BUTLER CITIZEN. IOHN H. > W. C. WE6LEY. pmff'BS. Entered at the Post office at Butler as second-class* matter. Republican National Ticket, FOR PRESIDENT, 1880. GEN. JAMES A. GARFIELD, OR OMO. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. 1880. HON. CHESTER A. ARTHUR, Of 1 Republican State Nominations. FOR JUDGE SUPREME COURT, Hon. Henry Oreen, OF NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, Hon. John A. Lemon, OF BLAIR COCNTY. Republican Oonnty Nominations. Congress. 3:D. MOJUHKIN, ESQ.. Of Butler County. Senate. JOHft *. GREER, ESQ., of Bntler borough. (Subject to the District Conference ) Assembly. WILLIAM P. BBAHAM. of Mercer township. SYLVESTER D. BELL, of Millerstown borough. District Attorney. A. M. CUNNINGHAM, ESQ., of Butler borough. Associate Judge. A ppamu MCCANDLBSS, of Butler townehip. Connty Unrreyor. NATHAN M. BLATOB. of Butler borough. ==== NOTICE. There are some of our subscribers falling behind to such an extent in tbeir subscription accounts, and tbe same are so much needed by us at present, that we have to request their early attention to tbe same. Club Meeting. There will be a meeting of the But ler Garfield and Arthur Club in the Court House, on Saturday evening next at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is requested. By order of President. THURSDAY, September 2th, is the last day on which assessments or reg istry can be made. Attend to it. HON. J. C. StuRMVANT, of Con neautville, Crawford county, and 8. C. Koonce, Esq., of Clarksville, Mercer county, Pa., paid our town a brief visit last Friday. W* regret to learn of the death Mr. Alexander W. Book, one of the propri etors and for fifteen years past connect ed with the Pittsburgh Dispatch. He died at his residence, in Pittsburgh, on Saturday last, aged 54 years. THE story in the Pittsburgh Post, of Monday last,, contained in a telegram purporting to have been sent from Bradford, was too absurd and ridicu lous to gain any credence here, where " at least one of the parties is known, and whose reputation protects him from all such canards. SOMI papers, among them the Pitts burgh Dispatch, speak of Mercer as more of a Republican county than Crawford or Butler. This is not strictly correct. In 1876, the last Presidential election, each of these counties gave President Hayes about the same majority. But lergave more votes to Hayes than Mer cer did at that election. MR. A. T. DOXJTHBTT, of Pittsburgh, and former Superintendent of Schools in Allegheny county, was visiting our town this week with the object of es tablishing here a female seminary, for the education of young ladies. The project is a good one and Butler would be a pleasant location for a female sem inary. It would supply a want much needed. TH* Democratic meeting ,in the Court House last week was rather more amusing than imposing. Mr. Stranahan, of Mercer, the first speaker, made a poor impression, although he told his hearers at theoutstart that he would rather make a Democratic speech at any time than eat a good dinner. This spoiled the appetites of some of his audience. He was followed by Mr. Thomas May Peiree, of Philadelphia, a fine looking gentleman and a very pleasant talker. His speech appeared to give very general satisfaction to his party friends, and, from the fact of be ing courteous, did not offend his op ponents. WILL WITHDRAW. From reeent information from Mer cer county we have every reason to believe that Mr. Miller, the Greenville nominee for Congress in this district, will in due time withdraw. There are many reasons why he should do so. One alone must be conclusive with him. He is second in the field and that by a mistake of his own. This mistake, by his own action, is beyond his pow er to correct Mr. McJunkin was nomi nated at the first, Mercer, Conference because of that mistake. Treated as a legal question, Mr. McJunkin's nomi nation then made is pronounced in many respectable, and in all disin terested quarters, as justifiable, regu Tar, and binding upon all parties who did not, but who ought to have, partic ipated in it. And since made it has been ratified by the County Commit tees of two of the three counties of the district. Mr. McJunkin therefore can not be asked to withdraw, and besides no better man could be found in the district Mr. Miller by withdrawing not only saves the district, but will make a record for the future that will be acknowledged, and all the past for gotten. Thk Republican Conference held in New York on Thursday of last week, was attended by leading Republicans from every part of the L nion. Blaine, Cameron, Logan, Halstead, Hoar, Conger, Sherman, Grow, Harrison, Hoyt, and a hundred others equally prominent, were present to confer up on the situation. Gen. Garfield and Arthur were also in the city but did not attend the conference. The editors of the leading Republican papers, the Chairman of the State Committees, and members of tbe National Congres sional Committee aud the National Republican Executive Committee were also present. Reports favorable to Re publican success were received from every Northern State, especially those which have been considered doubtful. Blaine says the Democratic and Green back Fusionists in Maine will be beaten, and two members of Congress gained. Gen. Ben. Harris says Indi ana will give a Republican majority in October, and Garfield 10,000 major ity in November. Governor Jewell says Connecticut will elect the Republican ticket. In New Jersey the prospects are very bright. New York also prom ises to give its thirty-five Electoral votes to Garfield. The reports from California and Oregon were also very assuring. Ohio and all the Northern States will give increased majorities for the Republican ticket. In the South the Republicans will make a fight in West Virginia, Florida, North Carolina and Virginia, with chances of success. A number of Congressmen will be gained in the South, and in some of the Northern States. "MERGER'S MISTAKES". Since the commencement of the Re publican Congressional Conferences, in this district, the term "Mercer's Mistakes" has become kind of prover bial. They are known to be tbe mis takes of tbe candidate of that county, Mr. Miller. And while not just of the character of the alleged "Mistakes of Moses," yet are more numerous. We regret to see another, and a serious one, in the Mercer Dispatch, Mr. Miller's organ, of last week. It is of such a character, and so bold an untruth, that it must be corrected, sooner or later. Immediately after the adjournment of tbe Mercer conference, July 7, the Dispatch was in great haste to get out an extra, giving its version of the pro ceedings, and with the view of trying to damage Mr. McJunkin's nomination- Last week it appears with what may be called a "revised, improved and en larged edition" of all proceedings. It is certainly enlarged. For this remark able statement is found in it. "Mr. Mil ler never refused to go into conference with Butler county." And, "had he had notice that a conference would be organized, (July 6), he would have immediately accepted the proposition of the Butler conferees." Unfortunately for the Dispatch it con tradicts itself in making the above statement. We will let it answer it self. In its issue, July 9, immediately after the conference, it admits as fol lows : "About the hour of 11 o'clock the conferees of Mr. McJunkin notified Mr. Miller that they had met in room 11 Whistler House, and that they were ready to meet the Mercer county con ferees, organize a conference, and pro ceed to determine the rights of the Crawford county candidates to a voice in the conference, and to the further business of the conference." Strange too, the above admission appears in its present "history" of the proceedings, and only a few sentences in advance of its enlarged account. The Dispatch thus stands self con. victed. The notice to Mr. Miller above referred to is the same appearing in the regular proceedings, as the letter signed and sent to him by all the But ler conferees, and will be seen in an" other place of this paper. It states ex plicitly that the Butler conferees had met according to agreement, and were ready to "organize a conference." Mr. Miller refused to meet them to do so, "unless Dick was also admitted into the conference." His subsequent let ters to tbe Butler conferees prove that was his position. All his declarations prove it. And it will be proven other wise, if compelled to be done. But we hope the Dispatch will at once correct itself, for its own sake, and thus save further misunderstanding on this point. Because, whatever else may happen, that cannot be allowed to stand, against the truth, against all the facts, written and verbal. It is but evidence of a bad cause that requires such pre varication. If Mr. Miller 6ees his mis. take, as is now admitted by nearly all •his friends, he should frankly say so himself, and not endeavor now to deny the position he took at Mercer, on July 6th. TO THE PITTSBURGH DISPATCH. In the CITIZEN of last week the at tention of the Pittsburgh Dispatch was called to the error it was making in its statements as to the action of the Butler Congressional Conferees at the Mercer conference, July fith. We also expressed the opinion that the course of the Dixpatch had done much to wards the producing ol two Republi can candidates in this district. The Dispatch of last Friday replies and ex plains in part its course. But on the material point, to wit., the action of the Butler conferees at Mercer, we are satisfied it has been laboring under some misinformation. Otherwise it would not repeat it, as it does in its article, headed "Mr. McJunkin's Rights." We quote from it as fol. lows: "Mr. McJunkin was, we believe, fairly nominated by the constituents of his county, but he was disrespectful to iHtttljwc? P«>t t8» 1880^ them and to tbe Republicans of the en- 1 tire district when he permitted his con- c ferees to unite with those of Mr. Rob- i erts, of Crawford county, while there c was good basis for a doubt of the fair 1 nomination, of the latter, and utterly \ ignoring the right of Mercer county to c a representation in the conference." ( The point on which the Dispatch is ' much mistaken is, as to the "ignoring the right of Mercer county to a repre- j sentation in the conference." We sent it the official proceedings of the Con ference some days ago. Had it but ( consulted them it could not have ever , said that the "right of Mercer county" i had ever been ignored. So far from that, it was the fault and action of the ' Mercer county candidate himself that 1 ignored the seat of his county in the conference. Mr. Miller's first, last aud only proposition, when all four sets of 1 conferees, Butler, Mercer, and two from Crawford, had arrived at Mercer j was, that one of the Crawford set, Dick's, must be admitted to conference in its organization. This was in such gross violation of his agreement, by which both sets from Crawford had been invited and appeared there, that it was not entertained by the Butler conferees for a moment, lie, Miller, had joined Mr. McJunkin, on June 26, in informing the Crawford contestants, Roberts and Dick, that they two. Mil ler and McJunkin, had agreed upon Mercer as the place, and July 6th, at 7 o'clock p. m., as the time "for hold ing the Republican conference of this district." And now we will let the official proceedings tell the balance, in which the Dispatch will see there was no ignoring the right of Mercer, but that on the contrary her candidate re fused to participate, although notice after notice was sent him. And all we ask is, that the Dispatch, on seeing this, will make such correction as will set tbe action of the Butler conferees at Mercer right before its readers. As this is a matter of interest to Repub licans, both in and out of the district, we will confidently look for it doing so. The proceedings say : "In pursuance of the above letters of Miller and McJunkin to Dick and Rob erts all the four parties met in Mercer at the time. Mr. McJunkin's Confer ees, at 7 p. m., held an informal meet ing with Mr. Miller's Conferees. The question discussed was the action to be taken with regard to Crawford county, the Mercer Conferees insisting that Dick should be admitted as en titled prima facie to his seat; the But ler conferees contending that Dick and Roberts should be treated alike, and neither admitted until Mercer aud But ler conferees should organize and pass upon the credentials from Crawford county ; that by admitting Dick in the first instance he would have an unfair advantage, for if a motion were made to substitute the Roberts conferees, upon proof that Roberts was the nom inee from Crawford county, and the Mercer Conferees were to divide, Mr. Dick would retain his seat. No under standing was arrived at, and Mr. Mil ler's Conferees withdrew for consulta tion. After waiting one or two hours, the following potice was prepared and served on Mr. Miller t MEHCER, PA., July Gth, 1880. 8. H. MILLEB, ESQ. SIR According to agreement made at Bnt ler, 26tli June lat-t. between Mr. J. D. McJunkin and yourself, the candidates of your respective counties for a Congressional nomination in the 26th Pennsylvania District, fixing the time of the Conference on the Cth of July following and the place at Mercer, and that notice of the time ami pjv-e should be given Hon. 8- 11. Dick and Hon. W. B. Roberts. wwfpHting candidates for the nomination from Crau-fortfcounty, »o u; the Conferees of J. D. McJunkin, Es<]., have met at the time and place pointed out iu the agree ment. and are now present in room No. 11. at the Whistler House, Mercer, aud are ready to meet you according to the letter and spirit of your agreement, that a Conlerence mny proceed to determine the rights of the Crawford county candidates to a voice in the Conference aud the further business of the meeting. J, H. NEG LEV ) Conferees H. PILLOW. V of T. C. CAMPBELL, J Butler County. Mr. Miller having refused to appear duplicate notices were sent to Dick and Roberts, as follows : MEBCEB, PA., July 6, 1880. Hon. W. B. ROBERTS:— 818 :—We, the Conferees of Hon. J. D Mc- Junkin, are iu session in room 11, Whis.ler House, where we will hear yon if you have any thing to say in vour behalf as a candidate for Congress from Crawford county. J. H. NEGLEY, 11. PILLOW, T. C. CAMPBELL. Mr. Dick not putting in qn afpeurr ance and the Conferees of Roberts ap pearing and presenting their creden tials, were recognized and, with the Butler Conferees, organized with the following result: MINUTES OF CONFERENCE Mbroeh, Ta-, Ju'y fi, 1880. The Conferees from Butler county, Messrs. J. 11. Negley, Henry Pillow and T. C. Campbell, and W. H. An drews, Hon. S. Newton Pettis aud J. A. Stone, Conferees of Crawford coun ty, met in accordance with a call issued by J. D. McJunkin, candidate for Con gress from Butler couuty, and Samuel H. Miller, candidate from Mercer, July 6, at Whistler House, in the town of Mercer, and organized by electing J. 11. Negley, of Butler, Chairman, and J. A- Stone, of Crawford, Secretary. On motion adjourned to meet July 7, 1880, at same place, at 11 o'clock, a. m., or at the call of the Chairman. July 7, 1880, Conference met at 11 a. m. On motion of Capt. Pillow the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That notice be given to 8. H. Mil ler, the Congiessional candidate of Mercer Co., tint the Conference is this day re-assembled, in pursuanoe of jdiotjiMuieiit yesterday, and is in session ready for business. On motion Conference adjourned to meet at 1 p. m,, and that the notice be served on S. H. Miller, of time of meet ing, by a Committee appointed by the Chairman for that purpose. Conference met at 1 o'olock, p. m., pursuant to adjournment. T. C. Campr bell, appointed by the chair to notify Mr. Miller, as provided by resolution, reported that he had so jotified him, and that Mr. Miller refused to appear. Conference adjourned to jpeot at 8 o'clock, p. m. Conference met 8 p. m., as per ad journment, and called to order by the Chairman. On motion of W. H. An drews, it was resolved that Conference proceed to nominate candidates for Con gress for tbe 26th Congressional Disr trect, whereupon Mr. H. Pillow of But ler, nominated Hon. J. I). McJunkin, and Mr. W. H. Andrews, of Crawford, nominated Hon. W. B. Roberts. On motion it was resolved that the Con ference proceed to ballot. Eight bal lots having been taken, in which no choice was made, each candidate hav ing three votes ; the Conference pro ceeded to the ninth ballot, in which J. | 1). McJunkin, of Butler, received six votes, whereupon the Chairman declar ed Hon. J. D. McJunkin the Republi can nominee for Congress in the 26th Pennsylvania District. J. A. STONE. Sec'y. Another Letter from Mercer County. MERCEK CO., August 9tb, 1880. Hon. John H. Negley: DEAR SIR:—I wrote you my views on the Congressional matter after tbe regular nomination of Mr. McJunkin at Mercer and I am sustained in those views by all honest, unselfish Repub licans of our county. It is the wish of all outside of a selfish, corrupt ring iu the party, that McJunkin shall re main a candidate and make no com promise with those who bolted at Mer cer. We are anxious to have an opor tunity of casting our votes for an able man, a man of integrity, who is honest and capable and who cannot be influ enced by machine politicians. A R. The Rebel Oath. PORTERSVILLE, August 11, 1880. For the Citizen: Mr. Negley—l promised to give you a copy of the" oath that Southern sol diers took when they joined the rebel army. These were the first that en listed. I got this when I was in the South and you told me if I would send it you would publish it; and here it is: "I do swear in the presence of Almighty God, who is the searcher of all hearts, that I will support the Government of South Carolina" and Georgia and all seceeding States. This, I do adhere to while the blood runs within my veins, or the heart beats within my breast, so help me God." Robt. Stewart is offering the Post to Republicans five months for 30 cts. He is busy. The Democrats say that if they do not get their man elected this fall they will fight. I understood there was going to be a Democratic meeting iu tbe Town Hall last Saturday night. Scott was to lecture. They poured in from all di rections and when I left town at 9 o'clock there were two there. They were sitting on the steps of the Hall. & *• Mis. Parliiigton says don't take any of the quack rostrums, as they are regimental to the human cistern ; hut put your trust in Hop Hitters, which will cure gen eral dilapidation, costive habits and all comic diseases. They saved Isaac from a severe cxtaet of tirpod fever. They are the ne plies unum of medicines.— Boston Globe. Slierifl's Hales. By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias, Venditioni Exponas, Levari Facias, <tc., issuod out of the Court of Common Pleas cf Butler couutv and to mo directed, there will be ex posed'to Public Sale at the Court House, in the borouuh of Butler, on Monday, Sept. Otli, A. !>.. 1880, at one o'clock, P. M. t the following described property,' as follows; E D No 111, Sept. Term, 1880. J P Colter; Att'y All the right, title, interest and claim of Clark Wilson of, in and to a certain lot or parcel of land situate in the borough of Butler, Butler county, Pa., containing 120 by 3GO foet. more or less, bounded as follows: On thtf north by Mary Heiner. east by Main street, south by John N Purviance and west by Washington street : a larce two-story brick dwelling house, board stable and frt}it tree* tlierboij. hei.ad and taken in execution as the property of Clark Wilson at the suit of George Parker. ED No 95, Sept, Term, 1830. W D Brandon, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of J C Smith of, in and to a certain lot of ground situ ate in the borough of Butler, Butler county, Pa.j containing 50 by 189 feet, more or less, bounded as follows i North by Vr Mef»arvey. east by Main street, south bv Clay street and west by Jackson street: blaekumith shop and wagon shop thereon. Seized «nd taken in ex ecution as the property of J C Smith at suit of John Berg & Co. ED No 95, Sept. Term, 1830. W D Brandon, Attorney. AH the right, title, interest and claim of J C Smith of, iu and to a cortiiu lot of ground situ ate in the borough of Butter, Butler county, Pa-, containing C 4 by 180 feet, more or less, bounded as fqlloiys • North by an alley oast by Wm Feigel, botitli by Boarl street &:i<t **e«t by (lilkev ; a two-story fraaie dwelling house and frame stable thereon- SeU«d ami taken in execution as tho property of J C Smith at the suit of Johu Berg A Co. E D No 9, Sept. Term, 1880. Thompson it Scottt attorneys. All tho right, title, interest and claim of Robt. McKiesick of, iu and to one hundred and fifty six acres of land, more or less, situated in Clav township. Butler county. Pa., bounded as fol lows : On the north by J W Christy and Re becca Mejtissick, east by Rebecca McKissick, James McMichael and Mary Grovur. tjet.'d. soi(tH by John Sutton & west by Jopbia MoMiohael and Simon Painter, et al; log house, frame bank bark and two orchards thereon, about 110 aoros cleared. Seized aud taken ip execution as the property of Robert McKiasick at the suit of A C Gibson. ED No 101, Sept. Term, 1880. L Z Mitchell, attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of P L O'Donneli, dee'd, of. in and to seventy acres of land, more or lose, situated in Marion township. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows : On the north bylliyli and Prank Murriu. cast b> Michael Gornily, south by John Vandoi'lin anil west by Curtis Boyce <fe Co.; frame dwelling house, frame stable and fruit trees thereon about 30 acres cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the property of 1' L O'Durmell dee'd, at the suit of William Murrin. ED No 100, Sept. Term, 1880. L Z Mitchell, attorney. All the right, title, interest and cltim of John Mcljafferty of, jn and to fifty aereß <;f lsnd, moro or le<-n, situated in Marion township. But ler county Pa., bounded as follows: On tbe north br 'Wm Marion and Pat Logan, east by Patrick Mcßride, south by Kirkpatrick and west by Wm Murion ; log house, log barn and orchard thereon mostly cleared. Seized and taken in exocution as tho property of John McLafTerty at the suit of Joseph Bailey for use. E D 103, 106, Sept. Term, ISBO. W D Brandon, W A Jroripier, ultys. All the righht, titlo interest an l'eUim of David Hoover of. iu and to seventy-five acres of land, more or less, situated in Venango township. Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows: On the north by Say heirs, east by J T Kelley. south by John Harper and west by Eli VauJerlin ; frame aud log house log barn and orchard thereon, about 40 acrers cleared. Seized and token in execution as the property of David Hoover at the suit of Esther H'Uelieson, et al. E D, No 109, Sept Term, 1880. GA& A T Black, Att'ys. All the right, title, interest and claim of Carl Linn, ot, in and ta a certain lot ol ground situ ate In Win field township, Butler county, Pa., bounded as lollowe . beginning at a piu corner of Linn Avenue Gateway, thence along Linn Avenue 50 leet lo a plu corner of lot No 174, thence along tlie Hue of said lot No 171, 135 feet to a pin on lola way, thence along saiil way 125 feet to place of beginning, being lot No 175 in W 8 Boyd's plait "I lots at or near Saxon Sta tion. Seized aud taken iu execution as the prop erty of Carl Liun at the suit ol Wm Schatler. ED, No 108, Sept Tcim, 1880. L Z Mitchell, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of U L McCai.i ess au . L Y McCandless of, in and to seventy-live acres of land, more or less, situated iu Centra township, Butler county, Pa., bound, cd as follows: on the north by Isaac McClung, cast by Moore McCandless, sou 111 by James Kobc aud west by Porter MeCandless anil Sam uel Rider; story and a half frame dwelling bou«e and log stable, thereon, about thirty-live acres cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the property of L I. McCaudless and L Y McCapdless at tbe suit of Frederick liilliard for use. E D, No 79, Bept Term, 13S0. Thompson & Scott, Att'ys. All the light, title, interest and claim of Isaac Coats of, ii: aud to a certain lot of ground, situ ate in tbe village of Great Kelt, Jefferson town ship, Butler county, Pa., containing one-fourth Ol an acre, more or less, bounded as follows • on the norlh by lot of Mrs Snyder, east by pub lic road or street, south by Oreut Hplt and Bro ker Mill road or street nnd west by lauds qf James Gallaher, and hiving thereon erected a frame or plank house 10x24 feet, two-stories iu height. 3cised and taken in execmion as the property of Isaac Coats at tbe suit of Heidi let Krause & Bro. E D, No 84, Sept Term, 1830. G W Fieeger, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of John F Brown and l izzie Brown o!, in aud to all that certalr. two lots ot ground situate in the borough ol Fairview, Butler couuty, Pa., hound ed aud described aj follows, being numbered in the plot of said borough No and :I0: on the north by an alley, east by a street, -south by a street and west by lands of Augustus Grow, be ing thereon erected three frame dwelling hous es Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of John F Brown and Lizzie Browu at the suit of Wm T McCoy and Manila McCoy, his wife in tight, &c. ED, No 24, Sept Term, 1880. W D Brandon, Att'y. All the righf, title, interest and claim ot Geo Kotbmirc of, in and to a certain lot ground sit uate in Mercer township, Butler county, Pa., containiug f>o by 180 feet, more or less, bound ed north by North Washington road, east by Samuel Kerr, south by Samuel Kerr and west by grave yard road ; a new two-story frame dwelling bouse and out buildingß erected there on. Seized and taken iu execution as the prop erly ot (ieorge Bothmirc at the suit of Ihomaj Galloway. E D, Nos 48 & 49, Sept Term, 1880. J D Me- Junkie, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Chas Hewins of, iu and to one hundred and seveniy acres of land, more or less, situated in Centre towiifljip, Butler county, Pa., bounded as fol lows : on the north by Bian Bros and Pine tract, east by David and Joseph Caldwell and A rioon, south by Lcibold heirs and west by Campbell et al. Two-etory frame dwelling house, lrame bank barn, orchard and coal bank thereou. most ly cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Charles Hewins at the suit of E J Warner. E D, Nos 34, 35 A »i, Sept Term, 13W. G W Flcetrer, Att'y. All the rhjlit, llt'e, interest and claim ol'Sallie C Duiikcl and (ieo H Dunkel of. in and to ten acres of land, more or less, situate in Allegheny township, Butler county, Pa., (lying north and south ol the Fariniugton and Six Points public road) bounded .is follows : north by Flynn Bros, east by Flynn Bros, south by Thomas McKin nev and west by Matthew Sloan and Thos Me- Kinney; a two-story frame d-velliug house and frame stable thereon, about one acre of good timber, balance cleared. Seized aud takeu iu execution as the property of S iHie C Dunkel and Geo H Dunkel al the suit of M Sloan lor use. E D, No 70, Sept Term, 1880. Jos B Bredin, Att'y. All the right, title, Interest and claim of Anna Er/.el aud Gabriel Elzel of, it: and to a part of lot numt>cred 25 in the borough of Ilutler, But ler county. Pa., having a front on high or Main slri-et, begiuning at a point on High street 42 feet from the south-west corner of lot No 2ti, thenee, al right angles to Main street, buck in an easterly direction 25 feet, thence at right an gle in a northerly direction 4 feet, tlience at right anele iu au easterly direction 155 feet to an alley, thence 22 feet south by nn ;;liuy to an alley, iheuoc wust along said alley ISO leot to high or Main street and thence 18 leet to the place of beginning, upon which is erected a two story brick store and dwelling houm. Seised and taken in execution as the property ot Anna Rtzel and Gabriel El/.el at tl e suit ol Leouard Wise and Cassamer Wise, Ex'rs, Ac. E D, No 62, Sept Term, 1880. McDonald. Atty All the iiuUt, title, interest and claim ol John Smith of, in and to a lot of irround situate iu Martinsburg, I'arker township, Butler county, l'a, containing (50 by 170 feet, igo,rp Qf luae, boqodpd nor'U by Psni.il byw*, ea.t by an til lev, south by an alley and west by Main stieet, with a one-story dwelling house and board sta ble thereon. Seized and taken In execution as the property of John Smith at the suit of J A McDonald. ft D, No 115, Sept Tern', 18-SO. T S Campbell, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Mar garet Graham, now intermarried with JlanielT Hill, of. iu and to ol laud, more or leas, situate in Connoqueues slng township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows: bei inning at a post at the corner ol lands owned by .1 W Brandon and B Duncan, thence along lands of B Duncan north 88 de grees east 53 and 3-10 perches to a post, thence by lands of Jos Uodds' heirs south three-fourths of a degree, east 4<> and 8-10 perches to a post, thenee by lands of .1 W Brandon, south 58 de grees, wee t 50 and 8-10 perches to a post and theuoe along the same north, 3 degrees we.-l, and S <0 perches to ;he nlaoo oi uiiii.iir. Sei»ed and taken In execution as the property of Margaret Graham, intermarried with Samuel T Hill, al the suit of Boggs & Buhl. ED, No 50, Sept Term, 1880. Geo VV Fieeger, Att'y. All the right, title, ii.terest and claim of Eu. gene Ferero of. in r.nd to all Hut lot of groundd sjiipite jn tlie through ot Butler, But- Jey county, ''a., bounded and described as fol lows . commencing on llisrh or Main street, thence west by an alley 13S feet to an alley, thence souiii along same alley led to Hue lot (No 1) in the plan of lois made by Andrew Carnes and Samuel ft Stewart Feb'y 24, 1547, thence east along said lot (No 1) ISo let to said High or Main stieet, thenee north along Main street 55leet to the plapg of licianjijuis, being lot, No 14 ill the said plan of ''antes and Stewart and being the saine will'h Cuinnilngs and wife —by deed dated the 24th day of .April, 1>"8 conveyed to said Eugene Feiero: a large two story bri k dwelling hoti-e and frame, stable theicou Seized and taken in ex 'cutioti as tlie property of Eug re Ferero at tne -u'.t ol G F Fetzer E D, No 08, Sept T riu, W L Graliatn, Att'y. All the- right, title, interest and claim of Wm Bell and Elizabeth Bel! I is vile, of. i" and to all fat certain piece ot parcel (>l l:iii! »iit).itu in f>ijtlc|: lovyn>h|p, tt<|tle| : uuuu: v, H-i, bounded and described as follows, begiiiii'ng at u post at tlici south-west corner, tlience south ' y land of Jacob Fetter degrees west 79 perches to a post at the south-east coiner, thence by lands of the party of the fir>-t pari north 1 de grcc west 36 perches lo a post, tlience north by lands of John Engleliari dcsrrecs east 79 perches to a post, thence south by the lands of the heirs or vendors cd fttisha BueUharl 1 de gree east 3d and 8-10 perches to i post al tbe place of beginning, containing 17 acres and 124 perches, more or less. Sel 'ejJ aniJ taken i; 4 u*u ctuiou a„ the pr:-i {.tfy ot Wm It II aud F.llza beth B. 11, tils wife, at ilie suit of Harmony Na tional Bauk, ol II oniony, and Thos and Charles McGi ire, committee, .Vc. E D, No 03, Sept Term, ISSO. W L Graham, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim ol Wm Bell and Elizabeth his wife, of, iu and to a certain pieoe of laud situate in Butler township. Culler county, Pa-, bounded as follows: Begin ning at a post on the old turnpike road, thence by said old turnpike road north,s decrees west, 43 and 3-10 perches to a post, lIiaUMS by land now or formerly by John Knglehart south 8(1 degrees east 89 perches to a post, thence by land of Elisha Bnrbhart's heirs soulli 1 degree e->sl 80 aud 8-10 perches to a post, th nee south 88% degrees west 85 perches to the place of begiti iilng, containing 2i acres and 4li perches, more or less. Seized and taken in execution as tbe property Of Wm Bell and Elizabeth Bell, his wife, at the suit of Harmony National Bank, ol Harmony, Pa, and Thos ap,d (Jl;as McGuiie, committee, »S»e. E D, No 122, Sent Term, 1830. W H Busk, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of James A Matthews of, in and to a parcel of ground sit ale iu the borough of Karns Cily, Butler couu ty, Pa, bounded north by G Palm, east by Par -1 ker & Karns City Railroad, south by D Bobbins aud west by A BMicr, containing one acre mure Hr li)S3, a two-story board or plank building I hereon used as a hotel building. Seized aud taken in execution as the property of James A Matthews at the suit ol Ewlns .t Stone. E D, No 121, Sept Term, 1830, Sullivan Bros Att'ys. All t'.ie right, title, intere I and claim of Dr Samuel Grab tin and Eleanor Grabain. his wife, of, iu and to nil that eerUiin lot ot eiound situ ate in the borough ol Butler, Butler county, Pa., bounded on the north by Polk street, east by an alley, south by Kev MeClellan and on the wost by the Bntler and Mercer tnrnpike r. ad or con tinuation ol High street, said lot being 75 leet front and 130 feet back, and the same inter alia which was devised by the late Kobl Graham, Sr, to Kiehel and Festus Young, who conveyed the same to John B Graham (see Will book, page 492) who by deed dated the 31st day ol October 1873, conveyed th • same to Kobcrl Graham and his wile by deed dated August 11, 1875, convey ed the. same to Dr Graham ; two-story brick dwelling house and outbuildings thurcon. Seiz ed and lukeii in execution :is the pruperty of Dr Samuel Graham and Eleanor Graham, his wife at the suit of E R Staytou for use. ED, No 121, Sept Term, ISBO. Sullivan Bros, Att'ys. All the right, title, interest and claim of Dr Samuel Graham and Eleanor Graham, his wife, of, in and lo all that certain tract of land situ ate in Butler township. Butler county, Penna., bounded north by lands of McCotinell, east by Silas Pearce, south by lands of Vinroe and west by heirs of Win Boreland and Eli Cratty, con taining 85 acres, more or less, it being the same tract nl land which Dr Samuel Graham pur chased by articles ol agreement from Thompson McKiuncy, 10. ether with the appurtenances. Seized and taken ill execution as the property ol Dr Samuel Graham aud Eleauor Graham, his wife, at the suit of E R Staytou for use. E D, No 37, Sept Term, 1330. J M Greer, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Frank M Eastman of, In and to (5) five acres of land, more or less, situate in tbe borough ol Butler, Butler eounty. Pa., bounded as follows : on the north by Peim street, east by Mrs Mitchell, south by Dr Dietleubacher and west by Mercer road; cleared and fenced. Seized and taken in execution as the pioperty of H M Eastman al 1 the suit of Hood, Boubriirht & Co. ED No 37, Sept. Term, 1830. J M Greer, atty. All the ri(flu, title, interest and claim of I Frank M Eastman of, in and to that certain j, piece or parcel of Und -ituaU»d iu Summit town »bip. Butler county, Pa , bounded and d«wcrl" d as follows : at a stoue at 'he north west corner thence by laada of Walter Bir'!. y (now Duffy') north 68 decrees east 105 7-10 {jeicUes to a sto:se the north-east corner, tlietico jy ia.nlr> >if Coliuua heirs north l'-j decreets \»r«t si -10 perch** to a pist the south-east cornor, tlitn -c !<_v 1 m l.' of Jklh-s Kerns north S'.iy. do gre - eirl 133 '-'-10 perches to a |-oet tl.e - mtli we.-t coiner, thence hy lands of George Rtiber south ' s 'degree went 831 5-10 p< relies. thence from tins point w> st ward the distance of 30 pcrohes to the Butler and Washington road and from said road back again by a parallel line to the west boiuidorv line of said tract, thereby giviug and hereby' including a road two rods wide and 30 rods long from said west boundery line of the tract of land, thence by lands of Robert Henry (now Duffy") south 37Vi degree* west 5G 5-10 perches to a sto-ie the north-west cornor tho place of begininst : containing 90 acres, mora or le-s ; a two-story frame dwelling house, frame barn and orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of F M Eastman at the smt of Hood B inbright A Co. ED No 07. 114. 09, Sept. Term, 1880. W D Brandon, G S Crosby. Williams and Mitchell, atty. All the right, titie. interest and claim of W C Adams of in a.id to sixty acres of land, more or less situated in Fairview township. Butler connty, Pa . bounded as follows : On the north by Patten farm, east by McLitnonds farm, south by J B Campbell farm and west by Tack A Moorhead : 5 board houses. 1 board stable, coal bank in good running order, 3 producing oil well* thereon. derricks, engine house, engins and boilers. tubing, casing, rods, tanks, all ma chinery a-id fixtures thereto belonging, about 45 acres clearod. Seized aud taken in execu tion as the property of W C Adams at the euit of A C Taggart, H H Hatch A Co., et *l, ED No 97, 114,69. Sept. Term, 18S0. W D Brandon, G S Crosby. Williams and Mitchell, att'y. All the right, title, interest aim claim of W D Adams of in and to a certain lot of ground situ ate in the borough of Fairview, Butler county, Pa., containing 00 feet front by ISO feet deep, bounded on the uortli by Wm Patton. east by an alley, south by sunbury street and west by Main street; a two-story frame building and frame i-tablo thereon. Seized and taken in ex ecution as the property of W C Adams at the suit of A C Taggart, H E£ Hitch & Co., et al. ED No 97. 114, r,9, Sept. Term, 18tj0. W D Brandqn, Q S Crosby, Williams and Mitchell, att'y. All tho right, title, interest and claim of W C Adams of, in and to five acres of land, more or less, situated in Fairview township. Butler county. Fa., bounded as follows : On the north by Snubury roal, eist by Mi-Clung farm, south by MoCafferty farm (now Rankin) aud west by ed and taken in execution as the property of W C Adams at the suit of A C Taggart, H If LUtuli A Co., et al. ED No SJ7, 114, Cm, S&pt, Term, ISBO. W D Jkmijon. G Oiowbv, Williama and Mitchell, att'y. All right. t'Me, interest and claim of \V C Ada n* of. I" and to ihroe acres of land, move or leas, sltnitol in boiongh of Fairviow, Butler oou.itv. Pa.. 'ooindd.l as follows : On tLe north J bv 1 hi.lm now or formerly James M Adams. east by Mayrihe tiact noatliby urave >ard lot and west bv Main street ; a three-story frame hotel building erected thereon With finished attic, and frame barn excepting therefrom lot oouvey«d to Mrs. Jane MeMullen 60 feet by 18Q fofet havk also lot conveved to A H Damnation name de menbiona, ylti. (reusing *lO ifeet on Main street b» 100 teat baok. Seised and taken iu execu a» the property of \V 0 Adams at the suit of A C Taggart. H H Hatoh A Co., et al. ED No 119, Sept. Term. 1880. T C Campbell, attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of Dan iel Wine of, in and to 120 acres of land, mora or less, situated in Fenn township, Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows ; On the north by Wm Kennedy, east by Alex Welsh, south by Alex Weljjh and west by Mrs. Morrison , frame and log house, old log house, frame barn, log barn and out buildings, good orchard, coal bank and about 05 acres cleared. Seized and taken in exeoution as tbe property of Daniel Wise at the suit of John Berg & Co. for use W II H Riddle now for use J L Purvis and T C Campbell, trus tees. ED, No CI, Sept Term, 1880. Lev McQuistlon Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Geo Scheidcmantel of, in an 4 to thirty-three (3:5) acres ql Vwl, more or less, situate in Lancaster township, Butler county, Pa., honr.ded as fol lows : on the north by Joseph Grolt and Michael Flenncr, cast by Public ro.td, south by public road and Chas Warner and west by Taggart and Michael Flenner; log liou?c, log harn, log sta ble and small orchard thereon, mostly cleared. Seized and taken as ti.fc property of Geo Schei dcmantel al suit ol John Sebeideuiautel. In U, No 11*4, Sept Term, 18b0. J N Furviance, Att'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Alex Campbell, dee'd, and W T Campbell and A G Campbell of, in and to those two certnin lots of liround situate in the village of Mt Chestnut, Franklin township, Butler county, Pa., bouud ed north by an alley east by lot of Mrs John, ston. south by lands ol the heirs ot John Neg ley, doe'd, and west by Unionville and Dodds Mill road. Seized and taken in execution as the properly ot Alex Campbell, dee'd, and W T Campbell and A G Campbell at the suit ol An drew M Hutchisoo, guardiau of minor children of Win Hutchison, dee'd. E D, No 112, Sept Term, 1880. J N Porviaace, Ait'y, All Ihc risrht, title, interest and claim of Alex Campbell, dee'd, and W T Campbell and A G Campbell of, in and t" all -that certain lot of "round (No situate in th • village of Mt Chest nut. Franklin township. Butler county, Pa., bounded north by the Hullor mid New Castle road, east i«v an alley, south by an alley and west bv lot No 11, bt-iiiir > feet in frontand 200 feet hack, with the appurtenances. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Alex Campbell, dee'd, and W T Campbell and A G Campbell at the suit ol Andrew M Hutchison, guardian of the minor children of Wui Hutchi son, dee'd. E D No 1i 2, Sept Term. 1880. J N Purviance, AVy. All the riglil, title, hiteiest and claim of Ale* Campbell, dee'd, and W T Campbell and A G Campbell of, it. and l<> thirteen acres of land, more or less, situ it* In Franklin township, But ler county. Pa., bounded as follows : on the north by" lands of Henry Bright, east by the public road, south by lands of John T Cranmer and west by lands ol John T Cranmer, It liein-j part ol tbe same tract ol land which Jos Sproll and wife, by deed dated April 2, 1874, conveyed lo Alex Campbell and A G Campbell. Sci/.od and takeu iu execution as the property of Alex Campbell, der'd, and W T Campbell and A G Campbell al the suit of Andrew M Hutchison, guardian of the minor children of Wm Hutchi son, dec' 4 H D, No lta, Sept Term, 1880. J N Purvi»nce. Att'y. All the right, title. Icterest »nd claim of Alex Campbell, dee'd. and W T Campbell and A (i Campbell ot. in and to thirteen (13) acrc6 of land more or less, siiualed iu Concord township, Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows; on the north bv lands ot H W Jamison, oast by lands of ltaviil Morrison, south by lands of Davis et al. nr,d west by lands of W H Christy's heirs and mill dam. Seized and takeu In execution as the property of Alex Campbell, dee'd, and W 1 Campboll and A « Campbell al the suit of Ail drew M Hutchison, uuardian ot minor children of Win Hutchison, dee'd. E D, No 112, Sept Term, 1880. J N Purviance, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Alex Campbell, dee'd. and W T Campbell and A G Campbell 01. hi and lo twelve (12) ilcres of land more or Jess, situate iu Concord township, But ler county, Pa., bounded as follows: on the north by lands of W H fiiublin, D Patterson's heirs and Calviu Glenn, east by lands of H W Jamison, south bv lands of O W Book, J M Thompson, W H Timbliu and Walker Christy and west by Unds of Andrew Christy; one-sto ry fiame dwelling house 30 by 30 feet, board stable 16 by 24 feel, apple and peach orchard thereon, all cleared. Sei* d and taken in execu tion as the property of Alex Campbell, dee'd, and W T Campbell and A G Campbell at the suit of Wm Hutchison, guardian of minor chil dren of Wm Hutchison, dee'd, E1) No 1»), Sept Term, lxso. W A Forquer. Att'y. All tlii- right, title, interest and claim of John Cress of in and to thirty-seven (.IT) acres of land, more or less, situate iii Counoqiieiiessmg town ship Butler couutv. Pa., bounded as follows : oil the north bv lands of Wm Met iowan. east by lands of Milton Cress, south bv lands of Matthew ltasley anil Jacob Nlbloek anil wost by lands of Henry Brandmer; frame dwoltnui hone and frame sta hie then*on. mostly Soizotl «u)<l tiikoii iu execution as the properly ot John Cress at the suit of M J Mcßride. Kll No Its, Sep! Term. tS'H). (! A& A T Black, Att'vs, VII the right, title. Interest and claim or George GiilchrLst of. in and to one a-re of land, more or less situate in Wasinn rtnn township. Itulter coun ty I'a., bounded as follows , on the north by Pe ter Emery, east bv public road, south by public road and west by public road and Peter Emery ; a one-story frame house, outbuildings and fruit trees thereon.' Seized ami taken in execution as the property of <Seo (illlchrist at the suit of Ephram TERMS OF SALE. The following inu«t be strictly complied will/ when propel ty Is stricken I'rwn : 1. When the plaintiff or other lion creditor* become the purchaser, the costs on the writs must be paid, and a list of the liens, including morlgft'-e searches on the property sold, to gether with sUch lien creditor's receipt* for the amount ot the proceeds of the sale of such portion thereof as he may claim, uiusl he fur nished the Sheriir. 2. All bids must be paid in lull. 3. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until 1 o'clock, J*. M., of next day, at which lime all properly not settled for will again be put up and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom first sold. «See Purdon's Digest. »:n edition, page 446, aud Smith's Forms, pasre 3*4. W. H. HOFFMAN, inyl9-3t] Sheriff of Butler County. J[ ESTABLISHED 1817. H. ChildsT & Co., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS & SHOES, 133 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Strictly first-class quality (roods at bottom prices. Send sample order. SATIHT ACTION GUA HANTKEU. E X P O SIT I ON OF F&LL GOODS, NOW OPENiNG FOR INSPECTION! Fall SlyU'N Hats, mil rimmed. Fall Sljles Trimmed Hats. Fall Styles Plumes and Flowers. Fall Styles ltibbons arid Flowers. HOSIERY and GLOVES. WOOLEN HOSIERY, REGULAR MADE. KID, BERLIN AND CLOTH GLOVES. GENTS' HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR. RED UNDERSHIRTS, ALL SIZES. FULL lines GENTS' FURNISING GOODS. BEST DOLLAR SHIRTS in the CITY. DRESS TRIMMINGS. New Style Black and Colored FRINGES. BUGLE TRIMMINGS and BUTTONS. SATINS, VELVETS, VELVETEENS. Spanish, Guipure, and French LACES. SUNDRIES. Zephyrs, Saxony Yarns, Shetland and Germantown Wool, German and Cash mere Knittiug Yarns, Corsets, Skirts, Underwear, Scarfs, Laces, Knit Goods, Wholesale and Retail, at lowest New York prices. ROSENBAUM & CO., Mqs. tt4 and tld Market Street, Corner of Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, JPA. August 4>tli, 18SO. CHOICE STYLES IMS, 6IIEUK, FOULARDS ISO P9IITS, XjIG-HT JMTD IDA-T^IEC, Also Large Lines Lawns, at 6 1-4 and 8 cents—Closing Out. Bargains On every counter throughout en tiro' Silk and Dress Goods Departments. PLAIN BLACK ALL-WOOL BUNTINGS AT 18 cts.. Worth 2®xj to-dar. and told early at 31c. Black and Colored Lace Buntings at attractive prices. One Case Persian Novelties, at ISc, Eaily season price wan 50c. Traveling Dress Goods At popular prices. 23 to 46 inches wide at to 75c per yard, fully 25 per cent less than value. LudioH' New Neckwear. Special bargains in cuffs and Collars and Rand kercheifs. Choice new things in Silk Handkerchiefs. BOGrGrS & I Ullll^, 118 and 120 federal Street, .Allegheny. V ~ IJ. wO bareains that will pav anv lsdy to «« or send for samples—4o-iueU Blaok Cashmere at 75c 4C-inch Blink Cashmere at" *l. Don't fail to to our Silks •ml Satin d'Lyons. Also, Sat in* ni-oeade, and Velvets- daily arrivals of these, and w< are particularly careful to h vj the pri ces'quite an low for good qualities as any h >nse in tli) t.mtel S".tc i. ',. r . A \ 3|t\lll*l»W SIMMONS' LIVKU ItKti *=—— ULATOU. The Clieap'al. Purest nud Ileal Fn.mll} Meil'cliie In tile world t For I)YSPEI'SIA. CONSTIPATION, Jaundice, Bilious attacks, SICK HIiAD.YCHi:, Colic, De pression of Spirits, SOUlt SI'OMCH, Heart Burn. V Thls°unrl vailed Southern Itemedy is warranted not to contain a single" particle of MKKCL'I'.Y, OI any injurious mineral substance, but is PURELY VBGEABLE, containing those Southern Roots and Herbs, which an all-wise Providence has placed in coun tries where Liver Diseases most prevail. It will cure Diseases caused by Deraiigent nl ot the Liver and Bowels. Tin- SYMPTOMS of I.iver < oiuplamt are a bit ter or bad taste in the mouth; Pain 111 the Hack, Sides or Joints, often mistaken for Kheunialisin ; Sour Stomach ; l.u<s of Appetite; llowels alter nately cuitlvo ami lax : Heailaelie : Loss of lnclll us-v with a painful sensation oi having faiie.l to do something which ought to hive wen done : Debility. IAMV Spirits,*a thick yellow apiiearunce of the Skin and Kyes, a (try Cough otlen mistaken for Consumption. . .. ... Sometimes maiiv of these symptoms attend tin' disease, al others'very' f*w : but the Li\ Kit. the larees organ in the body. Is generally the seal of the disease, and if not liceiUaled in time, meat sutferinj, wretchedness and death will ensue. I nan recommend as an ellleacious remedy for disease or the Liver, Heartburn and Dyspepsia. Simmons- Liver Regulator. LF.WISC,. WuNDKR. tw> M.VSTKK STKI'.KT, ASSISTANT 1 osr MAsrHlt. PmI.ADKLI'HIA. "We have tested its virtues, personam. ami know that for l)yspe|tsi», Biliousness, and llimh binix Headache, it is the best medicine the world ever saw. We have tried forty other remedies before Simmons' Liver Regulator, but none of them l»Hve lis more than lemnarary relief ; !>;.U the KeuiCator not only relieved, but cured us. Ki» YKLKI.HAI'H AM, MKSSI;n.;kk. Macon, (.a. MANITFACTUKKD ONLY r.v J. 11. ZEILIV, A t«. PHILADI-LI'HIA. Price, 91. Sola by ell lirnsslsta. ai>r2B-iyr CAMPAIGN flao? S? &c. Beautiful Campaijin Badges of the Itepubli oan and Democratic Candidates. GAItKIKLD AT) IIAWCOCK anil I lit *"< l AIITIIUR, VII KKGLISII. Containing life like Photographs of the Can didates; encased in pretty Minaialire <>ilt Frames, with pin for nttachlu£ to co it or vest. Active ajjen's can innke $lO a day selling th» m, and city and country merchants can make a handsome proQl. Price 10 etnts each ; '£ !or 15 cents ; 10 lor 50 cents, or 100 for *1 50. I'll- to grap' s suine price us Badges. Ciayon Portraits on tinted plate paper. Ilcrol • si*e 22 by for 25 cents. Flags all fixes, kinds and prices Mow is the Harvest time for a;;euts, and deal ers. Send for samples and full particulars to U. S. MANUFACTURING CD. llCSmltbtleld street, Pittsburgh, Pa. iun3o-ttm State Normal School, INDIANA, PA., Building, the best of the kind in the United States. Accomodation# for -Mi l>o;ir«lcrs. School. flr-it-daMs in all n . I>t'partiiiciit«—Normal, (Magical, i'oiinncrcial. Musical. Tnr Fall Term of l r » weeks will o]wii on Monday. September (illi, 1880. Expenses, as low as lli.ise of any other school affiimiug e<iual ;ulvanlages and accomodations. For Catalogue, address JOHN fl. FRENCH, LL. D.. ]une2B-!ftn PUINCIPAL. PEWRIOHTi I'roeiiri'd for all soldiers disabled in the t . K. ser vice from anv cause, also for heir-of deceased sol diers. The slightest disability entitles to pension. l*ensions Increased. Bounty and new discharges procured. Those who are in doubt as to wneflier entitled to anvtldug. should send two .lets, stamps for our '•circulars of liiforniation. Address, wit 11 stamps, Stisldart & Co., Solicitors of ( laiiiisimd Patents Boom ». St. Cloud Building, Washington, D C. OUIUU 3UI) STODDABT & CO. I LADIES' LAWN SUITS, CHILDREN'S WASH SUITS. Ladies'* Traveling Ulsters. 75c to 55.500 each. A Few Fine Black Satin d'Lyon Sacques and Mantlej Will bo sold at half their value. Large new importations Hamburg. Swiss and Nainsoo'i Edgings. Flouncings and Inserting)*, jUbt received. New and unique patterns, and best values yet shown. B th retail and whole sale buyers' attention called to these goods. * Bpfoi.il Value in Ladies' MITSLIIW UN DKRWEAK. Choice linos Thin White Goods and Linen Lawns for I,idles' Suits, at prices of real inter est to discriminating buyers. NEW FUINWFS. | BE VD Tia \I MINGS ANI) BUTTONS. THE BEST REMEDY FOR Diseases of the Throat aoH Lungs. JI-TF'T"' jp'<j In diseases of the pul monary organs a safe and reliable remedy is V invaluable. AYEH'S rj CHKUBV PECTOUAL is Vl Y such a remedy, and no othersoeminentlymer (iMjSn its the confidence of the public. It is a sci entitle combination of 47HFRRY" tliu medicinal princi vn£.nfti pies and curative vir t tues ot the finest drugs, chemically united, of r N^~ > ? |/£V; BUC h power as to insure the greatest possible iW efficiency and uniform- DrrTAD n T ity of results. It strikes rtL i vKfii*. a t the foundation of all pulmonary diseases, affording prompt relief and rapid cures, and is adapted to patients of any age or either sex. Being very palatable, the youngest children take it readily. In ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Clergyman's Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, and Ca tarrh, the effects of AYEK'S CHERRY PEC TOR AI. are magical, and multitudes are an nually preserved from serious illness by its timely and faithful use. It should be kept at band in every household for the pro tection it affords in sudden attacks. In AVhooping - cough and Consumption there is no other remedy so eflkScious, soothing, and helpful. Low prices are inducements to try some of the many mixtures, or syrups, made of cheap and ineffective ingredients, now offered, which, as they contain no curative qualities, can afford only temporary relief, and are sure to deceive and disappoint the patient. Diseases of the throat and lungs demand active and effective treatment; and it is dan gerous experimenting with unknown and cheap medicines, from the great liability that these diseases may, while so trifled with, become deeply seated or incurable. Use AYEH'S CJIKKUY PECTORAL, and you may confidently expect the best results. It is a standard medical preparation, of known and acknowledged curative power, and is as cheap as its careful preparation and fine ingredients will allow. Eminent physicians, knowing its composition, prescribe it in their practice. The test of half a century has proven its absolute certainty to cure all pul monary complaints not already beyond the reach of human aid. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. SOU) BY ALL DBtUUISTS KVEHYWIIZBI. $5,000,000. The American Shoe Tip Co. WARRANT TUETft ASXCa BLACK I IP That is now so extensively worn on CHILDREN'S SHOES TO WEAR AS LONG AS THE METAL, ■\Vhicli was Introduced by them, and by which the above amount has been saved to parents an nually. TMs Black Tip will MT« still ■Mrr, U b«ik.es being worn on tlie coarser ■trades It Is worn on Inr and coMly shoes where tbe Metal Tip ou account of its loota would not be used. They all hare our Trade Mark A. 8. T. C«. stamped on front of Tip. Parents should ASK FOB SHOES with this BEAUTIFUL BLACK TIP on tbem when purchasing for their children. Blairsvil.e (P<».) Ladies' Seminary. Beautiful grounds. <•< tnmodious buildings, #cw anil suiierlor pianos for practice, and Tiiouot'iiii INSTKUCTIOS. Ten M«t. uctois. Terms moderate. Thirtieth year begins Sei tembers, tBBO. Per Cat alogues. apply to REV. I. E. TWLMI, Principal, June2B-;nn
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers