A LOVE THAT KNOWS NO FEAR. A letter of Bob Bardette's, declin ing an invitation to a college reunion, baa juat found ita way into tbe press. He savs: -'Mrs. Burdette's health—if the poor little sufferer's combination of aches and pains and helplessness may be designated by such sarcastic appel lation —has been steadily failing all winter, and we have come down to this seagirt island to see if Old Ocean and ita breezes may do what the doc tors and mountains and prairies have failed to do. And here we are waiting. •Her little serene brightness,' in utter helplessness, unable to stand alone (for J ears she has been unable to walk), er helpless bands folded in her lap; she must be dressed, carried about, cared for like a baby ; suffering from counties pains and aches day and night, and I cannot leave her even for a few days. No one at Chautauqua will feel tbe disappointment as we do, for we had planned to go there togeth er. If she could go with me, I would be glad to creep to Chautauqua on mv knees. Her life has been a fountain of strength to me. In ten long years I bave never seen the look of pain out of her eyes, and for more than balf so long I have seen her sitting in patient helplessness, and I have never heard a complaining murmur from her lips while she has served as those who only stand and wait, never doubting tbe wisdom and tbe goodness of the Father whose hand has been laid upon her so heavily. Tbe beautiful patience of her life has been a constant rebuke to my own impatience, and in her suf ferings I have seen and known and be lieve tbe love that knows no fear' and tbe faith tbat 'knows no donbt'" Such a letter needs no comment; it tells its owa story. Change jour clothing according to the weather. Old fashions are being rerived in every direction. The lawn mowers will soon go into winter quarters. Even the small boy has contracted the political fever. It is better to give than to receive— advice and medicine. An aged woman died in Philadel phia from fright at seeing her son and a burglar in conflict. The moon, like some men, is bright est when it is full; like them again, it soon begins to loose its lustre. Westfield, Mass., has a blind phys ician with a large practice. He is not the only doctor who goes it blind. An old colored woman died at Put nam county, Ala., the other day, whose only living nbild is eighty years old. 'Never mistake perspiration for in spiration,' said an old minister in his charge to a young pastor, just being ordained. "What is the worst things about riches,' 1 asked the Sunday school su ferintendent. And the boy said, "Not avin/ any." A little Rochester boy said, "Let's play butcher," aod carried out the sug gestion by chopping off one of his com panion's toes. A Western paper said bangs were worn to hide wrinkles on the forehead, and the next day every girl in town shot her bang. To peel a peach nicely dip it a mo ment in hot water, and then in cold, and the skin peels off readily and the fruit in not injured. In front of a grocer's on the Rue de Rivoli is a fign which reads: 'Madei ra, 2 francs; old Madeira, 3 francs; genuine Madeira, 10 francs.' Bishop (reproving delinquent page): "Wretched boy! Who is it that sees and hears all we do, and before whom even I am but as a crushed worm ?" Page : "The missus, my lord !" — Punch. This is what the Philadelphia Sun day Dispatch calls political economy for young ladies: 'Buying a half-dollar straw bat, then putting eleven and a half dollars' worth of trimming on it.' Josh Billings is reported to hare made SIOO,OOO by bis writings. He has cleared $25,000 on his "Allminax" alone. He receives SIOO for half a col umn contributed weekly to a New York story paper. At a recent mtrriagre, the bride was a vounit damsel who had been a great flirt. When the clergyman asked the usual question, 'Who gives this woman away?' a young fellow present exclaim ed: 'I can, but I won't.' Now that it is en regie to endulge in oysters, it may be well to know that the heat used in cooking oysters des troys the union of glycogen with the hepatic diastase which produces in the raw oyster spontaneous digestion. The owner of a pair of bright eyes says that the prettiest compliment that she ever received came from a child of four years. The little fellow, after looking intently at her eyes a moment, inquired, naively, "are your eyes new ones ?" Mr. Wendell Phillips is described by The Boston Courier as riding up Mt. Wachusett and meeting on the summit a friend who addressed him thus: "Well, Mr. Phillips, I never expected to meet you so near Heaven as this." "You never will again," Mr. Phillips retorted, dryly. Mr. Suel Foster writes UH : "I have often found the tires of wagon wheels getting loose this dry, hot weather. I hare found ga» tar —coal tar which we St at the gas-house—the best paint ' wheels. It costs but ten cents a gallon, and one quart will paint four wheels, making the best and cheapest paint I ever used 1 hare used it for several ye*rs, "d know whereof I speak. This year I painted my old bn £g7 wheels, body, shafts, iron work and all with gas tar. It appears to dry as quick as other paint." TH* following from the New Or leans Observer is not without interest: "An itinerant magic lantern sLowman was in West Feliciana Parish recently, exhibiting bis show. Ilis audience was largely colored people. A last scene (the man was an Englishman) happened to be the death of Lincoln. Said the exhibitor carelessly: 'You'll now see the death of vbe martyred President/ That night the showman was interviewed by 20 armed bull dovers, taken from his stopping place and on the road beaten with 55 stripes, the same number of dollars the ruffians found and took from the showman's person. Warned on the peril ol his life never to cume into these parts the poor beaten wretch was told his' treatment was in consequence of his temerity in talking about and ex bi biting to tbe blacks a show picture, of the martyr, Lincoln.'" . MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, WASS. DISCOVERER OF LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S TBamnr.g ffnwwnnraL JTiePojlthr^jr# For all Female Complaints. Th!» preparation. u lt« nam# itcnUle* cons;iti of Veffatabto PropertiM tiiat arc Larmier to the xoofct del ica&a la valid. Upon one trial the merits of thij Con pound wiU be recocnlid, asreLof U lmmedlau ; and when Hi ?■* if continued. In nin««y-nlno caae. In a ban. dred, «|wmiiintiw'»l | "ffr-'r' "**• *" will tc» tlfy. On account of Iti proron tnoriti, It Is to-dajr ro commended and prescribed b J the bo«t phyiiciaiu in the ocKiulrj. It will cure entirely tho wont form of falling of the uterus, Lcocoirhn-a, Irregular and painful Menstruation, all Orarlan Trouble*. Inilainisatioa and Ulceration, flooding*, all kiiplacementi and the eon sequent ipinal vGaknes-1, and I* eepccUlly adapted to the Chans* of Life. It will dissolve and wpel tumort from the uterus In an eariy of derelopment. The tenderer to cancerous humors thcro Is checked nry speedily by lu use. In fact It has proved to be the p«t est and best remedy that ha* erer been discover ed. It permeate* every portion of the system, and gives new life and rigor. It remove* fzl3tae*s,flatulcscy, de stroys all craving for stimulants, and relieve* weaknea* of the stomach It cure* Koatlng, Headache*, Nervous rroet ration, General Debility, Sleepkame**, Depression and Indl giml n That feeling of bearing down, eanaing pain, weijht and backache, I* always permanently cured by ltanae. It willat all times, and under ell cireumstan ces, act in harmony with th* law that govern* th* female system. For Kidney Complaint* of either **x this compound I* unaurpaased. Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound I* prepared at tS and S5 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mas*. Price $:.00. Six bottle* for fZJXI. Sent by mail lu ti.e form of pills, also in the form of Loxengen, on receipt of price, (too, per box, for either, llrs. PIXE HA 11 freely answer* all letter* of Inquiry. Send for pain pHIoC Addrca* as above ZtetUiun this paper. JC„ family should be without LYDIA E. I'l ' EHAJC LTVEH PILLS. They euro Constipation, Biliuusnesa, and Torpidity of the liver. 10 ctnUcer box GEO. A. KELLY k CO., General Agents, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sold by D. H. Wuller, - Butler Pa. ASK the^ recovered and ague, the mercurial The C'tae«p-»t. Purcii and Heat Family Medicine In the world I For DYSPEPSIA. CONSTIPATION. Jaundice. Bilious attack*, SICK HEADACHE, Colic. De- Kstslon of Spirits, SOU It STOMCH, Heart Burn. .. ft'". , Thin unrivalled Soutlieni Remedy is warranted not to contain a single particle o( MEHCUKV, or any injurious mineral substance, but Li PUHELY VEOEABLE, containing those Southern Boots and Herba, wh.cli an all-wise Providence has placed in coun tries when: l.iver Diseases most prevail. It will cure Diseases caused l»y Derangement of the I.lvor and Bowel*. Tlie SYMPTOMS of Liver Complaint are a hit ter or bad taste m the mouth ; Pain In the Back, Side* or Joints, often mistaken for Rheumatism ; Sour Stomach ; Ietlte ; Bowel* alter nately costive and lax ; Headache ; l/m of mem ory, with a pall.ful sensation of having failed to do something which ought to have been done ; f>ebiilty. Ix>w Spirits, a thick yellow appearance of the Skin and Eyes, a dry Cough often mistaken for Consumption. Hometlme t many of lliese symptoms attend the disease, at others very few ; but the LtVEii, the largos organ in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, and If not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretchedness and death will ensue. I can recommend as an efUcaciois remedy for disease of the Liver, Heartburn and Dyspepsia, Simmons' Liver Regulator. LKWiaG. WC.VUKU, 1025 MASTKK STHKKT, AFWWTANT POfn MAHTK.It, PHII.AUBJ.PHIA. "We have tested its virtues, personally, and know that for Dyspepsia, ItlilotisneM, and Throb bing Headache, it Is the best medicine the world ever saw. We have tried forty other remedies before Simmons' Liver Regulator, but none of them have us more than teuinarary relief; but the Regulator not on!y relieved, but cured us."— KD. TKI.KOKA PH AMI MWWKNOKR. Macon, Ga. MAXRPACTUBKD OSIJ' HV J. IV. A «o, PHILADELPHIA. Prle«,fl. Mold by all 1.-rugfclals. ai>r«-Iyr Wf K 7>o tr» «. rr.u«H»!' yon ars % «K r ofb'KiiiCM.wMiir-man or l<-t- MiHK •ooa br th» »tr*ln of H teistcillnKoTernila- (m your datica nr nd n.ifht »«iir to res- ■ •tUuuUnUand ui* W l»i« bruu neiveand ■ Hop Bitters. B "tMW., UM> Hop B. ■ If jon art J'xlntf *n I I suffering from sny in H discretion or duurtp* ■ Uod . If lou in- iMr ■ rteJ or old orßtuuiw, nuforlnic from ■ pocrbcaltb or lan#ul»lj Blng on « bed of tick- BR MM, fiy ou Hoplßitter*. Wboerer yoo«r- ; . M Thousands iu •»- •btucr jon IMI ®|| UOfclly {ro tn »ou.« tbiU yo a r a ystein toitn of Mid no* - ggvdlswi that might lag or •timuUllnff, Brl »,*«■« o<-eti presenusj •riliiootisfoilfiliity, JHW by * timely u» of tiki Hop Hopßlttera Bitter*. Btn yon dy- IHHHr ptp:a, ICIDMCY^| N I n. Of lb* •loDMKA.jHj IT nTS ll h!L r R™'I LLOP If T ouar..i m -Fffi UH'UHOI eoldbydr*. NEVER \ti££* ,UT life, it haelK |A IL I " ru ro '' saved hun-Hj I ■■*«■"*.« T. dreds. D. H. LYON, SALE AND FEED STABLE. At tha old stand of Put rick Kolley, K» |., cor ner of Cunningham and ►treet. o|ww-i!« John Berg'* Bank, whora I will attend to the feeding of Hontee or BOABDINO BY TIIR WEEK OB MONTH of the nunc. Give me a call arid I will make ttie charge* moderate to unit the timea. Thoae having Horned for wale or person* want ing to bnv, it will be to their advantage to call. aagßs-8m riUDAIPy BADGEto, LAMrAIuN FLAGS. &C. &C. Beautiful ( 'ampaign Badge* of the Republi can and Democratic Candidate*. CAI(KIKM) /ilk HANCOCK and I I |< >ml AIITIILK, V'll KKOLIKII. Containing life like Photograph* nf the Can didate* ; encased In pretty MluaUtuie (Hit Frame*, with pin for attiichlug to coat or vent. Active ageii's can make CIO a day *e|llng th«-tn, and city nnd country njercbantii can make n handsome profit. Price 10 <-< ntn each ; '£ lor IS cenU ; 10 for 50 cent*, or 100 /or fH.SO. Ph'ito grap' * name price i«» Badge*. Crayon Portrait* on tinted plate paper. HisrOl ■ *lze 'SI by 'M. for 25 cent*. Fltgsall ►lze», kind* and price*. Now I* (he Harvest time tor agent*, and deal er*. Bend for *umple* and full particular* to U. 8 MANUFACTURING CD. 110 Smilhfield street, Piu*burgli, Pa. |nnlK> la Execntorw Xollce. T.otter* teHtimentary in the hml*l« of Captain Bolwrt Thompaon. dee'd, late of Clinton town ship, Pntler county, Pa , having l>e*n granted to the nnderxigned, all pemoiiM knowing thein *elvn* indebteTIS A VARD. 2 cases —Dark, Fast colored. Calico? worth . cts AT«4 CESTH AYAUI». 5 Bales—Heavy, yard wide. Cnbleached Muslin, worth 8 cents. AT 20 CENTS PER YAKI). Heavy Loom Table Linens, sold at 25 cents. Finer grades.—3l cents to ?1.50 AT lo CENTS PER YARD, Good (Irev Twilled Flannels worth 20 cents. AT X CENTS PER YARD. Fine, 27-inch, all Wool Red Flennels. AT 25 CENTS, 35 CENTS AND is CENTS, Barred Country Flannels. AT 25 CENTS. Mens Merino Shirts and Drawers. EXTRA BARGAINS AT 25 CENTS. 50 CENTS, 75 CENTS AND SI For Men, Women and Children. BLANKETS. COMFORTS, QUILTS. DRESS GOODS, At 31 cents, yard wide. Cashmeres, Black and all colors. A.T 73C 44 and 4C-inr h Black Cashmerers, superior qual ity and color, for this price. AT 81. 48-inch Black Cashmere. These goods are made from pure cashmere wool, and guaranteed the best quality for price m the city. We have everything desirable in all tjie new de sighs of Foreign and Domestic Dress (limkls—and our stock of French and Persian Novelties in un surpassed in the city, either in variety or price. BLACK DRESS SILKS. 75 cent*. *l. $1.25, 31.50, $1.75 to S3. Clean pure goods, and will not cut or shine. COLORED DRESS SILKS. From so cent* to 51,25 per yi.rJ. (all shades.) CLOTH SAQL'ES. DOLMAK* \NI> SHAWLS, pg—Mail orders promptly attended to. W. Hi. WAKIFIitO & CQ. | 7 / Federal Street, Alleulieny City. Pa. septs-Sm pirrsßUß6H EXPOSITION. Home Hotel, Duquesne Way, between 8 and 9, St Special rate 9 for people attending Ex position. .$1.25 />£/' day. Hotel short distance from Kxpoaitton Buildings. So BAR. OR LIQ.I OR>. SOLD OSf THK I'RKMISES. REV. W. MCHAHON, Supt. JEFFCRHO.V ACADEMY. Thorough preparation for College ; good Eng lish and business education. Moderate expends not necessarily exceeding $4-5 of f-W per term. Good chemical and philosophical apparatus j large library, Good moral and social surround ings. Freuch and German taught. Next term commences Sept. 15th, ISSO. REV. WM. EVVING, Principal. jy 21:2 m Cannonsbu.",;, Pa DlHHolulion of PMPfnepnlilp Notice is herebv given. that tha Utc Or 1 ? 1 °' Heipel liip. B.tler county. All i«r-ou» indebted to cud entate are requested to make iinuiftdii'te pav mciit. and tlii/eo having claihis or demand* againrt ths samo, should mak» tUein kuo ru without delav to JVM FX W. BARB, ) A(ImVM e. 18-Ct] (i. 8. BARR, ( IMPORTANT TO AGENTS. -THE LIFE OK li K.V A CtKPIKM) By his pi rronal friend. MAJOR BONbY, E lttor JL Y Mail, the only edition to tthieh Geo Gar tleld has ).ei>o|ial addition of fact-. Beautifully iil-mtrated, piiutod r-ud bound. "The ljent."—N. Y. Commercial Adveili.er "l")ie neateat," —N. Y. Iler.ild. "The most use ful, HeiiHlhie and satisfacloty." —N. Y. Tribune. Full length hteel portrai' by Hall, from a pic tnre taken eiprersly for tho work. Active Agents Wanted. Liberal terms. So:nl 61 at once for complete outfit. A. H. R\(;'«'ES A 'JO. ecptMtl 111 & 113 William St., New York. AG I.NTH WAN » KD To take HUbHcriptioiiH tw Hie INTERNATIONAL REVIEW, the lateat and best American publication, of die highest class, willi original contributions ftom the most celebrated writes in every country. Edited by J T. Morse. Jr.. and Henry Cabot Lodge, gentlemen of the highest attainments and culture, mi l whose names are ul me suffi cient guaranty of tie; vtlue of the Rr.vißW. Alway» bright, rea Ir.ble and iiibttnetive ; COH- D!<>polilac in literature, progressive in uciuuue., uiist ctaiiui in and iinie[>eiident in poli tics. Price 10 c<-nls a number ; t'i a year. A com plete Agent's Outfit sent on receipt of tl 1-0 A specimen copy sent to anv iul Ires f ,r 15 eoiits, A. H. BAKNEH A CO.. Publi.«r<. sept-81 111 A 113 Willism St., New York. A GOOD BUBDISBB OPENING. —1 HE UNION Im-.urance Company, of Ohio, desires to es tablish a General Agency for this section of Pennsylvania. Its asserth e.ceed tl SOO,IXKI (K), with a large surplim, and has fir many vo irs se cure 1 the largett amount of new business in Ohio of anyone cotnptny in fie Uniiod S'ates. Its iutereft reccit/ts exceed its death lost-es, matured tndowmehU taxes, nnd commission |>aid to ai'ents. lis shin ruauagemeut is further lllu>-trnted by the faet that its rate of losses and expenses to its premium income lor the year 1H79, according to the New Yurk oflicial reports, ia lower than that of any other company. It issues endowment policies at life rates, which are nonforfeitable without sttrren lor an I liicon testible after three annual paymente. It is governed br the insurance law of Ohio which are now the most stringent for the protection of policy holders of any in the Union. They re quire a four per cent. reseive fund invested in unquestioned securities, which the Superintend ent of Insurance is required annually to ex amine. Tho business of life insurance is now rapidly increasing, an 1 men |K>»Hesslng first class business ability and chaiactor, who desire a General Agency for this sterling company will do well to address GEORGETHoIINT'/N, Man ager, Room 33 Aslor House Offices, New York, stating, in full, age, past experience in lite in surance or other business, salaries receivod and reference. CATARRH SCONSUMPTION i| Cnrsd at bom* by 7 ■ JEajBINHALKNi: A. V ci■!»■«'«to»TWt|U« a" a»i—iw. «atok X 111 wsiuufifM. uliss airMt 4IMM«. a Tttll Mi m V uii i u Ik! rJt VBLmUmU kMla M fn»« RilUr, Brai A44rtM ll»«» Nr>H»U*r practice, and TlloluitKill INSTUI 'TK N. Ten't stni lors. 'l erms moderate. Thirtieth year Ix-glns Sent onber a, tsse. Kort'at alogues, apply hi Kiev. T. It. KWINt;, Principal. June2B-2m r A TBE yiCTQg Double Hullar Olovar Maohirve litttMlfMUUillMmv fciMil Id# kaaMf 1 MM4 ia mm 4mf feaa orto Grape.raised in tins country- Its Ivaluaiile Tonic and Strengtliing Properties are unsurpassed by anv other Native Wine. Kemg the pure Juice of the Grape, produced under Mr. Sneer's own personal supervision, it.s purety and retiiiineness are guaranteed. The youngest child may of its generous qualities, and the weakest Invalid'usu «t twaikvitaire. It Ispartieu larily beneficial to the age.l antf Uebilitutgd. and suited to the various ailments that affect the weaker sex. It is in every respect A WINE TO ISE ItEMKD ON. SPEEIL'S IP. J*. SHERRY, Tlie r. .1. SHERRY is a wine of Superior Ohar- and partakes ot the golden qualities of the grapß fio,., v r li(i:Ji jt i-i made. For purity. Richness. Flavor ano Mecliuituitl PfwHertU.*, j{ w;ll be found unexcelled. HI'E KU'S DP. J\ BRANDY- This BRANDY stands unrivaled in this Country, -being jar superior lor medicinial purposes. IT IS A I'l; I'E dlsliialion from the gripe and contains valuable medicinial properties It lias a delicate flivor. similar to that of the grapes from which it is distilled, and is in great favftt aniona first-class families. Hen thai (no future of ALFRED BPKKK. Pas sale, N. J„ G' pvpr lijc ciifk (J bottle. Hold by I». 11. WIJLLER. apr2B-iyr ASHtnlttratrfXotiee. Notice is hereby given that letters of admin istration having been granted to the undersign ed on the estate of James Stoops, late of Cherry township, county of Butler, State of Pennsylva iijil .lee'd, ali persons knowing themselves in debted t« tsilj tSfi-te will please make immedi ate payment, and UIOMI h«vi..g claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement. ELIZA JANE STOOPS, Adm'x, jel6;Gw] Annandale, Uutler Co., l'a. Union Woolen Mill, BUTLER, PA. |f. FUM,KItTO.V. I'rop'r. Manuiaiturfcr *q( FLANNELS, YAKNS. Ac. Also custom Wuri; dunp to order, HUCII ai c»rding Kull*, makinir Blank**lb, Iflauiiels. Knit ting and Weaving Yarns, ICINB« rOK f.'UN r* ! JADWIN'3 TONIC LAXATIVE 1 r Api'C'l/.lKjr, Palatable and Noli-Alcoholic, AVI) always CUKES i, Sick Headache Constipation, Uil luii-iiev, Hiur Hi«inu<'b, Liver Comll tint. Want of Appetite, Inili.'cM li.il, .1 Hllidii'i', Kill ney Complniut, Nervousness, Dizziness, Hleep- IcHsi.es ', Heartburn, Colic, Duhlllly, Foul Hr nth, WoriiM, Piles, Fevers, < olds, Ac. THIS TONIO I-AXATIVK regulate* the bowels and slrrn'j'hcnt the s> Klein, frlves a cleir h-ad. pure Mood -i ill clastic splilts. Is | urely vege table, contains no mercury nor aloes. K ile at nil times. Pleasant to llic t.isii:, anil a suLsli tote lc-r Pills, Castor Oil, Ac. Best family med icine known. Adapted to strong n.cu. dcllcitle females aid feeble In Inn c. In I i<| til I form Hold 11) druirclst < Price oiilv "H cenls lorn large bottle. HENHY B JADWIN, Apinlic cary ai il ''hernial, Mole I'mji letor, C irl ond ile, P«. D. il. HTULLKR, Dragiat, Sole \ • m fot Butler, Pa. )an!W-ly jk Tf l:,,;i rly loi large A (in Hp oc'av-o |i:i;;cs for t!ie Hick, n jL a'UU I'iiH ol valuable notci, by f~\/\ I 7~ CO., No. W.) Kast2Bth rSI II I|\ street, New York city. * * V-' Vy JunD-Sm $5,000,000. The American Shoe Tip Co. WAKBAVT THBItt A. S. T. Co. BLACK I IP That 1* now so extensively worn on CHILDREN'S SHOES TO WEAK A 8 LOHO A 8 THE VETAL, Which was Introduced by them, and by which the above amount has been lavod to parent* an nually. Thla Black Tip will nr« (till mare, aa bealdee being worn on the coarser grade* It la worn on Caa and easily (hoea where the Metal Tip on account of Ita looks would not be uaed. Tbey all have our Trade Mark A. I. T. Ca. ■tamped on front of Tip. I'arenU should ASK FOR SHOES with thla BEAUTIFUL BLACK TIP onthemwhei^iurchMliißforthelreldldren. Admiulwlrat rixVt No I Ire. Letters of Administration have been granted to the iiiiili rsi«in«l on the estate of Oeorjje 0. Conway dee'd, lale of Concord township, llutler comty. All |>ersons indebted to said estato are reipieeled to make imme hate payment, and those having cla.ms or demand* against the same, shoulil make lliem known without delay to HA UAH CON WAV, Adm'x, eeptl-Ct Hooker P. 0., llutli-r. d;7fj A WEEK. *l'2 a day at home easily made. 'pi & Coetlv Ontllt free. Address Tatrr. A Co., Aug nst a. Ms me deo.l-1 v Advertiao in tlio CITIZEN I THE Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & St Louis BAIL ."WAY 00. IPH-HIIDU BflOlll 1 Offers the best facilities and most comfortable and expeditious Line for families moving to points in KANSAS, ARKANSAS, TEXAS, COLORADO, A , O A LIFORNIA. OK ANY OF TIIE WESTERN STATES AND TERRITORIES. «IE VERY LOWEST RATES TO ALL POINTS IN TIIE WEST & SOUTH-WEST CAS ALWAYS BE SECURED VIA TIIE OLD RELIABLE PAN-HANDLE ROUTE. Tickets Sold and Baggage Checked THROUGH TO AN'Y J'OINT YOP WANT JO GO. We offer you the Lowest Rates, the Quickest Time, the Rest Facilities and the most Satisfac tory Route to nil points West aud South-west. We run no Emigrant Trains. All classes of Passengers are carried on regular Express Trains. If you are unable to procure Through Tick ets to points in ilissuaH, Arkansas, Texas, Kan sas, Colorado. Wisconsin, Minnesota, lowa, Ne braska or California, by the direct "PAN-IIAN DLE ROUTE," at your nearest Railroad Sta tion, please address "%V. li. Gen'l Passenger Agent, 'Pan-Handle Route,' COLUMBUS, OHIO \ HM been In constant / use by tho public for over twenty years, ><«?{• TlWjS If. and Is the best preparation eyer Invented for KESTOH- J Tho IN O OKAY HAIK TO ITS | (TtfttO YOUTHFUL COLOR AND Aseayer | >_ i and It supplies the natural | of Mass. ' food and color to the hair £jj(J , glands without staining the IpadinP' I •telHr T*> u Increase and j tblvken the growth of the ! . r hair, prevent Its blanching CiailS and falling off, and thus endorse j > AVERT BALDNESS. J AND V| reoom- It cures Itching, Erup- mend it tions and Dandruff. As a 88 a , HAIR DRESSING It is very great desirable, Riving the hair a triumph Silken softness which all . j. !}<{rplre. fp ftee)>s the hem) tiettn, sweet J| WHISKERS will change the beard to a BROWN or BLACK at discretion. Being in one preparation It Is easily applied, and produces a permanent color that will Hot wash off. PKWAIIEn I»V R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N.H. Sold by all Dealers In Msdlcln*. TilK (j ItKAT KNULISH REMEDY! GKA VS SPECIFIC MEDICINE T HADE MARK. |, ev|M are first can - d liv deviaiint' fmia the path ol nature and over Indulgence. The S|M < ille Medicine Is the rn- HUII if a life itndv a.;d m nv >ea»s of exi>eiience ill tr allnt! Ihe.se ipee il di%ea,cs. Pull |i.i.,ii'n.a ■ in o ii- ;■'i.ni : iet<4 which we de sire lo send free l.y ni iil lo ev" one. T'ic Speelllc Al<-dleiny ail I >m;:i;lsts at ?1 |»IT |iackai;e, or ,I\ |iacl;ai, or will lie sent by mall "ii receiptor the nion-v by addressing TIIK (jiltA Y MKDH INK CO., No, in Mechanic's Block, Drritorr, Mk'H. ill ISutltT by J, C. ItKOICK, and by all Drinftflsts overv where. i 4/~ IIA It it I h Kwi.vri, Wholesale ARents, Pitts burgh. niyl'2-ly. MILLINERY!! Till MM KD HATS, PLUM KB, FEATHERS, RVOHING. RIBBONS Puff and Switches in Htock and rniule to order on Hlmrt notice, at L % imrs Next door to I). 11. Wuller'w Drug Store, Butler, Pa. my2-6in. IB'cjtxTßKT - Lumber Yard and Planing Mill, H. BAUER~& BROS., JuPKßitaov ST.. - - BUTLER, PA., IfANUrACTUItKKM OW Doors, Sash, Frames, Blinds, Molding of all descriptions, Brackets, Patent Molded VVeatherboarding, Mill Boards. Flooring, Palings, Stair Railings, Balusters of every style, &c., &c. Circular Moldings Made to Order. A I,so, DK U.IiKH IN Lumber, Plank, Shingles, Lath, &.0, aplil-ly Hxi'ciilorV Police. LeHors testamentary on tho OMtate of Martha dne'd. late of JefTernoii townsblp, But ler county. Pa., bavin# been granted to the nn dnr»iKhe d any having claims aK»inst sai'l estate, will present thorn dnlv autbenti i at oil for pay incut. A. L. SIIU.U)F,R, Ki'r, Butler, I'a. For this style Singer. We will s«tiid it to vour JjH] Depot to be examined be- WW fore you pay Tor it. IT it is not as represented It can l>e Ml returned at our expense. Send a postal card for illus trated Circular. C. A. WOOU .t CO. 17 N. Tenth St., Philaielpbla. |ulyU-3m j ft. MAM WHO ,S U«»COy rK OW^T^C.^.» f H»O fA THI. i COU«T,y.W,LL CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS THE 6REAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST THE WE9TI AU Aiiu uniiAi «»" Ita main line run» from Chicago to Council | Bluff*, passing through Joliat. Ottawa, Ia\ notomiwtt) nil trough Express Trains. You gat an entire meal, as good as In served In any Brat-class hotel, for seventy-tire ceaU. _ Appreciating the fact that a majority of the people prefer separate apartments for different purposes (and the immense passenger business of this line warranting It), we are pleased U) an nounce that this Company runs Pullman Palace Sleeping Cart for sleeping purposes, and Palace PtLLMAN PALACE CARS are ran through to PEORIA, DCS MOINES, COUNCIL. BI.IFFB, KANSAS CITY. ATCHIMON, and LEAVENWORTH. _ Ticket* thla Line, kum as tke " Urrul Rock Island Route," are *•« b» U*C«, address, 1 132. ST. .TOHN, ~ ■»Qen'l Superintendent. Gen'l Tkt. and WHY DOES • woman's health often break down at an early age? Put a man at the wish-tub, let him pet heated from the hot trad* until every pore is opened; then let him stand over the filthy steurn that comes from scalding and boiling clothes, that are full of sweat and exhalations from the ■kin and his health too would break aown before long; and yet this most terrible ordeal is what A WOMAN huton through with on wash-day; and, bSldes, with her clothing wet from perspiring a the hot work, she has to risk her life by going out In the air to hung up the clothes. Even those not at work are in the unhealthy atmosphere; its smell, so apparent to visitors, show ing that it finds its way through the house,—the family, however, often becoming so accus tomed to the peculiar odor from its own wash as not to notice it These tacts readily ex plain why *o many women suffer with colds, rheumatism, weak nerves, or neuralgia, and LOOK OLD while yet young in years, and physicians and boards of health