Mb. J. H. Bates. Newspaper Advertising Agent. 41 P*rk Row (Times Boilding), New Yo:k. is snthorizfd to coiitrsct for advertise ments in the Cmzra. TETS PAPER r v:. ! : " Adrpr .«iuiT ru • toric iW X2£\\ lOIi-i. Now Advortiaamonta To-Day. • Days Kidney Pad. Jury List for Special October Term. ( Township Auditors Report. Kx--cutor'"« Notice— Estate of Silas P' irce. Trial List for 2nd week of October Term. Fine Merchant Tallorins — JohnOmmert. Administrator's Notice — Estate of F Double. Local and Genoral. —TJ'rds are migratine'. —Are you going to the fair ? Squirrels are reported plenty. The peach season is nearly orer. Hring in your fall advertisements. —Red is the color for new fall goods. Ovsters and theatres are now opeiifK —Turkeys will soon begin to make their wills. —Almanacs for 1881 will soon make the> i ipearantv. Potato bugs are looking around for winter quart There are forty-six spelling reform societies in existence. Politics can bo dropped a few days next wei* for pumpkins. Man comes out ahead of horse in a x days race at ('bicfi. LATHES' Solid f I old Watches at sls an ! «», wart-. •" K. firi-Vs. Kn .-land has had another coal mine exp;. wi'h th- !<■ of V. ) lives. The Queen of Spain's expected won, is like Doml/ey —, * a giri, sf er al . —The Board of Pardons meets on the 2ht. There are very few new applications. A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine American Movement as low as $lO, at E. OiUKB S. Look at those boss shirts in the window of J- F. T. Ste'ile. Latest style of llate and Caps at low price**. This is {food weather for catching 11," hay fever, vulgarly known a* cold in the head. SPECIALTIES in woolens at William Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not 11b ha 1 elsewhere in the county. Entries for the county fair are still iKi'irinjf i.: and .'-Secretary Rotting is very busy hut happy. A Texas dog ate up eight flollars' woi •!> of jm-'tag" stamp* and was mailed Ut that other clime. Look at those boss shirts in the window of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest «tyle of Jlats and Caps at low price*. The Public Schools of this town started off last week with over 600 scholars, di vided into eleven schools. WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor, ha" ju«t opened the largest line of woolens for m»n and hoy* wear ever offered in Butler. —Mr. Hitter, of the great dry goods firm of l:ittrr and Ralston, went east lastHatur day to purchase hit fall and winter st'jek. Look at those boss shirts in the window of J. F. T. Btelile. Latest style of J fair, and ( aj« at low price*. —The man who owns the largest porker next week at the fair will he a larger man th;m h • who cat; command the mo-1 vote?. Shut up the shop next week and •end the Jjoy* to the l air. Shut np the home and take the children with you. —Look at those boas shirts in tbo window "f J. 1". T. Stelile. Uteit ityle of Hm and < apt at low prices. Uuckeye Cider Mills just received a' J.< Win. Campbell's. Those dci'ring i ,' <• mill* iiould call at once a>. the supply i# limited. —lf yon doubt the merit* of Days Kidney Pad, try one, or a«k your neighbor who ha* u ed one, and it will be all the evi , soiir; fine borne raised Hw -t ii iLatocs, one bushel of which are worth five ol tho-e brought from a distance. —The only secret about Ayer's (licrry Pectoral is in the selection of the In t materials for the cure of coughs nud colds and skilt'uliy com lining them by chemical pro c-we This ill medieal men are aware of, as they ore furnished with the formula of its pre paration. —Vi:**Hri.rA*iA Krvrr 0"IMOTS admita With H<■<(•». Endowment half a million, Tuition free. Co ir.i !* of Mlndy, Classical, Heicnllflc and Agri cultural A thorough Preparatory Deportment. Kxpi'iiMM i'i to t5 per weak. For catalogue, ad- DN I'M JOKTI'U HOHTI.IO'IK, A. M., liaugllw I'rcM. Htatc College, I'a. Mr. I'hilip Bickcl, Sr., met with a aerioui nccid'oit in hfa Livery Ktable last Fri day ni;;ht. When found next morning lie wa* lying in a pool ofblood-and wa* in*eii iih|e ( hut he ii fi kinee recovered hi* aenaea ami in doing well. —(J. Anltman & Co., of Canton, ()., will h ivea di"p'ay of thefarui maehinerv whieli they HI uiitfaeturc, at our cottnty fair next week. Tin .(• display will include their i'-s; i -intakea 'l'llr. ile r an I Buckeye Mower an I Reaper, with table rake. —The Committee appointed by the Court to iii'i'irire into the conduct of .1. 11. Thompson, who wa* htrieken from the list of utt'.rM'v* Dome time ago, ha-t not an yet taken any action in the i:a*e, mid likely will not till Mr. Thomp' ' ■ ti Ui go and purchase for one >i d l.t: o I- box Oray* Specific Meilicine which i* highly r< corn mended a* an unfailing remedy an I cure for nervous debility. Hold by J. Itedick. —Mr lie/,. Christy, a brother of < al. Christy, lv<<|., of this place, wax up town In t Saturday for the first time in nine fears. >. in'- yean he sprained or twitrted one of h llip joint* and *iuee that time he hint b;:< n trotihi'-1 wiMi necrotis or the decaying of the bun nt that place. Tliia bus k< pt him iu his lit-'i or eiiueh since tin- timu of accident. Lately he ha* been improving and Ins friends were glad to we him out. Important to Farmer". Ninetvseven cents per buthel j>aid. in cash, at Klti.srler's Mills, Mifflin street, for No. 1 lew wh.'Ut. This jrie<* srtiarauttred for iilteen dit | from oa;e of tuis pa{K- r . —A law of Maine provides that eve rv medicr. 1 student 1» fire lit* receives his '"M. I" " 'hall «ii- ect, another law provides that no j %odies thai) be except those of execu -1 a*'! criinma!*, and s*ill another law abolishes ( jaj al punishment. -o every young physician Hi us', break one ol these complicated law . A counterfeit trade dollar was re cently detect. 1 in whi-h the centre was entire v ect.s. fiie tizi- and excellence of the crop exceed anything i'vn f r n;::,y y ; . ji;.;jK»vtai- nts tii , in packing ai.d -'.oiing tlxi* card places. —Among- rural pleasures, what is ifi .re gratifying and - ui-i-w *iv 11..m digging i».tato.-- -viler • they turn «ut "loolh. round :j. } large, the rai'/ of -> to bushels J r , rr e _ provid nee h?s !tot t. o msny to dig '■ Jt il aoajtfcic# akin to the gratification of husk ifcg corn which yields 75 bu '.els per :>cre, or cutting wheat which wilt make 3" er '•'> bu-h --i Is. At the 'air ne;:t week you will l>e sure to see exhibits from iar. •• turn-outs. " —Brandy, brandy, bane of life, fpring of torment, soorce of -trife, If I c t:id half thy vices tell, 'fiie wi»-- won! 1 wi-h you safe in h—l." * Kuch is th>- -■ fr -I the lips of the p.. r ifci-. -i d ton sr. v, :o uould liylr i-n his enemy if p.t . '.ii' ■ . t it '■ *il Liver thi't ve rtiicf. I*. r;i i < '>r• • ■.•;\ or any <.tfi - •::«!. :'T.t, u"- -:irr" Liver ' .eguiutor and i! w:i! aS >rd relief. Judpnent has been rendered again.* tf: r • :'thy genth- nof Er; ■ coua !f, th»m lia'i'- ' >.'•:>•. iter-of the a— ,i C;... icnt >:ivi. '1 I'.;:*iU •>f I'nioiit'ity. Vii ■ 'l" '. ndani.s had no part ia th- l ank, but allowed themselves to lie aiivcrti ed as dir.'C tor-. For tlx- r . >n they «r<- adjudged liable. U it then, yon know, p'eafant, -iire, to f-se one's nam-- in print, A book's a txio'.:, although there's nothing in't." A forest fire near Upton, in the province of Quebec, Canada, last Thursday, spread so rapidly that the f:ir:n rs an 1 their families h dto flee for their lives. One hun dred and tw.-ntv-five farm homes with barn.", oatboildin , stock an 1 crop* win burned, wad between four and five hundre I persons home less and penniless. Some very narrow escapes were made end one family was urronnded by the flames and all burned to death. Ur»|»c Juice. The art of fermenting th' Oporto Gra|»e into wine in this country l.as been hi >u;;ht to a greater dcifret: 4 ■ f prelection by *1 r. Alfred tpo.-r, of pux-aie, New Jersey, than bv any other pi»r 'in, and hi* win" it very popular as a ladle's win?, an vv 11 f"r tie e .inmuninn table, aril for invalids. lor sale by I). 11. WCLLKK. lloariqii"t of "(.'bine e Gordon" by I. . wor.der fol achievement* in auppri 't " the Tae-Ping rt bell ion at the head of the " l.vcr Victorious Army." Khould vv.r In- declared between I ln ua and it i;t believed that Gordon will be the commander of the ( him -<• arms. Maine .\«*WM. Hop Bittern, which arc advert! Ed in our col twins, are a i nr.' core f'.r ague, biliousne and kidney e omplaint*. Tbo <• who IW! tie in 'fiv they cannot he too highly recommended. Those afflicted chotllJ Kivc them a fair trial, and will b icorn" thereby enthusiastic in the pra ! »e of their ct:rativc qualities. I'urU'itul AT'jm. 11 5 i»t»r ¥:inl, (Jood dark calico, Good blenched muHlin. BargnitiH iri everything, at RITTKK IIALSTON'S. A Kivcre struggle is likely to occur in Con :'.tkp.» during the next SI", ion ln-tw.cn the brewers and inalsters on the ijuo tion of the import duties on Canadian and other foreign mall. The tax is now 2>t p'-r cent. <"l valorrm, and last Spring the malsters urged that it. should be rai>.-d to '1 '• cents per bushel. Their earnest work had nearly secured the pai u/c of the bill, when the brewers were aroused and started a vigorous op|Hi«ion, on account of which final action was deferred until nert *» ssion of Con gress. About .V),00f»,»#)0 hiidiels of malt are now used in this country, and of this large amount it is said only .VjO.tiOO bushels are im ported. As between these Conflicting interc ts v/e have no care in the matter, but tho question i i one that has some bearing on the price of home raised barley. What Ai Ih Von ? Is it a disordered liver giving you a yellow skin or costime b iwels, which have resulted in distressing Piles or do your kidneys refuse to perform their function*. '! If s/i your system will soon be clogged with poisons. Take a few dofcs of Kidney-Wort and you'll feel like a new nature will tiir >w off eyery ini[iedinieiit and inch organ will be ready for duty. At <1 1-1 ' flllH, flood Hoft fiiiMhcd lil» ;u lii <1 muslin, Yard wide unbleached muslin, Now fancy drcfes calicoes, at 1I ITT Kit IT IIAI.STONV. K, docs HI cm rather a ridiculous thing lor till- -ix v < '• I'owcr* of Knroj»« In male aln i about nding a combined fleet into tl": Adriatic, lor tin- purpose of an choring off the cosat of A limn la ami frighten iug the jicople of lint poor, IHI key-misruled country into ' iibmisiion to tin- f'.i rlin decret. Tilt; "demou»tr»tioii" wan undoubtedly propos ed a* Hindi with ii view to intimidate tin- Sul lan at to impel Hi" Albanian*, lull in tin: Ho I tan h;i- been I' d to consider the whole thing ns a uort of holiday display, ami an the warlike peo ple in tin' mountain* of Albania have hud plen ty of Intimation* that their military visitor* are instructed to do everything but fight, there will he about the winadron'a movement a* much farce a* lu«. Block and Colored Brocade Silkn, Black and Colored Satins, Black and Col-ired Velvets, Brocade Cashmeres, Brocade A I palms, Brocade Jtibbons. All the new things in dress goods And trimmings, at K ITT Kit & IU LBTON 'CPpe MulUiK Ciiissett : P«., 15, "Best ol All." BALTIMORE, Sid., March s th 1*79. DK. R. V. PIERI I: : Dear Sir —My family have u-ed your Favor ite Prescription and ft has done all that is claimed for ii It is the be.'t of all prepara tions for w men complaints. I recommend it to ail families. G. S. WatekmaX, Druggist. LEADING CASH GROCEM. IJead oui* BCGAR.S AND COFFEES. 1! ttis. Choice lirown Sugar $1 ''o 10 lbs. Wbite Coffee Sazar 1 00 9 ii. <. Granulated Sugar 1 00 t> lbs. Good lioasted Coffye 1 Oo 5 :t.c. Our own II'i: -ted Coffee 1 00 4 lbs. Oar own Roasted Java Coflee 1 00 FECIT J A lis. Mason's Self S«a!ers sl.2"> per dozen. SALT. Extra So. 1 new packages, -1.25 per barrel. Carbon Oil 10 cents per gallon. Sugar cured , Hams I Jt cents per ib. Everything in the grocery line retailed at wholesale prices. Cash i»aid tor butter and eggs. G. WILSOX MILLER & BRO. —FIRST NATIONAL BANK SALKS Ihe followiritt pro|>eriies were sold by the Re ceiver of tiic Fir-t National Bank, of this place, dnring this and last n.-ek : 'i'iie Still-house property an I 2 acres in Sut ler borough to C. Otto fir f >3O. j of an acre in Buffalo township to Thomas Douglass for si t. i 4 acres in Buffalo township to M. H. Byerly for 7 acrt-s in Centre township to \V. McCormick for 'O. f 1,000 K. . I>. '1 hompson for v !"0. bonds to Ales. Mitchell for >'2v.S. >i» b<>nds to Wm. Cablpiiell, .jr., f'-r 311. i b .nds to \V. L Graham tor t 'o- O. .it; - >;• bonds to O. I». Thompson for '! M. bond- to O. I>. Thorr.p- >n f.r )i. bonds to G. o. McCa::dless for.; i~>. House and lot in Sjtringdale to O. D. Thomp son for fIM. The JSii'm. Iliicki tt and Klla Haekett, »ult and battery ; true bill. A. (iille pic, f, and b.; not arrested. John Ste.nuietz, larceny ; ignoramus. Samuel llodgers, larceny ; hill. H. Fair, larceny ; ignoramus. L. Covert, larceny ; ignoramus. Win. Maimer and .lame Moore, larceny; true bill. Wm. Ualmer and James Moore, larceny ; true bill. Wm. H tain brook, false nretense ; (rue bill. Harney Nolan, a. and b. with intent to kill ; true bill. .lame-, Hill, larceny ; ignoramus. I>ot \lc<'lelland, fornication; true bill. Marg Hill, fornication ; true bill. Nancy Itoimnn, fornication ; true bill. W. 11. f'urran, false pretense ; true bill. Win. Sutton, a '..filing property with intent to defraud ; true hill. ( HIMI.NAI. < /.:>j ! I I.KiKK TIIK COUBT. John <'re s, de • i tioii ; Mary Cress, pros'x. Di-ehart'cd oil payment of costs. John McCormii k, i'e ertion ; Mary McCor uiick, pros'r. Kcj't. 'I, leSO. Settled as per agreement lil d, S -pt. 7. Pros'r afterward ask ed that agreement annulled. Jos. Fllnk, surety of the p'-ace; Wm. Watson pros'r. Settled as pi r paper liled. Sh. riff Ifoll'mau w:.-, arre ted on a warrant issued by 'Squire Hartley, of I'enn township, on oath of .- maid for .• I Of John I', lirowo end I.izz.i Hrown in hous es and lots in Fairview borougli to Martha Mc- Coy for «'»(' |-.iae Coals in house an I lot iii Creat licit to Levi Ileidrick tor >. Of 1,. 1,. and L. Y, McCandleSi in lions.- and 7f< acre in I entre townsbiji t/i 1 . M. Hilliard for $1 <>l' (,'arl Linn, lot in Winlield township, to Geo. Illack for .. I i. Of Kug'-ne Ferero in house an I lot in liutler to Ci. F. I et/.er for .-..'!,<» :<). Of Alex. < aiiijJm II in two lot" in Ml. Chest nut, with stable and orchard, to W. 11. Lusk for Of Alex. Campbell lot No. !i in Mt. Chestnut uiei hiiiisc In A. M II ilchison for t'JIO. Of A. Cauiphell in I.'! acre* of laud in Frank lin towniihip to A. M. Ilulcbi on MH>. <>l'A. < ample II in l.'J wren in Concord town ship, lo A. M. linn !ii HI lor 100. Of A. Campbell in I'J aep , in Concord to A. M. Iliitehinou lor i I.V), Of' Jen. hcheid'riniitle in U3 acre iii Lnncaa- Ur township to Ji'hii ficheiileuiaiille for N r i7~i. Of '(iilellli'l i i one aere in Washington township tti Kpln. i'i Mien In I 2'K Of John CM xi. i .'57 Bet' • in ('..iiiioijuene* ing township to Milton Cri lor }2W). Of Jamca A. Matthew in houac and lot in Kuril" City to luiiiah !t'i«h<-h lui' :7t.W). Of 1". M. Kn-tiran in i leTes in llutler bor ou/'h to .1. li. iSlnrey for Of I M l. i t'n ii in laii'l iu Summit town whip to .1. I!. St' r , fin * Id. Of.l. I'. Itroell in II acre* in Forward town- Khip to W. I>. Uran lon lor J~>. All other pier i , ml vcrti->ed were either nettled or »uyed or return< d. I ell, were all . making preparations for a large display ot farm - machinery. This will be one of the attractive : features of the Fair. This, in connection w.tli 1 the display which C. Aultinan & Co., of t an : ton, Ohio, Vil! make, will be the grandest dis play of agricultural implements ever made in ! the countv, and will be well worth a visit to the Fair. * .4 ll'or«I lo Wolliers. i Mother- should remember that a most iinport j ant duty at this season is to look after the , ' health of their families and cleanse the malaria , j and impurities from their systems. There is ( ' nothing thai will tone uj« the stomach and liver ! r> _u!ate the bowels and purifv the blood so , perfectly as Parker's Ginger Tunic, advertised in onr olumns. The wonderful cures of long standing cases of rheumatism, neoralgia ami malarial disorders is the reason why this pure and excellent family medicine is so generally esteemed.—Pout. —Unwarned br the experience of the French MaeMahon, the jovial King of the Sanuwi.-b Islands undertook last month to have a little Sixteenth of May of hi - own. King I'niakau.i suddenly fumed out his oM Minis- I- rs, and i.;'ruct< I a Cabinet t" suit hiin with the jovial Mr. Cei.us Ca-air Moreno, for merly of New York, at its head. Apparently the jolly King had conceived a great liking for ti.i- joliv Mr. Moreno, since it was not until the diplomatic representatives f tii- United States, Great "ritain and France told !ii*n they would not have it, and until the crowds in the streets were talking openly of dethroning him, that he desi-tvd fr -u l.i purpose and a eepte l Mr. Mo reno's resignation. Then a ma s meeting or dered Mr. Moreno to leave the kingdom forth with—in Texas Regulator style. It appears from litis ft irv that in the e times e en jovial King of the "llappv Islands has to mind what lie is cbout, am! tii submit to humiliations that mi: lgo dr. adlul'v against the royal gi.iin. It appear als > that the Ain rican and English r- .idei.!'-; o, [|on<>!u!u, or om .■ of tiicm, vi.t i; a man inctri th' ir dislike by w.noir.'- the jodv r< v.:i .r, <)■> n.t co.isid rit ;i.e r.:- it ib'c with coiisfitutii'oal pr : !iciples or p.-.s nal richt-'i to ord. • him on: of tlo- e-iuulry uider penalty of c- a? of tar at. 1 feathers. —Stii.l Avotiieu Time. —lt i< said "inisiortiiiit v nrvL-r cou:c w ' aii'l in —»u*L' rr.on's lives this has proven but too true. Si-iree'v iia. the excitement over Rev. Lloyd Morgan's strange actions at the house of Simon Snyder, near Lo'_raiiK[>ort, dittd away, wiien be appears in a new role, and one that is not v« ry flattering to any mail, and mncli less to a min ister of the jKispcl. Last Monday officer Sti ve nson arrested Rev. Morgan at this pi ace, on a warrant issued bv Esq., Thomas Logan, of Logansport, charging the Reverend gentle man with fornication and Iwistardv. Mr. Mor gan demanded a hearing, and the constable conducted him to Squire Logan's, where it was found that the information had not been made vet. Sub'.eqrently Miss Eva Connor, whose connection with Morgan's trouble will be le- incrnbered by our readers, appeared before Sqnire Logon, ati'l made affidavit to (he statc ini-n* that Rev. Lloyd Morgan was the father of her unborn child. In defsiult of the required bail, Rev. Morgan was committed to jail. On Tuesday Miss Connor appeared liefore Justice Fanlk, in thin p'ace, and made information against Lloyd Mor"P.n,- charging him with seduction. For thin charge an additional com mitment was lmk-ed against him,and he is now in jail awaiting trial, whir'h cannot he had lie fore Decern lie r term. Verily ''his way has not fallen among pleasant places," and his lot is not oi.e to be envied.— Kittaiminy Timet. I-'rotii 20 On t* l'|». Carpets of all styles, at HITTKH & KALSTON'S. Should the weather next week he at all fororable there will be no question what ever as to the success of the Fair. All that the enterprising managers can do has been done or arranged for. Every preparation practicable ha« l)*'i-n made for the accommodation of exhi bitor# and visitors, and at the present time the promise of a tine exhibition and an immense attendance hi- never been surpassed. The en tries have been numerous and of the most at tri ' tive character, so that the thousands who nil! provided the weather is good—crowd the magnificent, grounds daily during the coming wc-k can Is-sure of finding enough to richly repay them for their outlay, time mid trouble. MAIUiIKI). ISAI'TO I'l'UHl On the !>th inst, by the Itcv. A. Liinbcrg at his residence, Mr. f'avid I'arto, of Kv,lll >lmrg, and Miss Mary Anna I'IIIIK. of Franklin township, both of Butler j Co., l'a. lIU.SKLTOX POWER—On Thursday ftth inst., bv the liev. . at the home of the bride, Wi s: Newton. Westmoreland county, l'a., Mr. Theodore 1111 "Iton, of this place, and Miss Brittle I'ower, of the former place. —-The neighbors here of Mr. Huselton all join in congratulating him on his good catch,* as the saying now is. The fortunate ladv is represented as being not only a power in her own perron, but of al 10 being possessed of a heap of this world's goods. We join in con gratulations to both of the parties. IIEATHN. I'EARCE At his r sidrnce in Hntler town ship, this county, on the morning of the of September, 1- o, Mr. Hilai I'earce, in the 7!>th year of his age. IIOON In Centre township, this county, on Aug. 27, IKXO, of iliptheria, Harry, sou of Tlios. li. tloon, aged about !> years. IIOON Also, on Sept. 11th, William, son of Thomas 11. Moon, of dipthcria, aged about 7 years. IIIPI'LE -At his residence in Mt. Chestnut, this county, 011 August 2lfh, JMHO, Mr. .John Hippie, u;;ed 71 years, II mo-, and \'i days. DOI'BLE- On Thumday, Ki ptember I>, IMHO, at. his home in Miller-town, tiiis county, Mr. /ephauiah Double, aged 7. hihl M. .1. I ol franklin township, thi-« county, on t hc of Aug. l!lth, I -HO, of diptheria. I/ONO Mary l-on,;, daughter ol name, on All,', '.'lull, IH.-dt, of diptheria, 1 /)S(i Minnie M. fx>riL', daughter of name, on the night of the nam> - uay, Aug. 2Uth. Dear little Willie if gone, Ami Minnie love I no well, An I Mary none the les* Ix loveil, Have ({one to Heav< n to dwell. Their place in vacant here. Their work on earth in done ; 'l'lii hie ill Saviour called tlicm home, Where trial;! never come. Then parent* dry your tear*, Ami mourn not for vour chad, In < hrint they all .'.hall live again, Ami triumph over death. Oh ! Hear the Saviour'* voice, I!'; ready when lie come*, You wilh your children shall rejoice, , Ami dwell with Chriat at home. J. A. M. NarketN. ISIJTrBII flood 17 OCllta V It'. HAOON Plain ntu-.ar cured hauia 13 ata. 1H Iti; ahouldc.ra, H ; aided, 1 I ISkanh White, »l/iw1.25 >'bnah, OutcKßHa l it t» Mi eta. per pair. (JIIKI'.MK. IftclH V lb. CollN Mkai. 2 Cta. V lb. flAl.r HKIHB VOcfelfcl t' lb. KorlH 10 OtM t'o/.mi Kr.ouit Wheat, fi,/>,<:) V 1,1,1, wk *1.26<&t2 ; buckwheat. ta.so ■ ' i:wt. Oiiai* Oala.liO eta V bualiel: corn 15 ; wheal IHlc'h ; rye 7» centa ; Itli«stit f 7<'>. lIoffKY 18 Ct*. V ll>. Laiu, I tic It,. Tallow, Cfei7. Moi.ahhkm MM»j7oo V Kail', ii. !4yrnp, 60®00c, Onion*—7s «:la t' bnah. I'oTA r . HAI.T —NO. 1, *l.llO '♦* barrel. IMmmolmlloii ol l*nrluerwlil|> Notice in hereby given, thai the late firm of Hi:i|>el it Manrhoff clit (olved partnership, on Heptemlier Iml. IWHO. The buaineaa will bo carried on by 11. A. Heipel, partner of old llrra. All pnraoim hliowirij; tlioma'ilve •< Indebted ti> aiid llrin are rcpn-ated to pay, and tlione that have bllla the Maine, will pieaent them to H. A. Heipel, Haaonburg. 11. A Hlill'EL, nepll-»it <1 W. MAUIIIIOFK. lOxt'ciitor'N ,"%«»!I****. l.ntterH teatamenUry having been granted to the underatgiied on the natal o of Milan I'earce, late of Cutler townahin, Uiitler county, I'a : deu<-a«ed, noli o ia Imr.'hv given to all peraona kuovviiig thcniaelve* Indented la aald eHtato, that immediate pay met 11 in reipnred, and to llww having elaima the Maine to pieaent tllltn duly authenticated for payment. IIUHAOK I'KAIICK, BCptlO Gt Duller P. 0., Uutler, l'a. \i'w At!verliseincnt»>. Cranberry Auditors' Report. I Cranberry township, in necouut with Ed ; ward Cookson and Peter Utckcr, Overseers of ' poor for IS7!'. To amount of duplicate 9.' I " balance from l&'t* I">4 32 I Total debtor fSOO 31 Credit by cl-Ii paid Greer an 1 Marshall in McDonald ca-e.... .h paid John P. 801 l witness in Douthett case 3 20 Credit by cash paid I'hoii as Rob inson in Douthett case 3 20 Credit by Clerk of Courts fees costs for 1,576 5 35 Cr .dit by publishing auditors re port for 1*77 and 187.S 10 00 Credit by Groceries for Hetty Barr 1 57 ( .••edit by Peter Becker's services 21 00 " " over'-' ere expenses 12 94 * " " Edward Co<'Uson «erv's 15 50 " " collectors fees 12 00 " " exonerations 9 82 j Total $276 67 Balance due i.wnsiiip $223 64 Kl/Ti:KVI;'O:..-i KKI'OI.T. Cranberry township i'i .. .Nt with John J. Wagner ;.nOLT. Crai 'rry town.-hip i:. a .•cu .t with Jam !:. ■ rSIO •! fttlid* lor ! ]>>-. To >:n Mint of duplicate... 104 " State i>|.pr'n i'.»r 1 s." <. 214 !>6 " Stiite nppr'u for * ."!» 'l 12 41 " balance from 187.* 81 " ea-h from es-Trea.surer, JUKI ÜBh 1C 85 To ca- U from new " " " Cues 10 00 Total $1,564 31 <'r. By teachers orders paid $ 750 00 coal orders paid 81 43 " repairs 103 66 " note paid John Smith 154 50 " paid Luella Rhoner tui tion for 1878 106 00 My Secretarvs salary 15 00 '• collecting and treasuring. 28 00 " Jackson Tp., for tuition... 10 50 " exonerations 53 21 Balance in Treasury !*> 256 09 .JOHN DOXI.KY, ] THOMAS UOM.I V, > Auditors. sepls-3t CARIHTIAN 11OIIN,J Jury Lint for N|M»clal Octolx t Term, 18SO. First weelt connuoneinK Monday, October 4 Adams township- Leonard McCandler-s. Butler borough \.<\ Zie>;ler, Q. Boiler township—Win. Stoops, George IttiHiey. Biady—J. C- Snyder, Alfcrd Grossman. Buffalo—M. N. Mclntyre, Samuel Hunter. Centreville—Milton Coovert. (!onno(|U.MiertHiiig- Q. L. Matthewa. Concord—Joseph Morrow. Clinton -William Morris, Isaiah McCall. Cranberry —HenryHtout. I>onef;al— Hylvestnr GrilTen. Forward—Adam Dinnbachor. Fairview—D. J. McLaughlin, W. S Ilalnton, O. H. Gibson. Franklin—Frederick Pflngli, Samuel Woiglo, Ja I H'lll— rhilip Sohnritzal, Peter Nesbitt. J ffetson James C Welsh Marion—Bobort L. lilack, William Seatoll. Millerstown—l,. li. IJlakoly, Auf-tin Fleeger and Marshal Kelly. Mnddycreek —Conrad Bargley, Ferguson G*l laher and J. V. Gardner Middlesex -Jacob Flick, (of Handy Hill.) Mi chael Stepp. itobert Trimble and Win. Marks. Parker--d, W. Smi h. Petiu- -James Martin. Petrol ia—A. L. Campbell. Summit--Adam Esteiling. Jacob ltiott. Washington -Thomas Hiudiuan. Worth W. P. Elliott. SKCON'D WKF.K COMMKNCINII MONDAY, OCTOTLKR, 11. Adams—Henry Thicker. liutlor borough—Oeorgo Bliaflucr, Martin Beilor, Sr. liutler towiishin -Robert McKoe. Clearfield Philip Ac!corman. .lain OH Coyle, Daniel Goldinger and John S. Lmix. Cranberry -.Jacob Einmil, Wilton llart/.ell, John Headlan, George Meed or, Moses Johnston Cl»y lames C. Glenn Concord—Thomas Keilv, J. S. Wick. Cherry--I). E. l'oarco. CentrevilJs A- I) Pressor. Donegal John Itodgers Fairview E. I). Bovard. Jefferson William Greer. Jaekfou—Jacob C >oper, Marion—Erantus Pollmin. Mudd;crcoi< llnniv Bluiiio. Oakland Markle Neyiran Parker Levi Campb.dl, Harvey Gibson: James MoKissick. pi,on Joseph La very. I Cohort Stewart. Prospect Samuel Biddlo. Hllpperyrock John FeiMing, E. 11. Ad.ims. Venango G. W - Jamison. Worth Robert Barron, J. M. Glenn, Samuel McCoimntl, Benjamin Pisor, Win del t 11. S I{r.c'.ior. Painter Mctiomli. Washington—Haiiiiu I A. Campbell, Jacob I>au benspe k. /.elienoplu Antony Alien, G. B. itastian, /'il PA? A« TS INI ox ii*i: UIBMIVS. Illiidilur and Urinary Oi'(<»iih hy AlmorhinK all humor*, every trace of di«emio. and foroin« Into tlio hvatem IhroiiKh tint porea of the mUiii. iioiir iitliiiiK and Hi rcuf.t hiti|< v««etnLle tonic*, K ivl "K it wonderful power to cure at once, I'AIN IV 'III i: unit. Hido or holne, liiflammatioii ami Hi ij;ht"k I>im i nnii of the Kidney*. lii'ihetoH. l»rop»y. tlraval, flatarrah of the Ulvhler, Inal-llilv lo Itclaln or F.ipel th" I'rliio, HI One In Hi" I! ladder. Oilorwl Hcnily or I'ainful Depuaita, OaalH or H'ir"(n in the thine. Sl.ltVOI S AND I'll YHK'AI. DK1I!I.ITI and in fact any dineane of the*e nieat ornanH, wind her colli ract'd hy over work, Mlrsin e*ce»i i.ive drink, Hid aliiiM'i of