THE ART OF BUDDING. BY B. J. BLACK. Tbe yuong tree which receives the bud—the slock, as it is called—should be about half an inch in diameter, tboagh a smaller size will answer. In some cases trees an inch, and even two inches in diameter, hare been budded but tbe wurk is more difficult, and there is a larger wound to be healed after the bud begins to grow. THK TIME TO BCD. The time for budding varies with the different fruits, and also with the different seasons, a hot, dry summer hastening, and a cool, moist summer retarding it. Tbe stock is in tbe right condition when the season's growth is nearly completed, (which is shown by tbe formation of tbe terminal bud,) and while the bark sti'l peels freely. At this time also the buds to be trans ferred have generally grown to be firm enough to answer tbe purpose. The order of budding the different fruits is about as follows: Beginuing with plums and cherries in July; then pears and apples in August; closing np with apricots, nectarines (generally budded on tbe peach) and peaches by tbe middle of September. If however, tbe peach stocks are of more than one season's growth, they will not peel freely long after the Ist of August, and must be attended to by that time or before. , , , On the other band if, instead of the mazzard, the mahaleb —tbe French wild cherry—stock be used to bud the fine cherries on, it will be growing so rapidly in July that tbe buds will not take on it, and the work must be de ferred nntil the latter part of August or the middle of September. It makes rather a better stock than the mazzard and as the bods are more mature late in tbe season, the percentage of fail ures is much less tban on the mazzard. The stocks being in tbe right condi tion, tbe additional requirements are: 1. Buds of tbe desired kinds oT fruit. ICthese are at band, so much the bet ter. If not, some well-established nurseryman of character can supply them. Buds can be sent by mail or express hundreds of miles, if done up carefully in damp moss—merely damp ana prepared (waterproof) paper. 2. A bodding-knife, costing 75 cents or sl. Tbe knife made on purpose is of course best, but a good "Barlow" has been known to do excellent service. A thin blade with a rounding point, and a very keen edge, are the import ant points in the knife. 3. Some soft material for trying. Linn bark, pre pared by steeping in water for three or four weeks, is tbe best material; but candlewick or woolen yarn will ans wer. HOW TO BOD. To prepare a stick of buds, select a shoot of tbe present season's growth. The more perfectly it has been ex posed to the sun and air, the better. Cut off a few inches of the immature top, and of the butt or lower end, as tbe buds on both are imperfect. Im mediately remove tbe leaves from the remaining part of tbe cion with tbe knife, cutting so as to leave about one third of an inch of the footstalk. mast be done at once, as tbe leaves carry off moisture rapidly, in juring the buds beyond remedy in a short time. The stick of buds is now ready. Keep in a damp cloth until used. The place to insert the bud is gener ally an inch or two above tbe ground, choosing a smooth place in tbe stock. With tbe budding-knife make an up right incision rather over an inch long and entirely through the bark. At tbe npper end of this incision make another, crosswise, about half an inch or less in length, tbe two cuts when made resembling tbe letter T. Some prefer to make this latter cut oblique instead of square, as tbe tying in tbe case will not fall into tbe cut, and a more complete finish can be made. The point now on which success mainly depends, is raising the bark for the admission of the bud without touch ing tKe soft new wood underneath. This can be easily learned by a little practice. Tbe tbin piece of ivory in tbe end of tbe handle of tbe budding-knife for raising the bark has gone pretty much oat of use, tbe point of the knife doing tbe same work as well, or better, and with less tronble. Tbe beginner may find tbe ivory preferable for a time ; but as soon as possible tbe ability to use tbe point of the knife should be acquired. To cut off tbe bud (which is to be done immediately after or immediately before raising tbe bark,) bold tbe stick of buds in tbe left band, tbe heavy end pointing outward, then lot tbe knife enter nearly horizontally half an inch beyond the lower end of the bud, and come out about three-fourths of an inch above it, taking a very tbin slice of wood with the bud and bark. The English method is to remove this tbin slice of wood ; but this is of no partic ular benefit, while it increases the labor. Tbe bud is now to be inserted carefully in tbe opening preparedjfor it holding it by tbe short footstalk and pushing it down gently to tbe lower end of the cut. Should the upper end of the bud extend above tbe incision, cut it off so as to make a good fit. The incision is at once to be wrapped, firmly but not to tightly, with the ty ing material, beginning at the lower end and entirely covering the orifice, but leaving uncovered the footstalk, and the bud especially, though wrap ping close up to them. The intention of this wrapping is to exclude air and moisture. There should he aa little exposure of the cut surfaces to the air as possi ble ; consequently the operation once begun should proceed without delay, not much over a minute being taken up in finishing one hud. THX PROOF OF SUCCESS. If all the work has been done pro perly, the healing process which fastens the bud will go on prosper ously, and be completed in something over two weeks, the tying: jfenerally being taken off in about three weeks from the time of budding. If in a week or so after the work has been done the footstalk remains green, it is a good sign ; better still, if on being touched it drops off. If it has turned black and sticks fast, the operation has failed. But if the bark still peels freely, it may be repeated at once. If it be considered important to avoid failure at the first budding, two or more buds may be inserted in the same stock, one above the other, an inch or two apart. Sometimes when the stock is grow ing rapidly, the tying cats into the wood, endangering tbe life of the tree br causing it to break off where tied. A.3 soon as this is seen to be the case, the tving should be removed, immedi ately retving, but not as firmly as at first. If you want good starch, mix it with cold water; add boiling water until it thickens, then add a desert spoonful of sugar and a small piece of butter. This makes a stiff and glossy finish equal to that of the laundry. For a damp closet or cupbord, which is liable to cause mildew, piace in it a saucer full of quick lime, and it will not onlv absorb all apparent dampness, but sweeten and disinfect the place. Renew the lime once a fortnight or as often as it becomes slaked. Sheriff's Sales. Br rirtue of sundry writa of Fieri F»ci*e. Venditioni Exponas. Levari Farias. Ac., indued oat of the Court of Common Flea* cf Butler conntv and to me directed, there will l>e ex posed'to Public Sale at the Court House, m the borough of Butler, ou Mondnv, Kept. Olh, A. D.. ISBO, at one o'clock. P. M., the following described property, as followu: E D No 111, Sept. Term. 1880. J P Colter: Att'y All the right, title, interest and claim of Ciark Wilson of, in and to a certain lot or parcel of land situate in the bcronuh of Butler, Butler county, Pa., containing 120 by 360 feet, more or less bounded as follows: On the north by Mar* Heiner. east bv Main street, south by John N PurTiance and west by Washington street : a large two-stoiv brick dwelling house, board stable and fruit trees thereon. Seized taken in execution as the property of Clark Wilson at the suit of George Parker. ED No 95, Sept, Term, 1880. W D Brandon, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of J C Smith of, in and to a certain lot of ground situ ate in the borough of Butler, Butler county. Pa containing 50 bv 18S> feet, more or lew.', bounded as follows: North by W McOarvey. east by Main street, south bv Clay street and west by Jackson street: blacksmith shop and wagon shop thereon. Beized and taken in ei ecnti n as the property of J C Smith at suit of John Berg A Co. ED No 95, Sept. Term. 1880. W D Brandon. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of J C Smith of, in and fo a certain lot of ground »itn ate in the boroush of Butler, Butler county, Pa., containing 64 by 180 feet, more or lesn. bounded as follows : North by aa alley east by Wm Feigel, south by Pearl street and we«t by Gil key ; a two-story frame dwelling house and frame stable thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of J C Smith at the suit of John Berg A Co. E D No 9, Sept- Term, 1880. Thompson A Bcottt attorneys. All the right, title, interest and claim of Itobt. McKineick of, in and to one hundred and fifty six acres of land, more or lees, situated in Clav township. Butler county. Pa , bounded as fol lows : On the north by J W Christy and Re becca McKisßick, eai-t by Rebecca McKissick. James McMicliael and Ma'rv Grover. dee'd. south by John Snttou A west by Jophia McMicliael and Simon Painter, et al: log house, frame bank bark and two orchard* thereon, about 140 acras cleared. Seized and tak«n iu execution as the property of Robert McKiseick al the suit of A C Gibson. ED No 101, Sept. Term. 1880. L Z Mitchell, attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of PL O'Donneli, dee'd, of. in and to seventy acres of laud, more or less, situated in Marion township. Butler county. Pa., boun.led an follows : Oa the north bv Hugh and Frank Murrin. cast by Michaei Gormly, south by John Vanderlin and west by Curtis Boyce i Co ; frame dwelling house, frame stable and fruit treat) th&r&ou about 30 acres cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the property of P L O'Donneli dee'd, at the suit of William Murrin. ED No 100, Sept. Term, 1830. L Z Mitchell, attorney. AH the riglit, title, and claim of John McLafferly of, in and to fifty acres of land, more or less, situated iu Marion township, li lt - ler connty Pa., boiu.ded a« follows: On tlm north by Wni Marion and Pat Logan, ea«t hy Patrick Me»ridn, south hy Kirkpatrick and woet hy Wm Marlon : log house, log ham and orchard thereon mostly cleared, tseia&d i",r)d taken in execution as the property of John McLafferty at the unit of Joseph Bailey for use. E D 103, 108, Sept. Term, 1880. WJ) Brandon, W A Forquer, att'y*. All the rigliht, title interest aiid'claim.of David Hoover of. in and to sovonly-five acres of land, more or lew*, situated in Yenang-j township, Butler county. Pa., bounded an follows : On the north hv Bay heirs, east by J T Keiley. south by John Harper and west by Eli Vanderlin ; frame and log lions* log barn and orchaid thereon, about 10 acrers oleatsd. HM.'Z&I and token in execution as the property of David Hoover it the suit of Eathor Hntchesoii, et al. E D, No 10», Sept Term. 1880. G A AA T Black, Att'yu. All the right, title, interest and claim of Carl Lion, of, in and Un certain lot Ol ground »itu ate In Wiufleld towotbii), Butler county, Ha-, hounded as follows . beginning at a pin corner of Linn Avenue and Gateway, theuce along l.lnn Avenue 50 (cat to a pin corner of 10l No 174, thence along the line of s*id lot No 174, 125 feet to a pin on Tola way, thence along sold way I i't feet to place ol beginning, being lot No 175 In W 8 Boyd's plan of lota at or near Saxon .sta tion. Seized and taken In execution a* the prop erty ol Carl Linn at the sail ol Wm Schallcr. ED, No 102, Sept Term, 1880. L V. Mitchell, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of L L McCai dies* an i L Y McCandluss of, in and to *«veuty-Uve ncrei ol land, more or lens, situated In Centre township, Butler county, fa., hound ed aa follow*! oil the north hy Isaac McClung, east hy Moore MeCundlcss, south by James Hose and we*t by Port- r McOai.dle.s :t»:d Sam uel ltlder; story and a half frame dwelling house and log stable thereon, about thirty-live acre* cleared. Seized and taken In execution aa the property of L L McCandless and I. Y M< Landless at the suit ol Frederick Milliard for use. E D, No 79, Sept Term, 1880. Thompion A Scott, Att'ys. All the light, title. Interest ami claim ol Isaac Coats of, in and to a ccilain lot of ground, situ ate In the village of (1 real Belt, Jefferson town ship, Bailer county, Pa., containing one-fourth ol an acre, more or less, bounded as follows • ou the north by lot of Mrs Suydcr, east by pub lic road or street, south by Great Bell and drin ker Mill road or street and west by lands of James Uulluber. and having thereon erected a frame or plaitk house lftx24 feet, two-stories hi height. Seized and taken In execution us the property of Issue Coals al the suit of IlelUrluk Krauae it Bro. E D, No 84, Sept Term, 18S0. O W Flee;:- r, Atl'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim of John F Crown and I.lzzle Brown 01, in and l<> all thai certain two lots ol ground situate in the borough ol Kairvlew, Butler county. Pa., bound ed uiid described its follows, being numbered 111 the plot of said tmrongh No 2tf and 30: ou ll.e north by an alley, east by a strout, south by a street and west by lands of Augustus Grow, be ing thereon erected three frame dwelling IIOUP. es Seized and taken In execution an the prop erly of John F Brown and Lizzie Bl own al the suit of Win T McCoy and Martha McCoy, his wife in right, Ac. ED, No 24, Sept Term, 1880. W D Brandon, Att'y. All the right, title, interest aud claim of Geo Kollitulrc 01, in and to a certain lot ground sit uate in Mercer township, Butler county, Pa., containing W by 18" feel, more or less, bound ed north t>y North Washington road, east by Samuel Kerr, south by Samuel Kerr and west by grave yard road ; a new two-story frame dwelling house aud oul buildings erected there on. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erly of George Kolhmire al Ihc suit of 'I homas Galloway. E D, Nos 48 A 40, Sept Term, 1880. J I) Mc- Junkic, Atl'y. All the right, title, Interest and claim of L'ha* Ilewlns of, In aud to one hundred and seventy acre.* of laud, more or less, situated In Centre township, Butler county, Pa, hounded OH fol lows : on Ihe north by Blan Bros and Pine tract, east by David and Joseph Caldwell und A lioon, south by Leibold heirs aud west by Campbell ct al. Two-story frame dwelling house, Irame bank barn, orchard and cosl bank thereon, most ly ttleared. Seized und taken in execution as the property of Charles Hewlus al the suit of E J Warner. ED, Nos #4, 85 A S«, Sept Term, 1880. O W Fleeger, Atl'y. All the rluht, title, interest and eluirn of Sallle C Dunkel nnd Geo f! Duiikel of, ill und to ten acres of land, more or less, situate In Allegheny township, Butler county, Pa., (lying north and south ol the Farinlngton and Six Points public road) bounded as lollows : north by Plyuu Bros, east by Flyuti Bros, south by Thomas McKln ney and west by Matthew Sloau and Tbos Mc- Kinney ; a two-story frame dwelling house and Irame stable thereon, about one acre of good limber, balance cleuted. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Sallle C Dunkel and Geo 11 Duukel at the suit of M Sloan lor use. E D, No 70, B«pt Terra, 1880. Jo* B Bredin, Atl'y. All the right, title, Interest aud claim of Anna Etzel und Gabriel Ktzel of, in and to a part of lot numbered 2fi in Ihe borough of Butler, But ler county. Pa., having » Ironl on high or Main strict, beginning at a point on High street 4i feet from the south-west corner of lot No 2ft, thence, at right angles to Main street, hack lu Utttl jwc : !BtrU*xf, fl«.» August 23, tSSO» an easterly direction 35 feet, theuce at right an fjlc ill a northerly direction 4 leet, thence al right angle iu an easterly direction 155 left to all alley, thence 22 feet foulii by an alley to an alley, lhence west along said alley ISO teet to high or Main street aud thence iS leet to Mi." place of begi-ainif, upon which is erected a two itorv brick »tore and da eliing hon*e. St-.z-*! aud taken in execution as the property of Ann i F.I/.el and Gabriel EIH at tl suit ot Leonard Wise and Caseamer Wise, Ex'rs, >!(: c. ED. No t;2, Frpt Term, I**). McDonald. Atly All the right, title, interest and claim of John Smith of, iu and tc a lot ol ground situate in Kartinsburg, Parker township, Butler county. Pa, containing 60 by 170 feet, more or les.-, bounded norh by Daniel Byes#, ea?t by an al ley, south by an alley and west by Main st;eet, with a cr.e-story dwellin? house ar.d board sta ble thereon. Seized and • iken iu execution a* the property ol John Smith at tbe salt of J A McDonald. E D, No 115, Sept Term, 1880. T S Campbell, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Mar garet Graham, now intermarried with Daniel T Hill, 01. in and to fifteen ai res fifty-f >nr perches ot land, more or les-, siluiie in Connoqucues sinc township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as ioMoW*: betinuiuir at a post at the corner of lands owned by J W Brandon and B Duncan, tlicoce along lands of B Duncan north 88 de crees east 53 and 3-l<> perched to a po»t, Ihetice by land-* ot Jo* j;odds' heirs sooth three-fourths ol a decree, east 40 and 8-10 perches to a po.t, thence by Undo ol .) VV Braudon. ?outli M de gree.*, ue.-t .V> and 8-10 perches to a po-l and tlienc-e aionir the same north, 3 degrees we=t, 47 and 5-10 oerches to the place of timber. Seized aud taken in execution as the property of Ma-paret Graham, intern .rried with Samuel T Hill, at the suit of <£ Buhl. ED, So 50, 8 pt Term. 1880. Geo \V Fleeter, Att'y. All the liiht, title, i-.lciest M.d claim of Eu jjere Ftfero ot. In i.nd r o all that certain lor of gronndd eiinatc in the borough ol B'.itier, Dul ler county, fa., hounded and described as fol lows . commencing on or Main street, them e west by an alley 138 feet to au alley, thence »outh along sumo alley feet to line lot (No 1) in the plan of lots"made by Andrew Carries and Samuel G Stewart Feb'y '24, 1847, thence cas>t along said lot (No 1) 183 n- l to said High or Main street, thence uorth along Main street 55>£ leet to the place oC In-.inning, beinir lot No 2 iu the said plan O!" '"ariies and Stewart aud being the same which Cutnbilngs and wire —by detd dited the 241b d;y of April, IStfS— conveyed to laid Rugene feiero : a larje two story "bri'k dwelling hou-e and Ir.iinct stable thereon Seized and taken in ex -cutlon «■» im properly of Eugene Fuvro al the i-uit of G F Fetzer ED, No 68, Sept Terns, 1880. W L Graham, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Wm Bell and Elizabeth Bell, bis wife, of, in and to ill that certain piece ot parcel ol land ?iluate iu Butler tonoship, Butter coun'-y. Pa., bounded and described as follows. ng nl a poet at the soutli-wect corner, thence south uy I :n(l of Jacob Fetter 88>£ degrees wfcst '!) perches to a post at the south-east coiner, thence by lands of the party of the lir-t part north 1 de gree west 30 perches to a port, thence north by lands of John Englehart 88% degrees east 7!) perches to a thence south by (lie lauds of the heirs or vendocs ot iCiUUa Quekhart 1 de gree east 36 aud 5-10 perches to a pout »l tiiD place of beginning, containing 17 acres and 124 perches, more or less. Seized and taken in exe cution as the property of Win Bell and Eliza- Iteth Bell, his wife, at the enit ol Harmony Na tional Bank, of Harmony, and Tboannd Charles McGnirc, committee, Ac. E P, No 68, Sept Term, 1880. W L Gralnm, Att'y. All the rlabt, lilie, tnter_i.t and claim ot Wm Bell and Elizabeth Bell, bis wife, of, in t>ud to a certain pieoe of land situate in Butler township, Butler county, Pa-, liounded as follows : Begin ning at a post on the old turnpike roau, thence by wild old turnpike road north, 5 decrees west, 43 and 8-10 perches to a post, thence by land now or formerly by John Englehart south 86 degrees east 89 perches to a post, thence by land of i£lisba Curkhart's heirs sooth 1 degree e >st 36 and 8-10 to a tlj" pee south 8"- < decrees we-t 85 perches to the place of nlng, containing 21 acres and 46 perches, more or less. Seized and taken iu execution a-> the property of Wm B' II and Elizabeth Bell, hi-t wife, at the suit of U irmony National Bank, ol Harmony, Pa, aud Tlios and Ch is McGuire, committee, «fec. E D, No 122, Sept Term, 1880. W H Lusk, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of James A Matthews of, in and to a parcel of ground -It ih: iu thy bqroijgh of £ trns City, Butler coun ty, Pa., bounded north by li Hitltn, can by Par ker <& Kariis City Railroad, south by D Kobbliu and west by A BUhcr, containing one acre more or less, a two-story board or plank building tin reoti used as a hotel bntlding. Seised and taken In execution as tin- properly of -James A Matthews at the suit of Ewins A Stone. E D, No 121, Sept Term. 1880, Sullivan Bros Ait'ys. All (lie rijjlit, title, interest and claim of Dr Samuel Graham and Eleanor Graham, hi l - wife, of, Iu aud to all that certain lot of giound s'ln ale In the borough ol Butle-r, butlor coijiity, l'a , bounded on the north by Poll; street, ea-t by an alley, south bv Kev McClellan and ou the west by the Better and Mercer turnpike r ad or cou tinu:tion ol High street, said lot being 75 let front and 180 leet back, and the same inter alia which WHS devised by the lale Kohl Graham, Sr, to Kachel and Keatu* Young, w ho conveyed the same lo .fohn B Graham (see Will book, page 492) who by deed dated the 3Ut day of October conveyed tli - same to ROIM rl Graham and bis wife by <l u cd DATED August 11, 1N73, convey ed the same to Dr Graham ; i*o-*tory brick dwelling home and outbuihll.ig* thereon. Seiz ed and tnken in execution as the properly of Dr Samuel Grab iu and Eleanor Graham, his wife at tbe suit ol E R Stayton lor use. ED, No 121, Sept Term, 1880. Sullivan Bros, Ait'ys- All the right, title, intciest and c'aim ol Dr Samuel Graham an I Eleanor Graham, Ills wife of, iu and to nil that fertiiin tract of land situ ate in Butler (ownsiilp, Butler county, Peniia., hound'd i ortli by land* < f McConiiell, ea-l by Silitii Pearce, south by land* ol Viit'oe and west by heirs- of Wi.i Uorulnnd and E'i Cratty, con taining 85 acres, more or less, ji being tin: Same tract ol laud which Dr Samuel Graliail) pur chase I by articles of agre'-mci:l fro' 3 Thompson McKiency, together with the .ippuru-nauco*. Seized and taken In execution as the property ol Dr Samuel Graham ami Eleanor G.-aliain, his wile, at the cult ol E it Slaylon lor U'o. E D, No «7.Bept Term. IKSO. J M Mreer, Att'y. AH the right. til If, Intercut mid claiui ol Frank M Eastman til, In and lo (5) live acre* of land, more or le«f», situate iri the ol Butler, Butler county. I'a., bounded aa billows: on tli•; i.ortli by Prim street, east by Mr* Mitchell, south t-y I»r Dicifeiilmi tier nnd went liy Mercer road; cleari d and fenced, Seized and taken in exccnli'in its the property ot F M Eastman at li e p-ui L of Hood, A Co. V. i' <l7, Slept, TnrtJt, ISsO. I M Greer, atty. All tlie rii/iit, title. iocum-t and claim of Frank M Kastinun of. in and to that oh it* in piece or parcel of land situtlo.l in Summit town* . hip, ler county, I'a , houn fed and deecrib'xl aH follows : at a sto io at '.be north «wt cOrn« r thence l<y lands of \VJIfr 8.it1.-y (now Duffy) north OS degree* east 105 7-10 pt ieli>H to a alone l ho north-eua! corner, thence by lands of Collens heirs noith Idecree* woat HI 5-10 |<ercbe» to a poet the souili-«aat comor, thefjee by landH of Jmiios Kerna north de gree" east I'ii 2>lU per;.(ic:n to a 1-oal the Month weat corner, tbenee by land* of (ieorjje lioiber H.'iuth % decree went H3l 5-10 jerboa, thence from Hum point went ward the diatanco of 20 porches to the lintler and Washington road and from euid road back again by a parallel line to the w«Ht boundery line of said tract, thereby giving and hereby including a road two rods wide and HO rodn long from said west botindety line of the tract of land, thence by lands of Robert Henry ("now Puffy) south 37>£ degrees west 56 5-10 percbeu to a sto-ie the north-woHt cornor the place of beginiiiK ; containing 110 Hires, more or lu-s ; a two-ntory frame dwelling lioiiHe, frame bani and orchard thereon. Seized and 'aken in execution *a the property of F M Eastman at the Hint of Hood Bonbright A Co. ED No 97.114. 09, Hept. Term, 1880. W J> Brandon, O H Crosby. WillianiM and Mitchell, attv. All the right, titie, interest anil claim of W C Adanm of in and to sixty acres of laud, more or Icmm Mituated in Fairview township, Butler county, I'a , bounded an follow* : On the north by l'atton farm, east by McLimoudx farm. Mouth by J B Campbell form and wont by Tack A Moorhcad : 5 board houses, 1 board xtahle, coal bank in good running order, 3 pro<luciug oil welln therein. derricks, engine hotue, angina and boiler*, tubing, casing, rods, tanks, all ma chinery and fixtures thereto belonging, about 45 acres cleared. Seized and taken in execu tion as the property of W C Ailama at the euit of A C Taggart, H H (latch & Co., et al, ED No 97, 114 , 09. Hept. Term, 1880. W D Brandon, O H Crosby. Williams and Mitchell, att'y. All the right, title, internal ami claim of W I) Adama of in and to a certain lot of ground mtu ate in the borough of Fairview, Butler county, I'a., containing (50 feet front by ISO foot deep, bounded on the north by Wm l'atton, eat I by an alley, Houth by Munbiiry atreet and weat by Main atreet; a two-story fraino building and frame atable thereon. Heized and taken in ex ecution aa the property of W C Adaina at the auit of A C Taggart. 11 II Hatch it Co., ot al. ED No 97, 114, 69, Kept. Term, IHBO. W D Brandon, Q H Croaby, Williama and Mitchell, att'y. All the right, title, mtereat and claim of W C Adama of, in and to five acrea of laud, more or leaa. aituated in Fairviow township. Butler county. I'a., bounded a« follow* : On the north by Hiinbury road, eaat by McClung farm, aouth by McCafferty farm (now Itankin; and weat by ed and taken in execution aa the property of W C Adama at the auit of A C Taggart, H H Hatch A Co., «t al. ED No 97, IH. 69. Sept. Term. 1880. W D Brandon, (t S Crosby, Williams and Mitchell, 'att'y. ! All the rifjlit. title, interest and claim of W C Adams of. in and to direa v :es of land, mora ! or ' situated in boio-igh >f F urview, Butler county. Pa.. Winded a* follows : <> 1 the uoith j by Unds t.ow or formerly Jitnes M Alvns, east bv Mavrihe tract south "by graveyard lot anil WL-.-t bv Main street : a three-ftory frame hotel ! buiMii.'it erected thereon with fiuishod attic, and j frame l>arn excepting therefrom lot conveyed to Mrs. Jane McMullen 60 feet by 18ftfef=t back j also lot conveyed to A S Harrington same de mens ions, vis : fronting 60 feet on Main street by 160 feet back. Seized and taken in execn i as the property of W C Ala ill.- at tho suit of A ! C H II Hatch 4 Co . et al. ED No 119, Sept. Term. 1880. T C Caropball, attorney. All the right, tide, interest and claim of Dan iel Wise of. in and to 120 aeree of l md. more or lea.", situated in Penn township, Butler cauntv, Pa., bonnded as follows : On the north by Win Kennedy, east by A ! ex Welsh, south by Alex Welch aiid west bv Mrs. Mum.- >n , frima and log house, old log house, frame barn, log barn and onr buildings, good orchard, coal bank and about 65 acres cleared. Seized and taken in execution as tne property of Daniel \\ ise at tho suit o' J -hri Berg A Co for use W H IT Riddie iiOvV for use J L Purvis and T C Campbell, tros tee«. ED, No i'l. Sept Term, ISSO. I.ev McQuistion Att'y. All the right, title, interest aud claim oi Ceo Scbeu'emaotei of, in ai:d to thirty-three (33) acres ol land, inorc or less, situate in Lancaster township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as fol lows : on theuortli l>y Joseph <iro:l a:id Mich-ie! Flenner, east by Public road, sodtli hy public road and Warner and wcsl bv Tairirart and Michael Fienncr ; log hou e, log '•arn, log sta ble and small orchard thereon, mostly cleared. SeizcJ and l iken as t!ie property >;f Geo Sebei demantcl at the suit o» John rfeheldemaniel. E l>, No 112, Sept Term. ISV . J N I'nrviance, Ait'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Alex Campbell, dee'd. with n< tiee to his leya! re)>re eeut,(lives and heirs at law ai d W T Ccnpbell ami A t« Campbell of, in and to those two e.-r --tiin loti of : i-ound simile in the villiire ol Mt Oies'nut, Franklin tp., Bu 1 r Co., PiL, bound ed north by an alley easi by lot of Mrs John ston. -outh by lauds ol the !r:irs o! John Ne<;- ley, dee'd, and -west by Unionville and Mill road. Seized and lake i in execution as ilie proj erl} ol Alex C'ampbeli, dee'd, an,l W T C'linpbeii tiid A <i Campbell at the suit of An d:tw M H !iehi->oii, guardian of uiinor thil lren of '.V n liutchi-on, dee'd. F D No lr3. Sept TV in, ISBO. J N Purvia ice, A'.t'y, All the rlvrht, ll'.le, interest and claim of Alex Campbell, dee'd, with notice to his lesral repre sentative- and heirs at law and W T Campbell and A f» Campbell of, in anl to all that cer t. i'i lot of irrouu !