Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 06, 1880, Image 1

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AI ' LRT ' M THK BCTI.BR ciTizfcjr.
Trains leave Butler for St. Joe, Milleretown,
Rams City, Petrolio, Parker, etc., at 7.27 a. m.,
ami 2.25 and 7.25 p. m.
Trains arrive at Butler from the above named
points at 7. 7 a. in., and 2.15, and 7.15 p. m.
The 2 15 tiain connects with train on the West
Peiin road through Ui Pittsburgh.
Trains leave HillUird's Mill, Butler county,
for 11: : risville, Greenville, etc., at <-50 a. m.
anil 2.25 p. m.
Trains arrive at Milliard's Mills at 1:45 A. M.,
and 5:55 P. M. . *
li.'icks to and from Petrolia, MnrUnsburg,
Fairview, Modoc and Tiontiuan, connect at llil
l:ird with ail tr.iins on the S & A road.
Train- leave Builer ( Butler or Pittsburgh Time.)
Market at SOH a. in., goes through to Alle
gheny, arriTiug at ».0l u. m. This train con
rects it Freeport with Freeport Accommoda
tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. tn.,
railroad time.
Express at 7.21 a. m , connecting at Bui ler
Janetion, without change of cars, at 8.2 C with
Ex pi ess west, arriving In Alleghenv at 9.5S
a. in., and Express east arriving at Blairsville
at 11 00 a. m. railroad time.
Mail at 2.36 ;>. m , connecting at Butler Jnnc
tiODwithout change of cars, with Express west,
arriving in Allegheny at 526 p. in., and Ex
press cast arriving at Blairsville Intersection
at ti.'.O p. m. railroad time, whieh connects w.'th
Philadelphia Expre.s east, when on time.
The 7.21 a. m. train connects at Blairsville
at 11.05 a. m. with the Mill east, and the 2.36
p. m. train at 6.50 with the Philadelphia Ex
press east.
Trains arrive at Butler on Wc*t Penn K. H. at
ft.sl a. in.. 5.0* 5 and 7.20 p. in.. Butler lime. The
ii 51 and 506 trains connect with trains on
the Butler & Parker R. R. Sun ay train arrives
at Bntle r at lt.il a. m., connecting with train
•or Parker.
Main Line.
Through trains leave Pittsburgh for the Eaf.
•t 2.56 and S.2ti a in. and 12 51, 4.2! ar.d 5.06 p.
m., arriviiur at Philadelphia at 3.40 and 7.20
p. in. and S.OO, 7 0 and 7.40 n. re.; at Baltimore
a l ,out the same time, at New York three hours
luitr, and at Washington about one and a half
hours later.
tn\2l-lyj BUTLER. l'A.
Oil WALDRON. Grrdoate of the Phll
|l adelphia Dental College,is prepared
a il ■to do anything in the line of hi*
profession in a satisfactory manner.
Olfice on Main street, Butler, Union Block,
np stairs. apll
A handsome six-room fniine In use, located
on Hint! 'tre-'l. northwestern part of Butler.
L"t 50x170. All necessary ouibuildings.
'1 EUMS—Ore-'hir.l cash and balance in four
equal annual payments. Inquire at this otlice.
j in 14 it
For teale.
The well-improved 'sum of Rev. W. It. Hutch
ison, in the northenst corner of iliddlesex town
ship, Bui ler comity. Pa . i« nor.- offered for sale,
low. Inquire of SV* K. FRISBEE, on tbe prem
ises. aplGtf
$5 will buy a one-half interest in a good bus-
Iner-s in Piltsburtrh. One who knows some
lliint: about farming preferred. An honest, man
wiili the above mnount will do well lo address
ly letter. SMITH JOHNS, care 8. M James,
Liberty str-ct, Pitt-burgh, Pa. |au27-ly
Incorporated IHI9.
Asets 17.078,224.49.
Losses paid In fil years, $51,000,000.
J. T. McJt'NKIN A SON, Agents,
Jan2Bly Jellereon street, butler, Pa.
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts.
J. L. Purvis, | E. A. Helmboldt,
William Campbell, J. W. Burkbart,
A. Troutman, j Jacob Sclioene,
G. C. Roesslng, John Caldwell,
Dr. W. lrvin, W. W Dodds,
J.W.Christy I H. C. Heinemui.
JAS. T. M'JUNKIN, Gen, Ae't-
Pittahiirflh. Pa
J5. Roessing,
[Successor to A. C. Roeseiag 4 Bro.]
Anthracite Goal.
eep It f
the 1.8. service. LAW EXl'I RKB .lULY Ist,
ED. Thousands of Pensioners are rated too low.
CI'IIED. Information freely given. Send
stamp for blanks. Address.
Room f, St. Cloud Building, Washington, D. C.
Notice Extraordinary.
Persons desiring to have their Old Furniture
repaired, or New Work made to order, such as
Music Stands. Book Cases, Wardrobes. Office
Desks, Office Tables, Ac., would do well to call on
Practical Cabinet Maker.
