Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 08, 1880, Image 3

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    Ma J H. BATES. Newspaper Adverting
York, is authorized to contract for advert, .e
--ments in the CITIZEK.
jKLtna Bureau,
#ontract* xatjr be made for it IU
New Advertisements To-Day.
Agents Wanted.
Catarrh Cure, etc.
Important to Agents.
Good Business Opening.
Dry Good*— Wakefield A Co.
Pensions— H. S. Berlin A Co. _
Administrator's Notice— Estate of H._HJ*arr.
Local and General.
Heavy rains have damaged the
Minnesota grain crops.
The prudent man will advertise
now for fall trade.
LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at sls
and upwards, at E. GrWb's.
There are six hundred and seven
banks in Pennsylvania.
The first white child born in Ohio
-Mrs. Sarah Bradford Pier-still lives, aged
86 years.
—Look at those boss shirts in the
window of J- F. T. Stehle. Latest style of
Hats aud Caps at low pricee.
A colony of polecats in the church
cellar threw a coldness over a recent meeting
in Maryland.
—Newspapers are printed in ten dif
ferent foreign languages, including the Chinese,
in San Francisco.
WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor,
has just opened the largest line , of 'or
men and boys wear ever offered in Butler.
Scranton has a base ball club nam
ed Castoroil. They ought to "go through a
game right lively.
Several persons were arreeted iu
San Francisco, lately, charged with counter
feiting "buzzard" dollars.
—Look at those boss shirts in the
window of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest style of
Hats and Caps at low prices.
Forty-five fairs will be held in
Pennsylvania this fall. And here's where the
politician gets in hi* work.
The glad news comes from Balti
more, and the Bound that oysters will be unu
sually plentiful this season.
SPECIALTIES in woolens at William
Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not
to be had elsewhere in the county.
A time lock is to be put on Hamp
ton's mouth, set for the first Wednesday after
the first Monday in November.
—Egg plant is the delicacy of the
season, but the potato bugs seem determined to
have the lion's share of them.
Look at those boss shirts in the
window of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest style of
Hats and Caps at low prices.
A bride of a week returned to her
parents, at Bay City, Mich., because her bus
band made her black his boots.
—A careful traveller says that he
rides in the rear car of an express train and in
the forward car of a slow tram.
Look at those boss shirts in the
window of J. & T. Stehle. Latest style of
Hats and Caps at low prices.
—The English House of Lords has
passed the Hares and Rabbits bill. Now Eng
land should be able to draw a long breath.
The jail of Armstrong county cost
three hundred thousand dollars, but that don t
keep the fellows in when they wish to get out.
A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine
American Movement as low as $lO, at
—A special term of Court for civil
cases has been ordered for the weeks com
mencing with the first and second Monday's of
October next.
The strange looking liquid that
comes out of the coffee-pot now-a-days would
seem to indicate that last season's crop of coffee
had been exhausted.
—Miss Annie Morall has just ar
rived home from the city, and will continue
dreas making in the latest style on North and
Washington street, Butler. aug2s-3t
Georgia has the largest peach or
chard in the world. It is in Trup county, cov
ers 250 acres of land, and will yield $75,000
worth of fruit thia season.
To-morrow, Thursday, Sept. 9th,
at 1 P. M., at the Court House, is the date and
flace of the sale of the property owned by the
irst National Bank of this dace.
Ayers Sarsaparilla. Be wise in
time. All banetul infections are promptly re
moved by this unequalled alterative. It is the
most potent blood purifier, and a fountain of
healtn and strength.
The palm for the quietest conven
tion of the Presidential year has already
been awarded by general consent to the late
gathering of deaf mutes in Cincinnati.
—The seventh leather-back turtle
ever caught on the Atlantic coast is now at
Martha's Vineyard, in preparation for a muse
um. It is eight feet long, and weighs half a
without being in the ftall enjoyment of health
which is more surely seured throngh DAYS
KIDNEY PAD, than from any other remedy in
the world.
Send for the Fair No. of the Rural
Nexc Yorker, 34 Park Row, N. Y. It is the
handsomest and most instructive Agricultural
and Horticultural number ever published any
Ninety-seven men of a Spanish
battallion were drowned in the river Ebro
lately by the breaking down of a bridge over
that stream while the men were marching
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound is a remarkable remedy for all those
painful complaints and weaknesses so common
to our best female population. Send to Mrs.
Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue,
Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets.
John Grieb is home from a trip to
Chicago and St. Louis. John took in the
Knight Templar parade at Chicago and with
the rest of the boys got skined by the Chicago
hotel keepers.
"Every politician isn't a states
man," remarked John Lay, in a Texas saloon-
This expression was regarded by Dan Moore,
the town constable, as a personal insult, and
he shot Lay at once.
SEE a woman in another column, near Speer'S
Vineyards, with a bunch of grapes from which
Speer's Port Grape wine is made, that is so
highly esteemed by the medical profession for
the use of invalids, weakly persons and the
aged.—Sold by all Drnggists. 28aply
pervisors in each township put up finger boards
at every crossroads, tailing to do this, they
are liable to a fine of $lO for each and every
act of negligence.
—About a month ago, our shoe deal
. er, Mr. Huselton, went East and ordered his
fall and winter stock to be made to order.
These goods are now arriving daily. Mr. Hus
elton will let our readers hear from him in
next paper.
Metal shoe tips have been used
for years, on account of their saving, even
when objected to on account of their looks.
The A. S. T. Co.'s Black Tip will wear as long,
and at the same time adds to the beauty of the
An infant child, in Berks county, |
was left in charge of a little girl, who after put
ting the baby to sleep went out; on her return
it was discovered that a large rat had gnawed
the child's face so that it will be impossible for
it to recover.
While laboring under an attack of
mental aberration, last Monday evening, Mr.
Fred. Libold, of C-entre township, severed his
windpipe with a butcher knife. Up to yester
day evening he was still living, but his recov
ery is deemed impossible.
—Mr. Benj. McCnllough, of whose
injury, by a broken engine strap, we made a
note of last week, is recovering from his inju
ries and doing well. At the time of the acci
dent he was in the act of picking up a wheel
barrow standing near the saw-wheel, and the
broken strap struck the wheel-barrow and
smashed it to pieces before striking Mr. MoC.
Important to Farmer*.
Ninety-seven cents per bushel paid.in rash,at
Klingler's Mills, Mifflin etreet, for No. 1 new
wheat. This price guaranteed for fifteen days
from date of this paper.
—Mr. J. R. Spang, of Butler, has
in his possession orders for excursion tickets
for the reunion of the 78th Penn'a \ ol s., to be
held at Leechburg on the 16th inst , to-morrow
week. Persons desiring to attend the reunion
should apply to Mr. Spang for an order.
sexce. Endowment half a million. Tuition free.
Courses of studv. Classical. Scientific and Agri
cultural A thorough Preparatory Department.
Expenses 13 to #5 per week. For catalogue. ad
dreee Ji*Krn SHORTLIDOE, A. M..
llaugliw Pres State College, Pa.
