MB. J. H. BATES, NEWSPAPER Advertising Agent. 41 Pwk Row (Times Bnildine), New York, is authorised to contract for advertise ments in the CITIZEK. THIS PAPER HStfP&r *"£££» Adverttatog Bureau (K) Spruce St. L rjad v.-rt. ,i n< coutrat-ta may tie uuuie for It 111 StW IOBK. Now Advertisomonts To-Day. Sidd&H's Soap. Notice to tax collectors. • Butler township Auditors Report. Adm'x Notice—estate of James Stoops. Rosenbaum's Trimming and Millinery Store. Local and General. Canal boat jokes are now in great demand with the paragraphed. AT Charles R. Grieb's, Summer Un derwear at remarkably low prices. Whole years of joy follow the .wearing of DAYS KIDNEY PAD, for a few 'weeks. Celery plants for sale at reasona ble prices at Wm. MardorPs, West Cunningham street, Butler, Pa. [l6w4 Fine and common straw hats in great variety, at J. F. T. Stehle's. Conkling's curl should have been photographed in Chicago just after the final ballot. It looked somewhat wilted. boils, tetter, 4c., nee "Lindsey's Blood Searcher." Sold by all druggists. THE largest and beststockof Clothes Wringers in the county, can be found at J. G. A W. CAMPBELL, Butler, Pa. Edison has invented a new build ing material. It is manufactured on the same principle as is his electric light, and is warranted not to burn. The secret of long life is to keep the liver perfectly healthy which is best ac complished by using only ''Sellers' Liver Pills." SOUTHERN QUEEN sweet potato plants for sale at the garden of John W. Bort- IN as Sl CO., Butler, Pa. SPECIALTIES in woolens at William Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not to be had elsewhere in the county. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is a really remarkable and time-honored medicine. It is the best remedy known for all diseases of the throat and lungs. Avoid using those remedies con taining Opium, Morphia, etc; but when the Baby is sick use Dr. Bull's Baby S^rup—per fectly safe and always reliable. Price only 2.5 cents a bottle. Oliver D. Thompson, Stephen Cummings, E. D. Shanor and David H. Jack, Esqs., were admitted last week to the practice of the law as mem bers of the Bar in this county. LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at sls and upwards, at E. Orieb's. THE Buckeye mower and reaper and Buckeye fore.; feed grain drill, are sold by J. G. 4 W. CAMPBELL, Butler. I'». Goto J. F. T. Stehle for the Eigh mie patent shirt, best in the world, with a bosom that cannot break or wrinkle from wearing. Try it once and you will wear no other. —Sift coal ashes through a flour sieve. There is nothing better with which to mix London Purple, Paris green, hellebore, etc., for the destruc tion of potato beetles and other insects. Gents furnishing goods and silk handkerchiefs, at J. F. T. Sthele'e. I F you want to have good cabbage, jrrow the Silver Leaf Drum lieid cabbage. Plants of this and other good varieties for sale by the thousand, at the garden of John W. Bortmas 4 Co., Butler, Pa. Go to J. F. T. Stehle for the Eigh mie patent shirt, best in the world, with a bosom that cannot break or wrinkle from wearing. Try it once and you will wear no other. THE Comet Shirt, the best offered for the money, for sale only at CHARLES R. GRIEB'H. —One of the lessons at Chicago is that political machines, syndicates and bureaus may overreach their ob ject by going too far. The policy of carrying things with a high hand, re gardless of all protest, got a rough set back there. IMPORTANT TO YOU NO MEN —If you want a Stylish Ilat, send for Illustrated Circular and Price List, free. J. G. BENNETT'S HAT HOUSE, 119 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa„ FOR Corn implements of every va riety, go to J. G. 4 W. CAMPBELL, Butler, Pa. —The Indianapolis Journal, which firefers Presidential shirt sleeves to 'residental magnificence, says that the Hayes administration has inaug urated no great policy and no gigantic robbery. "It has not been Bplendid but it has been clean. WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor, lias just opened the largest line of woolens for men and boys wear ever offered in Butler. Buy the Boom Hat, for sale at CHARLES K. GRIKB'S —Many unhappy sufferer from ner vous debility lias wished himself anywhere but on this beautiful earth. No one need now have any such feelings, all that they require to do is to go and purchase one box of (iray's Specific and they will realize a change as if by magic. Hold by J. C. Redick. —Titusville had an extensive oil fire last Friday, caused by lightning strik ing a 20,000 barrel tank full of oil, on the Tidioute and Titusville line. The fire spread to several other tanks, and the loss in all is put at about $1,000,- 000. THE | 13 | 15 | 14 | Scarfs, at CIIARI.ES 11. GRIEB'H Go to J. F. T. Stehle for the Eigb mie patent shirt, best in the world, with a bosom that cannot break or wrinkle from wearing. Try it once and you will wear no other. —slo,ooo award. "I was so sick and low-spirited that I thought I would give anything to get well ; and if any one had en sured me the good health produced by using Simmons' Liver Regulator, and charged me a thousand dollars, I would willingly have paid it if I had had it; in fact, ten thousand dollars would IK; worthless to me than what it has done for me. "GEO. F. BARRETT, Macon, Ga. —The Pottsville Journal calls atten tion to a strange disease which has suddenly appeared among the cattle in Schuylkill county. Its symptoms appear in spasms from which the cows reel and fall down never to rise again. All cases thus far reported have proved fatal. A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine American Movemeut as low M $lO, at E. GRIEB'H. —Congressman Weaver, of lowa, who could get such tardy recognition from speaker RandaU, has been singled out by the Greenbackers as their can didate for President, and Gen. PL J. Chambers, of Texas, for Vice Presi dent. Clnard Again*! Dltteaite. If you find yourself getting bilious, head heavy, mouth foul, eyes yellow, Kidneys dis ordered, symptoms of piles tormenting you, take at once a few doses of Kidney-Wort. It is nature's great assistant. Use it as an ad vance guard—don't wait to get down sick. —An exchantre says it ought to be more generally known that wheat flour is probably the best article to throw over a fire caused by the spill ing and igniting of kerosene. It ought to be known, because flour is always within convenient reach, and often val uable articles of clothing, blankets, etc., are destroyed in extinguishing such fires. Ashes and sand are equally as good. Profit. 81,200. "To sum it up, six long years of bed-ridden sickness, costing S2OO per year, total $1,200 — all of this expense was stopped by three bot tles of Hop Bitters, taken by my wife. She has done her own housework for a year since, without the loss of a day, and I want every body to know it, for their benefit."— N. E. Farmer. At lO Cent* Per Yard. fine four-fourth Chintzes, at RITTER k RALSTON'S. Wlieaf! Wheat! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at AV alter k Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER k Boos. * —On the agricultural blanks of the census enumerators are one hundred questions, and on the population blanks are twenty-six questions. Farmers who will have so many questions to answer as to the acreage of their farms, number of acres tilled, kinds of cereals grown, value of the same, number of horses, cattle, and other animals, and value of same, should now post them selves in order to be ready for the enu merators. "Crooked Haertel." Accept a thousand thanks for that Golden Remedy. I suffered for many years with Rheu matic pains in my limb«, my legs were drawn ' together, and people called me "Crooked Ilaer tel." I used ST. JACOBS OIL, and wa> cured, ! and now feel so well that I think I could dance as in my young days. JOHN HAERTEL, Fremont, 111. —ln open winters and in spring and autumn, in freezing and thawing weather, roads in clay soils often be come next to impassible, and for weeks and sometimes for months, farmers cannot draw their produce to market, and thus often suffer heavy loss by keeping it on hand. The cheapest roads in the end are the macadamized. It has been remarked by wise men : "Let the country make good roads and the roads will make the country"— and there is much of truth in the adage. Pare Port Wine. We take pleasure in directing the attention of the public to Sneer's celebrated Port Grape Wine, a pure and unadulterated article, upon which every one may most implicitly rely This wine is made at Speer's Vineyards, Pa-t --saic. New Jersey. It has a rich flavor, mel low juciness, and brilliant color ; and is highly beneficial in all its properties for invalids, es pecially females and aged persons an l consump tives, For sale by D. H. Wt'LLER. One Cane of extra large and fine Country Blan at a bargain, at RITTER k RALSTON'S. Wheat! Wheat! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter k Boos' Mill, Butler Pa. WALTER k Boos. —RELIGIOUS SERVICES. —The 25th day of June is one remembered in many Protestant churches as the ad versary of Luther's celebrated Confes sion of Faith. The 350 th aniversary of the same, and the 300 th aniversary of the completion of the Book of Concord, or rules for the government of the Lu theran Church will be duly celebrated in the Lutheran Cnurch of this place on next Sunday and also on next Sunday a week. Grateful Women. None receive so much benefit, and none are so profoundly grateful and show such an in terest in recommending Hop Bitters as women. It is the only remedy peculiarly adapted to the many ills the sex is almost universally subject to Chills and fever, indigestion or deranged liver, constant or periodical sick headaches, weakness in the back or kidneys, pain in the shoulders and different parts of tnc body, a feeling of lassitude and despondency, are all readily removed by these Bitters.— Courant. Jamestown AlpaeaH. and Cassimeres, at HITTER k RALSTON'S. Wheat! Wheat! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter k Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER k Boos. They certainly had a very lively fifteen minutes in lowa last Wednes day, when farmhouses and hams were lifted, bowled along and generally mixed up in the great whirlwind horn pipe. The discriptions of the tornado in Potawatamie county present some variations upon the general theme of the transportation of heavy articles that figure so commonly in the reports; but there is, unfortunately, no substan tial variation in that tragic part of the chronicle which records the list of vic iims to this strange calamity. Amerleanti Traveling Abroad Will find all of Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines on sale in all principal drug stores and at the London branch of the World's Dispensary, Great Russell Street Buildings. Golden Medical Discovery is a most potent alterative or blood-cleansing elixir. It dispels all humors and cures blotches, pimples eruptions, king's evil, or scrofula, en larged glands, swellings internal sore ness, ulcers, and virulent blood pois ons that, unremoved, rot out the vital machinery. Dr. Pierce's Pellets (lit tle sugar-coated pills) are an agreeable and most cleansing cathartic; remove offensive and acrid accumulations, thereby preventing fevers and kindred affections. World's Dispensary Medi cal Association, proprietors, Buffalo and London. PlanlM! Plants! The following varieties of plants can l»e had by calling at the garden of John W. Bortmas E CONKLING, junclo-3t JOHN A. LOGAN. FaiiM ! Paint! FHIIM ! All styles and prices, at RITTER k RALSTON'S. WNTUV CITIZEN: UNITE*, P*. T 3*M# T6» 1880. At 15 Cents Per Yard, Cottonade for Pants, at RITTER k RALSTON'S. —A sad accident happened on the farm of Mr. James Maharg, of Penn I township, Tuesday of last week. Mr. J. Hamell and young" Fisher had cut a tree nearly off, when it fell and lodged on another tree. Hamell then cut the splinters connecting the tree with the stump, when the tree sprang violently backwards, striking him on the breast and breaking his ribs and back. His companion succeeded in getting him clear of the tree and then went for as sistance. The surgeons did all they could for him, and at last accounts he is still living. Wtaent! Wheat I Tho highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter k Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER & Boos. SHERIFF'S SALES. —In addition to the sales mentioned in last week's paper, the following were made: All the right, title, interest and claim of, Q. C. McQuistion, in lot and brick house in Butler, to G. W. Miller, as signee, and John Lawall, for SIOO. Of same in lot in Butler, adjoining aforesaid, to same, for sfi7s. Of John C. McLafferty and others in 120 acres in Winfield, tp., to John Berg k Co., for $1,300. Of Sarah J. Timblin, in house and lot in Butler, to Mrs. Mackev, for $1,430. All other pieces advertised were settled, assigned stayed, or returned by order of attorney. 4MOO Plants. Late Cabbage, for sale at Bortmas & Co's gardens, Butler, Pa., west side. Millinery Goods Retail at Wholesale prices, at RITTER k RALSTON'S. Consumption Cured. An old physician retired from prac tice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the for mula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Consdmption, Bronchitic, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung Af fections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nerv ous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thous ands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions lor preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. W. SHEARER, 149 Power 1 * Block, Rochester, N. Y. 3t Black and Colored Dress Silks, a beautiful assortment, at RITTER k RALSTON'S. LEADINTCASH GROCERY. Clippings From June Price List. HF.K REDUCTIONS. 12 lbs. Good Brown .Sugar $1 (X) II lbs. White CofTee Sugar 1 00 <»} Itis. Granulated Sugar 1 00 7 lbs. Good Roasted Coffee 1 00 4 lbs. Choice Roasted Java Coffee 1 00 3 lbs. Choice Green Coffee 50 3 lbs. Prime Roasted Coffee 50 7 balls Potash 50 7 boxes Concentrated Lye 50 (j lbs. New Turkey Prunes 50 1 gallon Choice Syrup 50 3 lbs. Carolina Rice 25 4 bars Babbitt's best Soap 25 5 bars Blue India Soap 25 7 bars Superior Wax Soap 25 .'! lbs. best Gloss or Corn Starch 2"> 6 Lamp Chimneys 25 Fisn. New Large No. 3 Mackerel per I barrel... 3 00 " " No. 3 " per i barrel... I (»5 " " No. 3 " per kit M 0 This is as low as first class goods can be sold for. We have, however, a low priced mackerel which we are now selling at $1.50 .per { barrel, but can not jfive them the same recommenda tion, knowing that the best is the cheap est. Extra N T o. 1 Salt;, full weight, $1.30 per barrel. Choice Bright Navy Tobacco 60 cts. per pound. Carbon Oil 10 cents per gallon. Supar Cured Hams 11 cents per lb. Everything in the grocery line retail ed at wholesale prices. xw c ash paid for butter and eggs. G. WILSON MILLER k BRO. Carpels. We are still selling Carpets at 25 per cent lower than Pittsburgh prices, at RITTER IT RALSTON'S. —We direct attention to the local advertisement of G. W. Miller, k Bro., grocers, in this paper. The Mes srs. Miller have lutely had their block repainted and it now presents as hand some an appearance as any other in But ler. They have also had their store rooms re-painted and papered, and are using one for their grocery store and the other for a flour and feed store. Their stock of groceries is fresh and good, particularly their canned goods, and Camp k Randall's "Red Ball" flour which they handle extensively, can't be beat. ili'd Arrival of Lawns, Hernanuis, Huntings, 7 J. U. Mechling, 7 in'* teuh'g 4'_'o 00 (1. K. liitlph, 7 m'tlis teaeli'g 280 00 (i. Bredin 3 m'ths teach'g 120 00 M. IJ. M'l.ure7 m'ths teach'g 210 00 K. Brittain 7 m'ths tcach'g 210 Oil A Cum tilings 7 in'tlm teach'g 210 00 Bella Oolbert7 ui'th* teack'g 210 00 Lida Boyd 7 m'ths teach'g 210 00 NMM link in 7 m'tha teaeh'g 210 00 Klla Kurtz 7 m'ths teaeh'g 210 (K) M. limerick 7 m'tha teach'# 210 00 .1 OH. M'Analleii janitor* sal'y 300 00 .1 M'Anallen, cleaning house 4,» 40 H M'Cullougit " we 11... 4SO A. it. Kichey, hauling 4 50 Jeff. Burtner, hydrant 40 00 Levi Potts, labor 2 00 Mrs. Kocher, for water 3 00 Jacob Keck, stationery 18 20 S. r. Hofloway through life. Hence the origin of his celebmtdd rills anil oint ment--remedies in keeping with common sense, because subservient to nature, rather than at variance with her laws, like those in general use. To the stomach we trace dyspepsia, heapache and general debility ; to the liver, blie. Jaundice, and yellow fever ; to the bowels, diarrhcca, dysentary. constipation, piles and fistuly ; to the lungs, con sumption, etc. ; to the blood, scrofula, seurvey, and all cutaneous eruptions. By keeping these organs and vital fluid pure and healthy we may safelv defy the attacks of disease, and no medicine yet prepared for this purpose can equal the action of these I'ills and Ointment, as they dive to the seat of the disorder, and extirpating its cause, de stroy its effect. IMPORTANT CAUTION —None are genuine un less the signature of J. HAYDOCK, as agent for the United States, surrounds each box of Pills and Ointment. Boxes at 25 cents, B2 cents and St each. KT"There is eonsldeiable saving by taking the larger sizes. HOLLO WAY & Co., New York. HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT | Possessed of this REMEDY, every man may be Ills own Doctor. It may be nibbed into the sys tem, so as to reach any Internal complaint ; by these means it cures Sores or I'leers In the THROAT, STOMACH, UVER, SPINE, or other parts. It is an infallible Remedy for BAD I,E(!K, BAD BREASTS, Contracted o4 tftifTJoints, GOtTT, KHECMATISM, and all Skin Diseases. IMPORTANT CAUTION.— None are genuine un less the signature of J. HAYDOCK, as agent for the United States, surrounds each box of IHls and Olntmeet. Boxes at 25 cents, (12 cents, and $1 each. tar-There Is consldcrabld saving by taking the larger sizes. HOLLOW AY & Co., New York. BRENT GOOD een widely used for fortv years, aud has won the unqualified conn deuce of millions whom it has benefited. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., rnctlul and Analytical Cheuilsts, Lowell, Mass. BOLD »R ALL DauaoisTs Evsurwiisas. d;7(T) A WEEK. »12 a dsy at home easily made. V« *5 Uoatlv Outat free. Addr«w» THUE A Co., au(ru«ta. Mkui" d«nS-lv Advertise iu the CITIZEN. I GRAND DISPLAY OF SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS! M. FIRE & Bro. 100 & 102 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, We have this day opened a beautiful lot of Laundried and t'nlaundried Shirts, at 50, 65, __ _ . _ 75c ami lalu why so many women suffer with oolds, rheumatism, weak nerves, or neuralgia, and LOOK OLD while yet young in years, and physicians and boards of health cannot draw" attention too Strongly to the Injurious effects of the usual way of washing, with it* scalding or boiling to gut the clothes pure and sweet-smelling, especially as it is without doubt often the direct cause of those dreadful dUesjies, diphtheria, oonsumtftpn, and Fortunately this trouble can be avoided; scalding, boiling, (team and smell from the wash t'ompleUily done away with; clothes made sweet and teauUfQlly white. from the savina in Jud. the wath dune atleuco* than even when home made map it tueci, and very much SOONER THAN - by the old way, by using FRANK BIDDALLB SOAP,—a Soap so purifying and cleansing that tho dirtlesi clothing can be washed In lukewarm water with very llWe ana clothes bedding and utensils ustxl by the sick disinfected and cleansed without either scalding or boll/ng while the work is so light that a girl twelvo or thirteen years of age can do a lari/ 0 wash without being tired; and yet so mild and healing is this Soap that for toilet and shaving It has no equal, and physicians advise Its use in preference to imported Oajrtile Soap on A MAN who 1* not dlrpotlv Interested In having used ln their homua, In spite of prdudlee, THAT w n Mil RRK tr I WAY <) KWA9 nIN O CLOTHES, which does away with the hard work, offonsiv; araell and on makes the white pieces welter, colored pieces brighter and flannels sorter than thxy can be made by washing tho old way, leaves the hands smooth enough to do flue sewing and every article as clean, as sweet and as pure as If never worn. ♦>TEBTIMONIALB-<- TT - nnwT u V D nammonton, N. J., and ail hous«>liold uses and as it becomes more generally known, must bave an Immens. sale. My attention was called to VliA HIDD AI. From MRS. E. STOCK WILL, nammonton, N. J. BOAP from an advertisement in my ow "P*iJ®'[; vn . NV urnn*! TX KOAI* lias been used in m J^Vtbflts"v2?montK^yto^w" to the n_m. * > Minted directions, we And It to do every •B^ii^,sssi2u« s HALF TH« TLMA AND WITH NO EXPANSE FT>R HOAP, as tha —— TXMVr'sivCT From or I)«T«, UnKn»r »l Sixth lieallb clothes and labor can hardly be estimated. Street, Corner C Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. No lanndry or fkmlly oan aflhrd to be without From E. W. STAKTOM, ISOS N. JDth St., Philada Fit AN K SOAP. We follow dlwfr We are confident, from a long experience In lions and use n , ooth . M *Y* P^llhi!>Vtn£ 'ft.r'*white the cfty. The following are the DlreeUona for Use, so simple that a child can understand them. Wont do anything so ridiculous as to buy the Hoap unless you Intend following Uieni. SS-$ too positively forfeited if it Injure* the clothe*, or u>Ul not do everything claimed. First, pat the white clothe* in a tub of water, only made warm enough to be comfortable for the hands. Then take one piece out at a time on the wash-board, rub the Soap lijfbtly oyer it, roll it up and put it back into the same tub, and io on with each piece until all have the Hoap rubbed on them. Then go away and let them soak at least twenty minute*, without touching them, when the dirt will all be loosened, and a very little rubbing on the wash-board, out of that one suds, will make them perfectly clean, being particular to turn each piece while washing so as to get at the seams. Then wash lightly on the wash board, through a lukewarm rinse-water (without any Soap,) so as to get the dirty suds out. Then put through blue-water, and on the line, urithotU scalding or boiling a tingle piece. Afterward put flannels and colored pieces to soak, and wash them exactly the same way. It 1s important not to heat the wash-water iu a tin, bras, or copper kettle. A tea-kettle will heat enough water for a large wash with this Soap. Just Think What You will Save by this Easy Way of Washing! No Wash-boiler! No Steam f No Smell of Suds through the House I It has the remarkable Property of keeping the Dish-Cloth, Wash-Rag and Sponge always Sweet, and of Washing Freely in Hard Water. -•-+ BOLD BY OROOKBBN- Get a Cake and Try it for Yourself next Wash-Day. To Point* where thle Soap la not yet Introduced a Trial Cake will be sent by Mall, on reoelpt of Prtoe, (10 Oenta), ln Money or Stampe. AODR T Tomc E LE o7 E " B FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP, 718 CALLOWHILL ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA Important to Soldiers. Point*, on bill for tin' K<|uallzHtlnii of Rountle*, of Intomt In ovxry Holdierol tin* Colon Army. Head Ntanip for circular. Pension* Oldamcd, I'rn (iion* Incmuwd. Thonftmidit Untitled. Address (with slump) if. S. HKHL'N & CO., Look Itox f.(r2, YVaahlUgton, I>. 0. d| • a week in your own town. T.rum and 95 JpUU outfit froo. Addroaa 11. I 1 ILLKTT A (JO., Portland, Maluo. dooS-ly PENSIONS! fa^SBkLRS the' V.XMrviM .LAW EXPIRES JULY l.t, IKHO, for ARREARS. PENSIONS INCREAS ED. Thouaanda of Pen»ionen are rated too low. BOUNTY AND NEW DISCHARGES PRO CURED. Information freely given. Send ■lump for blank*. Addreaa. BTODDART A CO, Ronn 8, St. Cloud Building, Waahingtoo, D. C. VPW 1 1 TIP P Consumption and Aithma. HLW 14 IV Ci. Ne ver yet failed. Addreaa witli »Umi>, "HOME," F»oaiut;iw, MB. U»7 ly