cannot draw attention too strongly to the Injurious effect* of the usual way of washing with 1U Howot Reami and Sckldfftk Or bailing tft get tlio Clothe* pure «uid sweet-tanelling, Especially as it IH without doubt often the direct cause of those dreadful diseases, diphtheria, consumption, and typhoid fever. Fortunately this trouble can be avoidedi scalding, boiling, steam and all disagreeable imell from the wash completely done away with; clothes made sweet and beautifully white; from Utt tavina in fud the wash don* at leu cent than even when home-made soap u u ted, and very much SOONER THAN by the old way, by using FRANK BIDDALU SOAP,-a Soap so purifying and cleansing that the dlrtieM clothing can be washed in lukewarm water with very little rubbing, and clothes bedding and utensils used by the sick disinfected and cleansed without either scalding or boiling, while the work Is so light that a girl twelve or thirteen yesjrs ofiige can do a large wash without being tired; and yet so mild and healing Is thU Soap that for toilet and Shaving it has no equal, and physicians advise tt» fl»e In prefejenoe to Imported Castilerioap on A MAN who Is not directly Interested In having used In their homes. In spite of prejudice, TIT AT WONDERFUL WAY OF WASHINQ CLOTHES, which docs away with the hard work, offensive smell and fearful steam on wash-days, makes the white pieces whiter, colored pieces brighter and flannels softer than they can be made by washing the old way, leaves the hands smooth enough to do fine sewing and overy article as clean, as sweet and as pure as if never worn. From H. B. BOWLES, M. T>., Hammonton, N. J., Kdltor t**UA Jrrtry BcpubUcan. My attention was called to FRANK BIDDALIfI 90AV from aq advertisement In my OWII paper, and Its uie In my bouse for nearly a year, according to the directions, bu proved that Ita remarkable propertied have not been overstated. For remov ing printing Ink It la Invaluable, wblle for toilet and shaving It Is the beat Hoap X have ever seen. From Una. H. L. KIKVON, Northfleld, Vt Idomy wHb with FRANK SIDDALI*SOAP In half the tlma and with no expense tor Hoap, at Ike health, olotbM and labor can hardly be estimated. From K. W. BTAMTO*. 1808 N. 20th St., Phllada. We are oonOdent, from a long experience In oiling and recommending FRANK BIDDALU BOA**, that one trial, aooording to the very easy printed directions, will overcome all prejudice*. It {»!«» really baa wonderful merit for snaring, toilet. The following are the Direction* for Use, so simple that a child can understand them. Dont do anything so ridiculous aa to buy the Soap unless you intend following them. tOO positively forfeited if it irtfurem the clothes, or urUl not do everything claimed. First, put the white clothea In a tub of water, only made warm enough to be comfortable for the hands. Then take one piece out at a time on the wash-board, rub the Soap lightly over it, roll It up and put It back into the name tub, and BO on with each piece until all have the Soap rubbed on them. Then go away and let them soak at least twenty minute#, without touching them, when the dirt will all be loosened, and a very little rubbing on tho wash-board, out of that one suds, will make them perfectly clean, being particular to turn «ach piece while washing so as to get at the seams. Then wash lightly on the wash board, through a lukewarm rinse-water (without any Soap,) so as to get the dirty suds out. Then put through blue-water, and on the line, without scalding or boiling a tingle piece. Afterward put flannels and colored pieces to soak, and wash them exactly the same way. It is important not to heat the wash-water in a tin, brass or copper kettle. A tea-ketti® will heat enough water for a large wash with this Soap. Just Think What You will Save by this Easy Way of Washing t No Wash-boiler! No Steam! No Smell of Suds through the Housel It has the remarkable Property of keeping the Dish-Cloth, Wash-Rag and Sponge always Sweet, and of Washing Freely in Hard Water. BY aROCKRSi-*- Get a Cake and Try it for Yourself next Wash-Day: To Points wher® this Soap la not yet Introduced a Trial Cake will be eent toy Mall, on receipt of Price, (10 Oonta), in Money or Btampa. AOO \7 o £ l c E LE .7 ERS FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP, 718 CALLOWHILL ST.. PHILADELPHIA, PA. E. GKIEB, DEALER IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. ENGRAVING OF AIL KINDS A SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET, (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA. B" WATCHES AND CLOCKS REPAIRED. AND WARRANTED. -•« I JHninti Oars for eating purposes only • One other greatrealure ol our Palace Cars Is a SMOKING | SALOON where you can enjoy your " Bar ana" i at all hours of the day. Magnificent Iron Bridges span the Mississippi and Missouri rivers at all points crossed by this line, and transfers are avoided at Council Bluffs, Kansas City. Leavenworth, and Atchison, con nections bcinnmade In Union Depots. THK PRINCIPAL It. K. CONNECTIONS OF THIS liItEAT THROUGH LINE ARE AS FOLLOWS: At CHICAGO, with all diverging line* for the East and South. At Emtwoon, with the L. S. A M.S., and P., Ft. W. AC. It. lids. At WASHINGTON- HEIGHTS, with P., C. A St. 1+ R. R. Ai LA BAILB. with Ilk. Cent. R. R. At PEOtUA. with P. P. A J.; P. D. A E.; L B. * W.; 111. Mid.: and T. P. * W. Rds. At ROCK ISLAND, with "Milwaukee A Rock Island Short Line," and Rock Isl'd St Peo. Rds. At DAVENPORT, with the Davenport Division C.M. A St. P. R. R. At WEST LIBERTY, with theß., C. R. A N.R.R. At (iHiSNtLL. with Central lowa R. R. At DES MOINES, with D. M. A F. D. R. R. At COUNCIL BLUFFS, with Union Pacific R. B. At OMAHA, with B. A Mo. R. R. R. in Neb.) At COLUMBUS JUNCTION, with 8., c. it. AN. R.R. At ' ITTUMWA. with Central lowaB.IL; W„ Bt. L. A PAc and C.'B. AQ- R- Rds At K.EOKUK. with Tol., Peo. A War.: Wab., St. Louis A Pac., and St. L, Keo. A N.-W. K. Rds. At CAMERON, with H. St. J R. R. At ATCHISON, with Atch., Topeka A Santa Fe; Atcli A Neb. and Cen. Br. u. P. R. Rds. At LEAVENWORTH, with Kan. Pac., and Kan. Cent. R. Rds. At KANSAS CITY, with all lines for the West and Southwest. and all household uses, and a* It beoomeo mora generally known, must have an Immense wile. From Man H. BTDCICWILL, Hammonton, N. J. FRANK BIDDALLB SOAP has been used In my house for the last seven months, and by follow ing the printed directions, we find It to do every thing claimed on the wrapper*. We have not scalded or boiled a single article, and the eUitht* are, whiter and tweeter than when uwW in On old way. !My husband, who is a dealer here, has a steady demand for the Soap from his customer*. From MANAOKB OF Duct** Lacunar, 101 Sixth Street, Corner C Street, N. W., Washington. D. a No laundry or family can afford to lie without FBANK BIDDALI» SOAP. Wo follow direc tions and use no other Soap, and have a reputation second to no laundry In Washington forj white clothes; the superior work we have been enabled to turn out having secured us the trade or some of the beat gentlemen's furnishing stores In the city. Warner's Safe Kidney and Uver Curt. (Dr. Cfraiif! h'ldnnj C\tre.) A vegetable preparation and the only »■!* rrmnljr In the world fbr Srtihl'a IMwaw, lUsheteasad ALL Hidas;, Liver, sss I'rlMiirj DtaMMM. m#~Testlmoiil*ls of the highest order In proof of these statements. o**Kor the cure of Dlabelfv, call tor Was* IM-r'a SsA DlabetM Cure. «ts"For the cure of Klrlfftit'a and tho other dim-awn, eall for Winner's Sal> Midurjr sail Lliert'ure. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It Is the bent Sloo4 Purifier, and stimulate* every function lo more healthful action, aud Is thus a benefit In all diseases. It cure* Srroftilaas and other ISkln l"n»p --(Ions and I Urn-Keen. Including Cisurera, n* rer*. and other Son*. I>?s|»ep»ln. Wrnlinpsi of the Slnainrh, 4'llo|>lle riu, and relieves Nervosa* I*ra»- 9 rut lon brought on by excenslve drink, over work, mental shocks, ami other causes. Powerful as It Is to slop pain aud soothe dis turbed Nerves, It n-ver Injures the system, wiiether taken In small or large doses. Hollies of two sites; prices. Me. aud gI.OO. * WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Ar* an Immedlata and active itlmulus fbr s Torpia Livsr. and cur* Osstlvsasss. Drss.p.is, SIi ■SNHMM • tmsasss. Bilious Dlsr- KittMilQUV. rtsi, Malaria, fmr ul Afns, and should IM- used whenever lb* HHQQBHHI bowel* do o|H-rat* ■ •TLJjIMAISI Wwß finely and regularly. W II» .if,., eni. n,>in *wnrmv«H HI u>u a-"**' LIJIIIIMM H WM*. M« AA RU. • I~«. JHi. Sriui-r ""'"j j C f-r r»«|bM Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard. I. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS. S.G. Purvis & Co., MAMUVACTinttRS AND DKALKBSIK Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH. DOCKS, FLOORING, SIDING, BAT! ENS, 3fackbts l Gauged Cornice Boards, PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS Newell Posts and Balusters FENCE PALINGS, <&o., &c , MICHIGAN SHINGLES, iaro Hoards; Plastering Lath; Tlera lock Bill Stuff, such as Joist Raf ters, Scantliiic. |>s, Sand Planter, Flue Pipe, Calcined Planter. Ky-Lve. JuyU-Siu] No. -JIM Llt'citv St., Pittsburgh, Pa. A WATCH IKKIm To every worklhg agent. male of fanieie. Agent* »re clriiriiig from II to fIS n day on our guild*, in addition to above premium. Send 10 cent* for oainple or Sl.oo for full outfit and woiir* your eountv. THK MESSKNOKK ITBLWHINO CO. Lcwistmrg, Pu. I2tnyim