—lrvin Scott's new barn in Lancas
ter township was struck by lightning on last
Saturday, but did not burn. The root was
split, but the lightning seemed to pass off by
the tin spouting. Wm. Lutz's house was struck
three times; was on fire once but the fire was
put out.
—The loss of Mr. Jacob Shoub of
Forward township, whose barn and three grain
stacks were burned early on Monday morning
of last week, is put at £llOO. lie was insured
in the Zelicnople Company to ti«e amount of
S6OO. The fire is supposed to be the w >rk of
an incendiary.
—"A Friend in need, is a friend in
deed." Such a friend is Dr. Isu!l's Cough '
Syrup, which should be in every family, it
costs only 25 cents a bottle and may save many
a doctor bill. Give it a trial.
—A citizen who removes from one
borough or township to another, after the sec
ond day of September and before the day of
election, forfeits his right to vote in his old dis
trict, and has not acquired a riifht to vote in the
new. He, therefore, by his own act disfran
chises himself.
—A Butler man told his neighbor
(who dan't read the papers; tl.at bis wife had
gone to camp meeting and kit him to board
himself; adding that he "should have to Tan
ner a little." And now that neighbor is tell
in around town that his friend beats his wife
and uses her shamefully.
—Any one who doubts the vast
number of intellects ruined by self-abuse, have
only to visit any one of our numerous asylums
and the records will show that eight out of
every ten of the cases of insanity among their
patient* are the result of nervous diseases.
The really only safe and effectual remedy is
Gray's Specific Medicine. Sold by J. C. Ked
—Yonkers Statesman : The bashful
young man who asked a lady on the beach if
he "could see her home," was much surprised
to hear her say "that he could go up and see it
if he wanted to, but she didn't think her father
wanted to sell," and then coolly walked off with
the man of her choice.
—The Renno Bros, of this place have
lately been getting out some very tiue_ work.
The monument for Mrs. Margaret Weisner,
dee'd, lately of this place, which they finished
lately, is a very fine piece of work. Their pri
ces are remarkably low, and when you need
something in their line give them a chance.
RELIABLE. —It is useless to deny
the great curative effects of Simmon's Liver
Regulator. Its virtues are attested by thou
sands who have used the medicine, and it is
now largely in demand. It commends itself to
the public by its component parts being en
tirelv vegetable, no injurious effects l'roiu its
use, l)eing pleasant to the taste, and its opera
tion upon the Liver being |>erfect, at the same
time so impreceptible that it interferes with
neither business nor pleasure.
The first Congress in which the
real state of the population as found by the
census of this year will govern the representa
tion is the Congress which will meet in De
cember, 1883. That is to say, three years and
a half must intervene between the taking of
the census and its practical effect on the repre
A well known citizen of New York
has spent about three thousand dollars in the
construction of a cave for the cultivation of
mushrooms. He has employed a professional
mushroom grower to take charge of it and natu
rally anticipates, it may be supposed, after so
liberal a provision, that the results will prove
A young man about twenty-one
years of age and an old woman over seventy
were married by one of the Justice*, of Kittan
ning, on Tuesday morning last. There didn't
seem to be anything particularly wrong with
the young man only whisky, and nothing that
we could detect wrong with the old woman,
only she had heard too much-thunder in her
time, to make a "young and interesting bride."
Grand Opening.
Of fall and winter millinery
Hats, bonnets, plumes, tips, feathers,
Ribbons, ornaments &c., &c., at
The Government receipts for Au
gust aggregate .S3O, ">OO,OOO, as foMows: Cus
toms, $18,000,000; revenue, $9,500,000; miscel
laneous, $3,000,000 ; and the expenses are $lO,-
500,000, exclusive of the interest on the public
debt, which is light. Judge French, Acting
Secretary, estimates the decrease of the debt for
August at upward of $11,500,000.
The annual importation of some
$25,000,000 in flax and flax goods would natu
rally lead to the inquiry as to what is being
done in this country to supply that demand at
home. The crop of flaxseed increases each year,
and so does the importation of flax. Is there
no profitable medium place in flax growing
where the seed and fiber raav both be made a
more profitable business than seed-growing
alone ?
A Iron* Baby.
Nothing is so conducive to a man's remaining
a batclielor as stopping for one night at the
house of a married friend and kept awake for
five or six hours by the crying of a cross baby.
All cross and crying babies need only Ilop Hit
ters to make them well and smiling, \oung
man, remember this.— Traveller.
An ovarian tumor, weighing about
35 pounds, was removed from an Armstrong
county woman, lately. She had been suffering
from its effects for about eight months, being
confined to bed since April Ist. The contents
of the tumor had suppurated, and her condition
at the time of the operation was very preca
rious. Not an untoward symptom has occurred
since the operation and her recovery is almost
"This is ft nice time of night for
you to be coming in," said a mother, the other
night, to her daughter, who returned from a
walk at ten o'clock, "When I was like yon,"
continued she, "my mother would not allow me
out later than seven o'clock." "Oh, you had a
nice sort of a mother," murmured the girl. "1
had, you young jade," said the mother, "a nicer
mother than ever you had."
ilrape J nice.
The art of fermenting the Oporto Grape into
wine in.this country has been brought to a
greater degree of prefection by Mr. Alfred
Speer, of Pussaic, New Jersey, than bv any
other person, and his wine is very popular as
a ladie's wine, as well as for the communion
table and for invalids. For sale by 1). 11.
three men died in a melon patch in Texas after
eating melons on which Paris green had been
carelessly thrown, and again there is a report
of five persons in New Hampshire being poi
soned, one perhaps fiitally, from eating pota
toes on the viues of which the deadly stull had
been thrown. It is time to find some other rem
edy for the ravages of insects.
The good people living at Com
mercial Point, Pickaway county, Ohio, were
cursed with the propinquity of a vindictive and
quarrelsome young man named Thomas Mc-
Donald. lie hailed from Kentucky, but he
had married a Pickaway wife and owned a
Pickaway farm, and he had lately pumelled a
Pickaway farmer. So the good people of Pick
away went at night to the house of McDonald
and took him therefrom and hanged him on one
of hi» own apple trees.
The village of Las Placitas, about
thirty miles from Santa Fe, New Mexico, is re
iMirted to be founded on a ledge of rock carry
ing from $3,000 to SO,OOO worth of gold per ton.
The value of the rock was detected by prospec
tor, Jesse Martin, who has "located" the streets
of the town. Governor Lew Wallace describes
the lead as eighty-four paces in width, and nine
thousand feet have been located along the vein.
The whole village is built on the ledge, and
rock worth $3 a pound has been thrown about
as worthless.
A Card.
To all who are suffering irom the errors and
indiscretions ot youth, nervous weakness, early
decay loss of manhood, &c„ 1 will send a re
eipcthat will cure you, FKKE OF CHARGR.
Tills great remedy wus discovered by a mission
ary In South Africa. Scud a »elf-addresßed en
vtlope to the RBV. JOSEPH IKMAH, Station D,
Ntv York City. «
QV SttttMi €£tia»w: P«.» s , t§tfrt.
—The remarkable statement that the
' receipts from customs for the year ending June
j 30, I*Bo, are £."<0,000,000 greater than for the
j year ending June 30, 1879, leads to the consid
| eration of the fact that the United States must
I have sent away to the value of £'2(K>,IHM),'HK)
more for the purchase of foreign goods than
during the previous year. This should stimu
late capital and labor to discover these needs
1 and to enter new ventnrcs in an effort to supply
this demand.
From SO On(H i'p,
Carpets of all styles, at
—The Philadelphia Medical Times
has an article, contributed by a physician, on
the healthfuiness of plants in living and sleep
' ing rooms. Experiments by him show the val
ue of house plants as natural and perfect atom
izers. lie gives as a conclusion that every
housekeeper can keep the air ot winter rooms
moist by having thrifty plants in tbein, and
there is reason to believe that the lives of many
persons who die from pulmon. ry complaints
might be preserved by this agency, at once so
agreeable aad so salutary.
Tlit* Butler County Fair.
Persons visiting the Fair are conli
allv invited to cail in and examine the
immense stock of fine dress goods, sta
ple dry goods, millinery goods, trini-
I mi tigs, carpets &c, at
—Sandy Lake, Mercer county, was
startled and shocked bv the terrible death, on
Friday morning last, ot' the wife of T. S. liailv,
a prominent citizen of that place. Mrs. Haily
had gone into the yard to milk, her two little
sons following her, and while thus engaged tl>"
boys climbed into a heavy wagon in the yard
and threw off the lock, causing the w.:
which stood upon a steep hillside, to run back
wards, and Mrs. lJaily iu attempting t<> stop the
wagon was caught between the rear end ot the
wagon and the fence, apparently completely
crushing her chest, she died within fo:ty min
utes. — Sharon Herald.
At G 1-4 Cents,
(iood soft finished bleached muslin,
Yard wide unbleached muslin,
New fancy dress calicoes, at
—The following is a statement of
United States currency outstanding on August
31st: Old demand notes, $60,830; legal tender
notes, all issues, $346,681,016; one-year notes of
1863, $46,765; two-year notes of 1863, $12,700;
two-year coupon notes of 1863, £23,350; com
pound interest notes, $243,310; fractional cur
reucy, all issues, $15,557,933.70; total, $362,625,-
954.70. The amount of national bank notes
outstanding at date (not including circulation
of national gold banks) is $342,728,018; circula
tion of national gold banks, $1,328,760; decrease
in circulation during the month, $88,754; in
crease since Sept. 1. 1879, $13,383,871.
lie-Working Butler.
Hundreds of tons of white bntter are bought
every vear, worked over by dealers, colored up
and soid tor double the price paid the farmers.
This fact should convince farmers that they
should put their own butter into the best shape
for market and so realize all they can from it.
It must have the bright golden color of June,
which nothing but Wells, Richardson & Co]s
Perfected Butter Color can give. Use this
color, pack your butter iu the best manner,
and you \fill get the top price.
Dr. C. H. LEE,
Homoeopathic Physician.
Office and residence near the Wick House
North Main street. Butler, Pa. jan7
The rape case (called hereabouts
Alex Coll'roth's case), against eleven young men
formerly connected with Boyd <fc Peters' circus,
terminated on Friday in a complete fizzle. The
girl said to have been raped was unable to sat
isfactorily identify a single one of the defend
ants, and the jury returned a verdict of not
guilty without leaving the box. The redoubt
able General was not on hand to father his own
creation. We hear on good authority that the
costs in this case will be considerably over a
thousand dollars. Lawyers and politicians
should be careful about stirring up mares' nests
of this size.— Somerset (Pa.) Herald.»
At 5 Cent* per Yard,
Good dark calico,
Good bleached muslin.
Bargains in everything, at
One of the hardest and most re
volting stories of the generation is that told of
the imprisonment of an insane man by bis
brother in this State for twenty-seven years.
His prison was a log hut without windows, and
the man, looking much more like a savage
beast, was found in indescribable filth, chained
to the floor. His hair and beard reached to his
knees, his nails were like talons, his naked
body was like that of an animal. He was fero
cious, and had to be over-powered by the offi
cers. For twenty-seven years he had been
neither washed, clothed or shaved, the sun had
not shone upon him, and his food had been
shoved into his cell as iuto a pig-trough. The
brother, a farmer, said he tlid not want to put
him in an asylum, and so built the log caoin
for him, thinking he would soon die.
"Became sound antl Well."
R. V. Pierce, M. D.:
DEAR SIR —My wife, who had been ill for
over two years," and had tried many other
mediciues, became sound and well by
your Favorite Prescription. My niece was also
cured by its u»e, after several physicians had
failed to do her any good. Yours truly,.
pace with French ingenuity. Probably no
other newspaper in the world save a Paris
newspaper could have discovered that Dr. Tan
ner was an importer, aud given such a reason
for the assertion. La France professes to have
received information, directly or indirectly
from the divorced Mrs. Tanner, that the sup
posed water administered to the faster was real
ly liquid mate or i nnti', a South American bev
erage possessing great force-giving qualities.
This theory does away at once with the doc
tor's jug of Central Park spring water and the
honesty of his attendants, but it is too good a
story to be spoiled by contradiction.
Value Received.
The only man in America who has complete
facilites for collecting national statistics is Hon.
A. R. Spofford, Librarian of Congress. All
the date which lie secures during the year is
carefully retained and has been put into a book.
His last issue, "The American Treasury of
Facts," has been sent us by Messrs. 11. H. War
ner & Co., proprietors of the famous Safe Kid
ney and Liver Cure, r.nd it is really a cyclope
dia in itself. In this busy age one can grasp
national affairs only by statistical figures, and
the work under ce:isideaation retlects such
credit on Messrs. Warner & Co., who have
secured it.
New Orleans girl, having accepted one suitor,
took a walk with a second for the purpose of
giving his conyr. The accepted individual saw
the two together, became madly jealous, de
clined to accept tli3 1 idy's explanation, and
broke the engagement. The discarded girl
threw herself in front of a moving locomotive,
in the hope of ending her life, but tailed with
the loss of a leg. Her patient lover, convinced
of her faith, begged her pardon, and will
marry her. It would be difficult to reconcile
the action of the man with sanity did not the
Nuw York Graphic come to our assistance with
the statement th;it fashionable stockings will
cost fifty dollars per pair this fall. Then, In
putting one aud two together, we can under
stand and admire the wise economy which
moved him.
Black and Colored Brocade Silks,
Black and Cdored Satins,
Black and Colored Velvets,
Brocade Cashmeres, Brocade
Alpacas, Brocade Ribbons.
All the new things in dress goods
And trimmings, at
The steamer (Jeneral Wcrder ar
rived at New York from Hamburg a few days
ago, with *1,500,000 in gold, and the steamer
Canada brought from Havre $520,000. The
drain from the Imperial Hank of Germany is
exciting serious apprehension in that country,
and the London Tiims says that the bank,
though still paying gold for its notes in Berlin,
refuses to do so in liremen and Hamburg, add
ing: "The stoppage of gold payments in Ham
burg and Bremen is sufficiently significant. It
need surprise nobody should Germany be foroed
to resort to silver everywhere as a legal tender.
The gold and silver in the Imperial Hank of
Germany are not distinguished in the weekly
return, but it is currently reported that the
stock of gold is really very small." A Berlin
dispatch to the Morning Pott says : "The ap
prehensions of an impending change in the
German currency are increasing. It is saul
that Prince Humarck favors the reiutroduction
of the bi-metallic system."
mms pi". Tsm, fs 5© «<- *--•
Ited Letter Daj s lor Kutler Co.
For then the Butler county Agricultu
ral Society will hold its
TI(SI:» FA 131.
The comintr Fair of the ibitler County Agri
cultural society, to be held in this town on
Tuesty, Wednesday and Thursday, of week a
ter next, is exciting more than u- uil interest
all over the county. It is generally expected
to l>e {he largest, finest and m ist important
Fair yet held in the county. People begin to
realize that the active members of the -oeiety
mean business, and are equal to the duty of
getting up a fir; t class agricultural exhibition.
The grounds and buildings ba\v 'wen pui in
| admirable condition.
I I'be premium list, divided as it is into forlv
tii different cla-'*e.-, and coveriug the multi
tude of farm products, stock, manufactured ar
ticles, fancy work, etc., is all that could b.- de
The liberal premiums for st »ck, which will
be paid on the grounds, as will be all premi
ums, are expected to bring out all the beM
stock in the county. Iu fact the entrie.- air-a Iv
exceed the accommodations originally provided.
if you have anything worth taking to the
Fair, by nil means take it and stay there. Mea:s
can be had on the grounds at iv.is ui.i'.da rates.
Hacks will run at low rates, aa I but twenty
live cent- admission for adults will be charged.
Bring in your family, your friends and neigh
bors and come prepared to have a good time.
Remember the dates, Tuesday, Wednesday an 1
Thursday, September 21st, Jd and 23rd.
—While Beatty Jameson, his sister
Sadie and .Mr. .1. Jf. < iialham were out riding
in a two-horse buggy last Sunday evening, and
on descending a steep hill near the Sheakley
School house, the front wheels stru k a pipe
which suddenly upset the buggy, throwing the
occupants out. Miss .lame on was thrown
against a tree, falling with her bead between
tile tree and hind wheel. Fortunately tlie hor
ses stopi>ed and remained >!an ling while the
unfortunate la ly was extricate I from her p. •vl
ous po ition, otherwise, had they started, her i
head would have been torn from her body. She
received a deep cut above the left eye. and was
otherwise severely injured about th - hea l and ]
face. The men escaped injury.— Prtrolia !{'<•- ,
I lost in Butler, on last Saturday, September
4th, 1880, my pension certificate. The finder,
or any person having information of the same,
will please leave word at the CITIZEN office
and oblige .
Sept 8, 2-t) JOSEPH MANGEL.
—The cotton crop fcr this year is
estimated by the Macon, Ga., Telegraph at
5,(150,000 bales. It says: "There is great talk
whether it cau rise to 6,000,000 bales, for the
reason that there is not the force to gather such
a crop. If we have the time it mav be gather
ed, but that, of course, is extremely doubtful.
The last season was extraordinarilv mild and
protracted, and picking was continued till the
last lock wa? gathered. It would be unreason
able to hope for another such season ; and, on
the other hand, with an early frost and stormy
and cold weather, progress in picking won!.! be
seriously interrupted. All experience teacli.es
the South that on a cold, finger-benumbing day
picking goes on slowly, and it is hard to keep
nands at work. So in wet weather they cannot
and should not be kept at work. Hence the
actual out-turn of the crop of IXSO-81 must be
Considered an event in the womb of the future.
It may prove to be even less than that of the
crop of 1879-80."
—So colossal has the patronage of
the National Government liecame that any
President might despair of his ability to deal
with it. Pierce is the last President who dis
pensed all the offices anew. When Pierce came
into office the annual expenditures of the gov
ernment were only forty-six millions ; last year
they amounted to two hundred and sixty-seven
millions. The number of offices has not in
creased in the same proportion, but it has risen
trom sixty thousand to more than a hundred
fhousand. It would overtask the energies of
any President to distribute this colossal patron
age. Buchanan, who succeeded Pierce, found
all the offices filled with democrats and made
no wholesale changes. When Lincoln came in
the secession of the South curtailed the patron
age, aud the outbreak of the civil war made it
inexpedient to practise party proscription
against democratic office-holders who were loy
al to the Union. Since Lincoln's time there
lias been no motive for a universal change.
Johnson might have attempted one, but he was
restrained by the Tenure of Office law. Grant
found all the offices filled with republicans and
did not make changes from mere party views;
ami so with Hayes.
—A dispatch from St. Augustine,
Fla., gives but too much reason to belieye that
the steamer Vera Cruz, of the Havanna and
Mexican line, has been lost, with all her pas
sengers and crew. Parts of the mail she must
have carried from New York have been washed
ashore, and the correspondent telegraphs that
cargo supposed to be hers strews the shore for
forty miles below St. Augustine. Several bodies
have been washed ashore, and a trunk bearing
the name of one of the passengers iu the ship.
A steamer, now supposed to haye been
the Vera Cruz, was seen on the Saturday pre
vious about sixty miles otrshore from St. Au
gustine by a brig which was wrecked in the
gale which broke out on.Sunday. It wiis on
the following Thursday that the mail matter
was washed ashore. Nothing is known by the
owners in New York concerning the vessel's fate.
The Havana cable is, unfortunately, not work
ing, so that 110 inquiries can be made there. The
Vera Cruz was a staunch ship, and her owners
say well manned and ably commanded. There
is but to much reason to fear that she foundered
in the hurricane which has this last week
strewn the Southern coast with wrecks.
N. B. —Since the above was written the news
of .the loss of this steamer lias been confirmed.
Seventy-five persons went down with her.
The Coming Heir.
Up to yesterday 110 word had come
to America of the birth of the long
looked for heir to the Spanish Throne.
It is safe to say that not (or many
years has an expected addition to a
family called together a crowd such as
is now gathered about the appartments
of the Queen of Spain. Usually the
persons present on such an occasion
are privately notified in advance by
the lady who provides the entertain
ment, and, being selected for sympa
thetic purposes, they naturally are of
the sex that know how it—in short,
they are women.. Even the doctor
never makes his appearance until sum
moned by a panting husband or a gal
loping messenger. But the invitations
to Queen Christina's interesting event*
have been issued by the Lord Cham
berlain, and although the crowd might
be exactly to his own liking in case he
had any duty like the Queen's to per
forin, it seems hardly such a party as
Her Majesty would have selected had
who been consulted Every member of
it is of the gender that is utterly use
less on such occasions. Among them
are grave diplomats, astute Cabinet
ollicers, saintly prelates and proud
nobles; but it would be safe to oiler a
million to one that not a man of the
whole body knows catnip from pepper
mint or could give the royal baby its
first bath, or knows how to handle the
scales so as to be able to assure the ex
pectant father that he had landed a
ten-pounder. And in case of twins —a
possibility that the Lord Chamberlain,
never having been a mother, has en
tirely overlooked—-why, it would be
just like the stupid old fellows to mix
those babies up and knock the whole
question of the Spanish succession into
the limbo of eternal uncertainties.
DEKR—LOGAN By the Rev. .1. J. Mclll
yar, August 2fltb, 1880, Mr. David < >. Deer and
Miss Myrtilla Logan (a grand daughter of Mr.
Wiudle llickey, ol Butler county), both of /Et
na, Allegheny county. Pa.
MOOItIv—KELLY —At the residence of the
bride's parrots, by the Rev. \\ . P. Shaw, "is
Sept. 2nd, IMSO, Mr. J. W. Moore and Miss ( a
list a E. Kelly (eldest daughter of J. • . Ivelly,
Esq.), of Worth township, Butler county.
MORRISON August 3rd, 1880, ai thf resi
dence of her grandmother, Mrs. Electa Leasoti,
Ilarrisville, Pa., Orie L. Morrison, aged 13
years and 4 months.
\T p \\[ fi|TPU Consumption and Asthma,
it LiV llt lii Xever yet failed. Address
with stamp, "HOME," FHOSTBUHO, MD. U*7 LY
.lima; Ann: SON, present judge "of
t!>" 1 tiitt d States District Court fur
Western I'ennsy 1 vania, is re<rard<-.l as j
one of the best and ablest that lias ,
ever presided oil that Bench.
THE Republicans of Lebanon county j
at their convention on Monday of last
week, passed instructions in favor of
Mr. Grow, f>r 1". S. Senator. This is
action of some importance to that j
gentleman, as Lebanon has a Senator
and two Representatives to elect, all j
of whom will l»e Republicans.
'H'W T dverl i*c iiM'itf«.
Flip \ vrpiiH
j <"ver solu by U» every one who answer this
I withm *!>;!' il.f s.
jun£J-3ni City Mills, Massiehusetts. J
' I.VERY SOLDIER disabled in line of dulv by '
i wour.d. disease, or injurv, i- entitl-tl to h. ti.ions I
TENSIONS INCREVSKD.- M ; n\ .re driwii- !
j less tiian entitled to. Thousand -of ib-.rs entitle,! j
: :•> Pen-ions and llonntv. RE.ll>'nil) t \si;s '
; re-opened.
I AJtAXIM>XBD < 'ASKS fiui .lit ■!. . opies of I.i -:
:1 Ms :liai oh aln I, ■ latms ~f every deserip lon
; pros--ut-d. Patents Pro -lied. 'with
s."iii;>s. 11. S. BERLIN & ('!».. Attorneys. !
Box te [septs-6tj WaahlntctOß, B. c. I
.4 dID Jciisl ra t ors If ot ice.
Letter* of A-buhii-t--..'i ;n hive been granted i
!o Jatnns W Bat ■ .11 !G. S. B:irr on the eclate !
of PT. fl. !:.ivrdee'd. Lite of Jeffereon townnbip. |
B tier county. All per .ms indebted to caul j
eHt.i/e an NqaHtai to stake immediate ]flv- j
nient. r.fd • i.< Jiavu g claims or dctaai da I
a;;a Kt.ne. a'.iou i i.uko t : i :u kno.vn
without do'ay to
•I\MKS W. lUW' I . , ,
* p»4t] r:. s. lul.it. ,-Admr.-
GUN. . ; \ MEs \ <: \HI Ii»
By j.i- fen- aal f.:-ii.t At \ • Ol: :: M-Y. Editor
N- "i the r-u'y edition to whicli Gen Gar
iieU ban piv.u itrwi,:.l attention of facta.
IK I -.lit illy iii'ir-tnted. pri-ited and bound.
• Tise btst."—H. *Y. Commerekd iilwulhct
"I'lic neatest," Y. Her. Id. • • I*;i ■ most use
ful. biuKibleand uatiefaci-iry,"—N. Y. Tribune.
Full length : teel j.'ortrai: by Hall, .from a pic
tnio tr.! en expressly for" tbo wort. Aetive
Agents Wanted. Liberal terms. Send T) at
once for complete outfit. A. S. liVLNES 4 CO,
septS-tt] 111 .t 113 William St., New York.
To take subscriptions for the 1
the latest and best American publication, of the
highest class, with original coutril utions from
the most celebrated writes in every country.
Edited by J T. Morse, Jr., and Henry Cabot
Lodge, gentlemen of the highest attainments
and culture, and whose named are rdone suffi
cient guaranty of the value of the REVIEW.
Always bright, readable and instructive ; cos
mopolitac in literature, progressive in science,
uußeetarifc.ii in religion, and independent in poli
Price 50 ct-nts a number : 55 a year. A com
plete Agent's Outfit sent on receipt of 5100 A
specimen copy sent to anv addres for 15 cents, <
A. 8. BARNES A CO.. I'ubUcers.
sept-St 111 A 113 William St., New York.
luturapce Confpany, of Ohio, desires to es
tablish a Genera! Agency for this section of
Pennsylvania. Its asserts eiceed Vl.500,00(J 00,
with a large surplus, and has for many years se
cured the largest amount of new business in
Ohio of any one company in the Uniied States.
Its interest receipts exceed its death losses,
matured endowments, taxes, and commission
paid to agents. Its able management is further
illustrated by the fact that its rate of losses aud
expenses to its. premium income for the year
1879. according to the New York official reports, I
is lower than that of any other company. It
issues endowment policies at life rates, which
arn nonforfeitable Without surren ler and incon
testiblo after three annual payments. It is
governed bv the insurance law of Ohio which
are now the most stringent for the protection
of policy holders of any iu the Union. They re
quire a four per cent. reserve fund invested in
unquestioned securities, which the Superintend- !
ent of Insurance is required annually to ex
amine. The business of life insurance is now
rapidly increasing, and men possessing first- i
class business ability aud character, who desire
a General Agency for this sterling company will
do well to address GEORGE THORNTON. Man
ager, Room !13 A stor House Offices, New York,
stating, in full, age, past experience in lile in
surance or other business, salaries received aud
W. Hie WA&EFtItLP & GQ.
No 12A Federal afreet,
And extend a cordial invitation to all to call
and examine their good* and prices, when in the
city—whether wishing to purchase or not.
2 eases—Dark, Vast colored, Calicos worth 7 cts.
5 Males —Heavy, yard wide, I'nbleai bed Muslin,
worth 8 cents.
Heavy 1,00111 Table Lineus, sold at Si cents.
Finer grades,— at cents t(T ?l."o
Good Grey Twilled Flannels worth 20 cents.
Fine, 27-incli. all Wool Ked Flennels.
Barred Country Flannels.
Mens Merino Shirts and Drawers.
For Men, Women ami Children.
At 31 cents, yard wide, Cashmeres, Black and all
colors. •
AT 75C.
44 and 411-inch Black Cashmerers, superior qual
ity and color, for this price.