I hold that a piece of furniture made by hand
worth two made by and will cost
put little more, if any. Then why not have hand
made ? All work made in the latest styles and
of the best material. I guarantee entire sat
isfaction in stvle, workmanship and price. Give
me a call. Shop on Mifflin street, four doors
west of Main street, and opposite A. Trout man's
store, Butler, Pa. sepl7-ly
Liveiy, Sale and Feed Stables,
junC-3m BUTLER. PA.
it („ £JA per day at home Samples worth
JVJ IU RPZW 1,5 free. Address STIKSOX A Co.,
Portland, Maine. dee3-ty
M. FIRE & Bro.
Will Hold A Grand Clearing Out Sale Of Dry Goods.
All kinds of Summer Dry Goods will be Cosed Out Regardless
of Cost.
At 5c per yard, very fine and beautiful
At 6.J40, DKE3S I'LAIDS, and a great variety
?of mixed Dress Goods.
At a very large lot of Brocade Dress
Goods, iu all colors pt>d shades.
We .ire also closing out at very low prices, oar
entire stock ol
Black and Colored Silks-
In these goods we offer very decided bargasn*. |
|sgr*We would call special attention to our very large stock of Alpaca and
Silk Sun Umbrellas, which will be closed out very low
M. FIRE & 880,
100 «& 102 Federal Street. Allegheny.
5? Qcte Bgqp Seutft ©f their Qlethtng House, c
55 Duffy's Bloek, «ept2o-tf Butler. Pa. 3
P m^mm^— vmmmmm—mmmmmm—zrwm om——i
Time of Holding Courts.
The several Courts of tho county of .Butler
commence on the fit ft Monday of March, June, •
September and December, and couiinue two
weeks, or eo long an n- ceesary to dispose of the
bumnMH. So causes are put down for trial or
traverse jurors fcnmmoned for the Brut week of
the seveial terms. (
Office with L Z Mitchell. Diamond. _
A7M.~CUN STnoham,
Office in Brady'* Law Building. Butler, Pa.
~s7 hTpTersolT
Office on N. K. corner Diamond, Kiddle build
ing Jnovl2
OCice on N. E. comer Diamond. uovl2
\V>l. H LUSK,
Office with W H. H Riddle. Eng.
Office on Diamond, near Court House, south
Office in Kiddle's Law Building.
Office in Kiddle's Law Building. [marß'7's
Special attention given to collections Oilier
opposite Willard House.
Ofllctt north-east corner of Diamond, Butlci
Office in Schneideman'B building, upgtaiis.
Office near Court Honse. r 74
ebl7-75 Office in Berg's building
Office in Bredin building- niarl7—t
Office In Berg's new building. Main street.aptilj
Office in Bredin building.
Office Main street, 1 door south of Court Bouse
Office Main street, 1 door south of Court House.
(jT Office on Main street, opposite Vogeley
Office N. E. corner of Diamond
Office with Oen. J. N. Purviance, Main street,
south of Court House.
Office in St-hneideinan'a build intr, west side ol
Main street, 2nd square from Court Houte.
Office on Diamond, two doors west of Citizen
office. ap26
Office in Berg's new building, 2d floor, east
side Main St., a few doom south of Lowrj
House. mar3—t f
raay7 Office S. W. cor. of Diamond.
Office on Main street, one door south o.
Hrr.dy Block, Buller. Pa. (Sep. 2, 1874.
Office in Brady's Law Building, Main street,
south of Court House. Euok.ik O. Milled,
Notary Public. _ jun4 ly
particular attention to transaction*
in real estate throughout the county.
Ofkice os Diamond, hkah Cocut House, IS
Citizen ruildtno
E. K. Ecklbt, Kennedv Maiisuali,
(Lale of Ohio.)
Office in Brady's Law Building. 5ept.9,74
Attorney at Law. Legal business careftilly
transacted Collections made and promptly
remitted. Business correspondence promptly
attended to and answered.
Office opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa.
Sinethport and Bradford, Pa.
M~ n. milks,
Petroiia, Buller county, Pa. |)n3
Office in Brawley House,
GREECE CITY. |june7-ly
jan6 tf Petrolia, Butlwr 00., Pa
lii Housekeeping Goods
We are enabled to offer better bargains than
ever before. Our stock is very complete,
and must lie sold to make room
for Fall Good?.
We offer an Extra Good Quality of
Turkey Red Table Damask at 50c.
Bleached Table Cloth, very good, at 25, 35, 50c.
White and Colored Bed Quilts
Towels, 6%, 8, 10, 12% and 15 ceuts.
Towels, very fine and large, 20, 25 and 35c.
Corner 591h St. <& Broadway,
On Both American and European Plans.
Fronting on Central Park, the Grand Boulevard,
Broadway and Fifty-Ninth St.. Ihls Hotel occu
pies the entire square, and was built and fur
nished at an exjienxe of over Akm.ooo. It is one of
the most elegant as well as being the finest lo
cated in the city ; has a passenger Elevator and
all modem improvements, ami is within one
square of the depots of the Sixth and Kightli
Avenue Elevated it. It. cars and still nearer to the
Broadway cars—convenient and accessible from
all parts of the city. Rooms with board. $2 per
day. Special rates for families and permanent
guests. E. HASKELL, Proprietor.
On Diamond, near Court House,
This house has been newly furnished and pi
pored. and tho accommodations are good.
Stabling in connection.
On tlie European 3?lan
-54 to 66 North Third Street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Single Rooms 50c., 75c. and $1 per
day. •
O. Ir*. Sclmeck, Proprietor.
Excellent Dining room furnished
with the best, and at reasonable rates.
fWCars for all Railroad Depots
within a convenient distance.
National Hotel,
HOTCIIKISS k POND, - - Prop'rs.
The restaurant, cafe and lunch room attached
are unsurpassed for cheapness and excellence of
service Rooms 50 cts. to $2 per day, 93 to $lO
per week. Convenient to all ferries and city
MENT. janls-ly
L- NICKLAS, Prop'.,
Having taken uoi-eseion of the above well
known Hotel, and it being furnished in the
best of style for the accomodation of guests, the
public are respectfully invited to give me a call.
I have also possesion of the barn in roar of
hotel, which furnishes excellent stabling, ac
comodations for mv patrons.
County Cwvonev.
Oflice in Fairview borough, in Telegraph
janis] BALDWIN P. 0.. Butler Co., Pa.
Justice of tlie Peace,
Muin street, opposite Postoflicc,
Union Woolen Mills.
I would desire to call the attention of the
public to the Unioti Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa.,
where I have new and improved machinery for
the manufacture of
Barred and Oray Flannels,
Knitting and Weaving Tarns,
and I can recommend them as being very dura
ble, as they are manufactured of pure Butler
county wool. They aro beautiful in color, su
perior in texture, and will be sold at very low
prices. For samples and prices, address,
jn124.'78-ly) Butler. Pa
HT3 2 MC! 13 stops, 3 set Heeds, 2 Knee
Swells. Stool, Book, only
$87.50. 8 Stop Organ. Stool. Book, only $5.1.75.
Piano-", Stool, Cover. Book. *l9O to $255. Illus
trated catalogue fiee. Address
apl4-3m W. C. BUNNELL, Lewistown, Pa.
A new institution of learning, will open in
Beaver Falls, Pa., on the
12th of SEPTEMBER, 1880.
Thorough preparation for COLLEGE, PRO
ern languages a speciality. TERMS REASONA
BLE, including textlx>oks and stationery.
Applications should be sent before the Ist of.
Catalogues can be had at the CITIZEN office
Fullest information to be obtained bv addressing
aug2s-3t BEAVER FALLS, PA.
The Critical Moment of the American
In the month of September, 1780,
the prospects of the independence of
the thirteen colonies of America were
not encouraging. More than five years
had elapsed since the outbreak of tbe
war, and the American arms tad as
yet gained but a single important vic
tory, that of Saratoga, which had lieen
chiefly due to the unexampled valor of
Major-General Benedict Arnold.
The other leading battles or sieges
of tbe war had been either decided
British victories like the battles of
Long Island, Washingti n Heights,
Brandywine, Germantown, Charleston
and Camden, or indecisive engage
ments like Bunker Hill and Mon
mouth, while the undoubted American
success, such as Bennington, Trenton,
Princeton and Stony Point had been
on a comparatively small scale. It was
very doubtful whether an actual ma
jority of the citizens of the thirteen
colonies had ever been in favor of in
dependence, and there could be no
question that the bitter experience ol
five years of financial ruin, legislative
incompetence and military failures had
turned the scale in favor of peace with
England upon the best attainable
Washington had confessed under his
own hand more than a year before that
the American cause was "on the brink
of destruction," and since then the
greater part of tbe Southern States had
been lost by the unsuccessful advance
of Cornwallis. True, an alliance had
been effected with France, and war
had been declared upon England by
Spain and Holland, but the latter two
Powers rendered no direct aid to the
struggling colonies, and France had too
long been considered a deadly enemy
of the colonies for the mass of the peo
ple to place any implicit confidence in
the loyality of her friendship. It was
instinctively and correctly felt that
France could only be animated by a
desire of revenge against Great Bri
tain, that her aims in America would
be directed to a reconquest of Canada
and the Ohio Valley and assuring for
herself the control of the fisheries.
Rather than submit to the vassalage
of the hereditary enemy many patriots
felt that it would be advisable to come
to terms with the mother country.
England, for her part, was in a concil
iatory mood and had offered by her
commissioners reconciliation far more
favorable than the demands of the
American patriots themselves at the
outbreak of the war. These facts, while
they cannot palliate the treason of
General Arnold to his flag and his hon
or as a soldier, go far to explain how
it was possible that an intelligent man,
who had been a fervent patriot, could
in September, 1780, consider the cause
of independence so far ruined that he
expected to terminate the war by his
perfidious act and could hope to exert
a decisive influence upon his country
men by his proclamations and ad
The career of General Arnold had
been, in a military sense, the most
brilliant of any officer. There is no
reason to doubt the fervency of his
patriotism at the outset and up to with
in a short period of his treason. Nor
need it lie questioned while the imme
diate incentive to bis crime was the
sense of bitter personal wrong done
him by the Continental Congress and
by a clique of envious military rivals,
he would never have taken the fatal
step which has forever blighted his
name and fame had he not believed
that the cause of American independ
ence was a lost cause. Benedict Ar
nold was not a fool. He had no inten
tion of forfeiting his American citizen
ship, and doubtless believed that upon
the expected re-establishment of peace
upon the basis of colonial self-govern
ment, as offered by the British Com
missioners, his violation of military
honor would be bailed as the General
Monk of this modern restoration. The
unpardonable sin of Arnold was the
employment of reprobate means for
hastening an end which he believed to
be inevitable.
Had Major Andre not been arrested
by the three "skinners" of Westches
ter, and had he carried out his pro
jected delivery of West Point to Sir
Henry Clinton, it is exceedingly prob
able that the war of American inde
pendence would have resulted in fail
ure for the colonies. Nothing succeeds
like success. Had Arnold's plans not
been frustrated the United States would
have remained another score or two of
years under the nominal rule of Bri
tannia, and who can tell what far-reach
ing effects this denouement would
have had upon the course of the French
Revolution and its consequent wars ?
It is probable that the career of Na
poleon Bonaparte would never have
been run.
For the due understanding of the
military, political and personal situa
tion in September, 1780, it is necessa
ry to pass in rapid review the pre
vious career of Benedict Arnold, and
this is the more requisite since all the
earlier historians have cast retrospec
tive condemnation upon services of a
highly meritorious character, and
have imputed to him sins of which he
was clearly iunocent. Not until last
year has a careful examination of his
military record been published from
other than an utterly hostile point of
view, so that the "Life" written by
Mr. Isaac N. Arnold was much needed
in the interest of historic truth.
Arnold spent the spring and early
summer of 1780 on leave ol absence in
Connecticut for his health. It cannot
now be ascertained at what time he
opened treasonable correspondence
with Sir Henry Clinton, the British
commander in New York, but it was,
doubtless, during this interval. He met
General Washington at King's Ferry
July 31, 1780, and was informed that
he had been appointed to the command
of the left wing of the Continental
Army, the point of honor. Hamilton,
who was present says that Arnold's
countenance changed, but he made no
I reply. Subsequently Arnold complain
| ed of tiife wound as still disabling bim
from active service in the field, and aj>
j plied for the command of West Point,
I which was conceded to him under date
of August 3. He immediately repaired
to that post, and fixed his headquar
ters across the river at Beverly, the
historic country seat of Colonel Bever
ly Robinson. This gentleman, then in
New York, was a Virginian of an em
inent family, who had been a comrade
of Washington in Braddoek's cam
paign, twenty-five years before, and
had married a Miss Phillips, of Phil
lipsburgh Mauor (Tarrytown), to
whose sister Washington is said to
have offered marriage many years be
fore. Colonel Robinson was a stauch
loyalist, and probably served as the
channel of correspondence between
Arnold and Sir Henry Clinton —the
former signing himsell "Gustavus,"
the latter "John Anderson." The cor
respondence in behalf of Sir Henry
Clinton was chiefly conducted by the
brilliant young officer, Major John An
dre, Adjutant General of the British
army, who has before been mentioned
as an admirer of Mrs. Arnold before
her marriage. It is not improbable
thatthe influence of Mrs. Arnold and her
loyalist kinsfolk counted for a great
deal precipitating him to his act of
By the 20th of September the plot
for the surrender of West Point had so
far matured as to render it necessary
that there should be a personal meet
ing for the final settlement of details.
On that day Major Andre accepted the
hazardous commission and embarked
on board the British sloop-of-war Vul
ture, along with Colonel Beverly Rob
inson. On the night of September 21
Arnold sent a boat to the Vulture,
which brought Andre to the shore un
der the shadow of the mountains at a
spot about six miles below Stony
Point. The interview lasted several
hours and was not satisfactorily com
pleted when day began to dawn.
Andre was then induced, much against
his will, to proceed to the residence of
the loyalist Joshua Hett Smith, two
miles below Stony Point. There they
breakfasted and continued their con
ference. Meanwhile Colonel Henry
Brockholst Livingston, in command of
a shore-battery, thought the British
sloop-of-war was venturing too close
to his positions and brought some can
non to bear upon her. The Vulture de
scended the river, leaving Andre in a
perilous dilemma at the Smith house.