(N'"9) situate in the village of Mt Chestnut. Franklin twp., Butler comity. Pa., bounded north by the Bailer aud New Caslle road, east by an alley, south by an alley and •vest bv lot No 11, beins; 00 leet in front and 20-) led bark, w i!h the appurtenances. Seized and taken In eject):ion is the property of Alex Campbell, dee'd, W T Campbell and A (i Campbell at the suit ol Andrew M Hutchison, ir lian of li;e minor children oi Wtu Hutchi son, dee'd. E D, No 112, Sept Term. 1880. J N Purvianee, Att'y. All the title, interest aud claim of Alex Campbell, iiuc'o. will, notice to repre sentatives and beiisatlaw and W T Qampbell :ind A G Campbell of, in and 10 13 acres ot land, more or less, situate in Franklin township, But ler county. Pa., bounded ns follows: on the north by* lands of Henry Bright, east by the public road, sou h by lands of John T Cranmer and west by lands o! John T Cranmer, ii beinir p.ut ol the .-ame tract ol land which Jos Sproll and wife, by deed dated April 2, 1874, conveyed to Ales Caiupbuil Qiid A G Campbell. Seized and laken in execution us the property of Aler Cauipbtll, dee'd, and W T Oamplx ll and A G Campbell at the suit of Andrew M Hutchison, guardian ot the minor children ol Wm Hutchi son, dee'd. E I), No 112, Sept Term, ISBO. J N Purvianee, Att'y. All the riirht, title, interest and claim of Alex C ampbell, dee'd. with notice to !,is legal repre sentatives and heirs at iiw «nd W T Ccrnpliell and A G Campbell ot. in and to i 8 acres ot land more or si.uatcd in Concord township, Butler county, Pa., bounded as lollows : on the north bv land- ot it W Jan ison, east by lands of 1 lav id Morrison, south by lands of Davis el al. and west by land.? ol W H Christy's heirs and mill dam. Seized and laken In execution as the property of Alex Campbell, dee'd, and W 1 Campbell and A U Campbell at the suit ol An drew M Hutchison, cuardian of minor children of Wllj jjljtebison, dee'd K D, No 112, Sept Term. I*Bo. J N Purvianee' Att'y. All the riulit. title. Interest and claim of Alex Campbell, dee'd. with notice to bis repre sentatives aud heirs tit law and W T Campbell and A (J Campbell of, iu and to 12 aires of land more or less, situate in Concord township, But ler county, l'a., bounded as follow-': on the north by lauds of V V I[ fimblin, D Patterson's heirs and Calvin Glenn, eist by lands of It VV J tinlspn, couth by lauds of I) VV Book. J M Thompson, W H Tiiubliu and Walker Christy and we.t by Und* of Andrew Cliri-ty; ..tie.sto ry fiame dwelling liouie 80 by 80 feet, boa id ctable ltt by 'ii feel, apple and peieli orchard thereon, all cleared. Seiz -d and taken in execu tion as tbe property of Alex Campbell, dee'd, aud W rCaiiipb.'ll and A G Campbell at the suit of VVUJ Hutchison, guardian of minor chil dren of Win Hutchison, dee'd, K I>. No 120. Sept Term. Htui. W A For'pier, Ali'y. All the rijjht. title, inl 'red and cliiliu "f John Cress 01, 11 Kind to Ihirty-seven Cl7l iieres of land, more or less, situate in Conno inene-siiu town ship, liulb-r "(,ijuly, Pa.. b(>iiudei| :isfi|llowi; oil the north Irv lauds of Win Me(!ow;u». east bv lauds of Milton Cre; soatii by binds or Matthew I! tsley aud Jacob Nlbioek and west by lands of lienry Itraiidiner ; frame d;yelh:u( Innne aud fnnie sta ble thereon, mostly cleared Seized and taken In execution a. the property of JohnCr<;s.H at the suit of M .1 MclJride. K I), No 11*. S. pt Term. 1- 'o. G A & A T Black, Att'ys. All the title, interest and claim of Gdrge Gillchrlst of. In and In one aere of land, more or lc.<;. slt iate lu Wasliln'ton toun.-liip. Ilulter coun ty. l'a . boillided as follows : oil the north bv Pe ter Kuiery. cast by pubile road, so'd'.i by public road and West by pubile road and Peter Kmery ; a one-story frame bouse.oufbulldliiKSand fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in exe'-iillon as the property uf t|eo <||lloliriMt al tip) sujt of I'.pbruiu Allen. TERMS OF SALK. Tbe following must be btrl ;tly complied will/ when propetly is stricken »'own ; 1. When tie? plalntlfT or oilier lieu creditors be .'omc tbe pur"haser, the costs ou the wrlu must be paid, and a list of the Ileus, Including mo'tga e searches on tbe property sold, to iretber with such lien creditor's receipt* lor the amount ol the proceeds of the sale of such portion thereof :n he may claim, must lie fur nlslted the Sherllf. 2. /ill bids must hi; paid in full. 11. A!l sales not settled immediately will be continued until 1 o'clock, r. M., ol next day, at which time nil oiope.rtv not settled lor will aifain bo put t|j< and sold at tbe 1 Kpcnso and risk ol I lie |'Cr«on lo whom first sold ".-ice Puidoii's Digest. Dili edition, page 116 and Smith's Forms, pa-.'e "!sl. W. 11. HOFFMAN, myl9 "tl Sheriff of liutler Comity. BOILER CGUJtTT Ml Notice to Depositors Jtnd the Public, Mii.l.kkmtown, I!I TI.I-.K CO., PA. I July loth, 188). | The undersigned, eomposing the firm of 11. L. Taylor (V < "0.. hereby give notice that they have sold and transferred all their interest iu the Puller County Riink and its business, to Dorsey llros. ,t Ib-yt, and have withdrawn from said Bank and its business. Present depositors will be paid on demand at the Bunk at Millerstown, until August Ist, 1880, On and after that date all unpaid depos its will be placed to the credit of depositors in the Argyle Having* Bank, at I'etrolla, Pa., and paid there on demand. The business of the liutler County Bank will hereafter be conducted by Dorsey Itros. & lloyt. 11. L. T \ VI.OH, JOIINHATTEKITELI), JOHN PITCAIRN, Jit., T. H. M< FA it LAND. MILLKHBTOWN, I'A., July 10, 1880. The undersigned beg leave to announce to the depositors and customers of the Butler County Hank, also, Pi the public gener ally, that they have purchased from 11. 1,. Tay lor A Co., tbe entire business of said Itank ; that they will continue its business at the same place, ami most respectfully solicit the patron age of this community. Mr. 11. J. Hoyt, who has been so identi fied with tbe Bank, will continue to be its Cash ier, and will always take pleasure iu meeting tbe banking demands of bis patrons, or any who have occasion to do business with him. DORSEY BROS. jy2l:6t 11. J. HOYT. JI7LY 20th, 1880. N. B.—Since issuing the above, Messrs. Dor sey Bros. & Hoyt hare associated with them in the business, Messrs. A. H. Simpson, Joseph Hartman and Owen Brady, who concur in the above solicitation for patronage. MILLS & CO., Manufacturers ntid dealers In Hydraulic Ce ment and Sewer Pipe. White Lime, Fertilizers, White Sand, Chimney Tops, Hand Plaster, ■ Flue Pipe, Calcined Plaster, Ky-Lye. juyll-oui] No. 200 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa. THE GREAT EXGLISIT REMEDY! GRA rs SPECIFIC MEDICINE , # . NT MI , R . TRADE MARK, It ««» i> " "r,-i 1_- Self Abuse: as Be-ore lairing, ,f Memoiy, i ni-After Taking. versa! I-issitude. Pain iu the back. Dinininess of Vision, rennature old age, and i.uuiy other dis eases that lead to Insanity, (.'onsnmption and :i Periuature Giave all of which as a rule are first causetl by deviating from the path of nature aud over indulgence. The Specific Medicine is the re sult of a lite study and ina'iv years of experience in treating these special dise;ises. Full particulars m our paui]ihiets which we de sire to send fre" by mail to every one. The S;ieeilie Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 p-r paekatte. or package's" for •«•.. or will be sent by mail o:: receipt of the money by addressing THE (illA V MKDICINfe CO., No. m Slech:uiie's Block. DETISOIT. Mini. t®~'Sold m ihitler by J. C. UEUK K. aud bv all Druggists everywhere. { »r-HAlti!ls'-<;, Wholesale Agents, Pitts burgh. iuyl2-ly. coNsuMP riorrcußED -it v Crude JPetroleum Gained 29 bs- wight in two months POWIIATTAX C. H., VA., April, 18I?0. Dr.. M. MII.TOX : Dear Sir—After having been sick twelve months, aud jtrieil the best physicians of the country without doing me the least good, I tried your CP.I'DK PETIifH.l'.r.M PILLS. When I comui >nee"l taking them I coughe l al most ii.eessantly, ha.l hemorrhage, n":al sweats, etc., I weighed Ili j its. After taking the Pills two months the cough and night sweats ceased and had no he.itorrhages, and weighed 143 lbs. Yours, respectfully, FKKD. <". Dl XX. Thousands of eases like the above. The Pills are also a positive cure for chronic Bronchitis, Asthnin, Catarrh and all Luug and Throat troubles. Trial boxes, 2.1 ets. Lirge Inixes, (13 I pills,) sl. Sent by mail on receipt of price, with di rections. Address DR. M. MILTON, may26-3m] Irving, N. Y m THESE FlCir HCIIOWAY'S PILLS| Kxercise your judgment.—A newer and better philosophy.—To (mil dov.n all absurd and anti i|ii:ited notions of diseases and its cures, ami to establish a rational system ou the r;iii:s. lias been the chief endeavor oi Dr. Jlolloway throtii:li life. Jie.iee the origin of iiis celehntdii I'iils :inil Oint ment remedies in ki e.iing with couiinon sense, because siilMcnicnt tii nature, nil her lh".n at vari.-.:i"e Willi IPT laws, lik" those in general use. To tin stonuK-h we twe <lys|H*psi:i. heapache and general debility ; to the liver, hiie. jaundice, and yellow fever ; to the bowels, iliarrlio a. dysentary. con"! ipal ion. piles aud Jisluly ;to the lunes, coii suniption, etc.; to the lilood, scrofula, scurvey, aud all cataneous ei-aptions. Hv keeping these org PIS aud vital fluid par.-aud healthy we may safely defy Ihe attacks of disease, and no medicine yet prepared for tills Can eipial the action of tlje e puis Oji)ti|jept, as they dive the seal oi- the disMrdtr, ami exllrpatiag its e.tu e, de stroy its effect. IMI-OKTANT CAUTIOX,—Xone are g.-n.iu. E un less t!ie .ign-iture of J. HAVPOCK, asageut for the f'uiled Stales, surrounds each box of Pills and Ointm -lit. Boxes at J"> cents,ll2 cents and >1 each. larger sizes. IIOLI»\VAV & Co., New York. HOLLOW AY'S OINTMENT. I Po-itcsJw! of th s RE.MKDY, every man may be Doctor. It may be rubbed mlo the sys tem. so :es lo reach any internal comp'aint ; by these mean< it Sores or ('leers in Ihe THIfDAT, STOMACH, I.IVI'IJ. ;'.P!NH. (JR other parts, li is a i infailible R»ui":lv for HAD I.KGS, »AI) liltKA SIS. Contracted Oi Stiff Join.s, GOCT. KMIB'MATfS.M. and all Skin Di..ea-..-s. ! >IM!ITAXT C.\l• ! !«»>-.— None are genuine un less the signature of .(. II Wll'h k. as a :, nt foy t)|e United States, sitriuuii.Js box of fjlu and Oliltliient. BtAiis at Si Cents, '->2 ce.i'N, and 41 each. . r.-l'here Is conslderabld saving b\ taking the larg- r sizes. HOM/V.VAV & Co.. New York. BRENT GOOD & CO., Wholesale Agents, L' IV YORK. iiiiylf»-t;m fSIUiBERfIT TRIMMED HATS, PLUMES, FEATHERS, RUOJI IN («, RIBBONS Puff and Switches in stock ami made to order 011 short notice, at JG F. T B >-M; >• Next <1 >or to I). 11. Wullor's Drug Stoic, Bailor, Pa. iny2-f>in. BuPI Lumber Yard and Planing H. BAUEK & BROS., JKPFKIWOV ST.. - - Bi TLER, PA., MANL'KACTUHEIi.S OF Do-jrs, Sash, Fra:ne«, Blinds, Molding of ;»1! deHCiijitions, Hnickcts, Patent Molded VVeutlicrlxjaruing, Mill Iso:inls. Fioorinir, I'alingH, Stair UaiiingK, Balusters of every Htyle. &c., Jcc. Circular Moldings to Order. Al.-O, I)EAI.UUS IN Lumber, Plank, Shingles, Lath, &c, apli-ly CANCER. This disease like many others is regarded as incurable. It is not so. If it is taken in time it is as easily cured as a wai tor a corn. We know very well that it is a fearful disease and will eat away until it destroys life, that i.i if it is neglei'te I, I ill il' it is attended to when II llrst in ikes ils app.-urancc, or soon after, there is no trouble iu eradicating it from the sylein. I'ersor.s will have to be here during part of tbe treatment, consequently there is no use writing to me for information whether it can lie cured without my seeing the case. I also treat with mntiess, Udpture, Piles, ristubi, I leers, I'lccrated legs, Varicose Veins, Varicocele Tuniois, Hydrocele, aud every form of Skin Disesi c. Dr. Keyssr, 240 Pcnn Avenue, Opposite Christ's Church, Pittsburgh, Pa. A NI!W DEI'AU.'UKC $1 BOTTI.R I'ATEMT MRDIOINES I'dll .'iH CENTS ! JADWIN'S TONIC LAXATIVE is Appcll/.icg, Pul itable and Non-Alcoholic, AND ALWAYS CUKES Dyspepsia, Rick Headache Constipation, Uil loiisness, Sour Slo'.naeli, Liver Complaint, Waul of Appetite, ludlsresibm. Jiuudlce, Kid ney Complaint, Nervousness, Dl/.alnos*, fleep- Icsb'ics", Heartburn, Colic, Debility, Kotil lircath. Worms, Piles, Fevers, (.'olds, &c. Tiik Tonic I.axativb retrulates tbe bowels and strengthens the system, gives a clear head, pure blood and elastic spirit*. Is purely vege table, contains no mercury nor aloes. Sale at all times Pleasant to the taste, and a substi tute lor Pills, Castor Oil, Ac. (test family med icine known. Adapted to strong men. delicate females aril feeble infants, lu liijuid form. Hold by druggists. Price onlv ,'tH cents for 11 large bottle. JIKNKY H. JADWIN, Apothe cary and Chemist, Sole Proprietor, Carbond.ilc, Pa. I). 11. WULLEK, Druglsl, Sole Agent for Butler, Pa. JaniJS-ly BICKEL_& FRY! Livery, Sale &Eee<l MTAIILEH. Cunningham street, near Post office, Butler, Fa. mwioßsisTiiEwiiiGS, Stock Speculation and Investment. Operations on Margin or by Privileges. Spe cial busitu ss in Mining Stocks. Full particulars 011 application. JAMES ISKOWN, Dealer iu Stocks and Bonds, 01 A 0C Broadway, New York. uarl7-tou IA. MAW WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS THE URE4T COHSECTBte LINK BETWEEN THE EAST 4- THE WEST! Its main line runs from Chicago to Council Dtnina Can for catinepurpoßesonly. Oneotbgr Bluffs, passing through Jcliet, Ottawa. I,a Salle, great feature of our Palace Cars is a SMOKING Oeneseo Moline. Kock Island. Davenport, West I SALOON where you can enjoy your 'Havana" Liberty. lowa City. Mareniro. Brooklyn. Urinrell. at nil hours of the (jay. ..... . Dos Moines (the capital of lowat. Stuart. Atlan- Mauniticent Iron Bridges span the Mississippi tic and Avoca: with branches from Bureau and Missouri rivers at nil points crossed bv this Junction to Peoria; Wilton Junction to Musca- line, and transfers are avoided at Council Bluffs, tine Washington. Fairfield. Kldon. Belknap. Kansas City. Leavenworth, and Atchison, con- Centreville. Princeton. Trenton. Gallatin. Came- «ecti in Umon nem.ts ron. I>»avenworth. Atchison, and Kansas City; rilK prim IPAL R. H. TON MOTIONS OF Washington to Slgourney, Ovkalooa*. and Knox- THIS GRKAT IHROLGII LINE ARE AS vino; Keukuk to Farmington. Honaparte. Ben- FOLLOWS: tonsport, independent. J6ld,.n. Ottumwa. Eddy- At Chicago, with all diverging lines for the Viii(-\Oska!oosa. Pella, Monroe. and Des Moiues: East and South. Newton to Monroe; Des Moines to Indian. >ia and At Knoiewood, with the L. S. 4 M. S., and P., Wluterset: Atlantic to I>ewis and Audubon; and Ft. \V. iC. H. ltds. Avoca to Harlan. This is positively the only At \V ABHINGTOX HEIGHTS, with P., C. A St. Railroad, which owns, and operates a through L. K. K. line from Chicago into the State of Kansas. At I.A SAI.I.E. with 111. Cent. R. R. Through Express Passenger Trains, with Pull- At PjCOHIA, with P. P. * J.; P. U. & E.; I. B. * man I'alaceCarsattached.are run each way daily W.; 111. Mid.: and 1. P. A\\ . Rds. between CHICAGO and Peoria, Kansas City, At Rock Island, with Milwaukee A Bock COUNCIL BLUFFS. Leavenworth and Atcui- Island Short Line," mid Rock Isl d X Peo. Hds. BON Through cars are also run between Mliwau- At Davenport, with the Davenport Division kee and Kansas City, via the "Milwaukee and C, M. A St. P. R. It. Rock Island Short Line." At West liberty, with the 8., C. R. 4 N. R. R. The "Great Rock Island" Is magnificently At QdIKNELL, with Central lowa U. R. equipped. Its road bed is simply perfect, and its At Des Moines, with I>. M. 4 F. D. K. R. track is la<d with steel rails At Cor NCI L BLUM'S, with Lnion Pacitlc R. R. What win please you most will be the pleasure At Omaha, with B. 4t Mo. 11. It. R. in Neb.) of enjoying your meals, while passing over the At Columbus Junction. with B .C. 1C.4 N.R.R. beautiful prairies of Illinois and lowa, in one of At ottumwa. with Central lowa R. R.; W., our magnißcent Dining Cars that accompany all St.L. 4 Pac.. and *. B. 4Q. It. Rds. Tlirouuh Express Trains. You get an entire At Keoki K, with Tol., 1 eo. 4 \Var.; \Vab., St. meal, as good as Is served in any flrst-class hotel, Louis 4 Pac., and St. L.. Keo. A N.-W. R. Rds. forseventy-tive cents. At Cameron, with 11. St. J. It. R. Appreciating the fact that a majority of the At Atchison, with Atch.. Topoka 4 Santa Fe; Dcople prefer separate apartments for different Atch. 4 Neb. and I en. Br. U. P. R. Rds. purposes (and the Immense passenger business At LeavenwortU, with Kan. Pao., and Kan. of this line warranting it), we are pleased to an- Cent. R. Rds. nounce that this Company runs Puilman Palace At Kansas City, with all lines for the West Sleeping Can for sleeping purposes, and Palate and Southwest rrLLHAX PALACE CARS are ru* through to PEOBIA, DES MOIXEB, COI JfCII7hI-VFFS, KAN«A« CITf, ItCIIIHOX. and LEAVENWORTH Ticket* Tin this Line, known as the "Oreat Kock Island Boute," are sold by 'ticket Agenta In the United States aid Canada. Kor Information not obtainable at your home ticket office, addresw, A. KIMBALL. £. ST. JOHN. « Qen'l Superintendent. Gen'l Tkt. and Pass'gr Agt.. Chicago, III* E. GKIEB, DEALER IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. ENGRAVING OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET, (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA. WATCHES AND CLOCKS REPAIRED, AND WARRANTED, -©a Port Grape Wine Used ill the prllicip il CI. arches for Communion purpose*. Etctlltnt Kor I xllei m»d Weakly Person« anil the Ikcil, Si K I*J!l'S POET GRAPE WINE KOUlt VKAItS OU). This Celebrated Native Win*- Is made from the juice of I lie o|»orto«;raj>e.raised hi this country. Its I valuable Tonic and Strungthing Proportios an* unsurpassed bv any other Native Wine. IteuiK the pure Juice of the Crape, produ I under Mr. Speer's own personal supervision, lis purely and Kciimnencss are Kiiaranleiul. The yomiKest cblbl may partake of it m ncneroiis <|ualltles, and the weakest Invalid use it toadvanlatfe. Ii ispartleu larily henellclal to the a«eil aud debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that alfeel the weaker sex. It Is ill every respect A WINK Tl» UK ItKI.l l-:i> ON. M i» »•: KICH JP. J-. SH "B ■&, JRs Y, The P. J. HIIKItUV Is a wine of Superior Char aeler. and partakes ol IheKolden ipialltles of lln- Krape Iroiu which It Is made. I'or purily, Itiehiiess. Flavor ani» Mechanical Properties, it will lie found unexcelled. HPKKU'rt ■£>. J~- BRANDY. Tills IIUANDV stands unrivaled In this Country, belne jar superior for medlcbiial purposes. IT IS A PIIHK illstliiitioii from the urape aud contains valuable luedlellllal properties. It lias a delicate llavor. similar to tliiit of the (trapes from which It Is distilled, and in iu great favoraiiiniiK llrsl-el iss families. See thai lie' slenaliire of Al.l'ltKl* BPICKK, Pas sale, N. J., Is over the cork of each iMttle. Hold l»y l>. 11. WULLGK. aprjs-lyr WANTKO WIIH' AWAKK ACKNTS. in all parts of the Sl:ile. to s,*ll Hussell's I|"W and elegant MAI'OK I'KNNSYI.VAMA. Kv.-rv clll /cu should have II NothlllK lias sueeeeded like It since war times. I'ieriil. oniamental and cheap. A golden opportunity for energetic canvassers. Sample foruo cents. Address. (Juarlcr CIU I'ubllshliii: House, 723 Sansoni si., Philadelphia. ■ TrnPP Hook of nearly 100 large A HkHH (H-lavo pages for the sick. A JL liJjftj Full of valuable notes, by (|r. K. 11. PoOTK, on Scrofula, Diseases of the breathing organs; Diseases of Men; Diseases of Women; aches and pains; Heart Troubles ; and a great variety of chronic diseases, with evidence that in moat eases these discuses are curable. Send a three 1 ''-'it statnn Add res, MURKY HIM. ITU. T3T7"" CO., No. IL'W Kast 2Kth pSI II Il\ street, New York city. juno-3m Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. (Formerly Dr. Craig's Kidney Curt.) A vegetable preparation and the only sure remedy in tnc world for Brltflit'm I>l*ejuu'. Di.-ibelet, nud ALL lildufj, Liver, una Urinary DLmmum***. tMTTestimonials of the highest order In proof of these statements. the cure of I>labet*s, call for War ner's Safe Dlabotf* €'ure. •fFor the cure of Britf-lit's and the other diseases, call for Warner** .Sale Hlduej und Liver Care. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It is the best Blood Purifier. and stimulate* every function to more healthful action, und is thus a benefit in all diseases. It cures Scrofulous und other ttkln Kran lions and Diseases, including laurrn, 1,1. era, and other fium. I> vxpepslu. Wfahnnw oflht* Klomiiph, t'uuallpalion, Itlnlnru, Urnrml Kt-bil >(*, etc., Kre cured by the Niife nil ■<>■->. Uis une<iiialed as an appetizer ami regular tonic. Bottles of two sizes ; price*, !We. ami 81.00. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly gives Beat and ftlrep to the Buttering, cures lleadaelie and Neurnlirin, prevents Kpllpptlr Fit*, and relieves Nrrvoun l*ro«* (ration brought on by excessive drink, over work, mental shocks, and other causes. Powerful as it is to stop pain and s«»otlio dis turbed Nerves, it n«*ver injures the system, whether taken in small or large doses. Bottles of two slreto; prices, 50c. und 91.00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an Immediate and active stimulus for a Torpid Liver, and cure Coativeuess, Dyspepsia, Bll ■aHHßoV|W!l ft iouiness. Bilious I>iar- F*lolASfWlLiaJ JL_ rhoea. Malaria, Fever nfflnnlJaßfin|| and Ague, and should luUvflwilblMS be used whenever the bowels do not operate ■ freely and regularly. VfW Ito oilier HIU require »arh ftumll «l for work. |*rlre et*. •» bo v. MnViffipffn Wnrnei'» If. u <*«!1»«• nro JLM| »ul«l liy Driu ::!-(» A Iti'.ilt n li> IraUlm e*rr|«rt»n*. I'roprletois, M ROCHESTER. N. Y. cvßcfui @ r . \> / For Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus. Vomit ing, Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Indigestion, and all diseases of the Stomach and lloweis. IfAUHLS <L EWING, Pittsburgh. DR. HARRIS' CRAMP CURE, A certain, Bftfo nnd euro for every actio iiti'l pain. It Klvea Instant anil iierman cnt relief, und may bo U»o<l n» » liniment If desired. lIARIMH <* KWING. Wholesale I>rugglst», I'ltUbunch. AdiuinmiralrixN Sol ire. Notice is hereby given that I ■!! : of admin •• 11 having l>ee i granted to Ihe undersign eil un Ihe estate of James Stoop', late <>l" < 'berry township, county of Butler, Stale of I'cimsylva nia, di ed, nil person knowing th -m:.elves in debted to Kuiil iMnte will ploase make immedi ate pa* incut, ami those having* l;»it.t.H the Willie to present them duly authenticated for settlement. KUZA JAN'K STOOPS, Ailm'x, jel'ijiiw] Annambilo, Ituller Co., I'a. Union "Woolen 7*l ill, lIUTLRK, PA. 11. FIJV,LKIITOX. Prop'r. Manufacturer of BI.ANKKT*, FI.ANNKI.S, YAKNS, Ac. Also custom work (lone t;i order, such a» curding Itolto, making lilaukcts, Kl inn l> Knil tlng anil Weaving Yarns, &e., it very low prices. Wool worked on the s'ures. It ile slred. IUV7-1V TALK MM >1" I' Yi«; It LITERtRT REKOIUnaaS! A ConiplHc (\\ elop;rt!i;i for 57.00. Everybody, yonng ami old. learned ami un learned, while or black, in Butler county, there will bo a meeliug between you an 1 H. W. Moore on or after August Ist, lHrfll. whose purpose it is to place in every home, every oillce and every shool roon: in I'.uller county, a c implcto Cyclo pie lia, for only ♦7,<k). It is the greatest wonder of the Age, and coitaius inoro us fill and more accurate information any other book pub lished A good map of every country is securely hound in with the description of that country. Kvery term and proper name is pronounced. KEVISKD TO IHHO. Any teacher desiring this work immediately should address, K. W. MOO III'. Wolf Creek, Mercer Co , Pa. Special Agent for Ilutler county. Blairsvilio < P.i,) Lidies' Seminary. Beautiful rounds, eoitiiti<>dlnus building*, new and Hii|H*r)or piano** for pr leilre, and mount <jm INMTICI itioN, Ten iiiHlruetnrH. Terms moderate. Thirtieth vear begin* KeidciulH'r K, IMHU. For Cat• itloKiies, apply to ItKV. T. li- KWINO, rilnclpal. JuncUH -Jin , Planing Mill —AND— Liiml>ei* Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS. S.G. Purvis & Co., MANUFACTURERS AND DEATJEIISm Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASII. DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATI ENS, Brackets,' Gauged Cornice Beards, PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS Newell Posts and Balusters FENCE PALINGS, &0., &c , MICHIGAN SHINGLES, Barn Boards; Plastering Lath ; Ilein lock Bill Stuff, such as Joist IJaf ters, Scantling, <fcc.. all sizes constantly on band. All of which we will sell on reasonable terms and guar antee satisfaction. PLANING MILL AND YARD Near German Catholic Cburch jan?-80-ly DT? \TOrn\ T C I Every Soldier disabled IT olAJi>i © ! ill lii.e or duty, l.y wound, disease or injury, is entitled to n pension. Pensions date back to time of discharge or death of soldier. Claims of all descriptions prosecuted. Copies of lost discharges obtained. Claims filed by Attorneys who liave since dUd, or from other causes nave ceased to practice, finished without delav. Address, with stamp. H. S. BKKI.IN & CO.. Attorneys. my2C-3ni] I'. O. Box, fiß2, Washington, D. C. A NEW DEPARTURE! THE SYRACUSE CHILLED PLOW CO. of Syracuse, N. Y. Are now putting on the market a Plow that la as much superior to any Plow heretofore made as the Plows of the past few years have been superior to those made hiill a century ago. It combines all the excellencies of any Plow in use. It obviates all the objections made to any other Plow. In addition it embraces several new features of the greatest value, for which we have ob tained exclusive Patents. Its Beam, Clevis, Jointer Standard and Wheel Standard will be STEEL, and Its mold board will be a composition of Steel a..d Iron chilled under a process for which we have also obtained an exclusive Patent. It will bo called THE SYRACUSE CHILLED STEEL PLOW Its weight will be eighteen pounds leas than our present styles. A tlrst-class Steel Plow, made In the or dinary way, full rigged, retails for twenty-two dollars. Inferior Steel Plows retail from six teen to nineteen doUars. The price of our new Plow wIU be but Seventeen Dollar*, and It WIU be the cheapest Agricultural Implement ever sold. Its mold board will outwear three of the very best kinds of the ordinary steel mold boards. It will scour In soils where all steel plows and all other plows have hitherto proved a • failure. With this Plow will be Introduced a corni. gated Plow Point and Jointer Point, on whlcH we have also obtained a Patent, and which la also a great Improvement, both as regards Krength and wear. The Jointer can bo shifted so as to tako more or less land, and also more or less pitch, and It can always be kept on a line with the Plow. The wheel will run under the beam or one Bide of it as desired, and always kept In line. The beam la adjustable for Spring or FaU Plowing, and also for two or three horses. The handles can be adjusted to accommo date a man or boy, on the same Plow. It Is a perfect Plow. Wooden beams are going out of use because they shrink, swell and warp, and never run two seasons alike. Iron beams are too heavy. Malleable beams become demoralized and bend, which Is much worse than to break. A Steel beum Is the necessit yof the day. It la three t lines as strong and very much lighter than any other style. When tee say a Mold board is chilled, tho farmers know it Is so. We do not palm off on them a composition Of various metals and call It chilled metal. We want agents for this new Plow In every town In tills State. We can give but a very small discount to them, but we will pay the Itallroad Freight. We propose to place this Plow in the hands of Farmers as near tho cost of manufacture as possible. It will be tho best Agricultural Implement ever sold. It shall also be tho cheapen. Persons therefore who are not willing to act as agents on the principle that "a nimble six pence is better than a slow shilling," need not apply for an agency. No Flows on commission. All sales absolute, t*" This is the only Steel Chilled Plow In the World. Steel costs several times more than Iron. But this Plow, full rigged, by giving small discounts, can be sold for Seventeen Dollars. Compare tills price with that of any Iron Plow ever made. It is cheaper than any other Plow now Hade would bo at live dollars and a half. Where there are no agents wo will, on ro eelptof Seventeen Dollars, send a Plow to any Kullroad station in tho State and pay the freight. Address, SYRACUSE CHILLED PLOW CO. Syracuse, N. Y» kidiey liSf] PAD -o]t iii ions ol I lie Public, WABASH, INDIANA. Tlin Pads aro soiling well, llavo several ol 1 elm nie canon of Kidney trouble uning them, and tlu v report an improvement and think much of tluiu. A. 1.. ROHBOCK Jt CO,, Druggists. COURTNEY, TEXAS. *our Pad has done rae more good then any Itemedy I ever used. J AS. 1). CALLAWAY. MT. CLKMKNS, MICH. Yo'tr Pad has cured me of Pain it; the Back and li:dney Trouble. M. J. HOUGH. Address day kidney pad; ea.. SOLE PROPRIETORS, TOLEDO, - - - OHIO, J. C. REDICK, Agent for Butler Co. A (JULU WATCH FREE. To everv workihg agent, male of famele. Agents are clearing from >6 to sls a day on our goods, ill addition to alxive premium. Semi to cent-, (or sample or 91.0i> for full outfit and secure vonr county. Till: MKSSKMJKR ITBI.IHIIINU CO. U wlsburg. Pa. lamylm Advertise in tho CITIZEN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers