Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 09, 1880, Image 2

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MM «. 4 W. C. MtLEY. PROP'RS.
Entered at the Postoflice at Butler a»-
tecond-clats* matter.
Republican National Ticket,
Of Ob
Republican State Nominations.
Hon. Henry Green,
Hon. John Lemon,
Republican County Nominations.
J. D. McJUSXIN, ESQ.. of Bntler borough.
(SaLject to the District Conference.)
JOHH X. GREER, E«i., of Bntler borough.
(Subject to the District Conference.)
WTLLIAM P. BRAH AX. of HtrrisviUe borough.
SYLVESTER D. BELL, of MiUeretown borough.
Ifttetriet Attorney.
A. *. OUMHSOHAM, ESQ., of Botler borough.
Associate Judge.
MoCAKDLBSB, of Butler township.
Connty Unrfeyor.
NATHAN M. BLATOB, of Bntler borough.
285 was Blaine's vote on the first
ballot st Cincinnati, four years ago,
sad 284 was his first vote now at Chi
THE Blaine men named the candidate
sod it was Oat field. His name is rais
ed to the besd of our column in place
of Blaine. It is a good nomination.
COURT is in session, with Judge Mc-
Junkin presiding. The Grand Jury
hat* found s number of bills, an ac
count of which will be given in our
next issue.
Kittsnning, baa, we understand,carried
the Republican nomination for the Sen
ate in Armstrong county, at the prima
ries held in that county last Saturday.
His majority over bis competitor, Ir
win, we learn is about 700.
ALEX. H. STEPHENS is credited with
saying, s dsy or two ago, that the
present Congress "will go down to pos
terity ss the do-nothing Congress—
perhaps the most indolent and list
less in the history of the Government."
And it is s Democrstic Congress.
THE number of immigrants landed
st Csstle Garden, New York, from
Jsnusry 1, 1880, to April 15, 1880, is
49,566 against 12,339 for the same pe
riod in 1876, 10,381 in 1877, 11,119 in
1878, and 15,716 in 1869. The greater
number of recent arrivals oje from
Germany, Ireland being next, followed
by England, Sweden, Italy, Switzer
land, Hungary and Scotland.
A DEMOCRAT in this place received
two dispatches from Botler last Satur
day telling him thst if he would place
Robinson's name on bis ticket he could
▼ote. Nice business.
The sbore is from the Millerstown
Herald, of lsst Sstnrdsy, J one 5. So,
sfter all the noise of the Eagle and Mr.
Charles McCsndless, about Democrat
ic rotes being csst st our late primary,
it seems the friends of Mr. Robinson
were trying to get some in Millers
town. For two or three weeks before
the primsry we csutioned and pro
tested agsinßt letting Democrats vote,
while on the other band, not a word
wss said in the Eagle on that subject
"THXBZ is a new law in Massachu
setts, which went into effect on May
1, that gives licensing boards in towns
and cities power to order all screens,
curtsins, stained glass etc., to be re
moved from the windows of liquor
saloons from midnight to 6 o'clock in
the morning, and all day on Sunday.
It appears to be already giving liquor
sellers serious trouble in some places.
The New York Evening Pont says
thst dealers in Csmbridge, where the
lsw bss been enforced, declare 'that
the consequent loss of custom has
amounted to fully fifty per centum of
the former trade, and a few assert that
they will be compelled to leave the
The following was the pledge
msde by some of the Pennsylvania
delegates sgsinst Grsnt:
CAICAOO, June 1, 1880.—We, the
understood delegates to the National
Republican Convention from Pennsyl
vania, knowing that the sentiment of
the Republicans of said State is largely
•gainst tbe nomination of Gen. Grant
for President, snd having tbe best in
terest of the party at heart, and desir
ing honestly to represent onr constitu
ents, hereby pledge ourselves to vote
his nominstion : James Mc
snes, delegate st large; W. S. Doug
lass, First district; Wm. R. Leeds,
Second district; W. E. Rowsn, Fourth
district; J. E. Long, Twenty-fifth
district; John Hayes, Nineteenth dis
trict ; A. D. Kinney, Fifteenth district;
WM. B. Waddell, Sixth district; H.
Bortz, Tenth district; N. L. Brosius,
Twentieth district; John McKinlcy,
Twenty-fourth district; B. F. Wagen
seller, Eighteenth district; S. R. Dap
pin, Eighth district; C. N. Taylor,
Seventh district; W. A. M. Greer,
Eleventh district; Dsvid Moust, Third
Iv it be true, ss is reported, that Mr.
Robinson, our delegate at Chicago,
gave up his neat in that body, or in the
Pennsylvania delegation meetings, to
other gentlemen who voted for or with
the Grant portion of the delegation, it
makes another sad case of_ betrayal on
bis part, and confirm? all the predic
tions and fears had here all along.
One report said that "Mr. H. L. Rich
mond, Jr., of Meadville, one of the al
ternate delegates from this district,
supplied the vacancy caused by Thos.
Robinson, of Butler, the regular dele
THE Pittsburgh Dispatch of Monday
puts the matter in yet worse shape. (
Among other things its special tele
gram from Chicago of the 6th says,
"After Cameron's talk with him to
day he agreed to give way and sub
stitute George A Wright (of Mercer,)
who will vote for Grant."
P. S.—Since tbe above was in print
we see bv some of tbe votes that Mr.
Robinson was voting with the Blaine
portion of the Pennsylvania delega
tion, which we are glad to see and
note, and make this correction.
The majority for Mr. McJunkin for
Congress in the county is correct as
published by us last week and in the
full table of votes this week, to wit:
107. The Eagle published it last week
as 97, but on glancing at its figures we
soon discovered where its error lay.
At Parker's store it has Mr. Robinson's
vote as 22, whereas it was but 12, or
10 less. This 10 makes the difference
between 107 and 97, and accounts for
the error made by tbe Eagle last week.
We have no doubt it will correct itself
this week.
It was gratifying news from the Chi
cago Convention to see that the at
tempted despotic "unit rule'' received a
blow from the very start, and continued
to be ignored and repudiated all through
the proceedings of the Convention. Wc
hope it has made its exit, never to re
turn. The great principle of the right
of the Republican people in each Con
gressional district to choose and in
struct their own delegates to a Nation
al Convention, without let or hindrance
from a State Convention, is now fully
established and will be the rule here
after to all Republicans. We made
open war upon this "unit rule" doc
trine ever since our State Convention of
February 4, adopted it, and rejoice that
all the rulings of the Chicago National
Convention have been against it.
By the proceedings of tbe County
Convention, in another place, it will be
seen that a committee was appointed
to investigate the alleged improper .vot
ing at our primary in Fairview town
ship. The committee consisted of three
good, fair and impartial members of
tbe Convention, to wit: Capt. Ayres,
of Mercer township, Mr. John C. Kej-r,
of Slipperyrock, and Capt. Pillow of
this place. Tbe committee took their
time and did make an investigation of
the complaints as to tbe returns from
Fairview township, and did unani
mously report, as the result of their
labors, that they found no fraud in or
at the places where it was charged.
Their report was then adopted by the
Convention by a vote of nearly two to
one. Was not therefore that whole
matter then ended ? If not it would be
hard to tell what would end any sim
ilar matter. A committee was ap
pointed, who examined, beard aud re
ported, that they bad no evidence of
any improper voting in Fairview
township, and the convention of Re
turn Judges sustained that report and
discharged the committee, and that
was tbe end of that matter. And as
Fairview township was the only one
as to which any question was raised
in the Convention, the result of the
proceedings of the Convention leaves
not a single foot of ground for any bol
ter or fault-finder to stand upon.
It would be impossible to give all tbe
proceedings of the Republican Nation
al Convention that assembled in Chi
cago last Wednesday, 2nd inst., and
continued in sess on until Tuesday, Sth.
The following was the result of the
i first ballot, had on Monday of this
Grant 304 Kdmunds 'sl
Blaine 2H4 Washburne 30
Sherman !<3 Windoin 10
r And about the same result was had
l for 28 ballots during that day, the votes
s varying very little from tbe first one.
Gen. Garfield received 17 votes on tbe
7th ballot, and Harrison, of Indiana,
! and President Hayes occasionally re
k ceiving a vote or two. Sherman held
the "balance of power," as some of his
votes were necessary to nominate either
' Grant or Blaine, each lacking near a
f hundred of the number required to
r nominate.
t On Tuesday morning the Conven
' tion again assembled and on the 36th
ballot nominated Gen. James A. Gar
, field, of Ohio, for President. On the
. 34th ballot he had received 17 votes;
■ on the 35th, 50 votes, and on the 36th
a general stampede took place, rcsult
| ing as above. The nomination was
. made by tbe Blaine men over the
; Grant men, the last ballot being as fol
. lows :
i Garfield 3fUj | Sherman 3
Grant 308 Washburne 5
Blaine 4 2 \
Bank Failure.
1 First National Bank of Meadville
closed this morning owing to the im
pairment of its capital stock. Bunk Ex
aminer Young is in charge, but makes
no statement as yet of the cause which
led to the suspension. It is believed
} tbe bank will be able to pay depositors
1 in full without making an assessment
t on the stockholders.
s{;» Untie* Citl*«»: WuU **♦ 3, 1880.
On the fourth page of the CITIZES
this week will be seen a table in detail
of all the voting done at the late pri
raarv election. The tale is that made
out bv Mr. O. D. Thompson, one of the
tellers of the Convention, appointed for
that purpose. The vote in each poll
ing place, as given in the table, for each
candidate, is correct and corresponds
with the table kept by the other teller.
