Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 19, 1880, Image 3

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    MR. J. H. BATES, Newspaper Advertising
Agent. 41 Park Row (Times Building), New
Voik. is authorized to contract for advertise
ments in the CITTZE*.
rrttrra T> A OVV mar be found on flic at Gea.
A 111 D JTa. I: JEiA p. Rowelt & Oo"« Sew>pni*r
AdvrnUlng Bureau <loSprue* SI.L wbere ad
coulrac-U W2/bc made for it 111 MEW f OHK.
Now Advertisements To-Day.
Stray Florae.
San Francisco Circus.
Holloways Pills and Ointment.
Auditors Notice —Estate of Samuel Bard.
Jury List and Sheriff's Sales For June
Administrators Notice—Estate of John
Local and General.
THERE is a tendency to palm off
oleocabbinage ci&ars for genuine Havana*.
Fine and common straw hats in
great variety, at J. F. T. Stehle's.
IK you are troubled with a lame back, try a
DAY'S KIDNEY PAD, it will certainly cure you.
A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine
American Movement as low as $lO, at
FARMERS, don't forget that the Dia
mond Iron Plow is still to the front, and for
THE trial of the balance of the un
tried bribers have been postponed until the
August court.
LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at sls
am! upwards, at E. Grieb's.
SPECIALTIES in woolens at William
Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not
to be had elsewhere in the county.
WILL THOMPSON'S new song and
music "Good Night Gentle Folks" a quartet
can be found at Stehle's.
SCROFULA of thirty years' standing has been
cored by "Dr. Lindsey's Blood Searcher."
Hold by all druggists.
OVER two hundred farmers in this
county are using the Diamond Iron Plow, and
will tell you that it has no equal. For sale by
A DANGEROUS counterfeit five dollar
gold piece is circulating in the eastern part of
the State.
HALF the ills of human life proceed from a
torpid and disordered liver. Submit to them no
longer while "Sellers Liver Pills" will cure you
quickly. 25c. per box.
Keep the ball rolling is a common remark.
Keep the nervous system in order by the use of
Cray's Specific Medicine, is a much more com
mon remark. Sold by J. C. Redick.
To RE called a vandal may not be
pleasant, but the man that ties a horse to a
shade tree is one.
WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor,
has just opened the largest line of woolens for
men and boys wear ever offered in Butler.
Gents furnishing goods and silk
handkerchiefs, at J. F. T. Sthele's.
THE Curtin-Yocum Congressional
contest has at last been settled. The little
Greenbacker is allowed to retain his seat.
TnE Diamond Iron Plow will clean
in any kind, of soil. For sale at the Hardware
THE Agricultural Society has fixed
Sep. 21st, as the date for the commencement of
the next fair at this place.
A. WiLLIAMSPORT criminal has con
fessed the existence of a band of horse thieves i
to the number of thirty-nine in that and ad
joining counties.
IN the game of Base Ball at Parker,
I>etween the B. B. B. C., and the Big Bonanzas,
the Butler club came out ahead on a score of
47 to 8.
METAL Plow Points, of all kinds,
for sale at the Hardware Store of
THE County Commisrioners are hav
ing the Court rooms frescoed. The walls fire
tolta a slate color, and the ceiling and orna
ments lilac and pea green. Mr. Thomas A.
Frazier is doing the work.
DICK writes us that they bad a fire
in Pollocks woods near last Sun
day week, which communicated to some piles of
dry staves at the stave mill belonging to Mr.
Field, burning them and some fence boards.
Mr. Field's loss is estimated at S6OO.
TnE North Bend Chilled Plow, as
good a chilled Plow, and a dollar and a half
cheaper than any other, is for sale by
Everything conductive to the better condi
tion of the babv is sure to attract attention ; and j
hence it is that Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup is be- ■
coming more and more appreciated, as its won- '
derful influence in subduing the disease of ba- |
bvhood becomes recognized. Price 25 cents. j
PHILIP MCCALLEI, a brakesman on <
new Narrow Gauge Railroad running through t
the lower part or this county, was instantly (
killed on Monday morning last, being run over
by the cars. It seems he was engaged in try- '
ing to couple some cars and fell between them'
We believe he was a stranger and recently in
the employ of the road.
SEE a woman in another column, near Speer's
Vineyards with a bunch of grapes from which
Speer's Port Grape wine is made, that is so
highly esteemed by the medical profession for t
the use of invalids, weakly persons and the
aged.—Sold by all Druggists. 28aply
in Colicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Percali. Cot
ton Plaids, Basket goods, Alpacas, Mohairs,
Serges, Cashmeres, Ac., at
Mardorf, West Cunningham street, Butler, Pa.,
if you wish to buy the best and latest varieties
of plants at the lowest market prices ; such as
Cabbage, Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Kokl Rabi,
Celery Ac., give him a call. mylf)-3t.
Linen Lawns,
Batiste Lawns, Latice Lawns, French Lawns,
in figure and side band, all the new styles, at
TRY it; keep trying it and try it again. We
say this because we believe that the health,
happiness and prosperity of the people depend
upon the proper use of these medicines, which
have proved so successful in eradicating disease
and defeating death. The medicine so effective
in its cure of diseases is the great Southern
remedy, Simmon's Liver Regulator. Try it; we
believe that the first trial will be satisfactory.
and Bonnets, Trimmed and Untrimmed, the
best assortment in Butler county, at
A GOOD DEAL OF TALK is being made by
some of the medical societies of expelling cer
tain physicians because they are prescribing
Prof. Gnilmett's French Kidney Pad in their
practice. We can't see the sense of this; we un
derstand this pad to be the invention of a dis
tinguished French physicians and people as an
absolute curative in kidney disease. Tne drug
gists in this country have bsen selling it for 1
some time, and we fancy the doctors will have
a hard time in driving oat what has taken such
a firm hold in the public mind.
There will be a meeting of soldiers and citi
zens held in the Arbitration room, on Thursday I
evening the 2 »th, to take action regarding the (
commemoration of Decoration day, AH are
invited to attend. i
want a Stylish Hat, send for Illustrated '
Circular and Price List, free. J. G.
BENNETT'S HAT HOUSE, 119 Wood St., ,
Pittsburgh, Pa„ (
T Broche Shawls, Paisly Shawls, Mourning
Shawls, Persian Shawls, Shetland Shawls,
Worsted Shawls—a beautiful line, at
Go to J. F. T. Stehle for the Eigh
mie patent shirt, best in the world,
with a bosom that cannot break or
wrinkle from wearing. Try it once and
you will wear no other.
A QUESTION arose in Montgomery
county recently whether an ordinary drug or
mercantile license would cover a business in
patent medicines, or whether the latter is a dis
tinct business requiring a separate license.
The County Treasurer applied to the Attorney
General for information, and that officer re- I
plies that a patent medicine license is inde
pendent of a drug or mercantile license, and
must be collected in addition to it.
Two coal diggers are wanted. Suitable par- '
tes can hare steady employ meat for one year. I
JiKjuire at this office.
5 THE bones of a mastodon have been
r unearthed near Girard, Erie county. The citi
zens turned out m ma*se with shovels aud picks
and succeeded in digging up two ivory tusks,
each eight feet in length ; ten ribs, each ten
and one-half feet lonif, and a large number of
other large bones. They also found a tooth
, weighing three pounds aud measuring five
inches in width. When alive the animal must
have been about fourteen feet in heighth, and
including the tusks, about twenty-five feet
Black Silks, Colored Silks, Check Silks
i Mottled Silks, Brocade Silks, all colors and
shades, at RITTKR A RALSTON'S.
Eggs For Ilalfliing.
Gold Penciled Hamburgs; White
and Buff Cochins. All Pure Bred
Butler, Pa.
"I Am All Played Out"
is a common complaint. If you feel so, get a
package of Kidney-Wort and take it and you
will at once feel its tonic power. It renews the
healthy action of the Kidneys, Bowels and
thus restores the natural life and strength to the
weary body. Get a box aud use it at once.
Go to J. F. T. Stehle for the Eigh
mie patent shirt, best in the world,
with a bosom that cannot break or
wrinkle from wearing. Try it once and
you will wear no other.
A larger stock than all other stocks in But
ler county put together, and all guaranteed at
less than'city prices, at
Meeting of Allegheny Classis.
The Allegheny Classis of the Reformed
church meets in tlie Reformed church, Butler,
Pa., this Wednesday evening at 7J o'clock
&m., and will continue the sessions until
onday. T. F. STAI FKER.
Wheal! Wheal I
The highest Pittsburgh market price
paid for Wheat, at Walter & Boos'
Mill, Butler Pa. WALTER <fe Boos.
C. H. IiEE,
Homoeopathic Physician.
Office »nd residence near the Wick House-
North Main street. Butler, Pa. jan7
New Jersey Premium Wine.
Physicians state that the Port Wine that took
the premium at the Centennial, produced and
offered for sale by Mr. Alfred Speer, of New
Jersey, is a wine that can be safely used for
medicinal purposes, being pure aud free from
medication, and is more reliable than other
Port Wines. It is especially recommended for
weakly females and the aged. For sale by D.
H. Wuller.
Wheat! Wheat!
The highest Pittsburgh market price
paid for Wheat, at Walter & Boos'
Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER & Boos.
A FATAL case of administering the
wrong medicine is reported from Westmore
land county. Dr. Taylor had been attending a
german family. He prescribed some medicine
for the children which had diptheria, and some
for the mother who had neuralgia. The mother
gave her children some of her neuralgia medi
cine by mistake, from the effects of which one
died, and at last account another was not ex
pected to recover.
Poverty and Distress.
That poverty which produces the greatest
distress is not of the purse but of the blood.
Deprived of its richness, it becomes scant and
watery, a condition termed anemia in medical
writings. Given this condition, and scrofulous
swellings and sores, general ana nervous debil
ity, loss of flesh and appetite, weak lungs,
throat disease, aud consumption, are among the
common results. Therefore, if you are a suf
ferer from thin, poor blood, do not hesitate, but
employ Golden Medical Discovery which en
riches the blood and radically cures these affec
tions by striking at the root of the evil and re
moving the cause.
For all bronchial, throat anil lung affections,
severe lingering coughs, weak lungs, consump
tion in its early stages, asthma and kindred af
fections. Dr. Pierce s- Golden Medical Discovery
is the sovereign remedy, and has outrivaled all
its competitors. It is harmless in any condition
of the system, yet powerful to cure. Druggists
sell it.
Wheat! Wheat!
The highest Pittsburgh market price
paid for Wheat, at Walter & Boos'
Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER & Boos
Maine News.
Hop Bitters, which are advertised
in our columns, are a sure cure for
ague, biliousness and kidney com
plaints. Those who use them say
they cannot be too highly recommend- !
ed. Those afflicted should give them ,
a fair trial, aud will become thereby
enthusiastic in the praise of their cur- |
ative qualities.— Portland Argus.
Welsh dc Sands' tireat New Or.
leausandSau Franslseo Itail
roud Circus and Royal .Eng
lish Menagerie. j
This newest, grandest and best tent show of 1
the season comes to BUTLER, on Friday, May <
28th, to give the most gorgeous and sensational '
free street narade in the morning ever seen in <
this latitude, and afternoon and evening exlii- '
bitions of more rare wild beasts, bird*, reptiles '■
and marine wonders, and a great number of '
thrilling, novel and ludicrous equestrian and (
gymnastic feats and animal acts and antics, un- 1
der its enormous spread of seperate canvases,
than a baker's dozen of the heretofore so-called
big shows could combined produce. And what j
a host of genuine features, withal, many of '
which would in the past era have alone made '
the stock in trade of of a successful show. But
those good old times are vast, and Welsh & f
Sands' are fully abreast with the progressive J
spirit of the prsent steam, electricity aud tel-
ephone times. In fact, they have combined j
ample capital with every adjunct of modern
science, to gather in the most notable of living 1
curiosities aud muscular phenomea from the
uttermost parts of the earth, and to present £
them with every elegant accessory that art can J
devise, io impart attractive magnificence to j
both spectacular display and arenic perforin- ,
anoe; including the marvelous Electric Light. (
It is the province of the advertisement pub- j
lished elsewhere, «nd of the attractively lllus- c
trated daily courier and other bills, to supply j
details, hence we confine ourselves to general l
outline and to recording the golden Tact of a i
continuous success so amply merited and so a
certain to be repeated here. There is, somehow, ]
an instinctive recognition of merit in the pub
lic mind, and the evidence of this with regard
to the coming super-excellence and immense .]
animal and arenic enterprise is magneticaliy f
apparent on all sides, Everybody seems bound I
to go, and ample as are the accommodations of <
the towering double tents they will be fully ■
tested ; so put in an early and be *
thoughtfully generous enough to bring the <
good wife and the eagerly expectant little ones (
in time to see the mammoth animal wonders 1
and dazzling attractions of the morning pa- 1
Shrewdness and Ability. 1
Hop Bitters so freely advertised in ]
all the papers, secular and religious, i
are having a large sale, and are sup- j
planting all other medicines. There is i
no denying the virtues of the Hop *
plant, and the proprietors of Bit- '
ters have shown great shrewdness and
ability in compounding a Bitters,
whose virtues are so palpable to every j
Olio's observation.— Examiner and i
Wheat! Wheat!
The highest Pittsburgh market price i
paid for Wheat, at Walter & Boos'
Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER & Boos.
THE Pittsburgh Post is willing to
take Samuel J. liandall (nstpad of
Samuel J. Tilden.
THE Harrisburg Riot Bribery trials
has made a contribution to Dictionary
makers. It brought out a definition of
the term "Rooster." It'is now well
settled that in legislative lingo the term
"Rooster" signifies "a member of the |
Legislature who will vote for a bill un
der the influence of a jiecuniary consid- '
erfttion." A "Rooster" is supposed to
be an the feitfie, and comes down on
the side where be finds the most corn
C£itxs*n: Mutlez, 2Uair 10, tSSO.
1 Go to J. P. T. Stehle for the Eigh
- raie patent shirt, Ijest in the world,
' with a bosom that cannot break or
J wrinkle from wearing. Try it once and
f you will wear no other.
! As THE time for gardening is com
[ ing on every person should look to
their interest in securing good plants
of the latest varieties, which can be
had by calling on J. W. Borniass <fc
j Co., west of town.
In June, 18T9, I moved my photo
, graph gallery from Jefferson street to
[ my present location in the new Union
Block, on Main street, where I have
one of the finest lights and best ar
ranged galleries in the western part of
the State. Nothing but first class pic
tures are made by me, and all are fine
ly re-touched and artistically finished
at less prices than the photographers
of the city, from where I have quite a
number of patrons in charge, and my
work is better than that of most of the
city photographers. I warn my pat
rons that the rooms on Jefferson street,
formerly occupied by me are now oc
cupied by another man, with whom I
have no business connections, and that
any representations of his to the con
trarv are false. JOIIX. P. ORIi.
April 28th, 4t.
Butler Markelf).
BCTTEB—Good 12cents V tt>.
BACOS- -Plain sugar cared basis 11 its. V tfc;
shoulders, 8 ; sides, 8.
BEAN'S—White, $1@1.25 V Mali,
CincKENh—2s to 30 cts. per pair.
