Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 01, 1880, Image 3

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    MB. .T. II- BATES. Newspaper Advertising
A''ent. 41 l'»rk Row (Times Building), New
York, is authorized to contract for advertise
ment-' in the Crnziiit.
THIS PAPEE SKigirekyffiljffi
Kew Advertisomonts To-Day.
Dry Goods— Bostts A Buhl.
Jewelry— J. R. Reed A Co., Pittsburgh.
Dissolution of Partnership Notice—Seipel &
Administratrix's Notice—Estate of Oeorge (...
Conway, dee'd.
Local anil General.
Important to Farmer*.
Ninety five cents per bushel paid, in cash, at
Klingier's Mills, Miftlin street, for No. 1 new
wheat. This price guaranteed for fifteen days
from date of this papc.
—lce is being shipped from Norway
to the United States.
LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at sls
and upwards, at E. Grieb's.
—(jet ready for the county fair. The
time is rapidly approaching.
Look at those boss shirts in the
win low of J- P. T. Stehle. Latest style of
Hats and Caps at low price*.
Dr. Candy, of llucks conntv, has
been nominated for Congress. He'll be easy to
WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor,
has just opened the largest line of woolens for
men and boys wear ever offered in Butler.
The National Hoard of Health
learns that the sanitary condition of the world
is good.
A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine
American Movement as low as $lO, at
—ln England the first money taken
on market day by a fanner is spit upon for
good luck.
Look at those boss shirts in the
window of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest style of
Hats and Caps at low prices.
The two cargoes most to be de-
Rired are coming from Europe daily—gold and
Sr'.ciALTiEs in woolens at William
Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not
to be had elsewhere in the county.
—There is a disease blinding to
horses prevailing along the western slope of
the Alleghenies.
—The illumination of Niagara Falls
by electric light is said to be a most weird and
fascinating sight.
—Look at those boss shirts in the
window of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest style of
Hats and Caps at low prices.
—Diphtheria to an alarming extent
has made its appearauee In Cambria, Blair and
Huntingdon counties.
—This is tbe day fixed for the meet
ing of the Democratic Senatorial Conferees of
this district, at Freeport.
—Extra No. 1 Salt, in new packages,
full weight 2XO pounds @ $1.20 per barrel, at
G. Wilson Miller & Bro's.
—Look at those boss shirts in the
window of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest style of
Hf.ts and Caps at low prices.
—Spanish gamblers are buying
pools on the probable sex of the coming heir to
the throne. The odds are in fnvor of a girl.
—There is a newly married couple
near Warren, Pa., the linsband being the wo
man's fifth, and the wife being the husband's
—Miss Annie Morall has just ar
rived home from the city, and will continue
dress making in the latest style on North and
Washington street, Butler. aug2s-3t
—The balance of the Riot losses
bribery suits have been postponed fill Novem
ber. It is not probable that they will ever be
—The flow of specie to America is
further increased by the arrival of the steamer
Neekar from Bremen via Southampton with
$2,170,000 in hard cash.
—A Calcutta dispatch says: "The
troops in the Kurum Valley are not to be with
drawn." Those in the Kill 'em region might
be withdrawn to advantage.
—lt takes away much of the pleas
ure of being a Mormon to go home from the
club at midnight and find nineteen wives sit
ting up and glaring at the clock.
—An editor and lawyer fired at each
other across a street at Marshfield, Mo., until
their revolvers were emptied, and neither was
hit, though two spectators were wounded.
—Maj. Butrer has left Karns City
on account of the ragweeds, and J. M. Moore
has taken his place. Marshall, will no doubt
hold out longer, as he has two canes.
Fall term of the West Sunbury Academy will
open Sept. 6 and continue 11 weeks. Inquire
of 11. K. SIIANOR, A. 8., Principal, or Rev.
G. W. Bean, Coultersville, Pa. (15a2w
—There appears to be one form of
investment for oil-region capitalists that still
yields fair returns. They can build refineries
and force the Standard Company to buy them
'* —Some Butler men are imitating
Dr. Tanner. They take nothing but ice and
water—surrounded by a little bit of mint, a
small drop of spiritui frumenli and a morsel of
—What! What! well I declare Smith
you out again ? I thought the Doctor said you
were dying with the Kidney trouble. Smith—
So he did, but you see I am wearing a Day Kid
ney Pad.
f —Mrs. Hutchinson threatened, at
Sligo, Ohio, to do something that would "make
Oscar feel right bad." Oscar was her husband
and they had quarrelld, That night she eloped
with a negro neighbor.
—Sympathy is best shown when
practical in its application. Therefore when
you sympathize with your suffering baby, show
it practically by using Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup
and thus cure your child. Price 25 cents.
—A little boy whose mother ob
jected to his'going fishing reminded her of the
passage of Scripture usually applied in an
altogether different connection: "Spare the
rod and spoil the child."
—The advertisement of the Ameri
can Shoe Tip Company, wliich f>i>p< ars in an :
other eoluiuii, is ot the greatest importance to
parents. Read it, and learn how to save mon
ey ? Ask your shoe dealer for these goods.
—The following advertisement ap
pears in a Canadian newspaper; "Will the gen
tleman who stole my melons last Saturday night
l»e generous enough to return me a few seeds,
as they are a choice variety ?"
SF.K a woman in another column, near Speer's
Vineyards with a bupch of grapes from which
Bpe.tr's Port Orape wine is made, that is so
highly esteemed by the medical profession for
the use of invalids, weakly persons and the
aged.—Sold by all Drnggist". 28aply
—Over two hundred thousand acres
of forest are required yearly to supplv the de
mand for crass ties for the railroads of the
United States. The day is fast approaching
when iron will have to l>e utilized for this pur
—At Hartford last Friday, St.
Julien delighted so many of the twelve thou
sand spectators present as had not backed
Tinie by lowering the trotting record at a mile
to 2:111, thus bettering former figures by haif
a second.
—The important announcement is
made that a "new laugh" has been introduced
in fasiouahle society—and it runs like this:
"Te-be, te-he! Ila, he, ha ! Oh-h-h-h—ha-ha
ha-lia!" This laugh, no doubt, fills a long
felt want.
—Pewksytvahia Stat* Collcok admits both
sexes. Endowment half a million. Tuition free.
Courses of study. Classical, Scientific and Agri
cultural A thorough Preparatory Department.
Expenses t3 to $5 per weeV. For catalogue, ad
dress Joseph Hhortlioor, A. M.,
llaugl-tw Pres. State College, Pa.
—The drouth is beginning to be
felt in the upper end of Warren county. The
same condition prevails in Pike and Monroe
counties. Springs and wells are drying up
and the land is so dry that ploughing has to
be suspended for the time being. The section
of country above alluded to has not been
visited with a rain for almost two months, and
everything is being parched by the hot sun.
—Over tbirtj* million dollars' worth
I of English iron has been shipped to this coun
try (luring the present year. I! this can be
done in spile of a tariff, the question is asked,
what would l>e the result should free trade doc
trines prevail ?
Habit, if not necessity, makes a
Hair Dressing such as I>r. Aver - iaboratorv is
sues, indispensable to many. Aver - Ilair 1
or is one of the most delightful we have ever
used. It restores not only the color, but gloss
and luxuriance, to failed and gray hair.
A New York stone-cutter received
the following epitaph from a German, to IK- cut
u«:on the tombstone of his wife: "Mine wile
Susan is .lead: if she had lived till net 1- riday
she'd been dead shust two weeks. As a trie
falls so must it stan'."
Many an unhappy sufferer from
nervous dehilitv lias wished himself anywheie
but on this beautiful earth. No one need now
have any such feelings,ill that they reynire is to
go and purchase one box of Gray's Specific and
they will realize a change as if by magic, odd
by J. C. Eedick.
Two colored women have been ap
pointed as census clerks at Washington, which
has caused some commotion among the other
elerks, there being a strong feeling against
working in the same room with theui. It color
is the only objection, it is to he hoped that
measures will be takeu to put down this un
worthy prejudice.
Women that have been given up
bv their dearest friends as beyond Help, have
heeu permanently cured by the use of LYDIA
is a postive euro for all female complaints.
Send to Mr.:. Lydia E. l'inkham, Western
Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. a 2.">
The introduction of the study of
Spanish into the city schools of San I - raneisco
is being discussed, the necessity of it arising
from the increasing tra'dc between the Pacific
c oast of the I'nit.'d States, M. \ico nnd Central
and South America. The study of the German
language could be introduced to advantage in
the common schools here.
>[r. George P. Norris, of whose
death on the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Kittan
ning Point, we made n note la.»t week, was the
oldest son of John C. Norris, of Clinton town
ship, this county. He was in the 23d year of
his age, was an "estimable young man, and Mr.
Norris and his family have the sympathy of
the whole community in their breaveinent.
Of late years many members of
both houses of Congress have used stamps for
franking upon which were cut fac-simiies of
their signatures. By this device a clerk could
frank a thousand documents at very little ex
pense either of time or ltibo|\ Now the Post
moster-General has decided that no matter can
be franked unless it bears a genuine signature.
On Wednesday last John Hol
linger, living in Lebanon county, was making
cider using a mill driven by horse-power. He
was standing on the power to drive the horse,
and got off to drive away a cow, and on getting
on again he slipped, onp of his feet was caught
in the cogs, drawn in and terribly mashed and
mangled, stopping the machine. S'he leg wns
amputated next day, but he died.
A fire broke out in Greenville
Tuesday morning, of last week, and at onetime
threatened the destruction of the town. Steam
ers were sent from Sharon and Meadville.
These aiding the home tire department soon
had the flames under control. A woolen mill,
Mather's flour mill, the Packard House and
stables, with three dwelling houses make up
the extent of the loss. The damages will reach
nearly one hundred thousand dollars.
Some of the cigorettes which are
smoked to so large an extent are said to be dan
gerous articles. One of them, being analyzed,
was found to l>e strongly impregnated with
opium, while the so-called rice-paper in whi h
it was wrapped was ordinary paper whitened
with arsenic. These poisons" create in the smo
ker the habit of using opium without being
aware of it, and its cravings can only be satis
fied by an incessant use of cigarettes.
—Mr. Ben]". McCollough, a brother
in-law of Recorder Gallagher, met with a seri
ous accident a few days ago. He was running
a saw mill at the time and the belt or strap
connecting the engine with the saw, broke and
one end struck Mr. McOolloutjh in the face
with such force as to break his jaw bone in
two places. He was picked up insensible, but
at last accounts had recovered consciousness
and was doing as well as could be expected.
The greatest hail-storm ever known
recently prevailed at Stevens Point., Wisconsin.
Hail-stones from six to ten inches large fell,
and covered the ground from four to eight
inches deep, killing thousands of sheep and
other animals, and turkeys, geese, and prairie
chickens. Three of the hail-stones were found
to weigh one pound. Several farms had all the
wheat, corn and hay destroyed. The loss will
not fall short of £75,000.
—The Public Health Hepartment of
Germany sanctions the use of certain non-poi
sonous substances for coloring confectionery;
Flour and starch for white; cochineal, oarmine
madder red, and the juice of carrots and cher
ries for red ; saffron, safHower, and turmeric
for yellow; indigo and litmus for blue; the
juice" of spinach and mixtures of the ready*
mentioned hlues and vellows for green ; burn
ed sugar and Spanish juice for brown ; and In
dian ink for black.
—The official figures show that dur
ing the year ending June 30, 1880, no fewer
than 4.57,243 immigrants arrived in the United
States. The previous year the arrivals had num
bered only 177,826, thus manifesting an aston
ishing increase. When 1880 is ended, its record
of immigration will very likely be greater than
that of any other year in the history of the
—Vigorous efforts are still being
made to recover the bodies of the twenty labor
ers lost in the Hudson River Tunnel. All the
measures hitherto used to reach them have
failed, and now a caission is being sunk for
that purpose, which it is confidently hoped
will be successful. It is to the credit of the
compliny that they still pay the regular weekly
wages of those who have died to their bereaved
families, and it is said they will continue to do
this during the completion of the tunnel.
—The Democratic Congressional
Conference of this district met at the Lowry
House in this place last Friday evening. Mr.
Mitchell was tne nominee of this county, Mr.
Stranahan that of Mercer county and Mr. Cald
well of Crawford county. For five ballots each
nominee had 3 votes, but on the 6th Rutler
county threw two votes to Crawford and one
to M etce r, making the vote for Caldwell 5 and
for Stranahan 4. Caldwell's nomination was
then made unanimous and the convention ad
—The Benders are now believed to
have been lynched at the time of the dis
covery of their last murder in 1873. One who
witnessed the lynching says that the notorious
Bender family, "four in number, were captured
soon after the discovery of the murder of Col.
York's brother. He says the four were stood
up in a row, facing nine riflemen, and were
told their fate, that Kate was pluck to the last,
and called upon her captors to "shoot and be
d—d," and that the four bodies were buried at
thu corner of" the counties of JLabette, Wilson,
Neosho and Montgomery.
—The wealth, debt and taxation di
vision of the tenth census have begun an inves
tigation to ascertain the ownership of the regis
tered bonds of the I'nited States, which aggre
gate nearly $1,175,000,000. This work is done
bv a force of census clerks in a room in the
Treasury Department. The Secretarv of the
Treasury has placed the latest schedules of
quarterly dividends of interest at the disposal
of the Superintendent of the Census, anil the
examination in progress, when completed, will
show-where the indebtedness of the country Is
—Before life is imperilled, deal jurii
ciouslv with the symptoms. Remember that
the slight disorder of to-day may become an ob
stinate, incurable disease to-morrow. As a pre
ventive medicine take Simmons' Liver Regula
tor, which, by its mild and beneficial action on
the liver, stomach and spleen, is eminently cal
culated to assist nature in hr-r cfi'orts to re-es
tablish a healthy condition. It will also remove
the cause of disease without any of that prostra
tion which follows the use of drastic purgatives,
or ary of the injurious effects of mineral poi
—No person is, by law, permitted to
vote in this State who has not paid a State or
county tax within two years, which was assess
ed at least two months and paid at least one
month before election day. After the 2d of
September it will be too late to get on the As
sessor's list as a votor for the November elec
tion. To-dav and to-morrow it will betheduty
of the Assessor to sit ut the election house of
each division from 10 A. si., to 3 P. sr., and from
0 p. 31., to 0 P. si., for the purpose of adding to
his list the names of persons entitled to vote.
Weakly Permon** Wine.
Old and infirm persons need some mild tonic
or gentle stimulent, especially at this season.
The wine made at Speer's Mount Prospect
Vineyards, in New Jersey, calkd Speer's Port
Wine, is used in the Atlantic States as the best
tonic wine known, and is regarded as pure, and
is very popular among physicians. It is es
pecially beneficial for females and old people.
I For sale by D. 11. WI'i.LER.
ditisew : 3§xtjtl*xr, P?5., t, 18$ Ij.
—COUNTY FAIRS. —The following
arc the tlat< s for holding the Fair- tins full in
the neighboring or western counties of this
State, given in the order in which they w ill oc
Mercer, September 7th, Mil and !<th.
Meadville, September Bth, 9th and 10th.
New Castle, Sept. 1 Ith, loth, 16th and J 7th.
Erie, September 14th, 15th. ltith and 17th.
Butler, September 21st, 22d and 2.'! d.
Tituaville, Sept. 21st, 22d, 23d and 21th.
Greenville, Sept. 28th, 20th and 30th.
Conneautville, Sept. 29th, t'oth and Oct. Ist.
Stoneboro, Oct. ."th, Gth and 7th.
Troublesome C'liil«!ren.
That are always wetting their beds ought not
to be scolded and punished for what they c;ine
not help. They need a medicine having a too ill
efleet on the kidney < and urinary organs. Suc
a medicine i i Kidney-Vi ort. It has specific ac
tiou. Do not fail to try it for tliein.
Xew Ligbon
Blankets, Flannels and Yarns,
At mill prices, at
At l<tst the entire correspondence
j between General Sherman and Major General
| Hancock in the memorable winter of 187r»-7 is
I given to tlie public. There has been so much
speculation re.-peeting the contents of these let-
I ters that every lxidy will lead them. They are
creditable to both parties to the correspondence
but they contain nothing startling or ft nsmion
al. Thev disclose no important divergency cf
views between these two distinguished gener
als, but evince a common anxiety that the army
should have as little connection as possible with
the threatening political controversy which at
that time engrossed public attention.
.4 Cross liahj.
Nothing is so condiii'ivf* i- S plan's remaining
a liatehelor as stopping for one uight ;}t the j
house cf a married friend and kept awake tor
five or six hours by the crying of a cross baby.
All cross and crying babies need only Hop Hit
ters to make them well and -iniling. \oung
man, remember this.— Traveller.
At 23 Cents |»t r Yard,
Double fold black Cashmere—
A good article, at
—The Grand Encampment of
Eights Templar at Chicago proves U> have been
no niggardly affair. The expenses of the Con
clave Committee for decorations, imjsip, print
ing, prizes and pitching the camp are set down
as $C5,000; the expenses of transporting and
boarding the Knights and their families must
have been a great deal more. Several hundred
thousand dollars were doubtless spent, in one
way or another. The ancient Knights, with
their vows of poverty, might not have been able
on short notice to' i-iiit such a sum \yithout
plundering the mfidels. But modern Knights
Templar are thriftier, and free from vows of
pauperism ; and instead of plundering the wie'e
ed, thev submitted to be plundered by Chicago
"Uecame Sound smd Well."
R. V. Pierce., M. T>..
DEAR SIR :—My wife, who had been ill for
over two years, and had tried many other med
icines, became sound and well by using your
Favorite Prescription. My neice was also cur
ed by its use, afler several physicians had failed
to do her any good. Yours truly,
»'nE.ST OK Al 1..' 1
BALTIMORE, Mn., March sth, 1870.
Dr. R. J'. Pierce :
DEAB SIR : —My family have used your Fa
vorite Prescription and it has done all that is
claimed for it. It is the best of all preparations
for women complaints. I recommend it to all
families. G. 8. WATERMAN, Druggist.
At 15 Cents,
Double fold black Alpacas, at
—lt is really too bad that when a
Spanish <Juecn is doing her best to provide an
heir to the ihrone she >fiould have to encounter
objections of every sort to the fulfillment of her
plans. The latest point at issue is the manner
in which the ex Dec ted scion of royalty is to be
nourished. A special cable dispatch says that
the (jueen wished to give . That is, she in
tended that her baby should . In fact, that
the food of the coming prince or princess should
be drawn from the source which every mother
instinctively feels is the proper one, inasmuch
as she knows all about it and can always have
it within her baby's reach. But Spanish eti
quette forbids that sort of thing, and as it does
not condescend to give its reason the worjd is
left to conjecture.
At 20 Cents.
Good heavy Barred Flannels, at
—The announcement that a mer
chant steamer bearing the Chinese flag is on
her way to San Francisco, viewed in connection
with the circular addressed to our Government
by the Chinese Ambassador, attests a decided
change in the commercial relations of the Mid
dle Kmpire with other countries. Heretofore
the transfer of her staples across the Pacific, or
to European ports, has been monopolized by
foreigners ; but notice is now given that hence
forth the merchants of the Flowery Kingdom
intend to claim their share of this carrying
trade. This move is but the culmination of
tendencies whose force has long been apprecia
ted by those conversant With the enterprise of
the native merchants in the treaty ports, and
with the growth of the native mercantile ma
rine in the Chinese and Indian seas.
At 12 1-2 Cents,
White Twilled Flannel, at
—lf the people who suffer indescrib
able misery from the annual recurrence of that
abominable ailment, hay fever, M ill use the fol
lowing simple remedy, they will experience
immediate relief and perhaps a permanent cure:
To two ounces of water add two grains of sul
phate of quinine—quinine powder—shake it
well together and apply the mixture to the parts
affected by pouring a small quantity into the
palm of the hand and snuffing it up the nose.
Repeat this application three or four times a
day, see that the liquid is well snuffed up, and
the word of a former sufferer for it, and if taken
in its incipiency the disease will be cured. Ry
having recourse to this remedy when the first
symptoms of the annual visitation are experi
enced, the attack can be checked and the disease
broken up. It is a simple remedy. Try it, ye
sufferers, and be relieved.
Ai 20 Cents,
Best Hemp Carpet, at
—Accounts from the South inform
us that there will be an earlier crop of Florida
oranges than usual tiii-< year. The flourishing
condition of the I'roves indicates that picking
will begin in the latter part of September, or
about thirty days cafli-r tliftn lust year's ripen
ing. The successful cultivation of the orange
tree in Florida is a matter of great interest. In
1874 the growth was not enough for home con
sumption. Since that time the crop has in
creased as follows, the figures representing
half-barrel cases: 1874, 2, .100; 1875, 10,000;
1870,15,000; 1877, 31,000; 1878, 75,1X10 ; 1*79,
200,000. These figurse are becoming signifi
cant. Havana an I other West Indian points
are already put into the shade by reason of the
superior quality of the Florida fruit, and Med
iterranean producer; i;>ay well feel anxiety as
lo the future of tliur winter trade in fine fruit
in Amerioa,
—The preparations for moving the
crops of the season have begun earlier and at a
somewhat brisker pace than they did last year.
These preparations eon>:st in importations of
gold from Europe an 1 i:i the sending of money
from New York to the West to be employed in
the purchase of grain. Our two leading ex
port crops, wheat and -otton, are heavier than
they have ever been hofore, and although the
foreigh demand for breadstuff* will not be so
large as it was in 187f> it will stijl be sqfljqienj
to make an market. (Hyi.ij'io injarie*
by is}tu rains in several counties the English
wheat crop does not fulfill the expectation of the
early summer months, and even in the best
years England imports a large port of its sup
plies of food. Stocks of grain have run low
during the year of scarcity, and the necessity
of replenishing them causes business to set in
somewhat earlier than usual. The wheat har
vest is moderate in France, and in many dis
tricts of Germany there has heelt a hea\ y de
struction of crops by flood*. Ilussia will fur
nish less than her usual ijuota for exporution,
and the United States will have to make up
the greater part of the deficiency.
The Fire al Cirecut ille,
destroyed the large Woolen Factory of
C. 11. Brown it Co., a few days ago.
A few days before the fire they shipped
to HITTER IT RALSTON, Butler, Pa., a
large lot of their celebrated yarns that
were bought early in the season, and
are now being sold at less than present
whole sale prices.
