailments that affect the weaker sex. It is in every respect A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. SPEKH'B IP. J*. SHERRY, The I". .1. SHERUY is a wine of Superior Char acter, and partakes <>t the golden qualities of the grape from which il is made. For purity. Richness. Flavor HUP Mechanical Properties, it will be found unexcelled. K I* 10 ICU'S IP. jr. BRANDY- This BRANDY stands unrivaled in this Country, being jar superior for luediciiiial purposes. IT IS A I'l'RE dLstilation from the grajte and contain valuable luediciiiial properties. It li:is a delicate flnvor. similar to that of the grapes from which il is distilled, and is in great favor among first-class families. See that the signature of ALFRED SI'EER. Pas saic, N. J., is over the cork of each bottle. Sold by I>. 11. WIJLLER. apr2»-lyr AdmiiilNtralrix'H Notice. Notice is hereby given that letters of admin istration having been granted to the undersign ed on the estate of James Stoops late of Cherry township, county of Butler, State of Pennsylva nia, dee'd, all persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate will please make immedi ate pav merit, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement. ELIZA JANE STOOPS, Adm'x, jel(3;:i ntiully. I'his HClnrli Tip ni!l »nvf still niorr, ns beside* being worn on tl.e coarser prudes it is wi>rn on (ine and rosily shoes where tho Metal lip on account of its lovkt would net bo used. They ail have our Trado Mark A. M. T. Co. stamped on front of Tip. l'rir<:ii!s should ASK FOR SIIOE3 With lliid BEAUTIFUL BLACK TIP on tlisui when |>ur< basing for their children. r.cxa-r •..■•u-Jta.T xiffT-TMnrnmwere ju..<4 Hollre. WIIEHEAS, my wife Rachel W. ''ampbcll. has left ray bed and board without any Jimt cause, and without my consent; this is, therefore, 10 notify all persons not to credit or harbor lu ron my account, as I will p:iv no debts of her con tracting. WASHINGTON CAMPBELL, 6oet3t) Franklin township, Butler Co., Pa. A GOLD WATCH FREE. To every workilig agent, male of faniele. Agents are clearing from 85 to SIB a day on our goods, in addition to above premium. Send Id cents for sample or 91.0U for full outfit and secure your county. THE ME3SENUKR PUBLISHING CO. Ixiwlsburg, Pa. !2mylm K? N E^f^Pp Has been In constant / use by tho public F for over twenty jrenrf/ir^ te? and is the best preparation '_-}*£?.■ ; ever Invented for KESTOIt- Ttl6 ING GRAY HAIR TO ITS State YOLTHFIL COLOR AND Assayer i i'l and ( It supplies the natural of MaSS. "ooes Moines (the capital of lowu'. Stuart. Atlan tic. and Avoca; with branches from Bureau Juncti"ll to Peoria ; Wilton Junction to Musca tiue. Washington, Fairfleld. Kldon. Belknap, Centrerille. Princeton. TrenUin. Gallatin. Came ron, Krf-nvenwortb. Atchi»..n, and City; Washington to (BK&LOOSS, :UN 1 Knox ville; Keokuk to Farmington, Bonaparte. Ben tonsport. Independent. Kldon. Ottaniwa. Kddy- ; vllle,Uskaloosa, Pella. Mftnroe. and Moines; Newton to Monroe; Des Moines to lndlanola and Winterset; Atlantic to Lewis and Audubon; and , Avoca to Harlan. This Is positively the oaly Katlroad, which owns, and operaies a through ! line from Chicago into the State of Kansas. Through Express Passenger Trains, with Pull man Palace tars attached, are run each way daily between CHICAGO and PEoitlA. KANSAS CITY, CotTNCII. 81.l FFS. UAVESIVIIKTH and ATcnt gos. Through cars are also run between Milwau kee anil Kansas Cltv, via tho "Milwaukee and Rock Island .Short Line." The " Great Hock Island" Is magnificently equipped. Its road bed Is simply perfect, and Its trues is laid with steel rails. What will please you most will be the pleasure of enjoying your meals, while passing over the beautiful pra'lries of Illinois and lowa, in one of our magnificent Dining Cars that accompany all Through Express Trains. You get an entire meal, as go<ns ir •;>. iho skin, aud his liealtli too would break down before long; and yet this most terrible orucal is \\. i A WOMAN ha& to go through with on wash-day; and, besides, with her clothing wot from lerspirirx a the hot work, she has to risk her life by going out in the air to hang up the clothes. J. VOL those not at work are in the unhealthy atmosphere; its smell, so apparent to visitors, shew ing that it finds its way throuxh the house,—the family, however, often becoming v toined to the peculiar odor from its own wash a< not to uotice it. These facts re;. lily « x plain why so many women suffer with colds, rheumatism, weak nerves, or neuralgia, and LOOK OLD while yet young in years, and physicians and boards of health cannot draw nttent.'n t.o strongly to the injurious effects of the usual way of washing, with its necessary, steam and scalding or boiling to get the clothes pure and sweet-smelling, especially as it is without doubt often the direct cause of those dreadful diseases, diphtheria, consumption, and typhoid fever, fortunately this* trouble can be avoided; scalding, boiling, steam and ail disagreeable smell from the wash completely done away with; clothes made sweet and beautifully white; from Vie saving in fuel the wash done at lens cost than even when home-made soap w t i*ert, and very much SOONER THAN by the old way, by using FRANK SIDDAIXS SOAP,—a Soap so purifying and cleans.njr that the dirtiest clothing can be washed in lukewarm water with very little rubbing, an.l clothes, bedding and utensils used by the sick disinfected and cleansed without t-itner peal ding or boiling, while the work is so light that a girl twelve or thirteen years ot i„e can r toil; i and shaving it has no equal, and physicians advise its use in preference to imported < a-tne m a;» on wounds and sores, ami to wash the youngest infants, as well as lor persons with Ut .cate skin. Now that there is a remedy for this, so economical that the JHMJ real can use it, there is not a woman or A MAN who is not directly interested in having used in their homes, in spite of prejudice, THAT WONDERFUL WAY OF WASHING CLOTHES, which does away with the bard work, I !!CIIMVO smell and fearful steam on wash-days, makes the white Pieces whiter, colored pieces bright* r and flannels softer than they can be made by washing the old way, leaves the hands smooth enough to do fine sewing and overy article as clean, as sweet and as pure as il never worn. From n. E. BOWLES. M. P., Hammonton, N. J., Kdltor .SSrxt/V» Jrru ij Jir/iublictui. My attention was called to FRANK RIDPALLS f'OA P from an advertisement in my own paper, ami its use In my house for nearly a year, according to the directions, has proved that its remarkable properties have not been overstated. For remov ing printing ink it Is Invaluable, while for toilet and shaving il is the best soap I have ever seen. From MRS. 11. L. KENYON, Northfield, VT. I do my wash with FRA NK SIDDALLS SOAP In hair the time and with no expense for Soap, iu the Min ing Infw.l mure IJumpayi/or it. J have no steain or scent from the wash, whlie tho Having hi health, clothes and labor can hardly be estimated. From K. W. STANTON, 1506 N. 30th St., Pliilada. We are confident, from a long experience In nslng and recommending FRANK SIDDALLS BO \l\ that one trial, according to the very easy printed directions, will overcome all pn-judices. It Jti ,o really has wonderful merit for shaving, toilet. The following nrc the Directions for Use, so simple that a child can understand them. Dont (lo anything so ridiculous us to buy the Soup unless you intend following tlicro. UM $ 100 positively forfeited if it injures tin; clothes, or trill not do everything claimed. First, put the white clothes in a tub of water, only made warm enough to be comfortable for the hands. Then take one piece out at a time on the wash-board, rub the Soap lightly over it, roll it up and put it back into the same tub, and so on with each piece until all have the Soap rublwd on them. Then go away and let them soak at least twenty minute*, without touching them, when the dirt will all be loosened, and a very little rubbing on the wash-board, out of that one suds, will make them perfectly clean, being particular to turn each piece while washing so as to get at the seams. Then wash lightly on the wash board, through n lukewarm rinse-water (without any Soap,) so as to get the dirty suds out. Then put through blue-water, and on the line, without scalding or boiling a tiny If piece. Afterward put flannels and colored pieces to soak, and wash them exactly the same way. It is important not to heat the wash-water in a tin, brass or copper kettle. A tea-kettle will heat enough water for a large waah with this Soap. Just Think What You will Save by this Easy Way of Washing 1 No Wash-boiler! No Steam! No Smell of Suds through the House! It has the remarkable Property of keeping the Diih-Cloth, Wash-Rug and Sponge always Sweet, and of Washing Freely in Hard Water. -•—I SOLD BY GROCERSi-*- Get a Cake and Try it for Yourself next Wash-Day. To Points where this Soap ta not yet Introduced a Trial Cake will bo sent by Mail, on receipt of Price, (10 Cents), in Money or Stamps. FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP, 718 CALLOWHILL ST,. PHILADELPHIA. PA. Boyle & Co., Importers mid manufactures of Gil AN I TE AND— MARBLE, 295 and 297 Penn Avenue. PITTSBURGH, PA. Cemetery Work a Speciality. All kinds of STONE WORK prompt ly attended to. Charges Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. pgf"We refer to the proprietors of tbe Labor Tribune. [sep'22-lm STOVE S, RANGES, Grate Fronts, Fenders, &c. CREA, GRAHAM & CO. MANUFACTURERS, 291 Liberty Street. Pittsburgh. Pa ncpt22-:wi on xvm JI inii «»R FINE PORCELAIN TEETH Warranted for 10 VKAIiS. Will extract Teeth WITHOUT I AIN'. NO EXTItA. CH VUOE when Teo:li aro Ord' rol DR W. H. PERRY, Dentist, 25b Penn Avonue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jnly2S-3in Dininq Curs for cittioic |Hirp,>sesonly. One other Freat feature of *>r.r Palace Cars is a SMOKING SAI.OON wboreyou can enjoy your "Havana" at all hours of the ilav. M:*«nltlcei!t Irun Uriiltres span the Mississippi and Mi#--, uri rivers at all points crossed l>v this line, ami transfers are avoided at Council Bluffs, Kansas City. Leavenworth, and Atchison, con neettons bt'iiiL' niadc in Union Depots. TUK I'KINI li'Al. 1!. It. CONNECTIONS OF THIS mtBAT THltOllitl LINK AltK A3 101.1.0WM At I HICAGO. with all diversing lines for the East and South. At KN'uLEWoon. with the 1.. 8. & M. S., and P., 1 Ft. W. AC. K. Hds. At WASHINGTON HEIGHTS, with P., C. JT St. I L. K. H. I At LA SAM.P. with 111. Cent. K. R. 1 At PEORIA, with P. P. dc J.; P. I>. & E.; I. B. & 1 \V.: 111. Mid.. andT. I*. &W. Hds. I At itoCK ISLAND, wiih "Milwaukee A R.ick Island Short Line." and Hock Isl'd & Peo. Kils. At DAVE.VPOHT. with the Uavenport Division C. M. St. P. It It. At WEST LIBERTY, with the 8.. C.R. Jt N. R. R. At t>KINN F. 1,1., with Central lowa R. R. At L)ES MOINKS. with I) M. JC K. I>. It. R. At I orsctL Bl.l'rPS, with I'nion Pacilic U. R. At OMAHA, with B. .v Mo. It. It. 11. in Neb.) At COLI'MBCSjI'NOTION,With B .C. It. ft N. R.R. At OTTFMWA, with t'entral lowa 11. R. ; W., St. L. i Pac.. and C. It. \ Q. It. ltd* At Ktoiil K. with Tol Peo. A War.: Wab.. St. Louis V Pac., mid St. 1,.. Keo. A N.-W. R. lids. At CAMERON, witll H.St. J R. It. At ATCHISON, with Atcli., Topeka & Santa Fe; Ati h X Neb. and Cen. Br. L'. 1". 11. Rds. > At I.F.AVEN WURTU. with Kan. Pac., and Kan. ! Cent R. Rds. At KANSAS CITT, with all lines for the West andSuuthncst. nnd nil hooaehold UR<»S. and as it bocomer, mor# generally known, must nave an immense sale. From MRS. E. STOCK WELL, Hammonton, N. J. FRANK BIDDALLS BOA I* has been nwl In my house for the last seven months, and by folio v lulc the printed directions, we find it to do every thing claimed on the wrappers. We have not scalded or boiled a single article, and the. el- it hen are whiter and sweeter than when washed in Iht old way. "My husband, who is a dealer hero, has a steady demand for the Soap from his customers. From MANAGER OF DEXTER LAUNDRY, 301 Bixth street, Corner C Street, N.W., Washington. D. L. No laundr\ r or family can afford to bo without FRANK HIDDALLB SOAP. We follow direc tions and use no other Soap, and have a reputation second to 110 laundry *n Washington lor white clothes; the superior work we have been «■!. .M< d to turn out having secured us the trade of soi «• oi the best gentlemen's (Urnishlng stores in the city. ]>. H. LYON, SALE AND FEEO STABLE. At the old stand of Putrid; K"!l<\v, Esq., co n ner of Cunningham and Mairi»« stieet. oposi John Berg's llmk, whore I will attend to the feeding of Howes or BOARDING BY THE VVEKK OH MONTH of the name, (live me a c ill' and I will make tlie charges moderate to unit the times. Those having Hornes for nale or persons want ing to buy, it will ho to their advantage to call. aug'2s-.im liiV. -. ■ . . : 5; racra v; ■ .| t (linger. Buc'i . ''.in >:' . M ili. isi.i j pniaay other ifla :I. t i.tiii.-iw. Ku.mii ■>.< • J £ .:.iWu!!yeoml>; . lin I' tiivcijj: 'IJ (w to make it I!t j j;ri-at. .t Pur.."., ra. J *2 ki'lie Bent Health anil Klrrugth II .tun rJ tIT'T I .J, » Soperfcrt ithr ... - -fT' \ ::r ■ .' "■ j 'CUIOMC that BO disease eanl ajexi-t wht j Ot is u*ed. Ity> i ha.* pyw ?p*-' J. .. ! ...Ihpuirulism. Kuuraigu. L .vv, ••>.:. y o j < Livor Di%ariJer ( oi u \ • ■ - < ai:' '■ N1 ■ j [ r ai»pcti/cr, th ■ I *■-' i .i • t' i . A k ry tl, a.it i*. highly tur-uiv.. : ;av. ; . . 1 'but never j ' If y 'it ATI tlowly wa li' J a."'/ i C . 1 gumption < r »i. ■ I n .i.y 1 I • . j Couith i.r a baJ CalJ, J'A.. i: t ( -i I o 1 'will ftiirclv help yu. Ii i ; » -v ii. 1 [vi,; .r to the (ccbl. 1 . ■>l» •a < t .4 >cutc ( r nSeitmatitm and Cholera Sufanlf-n. y It Has Saved Hundred* of Uvea; II Zlu\- j I ► »?© Vouri. *j » If you r.rc f'■ •1• t» 1 i:u ' I:: Wi.lt \ I 'y u are down *ick, l i:t ij%c the 'I ONIC I »-•! .1 [No matter what yo «r disc im: or symptoms J ... , j -be, it will qivc prompt iriicf. ' Krmcm!":r! h KI « CJIWCKP T- : i- r 1 rtmi driuk Ij'jl tlio Bo I . Purest l*-n» 1 .Medicine ever m.n!e, « u nn«J. dln i i J 'prorr •*, «n«l entirely q !» • liuttle, Y- i •jj PAr?KC,T3 BALSAM The Ilpstnnd 3T')*t Economical HairPrpsiiaj c*quUiu!y | erfut .c«i ati.l \ rfectty h.irr.ilc IVIII AliT.iyg licslore (; ray or Faded *.ulr i to its ori •; ! V ; ;'• ■ • 1 *pt« • * | in war: tf I t » m .» il* li* |,:ow. i t and t r .t ! I A f \vnrv ' ,!rm f t rv AM V''! •• f t t 1 : h iir, t • a'l I'.nv'rv t a:- I f ure i:r!:in :. '\ ! i ttiounof the scalp. S Übyalltlrugiji •t»«t« , ' ; ,'5 Plmiinu Mill —AND— Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. i URVIB. S.GL Purvis & Co., K iMTACTIrKKKS AMI DCAI.EKS TS : Bough and Planed Lumber OF EVKKY DKSCKII'TJON, FRAMES, AIOULIHNCS, A >ll r< < •!,■> FLOORING. 81D. I HAT ENS, Bi'&ckcis, Oaipu Cornice Bcards, I'ORCH P< ;STS, STAIR KA Newell Post* .ui i »;* I=. i< FENCE PAI IN US, Ac-., .v. MICIII (i AiS Fiii 2s GL> Bam Boards; Pl.-.terii j l ath: Ilti lock Bill Stnii',li ,1 oit-i Rat tors, ScaiiU t si. &c„ all *»>.»> rciiKtantlv c.j. I•:• i.« : . All of which we will pell oi reasonable tenre? "d gn«r an tee satisfaction. PLANING MILL ANI) YARD C.fE 111 till < jyysijgy '^s3 Gainer's Safj 1 (Formerly 7>r. Orttig*s Kidney Curr ) J A vegetable preparation ami the only mrro *« in the world for lh iulit'N iHnr.r.e, 0 ►M j'mh-h, :in«t ALL Kidnej, Liver, ai.d * I'rli.Hry IM«K'aap». *t.v Testimonials of the highest order in proof 4 of these statements. / *> For the cure of Dinbeiea, call for Wnr> j rirr"» • !Hubcl:v.i!pati®n. Olalueai.(xiiifml Deb li ft fir, < s».re cured by the Kafe I>iat«*r*. It is K uru-qualed as an appetizer and r» .-ular toni<\ a i-j tiles of two sizes ; prices, 50e. and M.OO. 1 WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE J gives Ke .l and Sleep to the suffering, 'srun lleadaelie and prevent* 'i i'i»ilei»tic l-'ifM, and relieves Bfe«*% ou* l*ro»*- ta'atinu brought on by excessive drink, over work, mental shocks, and other causes. | Powerful as it is to stop pain and soothe *lls- A tnrfoerl Nerves, it never Injures the sysi s whether taken in small or large dost "*. Bottles of two sizes; prices, 50c. .CO* j , WARNER'S SAFE PILLS ij Are an immediate and active stimulus for a - iSSSfcSak? Siiaeiaßssaß -E. Gil I EH, DEALER IK FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,!' SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. ENG-RAVING OP ALL KITTBS A SPECIALTY. MAID STREET, (N. rth of Lowry House,) BUTLER, FA. I-#" WATi'IIKS ANI) ("LOCKS HKPAIIkED, AND WARRANTED. -%» a 4>;u;.!<.»soi III© Pill)!!©", INI IANA. The I'.i '« arc iiirg well. Have sever i! oM chronic cn-i .i' lvidi < y tror.liU- iiMiig them *nd •|iev report an improvement and think muc't '>( tlirtii. A. L. KOHBOCK & CO,, Druggistn. COI'r.TNFA', TEXAS. Y nir Vad h"» di tie me more good than any Remedy I»v.ii ,< I. J AS. 15. CALLAWAY. MT. CI.KMKNH, MICH. V.inr p ; ,,t ii»' i iiil me of Pain in thols.u k an I Ki-'. ey T:.ai' . . M. J. IIOUOH. Address DAY KIDNEY PAD. CO,, SOI.K I'ROf TOLEDO, - - - OHIO. .T. ( URDU K, Aj;ert '"r Cn'h r''o. MILLS & ( 07 Mnniil u urer* :n 1 «!• filers in Hydraulic Ce ment and Sewer I'lpe. White Lime, Ft tt|:i7.ers, wiiito fattd, t'liimney Tops. Sand I*l i' ier, K'lie I'ipe, t 'aleiiii il Pin- ti r, K v- l.i <•, juvU-Jiri] V>. SC.!) I.ilic,'* ft., l'ltt»hiir«h. Pa. fr Ks,!' tasSss wering till* !Ul • ; 'J ! « I•' " ,v n.; -I fcliiii-pi to p:i\ j..r '.t .• ;tl.d p.irH.ii; . 'I l,wi> I.'.IH'H(. %V.- r-- tei tlie public In nwttt: ister. oj anv ! i Hinew house ii thw place. American Matmf ('imipi'jiy, vrw n i?r (, °" -» i it u " 'I It Fi. K« V.-I v t t• '« .i. Address with stamp, "HO.ME," t'nociTlu i.o, JID. lja.7 ly