MB. J. H. BATES, Newspapw Adverting Ajfcnt. 41 Park Itow (Times Building), New , York. is authorized to contract for advertise- j meets in the Citizen. i THIS PAPER | Advertising Bureau contract* may be made for It 111 J*KW New Advertisements To-Day. Local and General. GREEN peas, strawberries and light hats are in market. LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at sls and upwards, at E. Grieb's. LAST Wednesday was a momentous day in this country for'politicians and sporting men. THE Bradford Era estimates the loss bv the recent fire in the northern oil field at $250,(100. Gents furnishing goods and silk handkerchiefs, at J. F. T. Sthele's. THE little show that was here last week is said to have left some counterfeit inouey behind it. IT is estimated that over a thousand barns have been burned in the northern part of the State this month. THERE is a remarkable falling off in criminal cases in the several Courts of Quarter Sessions of the State. SPECIALTIES in woolens at William Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not to IK- had elsewhere in the county. SPECIAL prayers are being made in all the counties where forest fires are raging for divine interposition. THE forest fires in Monroe county are now bevond all control and are sweeping along at a fearful rate. IN you are bilious you will find positive relief by using "Seller's Liver Pills." Hold by ail druggists. IN the go-as-you-please race around the sun, between the moon and earth, the moon is supposed to make the most miles. THE dwelling and dye works in J Petrolia of the Mr. Lavison, formerly of this ( place, were destroyed by fire lately. , A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine American Movement as low as $lO, at ( ' E. CiKIEB 8. I THE cat shooting season has opened i and it is now lawful to pepper any cat which < is disposed to crawl along the fence and disturb your dreams. I FOR Corn implements of every va- i rietv, go to D J. G. A W. CAMPBELL, Butler, Pa. THE action of tbe Canadian authori- I ties in interfering with the prize fights is con- I sidered by the fistic fraternity, to be an inter- « national outrage. EDENBURO, Clarion county, got its , third scorching last Saturday night. Pollock MeOuistion's dry goods store was among the , buildings burned. He was fully insured. SORE eyes, tetter, salt rheim, &c., are cured by "Dr. Lindsey's Blood Searcher." Sold by all druggists. { WE may be over-sensitive, but it t does not seem kind or considerate of the Salt Lake (tapera to publish accounts of snow storms and send them Fast in such weather as this. MB. IIENRV GREEN, of Summit j township, claimed that a dog owned by Mr. e John Berg, of this place had killed some of his sheep, and brought suit before Esq. } Keck. They compromised by Mr. Berg pay- ». ing Mr. Green the sum of $25. t WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor, [ lias just opened the largest iine of woolens for men and boys wear ever offered in Butler. FROM tbe tubers of a short row, not ] a dozen feet long, of choice seed potatoes that -j we are raising this season, we have already j picked several hundred bugs. The prospect c for a universal backache among our farmers j and gardeners gathering them is good. t IMPORTANT TO YOUNO MEN— If you \ want a Stylish Hat, send for Illustrated c Circular and Price List, free. J. G. J BENNETT'S IIAT HOUSE, 119 Wood St., j Pittsburgh, Pa„ KIDNE\-WORT is nature's remedy e for Kidney and Liver diseases, Piles and Con- i atipation. THE latest rage among young ladies 1 is to ixmsess an old-fashioned spinning wheel for a parlor ornament. The desire to possess an old-fashioned wash-board and tub as a kitchen ornament doesn't rage much among ' young ladies. They are about as handsome as « the spinning wheel, but they are not feshiona- J ble. SHE a woman in another column, near Speer's Vineyards with a bunch of grapes from which Speer's Port Grape wine is made, that is so j highly esteemed by the medical profession for the use of invalids, weakly persons and the aged.—Sold by all Drnggists. 28aply A Sunday School Centennial will be observed at tbe Butler M. E. Church, on next Sabbath morning and afternoon. An interest- 1 ing programme has been adopted. All are cor- i dialfy invited to attend. In the evening Rev. , Turner will preach a sermon in memory of the • soldiers. VEGETABLE PLANTS. —Go to Wm. 1 • Mardorf, West Cunningham street, Butler, Pa., ' if you wish to buy the best and latest varieties of plants at the lowest market prices ; such as Cabbage, Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Kokl Rabi, ( Celery Ac., give him a call. myl9-3t. LAST Tuesday afternoon a terrific bioler explosion occured at the Fletcher farm, ( demolishing the structure which covered it and scattering itself over several acres. Fortunately , the engineer and guagers were absent at the time. The company were preparing to displace it, but it was to weak U> wait. Fine and common straw hats in 1 great variety, at J. F. T. Stehle's. THIS State has been peculiarly un fortunate of late. After the great oil fires of the Bradford region, the burning of Milton, the forest fires in Pike and other counties, came the news of the burning of almost tbe en tire business portion of Condersport, county seat of Potter county, with a loss of $300,000. THE Reverend Myron Adams, of Rochester, N. V., pastor of an influential Con gregational church, preached a sermon lately in which he "denounced the idea of hell as a doc trine of the Devil." What use remains for Jlis Satanic Majesty after his Kingdom is dis posed of, the reverend gentleman does not state. THE Buckeye mower and reaper and Buckeye force feed grain drill, are sold by J. G. & W CAMPBELL, Butler, Pa. POSTAL cards ad dressed to many of our readers are sent out by swindling eoncems In New York offering great inducements to agents for the sale of washing machines, dic tionaries, etc., asking that a small sum of money l>e sent simply to cover expenses of box ing and freight. Take our advice and don't •end a penny. If you do you will lose it. WALTER L. GRAHAM, Esq., b who lias just returned from Silver Cliff, near the Hangne De Christo range of the Rocky moun tains, in Colorado, reports all the Butler boy* well and doing well. He has shown us some very fine specimens of gold and silver ore from the mines at and near there, which can be seen by calling upon him at his office. Go to J. F. T. Stehle for tbe Eigh n»ie patent shirt, best in tbe world, with a bosom that cannot break or wrinkle from wearing. Try it once and you will wear no other. A Jefferson township man got drunk last Saturday, and went home in the evening and tore down everything movable in the house, broke the furniture, broke down the fences about the house and tore down the corn crib and bam. The wife owns the property, and although the man did not hurt her, she had him arrested on a surety of the peace charge and brought to town and locked up. During the whole of his performance the man was grin ning like a Baer. THOUSANDS have been cured of dumb agu«, billions disorders, jaundice, dys pepsia and all diseases of the liver, blood and stomach, when all other remedies have failed, by using Prof. Guilwette's French Liver Pad, which is a quick and permanent cure for those disorders. Ask your druggist for this great remedy, and take no other, and if be does not keep it send (1.60 in a letter to tbe French Fad Co., aud receive one by mail post paid, A JOINT resolution ha.s been intro- I dnced into Congress instructing the Attorney j Geueral to bring suit in the name of the united 1 States, to cancel the letters-patent issued, in 1868 and 1871, to Nelson W. Green, for tube or I driven wells. The resolution is based on the I ground that Green was not the original in ventor, and that this process of we!! making had been in use in many parts of the country, and had consequently, became public property, for vears before the success of other patentees of devices connected with it, suggested to Green the idea of claiming a patent for it. IF you cannot take tbe baby to the countrv. use Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup for the usual "diseases of early childhood. Price 25 cents a bottle. SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE FOR WEAKLY PERSONS.— This excellent product of the grape is prescribed and used by the leading physicians in the country, when a gen erous and "nourishing wine is desirable; es pecially for females, aged persons and con sumptives ; and by churches for communion. Hundreds of New York Physiciani have visited Speer's Vineyards ami Wine <'filers, but twelve miles distant from New ork. tor sale by D. H. \\ t I.LER. EVEN the Scbleswig-Holstein con troversy at last ended in war, and in like man ner the Hanlan-Courtney negotiations ended last Wednesday in a race. Everybody is to be congratulated. Courtney, that he actually started, thus surpassing the highest expecta tions of the public ; Hanlan, that he got with out the cost of a lawsuit the purse which was awarded to him last year by the authorized judge, Referee Blaikie; Mr. Blaikie, that his astonishing patience and tact have been re warded by bringing about a race ; and the pub lie, that it has at last got rid of a contest which had become a nations nuisance. LONG indulgence in over eating or drinking produces a disorganized Liver, and all the evils attendant upon such derange ments ; depression of spirits, habitual costive ncss, nervous exhaustion, indigestion ; pain in the head, with nausea; fullness of stomach af ter meals, chillness, general debility and lan guor. Seek relief from Simmons' Liver .Reg ulator. , , , "It is a very valuable remedy for dyspepsia, sick headache ; torpid liver and such like dis eases. W. S. HOLT, President of S. W.R. R. Co., ofGa." SHAKESPEARE said : "throw physic to the dogs," and we say so too. It is useless to trv to cure kidney diseases by dosing the stomach ; that practice has been tried for cen turis and always failed. Prof. Guilmette s French Pad applies the remedy directly to the disease, curing by absorption, and from the very nature of the process must cure rapidly and permanently. Druggists Kay they sell more of these pads than all other kidney rem edies put together. SHADE trees by the road side are of ten set out with much care anil at a consider able expense, then left to grow as they please, completely neglected. Thus they soon become unsightly objects along the road instead of adorning it. They should be invariably staked if necessary, to keep them straight, the ground k«it loose around them, and, if in any danger of suffering from drought, be well mulched. Above all, cut away all sprouts as fast as they api>ear, for they suck out the life of the tree, and are frequently the cause of its dying. Trim the trees nicely and artistically, as they grow, and in a few years they will make a grateful summer shade, and a magnificent adornment of the public road. At lO Cent* Per Yard, and up, Fancy Dress Goods in all the new styles, at RITTER & RALSTON'S. THE Preparatory Department of the Pennsylvania State College offers free instruc tion to all. It is thoroughly organized, and embraces a wide range of studies such as will prepare its students either for successful work in the CoUegiate Department or for the duties *of intelligent citizens and competent business men in all vocations of life. For lull infor mation, address the President, State College, Centre Co., Pa. THE Supreme Court of Pennsyl- : vania has recently rendered several decisions of general interest in the mattter of road taxes. , The right of farmers to work out their road tax has been generally, if not universally, con- , ceded, supervision) in a few townships insist- i ing that the tax must be paid in money. A < test ease has been decided in favor of the tax payers, and their right to work out the tux distinctly anil finally atiirined. In other cases collectors of road taxes have claimed a com mission ou the part worked out, as well as that paid into the county treasury. The Su- j prerae Court decides that all claims for such Commissions should be rejected, the work ing out of the tax imposing no labor on the collector or treasurer, but on the supervisor, ] who is fully paid for all his services. THE largest and best stock of Clothes Wringers in the county, can be found at J. G. A W. CAMPBELL, Butler, Pa. ( PAIN in the side, back and loins, high colored urine, with debility and general emaciation are symptoms of Kidney complaint. Now is the time to prevent suffering, ami save money, by applying a DAY'S KIDNY PAD. Carpel*! Carpel*! Pull line at leas than they can be bought in the city, at RITTER Full proof is furnished in another column of , this paper, where Mr. Fred. C. Dunn, of Pow t hattan, Va., certifies that, after suffering for t twelve months, and given up by the best phy t sicians, he was cured by these Pills, and i gained 29 lbs. in two months. See aud read this advertisement. Citizen : P«.» 33itct VF '*s* XSBQ. WCIHII «!' SHIKTN SLIOW. Of Welsh A Sand's show, which will be in Butler, on Friday, May 28th, the (Kan.) Timet, of April 14th, has this to say : "The alstve named establishment made a I letter display on our streets yesterday morn ing than ever occurred on a similar oecasiou. Thousands of people lined the streets, and every window seemed full of expectant hu manity, with three bands playing, plumes waving, beautiful ladies, gallant knights in armor, aud an unusually brilliant array of cages, vans, chariots, I te chiefs in burning costume mounted, the electric light engine, steam piano playing its lively strains, camels in harness, mirth provoking mardigras charac ters, and certainly the largest and the smal lest elephants ever seen here ; enormous crowds attended the afternoon and evening show. The entire exhibition was the most satisfac tory that has ever visited Leavenworth, the management fulfilled all the promises made by them through their advertisements." SSOO Reward. Was for years offered iu every pa|»er of the land by the former proprietor of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a case of catarrh it would not cure. It cures by its mild, soothing, cleansing, and healing properties. Snuff or dust of any kind dries up catarrh and drives it to the lungs. This remedy has stood the test of time, haying been a popular remedy for a quarter of a century. Sold by druggists at 50 cents. 16 Yards for 81.00. Good Bleached Muslin, at RITTER & RALSTON'S. Wheat! Wheat! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter & Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER & Boos. A CASE somewhat peculiar, was tried in the Jefferson county Court last week. Mr. George A. Gourley was assessor iu Perry town ship last year, and in giving the occupation of ex-Sheriff Mitchell, a gentleman nearly seventy-five years of age, Inserted the word "loafer." Tlie ex-Sheriff brought action for damages, and a jury returned a verdict of *IOO fine and costs of prosecution, which will aggre gate nearly three hundred dollars. Mr. < iour ley protests his intention of any wrong, but the ease was a very clear one, and he has a heavy bill of expense to pay. This exse may be a warning to other officials, and prevent a Uxi free use of the names of citizens in an official capacity. Wheat! Wheat! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. AVALTER k Boos. 20 Yards for 81.00. Good Fast Colored Dress Goods, at RITTER k RALSTON'S. Plaint* ! PlanlM ! The following varieties of plants can be had bv calling at the garden of John W. Bortmas i' Co.: Cabbage, early and late, Tomatoes, Cauliftour, Egg plant. Sweet Potato and Celery plants in their season. Do not fail to get a few plants of the Atlee Burpel's sure head cabbage, the best in the world. JOHN W. BOKTMAS, A Co., Gardner* and plant growers, Butler, Pa. Colored I>res» Silks at 50c., 65c., 75c., 85c., 90c., SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50 per yard, at RITTER k RALSTON'S. SOMEBODY in London has been stupid enough to prosecute a gentleman, who was also a clergyman, for theft, the only ba is of the charge being that the accused took from a store an umbrella which did not belong to him. It is to be hoped that the result of the case, which consisted of the release of the pris oner, will discourage the instituting of any similar suits, at least on this side of the Atlan tic. Everybody who has ever owned umbrellas has had some of them disappear without his permission; even if he had cheerfully lent them they would have equally failed to come back ; but every one knows that general legal proceedings iu such cases would result in the arrest of everylssly worth knowing, the com plainants included, and once arrested there could be no hope of a speedy trial, for what judge or juryman is there who has not himself stolen at least one umbrella, and by so doing disqualified himself from sitting in judgment on such casts ? Shrewdness and Ability. Hop Bitters so freely advertised in all the papers, secular and religious, are having a large sale, and are sup planting all other medicines. There is no denying the virtues of the Hop plant, and the proprietors of these Bit ters have shown great shrewdness and ability in compounding a Bitters, whose virtues are so palpable to every one's observation.— Examiner and Chronicle. • Decoration Day. Red White and Blue Ribbons &c., at RITTEU k RALSTON'S. Wheal! Wheat! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter & Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER & Boos. AN exchange produces an abstract of an act in referring to the dog law : "Ifany- Ixxly is attacked on the highway by a dog the party has a right to kill the dog, and the owner can be held accountable for any injury inflicted by the animal. Even on the premises of the owner of a dog, should a party be at tacked and injured, after endeavoring to pro tect himself, the owner can be made responsi ble for damages inflicted ; provided it can be shown that at the time lie was iu pursuit of business or on a friendly visit. D a dog by barking at passing horses and vehicle occa sions any damage, its owner is liable for the loss sustained." Thus the law very properly affords ample protection for loss or injury by dogs. This information i* published because there are many vicious dogs kept throughout the county. It is therefore well for those who are owners ot vicious dogs to know the law on this subject. IlernaiiiH, Grenadines, Buntings, Lawns, P. K.'s Ac., at RITTER it RALSTON'S. Maine News. Hop Bitters, which are advertised in our columns, are a sure cure for ague, biliousness and kidney coin plaints. Those who use them say they cannot be too highly recommend ed. Those afflicted should give them a fair trial, and will become thereby enthusiastic in the praise ol their cur ative qualities.— Portland Arjuh. llluck l>rcM* SUIiM, at 65c., 75c., SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 per yard, at RITTER At RALSTON'S. OHE hundred years ago last Wed nesday, May IU, 17*0, was one of the most famous of dates iu the legendary tales of our grandfathers. It was the "Dark Day," when, according to the chronicles, candles had to be lighted at mid-day, the birds were silent or disappeared, and the domestic fowls retired to roost. This darkness prevailed over the whole of New England and the Middle States, and its memory is eveii now preserved by the Indians of the Six Nations, who use it as a time mark for estimating the sges of children born about that period. Many were the bits of doggerel verse which were current a few years ago about this phenomenon, and wonderfully varied were the experiences which the spectators transmit ted to their posterity. Barber, Webster ami Mursell have referred to the circumstance iu their historical compilations; but the most in teresting anecdote is that referring to the at titude of the Connecticut Councel, then in ses sion at Hartford, and discussing an interesting bill about the shad fishery. As the darkness became more intense, suggesting to many the arrival of the day of judgment, the Legislature on motion adjourui'd ; but Colonel AbJaham Davenport, of Stamford, opposed a similar motion in the Council, saying, "I am against an adjournment. The day of judgment is ap proaching or it is not. II it is not, there is no cause for adjournment; if it is, I wish to be found doing my dutv. 1 wish, therefore, that candles may be brought." The lovers of poetry may find a beautiful version of this in cident in Whittier's "Tent on the Beach." Other cases of durk days are cited in more re cent anuals, esjiecially October 21, 1816, but none ever attained such celebrity as that of which the centenary occurred last Wednesday, and of whose cause no satisfactory cxplana tion has ever been offered. An ImmeiiMe Haricalii. Four-quarter Chintzes, best quality, j at 10c. per yard, at RITTER ii RALSTON'S. | May 29—Program for Decoration Day. Form at the Court House at 8 o'clock sharp. | Procession moves at in the following order: ! Citizens Cornet Band; Soldiers Orphans; pupils ! of the Public school ; Eire Department ; Butler j Cornet Band; Sulivan Guards; Old Soldiers ] aud Citizens; Citizens in carriages. Route of procession—first to South Cemetery, thence by w ay of Main street to Jefferson street to East Cemetery and thence to Main street and North Cemetery and return to Court House. 3. P. MCKBB, Marshal. Auiwtia lo .Many torrnpouilesn. 11l reply to numerous inquires from our rea ders, concerning the wonderful qualities of the Great German Remedy, ST. JACOBS OIL — | mentioned in our last issue—we would inform thein that the article may be obtained from our retail druggists, or by their aid. Ask for ST. JACOBS OIL., and if the dealer does not keep it in stock, he will be able to procure it in a few days from the wholesale houses. We understand there is already an immediate de mand for the remedy, which is not so very surprising when it is considered what it is daily accomplishing in the way of relief and cures, bordering, in some instances, on the miraculous. Sherill's Hales. By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias. Venditioni Exponas. Levari Facias. Ac., issued cut of the Court of Commou Picas cf Butler conntv and to me directed, there will be ex posed" to Public Sale at tlie Court House, it. the boroueh of Butler, oil Monday. June Till. A. I).. I§Bo, at one o'clock, P. M., the following described property, as follows: Fi Fa, ED No 59, Jnne term, 1880. W. D Bran don. att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Thos W Frazier and Thomas Fiazier of in and to forty acres of land, more or less, situated in Jef ferson township, Butler county, Pa., bonnded as follows : ou the north by George Welch: on the east by Albert Adderhold; on the south by George Welch, and on the west by George Welch ; a two-story frame water and steam grist or flovr mill 40 by 50 feet, in good running order and V' machinery and fixtures thereto belonging, two-story frame house and frame stable, orchard Ac.,"thereon all cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Thos W Frazier and Thomis Fi azier at the suit of Wm Kennedy A Samuel W Crawford. Fi Fa, ED So 73, June term, 1880. W H Lusk, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Alfred McDonald of, in and to tiftv-one acres of land more or less, siiuated in Clearfield township, Butler connty, Pa., bounded as follows : on the north by Stroider McDonald; on the east by B Sheradan: ou the south by George Donglierty's heirs; log house, log stable and two orchards thereon, about all cleared, coal land. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Alfred McDonald at the snit of L M Crosby. Fi Fa, E DNo 01, Jnne term, 1880, Thomas Robinson, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Dan iel Huffman of, in and to a lot of ground, situ ate in the village of Anandale. Cherry township, Butler county. I'a., bounded as follows : begin ing at a post on tt'o graded road, at the north west corner; thence east by lot of H C McCoy 160 feet to a post; thence south by lands of James Black CO feet to a post; thence west by lands of same, 160 feet to a post on the graded road; thence north along said road CO feet to the place of beginning, frame house and frame wagou shop thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Daniel Huffman at the suit of James Kerr A 1 Fi Fa, E DNo 64, June term, 1880. GA A A T Black, att'ys. All the right, title, interest and claim of Thos B. Hilliard of in and to sixty acres of land, more or less, situated in Washington township, Bnt ler county, Pa., bonnded as follows: on the north by Eban Christy; on the east by William Knmbaugh; on the south by George Artier, and on the west by John M Billiard; a story and half frame dwelling house, frame barn, good orchard thereon, about 55 acres cleared- Seized and taken in execution as the property of Thos 15 Hilliard at the suit of Wm 11 Shira executor, Ac.. David Stewart. Fi Fa, ED No 78, June term, 1830. W A For quer, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of M. J Widenliofer of, in and to fifty acres of land, more or less, situated in Winfield township, But ler county. Pa., bounded as follows: on the north by Mrs Voogley; ou the east by Henry Grimm and Christ I'eonigh; on the south by George Keck, and on the west by T Jackson; log house, log barn and orchard thereon, about 45 acres cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the property of M J Widenhofer at the suit of Andrew Widenhofer. Fi Fa, ED No 18, June T, 1880. K Marshall, att'y. All the right, title, interest aud claim of Lewis Keefer of, in and to two acres of land, more or less, situated in Washington township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows: on the north by Atwell; on the east by Daubenspeck; on the south by Maxwell, and on the west by public road; a two-story board or plank dwelling notice and wood or coal house thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Lewis Keefer at the suit of D F Campbell. E D No 149, Jnne term. 1880. Thompson A Scott, att'ys. All the right, title interest and claim of John H Meyers of, in and to eighty acres of land, more or less, situated in Muddycreek township, Butler countv, Pa., bounded as follows : on the north by Peter Wallace; oil the east by William Garvey; on the south by Wm Garvey. and on the west bv Wm Meyers; about seventy acres cleared, twenty of which aro meadow, two-story log house weather boarded, log bar-i and coal bank, small orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of John 8 Meyers at the suit of John Moon. Fi Fa, ED No 12' J. June term, 1880, F M East man, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Rarah J Timblin of. in and to a certain lot. or parcel of ground, situated in the borough of Butler, But ler county, Pa., containing 50 by 180 feet, m ire or les, bounded north by ft P Scott; east by an alley; south by Ponn street, and west by Main stree; a two story frame dwelling house and outbuilding thereon. Seized and taken iu exe cution as tbo property of Sarah J Timblin at the suit of Sarah MacKov. Fi Fa, E D No 99, June time, 1880. Fred Itei ber, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Phil- i lip E Eib of, in aud to twenty-five acres of land, more or less, situated in Lancaster township, Butler couniy. Pa., bounded as follows: on the north by Michel Flenner; on the east bv Jacob Kooli; on the south by George Ileiber, and ou the west by Casper Schell; log house, frame barn and orchard thereon, about 23 acres cleared Seized and taken in execution as the property of Philip E Erb at the suit of Peter Stern. Fi Fa, E D No 95 90, June term, 1880. E O Miller, att'y. ' All the right, title, interest aud claim of W T Ramsey of. in aud to six acres of land, more or lens, situated in Ceutreville borough, Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows : on the north west by John Bigham; south by Cooper Boa/1, and north-east by Kingsberry's heirs; orchard thereon, all cleared. Seized and taken in exe cution as the property of W T Ramsey at the suit of Fi Fa, E D No 95 90, June term, 1880. E G Miiler, att'y. Ah the right, title, interest and claim of W T Rainse> of, in and to a certain lot, or parcel of land, sittate in the borough of Ceutruville, But ler county, I'a.. containing 65 bv 175 feet, more or less, bounded north bv Thomas Patent; south by public road, and west, by Edward Chisrtlcy; a two-story frame dwelling house, frame shop aud frame stable thereon. Seized ami taken in execution as the proi>erty of W T Ramsey at the suit of George IlilKer. Fi Fa, E DNo 95 90, June term, 1880. E G Miller, att'y All the right, title, interest and claim of W T Itamsey of, in and to a certain lot. or parcel of ground, situate in the borough of Ceutreville, Butler county. I'a.. contacting 60 by 160 feet, mere or less, bounded north by James Wilson; east by public road; south by t'rancis Eyth, and west by an alloy; a three-story frame dwelling house aud store room aud frame barn thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of W T Bainsey at the suit of George Hilger. Fi Ba, ED No 11, June term, 1880 E G Mil ler, ntly. FI Fa, E I) No 74. Jane term, 1880. 'l' C Campbell atty. Fi Fa, Kli No 14—, June term, ISHO. N. Black, atty. All the right, title, Interest and Claim of John R Chambers of, In and to ninety (90) acres of land, more or less, situated iu Cherry township Butler county, I'a., bounded as follows, to wit: ou the north by E Ferrero el al. ; east by War ren Armstrong and Mary Ann Dolmen; south by Win Kelly, aud wet by Job Kelly ct ill. Frame house, board stable and orchard thereon; about 60 acres cleared. Seized and taken iu ex ecution us the properly ol John K Chamber* al suit of II K Wick lor use ol Ceiilrevillc Savings Bank, Butler Savings bank and Jas Wilson for use- Fi Fa, E D No 141, June Icrin, 1880. C Walker atty. All the right, title, lulcicst and claim of Sam uel Sutton of, iu aud to eighteen (18) acres of land, more or less, situated in Clay township, Bullcr county, Pa., bout.dcd as follows, to wit: on the north by Christopher McMlchael; east by Jophln Mi-Michael; south by John Grossman, and west by Christopher McMiehacl; log house and Inline stable thereon—all cleared. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Sam uel Sutton at the suit ot Butler Savings Bauk, for use. E D No 15. June term, 1880. Johu M Greer and W 11 Colbert, att'ys. All the right, title, Interest aud claim of Auton W Klehler of, iu aud to one and oue-half acres of land, more or less, situated In Jetferaon township, Sutler county, Pa., bouuded as fol lows, lo wit: ou the north by Ilaiiuahslown aud Glade Mills road; east by Alex Marliu; south by church lot, and west by Mary Welch. A two story Iratue house and frame stable thereon. Seized and takeu In execution as the property ol Auton W Kiehter at the suit it of Jacob < > Beck. ! Al Fi F.i, KI) No 51, June term, 18*0. Pl'tl. All the right, title. iut'Test and claim ot Wm Gnrdau of, iu and to one-halt (■.,) acre of laud, more or less, su tilted iu Earns City borough, Sutler couuty, l'.i, bouuded as follows, to wit: I on the north by Smilli ; cast by Olive street; south by Church street, and west by vacant lot. Two-story frame dwelling house iliercon erect ! ed. Seized and taken in execution as the prop- I erty of Wm Gordan at the suit of P K Burke. E D Nos. .80 101, June term, 1880. K Mar shal', atty. E D Nos 198 & 202, March term, 1880. W D Brandon, W H Lusk, attys. i All the right, title, interest aud claim of Geo I Uartzell of, in auil to one huudred and tweuty j six acres (126) acres of laud, more or less, situ i atcd in Jackson towuship. Butler county. Pa., ; bounded as follows, to wit: on the north by John Seibert and M Hutlinau; east by Thomas Donaldson; south by C Harper, and west by ! Widow Goeliring ami Henry Zehuer. Log and j name house, Iratue barn ; wagon shed, out ! kitchen and grancry, orchard ol about SIX) trees, one hundred acres cleared. Seized and taken iu execution as the property of George Harlzcl at suit of Henry liape, John Ripe, Jacob Mick ley and George Kuaui. Fi Fa, ED No 115 June term, ISsO. Williams & Mitchell, att'ys. All the right, title, interest and claim of Jas Truxall and Julia Truxail of, in and to a certain lot. ot grouud, situate iu the borough ot Butler, Butler couuty. PH., containing 45 by 169 feet, more or less, bounded norlh by E Riddle; east by Elm ftrcet; south by Jos Timmany, and west by an alley; a two-story frame dwelling house thereon erected. Seized and taken iu execution fts the property ol Jas Truxall and Julia Tiux all at suit ot Eli Coun. Fi Fa, E D No 55, June T, 18S0. H H Goucher, att'y. All the right, title, interest aud claim of E M Addlemau of, in and to all that certain lot of ground, situate in the village oi Fanniuirton, Allegheny township, Butler county, P., bounded and described as follows, to wit, being lots No 15 and 16 : ou the north by Main 6trcet; on the east by Spring street; .on the north by an alley, aud ou the west 180 ieet by McHride's lot, con veyed by John Pollock et ux. to Mrs E M /d --dleman, by deed bearing date Sept 30, 1878. Seized and taken in execution as the property ol E M Addlemau at suit of Johu Pollock. Fi Fa, ED No 117 June term, 1880, M 13 Mc- Bride, atty All Ihe light, title, interest and claim ol Tim o'hy o'Cot:ner of, in and to all thai certain lot of ground, marked and known as No 39, situate lyiug and being iu Millerstown, Donegal town ship, liutler couuty, Pa., being 30 feet in front on Western street, and 180 feet in 'ength or or depth, by lots now or l ite of John Reiger, Geo Hciber and B Frederick, being part ol a Ccrtoiu larger piece or tract ot land, granted by the Commonwealth to Archibald McCafl by pat cut, dated the 29th day of Oct, A D, 1829, en rolled in Patent book 11, Vol 26, page 615; two frame dwelling houses and frame stable thereon erected. Bcized and takeu in exccutlou as the property of Timothy O'Couner at the suit of M J Howes. Fi FJ, No 87, June term. Newton Black, ally. All the right, title, interest and c'nbu of Wui Logue of, in and to a lot or parcel o» ground, situate iu Cherry township, Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows: beginning al the north east corner of the allotment ot Dauiel Logue, thence south. degrees east, 43 3-10 perches to a post; thence by part of same tract south, 3 decrees west, 93 5 10 perches to a post on the south line of the tract; thence by Sarah Jane Armstrong north, 89 degrees west, 43 3-10 per ches to a post on the south-cast corner ot allot ment of Daniel Logue; thence along said allot ment norlh, 3 decrees east, 93 5-10 perches to the place of beginnnine, being the allotment of the lands of Wm Logue, conrcyed by him to his children, who by partition deed divided said lands among themselves, as per survey ol B F Hilliard, made Aug 21 and 22, 1879, about two third cleared. Seized and taken iu execution as the property of Wm Logue at the suit of John Hall & Son. Fi Fa, ED No 17, June term, 1880. J D Mc- Jiiukin, atty. All the right, title, interest and claim of Jas Allen of, in and to seventy (70) acres of land, more or less, situated in Clay tuwoship, Butler couuty. Pa., bounded as follows, to wit: on the norlh by public road aud Jefferson and J.iincs Alien; cpst by Samuel Black and Adam H Cro thcrs; soulli by Adam H Crothcrs and Andrew Walker, and west by John A McCandless; one story frame dwelling house and Irainc stable and good orchard thereou; about 50 acres cleared. Seized and taken in execution as ihe properly of James Alien at suit of P O Woll'ord, for use. Fi Fa, E D No 17, June term, 1880. J D .Vlc . Jurikiu, atty. All the right, title, iuterusi and claim of Jas and JeffcrPon Allen of, in and to fifty (50) acres of land, more or less, siiuated in Clay township Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to wit; on the north by Samuel Bla"k, J Smith and J Dobson; east by James Allen; south by public road, aud west by John A McCandless and J Dobson; old log barn thereon; about 40 acres cleared. Seized aud taken iu cxccutiou as Hie property ol James Allen and Jcllcrsou Allen at suit ol P O Wolford, for use. Fi Fa, No 34, June term, 1880. C Walker, atty. All the right, title, interest and claim of Wil liam Storey of. iu and to six (6) acres of land, more or less, situated In Fairview township, Butler county, Pa , bounded as follows, to wit: on the north by W G Campbell's heirs; easl by Joseph Hawk; south by Johnston, and wet tiy W G Campbell's heirs; all timber laud. Seized and takeu in exeeulion as Ihe property ol Win Storey al the suil of Jas B Slorey and F M Eastman. Vend Ex, R D No 9S, June term 1880. Fi Fa, E lJ No 123, June teiiu, 1880. Moses Sullivan, ally. All the right, title, iiitcre«t and claim of John C McLafferty, odm'r of Jas McLafferty, dee'd, Bridget McLalleily, Grace McLaWcrty, Dauiel McLafferty and John C McLafferty, heirs and terra te'iauts of Jas McL ilferty dee'd, 01, iu and lo one hundred and twenty (120) acres of laud more or less, situated iu Winlield townsliip, Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows : on the north by lands of Wm Stewart and Winlield Furnace property: east by lauds of Wm Stew art; south by lands of Win Stewart, and wesl by lunds ol Edward Mcl allerly; a two-story frame house, frame stable, log house and log barn thereon erected—about 84 acies cleared. Seized and taken iu execution as the property of J C McLatTerty, adm'r of Jas McLaffertv, deceased, Bridget McLatlerty, Grace MeLaflerty, Daniel McLaflerty aud J C McLalleily, heirs and terra tenants ot Jas McLaflerty. deceased, at suit of W L Spear, for use, and Hannah Dugau, adm'x Ac., for use, and J M Scott. Al Vend, E D No 28, June term, 1880. J D Mc- Junkin, ally. All the right, title, interest and claim of Allen Wiisou of, iu and lo a lot or parcel of ground, situate in the borough ol Butler, Bullcr county, Pa., containing one acre, uiore or less, bounded north by uu alley; east by street; south by Jell'cr sriri street, and west by Catholic cemetery; two story frame dwelling and frame dwelling there on creeled. Seized and taken 111 execution as Ihe property of Allen Wilson at the suit ol J Klee it Bro, for use of Parker Savings Bank. Al Vend Ex, E D No 28, June term, 1880. Jli McJunkin, att'y. All the right, title, interest anil claim of Allen Wilson of, iu and to forty acres of laud, more or less, situated iu the borough of Butlor. Butler couuty, Pa., (and known as the Glymer heirs tract; bounded as follows: on tbo north by Millerstown road; on the east by Bov White; on the south by Goo Ileiber, and on the west by H J Berg and Catholic Cemetery; six dwelling houses and Institute building erected thereon. Seized anil taken in execution as the property of Allen Wilson at suit of J Klee A Bro. for use, Parker Saviugs Bank. Lev Fa, ED No 20, June T, 1880. L Z Mitchell, Att'y. All the right, title interest aud claim of James Gillespie of iu and to all that certain piece, tract or parcel of land, situated in Donegal township, Butler county. Pa , containing eighty-one and 2-10 acres of" land, more or less, bounded anil described as follows : on the north by lauds of the heirs of Neal Gil'espie ; on the east by lands of II L Taylor aud Co and James Gillespie ; on the south by Francis Richard, and on tbo west by lands of Peter McGuiie ot al. Seized and taken iu execution as tlie property of James Gillespie at tiie suit ot George W. Gillespie, executor of Mauuassus Gillespie, dee'd. Lev Fa ED No 53. Jttce term, IMBO. Gojrge W Fleeger, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Eugene Feiroro of, ill and to a certain lot or parcel of ground, situated in tho borough of liutler, Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows: commencing on High or Main street, thence west by an alley 183 feet lo an alley ; thence south, along same alley feet to line of lot No 1, ir the plan of lots luadu by Andrew Corns and Samuel G Stewart, Feb 21 1H47 ; thence east along said lot No 1, 181 feet to said High or Main street, thence north along Main street feet to tho place of beginning, wilh the appurtenances thereou. Seized aud taken in execution as the property of Eugoiio Ferrero at tlio suit of G F i'etzcr. Vend Ex, E D Mo 99, June term, 1880. W A Fonjuer, att'y. All the right. title, interest aud claim of David Mortimer of in and to fifty-five acers of land, nioro or less, situated ill Parker township, But ler county. Pa , bounded as follows : 011 t lie north by lands of Samuel Mortimer ; on the east by George Kepler; 011 the south by George W Daubenspeck, and 011 the west by John John ston ; log house and orchard thereon, mostly cleared. Seized anil taken iu execution as tlie nro|>erty of David Mortimer at the suit of Robt. Beiininger, for use of Nancy Wadsworth. Vend Ex, E D No 112. Juno tertr, IHHO. Charles McCandless, att'y. All the right, title, interest and clain. of G C Conway of, iu and to one hundred aud sixty-five acers of land, more or less, situated iu Concord towuship, Butler oounty, I'a., bounded as fol lows : on the north by E Graham, llev uiarshall aud H Donaldson ; on the east by Ezra A B II Campbell ; ou the south by McCallister and H Kuhn, aud on the west by R H Campbell; frame Hats Caps. I have just received from the East a large stock of HATS,CAPSa GEBTS' FURNISHING GflflßS. I offer to the public the COMET SHIRT, the bsst Unlauudricd White Shirt in the market for #l. ONE DOLLAR. #l. Also, a large stock of WHITE and COLORED SHIRTS, for Men and Hoys, always on hand. Underwear, Half Hose, Gloves, AS,>T,,K »; Hats, Caps and Neckwear, Introduced as soon as they appear in the East, to he had at Clias. IE&.. €3rX", MAIN STREET, BUTLER, dwelling house, log barn. spring house and two orchards thercou, mostly cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the property of O C Con way at suit of Commonwealth of Pennsvlvania, for use of Geo H Gralian£ Committe, Ac. A 1 Vend Ex, E D No 130, June term, 1880. New toil Black, att'v. All the right, title, interest and claim of Chris tian Leopold of, in and to a lot of ground situ ate in the borough of Millerstown, Butler county Pa . containing 220 by 180 feet more or less ; bounded north by J. D. Aldinger : east by an alley; south by Slipperyrock street, and "west by John Glass, with seven board houses and a large two-story hotel building thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Christian Leopold at the suit of O Barnhart. Vend Ex. E DNo 131, June term, 1830- L Z Mitchell, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of E A Mortland of. in and to two hundred acres of land, more or less, situated in Marion town ship, Butler county. Pa., bounted as follows : on the north by Hugh Kellerman, et al ; on the east by W'm Maypole; south by John Murrin, and w.-st by P Mcßride, et al; two frame dwel ling houses and frame bard and orchard thereon. Seized and taken in exeemtion as the property cf E A Mortland at the suit of Kittanuing In surance Company. Fand Ex, ED No 118, 119, Jnne T, 1880. Sul livan Bros., att'ys. All the right, title, interest and claim of J J Kelly of, in and to a lot or porcel of ground sit uate in the borough of Centreville, Butler county, Pa., bounded north by an alley : east by an alley : sontli by New Castle street, and west by Wm Patton, containing 75 by 190 feet, more or less; frame dwelling house 30 by 30 feet thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution as the property of J J Kelly at the suit of A W Allsback. J P Kern and J F Beam, partners as Beam, Kern A Co. Al Fi Fa, ED No 139, June term, 1880. F M Eastman, atty. All the right, title, interest and claim of Q C McQuistion of, in and to a lot of ground, situate in the borough of Butler, Butler county. Pa., on the corner of Washington and Cunningham sts.. bounded north by an alley; east by other lots of Q C M'Quistion; south by Cunningham streer, and west by Washington street, containing 45 by 180 feet, more or less. A brick dwelling house two stories, with frame addition two stories, frame dwelling house, two stories, and frame stable thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Q C McQuistion at suit of Jno Berg A Co., for use. Al Fi Fa, ED No 139, June term, ISBO. F M Eastman, atty. All the right, title, interest and claim of Q C McQuistion of, in and to a lot of ground situate iu the borough of Butler, Butler county. Pa., lying cast of and adjoiring above described lot, bounded north by an alley; east by lot occupied by Sloan and wile; south by Cunningham street, and wist by other lot of Q <' VeQulstion. now occupied by Mrs McQuistion and Nancy Mc- Quistion, containing 'lO by 180 feet, more or lees. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Q (J MtQuUtiou al suit ol John Berg rth by Union street; i n the east by an alley; on the south by an alley, and on the west by an alley, (routing on said Union street 18fi% feet, and extending hick from said Union street 150 feet, having the "con erected a two-story frame dwelling house and out-buildings. Seized and taken iu execution as the property of George McCaudlcss at the suit of Harvey Colbert and M Keiber A Son. Fi F:i, ED No 151, June term, 1880. Charles McCaudlcss, atty. All the right, title, interest and claim, of Carl Mun of, iu and to all thost; four certain lots of ground, situate in Wltifleld township, Butler county, l'a., bounded as follows : beginning ;it a piu ou 11 izlett Avenue, thence along Linn Avenue 200 feet to Peach way; thence along said way 125 led to lola way; thence along lola way 200 feet to Uazlett Avenue, and thence along said avenue 125 feet to Linn Avenue, the place ol begluning, being lots Nos 1 OS, 109, 170, and 171 in Wm S Boyd plan of lots. Seized and taken In execution as the property ol Carl Linn al the suit of E A Heliubold, surviving partner of Heliubold ry (loods. we still of (Jin- ease of Uanias.se, hcmitifui design, only i*riiuPjfn\i l '§iLHlfn"jw'ow V aa?ver! On** CJLSC of tteps. all colors and shades. Is & JK . tvi'inm*! s in Mini An entire new design of Dress (ioods, ift. 20 and ( Tj( . klll( , s y,,\ H , ui , r>o . " • Ticking, very heavy, ao and 25c. French Novelties In great variety, 35, 40 and flor. Cheviot Shirting, 8, 10 and 12'ic. French Novelties, very desirable, oo and 7.V. Our stock of l.ace ( urtalns is very large, rang- Cash meres. 12',. 15 and soe. jhig in price from 20 toi 75c. Cashmere, better grade, 23. 30 and :ir«\ Towi.s. 6>4 10 aim l'- ic. All-wool French Cashmeres, to. I", and r>oc. lowels, extra quality, veiy large. Ift. 25 and 35c. All-w 00l French Cashmeres very line.(lo. T3c & sl. 1 tirkcv Red I able Damask, 50. Tsc and sl. Silk Warp Cashmeres, exceediiigiy fine. <1.13 to Cnhiundried Hhlrta, «o, 75c aud li' u« 1n7(% .1 nt 9 MXUVF.MHIW work In aU MnJa AMTunt<-d llorer-Power*. «« Yean of Prua «»»«! llualii«-e i»y ihi« elihoul change of uamc, locallou, or majiage ■irnt, furniahua a elrong guerantro fbr au|>erior gmut* end honorable d< allug. OA ■■▼■Ail I Tl> ' l wond.-f ful and |M«|iutarlty »f (jrAU I lUni I our Tl>KAT*wMmhlury kMdrlvraotb«-r plftohiftra to Hie well. varhtue mekrre arc now altcni|it oiir i„ inferior and mongrel of tw >neh »-t|- rimrnlel worthloaa machinery. If bu? , .11. s , t tfac "OItIUI.VAL," »J the " from tie. C /"For full pnritciilMre rail on mir dr«i.r», or write io ua for lllu*tralfd Circular*, whi<-h we mail fb», Addrr«a NICHOLS, SHEPARD * CO., Battls Creek, Mich. - - ,,.. JACKSON & MITCHELL, Agents, Butler, Pa. (J. £ jwi per iUy at IIUBM Kampleii worth I" Y ''' $0 free. Addron* HTIWHOM A Co., Portland. Maine. dooH-lv (2/7(1 A WICKK. 12 a day at home na»tlT made. $ ' (Joetlv Outtit free. Addreit* Tunic A Co., Augusta, Maine. docJ-ly A «OliD WATCH IBKE. T<> every worklhg agent, male o( fsunele. AK<-IIIX an' rlrarltiK from $A to $tS a day oil our In addition to ulHive iircliiliiln. Helid 10 mils fur sample or •!.(*) for full outfit and secure your county. THK MESSENGER I'UBLIHHIXU CO., bcwitnuris, i'ti, Uniylrn