MB. J. IX. BATES, Newspaper Advertising Agent. 41 Park How (.Times Building - *, New York, is authorized to contract for advertise ment* in the CITIZEN. THIS PAPER New Advertisements To-Day. Beaver Falls Academy. Sale and Feed Stable —D. H. Lyon. Dry Goods—Heard BiberA Easton. Grand Boulevard Hotel —New York. Sheriff's Sales for Fridav, September 10, 'to. Breech Loading Guns—J. Palmer O'Neil & Co. Grazier's Dining and Lunch Rooms—Pitts burgh. Executor's Notice—Estate of Martha Mech lin?, dee'd. Local and General. Notice lo Farmers. Ninety-five cents per bushel paid in cash for No. 1 new Wheat, at Klingler's Mills, Mifflin street. Ole Bull, the violinist, is dead. Pie Schwalben heimwertz ziehen. Attend personally to the matter of registration. LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at sls ttnd upwards, at E. Grieb's. The next triennial conclave of the Knights Templar will be held in San Francisco. A man recently died a natural death at Galveston, Texas. He had yellow fever. The man who spends all his money on a diamond shirt stud carries everything be fore him. Look at those boss shirts in the window of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest style of Hats and Caps at low prices. A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine American Movement as low as $lO, at E. GRIEB'S. Prosecutions for profane swearing are frequent in Mercer, Lawrence and Warren counties. The United States owns five mil lion five hundred thousand acres of land in Mississippi. SPECIALTIES in woolens at William Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not to be had elsewhere in the county. A census enumerator, of Tioga c iunty, found a girl twenty-five years old who weighs four hundred pounds. —Look at those boss shirts in the window of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest style of Hats and Caps at low prices. —The wool clip of the United States this year is estimated at two hundred and thirty-five million pounds. WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor, has just opeued the largest line of woolens for men and boys wear ever offered in Butler. —Messrs. Walter & Boos of this place are doing a large milling business. For some time past they have had to run their mill during the night. —Look at those boss shirts in the window of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest style of Hats and Caps at low prices. —A naturalised Chiuaman stands a good chance of going to the penitentiary from Cincinnati for playing the "bogus gold brick" game. —The following we over-heard yes terday. Lizzie—Why, George; how exquisi tely you do smell. George—Yes; I am wear ing a DAYS KIDNEY PAD. —Look at those boss shirts in the window of J- F. T. Stehle. Latest style of Hats and Caps at low pricee. —Residents of a western mining town say that the last time that the moon was full its face bore a distinct resemblance to that of Ben. Butler. —A well-spring of pasture is a healthy babe ; keep your baby in good health by using Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup,—the friend of Infancy. Price 25 cent. —Miss Annie Morall has just ar rived home from the city, and will continue d-«*s making in the latest style on North and Washington street, Butler. aug2s-3t —The great Chicago wheat corner has just been closed out with a loss, it is said, of several million dollars to its organizers and participants. —A Knight Templar, during the procession in Chicago, last Tuesday, nearly lost an ear just because the man behind him tried to put on a little style in drawing his sword. —Ayer's Ague Cure should be in every household in regions where Fever and Ague prevail. It should be taken as a pre ventive by every resident and traveller in malarial districts. —Our readers should remember that the A. S. T. Co.'s Black Tip, advertised in another column, will wear as long as the metal tip, while at the same time adding to the beauty of the shoe. —WEST SUNBIJRY ACADEMY.—The Fall term of the West Sunbury Academy will open Sept. fi and continue 11 weeks. Inquire of 11. k. SHANOR, A. 8., Principal, or Rev. G. W. Bean, Coultersville, Fa. (15a2w —As if the land troubles, the Afghan war, and an impending international walking match were not enough trouble for England, it is announced that Sir Charles Dilke, Under Foreign Secretary, has the gout. —Mr. Talmage is 'taking in' China town in San Francisco. It won't be long before bo will know more about iniuuity than any of the sinners. This system of preparation for preaching is on the "Kindergarten plan. —WITHEBSPOON INSTITUTE. —The Fall term opens on Monday, Sept. fi. This school offers superior advantages to students of liotli sexes alike in the English and higher branches. German taught without extra charge. —The .Huntingdon Journal relates the ea'c of a farmers wife, living near that place, who gathered liernes all one afternoon, gave birth to a bouncing boy the fame night, and attended market the following morning. SKI*, a woman in another column, near Specr's Vineyards with a bunch of grapes from which Siiecr's Port Grape wine is made, that is so highly esteen.td by the medical profession for the use of invalids, weakly persons and the aged.— Sold by all UrriggisU. 2Haply Four of the seven railroad laborers, who are charged with driving a Mr. Bryson into the Ohio, a short distance below Pittsburgh, und keeping him there until he drowned, have lieen held for Court. —CHOLERA.—No danger from Chol era if the Liver is in proper order and ordinary prudence in diet is observed. The occasional taking of Simmons' Liver Regulator to keep the system healthy, will surely prevent attacks of Cholera. —Colorado built over 200 miles of railway in the first six months of 1880. The cxtetfinns now being pushed toward comple tion will make for the entire year a total gain of nearly 500 miles, or more than any other State or Territory. —A nephew of Jacob lleiber, of Middlesex township, died suddenly while on a visit to his uncle's family last Friday. He was a citizen of New York and his body was ship ped to that place. — pEHNsn.vAXM STAT* CoLi.ro* admits both sexes. Endowment half a million. Tuition free. Court es of study, Classical, Scientific and Agri cultural A thorough Preparatory Department. Expenses %3 to per week. For catalogue, ad dress JwHU ii HuoßTMnnr. A. M., llaiiKl lw Pres. Statu College, Pa. —A man lately put an alligator 11J inches long into ai. aquarium occupied by a bull frog. After a brief battle the bull l>cing the victor the proeess of swallowing the vanquished began, and in due course the alli gator passed from view. —During the thunder storm of InHt Thursday afternoon, the barn of Lewis Milieu ger, of Oakland township, was struck by light ning and consumed by fire, together Willi all Mr. Millinger's grain, hay, agricultural imple ments and one horse. —Dr. Tanner has had to have all his teeth pulled. While he was fasting the gums shrank from the teeth, and when he to use his jaws the motion loosened his gums, and at the same time loosened his teeth, hence the tooth | ulling and a new set of teeth. You will ulwnyH timl a Full assortment of goods, at HITTER & KALSTON'S. , —We direct attention to the adver tisement of the Heaver Falls Academy, a n-w institution of learning, which opens Sept. 1-th, next. It is always best to ?et a superior educa tion near home when possible, and this acada my seems to offer this advantage. The New Castle Record says the nail feeders in the Etr.a factorv there cut ."{271 keirs of nails last week, on a lietofah.it between P. L. Kimberlv and Terry Sweeny that the Sharon factorv would cut the most. New Cas tle won, the Record says, and Sweeny is wearing a new hat. The wholesale adulteration of our drugs or medicines is at present receiving tin attention of the National Hoard of Health. The Act of Congress of 1848 prevents the importa tion of spurious drugs into the country, but it is for the separate States to look after the home adulterators, who are always the worst. —SHERIFF'S SALES. —The Sheriff this week advertises some properties to !»_• sold on Friday, Septemlier 10th 1 880. In the regu lar list for September the description of the property of David Hoover should have been omitted as the suit has been discontinued. The pat;e of the paper on which the sales were put was printed before we were so notified. Attention is directed to the ad vertisement of Mr. Prescott, General Agent of the Cardington, Ohio, Mutual Endowment and Relief Association. The company is said to be a very reliable one for any wishing to insure on the Endowment plan. His headquarters for the present is at Ccntreville, Slipjieryrock P. 0., this county. Harvey Osborne, who had a fine horse stolen some time ago, recovered it at Bra 1 ford, where it had been *o!d to a man by the name of Agnew. Detective Pete. Kramer and Mr. Osborne went prepared to bring thief and horse, but did not get the former as he had left. His whereabouts are known, however, ami will lie brought in due time. —Women that have been given up bv their dearest friends as bevond help, have lieen permanentlv cured by the use of LYDIA E. PINK HAM'S VEOKTAIU.F: CNMPOIXD. It is a postive cure for all female complaints. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. a 25 Mr. James M. Boyd, of this place, was stricked down by paralysis last Thursday, and remained unconscious until Sunday even ing last when he died. His body was taken to Allegheny cemetery, where eight of his chil dren are buried, for interment. Mr. Boyd was gixtv-three years of age, and leaves a wife and eight children behind him. "For the ISlood 1H liic Life." Thousands upon thousands of both sexes all over the world die annually with what is gen erally termed "Consumption," but medical men well know the first cause being notion'.' but nervous affection. We would advise all who are in any way affected with nervousness in any of lu multifarious forms, to try a box of Gray's Specific Medicine. Sold by J. C. RKI>- ICK. —A Kansas paper publishes "four teen rules to be observed during a tornado." When a man in that country sees a tornado coming, he instantly jerks off his hat and reads the rules pasted therein. Ry the time he has got throngh he is either blown over into the next couuty or the tornado has got fifty miles beyond him. •'My Kaek Acliew No, and I feel miserable," said a hard-working man. The doctor questioned him and found that he had been habitually costive for years, that now his kidneys were disordered and his whole system deranged. Kidney-Wort was recommended and faithfully taken and in a short time every trouble was removed. The cleansing and tonic power of this medicine on the bowels ami kidneys is wonderful. —There is a newspaper story going the rounds about a man who had his pocket picked of £SO ten or twelve years ago. The other day he received a t~> greenback in a let ter which read: "I stolcd your money. Re morse naws at mv conschcns and now i send some of it back. When remorse naws again i'll send some more." Weakly Pernon** Wine. Old and infirm persons need some mild tonic or gentle stimulent, especially at this season. The wine made at Speer's Mount Prospect Vineyards, in ,\cw Jersey, called Specr's Port Wine, is used in the Atlantic States as the best tonic wine known, and is regarded as pure, and is very popular among physicians. It is es pecially Wneficial for females ami old people. For sale by I). H. Wl'M-Klt. alio —A mass meeting of dentists, repre senting the American Dental Convention, the American Dental Association, and two South ern cocietie* similarly named, was held in New York August 11, with a view to consolidation. AIKIIII 150 delegates were present. The. result was the organization of the National Dental Association, which hopes to absorb the other organizations. —The following remedy for rose bugs has l>een published in some of the papers : With a pine stick in a vial of turpentine, touch a cluster of the bugs, or each one separately. It kill* where it strikes. A more rapid way would lie to cover thinly the bottom of a tin pan with turpentine or kerosene, and then knock the rose bugs from the bush into the pan. Or im merse a cloth in kerosene and spread it on the bottom of a (lat basket, pun or box, und jar the rose bugs on it. —The census of Massachusetts, just completed, shows thnt she ha* one of the densest J>opulations*on the globe. Only Belgium, Great Ir'tain and Italy support more people to the square mile. The number in lieluiiim is 409; in Great I.ritain and Ireland it in 2<iß ; in Italy it is 243. The present census shows that there are 1,783,812 people living on the 7,800 square miles of Massachusetts, or 228 to the square mile. —Of the "shinplasters" or fractional paper currency which used- to be so common, and in many case* so convenient, some fifteen million dollars' worth are still outstanding, the notes have K»ne out of circulation. As the present rate of redemption is very slow, only about £IBO,OOO per year, it is probable that nearly all of this large sum, by reason of wear and tear and the easy destruetibilitv of the pa per issue, will remain as the people's loss and the Government's gain. —European journals state that the French Government grant of SIOO,OOO last year, to encourage research for the best means to check the phylloxera, will be increased the pre»ent year to about i-'OO.OOO. Of this sum a )><>rtion is to be devoted to the treatment of the diseased vines, another to the proposition of American vine stocks, and the distribution of new plants and cuttings, ami still unotlicr to microscopic researches, besides other appropria tion*. —A fire which threatens to he one of the most disastrous in the history of Ameri can coal mining, broke out A n«u-1!», in the Kecly Run Colliery, at Shenandoah, I'a. No lives were lost, ami all the mules and portable machinery had been safely brought to the sur face before the Ore became fully developed. Mine Inspector Parton and Kx-Mine Inspoctor Kdrnunds attribute the fire to spontaneous com bustion in a quantity of coal waste which had been dumped into a break leading into the mine. —The first regular meeting of the Commissioners of tin- United States Interna tional (Exhibition of Ixß3 bewail August 10 and continued three days. The temporary organiz ation required by act. of Congress was effected, and an executive committee was appointed, with sub committees on finance, legislation, and sites. Provision was made for the opening of subscription books, September 15, at the office of the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, fis cal agents. The commission will meet for per manent organization N>«' "mber 11. —Last Saturday evening a wire peddler named John Kiter, went into the barn of Henry I'fabe, of Jefferson township, with the intention, he says, of sleeping there, lie struck a match for the purpose of finding a suitable place to lie down, and aceidcntly ig nited the hay on the floor. Mr. I'fabe and bis family were absent from home, and the barn togetlicr two horses, some agricultural implements, hay, grain, etc., were consumed by the fire. The peddler was arrested and is now in jail. —As everybody is interested this year in the possibilities of the Presidential eke toral vote, we publish the following statement for information and reference. The Southern States, or what are popularly known us such, will cast, the following electoral vote : Alabama, 10; Arkansas, fi; Delaware. ;i: Florida, 4; Georgia, 11 ; Kentucky, 12; ILouisiana, 8; Mis sissippi, 8 ; Maryland, 8; Missouri, 15; North Carolina, 1'); South Carolina, 7 ; Tennessee, 12 ; Texas, M; Virginia, 11, and West Virginia, 5. — 119. Of the other States the electoral vote is: California, (>; Colorado, .'{; Connecticut, (>; Illi nois*, 21 ; Indiana, 25; lowa, It ; Kansas, 5; Maine, 7; Massachusetts, 13; Michigan, II; Minnesota, 5; Nebraska,.'!; Nevada,.'!; New Jersey, !»; New York. ; • >hio, 22; Oregon, 3; Pennsylvania, 29 ; Rhode Island, 4; Vermont, 5, and Wisconsin, 10. —231. Whole electoral vote, 3'j'J; necessary to an election, 185. Cii*as*« : pa., sU«rttsi 2a, tsßo. Voice of tlie People. 11IL LSD A LK, Mich. R. V. PIEKCE, M. D.: I liave a serious disease of the lungs, ami was fur a time confined to my bed and under i the eare of a pbvsicion. His prescriptions did ! nut help me. J grew worse, coughing very ' severely. I commenced taking your Medical I Discovery, which helped ine greatly. I have ( taken several bottles, and am restored to good health. Yours respectfully. JUDITH BURNETT. —The Western Branch of the Na tional Window Glass Manufacturers' Associa tion, in session in Pittsburgh last week, decided ! that in view of the liberal foreign ini|>ortatinn ' and tin- ample supply of stoek on hand, it is I impossible to inainiain tiie present eard rate. They also resolved to continue the present su - pension until September 15 —two weeks later than usual. Remember Yon can always get the Best Blankets, Flannels and yarns, At HITTER <FC KALSTON'S, and at Mill prices. It pays to buy a good Article. —llussia is said to have asked the aid or co-operation of the L nited States i:i in sisting that Corea shall open her ports to com merce. That might prove one of the alliances sometimes spoken of as entangling. Russia is cordially hated by China, and China has iullu ence with Corea, which is nominally her vassal. China is probably not ill disposed to help along the United States to commerce with Corea, even if only as an offset to Russia and Japan. I!ut she would hardly aid the United States as a partner of Russia ; and, presumably, our coun try has not yet arrived at the point of battering down the nates of Corea by force. —The Republicans in France have gained a notable victory. The results of the elections for councils-general show that 1,012 have been elected and but 105 reactionaries, a Republican gain of some 300 seats. A signifi cant feature of the elections, a«ide from the great blow given to the royalists and imperial ists, was the defeat at all points of the clerical partv, which made its issue on the expulsion of the Jesuits. The decision proved that the sen timents of the people were with the government throughout, and that the Republic id more firm ly established to-day than at any previous pe riod in its history. Al fl 1-1 C'CIIIM per Yard. Yard wide unbleached muslin. Fine soft finish bleached muslin And an immense line of bargains In all kinns of goods, at HITTER <FE RALSTON'S. —ANOTHER SALE. —The Geiscr threshing maching lately sold by Messrs. Jack son & Mitchell of this place to Mr. Fred Bow ers, of Summit township, gave such good satis faction that they have had the pleasure of se curing another for Mr. Rowers' neighbor, Mr. Bedenbaugh. These are undoubtedly good machines. Resides threshing out the grain, they also separqte, clean and bag it ami have attached to thein the latest improved triple geared mounted, or Down Horse Power with new patent lever and brace arrangement. Messrs. Jackson & Mitchell are the agents for this county. — CHURCH PICNIC.—A picnic was heM at the Springdale Jv L, Church, Concord township, this county, on the 10th inet., which was a very pleasant affair ami well provided with everything tliai was good. Revs. Jiean, of Sitnbury; Felker, of Millerstown; Mar shall, of Middletown ; Si mem, of North Wash ington, and Streamer, Pastor of the Springdale Church, were present and participated. Music, by a choir under the direction of Prof. W. .1. Andre, was rendered. A martial hand from 1 'nionville was also present. The committees did well and everything passed off satisfactory ly—so says our correspondent. iVcw OarpelM. Xew matting?, new oil clotlis, New rugs, everything found in a First class carpet store, at IllTTEit it RALSTON'B. —A fireman, on extra freight engine No. 483, Pittsburgh Division, I'. 11. It., named George Norris, said to be a citizen of this coun ty, met with instant death at Kittauning Point, al)otit seven o'clock last Wednesday morning. The train was coining west, and was stopped near the plug there for the purpose of tilling the tank of the locomotive with water. Norris was in the act of putting the plug-hose into the opening of the tank, when the pusher end of the train bumped up against the rear end, and jolted the young man to the traek, when the wheels of one empty ear passed over his body, severing it almost in twain. II: made several attempts to speak, but died without saying a Word. —The Tanner folly is likely to be perpetuated. A Wall street man is reported to nave put up SI,OOO as a prize in a fasting match anil at least five candidates have given in their names as competitors. The trial is to be super intended by l)r. Hammond, and the man that fasts the longest will be the winner. This beats the walking matches as a novelty, ami the gam blers will try to make as much out of it. It is possible that people educated into the myste ries of the walking match "excitement" may •queeze something like enthusiasm out of a fasting match. But a fair average man will he apt to keep himself out of so stupid and ghost ly a show. —A correspondent wants to know if we can recall the rest of that beautiful poem, commencing— A farmer sat in his easy chair Smoking his pipe of clay, While his hale old wife with busy care Was clearing the dinner away ; A sweet little girl with fine blue eyes On her grandfather's knee was catching Ilies, It gives us great pleasure (•> say we cannot. In the (irst place oo man ever found an easy chair on a farm. .Secondly, no farmer ever left any dinner for his hale old wife to clear awav. Thirdly, there never was a child that could catch flics—wc IIM dto try it. When yon come to analyze one of tin-so sentimental poems it never fails to turn out a muss of prettily word ed lies.— Ex. f'mirfjiiiWi ('niprf, Mourning shawls, mourning lionets, Mourning hats, mourning veils, Mourning dre.-s goods, gloves, Ties <fcc, at HITTER & RALSTON'S. — LITTELL'H 1,1 VINO Attn.—The numbers of Thr Liriinj Af)< for the weeks end ing August 7th and 1 Ith respectively, contain tli- following artiidcs: The Sultan's Heirs in Asia, Fortnightly; A Stranger in Ai leriea, and Story-Telling, Nineteenth Century; Peasant Life in Portugal, a. el die Northern Shepherd, Mactnillian; A Lav Cotifesmioiuil, I Hack wood ; The Hardening and T mp"ring ol Steel, Popu lar Science Review; The Austrian Power, tra cer; The Romance of Chinese Social Life and llrantome, Temple Itnr; The Ihelinc of Hypo crisy, and the Kw.i !>• iiioeraev. Spectator; Ar tificial I'iamonds, mid the Caribbean Sea, Na ture ; "Wanted a (iri.oiu," (Iraphic ; with the conclusion of M rs. (II i pliant \ "lie that will not when he may," "A Forgotten Crime," and the usual amountof poetry. For flftr-two numbers of sixty-four lar:'e page* each (or more than .'i,;i(io pages a year;, th - oibseription price (isj is low ; while for .-10."Ki the publishers offer to send any one of tbe American -I monthlies or weeklies willi '/'//.• A<j> for a year, in cluding the extra numbers of the latter, both postpaid. Littell .V Co., Ronton, are the pub lishers. —Sad stories come from Kuropo ab..at the deteriorating < fleet of tobacco upon manners, France, once the country from which all other lands imported their gentility patterns is said now to contain thousands of well dressed men who smoke Lad cigars everywhere, except in drawing room-, in tbe presence or ladies, while in (lermaiiy, v. here men of the higher classes are supposed t > reverence and worship women, noblemen are -aid to kindle tires of to bacco In hugh pip even in railway carriages where there are |ad:< , and to be brutally rude and cruel when remonstrated with. From all this is argued thai 11 ; >- effect of tobacco upon manners must be vi ry deleterious. It is to be hoped that no such lai-fetclied notion will pre vail in America, lor certainly the manners of smokers here arc all that can be desired. A gentleman here is nevr known to smoke iu the presence of ladies of his acquaintance without first asking whether smoking is offensive. The reply is always "Not iu tin- least," except, when some one more amiable or sarcastic than the other, says, "On thr contrary, we like it." Af ter this the ladies orcent may he annoyed, nau seated or sicken* I by the fumes of the burning weed, but the gentleman's manners remain in tact; he is smoking by permission. PEIWSIOIV^ Procured for all soldiers disabled in the I'. S. ser \ ice In in any cause, also for heirs of tie eased sol diers. The .lightest cli talifllty entitles to |I 'IIH|OII I'ens us Increased. Ilounty and new discharges proeu eil. i'. n-.' who an* 111 doubt as to whether enlltli <1 to aiiythiun. should wild two .'I ets. stamps for oir ' CIK u'ai> of uforuiation." Address, Willi si,mi i, Stoiidarf & ICo., Solicitors of Claims and I'at" its, Itoom . SI. ('loud lluildlng, Washington, L>. c. ijunac-3in; STOUIURT & < < •. LEADING (ASH (JKOCGin. ; NO ADVANCE-COMPARE PRICES. ! EVERYTHING IX THE GROCERY LINE. 1 RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICKS ! ! SUGARS. 12 lbs Brown Sugar for $1 00 11 " Light Brown Sugar for 1 00 10 " White Coffee Sugar for 1 00 , !> " Sparkling "A" Sugar for 1 "0 ; 9 " Granulated Sugar for 1 00 COFFEES. Standard Rrands, 1 pound packages, 22 cents. I City Roasted, loose,) 15 to IS cents, j Our own Roasted, 20, 22 ard 25 cents, j Our own Roasted Java, 25 to 30 cents. SALT. Extra Xo. 1. in new packages, full weight 280 jMiunds, $1.25 per barrel. Car lion Oil, lit cents per gallon. Sugar Cured Hams, 121 cents per pound. ■T •• We pay Cash for Ruttcr and Eggs. Cash | paid for large Oiyons. Ca&li paid for every thing we buv. G. WILSOX MILLER A RRO. Two Orgrut.s. Regulate first the stomach, second the liver; especially the first, so as to perform their func tions perfectly and you will remove at least nineteen-tweutieths of all the ills that mankind is heir to, in this or any other climate. Hop Hitters is the only thing that will give perfectly healthy natural action to these two organs.— Maine Farmer. Dr. C. H. LEE, Iloinwnpafiiio Physician. Office and residence near the Wick House North Main street. Butler, Pa. jan7 HI Alt I«III>. RAMSEY—'GRAHAM—Aagm* 17th, 1880, by Rev. R. G. Ferguson, at the parsonage, Mr. Alfred Ramsey, of ICvaosl.urg, and Miss Kllie Graham, of Rrownsdale, this county. ROWE —WlLT—f>n the IMb, inst., at the Reformed Church parsonage, Fairview, l'a., by Rev. J. W. Alspach, .Mr. Emory J. Rowe, ot' llaysville, to Miss Mary L. \\ ilt, of Oil City. HEATHS. BOYD- U l.uiler, Sunday, August l'J, 1880, James M. Royd, aged 63 years. RARR —In Jefferson township, Saturday, August 21, Henry II Rarr, aged 56 years. MORR<)W—July 22,1 J KO, Alva Leora, son of Thos. and Margaret Morrow, of Clearfield town ship, this county, aged 1 year, 7 months and 14 days. Sew Advertisement*. NlierifT* Male*. Rv virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias. Alle viri Fieri Facias, issued out of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Butler county, arid to me directed there will bn exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in the borough of Butler, on Friday, (lie loth day of Sept., 18S(i, at one o'clock, P. M.. the following describ ed pioperty, to wit; ED. No 55. Sept T, 1880. Sullivan Bros, Att'ys. All the right, title, intcrobt ami claim of J P Broell of, in and to eleven (II ) acres of land, more or less, situated in Forward township, But ler county; l'a., bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by A Trualiel and Martin Sinkon, east by Henry Hpitoler, south by Coniio<pienoH»iug creek and west by A Tnishel; log house and log t table thereon; mostly cleared. Seized and ta ken in execution as the property of J P Broell at tho suit of Charles Knobloeh. EU, Nos 132 A 133. Sept T. 1880. Lev McQuis tioti, Atty. All the right, title, intereht and claim of Robt Allen of, in and to all that tract of land, situate in Brady and Worth townships. Butler county, l'a , bounded and described a« follows : Begin ning at a poht, thence by laruln of A and R Glenn south WIJ-j degrees west 270 perches to a post, thence by lands of Win Curry and A Glenn south y K of a d'egr e 207 and 4-lOth perches to a |Kist and stone pde, thence % of a degree west 207 and 4-1 (Itli perches to tho place of beginning, by lands of McClynioncls et al., coutaing 350 acres, more or lens, frame house, frpme barn and or chard thereon; mostly Bleared. Seized and taken in execution at. tho property of Robert Alien at the Hiiit of Harmony Savings Bank. E I), No 132 & 133, Sept T. 1880. Lov McQuis tion. Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Robt Allen of, in and to all that tract of land, situate jn Brady township. Butler Co., Pa., beginning at a post at the north-west comer, thence by lands of H McDevitt et al. north H'J'tf degrees east 289 and 3-lOtli perches to a pint, thence by lands of Jas Grossman south 1 degree ea«t 130 and 0-10 perches to a post, thence by lands of the heirs of Wm Strain, dee'd, south H<> degrees went 289 and 3-10 th perches to a pout the place of beginning, containing i'4B acres and 51 perch es, more or ICHB; brick house, frame barn and orchard thereon; mostly cleared. Seized and ta ken in execution as the property of Robt Allen at the suit of Harmony Havings Bank- ED. No 132 .V 133. Sept T, 1880. Lev McQuis tion, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Robt Allen of, in and to all that tract of land situate in Franklin township, Butler county. Pa., on tho waters of Muddy creek, bounded on the north by lands of Stephen Allen hoiis. on the eaat by tho Franklin road, on the south by a public road and on the west by lands of Gallagher and Baker and containing about 400 acres, more or less, except ing and reserving from tho above 24 acres for lailroad purposes, to be used for depots, tracks, sidings, to be selected for tliat purpose so ax to do the least injury to the remaining land and not to include tho building* on raid farm, frarno house, fiame barn and outbuildings thereon ; mostly cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Robt Allot! at the suit of Har mony Savings liank. WILLIAM If. HOFFMAN. Sheriff. Hlicriff'n Oftlce, IJutlcr, I'*., Auguid 23; IHHO. BEAVER FALLS ACADEMY, A new iiihtitqtion of le&rninf;, will open in Beaver Falln, Pa., on tiio lilli of SEPTEMBER, isso, Thorough preparation for COI.LKOE, I'llo - HTUDIKH OH BUSINESS. Mod em langnagee a Hp«ci.ilitv. TEKMH KKAHONA BMi. including textbookH and olationeiy. Applications should bo emit before the ltd of Hepiomber. Catalogues Joan bo bad at tiio Citi/kn oftlue. i'*uli<-nt information to bo obtained l>y addrenaiiig PRO H. C MUELLER, aug'2S-3t lIF.AVKH FALI.H, I'A. 1200 REWARD! ijiiCO deposited in tiio Dank nt Hlipperyrook, will Ito paid lo any person producing from re liablo hutlioiity. i-vidonco 'lolriiocntal lo tbo standing or reliability of tlia MUTUALEN DOW MENT _—ANI) RELIEF ASSOCIATION, of Oardington, Oblo. or paid to tbo roprcHcnta tive of any other Mutual Endowment An*oeia tion, within tlm Hiatus ol Ohio or I'eniixylvania, which hui pawwoH or even cpnils it In its plan of working and general aiibiigenieut. For par t ion lure, ad lrohri EDWIN PRESCOTT, Ocn. Ag't. Headquarters, Hlipporyrock, Duller county, l'a. Agencies given to responsible porxoim only- aug2s-8t GRAND BOULEVARD HOTEL Corner s'Mh Si. it Broadway, NEW YORK On Both American ami lOuropean I'litrm. Fronting on Central Park, 1 linunl Houlevard, I'.roadway and Fifty-Ninth St., fhi Hotel occu pies tin- rutin* square, ami was built and fur iiihlmml at an expense of over >l<n»,uno. It is one of tin* most elegant an Well an lirliitf ll»»' fluent lo < »it«*«l in tin- city ; LIAS a |MHN«MIK« r Flrval«»r and all modern improvement I *, and i 4* w!tliin mie square of tin* depots of tin* Sixth and Avenue Flevntcd 11. I». imph andMftil ui'iint to the llrcadway cars <*<>n V « - III « - ll t and acccssiM" from ;ill parts'of the city. ICoonis with hoard, #2 per day. Special rates foi t.untiles and permanent quests. F. IIAHKI.I l/, I'roprictor. Kmtnlor'H Xollcc. Letters testamentary on tbo estate of Martha Mrchling, doe'd, late of Jefferson township, Dul ler county, l'a., having been granted to tbn im dersighed, all |>eisotiH knowing themselves in debted to Maid estate, will ploaso malm iminodi ate payment, and any having clniuiH against Haid estate, will present them duly authenti cated for pavment. A. li. HI IK A DICK, Ex'r, Duller, l'a. A CtUt4lm To all who nre *ulliilng Irotn the error* and indiscretloni* ol youth, in rvous weakness, early decay, los* lit manhood, .fee , 1 will scud a re cipe that will cure you, KKKK OF CHAIIHK. i This great remedy w.w discovered by n mission ary In Houtli Africa. Send a sell-uddrcsncd eo- I vi-lope to the KKV. Josßfll INMAN, Million l>, [ .Veto York City. t! ' Xl ' "" lv * ever w 111 tell \oil hi, taking S»f Vimf-SMIISSIMMONS' I.IVKK KFC -0 ' 1 1 j£ LATOIt. 0 Tilt cbeup'st, Pureat and Ueat Family 0 Medicine in the world? 0 l-'or DYSPEPSIA. CONSTIPATION, Jaundice, 0 Bilious attacks. SICK HKADACHK. Colic, De pression of Spirits. SOCK STOMCH. Heart Burn. Sc.. &c. This unrivalled Southern Rcmeily is warranted I not to contain a single particle of" Jlkkci'isv, or any injurious mineral substance, but is PURELY VEGEABLE, containing those Southern Roots and Heibs, which an all-wise Providence litis placed in couii t tries where Liver Diseases most prevail. It will cur** Diseases caused by Derangement of the Liver and Uowe.s. The SYMPTOMS of Liver Complaint area bit ter or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain in tin- Hack, , sides or Joints, often mistaken for Kheumatism : . Soc.r Stomach ; Loss of Apjietlte ; Bowels alter nately costive an I lax ; Headache ; Ixiss of mem ory. with ;t painful sensation of having failed to do something which ought to have been done ; Debility. Low Spirits, a thick yellow appearance of the Skin ami Eyes, a dry Cough often mistaken for Consumption. 1 Son:; times many of these symptoms attend the - disease, at others very few bid the l.lVKlt, the t larges organ in the body, is generally the seat of I the disease, and if not lioguiated i.'i time, great suffering, wretchedness ami death will ensue. ' I cjiii recommend as an cflicacum. remedy for dise. se of the Liver, llcartluirn and Dyspepsia, Simmons' Liver Uegulator. Lewis vi'i .viikic, liL' i M \siKit Stkkkt. ASSISI axt I'OST MASTKI:, Pim.Al'Kl.llllA. "We have testeii its virtues. personally. and know that for Dyspepsia. Biliousness, and Throb bing Headache, it is the best medicine the world ever saw. We have tried forty other remedies i before Simmons' Liver Regulator, but none of them have us more than tcmiiarary relief; but the not only reliqped. but cured us."— Kt>. TKt.i:riltAl'ii ANI> .Mks<kn«;ki:. Macon, <ia. M AXt'KAl'l t't!t:i» ONLY ItV J. 11. XFIIJ V. A ( O. PHILADKLPHIA. Pilre, St, Sold by all IJruggl»t», ai»r2B-lyr J EFFKBSOJI 4CADEHT. Thorough preparation for College ; good Eng lish and business education. Moderate expenses not necessarily exceeding •>-!'< or >'.">< i per term. Good ('lnimical and philosophical apparatus ; large library, Good moral and social surround ings. French and German taught. Next term commences Sept. 15th, 1880. HEW WM. EWIXG, Principal, jy 21:2 m Cannonsburg, Pa Oil V/I EH'H New York Ladies' and Gents' Dining & Lunch Rooms, NO. Its SMITIIKIKLD STKKKT, Op|H>slte Municipal Hall. Pittsburgh, Pa. The place to get an excellent lunch at all hours, day and night, at short notice. Breakfast from 5 to uA. M. Dinner from 11 A. M. to 3p. m. Sup per from 5 to B I*. M. DINNER. Soups oc Clam Soup 16c Pried Fish too Chicken Potpie tr>c Hakeil Kish 10c Veal Potpie tec 1 toast Beef lis- Pork ami Beaus lite lEqast Lainb toe Pork and kraut 10c Roast Veal toe Coined Heel & Cab'getoc Roast I'ork Hie Bread ami Huttcr 5c Roast Chicken l*c Tea or Coffee per cup Ac Roast Duck tic Sassafras Tea r>e Roast Turkey. line Chocolate 10c VKtiKTAM.Kri, &«'. Cabbage "»<• Salad 5c Tomatoes ftc Celery 10c Turnips 5c Boiled Onions .%<• Parsnips 5c Itoilcd Rice 5c Carrots 5c Macaroni 5c Sweet Potatoes 5c Hominy 5c Peas 5c Sauces of all kinds. Beans 5c Berries—all kinds—iu Asparagus se| season. nrssKUT. Peaches and cream. . KH-Custard Pie 5n Apple lie 5c Rice Pudding 5c Peach Pie 50 Apple Dumpling 5c Pumpkin Pie 5c Bread Pudding ftc Mince Pie 5c Corn Starch ftc l/Ciuon I'le ftc BItKAKKAST AND SCPPKR Small Broiled Beefsteak loe Large Tenderloin Steak liic Porterhouse Steak & Mushroom Sauce 75c Small Tenderloin Steak & Mushroom Sauce -loc Large Tenderloin Steak & Mushroom Sauce ..soit Small Beefsteak and Onions 'jiic Small Broiled Slcaß and Tomato Sauce 20c Veal Cutlet itlM' Corn Cakes too Mutton Chops too Warm Biscuit ftc Sausage toe Corn Broad ftc Pork Chops . ..Hie Hot Rolls ftc Ham ami Kggs uiie French Coffee jicr Clip ftc Fried Frlsh . Hie Tea per cup 5e Boiled Kggs I lie Large tila-s of Milk 5c Omelette um> Broad anil Butler .... ."«■ Warm Wlent Cakes. I tie Fried Potatoes ftc Buckwheat Cakes.... luc LI'NCHKS. I toast Beef lis* Boiled Pork and Saner- I toast Lamb toe kraut loc Roast Veal toe Fish Balls iih- ROJISI Pork anil Beans luc Pie and Milk Me Roast Turkey I ftc Coffee gc Sandwiches t.lc Roast Chicken I ftc Bowl of Mush \ Milk lt!o Boiled Ham UK' Bowl of Hnup fto Boiled Corned Beef. .lih: Bread and Butler 5e Boiled Tongue lOc-i Tea or Coffee, per cup ftc LADIES' DINING ROOM ON SKCOND FLOOR. ItcglMterV* IVolim. Notice is hereby Riven that tho following ac counts of Executors, Administrators and uiinr diami have been Held iu tho llegister's office, ac cording to law. and vwill bo proHciitcil to Court for coniirmation and allowance on Wednesday, tho Bth day of September. A. D., 1880 «t *2 e. m : I. Final account of Hugh Grossman, guardian of Mirgnret A Covert. 2- I'tnal account of John 0 Non is, guardian of Gcorgo I' Norris, minor child of John C Nor ris, of Clil.ton township. BuMer county, l'a. 8. Final aooount ol Thomas Kennedy, execu tor-of the lant will and tef tainei t of John List, late of Clinton township. Hitler county, dee'd. 4. Final account of A .11 Hutchison, guardian of Lizzie llutchiKon, minor child of William Hut chison, late of Oakland towntdiip, Butler county, deceased. 5. Final and distribution account of William Ebert. executor of the last will and 1 est anion t of John F. Ebert. late of Olinton township, dee'd, (1, Final account of Philip Hilliar tl, adminis trator of Sarah Wallace, late of Al'egiicny twp., deoeased. 7. Firct and final account of F J Fonpier, ad ministrator of tho estate of Ed\v,ird E Ptijjh, late of Kit ins City, deceased K, Filial account of Dorothoa Froderiok exec utrix of tho thr> last will and testament of Henry Fiodeiick. late of the borough of lJiitler, dec'tf. !(. Final account of Cyrus Harper and Andrew Harper, < xrcut >rs of Thomas Harper, lalo of Cranbery townahip, dee'd, 10. Final acdiini of John Nease and William executors of tho last will and testament of Henry Noane, lato of Clinton twp., li ttler Co., deceased. 11, Final and distribution account of F Zoh ner, executor of Adam Dichl, lato of Jackson township, deceased. 12. Final account of Jamos Morrison, execu tor of tho last will of Daniel Millison, late of Mllddyciei k township, deceased. 19. Filial account of L I. Daubenapcok, exec utor of the last will of William Kelly, lato of Parker township, deceased. 11 Final account of Junes H Wilson, admin istrator of the estato of Allon Thompson, lato of Centreville borough, deuassod. 18. Final account of Robert Storey, one of tho executors of Archibald Kelly, lato of Parker tp., Butler county, deceased. Hi Final account of Thomns C Allen, admin istrator of the estate of Jane B >Hou, late of Coiitiotiitetiessing township, deceased, 17. Mnal aooount of A M Cornelius, adminis trator of tlnrestato of Win Uailoy, lato of Butler county, dooeasod. IH. Final aooount of A M Oornelins, alminis trator of the estate of John Bailey, ilec'd. 1(1. Final account of Samuel Lawranoo. one of tho exec tors of the last will of Robert- Lawranoo late of Muildycreelt township, deceased. 20. Final account of D McCullough, ono of tho executors of Robert I.awrance, lato of Muddy creek township, deceased. 21. Final account of (loorgo W Uillespio, ex ecutor of the estate of ManaHsns Gillespie, late of Donegal township, Butler county, docoaaed, and In ilistributiou, 22. Partial aooount of Samuel Balfour, execu tor of the last will and testament of Maigaret Balfour, lato of Adams township, dee'd. H. 11. GALLAOIIKIt, Reg'r. IVotiep lo Conlrnrfoi'M. IVoponalH will ho recnivod by (be fio&nl of Hclioc»l Directorn of Centre towiiHhip. until Sr.pt. 4th, for flio l>iul(lii>K a f'»®e School Hoiiho at flolvokd. Alho, for tho enlargiuuont of School floiiHf) at Unioiivillo. IMaim an<] >peci tlcHtionß can bo seen l»y calling oil the Secretary , of tho Hoard, on or aftor of AugtiHt, 1880 , Partiee wlioho 1»I<1h ate accepted, will l»o 10- <|iio»*to(l t(» file bond for tho rompletlon of build- in a Kpccifled t'ire Tho JSoard ronorven tin to reject any or all liidn, if not to tho inton Ht of tho Pinfriet. WAI/J'EJC KVANB, Hecrotary of Hoard. Centre Tp. f Aug. 17, 1880. ICxcciiforM ,\oOo«*. Letters testimentary iu tho estate of Captain Robert Thompson, dee'd, late of Clinton town ship, Potior county. Pa , having been granted to tho undersigned, all persons knowing them selves indebted to Kaiil estate will make imme diate payment, ami any having claims against said estate, will presold them duly authenti cated for sot tlomoht. ABSOLOM MONKS, J. W. MONKS, Kx'rs. jnlv2S-fit Kaxoill'Urg, P. O. Butler county, Pa. J* THE VICTOR Double Huller Clover Machine gfflßPl W b the tmdf ktf**4 that bu eewr HSSkllnSffliQlK 11 1 »♦«•»•«»■ 01 m 4 HDrRf yfjMß lo 00* d my Trom tlunp and »»t Strew Head tnr De ffißffTjy Mrlpll** Ctreuler nd Price VlVlii m tm/ Llit, vbtnb (H«t«tii« neiif mMi 1 noafirrniM tbla. <bs#:OL<cß. I have just received from the L'ltst a large stock of HATS.CAPSS CEBTS' FURNISHIHG GOOSS. I offer to the public the COMET StllliT, the best Unh.undricd White Shirt in the market l„r #l. ONE DOLLAR. sl. Also, a large stock of WHITK mid COLOIiED SHIRTS, for Men and liojs, always on hand. . Undsrwear, Half Hose, Cloves, Hats, Caps and Neckwear, Introduced as soon as they appear in the East, to be had at ' er, at a moderate price, we now offer a line of FINE ENGLISH GUNS, Greatly Ileduoed Pi'ioes: 12-borc. 10-ltore. No. 845, C. G. BONEHILL, Top lever, double bolt, bar rebounding locks, low set hammers, solid stri kers, pistol grip stock, patent fore eud, skeleton butt plntc, fine Damascus barrels, choke bored, finely and finish?d $45 00 I SSO 00 No. 850, do. do. With extension rib fastening 50 00 | . r »5 00 No. 855, do. do. Challenge brand with horn heel plate elaborately engraved 55 00 | 60 00 All those guns have raised level ribs, ami the 111 bores tire niiulc extra heavy ami wide at breech, in weight from 0 to 10 Ihi., mak ing nn admirable gun for duck mid trap shooting where heavy charge- are necessary. Any of these gnus will be sent C. O. D., with privilege of examination anil trial on receipt of a remittance sufficient to cover express charges to your place und return. No deviation will bo made from these prices under anv circumstances. [*2. r >aug7ml J. PALMKR O'NEIL & CO. Motice to Supervisor* and all Int«r«Nted. Tlio following Road petitions have been con firmed Nisi by the Court and will be presented for coniirmation on the second Wednesday of September next, being tho Bth day, should 110 exception bo tiled, will be confirmed absolute. No 1, March 1880. Public road in I'enn and Jefferson Tps., beginning at a public road lead ing from Butler to Glade Mill, near whore said road crosueii Thorn creek, upon lands of Alex. Welsh, in Penn township, an 1 to eud in a pn'jlic road leading from Hannastowu to Glade Mills, at a point near a hiidgo where said road crosses Thorn crook, on lands of Smith and Thomas Welsh, in Jefferson township. No. 2. March IHBO. Vacation of public road iu Adams township, leading from a public road at 01 near tho corner of tlu farm of A. C. Stewart and Frederick Flishner, to the Evans burg and Bal;o. I'm town road at tho lino of farms of J. C. Dontbelt and 15. A. Ervin. No. 4, March IHSI. Public road in Franklin township, beginning at a point 011 the Mt. Chestnut road, where said road strikes tho farm of Joseph R. Moore, westerley or nearly so, to a point on the Whiteoak Spring road at or rear a otilvort on farm of Ebenezer Dodds. No. ft. March 1880 Public road in Franklin and ConiKxpicucssing townships, beginning at a point on the White Oak Spring, wliero tho lino between J. R. Moore and William Dicks, strikes said road to a point on the public road at or near tho dwelling of John N. Beam, said public roatl leading from tho Prospect and Harmony road to tlie White Oak Spring road near Galloways farm. No.fi. IKMO. Pnhlio road in Concord township to lead from R W. Jamison's Mill in s.»id town ship. to a point at or near the house of J. M. Ktiutz in said township, on tho Unionvillo and liucna Vista road. No. 7, March 1880 Public road in Washing ton and Vonaugo townships, to load from a point 011 the Ro; slm"g and Meresr turnpike, at or near the dwolling house of James Murrin. in Venango township, to a point on the public rj*d loading from Wiloott to Sunbnry, about midway between Wilcott and Thomas McNallens, iu Washington township. No. 10, March 1880. Public road in Olcarfleld township, beginning at or near a p lint on tho township pablic ro.id, whore the line separating the farms of Charles O'Donnell and D. Straiiui, crosiies tho saino to a point at or near the corner of widow Keyles, and Walter Lucas farm 011 tho public roa I from Groat Bolt City to Mil'cra tOVtll. No 12 1880. Vacation of roa 1 in Butler town ship, begioiiing at a point 011 tho Thrso-de;;iCO road where the lati Is of Ilotiry Kalb and Win. Neoley, join to a point on the Allcg'.eiiy and Butler plank ro.nl. where tho lauds " f James Campbell and E. W. Kirk Join Ceitilled from the Record this oth day of August INK.'). W. A Wuioht, clerk. PITTSBURGH EXPOSITION. Home Hotel, Pti(|Uosno \Vsiy, between M and '.I, St Hjieciiil rates for |M!ople positiDn. $1 s'i- r > i>c,r <la//. Ilotel Hhort di.-itiiiinu from Exposition lUiililings. No IIA It, Oil MlitOH- SULI) ON TIIK riitoKi istcs. Rev. W. Mollahon, Supt. MOllim'. Notice Is hereby tlven that. W. 1) llmiidon, Astlgnee ol Valt oliu tlriihiln, has filed Ills Until net oilnt iu the olllce ol tbe I'rothonotury ol the Court Con 11.011 Pleas ol Hut Icr Co., at C. P., No. Die. term, ISTH, ami Unit the ■nine will lie preach led to Raid Comt for eoiiflimallon and nllowiiiiie oil the Bth dav of Septenit'cr next. A. RUSSELL, P.otii'y. l'r»th'y's ofllce, July 81, Isho, (llauglw Kol ire. Notice is hereby given that A. M. Ilulc'ii 011. Assignee ol Charles Octlneh, lias filed hi* llnal nccoinit in the ofllee ol the l'rotlionotaiy ol the Com! ol Comiiion Pleas ol Butler county, at C. P. No. 1103 June term, IS7S, and that the same will be prociitcd to i-alil Court toi cotillrinallon and allowance on the Bth day ol Sej t. next. A ItUShELL, l'roth'y. l'rolh'y's office, July 81, IHBO. (Uaug-tw Notice, Notice is hereby given thai Joseph Logan, Assignee of Thomas Logan, has filed his llt.al account in the < lllce ol the Prothouolary of flic Court of Common Ploas of Butler county, at C. P., No. 74s Dec. Term. 1878, and that the smie w ill be presented to said Court ln r coiitlrina tii li Clld tillownncc oil the Nth day id' September next. A. RUSBEI L, Proth'y. I'roth'y'e olllce, July 111. IKSO. (Uaugtw Voficc. Nolico is hereby given that Ilonry F, Wick, as signee of A K Ktoughton, has tiled bis final ac count iu the ofllee of the Plotbonotury of the Conit of Comn.on Pleas, of Butler county, at C P. No ,')3H, March term, IX7H, and the same will be presented lo said Oonrt for confirmation and allowance on tho Ht tl dav of September next A. RUSSELL. Proth'y. Protholiotary's Office, Aug. 10, |l laug-lw I). 11. LYON, SALE AND FEED STABLE. At the old stand of Patrick Kolley, Esip, cor ner of Cunningham and Maem stioet, oposite John Berg's Bank, nhero 1 will attend to tho feeding of Horses or BOARDING IIV TIIK WKFK OR MONTH of the same. Oivo me a call and I will make tho charges moderate to suit the times. Those having Hone* for sale or pt rions want ing to buy, it will bo to thoir advantage to call. atig2s'Hm IVI ir WI CI'IMt 1 Ooiimmiptiou and Asthma ii IJ 'I 1 llii Never yet failed. Address with stamp, "HOME," Fuohivuho, Mu. (j*7 ly M. nn & Bro. 100 & 102 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. Will Hold A (liiiiitl Clearing Out Bii!t i Oi Dry Goods. All kinds of Summer Dry Goods will be Closed Out Regardless of Cost. At 5c per yard, very fine and beautiful I LAWNS. At flj.c, DRESS PLAIDS, and a great variety ?ol mixed Dress Goods. At 12; a c. a very large lot of Brocade Dress. Goods, in all colors mid shades. AT 20 AND i r > CENTS, ALL- WOOL DEBEGES. We ire also closing out at very low ju ices, our entire stock ol Black and Colored Silks- Iu these goods we oiler very decided bargasn*. |Cy/"\Vc would call special attention to our very large stock of Alpaca ami Silk Sun Umbrellas, which will be closet! out very low M. FIRE & BRO., 100 102 Federal Nlrrcl. Allegheny. SAFE IN THE MOST INEX^EmEDHAND^ For Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps, Cholera, AND ALL THOSE NUMEROUS TROUBLES OF THE STOMACH AND BOWELS SO PREVALENT AT THIS SEASON, No Rcmeily known to the Medical Profession has been In uso no long and with auch uniformly satisfactory results as PERRY DAVIS' VECETABLE PAIN KILLER It hns b?on uwvl with mcli wonderful rucccmlu all porta of the world In the treatment of Uicso dllllcultles, that It baa come to bo considered AN UNFAILING CURE FOR ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS and such it rcftlly 1m when taken in tlmo and aceordlng to tho very plain direction* lnclosin* ta |\i l such disease®, tiio attack is tiqnally sadden and frequently very acute; l>nt wltli n mifd irmnly of hniid (or Immcdlato use, tlifro i« seldom danger of ill® fiital result which so often follows a few days* neglect. Tho Inclination to wait and seo If the morrow does not bring a better feeling, not Inlrequontly occasloiH a viixt amount of needless suiTerlng, und sometimes eosU a life. A timely dose of I'aln Killer will almost Invariably save both, and with them tho attendant doctor's fee. It Ims stood tlae test of forty years* eoiistant itse iu ull countries and climates, aiul Is perfectly safo in any person's hand*. „ „ , It Is reeomnaentled by Phjrslclans, Nurses in Hospitals, and persons of all classes and 1 professions who liavo had opportunity for observing tlio wonderful rcsolti which hayo always ollowcd its use. •THE BEST EVIDENCES 1 liaro li»ns n«ot1 ths m«lieln« PERRY I DAVIH' VKOETABLIC PAIN KIM JCH In my f*ni!ly ! nml would n«»t on any Aooount be without it. Whon Cholers wa«* liuit oplilemto hers. I nssd no iiKKile.no of any wort but tho Pfiln Killer. nnl Alth'*ug}i my telf snd aeroi-sl insmbsrM of my fstnlly wor« nevorely, 1 Am happy to nay tlirtt tho I'nin Killer wa< e<iuil to oTsry omergonoy. I ocmsiclor 1 nhould not l»o doing my duty to tho community did 1 not aay tills muoh. If I woro sttAokod ny tho t'Mlny. Psin Killer wotild t>o tho ontv romody I i shotila ass. I h.ivo thoroughly tostod ft, And know . It cad bo relied on. F. IC. BICIUHNHKND, OftlonA. Illinois. I No family can alTord to l»o wltl. mt it. and Its prico brings It within tho reach of all. Tho u*c of ono bottle will go further to convince you of lu merits than columns of news paper advertising. Try It. and you will never do without It. Price J4oc. 50c. and 81.00 per l>oltle. You can obtain It at any drug-storo or from PERRY DAVIS II SON, Proprlotorft, Providonco, R. L CANCER. CORED DU. IA MEB BKADEN. who Uvea on Bridge hiieel iii the Flral ward, New rustic, l'a , h.i ■ devoted bin attention t> the at nd y ol iiicilicinc lor the laat thlrtj'-thrcc yearn, and ha§ In en riie cc»tnlly tretiilnu CancerH !<»• eighteen ye i< part. Ilia fit at cancer treatment ltd learned from an old lii(lit,it doctor, wllli whom lie « i ot'Rociiited Irom IM7 to ISSO. Tho next mcthoil ol treiitmenl lor the cure ol c iiicer ho li triied from a noted doctor who lived In U'ltn lie-lei, Indiana, lie wik nfic ward t«»»orl ited willi a cancer doctor Irom SScotl ind,and t*tlll hiter «11 li one from buiitli Ameiiei. All thene doctor# used phirtcra of 'tic kind or aMither, ami their trealnicnt was more 01 Ic*h rteiere. Hut Dr. Hidden ti i anotli t nml nli'l l» Iter itieltto I «»l treiitiiunt Liift nulu .n, whei. (j 'orce Ft trnrd, belter known hk li e 'Old Moiiuiaini cr I) ictor,' vi.Hlti tl Youu^ftown, t> , |)r It went tlu're itbo, and not only I'ticceeded in | tin li i*iit:: Iroai the old doc lor the secret of hi-* ► i:eei r-ltil I real Mienl, lint aeciiHip.iiiied him to Akiou,a- i 1.114 in lie 1 ineaiitliue to pnl the old iloit. i'i* liciticcnt in to print lee While ill V•it ■ 1 *'■»» n they rci>n>v. Ed tweiity-iix eitncm. I'i II.I* li itiiicnt •he cnucir i-i removed in fiom t> 11 to liui 1 n ■ I , without kiul'c or pli 1 r, >1• >I null Ickh ; 1111 than any o lnr tie itiuent 'I lie e nicer is whol ly removed ulid the cure 1 »pid an 11. dical Dr. liradeu nl«o tieiiit Hiiecei lolly all I'ln 01 ic Di ea«i K mid oi l *Ol. ■< ol fvi 1 \ t'c nptiou. lie eliMi lcs not (in cotiMi : l.i; inn. linKHhKM r. • Win. Mitt Im?iI ( N't-I. »mi"c!t. tp.; Jos. M«t 'l uy, l ul u 11» , Mn. I'dc s li » ill near lint hoi iiiidye; .lommili *r»| rs«*n t llici.o ry tp ; AleximVr iord iu, \V •i-hin. ton tp.; I»i --vld I'. Ciildwi 11, Noiih s Mill**, Merer** county, Pa; Mrs. Shook, Nrw t sistle, »otl iii my oihcts to whom reletcnce can be ui.««!e. KciiiciiiVmt hi* rc*idcn c on r.ri»lji» «ti. •• IN the Klrsl w ti I. iie»r » riwit. ul's ri ii.liu: Mill New C'ustle, P.i. (llati-1.0 A OOIJ) lV ITt l! 1 lli:i . To every worklhc aiieiit. 111:1'.■ of fauiele Akettl iiri' i V.iritt.' from lo >■ 1;. H d»> on our Ko.hlm, in ailililluli to lihove pieinltnn. Send lit 4'enln for - niiple in «! im fur full oiilflf 1 nl in■ your count J lilt: MKS.stfNUKIt im |tl,M||| s'i CO. lyewlnhiirx, l'a, lino im In Housekeeping Goods | Wc are enabled to oircr better bargains than ever before. Our stock is very complete, and must be sold to make room for Fall Goods. Wc otrer an Extra' Good Quality of Turkey Red Table Damask at 50c. Bleached Table Cloth, very good, at 25, "5, 50c. White and Colored Bed Quilts AT ALL PRICES I Towels, Id, and 15 cents, j Towels, very tine and large, 30, "25 and !15c. MMIH. PERKY DAVIS A RON: 1 know jon used no testimonial to convince you that your inotlicino in All thAt you clalui for It. but i ennm t rostrsin tiio impulse tooonmunleAtsto you tlio fs< t thst in my fnuwly it hAs tnilv tlnno wondsrs. 1 ndtninintor It to my rhlldren (ono eighteen months, »ritf the other throe yosrs old) with perfect suocess. It regulate* their Ik>wolii, und stops sll dinrrhceA. MyiN»lf snd wifo re'virt to it in All cacos, botli for Internal And citornAl n »o. I're nw>d it in my family for ive Mn, and ssfll not be without it. reeling myaelf under muoh obligation to you. In many times being reliero I fnim pain. I aiii very truly your*, L P. MOORK, Itaugail, Uutchoss CJo., Wew York. WIDOWS' AI'PUAISEMKNTS. I lia following Widows' Appraisement* of por rotihl properly hihl rul ontatc, not apart for tlio l>oii' lit of tlio widoWH "f 'l'towleiitH, liavo boon in tlinolMco of tlio (.'lurk of tlio Orphan*' Court .>1 JSnllor connlv. i i m ' .rtlanoo with tlio All »r A f li'lii.v 1 lib April 1491. K M. Ad ll.'in in, HI. M«rv MrN'li'iioy, tUQ.iii). KHkhl> tii <'oopur. ■} (01). Kil.«ii MuMICIimI, two. Mary N U.'.'non. #'Jo(l'So. Nancy Zio/lor. *218.75. Eliza Jaiio Sto.)j-H, ((300. Naiuv Honlrn, Kirali llindiiian. i I" M r;(» it tlra'.vn -i< 12.1.00. I.iic'm'l* 11 r'linamaii, ♦IIW.SX Tli" it'• iv.i will I o Pi'fl billed for confirmation >i \V«dnMl*r, At Stii to of Sapt, iwii \V. A. WlilOllT, Clork O. C. C&fAPAIGM FLAGsI I; Miltil'iil < .uiipni>fii J'hilkci of tliu Kt'piilili* (Mil mi I Priii' iraticfaiididiitc*. (■ A I'. II 1.1.1) /ill HANCOCK n 11)1 III; it ml All I'ill K, "'lt KSULUU. ('mil lining 1110 like i'lintni>i>ipliti of the Cmi < 1 1-1111 . cui'.i nl iii I'icliy Mliinliluru tlilt K i 11.11 •. with |ii l'ii i.u h liliilt lo co lor veil. Aeth ' ;l■ 11• c ill l.;;lUc flO 11 rfiiv wl lltll 111' 111, iiul rli\ in.) ('•>iiiil i •, li:cii'lliitll* fin hi iki' a liit re proll' l*ilt t? 10 ■■( nln i ■( li. '' 'or 1% ciii's, 1') liif Wl (I'uin, in |(W lui* I' 51. I'll 1(1- «Mlp v ,:illi.' p||<V : » HiUU'IM t iiiv mi PoMrnll* oil • I:itI ■! plutr |ni|icr. Ilerol ►!/.(' !M liv •S, loi "£i <■ i.i", !"l 'i'H ill cl/cf, khi(l!« and prices. N'.w I* llie H:i vi'kl liii>" lor nucnl", nnd dt'itU fini. Sen I i i * mil |'!< - nnd I'jll purl •«'»ili»rw to IT s MAN UK ACT IKI NW < i. I Hi "hi: lli "l«*l ■! hlrr-l, I'iuhluiuli, Pit. inn:; i.rtin Wlili * " ' h 111 own 'own. IVniiK nn I *9 JS'MI in f,. ... Ai)• Iri i*-t 11. I 1 ti.i Ki r p..i iMilI. M 'I»«S 1 v I • ' ' Ailviriiw in tin; CITIZEN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers