Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 30, 1880, Image 3

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    MR J. H. BATES, Newspaper Advertising
Agent. 41 P«rk Ilow (Times Buildine), New
York, is authorized to contract for advertise
ments in the CITIZEN.
AdvrrtUln* Bureau ( W Sprue* St. I, n
ooiatractj may be made for It IN If IOIIH*
Local and General.
Wo Paper.
There will be no paper issued from this office
next week—the 4th of July is at hand.
AT Charles R. Grieb's, Summer Un
derwear at remarkably low prices.
Fine and common straw hats in
great variety, at J. F. T. Steble's.
—"Fourth of July,"—lßßo—four
years on the second century already!
THE I 13 1 15 1 14 | Scarfs, at
FOB Corn implements of every va
riety, go to
J. G. A W. CAMPBELL, Butler, Pa.
Gents furnishing goods and silk
handkerchiefs, at J. F. T. Sthele's.
—"Great Blood Tonic," for the cure
of all blood diseases.—"Dr. Lindsev's Blood
Rev. Turner and others, who were at Slippery
rock Falls last week, report having had a good
LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at sls
and upwards, at E. Grieb's.
WTSE'S brass and string bands
will be in attendance at the Nixon's Grove cel
ebration next Saturday afternoon and evening.
Sim. guarantees a good time to everybody who
Celery plants for sale at reasona
ble prices at Wm. Mardorfs, West
Cunningham street, Butler, Pa. [l6w4
THE largest and best stock of Clothes
Wringers in the county, can be found at
J. G. <t W. CAMPBELL, Butler, Pa.
—For 6fty years "Sellers' Liver
Pills" have brought health and happiness in
thousands of homes. Ask your druggist for
BUY the Boom Hat, for sale at
SPECIALTIES in woolens at William
Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not
to be had elsewhere in the county.
—The Butler B. B. club won another
game on Saturday last, over the Harmony club,
by a score of 50 to 7. If onr home club 'whoops'
it up, as they have done so far, they wiU have a
record to be proud of.
THE Comet Shirt, the best offered
for the money, for sale only at
No discovery in the history of the
world has aroused the people more and claimed
the attention of medical men, equal to the won
derful ingredient contained in the DAY KIDNEY
WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor,
has just opened the largest line of woolens for
men and boys wear ever offered in Butler.
THE Buckeye mower and reaper and
Buckeye fore.; feed grain drill, are sold by
J. G. 4 W. CAMPBELL, Bntler, Pa.
—The "Declaration of Independence"
will be read at the Presbyterian Church picnic
in Boyd's grove, on Saturday the 3rd, by Geo.
W. Fleeger, Esq. Mr. Frank Bowser, Esq., will
deliver an oration to the children.
—lt is impossible for a woman after
a faithful course of treatment with Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, to continue
to suffer with a weakness of the uterus. Enclose
a stamp to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinham, 233 Western
Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for her pamphlets.
Go to J. F. T. Stehle for the Eigh
mie patent shirt, best in the world,
with a bosom that cannot break or
wrinkle from wearing. Try it once and
you will wear no other.
SEE a woman in another column, near Speer's
Vineyards, with a bunch of grapes from which
Bpeer's Port Grape wine is made, that is so
highly esteemed by the medical profession for
the use of invalids, weakly persons and the
aged.—Sold by all Drnggista. 28aply
A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine
American Movement as low as $lO, at
—To suffer and be pleasant is al
most impossible for an adult, and quite so for a
bady. When it is afflicted with Colic.Diarrhcea
or other troublesome disorders use Dr. Bull's
Baby Syrup. Price 25 cents.
—The census of the cities of Pitts
burgh and Allegheny has been completed, as
follows: Pittsburgh, 1880, 153,883. In 1870 it
was 121,977, increase being 31,906. Allegheny,
ISBO, 78,472. In 1870, 58,596, increase being
19,876. Increase in both, 51,782.
—Henry Lear, Patriot, Ohio,
writes : I was taken sick last Wednesday with
a very severe Rheumatic paiu in my left should
er ; 1 was so unwell that 1 could not even turn
myself around in bed. Ilaving beard of the
curative qualities of Sr. JACOBS OIL, I con
cluded to try it. The first application brought
relief, and on the subsequent day I was able to
go to work. I tlierelore recommend this ex
cellent remedy to all fcufUrern with Rheuma
—Take Ayer's Pills for all the pur
poses of a purgative, for Constipation, Indiges
tion, Headache and Liver Complaint. By uni
versal accord, they are the "best of all purgatives
for family use.
Go to J. F. T. Stehle for the Eigh
mie patent shirt, best in the- world,
with a bosom that cannot break or
wrinkle from wearing. Try it once and
you will wear no other.
—An oil country paper in making a
note of the trial of James and McDonald for the
attempted robbery of old man Steele, recalls the
fact that Steele is the man who "a few years
ago had his safe so full of greenbacks that they
became mouldy, and for a day he had his orch
ard covered with them—spread out to dry."
A Reliable Wine.
Mr. A. Speer, of New Jersey, whose Port
Grape Wine has such a wide reputation, and
which physicians prescribe so generally, was
the first in this country to introduce the art of
making wine from the Oporto Grape, which is
now the best wine to be had, and has become a
great favorite among the most prominent phy
sicians of New York and Philadelphia, who
have visited the vineyards and wine cellers at
Passaic. Families and aged persons are bene
fitted by it. For sale by D. H. Wuller.
Wheat! Wheat!
The highest Pittsburgh market price
paid for Wheat, at Walter & Boos'
Mill, Butler Pa. WALTER & Boos.
—CAMP MEETING.— AII members of
the Butler Camp Meeting Association, and per
sons interested or desiring lots, are requested to
meet on the camp grounds on Saturday, July
10, at 11 o'clock, A. M. Come prepared to re
main during the day ; bring your teams and
axes and eatables, and join us in clearing away
the brush and logs from the grove.
Kidney Complaints
of all description are relieved at once, and speed
ily cured by Kidney-Wort. It seems intended
by nature for the cure of all diseases of the kid
neys caused by weakitess nnd debility. Its great
tonic powers are especially directed to the re
moval of this class of diseases. Try it to-day.
—The inevitable effects of Sperma
torrhea, or nervous debility, is to overshadow
all the hopes and prospects of life, rendering
existence wretched and unbearable. We would
advise all such to go and purchase for one dol
lar one box of Gray's Specific Medicine which
is highly recommended as an unfailing remedy
and cure for nervous debility. Sold by J. C.
—Next Sunday, the fourth of July,
will be the 104 th anniversary of the adoption
bv the Colonial Congress of the "Declaration
of (the) Independence" of the thirteen ooloniea
from the British Empire. The usual festivities
of the coming fourth, however, will take place
on the previons day, Saturday. The "Glorious
Fourth" is celebrated in different ways by dif
ferent people, ways too numerous to mention
and people too numerous to mention, including
those who get "gloriously," or rather beastly
drunk on that day ; but it seems to us that the
proper method for grown up folks to celebrate
the dav is to devote it to the serious considera
tion of their duties as citizens of a nation of
freemen, a nation fast becoming one of the lar
gest and wealthiest on the face of the earth.
For all Female Complaints
nothing equals Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prevrip
tion. It is a most powerful restorative tonic,
also combining the most valuable nervine prop
erties, especially adapting it to the wants of de
bilitated ladies suffering from weak back, in
ward fever, congestion, inflammation, or ulcer
ation, or from nervousness, or neuralgic pains.
Mr. G. W. Sevmonr, druggist, of Tauton, N.
Y., writes Dr. Pierce as follows: "The demand
for your Favorite Prescription is wonderful,
and one man stated to me ".hat his wife had not
done a davs work in five months, when she
commenced taking vour Favorite Prescription,
took two bottles and is now on the third bottle,
and is able to do her housework alone and inilk
fourteen cows twice a I* r - Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription is sold by all dealers in med
For the 4th of July.
Red, White and Blue Ribbon, Red,
White and Blue Cashmere, Red, White
and Blue Silk, Red, White and Blue
Chintz, Red, White and Blue calico, at
COURT NOTES. —In addition to the
cases reported last week, the following cases
continued fioin March terra were disposed of at
the June term of Criminal Court.
Commonwealth versus Owen Mccarty, J. M.
Hart and Dudley Gibson, riot; indictments
quashed lor reasons filed.
Same vs James C. Kelly, aggravated assault
and battery; verdict, not guilty, and that deft
pay two-thirds, and prosecutor William Carna
han, the other third of costs. Motion for new
trial entertained.
Same vs Joseph Thompson, assault and bat
tery; case settled and nolle prosequi allowed
In payment of cost by defendant.
Same vs. Mary Cline, fornication ; Constables
return of Jackson township. Verdict not
guilty and that the county pay the costs.
The Urentest Bleaafng.
A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that cures
every time, and prevents disease by keeping the
blood pure, stomach regular, kidneys and liver
active, is the greatest blessing ever conferred
upon man. Hop Hitters is that remedy, and its
proprietors are being blessed by thousands who
nave been saved and cured by it. Will you
try it ? See another column. — Eagle.
At 5 Cents.
At 5 cts., good Cotton Dress Goods,
at 5 cts., good Dress Calicoes,
at 5 cts.,Ladies and Gents Hose,
at 5 cts., Jap. Fans,
at 5 cts., Palm Leaf Fans, at
—When it rains, keep your children
in, or if they get wet, change their clothes im
mediately; when it has been raining during the
day a fog arises at night, which we tnink should
not be allowed to permeate the bed rooms of
children. We make these suggestions as pre
cautions against diptheria, that dread disease
which carries off so many children.
—"I suffered for more than a year with indiges
tion, and during the last six months I was very
bilious, occasionally having a dumb chill, fol
lowed by fevers, which prostrated me. I took
Simmons' Liver Regulator, and for several
months I have been as stout and hearty as any
man could desire to be. lam thoroughly sat
isfied that it is all it is recommended to be for
indigestion and bilious complaints, for mine
was certainly a stubborn case. I have heard
many of my friends speak of it, and all agree
that it possesses all the virtues you claim for it.
Conductor M. and W. R. R."
Wheat! Wheat!
The highest Pittsburgh market price
paid for Wheat, at Walter & Boos'
Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER &, Boos.
At 10 Cents.
At 10 cts., Best Loncsdale Muslin,
at 10 cts., Black Grenadines,
at 10 cts., Colored Grenadines,
at 10 cts., Batiste Lawns,
at 10 cts., Four-quarter Chintzes, at
—The Sunday Schools of the differ
ent churches of this place will celebrate the
coming 4th, on Saturday the 3rd, or Monday
the stn. Outside of these we have heard of no
arrangements being made here for honoring the
day. The present mode of celebrating is quite
different from that of thirty yearn ago. The
children then had no part—now it is almost
confined to them and for their benefit.
Given np by Doctors.
•'ls it possible that Mr. Godfrey is up and at
work, and cured by so simple a remedy?"
"I assure you it is true that he is entirely
cured, and with nothing but Hop Hitters ; and
only ten days ago his doctors gave him np and
said he must die
"Well-a-day! That is remarkable! I will
go this day and get some for my poor George—
I know hops are good."— Salem Post.
At O 1-4 Cents.
At 6$ cts., Fancy Dress Calicoes,
at 61 cts., good Bleached Muslin,
at 6; cts., good Unbleached Muslin,
at 6; cts., Chevoit for Shirtings,
at 6 ; cts., good Wide Crash,
at 6} cts., Peerless Plaids, at
Go to J. F. T. Stehle for the Eigh
mie patent shirt, best in the world,
with a bosom that cannot break or
wrinkle from wearing. Try it once and
you will wear no other.
ceived a number of new subscribers to the CIT
IZEN for the coming campaign, in accordance
with the terms we proposed, at but fifty cents
only. We are obliged to the friends for'the in
terest taken, and hope many more throughout
the county will immediately take steps to get
up clubs. The present campaign is going to be
one of exceeding interest and importance, and
every voter should be well posted. Send in the
Immense Bargains
in Millinery Goods and Trimmings,
the best stock of Ladies Fayal Braid
Hats ever offered, at
—Geo. Bastian, of Zelienople, should
be proud of his reputation as a machinist. The
other day Mr. E. L. Gibson, of Parker township,
stopped at our office, and while here stated that
he was on his way to Zelienople to get his
Threshing Machine repaired, and that Bastian
was the only man in the country who could do
it right. From Mr. Gibson's place, in Parker
township, to Zelienople and back is a distance
of seventy miles or ..tore, a long way to travel
to get a machine fixed.
At 50 Cents.
At 50 cts., Pure all Silk Dress goods,
at 50 cts., Brocade Cashmere,
at 50 cts., Fine Brocade Hernanis.
at 50 cts., Fancy Cassimere for Boys,
at 50 cts., Indigo Blue Jeans,
at 50 cts., Ladies fine Scuff Hats,
at 50 cts., White Zephyr Shawls,
at 50 cts , Extra pood Ingrain Carpets,
at 50 cts., as much as 75 cents will
buy elsewhere, at
Wheat! Wheat!
The highest Pittsburgh market price
paid for Wheat, at Walter & Boos'
Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER & Boos.
books of the following districts, were returned
to the clerk's office by Monday of this week,
and the names on them add up as follows :
Millerstown, 1,109: Karns City, 738 ; Oakland,
1,039; Muddy Creek, 1,012; Summit, 1,269;
Penn, 1,131; Washington, 1,247 ; Franklin
and Prospect, 1,382; Hrady, 634; Venango,
1,320; Ruffalo, 1,264; Clinton, 1,047; Mercer
and Harrisville, 1,371 ; Centre, 906, and Con
cord, 1,644. The Middlesex book was also re
turned but lifted again, a hasty count of it
made it 1,154.
At 23 Cents.
At 25 cts., Lace Stripe Buntings,
at 25 cts., Lace Figured Buntings,
at 25 cts., Black Cashmere,
at 25 cts., Colored Cashmere,
at 25 cts., Linen Table Damask,
at 25 cts., Arlington Poplins, at
Wheat! Wheat!
The highest Pittsburgh market price
paid for Wheat, at Walter & Boos'
Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER & Boos.
®lj* ISntLet CUi«*tt: itrtUt, fls., 3ntt* 30, 1880.
Butler* County
Agricultural Association
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday,
September 21st, 22nd and 23rd, 1880.
We take pleasure in presenting to the people
of our County the Premium List of the Third
Anuu.il Fair of the Butler County Agricultural
Our prospects for a successful meeting are
very flattering indeed. We have secured the co
operation of rep resell tat ivc farmers in different
sections of the county, whose names cuarantee
the success of ar.y enterprise with which they
may be identified.
The management are determined that the As
sociation stall lie devoted exclusively to the ad
vancement of the Agricultural, Mechanical and
other domestic interests of the county, aud will
spare no means to make the coming meeting all
that could be desired by both exhibitors and
1 visitors. Aud we earnestly ask the co-opera
tion of the citiz' ns of onr county, especially the
farmers, in making the coming Fair a success,
and iu doing so, would say that we are fully
alive to the fact that without the co-ojeration of
the farmers, no Agricultural Fair can be made a
success. And believing, as we do, that the inter
ests of agriculture are best advanced by these
annual meetings, we hope the citizens of the
County will look on it as a matter in which we
all have a common interest; and let it be remem
bered that the management cannot make an
Agricultural Fair a success without theeo-oper
atiou of tho-.e most interested in Agriculture.
If you have any article of merit on the farm,
in the shop, or iu the house, bring it along and
put it on exhibition, aud if you don't get a pre
mium yoa will ut least have the satisfaction ot
knowing that you have contributed to the en
joyment of others, and of helping to make our
Fuir a success.
A new feature of our Association is, that it is
our intention to pay all premiums which are not
protested, on the last day of the Fair, so that
exhibitors can take their premiumi home with
A Grand Cavalcade at one o'clock, p. M., of
each day will be one of the features of the exhi
bition, and will be well worth a visit to the
grounds, ns each and every animal on exhibition
can then be seen.
All articles are admitted to competition free,
except for speed, horses and cattle, and every
body is invited to compete.
Another new feature of our coming exhibition
is, that there will be only three days of the Fair,
the first to be devoted to making entiles, and
arrangement of articles and animals on the
ground, and the two other days to exhibition.
1. The Secretary will be prepared to receive
entries at any time up to 10 o'clock, A. M. ol the
second day of the Fair, but would request that
all entries be made before the close of the first
day. Entries by mull will be received up to the
hour of closing.
2. Cards will be furnished by the Secretary
with the number and class of each entry, to be
attached to the article entered ; and no article
orauitnnl will be examined by the Judges with
out such card attached.
3. No article or animal shall be entitled to
more than one premium, except as provided by
the premium list.
4- No articles or animals shall be removed
from the grounds before 4 o'clock, P. M. of the
closing day of the exhibition, without the per
mission of the President first had and obtaiued.
Any violation of this rule will forfeit the pre
5. Hay and straw will be furnished free, and
grain at cost, for all animals put on exhibition.
0. Any person attempting to influence the
Judges in their decision shall forfeit all claims
to the premium.
7. Persons exhibiting "Hlooded Stock" must
deposit pedigree with the Secretary when enter
ing the same
8. The Managers reserve the right to with
hold any premium given by the Judges under
false representations, or not In accordance with
the rules and regulations.
0. All protests must be made before 3 o'clock
P. M., on the closing d.iy of the Fair, as at that
hour the payment of premiums will be com
10. All premiums which are not protested be
fore 3 o'clock, p. M. on the closing day of the
Fair, will be paid after that hour at the office of
the Secretary on the grounds, and In the order
iu which the Judges' books of the several class
es are returned to the Secretary.
1. Judges are requested to report themselves
at the office ot the Secretary before 10 o'clock,
A. M.. of the second day. Otherwise vacancies
will be tilled.
2. Judges will not permit competitors to make
themselves known to them unless absolutely
3. Judges must not be competitors in any
class in which he or she may be acting or in any
way interested.
4. Judges shall In no case award a premium
where they deem the animal or ariicleuuworthy
though there be no competition; and any entry
which deserves special commendation they will
also report.
5. Judges will pay no atteution to any article
or animal without a numbered card, designat
ing the class and entry.
0. Judges will sign their report and hand it
to the Secretary ns soon as completed.
7. Judges on stock will attach red badges on '
animals taking first premium, and blue badges
on those taking secon i premium.
1. The gates will be opened each day at 8 o'-
clock, A. M-, and close nt 6 o'clock, "p. M.
2. All proper cnie will be taken ot articles and
animals on exhibition, but the society will not
be responsible for loss or accident.
3. Any ticket passed through the feuce or
fouud in the possession of any person who is
not the iiglitlul owner will be forfeited to the
society, and persons delected in passing tickets
will be proinptlt dealt with according to Inw.
4. Horses not on exhibition, or teams engag
ed in hauling or otherwise, shall not remain on
the ground unattended by tile owner or driver,
nnd shall, under 110 circumstances, leinaiu lon
ger lhau is absolutely necessary.
5. The Hoard of Manager*, which includes the
officers, will be on the grounds and will be
on the grounds ai.d will be pleased to give in
formation to competitors and others desiring it.
Adult persons, each day - - - 25 cents
Children under 12 years, each d iy - 15 cents
Single Team, each day - - - 25 cents
Double Team, each day 25 cents
Ist. 2nd.
Best Stallion, 4 years old and up
wards sls 00 $lO 00
Best Mare, 4 vearK old and upw'ds 800 000
" Colt bred from imported horse
and mare 500 300
Pedigree to accompany horses.
Judges—Tlios. Jamison, I'airview township,
D. Kennedy, Franklin twp., 11. Kohlmeyer,
Allegheny twp.
Best stallion 4 years old anil over...slo 00 $5 00
" Stallion 3 years old A under 4.. 800 400
" Stallion 2 years old a under 3. 600 300
" Stallion 1 year old and under 2 400 200
" Mare or Gelding 4 y'rs or over 800 400
" Mare or Gelding 3 years or un
der 4 600 300
Best Mare or Gelding 2 years or un
der 3 400 200
Best mare or Gelding 1 year and un
der 2 300 150
Best Spring Colt 300 100
Best Brood Mare 500 2 .V)
Best span matched horses or mares (j 00 300
Judges—Same as in Class 1.
Best Stallion 4 years old and over...s 800 400
" Stallion 3 years old a under 4.. 600 300
" Stallion 2 years old A under 3.. 400 200
" Stallion 1 year old and under 2 300 150
" Mare or Gelding 4 years old A
over 600 300
Best Mare or Gelding 3 years old A
under 4 500 250
Best Mare or Gelding 2 years old A
under 3 400 200
Best Mare or Gelding 1 year old A
nnder 2 300 150
Best Spring Colt 300 100
" Brood Mare 500 250
" Span matched horses or mares 600 300
Judges—J. J. Maxwell, Fairview twp.; Fred.
Buhl Forward twp.; Sumucl Burnsides, Porters
NOTE —Horses in this class should have good
action, walk, style and size, and be useful to
the carriage, plow, light harness, wagon or sad
Best Stallion 4 years and over $lO 00 $5 00
" Stallion 3 years and nnder 4... 800 400
" Stallion 2 years and under 3... 600 300
" Stallion 1 year and under 2 400 200
" Mare 4 years and over 800 400
" Mare 3 years old and under 4.. 600 300
" Mare 2 years old aud under 3.. 400 200
" Mare 1 year old and under 2... 300 150
" Spring Colt 300 1 50
Pedigree must accompany horses.
J udges—Same as in Claws 3.
Parties entering stock in classes I, 2, 3 and 4
must pay an entrance fee of 10 per cent, of the
NOTE—Judges mav require exhibitors to be
sworn, and reject pedigree if they think it spu
Best pair Mules 3 years and over...s 5 00 $2 50
" pair Mules 2 yrs and under 3.. 400 200
" Sucking Mule 200 100
" Jack 400 200
Judges—Same as in Class 3.
Best Bull 3 years old and over $lO 00 $6 00
" Bull 2 years old and under 3... 800 400
" Bull 1 year old and under 2.... 500 300
" Bull Calf. : 300 150
" Cow 3 years old and over 800 400
" Cow 2 years old and under 3... 600 300
" Heifer 2 years old and under 3 400 200
" Heifer 1 vear old and under 2. 300 150
" Heifer Calf 300 1 50
Judges—Henry Kuhn, Concord twp.; Alex.
Hunter, Forward twp.; M. Byorly, Jefferson tp.
Premiums same as in Class 6.
Judges—Wm. Wood, Clinton tp.; Henderson
Oliver, Muddycreek twp.; Geo. Ewalt, Bakers
Premiums and Judges same as in Class 7.
NOTE—No Premiums are to be awarded in
Classes 6 and 7 unless satisfactory evidence of
the animal being registered is produced.
CLASS 9—DURHAMS (Not Registered).
Best Bull 3 years old and over $ 6 00 $3 00
" Bull 2 years old and under 3... 400 200
" Bull 1 vear old and under 2.... 300 150
" Bull Calf 200 150
" Cow 3 years old and over 500 300
" Cow 2 years old and under 3... 400 200
" Heifer 2 yrs old and under 3... 300 150
" Heifer 1 year old and under 2. 300 150
" Heifer Calf 200 100
Judges same as in Class 6.
CLASS 10 —ALDERNYS (Not Registered).
Premiums same as in Class 9.
Judges—Same as in Class 7.
Best Cow 3 years old and over .$ 4 00 $2 00
" Cow 2 years old and under 3... 300 150
" Heifer l year old and under 2. 200 100
" Heifer Calf 200 100
Judges—David Stewart, Cherry tp.; James P.
Campbell, Concord tp.; William Leighthold,
Clearfield tp.
Best Milch Cow any age or breed...! 5 00 $3 00
Judges—Same as in Class 11.
NOTE—Judges to require exhibitors to make
sworn statemens of production of butter and
milk of cow for trial of 10 days.
Best Bull and 5 of his get uuder 24
years of age $lO 00 $5 00
Judges—Same as in Class 11.
NOTE—In this Class the Calves and not the
Bull will be judged.
Best yoke of work cattle $ 4 00 $2 00
Judges—Same as in Class 11.
CLASS 15—HERDS (Durham).
Best herd of 10 head of cattle, no
more, no less, of breeding cattle,
owned by one man $lO 00 $5 00
Judges—Same as in Class 6.
CLASS 16—HERDS (Alderny).
Best herd of 10 head of cattle, no
more, no less, of breeding cattle,
owned by one man $lO 00 $5 00
Judges—Same as in Class 7.
NOTE—Parties entering stock in Classes from
5 to 16 inclusive, must pay an entrance fee of 10
per cent of the purse.
CLASS 17—SHEEP (Merinos).
Best buck, any age $ 4 00 $2 00
" 3 Ewes 300 200
" 3 Lambs 300 200
Judges—Lewis Patterson, Centreville; D. B.
Douthett, Brownsdale; A. J. Jack, North Hope.
Judges and Premiums same as in Class 17.
Judges and Premiums same as in Class 17.
Judges and Premiums same as in Class 17.
Judges and Premiums same as in Class 17 rf
CLASS 22—SWINE (Poland China).
Best Boar, any age $ 3 00 $2 00
" Sow, any age 300 200
" Litter of Pigs, not less than 4.. 300 200
Judges—Andrew Albert, Centre tp.: Seward
Bartley, Jefferson tp.; J. E. Russell, Clay twp.
Judges and Premiums same as in Class 22.
Judges and Premiums same as in Class 22.
Judges and Premiums same as in Class 22.
Judges and Premiums same as in Class 22.
Best pair Light Brahma fowls $1 50 $ 75
" pair Light Brahma chicks 150 75
" pair Dark Brahma fowls 150 75
" pair Dark Brahma chicks 150 75
" pair Bull" Cochin fowls 150 75
" pair Buff Cochin chicks 150 75
" pair Partridge Cochin fowls 150 75
" pair Partridge Cochin chicks.... 150 75
" pair Black Cochin fowls 150 75
" " Black Cochin chicks 1 50 75
" " White Cochin fowls 1 50 75
" " White Cochin chicks 150 75
" " Plymouth Rock fowls 150 75
" " Plymouth Ilock chicks 150 75
" " American Dominequc f'wls 150 75
" " A m'can Domineque chicks 150 75
" " Black Spanish fowls 150 75
" " Black Spanish chicks 150 75
" " White Leghorn fowls 150 75
" " White Leghorn chicks 150 75
" " Brown Leghorn fowls 150 75
" " Brown Leghorn chicks IGO 75
" " Domineque Leghorn fowls 150 75
" " Domineque Leghorn eh'ks 150 75
" " Black Hamburg fowls 150 75
" " Black Hamburg chicks 150 75
" " Silver Spangled Hamburg
fowls 1 50 75
Best pair Silver Spangled Hamburg
chicks 1 50 75
Best puir Golden Spangled Hamburg
fowls 150 75
Best pair Golden Spangled Hamburg
chicks -1 50 75
Best pair Houdan fowls 150 75
" " Houdan chicks 1 50 75
" " Black Breasted game f'wls 150 75
" " Black Breasted game ch'ks 150 75
" " Blue Game fowls 1 50 75
" " Blue Game chicks 1 50 75
" " Seabright Bantam f0w15.... 150 75
" " Seabright Bantam chicks.. 150 75
" " White or Black Bantam
fowls 1 50 75
Best pair White or Black Bantam
chicks 150 75
Best pair Game Bantam fowls 150 75
" " Game Bantam chicks 150 75
" " Bronze Turkeys 150 75
" " White Turkeys 150 75
" " Native Turkeys 150 75
" " Pea Fowls 150 75
" " Guineas, lyiv variety 150 75
« « Aylcsbery Ducks 150 75
" " Rouen Ducks 150 75
" " Pekin Ducks 1 50 75
" " Muscovy Ducks 150 75
" " Toulouse Geese 150 75
" " White Chinese Geese 150 75
" " Native Geese 150 75
" Display of Poultry by any one
person 3 00 2 00
Best display of Tame. Pigeons, 3 vari
eties 75 50
Best display of Birds, ornamental A
singing 100 50
Best Mocking Bird 100 50
" Display of Rabbits 100 50
" Pair of Squirrels 100 50
Heaviest Goose 1 00 50
Heaviest Turkey 100 50
Judges to be selected hereafter.
NOTE —No fowls will be awarded a premium
that do not score 75 points according to the
"American Standard of Excellence."
This Class is for exhibition only ; and we in
vite Manufacturers, dealers or owners of any
implement useful to the farmer, to place the
same on exhibition.
The object of this Class is to enable manufac
turers to bring their goods before the public,
and to afford the farmers an opportunity of se
curing the most improved farm machinery.
If you have an implement which you think
is an improvement, bring it along and place it
on exhibition, so that your brother farmers may
see it. This is the way to improvement.
Best Two-Horse Farm Wagon...s2 00 Diploma
" Two-Horse Spring Wagon.. 2 00 Diploma
" Two-llorse Carriage 5 00 $2 00
" One-Horse Top Buggy 3 00 2 00
" One-Horse Open Buggy 3 00 2 00
" Buck Wagon 2 00 Diploma
" Pair Bob Sleds 2 00 Diploma
" Sleigh 2 00 Diploma
" Wheelbarrow 1 00 50
Judges—J. D. Martin ; Penn tp.; Perry Con
way, Sunbury; Levi neidrick, Great Belt.
Best set Double Wagon Harness $2 00 $1 00
" set Double Carriage Harness... 3 00 1 50
" set Single Buggy Harness 200 1 00
" Man's Saddle 1 00 50
" Lady's Saddle 1 00 50
" Riding Bridle 50 25
" Halter 25
" Horse Collar 50 25
" 2 sides Upper Leather 1 00 60 ,
ttest 2 sides Sole Leather 1 00 50
" 2 .sides Harness Leather 1 00 oO
" 2 Call' Skins 1 00 60
" pair Men's Fine Boots, hand
made 1 00 50
Best pair Men's Coarse Boots, hand
made 50 25
Best pair Lady's Shoes, hand made. 1 00 50
" display of Boots and Shoes Diploma
Judges—Same as in Class 29.
NOTE— AII the above articles must be manu
factured by the exhibitor except display of
Boots and Shoes.
Best 10 yards Rag Carpet $2 00 $1 00
" 10 yards Flannel 200 1 00
'* 10 yards Domestic Cloth 200 1 00
" pair Woolen Blankets 2 00 1 00
" pair Woolen Socks 25
" pair Woolen Hose 2-5
" pair Woolen Mittens 25
" pair Woolen Gloves 25
" 5 fos. Woolen Yarn, assorted
colors 50
Best made Overcoat 2 00
" made Dress Coat 1 50
" made Pantaloons 50
" made Vest 25
Judges— Mrs. Thomas Hays, Fairview ; Miss
Mary Mechling, Jefferson tp.; H. C. Heineman,
Butler, Pa.
Best Range Diploma
" Cook Stove Diploma
" Fire Front, Grate and Fender Diploma
" display of Copper and Tinware...Diploma
" set of Bedroom Furniture Diploma
" set of Parlor Furniture Diploma
" Sewing Machine Diploma
" Washing Machine Diploma
" Specimen of Casting Diploma
" Engine Diploma
Judges—S. Nixon, Penn tp.; C. Scott, Fair
view; E. M. Maurhoff, Saxonourg.
Best J bushel Peachbow potatoes $1 00 50c
" i bushel Early Rose potatoes 1 00 50c
" i bushel Pesrless potatoes 1 00 50c
" J bushel Snowflake potatoes 1 00 50c
" J bushel Chili potatoes 1 00 50c
" J bushel Albany Seedling potat's 1 00 50c
" display of Irish potatoes, in num
ber of varieties, 1 peck each 1 00 50c
Best 4 bushel Sweet potatoes 1 00 50c
" i bushel Turnip® 1 oo 50c
" i bushel Onions 1 oo 50c
" 1 peck Tomatoes 1 oo 50c
" 1 peck Cucumbers 5o 250
" 1 peck Lima beans 1 oo 50c
" 1 peck White Beans .« 5o 25c
" 1 peck Parsnips 5o 25c
" 1 peck Vegetable Oysters 5o 250
" 3 heads Cabbage 5o 25c
" 3 heads Red Cabbage 5o 25c
" 6 Carrots 5o 25c
" 6 Table Beets bo 25c
" 6 Sugar Beets 5o 25c
" 3 Hubbard Squash 1 oo 50c
" 3 Yellow Squash 1 oo 50c
" 3 Squashes any other variety 1 oo 50c
" 2 Cauliflowers 5o 25c
" 6 stalks Celery 5o 25c
" display Peppers 5o 25c
" 3 Egg Plant 5o 25c
" 3 Water Melons 1 oo 50c
" 3 Musk Melons 1 oo 50c
" Peanuts 5o 25c
" 3 Citrons 5o 25c
" 3 Sweet Pumpkins 1 oo 25c
" 3 Field Pumpkins 5o 25c
" and greatest variety of vegetables
by one exhibitor 5 oo 2 50
Judges—Henry Shaffer, Prospect; A. Krause,
Delano; Noah Henry, Oakland twp.
The specified quantity must be exhibited to
obtain a Premium, and must be the growth
of competitors.
Best i buseels White Wheat $1 00 $ 50
" J bushel Red Wheat 100 50
" i bushel Spring Wheat 100 50
" 4 bushel Rye 100 50
" 4 bushel Oats 1 00 50
" 4 bushel Buckwheat 1 00 50
" 4 bushel Barley 100 50
" 4 bushel Corn in Ears 100 50
" 4 bushel Sweet Corn 1 00 50
" 4 bushel Timothv Seed 1 00 50
" 4 bushel Clover Seed 100 50
" 50 lb. sack Wheat Flour 1 00 50
"50 lb. sack Rye Flour 100 50
" 50 lb. sack Buckwheat Flour... 1 00 50
" 50 lb. sack Corn Meal 1 00 50
" G stalks Corn in Ear 60 25
Judges—Same as in Class 33.
Best and correctly named and la
beled collection of Apples $3 00 #1 50
" 5 varieties of Apples, 6of each. 100 50
" varieties of Winter Apples, 6of
each 1 00 50
" and greatest variety of Pears... 150 100
" and greatest variety of Peaches 150 100
" anil greatest variety of Plums... 100 50
" one dozen Peaches 50 25
" one dozen Quinces 50 25
" and greatest collection of Small
Fruits 200 100
" and greatest collection of grapes 200 100
'• and greatest collection Fruits of
all kinds 300 150
Judges—Same as in Class 33.
NOTE—AII fruits must be grown by eihibi
tor and must be properly named and labeled.
Best 5 lb. Roll Butter $1 00 50
" 5 lb. Print Butter 100 50
" box of Honey 100 50
" 5 lb. Lard 50 25
" 5 lb. Maple Sugar 100 50
" 1 gallon Maple Syrup 50 25
" 3 bottles Catsup 50 25
" 2 jars Apple Butter 50 25
" 2 jars Peach Butter 50 25
" 2 jars Plum Butter 50 25
" 2 jars Grape Butter 50 25
" 2 jars Quince Butter 50 25
" display of Honey in Boxes 100 50
Judges—Miss Maggie Meharg, Penn Tp.;
Mrs. J. C. Moore, Centre Tp.; Mrs. W. C.
Glenn, Clay Tp.
The specified quantity must be exhibited in
order to compete for prize.
Best specimen Peaches in glass, 3
jars $ 50 $ 25
Best specimen Cherries in glass, 3
jars 50 25
Best specimen Strawberries in glass,
2 jars 50 25
Best specimen Tomatoes in glass, 2
jars 50 25
Best specimen Raspberries in glass,
2 jars 50 25
Best specimen Blackberries, in glass,
2 jars 50 25
Best specimen Plums iu glass, 2 jars 50 25
" specimen Pears in glass, 2 jars. 50 25
Best specimen (Quinces in glass, 2
jars 50 25
Best and largest display of Preserves
(not less than 5 varieties) 200 100
Best and largest sample of Preserved
Green Corn and other vegetables,
in sealed glass jars._ 100 50
Best and largest display of Jellies
(not less than (5 varieties) 1 00 50
Best 5 pounds Dried Apples 50 25
•' 5 pounds Dried Peaches 50 25
" display of Dried Fruit 100 50
Judges—Same as in Class 36.
Best 3 loaves Family Bread $1 00 50
" 3 loaves Graham Bread 1 00 50
" 3 loaves Rye Bread 75 50
" 3 loaves Bakers Bread 100 25
" Pan Light Cakes 50 25
" Pan Biscuits 50 25
" Pound Cake 20 25
" Jelly Cake 100 50
" Fruit Cake 1 00 50
" Cocoa Cake..i 1 00 50
" Marble Cake 100 50
" Silver Cake 1 00 50
" Pies (uot less than 4 varieties).. 100 50
Judges—Mrs. R. C. M'Aboy, Butler ; Mrs.
Sarah P. Muckey, Butler ; Mrs. A. L. Thomp
son, Butler.
NOTE—The specified quantity must be ex
hibited in this class in order to compete.
Best Oleander $1 00 $ 50
" Fig Tree 100 50
" collection Geraniums in bloom. 1 00 50
" collection Roses in bloom 1 00 50
" collection Fuchsias in b100m.... 1 00 50 i
" Cactus 1 00 50
" Hvdrangia 100 50
" collection Dahlias, cut flowers 1 00 50
" collection Verbenas cut flowers 1 00 50
" collection Gladiolis, cut flowers 100 50
" collection Asters, cut flowers... 100 50
" collection Phloxes, cut flowers.. 100 50
" Flat Hand Boquet 50 25
" Round Hand Boquet 50 25
" Pyramid Boquet 50 25
" collection Green House Plants
by amateur 200 100
" Hanging Basket with growing
vines 1 00 50
" largest collection of Plants and
Flowers 200 100
" collection Fancy Geraniums 100 50
" Azalia 50 25
" Asclepias 50 25
" Canna (foliage) 50 25
" Foliage Plant 50 25
" Border Plant 50 25
" Lemon Tree 50 25
" Orange Tree 50 25
" Growing Parlor Ivy 50 25
" Wood Ivy 50 25
" Calladiums 50 25
" and largest Rose Geranium 50 25
" variety Green House Plants by
florist 400 200
Judge*—Mrs. John Daugherty, Mr*. James
Bredin and Mrs. Dr. C. H. Lee. All of But
I have just received irom the East a largo stock of
I offer to the public the COMET SHIRT, the best UnlaundriotJ White Shirt in the market for
Also, a large stock of WHITE and COLORED SHIRTS, for Men and Boys, always on hand.
Underwear, Half Hose, Cloves, Hats, Caps and Neckwear,
Introduced as soon as they appear in the East, to be had at
Best Stool Cover $1 oo
" Stand Cover 1 oo
" Ottoman Cover 1 oo
" Pieced Sofa Pillow 1 oo
" Worsted Sofa Pillow 1 oo
" Knit Shawl 1 oo
" Knit Saeque, Infants 1 oo
" Knit Saeque, Ladies 1 5o
" Knit Scarf. 5o
" pair Silk Embroidered Slippers 100
" pair Worsted Embroidered Slippers... 5o
" Embroidered Shawl Strap 5o
" Embroidered Towels (1 pair) 5o
" Embroidered Splash Towel 5o
" Embroidered Skirt 100
" Embroidered Night Dress 1 oo
" Embroidered Ladies' Chemise 100
" Embroidered Ladies' Drawers 5o
" Embroidered Infant's Dress 6o
" Embroidered Infant's Cap, (Lace) 5o
" Embroidered Chair Tidv 5o
" Java Canvass Chair Tidy 5o
" Zephyr Chair Tidy 5o
" Thread Chair Tidy 5o
" Java Canvass Toilet Set 100
" Crotchet Toilet Set - 1 oo
" Silk Toilet Set 1 oo
" Swiss Muslin Toilet Set 100
" Lamp Mat 5o
" Set Stable Mats 5o
" Set Cuffs and Collar 5o
" Chemise, Bands and Sleeves 1 oo
" Fire Screen 100
" Bracket Lambrequin 1 oo
" Foot Rest 5o
" Pin Cushion 5o
" Slipper Holder 5o
" Hair Pin holder 5o
" Tatting Lace, 1 yard 5o
" Tatting Lace Collar 5o
" Nubia 5o
" Motto 5o
" Spatter Work 5o
" Skeleton Leaves • - - •1 oo
" Air Castle 5o
" Match Case 5o
" Jewelry Case 5o
" Cake Cover • • 5o
" display Crotchet Work • • •1 oo
" display Knitted Work - • 100
" display Embroidered Work - • 100
" display Lace Work - • - -1 oo
" Paper Catchall .... 5o
" Wire Catchall 5o
" and prettiest hand made Apron • • 5o
" Pen Wiper 5o
" Framed Cross - - • - - 100
" and Neatest Dress • - • 1 oo
" Silk Lace Cap 5o
" specimen Ornamental Needle Work - 5o
" Worked Pocket Handkerchief * • 5o
" Pillow Slips 1 oo
" Pillow Shams and Sheets - • 100
" Card Basket 5o
" Darned Net Work 5o
" display of Crotchet Work by girl un
der 14 1 oo
" display Darned Net Work by girl un
der 14 • . 100
" specimen hand Sewing by girl underl4 5o
" pair Stockings knit by girl under 14 - 5o
" display of Zephyr Work by girl under
14 1 oo
" Piano or Table Cover - - - 100
" Carriage Afghan • - - •5 oo
" Child's Carriage Afghan - - 300
Judges —Miss Seripheue Douthett, Forward
Tp.; Miss Mollie Gilkey, Butler; Mrs. Louisa
McLure, Butler.
In this class 2d premium the } of the first.
Best Fancy Quilt - - • $1 oo sso
" Patchwork Quilt - - • 100 5o
" Quilted Quilt - - - 100 5o
" Knit Quilt - - - - 100 5o
" Log Cabin Quilt • • -1 oo 5o
" Silk Quilt • • * •1 oo 5o
" Silk Cradle Quilt - - 100 So
" Countenmne, band made - 200 100
" Fancy Coverlet - - • 100 5o
" Quilted Comfort • - - 1 oo . 5o
" Quilted Skirt ... 100 5o
" Domestic Hearth Rug 5o 25
" Fancy Hearth Rug - • So 25
" Hand Made Shirt • - 100 5o
" Machine Made Shirt - 5o 25
Judges—Mrs. William M. Brown, Browns
dale ; Mrs. Dr. Leighner, Prospect; Mrs. Robert
Stephenson, Summit Tp.
Best Oil Painting - • • $2 oo $1 oo
" Water Color Painting - 100 So
" Crayon Drawing - - 100 5o
" Ink Drawing - - - -1 oo 5o
" I'enmanship • - - 1 oo 5o
" Photograph of domestic animal
from life .... 100 5o
" display of Photographs, Diplo
ma*, Ac. 1 oo
'• display of Cone Work So 25
" display of Shell Work " 5o 25
" Bead Work So 25
" Scroll Wood Work - 5o 25
" Rustic Work ... 5o 25
" Hair Work .... 5o 25
" Wax Work ... So 25
" Crystalized Work • 5o 25
" Crystalized Boquet 5o 25
" display of Decorated Pottery - 100 5o
" display of Bustic Baskets - 100 So
" Agricultural Wreath 5o 25
" Husk or Shell Basket - - So 25
" Piano ..... Diploma
" Organ ..... Diploma
" Artificial Fruit - - - 100 5o
Judges—Rev. StautTer, Butler ; Rev. Father
Nolan, Butler; Fred. Stark, Saxonburg.
WcdncMclny, Kept. 22(1, 1880.
No. 1. Farmers' Trot. Purse $25.00.
For Horses that are owned in the county and
that are used for no other than farm purposes;
gentlemen's Driving Horses not eligible to the
Race. Ist Horse, SIO.OO. 2d, $7.00. 3d, $5.00.
4th, $3.00.
No. 2. Trotting. 2:50 Class. Purse SSO.
Ist Horse, $25. 2d, sl2. 3d, SB. 4th, $5.
No. 3. Walking Harses, under saddle. Purse
Ist Horse, $5. 2d, $3. 3d, 2.
Tliursuliiy, Sept. 23, 1880.
No. 4. Gents Roadsters. Trot or Pace.
Purse $25.
For Butler County Horses that never trotted
better than 3 minutes and owned in the county
previous to July Ist, 1880.
Ist Horse, $lO. 2d, $7. 3d, $5. 4th, $3.
No. 5. Free for all. Trot or Pace. Purse SIOO.
Ist Horse, SSO. 2d, $25. 3d, sls. 4th, $lO.
No. G. Double Team Trot. Purse $45.
For Teams made up regardless of ownership.
Ist, S2O. 2d, $lO. 3d, SB. 4th, $7.
In all Races 5 to fill and 3 to start, and to lie
governed by tlie Rules of the National Trotting
Astocintfou. Race No. I—Go1 —Go us you please.
No. 2, 4, 5 and 0 to Harness.
PIJP I Outlitt to agents of 3 <loz. fast selling
r IV I i l J articles, sent to every person ans
wering tills adv., and encloslnic -> 3-ct. stamps to
pay postage and packing. This Is honest,. We re
fer the public to Postmaster, or any business house
in this place. American Mauuf 'g Company,
Jun£t-3m Franklin City, Mass.
Lumber Yard and Planing Mill.
Doors, Sash, Frames, Blinds,
Molding of all descriptions,
Brackets, Patent Molded
Mill Boards. Flooring, Palings,
Stair Railings, Balusters of
every style, &c., &c.
Circular Moldings Made to Order.
Lumber, Pluk, Shinnies, Lath, to,
M. FIRE & Bro.
We have this day opened a beautiful lot of | Lanndried and I'nlaundned Shirts, at 50, 65
______ _ , 75e and 31.
NEIIA/ T•A WNS Gents' Cotton Socks, at 10, I'JH and l.'c.
" IJ/1 *" Shirt Fronts. 12' i. 15. 20 and 25c.
All fast colors, at the low price of loe per yard. !
Also, ;i very large lot of Lawns, new designs, at ( Muslin. Bleached and l nbleaelied. 6H, 8 & 10c.
12H and 15c ; these are very fine and lieautlful. T i - W tv lie
One entire case of Brocade Dress Goods, at 10 Turkey lW Table Daliiask.'eo. 65 and 75c.
12 '» - ... ~. i Our Stock in Hosiery and (iloves is complete,
French Suitings, at 10,12 V, and 'sc. We have iust received a large lot of Ladles' Lisle
French Novelties In great variety. 35. 40 and 50c. Gloves J, ;llul sha des, at 12H.15. 20 & 25c.
Cashmeres, in all colors. 12V » and 20c. Ladles' Hose, at 10.12* aud 15c.
Cashmere, vcr> go<>d, 25, 35 and loc. Ladies' Hose, very fine, new style, 30, W and 50c.
French All-wool < ashmeres, 40 45 and 50. Tickings at 10.124 and 15c.
French all-wool cashmere invat bargaiu6o& (We , Ticking, extra heavy, 20 and 25c.
At sl, we are offering in All-wool trench Cash- Towels 6*4 810 and 12*4 c.
mere.that might be considered very cheap at $1.25. 1 Towels, very iarge aud extra good, 20, 25 and 35c.
Ourassortnient lu Silk is larger OursUx* in Ginghams and
than ever before, and ranges from $1 to _ h i
We havcarideri largely to our Black aud Colored I Si K Sllfl U m hrA a.9.
Silks, and offer tnem at such low prices that will t ou " ulnuM3nai *
surprise purchasers. ' Is now very complete, and will be sold at less thaa
Our stock of Trimming Silks, Satin and Silks usual prices.
Fringes is larger than ever before, and will all be ! Black Caslimere Shawls, at 33, 34 and 35.
sold decidedly low. ; Shawls of all descriptions, very low.
N. B.—lt will pay Purchasers to give us a call before buying elsewhere.
100 A 102 Federal Street, Allegheny.
Tkreiking Machinery and Portable
ud Traction Engine*.
THE STANDARD of eicellmco throughout IU Grain-
MATCHLESS for Grtln-Rartag, Time-Savlng. Perfect
jB Cleaning:. Rapid and Thorough Work.
V INCOMPARABLE In of Material. Ptrfeetion
of Part*, Thorough Workmanship, HUgant Finish, and
wU\ Jr Beaut* of Model.
MARVELOUS for vastly nrprrior work In all kind • of
lli Grain, and un*rersail jr known as tho onlg successful Thresher
" ' ' | n riu, Timothr, CloTer, and all other Seeds.
ASTONISHINGLY DUHABLE aud w-ondtrfuUgsimvU, using leas than one half the usual cears and belte.
PORTABLE* TB ACTION, aud STB A W-BrilN ISO with special Mature, of Power,
durability, Safety. Economy, and Beauty entirely unknown in other makes. Steam-Power Outfits and Steaa-Power
Separators a specialty. Four siies of Separators, from •to 1 1 horae-power: al*o t style* ImproTed Mounted Horse-Powers.
gg Year* of Proaperowa and Contlnuo«a Bualneaa by this house, without change of name, location, or auuMgo
ment, furnishes a strong guarantee for superior goods and honorable dealing.
0% M ||V|A|| | The wonderful suoceso and popularity of f 1
OAU I I win I °ur ViamAToa Machinery haa driven other
machines to the wall; hence rarious makers are now attempt
pg to build palm inferior and mongrel imitations of
fpr famous goods.
■r such experimental and worthless machinery. If you buy |Vui
f all, set Ike "OUI4IIXAL" am 4 tke "iiE.VLlSK
from ■«. Bi^D
For fall psrtiealsra call on our dealers, or write f«BM
go us for Illustrated Circulars, which we mail free. Address
NICHOLS, BHEPARD * CO., Battle Creek, Mich. 1
JACKSON & MITCHELL, Agents, Butler, Pa.
_ WHY DOES , h
• woman's health often break down at an early ageT Put a man at the wish-tub, let hint pet
heated from the hot suds until every pore is opened; then let him stand over the lilthy steam
that comes from scalding and boiling clothes, that are ftill of sweat and exhalations from the
•kin. and hla health too would break down before long; and yet this mo6t terrible ordeal is w hex
hM to go through with on wash-day ; and, besides, with her clothing wet from perspiring a
the hot work, she has to risk her life by going out in the air to hang up the clothes. Even
those not at work are in the unhealthy atmosphere; its smell, so apparent to visitors, show
ing that It finds its way through the house,—the family, however, often becoming so accus
tomed to the peculiar odor from its own wash as not to notice It These facts readily ex
plain why so many women suffer with colds, rheumatism, weak nerves, or neuralgia, and
while yet young In years, and physicians and boards of health cannot draw attention too
strongly to the injurious effacts of the usual way of washing, with its steami and
scalding or boiling to get the clothes pure and sweet-smelling, especially as it is without doubt
often the directcause of those dread/Ul diseases, diphtheria, consumption, and ,typhoid fever.
Fortunately this trouble can be avoided; scalding, boiling, steam and all disagreeable
smell from the wash completely done away with; clothes made sweet and beautifully white;
from the raving in fuel the wuh <Umt at let* co*t than even when home-made map it used, and very much
by the old way, by using FRANK BIDDAIXB SOAP,-a Soap so purifying and clcwMlns
that the dirtiest clothing can be washed in lukewarm water with very lime rubbing, and
clothes, bedding and utensils used by the sick disinfected and cleansed without either
■calding or boiling, while the work is so light that a girl twelve or thirteen yeare of age can do a
large wash without being tired; and yet so mild and healing is this Soap thatfor toilet and
shaving it haa no equal, and physicians advise its use in preference to imported Castile Soap on
wounds and sores, and to wash the youngest infants, as well as for persons with delicate skin.
Now th *' there if a remedy for this, to economical that thepoorett can ute U, there is not • » oman or
A MAN , , _ T „„
who is not directir interested In having used In their homes, in spite of prujudloi, THAT
WONDEKFOL OF WABHIXG CLOTHES, which does away with thehard work, offensive
smell and fearful steam on wash-davs, makes the white pieces whiter, colored pieces brighter and
flannels softer than they can be made by washing the old way, leaves the hands smooth enough
to do fine sewing and every article as clean, as sweet and as pure as If never worn.
V»_ IT Jf Inwrn M D Hammonton. N. J., and all household oses, and as It becomes mora
generally known, must bave an Immense sale.
My attention was called to FRANK SnjDALLS Mrs. K. STOCK WILL, Hammonton, N. J.
FRANK BIDDALIJB SOAP has bejr. used la
to the directions baa proved that Its remarkable my house fbr the last seven months, and by fbliow-
DroDertlee have not been overstated. For remov* lug the printed directions, we find It to do every
an'd shaving it Is the beatßoap I have ever seen.
when waihed in the
From Mas. H. U Kraros. Northfleld. Vt- old way. My husband, who to » hers.
Ido mj wash with FRANK HLDDAI.LS BOA Pin ££ to £ le B £ ady dum,4nd fyr th ® ftom
half the time and with no expense tor Soap, at the customers. ___
health, clothes and labor can hardly be estimated. Street, Corner C Street, N.W., Washington, D. G.
——— . Nn laundry or family can aflbrd to be without
From K. W STAWTOH, 1506 N. 30th BL, Phllada. FRANK SIDDALLB SOAP. We follow dlreo-
We are confident, from a long experience In tlons and use no other Soap, and have a reputation
using iSd «eommendlng FRANK SIDDALLS second to no laundry In white
SOAP, that one trial, according to the very easy clothes; the superior work we have been enabled
printed directions, will overcome all prejudices. It to turn out having secured '
i.i»n really haa wonderful merit for shaving, toilet, the best gentlemen s furnishing stores In ttis city.
The following are the Directions for Use, so simple that • child can understand them.
Dont do anything; so ridiculous aa to buy the Soap unless you intend following them.
4fg-SIOO positively forfeited If it injures the clothes, or vrlll not do everything claimted.
First, put the white clothes in • tnb of water, only made warm enough to be comfortable
for the hands. Then take one piece out at a time on the wash-board, rub the Soap lightly
over it, roll it np and put it back into the same tub, and so on with each piece until all
have the Soap rubbed on them. Then go »way and let them soak at least twenty minute*,
without touching them, when the dirt will all be loosened, and a very little rubbing on
the wash-board, out of that one suds, will make them perfectly clean, being particular to
turn each piece while washing so as to get at the seams. Then wash lightly on the wash
board, through a lukewarm rinse-water (without any Soap,) »o aa to get the dirty suds out.
Then put through blue-water, and on the line, without tcalding or boiling a tingle piece.
Afterward put flannels and colored pieces to soak, and wash them exactly the same way.
It is important not to heat the wash-water in a tin, brass or copper kettle. A tea-kettle
will heat enough water for a large wash with this Soap.
Just Think What You will Save by this Easy Way of Washing /
No Wash-boiler! No Steam! No Smell of Suds through the House I
It has the remarkable Property of keeping the Dish-Cloth, Wash-Rag and
Sponge always Sweet, and of Washing Freely in Hard Water.
Get a Cake and Try it for Yourself next Wash-Da/.
To Points where Soap Is not yet Introduced a Trial Oake will be sent by
Mail, on receipt of Price, (10 Cents), In Money or Stamps.
Important to Soldiers.
Point*, on bill for the Equalization of Bounties,
of Interest to every Soldier of the I'nlon Armv.
Send stamp for circular. Pension* Obtained, Peri
sloas Increased, Thousands Entitled.
Address (with stamp)
Lock Box 502, Washington, D. C.
* week in your own town. Terms and 95
outfit free. Addreee H. J# IUITT 4 Co.,
Portland, Maine. decS-ly
r hiM » K JIN « ! have SStSU to
the U. S. service. LAWEXt IRES JULY lit,
ED. Thousands of Pensioner* are rated too low.
CURED. Information freely given. Send
stomp for blanks. Address.
Room f, St. Cloud Building, Washington, D. C.
f] I)J? Consumption and AstLma.
" l/UHISb New yet failed. AddraM
stamp, "HOME," FBOJIBCMO, M*. [Ja7 ly