iiaturn or othurwiao. It auporcoileii enliiely the Inoonvi.nience* and trouhlea of taking mmeeoua and poiaonoua in ternal medicine*. II i* worth exactly where needed, ne«t to Ihe hody and linineiliat'dy over the kldlieyi. It in comfortalihi to the patient, aafe, pleanant and ri li ilile In it* elTact*, hut powerful in iia act 100. II can l.e worn at all Union, in any climate, and i* equally ({<""' f" r tia\, uro*iA* oit(iiiii). l)o not he prej'i'liceil. (live il a liial and ho convinced I hat it i* Imneat, rnhahlc, effective mid )ti-it what your feel.ln mid exham-le I liody lifpilre*. Tliouiiimh are dully addniK their t' Mtiinoiiy to the woudniful i-i.atlve power* of tli * gre*l remedy, who are li'nns{ n otored to perfect health alter all other treatment* and retm diBH oave failed, A*k youi di'i :Ki*t for il, and accept no imi.'intiou or i ill xlltute I' ho |,a ■ not ui it it, Mind to on nud receive it hy Vo turn mall Di e'mi'iivk Piii'v. l.i*r Ileniilar l'ad, ; Hpecial I'.ul, for Chronic, deep *'.itcl, or ca*e* of loiik MtandiiiK, ' i Chi'dre i'* I'ad, for tinm iii' i oomplanil. weak klduoy* and hud wetllu/. 4161). oi- Look, 'How a Mfo wa* H.ived, ooutaluiuK a hi*tory of tin* k 1 " 1 diiicoveiy, m tiled free. Wriln foi It. DAY KIDNEY PAD CO., TOLEDO, O. WAMKI) Willi.-AWAIIi: At I K VI H, in nil ii.irtH of the itMte, to o il Kn . .■•IIS ll' W iiml ■'legiillt MAI'OI I'l.N NS VI, V A NI A Iv.-iv <;itl /■■ii ■diuiilil have II Notlilnu Im* hii' -cml.-,! Ii It • • II unre war llmi- I Will, nrlinineiitiil and clirap. A ■.'■ .I(|.*u n,,|H>rl unity Tor cuctnellc ■- hti. HiMiipl ■• for IKI "'' lit •. Addi'i' i*. tJuarter< l'y ruhlHlilin; llou-w'. L.r.i Hansom Ht., I'lilliuU'lplila. \ Card. To nil who lire aullerlnif Irani the error* nliil Indlwreilon* ol youth, nervous Wfakni- I .*, <■ irly (b <•*>', lo*h ol niunliood, . 1 will aend it re CIIII' tilll will ellie JOII, KICl.r. OK <;ll A H'i v\ I h * I?r> :il remedy w >« ovcu d In' a ary hi South Alnca. Send a »< ll .iddre««ed en vi lope to the KKV. JoaKl'll Imias, Xtaliuii 11. New Vor/i i'itj. t! I have just received from the East a large stock of I offer to the public the COMET SIIIRT, the bost Unlaundriid White Shirt mi the market r«>r sl. ONE DOl,LAi{. #l. Also, a large stock of WHITE and COLORED SHIRTS, for Men and Boy*, always on hand. Undsrwear, Half Hose, Glovss, Introduced as so< 11 as they appear in tho Ea-t, t > he had at IES.- 9 MAI> STREET, BUTLER, PA. Gri'eally Reduced I^riees: I'2-bore. 10-bore. • No 845, C. (». BONE HILL, Top lever, double bolt, bar rebounding lock-*, low set li a turners, soli 1 stri kers, pistol grip stock, patent fore end, skeleton buit plate,, line Damascus biurets, < hoko bored, finely engraved and linishad - -- -- -- -- - $45 00 SSO 00 No SSO do. do. With extension rib fastening 50 00 55 00 No K r,.-/ ,]o. do. Challenge brand with horn heel plate elaborately engraved 55 00 <>o 00 A ll' these euns have raised level rilis, an«l the I>> Ixires ar.- made extra heavy and wide nt breee'.i, ranging in weight from !> to !■) ">uk iil' an admirable fun for due!; and trap shootin# where heavy cliar-. s are l.ecetsary. Any of tliese \'uns will he sent V. O. I>., with privilege <.f •vanii nation and trial on receipt ol a remittance uilioient to cover express charges to vonr place and return. No deviation will be mail* Irom hese prices under any oireunHt.mees. \ ,1. I'AI.MUO Nhlh A ( O. Eltivi. I7IHT FOR WPMIAt « . Brandon 'J. N. Jack I Uusel ton J'Ai.iiaiua /I) {'♦- »< 1878 J. H. McJunkin William Lcekic loltn Jonen et al. «rcer «V hraouon ! V HW Jao'y 1875 Thompson & Scott Commonwealth for u»e 'I. H. Thom|»Hon et al. j Jramlon I June 187* Brandon ITenry J. Croup et al. Henry Biehl et al. |r.A S. " 1 r >7 Set>t " Campbell A. Bredin {Alfred Penive, ex'r, for use V\ i.i- K .rker et al. >IeC., N. Black mid MKJ. u Dcc'r " MeCandless Krnestine Trumbln jllt rman Lcnsuer it ux. • , \kO>i;»tiou .< '• '• Greer and Brandon J. Dambaeh and w n ''{chert Ash T. &H. " 51 March 187» A. G. William* U. L. lions-hew William Wilann V. AS. >i | to •• '• wI- Graham Johnston A I'aiton for use lamca Met'ullough,jr. waudoii « Williams & Mitchell Itand & ration I.N.Watson 'Mito.ieil .. .< .. Nl . wtl ,„ |!!„ c u Win. Kesselman l'ho». J. Burchfield "O Hi van Prop, j-. t " "M« < 'andlet* Wm. H. Boyd Carl Linn Mito.toll ', , » i « Walker New Kra oi -Mi Co. Frank P. Motrin |Mit«:nell and torqner .< « j x purvianceAG A Black Herman Bore, assignee Kurns t ily A Butler It. 11. Co. I'. A !'. _ ,i ' « » Brandon A Eat-tman 11. D. Thotujnon Harmony Saving* Bank \lc()u>»tion « « " r AM.AJ. N. I'urvianee Patrick Kerr Win. and M. K.rr Greer « << << Williams Gertrude (i' rlneli laeob Wise, committee Miller it " » MeC. & McO. I*. 11- McQuiHtion Munt/etal. Mitchell « -',7 i lino " Brandon .1. 11. Jack I'lieodore lluselton \ Williams ii ' .. •• k. Marshall Benton Feidler l-'rank Winter j dcOiiiation (i n *t T a, s ftohcrt ('a:ii|»hcll lohn Smith Walker „ r, 7 , ; i< « Kcklcy & Marnhall M. M. (ioodwin S Short ctal. \l B. Mellrido ii y|o i« •• r. II Faatman K Ukadden A Boaaalag I John faith . |c. Walker A. KUBSKLL, Prothonotary. OUA/iIKU'H New York Ladies' and Gents' Dining & Lunch Rooms, no. iik sMiTiiriKi.D mti£i:i:t, «Municipal Hall. Pittsli!in?l». l';i. 'I 111' place toK'-t nil excellent lulieh at nil hour*, day and night, at »hort notice. Breakfast froji * in 11 m. I>lii!i'-r from II A. M. to 3r. m. Mip per front 3to l*. m. DINNKK. Hoick fie flam Soup !'.<• |.||-d l I'll . Hie ClllekOll I otpiC !;'• linked Klmli I'M- Vejll I'otJ.le •••"' 11„ :W | licet !(«• I'ork mill Iteilll J I(„ t4 If<»;is( W;il .la*' C'onird I •«*« f <'air^nltw ICo-f.i Pork lar I treat I s»«»«l lint t«r. • ItoiiH? ('llif'kotl . I'.r 'l't-a or Coffrr per t•; J» < Itil.l it Duck I'"' H.i-snfra*T« a ■'» Ito.iMt TllrtM-y- Chocolate VKOKTAW.KM, KC. Cnhbage 6c (Hnlad /'• Tomatoes fa- Celery ■ ■ ti-c. Turnip* r '<- «"!> <■"">' '. K ' l , ~i|, I ... fie Hulled Itlce Carrot* *''' Macaroni Bo Hwcet I'ntiilotn llomlny. ... '* 1V.,, fie lances of all kind*. Brani i "' Dmilm -a" kinds -In .V paranns #"l acajou. HI'SSKUT. Pcaele i ami wain. |w fiKtard l'ie Appli l'ie ... Itlce I'mliliii t . -c Peach l'ie r,e Apple immplnr; Pilllipl.il> Pie . . r.e IJrc.td I Itoilmi: . !-■ Mince l'ie Corn I/Cllioll l'ie I*' ItlC'iA IvI'AHT A NI) St' Pl'Klt. Hmnll Urolled Iteefsteak I"' 1 I, irj?i' I ' nilei loln Sleak p,,rlerl.o; .1-Hi- . . . Mi. lirtMna : lan Small Tender!..ln SI -ik Mi In mi,, ... ii-• •<•'■ l/u-e Tend.'ill,in I, I nil Small Hei'i leak and < Hilon i Small |!i.il!ed Wfl !. and Tomato Sauce •' •' Veal Citllel " ' ' "I'll t'llke. Million t'iiopi V'e Warm Uln'iul Sauwti.'e . .Pic *'o. ii in, i I Pork < lio,h Hii II .: 110. Ham I •• ' ' ■ Itolleil Corned lice? .Ine I'.reiul and I.idler P„,|..,l I . in. lea oi ( 0i1,'.-. | h i dip I.ADIKS" 111 NINO IP MIM ON SK'ONIi Kl/IOIt HIiAVUIt FALLS AIIAIIKMY. A now hmtitulion of learning, vill open in IteaVi i 1 alia, I'a., oil the mil ~r kg ii'km RE it, ihso. Tlioionidi preparation for <'( >1,1,1v ll', I'llO pr,-i:UI)NAI. HIUIUKHDH If ilNI'iH. Mod em language.! a apeciality, 'I l.llMd lII'.AHONA BLK, including textbooka and atatiunery. Application" nhoitld be mint before the lat of Heptember. Cut alo,;u('H can be had at the Ciri/.'.x oltice. Kull, rt infoi lunlion to be olitnircd by addi eaalng PRO. H. C MUELbER, nug2s-!H UKAVKH FAI.I.H, I'A. *•>00 KKWAM)! j:2<, RELIEF ASSOCIATION of ( %r«)iit,;(<»n, Olilo. or pai'l to tli" r»»|»n » t nta tivoof any ntiinr Mutual Apnorin • ion, uii!ilii (lir» Kl.it-*'n of Ohio or INu.nwylvnnii, %v 1 >«<*!i h or «rv«»n Ol NTS II I! N 1.-111 N<• i.OODH, A lit!'- election of l'all nn»at in fact, ion fjnarantecii. , • . -.. ... ~4 < )\<»rcoatH a KjMcialty. A mrNl> STItKKT. 1 TIRE & Bio. 100 6 102 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. Will Hold A (iranV IM All!' e, |iiiK v i'I.AIDS, him! n ureal v.irlet) | i of HilXi'il i'li'BM tii,ii.ln. Ai l'i' •. i Vi'iy ' ;|l •' t«»t nl Hroctili' DrPHM U 2 I NT*, AT : WOOI 1 DT'l3''GE i. Wc uc ri)n«> 11 • * 1 ttt* out at VI ly low j.iln <, on* i lit lie Mock ol Uln.'rk :iud Colored STjks- In til I . •••!. we «;fli I' veij itivlil' il li-ir«.e im. | j. We would cull H|,!'ci(il attention !o our very stock of Alpaca and .Silk Siiii I" iiil»rollu.<, which will lie closed out very low M. FIRE & BRO, 100 A l►***! {Mfc' sbskS li2W. WOOKKN IIOSIKKY, I! l-iCJH I* A U MAIM-:. K 11> ItKlll.lN AMI CLOTH OLOVKS. OK NTS' H<» IKl< V , I N" HKIIW KA It. |; I] 1 > IM>KRSIHRTS. ALL SI/KS. |ILL litie- HUNTS' I'IJKNISING GOODS. UK ST IXILLAU SlllltTS in the (MTV. 1 )ItKSS TKI M M 1 N CiS. Ni'VV Style lllltelv IUI'I I'olofCll llllNUl'v inM.LK TRI M MINUS atxl MUTTONS. SATINS, VKLVKTS, \ KLV KTKKNS. Spiitii li, (lui|iuru, find French LACKS. 0t T IST .1 J I I 11) fc: ; . Zeplivt \ Sii\<»i»y V.ini . Slii ilatiil nii'l Oerninntown Wool, (lorn.an ami O.tsh ttiere Ki)ittin;r Corcl't, Skirt, Umlerwear, Scurfs, I.occh, Knit Oooilh, Whole iiile iitnl Retail, nt lowoHt New Vork price#. ROSENBAUM 8c CO., fJo i. .5:,, t>"-r ;,n Kvtr, 0,m,i1 ijii'.tlily of Turkey Rod Table 1) amask at 50c. Utem Ifil r.itite Clotli, very (fowl, "t Whito and Colored Bed Quilts AT At.i, i nitiiw TnWi 'k, 1 'V>j mid '•'» eeiltM. Towe.tn, v eiy line. u,nl laryo, 30, „i,J