48-iuch Black Cashmere. These goods are made
from pure cashmere wool, and guaranteed the
best quality for price in the city.
We have everytning desirable in all the new de
siglis of foreign anil Domestic Dress (Joods— and
our stock of French and Persian Novelties iu un
surpassed 111 the city, either iu variety or price.
75 cents; SI. >1.25, 91.50, (1.75 to -\'J. Clean pure
goods, and will not cut or shine.
From 50 cents to $1.25 per yard, (all shades.)
Jjy~Mail order, promptly attended to.
/ Street,
'■ Allegheny C'lty. I'a.
ICutier Market*.
BUTTER —Cood 17 cents V If'.
BAOON- -Plain sugar cured hams 13 3ts. >1 lt>;
shoulders, 8 ; sides, 11
BEANS —White, J 1(5)1.25 bnsh,
CUK'KiiNo—2s to 30 cts. per [.dir.
CHEEUK —IS cts V lb.
CoitN MEAL —2 cts. V lb.
Eoos—lo cts TR ('ozen.
FLOCK —Wheat, 1? bbl, sack 4*l.2s(e'i'2 ;
buckwheat. t2.50 V cwt.
OKAIS —Oats,3o cts V busbol: com 45 ; wlioat
90cts ; rye 75 cents ; buckwheat, 70.
HONEY— IS cts. V lb.
L.utn—loc V lb. Tallow, 6@7.
M.) LASSES —S()<WOc 1-1 gallon. Syrnp, 50(§>G0c,
ONIONS —7S cts t' bueh.
POTATOES —3Oc. V bushel.
SroAB —Yollow white (S)llc. lb.
SALT —-No. 1. #1.30 V barrel.
WmiSEk J % 1 Bronchitis, Asthma a
B'airsville (Pa,) Lidies' Seminary.
Beautiful grounds, commodious buildings, new
and superior pianos for practice, and THOIIOOIH
iNSTitn'TION. Ten instructors. Terms moderate.
Thirtieth year begins Septembers. IH-O. For Cat
alogues, apply to RKV. T. It. EWINC, Principal.
Double Huller
Clover Maotiine
ncrlpttve Clrtolar and Tx\r+
llaaDr«t<mi( Acrkulljirul C«w
flgU mkwrt 90U mm* Admm-titmm i>u. tu
a week in your own town. Terms ai. 1 i 5
V''" out tit free. Add re AD 11. J'\LI.KTT «V CO.,
Portland, Maine. deo-'J-ly
|2TAdvertise iu tbe CITIZEN.
I have just received from the East a large stock of
I offer to the public the COMET SHIRT, the best Unlau K-,1 White Shirt in the market for
#l. ONE DOLLAR sl.
Also, a We stock of WHITE and COLORED SHIR rs. f„- Men and Boys, always on hand.
Underwear, Half Hose, Gloves, Hats, Caps and Neckwear,
Introduced as sot nas they appear in the Eat. to be at
C£S»jg&,ss. esl.
Grreatly X£e<lnoe<l I^riees:
12-1 ore. 10-bore.
N'o. 845, C. ft. BOXEHILL, Top lever, double bolt, bar rebounding locks, low set hammers, solid stri
kers, pistol grip stock, patent fore end, skeleton butt plate, line Damascus barrels, choke
bored, finely engraved and finish d $45 00 SSO 00
No. 850, do. do. With extension rib fastening 50 00 55 00
No. 855, do. do. Challenge brand with horn heel plate elaborately engraved 55 00 (50 00
All these gtins have raised level libs, :u:d the In bores are made extra heavy and wide at breech, ranging in weight from i > It) mak
ing an admirable gun for duck and trap shooting where heavy charge- are necessary. Any of tl sc guns will be sent C. O. I)., with privilege of
exai'.iination and trial on receipt o! a remittance sufficient to cover express charges to \ ur pl:tce and return. No deviation will lie made from
these prices under any circumstances. [2saug7m] J." PALM Ell O'NETL & CO.
A new institution of learning, will open in
Beaver Falls, Pa., on the
Uili OL SEPTEMBER. 1880.
Thorough preparation fir COLLEGE. PRO
eni languages a speciality. TERMS REASONA
BLE. including te\H>ooks and stationery.
Applications should bo tent before the ii-t of
Catalogues can bo bad at tbo CJTIZKN office.
Fullest infoiniation !o bo obtained by addressing
&ug2s-3t BEAVKIt FALLS. FA.
CAMPAIGN flacks &c 7'&.
Beautiful Campaign Radges of the Republi
can and Democratic Candidates.
n in! I 111 ami
Containing life like Photographs of the Can
didates; encased iu pretty Minniature (iiit
Frames, with pin for atlaeliiug to coat or vest.
Active agents c:in make $lO a day selling th in,
and city and country merchants cna make a
hand.-ouie profit. Price 10 et nts eoch ; 2 lor 15
cents ; 10 lor 50 cell's, or 100 for ?:i 50. I'lr-to
grap's sjitic price :■* Badges. Crayon Portrait"
on tinted plate paper, lleroi • size 22 by 28.
for 25 cents, Fl;igs all tize.-, kinds and prices.
Now is the Harvest time lor agents, and deal
ers. Seltd for samples and full particulars to
1 Hi Sniitlilield street, fiusbn: gb, P;i.
Kxoculors Notice.
I otters testimentary in the estate of Captain
Robert Thompson, dee'd, late of Clinton town
ship, Potior county, Pa., having boon granted
to the undersigned, all persons l.nowtr.g them
selves indebted to said estate will mal.i imme
diate payment, and any having claims against
taid estate, will present them du'y authenti
cated for settlement. ABSOLOM MONKS,
J. W. MONKS, Lx'r...
julv2S-Gt Saxonburg, P. O. Butler county, Pa. I
Procured for all soldiers di.sahVd in the I*. S. ser
viee from anv cause, also forhetrsof (!e<-'';tsril sol
diers. Tin- slightest disa! lllty entitb -to pen-ion.
Pensions increased. Bounty and new discharges
procured. Those who ar •in doubt a -to whether |
entitled to anything, should send two a ets. stamps
for our ''circulars of nfonuatiou." Address, with
stamps, Sloddart & iCo., Solicitors «.f Claim and
Patents, Koom s. St. Cloud Building, Washington,
I). C. (juil3C-0m) STODDART & CO.
Home Hotel,
Duquesnc Way, between 8 and 9, St
Special rates for people attending Ex
$1.25 ]>er day.
Hotel short distance from Exposition
HE v. W. MCHAHON, Supt.
Thorough preparation for College ; good Eng
lish and bu.- ine-.- education. Moderate ex
not necessarily exceeding l> or Sao per term.
Good chemical and philosophical apparatus ;
large library, Cood moral and social surround
ings. French and (ierman taught. Next term
commences Sept. 15th, isso.
REV. WM. EWING, Principal,
jy 21:2 m Cannonsburg, Pa
IHMOliilion ol
Notice is hereby given, that the late firm of
Seipel <V MaurholT dissolved partnership, on
Soptnmber Ist. ISHO. The business will bo
curried on by H. A. Seipol. partnar "f old firm.
All persons know.tig themßelvas indebted to
s«id firm are requested to pay, and those that
have biils againet the same, will present them
to 11. A. Soipel. 11. A. SEIi'EL,
septl-M G. W. MAURHOFF.
AiliiiuiiMirulrix's IVolicc.
Letters of Administration have been granted
to the undcruignod on tbo estate of George C.
Conn ay dee'd, late of Concord township. Butler
county. All persons indebted to said Cf.lato are
requested to make immediate payment, and
tho.io hiving cUims or demands agains' the
sam ■, should make tlnui known without delav
sept 1-61 Hooker P. ()., Butler.
The American Shoe Tip Co.
A. S> T> Co*
mil mm I— I N MI IHI I I
BLACK 1 ip
That In now so extensively worn on
Which wiu Introduced by them, and by which
the above amount l»a9 been naved to parents an
nually. Thia It 11» rlt Tip will wire still
more, as besides being worn on the coarsvr
trades it is worn on line and co*ilf shoes
where the Metal Tip on account of its look*
would not be used. _
They all have our Trade Mark A. s. T. € o.
stamped on front of Tin.
I'areuts should ASK FOR BHOES with this
on them when purchasing for their children.
I. FIRE & Bro.
Will Hold A (I ran (I Clearing Out &I!P Of Pry Goods.
All kinds of Summer Dry Goods will he Closed Out Regardless
of Cost. .
At 5c per yard, very fine and beautiful
At DRESS I'LAIDS, and a sreat variety
fof mixed Dress (ioo.ls.
At 13'< c. a very larjre lot of Brocade Dress
Goods, in r'i color* and shades.
We nre also closing out at very low jirices, our
entire stock ol
Black and Colored .Silks.
In these goods we oiler very decided iiarijasn*.
would call special attention to our very largo stock of Alpaca and
Silk Sun Umbrellas, which will be closed out very low
M. MRE~&
KiO A lO'i IV«leral StrfH. Allegheny.
Mf't'vsfl'.n Kales.
By virtue of tun Iry writs of Fieri Faiiat' AlU
viri Fitii Fccins. i;-: -.»■ 1 out if the Court of Com
mon Picas of Butler county, ami to mo directed
there will be expound to puldic tutt, al tbo Court
Hout"!. in tho btitoogh of iiuller, on
Fs-itiny. iisc* !»;I: <it»3 of So
188( at Que o'cli*!;, iv :t . the following describ
ed ptopeily, to -t:
EI) No Srpt T. lh.ii). Sullivan 11.-i', Att.yn
Ai! the lijjht, litle. interct nt, 1 i-.lailil of .1 V
Broell of, in and t:> eleven (II) ac.-. s of l*ml.
nf re or !ei-s. Mtnatcd For .it 1 towns!.:o. Jt.it
lor county; l'a.. bounded to follows, to wit : On
ti;o t o:th by V Ti aolie! and Martin Sinkon, ea-t
by rietii'v Spitole)'. sonf'n by Coimoquono-'hi
crei l; and wi l-.y A Truabel; log lioI'HC >md log
atal.i': livoi:; itn-tiy c'.exred. Seize '' .it 1 t.-.-
ken in execution as t)to prof-orty of J P Broell
at the suit I t !i.'.ri«. K-. -V -It. •
E I'. Nc;.s 102 A S-pt T, -0. Lav McQtiis
tioii. Arty.
All tho rLht, lit'.e, interest an 1 claim <»f Robt
All* i: f. in an lto all th-;t tract. r l.;u;l. situate
in lii-miv and Worth townships. I'utlor coan'y.
Pa . beiindtd a:;-S doscrihcxi Hi fohojv ■: P. ■ ,in
nii.iT at a r (lie'.tce by land.: . f A and U Giean
south S!'; . de;;r. . - npft 270 p-rc!i; J- to a poo.
thence bylandsof fftu Cu-.: v and A. (ileuu s .-itli
% of a de.'feo 2'i7 and 1 ' fit li porcbo;i to a ]>ost
ai: 1 f :>o pile, tl.ence of a<! gi-ct! west iO7
and i It;-11 | . tehes t tb - t laoe t>f beginning. t»y
lands of Mi C motuls et oontKUig .15a s-'i'is,
niv .;' i r '.ess frame honse, fiatne barn and or
chard thereon; mostly clmi»-d. Seized anil taken
in i eouti'iu the properly of llobert Aileo at,
the -lit of II moony K.iviiig. Uuik.
E I), No 3M A 131. Sopt T. 1980. Lev M. Q.iis
ti -n. Att'v.
Ali the ri(iii* fille. in -st and claii.i of It !,t
Allen ''l. in and t" ail llt.it trr.ct -if lan 1. i.iii ;l"
in P: *d> towiiK'nip. I»at!er Co . I'-. begittni: r t
a -! ;■ t »!,•• • orflt we.-t cor:, -r. l!.e::M by binds
of II McDevitt c! al. north j - rvt
389 and :l ICtli p-.-r.:!: stoa p- :-t, tiu.ta - If ■ x^:'■
of .Tr.s Or. ssmvi tenth 1 liegieo ot •! lai an.
6-)0 jet: i: to . P'i t. tie. .eel y l-.nds of tho
licit« of Wia Strata, d. c'd, ». .t!» !-!» degrees
we t 2SJ I.nd 3-10;h j tch .: to ;. p t! «■ place
of brginnin;:, contniniiiic 24S acres and 51 prra!i
es. uii'ie or less; Ini.-k U.-u-. . frame barn -'.tid
orchard tln-reoo; mostly clear; d. J at.-.l t.-.-
ken iu rsocatioo ra tho pr.-p.-i-v of liobt Allen
at l ho and of Hannony Havings Bvtk-
E I>. S:> I:'"i >t 13d. S"j.t T. iSs.). Lev McQtua
tion, Att'v.
All t!ie right, title, inl .-est and oil; n of Bob'
Alh n of. if and to ad that tra.-t of i.nt 1 sitn ito
iu Franklin townt-iiiii. B.:tl«r eoti'ity Pa., on the
wat< if "f Mud.l.uueel.', ' '.tin i I i on llu- iinitii by
lands of Stephen A". :• It- i;s on I'm ea-t by tl»«<
Franklin road, on the s ui;h Iy a pobln- .it a.i I
on ib ■ '.v. t 1 y i.u.b t.f Oa!!aj.*l;i.r and P. >k rand
containing about 400 aeree. mora or 1 as, ox •; !-
ing and rcsi
railroad purpjeca. t > be itse.l ft.r d< potr, tracks,
Hidings, o ! selccte 1 f>r that pu.-, >cs> a- I >
do thleai-t i.'ji'i lo the ' ::i ■ ii.i .» I.:! an 1
not to include t ! e bai'diii a o:i 1 ! ..nn. framo
house, framo b'.;n ai-d . nthtu <'i t,;« th« reon ;
rnortiy c! .r-sl. '•<-.> <1 ai d I ; ;i . sreefi t
as t';e i -tv of iH-t Allen a* t': t:is vl tit;
mony Savin, s Bai.it.
.Tint following lun-t I- •»,. ,t-'ly e >:n; ;».-«! will'
when propetly : trick t • • .-
I. Win t the ; I 'hniir rr 'lll |- liei' iifillt.'r\
become tbe pur. haser, lit ■ :s < :t M.e ivi!- (
iniifl be | ai l, anil a li.-t - ' »!»•• li !■ •, in:
moripi e seaichis si the :•«>; • y ii-i, t •
jftdher v. itl; . r.ch 11-.'tl creJi'"i 's l .-,-i !*:>;» tor !'.
amount o! the proe li ot the -de it3U 0
pottioii Iht re't ■ ■ ho may claim, mit be I .ti
ll! died the 3 tier id'.
'i All bills u:ti lhe j aid in lull.
S. Ail s.i! S no; -li!!. ; Int.: -di : ly will If
coniinii l nt-l it 1 .»'«lwk, i» St., ot tint tl.n,
at Which tine all |»:oper|\ tf>i ,-eithd I. t «iitl
apain li'- inl up aiiu -«): d l" tl.e ft.p*-.,.,' end
risk ol the l eison to who.'t iit . >1 i
•see Purdott's Li. t. :> . d.li tti, tvi.'e ! Pi,
aud Smith's KoriUi-. pa
Wild IAM H. 11.1. FM.-VK. V Cliff.
Sheriff's OHIoe, J'a: tier, l'a , Al.ort D.-.1.
1 H ITC)!!
To <»vrry \v«»ri !»:' :» m •!<• »t f.t.n•••«*.
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11l #*»ll I » alii-.p j'.-i'inlr m; )n
reiils f;»r s ..r.-f in i.»m f«ir its'! *»;.:'•* ar.u »n #4
your CO ' nil': - IKSSiS.NUIiK IVHUS'.II.N !
CO. Lcsvt »Urg, Pe. lamylni
ID. Housekeeping Goods
We are eniblei! t<» offer belter bargain.-! tbau
ever before. Our btock is very complete,
and must Ih' sold to mike room
lor Full flood}.
We offer an Extra Gooi Quality of
Turkey Red Table Damask at 50c.
Bleached Table Cloth, very jrood, at 25, !i5, 50c.
White and Colored Bed Quilts
Towels, G'j, S 10, and 15 cents,
j Tow Is, very line and large, 20, 25 and .'isc.
New York Ladies' and Gents'
Dining & Lunch Rooms,
. Opjsisite Municipal Hall. Pittsburgh, Pa.
' The ; to get an excellent lunch :tt .ill hours.
| dr. .mil nu'lit, at short notice, Breakfast from 5
ii ' \. M. I'lnner from 11 A. m. to 3p. m. Sup
i t»*T from 5 lo f r. m.
s.mps Be Clam Soup ISc
. i il l-'Wh 10c Chicken Pot pic 15c
j • Jtcii FWi IOC Veal Pntpie Wc
! ICo::-.t P.epf loc Pork lino Benns loc.
I' ii l.atnb loc Pork ami Kraut 10c
!;■< Veal i'»" Comet! Beet & Cab'geioc
Ko -t Pork tnc Hi ,MI and Butter. 8c
I:.i i • "iiicken l c Tea orColi'ee per cup ftc
tin:; Duck I« S -sufiasTea (io
Uua t Turkcj • Chocolate loc
VK.IIF.TAIU.rs, &c.
I' tbl' : to • S.ihul 5c
Tom Mocs ,">c Celery 100
Turnips f>e Boiled Onions 5c
'\i ni|n .v iioii. <1 Kice r,c
C.trjoV. •"><• Macaroni 5c
S\\. i*t Pot-.Joes Hnitiiliy 5c
Pets e Sauces of all kinds.
I an. r>c Berries -all kinds—in
Asparagus sc; sei-am.
Pc.ichcs an.! cream. .10,- Ctutard Pie 5c
Annie In-. a- I£i<v Pudding ;>c
!' I: l'ie .V Apple Dumpling 5C
Pumpkin Pie Bread Pudding 5c
Milr' • Pi'- "«• Corn Siareh 5C
l.cinon PI" r.c
Small Broi' d Bo i.sleak 10c
I. • m'.erhiln Stc.iU '..Do
Pm-ierboiis ste i & Mushroom Sauce Tie
|t. .1.1:1 -.l'l-rl'iln •■■t'.i .V Mushroom Sauce loc
! l ender! 'in s;eak fc Mushroom Sauce soc
] >"i:; i I'- .-f-.leak and Orion) 20c
- tall Pi. >!'.*•-' Sie..:< and Tomato Sauce imc
j \'< «*:'■{ -.li- Corn Cakes toe.
i .'.lull".i c::op; IOC Warm Biscuit 5c
i Sa-i :,tge loc Corn Bread 5c
I Pork Ci.oj'i toe Hot Rolls 5c
j H iiaa'n! i • I'reiyh Cotfee percup 5c
i"t 1 I'risi' lee I'ea per cup 5c
; I di d 10c Larue Class of Milk.. So
" i lei- . .! 10- !!: "id a-ul Butter— 5c
*'•' " i.i Vi'h Cakes..loc Fried Potatoes 5c
I)ue'.t>\ heal Cakes 10c
P'-a-tßeef 1(i ; - Boiled Pork and Satter-
P 'I. ei'i ».-• !:ralit 10c
K "Ist Veal .. . loc El 11 Halls 10c
l'i ■■ k and P.e;>:t»:i..- Pi • and >TIIU IOC
Ko.isi Tn* ;.'•>• 1- Coffee & Sandwiches.lsc
P ll ' . i ... IV lli.iv! or Mush »i MlUt 100
1 : Ham ... toe B"wl of Snap Sc
e»l Corned Beef...loc Bread and Better So
j p.- -.1 Toii-ie- la Tea or Coitej, per cup so
.vJOO I! KWAIll) f
vJ li del itad in'he Itanli ""ippcryrock,
-; . .. I >•> a.;y i.'i.sou producing, from re
: nti . r.t;.-, c.i men .'ofii.u -i la! to the
tan !i»i„- r rrdi ■' |! ty of iho
; ..f C«iii:i«!o:i. Ooin. or i>tiltothn ropreiienta
, liv of ■ -.> iV •: r N[n ill I! I i-.Vin nt \ssocll
i- i tim Atd )'i!o i). Pentisylvinta,
I \vi.,. li i ■ in- e. -a e-| n •!< i. i-i its o|au of
I " i-l ' "al n. i For p.ir
| :ic ti.us, h iilret ■<
'i:D -v 1M FRSQOOrT, Qsn.
!' 'ei VC..I. S'ip wm-'i.-'i. B-itlor c unity,
i'.- A„, ;i i gi . e:i tv roK|»oneil/lo poisoim
: i 'r. a'lg. 6-3t
LifSif, Sals, Feed and [xchanp
Ken >".rrv 11. u - - lil TLEU, PA.
; ; . J Aihirlisi' in tile ('ITIZKN.