CRUISE OF THE RUNAWAY. The United States steamer Runaway Captain Hall, left the Battery pier yes terday at noon, having on board a small and in some few cases distinguish ed party, whose intent it was to see by invitation the celebrated vineyard, . wine cellar and wine press of Mr. Al- , fred Speer, of Passaic, N. J. Senator | McPherson, of New Jersey, Mr T2ras tus Brooks and State Senator White, of New York, were of the party. Sen ator KernaD, of New York, came very near going, # but switched off and took an adjoining steamer for Governor s Island. The Runaway, Captain Hall, then steamed across the harbor through the Kill Yon Kull past the kerosene covered plains of Communipaw, thence past Bergen Point, rounding into New ark Bay, and thence intTTThe Passaic River. Senator McPherson was the geographer of the occasion and pointed out all the prominent characteristics of New Jersey, including Snake Hill, that •wonderful" outbreak of clear granite from a sunken meadow. On entering the Passaic the Run away made it lively for the bridge tenders, there being some twenty odd bridges to 'draw.' The different species of draws afforded the distinguished party much interest and at times amuse ment. Newark was passed through to the great delight of many of its peo ple. The conversation on board seem ed influenced by the character of the surroundings. Through Newark Bay it turned on oysters, clams, crabs and fish. In the Passaic it drifted towards internal improvements in river and har bor navigation and the supply of drink ing ' water for the neighboring Jersey cities. On arriving within about one and a half miles of Passaic the Runa way came in contact with the bed of the river. As the bed of the river could not be got out of the way the distinguished party did get out of the vessel, and were rowed on shore in several Democratic skiffs. At this juncture, had all the pleasure and excitement of a shipwreck without any of its risks or pains, Senator Mc- Pherson refused to avail himself of the gilded and betasselled yawl of the Run away, but insisted on taking an hum ble scow belonging to his native State, on whose bottom was a deposit of Jer sey mud and aquiatic pltfnks. Mr. Speer here met the party and hauled them in several carriages to his vineyard. Mr. Speer's vineyard covers many acres, and is yearly enlarging and improving. The carriages drove much of the way under vine-covered arbors. Mr. Speer is a successful cultivator of the genu ine Oporto grape. The Oporto resem bles somewhat our native fox grape in size and cluster. It is not a table grape being disposed to the vinegary in taste. At half-past five P. M., the company having viewed all tbe vineyard there was to see anc. eaten all the grapes they could conveniently hold, were rid den to Mr. Speer's grape depot and be stowed to an upper room, w here a col lation was set for them. This, after the fatigues of the day, and a fast vary ing in cases from eighteen to fourteen hours, was doubly appreciated. Mr. Speer's wine, port and Burgundy, punctuated the table at regular distan ces The Maire of Passa c, a very good looking young man, presided at one end of the table and Mr. Erastus Brooks at the other. The last pickled oyster being washed down with Speer's Burgundy and the bologna with Speer's port, tbe Maire arose and propounded the health of Mr. Erastus Brooks. Mr. Brooks responded in an able and effec tive speech, which, in good order, wan dered from the wine groves of Passaic to tbe remotest corners of "Our Glori ous Union," and embraced this "Fam ily of States," distinct like the waves of ibe sea but one as tbe ocean. Sena tor McPherson being next called upon remarked that he had little, very little, to say, and then, as usual in ail these cases, went on and said a great deal, saying it well, too, and with Senatorial force and ability, and when be had at last finished at a hint from Mr. Speer, who Bat opposite, he said also that the canes of Mr. Speer's wine received by him in Washington, and distributed by bim to various Senators, were pro nounced by them superior to anything in Europe. Several other speeches were made of excellent order and quality, as any speech must be wU'ti inspired by Speer's wine, and then the party broke up, each guest receiving as a memento two full bottles wrapped together. The United States ste rucr Runaway being still fast to the bottom of the I'assaic, the distinguished party came home by train. Mr. Speer has done great ser vice to New Jersey. His has been the perseverance of years, his ambition to make a pure and palatable American wine, and his brands will yet be found in the wine lins of kings.— New Yorlc Graphic, Sept. 1. "Mamma," said a little girl, "as people get old does their hair grow quarrelsome?" "Why, no, my child; what ever put such a notion in your head ?" "I thought it must be so, ma, because I heard that old people's hair is constantly falling out." Patient. "Then, according to you, doctor, in order to live at all, I must give up all that makes life worth liv ing ?" Doctor. "I'm afraid so—at least for a few years." Patient. "Perhaps you'd recom mend me to marry ?" Doctor (a con fir vied bachelor). "Oh no. Come, my dear fellow, it's not quite bo bad as all that, you know." A party of Boston capitalists are re ported to be "preparing to establish an Angora goat industry." Let them an ger a goat once, and they'll fipd all the industry displayed they'll want to get away from. "Hole on dar." said a colored man, hailing an acquaintance. "Does yer cross de street ebbertime yer seep me ter keep frum payin' dat bill?" "No, I doesn't, sab." "What fur, den ?" "Ter keep frum bein' axed (ur it." "What must I do," asked a mean and conceited man of a friend who knew him well, "to get a picture of the one I love most ?" "Sit for your own pic ture," was the reply. A little girl, noticing the glittering gold tilling in her aunt's mouth, ex claimed, "Aunt Mary, I wish I had copper-faced teeth like yours." Olass millstones are now used with great satisfaction in Germany. They are said not to heat the flour as much as the French burrstone. The papers are telling about a Kan sas boy who raised 1,000 bushels of corn last summer with only one boree. A Chicago boy raised three men out of a SSO pot with only two jacks. MRS. LYDIA E. PiNKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. DISCOVERER OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S TOWHA.BLE COMPOUND. The Positive Core For all Female Complaints. This preparation, as Its name nipc 13c*. consists ol VcKTOtablo Propj: :ics tliit arc Lam..—> to the l.ost del icate Invalid. Uponc:.otrialtiorocriU of thin Cora pound win be recognise J, as relief is immediate-; and when its use is continued. In ninety-nine caacj in a butt (!rod, a permanent euro is thousand* will te» tifr ' On account of Iti proven merits, it i: today ro commended and preKriJoJ hy the be*t physicians in the country. . „ It will euro entire!/ the worst form of falling of the uterus, L. uco.-r he a, irregular and painTui Menstruation. rjlOvai-ianTroubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, Flooding all Displacements and the con sequent spinal weakness, and Is especially adapted to the Change of Life, it will dissolve and expel tufflon from the uUruslnan early stago of development. Tie tendency to cancerous humors there 1J checked very speedily by Its use. In fact it has proved to be the great est and best remedy that has ever been discover ed. It permeate* every portion of the system, mU t-ves new life and vieor. It removes falntnccr.ratulcncy, de stroys ail craving for stimulants, un-1 relieves vreaknets of tbe stomach It cures Bloating, Ilcadaches, Nervous rrostn-tloa, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression a:;d Indi portion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured ty Its use. It will at all timer., and under.-11 ci-curastan ces, act In harmony with the law that taverns the female nystem. For Ilidney Complaints of.elther sex this compound in unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound la prepared at 533 and Z» Western A-renao, Lynn, Maw. Price tl.oo. Six bottle* for Si.CO. Sent by raail in t:;C form of pills, al£o In the form of on receipt of price, C loo ' per box, for cither. Mrs. PEtXIL'-M freely answers all letter* of inquiry. Send for para piilet. Address as «!X>to Mention paper. Jj r.mi'T ,'inuld he without LYDIA El Pl.-KHAil' LTVIIIi PILLS. They euro Constipation, Elliousncrs, and Torpidity of the LiTer. S3 ctnU per bo* QLO. A. KELLY & CO.. General Agerts, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sold by I). H. Wuller, »- Butler Pa. - ASK the recovered •SRTvm dvspentics. bilious suf * ■ ■ ■ ferers, victims of fever l and ague, the mercurial t ,.|i y OU by taking 111TW SIMMONS' LIVER RIMJ ULATOH. The Che*p-»t. Pmm «"••! Kent Family Medicine 111 THE world I For DYSPKPSIA. CONSTIPATION, Jaundice, Bilious attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Colic. De gression of Spirits, SOCK BTOMCH, Heart Burn, This unrivalled Southern Remedy is warranted not to contain a single particle of MF.RCUKY, or any Injurious mineral substance, but is PUHELY VEOEABLE, containing those Southern Roots ami Herbs, which an all-wise Providence has placed iu coun tries where Liver Diseases most prevail. It will cure Diseases caused !>y Derangement of the Liver l 'l Ue'sVMiTOMH of Liver Corurtaint are a bit ter or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain in the Hack, Sides or Joints, often mistaken for Rheumatism; Sour Stoai i';h ; of Appetite ; Bowels alter nately ci,stive and lax ; Headache ; Loss of mem ory. with a painful wjjs'ition of having failed to do something which ougtit tu liuy; been done; Debilitv. Low Spirits, a thick yellow aiipuanince of the Skin and Eyes, a dry Cough often mistaken for Consumption. , Sometimes many of these symptoms attend the disease at others very few ; but the LIVER, the larges or-an in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, and ir not lleiflllulud In time, great suffering, wretcheilness and death will ensue. 1 can recommend as an efficacious remedy for disease of the Liver. Heartburn and Dyspepsia. Simmons' Liver Regulator. LEW is O. \V L'.NDKU, lfi>3 MASTF.U STUEKT, ASSISTANT POST .MASTER, PHILAI>KI.PHIA. "We have tested its virtues, personally, and know that for Dvspepsla, Biliousness, and Throb bing Headaelie, it is the best medicine tbe world ever saw. We have tried forty other remedies before Simmons' Liver Regulator, but none of them have us more than temi.arary relief; but the Itegrtjator not only relieved, but cured us. El>. TRLEOR.VI'M AMI MKSSKNUEH. Macon, (sa. MAtfiriTAl.Tl UKt» ONLY lIY j. it. xi-:ll.i v. a < o. PIIfLADKLPHIA. Piice, |l. Sold by nil I'rugft lal ». api3B-iyr I The ipnrckt ami Jimt ever Hide. AcoCmuuijUion of Hops, Buchu, Man draKlaaud Dan<Jelioii, with ailtuubei>tand mofft eluftf ftfvg proptrtiea of all other Eaters. •\tlicf:i-Bfc-4BIOP' : l Purifier, Liver r j;u \ator, oi.dTjtpVi.iJ UejJfb .ig C Ht oJwrnmiß—amMnit, No di*MC posnit'ly HlJt whsreHop Ulttcraaro »aiie«l and 4 *rfeci arc their VyCi'atloQj.BiA n»7 giw ic-TuVa an! vi£ort3t!i»xs«d »=d ialra lotil whoua e *pidoymint»eau» inwularl tTufiiioixniiUorA urinary organ*, or who ix qu!ro an Apr*u«\*° nl ° and mild Stimulant H nittcra aro Without intox icating. mrr B Ktj i.jotter whal your or *ympto~»« are wi-ii | ';o (Lsuam or ailW*ent u *° H(»;> llit ten I only feci bad or n:.. crat>lJ.« ua * 1 **»« fit pntfy L it ,m/ i»a»J y oJi' uasl 4 tt v c a hundreds. SSOO V/ M bo paid foracaT*® they will not euro or ):el;i> l)o not sufTcr tt°' * your fricnJj euffer.buL use a.;d urrre to ,:b ° MOP B Remember. Hop Titters 13 norvj" drugg*! ! dru:i!:rn n iJtrum, but liic Pu t\V» » J I Medicine ever inarte .Iho 4 a id HOPS" t-: J no person or famlJy^^ I»bo«iU Uo vvitlivjut them. or 9UJ» 'ARE n 1.C.1* *n a'»<«ol«*V> aii lrrOTist!'»l3 c;i~ forDruulcenii' M,UHC of uniam, t>>ljftcco narcotic*. Ali void l>y drtu:H«tii. fcciul for Circular. Hop Bitter* Sfy. Co., 'Jf 1)71 [ .LY ON, SALE AND FEED STABLE. At the old stand of Patrick Keller, Esq., cor ner of Cunningham and Maiii street, oposile John Bet-g'e IJanU. where I «ill to the feeding of Horses ot BOARDING BY THE WEEK OB MONTH of the Htme. Give ine a call and I will make the charge* moderate to suit the times. Those having Horses for sale or persona want ing to buy, it will be to their advantage to call. ang2s-:*m CAMPAIGN FLAG? Beautiful Campaign Badges of the Republi can and Democratic Candidates. G A K FIELD ATk HANCOCK .ml I I |< ARTHUR, VII RKOI.I«H. Contaiuinir lilo-llkc Photographs of the Can didates; encased in pretty Mlnalntare Gilt Frames, with pin for attnehiug to co-it or vest. Active ngen's can make $lO a day srllinir th'm, and city and country merchants can make n handsome profit. Price 10 <i nU w»ph; 2 'or 15 cents ; 10 lor 50 cents, or 100 for Pli' to. ({rap's same price us Badges. Crayon Portraits on tinted plate paper. Heroic size 22 by 2S. for 25 cents, Fl it's all fixer, kinds and prices. Now is the Harvest time for agents, and deal ers. Send lor samples and full particulars to U. 8 MANUFACTURING cr>. 110 Smitklleld street, Piiisbuigb, Pi tunSO-Sm ExCOllfor* Tetters testimentarv iu the estate of Captain Robert Thompson, dee'd, late of Clinton town? ship, Butler comity, PA., bavin# been granted to the undersigned, ail persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will make imme diate payment, and any having claims against said esUte, will present them duly authenti cated for set Moment. ABHOLOM MONKS, J. W. MONKS, Ex'ru. Jul?2B-6t Haxonhurg, P. O. Butler county. Pa. PEN SIO Procured for all soldiers disabled in the U. H, ser vice from any cause, also for heirs of deceased sol diers The slightest disability entitles to iienslnu. Pensions Increased. Bounty and new discharge,! procured. Those who are iu doubt as to whether entitled to anything,should send two 3 cts. stamps for our ' circulars of nfonnation." Address, with stamps, Stoddart & K'o., Solicitors of Claims and Patents. Boom 8. St. Cloud Building. Washington, D. c. (jnnao-3in) ST( iDD.Mtr & <<». Stock Speculation and Investment Operations on Margin or by Privileges. Spe cial business in Mining Stocks. Full particulars on application. JAMES BROWN, Dealer in Stocks and Bonds, 64 A 66 Broadway, New York. marl7-9w (Kb* Unit** : gutter, 28, tSSfI. W. H. WAK&Fi ELP & QQ. Nn 19, A Federal street, 110. ALLEGHENY. FA. ARE SELLING GOODS CHEAP And extend :i cordial invitation to all t« call i and examine their goods and prices, wlien in the city—whether wishing to purchase or not. A.T 5 C'KN I'lS A. VARD. 2 cases—Dark, Fast colored. Calicos worth 7 cts. AT CKNTS A. VAIII>. 5 Bales—Heavy, yard wide, Unbleached Muslin, worth 8 cents. AT M CENTS PER YARD, Heavy Loom Table Linens, sold at -.'5 cents. Finer grades.—3l cents to *1.50 AT 15 CENTS PER YARD, Good Grey Twilled Flannels worth JO cents. AT 25 CENTS PER YARD, Fine, 27-iuch, all Wool lied Flennels. AT 25 CENTS, 35 CENTS AND 45 CENTS, Barred Country Flannels. AT .25 t ENTS, Mens Merino Shirts and Drawers. EXTRA BARGAINS AT 25 CENTS, 50 CENTS, 75 CENTS AND SI For Men. Women and Children. BLANKETS, COMFORTS, QUILTS. DRESS GOf)I>S, At 31 cents, yard wide. Cashmeres, Black and all colors. AT 73C. 44 and 46-inch Black Cashmerers, superior qual ity anil color, for this price. A.T 81, 48-Inch Black Cashmere. These goods are made from pure cashmere wool, and guaranteed the best quality for price in the city. We have everytning desirable in all the new de siuhsof Foreign and Domestic Dress Goods—and our stock of French and Persian Novelties in un surpassed in the city, either in variety or price. BLACK DRESS SILKS. 75 cents. 81. SI .25, *1.50, $1.75 to Clean pure goods, and Will not cut or shine. COLORED DRESS SILKS, From 50 cents to 81.25 per yrr.l, (all shades.) CLOTH BAQUES, DOLMANS AND SHAWLS. orders promptly attended to. W. (t. WAKEFIELD & o®. 1 » l Federal (Street, C;lty. I'a. sept*-3m PITTSBURGH EXPOSITION. Home Hotel, Puquesne Way, between 8 and 9, St Special rates for people attending Ex position. $1.25 per day. Hotel short distance from Exposition Buildings. No BAR, OR SOLD ON THE PREMISES. REV. W. MCHAHON, Supt. JKFFKHHON ACABEHT. Thorough preparation for College ; good Eng lish and business education. Moderate expenies not necessarily exceeding ■>!•) or £SO per term. Good chemical and philosophical apparatus; large library. Good moral and Rocial surround ings. French and German taught. Next term commences Sept. 15th, 1880. . • . REV. WM. EWING, Principal, jy 21:2 m CuiJllunsburg, I 'a FKKRS AMP l> bed "ar'tic^ ever sold t>v agents to every one who answer tins WI,I,,n AMk.uOAN MANUFM-rCRINC, CO.. jun23-3in " City Mills, Massachusetts. !S --EVERY SOLDIER disabled in line of duty by wound disease, or iiijurv. Is entitled to pensions. I'EN'kIOXS INCREASED.— Many an- drawing less tiiau enlitled to.-Thousands of Hein entitled to Pensions and Bounty. REJECTED CASES re*oiHtnc(l. , , f ABANDONED CASES flnlahed.—Copies of Lost Discharges obtained.-*'lain.s of every description prosecuted.—Patents Procured. Address with stamps. 11. S. BERLIN £ CO Attorneys Box rm. [septi ; -Bt] Washington, D. t ■ Administrators Xotice. Letters of Administrati-vi havo been granted to James W Ban an 10. S. Burr on the estate of H. H. Barr dee'd. lato of JefferHon towimhip Butler comity. All pernons indebted to >■' id entato are requested to make immediate pay ment, friif} those having claims or demandi against the HI I '' o them known without dclav to JAMBS W. BARR, I ... sepH-6t] O. S. BARR, f Adm IMPORTANT TO AGENTS.—THE LIFE OF GKS. .1 A. GA H FIKL l» Itv hi« i>ersonal frienil. .MAJOR B'INDY. Editor N". Y.Miil. the only edition to which Gen <iar 9cld "has given pc-Tfoiml attention of fact-. Beautifully illustrated, printed ami bound "The best."—N. Y. Commercial Adveitiser "The iieateat," —N. V. Herald. "Tiie most ire ful. sensible and satisfactory."—N. Y. Tribune- Full length steel portrait by Hall, from a n'e tme taken expresely for the work. Active Agents Wanted. Liberal terms. Siud -tl at once for complete outfit. S. [t v I;SE ' A CO sppt3-4tl U1 dt 113 William St., New York. AO BNTB WA BN FED To take subscriptions for the INTERNATIONAL REVIEW, the latest and best American publication, of ihe highest clas-. with original contributions from the most celebrated writes in every country Edited by J T.Morse. Jr. and Henry Cabot Ltidjje. gentlemen of the highest attainments and oult■<■>». and tyhQse li»ipcs are alono stiffl cient guaranty of tlio value of the KKVMW. Always bright, readable and insttucive : cos rropolitac iu litersture. progressive in science, unsectarikn in religion, and independent iD poli tico. Pi ice CO cents a number ; t5 a year. A com plete Agent's Outfit sent on receipt of $ 1 (10 A i-pecimi n cotv sent to anv ad lres f r 15 cents, A. S. BAIiNES A CO.. Publi ers. sept-81 111 A 113 William St., New York. A GOOD BUSINESS OPENING—THE UNION Insurance Company, of Ohio, desires to es tablish a General Agency for this section of Pennsylvania. Its asserts exceed fl S'M.OOi) 00, with a large surplus, and has for many years se cure! the largest amount of new business in Ohiooi anyone company iu the Uuiied Slates. Its interest receipts exc#ed its deach losses, matured endowments t»xe», and c.immission paid to agents. Its able management is further illustrated by the fact that its rate of losses and etpeutie* to its premiu-u inco-n« for the year 1370 acootdiug to the New Y >rk "fflcisl reports, is lower tlion that of any other company It isrnes endowment policies at life rates, which are nonforfeitable witUu tt surrender and incjn tettible after three auuuil payments. It is governed bv t!ie insurance 'aw of Ohio which are now tlio most stringent fir the protection of po'icy holders of any iu the Union. They re quire a four per cent. reserve fund invested in unquestioned securities, which the Superintend ent of Insurance is required annually to ex amine The business of life insurance is now rapidly increasing, and msti flrst chiss business ability and chaiacter, who desire a General Agency for tliis stnrling company will do well to address GEORGE THORNTON. Man ager, Room 33 Astor House Offices. New York, stating, in fall, age, past experience in li e in surance or other business, salaries received and reference. BlairsviHe (Pa ) Ladies' Seminary. Beautiful grounds, comiiUKllims buildings, new and superior pianos for practice, and TU"K<>r<;ii INKTIU'I TION. Ten instructors. Terms moderate. Thirtieth year begins September s. issu. For Cat alogues, apply to RK v. T. B. EWING, Principal. Jtine2n-2m L. M. C OC IIIIA Limy, Sale, feed and Exchange STABLE, Rear of Lowry House, - - BUTLER, PA. june4-ly Ur ANTED—WIDE-AWAKE AGENTS, in all part* of the State, to sell Russell's new and elegant MAPOF PENNSYLVANIA. Every citi zen should have It. Nothing has succeeded like it since war times. Useful, ornamental and cheap. A golden opportunity for energetic canvassers. Sample for tai cents. Addrrw, Quarter City Publishing House, 723 Saasoiu St., Philadelphia. THE VICTOR Doubte Huller Clovei Machine RIG* U tho only kind that QU BT«T hailed H»0 huabeia o» •*< 4 Li? .v'VWSSI ,n on * trcm 4suc P wet iitrtw. Fcod tor !>•- II <i[ '.ilnwi Ajxrlr ulturrtl fclf- Co. k«M u.h*rt yow i«f liiiirtowrniU. 11 Mi DlMMolulfou of rarliierwhip Notice is hereby given, that the late Arm of Hei|>el A ManrhoCf dissolved partnership, on September Ist. 1880. The business will be carried on by 11. A. Seipel, partner of old tirm. All persons knowing themselves indebte.l to said Hrm are requested to pay, and those that have bills against tho same, will present them to H. A. Seipel, Saxonburg. 1 H. A SEIPEL, septl-tit G W. MAURHOFF. |s*T* Advertise in the CITIZEN. Port Grape Wine I'sed in the principal CI urches for Communion , purpcaes. For >n, l ealtly Persons «ud the A#?rd. SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE! FOUR YEARS OLD. This Celebrated Native Wine is made from the mice of tne Oporto Grape .raised in tnis country. Its Ivaluable Tonic and Strengthing Properties are unsurpassed by any other Native Wlnc. Being the pure juice of the Grape, produced under Mr Speer's own personal supervision. Its purety anil genuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake of its generous qualities and the weakest invalid use It to advantage. Itlsparticu larilv benelieial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that affect the. weaker sex. It is in every respect A WIN h to 81-. RELIED ON. 81'EEW'H IP. J. SXT-ETLT^IT, The P. J. SHERRY is a wine of Superior Char acter, and partakes of the golden qualities of the grape from which it is made. For purity. Richness Flavor aim Mechanical Properties, it will be found unexcelled. 13.I 3 . J". J3 IR, 3ST ZD Y. This BRAN DY stands unrivaled in this Country. being jar sunerior for mediciuial purposes. IT IS A I'L'RK distllation from Hie gr.i|>e and contains valuable medicinial properties. It has a delicate flavor, similar to that of the grapes from which it is distilled, and is iu great favor among first-class families. .. Stee that the signature of LED Si EER. I as saic, N. J., is over the cork of each b >ttle. Sold by ». H. WULLER. apr2B-iyr A«i 1111»»i*f ra< rix'» Xot ire. Notice is hereby given that letters of admin istration having been granted to the undersign ed on the estate of .lames Stoops, late of Cherry township, county of Butler, State ot Pennsylva nia. dee'd, all persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate will please make imnn di ate pavnient, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement. ELIZA JANE STOOPS, Adm'i, jel(?;6w] Annandale, Ilutler Co., Pa. Union Woolen IVfill* BUTLEK, PA. 11. FIJI.LEIITOX. Prop'r. Manufacturer of BLANKETS, FLANNELS, YAHN- Ae. Also custom work done to order, such a curding Rolls, making Blankets, Flmnels Kni. ting and Weaving Yarns, Ac., t ver> 'uv prices Wool worked "n the *; ares, if '• jircd. «v7-l TALK ABOUT YOCR ilium insimiHS! A Complete Cyclopaedia for $7,00. Everybody, young and old. learned and mi learned, white or blac!<, in Butter county, there will be a meeting between you and E. W Moore on or after August Ist, ISBO. whose purpose it is to place in every home, every office and ever* shool rootr iu fintler county, a c omplete Cyclo paedia, for only *7.00. It is tlie greatest wonder of the age, and contains more u» ful and more accurate inforii)atlJi} than any other book pub lished A good map oi every country is securely bound ii) with the description of that country. Every term »nd proper name is pronounced. REVISED TO 1880. Any teaolier desiring this work immediately shouid address, E. W. MUORE Wolf Creek, Mercer Co , Pa. Bpecial Agent for Butler county. 4aug3m BICKLJ FftV! Livery, Sale & Feed HTABI.ES. Cunningham street, near Post office, Butler, Fa. new hobsesTniwrigs. A NEW DEI'ARI'UUK <1 BOTTI.B PATENT MEDICINES FOR 3S CENTS ! JADWIN'3 TONIC LAXATIVE Is Appetizing, Palatable and Non-Alcohollc, AND ALWAYS CUKES Dyspepsia, SlcH Headache Constipation, Kit iou-iness, Hour Stomach, Liver Complaint, Want of Appetite, Indigestion, .l iuniiice, Kill ney Complaint, Nervousness, Dizziness, Sleep;, Ilearttiuru, Colic, Debility, Foul Breath, Worms, Piles,-Fevers, Colds, Ac. THE TONIC LAXATIVE regulates tin; bowels and strengthens the system, gives a clear bead, pure blood and clastic spirits. Is purely vege table, contains no mercury nor aloes. Sal" at all times. Pleasant to the taste, and a subsli tute lor Pills, Castor Oil, Ac. Best family med icine known. Adapted to strong men. delicate females ai d feeble lnfauts. In liqui I form Hold bj druggists. Price onlv HS cents for a large bottle JiENKY B JAD WIN, Apothe cary ae.d Chemist, Hole Proprietor, Carboudale, Pa. I). 11. WULLEK, Drugist, Sole Agent for Butler, Pa. jan2B-ly ft llook of nearly UHJ lurgi £4 K H H "° ,:lvo pages lor the sick. X iIJULI Ku 11 of valuable notes, by (jr. E. B. POOTK, on fcorofula, Diseases of the breathing organs; Diseases of Men; Diseases of Women ; aches and pains; Heart Troubles; and a great variety of chronic diseases, with evidence that in most canes these diseases arc curable. Send a three Tent Stamp. Add res, ML7RRY IIILL PUB. CO., No. 129 East24th I~SI II If\ street, New York city. -*—' ' jun9-3m $5,000,000. The American Shoe Tip Co. WAItIt ANT TII KIR A. S. T. Co. BLACK I IP That 1* now so extensively worn on CHILDREN'S SHOES TO WEAR A3 LONG AS THE METAL, Which was Introduced by them, and by which the nhove amount lias been saved to parents an nually. I'll is Hlnrb Tip will anrr still more, as besides being worn on the coarser prudes it is worn on linr and coolly shoes where tha Metal Tip on account of its looKt would not be used. They all have our Trade Mark A. M. T. Co. stamped on front of Tip. Parents should ASK FOR SHOES with this EEAUTJFUL BLACK TIP on them when purchasing for their children. nr^T.-wncaKaaii.anroijnaaMi A<lniiniM<ratrix*N Notice. LetterH of AdminiMtration havo been granted to the nndentigned on the estate of George C. Conway deo'd, late of Concord township. Butler county. All iiernoim indebted to said ontate are requeued to make immediate payment, and thode having cUims or demands against the name, bhould make them known without delav to RARAH CONWAY. Adm'i. ' »eptl-6t Hooker P. 0., Butler. a weck 'n your own town. Terms and $5 V*'" outfit free. AadresH 11. H *LI.ETT A Co., Portland, Maine. dec3-ly Advertise in the CITIZEN. THE Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & St. Louis ' It A 11. WAY CO- Tlii-iiilßlt >01)1111 Offers the best facilities and most comfortable ! ami expeditious Line for families moving to points in KANSAS, ARKANSAS, T E X A. S , COLORADO, NEBRA-SKA, O A LIFORHSTIA, OR ANY OF THE WESTERN STATES AND TERRITORIES. THE VERY LOWEST KATES TO ALL POINTS IS TIIE WKST & SOUTH-WEST CAS ALWAYS BK SECURED VIA THE OLD RELIABLE PAN-HANDLE ROUTE. Tickets Sold and Baggage Checked THROUGH TO ANY POIST YQf WAST TO GO. }Ve offer you the Lowest Rates, the tjuicltest Time, the liest Facilities and the most Satisfac tory Route to all points West and South-west. We run no Emigrant Trains. All classes of Passengers are carried on regular Express Trains. If you are unable to procure Through Tick ets to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Kan sas, Colorado, Wisconsin, Minnesota. lowa, Ne braska or California, by the direct "PAN-IIAN DLE ROUTE," at your nearest Railroad Sta tion, please address Gen'l Passenger Agent, 'Pan-Handle Route,' COLUMBUS, OHIO. Is a compound of the virtues of sarsaparil la, stillingia. maudrake, yellow dock, with tbe iodide pf potash and iron, all jiowerful lilqod-uiaking, blood-cleansing, and life-sus taining elements. It is the purest, safest, and most effectual alterative medicine known or available to the public. The sci ences of medicine and chemistry have never produced so valuable a remedy, nor one so poteut to cure all diseases resulting from impure blood. It cures Scrofula and all scrofulous diseases. Erysipelas, Rose, or St. Anthony's Fire, Pimple* and Face-grubs, Pustules, Blotches, Boils, Tumors, Tetter, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scald-head, Ring-worm, Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, Mercurial Disease, Neuralgia, Female Weak nesses and Irregularities, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, aud General Debility. By its searching and cleansing qualities it purges out the foul corruptions which contaminate the blood and cause derange ment auil decay. It stimulates and enlivens the vital functions, promotes energy and strength, restores and preserves health, and infuses new life and vigor throughout the whole system. No sufferer from any dis ease which arises from impurity of the blood need despair who will give Ayer's SARSAPAHILLA a fair trial. It is folly to experiment the numer ftus luw'rpriced mixtures/of cheap materials, and without medicinal virtues, offered as blut)d-puritiers, while disease becomes more firmly seated. Aver s Saiisapaiui.i.a is a medicine of such concentrated curative |H3Wer, that it is by far the best, cheapest, and most reliable blood-puritier known. Physicians know its composition, ami pre scribe it. It has been widely used for forty years, and has won the unqualified confi dence of millions whom it has benelited. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Sc Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. ■OLD BV ALL DKUUGISTS KVKIIYV.IIEBE. TIIKUUKAT ENGLISH REMEDY! (IRA Y'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE before TaJriitfCof'Memory,' 1 nil-After Taking. versal Lassitude, l'aiu in the InU-k. Dimniuess of Vision, Permature Old iige, and niony other dis eases that lead to Insanity. Consumption and a Prnnature Grave all of \vhl li ;u a ru'e are llrst caused by deviatinjr from the nath <>l nature and over indulgence. The Speeiftc Medicine is "lie re sult of a life study and many years of experience In treating these special diseases. Full |i.niiciiiai - lu ii ir pamphlets which wc de sire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific .Medicine is : nM by all Druggists at •91 per package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money by addressing Till'. (ilt.V l il i.uli iNE CO., No. lo Mechanic's Block. Di-tboit. Mich. t«y~.Soid in Butler by J. C. Kkdick, and by all Druggists everywhere. i -*r~ 11A KHIK & EwiNd, Wholesale Agents, Pitts burgh. inyl2-ly. MILLINERY!! TRIMMED HATS, PLUMES, FEATHERS, RUCHIXG. RIBBONS Puff and Switches in stock and made to order on short notice, at 1. 1 IlHIf! Next door to P. H. Wuller's Drug Store, Butler, Pa. niy2-om. lumber Yard and Planing Mill. H. BAUER & BROS., Jkfperson St.. - - Butler, Pa., MAtiOrXCTDUKRS O* Doors, Sash, Frames, Blinds, Molding of all descriptions, Brackets, Patent Molded Weatherboarding, Mill Boards, Flooring, Palings, Stair Railings, Balusters of -every style, &c., &c. Circular Moldings Made to Order. 4LSO, DRALEKS IS Lumber, Plank, Shingles, Lath, &o, apl2-l y Kxcculor'n Notice. LetterH testameutary on the esilate of Mirt!>a Meclding. dee'd. late of .lofferHon tow.iHhip, Bn:- ler county. I'a.. having been grante 1 to the nc deraiglied, all persona ki.owing the liHclves ir dobtod t> naid estate, will ploaso ma ce inim 'di ate payment, and any having elains agaimt Hftid eHtate. will preeeut theai duly authenti cated for payment. A. L. BHRADEB, Ex'r, Butler. Pa. IBM Forlliis style Sin^r. We will send it to your fflJn Depot to be examined be- SgfHM fore you pay for it. If it is not as represented it can be _A| returned at our expense. Send a postal card for illus- WOOD a CO. 17 N. Tenth St!, Philadelphia. Jnl>U-3ni {& MAM WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHY OF.THIS COUNTRY. WILL WMU 13 wr ""- v SEE BY EXAMININC THIS MAP. THAT THE | f 1 I. xX E s£| CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS THE GREAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE WEST! Its main line runs from Chicago to < oupcil Bluffs, passing throueh Joliet. Ottawa, I.a Salle. Geneseo. Moltne. Kock Island, Davenport, Wert Liberty. lowa Cltv. Marengo, Brooklyn, tirinnell, Des Moines the capital of lowai. Stuart. Atlan tic. and Avoca; with branches from Bureau Junction to Peoria : Wilton Junction to Musca tine. Washington, Fairfield. Eldon, Belknap. Centrevllle. Princeton. Trenton. Gallatin. Came ron. lieavenworth, Atchison. and Kansas City; ■ Washington to Slgoumey. Oskaloosa. and Knoi- Ttlle; Keokuk to Karnilntfton. Bonaparte. Ben tonHport. Independent. Kldon. Ottumwa. Ediiy vllle. Oskaloosa. Pella.Monroe, and IK-s Motnes; Newton to Monroe; Des Moines to Indianolaund Winlcrset; Atlantic to Lewis and Audulion; and ; Avoca to Harlan. This is positively the only Railroad, which owns, and operates a through line from Chicago into the State of Kansas. Through Express Passenger Trains, with Pull man Palace Cars atta#ied, are run each way daily | between CHICAGO and PEOKIA. KANSAS ( ITV, I COUNCIL BLIIFKS, LEAVENWORTH and ATCHI SON. Through cars arealso run between Milwau kee and Kansas C»ty, via the "Milwaukee and ; Pock Island Short Line." The ''Great Hock Island is magnificently equipped. lu road bed is simply perfect, and its track Is laid with »teel rails. What will please you most will be the pleasure Of enjoying your meals, while passing over the beautiful prairies of Illinois and lowa. In one of | our magnificent Dining Cars that accompany all Through Express Trains You get an entire i meal, as good as is served in any Brst-class hotel, forseventy-tive cents. ... Appreciating the fact that a majority of the . people prefer separate apartments for different purposes (and the immeuse passenger business of this line warranting It), we are pleased to an nounce that this Company runs Pullman Palate Sleeping Cart for sleeping purposes, and Palace PI'LLHAX PALACE CAKB are tub through to PEORIA, DES v tlOl\Eß, CO I '*CII- BI.VFF*, kANS VS <IT Y. ATC .»<! LEAvfe.> WOKTH. "* Tickets via U(« {ilno, known u» tl*e "Creat Kock lalund Route/' are sold by all Ticket A cents In the United States aid C'anuda. For Information not obtainable at your home ticket office, address, A KIMBALL, E. ST. JOHN, * Oen'l Superintendent. Gen'l Tkt. and l'ass'gr Agt., Chicago, lib WHY DOES a woman's health often break down at an early ago? Put a man at the wish-tub, let l:.:n • t heated from the hot suds until every pore is opened; then let him stand O'er the filthy steari that comes from scalding and boiling clothes, that are full of sweat and exhalations irom the skin and his health too would bwfc aown before long ; and yet this most terrible ordeal L> \vlia> A WOMAN has to (to through with on wash-day; and, besides, with her clothing wet from perspiring o the hot work, she has to risk her life by going out in the air to hang up the clothes, fcver those not at work are in the unhealthy atmosphere; its smell, so apparent to visitors, show ing that it finds its way through the house,—the family, however, olten becoming so accus tomed to the peculiar odor from its own wash as not to notice it. These facts readily ex plain why so many women sufl'er with colds, rheumatism, weak nerves, or neuralgia, and LOOK OLD while yet young in years, and physicians and boards of health cannot draw attention too atrongly to the injurious effects of the usual way of washing, with its necessary steam and scalding or boiling to get the clothes pure and sweet-smelling, especially as it is without doubt often the direct cause of those dreadful diseases, diphtheria, consumption, and typhoid fever. Fortunately this trouble can be avoided; scalding, boiling, steam and all disagreeable smell from the wash completely done away with; clothes made sweet and beautifully white; from the saving in fuel the wash done at It# eqft than even when home-jnaile soap ts u*ed, an.i very much SOONER THAN by the old way, by using FRANK SIDDAXLS SOAP,—a Soap so purifying and cleansing that the dirtiest clothing can be washed in lukewarm water with very little rubbing, and clothes, bedding and utensils used by the sick disinfected and cleansed without either, scalding or boiling, while the work is so light that a girl twelve or thirteen years of age can do a Urge wash without being tired; and yet so mild and healing is Oiis Soap that for toilet and shaving it has no equal, and physicians advise its use in preference to imported Castile, Soap on wounds and sores, and to wasn tnc youngest infants, as well as for persons with delicate skin. Now that there is a remedy for this, so economical that the poorest can use U, then. 1 is not a woman or A MAN tmeii aud fearful steam on wash-days, makes the white pieces whiter, colored pieces brighter and flannels softer than they can be made by washing the old way, leaves the hands smooth enough to do fine sewing and uvery article as clean, as sweet and as pure as if never worn. ->TEBTIMONIALS<- From H. E. BOWLW, M. D.. nammonton, N. J., Editor So irfA Jersey Republlcun. My attention was called to FRANK SIDDALLS BOAP from an advertisement in my own paper, and Its use in my bouse for nearly s year, according to tlie directions, lias proved that Its remarkable properties have not been overstated. For remov ing printing Ink it is invaluable, while for toilet and shaving it is the best Soap I have ever seen. From Mas. n. L. KENYON, Northfletd. Vt I do my wash with FRA N K SI DDA LLB SOA P In balf the time and with no expense tor Soap, ru the laving In furl more than pay a far it- I have no steam or scent from the wash, wrtille the saving lu health, clothes and labor can hardly be estimated. From 15. W- STAMTON, 1408 ~N. 20th Bt. Plillada We are confident, from a lone experience In using and recommending FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP, that one trial, according to the very easy printed directions, will overcome all prejudices. It also really baa wonderful merit for shaving, toilet. The following are the Directions for Use, so simple that a child can understand them. Dont do anything so ridiculous as to buy the Soap unless you Intend following them. MO~SIOO positively forfeited if it injures the clothe*, or will not do everything elatmed. First, put the white clothes in a tub of water, only made warm enough to be comfortable for the hands. Then take one piece out at a time on the wash-board, rub the Soap lightly over it, roll it up and put it back into the same tub, and so on with each piece until all have the Soap rubbed on them. Then go away and let them soak at least twenty minute*, without touching them, when the dirt will all be loosened, and a very little rubbing on the wash-board, out of that one suds, will make them perfectly clean, being particular to turn each piece while washing so as to get at the seams. Theu wash lightly on the wash board, through a lukewarm rinse-water (without any Boap,) so as to get the dirty suds out. Theu put through blue-water, and on tha line, vnthout scalding or boiling a tingle pieca Afterward put flannel* and colored pieces to soak, and wash them exactly the same way. It Is important not to heat the wash-water in a tin, brass or copper kettle. A tea-kettle will heat enough water for a large wash with this Soap. Just Think What You will Save by this Easy Way of Washing! No Wash-boiler! No Steam! No Smell of Suds through the House! It has the remarkable Property of keeping the Di&h-t loth, Wash-Rag and Sponge always Sweet, and of Washing Freely in Hard Water. -HSOLD BY GROCEEBH- Get a Cake and Try it for Yourself next Wash-Day. To Points where this Soap le not yet Introduced a Trial Cake will be Bent by Mall, on receipt of Price, (lO Cents), In Money or Stamps. AOO^ l c E lE o T F TERS FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP, 718 CALLOWHILL ST.. PHILADELPHIA. PA. E. GRIEB, DEALER IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. ENGHAVING OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET, (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA. WATCHES AND CLOCKS REPAIRED, AND WARRANTED. 7)i»iu<f 0.T.1 for eating purposes only. Oneolher CTeat I future of our l*ti late Cars is a SMOKING BAI.OON where you can enjoy your " Havana" at all hours of the day. Magnificent Iron Bridges suan the Mississippi anil Missouri rivers at all points crossed by tnla line, and transfers are avoided at Counell Bluffs. Kansas City. Leavenworth. and Atchison, con nections heini! made in Union Depots. THK PRINCIPAL, K. It. CONNECTIONS OK THIS UKEAT THROUGH LINE ARE A 9 FOLLOWS At CHICAGO, with all diverging lines for the , East and South. At EXGI.EWOOD, with the L. S. Jk M. S., and P., Ft. W.4C. 11. Rds. „ . „ At WASHINGTON HEIGHTS, with P., C. & at. I L. R. R. At I.A SALLE. with 111. Cent. R. R. . I At PEORIA, witli P. P. & J.; P. U. & E.; I. B. & j W.; 11l- Mid.; and T. P. * W. Rds. I At ROCK ISLANII. with "Milwaukee A Rock Island Short Line," and Rock Isl'd Jfc Peo. Rdi. I At DAVENPOUT. with the Davenport Division C.M. A St. P. R. R. At WEST LIBEKTY. with theß.. C. R. 4 N.R. R. At URINVELL. with Central lowa R. R. At DKS MOINES, with 1). M. * F. D. R. R. At CoCNCII. BLUFFS. with I'nion Pacitlc R. R. I At OMAHA, with B. .V Mo. R. R. R. in Neb.) AtCOLCMBI SjCNOTION,with 8..C. R. * N. R.R. I At OTTt'MWA, with Central lowaß.lt.; W., I St. L. & Pac., and C B. &Q. R. Rds i At KEOKI'K. with Tol., Peo- ft War.; Wab.. St. Louis ft Pac., and St. L.. Keo. A N.-W. R. Rds. I At CAMERON, with 11. St. J 11. R. At ATCHISON, with Atch., Topeka & Santa Fei 1 Atcli ft Neb. and I'en. Br. C. P. R. Rds. At LEAVENWORTH, with Kan. Pno-, and Kan. i Cent. R. Rds. At KANSAS CITY, with all lines for the West | and Southwest. and all household use*, and as It become.", mora generally known, must pave an Immense sale. From Mas. E. STOCK WELL, Hammontort, N. J. FRANK SIDDAL.LS SOAP lias been used In my house for the Inst seven months, and by follow ing the printed directions, we find It to do every thing claimed on the wrappers. We have not scalded or boiled a single article, and the cliithet arr whiter and niftier than whm uxixhed in the old tiviy. ;>ly husband, who Is a dealer hern, has a steady demand for the Hoap from hia customers. From MANAOER or DEITF.B Latt?? DRY. 30! Sixth Street, Corner C Street, N.W., Washington. D. C. No laundrv or family can afford to be without FRANK SIDDAI.LS SOAP. We follow direc tions and use no other Soap, and have u reputation second to no laundry In Washington for whita clothes; the superior work we have been enabled to turn out having secured us the trade of some of the best geutlemen's furnishing stores in the city. 1 Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. ' (Formerly Dr. Craig** Kldnr >/ Cure.) ■ A vegetable preparation and the only sore ■ reiaa«»d:r in the world for llrlnrlat'* I>ISPRM>. HIM IIM-H 4 *, ;ua«l ALL Kidney, Liter, and 2 I rinarj DIM'WN'*. ■ Ifca* Testimonials of the highest order In proof ■ of these statement*. m IMTKor the cure of Dlnbelr*, c all for War- I iaer*» Sulr IliulH'loft ( urr. 9 »U'For the cure of lta»ljglat*a and the other ■ dist ant**, call for Wuraer'aa >ufc Kidney Hand LlvcrCnrf. I WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. V It Is the bent Illood Purifier, and stimulate# ■ every function (o more healthful action, aud ■ is thus a benefit in all diseases. th It cures ttrrofulouia and otherNStlaa Ervap ntfou. and I)lMeiu*es ( includiU£ Cnurrrs, II- Qrrr*, and other More*. I D.Tapcpala, U'enltneMof Hie Stonmrh, ■ <i»»M Ipnlion, IMuiiM «<(.4(<>ii( > r»l llebll [9 Il.r, etc., are cured by til' .Safe Hitler*. It It ■ un«rpiaied as an appetizerawl regular tonic. A liot ties of two sizes ; price*. &Oc. and 8 WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE B (2 <:< kly k-Vc . ISest nnd Nlec|» to the suffering. Hemftle:t«3.iclae and prevents W r |tJI?»!»ll«* l'H«, and relieves Kea*%oiia I*a «M»- y la' .iion brought on by exceuiva, over u. work, mental shocks, and other causes. ■ powerful as it is to stop pain and s(»othc dis ■ turhrd Nerves, it n**ver Injures the system, » woether taken In small or lar«e dose*. N liotlles of two sl^eJt; prices, SOe. and &I.DO. i WARNER'S SAFE PILLS ■ ,\r« an Iniinediate and active stimulus for a '■P'" T. Planing Mill —AND— Lin nbei- Yard. J. L. PUKVIB. L. O. PURVIS. S.G. Purvis & Co., MANCrACTKHIRg AND DEALERS IN Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVF.KY UESCitIi'TION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH. DOORS, FLOORING, SIDIKG, BATI ENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Beards, PORCH POSTS, STAIIi RAILS Newell Posts and Balusters FENCE PALINGS, Ac., Ac , MICHIGAN SHINGLES, Barn Boards; Plastering Lath ; Ilera look Bill Stuff, such as Joist Raf ters, Scantiine, Ac.. all sizes constantly on hard. All of which we will pell on reasonable terms oid guar antee satislaction. PLANING MILL AND YARD tfeitr tieruiHii Catholic Chnrch jin?-£O-ly | " A NEW DEPARTURE! iCT^^Hn^ra^Di THE SYRACUSE CHILLED PLOW CO. at Syracuse, N. Y. Are now putting on the market a Plow that la as much superior to any Plow heretofore made as the Plows ot the past few years have been superior to those made halt a century ago. It combines all the excellencies ol any Plow In use. It obviates Oil the objections made to any other Plow. In addlUon It embraces several new features of the greatest value, for which we have ob tained exclusive Patents. Its Beam, Clevis, Jointer Standard and Wheel Standard will be STEEL, and Its mold board will be a composition of Steel and Iron chilled under a process for which wo have also obtained an exclusive Patent. It will be called THE SYRACUSE CHILLED STEEL PLOW Its weight will be eighteen pouuds less than our present styles. A flrst-class Steel Plow, made In the or dinary way, full rigged, retails for twenty-two dollars, inferior Steel Plows retail from six teen to nineteen dollars. The price of our new Plow will be but Seventeen Dollar*, and It wIU be the cheapest Agricultural Implement ever sold. Its mold board will outwear three of the very best kinds of the ordinary steel mold ■•boards. It will scour In soils where all steel plows and all other plows have hitherto proved a failure. With this Plow will be Introduced a corn* gated Plow Point and Jointer Point, on whlct we have also obtained a Patent, and which is also a great Improvement, both as regards itrength and wear. The Jointer can be shifted so as to take more or less land, and also more or less pitch, and It can always be kept on a line with the Plow. The wheel will run under the beam or one side of It as desired, and always kept In line. The beam Is adjustable for Spring or Fall Plowing, and also for two or three horses. The handles can be adjusted to accommo date a man or boy, on the same Plow. It Is a perfect Plow. Wooden beams are going out of use because they shrink, swell and warp, and never run two seasons alike. Iron beams are too heavy. Malleable beams become demoralized and tend, which Is much worse than to break. A Steel beam Is the necessity of the day. It Is three times as strong and very much lighter than any other style. When ire say a Mold board Is chilled, the* farmers know It Is so. We do not palm off on them a composition Of various metals and call It chilled metaL We want agents for this new Plow In every town In this State. We can give but a very small discount to them, but we will pay the Railroad Freight We propose to place this Plow In the handf of Farmers as near the cost of manufacture as possible. It will be the best Agricultural Implement ever sold. It shall also be the cheapest. Persons therefore who are not willing to act as agents on the principle that " a nimble six pence Is better than a slow shilling," need uot apply for an agency. No Plows on commission. All sales absolute. IF" This Is the only Steel Chilled Plow in the World. Steel costs several times more than Iron- But this Plow, full rigged, by giving small discounts, can be sold for Seventeen Dollars. Compare this price with that of any Iron Plow ever made. It Is cheaper than any other Plow now nade would be at five dollars and a half. Where there are no agents we will, on re eelpt of seventeen Dollars, send a Plow to any Railroad station In the State and pay the freight Address, SYRACUSE CHILLED PLOW CO. Syracuse, N. V. Midney i>® PAD Opinion* of the Public. WABASH. INDIANA. The Pa<ln are celling well. Hare several old chronic cafes of Kidney trouble nning them, and thev report *ll improvement and think much of thein. A. L. ROHBOCK A CO. Druggists. COURTNEY, TEXAS. Your Pad has done me moie good than airy Remedy I ever used. JAS. B. CALLAWAY. MT. CLEMFNS, MIOH. Your Pad linn cured me of Pain in the Back and Kidney Trouble. M, J. HOUGH. Address BftY K'DNEV PAD CO.. BOLE PROPRIETORS, TOLEDO, - - - OHIO. J. C. KEDICK, Agent for Butler Co. MILLS & CO., Manilla 'uiers and dealers in Hydraulic Ce ment and Sewer Pipe. White Lime, Fcitlllzrra, While Sand, Chimney Top". fa*id PI inter, Flue Pipe, Calciii' d Piaster, Ky-Lte* joyl-4-Stnl NJ. 3<io Liberty St., Pittsburgh, PA. A «OLD WATCII FREE. To every «<>rkilig agent. male of fainele. A •••lit" an' clearing from SS to flft a day on onr goo Is. in nddltlt'll to above premium. Send 10 co:i < for sample <.r 91.00 for full outfit and secum your count\. TIIK MESSENGER PUBLISHING CO. Lewlslmrg, IV. I2myln>
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers