MB. J. H. BATES. Newspaper Advertiriug Ageut. 41 Park How (Times Buildiug), New- York, is authorized to contrmct for advertise ments in the CITIZEN. rnjTC D A T>T?TJ ma'tx* fomul on file nt G«<v Tlilb r Arllili p fcowell *<vs New*p.:i*r Advert mi an liurean ( WSpruce s .^ w^C^^v 4 r«iLM cou tracts uxi-y Lo kuulc lor it IIV \OUIi. New Advertisements To-Day. N. Y. Circus. Nervous Debilitv. P. C. & St. L. n'. R. Important to Soldiers. Removal —Jacob Reiber. St. Charles Hotel—Philadelphia. Widow's Appraisments, Road Reports, Final Accounts and Registers Notices for June Court. Local and General. ONE new announcement, for Assem bly, this week. LADIES' Suits and Ulsters, at RITTI'.B & RALSTON'S. THE rain of Monday evening and niifht was badly needed, it being the first since Friday April 30, when it was mixed with snow. A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine American Movement as low as $lO, at E. GBIEB'S. A NEW time table went into effect on the Pittsburgh and Western Railroad last Monday morning. FARMERS, don't forget that the Dia mond Iron Plow is still to the front, and for SALE by JACKSON 4 MITCHELL. FOR subscribers living at a distance, and who wish to remit, the safest way of doing so is by Post Office Money Order. LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at sls and upwards, at E. Grieb's. ON next Sabbath there will be Com munion services in the English Lutheran Church, of this place. Rev. Waters, pastor. KEEFEU, STIEFEL & Co.'s Tannery and thirty dwellings in Spring Garden Avenue, Allegheny City, were destroyed by fire last Sun day evening. Fine and common straw hats in great variety, at J. F. T. Stehle's. ON next Sabbath there will be Com munion in the U. P. Church, at Portersville. Rev. Wni. Robertson, of Parker City, will as sist the pastor—Rev. Jas. A. Clark. ASK for "Sellers' Liver Pills." No others possess half their virtue. 25 cents per box. Sold by all druggists. ABSOLUTELY free from Morphia and other dangerous agents, Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup is valued most highly as a remedy for the dis orders of babyhood. Price only 25 cents a botile. SPECIALTIES in woolens at William Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not to be had elsewhere in the county. THE Wolford vs. Smith case which vas to have been Ifcard before Esq. Keck last Monday, was continued by the prosecution on ac count of the absense of material witnesses, until the 26 th inst. IF you have scrofula, don't fail to use '"Dr. Luidsey's Blood Searcher." Sold by all druggists. PHILADELHHIA Item: The man who thinks it ioolish to reward his wife's de votion with kind words and caresses, is the same one who wonders why it is that women sometimes go wrong. DOWN the road to poverty and death, plunges the man, by taking costly and poison ous medicines, when one of DAYS KIDNEY PADS, would make him a hale and hearty man. MESSRS. KROSSKOP IT BACOLER, of Parker, now have for sale at Wuller's Drug Store as fine a Election of flowers, flower stands and hanging basket* as we have ever seen, all of which they are selling at very rea sonable prices. OVER two hundred farmers in this county are using the Diamond Iron Plow, and will tell you that it has no equal. For sale by JACKSON JT MITCHELL. Go to J. F. T. Stehle for the Eigh mie patent shirt, best in the world, with a bosom that cannot break or wrinkle from wearing. Try it once and you will wear no other. SEVEN State conventions met last Thursday, viz: New Jersey Republicans at Trenton; New Hampshire Republicans, at Con cord; Ohio Democrats, at Columbus; Maryland Republicans, at Frederick; Anti-Third Termers, at St. Louis; Delaware Republicans and Greeubackers, both at Dover. ON the farm of Robert Thompson, a a few miles from Washington, Pa., a fox den was discovered lately, in which were live young foxes the size of cats, and a two months' old Newfoundland pup, which myste riously disappeared from its owner a few weeks since. The pup had been nursed by the old fox as one of its own. MR. J. S. Hays' horse "Gen. Grant" can be found this season, excepting Fridays and Saturdays, at his stable in Conncquenessing township. ON Whit Sunday, May 16th, divine services will be held, and a sermon preached in the morning at 11 o'clock at St. Peter's P. E. Church, with the administration of the sacra ment of the Holy Communion, by Rev. D. I. Edwards, and in the evening at the Christian Chnrch, Petrolia, at half past seven o'clock, when a sermon will be preached, and the sac raments of the Lord's Supper and Holy Baptism will be administered. All are inviteu. IMPORTANT TO YOUNG MEN —If you want a Stylish Hat, send for Illustrated Circular and Price List, free. J. G. BENNETT'S HAT HOUSE, 119 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa„ WE have received a book entitled South-eastern Kansas, written by a member of the Chicago press. The book is neatly gotten up and well written, contains full map and gives full and reliable information in regard to all counties in Southern and Sonth-easteru Kan sas, the more fertile portions of the State —with map of each county. Also valuable informa tion in regard to the great lead and zinc mines of south-west Missouri and south-eastern Kan sas. The book is for gratuitous distribution, and may be had free ol postage by addressing J. E. LOCKWOOD, Kansas City, Mo. It should be in the hauds of every person going to Kan sas. FROM the Sturgis, Mich , Weekly : Mr. John Brast, living in Sherman Township, informed us a tew days ago that his feet bad been so tcr-ibly frost-bitten that he could hard ly stand the pains caused thereby. He hap pened to thiuk of ST. JACOBS OlL— which he always keeps hahdy—rubbed his feet twice with the remedy, and the pain disappeared en tirely. He not only values ST. JACOBS OIL as an unexcelled remedy for a great many other painful diseases, to which mankind is subject, but he also asserts that it is reall invaluable for the many diseases horses and stock are sdbject to, and which so often play havoc with the prospects of the farmer and stock-raiser. THE North Bend Chilled Plow, as good a chilled Plow, and a dollar and a half cheaper than any other, is for sale by JACKSON & MITCHELL. ONE of the greatest improvements of of modern science is the doing away with dos ing the stomach for diseases of the kidneys. Prof. Guilmette's French Kidney Pad cures these diseases by absorption; it is worn direct ly over the diseased organs, does not interfere with diet, sleep or exercise, and several hund red witness testify that, as a sure cure for all forms of kidney disease, its equal does not ex ist, For sale by all enterprising druggists. Ip vou are troubled with fever and % ague, dumb ague, billious fever, jaundice, dys pe|«ia, or any disease of the liver, blood or stomach, ana wish to get well, try the new remedy, Prof. Guilmette's French Liver Pad. Ask your druggist for it. and take no other, and if he'has not got it, send $1.50 in a letter to the French Pad Co., Toledo, 0., and receive one by return mail. Facts vs. Theory. In regard to the matter of coloring butter. The theory is that cows when well fed and cared for will make yellow butter, the fact is that not one in ten will, except in tiiqe of flush pasture. This is just the reason that the very best Dairymen in this country use Wells, Riuhard son A Co.'* Perfected Butter Color. We war rant it to add at least five cents per pound to the value of white butter, a return of one dol lar for every cent it costs. Gents furnishing goods and silk handkerchiefs, at J. F. T. Stbele's. ( THE directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, at a meeting ' ie 'd last 'Monday, accepted the resignation of Colonel as President of the Company, and elected j George B. Roberts to fill the vacancy . I his | action had been anticipated by the public, and will be received with gratification by the stock holders. Go to J. F. T. Stehle for the Eigh mie patent shirt, best in the world, with a-bosom that cannot break or wrinkle from wearing. Try it once and you will wear no other. SUPERIOR articles in universal re quest arealwavs counterfeited, and the pirates of trade, who pick up a living by depredating upon the rights of others, are constantly trying to cheat the public by substituting, imitating and falsifying Simons' Liver Regulator ; but beware! take none except under our copy righted, engraved label, with seal, signature and stamp of J. 11. Zeilin & Co. METAL Plow Points, of all kinds, for sale at the Hardware Store of . JACKSON & MITCHELL. Remember You will find all goods advertised at Ritter & Ralston's, every artiele marked in plain figures. Eggs For Hatehing. Gold Penciled Ilamburgs; White and Buff Cochins. All Pure Bred Fowls. HOWARD REIBER, Butler, Pa. WE would caution boys against bathin? in the streams and ponds in this sec tion. It is extremely dangerous, there being many petromyzon marinus, phoxinns lsevis, labrax rufus, cyprinus cehpalus, salmo fouti nalis, and other monstrosities in the water. Pure Grape Wine. A Committee from the Farmer's Club, of the American Institute have visited Speer's Vine pards and Wine Cellars and they report that the Port Grape Wine of Alfred Spccr, of Pas saic, New Jersey, is geiiuerallv pronounced the most reliable wine to be obtained. ...d is now being used by Physicians who are the most choice in the selection wines for convalescent patients. The principal hospitals in New ork have adopted this wine. For sale by D. 11. Wuller, Butler, Pa. WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor, has just opened the largest line of woolens for men and boys wear ever ottered in Butler. EARLY potatoes should be put in the ground at the earliest possible date. When started in boxes they must be greatly hastened; in planting take care that the tender sprouts are not broken off. The soil should be light and warm for early potatoes. "I Aux All Played Out" is a common complaint. If you feel so, get a package of Kidney-Wort and take it and you will at once feel its tonic power. It renews the healthy action of the Kidneys. Bowels and Liver, and thus restores the natural life and strength to the wearli body. Get a box and use it at once. A GEOLOGICAL PIANO. —A novelty at a Steinway Hall concert in N. Y. the other day was a geological piano. It consists of twenty-seven large flint stones suspended on an iron frame, and struck by the performer with a small flint in each hand. They produce cor rect musicnl notes, pure and strong, the sounds resembling those of a piano. The stones were found in France dur ing a twenty-four years' search. Go to J. F. T. Stehle for the Eigh mie patent shirt, best in the world, with a bosom that cannot break or wrinkle from wearing. Try it once and you will wear no other. Wheat! Wheat! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter & Boos' Mill, Butler Pa. WALTER & Boos. Dr. C. n. LEE, Homoeopathic Physician. Office and residence near the Wick House' North Main street. Butler, Pa. jan7 HARDENING SMALL TOOLS. —It is said that the engravers and watch makers of Germany harden their tools in sealing wax. The tool is heated to whiteness, and plunged into the wax, withdrawn after an instant and plunged in again, the process being re peated until the steel is too cold to en ter the wax. The steel is said to be come, after this process, almost as hard as the diamond, and when touched with a little oil or turpentine the tools are excellent for engraving, and also for piercing the hardest metals. THE Diamond Iron Plow will clean in any kind of soil. For sale at the Hardware Store of JACKSON & MITCHELL. One Box or Six Bottles. If you arc sufiering from a combination of liver or kidney diseases, anil constipation, do not fail to use the celebrated Kidney Wort. It is a dry compound as easily prepared as a cup of coffee, and in one package is as much medi cine as can be bought in six dollar bottles of other kinds. Sun Umbrellas and Parasols, New Stock just arrived, at » HITTER <FC RALSTON'S. Timely Caution. German Hop Bitters are put up in square paneled, amber-colored bottles, with white label on one side printed in black letters, and green hop cluster, and on the other side yellow paper with red letters; revenue stamp over the cork. This is the only form in which genuine Hop Hitters are put up and the sole reght to ruake, sell and use them is granted to the Hop Bit ters M'f'g Co., of Rochester, N. Y., and Toronto, Out., by patents, copy right and trade mark. All others put up in any other way or by any one else, claiming to be like it or pretend ing to contain hops, by whatever names they may be called, are bogus and unfit for use, and only put up to sell and cheat the people on the credit and popularity of Hop Bitters. F. A. Kreps. John O. Bowers. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. and HARDWARE. Kit HPS <Sc BOWERS, 31 Sixth street, Pittsburgh, (Patterson's Block), have opened up a full and complete stock of the above lines of goods. Persons visit ing the oitv and in need of anything in our line, would do well to give us a call, axamine our goods and get prices. apl'23-3t. Carpets, At Old Prices, at RITTER & RALSTON'S. WHEN you are troubled with lack of ambition or general feeling of lassitude and despondency—there is nothing like Gray's Spe cific Medicine to tone up your system. Sold uy J. C. Redick. Wheat! Wheat! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter. <St Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER & Boos. Road The Friees. At 5 Cents Ladies White Hose. " 5 " Gents Half Hose. " lii " Plaid Dress Goods. " Hi " Unbleached Muslin. " 61 " Black Hernani" "10 " New Fancy Dre&s Goods. " 10 " Batiste Lawns. " P2l " Garners Percals. " 124 " New? Dark Dress Goods. " 15 " Double Fold Alpacas. " 20 " All New Shades Double Width Dress Goods. " 20 " Lace Curtains. " 45 " All Wool Cashmeres. " 75 " Black Gros Grain Silk. All the new things in Combination Suitings, Fancy Dress Goods, Trimmings, dec., at RITTKR & RAUSTON'S. f* fflntUv(£xixx#n s ffitttl**, f?*., 3W«ff 12, IBBG. Proceedings of Court. COMMON PLEAS —LAST WEEK. John Beam, executor ofl'lrich Keichman. Feigned issue directed by the Court against | Michael Ziegler, defendant. Verdict for de fendant. Robert Fowzer vs. John Goetz. Action in assumpsit. Case settled by the parties. Wm. McGarvey vs. Samuel Parks, et al. Sci Fa on Mechanics Lieu. Neither party being ready. Case continued. Commonwealth for use of A. M. Cornelius. This was a Sci Fa on recognizance. Settled by the parties. Elizabeth Snyder vs. J. A. Armstrong, and j Maggie Snyder vs. same defendant. iTwo cases tried together) was an action under the Sher iffs interpleader Act. Certain personal prop erty had been levied on by the Sherin and claimed by the wife and mother of the defend ant in the writ. Ver "ct for defendants. John Grubb vs. James Davidson, was a feigned issue directed by the Court. Settled by the parties. A. G. Riddle vs. John Greer. Action^in as sumpsit for monies paid and received. Verdict for defendant. Motion for new trial. Mapes Bros. vs. E. M. Lockwood <fc Co., was an action in assumpsit on proraisory notes. Verdict for plaintiff for $434 50. Motion for new trial made and withdrawn. A. L. Hyott vs E. M. Lockwood & Co. Ac tion in assumpsit on certain promisory notes. Verdict in favor of plaintiff for $2,421) 51. Mo tion for new trial but withdrawn. Gilkey vs. Abbot «fc Shute, was a suit in re plevin. The defendants were not ready and the case continued at their costs. P. A. Temple'ton vs. Hart and Christy. Ac tion in assumpsit. Continued at costs of de fendants. Commonwealth for use of Oil City Bank vs. George Walter, et al. An action of debt on official bond. The jury rendered a verdict for $428 05. The Court reserved the questions of law and power to enter judgment for defend ants, -non obstante veredicto. The Prothonotary also directed not to enter judgment on the ver dict until after the reserved questions of law are determined by the Court. Odd Fellows Hall Association of Bakers town vs. John Freidley, et al. An action in assumpsit. Jury sworn and verdict for plain tiff for $25. Joseph Gibson vs. Philip Bickel. Action in assumpsit. This ease continued at tho costs of the plaintiff. Sullivan Bros. vs. Eli Conn. This was also an action in assumpsit for monies paid and ad vanced. Verdict for the plaintiffs for $275.00 The other cases on the list were continued by consent of attorneys and parties, because not ready for trial. The jury was discharged on Thursday afternoou. There will be no more Court until Monday the 7th of June next. Xew York Cireux, The great New York Circus is coming to Butler Tuesday May 18. It is pronounced one of the very best shows on wheels, and elicits the highest encomiums of the press everywhere. We call attention to the following notice of the circus taken from the Canton (Oliioj Time*: "While the Time* is usually very cautious in speaking words of commendation of the average circus, we feel it but justice to this exhibition to commend it to all. It is decidedly the squar est dealing show that has visited this place in many a year. Modest in advertising, the pro gramme as announced is given entire. The show is noticeable from the simple fact of the entire absence of all side shows, gamblers and peanut venders, from all drunkenness, petty thievery and insulting familiarity of employees. It is a No. 1, first class, square-toed concern, from the top of the centre pole down to the stables. From the manager to the least em ployee anyone is sure of civil treatmcut and polite answers. The thow itself is replete with novelties, and numbers among its artists many of a world-wide reputation. During its two day's sta}- here we did not hear of a single theft or "case of drunkenness being laid to any of the people connected with the show. We close .by saying, come again boys, for such shows as the New York Circus do no harm to any town, and a little fun we all enjoy." MARRIAGES. WEI TZF.L—PIZOR—ApriI 20, 1880, by Rev. S. Williams, Mr. John W. Weitzel and Miss Cornetia Pizor, both of Butler county, Pa. LAWRENCE—RUSSELL—March 18, 1880, at the house of the brides parents, by Rev. A. W. Lawrence, Mr. Oswell E. Lawrence of Wolf Creek, Mercer county, to Miss Lizzie Russell of Pleasant Valley, Butler county, Pa. OZENBAUGH—EM RICK—May 0, 1880 at the parsonage of the Eng. Lutheran church of this place, by Rev. J. Q. Waters, Mr. Benj. E. Ozenbaugh of Venango Co., Pa., and Miss Mahala Emrick, of Butler, Pa. DEATHS. SAY—April 20 ult. at his residence in Washington township, this county, Mr. Samuel R. Say, aged about 00 years. FAT sheep make fat wool. The difference in weight, scoured, between the fleece of a fat Cotswold and a poor one, is about 20 per cent, in favor of the fßt sheep, by reason of greater length of staple. A Card, To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mission ary in South Africa. Send a self-addressed envelope to the REV. JOSEPH INMAN, Station D, New York City. AN Allegheny woman got mad at her husband last Sunday, and swallowed a lot of indigo blue. A medicine man pumped it out of her stomach, and her economical husband hail it put in a bottle for the next wash day. NEWFOUNDLAND Doos—Every one is familiar with the characteristics and appearance of the Newfoundland dog, but few are aware that it is a popular mistake to suppose that to secure a good specimen of these noble animals it is necessary to send to the country from which they are named. In point of fact the pure breed is almost extinct in Newfoundland, and there are to be found in there stead a race of mean looking, shabby, cowardly, thievish mongrels, the degenerated descendants of a once noble race, and as different from them as the modern Greeks from the heroic Greek of Homer. Neglect, ill usage, starvation, and hard work have wrought the change. Rather more than two years ago an effort was made to introduce another breed, the celebrated Leonberg dog, the finest in the world, a development of and a decided im provment on the original Newfound land. The breeder of this race is Count Esseg of Leonberg, Wurtemberg, and hitherto his endeavors have been crowned with success. Notice. The Register hereby gives notice that Monday, the 3d day of May,.A. D., 1880, is the last day on which ac counts of Administrators, Executors and Guardians can be filled for presen tation at the June term of Court. H. H. GALLAIIER, Reg. THE results of the various political conventions held last week, will be diversely interpreted. It serais clear, however, that the third-term project has not been strentghened by these meetings, and no less certain that the Blaine boom has received something of a boast. FOUR thousand flg trees, imported rom Europe, Asia and Africa, were I lanted on Fairnle hill, near Pensaco la, Florida, last autumn. A neighbor ing flg orchard contains 3500 trees. ftutler Market*. BUTTER— Good 20 cents ¥ lb. BAOON--I'lain sugar cured hams 11 3ts. V lb; shoulders, 8 : sides. 8 BEANS —White, l -25 ¥ bush. CHICKENS —2S to 30 eta. per pair. GHEES F. —IB cts V lb. COBN MEAL —2 cts. "t* It). OALV SKlNS —9ocr§>sl ¥ lb. Eoos—lo qts »> do?eii. FLOCB —Wheat, sll@B V bbl, sack #1.25® T2 ; buckwheat. t2.50 V owt. GRAIN —Oats,4O ots buvbel; corn 15 ; wheat sl. .5 rye 75 cents : buckwheat, 60. HONE* —2O cts. 1 lb. LARD— 7 c V lb. Tallow, 6@7. MOLASHEB— SO<a>6Oc V gallon. Syrup, 50@60c, ONIONS— $1.25 t> bush. POTATOES —2Sc. ¥ bushel. SCOAR—Yellow 7<®Bc.; white 9@loc. ¥ lb. ~ SALT—NO. 1, *1.75 V barrel. Republican Candidates. We are authorized to make the following announcements, subject to Primary Election in this county. The names appear in alphabeti cal order: Congress. J. D. McJUNKIN, ESQ., Butler. THOMAS ROBINSON, ESQ., Butler. State Senate. A. L. CAMPBELL, ESQ., Petrolia. JOHN M. GREER, ESQ., Butler. Assembly. DR. S. D. BELL, Millerstown. WILLIAM P. BRAHAM, Mercer township. ADAM EKAS, of Clinton township. THOMAS HAYS, Fairview borough. I)R. WM. IRVINE, Forward township. W.M. M. MARSHALL, Forward tp., farmer. R. P. SCOTT, ESQ., Butler. WM. S. WALDRON, ESQ., Forward town'p. District Attorney. A. T. BLACK, ESQ., Butler. A. M. CUNNINGHAM, ESQ., Butler. KENNEDY MARSHALL, ESQ., Butler. Associate Judge. C. M. BROWN, of Harrisville. DAVID DOUTHETT, Forward township. DANIEL FIEDLER, Jackson township. AB'M. McCANDLESS, Butler township. THOMAS MARTIN, Esq., Jeffersown Tp. A. D. WEIR, Buffalo township. Tickets and Cards. We have reduced the price of tickets and cards to candidates at Primary election to $3 per thousand, and can furnish same on short notice. NOTICE! Abraham Lincoln Johns, a boy from Orphans Home, who was bound to me, has ran away. I therefore cau tion every person not to harbor or give him anything on my account, as I'will not be responsible for anything he may purchase or contract for. JOSEPH EWINO. Clinton township, May 4, 1880. CLINTON TOWNSHIP AUDITORS REPORT. TOWNSHIP TAX. Amount of duplicate for the year 1879, Thomas Wood collector .$364 26 Exonerations _ $ 2 25 Collectors percentage 18 10 Net amount due township $343 91 Jas H. Norris, Treasurer, in account with Clin ton township, Dr. Received of Thomas Wood, collector $343 91 Received of C. Johnston collector 1878.. 155 54 Received of J. Harvey collector 1871.... 24 70 Received of Jas. Davis collector 1875.... 12 28 Whole amount .$536 43 W. C. Negley, pub'g report '78...$ 4 00 W. J. Trimble building bridge... 28 00 F. Scfton building bridge 31 00 T. Wood making dublicate 1 50 J. Jones repairing bridge 1 50 A. B. Katz water trough 5 00 R. Sefton water trough 5 00 T. Love m king new road 45 00 E. F. Muder plank 50 00 B. F. Ilavs reparing road 20 00 Wm. Leckey building bridge.... 12 50 C. Bergman water trough 4 00 Wm. Sefton building bridge 17 00 E. F. M tuler plank 23 00 Wm. H. Harvey foot log 3 00 Geo. Westerman hauling plank. 