MB. J- 'I- BATKS, Newspaper Advertising Agent. 41 Park l'ow (.Time* Building), New Yolk, is authorized to contr»ct for advertise merits in the CITI^ES. THISPAPE V Now Advertisements To-Day. Kidnegen. Dry Goods—M. Fire &. Bro. Administrators Notice —l.state of F. Leibo.d, dee'd. „ . . C. C. Dombush & Co.—Commission Mer chant!'. Local and General. Every one wants an education. Edluboro is'tbe [dace to obtain it. LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at sls and upwards, at E. Gricb's. Clarion county claims to hove r lised a squash weighing one hundred and fifty pounds. —Keep the ball rolling is a common remark. Keep the nervous system in order bv the use of Gray's Specific Medicine, is a much more common remark. Sold by J. C. Redick. Look at those boss shirts in the window of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest style of Ilats and Caps at low prices. SPECIALTIES in woolens at William Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not to !;:• I:ad elsewhere in the county. A good article is always the cheapest. Remember you can get the best make of Blankets and Flannels, at RITTER & KALSTON'S. The wise merchant advertises his fall goods, and tells the people where to buy the cheapest. —We would find less men idle and more at work, if it wis not for this General Debility and Emaciation cause I by effectionsof the Kidneys which can now be prevented by wearing DAY'S Ktus'lJY PAl>. A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine American Movement as low as $lO, at E. GKIEB'S. Look at those boss shirts in tfie window of J- F. f. Stehle. Latest style oi Hats and Caps at low pricee. WILLTAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor, has just opened the largest line of woolens for men and bovs wear ever offered Butler. Mr. Baxter Logan, of Penn town ship, made us a present of some very large P.ppin apples on Monday last. The public has long since awarded to Aver's Hair Vigor the foremost place among reliable Hair Restoratives. It is effectual, agreeable and absolutely harmless. It makes the hair fresh and Insurant, and old age scarce and unfashionable. —Look at those boss shirts in the window of J. F T. Stehle. Latest style of Hats and Caps at low prices. —Dr. Beaver's Lung Pad cures Cousrhs, Colds and all effections of the Lungs. SdlJ in Butler by D. 11. W .tiler.' [sep22-3m —An exchange calls tlio latest styles of yuan? men's hat* a cross between a circus clown's sugar loaf and a bread basket. —Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Co in 11 und has done thou-ands of women more good than the medicines of many doctors. Itis a positive cure for all female complaint". Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkhani* 233 Western Ave., Lynn, Mass. —Look at those boss shirts in the window of J. F. T. Stelde. Latest style of Hats and Caps at low prices. - —Fot the cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh and Asthma, nse Dr. Bea ver's Lung Pad, sold by D. H. Waller, Bntler, Pa. " sep22-3ui ISuctinhrai ! ICnckvrheat ! Sixty cents per bushel, of fifty pounds, paid in cash at kjineler's Mills for Xo. 1 Buck wheat. Price good for fifteen days from this date. Bntleriek'M Patterns, at RITTER & RALSTON'S. The Foster Kid («lore Laced Tops, at RITTER & RALSTON'S. —A political speaker who addresses thirteen men and a dog yells just as loudly as one who speaks to five thousand voters. —Even if we were not smart, we know what to do when troubled with a Cough or Cold. Xo doctor bills for us. We take twen ty-five cents, go to the nearest Drug Store and and huv a Iwittle of Dr. Bull's Coush Syrup. One dose relieves us and one bottle cures us en tirely. It is pleasant to the taste. — PBNKSTLVANIA KTATE COLLEGE admits both sexes. Endowment half a million, Tuition free. Courses of study. Classical. Scientific and Agri cultural A thot oiigh Preparatory Department. Expenses $3 to *5 per week. For catalogues, ad dress JOBKFH SLIOHTLIDDE, A. M., llaugHw Tree. State College, I'a. —Dr. Beaver's Absorption Lung Pad a positive and pcrmanant cure for con mmjjtion' I'.ronchites, Catarrh, Asthma and all disdfcc of the I.ungs, Throat and Heard. Sold by D. 11. W-uller, agent for Butler county. Pa. sept22-3m —Washington, not satisfied with looking at the House of Representatives in ses sion, now wants a zoological garden. llow lie Saved Ilia Son. Israel Jone.;,, of Franklin station, Ohio, has a son whom the doctors had given up with Di abetes. He applied a DAY'S KIDNEY PAD, when he commenced to improve and is now able to get out and attend to his work. Jamestown Ca*Hiineres Are the most serviceable goods for Men and Boys wear. RITTER & RALSTON Sole Agents. 1 he It«-st Slock And the lowest prices in Butler County, at RITTER & RALSTON'S. SEE a woman in another coluirm, near Speer's Vineyards with a bunch of grapes from which Speer's Port Grape wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical profession for the use of invalids, weakly persons and the a.;cd. —Sold by all Drnggists. 28aply —Chief Victoria anil his band of very bad Indians are reported to be surrounded in tho pine mountains near Quitman, on the Mexiean border. Victoria is much like the Irishman's flea. Profit, #1,200. "To sum it up, six long years of bed-ridden sickness, costing S2OO per year, total .$1,200 —all of this expense was stopped by three bottles of Hop Bitters, taken by my wife. She has done her own housework for a year since, without the loss of a day, anil I want everybodv to know it, for their benefit."—JV. E. Farmer.'. —Burlington Haickeye: A South Hill debating club is wrestling with "Can a community exist without a woman?" We think it might exist for a while, but then it wouldn't know what was going on. On petition of °oine citizens of this county, Mr. VY. H. Dougherty, of Karris City was last week appointed to he oil inspector for this county for the coming three years, and his sureties in £IO,OOO approved. —Tii • importance of protecting chil dren's shoe* from wear at the toe, all parents are a \vt re of, but many have neglected to avail lien-elves of this great saving on aorount of the appearance of the metal tip. All such will find the A. .S.T. Co.,s Black Tip, advertised in another column, just the thins they have been looi;i » for. iieautiiul, neat, they will wear as long as the metal. —Vv ARUANTEj) not to contain ft sin gle particle of mercury, or anv injurious or mineral substance, but to consist entirely of medical matter purely r'yeluble, which is the reason Simmons' Liver Regulator is so efl'ect nal, yet so harmless. "I write you to certify that I have used Dr. S.in Liver Regulator in my familv with CJinj)'. fte success. "J. \\ I>. BIItD, Chattahoaohee, Fla." At -i<» Ccitls hikl B p. The largest and bi.-st stock of Carpets ever shown in Butler, at HITTER & RALSTON'S. FOR THE HOrSEHOLI). A SUBJECT OF WHICH LITTLE IS KNOWN. IS BUCKWHEAT POISON ? That buckwheat flour is a food having great heat-producing qualities, atnl hence ot much value in the winter season, is a well-known fact; but that it also contains poisonous pro perties is known only to the close observer and student. __ In a recent number of the AVtt> England Far mer, a writer calls attention to the fact that buckwheat is injurious as food, lie says that the evil effects are best seen in those who are inclined to humorous affections of the blood. He gives a leaf from his own experience as fol lows: ''Some years ago I raised buckwheat for griddie cakes to !>e u- ed in the winter, and as regularly suffered fro.:i a humor which ap peared in various parts of the body. I have the marks of those sores 011 my hands now. As this humor soon passed off after the buck wheat season, I soon discovered the cause and the remedy, and have neither raised noreate.i tins food since, or had this affliction since.' This correspondent also gives the experience of others which was to the same effect. It is not generally denied that tlie itch and other cutaneous affections of the bl.iol have been the direct results of eating buck wheat, though at the same time it is not known that tlie shuck or outer black shell is really the portion of the berry containing the deleterious substance. A ponder ins'- of Buckwheat hulls is u(' tin case it is notwith standing an undisputed fact. Examination and experience also prove that buckwheat shucks are not only poisonous but devoid of any nutritive qualities, and in this respect similar to the burr of a chestnut. Heretofore under tiie old system of milling, buckwheat was ground with the hull, and as the hull will puh-eriz" to :i gre.it extent with the heart of the kernel, and consequently bolt into the fl<»u r , the il 'ur was dark in color, tame as to its life, and, worst of all, unwholesome food, or just sach flour as gave the correspon dent of the.YW/' England Farmer above referred to su h a severe skin ' s»»;-:e, an 1 the ;ime that distributes so bountifully anions its free consumers the ever burning itch and skin erup tions of various attributes of a I >rnment and various degress of pain. Recognizing this faet enterprising and intelligent minds put to work to construct machinery that would remove the shuck from the berry before the Buckwheat is ground, tliti; leaving only pure buckwheat meats which after being ground and passing through the different processes of separation and manufacture, yields a pure, white, lively flour and a clear yellowish bran—all free from the in jurious shucks. For those who are not fully informed, it might not be amiss to state that there is still found on buckwheat after the black hull is taken oil", a thin coating of a yel lowish tinge which makes the bran just spoken of. In the manufacture of our New Process Buckwheat Flour, this result is accomplished to prefection ; the large demand for our flour last year being testimony cogent Hav ing increased our capacity many fold this year and added many new and costly improvements, we are prepared to give fanners the benefit of this new process, producing to the bushel 'bree to fivn pounds more flour and all of a quality never before attained, and a bran that can be classed as a feed fit for use. If any should think the shucks worth using, we can furnish free all they may wish and more to spare. We propose to burn the shucks to get them out of the way, and they are positively good for nothing else. As there has been some dissatisfaction about price of buckwheat, we advance our quotation to sixty cents per bushel of -4.S pounds. Fifty pounds per bushel has been taken by many who do not mention it, and to compete with those we quoted price at 50 pounds. Farmers however, fearing that this course might be det rimental to their interests in tiie future, we willingly accede the reduction in weight to the old standard, and eau'ion ail farmers to see their buckwheat weighed. Our mill will be completed in about one week when a further notice will appear. Wheat and rye flour of unexcelled quality will be a new feature. GRAIN PRICES. We wish to impress upon the minds of all farmers that we make every advance that oc curs in the price of grain and are always buy ing all kinds of grain, hence it will be to their interests to bring their grain to us directly. There are those who when they want a few loads of grain tray pay our price but we can assure all that froin one market change to the other we are paying the highest market price every time, and for all quantities that may be offered. We are happy to say that there are many farmers who appreciate that we keep up the market price for grain, and we hope to see the day when all may see that we are laboring for our mutual interests. No. 1 Wheat per bushel $1 0*) " 1 Eye •' " 87 •' 1 Buckwheat " " GO " 1 Shelled corn " 55 " 1 Oats " " 35 Prices guaranteed for 15 days, except rve 10 days. 11. JULIUS KLINGLER. All cases from this county entered for the Supreme Court of the State now sitting in Pittsburgh, up to October sth, last, have been put down for hearing during the week com mencing Monday, November 15. A Word to .IVothcrs. Mothers should remember that a most import ant duty at this season is to look after the health of their families and cleanse the malaria and impurities from their systems. There is nothing that will tone up the stomach and liver regulate the bowels and purify the blood so perfectly as Parker's Ginger Tonic, advertised in onr columns. The wonderful cures of long standing cases of rheumatism, neuralgia and malarial disorders is the reason why this pure and excellent family medicine is so generally esteemed.— Post. —At the social meeting of the stockholders of the Rudding and Loati Asso ciation of this place last Saturday evening, the report of the Committee appointed to consider what premium or percent should he paid to withdrawing stockholders, recommending ten percent, was not adopted, but the matter was left to the discretion of the hoard of directors, who are not to exceed ten percent. Although the treasury of the Association has been flooded with money for some weeks past, applications were made last Saturday niglit for loans to the amount of six thousand dollars. The other matter considered, was a resolution doing away with the minimum fifteen per cent premium on loans and allowing bidders to commence at one per cent, or any figure tiiev please, and it was carried. This may not have any immedi ate effect on the rate at which money is sold. The Association will not likely be dissolved for over three years yet, and 20 per cent, is not a high price to now pay for the inonev, al though we understand that it was sold last Saturdav night at I.">J and 10. It stands to reason that this premium should be on a slid ing, or gradually declining scale, but whe'her it was wise to remove the minimum entirely at this time remains to be seen. We understand that one of the bids mode last Saturday night has already been withdrawn. There is yet money in the treasury, and stockholders want ing it, should be on hands next Saturday even ing. —One of the parties to a suit tried in our county Court last week was a I'. P. El der, aud for that, reason the other side would allow no U. I'. Elders to be on the jury who heard the case. l>ot'tors and (inarches. The doctors of New York city, hundreds of whom have personally visited Speer's Vine vards during the wine making season, say his Port Grape Wine has proved to be pure, una dulterated, of a tine flavor and tonic properties, and is unsurpassed for it's restorative powers ; and they prescribe it as a very superior wine. The principal Churches in New York and Brooklyn use it for Communion. For sale bv I). 11. Wuller. —PRTGHTFDL RAILROAD ACCIDENT IN Pirrsurimir. —Last Saturday was a gala day in Pittsburgh. Thousands of people from all directions took advantage oi the cheap rail road rates to visit the Exposition and to see the torch-light parades that evening, but the festivities had a sad sequel in the terrible ac cident which took place on the tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad, at L'-th street; the scene of the memorable riot of three years ago. It appears that a large accomodation train crowded with passengers, which left the Union Depot ab.iul half past eleven, p. M., was stop ped at 2Mb street, on account of the track ahead of it not being clear and while standing there was run into by another accommodation train which left the depot about ten minut -s later, and which was moving at a speed of ten or twelve miles per hour. Although the engine of the second train crushed for several feet into the rear end of the last car of first train, but two persons, it is stated were instantlv killed, although many were injured. The fatalities attending the accident were caused by the bursting or breaking of a steam pipe allowing the steam from the boiler to escape into the car aud scald to death some twenty-three or four more of its occupants. Tlic dead and wounded were tak„J to the West Penn Hospital as soon as possible. According to latent reports twenty seven persons were killed aud sixty were in jured, im -t of whom were citizens of th s ea-t --erneudof 1 ittsburgh. The accident was un doubtedly due to some violation of the com pany's rules, some neglect of duty on the part of an employe. SttjtlM s WbxtUr* P».* ©jctuJjcK I3 t tSSOt. LIST OF PREMIUMS AWARUED —AT THE— Third Annual Fair —OF TIIE— Bntler AEricnitnral Associat'i, Kept - *2lst, 23d and 33d. 1880; CLASS I. — lleavi/ Draft , (imported). PREMIUM. J. Walker, best stallion 4 yrs. Ist j ,1. Mazelen " " " 2d I. jviazelen " mare " I st IJ. Mazelen " colt > I st CLASS 2— Heavy Draft Horses. Wru. Crooksbanks, best stall'n 4 yrs. Ist Alf. Brown " gelding " Ist Andy Albert " mare 2 " Ist Atidv Albert " " " 2d T. 11. McMillan, brood mare, Ist Fred Baurer, staltiou, 1 yr. Ist 11. Hesselgesser, " 4 yrs. 2d " " 3 •' Ist 11. Noble, l< 2 " Ist " brood mare, 2d " spring colt, Ist J. J. Mazelen, mare 3 yrs, Ist V.Noble, " 1 u Ist W. Humphrey, gelding 4 yrs. 2d J. Hartuiig, '• lyr. 2d W. Miller, " 3 yrs. 2d CLASS 0.--Li'jht Draft and General Pur ■ posts. Davy Miller, stallion 4 vrs. Ist B. Doulhett, " " 2d A. Stewart, span matches,geldings, Ist B. Rocssiiig, " " " 2d T. 1-urviance, gelding 4 yrs. Ist A. Stewart, " " 2d Wm. Blakely, " 3 " Ist Alf. McCandlet-s* stallion 1 yr. Ist Saml. Hesselgesser, mare 3 yrs. 2d CLASS 4.— Blooded Horses. Dr. J. Lcighner, (Seneca Prince) stal lion, 4 yrs. Ist Geo. Flintier, stallion 3 yrs. Ist .T. Martin, spring colt, Ist J. W. Hyle, " " 2d CLASS 4.— Jacks and Mules. R. Hesselgesser, best pair mules, Ist Abner Fatten, " " " 2d Louis Patten, best Jack, Ist CLASS 6 Durham Cattle (Registered.) S. W. Crawford, bull 3 yrs. 2d do do " 2 " Ist do do " 1 " l g t do do cow 3 " 2d do do " 2 '• Ist do do " 2 •' 2d do do bull calf Ist do do " 2d do do heifer" 2d 11. 11. Magofiin, cow 4 yrs. Ist do do heifer 1 yr. 2d do do " calf 2d Dr. T. A. Allison, bull 3 yrs Ist do do lieifer 1 vr Ist do do " calf Ist CLAPS 9.— Durham. (Not Registered.l G. W. Meals, bull 1 yr. Ist do do " call do do cow 3 yrs Ist do do heifer 2 yrs 2d M. Hutchison, bull caif ; 2d T. Scott, bull 3 yrs Ist W. Ilesselgesser, heifer 2 yrs. Ist CLASS 15.—Herds, (Durham). S. W. Crawford Ist Dr. T. H. Allison. 2d CLASS B. Devon Cattle. Dr. T. 11. Allison, heifer 1 yr Ist CLASS 7.— Alderney Cattle , (Registered.) Dr. T. H. Allisou, bull 3 yrs Ist do do do cow " Ist eo do do " 2" Ist do do do " 2" 2d do do do heifer 1t r Ist do do do '• " 2d do do do cow 3 yrs 2d do do do heifer calf Ist do do do " " 2d do do do bull " Ist do do Jo " " 2d M. McGinley, " 3 yrs. 2d CLASS 10.— Vderny, (Not Registered.) Ferd Reiber, bull 3 yrs Ist W. 11. 11. Riddle, heifer Iyr Ist J. K. Daiu, bull 3 yrs 2d do do " 1 Ist do do " calf Ist do do cow 3 yrs Ist do do " " 2d do do heifer Iyr 2d do do " calf Ist CLASS 16. — Alderney Herds. Dr. T. 11. Allison, best lieru Ist J. K. Daiu " M 2d CLASS 1 1.—Natives and Grades. R. Ilesselgesser, cow 3 yrs Ist do do " " 2d do do heifer 1" Ist do do " calf Ist Harry Walker, " Iyr 2d J. Garrard " calf 2d CLAF-S 12.— Milch Cotes. Mrs. N. Christie, best milch cow Ist J. Negley, " " a 2d CLASS 13.— Bulls and 5 of hi: get undtr 2i Years. Dr. Allison Ist S. Crawford 2d CLASS 17. Merino Sheep. Eli Rogers, best buck Ist do do 3 owes Ist do do 3 lambs Ist Wm. Brown, buck 2d R. Hesselgesser. 2 ewes 2d CLASS IS. — Southdowns. J. Patterson, best buck Ist R. Ilesselgesscr •' " 2d do do 3 lnmbs Ist do do 3 ewes " Ist CLASS 19.—Cotsicold. S. C. Rogers, best buck Ist Eli Rogers, " 2d S. W. Crawford, 3 ewes Ist It. Hesselgesser, " " 2d Wm. Brown. 3 lambs Ist CLASS 20. — Leicester. R. Hesselgesser, b st buck Ist do do " " 2d do do 3 ewes 2d •Samuel do do 3 lamDs Ist CLASS 21. — Natives and Grades. G. Beigley, best buck Ist T. Iloon, " " 2d R. Ilesselgesser, 3 ewes Ist N. Iloon, " " 2d G. Beigley, " lambs Ist S. Hesselgesser " " 2d CLASS 22.— Sicine—Poland, China. S. W. Crawford, b st boar Ist do do " sow Ist X. Ileury, litU rof Rigs Ist CLAs* 2 s.— Berkshire. W. M. Brown, best sow , Ist do do litter pigs Ist Ed. Truxal " " 2d P. C«*ouse, best row 2d CLASS 21. Yorkshire. R. Ilesselgesser, best boar Ist Sam'l Hesselgesser," sow 2d CLASS 2 ; >. — Essex. Wm. Cox, best boar Ist CLASS 27. Poultry. D. Shiner, 1 pr. bronze turkeys, Ist J. J. Shancr, heaviest " Ist do do Fekin ducklings Ist Ed Riddle, 1 I'. Rock fowls 2d do do W. C chicks Ist C. Spang, "■ " 2d Theo Bauer, best pr W. L. chicks, Ist F. Christie, best blk 11. " Ist A. Swansberger, display rabbits Ist Wm. Meclilinir, 1 pr B. C. fowls 2d W. A. Coulter, 1 pr. L. B. fowls Ist do do " " " 2d do do 1 pr. IJ. B. chicks Ist do de " " '* 3d do do 1 pr. D. B. Fowls Ist i do do " " " 2d Ido do 1 pr. D. B. chicks Ist do do '* tl " 2d Ido do I pr. P. Coch. fowls Ist do do " " " 2d do do 1 pr. P. Coch. chicks Ist ;do do " " •* " 2d |do do 1 pr. Ruff C. fowls Ist i do do " 44 " chicks Jst |do do " " " 2d tlo do 1 pr Blkll. C. Baut. c'k'n lsc do do " " '* " 2d do do 1 pr. Gold Seahrigbt Ban 2d McCullough Bros, 1 pr. Blk C. fowls Ist do do do " ' "chicks Ist ido do do " "S. fowls Ist |do do do " " " "2d do do do 1 pr White Legh'n" Ist 'do do do Ipr Brown " " Ist jdo do do IprS. S. Hamburg " Ist i do do dolprG. S. " Ist Ido do dol prHoudan fowls Ist do do doS S. Polish, Ist do do do W. C. B. chicks, Ist do do do S. S. P. " bearded, Ist do do do Aylesbury ducks, Ist do do do Rowen " Ist do do do Muscovy " Ist do do do Pekin " Ist do do do Game Bantam, Ist Best display premium divided be tween W. A. Coulter and Mc- Cullough Bros. H. Reiber, Ip. White C. fowls, Ist " " G. P. Hani'g chick, Ist « « » 2d W. A 7 and, 1 p. B. B.R. Game fowls, Ist " » » 2d " " " chicks, Ist " '• Ply. Rock " 2d W. Waldron, l*p. S. Banlum " Ist G. Pape, 1 p. Doves, 2d " " Guineas, Ist J. P. Thomson, 1 p. Pea Fowls, 2d H. Klingler, 1 p. B. C. fowls 2d do do " ciiicks, 2d E. Mardorf, 1 p. Df>m. Leg. chicks, Ist do do Ip. White " " Ist Sadie Robb. 1 p. Banlnm " Ist Eli Rodgers, 1 p. B. Leg. fowls 2d do do '• W. C. B. Polish c. 2d do • do '• B. B. R. *»ame f. 2d do do " " " chicks 2d do do " S. P. Ham- fowls Ist do do "B. Hamburg" Ist do do " Houdan fowls 2d do do " B. Leg. fowls Ist do do " Brown Leg. fowls Ist do do " White Guineas Ist do do " Ply- R- chicks Ist do do " W. Muscovy ducks 2d do do " Ply. Rock fowls Ist do do " American Seab'g f.lst do do " Dom. Leg. fowls Ist do do " Muscovy ducks Ist do do " W.Holland turkeys Ist do c'o " Bronze " 2d do do "W. China, geese 2d do do " lirahma fowls Ist do do " White Ender geese Ist do do heaviest goose Ist do do " turkey Ist do do display of poultry 2d McCulloush Bros., 1 p. Aylesbury ducklings 2d J. Shnner, display of rabbits 2d CLASS 28. — Farm Implements on Exhibi Hon Only. CLASS 29. Wagons and Carriages. W. Scibert, best farm wagon Ist do do " " 2d J. Lawall, best top buggy Ist do do " " 2d do do " open buggy Ist do do " spring wagon Ist 11. Miller, best wheelbarrow Ist N. Vinroe, " " 2d The display of G. C.Roessing & Son was on exhibition only. CLASS 30.— Leather and its Manufactures. J. Rockenstein, double set wagon harness _ Ist J. Rockenstein, double set carriage harness Ist J. Rockenstein, single set buggy harness. Ist J. Rockenstein, man's saddle 2d do do riding saddle Ist do do collar 2d C. Mardorf, full display of leather Ist Wm. Schrotli, 1 set single harness 2d CLASS 31. Mrs. R. Stephenson, 10 yards rag carpet Ist Mrs. Maggie H°.ck, 10 yards rag carpet 2d H. Noble. 10 yards flannel Ist Mrs. N. Niolock, 1 pair woolen socks Ist Mrs. S. Spans, 1 pair woolen socks; special mention. Mrs. S. Spang. 1 pair wooled sotck ings Ist Mrs. Kate Klingler, 1 pair cotton hose Ist Mary McCaudless, 1 pair woolen mittens Ist Miss J. McKissick, home-spun table liuen; special ment'on. Miss J. McKissick, home-spun towels; special mention. Mary J. Hesselgesser, 1 pair wool en blankets 2d Marv J. Hesselgesser, 1 pair wool en mittens 2d CLASS 32. Manufactures OVitr Than Domestic. Reno Bros., best display of monu ments dip VVm. Truxal, bee hive dip 11. Grieb, Davis sewing machine dip CLASS 33. Vegetables. M. Eisler, best 4 bushel onions Ist do do best 1 pk. tomatdfes Ist do do best 1 pk. cucumbers Ist do do best 1 pk. Lima beans Ist do do best 3 sweet punmpkins 2d do do greatest variety by an exhibitor 2d J. B. Jackson, best 3 heads red cab bage 2d Daniel Shaner, best 1 pk. white beans Ist Johu Shaner. best 1 pk. parsnips 2d Frank E. Mitchell, best display peppers Ist Chas. Mitchell, best 3 squashes 2d N. Dumbacb, best 4 bushel onions 2d J. Hermon, best 0 table beets Ist J. Converiy. best 4 bushel Snow flake potatoes Ist J. Converiy, best 4 bushel Snow flake potatoes 2d C. E. Anderson, best 4 bushel Alba ny Seedling potatoes Ist C. E. Anderson, best display Irish potatoes 2d C E. Auderson, best 1 pk. white beans Ist Mrs. C. E. Anderson, best 3 egg Plants 2d John Pearce, best 4 bushel Early Rose potatoes Ist John Pearce, best 3 Hubbard squashes Ist W. Siebert, best 4 pushel Peerless Ijotatoes Ist J. B. Jackson, best 3 Hubbard squashes 2d J. B. Jacksou, best 0 carrots Ist S. S. DulTord, best 3 heads cabbage 2d D. A. Heck, best 3 field pumpkins 2d J. Crichlow, best 4 bushel Albany Seedling potatoes 2d W. Siebort, best 3 citrons Ist C. Bortmas, best 4 bushel turnips Ist J. W. Bortmas, bost egg plauts 2d do do best 1 pk. s. pototaes Ist do do best 3 watermelons 2d Wm. Otto, best 3 sweet pumpkins Ist do do best 3 field " Ist Elmer Mardorf, best 3 stalks celery 2d 1 Wm. Mardorf, " " " Ist do do best 4 bushel Early Rose potatoes 2d W. Mardorf, best 1 pk. parsnips 2d do do best 1 pk. Lima beans Ist do do best 1 pk. carrots 2d do do best 0 table beets 2d do do best 3 heads red cab bage 2d J. 11. Dain, best fi sugar beets Ist C. Robb, best 3 musk melons 2d R. E. Robb, best 3 heads cabbage Ist do do best 2 cauliflowers Ist do do best 3 watermelons Ist do do best 3 musk " Ist do do best 3 citrons 2d do do variety by one exhib itor Wm. Patterson, best display of Irish potatoes Ist J. Martin, best 4 Peach Blow po tatoes Ist J. W. Bortmas, best Prolific sweet corn Ist J. Ilarling, best pcauut9 Ist C. liobb, best display peppers 2d S. Hesselgesser, best 1 pk. tomatoes 2d CLASS 34.— Flour Grain and Seed. J. B. Jackson, best i bu. Red wheat Ist B. Doutbett, " rye Ist R. D S'ephenson, " clover seed Ist do do " timothy' Ist C. E. Andersen, " corn 2d •T. P.Thompson, " " Ist E. Helnibold, " barley Ist C. Bortmas, " oats 2d J. Hesselgesser, •' White wheat (Clawson) Ist J. Hesselgesser, best i bu. timothy seed 2d ~C. Robb, best i bu. clover seed 2d do do " 50 lb. sack corn meal Ist J. Patterson, best i bu. buckwheat Ist G. Beigley, " " 2d R. McKee, " sweet corn Ist S. Hesselgesser, " W. wheat 2d do do " R. " 2d do do " rye 2 do best maple susar Ist Mrs. R. D. Stephenson best 2 jars peach butter, Ist Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, best 2 jars ap ple butler, 2d Miss Mollie White " 3 bottles catsup. Ist Miss Mollie White " 2 jars crape butter, Ist Mrs. J. Mechling, best 2 jars grape butler, 2d Mrs. J. Mechling " 2 j's plum b'tr Ist Mrs. C. Robb, best 2 j'rs peach '' 2d Mrs. J. Patterson " display honey, Ist Mrs. M Patterson, best box " 2d CLASS 37.— Canned and Preserved Fruits > Mrs. J. Negley, best 1 jar Quinces, years old), Ist Mrs. Alex. Mitchell " display jellies, Ist do do " " dried fruit, Ist do do " 5 lbs " apples, 2d Miss L. Heckert "slbs" " Ist do do " 5 lbs " peaches Ist do do " 5 lbs" " 2d Mrs. M. Mcßride 41 display pickles Ist Mrs. C. Robb " 3 jars peaches Ist do do " display jellies 2d do do " " pickles 2d Sadie Robb, best 2 iars raspberries Ist Mrs. J. Patterson, best 3 jars red peaches Ist CLASS 38.— Bread and Cakes. Mrs. C. E. Anderson, best 3 loaves bread 2d Mrs. J. B. Mechling, best 3 l'v's br'd Ist do do " 3 " rye Ist do do " pan light cakes ' Ist CLASS 39.— Plants and Floicers. Mrs. M. E. Pierce, 1 Rose Geranium Ist Miss M. Pierce, 1 Rouud Ilaud Bo quet 2d Miss M. Pierce, I Farfugium ; special mention. W. 11. H. Riddle, 1 Flant Hand Bo quet * Ist AV. H. P. Riddle, 1 Pyramid Boquet 2d Miss M. M. Pierce, 1 hanging Basket 2d Mrs. Dr. Lowman, 1 Rosa Geranium tree Ist M. Eisler, collection Geraniums 2d do do " Fuchsias 2d do do " Cactus 2d do do " Verbenas cut flowers 2d M. Eisler " Floxes Ist do do round hand boquet Ist do do largest collection Green House plants by Florist Ist M. Eisler,largest col. pl'nts and fl'ws 2d do do fancy Geranium Ist do do Canna Variegated Ist do do Foliage plaut Ist do do Border plant 2d do do col. astors, cut flowers 2d Mrs. R, Anderson, 1 Oleander Ist do do 1 do 2d do do 1 fig tree 2d do do 1 llydrangia Ist D. A. Tleck, best collection Gera niums in bloom Ist D. A. Heck, best col. roses in bloom Ist do do " " Fuchsias do Ist do do " " faucy Geran'ms2d do do " " Azania Ist do do " " Asclepias Ist do do " Calladium Ist do do hanging basket Ist do do Rose Geranium 2d do do largestcollection plants and flowers by Amateur Ist Miss A. Heckert, 1 Cactus Ist Mrs. Phoebe Berrv, collec. Dahlias Ist Emma Cronenwett do Verbenas 1 st do do round baud boquet Ist Tob Heineman, 1 lemon tree Ist Miss Tillie Brown, col. cut Dahlias 2d Mrs. J. Dougherty, 1 fig tree Ist CLASS 40.— Crochet and Embroideries. Mrs. Annie Riddle, best display of lace work Ist Miss Annie Lowman " net pillow sbatn Ist Mrs. Eva Stoddard, best and neat est dress 2d Mrs. Lizzie Wagner " 1 embroid ery splash towel Ist Mrs. Emma Smith,best 2 tatting lace collars 2d Emma Eba, best 1 latting lace collar Ist do do '* 1 crochet thread tidy Ist do do " 1 " Floss " 2d do do ' 1 piece tattins: lace 2d Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, best 1 pieced sola pillow Ist Mrs. A. Mitchell, best 1 enibroide ried dress Ist Mrs. A. Mitchell " " " " 2d do do " neatest dress Ist Mrs. 11. Niblock, " darned net w'rk2d do do *' ' tidy work 2d EtnmaD. Anderson" lamp mat Ist do do " pin cushion 2(1 Julia Elliott, darned net work by girl under 14 Ist Mrs. J. N. Patterson,carriage afghan 2d Mrs. S. A. Pattersou, zephyr chair tidy Ist Mrs. Dr. Linn, infants cap 2d Annie Christie, air castles Ist Grace Kearns " " 2d Sallie Pillow, darned net work 2d Amanda Smith, hand made apron Ist Emma Eba, crochet toilet set, girl under 14 Ist Mrs. S. Sloan, knit sacque Ist Louise Shugai t, " infant's sacque, 1 piece Ist Louise Shugart, '• pillow shams Ist Mrs. J. X. Purviance, 1 carriage af gban Ist Mrs. J. X. Purviance,l child's afghan 2d do do worsted sofa pillow 2d Mrs. Dr. Ncyroan, 1 bracket Lam brequin 2d Mrs. Dr. Xeyman, table cover 2d Miss Liua Jamison, 1 zephyr lamp mat 2d Miss Kate Klingler, 1 zephyr chair tidy 2d Mrs. M. McOmber, 1 crochet shawl Ist Mrs. D. T. Pape. 1 ottoman cover Ist Mrs. J. Keck, pillow shams, sheets 2d do do thread chair tidy 2d Mrs. J. 13. Jackson " " " Ist do do stand cover Ist. do do cako cover Ist Mrs. X. Uredin, worsted sofa pillow Ist do do bracket lambrequin lsl Stella Negley, 1 canvass tidy 2d Miss A. Heck< rt. embroidered skirt 2d Emma Crouenwett, Java cauvass chair tidy Ist \ HE LARGEST STOCK OF HATS and CAPS IN' I I I LLRx^ § Go to CHARLES K. GRIEB'S for ? HH O * M 1J AND- £ HATS, | CAPS, GLOVES, SHIRTS, KEK- ? S CHIEFS, « c r r > S HALF HOSE, UNDER WEAR, Sl ™ 5 J | KKb ' _ | > COLLARS, CUFFS, j NECK WEAR. &c.,&c., § k : / MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. / \ S >i FALMIiKOW,«ft To meet the demand for a reliable hard close shooting breech _ er, at a moderate price, we now offer a line of FINE ENGLISH GUNS, Grpeatly Reduced Prices s 12-bore. 10-bore. No. 845, C. G. BONEHILL, Top lever, doable bolt, bar rebounding locks, low set hammers, solid stri kers, pistol grip stock, patent fore end, skeleton butt plate, fine Damascus barrels, choke bored, finely engraved and finished $45 00 I SSO 00 No. 850, do. do. With extension rib fastening - . - - - - 50 00 |55 00 No. 855, do. do. Challenge brand with horn heel plate elaborately engraved 55 00 | GO 00 All these guns have raised level ribs, and the 10 bores are made extra heavy and wide at breech, ranging 111 weight from 9 to 10 lbf., mak ing an admirable gun for duck and trap shooting where heavy charges are necessary. Any of these guns will be sent C. O. D., with privilege of examination and trial ou receipt of a remittance sufficient to cover express charges to vour place and return. Xo deviation will be made from these prices under any circumstances.. [2oaug7m] " J. PALMER O'XETL . A. Ralston, vs. D. Evans. Court directed jury to find a special verdict showing amount of usury included in the note. \ erdict that said amount is five hundred dollars. Win. M. Sliira, Ex'r of Elisha Hilliard dee'd, vs. Washington Hilliard, et al. Verdict in favor of plaintiff, and sustaining the will. J. 11. Tebay and others, vs. J. W. Reed and others continued. P. Dorsey, vs. J. 11. Tebay and J. Y. Froter, continued. Win. llarvey, vs. Chas. Vanbrunt, con tinucd. Weiss and Britton, vs. W . C. Latehaw and others. Continued by consent. David Cotton, vs. Fairview township. Oct. 4, defendant to pay ten dollars and each party to pay their own costs. John W. Storey, vs. John Williams and others. Continued by consent. Win. Leckie, vs. John Jones and others. Oct. 4, no plea lieingon file until to-day and plain tiff .asking continuance, court] grant the same. Rand and Patton, vs. J. N. Watson, Oct. 4. Defendant confesses judgment for SIOO and costs. Plaintiff agreed to take f7o, and interest and costs if pall within 3 months, otherwise execution to issue for full amount. 11. J. Berg, assignee of 1. <» Galla'ier, v . K. C. & B. R. R. Co., continued at cos sof De fendents. „ ~ Kiskadd.n, Roess:ner, vs. John Smith, case settled and discontinued. Other cases on the list were uot reached. 141 Fine Merchant Tailoring 141 A.T JOHN OMMERT'B, a* ■ Vertevnl M, AlleAlo^Hy ALSO A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF MEN'S .BOY'S READY-MADE CLOTHING, AND GENTS FURBISHING GOODS, AC. A fine selection of Fall aiul Winter goods will be made to order at reasonable prices, and satisfaction guaranteed. Overcoats a specialty. A cordial invitation is extended to the people of the Vicinity, to call and examine our stock, visitors as well as buyers will be welcome. JOHJN OMMERT, 141 Federal Street, Allegheny City, Pa septls-3m 2nd DOOR FROM SOUTH DIMOND STREET. EXPOSITION OF nu GOODS. HOI tPMMi m HSPiCTM I Fall Styles Hats, unt rimuicd. Fall Styles Trimmed Huts. Fall Styles Plumes and Flowers. Fall Styles Ribbons and Flowers. HOSIERY and GLOVES. WOOLEN HOSIERY, REGULAR MADE. KID, BERLIN AND CLOTII GLOVES. GENTS' HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR. RED UNDERSHIRTS, ALL SIZES. FULL lines GENTS' FURNISING GOODS. BEST DOLLAR SHIRTS in the CITY. DRESS TRIMMINGS. New Style Black and Colored FRINGES. BUGLE TRIMMINGS and BUTTONS. SATINS, VELVETS, VELVETEENS. Spanish, Guipure, and French LACES. SUNDRIES. • Zephyrs, Saxony Yarns, Shetland and Germantown Wool, German and Cash mere Knitting Yarns, Corsets, Skirts, Underwear, Scarfs, Laces, Knit Goods, Wholesale and Retail, at lowest New York prices. ROSENBAUM & CO., Mqs. H4 aacfi ll@ Market Street, Corner of Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. Wednesday, Oet. Otli, 1880. OPENING DAY ! New Jackets, Surtonts, Dolmans, Cloaks and Circulars! ! Newest Deslgrn3 and Shapes. Extra Low Prices for Quality Gar ments, $3.00 to S2OO. 5 Cases American Cashmeres, -I Wool filling, at 12'/ic, all colors. Two cases Striped Animre Monties at 15c, usual price 20c. Cheap Ores.; Goods ut 5. u l 4 and loc. One case Tin Check Camel's Hair Sailings at l2Hc, worth 25c. Five cases elegant new Dress Plaids at 25c to $1.50 per yard. One ease each new Mouchoir Plaids 75c, $1.25 and $1.50. New French Dress Goods, solid colors; Mi-inch Cordurettes, 44-inch Arinure Momies, at T5 and «7!-ic. Celebrated French Colored Cashmeres de Kcosse at 50, rc>' - and 75c uj>. All-wool double-width Colored Cashmeres at 37Hc. BARGAINS. BARGAINS! Ten cases Black Cashmeres, genuine French All wool Goods, at -l">, ,"«i. 75, 85c. ami $1.25.! values tliat are sto 15c per yard better than buy ers usually have the plasure to procure. We re spectfully ca'l wholesale buyers' attention to these goods. being willing to sell these Cashmeres lor a mere commission. You will find better value than often sold in exclusively wholesale houses. J 118 and I'2o Federal Street, Adlegheiiv. N. B.—Housekeeping floods, Flannels, Blankets and Domestic Departments are offering siiecial in ducements. ItotH wholesale and retail. I'. s.—():u very large and choice sto?k i>f Improved Buttons, Fringes. Black and Colors. Headed I'assamentencd, RI':>1>OIIS, &c., an' unusually attractive, and «t pri ces to meet the views of the masses. JAMES I!. HEED. ESTABLISHED 1847. OEORUE M. UEEI) JAMES R. CO., DEALERS IN DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEKU! M SILVER VIBE. Oold and Silver "Watches, Oold Vest Chains, Gold Guards. P ated Ch ins, Best Plated Table Ware. CASTORS:,'.* 1 !I JEWELRY ' M ££ No. 93 Market St , Pittsburgh, Pa., 3rd door from Fifth Ave. ifil A A A reward ® PILES ■I, ■■■■■■ ■PretrndinjfPi!MthitDeßi:. K H Pile | IhliV ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Remedy Tail Ii allavt the iuhing, abaorfa* the ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■ turn*.-. pir. sI. iwnOo/'relief. I'rc]ared by J. P. Miller, MP., 11l H ■ ■ ■ ■ H H Phil*d. I|.liin, Pik. tM! a .Y n' grtminr unUti ICTUU ■hv ■ VdP W p,r on l.Jti, cmi.tin signature a'td a Pile of Stones. All druggists. and country si its have tt or will gel it fur you. SILK DEPARTMENT Very largeiv and can-fully reassorted. One case Colored Dress Silks at soe, recently sold for 7."c. and wortli Gsc to-pay. < 'olored Trimming Silks 45c. I- ine Colored Dress Silks r>s. 75, jioc and >M. best value now on sale. New 'ii-lnch Sunn Silks, in Cardinal, Old Gold and Light Blue, for linings and trimmings, at S)H>cial low prices. Heavy Surali Dress Silks, new sh.ules, at il.s>. 200 pieces Black Dress Silks, at sl, $1.25. SI.W, si.so. $1.75. $2 and to which we simply ask an inspection. The value 01" each will speak for itself. Black Satin