~ALL SORTS' Jack Frost is coining'-to-come. The successful politician, like the skillful hotel clerk, can always call you by name. Is is said that a fresh ouiou cut and laid in cupboards and refrigerators will drive red ants away. It is estimated at the Treasury De partment that four million dollars of foreign gold coin will be received monthly until November first. It will require about 75,000 miles of hop iron to tie up the cotton crop, Thus a large cotton crop helps the iron trade both directly and indirectly. Two thousand "Herrs" and "Sig -nors" who have been furnishing music at the watering places will now return to their positions behind two thousand bars. The Gynecological Association was one of the bodies that held annual con ventions lately. The place ot meeting was Cincinnati, and many essays were read. The people who in one way or an other are dependant for bread upon the government make about sixty thou sand of the population of Washington. About three thousand clerks own houses, which, in case of a change of officers would be thrown upon the market. Two French youts have just amus ed themselves by crossing swords »in the one hundred and forty-first encoun ter according to the code that has taken place this year on the border of France. One of the combatants, got his hand scratched, and the duel stop at the sight of blood. Miss Booth, the editor of Harper's Bazar, who gets $5,000 a year salary, believes in women as workers, but finds that the great majority attempt what they have not fitted themselves for, and consequently make dismal failuses, retiring disheartened and ready to rail at the injustice of men. A Wisconsin cow died not long ago, after a lingering illness, attended by a persistent cough. After her death a veterinary surgeon opened the wind pipe to discover the cause of the irrita tion, and found in the upper part of the lung a live stripped frog of ordi nary size. The surrounding portion of the lung was much discolored. A funeral procession at Oxford, Ind., found itself without a minister when the grave was reached. After an em barrassing delav, a ragged tramp, who was passing by on a railroad track stopped, announced that he was a clergyman, and the mourners consent ing, proceeded with the services, con ducting them to the satisfaction of all. There is nothing more important to successful sweet potato cultivation than proventing the vines from taking root. This is fully understood in the South, but we find it is often neglect ed in the North. Just as soon as the vines take root, most of the nourish ment beyond goes to the new roots in stead of to the tubers forming in the hill. "As the American," says the Rev. David Swing of Chicago, "can out chew and out-spit and out-talk the rest of the world, so cam he out-swear the residue of humanity. Sitting behind two gentlemen for a day, as our train glided along from St. Paul toward Chicago, the words 'by God' came back to me 700 times, when bed time made me quit counting." In some foreign countries certain bridges and monumeuts, if not conse crated to suicide, are largely used for that purpose; and a similar setting apart is evidently sought by some peo ple for Niagara Falls. Mr Knapp, of TJtica, who both shot himself and plunged over the Falls, took needless precautions, for he could not have survived the plunge alone. Gen. Haskell of the Salvation Army • is journeying in the West. At St. Louis he rushed out of his tent and kicked one of the colored boys who were disturbing meeting. Repenting of his conduct, he kissed the lad and gave him twenty cents, but the twen ty cents did not appease the young sters wrath nor the kiss heal the kick, and he had the General arrested. A fine of fifty dollars was imposed. The arrivala of immigrants in Au gust At the port of New York are offi cially stated to have been 25,300, or about 4,000 more than in any month of the last twenty years. At Phila delphia and Baltimore there has been corresponding increase. All the signs go to show that President Hayes has good reason for estimating the addi tions to our population, in the next ten years, to be five millions by immigra tion alone. The teacher of a Sunday school class in one of the East Bridgeport churches gave the little ones a description of the flood, and when she had finished in quired if any one could tell who went into the ark with the animals. A per fect chorus of hands flew up in re sponse. Turning to a little fellow, the teacher said, "Tell me who went into the ark with the animals ?" "P. T. Barnum," promptly replied the young ster. The lesson closed. Dalye-Lama , the earthly god of Thibet, lately became seriously ill. The priest applied to the Emperor for the appointment of a new divinity. The candidate has to present himself to the dying Dalye-Lama, who trans mits to him his divine soul, which has thus been passed down from the found er of the Thibet religion, Dzon-Epa. The yearly income of the deity of Thi bet is said to be over $1,000,000. He occupies a palace, in which are more than a hundred golden idols. A clergyman in Mt. Chestnut lately married a lady with whom he received the substantial dowry of ten thousand dollars and a fair prospect for more. Soon afterward, while occupying the pulpit, he gave out a hymn, read the first four stanzas and was reading the fifth- Forever let my grateful heart Her boundless love adore— when he hesitated and exclaimed: "Amen! The choir will omit the fifth verse," and sat down. It was a little evening gathering. She was a delicate daisy of about forty summers and as many hard winters. They were eating fruit and she re marked, as she delicately pared a peach. "The skin of a peach always sets my teeth on edge." Her little nephew who is sharp-cared and sharp-eyed, answered, "Well, Auntie, why don't you take your teeth out and lay them on the window-sill, like you did this morning?" Her appetite for fruit vanished. The boy will sit sideways on the bench when he goes to school next Monday." ( MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. DISCOVERER OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'B VESSTABL3 COMPOUND. The Care For all Female Complaints. This preparation, as its ns--n« nipnifle*, cocsirta of Vc.-frtaLloVropo. ties that Rru 1.-.rr.il ito the: oat del icate invalid. l"i«n one trial tho merits of tl.. i Cor.i pound will be l.iwrcll. f i-i i;nmrdi&'.c ; and when its use Is continued, in ninety-nine cases in r. lean. dred, apcrmanertcnretoeTcrted.Mthr'jEar.da Mill tc» tify. On account of its proven merits, it U to-isy ro ci'mmeni'd and prcsc-rllieJ by tlie bc.t physicians in the country. It will euro entirely tho worst form of falling of the uterus, Leucorrheja, irregular and painful Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation ami Ulceration, Flooding*, all Di.iplaccincnU and the con sequent spinal weakness, and is especially adapted to the Change of Life, it will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus in an early stago of dovelopmcnt. The tendency to cancerous humors there ij checked very Bpeedlly by it J use. In fa:-t it h.--j proved to be the (rrcat est aad best remedy that has ever been discover ed. It perrneate3 every portion of the system, and fives new life and vigor. It removes faintnes^,flatulency, de stroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves wcaVn«3 of the stomach It cures Bloating, Headaches. Nervous Prostration General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression ar.d In«:i portion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured I y It J use. It will at all times, rind underrll clreuinstan oes, act in harmony with the law that governs the female system. For Kidney ComplalnU of either sex this compound Is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price (l-N- Six bottles for $5.00. Sent by luail in U;e form of pills, also In the form of Lozenges, on receipt of price, sl-00, per box. for either. Mrs. PIXKILMI freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Bend for pam phlet. Address as ®ix>ve Mention thU paper. Ko family should be without LYDIA E. PINK HAM' LTVTR PILLS. They cure Constipation, Sillotuness, and Torpidity of tho Liver. 25 rants zx;r box GEO. A. KELLY & CO., General Agents, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sold by D. H. Wuller, - Butler Pa. ASK the recovered en'rs, victims of fever 1 Liiseased patient, now H they recovered liealtli Tile Cheaji-nl. I'm est aii<l Krai Family Bledlclne In the world ! For DYSPKPSIA. CONSTIPATION, Jaundice, Bilious attacks. SICK HEADACIIK, Colic, De pression of Spirit s, SOUR STOMCII, Heart Burn. &c„ Sc. This unrivalled Southern Remedy is warranted uot to contain a single jfnrticlc of MERCURY, or any injurious mineral substance, bat is PUi.'ELY VEGEABIjE, containing those Southern Boots and Herbs, which an ail-vvise Providence lias placed in coun tries where Liver Diseases most prevail. It will cure Diseases caused by Derangement of the Liver an 1 Bowels. The SYMPTOMS of I.iver Complaint are a bit ter or b,ill taste ill tho mout:i ;'Pain ill the Hack, Sides or .Joints, often mistaken for Rheumatism; Sour Stoin ieh ; Loss of Appetite ; Bowels alter nate'.v costive and lax ; Headache ; Loss of mem ory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do which ought to have been done ; Dehiiitv. Low Spirits, a thick yellow appearance of the Skin and Kyes, a dry Cough often mistaken for Consumption. Sometimes nianv of these symptoms attend the disease, at others very few; but the LIVER, the larges in the boilv, is generally the seat of the disease, and if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretchedness and death will ensue. I can recommend as an efiieacious remedy for disease of the Liver. Heartburn and Dyspepsia, Simmons' Liver Regulator. LEWIS C. YVUNDEK, lfi2"> MAST eh STREET, ASSISTANT POST MASTER, PHILADELPHIA. "We have tested its virtues, personally, and know that lor Dyspepsia, Biliousness, and Throb bing Headache, if is llie best medicine the world ever saw. We have tried forty oiher remedies before Simmons' Liver Regulator, but none of them have us more than temparnry reliel.; hut the Regulator not only relieve*!, hut etmd us."— ED. Tei.ECRAI'H AMI MKSSEN<;ER. Macon, lia. manufactured ONLY BY J. SI. KKinv. A 1 t>. PHIL \DFLPf!IA. Price, sl. Sold by nil L'rugg ifcl s. apr2S-lyr Eg AccSmLinati'in of KODS, Buchu, Man- I 3 drak.%an.nd Uandolior., ' r i"»alli^ : « sta " J 3 H most c%ura tivc j :ojx:iues of all other C.ttc.s. I P ma .cs%thcgreau.t Blocc.' Purifier, Liver I B Litters aro *"o. ic«i and jH;: l'eci urv their I n oi«c;-atiomj.(£ n g a=7civßMwUlf!iaiTl E ettotha«2iilMdizS.-a. ( Q lo all who'Mj E ■ ty of the b -wc lsor \ urinary orjrana, or who re- | B qauo&n App UzorV'oal-J and mild Stimu'nnt 5 B II iuval enable without intw E R Icating. ■ J»o mp.tterwhat3*our op fy*npto-ns | 9 are wi.*r the t!»tx:a«)or uso Ho;> Dit- I ■ tcrx Don't r.aituatil you a*. l *® but if y s #u jj B only feel bad or miserable, a.en at once. | Hit iniy 3wo jour life.it iiat:W 3 uv e d hundj-cdi. H 9 $530 will be pal J for a they will rot B B euro or help. 1)J not sulTer 4° ,k t .vour fr,e ~n g II bulfer.but urro l ' M Hop B 9 □j Remember : flop Biters 13 t H E drua*on nostrum, bul Llic Purest u d U Q Medicine evci made . the 4 S3 B and KOFZ" and r.o person or D should be witliout them. E D.LC.iJ ahsolateand lrresirtiV.e cu!*o 1 9 forDrunkennccs, use of ODlum, tobacco anilE & H narcotics. Ali sold by Send £ L ■ for Circular. IJop Bitter* M fg. Co., JF D. H. LYON, SALE A.ND FEED STABLE. At the old stand of Patrick Kellev, E<*q., cor ner of Cunningham and Srai'ii utreet. opoeito John Berg'H Bank, wliere I will attend to the feeding of Horses or BOARDING BY TIIE WEEK OR MONTH of the same. Give me a call and I will make the charges moderate to suit the times. Those having Horses for sale or pornons want ing to buy, it will be to their advantage to call. auf;2s-:ira CAMPAIGN FLAGS &a &C. Beautiful Campaign Radges of the Republi can and Democratic Candidates. GARFIELD ATJ HANCOCK and I I I y a»«l ARTHUR, Vll ENGLISH. Containing life like Photogrnphs of the Can didates; encased in pretty Miuaiature Gilt Frames, with pin for attaching lo coat or vest. Active agcu's can make $lO a day selling tin m, and city and country merchants can make a handsome profit. Price 10 cents ench ; 2 lor 15 cents ; 10 lor 50 cents, or 100 lor Si 50. Ptnto grnp's same price 1,8 Badges. Crayon Portraits on tinted plate paper. Heroic size 22 by 28. for 25 cents, Flags all sizes, kinds and prices. Now is the Harvest time for ageuts, and deal ers. Send (or samples and fall particulars to U. S MANUFACTURING CD. 116 Smithlield street, Pittsburgh, Pa. jun3o-3m Exeenlors No! ice. Letters testimentarv in tho estate of Captain Robert Thompson, dee'd, late of Clinton town ship, Butler county, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will make imme diate payment, and any having claims against said estate, will present them duly authenti cated for settlement. ABSOLOM MONKS, J. W. MONKS, Ex'rs. July2B-Ct Raxonbnrg, P. O. Butler county. Pa. PEMSIOJWi» Procured for all soldiers disabled in tile U. S. ser vice from any cause, also for heirs of deceased sol diers. The slightest disability entitles to pension. Pensions increased. Bounty and new discharges procured. Those who are in doubt as to whether entitled to anything, should send two :i ets. stamps for our • circiuars of nformation." Address, with stamps, S'oddart & iCo., Solicitors of Claims and Patents, Room 8. St. Cloud Building. Washington, I). C. ijini3o-3ili) STODDAKT a CO. Stock Speculation and Investment. Operations on Margin or by Privileges. Spe cial bueinc as in Mining Stocks. Fall particulars on application. JAMES BROWN, Dealer in Stocks and Bond), 64 & 66 Broadway, New York. marl7-9m gtfc* 1* titter Utifcl**, s«*• Beptzmb ** 22, tSSfI. W. HI. WA&EFtELP & GQ. Mo 12 A Federal street, iiJ. I-4T ALLEGHENY, PA. ARE SELLING GOODS CHEAP. And extend a cordial invitation to all to call and examine their good* : nd price*, when In the city—whether w!sh - ng lo pure'.:ase or not. AT!S ( EN'» A YARD. 2 cases —Dark, Past colored. Calicos worth 7 cts- AT O'i CENTS A. YAlll). r, Hales—Heavy, yard wide, I'nbleached Muslin, worth s cents. AT 20 CENTS PER YARD, Heavy Loom Table Linens, sold at 25 cents. Finer grades,—3l cents to ?L. HJ AT i:> CENTS PER YARD, Good Grey Twilled Flannels worth 20 cents. AT jj CENTS PER YARD, Fine. 27-inch, all Wool Red Flennels. AT 25 CENTS, 3". CENTS AND 45 CENTS, Barred Country Flannels. AT 25 CENTS. Mei.s Merino Shirts and Drawers. EXTR\ BARGAINS AT 25 CENTS, 50 CENTS, 75 CENTS AND *1 For Men, Wouien and Children. BLANKETS, COMFORTS, QUILTS. DRESS GOODS, At ::l cents, yurd wide. Cashmeres, Black and all colors. AT /SC. 44 and 46-incli Black Cashmcrers, superior qual ity and color, for this price. AT St. IH-in-h BlacI; Cashmere.. Thesegoods are made from pare cashmere wool, and puaianteed the best quality Cor price in tlie city. We have ev< rvtning desirable in all the new de signs of Foreign and D'IWSLIC Dress GMVlS— and our stock of lVncli and Persian Novelties in un surpassed in tlie city, either in variety or price. BLACK DRESS SILKS. 75 cents, ?l, .<1.25, $1.50. $1.75t0 !#3. (lean pure goods, and will not cut or shine. COLORED DRESS SILKS, * From 5a cents to $1.25 per yard, (all shades.! CLOTH SAQUES, DOLMANS AND SHAWLS. £sr~Mail orders promptly attended to. W. H. WAKEFIELD & CO. Sti'eet, Allegheny Olty. I'n. septß-3m PITTSBURGH EXPOSITION. Home Hotel, Duquesne Way, between 8 and 9, St Special rates for people attending Ex position. $1.25 per day. Hotel short distance from Exposition Buildings. No BAR. OR LIQ.COHN SOLD ON THE PREMISES REV. W. MCIIAIION, Supt. JEFFKKMOSf ACADKMY. Thorough preparation for College ; jood Eng lish and business education. Moderate expenses not necessarily exceeding $45 or f-'oO per Win. Good chemical and philosophical apparatus; large library, Good moral and social surround ings. French and German taught. Next term commences Sept. 15th, 1830. REV. WM. EVVING, Principal, jv 21:2 m Canuonsbur', Pa PR K r.SAM"prßs«nss^ ever sold by agents to every one who answer tins withm sixtv days. AMfcUK'AN MANUFACTURING CO.. jun23-3m City Mills, Massachusetts. PENSIONS. EVERY SOLDIER disabled in line of duty l»y wound, nisease. or iniurv. is entitled to pensions. PENSIONS INCREASED.-Many are drawing less than entitled to.—Thousands of H>-irs entitled to Pensions and Bounty. REJECTED CASES re-opened. ABANDONED CASES finished.—Copies of Lost Discharges obtained. —Claim; of every description prosecuted.—Patents Procured. Address wi.h stamps, 11. S. BERLIN & CO.. Attorneys. Box 592. [sept.--titJ Washington, I). C. AdniluiNiralorN ft'oticc. Letters of Administration have been granted to James W. Barr and Q. S. Barr on the estate of H. H. Barr dee'd. lato of Jefferson townehip. Butler county. All persons indebted to said estate arc requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims or demands against the same, should make them known without de : ay to J\JIES W. BARR, I AJ . sepß-6t] O. S. BARR, f ' vdm r ' IMPORTANT TO AGENTS.—THE LIFE OF GEN. JAMES A GAHFIELD By his personal friend, MAJOR BiiNPY. Editor N". Y.Mail, the only edition to which Gen Gar field Las given persoual attention of fact-*. 'Beautifully illustrated, printed and bound. '•The best."—N. Y. Commercial Advertiser "The neatest,"—N. i'. Herald. 'The most use ful. sensible and satisfactory,"—N. Y. Tribune- Full length steel portrait by Hall, from a pio tme taken e*r !C>Sf, ly ,r I' lo work. Active Agents Wanted. Liberal terms. Bond ¥l at onco for complete outfit. V. S. BVRVES A CO, septß-4tl ill A- 113 William St-, New York. AGENTS WA N f ED To take subscriptions for the INTERNATIONAL REVIEW, the latest and 1-eRt American publication, of tho highest class, wilh original contributions from the most celebrated writes in evi-ry country. Edited by J T. Morse. Jr., and Henry Cabot gentlemen of the highest and culture, and whose names are alone suffi cient guaranty of tho value of tho REVIEW. Always bright, loadable and instructive ; cos m>'|v.liiaa in literature, progresbho in science, unscctariun in religion, and independent in poli tics. Pi ice 50 cents a number ; f5 a year. A com plete Agont's Outfit sent on receipt of -SI 00 A spocimin copy sent to any addres for 15 cam*. A. 8. BARNES A CO.. Publisers. sept-St 111 A 113 William St., New York. A GOOD BDSINBBS OPENING.—THE UNION Insurance Company, of Ohio, desires to es tablis'o a General Agency for this section of Pennsylvania. Its asserts exceed ?1.500,00U 00, with a large surplus, anct has for many years se cure 1 the larges* amoiiut of new business in Ohio of anyone company in the Uniied States. Its interest receipts exceed its death losses, matured endowments, taxes, and commission paid to spent*. Its able management is further iilni-trated by the fact that its rate of losses aud expenses to its premium income for tha year 1879, according to the New York official reports, is lower than that of any other company. It issues endowment policies at life rates, which aii- n jnforfeitahle without surrender an l iuc >u testible after three annual payments. It is governed by the insurance 'aw of Ohio which are now the most stringent fjr the protection of policy lioluers of any in tho Union. They re quire a four per cent, restive fund invented in unquestioned securities, which the Superintend ent of Insurance is required annually to ex amine. The business of life insurance is now rapidly increasing, and men possessing first clasa business ability and character, who desire a General Agency for this sterling company will do well to address GEORGE THORNTON, Man ager, Room 33 Astor House Offices, New York, stating, in full, age, past experience in lile in surance or other business, salaries received and reference. jtSEKQ, OATAaRH fHr« XA .JKgS Cored at hong BlairsviHe (Pa.) Ladies' Seminary. Beautiful grounds, commodious buildings, new ;>.i:«l superior pianos for practice, Hnd THOBOUOH iNsntt i rioN. Ten instructors. Terms moderate. Thirtieth year begins September K. IHXO. For Cat alogues. apply to REV. T. R. EWING, Principal. june2B-2m TK miwntfg ■OJ -*rjr iwieiflai i««ijiav*T «ao)*iJ»«u sa'mjQOOJ * , -~fyr-=— - »an' jvinaju 3A|id|4M jfl •eg jof pews JHfli »•* p3M JO «pq*nq 001 P»n*«l f»A» nq >*qi put* *l*o aq* *1 etltl|9«(N JOAOIO joiinn ojqnoa UOI3IA 3HI Ij. Jl. COCHRAN, Livery, Sale, Feed and Exchange STABLE, Rear of Lowry House, - - BUTLEIt, I'A. june4-ly WANTED— WIDE-AWAKK AGENTS, in all parts of the State, to st-U Russell's new and elegant MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA. Every citi zen should have it. Nothing has succeeded like it since war times. Useful, ornamental and cheap. A golden opportunity for energetic canvassers. Sample for 60 cents. Address, _ Quarter Citv Publishing House, 723 Sansom St., Philadelphia. Port Grape "Wine I' ed in the pniripal C hurches for Communion purpeses. Eici-ll'Kl For unil Weakly Ptttoni and I lie Aged. S f Eilß'B PORT GRAPE WINE! FOUR YEARS OLD. Tli;s Celebrated Native Win" is made Irom the juice of i lie Oporto Grape.nii.ied in tub country. Its 1 valuable Tonic and Strengthing Properties are unsurpassed-by anv other Native \V ine. Bcinij the pure juice of the (irape. produced under Mr. Speer's own personal siipei vision, its purely and genuineness are guanuitml. The youngest child nniv part ike < t its ijualities. and the weakest invalid use it to advantage. It is particu larilv lieneficial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that affect tiie weaker sex. It is in every respect A WINE TO BE HE LIED ON. BPK EH'H IP. vT. SFERB IT, Tlie P. J. SHERRY is a wine of Superior Char acter, and partakes ol tlie jjolden qualities of ilie Krape from w Inch il is made. Forpuritv. Uieliuess. Flavor anii Mechanical Properties, it will he found tinexeelle.l. Ml* i: KHH jP. J". Jcß JRj A. IST ID "ST• This liRANDY stands unrivaled in this Country, being lar suporior for lnedicir.ial purposes. IT ISA Pi IU". di'tiiat;on from the grape and contains vidua! le luedicniial pro; erties. It lias a deiicale flavor, s.ninar to that of the jirap's from vvlileii it is distilled, and is in great favor among lirst-cla -s families. See that the signature of ALFRED SPEEIi, Pas saic, N. J., is over the cork of each bottle. S«!<1 l»j D. H. W I LLER. apr2B-lyr Xollce. Notice is hereby given that letters of admin istration having been granted to the undersign ed ou the estate of James Stoops, late of Cherry township, county of llutler, State of Pennsylva nia, dee'd, all persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate will please make immedi ate pav ment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement. ELIZA JANE STOOPS, Adm'x, jelfi;t3w] Annandale, Butler Co., Pa. Union Woolen >lill, BUTLER, PA. 11. FFVXGKTOX. Prop'r. Manufacturer of BI.AKKETS, FLANNELS, YAHNS Ac. Also custom work done to order, such a* carding Rollf, making Blankets, Fl mnels, Ktii'- ting and Weaving Yarns, Ac., at very low prices Wool worked ou the shares, it de sired. mv7-lv TALK ABOUT YOUR LITEM! M A Complete Cyclopaedia for $7.00. Everybody, yonng and o!d. learned and un leained, white or black, in liutter county, there will be a meeiiug between yon and E. W. Moore ou or after Augu.-f Int. l -i-JU. whose pnri ose it is to place- in every home, evot y oili(:o and even shoo! roox in lJuHer coo.nty. » complete Cycio ptedia, for o;dv I '. It i-< tbe greatest wonder of the age. and contains more us; ful and more ac,"mate information than any other book pub lished A good map of every country is securely | bound in wilh the description of that country. Every term *nd proper name is pronounced. REVISED TO 1880. Any teacher desiring this work immediately should address, E. \Y. MOORE Wolf Cieek, Mercer Co . Pa. Special Agont. for Butler county. 4aug3m BICKEL & FRY ! Livery, Sale & Feed STABI.ES. Cunningham street, near Post office, Butler, Pa. H[WH 0 R S EST HEW RiG S. A NEW I>EPARVURB ?1 BOTTLE PATENT MEDICINES FOR 38 CENTS ! JAD WIN'S TONIC LAXATIVE Is Appetizing, Palatable and Non-Alcoholic, AND ALWAYS CURES Dyspepsia, Sick Headache Constipation, Bil iousness, Sour Stomach, Liver Complaint, Want of Appetite, Indigestion, Jaundice, Kid ney Complaint, Nervousness, Dizziness, Sleep lessness, Heartburn, Colic, Debility, Foul Breath, Worms, Piles, Fevers, Colds, Ac. TNE TONIC LAXATIVE regulates the bowels aud slrcngihens the system, gives a clear head, pure blood and elastic spirits. Is purely vege table, contains no mercury nor aloes. Saf« at all times. Pleasant to the taste, and a substi tule ler Pills, Castor Oil, Ac. Best family med icine known. Adapted to strong men. delicate females ai:d feeble intan'.s. lu liquid form 8o!d bj druggists. Price only 3K cents for a large bot'le. lIENKY B. .JADU'IN, Apothe cary and Chemist, Sole Proprietor, Carbondale, l*a. I). 11. WULLER, Drugist, Sole Asient for Butler, Pa. jan'2B-ly P ■ » Book of nearly 100 large HKH ij'F octavo pages for the sick. & KJUU Full of valuable notes, by (jr. E. B. FOOTE, on Scrofula, Diseases of the breathing organs; Diseases of Men; Diseases of Women; aches and pains; Heart Troubles ; and a great variety of chronic diseases, with evidence that in most cases these diseases are curable. Send a three Cent Stamp. Addres, MURRY HILL PUB. S~\ TT" CO., No. 12!) East2Bth Hvl II 1 lA street, New York city. ■ ' ' * V « Jun9-3m $5,000,000. The American Shoe Tip Co. WARRANT THEIR A. S.T.Co. Slack BIP That Is now «o extensively worn on CHILDREN'S SHOES TO "WEAR AS LONG AS THE METAL, Which was introduced by them, and by which the above amount has been faved to parent! an nually. This Blnrk Tip will wrc still mori-i as besides being worn on the coarser crailes it is worn on fine and coolly shoes where the Metal Tip on account of its tookt would not be used. They ail have our Trade Mark A. S. T. Co. stamped on front of Tip. Parcut3 should ASK FOR SHOES with this BEAUTIFUL BLACK TIP on tbem when purchasing for their children. I'jisu.j. ■" i■■■ M———aai AdminiNlralrix's TVolioe. Letters of Administration havn been granted to the undersigned ou the estate of George C. Conway dee'd, late of Concord township. Butler county. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having cUims or demands against tlie same, should make them known without delav to SAIiAU CONWAY, Adm'x. ' septl-6t Hooker P. 0., Butler. 1 w °ek in your own town. Terms and $5 outfit free. Address H. FALLKTT A Co., Portland, Maine. deo3-ly ISir* Advertise in the CITIZEN. THE Pittsburgh, Cincinnati St, Louis RAILWAY CO. i PIHIIIOU Slim Oilers the best facilities and most comfortable and expeditious Line for families moving to points in KANSAS, ARKANSAS, TEXAS, COLORADO, nsrE-BißAjsiK: A, O A LIFORNIA, OR ANY OF THE WESTERN STATES AND i TERRITORIES. TTTiT v i »EV katen TO ALL POINTS IN THE WEST & SMITH-WEST CAN AI.WAYS 11F. SKCL'KKD VIA TIIK OLD RFLIABT-^ PAH-HANDLE ROUTS. Tick-ts Sold and B.ge.a:'; Checked THROICH TO ANY POINT Vol" WANT TO 00. We otl'er you the Lowest iiates, the tiui'-kest Time, tlie lic.st Facilities ami the most Satisfac tory Route to all points West nii.l South-west. We run no Emigrant Trains. All classes of Passengers are carried on regular Express Trains. If you are unable to procure Through Tick ets to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Kan sas, Colorado, Wisconsin, Minnesota, lowa, Ne braska or California, by the direct "PAN-HAN DLE ROUTE," at your nearest R-iilr-ad Sta tion, please address %«'. x.. «»'a**• Gen'l Passenger Agent, 'Pan-llandle liotitc,' COErMIU S, OHIO. THE BEST REMEDY FOE Diseases of tbe Throat and Lungs. J! YJT In diseases of the pul monarv organs a safe and reliable remedy is V invaluable. AYKR'S ry m -5] CHERRY PKC-TOKAL is A. such a retnetly, aud no othersoeniiuently mer lAfoj its the confidence of xO l ' ie P u^'c * ' s a sc '- entihe combination of dHFRRY the medicinal princi vnc.n.n.l ples aud cluative vir . « tues of the finest drugs, *»**>»»» chemically united, of 11MTj such power as to insure u—jjpy the greatest ]x>ssible § efficiency and uniform n T ity of results. It strikes ICAj A V/i\rlLi. a t the foundation of all pulmonary diseases, affording prompt relief and rapid cures, and is adapted to patients of any age or either sex. Being very palatable, the youngest children take it readily. In ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Clergyman's Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, and Ca tarrh, the effects of AYKR'S CHERRY PEC TOKAI. are magical, and multitudes are an nually preserved from serious illness by its timely and faithful use. It should be kept at hand in every household for the pro tection it affords in sudden attacks. In Whooping-cough and Consumption there is 110 other remedy so efficacious, soothing, and helpful. Ixiu- prices are inducements to try some of the many mixtures, or syrups, made of cheap and ineffective ingredients, now offered, which, as they contain no curative qualities, can afford only temporary relief, and are sure to deceive and disappoint the patient. Diseases of the throat and lungs demand active anil effective treatTuent; and it is dan gerous experimenting with unknown and cheap medicines, from the great liability that these diseases may, while so trifled "with, become deeply seated or incurable. Use AYKR'S CHEKKY PECTORAL, and you may confidently expect the best results. It is a standard medical preparation, of known and acknowledged curative power, and is as cheap as its careful preparation and fine ingredients will allow. Eminent physicians, knowing its composition, prescribe it iu their practice. The test of half a century has proven its absolute certainty to cure all pul monary complaints not already beyond the reach of human aid. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Clieuiistg, Lowell, Mass. SOLD BY ALL UItCUUIsTS EVLKTWIIIRE TH KG RE AT ENGLISH REMEDY! OL A )'.V yPKCI t-IC MEDICINE jj , !■" | A ■i' jJJj! ™ v Before Takhflr o f "Memory,' I 'i'ni- After Taking. versa! I/issitiule, Pain in the back. Dinunness of Vision. Pennature Old age, and luonv other dis eases tna! lead t<> Insanity. Consumption and a Per.nature Crave all of which as a ruie are first eaiKed by (levialiinr from tlie path ot nature aud ov-T Indulgence. The Specific Medicine is '.lie re suit I>I" 'i life study an<l many years of experience in treating these special diseases. I-nt 1 tM>iicu,ai> ..i ••.II pamphlets which we de sire to send froe by lil.iil to < very one. The Speeifle .Medicine is soUl by all Druggists at •Si p-r package, or six package-' for ¥.">, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money bv addressing THE URA V MEDICINE CO., No. io Mechanic's Clock. DKTIIOIT, Mioh. in Butler by J. C. HEDICK, and bv all D uggists everywhere. I *—'HARRIS'& Kwinc, Wholesale Agents, Pitts burgh. myl2-ly. MILLINERY!! TRIMMED HATS, PLUMKS, FEATHERS, RUCHING. RIBBONS Puff and Switches in stock an l made to order on short notice, at li. mi Next door to D. H. Wuller's Drug Store, Butler, Pa. iny2-6ni. IB UTXi iUlFi' Lumber Hard and Planing ill, H. BAUER - & BROS., JEFFERSON ST.. - - BUTLER, PA., MANUFACTURERS OV Doors, Sash, Frames. Blinds, Molding of all descriptions, Brackets, Patent Molded Weatherboarding, Mill Boards, Flooring, Palings, Stair Railings, Balusters of every style, &c., &c. Circular Moldings Made to Order. ALSO, DEALERS IN Lumber, Plank, Shingles, Lath, &c, apl2-ly Exeoiilor's Notice. Letters testamentary ou tho estate of Martha Mechling. dce'd, lato of JefTerson township, But ler county. Pa., having been granted to the uu ■lersigiied, all persons knowing theaigelves in debted to said estate, will please ma';e immodi ato payment, and any having claims agaiin-t said estate, will present them duly authenti cated for payment. A. L. SHUADER, Ex'r, Butler. Pa. For this style Singer. HUT //Ju We will send it to your im\ De]>ot to be examined be jDUni fore you pay for it. If it is rtrj not as represented it can be returned at our expense. Send a postal card for illus trated Circular. C. A. WOOD 4 CO. 17 N. Tenth St., Philaielphia. J ul >H-3in iA MAM WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHY Of THIS COUNTRY, WILL SEE BY EXAMININC THIS MAP. THAT THE <j( ] ■ . V " 1,1 ( \ I%r ' . t",ChliEs , - V ' sCT"™*I -J 1« IJ i t "* c t^ w 4(*** | lTxo I S P i £ & 1 - CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS THE URE.VT COSSECTISB LISK BETWEEN THE EAST k THE WESTI Its main line runs from i htcuK ' to louncil Bluffs, passi'ii: tUr..u«h .I.'liet. Ottawa, 1 m SULLE. Geneseo. Mollne, Itnck Island. Davenport, \\ est Liberty. lowa <"tty.Maron«o, Brooklyn. (Jrinncll, Des Moines the capital of lowaK Stuart. Ailan tic. and Aroca; with branches from Bureau Junction to I'roria: Wilton Junction to Musca tine, Washington. Kairfleld, Etdon. Belknap. Centreville. Princeton. Trenton, lia!ltit:n. Came ron. I.eavenwortli, Atchison, and Kansas City; Washington to Slgourner. <>sksloosa. and Knox ville; Keokuk to Farintmitoa. Bonaparte. Bcn tonsport. Independent, ICidon. Ottumwa, Kdiljr ville,Uskaloosa, Pella, Monroe, and Des Moines; Newton to Monroe: Des Moines to Indlanolaand Wlnterset: Atlantic to Lewis and Audubon; and Avoca to Harlan. This is positively the only i Railroad, which owns, and operates a through line from Chicago into the State of Kansas. Through Express Passenger Trains, with Pull- ; man Palace Cars attached, are run each way dnily | between CUICAUO and PtoßiA, KANSAS CITV, ; COCNCII. BL.RFFS, LK A V FN" WORTH aud ATCIII SOX. Throusth cars arealsorun between Milwau kee and Kansas City, via the "Milwaukee and ltock Islam 1 Short Line." The "Great Hook Island" Is magnificently equipped. Its road bed Is simply perfect, and its track Is laid with steel rails. What will please you most will bo the pleasure 1 of enlovinit your meals, while passing over the beautiful pra'trtes of Illinois and lowa. In one of , our magnificent Dining Cars that accompany all Through Express Trains Vou get an entire meal, as good as Is served In any first-class hotel, for seTenty-Bve cents. ,_ i Appreciating the fact that a majority of the people prefer separate apartments tor different purposes land the Immense passenger business of this line warranting lt>, we are pleased to an- , nounce that this Company runs Pullman Palace Sleeping Can for sleeping purposes, aud Palace , PULLMAN PALACE CARS are rti a through to PEORIA, DES MOINES, COUNCIL BLUFFS, KANSAS CITY, ATCHISON,, and LEAVENWORTH. Tickets via this Line, known a* the "Greut Kock leland Route,** are wld by all Ticket Affenta In the United State* ai d Cauada. For Information not obtainable at your home ticket office, address, A. KIMBALL, K. ST. .TOHX, ■ Gen'l Superintendent. Geu'l Tkt. uud Pass'gr Act., Chicago, Hi WHY DOES a woman's health oQen break down at an early age? Put a man at the wish-tub, let him get heated from the hot suds until every pore is opened; then let him stand over the filthy steam that comes from scalding and boiling clothes, that are full of sweat and exhalations lrom the skin and his health too would break down before long; and yet this most terrible orueal is wlia* A WOMAN has to go through with on wash-day; and, besides, with her clothing wet from perspiring u the hot work, she has to risk her life by going out in the air to hang up the clothes. Even those not at work are in the unhealthy atmosphere; its smell, so apparent to visitors, show ing that it finds its way through the house,—the family, however, otteu becoming so accus tomed to the peculiar odor from its own wash as- not to notice it. These facts readily ex plain why so many women suffer with colds, rheumatism, weak nerves, or neuralgia, and LOOK OLD while yet young in years, and physicians and boards of health cannot draw attention too strongly to the injurious effects of the usual way of washing, with its necessary steam and scalding or boiling to get the clothes pure and sweet-smelling, especially; as it to without doubt often the direct cause of those dreadful diseases, diphtheria, consumption, and typhoid fever. Fortunately this trouble can be avoided; scalding, boiling, steam and all disagreeable smell from the wash completely done away with; clothes made sweet and beautifully white, from the saving in fuel the wash done at less cost than even when home-made soap u used, and very mucii SOONER THAN by the old way, by using FRANK SIDU.AXLS SOAP,-a Soap so purifying and cleansing that the dirtiest clothing can be washed in lukewarm water with very little rubbing, and clothes, bedding and utensils used by the sick disinfected and cleansed without either Maiding or boiling, while the work is so light that a girl twelve or thirteen yeaw of age can do a lame wash without being tired; and yet so mild and healing is this boap that for toilet and shaving it has no equal, and physicians advise its use in preference to imported Castile fcoap on wounds and sores, and to wash tne youngest infants, as well as for personsi with deLicate skin. Now that there Is a remedy for this, to economical that the poornt can use it, there is not a woman or A MAN who is not directlv interested in havinjr used in their homes, In «plte of prejudice, THAT WONDERFUL WAY OF WASHING CLOTHES, which does away with the haixl work, offensive smell and fearful steam on wash-days, makes the white pieces whiter, colored piecre brighter and flannels softer than they can be made by washing the old way, leaves the hands smooth enough to do fine sewing and every article as clean, as sweet and as pure as if never worn. From H. E. BOWT.ES. M. D., Hammonton, N. J., Editor South Jersey Republican. My attention was called to FRANK S TDD ALLS BOAP from an advertisement in my own paper, and its use In my house for nearly a year, according to the directions, has proved that its remarkable properties have not been overstated. For remov ing printing ink it la invaluable, while for toilet and shaving it is the best Soap 1 have ever seen. From MRS. H. L. KESVOS, Northfleld, Vt. I do my wash with FRAN K SIDDA LLS SO AP in tialf the time and with no expense fbr Soap, a» the taring in fuel mere them pays for it, I have no steam or scent from the wash, while the saving in health, clothes and labor can hardly be estimated. From E. W. STANTON, 1506 N. 20th St, Philada. We are confident, from a long experience In using and recommending FRANK SIDDA LLS SOAP, that one trial, according to the very easy printed directions, will overcome all prejudices. It also really has wonderful merit for shaving, toilet. The following are the Directions for Use, so simple that a child can understand them. Dont do anything so ridiculous as to buy the Soap unless you intend following them. *s-SIOO positively forfeited if it injure» the clothes, or will not do everything claimed. First, put the white clothes in a tub of water, only made warm enough g be comfortable for the hands. Then take one piece out at a time on the wash-board, rub the Soap lightly over it, roll it up and put it back into the same tub, and so on with each piece until all have the Soap rubbed on them. Then go away and let them soak at least twtjpty minutes, without touching them, when the dirt will all be loosened, and a very little rubbing on the wash-board, out of that one suds, will make them perfectly clean, being particular to turn each piece while washing so as to get at the seams. Then wash lightly on the wash board, through a lukewarm rinse-water (without any Soap,) so as to get the dirty suds out. Then put through blue-water, and on the line, without scalding or boiling a single piece,; Afterward put flannels and colored pieces to soak, and wash them exactly the same way. It is important not to heat the wash-water in a tin, brass or copper kettle. A tea-kettle will heat enough water for a large wash with this Soap. Just Think What You will Save by this Easy Way of Washing ! No Wash-boiler ! No Steam! No Smell of Suds through the House! It has the remarkable Property of keeping the Dish-Cloth, Wash-Rag and Sponge always Sweet, and of Washing Freely in Hard Water. -H'SOUI BY GROCERBr*- Get a Cake and Try it for Yourself next Wash-Day. To Points where this Soap is not yet Introduced a Trial Cake will be sent by- Mail, on receipt of Price, (lO Cents), in Money or Stamps. aodr t e o ss o™ TEßS FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP, 718 CALLOWHILL ST.. PHILADELPHIA, PA. E. G-RIEB, DEALER IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. INGRAVING OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET, (North of Lowry House,)- BUTLER, PA. WATCHES AND CLOCKS REPAIRED, AND WARRANTED. Dinina Curs for eating purposes only. One other (treat feature of our Palace Cars i> a SMOKING SALOON where you can Cnjoy your "Havana" at all hours of the day. Magnificent Iron Bridges span the Mississippi ami Missouri rivers at all udnts crossed by tills line, and transfers are avoided at Council Lllutfs, Kansas City. Leavenworth. an«i Atchison, con nections being n;a<!e in Union Depots. THE PRINCIPAL K. it. CONNECTIONS OF THIS GREAT THROUGH LINE ARE AS FOLLOWS At CHICAGO, with nil diverging lines for tho East and South. At KNGLEWOOD, with the L. S. & M. S., and P., , Ft. W. AC. It. ltds. i At WASHINGTON HEIGHTS, with P., C. & St. L. R R. I At LA SALLE, with 111. Cent. It. R. , At PEORIA, with P. P. AT •!.; P. 1). & E.; I. B. & W.; 111. Mid.; and T. P. .fc W. Rds. I At ROCK ISLAND, with "Milwaukee & Rock ■ Island Short Line." and Rock Isl'd A Peo. Rds. 1 At DAVENPORT, with the Davenport Division C. M. At St. P. R. R. At WEST LIBERTY, with thcß., C. R. A N. R. R. At GRIN NELL, with Central lowa R. R. 1 At DES MOINES, with D. M. At F. D. It. R. , At COUNCIL BLUFFS, with Union Pacific R. R. I At OMAHA, with B. At Mo. R. R. It. in Neb.) I At COLUMBUS J UNCTION, with 8..c. R. &N. R.R. At OTTITMWA. with Central lowa R. R. ; W., St. L. \ Pat., and C. B. ft Q. R. Rds. ' At KEOKUK, with Tol.. Peo. At War.: Wab., St. I Louis Ac PHC.. and St. Keo. At N.-W. R. ltds. | At CAMEItON. with H. St. J It. R. I At ATCHISON, with Atch., Topeka & Santa Fe; : Atch. & Neb. and Cen. Br. L T . P. R. Rds. At LEAVENWORTH. w||h Kan. Pac., and Kan. Cent. R. Rds. 1 At KANSAS CITY, with all lines for the West I and Southwest. and all household uses, and as it becomes more generally known, must nave au immense sale. From MRS. E. STOCK WELL, Hammonton, N. J. FRANK SIDDAtLS SOAP has been used in my house for the lust seven months, and by follow ing the printed directions, we And It to do every thing claimed on the wrappers. We have not -scalded or boiled a single article, and the clothes iare uhiter and sweeter than when washed in. the old way. "My husband, who is a dealer here, has a steady demand for the Soap from his customers. From MANAGER OF DEXTER LAPNDRY , 301 Sixth Street, Corner C Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. No laundrv or familv can afford to he without FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP. We follow direc tions and use no other Soap, and have a reputation second to no laundry in Washington for; white clothes; the superior work we have been enabled to turn out having secured us the trade of some oi the best gentlemen's furnishing stores in the city. s Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. 13 (Formerly Dr. Craig's Kidney Cure.) H A veritable preparation and tlie onlr tare S rojtMMjy in the world for Hrifftit*» M hiabt-M's :in<i ALL HLidnej, Liter, and 111'rloai-.v DMPHMH. a -stimonials of the highest order in proof H of these statements. H *' *>' For the cure of Dlabrlrx, call for War a ncr'n X«f;« Dinbetint ( lire, fl Ks*For the cure of Bright** and the other Wdis 'JVies, call for Haiucr'M Kale Ktduoj Na«tt«l LiverCarf. tl WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. || It i.i the best Blood Purifier, and stimulates Hevery function to more healthful action, und B is thus a benetH in all diseases, gj It cures Scroftil'.tn* and other .Skin Frajp and Diseases, including C'aucen, II- E] rer*, and other Skirin. a D>Kpf|Niia, Wc.-ikncM of (he Slomnfh, Hrnnr.t'nntinn, l*el»il ij U.v, etc., are cured by the Snfi • Riitpm. It is D u Mutinied as an appetix»*rnnd regular tonic. B Bottles of two sizes ; prices, 30<*. and M*oo. g WAFER'S SAFE KER VINE B Quickly gives Re*t and S>!eei» to thesutTerinpr, RCU •< f JpiwSstfite and prev»*nts L I'IU, and relieves Ifervous I*l-OH hr<»ucrht on by excessive drink, over- B work, mental. and other causes. U Powerful us it is stop pain and soothe dis- Bfturbcd Nerves, it n< ver injures the system, B whether taken in small or large doses. S Bottles of two sizes; prices, »Oe. and ftl.OO. V/'ARNER'S SAFE PILLS B Ar? an Immediate nnd active stimulus for a g Ictfii Livtr. aad cure Co<tlTcnes>. Dvßpt.nia. Eil fS tecf" J - 1 1 ioosntu. Ellku. Dlar- r^°ea Malaria. Fever S^il^pViVV I y 5 EOfilTLSirr.. R, Y. - . Planing Mill —ASP— Limibei- Yard. J. L. PI RVIB. L. O. PURVIS. S.G. Purvis & Co., MANCFACTI"REHS AND DEALERS IH Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVRKY DESCRIPTION, ; FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS, FLOORING, SID:?:G BATTENS, Bfsckcis, CuUpd Cornice Boards, PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS Newell Posts and Balusters KI > < L PALINGS, &C., , MICHIGAN SHINGLES, Barn Beards; L'lasteriiig Lath ; LIT in luck Bill Stuff, stub as Joit.t Rat ters, Scfcntiiner, &0.. all tizc-. constantly 011 hand. Ail oi which we will Fell r n reasonable terms and guar antee si.tis action. PLANING MILL AND YAHD V<Mr Grrinan OiUholif MniMh j •• i H-ly A NEW DEPARTURE! BK^^m^EWCSiLD! THE SYRACUSE CHILLED PLOW CO. of Syracuse, N. Y. Are now putting on the market a Plow that Is as much superior to any Plow heretofore made as the Plows oi the past lew years have been superior to those made half a century ago. It combines all the excellencies of any Plow In use. It obviates all the objections made to any other Plow. In addition It embraces several new features of the greatest value, for which we have ob tained exclusive Patents. Its Be am, Clevis, Jointer Standard and Wheel Standard will be STEEL, and Its mold board will be a composition of Steel and Iron chilled under a process for which wo have also obtained an exclusive Patent. It will be called THE SYRACUSE CHILLED STEEL FLOW Its weight will be eighteen pounds less than our present styles. A first-class Steel Plow, made In the or dinary way, full rigged, retails for twenty-two dollars. Inferior Steel Plows retail from six teen to nineteen dollars. The price of our new Plow will be but Seventeen Dollars, and It will be the cheapest Agricultural Implement ever sold. Its mold board will outwear three of tho very best kinds of the ordinary steel mold boards. It will scour In soils where all steel plows and all other plows have hitherto proved a failure. With this Plow will be Introduced a corru gated Plow Point and Jointer Point, on whicft we have also obtained a Patent, and which la also a great Improvement, both as regards itrength and wear. The Jointer can be shifted so as to take more or less land, and also more or less pitch, and It can always be kept on a line with the Plow. The wheel will ran under the beam or ona 6lde of It as desired, and always kept In line. The beam Is adjustable for Spring or Kail Plowing, and clso for two or three horses. The handles can be adjusted to accommo date a man or boy, on the same Plow. It Is a perfect Plow. Wooden beams are going out of use because they shrink, swell and warp, and never run two seasons alike. Iron beams are too heavy. Malleable beams become demoralized and bend, which is much worse than to break. A Steel beam is the necessity of the day. It ts three times as strong and very much lighter than any other style. When we say a Mold board Is chilled, tho farmers know it Is so. We do not palm off on them a composition of various metals and calx It chilled metaL We want agents for this new Plow In every town In this State. We can give but a very small discount to them, but we will pay the Railroad Freight. We propose to place this Flow In the hands of Farmers as near the cost of manufacture as possible. It will be the bat Agricultural Implement ever sold. It shall also be the cheapest Persons therefore who are not willing to act as agents on the principle that "a nlinblestx pence Is better than a slow shilling," need not apply for an agency. No Plows on commission. All sales absolute. This Is the only Steel Chilled Plow in the World. Steel costs several times more than Iron. But this Plow, full rigged, by giving small discounts, can be sold for Seventeen Dollars. Compare this price with that of any Iron Plow ever made. It Is cheaper than any other Plow now Blade would be at Ave dollars and a halt Where there are no agents we will, on re ceipt of Seventeen Dollars, send a Plow to any Railroad station In the State and pay tlia freight. Address, SYRACUSE CHILLED PLOW CO. Syracuse, N. Y. Opinions of tlic Public, WABASH, INDIANA. The Paris are Helling vrell. H'.vo several olil chronic cases of Kidney trouble using them, and they report an improvement and think much of them. A. L. ROHBOCK & 10.. Druggists. COURTNEY, TEXAS. Your Pad has done me more good tlcn any Remedy I ever used. JAS. D. CALLAWAY. SIT. CLEMENS, MICH. Your Pad has cured me o:' Pain ir the Dfck and Kidney Trouble. M. J- HOUGH. Address B&Y KIDNEY PAD CQ.» SOLE PROPRIETORS, TOLEDO, - - - OHIO. J. C. REDICK, Agent for Butler r o. .MILLS & CO., Mauuta u;re s and d' aler# in Hydraulic Ce ment and Sewer P're. White L'me, Fertilizer*. White Chimney Tops, fand Plsster, F'ne Pipe, O.kined r, K v Lye. juyl4-Sm! NJ. -'>o Lii-crl» St., Pittsburgh, Pa. A GOLD WATCH FREE. To every worklhg agent, male of famele. A rents are clearing front ii to St', :> day on our goo Is, in addition to above premium. Send to cents for sample or ?1.00 for full outfit and seenrn your county. THE MESSENGER PUBLISHING CO. Lewisuurg, I'a. iSmyliu
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers