Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 05, 1880, Image 1
BCBNCBIPTIOX BATES : Per ve«r, in advance •* 50 OtimnriM 00 No nolweription will be discontinued oniil all arrearatft* are paid. l'(»-tma«ter« neglecting t" notify u» * hen subscriber* do not take oul their papers will be held liable for the subscription. sntncribcis removing from one poetoffi-e to another nhorild give us the name of the former m well w the present oS'«. All i-omnnnications intended for publication in paper miwt i>e accompanied by the real name of the writer, not for publication, bat ao a guaiantee of eo>xl faith. Marriage and aewh notice* must be acoonipi oied by a responsible name. A ill lie— THE BI7TI-ER CITIZKW, BUTLEB. PA. TfIAVEIiERS' GUIDE. BOTLBK, KAKNS CTTT AWD PAHEBB RAILROAD (Sntier Time.) Traina leave Bulier for St. Joe, Millerstnwn, K-.ms City, Petrolia, Parker, etc., at 7.25 a. m., and 2.06 and 7.20 p. m. [See below tor con nection- with A. V K R.J Trains arrive at Butler from the above named points at 7. 5 a. m.. and 1.55, and 6.55 p m. The 1.55 tinin connects with train on the West Pcun rmd '.lirnuirL to I'ittt-bar^h. t-HENASOO AND ALI.B63ENT RAILROAD. Triins !<*ave Milliard's Mill, Butler county, for H»rri*ulle, <ircenville, etc., at 7.40 a. m. an J 12.20 an»l 2.20 p. in. Stajteo lea'e Petrolla at 530 a. m for 7M twin, and at 10.00 a. m. lor 12 20 train. Return etejjes leave Hilliard on arrival of trains at f\27 a. ra. and 1.50 p. m. f"!ai-e leaves Martinsburg at V.30 for 12.30 train. PEXNSTLVANIA RAILROAD. Train* leave Butler (Butler or Pittsburgh Time. / ,%!<:rhet at 5.0« a. in., iroes through to Atle gh* ny, ar: viiiar at 9.01 8. rn. This train cot' cects at Freei ort with Frci port Accommoda tion, which arrive* at Allegheny at 8.20 a. in., rni'road time. Exfrrett at 7.21 a. m , connecting at Bullet Junrii n, wiihou: change of cars, it S.2U with Esp.e-* wirt, i'.rrivit:g In Al'eirhcut at 95- a. in . and Ex press earn arriving at Blaireville a: 11 00 a . m. railroad time. Mail at 2.3*5 p. m , connection at Butler June liotiwiihoot cii.irge ol r.»rs, with Express west, arriving in Allc<£l)<*ny at 520 p. in., and Ex pro* east arriving at Blairsviile lnterwclion at «.!0 p. ra. railroad time, which connects with Philadelphia Kipr. .s east, when on lime. The 7.21 a. in train connects at Hlaireville at 11.05 a m will, the Mul cast, and the 2M p.m. trr> itj at «.59 with the Philadelphia Ex pre*- * eaat. , Train? arrive at Builer on West Penn K. K. at 9.51 a. m., 50* a:.d 7.20 p. m , Bu'h r Hint:. The 9.51 and s.oft train* connert v/itb trains on the Butler & Parker K. B. Sun ay train arrives at B-Jtle-at 11.11 a. el, conatcting with train lor Parker. Main line. Th'ou.'h train'* leave Piiisburgh lor the F.ar' Jt 2.5P and « M a. ra. and 12 51, 4 21 ai.rt s OH p v ~ *. l iving at Pbiiadelphi t ol 3.40 and 7.20 p. m .nd 3.C0. 7.0 and 7.40 ». n:.; al Bahii lore about the sane t'tre, at N< w York three h urs later, and at Wa*binf(toi»-about one and a hall boars later. PHYSICIANS. JOHN E BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURG EON, mvVl-ly] BUTI.KK I'A. DENTISTS DEifTISTRYT" Oil WALDRON. On liu.itc ol the Phil- K adelpl ia Dental College,is prepared ■ II •to do anything in the line of bis profession in a satisfactory manner. Office on Main street, Butl'-r, Union 81-iok, up st:ilrs, apll LAN i)K Vh sa LE. lOIICi-ISSISSiIS Sllf. BY OBDEB Of COURT. Notice is hereby givon that I will, as Assignee of Win. ficliroth,"of Haionborg. Butler county, Pa., make public sale pursuant to an order of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler connty, on Thnrndny, 3*lay 6, 1880, at 10 o'clock, A. M . on the premises, all ol the following described property, to wit: HOUSE AND LOT, situate in the borough of Saxonbur*. bounded on thh nuitli by Main street, east by lot of Dr. E. Marshon, south by the borough hue, and west by Joaepli Kohn fekler and lot No. 2, containing two and cue fonrth acres, more or less. Also. HOUSE AND LOT situate in said bor ongli of Saxonburg. bounded on the north l»y Main street e«st by lot No. 1 above descnlied. south by same lot No. 1, and west by F. A ick enhagen, ccniaining about one-fonrih of an •ere. more or less. Also. TKV ACRES OF LAND, more or less, situate in Jefferson township. Butler connty. Pa.. !>ouud*d on the oa.l by lands of Ferdinand Yaenig, noith by lands of Win. Schroth, west by Stale road lea*ling from Saxoriburg to But ler. arid south by lands of Henry lturige, TERMS—One-half of the purchase money of each jrfece or parcel of above descr.bed real es tate to be paid »t the continuation of the sale thereof, and the retjilue in six months there after, payments with interest from said confir mation. and to be secured by judgment or mort gage thereon. C. HOFFMAN. Aisignee. Skxonburg, April 12, 1480. apll-3t FOR SALTK —AND-*- EXCIIANGE. Williim S. I'. yd lus 324) ncres of No. 1 Prririo Laud in Butler count v. Kansas, which he nil) exchange for UK) acres in this county, and pay difference if anv. A large nitmter of CHEAP FAI'.MN for sale in Ibis county. West Virginia, Missouri and Kan sas. Apply to WM. S. BOYD, mai:t-2m Vogeley House. Butler P» roifc^iALE. A handsome «lx-room frame house, locked on Blull sirei I, northwestern pnrt of Lot 50x170. All necessary oulliuildlnga, TERMS—Ore-third i-ash mid balance In lour equal annual payments, inquire at this otllee. janitti F"or Hale. Tlie well-lmfiroved farm of Itev. W. B. Hutch ison,in the norlheai't comer of Middlesex towu ship, Butler county. Pa . Is now offered for sale, low. Inquire of W K FBISBEE, on the pi .-ra ises. aplfiif FOR HALE. 15 will liny a one-hall interest In a bu«- ln<>* In Plttstmrgh. One who knows some thing ali< ut farming preferred. An hoiieai man with the above amount will do well to adore*- by letter. SMITH J'lHNrt, eare 8. M. James, 93 Liberty str- et, Pittsburgh, Pa |au27-ly I.NSI'IiAXCW. ln«'orpor»t<;<l IHIO. /ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. A«et« $7,078,224.49. l.ot*M> paid In 81 years, $51,000,000. J. T. McJTNKIN A S<>N, Agents, Jan'iXly Jctlrrson street, butler, Pa. BUTT7ER COUNTY" Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Offlco Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. O. C. ROESBING, PRESIDENT. \V>l CAMI'BKLL, TREASUKER H. C. IIKINEMAN, SKCRETAET. DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis. I E. A. Helmboldt, William Campbell, J. W. Buikhart, A. Trootman, Jacob Schoeue, O. C. Riwsi-lug, John Caldwell, Dr. W. lrvln, W. W Dodds, J. W. Christy I H. C. Helneman. JAB. T, M'JUNKIN, Gen. A«'t BTTT"LE!R IP A. NOTICE TO FARMERS. PHOSPHATE Hi FERTILIZERS FOB SALE BY JAMES ENGLISH, m»rl7-2m I'ORI'KIWVILLE. PA. ~ IIKiV K Y O. lIAI.K, " i! fiiiEsim Tiiiett. COB. PENN AMD SIXTH STREETS, Fitttburgh, Fa VOL. xvir. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! GALL /IT THE Boot and Shoe Store ok MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. The largest and most complete stock of Ct.ods ever brought to Butler is now Leing opened by me at my store. It comprises Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, Misses' & Children's Shoes, in great. variety.. All these Goods were purchased for CASH in the Eastern markets, and therefore I can sell them at the Old Prices, and NO ADVANCE. Lines of Philadelphia, New York and Boston Goods embrace mv stock, and customers can take their choice. I Mean What I Say: ADVANCE ON OLD ' All can call and see for themselves. The best of satisfaction will be given for CASH. THE MAKE, STYLE AND FINISH of Goods in my store cannot be excelled by any other house in the county, for proof of which a pc rsonal inspection is all that is necessary. Leather aii<l Finding at Pittsburgh prices. Shoemakers should come and purchaf-e il they wish to obtain material cheap. SUPEfCOR MILLING > S3 r* ) /V - "\ i" yrmwr rrr-\ / : J 7?" I I fmx-yfsxaS i . picy \ "'4 F-^1 v( '/ i 11 \' • /-''a » j \. V"- /?// /; $ rr^ .! ;• i, *• WALTER & BOOS, Proprietors of the V/cll-Known Hplendid MoriUNd MILL BUTLER, Ir'A. j We wish to inform the public that we have remodeled our Mill with the j latest improved Gradual Reduction System Machinery, which i* well known by Millers to be tin- best in existence. «-:in say to Farmers and Producers of wheat that it will be profitable to them to give us a trial. We claim that we can make a BETTER ARTICLE OF FLOUR, AND fcIQRE OF IT, out of the Fame number of bushels of wheat than any other Mill in the county, and equal to any first-class Mill in the city, or Western Mills. The new Under-running Mill, uwd f< r Kegrindinj?, bouirht of Munson <fc 15r0., Utica, N. Y.; the George T. Fmith Ml<ldlingn Purifier, bought at .lack, on, Mich., together with Molting Clothti, Reals, Conveyers, &c., suitable for the Machinery, cannot be Excelled in the United States or elsewhere. This may seem an exaggeration to some, but we \vinh the; pub lic to know that we are able to perform nil that we publii-di, an we have our machinery a thorough test in the presence of several good Millers and Millwrights, and it has proven even better than it was guaranteed to do. We are also remodeling our Mill for Grindiisj Other Ji&mds ©£ Cri*ain, which will be entirely satisfactory to our ciißtomeiv<. Farmera wishing to have their griht home with them the same day, can do so on short notice. They will thereby save another trip. WE HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND THE BEST OKAPEB Of WHEAT FLOUR, GRAHAM FLOUR RYE FLOUR, Buckwheat Flour, Bolted and Fnboltcd Corn Meal, different kin<!n of Chop, iJran and Mill Feed, all of the best quality and at the LOW i <:s r r PRI c e:p . tssr Parties in town purchasing from us will have their ordors promptly atended to anil articles delivered ut their place of residence. We Pay the Highest Market Price for all Kinds of Grain. BUTLER. PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1880. BOOTS and SHOES T AL. BUFF'S B >l<» BLOCK, Main Street, - - - - Butler, Fa. I have ju.'t received my entire Spring and Summer stock of BOOTS and SHOES direct from the manufacturer, and am able to sell them at OLD PRICES, and a great many lines at J2gp"LOWER PRICES THAN E\ KB. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Button, Polish and Side Lace Boots in endless variety, and at bottom prices. Reynolds Brothers' celebrated fine Shoes always in stock, and is the most complete I have ever offered. The prices are lower than ever, and styles elegant. Parties wanting BOOTS <fc SHOES made to order can do no better than by me, as I keep none but the best of workmen in my employ. LEATHER and FINDINGS will be found in my store in superior quality and at lowest market rates. ggrT'AII goods warranted as represented. A I*. RI'FF, OPENING DAIL^iT A.T THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF Boots and Shoes To be found in any House In Western Pennsylvania, em bracing all the Newest Spring Styles in the Market. I am selling all this stock at Recollect, NO ADVANCE. Several lines of Boots and Shoes at even lower prices than ever. All my customers have the benefit in buying by getting Boots and Shoes that come direct from the manufacturer to my house. No middle profits to divide up that parties are compelled to pay that buy from jobbing houses. This Slock of Bcots and Shoos is Very Large in I lie Fcllcwiii? Liars Ladies' Kid and Pebble Button Boots, - $1.50 and upwards. " " " " Side Lace Boots, - 1 2. r > " " Grain, Pebble and Kid Button and Polish, - I.2ft " Polish, 9ft " " " Standard, very prime, ------ I.2ft " " Serges, in Congress and Polish, - 7ft to sl. " Calf Peg Shoes, all warranted. MY STOCK KM lilt ACES, IN CONNECTION WITH TIIK ABOVE, A PCM. LINE OF AI.I. TIIE F.' Nl.lt OHADES IN WOMEN'S, MISSES' AND CHJMiUEN'S. t lafaCßitM 9 !#«• |>s»i'f men' is very complete in every line in Calf Button, Dom Pedros, Congress and English Walking Shoes, and especially in Calf Boots, at §2 and upwards, Brogans and Plow Shoes, at $1 and upwards, Fine Buff Alexis and Congress, at $1 2ft and upwards, Low Strap Shoes, in ever? style, at $1 25 and upwards. Boys' and Youths' Shoes in same styles as Men's, but lower in price. Infants' and Children's Shoes, in Colois and Black. Fancy Slippers and Walking Boots, All Colors. This stock is the most complete I have ever offered, the prices are lower than ever, and the styles are elegant. Ladies' Ki>'l und Pebble Button New-, i ports, good, $1 to $1.25. LARGE STOCK OF LEATHEH AND FINDINGS Always in stock. None but the best brands ol Leiither kept, and prices guar anteed at lowest market rates. !'* ?"<;ive me a call and I will save you money in your Boots and Shoes, i A careful inspection of this stock will convince you that the above is correct. ' No other house can give you lower prices or better goods. B. C. HUSELTON. CA UPKTS! OIL rhoTHS! MATS! KUGM STA Hi RODS jgl KEW STOCK! H23VST STOCK! > ! cr* HECK & PATTERSON'S f S HEW CARPET ROOM I 1 <fj P |r/j NOW OPKTsr ! c ' g One Door South of their Clothing' House, q 1 Uiiily'N •eptao-tr Katl<*r, i*». 2 fsuolfTTlVvT.<; VsmhTi iSJiVIv' iSiU<> r ID r IIO Union Woolen Mills. ! would drntre to call the attention of tlj» public to tin* I nioii W'k>l©ii Mill, J'utler, l'a. , v.horo 1 havo new rod improved machinery fo» « tho ut&TiiifiU'fiire of Barred rod Gray Flannolf, Knitting and Weavicr Yurnw, m (1 J i'hii iccoinliiffid tliem ft* Iwiin/f vi rv dura I,lc. a tlmjr KM' i iaii'ifacl un il of p"r( lint It r comity wool. Tlii-y are Ix-mitlful iii color, mi ! purior in tfixturo. Mid will l>» «oid «t vory low i nricet. For campleM and priofr-i addrew, 1 ii. FUIiLKKTON, I JMI94.TK IT> Itnflor. P» nnn is IM H °i"*' :i ,j K,ie ° HWOIIH. Wool. llook. only *>.7.M. H Hlop Oi( Wool. Book, only #88.75. I'iano-*, Htool, CuVf-r, Book. r'9(l to i 205. liiu*- j trutud catalogue freo. Aildrccn t I \V. C. LUNNEUL, Lcwiatown, I'». FFSJSIOIV3! Kfiw Lawn ThoiiMßiwlH Kvery nol •liiir mr ii nightly by wound*. or acciidcifit. €*ti lil lc*«l to jmiihloii. dating lm«k to • lav of dietiiarK" Kvnu t)i« lohh of a or to«*. eiititlftH Jo pennion. Also, all w'down and dependent patent*, and nJnorn, « ntitlod. Time limited. Apply at once Many peneionrrH now entitled to increase ftomnty y«t dim to tlioun- Land crn h >«#ttle<l I'atenta nroenred for ai vent oiH Feen ti*ed I; I aw. Heiifl two Htnuiim f«»< new lawn, I lank* and iimtrii 'tlotia to E. li 4!KTjHTON & CO.. INnhlon mid Patent Attor iieyn. li«.x I'M. Wahiit vr*n»N. I> I*7-1 ra Stork Sprrulalion and Investment. ()|ii;iatioiiM on Margin nr by Privlln«cn. H|io ••i*l Imciiii »» in MiniiiK HtocliH. I- nil partionlam ou application. .1 \MKH HItOWN. Dealt r in Mtoclm anil UuuUb, Ui & OU UfdiKiwtty, Suvt Yulk marl7-Vnt THEY DIDN'T THINK. BY PIKEBE CABY. - Once a trap was baited With a piece of cheese, It tickled so a little mouse It almost made him sneeze. Au old rat said, "There's danger, Be careful where you go !.' "Nonsense !" said the oth^r. ''l don' think you know!" So he walked in lioldly ; Nolnxly in sight; First he took a nibble Then he took a bite ; Close the trap together Snapped, quick as a wink, Catching mousey fast there, Cause he didn't think. Once a little turkey. Fond of her own way, Wouldn't ask the old ones Where to to or stay. She said, "I'm not a baby ; Here I Bin. half grown; Surely I am big enough To run around alone !" Off she went, hut somebody, Hiding saw her pass ; Soon like snow her feathers Covered ail the grasa ; So she made a supper For a sly young mink, 'Cause she was so headstroug, That she woaidn't think. Once there was a robin Lived outside the door. Who wanted to go inside And hop upon the flo«r. "No, no ! said the mother, "You must stay with me; Little birds are sate-t Sitting in a tree !" "I don't care," said Robin, And gave his tail a (ling, "I don't think the old folks Know quite everything." Down he Hew, and Kitty seized him, Before he'd time to blink ; "Oh !" he cried, I'm sorry, But I didn't thii k. DOWNEY'S AHGUMENT. [From the New York Tribune.] The argument of Downey, of Wyom ing Territory. [Copyright, 1880, by Stephen W. Downey. All rights re served]," has been duly printed at the Government expense, and occupies fif teen of the broad double-column paires of The Congressional Record. Mr. Downey introduced a bill about two weeks ago, which began by reciting the Apostle's Creed as a "Whereas," and ended by appropriating half a million of dollars for the decoration of the walls of the Capitol with paintings, commemorative of the history of our Lord, said paintings to be executed by "living artists" only. In support ol this bill, Mr. Downey obtained "leave to print an argument." The argument proves to be a poem of Downey's own composition, entitled, "The Immortals," and dedicated to the Congress of the United States. It com prises about 2,500 lines of blank verse, interspersed with rhymed songs and choruses , and although we have failed after as conscientious a reading of this scintillating effusion as the brevity of human life will justify, to discover the remotest connection between the argu ment and the bill, we can honestly say that whether we consider the brilliancy of Downey's ideas, or the splendor of his language, or the blankness of his verse, we do not know of any other specimen of Government literature which bears a resemblance to it. Dow ney has been censured for smuggling a copyright poem into The Record by a trick It has even been alleged that he introduced his bill for no other pur pose than to make the United States pay for printing his poem. It appears to us, however, that he has sufficiently explained his situation in the prelimin ary verses. He is the victim of "strange wild fancies," which crowd the brain of mortal man sometimes, and make such "thunder at the door ways of the soul," that it is absolutely necessary to let them in. Then they take possession of the will and the in tellect; "bolts cannot bur nor iron chain them down the victim must spout or burst; and what is the object of per mission to print undelivered eloquence in the Congrexxional Record, unless it be to afford a vent for the bubbling passions of overcharged Congressmen? Downey's mind, as he informs us, became —a ! ere pie filled With forma intangible, immortal »pri tea, From Chaos rising, back to chaos borne, and while in this state he got acquaint ed with a young female named Phan tasmagoria, in whose company he made a journey to Mount Olympus, the Mil ky Way, lb •11, various planets not iden tified, the Temple Fame, the Pinnacle of Existence, and a certain —all e mlrolliog splinro, Where life woro beauty passi igly sublime, The one great centre, energizing soul, Inspiring, moving all created worlds. Phantasmagoria, who seems to have been a garrulous anil gushing person, talked a gooil deal "with soul-ingulfing ecstacy," ami showed Downey all sorls of astonishing sights; all the Homeric deities, labelled with the same epithets they wore in the Iliad and in Anthon's Dictionary; Milton's devils; Dante's sofils of the damned; chariot-races; pan oramas; temples; fanes, domes, portals, constellations, asteroids, crystalline, empyreans, translucent spheres, ambi ent skies, till of the most gorgeous and opulent description. It is not clear what Downey and Phantasmagoria were after in this illimitable kaleido scope, but they rushed along like fire works, encountering among other things a team of "twelve steeds of fire," which had golden plumage, and eyes full of woman's tenderness with the lion's valor. The nine muses sang to them its they passed. Calliope made rhymes about the moon. Ruterpo said that her chariot was rolling along the strings to the lyre of the universe strung Terpsichore remarked that the twinkling slurs are dancing to the time of harmonies now throbbing on >ur ears. In rhyming orbits swinging to the chime of symphonies vibrating through the spheres. They suw "mill ions of people." There stood in coin puny of Alexander, and Hannibal, and , La Fayette, and Lycurgua, and Audu -1 bon, and Marco Bozzaris, and Moses, ami Sir John Franklin, Socrates, Chit ty, Leonidas, General Custer, Hector, Helen, Napoleon Bonaparte, Edgar Poe, immortal Washington (in italics). King David, Stonewall Jackson, "aus tere Chatterton," Mazzinni, Henry VIII., Hawthorne, Clytcmu«'stra, Charles Dickens, Commodore Foote, Jowplms, Priuoo Afcort, Cluritftoirttor Columbus, Oliver Goldsmith, and the Wandering Jew. Shakespeare sat on a throne where he must have been ex ceedingly uncomfortable, for Melpomene reached out of a cloud and perpetually threw "torrents'' offiower9 down upon his head ; Pygmalion amused himself chiselling figures on the panels below the chair; and the Psalmist crowned him with laurel. The poet meanwhile talked a lot of dreadful iubbish about —the fossil fauna late exhumed. Or imprint of the palm or fem upon The enduring rock: flfter which there was applause by the bands, and Paganini played a tune on the fiddle. There was a dramatic per formance, the tragedy of Maximilian in Mexico being represented by "Kean Macready and the elder Booth, and many celebrated actors from all ages and all climes;" and consisted of "Eu ropia's Kings,"—an expression which reduces to a certainty the strong pre sumption created by the general drift of the poem that Downey is the kind of man to pronounce "European" with the accent on the o. Music was not neglected, for Han del's "Messiah" was sung by ten thou sand angels, and at tbe back of the con cert stage was a waving translucent, liquids shining veil of something or other, through which trenchant sera phims unrippling passed, careening in the light, which was very distract ing and improper. Elsewhere Downey and Phantasmagoria saw sapient trains, horrific apparitions, assassins, liberty trees, snakes, diamond-studded canopies, liquid walls inlaid with sculp tures, seraphs, plates of polished dia mond, the belching of thund'rous bat tles of the gods, spectral shades, An anias and Sapphira, Evangeline, and the murky reflex of conceptions grand. There was, moreover, a Great Stone Face, beaming benevolence, at the sierht of which all grew still. We do not quite make out whether Downey alludes to General Grant or the Car diff Giant. But probably the most re markable of the curiosities exhibited bv Phantasmagoria on this memorable excursion was a mechanical marvel de scribed by Downey in the following lines: A massive chain, bung from the loftiest point, Suspended an immense chronometer— Time keeper of eternity ! 'Twas called Tbe Watch of Ages ! On its dial plate. In characters of light unchangeable, I read the seconds, minutes, hours, months, years And centuries, which far adown the dim • And shadowy vinta of the past have rolled ; The hollow npiral chain, link after link, Showed Home. Greece. Carthage and Ash.vria My utmost stretch of vision Eden reached ; What lay beyond a cloudy veil obscured. Its mighty hands remarked the flight of time; Its pendulum with ceaseless motion swung, etc., etc. The capitals and italics are Downey's. The idea of affixing a pend ulum to a watch is also his. When finally o'er all the scene a mighty cur tain fell. A curtain measureless in breadth and height, trailing the shores of immortality ahtwart the boundless universe of space, Downey must have felt that ho had enjoyed a first-class show ; and he parted from his com panion with many civil observations, of which we can only cite the closing words: I'hantasmagoria, farewell : I leave Thee now to nurna thy offspring in the l>eams That never fade, and warmth that nevor chills Amea. General Garfield has moved that the Committee on Bules be instructed to report whether Downey's verses ought not to be expunged from The Record. Really it seems to us that General Garfield is meddling with the privi leges of a fellow member. What rea son can Im* given for striking out this magnificent argument? Any member of Congress has a constitutional right to address the House or the Senate in verse if he please, prose and verse be ing entirely equal before the law. Or is it to be stricken out because it has I teen fraudulently incorporated with the proceedings, being an essay that was never delivered, and on a subject not under discussion ? That is a de fect which it shares with a thousand other "arguments" published at the cost of the Government and distribu ted free through the mails. During this session obout 400 pages of The Record have been filled with fictitious speeches, every one of which is a fraud upon the people. When tho House grants "leave to print," it authorizes a member to falsify the official report of the debutes, and to insert in The Rec ord any sort of irrelevant nonsense he sees lit; and to express displeasure at the use which the Wyoming gentle man has made of the permission is simply ridiculous. We daresay Dow ney's argument on the Mural Decora tion bill is not a bit more irrelevant or silly or dishonest than scores of unde livered speeches that precede it in the pages of our National False Intelli gencer; and we trust that ho will be given leave to print an epic poem every week until Congress is shamed into abolishing the scandulous abuse which has just been so conspicuously illus trated. —Tiie Vesuvius Railway. —Tour- ists are now able to visit the crater of Vesuvius without tho labor of climb ing, the railway being complete. The depot is situated at a height of 810 me ters, or 210 meters above the Observa tory. A restaurant and cafe capable of accommodating 100 people is atttached to the depot. The angle of inclination of this railroad attains at various points |0' J , 50° and 63°. There are two pas senger cars, the Vesuvius and Etna, accommodating 12 persons each. The system adopted in the construction of the railway is of American invention, and is known as "the prismatic sys tem." A correspondent of the Prairie Farmer says, in order to raise water melons successfully, plow the ground I deep deep, pulverize it well, and mark off the rows eight or ten feet each way. 1 Put a shovelful of well-rotted manure 'in each hill. Keep the soil well culti vated until the vines l>egin to run, then throw the vines over and plow them both ways, turning the vines back to their proper place again. Af ter that cut out all the weeds or grass that may come up, and you will rait>e plenty' of "feuu iul*Mu& ADVERTISING RATES, One square, one insertion, 01 ; each subse quent insertion. SO oents. Yearly advertisements exceeding one-fourth of a column, t 5 per inch. . Figure work doable these fates; additional charges where weekly or monthly changes ars made. Local advertisement* 10 cents per tin* | for firrt insertion, and 6 cents per line for eacii additional insertion. Marriages and deaths pub* lished free of charge. Obituary notices charged as adveitiHoments. and payable" when handed in Auditors' Notices. $4 ; Executors' and Adminia trators' Notices. (3 each; Est ray, Caution and Dissolution Notices, not exceeding ten lines, each. From the fact that the Citubm is the Okies' established and most extensively circulated Be nublican newspaper in Bntler county, (a Repub lican county) it must be apparent* to business men that it is the medium they should use io advertising their business. NO. 24. "JUMPING THE ROPE Dr. Peck, of tbe Surgical Institute, has just performed a surgical operation on the leg of a young girl by the name of Jordan, from Illinois, sent here for treatment. The bones of both her legs will have to be partly removed, and the little sufferer will have to sub mit to two painful operations. The cause of the affection is from "jumping the rope," a pastime engaged in gen erally by young girls, resulting in ne crosis, or death of the bone. The doc tor stated to a reporter in this connec tion, that similar cases were constantly occurring from the same cause, but more frequently resulting in necrosis of the spine, and that not a month pesses but more or fewer cases of this character come to the Institute for treatment. lie says that rope jump ing produces continuous concussions on the joints which impinge upon the bone, causing at the first stage |»erio tests, and finally resulting in the death of the bone. He thinks that parents and teachers should be warned of this dangerous sport, and eradicate it en tirely from the play-grounds of child ren, as it is ruinous in its effects, and is the prime cause of more crip ples among the female portion of the community than probably any one cause. He also added that during tho practice of bis profession deaths had been occurring, coming under bis ob servation, which were the result of this pernicious pastime. In conclu sion he said : "I would warn children against rope-jumping, and would ad vise parents and teachers to prohibit it under all circumstances."—lndian apolis Sentinel. THAT ABSURD WATCH TAX. The utter absurdity of retaining npou the statue books the law taxing watches is shown by the fact that in three of the wealthiest townships in Chester county the assessors do not know a single person who owns a watch of any kind. Why there are only 1,206 watches of every kind in the whole country or hardly one to every sixty persons. When the tax was placed on watches they were thought to he luxuries, but they are now a necessity and the tax should be repealed if it cannot be collected any more closely. Thus in Bedford county there are only 84 watches, while great big Berks only has 308. Little Came ron has 76 and Crawford and Warren have none at all, it being a well known fact that oil princes never carry watches, especially gold ones. In Franklin county they have 143 gold watches and no silver ones, while Green county has no gold or silver watches, but 96 common ones. In Ju uiata and Monroe they scorn to carry anything but gold watches, though only 43 people carry those in the first named and 20 in the latter. Potter county has twenty gold watches and one silver one, while in Venango there are 457 gold and no silver ones. All these figures are perfectly absurd, and everybody knows that they are of no value whatever, except to raise a few dollars for the Commonwealth at tho expense of much sacrifice of veracity on the part of a good many people. For instance, when the Commissioners of Crawford and Warren counties certified that there were no watches in those counties, they must have known abso lutely they were certifying to a false statement, for it seems impossible that three men could be elected county com missioners in those counties who did not own watches themselves.— West Chester Village Record. REMARKABLE OIL COMPANY. In many respects tho Columbia Oil Company of Pittsburgh is unique, and its career a remarkable ono. The common lot of oil (petroleum) com panies is to "bust," to involve stock holders iu ruin, and to go into divi dendless oblivion. To these rules tho Columbia i 3 a marked exception. For nearly twenty years it has produced petroleum, and to-day its territory adds over 400 barrels to tho daily yield of the oil regions. Sinco the or ganization of the company in 1861, its properties have produced 2,748,820 barrels of crude petroleum, of 42 gal lons each. During tho same period the price oil has ranged from sl3 per barrel in July, 1864, to 65 cents per barrel in June, 1870. During its ex istence the company has declared and paid dividends to tho amount of nearly four million dollars ($3,980,100,) and the selling price of its stock (par SSO) has ranged from $lO5 per share all tbe way down to $4.75 per share. The original shares numbered 10,000, but in 18G4 were "watered" to 50,000 shares, making wealthy men of the "ground flour" stockholders. The oil producing territory of the company comprises a number of farms in Ve nango, Butler and McKean counties, Pennsylvania, but by far the most pro ductive tract is tho "Story Farm," located on Oil Creek, six miles from Oil City, Pa. In fact it is very doubt ful whether a tract of the same area in the known world has been compelled artificially to yield so enormous a quantity of oil. The Story Farm com prises 600 acres, but the oil-producing portion of the tract is less than 100 acres. From this tract has been pro duced, up to April 1, 1880, 2,226,995 barrels of petroleum, and at present there is still 60 barrels per day coaxed out of this farm. This is done in a thoroughly systematic way, a singlo engine by means of "sucker rod" con nections, pumping seven wells at once, thus reducing the outlay for wages to a minimum. A singular well was de veloped upon this farm some years ago, and its irreverent activity fully earned its title of the '-Sunday Well." For months this well would flow only upon the first day of the week, refus ing to respond to any known processes for inducing it to produce on week days. The hoadquartcrs of this vef teran oil company are at Pittsburgh, but the stock is held in New York, Philadelphia, and St. Louis. The last dividend wan declared April 10, 1878, the low price of oil compelling this ac tion. : MVuirf fcymubtftfcwlti,