A Card to Farmer* aniiall Con
sumers of Flour!
The Richmond City Mill Works, of Rich
mond, Ind., have had charge of remodeling our
I mills for some time, and in order to make all
the changes an ! extensive additions necessary,
we will be compelled to shut down in one week
from this date. It is likely we will not be able
to resume operations again much before Oct. Ist
I>.>o. To our customers and to all, we would
say that we have made arrangements to accom
modate all patrons until the mill is closed, but
aft°r that time we must ask the indulgence of
our trade until we are again in motion. Alter
Oct. Ist we promise to all who may favor us
with their patronage, a flour of unexcelled su
periority, whose e<pial has never before been
I manufactured in this section of the country. A
notice giving particulars will appear i" 'he
iii'an tihir". 11. .11 1.11 S KI.INGLKB.
l'utler, Pa., Sept. Ist, ISsO.
THEIR TEETH." —This was long ago the declar
ation of an eminent physician in regard
to the majority of those who die prematurely.
Kverv observing physician of the present time
is aware that there is a vast amount of disease
which is the direct result of over-eating. Part
of this over-eating, perhaps a large part, is pure
gluttony ; but tin re is a still larger proportion
which is due to bad cooking. When our food
is in great part indigestible, the unsatisfied
craving for nutriment tends constantly to cause
over-eating. The great bulk of the f> c.d thus
taken into the stomach atl'ords no support to
the system. But it i- not harmless. It cannot
be digested, but it finds in the r.-.oisturc, move
on nt as.'l warmth of the intestines all the con
ditions of rapid putrefaction, oo'.iUmly i/oing
on within the bony in contact with actively ab
sorbent surfaces, is a most fertile cause of ill
health. Women who wish their husbands and
children to live long and enjoy life should train
themselves well in the science and ;.rt of co >k
Pennsylvania State ssilihal b
Scltoo? i i>i|lion t
The sixteenth annual convention of the Penn :
svlvania State Sabbath School Association will
be held in Lancaster, Pa , Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday, October 12th, 13th and 14th.
The convention will be preceded by a grand
union children's meeting on Tuesday afternoon
at three o'clock, and will close on Thursday
niajtf at t: ;i o'clock.
The programme will utnbraae representative
ministers and laymen from the various evangel.-
ical denominations ; notably such as Rev. John
Hall, I). r>., New York; Rev. P. S. Henson, 1).
I)., Rev. B. T. Vincent and John Wanamaker,
Philadelphia; Rev. Jas. H. Dubbs, D. D., Lan
caster; James McCormick, Hai -isburg ; Rev.
Jt.siu IJ. Young, Ajtqnua, and others eqqally
The music will be under the direction of Pro
fessor William G. Fischer, of Philadelphia,
whose reputation as a sweet singer is second to
Excursion tickets will be sold from all lead
ing points in the State to Lancaster and return,
for information of which report your name to
Henry C. Moore, Esq., Chairman of Committee
on Transportation, 221 North Prince street, Lan
caster Pa.
—For the last two or three weeks
there has been a good deal of excitemeut in the
Chicago pork market, the transactions in which
great] v influence those in other cities also, the
Western metropolis being far the greatest
hog-packing point iu the world. The prices of
mess pork, the supply of which is necessarily
limited, have been steadily advancing there of
late, not a little to the satisfaction of the far
mers in the tributary territory, but much to the
disgust of a nninberof dealers who had sold thp
coniiapditv The policy pf un operator
of this sort is to sell a product of which he has
none on hand, to be delivered at a specified date
at a fixed price, the transaction being based on
the expectation that in the meanwhile he will
be able to buy the goods at a lower price than
that at which"he has agreed to deliver them. It
will, therefore be readily seen that in the pro
duce market the interests of the mail who sells
short, pr of the "hparj 1 are always inimical to
those of the producer, inasmuch as the former's
success depends on depression of prices, and
that of the latter on their appreciation The
farmer's sympathy is, therefore, pretty certain
to be on the side of the "bull" in ul 1 transac
tions of this sort.
—We have now in stoek a full line
of Fall and Winter styles of Carpets,
which we are selling at less than they
can be bought elsewhere.
Dr. C. H. LEE,
ITomccopafiiic rhysician.
Oflico and residence rear the Wick House
North Main street. Butler, Pa. . jap 7
Dissolution of Partnership
Notice is hereby given, that the late fiiai of
Seipel <V Maurlioff dissolved partnership, on
September Ist. 1880. The business will be
carried on by H. A. Seipel, partner of old tirm.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to
slid firm are requested to pay, and those that
have bills against the same, wilt present them
to H. A. Seipel. H. A. SEIPEL,
septl-tit G. W. MAURHOFF.
Administratrix's Notice.
Letters of Administration have been granted
to the undersigned on the eat ate of George C.
Conway deo'd, late of Concord township. Butler
county. All parsons indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment, a:id
those having cliimn or demands against the
same, should make them known without delay
septl-Gt Hooker P. 0., llutler.
A Card.
To all who are suffering Irom the errors and
indiscretions ot youth, nervous weakness, early
decay, loss of manhood, &e., 1 will send a ro
cipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGR.
This great remedy was discovered by a mission
ary in South Africa. Scud a oelf'-addrcssed en
velope to the REV. JOSEPH IKMAN, Station D,
New York City. tf
Notice is hereby given that W. D. Brandon,
Assiguee of Malcolm Graham, has (Mud his final
account in the oillce of Ihe Prothonotary of the
Court Common Pleas of Butler Co., at C. P., No.
B">2 Dec. term, 1878, and that the same will be
presented to said Court for confirmation and
allowance on the Sth day of September next.
A. RUSSELL, Proth'y.
Frsth'y's office, July 31, ISSO. (llaug4w
Notice is hereby given that A. M. Hutchison,
Assignee of Charles Gcrlanh, has filed his final
apcpnnt in the office of the Prothouotaiy of the
Court of Common Fleas ot Bailor county, at C.
p. No. 008 June term, 1878, and that the same
will be pivseuted to said Court lor confirmation
and allowance on the Sth day ot next.
A. RUSSELL, Proth'y.
Proth'y's office. July 31,1880. (llaugiw
Notice is hereby given that .To?cph Logan,
Assignee of Thomas Logan, has filed his fit:al
account in the office of the Prothonotary of thp
Court of Common Pie.'.s of Byt.er cnuniy, at C.
P. JJo. 7-JSi Div. Term, 18'rS, and that the same
wUI be presented to said Court for confirma
tion and allowance on the Sth day of September
next. A. RUSSELL, Proth'y.
Proth'y's office, July 31. 1880. (Ilaug4w
Notice is hereby given that Henry E Wick, as
signee of A K Stoughton, has tiled his final ac
count in the office of the Prothonotary of thp
Court of Common Picas, of Butler cpunty, at t)
P. No :.d3. March term, 1878, and tho aaiue will
t>e presented to said Court for confirmation and
allov.-aneo on the Bth day of September next
A. RUSSELL. Proth'y.
Prothouotary's Office, Aug. 10, 1180. [1 laug4w
Thorough preparation for College ; good Eng
lish and business education. Moderate expenses
not necessarily exceeding $45 or .s'rti per term.-
Good chemical and philosophical apparatus ;
large library, Good moral and social surround
ings. French and German taught. Next term
commences Sept. 15th, 1880.
REV. WM. EVVJIsV;, principal,
jy 21:2n) Cannonsburg, l'a
Home Hotel,
Puquesne Way, between 8 and 9, St
Special rates for pooplu attending Ex.
$1.25 pe?' day.
Hotel short distance from Exposition
To cverv workihg agent, male of fainele.
Agent's are clearing from $5 to *tr> a day on our
goods, in addition to above premium. Send lu
cents for sample or 81.00 for full outfit and secure
CO.' LewishuiK, l'a. ritnylm
Advertise in the CITIZEN.
Sherill *s Sales.
By virtue of suialiy writs of Fieri Facia*,
Venditi'!a Exponas. Levari Facias. Ac., i.-und
out of the Court of Common Pleas cf Bntlei
| eounty and to me directed, there will be ex
posed t.) Public Sale at tbe Court House, in the
borough of Butler, on
Monday, Sept. <»tli. .4. I).. ISSO,
at one o'clock, P. M.. the following described
property, as follows:
j E D No 111, Sept. Term. 1880. J P Colter: Att'y
All the title, inteiert and claim of Clark
) Wilson of, in and to a certain lot or parcel of
land situate in the boron,li of Htitler, Butler
. county, Pa., containing 120 by tifii) feet, more or
j leea. "bounded as follows: On the north by
: Alary Heincr. by Main street.south by John
! N I'm vir.nco and wi by Washington Street;
J a lartje two : torv brick dwelling house, board
. stable and fruit trees thereon. Seized and
! taken in execution as the property of Clark
j Wilson at the suit of Georgo Parker.
ED No 93, Sept, Term, 1.880. W D Brandon.
All the light, ti'le, interest and claim of J C
Smith of, in and to a certain lot of ground situ
ate in the borough of Butler. Butler county.
Pa., containing 50 by I>9 feet, more or less,
bounded as follows :" North by W McOarvev.
east by Main street, south bv Clay street aiid
west by Jackson fctreet: blackunuth shop and
wagon shop thereon. Seized and taken iuex
ccuti :i as tiie property of J C S:uith at suit of
John Berg & Co.
KD No 05, Sept. Term. ISBO. W D Brandon,
All tbe light, title, interest and claim of J C
Smith of, in and to a c< rtaiu lot of ground *:tu
ate in the borpugh of Butlor, Butler county,
ra , uouiainiiig n-t by 180 feet, more or lossl
bounded ns follows : North by an a'.!ey east
by Wm Feigel, foutli by Pearl street an l wost
by r.iikev ; a two-storv frame dwelling
iicu.-e and fi ime stable thereon. S.iiz d and
taken i.*: execution as tho property of J C Stnilh
at the suit of John Berg A Co.
E l> No 9. Sept. Term. 1380. Thompson X
K ' ltli MHtrnpyr-
Ail tbe it Id, rifi-s, interest and claim ol Bot.t.
Mclti-siek of, in and to one hundred and tifty
six acres of land, more or less situated in Clay
township. Butler county. Pa, bonudol as fol
lows : On the north by J W Christy and Be
b eca .\L Kb sick, east by Bebecua McKissick.
J .lines JfeMicliael and Ma:y Orover. dee'd. south
by John Suttou it west by jophia ilcMichael and
Simon Painter, et al: log bouse, fr.ira * ba-ik
bark and two orchards toereoa, abont 14 ) acres
cleared. Heiaed and taken in execution as tho
property of Robert McKissick at the suit of A
C Gibson.
ED No 101, Sept. Term, 1880. L Z Mitchell,
All the right, title, interest and claim of P L
O'Doaneh, dee'd. of. in and to seventy acres of
land, more or leas, situated in Marion township.
Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows : Oil
the north by Hugh and Frank Murrin. east by
Michaci Gormly, south by John Vanderliu and
west by Curtis Boyce A Co : frame dwelling
house, frame stable and fruit trees thereoi;
about 30 acres cleared- Seized and taken in
execution as the pi-operty of P L O'Donnell
dee'd, at the suit of William Murrin.
ED No 100, Sept. Term, 1830. L Z Mitchell,
All the right, title, interest and claim of John
McLafferty of, in and to fifty acres of laud,
more or loss, situated in Marion township. But
ler county Pa., bounded as follows : On the
north by Wm Mnrion and Pat Logan, nasi by
Patrick Mpßride, soqtli by —— Rirkpatrick and
west by Wpi Mnrjon ; log house, log barn and
orchard thereon mostly cleared. Seized and
taken iu execution as the property of John
McLafferty at the suit of Joseph Bailey for use.
E D, No 109, Sept Term, 1880. 1} A& A T
BJapfc, Att'y a.
All the right, tHU, interest and claim of Carl
Linn, of, in and to a certain lot of ground situ
ate iu Winfield township, Butler county, Pa.,
bounded as follows . beginning at a pin corner
of Linn Avenue and Gateway, thence along Linn
Avenue 50 feet to a pin corner of lot No 174,
thence along the line of said lot No 174,125 feet
to a pin on lola way, thence along said way 125
feet to place of bpgltining, buipg lot No 175 iu
\Y S Boyd's plan of jots at or near Saxon Sta
tion. Seued and taken iu execution as the prop
erty of Carl Linn at the suit of Wm Schafter.
ED, No 101), Sept Term, 1880. L 2 Mitchell,
All thp light, title, interest and claim of L L
McCandless an : L Y McCandless of, in and to
seventy-five acres of land, more or less, situated
in Centre township, Butler couuty, Pa., bound
ed as follows : on the north by Isaac McClung,
east by Moore McCandless, south by James
Rose and west by Porter VcCandless and Sain,
uel Rider; story and a half frame dwelling
house and lug stable thereon, about thirty-live
acrps cleared. Seized and taken iu execution
as the property of L L McCandless and L Y
MeCapdless at the suit of Frederick llilliard for
E D, No 70, Sept Term, 1880. Thompson &
Scott, Affys.
All the light, title, interest and claim ol Isaac
Co£U of, in aud to a certain lot of ground, situ
ate in the-village of Great Kelt, Jefferson town
ship, Butler county, Pa., containing one-fourth
of an acre, more or less, bounded as follows •
on the norlh by lot of Mrs Snyder, cast by pub
lic road or street, south by Great Belt and Brin
ker Miil road or street and west by lauds of
James Gallaher. and hiving thereon erected a
frame or plank house 16x24 feet, two-stories iu
height. Seised and taken iu execution as the
property of Isaac Coats at the suit of licidrick
Krause & Bro.
E D, No 84, Sept Term, 1880. G W Fleeger,
AH the right, title, interest and claim of John
F Brown aud Lizzie Brown of, in and to all
that certain two lots of ground situate iu the
borough of Fairview, Butler couuty. Pa., bouud
ed and described as follows, being uumhercd in
the plot of said borough No 29 and 30: on the
north by an alley, east by a street, south by a
street and west by lauds of Augustus Grow, be
ing thereon elected three frame dwelling lions,
es. Seized and taken iu execution as the prop
erty of John F Brown and Lizzie Brown at the
suit of Wm T McCoy and Manila McCoy, his
wile In right, &c.
ED, No 24, Sept Term, 1880. W 1> Braudon,
All the right, title, interest and claim ot Geo
Rothmire 01, in and to a certain lot grouud sit
uate in Mercer township, Butler couuty, Pa.,
containing 60 by ISO feet, more or less, bound
ed north by North Washington road, east by
Samuel Kerr, south by Samuel Kerr and west
by grave yard rosd ; a now two-story frame
dwelling house nnd out buildings erected there
on. Seized and taken in executiou as the prop
erly of George Rothmire at the suit ol 'lhomas
E D, Nos 48 A 49, Sept Term, 1880. J D Mc-
Juukin, Att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of C'has
Hewins of, in and to one hundred aud seventy
acres of land, more or le.-s, situated in Centre
township, Butler couuty, Pa., bounded - as fob
lows : on the north by Blan Bros and Pine tract,
past by David and Joseph Caldwell aud A Hoon,
south by Leibold heirs and west by Campbell
ot al. Two-story frame dwelling house, frame
bank barn, orchard and coal hank thereon, most
ly cleared. Seized and taken in execution as
the property of Charles Hewins at the suit of E
J Warner.
ED, Nos 34, 35 & 36, Sept Term, 1880. G W
Fleeger, Att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Sallic
C Dunkel and Geo II Dunkel of, in and to ten
acres of land, more or less, situate in Allegheny
township, Butlpr county, Pa., (lying north and
south ol the Fannington and Six Points public
road) bounded as follows : north by Flynn Bros,
east by Flynu Bros, south by Thomas McKin
ney and west by Matthew Sloan and Thos Mc-
Kiuney; a two-story frame duelling house and
frame stable thereon, about one acre of good
timber, balance cleared. Seized and taken in
executiou as the property of Sallie C Dunkel
and Geo H Duukel at the suit of M Sloan lor
E D, No 70, Sept Terra, ISSG. Jos B Bredin,
All the right, title, interest and claim of Anna
Etzel and Gabriel Elzel of. in and to a part of
lot numbered 25 in the borough of Butler, But
ler county. Pa., having a front on high or Main
street, beginning at a point ou H igli street 42
feet from the south-west corner of lot No 20,
thence, at right angles to Main street, back in
an easterly direction 85 feel, thence at right an
gle in a northerly direction 4 feet, thence at
right angle in an easterly direction 155 feet to
an alley, thence 22 feet south by an alley to an
alley, thence wust along said alley 180 feet to
high or Main street and thence 18 feet t° the
place of beginning, upon is erected a two
story brick stove : ',;i.t dulling house. Seized
~nii ta',.Lii in execution as Ihe property of Anna
Klzel and Gabriel Et/.el at tl e suit of Leonard
Wise and Cassamer Wise, Ex'rs, Ac.
E D, No 02, Sept Term, 18s0. McDonald, Alt}'.
All the right, title, interest and claim of John
Smith of, in and to a lot ol ground situate in
Martinsburg, l'arker township, Butler county,
Pa, containing 00 by 170 feet, more or less,
bounded north by Daniel Bycss, east by an al
ley, south by an alley and west by Main street,
with a one-story dwelling house and board sta
ble thereon. Beiaed and taken in executiou as
the property ot John Smith at the suit of J A
ED, No 115, Sept Term, 1880. T S Campbell,
All the right, title, interest anil claim of Mar
garet Graham, now intermarried with Daniel T
11 in, 01, in and to fifteen acres fifty-fonr perches
ol land, more or less, situate in Connoquenes
6ing township, Butler county, Pa., bounded as
follows: beginning at a post at the corner of
lands owned by J W Brandon and B Duncan,
thence along lands of B Duncan north 88 de
grees east 58 and 3-10 perches to a post, thence
by lauds ot Jos Dodds' heirs south three-fourths
of a degree, east 40 anil 8-10 perches to a post,
thence by lands of J W Brandon, south 58 de
| grees, west 50 and 8-10 perches to a post and
I thence along the same north, 3 degrees west, 47
I and 5-10 perches to the place of beginning ; all
1 limber, i: eized aud taken in execution as the
I have just received from the East a large stock of
I offer to the public the C OMKT SIIIRT, the best Unlaundrieil White Shirt in the market for
sl. ONE DOLLAR. . #l.
Also, a large stock of WHITE and COLOKED SHIIt l\S, lor Men and Boys, always on hand.
; Underwear, Half Hose, Qlovra, Hats, Caps and Neckwear,
Introduced as som as they appear in the Eat, to he had at
C2l3L€3&,ss. SE*L.
MA I^ T STREET, l>\.
Greatly Reduced Pieces:
12-bore. 10-bore.
Xo. 845, C. G. BONEHILL, Top lever, double bolt, bar rebounding locks, low set hammers, solid stri
kers, pistol grip stock, patent fore end, skeleton butt plate, fine Damascus barrels, choke
bored, finely engraved and finished §45 00 I SSO 00
Xo. 850, do. do. With extension rib fasteuing 50 00 | 55 00
No. 855, do. do. Challenge brand with horn heel plate elaborately engraved 55 00 | (>0 00
All these euns have raided level ribs, and the 10 bores are made extra heavy and wide at breeeh, ranging in weight from !> to lit IK-., mak
ing an admirable gnn for duck and trap shooting where heavy charges are necessary. Any of tl ese iruns will be sent C. O. D., with privilege of
examination and trial on receipt of a remittance sufficient to cover express charges to your place and return. No deviation will be made from
these prices under any circumstances. [2r>aug"m] " J. PALMER O'NEIL & CO.
property of Margaret Oraham, intermarried
with Samuel T Hill, at the suit of Boggs <fc
ED, No 50, Sept Term. 1880. Geo \V Fleeger,
All the right, title, interest and claim of Eu
gene Ferero of. in r.nd to all that certain lot of
groundd situate in the borough ot Butler, But
ler couuty, Pa., hounded and described as fol
lows . commencing on Hhrh or Main street,
thence west by an alley 138 feet to an alley,
thenco south along s.une alley feet to line
lot (No 1) in the plan of lois made by Andrew
Curnes and Samuel (5 Stewart Feb'y 24, 1847,
theneo east along said lot (No 1) 183 tcet to said
High or Main street, tbcticc north along Main
street 55}£ feet to the place of beginning, beintr
lot No 2 in the said plan of Carnes and Stewart
and being the same whh h Cummings and wife
—by deed d.Ued the 241h day of April, 18riX—
conveyed to said Eugene Feiero : a large two
story l>i iik dwelling house and frame stable
thereon Seized and taken In execution as the
property of Eugene Ferero at the suit ot G F
ED, No 68, Sept Term, 1880. W L Graham,
All the rltrlit, title, interest and claim ol Win
Hell and Elizabeth Bell, Ids wile, of, in and to
all that curtain piece or parcel ol land situate in
Butler township, Butler county. Pa., bounded
and described as follows . hegimi'ng at a post
(it the south-west corner, thence south by land
of Jacob Fetter degrees west 70 perehes
to a post at the south-east corner, thence by
lands of the party of the first part north 1 de-
gree west 36 perches to a post, thence north by
lands of John Englehart degrees east 7!)
peri hes to a post, thence south by the lands of
the la-irs or vendors of Elisha Buekhart 1 de
gree cast 3(1 and 8-10 perches to a post at the
place of beginning, containing 17 acrcß and 124
perches, more or less. Seized and taken in exe
cuilou as the property of VVui Bell and Eliza
beth 8011, his wile, at the suit of Harmony Na
tional Bank, ol Harmony, and Thosand Charles
McGnlrc, committee, etc.
E D, No 08, Sept Term, 1880. W L Grahatn,
All the light, title, interest and claim of Win
Bell and Elizabeth Bell, his wife, of, in and to a
certain pieoe of land situate in Butler township,
Butler county, Pa - , bounded as follows : Begin
ning at a post on the old turnpike road, thence
by enid old turnpike road north, 5 degrees west,
43 and 8-10 perches to a post, thence by land
uow or formerly by John Englehart south 80
degrees cast 89 perches to a post, thence by land
of Elisha Burkliart's heirs south 1 degree est
36 and S-10 perches to a post, th'iiee south
degrees west 85 perches to the place of begin
ning, containing 21 acres and 40 perches, more
or less. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Win Bell and Elifcaboth Bell, his
wife, at the suit of Harmony National Bank, of
Harmony, Pa, aud Thos and Chas McGuire,
committee, See.
E D, No 122, Sept Term, 1880. W H Lusk,
All the right, title, interest and claim of James
A Matiliews of, in aud to a parcel of ground sit
ate in the borough of K arns City, Buller coun
ty, Pa., bounded uorth by G Palm, east by Par
ker & Kurns Citv Railroad, south by D Robbing
and west by A Bi- her, containing one acre inoro
or less, a two-story board or plank building
thtreou used as a hotel tuildlug. Seined and
taken in oxccutlon as the property of James A
Matthews at the suit of Ewins A Stone.
E D, No 121, Sept Term, 1880, Sullivan Bros.,
Att'y s.
All the right, title, interest and claim of I)r
Samuel Graham and Eleanor Graham, bi* wife,
of, in and to all that certain lot of ground situ
ate in the borough of Butler, Butler county, l'a.,
bounded on the uorth by Polk street, east by an
alley, south bv Rev McClellan and on the wosi
by the Butler aud Mercer turnpike r-ad or con
tinuation ol High street, said lot being 75 Icet
front and 18Q feet back, and the same inter alia
which was devised by the late Robt Graham, Sr,
to Rachel and Festus Young, who conveyed the
same to John B (irubarn (see Will book, page
402) who by deed dated the 31st day ol October
1873, conveyed the same to Robert Graham and
his wife bi deed dated August 11, 1875, convey
ed the same to Dr Graham : two-story brick
dwelling house and outbuildings thereon. Seiz
ed and tnken in execution as the properly of
Dr Samuel Graham and Eleanor Graham, his
wife at the suit of E R Stayton for use.
E 1), No 121, Sept Term, 1880. Sullivan Bros,
.All llie right, title, interest and claim of Dr
Samuel Graham and Eleanor Graham, his wife,
of, in and to all that pertain tract of land situ
,iti; in Butler tow uship, Butler county, Peuna.,
bounded north by lauds of McConnell, east by
Silas Pcarce, south by lands of Vinroe and west
by heirs of Win Boreland and Eli Cratty, con
taining 85 acres, more or less, it being the same
tract of land which Dr Samuel Graham pur
chased by at tides of agreement from Thompson
McKinney, together with the appurtenances.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
ol Dr Samuel Graham and Eleanor Graham, his
wile, at the suit of 15 R 9 lay Con for use.
K U, No ST, Sept Term, 1880. J M Greer, AU'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim ol Frank
M Eastman of, in and to (5) live acres of land,
more or lees, situate in the boroug" ol Bntler,
Butler county. I'a., bounded as follows : on tin!
north by Penn street, cast by Mrs Mitchell,
south l>y Dr Dtelfenbacher and west by Mercer
road; cleared and fenced. Seized aud taken In
execution as the property ot F M Eastman at
the suit of Hood, Bonbtlght A Co.
E D >!o 37, Sept. Term, 18S0. J M Greor, atty.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Prank M Eastman of. in and to that certain
piece or parcel of land situated in Summit town
ship, Butler county, Pa , bounded ami described
an follows : Beginine at a stone at 'he north
west corner thence by lands of Walter Bartley
(now Duffy) north CS degrees east 105 7-10
pitches to a stoue the north-east corner, thence
bv lauds of Cohens heirs north 1W degrees west
81 5-10 perches to a post the south-east coruor,
thence by lands of James Kerns north Hit de
greo<» east 133 2-10 perches to a post the south
went corner, thence bv lands of George lleiber
south J £ degree west 831 6-10 perches, thence
from this point west ward the distance of 20
perches to the Bntler and Washington road and
from said road back again by a parallel line to
the west bouudery line of said tract, thereby
giviug and hereby including a road two rods
wide and 30 rods long from said west bouudery
line of the tract of land, theHco by lands of
Itobert Henry (now I>uff> ) south 87}-£ degrees
west 50 5-10 perches to a stone the uorth-west
cornor the plaee of begming: containing !*>
acres, more or less ; a two-story frame dwelling
M. FIRE & Bro.
Will Hold A Grand Clearing Out Siiir Oi Dry Goods.
All kinds of Summer Dry Goods will bo Closed Out Regardless
of Cost.
At 5c per yard, very fine and beautiful |
At 6>iC, DRESS i'LAIDS, and a great variety •
*of mixed Dress Goods.
At 13}£c. a very large lot of Brocade Dress
Goods, in all colors and shades.
We ire also elosintr out at very low prices, our
eulire stock ol
Black and Colored Silks-
In these floods we oiler very decided bargasns.
Js§r o We would call special attention to our very large stock of Alpaca and
Silk Sun Umbrellas, which will be closed out very low
M. FIRE & BIiO.,
100 «Vr 102 Federal Street. Allegheny.
house, frame barn ami orchard thoroou. Seize!
Slid taken in execution as tic property of F 31
Enstinan at tLie suit of Hood Bonbriglit <fc Co.
ED No 97. 114. 69, Sept. Term. ISBO. W D
Brandon, G S Crosby. Williams and
Mitchell, attv.
A'.l the right, titie, interest and claim of W C
Adar.in of i.i and to sixty aorea of land, more or
lees oitiriteJ in Fairview township. Butliy
county, l'a . bounded as foliows : 0:i the north
by Pat ton farm, east by McLimondu farm, south
by J JJ Campbell farm and west by Tack A
Moorhead : 5 board houses. 1 board stable, coal
bank in food running order, 3 producing cil
wells thereon, derricks, engine house, eugiua
and boilers, tubing, casing, rods, tanks, all ma
chinery and fixtures thereto belonging, about.
45 acros cleared. Seized and taken in execu
tion as the property of W C Adams at the suit
of A C Tag:;art, H H Hatch «t Co., et «l,
ED No 97, 114,60. Sept. Term, IssO. W D
Brandon, G 8 Crosby. Williams and
Mitchell, att'v.
All the right, title, interest aim claim of W D
Adams of in and to a certain lot of ground situ
ate in the borough of Fairview, Butler county,
Pa., containing tiO feet front by ISO feet deep,
boui.de 1 on the north by Win Patton. east by
an alley, south by sunbuiv street and west by
Main street; a two story frame building and
frame stable thereon. Seized and taken in ex
ecution as the property of W C Adams at the
suit of A C Taj;gi.rt, H 11 Hatch & Co., et al.
ED No 97. 114. (!9. Sept. T*nn. 1880. W D
Brandon, O S Crosby, Williams and
Mitchell, att'v.
All the r'ght, title, interest and claim of W C
Adams of, in and to live acres of land, more or
less, situated in Fairview township. Butler
com ty. Pa., liounded as follows: On the north
by Sur.hu rv roal, earthy McClutlg farm, south
by McCafferty farm (now Bankin) and west bv
ed and taken in execution as the property of W
C Adams at the suit of A C Taggart, II II Hatch
Jfc Co., et al.
ED No 97. 114, 60. Sept. Term, 1330. W D
liraudoii, G S Crosby, Williams and
Mitchell, att'y.
All the light. title, interest and claim cf W C
Adams of. in and to three acres of land, more
or less, situated in botough of Fairviow, Bntler
county. Pa., bounded as follows : On the north
by In wis now or formerly James M Adams. east
by Mayii'le tract south by grave yard lot and
west by Miin street; a three-story frame hotel
building erected thereon with finished attic, and
frame barn excepting therefrom lot convev**d
to Mrs. .Tano Mo.Vtulleu fi ) feet by 180 feet back
also lot couveved to A S Harrington same do
mensions. vis : fronting 150 feet on Main street
by inn feat back. Seized and taken in exeea
as the property of W C Adams at the suit of A
C T.VB i' t. H 'I Hatch & Co.. et al.
ED No 119, Sept. Term. 1880. TC Campbell,
All the light, title, interest and claim of Dan
iel Wise of. in and to 120 acres of land, more or
less, situated in Penn township, Butler count*-,
Pa., loimded as fol'ows : On the north by Wm
Kennedy, east by Alex Welsh, south by Alex
Welsh aiul west by Mrs. Murrisnn, frame and
log house, old log house, frame barn, log ba >t
and ont buildings, good orchard, coal bank and
about fis nores cleared. Seized and taken in
execution as the property of Daniel Wise at, the
suit o' John 15erg <t Co. for use W H II Hid lie
now for use J 1. Purvis and T C Campbell, trus
E 1), No tl, Se;>t Term, KSfl. Lev McQuistion
All the right, title, interest and claim of Geo
Scheidemantel of. in aud to thirty-three (83)
acres ol land, more or less, situate in Lancaster
township, li'itlcr county. Pa., bounded a> fol
low# : on the north by Joseph Grofl and Michael
Fleuuer, ea-t by Public road, south by public
road and Clias Wari.cr and west by Taiwan and
Michael Flenner; lo:r hou e, log ''arn, log sta
ble and Miiall orchard thereon, mostly cleared.
Seized and taken as the property of Geo Sehei
deniantcl at the suit ol John Scheldeinatitcl.
E I), No 112, Sept Terra, 18sJ N Purviance,
All the t'uht. title, interest and claim of Alex
Campbell, dee'd, witli neticc to his legal repre
sentatives and licit s at law and W T Campbell
and A G Campbell of, in and to those two cer
tain lots of uround situate in the village of Mt
Chestnut, Franklin tp., Bu'ler Co., Pa., hound
ed north by an alley east by lot ol Mrs John
ston. -ouil. by lands ol the heirs ul John Neg-
Icy, dee'd, and west by Unionville anil Dodds
Mill road ; u stable lSx-0, and some fruit tree*
In Housekeeping Goods
Wc are enable I to offer better b.ir<»:iins than
ever before. Our stock is vt ry complete,
and must be sold to make room
lcr Fall Hoods.
We offer ail Extra Good Quality of
Turkey Red Table Daxnask at 50c.
Bleached Table Cloth, very pood, at 35, ■ls, 50c.
White and Colored Bed Quilts
Towels, S, 10, \'Z\4 : ""1 1"' cents.
Towels, very fine aud larjie, 20, 25 and Sse.
thereon. Seized and taken in execution as
the property ol Alex Campbell, dee'd, and W T
Campbell and A It Campbell at. the suit ol Ail
drew VI Hutcliisou, tru irdian of minor children
of 'iVm Hutchison, dee'd.
E L>, No 112, Sept Term, ISSO. J N Purviance,
; All the rLrht, title, interest and claim of Alex
Campbell, dee'd, with notice to his leiral repre
sentatives and heirs at law aud W T Campbell
and A G Campbell of, in and to all that cer
tain lot of <;roun<l(No 9) situate in the village of
Mt Cliestuut. Franklin twp., Butier county, Pa.,
bounded north by tile Butler and New Castle
road, csut by an alley, south by an alley and
west by lot No 11, being BO feet in frontnnd 300
fe.-t baek, a i wo- lory frame dwelling home and
a £lable thereou, with the appurtenances.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of Alex Campbell, dee'd, and W T Campbell
and A Ci Campbell al the suit ol Andrew M
llutcl.i.-on, guardian of the minor ehildreu of
Wiu llulcliUou, dee'd.
E D, No ll i, Sept Term, 1880. J N Purviance,
Ali the right, title, interest and claim of Alex
Campbell, dee'd. with notice to his legal repre
sentatives and heir* at law ami W T Campbell
and A G Campbell of. in and to 13 acres of land,
more or less, situate in Franklin township, But
ler county, Pa., bounded as follows: on the
north by lands of Henry Bright, cast by the
public road, south by lands of John T Cranmer
and west by lands of Joba T Craniner, It being
part ol the same tract of land which Jos Sproll
and wife, by deed dated April 2, 1874, conveyed
to Alex Campbell and A G Campbell. Seized
and taken iu execution as the property of Alex
Cauipb. 11, dee'd, and W T Campbell and A G
Cam pie! I a: the suit of Andrew M Hutchison,
guardian ol the minor children ol Wm Hutchi
son, dee'd
E D, No 112, Sept Term, 1880. J N Purviauce,
All the richt, title, interest and claim of Alex
Campbell, dee'd. with notice to his legal repre
sentatives and heirs at law and \V T Campbell
and A G Campbell of. in and to 13 acres of land
more or less, situated in Concord township,
Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows : on the
north by lands of R W Jamison, east by lands
of liavid Morrison, south by lands of Davis et
al. and west bv lands of W H Christy's heirs
and mill dam. Seized and taken lu execution :is
the property of Alex Campbell, dee'd, and W T
Campbell and A G Campbell at the suit of An
drew Vt Hutchison, guardian of minor children
of Wiu Hutchison, dee'd. 1
E D, No 112, Sept Term, 18S0. J N Purviance!
All the right, title, interest and claim of Alex
Campbell, dee'd. with notice to bis legal repre
sentatives and heirs at law and W T Campbell
and A G Campbell 01, in and to 13 acres of land
more or less, situate in Coueord township, But
ler eonity, l'a., bounded as follows: on the
north by lands of W H rimblin, D Patterson's
heirs and Calvin Glenn, cast by lands of R W
- 1 unison, south by lauds of D W Book, J M
Thompson, W H Timbliu and Walker Christy
and west by lands ol Andrew Christy; onc-sto
ry frame dwelling house 30 by 30 feet, board
, table Hi bv J4 feet, a.iple and peach orchard
thereon, alf cleared. Seized and taken in execu
tion as the property of Alex Campbell, dee'd,
and W f Campbell" and A G Campbell at the
-nit of Win Hutchison, guardian of mluor chil
dren ol Wm Hutchison, dee'd,
K l>. No t'-ii. Sept Term, isso. W A Forrpier. Att'y.
\ll tlie right, title, interest and claim of .lolin
fr,s, 01, in and to thirlv-scven (37) acres of land,
m.ire <>r b'ss. situate iii Coninxpieiiessmg town
ship. ISutler count v. l'a.. bounded its follows : on
the north bv lands of Wm McGowan, east by lands
of ".lllton Cress. -..111111 bv lands of Matthew Kasley
It:.I Jacob Niblock and west bv lands of Henry
llribdui r; fnine dwelling house and frame sta
ll'.• lb ieon. in. stlv cleared Seized and taken ill
ail inn as the property of John Cress at the suit
of M J Mcllride.
li !>. No lis. S. pt Term, I**o. G A & A T Black,
\l' th • riirht, litle. hit -rest and claim of Georgo
uillebrist ..f, in and to one acre of land, more or
less situate iu Washington township. Bulter coun
ty Pa., bounded as follows : on the north by Pe
ter Fmer\ east bv public road, south by public
road and west bv public road and Peter Kmery ; a
one-story frame'house, outbuildings and fruit trees
thereon " Seized and taken in execution as the
jpro|H>rtyof (ieo C.lllchrist at the suit of Ephram
A,U '"" W. H. HOFFMAN,
myHC-it] Sheriff of Bntler County.
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