13 00 Wm. Harvey Jplank 68 98 H. Bicket repairing bridge 14 72 Recording Auditors report 2 00 G. M. Gibson finger boards 2 00 T. Westerman services Com 12 00 " " " 4 76 Wm. Harvey trough plank Ac... 18 28 Wm. Flick trough 4 00 E. A. Anderson Com. Lcc 4 00 J. Maizland finger board 2 50 A. Monks services Com 12 00 " bridge and finger board.. 11 00 E. Anderson Com. services 12 00 G. M. Gibson " " 12 00 J. Maizland " " 12 00 Wm. Norris " " 12 00 S. Hemphill foot log 2 50 J. N. Kirkpatrick plank 1 00 E. F. Muder plank 11 20 T. Westerman percentage 88 F. Stark making finger boards... 770 John Anderson use of house 2 50 Auditors services 6 00 Stationary 20 T. Westernman put'g up boards. 600 T. Westerman percentage col lector April 14 1879 1 34 Amount ilue Treasurer on last settlement 5 46 Treasurers perceutage 15 37 Exter day for "auditors 3 00 Balance due township from treasure..s 5 54 POOR TAX. Amount of duplicate for the year 1879 Thomas collector s9l 06 Exonerations $ 58 Collectors percentage 4 52 $ 5 10 Net amount due township SBS 96 James H. Norris treasurer received of Thomas Wood collector $ 85 96 Received Crawford Johnston collector 1878 - 48 20 Whole amount received by treasurer .$134 16 Amount of vouches redeemed by treasurer George P. Maizland keeping pauper D. Pugh SSO 00 Collecting for D. Pugh 4 10 Wm. Harvv service as Overseer Poor 11 96 Making out duplicate T. W00d... 1 00 S. Anderson services as Overseers Poor 10 60 To Wm. Harvey collector for D. Pugh 10 00 Amount due James H. Norris treasurer thrugh mistake on last settlement 6 87 Treasurer percentage 3 94 Amount in hands of treasure $ 31 69 Amount due township from Crawford Johnston collector $47 11 We the Auditors of Clinton township, have examined the account of James H. Norris, Treasurer of Clinton township tax and find it as above stated, and believe it to be correct this 26th of April, 1880. J. N. KIRKPATRICK,) J. C. NORRIS, [ Auditors. THOMAS WOOD, J BORO. ORDINANCE A N Ordinance relating to Licensing Hacks and other Conveyances, carrying passen gers within the borough of Butler : SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the Town Council of the borough of Butler, and it is here by ordained by authority of the same. That from and after the passage and legal publica tion of this Ordinance, it shall not be lawful for any person, not a permanent resident of said borough, owning, driviug or in any way exercising any control over any Hack or Hacks Omnibus or Omnibuses, Carriage or Carriages, or any Vehicle or Vehicles of any kind what soever, to run any such conveyance or convey ances for transportation of passengers for money from and to points within the borough, or from a poiut in said borough to a poiut outside of said borough, without first procuring a license from the Chief Burgess, or in his absence or in ability, from the President of the Town Coun cil; for which he, she, or they shall pay the sum of $lO for each and every day for each ve hicle with two or more horses or mules, and the sum of $5 for each vehicle with one horse or mule. SEC. 2. Any body offending against this Or dinance shall hesubjeot to a flno of $25, for each day such violation continues, to be enforced by arrest, trial and sentence of Chief Burgess or a Justice of the Peace; and on default to pay the fine imposed, to be committed to the Lockup for a period not exceeding 48 hours. Any per son conspiring with or in anv way aiding or abetting non-residents to evade the provisions of this Ordinance, shall be liable to arrest, and upon conviction, as in case of non-residents, shall be liable to like fine and punishments as non-residents. SEC. 3. The officer arresting such offender, and Magistrate shall be entitled to fees same as for similar seryices, to be pollected from the parties; and such Magistrate shall have power (a compel attendance of witnesses by subpeena or attachment. SEC. 4. This Ordinance shall not apply to conveyances in use for the transportation of the United States Mail. M. J. REIBER, F. M. EASTMAN, Clerk. Pres't. A. L. REIBER, Chief Burgess. Approved April 15th, 1880. ]mys:3w SOME females have just been arrest ed in Kentucky for the manufacture of illicit whisky. This it the first recorded instance of a woman keeping still. I ANOTHER REDUCTION. Salil #1 so » Magnolia Klour 2 25 Ked Ball 1 75 Bauner Happy Home Ohio Mills Pearl White, guaranteed the best pantrv flour on the market. Try it M. KKIBER, SR. Opposite National Hank. Main street, Butler I'a. Wheat! Wheat! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter & Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER & Boos. SEE a woman in another column, near Speer*s Vineyards with a bunch of grapes from which Speer's Port Grape wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical profession for the use of invalids, weakly persons and the aged.—Sold by all Druggists. 2Saply Boyd's Miniature Galvanic Batterios Have given relief to thousands of sufferers, from nearly every disease, We claim of electric ity, as a curative agent, is now, as acknowl. edited by all first-class physicians, and in the form we it is the most convenient in use. Price 50 cents, will be sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of price. Circulars contain ing letters from prominent persons cured bv its use, will be furnished on application. HENRY MIXER, Wholesale Agent for West Penn'a. No. 32 Sniithlield Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. mo-2t. A Free Invitation Is extended to each and every individual in Butler aud surrounding unties, to call at the immense establishment ol Hitter & Ralston, and examine the stock of Dry Goods, Carpets, Milliery and Trimmings, a larger stock and lower price than can be found elsewhere. NOTICE. In June, 1879, I moved ray photo graph gallery from Jefferson street to my present location in the new Union Block, on Main street, where I have one of the finest lights and best ar ranged galleries in the western part of the State. Nothing but first class pic tures are made by me, and all are fine ly re-touched and .artistically finished at less prices than the photographers of the city, from where I have quite a number of patrons in charge, and my work is better than that of most of the city photographers. I warn my pat rons that the rooms on Jefferson street, formerly occupied by me are now oc cupied by another man, with whom I have no business connections, and that any representations of his to the con trary are false. JOHN. P. ORR. April 28th, 4t. As THE time for gardening is com ing on every person should look to their interest in securing good plants of the latest varieties, which can be had by calling on J. W. Bormass & Co., west of town. A'ew Advertisements. Widow's Appraisements. The following appraisements of personal prop erty and real estrte, set apart for the benefit of the widows of decedants. have been filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Butler County, in accordance with [an Act of Assembly of 14th April, A. D., 1851, as follows: Anua Frederick S3OO 00 Esther Goldinger 300 00 Catharine Hoch 300 00 Lavina Critchlow 294 95 Elizabeth Bauder 260 00 Sarah|A. Kane 300 00 Margaret N. Smith 300 00 Penelope C. Allen 300 00 Pereilla Hall 300 00 Elizabeth Linsay 94 50 The above will be presented for confirmation on Wednesday, the 9th day of June, 1880. W. A. WRIGHT, Clerk. Boad Reports. Notice is hereby given that the following road reports have been confirmed nisi by the Court, and will be presented on the first Wed nesday of June term, being the 9th day of said month, A. D., 1880. If no exceptions are filed they will be confirmed absolutely : Public road in Venango township, beginning at a point where the Washington aud Clinton ville rosses the Scrubgrass road, to a point on said Scrubgrass road, west some thirty or forty rods. Public road in Butler township, beginning at a point on the Meridian road where it crosses the little Counoquenessing creek, thence run ning up along the western bank of said creek to where said road intersects with the Butler and New Castle Pike. Public road in Summit township, between a poiut at or near the duelling house of James Stevenson ou said nublic road, and the point where the public road leading from a point at or near Herman Station on the Butler Branch of the Western Penn'a Railroad intersects the Butler and Kittanning road at or near the land of Geo. Trimbour. BUTLER COUNTY, SS : Certified from the Record this 10th day of May, A. 1)., 1880. W. A. WRIGHT, Clerk. Notice. Notice is hereby given that Levi Mason, As signee of C. M. ZincK, has filed his final account in the office of the Prothonotary of Butler coun ty at C. P. No. 337 June Term, 1879, and that tlie same will be presented for confirmation and allowance, at a Court of Common Pleas to be held at Butler, on the 9th day of June, A. D., 1880. A. RUSSELL, May Bth. 1880. Proth'y. —THE — Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & St Louis I PH-HIItDLI BBUTEII Offers the best facilities and most comfortable and expeditious Line for families moving to points in KANSAS, ARKANSAS, T E X A. S , COLORADO, IN" IE BIR, ASIKIA, OALIFOHNIA, OR ANY OF THE WESTERN STATES AND TERRITORIES. THE VERY LOWEST RATES TO ALL POINTS IN THE WEST & SOUTH-WEST CAN ALWAYS BK SECURED VIA THE OLD RELIABLE PAN-HANDLE ROUTS. Tickets Sold and Baggage Checked THROUGH TO ANY POINT YOU WANT TO GO. We offer you the Lowest Rates, the Quickest Time, the Best Facilities and the most Satisfac tory Route to all points West and South-west. We run no Emigrant Trains. All classes of Passengers are carried on regular Express Trains. If you are unable to procure Through Tick ets to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Kan sas, Colorado, Wisconsin, Minnesota, lowa, Ne braska or California, by the direct "PAN-IIAN DLE ROUTE," at your nearest Railroad Sta tion, p lease address ~WUm O'Bjplen, Gen'l Passenger Agent, 'Pan-Handle Route,' COLUMBUS, OHIO, lillinbryTT TRIMMED HATS, PLUMES, FEATHERS, RUCHING, RIBBONS. Puff and Switches in stock and made to order on short notice, at i imam Next door to D. H. Wuller's Drug , Store, Butler, Pa. my2-6m. Haits Ca<ps- I have just received from the East a large stock of HATS, CAPS s CENTS' FURNISHING GOOBS. I offer to the public the COMET SHIRT, the best Unlaundried White Shirt in the market for #l. ONE DOLLAR #l. Also, a large stock of WHITE and COLORED SHIRTS, for Men and always on hand. Underwear, Half Hose, Qloves, AXD the latest BTM.ESIX Hats, Caps and Neckwear, Introduced as soon as they appear in the to be had at Clias. DR.. 9 MAIN STREET, BUTLER, I Register's Notices. Notice is hereby given that the following ac counts of Executors, Administrators, Guardians and Trustees have been filed in the Register's Office, according to law, and will be presented to Court for confirmation and allowance on Wednesday, the 9th day of June, A. D., 1880. 1. Final account and distribution by O. P. Pi sor, administrator of John Pisor, dee'd, of the proceeds from sale of realty nnder order of the Orphans' Court. 2. Final account of Daniel McMillen and Daniel Goldinger, administrators of David Goldinger, late of Clearfield township, dee'd. 3. Final account of Benjamin Douthett and T. M. Marshall, executors of Win. Davidson late of Adams township, dee'd. 4. First and final account of Wm. C. Ilesner executor of the estate of George Kohler, late of Jackson township, dee'd. 5. Final account of William T. Sedwick, guardian of W. G. Sedwick, minor child of George F. Sedwick, late of Parker township, as filed by J. S. Sedwick, adm'r of said William T. Sedwick, dee'd. 6. Account of H. B. Weisz, trustee appointed by the Orphans' Court to make sale of the real estate of Wm. Dodds, dee'd. 7. Final account of Alexander Black, adm'r of Alexander Black, Sr.. late of Clay township, dee'd. 8. Final account of George Beam, executor of the last will aud testament of George Enslen late of the borough of Harmony, dee'd. 9. Fipal account of W. D. Brandon, executor of the last will of Lewis Roessing, late of Butler borough, dee'd. 10. Final account of William F. Peffer, exe'r of Henry Lux, Sr., late of Lancaster township, dee'd. 11. Partial account of Catharine Hoch, exec utrix of Gottleib Hoch, late of Millerstown bor ough, dee'd. 12. Final account of Barbara Schwartz, ad ministratrix C. T. A. of Christian Schwartz, late of Summit township, dee'd. 13. Partial account of Wm. Logue, adm'r cum UttameiUo annexo of Francis Carr, late of Venango township, dee'd. 14. Final and distribution account of John Humphrey, adm'r of Violet McLure, late of Worth township, dee'd. 15. Final and distribution account of F. Zeh ner, executor of Christian Reeb, late of Cran berry township, dee'd. 16. Final account of Bredon Porter, executor of Martha Porter, late of Cherrv twp, dee'd. 17. Final account of Reuben "Butter, executor of the last will and testameut of George Dutter, late of Connoquenessing township, dee'd. 18. Final account of Patrick Mcßride, exec utor of F. C. Atwell, late of Marion twp, dee'd. 19. Final account of Joseph Kerr, guardian of Charles G. McMurrv, minor child of Samuel McMurry, late of Marion township, dee'd. 20. Final account of William Campbell, sur viving executor of Robert Thorn, dee'd, being supplemental to final account of William Campbell and Rachel Thorn, executors. 21. Final account of Gottfried Reinhold, ex ecutor of Henry Hess, late of Buffalo township, dee'd. 22. Final accouut of James K. Dain, adm'r of H. W. Grant, late of Buffalo township, dee'd. 23. Final account of Samuel H. I* leming, guardian of Margaret Fleming, minor child of John W. Fleming, late of Buffalo township, dee'd. 24. Final account of Elmer Millison, adm'r of Columbus Millison, late of Muddycreek twp, dee'd. 25. Final account of Robert Gilleland, adm'r of Wm. Barnhart, late of Oakland township, 26. Partial account of William Minteer, ad ministrator of the estate of William Matthews, late of Donegal township, dee'd. 27. Final account of Daniel Feidler, admin istrator of Samuel Sahle, late of Jackson town ship, dee'd. 28. Partial and distribution account of D. A. Ralston and R. A. Mifflin, executors of H. P. Meclimans, late of Karns City, dee'd. 29» Final account of John M. O'Neill, admin istrator of John B. Gallagher, late of Clearfield township, dee'd. 30. Final account of Ira Stauffer, guardian of William Sahle, minor son of Christian Sahle. 31. Final account of L. L. Daubenspeck, ad ministrator of Ann M. Daubenspeck, late of Parker township, dee'd. 32. Final account of Joseph Adleman, adm'r of Francis J. Adleman, late of Butler township dee'd. 33. First and final account of J. M. Black, administrator of S. W. Kohlmeyr, late of Alle gheny township, dee'd. 34. Final and distribution account of Samuel Shanor, Henry Shanor, and J. H. Kocher, ex ecutors of Daniel Shanor, late of Lancaster township, dee'd. 35. Final account of Samuel Sloan and Thom as Sloan, executors of James Sloan, late of Ven ango township, decid. 36. Partial account of John Rohner, executor of Heury Walters, late of Cranberry township, dee'd. 37. Final account of Charles Duffy, guardian of Audrew J. McAlister. 38. Final accouut of W. E. DeW. Taylor and A. Kelly, executors of George Taylor, late of Worth township, deceased. 39. Final account of Henry Frederick, guar dian of Souhia Shuster, minor child of C. Sinis ter, late of Donegal township, dee'd. H. H. GALLAGHER, Register. Notice, Notice is hereby given that Geo. H. Graham, Receiver of J. M. and J. T. Perdue, has filed his final account in the office of the Prothono tary of Butler county, at Equity No. 4, Janua ry term, 1878, and that the same will be pre sented for confirmation and allowance, at a Court of Common Pleas, to be held at Butler, on the 9th day of June, A. D., 1880. A. RUSSELL, May Bth, 1880. Proth'y. FOR, SALB! The good will and fixtures of a Hotel, close to the Union Depot, Pittsburg, Pa. —85 rooms. Accommodations for2oo Guests doing a very large business. Satisfactory rea sons for selling. For full particulars, apply to CIIAS. A. GIVEN, American House, myo-lm. Pittsburgh, Pa. Forty Dollars Reward. HORSE STOLEN. On Tuesday night, April 27th, there was stolen from the premises of the subscriber, living in Penn township, Butler county, Pa., a dark oay horse, six years old, weighs between 1,300 and 1,400 pounds, small star on the fore head, shoulders somewhat sore from the wear of the collar. A reward of S4O will be paid for information that will lead to the recovery of the horse. HARVY OSBORN, mys-3t. Glade Mills, P. O. Butler Co. Pa. WALL PAPER. A. MATTHIAS, (Successor to W. P. MARSHALL,) M®. «34. WQODj STREET. PITTSBURGH, PA. Entirely New Stock; Latest Styles ; Artistic Designs; Most Approved Colors. apl4-&n Dissolution Notice. All persons are hereby notified that the part nership known as Hilliards. Burnett <k Co. and the Acbaar Mining Co. (limited), of Butler county, Pa., waa, on April 1. 1880, dissolved. Samuel Hilliard, B. F. Hilliard, P. L. Billiard and A. H. Snyder have assigned aud transferred their stock and relative interest in said company to James and Andrew Bnruett. and Samuel Hil liard, B. F. Hilliard, P. L. Hilliard and A. H. Snyder are no longer responsible for any act or actions of said companies. HILLIARD A SONS, apl4-4t A. H. SNYDER. Established, in 1836. Hats, Caps & Straw Goods. HARVEY COLBERT takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and pa- TRONS THAT HE IS NOW OPENING TIIE F,NEST AXI > MOST complete stock Ipr OF (iOODS EVER OFFERED. SILK, FUK, WOOL. AND CLOTH HATS A.INTD CAPS FOR MEN*, YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN, AND WILT, BE SOLD AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES EVERY NOVELTY OF THE SEASON WILL BE INTRODUCED AS SOON AS THEY APPEAR IN THE EAST. WE ALSO KEEP A FULL STOCK OF Gents' Fimiishing Goods. |3f-THE PATRONAGE OF THE PUBLIC SOLICITED. REMEMBER THE PLACE: 8 Doors North of Berg & Co,'s 3ak* M. Fire & Bra. 100 & 102 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, ANOTHER VERY LARGE ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS! A very desirable lot of Drew (taxis, just ojiened. ! Notwithstanding the heavy advance in the Eaa at 8, lo and 12' ie. tern cities. m all Domestic Dry Goods, we still 01- One ciisc of Dainasse, beautiful (lesion, only 124 c. fe .l'V"as^ow* is ever" One case of Keps. all colors and shades, is & 2<>c. n , s . - An entire new design of Dress Goods, 15. a, and , at" oJiaVSm"l*: * ' ' Tick in.ir. very heavy, 30 ami 25c. French Novelties In (treat variety. 35, 40 and 50c. Cheviot Shirting, 8.10 and 12" t c. French Novelties, very desirable", go and T."k'. "or stock of Lace » urtaius is very large, ranc- Cashineres, 12'',. 15 and 2i>e. mg in price from 20 to 75c. Cashmere, better grade, 25, 30 and 35c. Towls, c 1 * s, 10 and 12' Jc. All-wo.»l French Cashmeres, -to. 45 and soe. Towels, extra quality. venr large, 15. 25 and 35c. All-wool French Cashmeres verv fine, 60,78c&51. Turkey Red Table Dainasfc.no. .5c and sl. Silk Warp Cashmeres, exceedingly line, $1.13 to ' nlaiuidneil shirts, f»>, 75c aim fl. $1.25. Laundried Mnrls. (10, hoc and 51. I Ladies' and Gents' Underw ear, w hite and col- We offer our Black and Colored Silks at unheard ored, verv low. of low prices. Our stock is verycoinplete.com In Hosiery and Gloves we offer very decided prising every shade and color, as well as everv 1,..™ ,j ns conceivable quality, ranging from fioc to *3. a tlo, 12! i :md 15c, a very good article in Ladles' We would call special attention to our verv at- Hose. tractive and very large stock of NEW LAWNS. At 124, 15 and 2.x;, Ladies Gloves in great ra- We received 500 pieces this week, which we offer riety. at the low price of loc. We also have a verv large llfack Cashmere Shawls, ?2.50, $;!, £4, $5. assortment of Lawns in line grades, at 12' i and 15c. | Rroche Shawls. sio, 315. We would call Special Atlentfou (o our very extensive stock of HAMBURG EDCa\C ASD I\KERTI\(>N, which we are Ml* ling at from 3c to 75c per yard, all of the newest design. M. FIRM Bro. 100 & I©2 Federal Street. Allegheny. To the Ladies & Gentlemen: Prof. Griiilniette's FRENCH KIDNEY PAD A POSITIVE AND PERMANENT CURE GUARANTEED In all cases of Gravkl. Diabetkr, Dropsy, Biugu's Disf.ahf or the Kidneys, Ikcoxtineicc* a*» RETENTION OF URINE, INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. GaTAHBH OF THE I'LADDF.B. Hlnn CoLOBBB Urine, Pain in the Back. Side or Loins, Nervous Weakness, and in fact all disorders of tbe Bladder and Urinary Organs, whether contracted by private disc-axes or otherwise. This greet remedy has been used with success for nearly ten years in France, with the most wonderful cura tive effects. It cures by absorption, no nauseous internal medicines being required. We hare hundreds of testimonials of cures by this Pad when all elso had failed. LADIES, if you are suffering from Female Weakness, Lencorrhcea, or dise&ses peculiar to fe males, or in fact any diseases of the Kidneys. Bladder or Urinary Organs, ask your druggist for Prof. GUII.METTE'S PRENCIi KIDNEY PAD, and take no other. If lie has not got it tend 92 and you will receive the Pad by return mail. Addreeg U. S. Branch. FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio. Prof. Guilmette's French Liver Pad Will positively cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake, Billious Fever, Jaundice, Dyspep sia, and all diseases of the Liver. Stomach ami lilool. The pad cures by absorption, and is per manent. Ask your druggist foi this pad and lalce no other. If he does not keen it send 31.50 to the FRENCH PAD CO , (U- S. Branch) TOLEDO, OHIO, and receive it by return mail. J. A BRU., mar3-6m Wholesale Druggists, Pittsburgh, General Agent*. NICHOLS SHEPARD & CO.Ea!tl;M,lcL ~ ORICINAL AND ONLY CENOINE Threshing Machinery and Portahl* THE RTAXDAKD of excellence throughout tk* GVtnS»- MATCHLESS for Oraln-Sarlßf. Tlme-Sari*t. Perfect IV< o\n> \ i; Mil l V «r Ktmui. ivmm *>..• I fifr or r * rt *> Thorough Workn;au.»hip, EUgaut Fiuiah, and 11 M.IrVELOUS for m*tlf ntprrior work In an tHmd» of TT— Orain.and unirrrtally known a- the only su«-.-i»*ful Threaher - ~ ta=r '' in Flax. Timothr, < Mer. and a'.l other Set-da. ASTONISHINGLY IH'KAHLK and i~<,nHerfullv u-in* lee* than one balf the uaual aeara and helta. PORTABLE, TKACTION, and STH\W.BIKM\« HTEAM-EiIUIXEM, with apodal feat urea of Power. Ihirabilitj, Safetv. Kconomr, and Beauty entirely unknown in other make*. Ht«-aro-Power Outfits and Steam-Power Separator* a «p*claltf. Four idles of Separator*. from 6to 11 h«»r*e-power I al«o 2 atvlea ImprovM Mounted I! or ac-Powers. 82 Y»ra of I'roapfrou* nnd Contlnuou* llualnra* hy thia houar, w uhout chaugc of uamc, locatiou.or manage ment, furnishea a strong guarantee for au|»erior gooda and honorable dealing. # CAUTION I *^ ,,e^? ron '*' ,rfa * <tn '' popularity^ yiachiues to tbe wall; hence varloua maker.« are now attempt ■g to build and palm off iafcrlor and mongrel imltatlooa of _» 3unou* goods. -"jSPy BE NOT DECEIVED JJULW tf «neh experimental and worthlosa machlnerr. If von hur \I I fjW' I m < all. B « t the "OUtiUAL* and tie "UHMIVK" V^T^BIIW'INVj* fhrni ua. AJMpgr C JTIFT IWII partlcalara eal! on our dealera. or write Uus for lllnstrated Circulars, which we mail frr**. Addrco - NICHOLS, SHEPARD k CO., Battle Creek, Mich. JACKSON & MITCHELL, Agents, Butler, Pa. TGOLD WATCH FREE. [ Art fl ajn per day a. nonw Hamplei worth _ ... . - ~ , v" I® ** Addrese BTniwn A Oot, To ever>- worklhg a*e,it. male of famele. PoHla-d. 4»an<e. danS-i* Agents are cleai ing from S3 to «|5 a day on our *°* l!r rcmmH, in addition to ab«>ve premium. SeiKl W » armrr /urnn n„ T 1 . .• ' cents for sample or SI.OO for full <mt fit i.u«i f.«*ure VKW f .(TR K fj° nßUrc Pt» o| i Astbm^ vour county. THE MESSENGER PUBLISHING I . . f/ Nerer yet failed. Addre^a, CO., Lewisburg, Pa. I2niyin- j with stamp, ' HOiLE," Fuostbcao, Mb.. (ifTrlfC
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers