BUTLEK CITIZEN. JOHN H. 4~wTC. ME6LEY. PROPERS. Entered aHhe Postoffice at Butler as aecond-classs matter. FOR PRESIDENT, 1880, Hon. JAKES G. BLAINE* OF MAINE. *»~The choice of Pennsylvania, subject to thefceision of Republican National Conven tion. This (26th Pa.) district practically unan imous and instructed for him. sssss tSSSBr»SSv' all their rights."-JAMKS G. DLAI>E. Republican State Nominations. FOR JUDGE SUPREME COURT, Hon. Henry Green, OF SOUTHAMPTON COCNTY. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, Hon. John A. Lemon, OF ELAIB COUNTY. Committee Meeting. The members of the Republican Executive Committee are requested to meet in the Arni- Sto Kin the borough of Butler on BATI BDAY, THE 24TH INST., «t 1 O clock P. M. for the purpose of fixing the time for hold ing the primary election, and of attending to pother ™ be- A. L. CHAIO, | Chairman. W*. C. NBGLKY, } J9 - mrnliul Nrtiiiiß, SATURDAY, MAY 29th. IT seems there is ft County Surveyor to be elected this year, a fact so far overlooked. JACOB KKCK, ESQ., Democrat, has been appointed a Justice of the Peace for this borough, to serve out the unex pired time of Esquire Muntz, dec d. NICHOLAS MANET, formerly of this county, but for many years past living in Meadville, Pa., died in that place, on Thursday last, 22d inst., at the ad vanced age of 81 years. JOHN LIMVHE, convicted of murder in the second degree, of his wife, was on Monday last removed by Sheriff Hoffmftn to the Penitentiary, to which he wts sentenced for eight years. THE Democratic State Convention meets this week. The fight between the two rival leaders, Wallace and Ran dall, has waxed warm, and there is likely to be » lively tilt between these two Ambitious aspirants and their fol lowers. HON. J. D. M'JUNKIN, of Butler, is favorably mentioned as a prospective candidftte for Congress. He served a conple of terms in the Assembly most creditably while residing in Franklin, and would be certain to fill the higher office with fidelity and skill.—Franlc lin Press. THE Karns City Telephone, an nounces, in its issue of last week, that it will hereafter be "independant" in politics, and an "anti-ring, anti-monop oly organ." The Telephone has here tofore been ft Greenback paper. The editor, Dr. Boreland, is an energetic and intelligent gentleman, and has managed to make the Telephone an interesting jonrnal. QUEEN VICTORIA has been compelled to call back Gladstone to re-construct the English Cabinet. Mr. Gladstone is the great Liberal leader, whose par ty recently elected a majority to Par liament His success overthrew Bea consfield, a great favorite of the Queen and who has ruled in Great Britain for some years past, but whose foreign policy was not popular with the peo ple. This change is only worthy of notice as showing the growing respect in England to the popular sentiment. As soon as it ascertained that the pol icy of any ministry is not approved by the people, that ministry resigns and another is called to take its place. We have ft different rule here; none resign, or few at least leave office until their term expires by law. Presidential. One of the unexpected political events of last week, was the Republicans of the State of Georgia virtually declaring for Blaine as their choice for President. Virginia, on the other hand, express ed ft preference for Grant. New York has declared for Tilden as the Democratic candidate, and Ver mont for General Hancock. Sentenced at Last. Kemble, Rumberger, Salter, Petroff and Crawford, convicted of corrupt so licitation of members of the last Legis lature, were sentenced by Judge Pear son, at Harrisburg last Monday, to one year each in the penitentiary and each SI,OOO fine. The sentence seems to have taken the prisoners by surprise. But the law has triumphed. Full de tails will be given next week. THB SBAMMENT OF PENNSYL VANIA. The canvass among the Pennsylva nia Republican Committeemen is fur ther announced by the New York Tri bune, in which they gave a final sum mary. Out of the 2,600 that journal has received responses from 1,715. Of these 1,334 pronounce for Blaine and 303 for Grant, with the remaining 78 for sundry other candidates. The choice is marked between the two can didates, Blaine and Grant, in which the former has a following of more than four times as many as the latter. This canvass is certainly significant as showing the real sentiment of the work mg members of the party in the State, and the sentiment of the constituency they represent. It shows that the unit rule which was railroaded through the Harrisburg Convention was worse than a farce, and instead of representing the wishes of the Republicans of Pennsyl- . vanlft, grossly misrepresents it. We I contended at the time that the voifcfe of the stalwart people was unquestionably for Blaine. Tbe numerous County Conventions and the decided stand they have taken against that obnoxious measure, confirms that opinion, and this canvass of the State furnishes ad ditional proof. It is no fanciful imagin ation, it is not the wish father to the thought, or the result of any species of sophistry, but it is a fixed reality, a solid, stubborn fact, that the old Key stone State says in words that can not be mistaken, that in their opinion the man who above all others will receive their cordial support is Senator James G. Blaine. If, therefore, the 58 votes are given as the people would have them, they will be placed in the Blaine column on every ballot. Anything short of this will be a most palpable perversion of their desires, and instead of representing their honest opinions, will be monopolized bv machine politi cians to mean precisely the opposite of the popularly expressed will. The fact has been abundantly demonstrated that the sentiment of the Pennsylvania Re publicans is a unit for Blaine.— West Chester Republican. Butler County Again Speaks for Blaino. ODB DELEGATE FULLY PLEDGES HIM SELF TO SUPPORT HIM —THE "UNIT RULE" REPUDIATED. In obedience to the call, the Republi can County Committee re-assemb!ed in this place on last Saturday. The chief object of its assembling was to name the times for holding the primary election and County Convention for this year. This it will be seen, was done by fix ing the 29th of May, being the last Saturday of May, for the primary, and the following Monday, May 31st, for the meeting of the return Judges in the County Convention. But another object was also earn estly desired by a large majority of tbe Republicans of the county ; and that was to improve the occasion of the meeting of the committee and have more definite information from the gentleman who is to represent us in the Chicago Convention for the nomi nation of a Presidential candidate. This desire arose from the fact, that since the instructions given him by the County Committee meeting that ap pointed him on January 24 last, a State Convention, on Feb. 4, had un dertaken to give him different instruc tions, and which set of instructions he intended to obey had never publicly de clared,but seemed determined to defy the made on him for a public avowal of his intentions. He gave many private ones, but all who knew his past political his tory were not content to let the matter rest in that position. Being therefore in doubt on the subject was the reason for the Ccmmittec taking the action it did last Saturday. It had the desired effect, and Mr. Robinson was compelled to come out and fully pledge himself to vote for Blaine and thereby obey the will of bis constituents. Being himself a member of the committee he took ad vantage of his position as such to in flict a long letter on it, which may be regarded and was no doubt intended as a kind of "stump speech," or cam paign document for his benefit between this and the coming primary election. The committee was disposed to let him down as easily as possible, and with all who know his tricks and ways his let ter will be easily understood and fully valued. The main object of the Repub licans of the county, to have him pub licly pledge himself to vote for and sup port Blaine, hasbeenaccomplished. Had they bad confidence in him no such second instructions would have been deemed necessary, and no honorable delegate would have required such a second expression of the people. But the end has been accomplished by a written public pledge, which cannot well be avoided or shirked at the Na tional Convention. Politioal. The third term isn't running well in the Republican States. In Ohio there has not been a Grant delegate chosen to the State Convention, and in Illinois twelve counties have chosen delegates, 53 of whom are for Blaino and 27 for Grant. This is the ex-Pres ident's own State, too. The New York Tribune '# canvass of Pennsylvania has been completed. Of 1,715 responses to tbe circular which was sent to every Republican county and township committeeman in the State, 1,334 are for Senator Blaine as first choice for President and 303 for Gen. Grant. The Bedford county Press, pub lished at tbe home of Chairman Cessna, says "the Republicans of Bedford county are clamoring for an opportu nity to express their preference for Mr. Blaine" It also states that the Blaine men outnumber the Grant men, in that county, more than ten to one. Hon. C. O. Bowman, of Corry, who has represented Tioga county and Erie county in the Legislature, is an nounced as a candidate for Legislature in Erie county, and he declares in favor of Grow for Senator. Mr. Bow man is one of Erie county's ablest and best Republicans, and we hope to see him nominated and elected. Says the Philadelphia Press of Sat urday : "Senator Blaine's strength in Pennsylvania keeps with its growth in the county. The State papers this week are as enthusiastic in their de mand that the vote of Pennsylvania shall be recorded for him at Chicago as they "Were the first week after tbe Harrisburg Convention." Senator Hoar, who heads the Mas sachusetts delegation to the Chicago • Convention said, in a recent letter, , tSttU#* Cifcteeu: Hirtleet fj»., i&tacil 2S, ISSS. that "at one time it seemed as though j Gen. Grant must be nominated by a wave of popular sentiment. But now, he added, "that is impossible, and more than that, I am persuaded that his nomination in any manner w >uld be a very grave political mistake." GRANT-and-a-t bird-term carries not a single New England State, it carried New York by a very small majority under machine rule, and Pennsylvania by an abuse of power much resembling both corruption and buldozing; but beyond this, north of Mason and Dixon's line, where are its trophies ? Is the South to make the ticket for Northern Republicans?" It requires great effrontery to do this, seeing that the North must elect. The Chambersburg Repository, which has been among the few Repub lican papers of the State which have defended the action of the managers of the Harrisburg Convention, now comes squarely over to the popular side, declaring that "the State is really overwhelmingly for Blaine and that Grant's chances are waning day by dav." There are at least a dozen other Republican organs in this State which have charged front in a similar manner since the discussion of the ac tion of the convention first began. The third term movement needs a new head. Senator Cameron does very well for a "claim everything with confidence" man, for he repeats every day that Grant will be nominated on the first ballot. But Grant has been making pleasant peace-and-good-will speeches all over the South, while his friends in the North are running him on the stronge-man-to-keep-the-South in-order platform in the North. Things are badly mixed. A council of war should be called.— Crawford Journal. Proceedings of County Committee. In accordance with the call the Re publican Count}' Committee assembled in the Arbitration room of the Court House on Saturday last, 24th inst. The Chairman. Thomas Robinson, stated that for personal reasons he would not take any part in the proceedings and withdrew, whereupon M. N.Greer, of Buffalo township, was on motion chosen Chairman of the meeting. A. L Craig acting as secretary. The Secretary then called over the districts, the majority of which were represented either by the members or bv substitution of others, fifteen dis tricts being unrepresented. The Committee then proceeded to fix the time for holding the Primary Elec tion. After a full inter-charge of opin ion, on motion of 11. J. Mitchell the time for holding the Primary Election was fixed on Saturday May, 2!»th; polls to open at 1 o'clock, and close at 8 o'clock, P. M., the Return Judges to meet in Convention in Butler on the following Monday, May 31st, at 1 o'clock P. M. A committee of three was appointed to consider applications for new polling districts, and reported back favorably the following places: St. Joe, Donegal township. Parker's store. Parker township. Forestville, Mercer township. Bucna Vista. Fairvicw township. Moore school house, Fairvicw town ship. Sheakley school house, Fairvicw town ship. Register City, Allegheny township. I'ortersville borougl l . The chairman then laid before the committee a communication from Thos. Robinson, Esq., delegate to the National Convention; also a letter to Mr. Robinson from a committee ap pointed in March last by a meeting of Republicans of Crawford county, to gether with his reply to the same. (The great length of these communications, containing near twelve pages of paper, preclude their publication here. We may refer to them again; suffice it to say tlmt he makes known that he, "in tends to go to Chicago to assist in Blaine's nomination as our standard bearer in the coming contest.") The following preamble and resolu tions were then offered, discussed and unanimously adopted: AVHEKKAS, At the last meeting of thiscom niitt-e, on January - _' i, we made r.n expression of our opinion oil the Prpsidcnt'V fur James the Niitio-ial Convention, distjrent from what the it-publican; of the d.s triets have yiven them, and tlut the tr.se prae tioe in this respect should be for the State Con vention to abstain from all attempts to instruct or in any m".nner interfere with the selection of district delegates, confining i'se'.f entirely to the selection and instruction of the four I><-Ie gate-* at barge, and the formation of the elec toral tieket. lienolvtJ, That vre her'hv endorse tho notion of our delegates to the last State Convention. There being no further business, on motion the Committee adjourned. Murder Extraordinary. EMPORIUM, April 18.—Intense ex citement prevails at Caledonia over a murder committed there yesterday morning by the noted forger ami out law, Harry English. A posse ol police went from St Marys to apprehend English and arrived at his house near Caledonia at 5 o'clock. Tbe consta bles, Wrenth, Volmes and Justice Burk, met English coming down stairs when Wrenth ordered him to surren der, but he returned up stairs and locked himself in the room. The of ficers then drew their pistols and de clared their intention of taking him dead or alive. As Constable Wrenth came up to the room, English thrust his rifle through the door and fired, killing him instantly. Constable Voli|ies then carried Wrenth's body down stairs and as he entered the yard English shot at him. LATER. It is thought that Volmes will not recover. English got away and gained the woods during the excite ment. While he wis running Dis trict Attorney NurjHl shot him in the leg. Company 11, State Volunteers, has been ordered out to capture him if possible. SEVERAL matters, for want of space, have been crowded out of this week's paper. . . Court .News. Criminal cases not reported l;'.>t week. Daniel Evans, and M J. Kennedy assigning and receiving property with intent to defraud creditors. Jury dis charged and ease continued. Win. King, assault and battery, not guilty and prosecutor, James Allen, to pay costs. Owen McCarthy, selling liquor on Sundav. Not guilty but to pay costs. James De Pew, assault and battery with intent to kill, guilty of assault, and sentenced to pay a tine of one dol lar and costs, and to Workhouse tor one vear. Edward Fink, larceny, nolle conten dre. and sentenced to pay costs and sent to Workhouse for six months. Caleb Smith and Lydia Smith, arson, not guilty. R. P. Sloan, false pretense. Not guilty, but to pay costs. Wm. Groovis, and others, assault and battery, not guilty and prosecutor to pay costs. _ Tumbling Building, NEW YORK, April 22.—An alarm went through the city shortly before 10 o'clock last night that the roof of the .Madison Square Garden had f.illeu, and several persons had been killed or injured by the accident. It was soon learned that the entire wall on Madi son avenue had fallen outward, cover ing several persons on the sidewalk. A part of the loof had also fallen in burying beneath it a number of per sons. The garden was crowded with visitors of the grand fair in aid of Hahneman Hospital. The fair had a I read v been in progress several daj's, and the building was filled with costly works of art and with articles of vari ous sorts, which hid been douated for nale. The front part of the garden, where the accident occurred, had lieen greatly changed in appearance on ac count of the fair. A .-pace more thin fifty feet in width had been partitioned oft'." and by means of a Poor had been made into two stories, the lower oue being used for offices, reception hall and restaurant, and the upper story for a dancing hall and art gallery. ' The cause of the accident is sup posed to be the pressure of the floor of the dancing hall and art gallery upon the wall which supported it. Both these rooms were filled with people at an early hour. Suddenly it was no ticed that the floor of the art gallery was cracking, and Albert McKay, manager of the fair, was summoned to the place. He mounted the stairs leading to the art gallery, and noticed that the room was fiiled with ladies and gentlemen. Detective Lilly, who had been employed to watch valuable pictures in the room, informed hitn tiiat the walls were cracking in some places, and that there was danger of the floor giving away. McKay sent a man to turn off the gas in that part of the building and called out to persons near him to leave the gallery as quickly as possible. His manner of speaking caused most of the persons in the room to sti p out on a broad landing which overlooks the main part of the garden. The dancing hall on the same floor was still full of people. Before they could be warned of the approaching danger a succession of loud reports was heard, and the front wall suddenly fell out into the street. A large part of the roof which had been supported by the wall, immediately fell in upon the heads of the frightened dancers, bury ing many of them out of sight. Screams and groans were heard on every side, and a panic followed. A moment after the accident the floor of the dancing room settled, and there was a general stampede out upon the landing and down the staircase to the main part of the garden. Those who were out of danger when the roof feel rushed for ward toward the front of the building and greatly impeded those who were trying to escape outside the building. Gladstone W.ns. THE QUEEN COMPELLED TO CALL HIM TO FROM THE MINISTRY. LONDON, April 23.—Earl Granville and Lord Hartingion, oil their return from Windsor Castle, drove to the residence of Gladstone, and the three are now in consultation. It is be lieved Earl Granville conveyed the Queen's request for an interview with Gladstone. Gladstone went to Wind sor Castle this evening, in obedience to Royal command. He was loudly cheered when he entered the train. On the return of Gladstone to London he was met by Lords Granville, Har tington and Wolverton and W. P. Adam. Mr. Adam said Gladstone had undertaken to form a Cabinet. Gladstone had some difficulty on his return to London in making his way through the enthusiastic crowd. The Standard says it is confidently antici pated that Granville will be Foreign Minister. It is understood that j Goschen will not enter the Ministry, ! and that Robert Lowe will receive a peerage. There will be great difficulty in offering Henry Faweett a seat in the Cabinet, owing to his blindness. GLADSTONE FORMS THE CAISI.NET. LONDON, April —The Times, in ! a leading article this morning, says j the Ministerial crisis is ended. Glad stone hits accepted the duty of form- j ing an administration, designating himself as Chancellor i f the Exchequer j and First Lord of the Treasury. Glad- 1 stone received a perfect ovation at ! Windsor. He spoke from the window ! of the railway carriage, thanking the people for their kindly greeting. Tho King of Siam Coming. WASHINGTON, April 23.—At the Cabinet meeting to-day Secretary Ev arts read a letter from the United States consul at Bangkok, Siam, stat ing that the King of that country would leave the latter part of this month for a tour through Europe and the United States. It was concluded to notify the Congressional Committee on Foreign Affairs of the King's anticipated visit and recommend an appropriation suffi cient to receive him. The practicabil ity of sending a United States man-of war to convey him from England was discussed at some length without ac tion. The Gun Was Loaded. WHEELING, April 23.—Yesterday evening Phillip M. Thomas, a furrnor who resided near Barnesville, Ohio, picked up his gun, and in order to as certain if it was loaded put bis mouth over the muzzle and his foot on the hammer and blew into it. His foot slipped, and the gun was discharged, the ball entering the roof of his mouth and passing out at the upper portion of his bead, causing death in a short time. Thomas was a member of the Society of Friends, and was highly re spected among them. An iuntirs Tow.! Destroyed by Storm and Fire. ST. LOUIS, April lit—lt is reported that nearly the whole town of Marsh tield, Mo., was blown down by a ter rific wind storm last evening and then burned, resulting in frightful loss of life. Tho telegraph wires are all down ar.d nothing direct from the scene of the calamity can be obtained at present. From passengers whopassed through Marshfield oil the St. Louis ft San Francisco railroad, at 8 o'clock last night, a few facts concerning the ter rible disaster are gleaned. A man who came to the depot at the edge of the town while the train was there reported that at 6.;'0 a hurricane struck that place and leveled all that part of the town laying west of Centre Square flat to the ground. Tbe debris imme diately took tire in several places, and the flames could lie seen at some half dozen points by the passengers an the train. Forty dead bodies had been taken out, and many more were supposed to be buried in the ruins or burned up. There were also many living still im prisoned in the debris of the fallen buildings. All the physicians of the town were killed excepting two, and there was great need of doctors to at tend the wounded, of whom, it was said, there were some two hundred. A relief train with twenty physi cians and nur.-es and full supplies left Springfield, Missouri, this morning for Marshfield, ami probably other trains will arrive during "the day. The storm was general in Southwestern Mis souri, and other places probably suf fered some damage, but as the tele g aph wires are all prostrated, no ad vices have been received. Violent hail and rain accompanied the wind. A telegram from Springfield via Yinits and Kansas City to C. M. Rogers, General Manager of the St. Louis i Si San Francisco Railroad, says a hurricane p ;ssed a few miles south of Springfield about 7 o'clock last night, doing an immense amount of damage and killing a great number of people. Fifty deaths are reported on the James River, six miles south of Springfield, and a great many persons are missing. The train dispatcher of Conway, fourteen miles this side of Marshfield, reports arriving there from Springfield at 11 o'clock and says he found a ter rible looking country from North Riv er, seven miles west of Marshfield, to the latter point. Trees three feet through are torn entirely out of the ground ; telegraph poles are twisted off and everything wrecked. The town of Marshfield was demolished. Brick as well as frame buildings were torn. We did not see more than half a dozen peo ple as we came through that town. The place seemed deserted. The .doc tors and nurses who came on our train from Springfield, about twenty In num ber, went from the depot alone to hunt up the people, there being no one at the depot to receive them. We sent a a relief train from Lebanon to Marsh field at daylight this morning with about fifty doctors, nurses and helpers and full supplies of provisions, clothing and medicine stores, also material for repairing the telegraph line. The line is dowu at different points between Springfield and Conway, perhaps ten miles altogether. A special to the Post-Dispatch from Lebanon says : The tornado which caused such frightful havoc at Marsh field last night, passed entirely through Green and Webster counties. Follow ing the course of the James river in a north-easterly direction, it struck the St. Louis e .raised in tills country. lu Iv.Uuable Tonlo and Strengthins: Properties are unsurpassed by anv otlier Native Wine. Being the pure juice of the Crape, produced under Mr. Speer's own personal supervision, its pii'etv and genuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake of its generous qualities, and tiie weakest invalid use it to advantage. 11 is particu larily beneficial to tlie aged and debilitated. and suited to the various p.iiments that affr.ot tiie weaker sex. It is in every respect A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. SPERH'S IP. J". SKERRY. The P. .r. SHEftRY is a wine of Superior Char acter, and partakes of th" golden ijualitics of the grape from whielj it is made. For purity. Richness. Flavor ant> Mechanical Properties, it will be found unexcelled. BPE EIIH IP. J\ B TSL A. ZST ID IT- This BRANDY stands unrivaled in this Country, being iar superior for meiliclnial pinmses. IT IS A PURE distention from llic gra|>e and contains valuable tv.edlcinial prot)erties. It lias a delicate flavor, s tiiifar to that of the gra|>es from which it is distilled, and is in great Favor among flrst-eln vS f imilif-s. See that the signature of ALFRED SPEKIt, Pas saic. N. J., is over the cork of eaeh bottle. Sold by D. 11. WCLLEK. aprW-lyr I. I. WAKEFIELD & CO., 124 FEDERAL STBEET, ALLEGHENY. A T 37} CENTS, All-Wool Twilled Deb>ge>3B-in Wids- NEW EFFECTS IX DRESS GOODS. Foreign and Dam.-wtlc Novelties. Armures. Per sian Cords, Brocades and Minnie Cloths, in the n>'W colorings: He'iotroiie. Paon. Old Cold. Bronze, Gendarme, Coachman and Navy Blue. Black Satin I)e Lyon, Black and Colored Silks and Satins. Wash Goods. Lawns, Cretonnes. Handkerchief Suitinc';, Mad ras Cloth, Zephvr Cloth, and new designs in TOILE D'ALSACE. Domestic and Housokeppins Goods. AT CENTS, 42-INCH PILLOW MUSLIN. Mhirting aii'l Sheeting Muslin. Table Linens. Nap kins, Towels and Towellngs, QUILTS. Trimmings, Embroideries, Corsets, Cloves, But tons. Fringes. Breton and Laiuiuedoc Lace, Scarfs, Ruchings and Fichu'. h o sTe r y. At 25 cents per p:»ir, Special Rar:?afn in Ladies' Reg. Made British Hose. $2.75 per dozen. * sT"Bargains of interest 111 every department, which customers would do well to examine before purchasing elsewhere. ORDERS HV MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 1. H WAKEFIELD & W.. JiJAFEDER AIL street 1 Ll A L L E G H E N Y. C. WATTLEY&CO. ARE DAILY RECEIVING Fresh and Seasonable Goods I SUCH AS Spring Qloves, Cotton and Lixle Thread Hose, Fringes, Trimmings, Buttons, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Handberch iefs, Lace, and Embroidered Ties, Summer Underwear, Elegant Neckwear for Men, ANT) ruLL STOCK or Ladies and fifen\i Furnishing Goods. in )ur Increased Room enables us to give pur-'| cUa.sers the very best value for their money, G. WATTLEY&CO. 109 FEDERAL BT. ALLEQAENY CITY TA. OPPOSITE FIK.ST NATIONAL BAN*. SEE a woman in another column, npar Speer's Vineyards, with a bunch of grapes from whioh i Speer's Port Grupe wine i* made, that is no I highly esteemed hv the medical profession for j the use of invalids, weakly persons and the by all I>rogg«rt». i ESTAHLISHED 1817. I a fi ,111 fR /V ti 0 11« lylliiUio \j\»ij WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS & SHOES, 133 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, P.. Strictly first-class quality Goods at bottom prices. S nd sample order. HATISFA CTI n> GI'AR A> T III" S>. THE Tjl-CA DUSTCx Millinery and Trimming House IN PENNSYLVANIA. Hqs. tfg, U4 9ad lt@ Market Street, Corner of Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH. An immense stock of the following unities constantly on Land : Press Trimmings, latest styles. I : > (. ; 'ov< ■ of fir .v. n in;j: ~•{ it; n. Fringe*, Pusseinenterie, Buttors, Ac. Lliis >h; din i ntl.rwear. our own designs Black Dress Silks, Satins, Trimming Sill. . ami of lift i; .. Trimmed Hats and Bonnet*. Sash i'vib'n : ... Tr.t:.; ing I; ..lions, aP widths. Fine French Flowers, Plumes. Ac. uO s!v.« s 1 u< li and .\i- . :in (. oi>< <, from Irish and German Table Lir.en and Tow. • ij> t. s" •\ , 'r, ineluo : IV. '• ainer's T.ubin's Black Cashn.eres, at '», 7*>, 0;% 1..." >; d. »\ i'\>:i-ie i. .Pi v.<- ! :ei -:t 'm' T ' ■ !. : : 'nts, the ties ever shown—at prlee., v. : lt!dn the i. of j ' , the masses. ■: :*• . •« «. r. «•> •» . ,;i v i 'in;;. PI- ck and Colored silks and f- lp. ' " i <'< . .•> 1 Lyou, SI up to 3.50 per v trd. . • -'.2 X.2.50, One case All-Wool Pnn.ases Bunt lei •. at •' •. ier j,", .. " v u> ct i >1 p.-. yard, .. . 24 to 48 inches w hie. •. ' " 1 , . , ... •.'■!!,.(' -•(.!.;•(: . i > cents. SdopleceH our own linpnrtition Li'sen lit v. s. 12'•- v ...; •, j, . , , , - ~c , to 35c per yard -unique and n.- d« uns. ,~r . u ' • New Zephyr Cloth-: '>d C ' I' i : ; ee Cur- New Toile I)e Alsace Mom. s and Safin«. 'J ' . New American Momvs at. ' Fonlnr's. >; n'V" n' ••icsh i:'. .I , ill , :utrj and New Contoa and M;ulr.is (imghuins. I .i i. in make. BOGG 8 & rJTTI j, 118 and 120 feder.al Street, All lieny. E. I). No. 04 Jane Term, E. G. Miller, Attornev. Ry virtue of a writ of l'lu. l i. Fa., 'ssind out of the Court of Common Pitas of Slntler County, nml to me directed, there will be ex posed to Public Sale, nt the Court Jlou j, in the Borough of Butler, on MONDAY, THK 17 HAY OL" MAY. A. D. 1. SO, atone o'clock, P. M., the following described property, to wit i All the rijrht, title, interest and claim of W. G. Stoughton of, in and to a certain lot or peice of ground situated in the Boron/h of Butler, Butler county, Pa., containing 70 by 86 feet, more or less, and hounded north by the Diamond square, east by an alley, smlh by an alley and west by Mrs. Judge Bredin, a large two-story brlok dwelling house and irame stable erected thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of W. (i. Stoughton, at the suit of Butler Savings Bank. WILLIAM 11. HOFFMAN, Shcr T. Sheriff's Offlce, Butler, Pa., April 26, 1; SO. Testimonials are received every dav liv t' tuo prletors of SIMMONS 1.1 VKi: KF!fit T f,ATtM from persons of education and |tt<>uiln< from p irt < of the e'Mintry attestms to ' v «... : -n.il <. alive properties of tins gre a modi; inc. No -lb prep aration but tin Itegnlaior lla-ever boc>« iti i i<*d that would effectually cure I'v - •> -i-t • <1 i kindred evils, an;l restoretin-naia i.-. ! K ■ -el' healthy con.ltt)o:i of ho,! - . aial mind. Tho r i:d'. increasing demand for this m :dl e andot am • sales in e< nsequence, 1 ■ ia led suTieient ev ' ".if • in itself of ils great popularity. Perfectly m' Iq- h.. hirni os It can be used any time Million! fear 1- i. • • delicat •|w r o:H. No nrdi , v.'aa ti it •. ;.i -i mav b" given too'ii - i':"n »• itb ;>■ •• •!.■ as no bad result • folio i;--; e, d- ; i '• i ;uiy. As a mild tonii. ;a utl" I.AMI'I v.. mid b alb Invlgorani it i> in initely ai, erior to nown reiiK-iiv for MAI. vmors FKVCIV a P.OWEI. Cost Pl \I •« rs. JAI NDKK. FILL. if, HKMII .I - . Mrvr u, DKPKKS' ION. SICK II: \I»A. I COXSMI'ATOOK, NAfSK \. UILIOI "Is DYSPEPMN. AM*. Read the following names o r p-isons w ' and widely known, who testify to the valiif! 'c proper ties of SIMMONS lav Kit Ktxt :.AT it OK Kl'L riNi; : Hon. Alex. 11. Stephens : lohi \V. lie 'villi. Bishop of fieoraia :C' n. Till IS. Cordoa. S. S"ii dor :lb n. John n. •Inliii (". lireekbiriil'.;.' : !'r"l I»• viil Wills. ' l> Hiram Warner. Chief .tustiiv of (!.t : l.e\\i \v'ru der. Asst'-t. r. M„ I'hila.. and laan- eMtei f a-i whom we have le'ters eoiiiw ii]'m;titwm 'in med icine as :i most valua' !e honselioal i "iae.lv. PURELY VKGEABr.E, Tts low price place It within ill • i !i «■' -1! :• I they rleh or poor. If you ' >c aT-H'i- '■ eea- | not And relief procure at otic» fi in rT• " i ' a bottle of Itegai 't ir. -reianct:l!v cur you. It is without a single exception Tlie Cllf*p-«L I'M ten ■ mill "est Fniulty Mfil'fliif Iti «lie wnrlil I OKKMNAI. AND OI'NTINE. MAM'. II'TI'BKII ONLY lIY J. 11. ZKIMV. A n>. PHILADELPHIA. Prlcn, 11. Sol«| bv nil lirnsghti. | api23-lyr II I We need a few men to solicit HflljßU orders for our Nursery Stuck We IIUIiUOI require men of undoubted integ rit'*, good habitM, with plenty of AND pluck and prefcveranee. Boys j rarelv ever succeed, and din-- cat' 1 P*k!n or dishonrst men we will not e»n uU jQUIu Eneriretic men with fair f business ca)ueity can easily ac quire a knowledge of the bu 'tics- MEN We want those who can go t > anv 111 I l >nrt - ' r on " n or n ; ii"ininL. - Vw OniOn counties, and give tlieir undivided H ullluUl attention to the business. Success ful men can obtain, PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT. GOOD PAY & EXPENSED. (ilve age, previoti «*wnpa!ioti. .••.•>d n-b-si -es. Address, K. ti. CHASE & Co., 10 N. Merrick St., l'lu la. Administrators' Notice. Letters ot n'bnlnli lctr.it on in the e>it: te of 4. 11. Mil ill*. E.-q , dis-VI, tale ol tbe I" - >ti L? li ol Butler, Pa , Icivimr l«oen fronted to li e un der«lgne , all persons knowing tbcm-elves Indebted to eald e«i it' wi'.l t»l«asc make > i m< - I dlute payment, an I any having claims ..-niris: , ► a'd est ile will prtfent them diih catl'm rated for payment Books will lie le!t in the bands ol Ksq. Walker lor collection. JOIIV N. M UN'TZ, A('inbii tr c> ", apr2S-4t But !''■ Ot i„ oer dav at I "iue Maniples vorth j 10 4,5 f roo . A.ddievH STISKO.N V Co., Portland, Maine. decJ-ly j ■|Farmers, Take Notice! I i >•. The celebi stod 01 YII'.SDAT,E ST.M.LION. imj orteo : omScot iji j land by Jani, l.Va s,v Co.. will 1 t < i i tnnd f i n::«rre :i• is c son at jt'v •'"* f-?able i ! Walter .« lioos, in j ' B'a ler. vc April J, 1.! It. 15, 1(5 ' atid 17: a' the stable i f !• i f>wall. in I.eas nreville, on Aprii I!). 31 2V. ; !:i i 24. and . | so aberniteh' t'.e nix dsya i f each alternate H" wpek at the above a!-., en. Farmers should tike .•tdvanfngo of tliia: as he rj ii known to be tlio lie:so in this pt.rt of the j State. S.pl4-4t Auditoi-s' Report. i A. tTTIIBEUT, Trea.-nrcr of the Poor Board > of llutler borough, for the year i s"!). DR. To ain't bal. on duplicate of 1878 1,064 07 " " l.sr.i fK> " rer'd from other districts L' 4."> 94 " judgiu't Mrs. Mel,c!iaijd, 111- terest Nov. 8,1877 328 .19 Total <3,822 4(5 .1 mu;thtx i'tii ' CR. Paujier" lor groceries, fuel, <6c 290 77 Dr. C<-t , Mr-- I'vi i-.nger CO 00 Jacksm t \c; Vp, Ivischiivi- eu.se 47 07 Mrs. ti, o. it and niedit--i'-.e bill (")3 99 . • II 00 ' (. a- •• \ . - dev. i '■ 75 00 IA. ("i;'' rv : .. e no 00 \. N. M C-. • . 1 50 , j .1. I', ck. \ 1 60 ' I An-litii- ii- l-. a .. 30 00 Tax ict:- i 11'< ii" :• I 7 • ... 19 64 ~s K2 52 I 'ol! ftor' i • • ' 7 52 25 I a\- r. i • i i < ... : r-1.-r .... 43 52 Bimemt tuim 56 72 t ollect r'l . .. imi -ion i 1J79 65 00 1 Palauce on Uuplioate for 16"3 719 82 1 lie!.! I VI- . Mel.ella; 1 3'B .'!!■ 1 WMT*ta i'- d'med and aec'ta settled 531 2d j Puhoa-e due from Treasurer 32 49 Total >3,822 46 Audited April 5, 188:1. j('i.?:> > MITH, 1 . ~ tpr7j li. M. McLUKE, j A " P * C \!» t icl C ■ • 1 •' orders for our Nur- Iwi I i'lijj »ery a ock. Men of intagrtty, MI? V a • ! ■' . 1 li' :;:v aid fair MUfIS bnnmi . v canmflTi> \V \MTrn ■ 1 hebuei ii il.l lIJ i' . i t i. . ten'ion to t: e ■:. Id -to fo 'o . i.y part of 111• ■ r own or .'.j i • i:i ■ " .tin' •• < I I'!: 1 ' N >; i : iV.il -. \ C OD PAY AMI 1 X. EV-EB. Give -ice in . .it. ■ -ii| o.- I'd n 'erences. T'.-ldr. a It «V tniAsF. ,v CO., apr7-lui N. Mei'ritn St., Pliila. 1., t;. r- te t in " ■ TV • ti tb • i state of Bernard Hoe-t i dcc'-l, i■ < t ait'er, I'i , having I cen t II '* d to ' e ur.dci i.imd, .1 persona Una'' a - i!: the- i...ii li ed to hid estate will p|ea-e II |'C I ayi a-i t ai d i'll> having claims c.-in t the s..tu- will ] r sent iln 111 duly HUlhenliea'i .1 for i ayoa-tii. MKH. it. I.OI> - !S({, r.vei utrlx, a])3l-4t huiier. Pa. PrMCIA* I f> ■ ai ! f.rSol ' \i d) I 1 V | o diem da-alilcd iu p. S. .v« i>i-ef . ,- f«» heirs of dec. ii- .J ■ -Id:.as. V] j <-i i ins di-te back to day of di charge, "nd t i c -te el t) .- death of tho H Idicr. Pel - I.a incri .st d ; lioonty and new l); r all rge pr. cured. Vddr. w tltatainp, -T' i ~\.'t- \ ('II., liooui So. sst. t!'oiid Building, Washington, V ar-lm PKIBSSIOM'H obtained for disabled soldiers, from dati of dia charge, if applioation ia filed before July Ist, SXBO. Penidoiia inereasi d. Send pot-tage for new 1 iiv- biaidta, and instrn.~tion«. Address SV. V. l'.'.t isor.l! A CO., Pittshnrgh. Pa., or VYiuiliiiigton. I>. C. ti e-oioc.-t CI; mi Aj,c!h'v in tlio L'liitt.l States. | *|2l-2m Kewartl. 'l'Jie lueii-iMgiufi w.d pay tl:c above reward for tl.e reiitia of his i .uall ark bay HOHSE, wliit<* '« ft liiiiil fo. ' i »r ou loivbead, tear on right bit', » y.-a's oIA. wfciel waa itohe from bis lb-Id iu Cm cord tawneb.p, on the night of ! the 7th of October laet. FRVNCIK nvniis, j ap!4tf rea JjvideP. O , liutler Co., Pa,