Arnold reassured him of his safety,
gave him a pass in the name of Mr
John Anderson and saw the papers
containing the description of the works
at West Point, the armament and dis
tribution of troops safely concealed in
side his stockings. Andre remained all
day, September 22, at Smith's house
hoping to get on board the Vulture
that night, Arnold having returned to
the Robinson house. Smith, however
refused to take him oil* to the Vulture,
fearing for his own safety, but offered
to take him across the river and ac
company him beyond the American
Putting on an overcoat of Smith's
above his uniform Andre started with
Smith about sunset. They crossed at
Kings Ferry and proceeded eight miles
further to Crompond, where they were
stopped by an American patrol under
Captain Boyd. Arnold's pass was con
sidered satisfactory, but the travellers
were warned not to proceed further
that night. They consequently spent
the night at a cottage belonging to one
Andreas Miller. The next day they
breakfasted at Mrs. Sarah Underbill's
farm house, near Pine's Bridge, three
miles further on, and then parted,
Smith assuring Andre that they were
already beyoud patroling parties.
Smith proceeded to Fishkill by way of
the Robinson house, where he report
ed to Arnold, while Andre pursued
his route to New York. Just before
reaching the villiage of Tarrytown he
came to the junction of the road to
White Plains, which Smith had ad
vised him to take, but he had been in
formed that the "Cow boys" or British
partisians were more numerous on ihe
lower road, and therefore followed it.
After crossing and old bridge over the
Pocantico River, close by the Dutch
church, celebrated in Irving's "Legion
of Sleepy Hollow," he followed the old
post road for another mile, ascending a
hill until he reached a small brook,
now known as the Andre Brook, half
a mile from the villiage. There, lying
on the grass behind the bushes, were
thee men playing cards.
They belonged to a party of seven
residents of the vicinity who had
started out that morning to watch for
cattle being driven toward New York.
The expedition had been proposed the
day before by John Yerks, of Mount
Pleasant, who personally engaged
John Paulding, John Dean, James
Romer and Abraham William, takings
out a permit from the officer in com
mand at the neighboring village of
North Salem. Paulding engaged his
friend Isaac Van Wart, and on their
way to Tarrytown they were joined
by David Williams, a cousin of Van
Wart. The seven men separated into
two parties. Yerks with three others
posting themselves between the two
roads on the top of the hill now known
as Mount Andre, and Paulding, Van
Wart and Williams taking their posi
tion l>y the brook as above mentioned.
It has been asserted that these men
were "skinners," or Continental ma
rauders; but there is abundant evidence
of their genuine patriotism. It was
between ten and eleven o'clock on
Saturday morning, September 2.'J,
17H0, when Andre came up with these
three men. Paulding jumped up and
presented his firelock at the breast of
the traveller, calling to him to stand,
and asking which way he was bound.
Paulding had been in the Continental
service, had been captured by the
British and hud made his escupe from
the New York Sugar House in the
dress of a German yager only three
days before. This dress he still wore
and his circumstances led Andre to
suppose him a British partisan. He
accordingly said, "Geutlemen, I hope
you belong to our party." "Which
party '! "asked Paulding. "The lower
party," replied Andre. Paulding re-
plied ia the affirmative, and Andre
proceeded to say that he was a British
officer engaged on particular business,
and hoped he would not be detained a
minute. He pulled out his handsome
watch, as if to corroborate his asser
tion. Paulding then told him to dis
mount, on which he said, with a forced
laugh, "My God, I must do anything
to get along," and presented .Arnold's
pass to John Anderson to pass all
guards to White Plains and below.
He was forced to dismount, and,
ag-aiust his earnest protest of Ix-ing on
important business for General Arnold,
was taken into the bushes and ordered
to take off his outer clothing. A <•' ><■
examination of his clothes ami person
was made, but no papers found. He
was then told to pull oil' his boots,
which he did very reluctantly, and in
side his stocking were found three
papers wrapped up. There were three
more in the other stocking. Paulding
hurriedly glanced at the papers, saw
that they were plans and returns of
the fortifications of West Point, and
exclaimed, "My God, he is a spy!'
Andre was then told to dre.-s, and
while doing- so offered his captors his
horse, saddle, bridle, watch and 100
guineas to be allowed to proceed. The
boy Williams was inclined to ask
questions as to how much money he
would give and in what manner ; but
Paulding at once said, "No, not for
10,000 guineas !" Andre was dressed
in a blue overcoat and a tight claret
colored body coat, the buttonholes be
ing gold laced, with mankeen waist
coat and breeches and a round hat.
He was conducted to North Castle,
before Lieutenant Colonel Jameson,
and the captors went away without
even telling their names. Jameson
looked at the papers and pass in the
handwriting of Arnold, and with ex
traordinary obtuseness determined to
send the prisoner to Arnold, under
guard, with a letter stating that some
papers "of a dangerous tendency" had
been found on him and had been for
warded to General Washington. An
dre had already been sent forward
when Major Tallmadge, the second in
command, returned from White Plains
in the evening and was filled with as
tonishment that Jameson should not
have suspected Arnold's fidelity. At
Tallmadge's earnest request Jameson
ordered tbe prisoner to be brought
back, but insisted on the letter being
sent on to Arnold. Next morning An
dre was sent with an escort, com
manded by Tallmadge, to Colonel Shel
don's quarters at North Salem, and
there he wrote a letter to Washington,
avowing his name and rank, and
briefly explaining the circumstances of
his arrest. By Washington's order he
was conducted to West Point, where lie
remained until the 28th; was then
conveyed in charge of Major Tallmadge
to Tappan, where his trial took place
and on October 2 his execution, events
which need not hero be dwelt upon in
Returning briefly to the affairs of
Arnold, it had been arranged that the
sham attack upon West Point should
be made on September '25, while
Washington was absent at Hartford to
meet the French officers. Washington
however, set out on his return two
days' earlier than was expected, and
on that eventful morning was ap
proaching West Point from the east,
having sent on a message that he,
with jjKnox and Lafayette, would
breakfast with General Arnold at the
Robinson house Before arriving,
however, Washington determined to
turn off to inspect the defences east of
the Hudson, but the two younger of
ficers kept on and sat down to break
fast with General and Mrs. Arnold.
The General was naturally grave and
thoughtful. In tbe midst of the break
fast a horseman galloped to the door,
bringing Jameson's letter to Arnold
announcing the capture of "John An
derson" and the forwarding of his sus
pecious papers to General Washington.
Arnold glanced at the letter at the
table, saw that all was lost, and with
surprising self-control excused him
self for a moment to his guests, or
dered his horse instantly, hurriedly
embraced his wife, to whom he an
nounced the necessity of flight, and
leaving her senseless on her bed,
mounted his horse and galloped down
the steep hill to Beverly Dock, where
his six oared barge was moored.
Fortunately for him the Vulture was
lying just below Verplanck's Point.
Arnold seized the pistols from his
holster's sprang into the barge and
ordered the oarsmen to pull into the
middle of the river anil then row with
speed for Teller's Point. After com
ing in sight of the Vulture he raised a
white handkerchief and with pistols
in hand ordered the boatmen to row
directly to the Vulture. Springing
upon the deck of that schooner he
sought an interview with the com
mander, then coming on deck called to
his bargemen and announced that he
had "quitted the rebel army and joined
the standard of His Britannic Majesty."
at the same time endeavoring to bribe
them to remain by the offer of promo
tion, an offer which only two accepted.
The treason of Arnold was consum
mated, and we shall not further follow
his career as an officer in British pay,
leading expeditions to the Virginian
anil Connecticut coasts, and subse
quently wearing away his life in
ignominy until his death at London
June 14, IHO 1, aged sixty years. Suf
fice it to say that numerous and re
spectable descendants are now living
in England and Canada, and that a
grandson, Rev. Edwin Gladwin Ar
nold, rector of Great Massingham,
Norfolk, England, supplied Mr. Isaac
N. Arnold with important data and
documents for the Arnold biography.
The captors of Arnold—Paulding,
Van Wart and Williams—lived honor
ed lives near the scene of their exploit
and were the recipients of medals and
pensions from Congress. The new
State of Ohio some years later gave
their names to three counties on her
northwestern frontier. Paulding died
at Peckskil! February IS. ISIB, aged
sixty years. He had twenty-three
children, one of whom was Admiral
Hiram Paulding. James K. Paulding
the novelist, was a near relative. A
sumptuous monument to Paulding was
dedicated at Peckskill November 22,
182", by the Common Council of New
York. The old Paulding house still
stands on Water street, Tarrytown.
Van Wart died May 23, 1828, aged
sixty-nine vears, and is buried in
Grecnburg churchyard, beneath a hand
some marble monument dedicated June
11, 182!'. Ilis son, Rev. Alexander
Van Wart, lives at l'leasantville,
Westchester county, aged eighty-one
years. David Williams settled at
Broome, Schoharie county, in 1806,
anil died there August 2, 1831, age.i
seventy-seven years. lie was buried
with military honors at Livingston
ville. nud his remains removed July
19, 1870, to the old stone fort at
Schoharie, where a monument was
commenced in that yar by order of
the State Legislaiu e. Seven of his
grandchildren are living, four <>f them
in Schoharie county. A nephew of
Paulding, nameil Thomas P. Paulding,
is living at Crystal Springs, Yates
county, and possessed until a few days
ago the original musket used by his
uncle at the Andre capture. This relic
lie sold on the 11th inst., to Mr. Fred
erick H. Furniss for the Historical
Society of Seneca county.
sha l l tu i: i >:: mo ait a tic
EDITORS CITIZEN :—T.e Republicau
paity has been in posses.-ion of the
Executive Department of the Govern
ment for aboil" twenty years. During
thi long period it has dea t with many
great and trying questions. It success
fully guided the country through prob
ably the most gigantic civil war of an
cient or modern times whereby 4,000,
000 of human beings were liberated
from the cruel chaius of slavery. Jn
dealing with this question we have no
other way of better showing why the
Republican party should not be dis
placed and the Democratic party re
stored, than by comparing the record
f the former with that of the latter
when it was in power. At their Na
tional Convention at Chicago, on the
29th of August, 18t>4, the Democratic
party declared the war a failure mid
demanded an immediate cessation of
hostilities. A Democratic Supreme
Court held the draft act unconstitution
al; and Democratic judges . nil legisla
tures held it unconstitutional for sol
diers in the army to vote. Of course
the loyal wing of the Democratic party
rendered valuable aid in suppressing
the rebellion, and thousands of them
from i ll the principal States in the
north rushed to the defense of their
country's flag. Hut the copperheads of
the north, every one of whom was in
the Democratic party, largely outnum
bered their patriotic fellow Democrats,
who went into the war and fought side
by side with the Republicans. The
Democrats very often claim that there
were as many Democrats in the Union
army as Republicans. This is ut
terly false. Twelve States in which
the soldiers voted in IX(>4 showed that
there were east 11'»,887 votes for Lin
coln, and 3.'5,748 for McClellan. The
Kansas, Minnesota and a portion of the
Vermont vote was received too late to
be counted. It is now fifteen years
since the war closed, but the same old
forces still confront each other. So long
as the States recently in rebellion re
main united, presenting a solid front,
so long are their late adversaries bound
in patri >tic prudence to retain an op
posing and watchful organization. If
the Southern States are not see or
hoping to obtain some sectional advan
tage for themselves, jvhicb they think
the rest of the country would not wil
lingly grant, why do they all, without
a single exception, still hold together?
Why do they not break up as would
be natural for them to do into new
combinations on other issues? One
thing is certain, and that is, they have
some object in view which will he made
known when they see their \r \y clear
to accomplish. In regard to the rebel
claims, the Democrats say it is absurd
to suppose, that in ease of Hancock's
election, these claims will be paid, since
one of the amendments to the constitu
tion hars the payment of all such claims.
But it does no such thing. Says the
Hon. John .lav, in his recent admira
ble article on the "Presidential Elec
tion:" We have been reminded that
the constitutional amendments were
not ratified by a single Democratic leg
islature; that in some cases tin; certifi
cate given by a Republican Legislature
was revoked by a succeeding legislature;
and that, apart from the question of its
doubtful validity, the prohib tion of the
payment of the rebel debt does not for
bid the payment of southern claims."
If, as the northern Democrats a sert,
these claims are not to be paid, one
■night naturally ask why it is that
these claims, amounting to over $i
50 ),000,000, have been so carefully
collected, probated before the State of
ficers, and kept alive for collection?
All the southern States have aided in
the collection of these data, provided
books for their preservation, and done
other acts to assist the claimants. Is
there no significance in all this '! Four
years ago Mr. Tildeu positively declar
ed that he would sign no bill for the
payment of any southern claim, and in
consequence of this he lost the electoral
votes of three southern States in the
election of I*7o. The Democratic par
ty has always opposed free and f-iir
elections. In the southern States there
have apparently disappeared from the
face of the earth a half a million of Re
publican voters in the last few years.
The Democrats are crying change,
change! change!! Hut they can't
give y<>u any reason for a change niily
just that they know we ought to have
a change. They say that twenty years
of continuous power would make any
party corrupt. Now, is this the case ?
Compare the la~t year of Democratic
executive administration with the pres
ent R publican administration, and you
will find that the loss to the Treasury
l»v the defalcation of public officers was
jCS 81 on every SI,OOO, while under
1 the present Republican administration
it is one-third of a cent on SI,OOO or
one cent on $.'5,000. This shows that
there was 7'>2 times as much lost in
the collection of every SI,OOO under the
last year of the Democratic administra
tion than under the present Republican
administration. The present adminis
Ono square, ono insertion, $1 : oicli mibse
qtient insertion. 50 cents. Yeirlv ad\crtiten enta
exceeding one-fourth of a column. >5 per mcli.
work double these rntef; additional
clurges where weekly or monthly cbanpes r la
wade. Local advertisenu tits lu cult ixjr J:na
for tirst insertion, and Stouts per line (or each
additional insertion. Marriages and death* pub
lished free of charge. Obituary notices charged
as adveiUt-einents, and payable uhen handed in
Auditors' Notices. *4 ; Executors' and Adminia
trators' Notices. 43 eich; Kstrav, Caution ana
Dissolution Notices, not exceeding ten lines,
From the fact that the CITIZEN is the olden 4
established and most extensively circulated l'a
publican newspaper in Dutler county, (a ltepub
licaii county) it must be apparent* to business
men that it is the medium they should use iu
advertising their business.
NO. 45
tration"has effected a striking reduction
of the expenses of those branches over
which the executive has complete con
trol. While the revenues of the Gov
ernment have enormously increased,
the expenditures have been largely di
minished. The expense of collecting
$188,000,000 customs during the last
ti>cal year was just one-half of what it
cost to collect $53,000,000 in 18(50 un
der President Buchanan. On the Ist
of July last there was returned to the
Treasury $2,000,000 of money that had
been saved out of the appropriations
for the collection of the customs reve
nue. And of the money appropriated
for various other departments there was
returned to the Treasury and carried
to the surplus fund on the 30th of June
1880, $9,434,416 which remained un
expended. Now does any one believe
tiiat a Democratic administration, con
trolled by "the South," would attain
these results during the next four
years? In 1875—the last year the Re
publicans had a majority in both hous
es—the appropriations were $147,714,-
940. At the following session the
Democrats controlled the House, and
by refusing to appropriate for some of
the most necessary expenses of the
government, reduced the appropria
tions to $124,122,010, and the follow
ing year, in order to coerce the Presi
dent, by a failure to pass the Army
Rill, and to provide for other necessa
ry expenses, they redu.ed the appro
priations to $88,350,983, but at the fol
lowing session, to make good these de
ficiencies, and repair the faults com
mitted, they appropriated $172,016,-
809, being $25,000,000 more than was
appropriated in 1876; and in 1880 they
appropriate $162,404,647; and for
1871 they have appropriated $154,118,-
212, or $7,000,000 more than the ap
proiations made the last year the Re
publicans were in power. Of the $30,-
255,683,9G3 of receipts and expendi
tures of the public moneys since the
formation of the government, the losses
and defalcations on $4,719,481,157, pre
vious to 1861 were annually from $2.20
on a SI,OOO to $11.71 ; while cn the
$25,57 i,202,805 since 1861, the losses
and defalcations have been annually
on SI,OOO from 34 to 76 cents, but for
the four years ending June 30, 1880,
$467,080,885 of Internal Revenue taxes
have been collected and paid into the
Treasury without the lo.is of a single
cent. Now, does this show that twen
ty years of power wiil corrupt any par
ty ? Is not the Republican party purer
and cleaner to day than it ever has
been ? Under the present administra
tion Resumption has been accomplish
ed, bringing with it joy and happiness
to every household throughout the
land ; our national debt is being rapid
ly pai - off; we are enjoying an era of
wonderful prosperity, and are now tak
ing the lead of the nations of the world
in the grand march of human progress.
Which part}* as we now look back
should receive the support of the peo
ple ? Which has best served the coun
try, guarded its honor and advanced
its glory '! These are the questions to
be decided by the great jury of the
American people of which each oue of
you is a member, on ihe 2nd of Novem
ber next. Upon your verdict rests the
future prosperity of this country.
T. M. B.
PITTSBURGH, September 27, 1880.
The first glass factory in America
was erected in 1609 near Jamestown,
Ya., and the second followed in the
same colony twelve years later. In
1639 some acres of ground were grant
ed to glassmen in Salem, Mass., pro
bably the first year of the industry
which was prosecuted there for many
years. The first glass factory in Penn
sylvania was built near Philadelphia
in 1683. under the direction of Wm.
Penn, but it did not prove successful.
The first glass factory west of the Al
legheuies was set up by Albert Gal
latin and his associates in 1785, at
New Geneva, on the Monogahela river,
near I't sburgh, in 1790, and another
in 1795. The earlier attempt failed,
the later was quite successful. In
IBio there were twenty-two glass fac
tories in the country, with an annual
product valued at $1,047,000. There
are now about five times as many
factories, producing eight times as
much glass. According to the returns
received under the recent census, our
Hint glass factories turn out 210,554
tons of table and other glassware ; and
the window-glass works produce 2,-
544,440 boxes. The total value of the
product is nearly $45,750,000.
ago a young man of promise was grad
uated at Harvard University. He de
termined to become a cotton manufac
turer Instead of relying rpon his
general education, and waiting for an
opening, as many of his classmates did,
he began at once to prepare specially
for the business he had chosen, by en
tering a machine shop as a workman—
making full hours and acquainting him
self with e cry part of the machinery
of a cotton mill. From the machine
shop he went into the cotton mill, and
bv hard work and close attention rap
idly acquired a thorough knowledge of
all tin- processes of cotton manufacture.
While some of his class mates were
waiting and looking for an opening in
business, and others were with difficul
ty filling subordinate positions, he was
rapidly rising, step, by step, until he
is, to-day, in charge of one of the larg
est cotton mills in New Kngland, with
ample salary, and what is better, is
(list harging the duties of his position
with great satisfaction to the company
lie serves— Providence (It. I.) jour
Converts to Mormonism arriving in
this country recently are mostly from
Kngland and Scotland.
Sixty million bushels of wheat and
eleven million gallons of wine will be
among the products of California this
John M \1 auger, of Pottstown, Pa.,
who is eighty years of age, uf-esa razor
that has been in the family two hun
dred years.
An elephant, travelling in a car next
the locomotive on an Indiana railroad,
opened the tank, drank all the water,
and so compelled the train to stop.