QOEBBEIPS CRIME. Th« crime of which Dr. Goersen of Philadelphia has been convicted waa one of the most remarkable instances of heartless depravity that have been known in that city for a long time, and it is the more noteworthy from from the fact that it so nearly escaped detection. Goersen was, by profession, a homoeopathic doctor, and when be determined to get rid of his mother-in law and his wife, in order to enjoy the little property of the former by him self, he administered enough arsenic to make her ill, and then, with a sort of grim travesty of homoeopathic princi ples, kept on administering arsenic un til she died. A neighboring doctor, who was called in at the last moment, very carelessly gave the required cer tificate, and the old lady was buried. Encouraged by this success Goersen now turned his attention to his wife and poisoned her in precisely the same way, administering arsenic in continu ous doses under the pretence of giving her medicine to relieve her suffering. When the poor woman was nearly dead, having made a will in her hus band's favor, the wretch called in the neighboring doctor, as in the former case, that he might give the certificate for burial. The neighboring doctor does not appear to have penetrated to the cause of this curious ailment even at this time, but Goersen's importunity for the certificate defeated his own end, and Mrs. Goersen's case came to the notice of the Coroner. Then followed a well-conducted inquest, and an ana lysis of the stomachs of the two women showing the presence of arsenic, Goer son was arrested. His trial has been speedily and ably conducted, and the admirably clear presentation of the testimony by Judge Biddle left the jury no difficulty in finding a verdict of murder in the first degree. It is im possible adequately to characterize the cold-blooded cruelty displayed by this man. It is the sort of thing one reads about in novels, but never ex pects to hear of in real life. But the skill with which the'crime was un earthed and the promptness with which the criminal has been tried and convicted afford encouraging evidence of the power of the law to render stern retribution. A REMINISCENCE OF 1812. MiBB Rebecca W. Bates, of Scituate Harbor, one of the heroines of 1812, has just celebrated her eighty-seventh anniversary at the old homestead. Two Bisters, Rebecca and Abigail, daugh ters of the lighthouse keeper at Scit uate, played a part in the Revolution ary period as noteworthy as that of Barbara Freitche. The lighthouse at the above period was made the scene of a fife and drum victory over an English blockade in Scituate Harbor. Two American vessels were coming into the harbor laden with flour. As it was shallow the man-of-war was afraid to venture, and manned two boats to pursue. They were fast gaining on them when seen by Rebecca aod Ab bie Bates, when going out to pick up chips to boil the tea kettle for the evening meal. The place was under the protection of' "Home Guards," who, not apprehending any danger, were on a forage in a huckleberry patch. The girls had become familiar with ammunition and military music. Perceiving the danger, one of the sis ters proposed to face the enemy with guns, but taking in the fearful odds, had recourse to a stratagem. They fled to a side of the light house so as to be concealed from the enemy, and one of them with stentorian voice called the roll. In an instant after Rebecca struck a martial air on the fife, and Abbie hammered on the drum lustily. The music reached the British, a flag was hoisted, and the two boats wheel ed about, and in the act a seaman fell overboard, but was seized neck and heels and hauled in. The music also alarmed the absent guards, who re turned in time to raise tumultuous cheers as the enemy was departing, the ladies playing "Yankee Doodle." Those two sisters never married, al though they had several proposals. They were very industrious and conld ply the needle and thread on any kind of garment for male or female. The family is remarkable for their longevity. Their father died very aged, and their mother 87, and their paternal Sandfather more than 100. One sister, rs. Jane Curtis, is in her 60th year, and another, Mrs. Hawthorn, is in her 69th. The house occupied by these two celebrities was built by their grand father 140 years ago, and is in a won derful state of preservation. A writer in the Providence Journal predicts a useful future for the milk weed, which has heretofore been con sidered only a eumberer of the ground. Ita seeds yield a finer oil than linseed ; its gum can be used in place of India rubber ; and from its floss a fabric re sembling Irish poplin has been made ; while the young shoots are used in the spring by some people instead of aspar agus, which tbey resemble in flavor. Now, pertinently adds the writer, if uses can be discovered for the thistle and whiteweed, they may prove friends in disguise. There was a little shooting scrape at • a little town in the interior of Texas not long ago, and it was not long be fore a Galveston News reporter was on the spot interviewing one ol the prin cipals. "So you are going to write it up," said the survivor. "Yes, I want all the facts." "I don't care a cent what you say about the shooting, but I have one lit tle favor to ask." The reporter said he would grant it cheerfully if he could. "Well," said the shootist, "I want you to put down that my grandfather was one of Lafitte's pirates, and the worst cut-throat of the gang." The reporter stared a little, but the shootist went on to say: "Please put in that one of my uncles was hung by the Vigilance Commit tee in San Francisco, and two more of them are making shoes in the Illinois penitentiary ; that another one of tbem is practicing law in New York; and my only sister ran away from home with the clown of a circus ; that as far as you can learn there is not a mem ber of the family that has not done something disgraceful." "Why, what do you want all that in the paper for T" "Because I am sick of reading in the papers that every fellow who has a little shooting scrape belongs to one of the most respectable families in the country. Just put it down, for once, that one of the parties to the unfortu nate affair belongs to a highly disre putable family. If you don't put it that way y on will wish you had." MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. DISCOVERER or LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S TBgElfßr.ia eaMPomro. The Positive Ctirc For all Female Complaints. Thta preparation, u Its name «!irnl.lc», consists of Veeetablo Properties that are harmless to the raost del icata Invalid. Upon one trial the ir.crit« of this Com pound will be reeopnii >d, as relief is Immediate; and when its oscta continuod. In ninety-nine cases in a hun. dred, apermanert curelse.Tectcd.aathousands will tc» tify." On account of Its proren merits, it is to-day re commended and prescribed by the be»t physicians Is the country. It will cure entirely tho worst form of falling of the uterus, Lcueorrhcsa, Irregular and painful Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, flooding*, all Displacements and the con sequent spinal weakness, and is especially adapted to the Changs of life. It will diseolre and expel tumors from the uterus In an early stage of development. The tendency to cancerous humors there Is cteciod very speedily by Its use. In fact It has proved to bo the great est and best remedy that has ever been discover ed. It permeates every portion of the system, and give* new life and vigor. It removes faintness,flatulency, de stroys all craving for stimulants, an-1 relieves weakness of the stomach It cure* Bloating, Ileadaches, Nervous IYostratlon, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestlon. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by Its use. It will at all times, and under rjl clrcumstan cos, act in harmony with the law that governs the female system. For Kidney Complaints of either sex this compound Is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at S3 and 835 Western Avenue, Lynn, M»w. Price SI.OO. Six bottles for #5.00. Sent by mail in the form of pills, also In the form of Losenges, on receipt of price, »1.00, per box, for either. Mrs. PrHKILAH freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for pam phlet. Address as above Mention thin paper. Ko family should be without LYDLV E. PIN'KTTAM' UVT— r-T -1 They cure Constipation, Biliousness, and Torpidity of the Liver. "5 cents »er box GEO. k. KELLY & CO., General Agents, Pittsburgh Pa. Sold by D. H. Wuller, - Butler Pa. The 1 Purest aiid Best Uedicme ever Made. Acolmhination of Hops, Buchu, Man* draHle and Dandelion, with all tlie best and most emulative properties of all other Bitters, maicesmthe greatest Blood Purifier, Liver Roau l\.ator, and Life and Health ltestormg Agent earth. No disease JVan possibly loner exist where nop Bitters are varied uui perfect are Uitir ope rations. ESfA Thsy giw mv Ulfc »4»ifertßtbMftf »ai lafirm. lo all whose employments causo irregularl tyoflhol>owelsor\urinary organ*, or who re quire an AppetiserVlo-'O and miM Stimulant Hopßittersare without into*- icating. No matter what your or symptom-it are wLut tho disease or uso Hop Bit ters. Don't wa.t until you am re tick but if you only feel bad or miserablesM 11 ® 0 t.icn at once* It may #av«j yourlifc.it e< * hundreds. SSOO will be paid for a ca* 36 they will not euro or he!p. Do not suffer m® 1 " * your friend* suffer, but use and tbem^k* 0 * Mop B Remember, flop Bittera is noW*" Ue » dragged drun!:cn nostrum, but the Pa u J Medicine ever made , the FEUDUI and BO PS" t.nd no person or should be without them. ■■■■ n.|.C.is an absolute and irresist! »1? use of opium, tobacco andr narcotics, Ali sold by drugcrista. Send for Circular. Bop Blttan *f». C*., J? MALARIAL POISON. The principal cause of nearly all sickness at this rime of ttie year has its origin in a disoreered Liver which, if not regulated in time, great suffering, wretchedness ana death will ensue. A gentleman writing from South America says: "I nave used your Ssmmons' Liver Regulator with good effect, both as a prevention and cure for Malarial Fevers on the Isthmus of Panama." TAKE Simmons' Liver Regulator, A Purelv Vegetab'e Medicine. AN EFTECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR MALARIOUS FEVERS, BOWEL COMPLAINTS, JAUNDICE, COLIC, RESTLESSNESS, MENTAL DEPRESSION. SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION, NAUSEA, BILLIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, &c. If vou feel drowsy, debilitated, have frequent headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appetite, and tongue coated, you are suffering from Torpid Liver or "Billiousness," and nothing will cure you so »t*»edilv and permanently as to take SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR It is given with safety, and the happiest results ! to the most delicate infant. It takes the place of quinine and bitter of every kind. It is the cheap est, purest and best family mediciue in the world. J. H. ZeiLIW, d: CO. Pblla. Sold toy all Urnggliti, apr2B-lyr Notice in Divorce. In re-application of J. P. A. Gallagher for di vorce from Anna B. Gallagher. A. D., No. 70, March term, 1880. Having been appointed Commissioner in the above case, to take testimony and report the same to Court, notice is hereby given that I will attend to the duties of the appointment at my office in Butler, on THURSDAY, OCT. 21st, at L o'clock, P. M., at which time and place ail parties interested may appear if thev see prop er. [29sep3t] E. I. BRUGH. A. G. HARMES, MACHINERY AGENCY Nos. 92 & 94 First Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills and Wood-Working Madhinery, new and second hand. sep29:3m Piano for Sale, A splendid piano, good as new for sale cheap. Inquire at Dean's Tobacco Store, Jefferson street, opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa. tf L. 91. COCHRAN, Livery, Sale, Feed and Exchange STABLE, Rear of Lowry House, - • BUTLER, PA. june4-ly WANTED— WIDE-AWAKE AGENTS, in all parts of the State, to sell Russell's new and elegant MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA. Every citi zen should have It. Nothing has succeeded like it since war times. Useful, ornamental and cheap. A golden opportunity for energetic canvassers. Sample for 60 cents. Address, Quarter City Publishing House, 723 Sansom St., Philadelphia. The oldest and the best appointed Institution for obtaining a Business Education. For circulars address, oc6-2m] P. DUFF & SONS, Pittsburgh, Pa. Stray Cow. Came to the farm ot the sub scriber in Clinton township, Bnt- (/y i' "J ler county, Pa., on or about the 28th day of August last, a white cow, with brind'e spots, with* '- ■ ll * crop out of right ear and about ten years old. Is filklnsr. The owner is requested to come tor ward, prove property, pay charges and take htr away, otherwise she wiil be disposed of ace aid ing to law. JOHN NEABE, CulmereviUe, P. 0., Allegheny Co., Pa. I fllj* fStrtU* (Hidtefeuc 13, 1880. W. K. WAKSR&LR & CO. No. 124- F ' d % l S£' rA . ARE SELLING GOODS CHEAP. And extend a cordial invitation to ail to call and examine their goods and prices, when in tiie city—whether wishing to purchase or not. AT 5 CKM'H A. YARD. . 2 cases -Dark, Fast colored. Calicos worth 7 cLs. AT O'i CENTS A VAHI>, 5 Bales—Heavy, yard wide. Unbleached Muslin, worth 8 cents. AT 20 CENTS PER YARI). Heavy Loom Table Linens, sold at 25 cents. Finer grades.—3l cents to il-SO AT 15 CENTS PER YARD. Good Grey Twilled Flannels worth 20 cents. AT 25 CENTS PER YARD. Fine, 27-inch, all Wool Red Flennels. AT 25 CENTS, 35 CENTS AND 45 CENTS, Barred Country Flannels. AT 25 CENTS. Mens Merino Shirts and Drawers. EXTRA BARGAINS AT 25 CENTS, 50 CENTS, T5 CENTS AND $1 For Men. Women and Children. BLANKETS. COMFORTS, QUILTS. DRESS GOODS, At 31 ceuls, yard wide. Cashmeres, Black and all colors. AT 75C 44 and 46-inch Black Cashmerers, superior qual ity and color, for this price. AT 81, 48-inch Black Cashmere. These goods are made from pure cashmere wool, and guaranteed the best quality for price in the city. We have evervtning desirable in all the new de sighs of Foreign and Domestic Dress Goods-and our stock of flench and Persian Novelties In un surpassed in the city, oither in variety or price. BLACK DRESS SILK*. 75 cents, *l. 51.25, 51.50, «1.75 to *3. Clean pure goods, and will not cut or shine. COLORED DRESS SILKS, From 50 cents to $1.25 per yard, (all shades.) CLOTH SAQUES, DOLMANS AND SHAWLS. Mail orders promptly attended to. W. W. WAKEFIELO & CQ. J] Federal Hti-eet, sepUs-3m PENSIONS. EVERY SOLDIER disabled 111 line of duty by wound, disease, or injury, is entitled to pensions. PENSIONS INCREASED. —Many are drawing less than entitled to.-Thousands of Heir* entitled to Pensions and Bounty. REJEt lED CASES OASES finished.- -Copies of Lost Discharges obtained.--Claim* of every description orosecuted.—Patents Procured. Address with stamps 11. S. BERLIN & CO., Attorneys Pox SB. [septs-tit 1 Washington. D. C. AdminiNtratorN Notice. Letters of Administration have been granted to James W Barr and G. S. Barr on the estate of H. H. Barr dee'd. late of Jeffernon township. Butler county. AH persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay meut, and those having claims or demands against the same, should make them known without delay to JAMES W. BARR, ADM RA pB-6t] O. S. BALTR, f ADM A-G KNTB VV \ M lED To take subscriptions for the INTERNATIONAL REVIEW, the latest and best American publication, of ihe highest class, with original contribution* from Ihe most celebrated writes in every country. Edited by J T.Morse, Jr.. and Henry Cabot Lodge, gentlemen of the highest attainments and culture, and whose names are alone suffi cient guaranty of the value of the REVIEW. Always bright, readable and instructive ; cos mopolitac in literature, progressive in science, unsectarian in religion, and independent in poli tics. Price 50 cents a number; t5 a year. A com plete Agent's Outfit sept on receipt of $1 00 A specimen copy sent to anv addres for 15 cents, A. 8. BARNES 4 CO.. PubU-era. Bept-8t 111 A 113 William St., New York. AOOOD BUSINESS OPENING.—THE UNION Insurance Company, o' Oliio, desires to es tablish a General Agency for this section of Pennsylvania. Its asserts eiceed f 1.500,000 00, with a large surplus, and has for many years se curei the largest amount of new business in Ohio of any one company in the Uniied States. Its interest receipts exceed its death losses, matured endowments, taxes, and commission paid to agents. Its able management is further illustrated by the fact that its rate of losses and expenses to* its premium incomn for the year 1870. Recording to the New York official reports, is lower than that of any other company. It issues endowment policies at life rates, which are nonforfeitable without surrender an.l inoon testible after three annual payments. It is governed by the insurance 'aw of Ohio which are now tho most stringent for the protection of policy holders of any in tho Union. They re quire a four per cent, reserve fund invested in unquestioned securities, which the Superintend ent of Insurance is required annually to ex amine. The business of life insurance is now rapidly increasing, and men possessing flrst- CIBSB business ability and character, who desire a General Agency for this sterling company will do well to address GEOROE THORNToN, Man ager, Boom 33 Astor House Offices, New York, stating, in full, age, past experience in life in surance or other business, salaries received and reference. HURDT BIBER USIII INVITE YOUR INSPECTION TO A LARGE SHIPMENT OF AUTUMNA ND WINTER Dress Fabrics, Comprising ail That Is Choice, i Fashionable AND Elegant I in color, texture and design, are now displayed on our counters, at prices that will prove to you that it PAYS TO TRADE AT No. LOS Market St. ELEGANT NOVELTIES IN BROCADE VEL VETS, SATINS AND FACONNES FOR TRIM MINGS AND SUITINGS. MOUCHOIR PLAIDS, MOUCHOIR SUITINGS. SURAHS, DRAP D'OR, FRENCH MOMIES, CANTON SUITINGS, ARMURES, MERINOS AND CASHMERES. FOR SCHOOL OUTFIT, WE ARE OFFERING All-Wool Suitings at 25c All-Wool Momies at 30c 36-inch All-Wool Cashmeres, at 50c Navy Blue All-Wool Cloths, 1| yards wide, 65c Navy Blue All-Wool Suitings 30 to 40c Cloth Jackets, 2, 3 and 4 years $2.50 to $4.00 Cloth Jackets, 6 to 16 years $3.00 to sls IMPORTED NOVELTIES IN Ladies' Wraps, Cloaks & Jackets, SHAWLS, SKIRTS, UNDER WEAR AND HOSIERY. Heard, Biber k Easton, 105 MARKET STREET 105 BETWEEN FIFTH AVE. AND LIBERTY, aug2s-4m PITTSBURGH, PA. Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary having been granted to the nndersigned on the estate of Silas Pearce, late of Butler township, Butler county, Pa; deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate, that immediate payment is required, and to those having claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for payment. HORACE PEARCE, sept 15 6t Butler P 0.. Butler. Pa. fjgf"'Advertise in the Citizen. Port Grape Wine l~sed in the principal Churches for Communion purposes. £icilleni For «ud Weakly PeiHOiis and the Ag d. SPEEB'S PORT GRAPE WINE ! FOUR YEARS OLD. This Celebrated Native Wine is maile Inim the juice of tne OportoGrape.ralsed in tnis country. Its Ivaluable Tonic and Strengthing Properties are unsurpassed bv any other Native \V ine. Being the pure juice ot the Grape, produced under Mr. Sneer's own personal supervision, its puiety ami genuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child mav partake of its generous qualities, and the weakest invalid use it to advantage It is particu larly beneficial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that affect the weaker sex. It is iu every respect A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. ,81'K Kl*'B IP. J". SHERRY. The P. J. SHERRY is a wine of Superior Char acter. and partakes ot the golden qualities of the grape from which it is made. For purity. Richness. Flavor an 11 Mechanical Properties, it will be found unexcelled IF. J\ B IR/ A. IST H) IT* TJiis BRANDY stands unrivaled in this Country, belnt; tar superior for jnetlicjnial purposes. IT IS A PURE distilation troin the grape and contains valuable medicinial properties. It lias a delicate flavor, similar to that of the grapes from which it is distilled, and is in great favor among first-class families. See that (he signature of ALFRED SPEER, I as saic, N. J., 5 over the cork of each bottle. Sol. 11. WULLER. apr2B-iyr Atiiiiinistrufrix'ii Notice. Notice is hereby given that letters of admin istration having been granted to the undersign ed on the estate of James Stoops, late of Cherry township, county of Butler, State of Pennsylva nia, decM, all persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment, and those having claims against the game to present them duly authenticated for settlement. ELIZA JANE STOOPS, Adm'x, jel(i;(sw] Annandale, Butler Co., Pa. Union Woolen MilU BUTLER, PA. 11. FULLEIITO*. Prop'r. Manufacturer of BLANKETS, FLANNELS, YAKNS, Ac. Also custom work done to order, such at carding Rolls, making Blanketb, Flannels. Knit ting and Weaving Yarns, Ac., at very low prices. Wool 'worked on the shares, it de sired. mv 7-1 v T4LS 4BOUT YOUR LITERIST HIIIMS! A Complete Cyclopedia for $7.00. Everybody, young and old. learned and un learned, white or black, in Butler county, there will be & meetiug between you and E. W Moore on or after August Ist. 1880. WIIOHB purpose it is to place in every home, every office and every shool rooit in Butler county, a complete Cyclo pedia. for only $7.00. It is the greatest wonder of the age, aud contains more useful and more accurate information than any other book pub lished A good map of every country is securely bound iu with the description of that country. Every term and proper name in pronounced. REVISED TO 1880. Any teacher desiring this work immediately should address, E. W. MOORE Wolf Creek, Mercor Co , Pa. Special Agont for Butler county. 4aug3m BICKEL & FRY! Livery, Sale & Feed STABLES. Cunningham street, near Post office, Butler, Fa. IHW IflßStSfllW BI6S. A NEW DEPARTURE $1 BOTTLE PATENT MEDICINES FOIL 38 CENTS ! JADWIN'S TONIC LAXATIVE ]s Appetizing, Palatable and Non-Alcoholic, AND ALWAYS CUKES Dyspepsia, Sick Headache Constipation, Bil iousness, Sour Stotnach, Liver Complaint, Want of Appetite, Indigestion, Jiundice, Kid ney Complaint, Nervousness, Dizziness, Sleep lessness, Heartburn, Colic, Debility, Foul Breath, Worms, Piles, Fevers, Colds, are lirst caused by deviating from the path of nature aud over indulgence. The Specific Meclichie is the re sult of a life study and many vears of experience In treating these special disea;r>. Pllll particulars in our panphlets which we de slro to spud free by mail to every one. Tho Specific Medicine is soi l bv all Druggists at <1 per package, or six packages for $6, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the monev by addressing TIIE GRAY MEDICINE CO., No. LO Mechanic's Block, DFTKOIT. MICH. in Hutier by J. C. REDIOK, and by all Druggists everywhere. {#~HARRIS& EVTIN-G, Wholesale Agents. Pitts burgh. nivl2-ly. MILLINER!!! TRIMMED HATS, PLUMES, FEATHERS, RUCIIIXG. RIBBONS Puff and Switches in stock and made to order on short notice, at iiillo iio Umii Sj Next door to D. H. Wuller's Drug Store, Butler, Pa. niy2-6m. Lumber Yard and Planing Mill. H. BAUER~& BROS., Jbffersox St.. - - Butleh, Pa., MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sash, Frames, Blinds, Molding of all descriptions, Brackets, Patent Molded Weatherboard ing, Mill Boards, Flooring, Paling?, Stair Railings, Balusters of every style. &c., &c. Circular Moldings Made to Order. ALSO, D841.8R3 IN Lumber, Plank, Shingles, Lath, &c, apl2-ly Executor's \'oli?e. Letters testamentary on the estato of Martha Mechling. dee'd, late of Jefferson township. But ler county. Pa., having teen grante I to the un dersighed, all persons iu.o.ving them.-i kes in debted to said estate, will ple:ne make tmmsJi ate payment, and any having claiuis against said estate, will present them duly authenti cated for payment. A. L. BHKADER, Ex'r, Butler. Pa. £#&• "® AyS Ipiey M PAD ACTS DIRECTLY OX THE KIPXEYS. Bladder and Urinary Organs by Absorbing all humors, every trace of disease, and forcing into the system through the pores of the skin nour ishing and strengthing vegetable tonics, giving it wonderful power to onre at once, PAIN IS THE BACK, Bide or Loine, Inflammation and Blight's Dis ease of the Kidneys. Diibetes. Dropsy. Gravel, Catarrah of the Bladder, Inability to Retain or Expel the Urine, Stone in the Bladder. High Colored. Scanty or Painful Urinating. Depnsits, Casts or Shreds in the Urine. NERVOUS AND PHYSICAL DEBILITU, and in fact any disease of these great organs whether contracted by over work, strain excea sive drink, the abnso of nature or otherwise. It supercedes ontiiely the inconveniences and troubles of taking r.auceous and poisonous in ternal medicines. It is worth exactly where needed, next to the body and immediately over the kidneys. It is comfortable to the patient, safe, pleasant and reliable in its efFocts, but powerful in its action. It can be worn at all times, in any climate, and is equally good for Itt AN. WOW 4X OR CHILD. Do not be prejudiced. Give it. a trial and be convinced that it is honest, reliable, effective and just what your feeble and exhausted body requires. Thousands are daily adding their testimony to the wonderful curative powers of this great remedy, who are being restored tn perfect health after all ot.'jer treatments and remedies oave failed, Ask your druggist for it, and accept no imination or substitute. It ho has not got it, send to us and receive it by re turn mail DESCRIPTIVE PRICE LlST.— Regular Pad, -i2 ; Special Pad. for Chronic, doep seated, or eaees of long standing, $8 ; Children's Pad. for sum mer complaint, weak kidneyb and bed wetting. $1.50. Our book, ''How a Life was Saved," containing a history of this gre t diacovoiy, muled free. Write for it. DAY KIDNEY PAD CO., TOLEDO, O. Stock Speculation and Investment. Operations on Margin or by Privileges. Spe cial busiiu ss in Mining Stocks. Full particulars on applica'ion. JVMES BROWN, Dealer in Stocks and Bonds, 64 A 66 Broadway, New York. marl7-9ta I A MAN WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS THE UREAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE WEST! Its main line runs from Chicago to Council Bluffs, passing through J "Hot., Ottawa, I.a Salle, Ueneseo, Mollne, Hock Island. Davenport, West Liberty. lowa City. Marengo, Brooklyn, Urinnell. Des Moines cthe capital of Iowa), Stuart. Atlan tic. and Avocu; with branches from Bureau Junction to Peoria; Wilton Junction to Musca tine, Washington, Kairfield, Eldon. Belknap, Centreville. Princeton. Trenton. Uallatin. Came ron. Leavenworth. Atchison, and Kansas City; Washington toSlgourney, Oskaloosa. and Knox ville; Keokuk to Farinington. Bonaparte. Ben tonsport. Independent, Eldon. Ottumwa. Bddy vllle, Oskaloosa, Pella. Monroe, and I>«'S Moines; Newton to Monroe; Des Moines to lndlanola and Winterset; Atlantic to I*wis and Audubon; and Avoca to Harlan. This is positively the only Railroad, which owns, and operates a through line from Chicago Into the Slate of Kansas. ' Through Express Passenger Trains, with Pull man Palace Cars attached, are run each way daily between CHICAGO and PIORIA, KANSAS Cwv, COUNCIL BLUFFS, LEAVENWORTH and ATCHI SON. Through cars arealso run between Milwau kee and Kansas City, via the "Milwaukee and Rock Island Short Line." The "Great Rock Island" is magnificently equipped. Its road bed Is simply perfect, and Its track is laid with steel rails. What will please you most will be the pleasure of enjoying your meals, while passing over the beautiful prairies of Illinois and lowa, in one of our magnltlcent Dining Car» that accompany all Through Express Trains. You get an entire meal, as good as Is served in any flrst-clas? hutttl, foraeventv-flve cent«. Appreciating the Wet that a majority of the iffiople prefer separate apartments for different purposes (and the immense passenger business of tnis line warruntlng It), we are pleased to an nounce that this Company runs Pullman Palace Sleeping Cart for sleeping purposes, and Palace Pn.LSA\ PALACE CARS are ran through to PEORIA, DES MOINES. COIVCIL BLCFFB, KANSAS CITIT, A'TCHIHOX, and LEA VEX WORTH. Tickets Tin thU Line, known am the "Gr«t Rock Island Bon(c," are iold by •11 Ticket AgenU In the United State* ai d Canada. For Information not obtainable at your home ticket ottee, ad dream Jk.. KIMBALL, E. ST. JOHN, Gen'l Superintendent, Gen'l Tkt. and Pass'gr Agt.. ' "" Chicago, 111 WHY DOES a woman's health often break down at an early age? Put a man at the wi th-t". I'. 1 heated from the hot suds until every pore is opened; then let him stand o'er the tiilhy that comes from scalding and boiling clothes, that a.'e full of sweat ami exhalation:) lrotn !hi skin, aud his health too would break down before long; and yet this most tumble ordual i> wha A WOMAN has to go through with on wash-day; and, besides, with her clothing wet from perspiring a the hot \¥c.rk, khe has to risk her life by going out in the air to hang up the clothes. Ever iho6e not at work are in the unhealthy atmosphere; its smell, so apparent to visitors, sh( w ing that it finds its way through the house,—the family, however, often becoming so accus tomed to the peculiar odor from its own wash as not to notice it These facts readily ex plain why BO many women isufler with colds, rheumatism, weak nerves, or neuralgia, and LOOK OLD while vet young in years, and physicians and boards of health cannot draw attention too strongly to the injurious effects of the usual way of washing, with its necessary steam and scalding or boiling to get the clothes pure and sweet-smelling, especially as it i« without doubt often the direct cause of those dreadful diseases, diphtheria, consumption, and typhoid fever. Fortunately this trouble can be avoided; scalding, boiling, steam and all disagreeable smell from the wash completely done away with; clothes made sweet and beautifully white; from the saving in fuel the wash dime at less cost than even when home made soap is used , and very much SOONER THAN by the oid way/by using FRANK SIDDAJLLS SOAP,— a Soap so purifying and cleaning that the dirtiest clothing can be washed in lukewarm water with very little rubbing, and clothes, betiding and utensils used by the sick disinfected and cleansed without either scalding or boiling, while the work is so light that a girl twelve or thirteen years ol age can do a large wash without being tived; and yet so mild and healing is this Soap that for toilet ana shaving it has no equal, and physicians advise its u*e in preference to imported Cast tie on wounds and sores, and to wash the youngest infants, as well as for persons with delicate skin. Now that there is a remedy for this, so economical that the poorest can use it, there is not a woman or A MAN who is not directly interested In having used in their homes, In uplte of prejudice, TIT AT WONDERFUL WAY OF WASHING CLOTHES, which does away with the hard work, oflensive smell and fearful steam on wash-days, makes the white pieces whiter, colored pieces brighter and flannels softer than they can be made by washing the old way, leaves the hands smooth enough to do fine sewing and overy article as clean, as sweet and as pure as if never worn. ♦>TEBTIMONIALS<- from n, E, BOWI.ES, M. D.. Hammonton. N. J., Kditor Suttfh J-Ttty Republican. My attention was called to FRANK SIDDALM BOA P from an advertisement in my own paper, and its use in my house for nearly a year, according to the directions, has proved that its remarkable properties have not been overstated. For remov ing printing ink it is invaluable, while for toilet and shuving it is the best Soap I have ever seen. From Mas. H. L. KENYON, Northfleld, VT I do my wash with FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP In half the time and with no expense for Soap, as ttie su i Ing In fuel more than pays fur it. I have no steam or scent from the wash, while the saving in health, clothes aud labor can hardly be estimated. From E. W. STANTON, 1506 N. 20th St., Philada. We are confident, from a long experience in using and recommending FRANK SIDDALLS SO VP, that one trial, according to the very easy printed directions, will overcome all prejudices. It also really has wonderful merit for shaving, toilet. The following are the Directions for Use, so simple that a child can understand them. Dont do anytliing so ridiculous as to buy the Soap unless you intend following them. Cj-fIOO positively forfeited if it injures the clothes, or will not do everything claimed. First, put the white clothes in a tub of water, only made warm enough to be comfortable for the hands. Then take one piece out at a time on the wash-board, rub the Soap lightly over it, roll it up and put it back into the same tub, and so on with each piece until all have the Soap rubbed on them. Then go away and let them soak at least twenty minutes, without touching them, when the dirt will all be loosened, and a very little rubbing on the wash-board, out of that one suds, will make them perfectly oleaa, being particular to turn each piece while washing so as to get at the seams. Then wash lightly on the wash board, through a lukewarm rinse-water (without any Soap,) so as to get the dirty suds out. Then put through blue-water, and on the line, irithout tcalding or boiling a sin jte piece. Afterward put flannels and colored pieces to soak, and wash them exactly the same way. It is important not to heat the wash-water in a tin, brass or copper kettle. A tea kettle will heat enough water for a large wash with this Soap. Just Think What You will Save by this Easy Way of Washing! No Wash-boiler! No Steam! No Smell of Suds through the House! It has the remarkable Property of keeping the Dish-Cloth, Wash-Rag and Sponge always Sweet, and of Washing Freely in Hard Water. -H SOLD BY GROCERSi-*- Get a Cake and Try it for Yourself next Wash-Day. To Points where this Soap la not yet Introduced a Trial Cake will be sent by Mail, on receipt of Price, (10 Cents), in Money or Stamps. ADD \To™ TERS FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP, 718 CALLOWHILL ST,. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Boyle & Co., Importers anil manufactures of GRANITE -AND— MARBLE, 295 and 297 Penn Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. Cemetery Work a Speciality: All kinds of STONE WORK prompt ly attended to. Charges Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. refer to the proprietors of the Labor Tribune. [sep22-lm STOVE S, RANGES, Grate Fronts, Fenders, &e. CREA, QRAHAM & CO.; MANUFACTURERS, 291 Liberty Street Pittsburgh. Pa- S«l> tZ!-3111 Q~voo "i 11*,.. a lull set of" FINE PORCELAIN TEETH Warranted for 10 YEARS. Will extract Teeth WITHOUT PAIN. NO EXTRA CHARGE when Teeth are Ordered. DR. W. H. PERRY, Dentist, 25b Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. july2B-3m I IHninq Cart for eating purposes only. One other great feature of our Palace Cars is a BMOKINO SALOON where you can enjoy your "Havana" at all hours of the day. MaKiiiHeent Iron Bridges span the Mississippi and Missouri rivers at all points crossed by this line, and transfers arc avoided at Council Bluffs, Km.so 3 City. Leavenworth, and Atchison, cou i nectlons beinu made in Union Depots. THK PRINCIPAL R. R. CONNECTIONS OF THIS GREAT THKUL'UH LINE AKK A3 I FOLLOWS: At CHICAGO, with alt diverging lines for the East and South. At HsoiEK'flon, with the L. S. & M. S-, and P.. Ft. WAC. |l. Rds. At WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. With P., C. * St. At LA SALLK. with 111. Cent. R. R. AtPKoRIA. with P. P. 4 J.; P. L>. A E.; I. B. k W.; 111. Mid.; and T. P Jt W. Rds. I At ROCK ISLAND, with "Milwaukee A Rock i Island Short Line," and Rock Isl'd 4 Peo. Rds. At DA vEN PORT, with the Davenport Division C. M. 4 St. I'. R. K. At WEST LIBERTY, with theß., C. R. 4 N. R. R. At GRINNELL. with Central lowa R. R. At lIES MOINES, with D. M. £ K. D. R. R. At COUNCIL liLUrrs. with L'n'on Paclfle R, R. At OMAHA, with B. A Mo. R. R. K. in NEB-L AtCOLCMBUS JRNCTION.WIth 8..C. R. A N. R.R. At OTTCMWA, with Central lowa R. R.; W., St. U 4 Pac.. au4 C. B 4 Q R. Rds At KEunl'U. with Tol., Peo. 4 War.: Wab.. St. LOuls 4 Pac.. and St. L-. Keo. 4 N.-W. R. Rds. At CAMERON, with H. St. J R. R. At ATCHIsON. with Atch., Topeka 4 Santa Fe; Atoh. 4 Neb. and Cen. Br. U. P. R. Rds. At LEAVENWORTH, with Kan. Pac., and Kan. Cent. R. Rds. At KANSAS CITY, with all lines for the West and Southwest. and all household uses, and as It herome; more generally known, must have an immense sale. From MRS. E STOCKWKLL, Hammonton, ». J. FRANK SIDDALIJ3 SOAP has been used In my house for the last seven months, and by follow ing the printed directions, we find it to do every thing claimed on the wrappers. Wo have not scalded or boiled a single article, and the clothes are whiter and turner than when washed in tiie old tniy. |My husband, who in a dealer litre, has a steady demand for the Soap from his customers. From MANAGER OF DKXTEP. LAUNDRY, AOI Sixth Street, Corner C Street, N.W., Washington. 1). C. No laundry or family can afford to be without FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP. We follow (iiric tlons and use no other Soap, and have a reputation second to no laundry 'n Washington for white clothes; the superior work we have been enabled to turn out having secured us the trade of some of the best gentlemen's furnishing stores in the city. 1). 11. lAO±N, SALE AND FEED STABLE. At the old stand of Patrick Kolley. Esq., cor ner of Cunningham and Main - street, oposite John Berg's Bank, where I will attend to the feeding of Horses or BOARDING BY THE WEEK OR MONTH of the same. Give me a call and I will make the charges moderate to suit the times. Tiose having Horses for sale or prr.-ons want ing to bay, it will bo to their advantage to call. aug2s-3m ; FACTS KfJOWtKC. ! L Glnirer. BncV.. 'iMif.r tie, St 111 infill and; Vmaiy other of I i -• b- t medicines known are so] ',:.iilfullycombined i i P »KBR'SGIMCE* TONIC, r is to make it tli-j greatest Blood Punuerand ■ The Host Health nail Slrcngth liestoreri [ Krer Ustsd. • So perfect is the composition of PAKKF.R'SGIN-J 'CER TONIC that no disease c .n long w.iere, Jit is used. If you have Dyspepsia, Headache,' 'Rheumatism.'Neuralgia, Baweh Kidney or] •Liver Disorder, or if you need a mild stimulant., Sr appetizer, t'u Toxic Is j-ist the jncdicinc- Iforyou.as it is highly curative and invigorating •but never intoxicating. _ ' If you are slowly wasting away with Con- Sumption rr any sickness, if you have a Painful Cough orabad Cold, PARKER'S GINGER TONIC will surely help you. It Rives new life and |vL;or to the feeble and aged, an 1 is a certain ■cure for Rheumatism and Cholera Infantum. It Has bared Hundreds of Urea; It Jiay [ Save Yours. • If you are feeling miserable d»n't wait until 'you are down sick, luit.use the TONIC ta-day. No matter what your disease or symptoms may ■be, it will give prompt relief. ' Remember! PARKER'S GINGER TONIC is not a rum drink but the Best and Purest Family' iMedicine ever made, compounded by a new •process, and entirely different from Bitters,' Ifiinger preparations and all other Tonics. Try, !a 50c. bottle. Your drutsipst can supply you. « PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM The Best and Most Economical Hair Dressing exquisitely perfumed and perfectly harmless. Will AlVays Restore Gray or Faded Hair to its original youthful coW and appearance, and is warranted to s*op its falling, assist its Growth and prevent baldness. A few applirat ions of the BALSAM will soften the hair, cleanse a'l t!anyld by all druggists at only 50 c % i ■Planing Mill -AND— Limil>ei- Yard. j J- L. PURVIS. L. O. PUB via. S. G.Purvis & Co., MANCFACTrMERS AND DEALERS IN Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Fit AMES, MOULDINGS, SASH POOK> FLOORING, SID! Mi BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Hoards, POKCH POSTS, STAIH KAlLi* Newel! Post* and Baluntert FLJs CE PALIN GS, . and iI.OU. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly pi ves Best and Bleep to the suffering, cures Heartache and Neuralgia, prevents t:pil«ptle Fits, and relieves Nervous Pros tration brought on by excessive drink, over work, mental shocks, and other causes. Powerful as it is to stop pain and soothe dis turbed Nerves, it never injures the system, whether taken in small or lar«e doses. Bottles of two sixes; prices, SOe. auJ 81.00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an immediate and active stimulus for a Torpid Liver, and cure Coativeness, Dyspepsia, Bil- PS!| A ioaaneu. Bilious Diar- HMfflHllilß fc rhoea. Malaria, Fever and Ague, ami should I AIJMtfQJyUIH be used whenever the bowels do not operate I freely and regularly. I Ko other Piib roq'nlrv *uch I *4 work. Price S5 eta a box. I«M| WarnerS Saf«- tro UH bold by X Drulc rs P9TJVn|in in Medieiae everywhere. Ir! •• MH. H. Warner & Co., Proprietor*, HiiXTREwROCHESTER, K. Y. ■KjUIIiMV crrsrnd fWr ramphlel K. GRI.EB, DEALE& IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, J SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. ENGRAVING OF ALL EIIMDS A SPECIALTY. ' MAIN STREET, (North of Lowry House,) BUTLEE, PA. jar WATCHES ANI) CLOCKS RKPAIKKD, AND WARRANTED. Pdney l!>® PAD U|tiniouN ul ihe Public, WABASH, INDIANA. Tlie Tads are selling well. Have several old chronic cases of Kiilney trouble using them, and tliov report an improvement and think much of them. A. L. ItOHIiOCK & CO., Druggists. COURTNEY, TEXAS. Your Pad has done mo more pood than any Remedy I ever used. JAii. B. CALLAWAY. MT. CLEMENS, MICH. Yonr Pad has cured me of Pain in the Back and Kidney Trouble. M. J. HOUGH. Address DAY KIDNEY PAD CO., i- OLE PROPRIETORS, TOLEDO, - - - OHIO. J. C. KEDICK, Agent for Butler To. MILLS & CO., Manufacturers aud dcale- in Hydraulic Ce ment uud Sewer Pipe. While Lime, Fertilizers, White Sand, Chimney Tops, fc-'and Plisier, Flue Pipe, i aleined Planter, Ky-Lye juyU oinl Na. -00 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa ! ni) j 1,1 Oiitfitt to agents of 3 (loz. fast selling [ I j articles, sent to every person ans wering thN adv., ami enclosing 4 3-ct. stamps to pay postage and packing. This is honest. We re fer the public to Postmaster, or any business house n this place. American ManufV Company. jun23-:iin rrauknu City. Mass. V P \YT I'l'Dl? Consumption and Astl ma. li iJ VT " I HL. Never yet failed. A