Mr. H. Colbert, but the aggregates or
footings up differ somewhat, but not
sufficient to change any result. For
instance, Mr. Greer's vote as given in
the aggregates published last week and
in our paper this week, is too high by
twenty votes, and Mr. Campbell's for
the Senate too little by ten votes. Mr.
Hays, for Assembly, is twenty-two too
much, and Mr. Waldron's for same of
fice twenty too much. While, on the
other hand, Mr. Black, for District At
tornev, should have 71 votes added to
his column, making his total vote 1561,
according to Mr. Colbert's table. Mr.
Fiedler should have f>o added to his
vote; Mr. Thomas Martin 100 added
to his ; Mr. Wier 80 added to his, and
Mr. Douthett 60 added to his, all for
Associate Judge. This difference be
tween the counts made by the tellers
arises from the haste, confusion and
very difficult task of counting up with
absolute accuracy long columns of
figures. The above differences were
brought to our attention after the table
in this paper had been printed; but, as
we have said, they alter no result.
Under the above heading the Eagle,
of last week, contains an article relative
to the late contest for the Congression
al nomination in this county, that for
unfairness we never read the like. In
its vain effort to prove fraud on the
part of Mr. McJunkin's friends, in
Fnirview township, it quotes the vote
of that township two years ago (1873)
as follows:
Republicans 4"
Democrats 312
Total "9"
Then it goes on to say that "since
that time it is well known that the
population has decreased at least one
half." And then it adds, "and now at
a Republican primary those districts
roll up the handsome vote of 623"
meaning thereby the whole vote receiv
ed at the late primary by Messrs. Me-
Junkinand Robinson within said Fair
view township. The object of the Ea
gle writer, it will be noticed is to show
that the 623 votes now given on Con
gress are more than 485, the Republi
can votes cast two years ago, 1878.
But mark how a few more figures and
a little further information upsets all
this. It is not forgotten that two years
ago, 1878, was the great Greenback
whirlwind that swept over tbie part of
the country, and carried off, for the
time, so many Republicans. In Fair
view township, composing precisely
the same districts iri which the above
623 votes were now cast for Messrs.
McJunkin and Robinson for Congress,
the total vote for Governor two years
ago was as follow s :
For Mason, Greenback candidate W!l
For Hovt, Republican " 485
For Dill, Democrat " 3.12
Total vote in 1878 1358
The Eagle writer very conveniently
forgets to give the Greenback vote in
Fairview township two years ago,
which was the largest of the then three
parti* s, as seen by the above. Now,
it is well known that that vote in Fair
view aud every other place in this
county, two years ago, came nearly
wholly off the Republican party, and
as a consequence we were defeated in
the county. If, then, that is correct,
the Republican strength of Fnirview
township in 1878 would be as follows:
Mason, Greenback Vil
Iloyt, Republican 4P">
At Republican primary this year Oii.'l
More in 1878 than now IJM
But, to be liberal, and more than
fair in this matter, let us suppose that
but the half of the Greenback vote of
1878 in that township came off the Re
publicans. Then the case would stand
as follows :
Iloyt, Republican, in 1878 4S.*i
Mason, Greenback, one-half of /kit 2XO
7 CB
McJunkin and Robinson now 623
Or showing votes more then than n0w.... 142
So the argument of the Eagle, by
overlooking the Greenback vote, falls
to -pieces We have no doubt, that
within those districts of Fairview town
ship, there will, this fall, be near if not
over 1,000 Republican votes cast. Then
further, if there is anything wrong
about the vote of Fairview now, it
runs through and affects all the candi
dates for all the other officers voted for
this year, as well as Congress. For
there are as many votes polled for the
Senate, for Assembly, for Dist. Attor
ney and for Associate Judge, as there
are for Congress, which alone shows the
absurdity of the Eagle argument. It
would affect the Assembly vote to the
extent of changing one of that ticket
as nominated. The vote within Fair
view this year was, in fact, light. Two
years ago A. W Wright, candidate for
Clerk of Courts, and now serving in
that office, received 623 votes at the
election within Fairview township,
being exactly the number received now
by both MessrP. McJunkin and Robin
son combined. Mr. Gallagher, for Reg
ister and Recorder, and who did not
live in or near Fairview, received 523.
Then again, we have glanced over
the vote cast at some of the other pla
ces in the county at the recent primary,
and find, for instance, that I'rospect
borough gave Mr. Robinson this year
41 votes and Mr. McJunkin 8, making
in all 49 votes; while in 1878, only two
years ago, Prospect gave Hoyt but 34
votes; Mason, Greenback, bad but 7,
which added to Hoyt makes but 41, or
8 less than two years ago, even if the
whole 7 Greenback votes then came off
the Republicans. "We merely mention
this case as another illustration of the
absurdity of the cry now raised by Mr.
Robinson, through CharlesM'Candless,
of fraud in Fairview toVvnship. Other
places in the county will show more of
an increase for him now. on the vote of
1878, than for Mr. McJunkin. And if
the vote of last year (1879) be taken it
will still make the case worse for him.
As, for instance, in Millerstown, where
Butler, Republican for State Treasurer,
had but 68 votes, Mr. Robinson now
has 87 to Mr. M'Junkin's 14.
Thus, it will be seen, that the recent
cry of fraud raised in the recent
County Convention, bv the Honora
able Charles McCandless, is all bosh.
The idea of that gentleman crying fraud
in anything forces out unfavorable re
marks Mr. Robinson certainly made
an unfortunate selection when he pro
cured him to be substituted in tbe Con
vention, if be did so. And Mr. Mc-
Candless appearing there in the man
ner he did, has forfeited the little re
spect, or sympathy rather, that some
were disposed to continue toward him.
We are glad to know, and have been
assured by many leading Republicans
here, who voted for Mr Robinson, that
the conduct of Mr. McCandless, and
the article in the Eagle, of last week,
of which he is said to be the author,,
meets their decided disapproval, and
that they will give no countenance to
the ridiculous so-called "bolt." But
few, very few followed Mr. M'Cand
less or will follow him. It is said in
explanation of his violent and singular
course, and upon which he staked so
much, that he has "nothing to lose;"
that he is going to leave the county,
and can afford to give the Republican
party of this county a parting kick be
fore leaving. This view of his recent
action is not ours, but that of Republi
cans who were the friends of Mr. Rob
inson, and all we have to say is, that
if this is correct, we beg leave to sug
gest that in wrecking the First Nation
al Bank, as is charged against him, he
has done about enough of injury here
abouts, without further seeking to pro
mote strife within the Republican par
ty of this county.
What we have written above is in
defence of the Republicans of Fairview
township, whose integrity was unfairly
called in question, and which leading
friends of both sides thought should
be answered We omit much else this
week that might be said, and articles
from neighboring papers on our late
Congressional nomination that might
be published, hoping hereby for imme
diate harmony within the ranks of the
Republican party of this county, and
that all can go to work at once in the
interest of the tickets nominated, Coun
ty, State and National.
The Return Judges chosen by the
Republicans at the primaries on Satur
day, tbe 29th ult., to carry the returns
of the same to the County Convention
for casting up, met for that purpose in
the Court House at Butler, on Mon
day the 31st ult., as ordered by tbe late
County Committee.
Tbe roll being called, the following
gentlemen ansvyered to their names
from the several polling places:
Adams township, I). I'. Nick 1 ft*.
Allegheny township, A. L. Scott.
Hyrorn Centre, T. A. Templcton.
Itejoster City, John 11. '1 hompson.
Buffalo township, Thomas Brown.
Butler " A. If White.
Brady " .1. F. Wimer.
Clearfield " Thomas Humes.
Clinton " William Harvey,
Concord " Thema* Graham.
Clay " J iimes I*. Christ ley.
Centre " W. I'erry Smith.
Cherry " S. V. Hutchinson.
Counoq'g (north) twn, Dr. W. N. Clark.
" (south; !>r. VV. L. < hristy,
Cranberry " John Kohner.
Donegal ' " J. B. Orbison,
St. Joe, Donegal " Capt. F. C. Flanigan,
Fairview " W. F. Campbell,
Moore School House S. W. .McCullough.
Sheakley " " Joseph F. Campbell.
Bucna Vista, Janus J. Sutton.
Forward township, Leslie Hazlett.
Franklin " D. \V. Forester.
Jackson, east " Isaiah X. Graham.
Jackson, west " Henry M. Wise.
Jefferson " James Wright.
Lancaster " J. M. Kirker.
Middlesex " T. 11. Lyon.
Marion " S. J. Black.
Muddycreek " Thomas Garvay.
Mercer " ('apt. 11. A. Ayres.
Fort stville, Mercer " William Thomas.
Oakland " J. M. Herd man.
Parker " D. Porter Krlley.
Parker's Store " James P. Parker.
I'enn " W, 11, Dickson/
Summit " James Stephcnsou.
Slipperyrock " John C. Kerr.
Venango " William Martin.
Winficld " Thomas Watson.
Washington " Plummcr Mifflin.
Worth " W. P. Flliott.
1 ward Butler borough Wm. W. Maxwell.
2 " " " Henry Pillow.
Centreville " A. B. Prosscr.
Fairview " J. J. Maxwell.
Millerstown " J. J. Miller.
Prospect " Reuben Shanor.
Petrolia " M. C. Benedict.
Karris City " N. Hamilton.
Saxonhurg " Philip Burtner.
Sunbury " P. P. Brown.
Zelienople " I>ewis Heed.
M. C. Benedict, esq., and Reuben
Shanor were nominated for Chairman
of the Convention, and a vote being
taken, Mr. Shanor was declared elected.
P. P. Brown, of Sunbury, and F. S.
Peters, of Centreville, were chosen as
Secretaries, and O. I). Thompson and
Howard Colbert, esqs., of Butler, as
The Convention then proceeded to
call over and take down the vote at the
different polling places for the different
candidates, which resulted in the selec
tion of the ticket as announced last
week ami as found at the head of our
paper. A table in detail of the vote
cast will be seen in another place of
this paper. During the taking down
of the votes a letter was handed in to
the Chairman of the Convention from
the Return Judge from the first ward
of Butler, withdrawing from the Con-
I vention, and saying he had substituted
Charles McCandles, esq., of tbe second
ward of Butler, to act iu his place. Ob
jection was raised to this from the fact
that Mr. McCandless did not reside in
same ward or district that Maxwell
did, and that Maxwell bad appeared
a short time before and answered to
his name. The Convention, however,
scented disposed to overlook this for
the time, and Mr. McCandless took a
seat among the Return Judges. Short
ly after this, and before Fairview town
ship, or any election district or polling
place within it was reached, a paper
was presented to Convention by Capt.
H. A. Ayres, of Harrisville, objecting
to the whole of the vote returned from
the districts within old Fairview town
ship, which embraced present Fairview
township and Fairview borough, Karns
City, Petrolia. Buena Vista, Sheakley
and Moore School House districts. The
three latter places had been allowed by
the last County Committee as addi
tional polling places for the accommo
dation of the voters as heretofore A
motion was soon after made by Capt.
Avres that a committee of three be ap
pointed by tbe chair to investigate the
objections raised to receiving the re
turns from those districts, and Capt.
Ayres, Henry Pillow, esq., and John
C. Kerr, were appointed said commit
tee, who took all the papers and retired
for that purpose. After a full and pa
tient investigation of the papers and
hearing of parties, the committee made
in substance, the following report to tbe
Convention :
"We, the undersigned, having been
appointed by the Convention a Com
mittee to inquire into the Fairview
vote, beg leave to submit the following
We find the vote large but on the
papers we find no evidence of fraud ;
and not having any other evidence be
fore us we so report.
H. A. A YREB, }
J. C. KERR, )
On motion of Capt. Flanigan, the re
port was accepted and the committee
discharged from further consideration
of tbe subject. This motion was op
posed by Charles McCandless and sup
ported by Capt. Flanigan and others,
and on a vote being taken was carried
27 for to 1C against. Soon thereafter
McCandless and three or four others
left tbe room, but for what purpose
was not heard by the writer of this.
The remaining districts were then call
ed and their votes recorded. The con
vention authorized the tellers to count
up all the votes for the announcement
of the nominees and for publication of
the same. The results will be seen in
the detailed table given in another
place of this paper.
The Convention then proceeded to
the election of a Chairman of the Coun
ty Committee for the ensuing year,
which resulted in the selection of A.
L. .Craig, esq., and soon after the con
vention adjourned.
The Secretaries of the Convention,
Messrs. Brown and Peters, it seems
both left town without preparing any
account of the proceedings for publica
tion, and tbe above, with what we
stated last week, we believe is about
H. Gold Rogors, Once a Successful
Member of the Bar of
A letter was received at the Alle
gheny Poor Board office several days
ago asking information in regard to an
aged and insane tramp, who had been
arrested at Butler, and whose case was
before the Poor authorities of that
county. He stated that he came from
Pittsburgh. Nothing was known about
him at the Allegheny office, but later it
has been found out that he was at one
time, about thirty-five or forty years
ago, a lawyer of nolittle ability, apolish
cd ancieloquent speaker and a member of
the State Constitutional Convention of
].5:57. He was also a politician of some
note and took an active part in the
campaign which resulted in the elec
tion of President Pierce, and received
as his reward the position of United
States Minister to the Kingdom of
Sardinia. Here be served with no lit
tle ability until suddenly he became
insane, and while out of his mind com
mitted some acts which necessitated
his immediate recall. He was brought
back to this country, aud returned again
to this city, where ho attempted to re
establish iiis legal practice, taking up
an office in the Burke building, on
Fifth avenue. But the story of bis in
sanity had preceeded him, and he was
regarded with universal distrust. No
body would entrust lii-u with any bus
iness, and his subsequent actions Jus
tified the popular distrust. Among
other things, he tried to recover a
large amount of tuition from a former
student in his office, and made great
efforts to reopen old cases iu which he
hail acted as counsel. He finally drifted
out of view, and latterly has been com
pletely lost sight of by those of his old
colleagues who are still practicing. He
is described as at that time a tall, broad
shouldered, fine looking man, the pic
ture of health, with a mind cultivated
by a broad course of reading and with
line conversational powers. Glancing
over the musty old "Debates of the
Pennsylvania Convention" it was
found that his speeches were by no
means frequent, but always well pre
pared and couched in beautiful lan
guage. The following extracts from one
of them on the suffrage qualification,
will perhaps, give a fuir idea of his
ability and style:
.< * * * While the great States,
the one upon our northern and the
other upon our western border, have
demanded but one yeur's residence to
acquire the rights of a citizen, Penn
sylvania, with singular severity, has
required two years and a tax qualifica
tion, which, in its silent practical effect
amounts in most cases to more than an
additional year. The extreme North
ern States, Maine and New Hamp
shire, have been still more indulgent,
and by mild constitutional provisions,
have limited the term of mere resi
dence to as short a period as three
months. The States of Indiana, Illi
nois and Michigan, settled principally
by the hardy sons of New Kngland ,
and Pennsylvania, who have modeled J
their forms of government with all the
lights of experience to aid them, have
adopted the same liberal and enlight
ened views upon the subject of suf
frage. None have added to it the tax
qualification or founded their political
institutions upon property. Shall Penn
sylvania be less liberal than those
States? Shall she treat with colder
distrust and suspicion those free citi
zens of the United States, sons, per
haps, of sires who participated in the
spirit of adventure, from necessity or
choice, seek her soil as the theater of
business or ambition ? Shall Pennsyl
vania, distinguished for her simple in
stitutions, her integrity of character,
her peaceable and illustrious founder,
William Penn—a name that breathes
nothing but good will, kindness and
concession—shall she found her su
preme laws in harshness, injustice and
seeming oppressiop ?" Further on,
speaking of the tax qualification, he
said : "Sir, who has not witnessed in
this State the hardship and severity of
the tax qualification ? Who has not
seen the old Revolutionary soldier—
he who had fought your battles and
poured out his blood to rear this fabric
of free government, presenting itself at
the polls, and his vote rejected, because
he had not been regularly assessed, or
because he was to poor too pay a
tax J * * * * Disqualify them from
voting and what is the moral effect ?
You destroy all incentive to exertion,
you stifle every generous impulse, you
curb the spirit of independence and
manly pride of freemen, and quench
the burnings of the fire of ambition,
which carries so many in this country,
from the humbles ranks to the high
est stations of life."
The above we find in the Pittsburgh
Telegraph of the 3rd inst. The unfor
tunate man referred to, H. Qold Rog
ers, Esq., was in this place for some
weeks past and left but recently. He
came, as he would say, to deliver a
lecture on Geology, but was in fact a
subject of charity, bestowed principally
by the members ol the Bar, until his
case came to the attention of our Poor
Board, who wrote to Pittsburgh con
cerning him. His singular appearance
and manners, and large frame, at
tracted very general attention. He
seems to be a wanderer upon the earth
and his case is a sad one. Our Pitts
burgh neighbors should certainly care
for him. Mr. Geo. Vogeley, one of our
Poor Overseers, deserves much credit
for having written to the Pittsburgh
poor authorities, the above letter re
ferred to, and which had the effect of
calling their attention to the case of Mr.
Rogers and having him taken care of
in the future.
Butler Markets.
Bums—Hood cents V lb.
BAOON- -Plain sugar cared hams 11 at*. V lb;
Bboulders, 8 : sides, 8.
BEANS—White, sl<S>l.3s ¥ bush.
CHICKENS — 2S to 80 eta. per pair.
CHEESE— 15 cts V tb.
CORN MEAL—2 cts. V tb.
CALF SKlNS— 9oc<£'*L V lb.
EGOS — IO cts ¥ dozen.
Fiona —Wheat, *6(5)8 V bbl, *aok #1.25®t2 ;
buckwheat. t2.50 ¥ cwt.
GRAIN—Oats,4O cts ¥ butdiel: corn 45 ; wheat
11. 5 ; rye 75 oents ; buckwheat, 60.
HONEY—2O cts. ¥ lb.
LARD—7c V tb. Tallow, 6@7.
MOLASSES—SO(S>6Oc V gallon. Syrup, 50#60c,
ONIONS—#I.2S ¥ bush.
POTATOES—2Sc. V bushel.
SOOAR— Yellow 7*380.; wbito 9@loc. V lb.
SALT —No. 1. $1.50 V barrel.
Parker Township.
Financial report of l'arker township for the
fiscal year ending March 30th 1880.
George McMurray anil Thomas I.ay
ton road su|>ervisors for the year '79. DR.
To amount of duplicate $2,843 29
By work on roads $2,355 86
" cash collected 158 75
" exonerations 98 00
" unpaid taxes 230 68
George McMurray to am't cash
received $lO2 96
" " of voucher 99 08
By cash paid out $ 17 40
" 74 days service 11l 00
Amount due township $ 73 64
Thomas Layton to amount cash
recived $ 55 79
" " of voucher 132 58
By cash paid out $ 2 00
" 74 days service 11l 00
Amount due township $ "5 37
Mr. T. G. Campbell Treasur
er of the |>oor funds in ac
count with Parker twp. DR.
To cash received from collec
tor $2,000 00
" " from Butler borough. 60 00
By balance due Treasurer at
settlement last year $ 39 89
" amount of orders paid 1,644 21
" " " iterceutage... 36 18
Balance iu Treasury $ 339 72
A. Kel ley & O. F. Dauben
speck, overseers of poor,
Parker township for 1879.
To amount of duplicate .$2,889 44
" " received for Mrs. Clark 80 93
" " from Butler borough. 145 71
By medical fees for poor $ 195 95
A mount for support of poor.. 411 61
Paid Dixmont 295 36
Old orders paid 501 87
Paid D. Bartley 65 00
Justices fees 7 30
Paid McDonald 125 00
Making out duplicate 3 00
Courts cost in Butler 127 72
Collector* percentage 100 00
Treasurers " 36 18
Exonerations " 112 79
G. F. Daubenspeck's time
and expenses 47 31
A. Kelley's time & expenses. 122 50
Balance in Treasury 339 72
Uncollected taxes 624 77
Parker township school report for
the year ending May 31st, iBBO.
R. 11. Turner collector of school tax
for the year '79.
To amount of duplicate $2,992 51
By amount paid treasurer...,s2,47o 15
" " percentage 123 30
" " exonerations 307 85
" " uncalled taxes 91 01
Mr. S. O. Miller Treasurer of school
boards for the year ending May
31st 1880.
To amount received from Turner col. $2,470 15
" " " " McMuhan col. 1878. 591 00
" " of state appropriations for
the years 1878 and 187'J 1,037 96
" " of fines Ac 850
$4,107 61
By amount of orders paid for
teachers, fuel, repairing dtes3,B77 39
" " " percentage. 76 85
' $3,9.54 24
Balance in Treasury $ 153 37
We the Auditor* of Parker township, certify
that the above is a correct report of the finances
of the township to the best of our knowledge,
5. C. MARTIN, )
OBE CRATTY, >Audltora.
juu2-3t J. M. ORR. J
H. ChildfT& Co.,
133 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Strictly first-class quality Goods at bottom prices. Send sample order.
Millinery and Trimming House
ttt. t!4 audi tl@ totrket Street, .
Corner of Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH.
An immense stock of the following articles constantly on hand:
Dress Trimmings, latest styles. ! Lisle Gloves of our own importation.
Fringes, Passementerie, Buttons, <fcc. ladies' Muslin Vnderwear, our own designs
Black Dress Silks, Satins, Trimming Silks. and of best materials.
Trimmed Hats and Bonnets. Sash Ribbons, Trimming Ribbons, all widths.
Fine French Flowers. Plumes, <fcc. 00 styles French and American Corsets, front
Irish and German Table Linens ami Towels. 45c. up to jC> a pair, including Dr. Warner's
Lubin's Black Cashmeres, at 50, 75, 98, $1.25 Mad. Foy's F'exible Hip, Double Busk, Ac.
and $1.50. Laces and Lace Goods, Infanta' Robes and
3 Button Kid Gloves, all sizes, 40c. Cloaks.
3 Button Kid Gloves, first qualities, 75c., sl, Handkerchiefs, all kinds, Notions and Small
sl.2o, $1,60, $1.75, SI.BB. wear.
Gentlemen's Fine Kid Gloves, $1.50 and $1.75. Fans, Portemonnaies, Jewelry.
Full lines of Regular Made Hosiery. i Gents' Furnishing Goods, best makes only.
Orders by mail solicited. Orders below $2 must have stamps enclosed to prepay postage.
JT > K 1, 1880 !
IX 9k
Daily Opening New Silks, Dress Goods, Buntings, Grenadines,
Lawns, Ginghams,
And Seasonable Fabjica, and as our large active trade enables us to be in posi
tion to take advantage of the MANY BARGAINS offered by importers for
cash at this season, to close their semi-annual accounts, buyers will find it to
their financial profit to look through our various departments.
New Lawn Suits. I Silks, Satins, 45c to $4., of unusual interest.
New Buntings Suits. , ~ r * .
\'*w Oinirham Suits The handsome Full Width Lawns, at 81 and
New Ulsters, sl. up.' 10c.. and up to the finest French Organdies and
New Jackets. I Zephyr Ginghams, and the endless variety to
New Satin d'Lyon Wraps. select from, as well as the unprecedented large
New Fancy Beaded Ca|«s. sales during the seasou attest the merit of this
New Gloves and Hosiery. j dej>artment.
.u r lot FnstOMFri*£ fc,
New MDMHD I'nderwMr. inoh U»». at t.k , both goo.l «;to.
New Gossamer and Gauze Underwear. Mosquito and Canopy Nets at popular pricea.
New Parasols and Silk Sun Umbrellas, best Extra Bargains in Black Buntings, Black
■tvles ami absolute bargains. Cashmeres, Tamise Cloth.
Japanse Parasols. Buyers of Black Goods will find all the best
Dress Goods. makers of seasonable weights, and iuducements.
118 and 120 Federal Street, Allegheny.
N. B.—Muslin, Sheetings, Linens and Tablings, at reduced prices. Extra Bargains in Towels
and Napkins.
Our Customers and patrons are requested to visit us in our new quarters, in the
(Opposite the Butler Savings Bank.)
We have in stock and are constantly receiving a choice brand of Bottled
Milwaukee Lager. Itau Ale, Coguiac, German, French
aud Native H iuett.
Strictly Pure Wines for Communion and Medical Purposes.
Reiber's Pure Rye Whiskey,
of 1809, and other whiskeys of various kinds and prices.
Orders received by us will obtain our prompt and careful attention. Prices
as low as the same quality of goods can be bought anywhere.
•Jacob Reiber & Bro.,
Main Street, Butler, Penna.
Testimonials arc received everv day l>v the pro
prietors of SIMMONS LI VKit RKHTLATOJL from
persons of t'ilucalion and prttuiliioHM from all parts
of the country attesting to tin- wonderful curative
properties of this ureal medicine. No otlier prep
aration !>iit the Regulator has ever been discovered
that would effectually cure Dyspepsia and It*
kindred evils, and restore the patient to a perfectly
healthy condition of body ami mind. The middly
Increasing demand for this medicine and our large
(tale* In consequence, IH Indeed sufficient evidence
In Itself of Its great popularity.
Perfectly Harmless.
It can he used any without fear by the most
delicate person*. No matter what the alHng, and
may be given to children with perfect safety, ;is no
Inn I results follow Its use, doing no possible Injury.
As a mild tonic, gentle LAXITIVK and harmless
Invlgorant It Is inftnltely superior to any known
remedy for
• Dynpepsfn, Ac.
Rend the following names of iiersons well and
widely known, who testify to the valuable proper
' 'lion. Alex. 11. Stephens ; John W. Ib-ck with.
Bishop of <ieorgla ; <Sen. John It. Cordon. U. S.
Senator ; Hon. John (Jill Shorter ; Itl. Rev. Bishop
Pierce ; J. Kdgar Thompson ; lion. B. 1111 l ; Hon.
John C. Breckinridge ; Prof. David Wills, D-D.:
Illrain Warner. Chief Justice of <!»; l*wis Wun
der. Assist. P. M., l'hlla.. and many others from
whom we have letters commentliiK U|M>II tills med
icine as a most valuable household remedy.
Its low price place< It within the reach of all be
they rich or poor. If you an- sulTerlng and can
not ttnd relief, procure at once from v our Druggist
a bottle of Regulator, (live It a fair trial and It
will not only afford relief, but permanently cure
you. It Is without a single exception
The Ch«ap>-at. Pnrtit Knit Rest Family
Medlf-lite In tbe world I
J. 11. ZEILIX, A tO.
Pries, 91. Sold bjr all Urn||liti,
DyWUInWG I Kvery
I PiiN 011/ iN O ! In line of duty, by
wound, disease or Injury. I* entitled to a pension.
Pension* date back to time of d scharge or death
of soldier. Claims of all descriptions prosecuted.
Copies of lost discharges obtained. Claims tiled by
Attorneys who have since died, or from other
causes have ceased to practice, finished without
delay. Address with stamp.
il. 8. IIKKLIN & CO.. Attorneys
m>l«-3m) P. O. Box. Ml, Washington, D. C
(Successor to W. P. MAUSHAI.L.)
Mo. mom STREET.
* Entirely New Stock; Litest Styles ; Artistio
Destgnu; Most Approved Colors.
B apl4-.im
Puff and Switches in stock and made
, to order on short notice, at
L t. SfflEll'S
• Next door to D. 11. Wtiller's Drugr
' Store, Butler, Pa. my2-6m.
Crude Petroleum fills-
Gained 29 lbs- weight in two months-
POWHATTAS C. H., VA., April, 1880.
Dear Sir—After having l>een sick twelve
mouths, and (tried the liest physicians of the
country without doing ine the least good, I
When J commenced taking them I coughed al
moat incessantly, had hemorrhage, night sweats,
etc., I weighed 114 lbs. After taking the Pill*
two months the oough and night sweats ceased
and hail no hemorrhages, and weighed 143 lbs.
Yours, respectfully, FRED. C. DUKN.
Thousands of cases like the above.
The Pills are also a positive cure for chrome
Hronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh and all Lung and
Throat troubles.
Trial boxes, 25 cts. Large boxes, (130 pills,)
Isl. Sent by mail on receipt of price, with di
rections Addrsss DR. M. MILTON,
tuay2G-3m] Irving, N. Y