CHEESE—IS ctß V lb.
CORN MEAL—2 cts. V lb.
CALF SKlNS—9oc®sl IS lb.
EGOS—IO cts iR dozen.
FLOCK —Y»Tieat, SC<SB ¥ bbl, seek. $ 1.25<g52 :
buckwheat. J2.50 ¥ cwt.
GRAIN—Oats,4O ctu V bushel: corn 45 ; wheat
§l. 5 ; rye 75 cents ; buckwheat, CO.
HONE*—2O cts. V lb.
LABI) —7c j? tb. Tallow, 6(®7.
MOLASSES—SO(26OO V gallon. Syrnp, 50(260c,
ONIONS— $1.25 t* bueh.
POTATOES —2Sc. ? bushel.
SCUAB —Yellow 7<E>Bc.; white 9<ffiloc. ¥ lb.
SALT—No. 1. $1.50 V barrel.
Legal Advertisements.
fc^lieriil's Sales.
By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias.
Venditioni Exponas. Levari Facias. Ac., iasned
out of the Conrt of Common Pleas cf Butler
county, and to me directed, there will be ex
posed to Public Sale at the Conrt House, ir. the
borough of Butler, on
IHondar. June 7tli. A. 1).. 1880,
at one o'clock, P. M., the following described
property, as follows:
Fi Fa, ED No 59, June term, 1880. W. D Bran
don. att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Thos
W Frazier and Thomas Frazier of in and to
forty acres of land, more or less, situated in Jef
ferson township, Butler county, Pa., bounded
as follows : on the north by George Welch: on
the east by Albert Adderhold; on the south bv
George Welch, and on the west by George
Welch ; a two-story frame water and steam
grist or flovr mill 40 by 50 feet, in good running
order and all machinery ai.d fixtures thereto
belonging, two-story frame house and frame
stable, orchard Ac., thereon all cleared. Seized
and taken in execution as the property of Thos
W Frazier and Thomas Frazier at the suit of
Wm Kennedv A Samuel W Crawford.
Fi Fa, ED No 73, June term, 1880. W II Lusk,
All the right, title, interest and claim of Alfred
McDonald of, in and to fifty.one ares of land
more or less, situated in Clearfield township,
Butler comity, Pa., bounded as follows : on the
north by Stioder McPonald: on the east by B
Sheradan; on the south by George Dougherty's
heirs: log house, log stable and two orchards
thereon, about all cleared, coal laud. Seized
and taken in execution as the property of Alfred
McDonald at the snit of L M Crosby.
Fi Fa, E DNo G4, Jane terra. 1880. Thomas
Robinson, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Dan
iel Huffman of, in and to a lot of ground, sittl
ate in the village of Anandale, Cherry township,
B itlnr county. Pa., bounded as follows : bann
ing at a post on the graded road, at the north
west corner; thence east by lot of II C McCoy
J6O feet to a post; tbance south by lauds of
James Black 60 feet to a post: thence west by
lands of same, 161 feet to a post on the graded
road; thence north along said road C 9 feet to
the place of beginning, frame home and frame
wagon Bliop thereon erected. Seized and taken
in execution as the property of Daniel Huffman
at the suit of Janies Kerr
A! Fi Fa, E DNo 64. June term, 1880. GA A
A T Black, att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and olaim of Thos
B. Hilliard of in and to sixty acres of land, more
or lees, situated in Washington township. But
ler county. Pa., bounded as follows: on the
north by Eban Christy; on the east by William
Bumbaugh; on the south bv George Arner, and
on the west by John M Billiard; a story and
half frame dwelling house, frame barn, good
orchard thereon, about 55 acres cleared- Seized
and taken in execu'ion as the property of Thos
B Hilliard at the suit of Wra M Sliira executor,
Ac., David Stewart.
Fi Fa, E DNo 78, June term, 18SO. W A For
quer, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and olaim of M.
J Widenhofer of. in and to fifty acres of land,
more or less, situated in Winfleld township, But
ler county. Pa., bo'inded as follows: on the !
north by Mrs Voegley; on the east by Henry I
Grimm and Christ lteonigh; on the south by 1
George Keck, and on the west l>v T Jackson; 1
log house, log barn and orchard thereon, about
45 acr< s cleared. Seized and taken in execution
as the property of M J Widenhofer at the suit
of Andrew Widenhofer. .
Fi Fa, ED No 18, June T, 1880. K Marshall, «
att'y. ]
All the right, title, interest and claim of Lewis <
Keefer of, in and to two acres of land, mors ot }
less, situated in Washington township. Butler i
county. Pa., bounded as follows : on the north ]
by Atwell; on tho east by Daubenspeck; on the <
south by Maxwell, and on the west by public j
road; a two-story board or plank dwelling house t
and wood or coal house thereon. Seized and ]
taken in execution as tho property of Lewis
Keefer at tha suit of D F Campbell. ]
E D No 149, June term. 1880. Thompson <V i
Hcott. att'ys. 1
All the right, title interest and claim of John (
8 Meyers of, in and to eighty acres of land, ,
more or less, situated in Mu ldycreok township, i
Butler countv. Pa., l*oundnd as follows : on the <
north by Peter Wallace; on the east by William ,
Garvcy: on tho south by Win G irvev. and on ;
the west by Wm Meyers; about seventy acres '
cleared, twenty of which are meadow, two-story
log house weather boarded, log ban and coal
bank, sniali oroharii i-hereqn. Seized and taken
in execution as the property of John H Mayers (
at the suit of John Moon.
Fi Fa, ED No 120. June term, 1880. F M East- ]
man, att'y. I
All the right, title interest and claim of Sarah (
J Timblin of, in an Itoa cm tain lot. or parcel of ,
f [round, situated in the borough of Butler, But- i
er county, Pa., containing 50 by 180 feet, m >re
or les, bounded north by ft P Scott; east by an
alley: south by Penn street, and west fiy
stree; a two story frame dwelling house and j
outbuilding thereon. Seized and tak'in in exe- ,
cution as the property of Sarah J Timblin at .
the suit of Sarah Mackev.
Fi Fa, E D No 90. June time, 1880. Fred Rei
ber, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Phil
lip E Eib of, in and to twenty-five acres qf land, ,
more or less, situated in Lancaster township,
Butler couniy. Pa., bounded art follows: oil the
north by Michel Flennor: on the oast bv Jacob
Koch; on the south by George lUibor, and on
the west by Caspar Schell: log house, frame
barn and orchard thereon, about.23 acres cleared
Seized an 1 taken in execution as the property
of Philip E Erb at the suit of Peter Stern.
Jfi I'a, E D No 95 66, June term, 1880. E G
tyilicr, attiy.
All the right, title, in/erect an 1 claim of W T
Ramsey of. in and to six acres of land, more or
less, situated in Centreville borough, Butler
county, Pa., bounded as follows ; on the north
west by John Bigham; south by Co (per Iloal,
aod north-east by Kingsberry's heirs; orchard
thereon, all cleare 1. Seized and taken in exn-
as the property of W T ltamsey at the
suit of George Ililgor.
Fi Fa, E D No 95 96, June term, 1880. E Q
Miiler. att'y.
Ah the right, title, interest and claim of W T
Barn ley of. in and to a certain lot. or parcel of
land, sittate in the borough of Centreville, But
ler county, Pa., containing 65 by 175 feet, more
or less, bounded north by Thomas Patent;
l Y y public road, an f west l.y Edward
Obisrtley; a two-story frame dvipiling house,
frame shop and frame stable thereou. Seized
and taken in execution as the property of W T
ltamsey at the suit of George Hilger.
Fi Fa, E DNo 95 96, June term, 1880. E G
Miller, att'y
All the right, title, interest and claim of W T
Bamsev of, in and to a certain (ot. or parcel of
ground, situate in the borough of Centreville,
Utler county. Pa., containing CO by ICO feet,
mere or less, bounded north bv Jauies Wilson;
east by public road: south by Francis Eytli, and
west by an alley; a three-story framo dwelling i
house and store roop) and frame barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of
W T Bami-ev af the suit of George Hilger.
.I Fi Fa, EL> No 11, Juue term, IS-S0 E O Mil
ler. atty. Fi Fa, E D No 71. Jnm term, ISW.
T C Campbell atty, Fi Fa, hD No H-,
June term, ISSO. N. Black, atty.
| All the right, title, iulercsl aud claim of Jolin
K CLambeis of, in and to nine y (00) acres of
lanJ, more or !ess, situ ited in Cherry town-hip
Butler county, I'a., boumled as follows, to wit:
" on the nor:h by E Ferrero et al. ; >;ast by War
i ren Armstrong and Mary Ann Dobson; south
by Wm Kelly, and west by Job Kelly et al.
Frame house, board stable and orch.ird thereon;
• abont tiO acres cleared. Seized and l iken in ex-
I ccution as ihe properly of John R Chambers at
suit of II E Wlek for use o! Centreville Savings
Bank, Butler Siaviugs Bank and Jas V\ iison for
Fi Fa, E D No 141, June term, ISBO. C Walker
Al! the right, title, iutetest and claim lifSm
uel Sutton of. in and to eighteen (18) acre- ot
land, more or less, situated in Clay township,
Butler county. Pa., boui.ded as follow - to wit:
on the north by Christopher MeMichiel; cast by
Jopliia McMicbae'; south by John Grossmau,
and west by Christopher Me Michael; log house
an.l frame stable thereon—ail < eared. Seized
and taken in execution as the property of .-'aui
uel Sutton at the suit ol Butler Savings B.>uk,
for use.
E D No 15. June terra, 18.S0. John M (ire< r
and W H Colbert, att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Anton
W Kichter oL in and to one and one-half
acres of land, more or less, situated in Jeflerson
townsi.ip, Put!cr county, I'a . bounded -u, fol
lows, to wit: on Ihe north by Hannahstown aud
Glade Mills roatl; east by Alex Martin; south by
church lot. and west by Mary Welch. A two
story frame house and frame stable theieou.
Seized aud taken in execution as the prope ty
ot Anton W Ricbter at the suit it ot Jacob
Al Fi Fa, fcl DNo 51, June term, 1830. Fl'fl.
All the right, title, interest and claim ol Win
Gortlan of, io and to one-hall (%) acre of land,
more or less, situated iu Karus Ci y borough,
Butler county, I'a, bounded as follows, to wit:
on the north by Smith ; east by Olive street;
south by Church street, and west bj vacant lot.
Two-story frame dwelling house thereou erect
ed. Seized and taken in execution as ihe prop
el ty of Wm Gordan at the suit of P K burke.
E I) Nos. 80 <t 101, Jur.e teim, 1850. K Mar
shall, atty. E D Nos 198 A 202, March ten l,
1680. WI) Brandon, Wll Lusk, attys.
All the rijrht, title, interest and claim of Geo
tiartzell of, in aud to one hundred and twenty
six acres (l'itij acres of land, more or less, situ
ated in Jackson township. Butler county, I'a.,
bounded as follows, to wit: on ihe north by
John Seibert and M Huffman; cast by Thomas
Donaldson; south by C Harper, aud west by
Widow and Henry Zehner. Losj and
frame house, frame bnrn; wajroti sbed, out
kitchen and orchard ol about 300 trees,
one hundred acres cleared. Seized and taken in
execution as the property of Georjje Hartzel at
suit of Henry Bape, Johu Rape, Jacob Mickley
: nd George Knat'f.
Fi Fa, ED No 115 June term, 1880. Williams
A Mitchell, att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of J.i 3
Truxall and Julia Truxall of, iu and to a certain
lot of ground, situate in the borough of Butler,
Butler county, I'a., containing 45 by 100 feel,
more or less, bounded north by E Riddle; east
by Elm street; south by Jos Tlmmany, and west
by an alley; a two-story frame dwelling house
thereon erected. Seized and taken iu execution
us the property of Jas Truxall and Jnlia Tiux
all at suit of Eli Coun.
Fi Fa, E D No 55, June T, 1880. H H Goueher,
>ll the right, title, interest and claim of E M
Addleman of, in and to all l bat cerfain lot of
ground, situate in the village of Farming ton,
Allegheny township, Butler county, P., bounded
and described as follows, to wit, being lots No
15 and 10: on the north by Main street; on the
east by Sprint; street; ,on the north by an alley,
and on the west 180 feet by Mcßnde's lot, con
veyed by John Pollock et ux. Io Mrs E M Ad
dleman, by deed bearing date Sept 30, 1878.
Seized r.nd taken in execution as the property
ol E M Addletnan at fuit of Johu Pollock.
Fi Fa, ED No 117 Tune term, 1880, M B Mc-
Bride, atty.
All the right, title, interest mid claim of Tiin
o'hy O'Conner of, in and to ail that certain lot
of ground, marked and known as No 39, situate
Ijiug and being in Millcrstowu, Donegal town
ship, Butler county, Pa., being 30 feet in front
on Western street, and 180 ,'eet in 'ength or
or depth, by lots now or late of John Relger,
Geo Itriber and B Frederick, being part of a
eertoiu larger piece or tract of land, grauted by
the Coimnonweilth to Archibald McCall by pat
ent, dated the 29tb day of Oct, A D, IS2'J, en
rolled iu Patent book 11, Vol 26, page 015; two
frame dwe'ling bouses and frame stat le thereon
erected. Seized and taken in execution as Ihe
property of Timothy O'Conucr at the suit of M
J Howes.
Fi F.i, No 87, June term. Newton Black, ally.
All the right, title, interest and cbiiiii of Wm
Logue of, in and to a lot or parcel of ground,
situate in ("berry township, liutler county, Pa ,
bounded as lollows: beginning at me north
east corner of the allotment of Daniel I.ogue,
thence t>outb, Bi>}{ degrees east, 43 3-10 perches
to a po.'l; thence by part of same tract south, 3
de.iees west, 92 5 10 perches to a post on the
south line of the Irscl; thence by Sarah Jane
Armstrong north, 89 degrees west, 43 3-10 per
ches to a post on the south-east corner of allot
ment of Daniel Logue; thence along sail allot
ment north, 3 dcgiees casl, 93 5-10 perches to
the place of heginnulnp, being the allotm"nt of
the l'.nds of Wm Logue, conveyed by him to
his children, who by partition deed divided said
laud" among themselves, as per survey of B F
Hilliard, made Aug 21 and 23. 1879, about two
third cleared. Seized and taken in execution as
the properly ol Wm Logue at the suit of Johu
Hall i\t Son.
Fi Fa, E D No 17, June term, 1880. J D Mc-
Junkin, atty.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Jas
Allen of, in aud to seventy (70) acres ol land,
more or less, situated in Clay township, Butler
county, Pa., bounded as follows, to wit: on the
north by public road and Jefferson aud James
Allen; east by Samuel Black aud Adam II
there j south by Adam H Crotbers and Andrew
Walker, and west by John A McCandleas; one
story frame dwelling house and frame stable aud
good orchard thereon; about 50 acres cleared.
Seized and taken in execution as ihe properly
of lames Allen at suit of P O Wolford, for use.
Fi Fa, ED No 17, June term, 18S0. J D Me- '
Junkin, atty.
All the right, t'fle, Interest and claim of Jas
and Jeffereou Allen of, in and to fifty (50) acres ,
of land, more or less, situated in Clay township
Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to wit ; '
on the north by Samuel Bla n k, J Smith and J
Dobson; uast by James Allen; south by public
road, and west by John A MeCandless and J
Dobson; old log barn thereon; about 40 ajres
cleared. Seized and taken iu execufion as the 1
property of James Allen and Jeticrson Allen at 1
suit ot P O Wolford, for u<". 1
Fi Fa, No 34, June term, 1880. C Walker, atty.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Wll- 1
liam Storey of. in aud to six (B) acres of land,
mor,. or less, situated in F;(irv'|ew township,
Butler county, Pa, bounded as follow*, to wit ; '
oil the north by W C Campbell's heirs; east by 1
Joseph llawk; south by Johnston, and I
west by W C Campbell's beir«; all timber land. |
Seized and taken in execution as lilt; prof erty 1
ot VVm Storey at the suit of Jas B Storey and F '
M Eastman.
Vend Ex, ED No 9i, June ferin 1880. Fi Fa,
E l> No 123, June teim, 1880. Moses
Sullivan, atty.
the title, interest and claim of John
C MoLafferty, adiu'r of •!ai XtcLafterty, doe'd, i
Bridget MeLallerty, Grace M< Laflerty, Daniel
McLaffcrty and John C MeLallerty. heirs and
terra tenants of Jas NlcLafferty dee'd, 01, in and :
lo one huudred aud twenty (120) acres of land i
more or less, dtnttted In Winfield township,
Butler Co., I'a., boil riled as fallows : on the i
north by lands of Wm Stewart aud Wintield I
Furnace pro) erty; east by lands of Wm Stew- !
art; by lands of tyui Su>w.m, and west by
lauds of Edward Me' allerty; a two-story frame
house, frame stable, log house and log barn
thereon erected—about 84 acres cleared. Selz"d i
and tak'-n in execution as the property of J C
McLaffcrty, adm'r of Jas McLaffertv, deceased,
Bridget MeLallerty, Grace McLaOorty, Daniel
MeLafferty aud J C McLaffcrty, heirs and terra
tooauU ol Jas McLallei ty, duct,,sod, at suit of ,
W L Spear, for use, mid Hannah Dugau, adm'x
Ac., for use, and J M Scott.
Al Vend, ED No 28. June term, 1880. J1) Me- '
Junkin, atty.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Allen
Wiison of, In and to a lot or parcel of ground, ,
situate in the borough ol Butler, Butler county,
Pa., containing one acre, more qr l M ts, bounded
north l,y an alloy, oi»ri bv street; south by Jeticr
son street, and WLSI by Cutliolio cemetery; two
story lrau.e dwelling and frame dwelling there
on erected. Seized and taken In execution as
ihe property of Allen Wilson nt the suit of J
Klce A Bro, for use of Parker Savings Bank.
Al Vend Ex, E D No 28, June term, 188 U. J P
M<Junkin. att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Alleu
Wilson of, in and to forty acres of land, more
pr lesn, sjtnatod in the borough of Butler, I'utltir
connty, Pa., (and known as Ibp Glymor ljeirs
tract) bounded as follows : on the borth by
Millerstown roal; orr tho oast by ltov White; On
tlie south by Geo Beiber, anil on the west by II
J Berg and Catholic Cemetery ; six dwelling
houses and Institute building erected thereon.
Seized and taken in execution as the properly
of Alien Wilson at suit of J Klee A Bro. for use,
Parker Savings Bt^nk.
Lev Fa, ED No 20, June T, lsijO- Li 4 Mitchell,
All the right, title interest and claim of James
Gillespie of iu aud to all that certain piece, tract
or parcel of land, situated in Donegal township,
Butler county, Pa , containing eighty-one and
2-10 acres of land, more or less, bounded and
(loscrifiod as follows : on the north by lands of
the heirs of Neai Gil'eepie ; on tlie cast by lauds
of H L Taylor and Co and James Gillespie ; on
the south by Francis Richard, and on tlie west
by lands of Peter McGnire et al. Suized and
| taken in exception as the property of James
Gillespie at the suit ol George W. Gillespie,
executor of Maunassus Gillespie, dee'd.
' I.€\ Fa E1) N > aA. .June term, IHsO. Geoigo W
Fleeger. att'y.
All tlie right, title, interest and claim of
En ;ene Fcrrero of, in and to a certain lot or
I a eel of ground, si'uated iu the borough of
r Butler, Butler county. Pa., boun !od a* follow* :
coruu.ein ing oil High or Slaw, street, thenco
west by an alley 103 feet to an alley; thence
rnwth. along same alley 55>j feet to line of lot
No 1. ic the plan of lots nude by Andrew Corns
an l Suunel O Stewart. Feb 24 1847 ; thence
ta ta ong sai 1 lot No 1, 183 feet to said High
or Main stroet. tlici-co north a'ong Main street
joo 1 j feet to the place of beginning, with the
, apporteuances tht-reon. Seized aad taken in
execution a« the property of Eugene Ferrero
; at the suit of G F Fetzar,
! Vend Ex, E D Mo 99, June term, 1880. W A
Foiqiier, att'y.
! All the right, inteiest and claim of David
! Moitimcr of in and to tifiy-fire land,
1 mor9 or less, situated in l'arkei township. Eut
' ler county. Pa . bounded as follows : on the
I north by la.ids of Samuel if or timer ; on the
I H-! by George Kepler ; on the south by George
I W Daubenspecl:, and on tiie west by John Jobr.-
j i-ton ; log house and orchard thereon, mostly
jcleared. Seized and taken iu execution as the
property of David Mo-timer at the fuit of Robt.
Peuninger, for use of Nancy Wain worth.
Vend Ex, E D No 112 June tenr, ISBO. Charles
McCandless, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and c!aix of O C
] Conway of. iu and to one hurdred Jiid sixty-five
i tcsia of hi-;d. n.oro or situated iu Coi:cord
township, Butler county, Pa, bounded -is f
i lows : on the north by i". Gral.am. Rev marshal!
; and 11 Douald-iou: on the caet by Ezra All H
Campbell ; on the south by McCallister and II
| Kulin. and on the west by RII Campbell; frame
i dwelling house, log barn, spring house and two
orchards thereon, mostly cleared. Seized an 1
taken in execution as tho property of G C Con
way at suit of Commonwealth of Pennsvlvania.
for use of Geo II Graham. Commit!e, Ac.
Al Vend Ex, E D No 130. June term. 1880. New
ton Black, att'y.
All tho right, title, interest and claim of Chris
tian Leopold of, in and to a lot of ground situ
ate in the borough of Milierstown, Butler county
Pa . containing 220 bv ISO feet more or less;
bounded north by J. D. Aldinger : east by an
alley: south by Slipperyrock street, and west
by John Glafd. with seven board houses and a
large two-story hotel building thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of Christian Leopold at the suit of O Baruhart.
Vend Ex. E DNo 131. June term, 1890- L 7.
Mitchell, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of E A
Mortland of. in and to two hundred acres of
land, more or less, situated in Marion town
ship, Batlor county. Pa., bounteJ as follows : on
the north by Hugh Kellarman. et al ; on the
east by Wm Maypole: south by John Mnrrin,
and wast by P Mcßride, et al: two frann dwel
ling houses and frame bard and orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in exccmtion as the property
cf E A Mortland at the suit of Eiltanning In
surance Company.
F.end Ex. ED No 118, 119, Juno T, 1880. Sul
livan Bros., att'vs.
All the right, title, interest and claim of J J
Kellv of, in and to a lot or porcel of ground sit
uate in tho borough of Centreville, Butler
county, Pa., bounded north by an alley ; east by
an alley : south by New Castle street, and west
by Wm Patton, containing 75 by 190 feet, more
or less; frame dwelling house 30 by 30 feet
thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution
as the property of J J Kelly at the suit of A W
Allsback, J P Kern and J F Beam, partners as
Beam, Kern & Co.
Al Fi Fa, ED No 139, Juno term, 1880. F M
Eastman, atty.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Q C
McQuiation of, in and to a lot of ground, situate
iu the borough of Butler, Butler county. Pa., on
the corner of Washington and Cunningham sta..
bounded north bv an alley; east by other lots of
Q O M'Quistion; south by Cunningham street,
and west by Washington stroot, containing 15 by
180 feet, more or less. A brick dwelling house
two stories, with frame addition two stoiies,
frame dwelling house, two stoiies. and frame
stable thereon. Heized and taken in execution
as the property of Q C McQuiation at suit of Jno
Berg <t Co., for use.
Al Fi Fa, ED No 139, June term, 18S0. F M
En&tman, atty.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Q C
McQuistion of, in and to a lot of ground situ ate
in the borough of Buller, Butler county. Pa.,
lying east of and adjoii.ing above described lot,
bounded north by an alley; can by lot occuple !
by Sloan and wife; south by Cunningham btreet,
and wrst by other lot of Q '■ vieQuislion, now
occupied by Mrs McQuistion and Nancy Mc-
Quistion, containing >0 by 180 feet, more or
less. Seized and taken in cxecutlou as the
property of <2 C McQuiatiou at suit ol John
Berg A Co, for use.
E D, No 134, June term, 1880. Williams &
Mitchell, attys.
AH the right, title, interest and claim of Lew
is Il.i/.lett of, in and to ninety-five (95) acres of
land, more or less, situated in Wiutield town
ship, Kutler county. Pa , hounded as follows, to
wit: ou the north by McCoinbs Painter and S
D llazlett; east by II H Bicker; south by A Gib
son and Weigaud, Slid wu#t by Miller A Frcc
lin '. Frame house, frame stable and
shed, spring hou3c and orchard thereon, about
75 acres cleared. Si i».d and taken in execution
as tlie property of Lewis llazlett at the suit, of
A C Tagtart, for use.
Fi Fa, E D, Nos 147 & 148, June term, 1880'
Ferd Reiber, atty.
AII the right, title, interest and e'aiin of Geo
McCandless of, iu and to all that certain piece
of giouud.sli uate iu Ibcbor. of Butler Butler Co,
Pa., consisting of lots Nos 14, 15 and 10 in
Robert Graham's plan ot lots in said borough
and bounded on the mrth by Union street; en
tlie east by an alley; on tho south by an alley,
and on the west by an alley, fronting ou said
Union street 18f!% Icet, and extending back
from said Union street 150 feet, hiving the"eon
erected a two story frame dwclliug house and
out-buildings. Seized and taken in execution as
the property of George McCandless at the suit
of Harvey Colbeit and M Reiber iS Son.
Fi Fa, E D No 151, June term, 18S0. Charles
McCandless, atty.
AH the right, title, interest and c'aim of Carl
Linn of, in and to all those four certain lots of
ground, situate iu Winfleld township, Butler
county, Pa., bounded as follows : beginning at.
a pin on Haalctt Avenue, thence along Linn
Avenue 200 feet to I'each way; thence along
said w; y 125 teet to lola way; thence along lota
way 200 feet to llazlett Avenue, and thence
along said avenue 125 feet to Linn Avenue, the
place of beginning, being lots Nos 168, 1(59, 170,
and 171 in Win S Boyd plan of lots. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of Carl Liun
at the suit of E A Helmbold, surviving partucr
of lielmbold & Stuminel.
Fi Fa, E II No 151, June term, 1880. Charles
McCandless, atty.
All the right, title, interest aud claim of Carl
Linn of, in and to certain lots of ground situate
in Saxon City, Winlield township, Butler coun
ty, Pa , bounded as follows : beginning at a pin
on Hazlett and Helmbold Avenue, thence along
Helmbold Avenue 200 feet to Peach way; thence
along Peach way 125 feet to lola way; thence
along said way 200 feet to Hazlcet Avenue, and
thence along llazlett Aveuqe 125 feet to ljt.ltu
bold Avenue, at tho place of beginning, being
lots Nos LKI, 137, 138 and ISO in Win 8 Boyd's
plan ot lots, a two-story frame house, frame
stable and out-buildings thceon, all fenced.
Seized and taken iu executiou as tho property
of Curl Linn al the suit of E A Helmbold, sur
viving partner of Helmbold & Stuminel.
FI Fa, EIJ No 151, June term, 1880 Charles
McCandless, atty.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Carl
Linn of, in to a)l that certain in of ground,
situate iii Winfiold township, Butler county,
Pa., and bounded as follows: beginning al a
pin on Helmbold Avenue and lot owned by
Snyder, thence along Snyder lot 100 feet, more
or less, to within 80 feet ol the eeiUre of the B.
B, Railroad; thence along the line of the Rail
road. 100 feet, more or less, to Peach way;
thence along said way 50 feel, more or b":*, to
Snyder's line, n! the ol beginning, being
lot' "II' 1 in Win S Boyd plan of lots. Seized
and taken iu execution as the property ol Carl
Linn al suit of E A Heliubold, surviving part,
uer of Helmbold & Stunimel.
Fi Fa, E1) No ICB, June term, 1880. J B Me-
Junkin, ally.
Ali the right, title, interest r,r,d slaUn ol Ml-
ijowuuy 01, in and to forty-six (4(1) acres
of land, more or less situated' in Clearfield
township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as fol
low : on the north by John Denny : on the
eat by Thomas Morrow ; south by Widow
Downey, and west by Patrick Denney; log
house, log barn, coal bank and orceard
about 40 acres clearp(J. SeUy.u and la'kco in
cvvution as the property of Mlchal Downey .it
the suit of Joseph Brown & Co.
Fi Fa, EI) No 151. June term, 18S0. E G
El ennau, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of J W
Barker of, iu and to sixty-five acres of land,
more oi less, situated iu Parker t .wnship, But
ler county. Pa., bounded as follows . on the
north by lands of Levi Campbell , on the cast
by lands of Levi Campbell : on the south by
lands of Tuber, and on the west by lands
of Taber; mostly ScUeu anl
taken in execution as this property o'l J. \V.
Barker at suit of James Blakcly for use.
The following must be strictly complied wRL
when property is stricken dewu :
1. When the plaintiff or other lieu creditor*
become the purchaser, the costs on the writs
must he paid, ■»tu| a list of the li. us, Including
md'tgage searches on tin: property sold, to
gether with spell lien ereditoi's receipt* for the
amount ol the proceeds of the sale of such
portion thereof as be may claim, must be lur
nished the Sberilf.
2. All bids must be paid iu full.
3. All sales not sealed immediately will be
continued until 1 o'clock, }*. M., of next day,
at which time a}l piopcrty not settled for will
again be put up and sold at the expense and
risk of the person to whom Urstsold.
:aee Purdon's Digest. Utb edition, page 41'!,
aud Smith's Forms, page 384.
myl9-Btl hberl'j of Butler County ,
1 have just received from the East a large stock of
I ofter to the public the COMET SIJIRT, the b *st Unlaundried White Shirt in the market for
jsl. . ONE DOLLAR, sl.
j Also, a large stock of W JIITK and COLOitKD SHIR fS, f»r Yen and Hoys, always on hand.
! *
Underwear, Half Hess, Qlovss, AN,, n,K ,aiksi vrvi, ~ ,s Hats, Gaps and Neckwear,
Introduced as .soon as they appear in the Ha>t, to he h id at
Jury Li»>t lor JuiicCoiii-:, I^Bo.
Adams tnwusilip W. 1). MeMarlin.
Chiv — W. C. Findlav, Robert Young.
Conno:]Uer.es.sing--Jaeob Fry, Abraham Surver,
Thompson Similiter.
Concord -William M. Graham.
Clinton —Thompson Ixive, .J. 15. Montgomery.
John Wiley. .Ir.
Donegal—'Williiiiii McCrea.
Forward—W. S. Wahlron.
Franklin —George Albert.
.Jefferson—A. E. He'niiio'd.
Jackson—Samuel Patterson, J. M. Zeigler.
Middlesex—John l"r diey.
Oakland—Christy Robb.
Summit —.James Stephenson.
North—.J. W. Macunt.
(Vntr. ville iKtrougl:- T. S. Coulter.
Prospect—Allien Porringer. Jsaac Keilev.
Sinilmry— Kohert MeOsumont.
Allegheny township William Mitchell.
Adams—William Davidson.
Butler —Samuel Raisiev.
Buffalo—M. Wilson.
Brady—Daniel Lutz.
Concord—W. 11. Campbell.
Cranberry—John Croft. Thomas Donley.
Clinton—Adam Eaks, John 11. Norris.
C< ntre—John (iarrard. Thomas 1!. Iloon.
Cherry—Aimer MeCullin.
Clay—Zeno MeMieliall.
Clearfield Thomas Thompson.
Coiinoauenessing- -Jacob M. Zeigler.
Franklin—Conrad I)oul>!e.
Fairview—lt. 11. Mel>urnioot. John Myers.
Jackson—J. C. Hevle. Taylor \V isc.
Jefferson—Calini Logan, Miehael Toben, H. 11.
Lancaster—John Croft, W. J. Klrker.
Marion- David Bally. Hugh McNallcn.
M udd vcreek—Shepler Boston, Fred. Burrv. W.
B. Dodcts.
Middlesex—Alxaniler Malum. W, I'. Parks.
Mercer—li. ('. Patterson.
Oakland—Peter Me El wee, Francis Augert.
Slippery rock— Joseph Dougherty.
Summit—William Ki -iienlaub, Simon P. Voung.
Venango—Lewis Seaton.
Worth—William Staudebaker.
Washington-S. F". Marshall.
Butler borough—Charles Crouse. J. .1. l'eidler.
Ebenezer Graham.
Milierstown -John Myers.
Pelrolia K. W. Crane. .1. E. Herr.
Stray 11 orsow.
Came to the premises of the subscriber, in
Middlesex township, Butler county, Pa., on the
(sth inst., two stray horses, one a bay and may
be 12 years old, liipsliot and curbed on the left
hind leg ; the other a small bay mare with no
particular marks except one ear slightly de
formed. The owner is requested to come for
ward, prove property, pay charges and take
away, otherwise they will lie disposed of ac
cording to law. " JOHN I}. MA HAN,
May 19, 'SO-.'itJ Glade Mills, P. 0. Butler Co.
Admiiii.iiraiorN Notice.
Notice is hereby given that letters of admin
istration having been granted to the under
signed on the eutato of John Elder deceased,
late of Mercrr township, Butler county, Pa,
all pireons, therefore, knowing themselves in
debted to said estate, will please make immedi
ate payment, and any having clninis agmns. the
same will prcben* them, dnlj authenticated, for
payment. WILLIAM P. BRAII.YM, Adni'r.
m.iyiU-Gt Hiiirisville P 0., Butler Co., Pa
Hll TliiSi FICIS
Exercise your judgment. -A newer and better
philosoph;..—-To pull down all absurd and antl
'lUated notions of diseases and its cures, and to
I establish a rational system on the ruins, has been
the chief endeavor of l>r. llolloway tluough life,
j Hence the origin of his celebratdd Pills avid Olnt
i ment remedies iu keeping with common sense,
because subservient to nature, ratli.-r than ai
variance with her laws, like those in general use.
To the stomach we trace dyspepsia, lie apache and
general debility ; to the liver, l>lie. jaundice, ami
yellow fever ; io the bowels, diarrinra, d.vsentai v.
constipation, piles ami flstuly : to tile lungs. eon
sumption, etc. ; to the blood, .terofula, seurvey,
and all cutaneous eraptions. Uy kcj.iiig these
organs and vital fluid pure and healthy v.e may
safely defy the attacks of disease,and no medicine
yet prepared for this purpose can equal the action
iif these Pills and Ointment, as they dive to the
seat of the disorder, and extirpating its cause, de
stroy its effect.
IMPORTANT CAUTION.— None are genuine un
less the signature of J. II DOCK, asai;ent for the
United States, surrounds each box of Fills and
Ointment. Boxes at 25 cents, (12 cents and si each.
is consideiable saving by taking the
larger si/es. IIOI.MIWAY & Co., New York.
possessed of this REMEDY, every man may be
his own Do-tor. It may lie rubbed into the sys
tem, so as to reach any internal complaint ; by
these means it cures Sores or Fleers iu the
parts. It is an infallible Remedy for BAD LKGK.
BAD BREASTS, Contracted oj Hi iff .bunts, (lOCT,
RHEFMATISM, arid all Skin Diseases.
IMI'OHTANT CAUTION.— None are genuine un
less the signature of J. HA\ HOCK. as agent for the
Cnltcd States, surrounds each box of Fills and
Ointmeet. Boxes at 2"> cents uii cents, and <1
CO'Then* is coiislderablil saving by taking the
larger sizes.
HoI.I,OWAV & Co., New York.
Wholesale Agents, NK \v YORK.
Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & St, Louis
QfJVa'j the best facilities and most comfortable
ttud expeditious Line for families
moving to points in
Tick ts Sold and Baggage Checked
We oiler you the Lowest Rates, ti«c (Quickest
Time, the I Jest I'ucilitim and the most Satisfac
tory ijoute io ail points West uml fc'outh-we-t.
VV'u run no immigrant Trains. All classes of
Passengers are carried on regular Express
If you are unable to procure Through Tick
ets to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Ka'i
sas, Colorado, Wisconsin, Minnesota, lowa, Ne
braska or California, by the direct "PA N-11A N
-01,1' lt(il'Tl', ,: at >our nearest Railroad Sta
vi(«n, please address
Gen'l Passenger Agent, 'Pan-llaudle Route,'
The undersigunil will pay the above rewind
for tbo return of bis small dark bay HOUSE,
W'bite left bind foot, star on forehead, scar oil
right hip, 8 years old. which was stolen from
iiis Bold, In Concord township, on the night of
the 7th of October liujt.
•i.litf Peaohville P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. [
ta blislied. in 1836.
11ats, Caps & Straw Goods.
I -• . V? -s, 4 - \ '
'}' "
8 Doos»jj Ffopth of Ess-g <SJ Co,'s Baki
Hi) ' 0®
Avt iv -i ii,'. lot of Driv i,u(«k jr.-t u|h!UC(l. > >t\viih- oidlng Hie heavy advance in the Ki*>
at h, |!>. i 1 !.: ■ . !• a ri'i. -i. ia a'.l Domestic Dry (Soods, we still of •
One.-:. -of Dam-.su-.1.- ».ti. :T. i■tn.milv 12' -<•. fi f,'/ 'XVtl.ina;at ft.rmer low prices.
• !.*• 'i »»»«* -ii ■ «•»»'<» H -UMI I-i . ].■■»... I'riiiU :um >hnliiis as low as ever.
An entire new design of Du •:< li. i".. _i) .: ! < «tt.»n !• iannel. fc 10 MMI IJKiC.
! e.:.ii;rs at 10. 12' • ami IV.
*" ' Tii-I-.iiifi. ■ 'ry heavy, a» ami '£ks.
I''ren-!i \ ie. !n ;;r< v:s« !y. to and :<>t S!n! ing, S. 10 and 12 ! »c.
Freii. i *•<!. .-I:: i.; v ui-.ri'tile, ii»> ;;nd 7".c. O'ir Mirk of I.:i<-e Curtains IK very lai*e, rang*
("ashmen 12 .. i."> an.! inu m jiri--c Iroiu ■-'(> to 7."ie.
Cashaa-i !■(■ J»T s;r-u!' ._ •. :aia; <1 :r -. T«»v. ■. i"H H. lo ami 12'je.
All. ■•> ' r.. >i< afa !ii ■ ;o. and 'i - <• < <|(iality. very large. 15, 25 and39c.
Ali-v. •••• F. -s'-liCa \ ■.■■■ i.r.v . 'I like;, ISc' Tal.le Damask. no.?*•<• and $L
Sill; W: rp f a htntres. e\ecedin-f!v i'.n•■. •■si.l.i ■ • t"ii?:nin»l rl Shirts, co, 75c and .?l.
$1.25. i HM.li ied Shitls. '<), Si c ami <l.
... , , i .In s a nd« Scuts' I'nderwear, white and col
\ve offer our islaek and I olnn-l SJ'K- at unneird arc ', very low.
of low pn-'es. ' is' is very complete, com - In |l.p,;i'r\ and Cloves we offer very decided
prisma every sSmue and < • •;< r. a- :I as everv
conceit <}u .:y. - , ,„:a 1,, v,. A? it', 12',, and 13c, a very Rood article in Ladlsa*
We would cdl special attention I o orrvervat- I'c-e.
tractive a r rp ai !,. ot Xi'W LAWN'S. Ai 1-' i. IS smd 25c, Ladies' Cloves in great va-
We reei-lvc i ■'«*> |>i<v II:h week, wliicli w. oiler ! ,
at the lo - I»ri. .- 'if joe. We also have \.vy lai ;e |: u'k Cashmere Shawls. *>. so, $9,
aswomiK'iit ot Lfiwiis in I; 11-** 12'4 «ul! !"«*. , Jlrm'lK* Shawls, $4, $lO,
would Sjn't'ij.l AK 'iilioti t<> our very extensive stock
«>f li(j t.Tiil which we nreocl*
liiiK ill from !{<• to 7«>(' per yard, a!! of the newest di'Nigu.
100 u'k r<>«l<eral .*sfs»eef, Allegheny.
To the Ladies & Gentlemen:
I > roL < flEiiliuette'N
In all eNfCH of Hnvvi r., 1)1*111:11:11, Rnr.mV DISKAKK OF Tit:: KIUNKVS. Ischn TISENCB Alto
Rl'.Tl'N 1" ,i i I VlilSF.. I -1 I.IMJUTM'i <i|' TIM Kill !VS. CAT.\«hii . r TIIE Pt,* 1)01.11, If Ii in Coix>u*
UaiNK, I'AI.V IN'Till! BA'-;?. Sum: »a fiUi\n. NfcHt'i"i WRAKSE'S, anil in fact all di»tmlerii of tIM
Bladder and • rinary Organs, whether cotitraeicd !•>- priv.to diseasoa or otherwiee. Thia graat
remedy l.aa I on uned with f.ji- ncai'lv ten years in Franca, with the most wemlerful cnr»-
tive elfeelH. it COIBM ly al Nonilion, no naiifeoi:-. fnt-rnal laedic-inta being roouired. We har#
hnndiedH of tc stimonia'.H it cures by tliis Pr-1 when all eluo liad failttd.
LADII.S, ii you am mtlTi froui r.'aia'o W. i.a la aca!Tha>a, or discat<nH peculiar to f#»
malef, in in I act any dia. uas o! t!ii Kidm vs. I!!: i 1.-r or L'riiiary Organs, ask vour druggist tot
Pnor. uriLME'ITE'S FKENf f KIDNEY PAD, A .DTAKI: NUOTIIKH. If ho has not got it aaad
t2 and you will receive the Pad by return mail. Addrcm U. S. Branch.
FitLNCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Prof. Guilinotte's French Liver I'ad
Will positively cure Fever and Agno, Dumb Ague, At,ne Cake, Billious Fever, Jaundice, Dyspep
sia. aid all diseases of tlio Liver. Stimrn '. an 1 Ulood, The pad euros by absorption, and i» par*
mancnt. Ask your drn^< i foi ll.is pad nu.l ido no other. If lie does not keoti it send t1.50 to
tho FRENCH PAD CO., (D. 8. Branch) TOLEDO, OHIO, r.nd receive it by letuni mail,
air.ifi-om Wholesale Drnggista, Pittsburgh, General Agents,
—3ztb' '*■ Threshinn; Machinery luid Portable
1 r I * " * and Traction Engines.
v TIIE HT\>^DAKD i'f excfll««nc»- throughout the Ormln
y\ i \ v \ k " :t ' w"rlJ
•' }>4\2 f»r flrniti Sn Inc. Tlm<-K»\ lug, Perfect
\ S V ' Vlffc/v ' U'OVII'AKAIiI.K ill ifv.tlity of Mktf-rlai. Vorfttltm
%■/ ix 1 " '/ ■\ t Vv^^ r '" "" * orkiuauHJilj», Ktryant Finish, »u<t
\J> '--M#" 1? Vf .1 livKl.Or» for ro*tl 9 mjri#r work in nil kind* of
*••••—' ~ -■ Ornio, end wwr<er«s//» liswwii bb ihv ewweeeftil Tfcreeh*
In Flax, Timoihv, fluttr, IUUJ all otltur Hreilf.
\ sTOV'I*«ll 1 VidJl »' 1 »■ ■> -trr fully - " .«i ai? > •»' «u on« half the UAUBI iri-ara and be it*.
roiMAiJLI'. IKAC'I ION, STU\W-B| VMS'* >l-1 SU INKS, with featur»of Pw«r.
**-.»:a;-lilt v. S*f"' •. I ■ oiin n . ,1 i ty « nMrrW uu'm • i *n oJiVr makri. Mram-Po««r Outfits and Fi<-an»*FD«rr
h. V ;«rators «~ f | a i»y. I m i.-•« of F nr*ii" t?.«ia «to 12 h«rf*-w»w*>r: «V« 1 ■tjrh-4 ImprovMl Mounted H<-r»< Powera.
:»"-4 Vi'urn of I'nmptToti* nnd llua!t>t «« uy t 'lit lion*-, n ithout change of name, locntiuu, maaan*
furi'i«hc»* a utrong «ryrir^':»*•«, for goi>-l* and lioooraSio
SICHOL3, SHEPARD ft CO., BatUa Creek, Mich,
JACKSON & KITCHELL, Agents, Butler, Pa.
CAIaC: )H P° r rt *y a ' - ni« • worth
O'l IU iVil f tee _ Addre-» S i iv. s.V Co.,
Portland, M iino. <be . lv
<&7 ) A WEEK. 12 a .'ay at lnnie ia. ily ni.;
0• * Coatlv Out it free. Ad<b < ■>..
Au,'i sta, Alauie. doo3-ly
1 To every workilig agi'iit, mute ol f^uieU"
A- • !•••.»-•• Hoatliie firm si i* di.* .>«•«»
■iiMlti'Xi t«> above Send W
<' '/£SUk> f,,r f" ! » v«'-U and imm
vo:ir...niiH. 11 IK I'VHMHHCTC*
( I .owls bur.', I'a, uwym