M „ J. H. NewWT ******* Agent. 41 P«* Kow fTimwlMdiny), ySrk ia authorized to ooctr** tor •drertu®- mpnte in thi CitUBH. TffISPAPEB Now Advertisement* To-Day. $25 Reward. "Golden Days." Farmers, Take Notice. Organ#—W. C. Bunnell. Mew York Weekly Atla». Boots and Shoes, Al. Ruff, Botler. Wall Paper, Malthiai, Pittsburgh. Prv Goods, Boggs A Buhl, Allegheny. Lac* Curtains, Holtxman, Pittsburgh. Assignee's Sale—Estate of Win. Schroth. Ale and Beer, J. C.Buffum ACo., Pittsburgh. Boots and Shoes, Child* A Co., Pittsburgh. Dissolution Notice—Billiards, Burnett A Co. Administratrix*' Notice—Estate of A. B. Pat* t0 Millinery and Trimming*, Rosenbaum, Pitts- Boots and Shoes, Barnes A Kallock, Alle gheny Local and General. WHITE COCHIN eggs for setting can be had of Howard Reiber. PETROLFUM CFNTRT, in Venang Co., got a scorching last Satarday. KIDNEY-WORT radically cores Bil liousness, Piles and nervous diseases. SPINE disease is common among horses in the central part of the State. A MERICAH wool is fast driving the English product from the European markets. KENNEDY MARSHALL, Esq., says he will have SI,OOO worth of fruit to sell next fall. CALL on J. C. Redick and he will tell you how DAYS KIDNEY PAD was discovered. THERE is a good bit of the flesh, the world and the devil in that Pitts burgh church. WISDOM for April—Never, never go out without your umbrella—or some other person's. IT is the dyspeptic individual who sings "The spring hath less of bright ness every year." "FEMALE complaints" are the result of impure blood. Use "Lindsey's Blood Searcher." As FAR as heard from it costs about a dollar to get a dollar's worth of gold oat of the Maine gold mines. You can get an eight-page paper, four weeks for 10c. See advertisement of N. Y. Weekly Atlas. Send for it. THOSE subject to costiveness should at once try "Sellers' Liver Pills" 25c. per box. Sold by all druggists. HART, "the Bostonian from Hayti," won the last walking match at New York. Score 563 miles, the best on re cord. THE Haxckeye thinks it was a good thing for Job's reputation for patience that he died before the gem puzzle was born. MR. PHILDP HALIJSTEIN, of Clay town ship, is one of the most prompt paying men on our list, being always in ad vance. MR KEARNEY and Lord Beacons field are living instances of the fact that great men are liable to be unap preciated. THERE is a demand in every part of the State for increased mail facilities, particularly in rural and manufactur ing regions. THFRE is a strong probability that Cadet Whittaker has talents which would make bim an excellent Louisi ana witness. AT a meeting of our Town Council last week, Mr. Jacob Rychen was ap pointed Street Commissioner for the ensuing year WE are requested to announce that Mrs. McLure will open a school in the public school building of this town next Monday. FRED. JOHNSON, the young lad who reciered an accidental shotgun wound in the thigh at Millerstown lately, died from the effects last Friday morn ing. IMPORTANT TO YOUNG MEN. —If you want a Stylish Hat, send ior Illustrated Circular and Price List, free. J. Q. BENNETT'S HAT HOUSE, 119 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. THIRTY years ago Lancaster county this State, raised more wheat than any county in the United States. Now she occupies a position in the front rank as a tobacco growing county. THE Delaware peach crop last year was 4,000,000 baskets, and the Wil mington Every Evening says there is a reason to believe that this year it will reach 7,000,000 baskets. BALJHEADBD persons are recommen ded, by one who knows how it is him self, to have a spider painted on the top of their heads as a preparation for the fast approaching fly time. THE commissions for all the Jus tices of the Peace in this county, elected this spring, have arrived at the Register and Recorder's office, and can be had by calling at that office. A MONO the injured at the late acci dent on the Bellair & South Western R. R., near Bellair 0., was Mr. L. M. Armor formerly of this county, but now living in Allegheny City. J VST for a trial, suppose Butler adopts the Scranton plan and every per son scrape the streetin front of his house, leaving the heaps of dirt to be carted away by the Street Commissioner. THE cellar of Humphrey A Scheide mantle's store in Portersville, was en tered last Thursday night and some groceries taken therefrom. The parties are known -nd will be apprehended. MR. MARCUS HARPER, of North Washington, has started up again in the mercantile business, having opened up a new store in that place where he formerly done a successful business. YENNORsays: "May will be cold and wet, and same up to the middle of June." After that we are to have dry —extremely dry—and fine weather, until the end of the year, with drought. | DETROIT Free JPr<««: How,foolish i for artists to represent Cnpid as the god of love, when we all know that as old stocking full of money has more influence than forty Cuptda crowded up together. Tbm la.* woodarfcl tu»nimto- «r the pait of UM nawpapnra of all shades of political opinion ui ogndtpn* ing the actions of Jadga Patterson, of Lancaster, in disbarring the editors ai the Intelligence. LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at sls aw) upwteds, «$. Gets?* f As THE time for gardening is com ing on every person should look to their interest in securing good plants of the latest varieties, which can be had by calling on J. W. Bortmass k Co., west of town. BLAINE has drawn first blood from Sherman in Ohio. The Jefferson County Convention, the first held in the State, declared for Blaine. The Sherman fences seem to be in bad re pair out that way. JOHN H. EAKIN, of Clinton town ship, Venango county, left lately for San Francisco, where he will take the steamer, to enter upon his duties as a professor in the Nation College lately established by the King of Siam IN Indiana the State elections are no longer to be held a month in ad vance of the last day of fighting over the Presidency. This will be annoy ing to politicians, but a great blessing to an unoffending but afflicted people. ON last Monday night week the barn of Jacob Stoup, of Adams town ship, this county, was destroped by fire with all the grain, harness, etc , in it, and four good horses, one cow, two buggies and other articles. No insur ance. ACCORDING to Chinese notions of rank, masters must not occupy sleep ing rooms below their servants. Con sequently the family of the Chinese Professor in Cambridge, Mass., sleeps in the attic, and the servants down stairs. THE law of 1878 forbids the catch ing of black, yellow and striped bass in any of the waters in this State be tween the first day of January and the first day of June, and then only with hook and line and those over six inches in length. A MAN named Georgo M. Hughes, who emigranted from the northern part of this county to Yirginia a year or so ago, leaving a bad reputation behind him, is said to have lately made the acquaintance of a Virginia whip ping post. THERE are about 5,000 Justices of the Peace in the State, to whom com missions mnst be issued dating from the first Monday in May. The State will realize about SIO,OOO from the officers in the shape of fees for their commissions. SPECIALTIES in woolens at William Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not to be had elaewhere in the county. MR. RITTER, of the firm of Ritter k Ralston has returned from his second trip east, this spring. While there he purchased a heavy stock of silks and the new combination suitings. All the varieties in market can always be found in his store. WE return our thanks to numerous subscribers who responded to request for their arrears by the first of April. There are stil\ some who are farther in arrear than should be and from whom we hope to hear during one of the ap proaching Court weeks. PUCK'S suggestion that Oleomar garine be colored blue, red, green or some other loud color with harmless dyes, would severely test its value— and the sincerity of the asseverations of the manufacturers that they desire it should be sold upon its merits! THE temperance society at Dublin, Ohio, is called Ku-Klux, and seems to deserve the name, for the members have blown up two barrooms with powder. On the last occasion the build ing was totally demolished by the ex plosion of a keg of powder in the cel lar. A CONVENTION of school Superin tendents will he held at Harrisburg, beginning April 27 and continuing three days. Excursion tickets will be furnished over nearly all the railroads reaching the State Capital, and every effort will be made to secure a large attendance. A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine American Movement as low as $lO, at E. GKIKB'S. BURLINGTON Haickeye: "Are ani mals color blind ?" asked a writer in a scientific magazine. Now there is a man who has never wandered through a cow pasture with a red flannel shirt on. Come to think of it, we have never wandered through that kind of a cow pasture, either. AT a dinner given at Delmonico's, New York, last Friday by Mr. Wm. Rensen, representing the oleomarga rine interests of that city to the Agri cultural Committee of Congress. 600 bottles of wine were drank 1,500 cigars were smoked, and a quarter of a pound of oleomargarine ate. IN order to check importations of iron from England, the leading pro ducers of the United States have re solved to put the price of the native commodity at such a figure as will force the foreign product out of our markets. This will necessitate a reduc tion of about ten dollars per ton. THE campaign labors of the Eng'ish Parliamentary condidates are over, and they can now draw the backs of their hands across their massive brows and wipe away the remains of the de cayed eggs their affectionate country men have bestowed upon them A great thing, is politics, either on this or the other side of the Atlantic. METAL Plow Points, of all kinds, for sale at the Hardware Store of JACKSON en unless a stu | peudous sacrifice could be arranged to propitiate the incensed deities; King Theebau, with his usual nonchalance, told them to go ahead and sacrifice | things generally. THE North Bend Chilled Plow, as good a chilled Plow, and a dollar and a half cheaper than any other, is for sale by JA' KSOX A MHVIIKI.I.. WORTH remembering. For a weak back, cold hands and feet, bloating of the lower limbs, retention or too abun dent (low of the urine there is no rem edy equal to Prof. Guilmette's French Kidney Pad. It equalizes the circu lation, removes watery accumulations, gives tone and strength to the mus cular and secretory system, and effects permanent cures in nearly all cases. FARMERS, don't forget that the Dia mond Iron Plow is still to the front, and for SALE by JACKSON & MITCHELL. PEOPLE of this section, who were not favored during the past winter with any ,weather appropriate to the season, can scarcely realize that at Montreal, about 200 north, the ice has been thick enough to sustain heavy trains of cars. The track across the St. Lawrence was taken up on the Ist of April, having been used all winter without casualty of any kind.— Erie DispcUch. A "NEW" cereal, said to be more nu tritious than either corn, oats or rye, is finding much favor in Western Kan sas and Xew Mexico. It is called Egyptian corn or pampas rice, and was originally brought from South Russia. Thus far it has been unaf fected by drought, worms, grasshop pers and other pests, and it can be cul tivated with less care than almost any other grain. OVER two hundred farmers in this county are using the Diamond Iron Plow, and will tell vou that it has no equal. For sale by JACKSON & MITCHELL. IT is a curious faet that color-blind ness is much more common among men than among women, and the same difference is noted between boys and girls. In recent experiments on this subject made in the public schools of Boston 14,469 boys were examined, of whom 608 color-blind; but out of 1 1,458 girls, only 9 were found to be thus affected. " The question is, what causes this difference? New Millinery, From School Hats up to the finest Dress Hats and Bonnets, at RITTER k RALSTON'S. THE crystalline air of the last few days was another warning to put no trust in birds and flowers. Tulips and daffodils were trying to smile in glittering sunlight, but there was Winter in the sky. AH the vernal vaporß which fill the air with a soft light were frozen out. The clear, blue sky was deeper and more distant, and the horizon visibly retreated to sweep around in a more spacious circle. \ew PercHlH, Chintzes, P. K's, Grenadines, Linen Suitings, etc. at RITTER & RALSTON'S. THREE conricts in the Western pen itentiary tried to escape from that in stitution last. Thursday. They knock ed down a keeper with a billy in the laundry, tied his hands and feet and gagged him. They then tried to es cape by scaling the wall, but their rope broke and they fell back, injured, into the clutches of the other officers of the institution, who had been aroused to the attempt to elude their careful guar dianship. Combination Suitings. A full line, in all the new novelties, at RITTER & RALSTON'S. No SANE man would deny that truth and justice should take prece dence of political sentiment, and that one must lie a good man before he is a good Republican or Democrat. Any speaker or writer would l>e ridiculed for stating that there was a general disposition in the country to sacrifice the highest principles to party feeling ; but careful observers must have seen evidence of a most dangerous tendency in this direction. At 5 Cent** and Hp, Ladies' Hosiery, at RITTER e taken at bis word ; then Germany will continue to exist, as France did aften the resigna tion of Thiers. Wheat ! Wheat! ,The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter & Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER & Boos. THE Diamond Iron Plow will clean in any kaul'ui soil. i"or sale at the Hardware Store of J49&SON & dXITOQCU.. Hawks and Owls. The Sportsmen's Association of ' Western Pennsylvania offer three prizes for the destruction of Hawks and Owls within the limits of one or more of the counties of Allegheny, Hea ver, Washington, Westmoreland, But ler, Armstrong, Fayette. Somerset. Indi ana and Clarion. The person who be i tween April Ist, 1880, and April Ist, i 1881, -hall have shot, caught or other wise taken by himself in person, and ; delivered the large-t number of Hawk i or Owl beads to the rooms of the As i sociation, Xo. 75, Fifth Avenue, Pitts burgh, shall be entitled to a fine dou -1 ble barrelled breeeh loading shot-gun. To the person delivering the next highest number of heads, a fine double barrelled breech loading shot-gun. To the person delivering the third largest number, a first-class fully reliable ri fle. Satisfactory evidence will be re quired that the persons competing for the prizes have complied with the con ditions. Scalps may be sent in at any time and will be receipted for prompt ly. Treating the Wrong Disease. Many times women call upon their family physicians, one with dyspepsia another with palpitation, another with trouble of the breast another with pain here and there, and in this way they all present alike to themselves and their easy-going and indifferent doctors, seperate and distinct di.-eases, for which he prescribes his pills and potions, assuming them to be such, when, in reality, they are all symp toms caused by some uterine disorder ; and while they are thus only able per haps to palliate for a time, they are ignorant of the cause, and encourage their practice uutil large bills are made when the suffering patients are no bet ter in the end, but probably worse for the delay, treatment, and other com plications made, and which a proper medicine directed to the cause would have entirely removed, thereby insti tuting health and comfort instead of prolonged misery. SHADE, Athens Co., Ohio. Dr. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, X. Y.: Your Favorite Prescription is work ing almost like a miracle on me. 1 am better already than I have been for over two vears. LORIXDA E. ST. CLAIR Yorkville, Toronto, Ontario, > March 18, 1880, > R. V. PIERCE, M. I).: Dear Sir —l write you about a most remarkable cure of a lady friend of mine Mrs. Rutnorn. Since her mar riage thirteen years ago, she has suf fered greatly from uterine disease which caused sterility. She tried the most eminent physicians of this part of the country, who told her she would have to undergo an operation with the knife, Being afraid of this she, was induced by reading your Medical Ad viser to take your Favorite Prescrip tion and Pellets. She used three bot tles, as a result she entirely recovered her health and is the happy mother of a healthy babe. Yerv truly vours. MRS. JOHN McELROY. Silks. To ladies who are in need of Silks, we announce that we have now in stoek the largest assortment we have ever shown, consisting of Black Silks, Colored Silks, Stripe Silks, Mottled Silks, Brocade Silks and Cheek Silks. We can show you just as good an as sortment as any city house, and at less prices. Remember you can always get trimmings to match, in fringes, satins, buttons, etc., at HITTER k RALSTON'S. Found Drowned. A twelve year old boy of Mr. Jacob Schwille, of Butler township, was found drowned in the Connoqnenes sing near the Kalb place last Saturday morning. He had been running aroud that morning and is supposed to have waded into the creek and be come chilled. He had been in poor health for the past year or two and had to be kept in the house most of the time, but unfortunately eluded at tention and wandered away that morn ing- CariK't Chain At mill prices, at RITTF.R & RALSTON'S. A STRIKING instance of a life-long friendship lias been brought to notice in New York bv the death of two old gentlemen, Messrs. McCurdy and Al drich. When they were aged respee tively fourteen and fifteen they went to New York City to seek their fortune, one hailing from Lyme, Conn., and the other from Orange, N. Y. They both entered the same mercantile estab lishment in humble capacities, and IH cauie room-mates, and from that mo ment dated the intimacy which was to continue uninterrupted for over half a century. Gradually working their way up together, they at last found thesclves at the head of one of the heavy dry goods houses of New York, and after conducting their business for over a quarter of a ceutury they both retired, each worth more than a mil lion. They built themselves adjoining and similar houses in a good street and lived there until a short time before their death", when family changes made it necessary for them to separate. The most remarkable coincidence, perhaps, in those so curiously interwoven lives, was in their end. Mr. McCurdy died at half-past three o'clock, and Mr. Al drieh at four o'clock on Monday after noon of last week, or within half an hour of each other. They furthermore died of the same disease—heart disease. Their funerals were conducted together and thev were buried from the siime church and laid away for .their long rest, side by side, iii the same church yard. It would perhaps be hard to find a more perfect materialization of Dickens' beautiful ideal, the Cherryble brothers. THE use of ST. JACOBS 011, is indeed followed by the most wonderful re sults. More than a dozen cases have come to mv knowledge, where ST. JACOBS OIL effected speedy cures, but I will only mention one instance. A man suffering for twenty-four years from Rheumatism was induced to try the ST. JACOBS OIL. He used a few bottles of this truly wonderful remedy, and is now entirely well once more. W. BEINHARDT, Elmore WIS. Wheal! Wheat! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter &, Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER &, Boos. At 15 Cent* Per Yard, Plain and Hair Stripe Lawns, in all the new tints, at • Rixxsft & RAWWOH'* COUNT. MEASURE AND WEIGH EVERY THING YOU BUY. No Advance fn the Price of Goods—Have Reduced the Price on Carbon Oil, Corn Starch and Concentrated Lye. White Sugar 11 fl>«. for $1 (O Brown Su«:ir 11 it lu'! ii>s. for 1 <>■> Roasted Coffee to 22c. "j- 1 lb« Rice 4 His. for 2'< c. Rice, best 3 P>s. for 2f>c. Com Starch, Mayflower 4 tt>s. for 2.V. Corn Starch, best brands 3 !bs. for 2">c. People's Gloss Starch 4 tt>s. for 23c. Cracked Wheat 1 tb. for sc. Pried l'eaches, crop 7s l>J lbs. for 25c. I>ri<"l Peaches, crop 7:' 3 ft>«. for _'. so. Babbitt s best 4 bur- f.ir Kirk's Blue India Soap, h>. bars..4 bars for -'.V. " " " " i lb. •' ~H bars for 2oc. Wax Soap ...."! bars for 2oc, Potash 3 halls for 25c. Concentrated Lye 7 boxes for 50c. Lewis Lye 2 boxes for 25c. Bulk B*kin£ Powder 1 lb. for 25c. Royal, Cra'g's and Banner Baking Powder, 1 lb. boxes, 2 for 25c. Strawberries, per can 10c. Blackberries, " 10c. Winslow'sCorn, " 15c. Sugar Corn, " 10c. Pie Peaches, " 10c. Carbon Oil. per gallon 10c. Lamp Chimneys, Line "c. Banner, Poarl White, Pure Diamond, Happy Home, Pearl Mills. Bay;. rd and Magnolia are are the brands c.f flour in store. Every sack iruaranteed as represented. Test the weight of your Hour. Some brands only contain 47 to 4* lbs. that are marked } lib!. I'.einemljer, they should contain 41' lbs. Weigh vonr flour. M REIBER, SR.. Opposite National Bank. Butler, Pa. Al (VnN B*er Yard, Fast-colored Plaid Dress Ooods, at RITTKR k RALSTON'S. THE late annual meeting of the Pres byterian church in Butler, showed a gratifying progress in the spiritual and financial work of the church. While 25 persons had been dismissed by certif icate during the year ending April 32 had been received in the same time. At the last communion IT were re ceived, six of these were by certificate. The membership was 264 last year. During the year the congregation con tributed §720 for benevolent purposes, and raised for support and church debt, (a legacy of prosperous years) $4.4*3, making a total of $5,103. The adoption of what is comnionlv known as the "Bellefonte System." has enabled the people during a year of great financial depression in tlii> place to contribute nearly three times as much as they did the year before. The motto which the pastor has given his people, "All at Work, Always at Work for Christ," if heartily adopted by each member can not fail to bring up any congrega tion in financial as well as in spiritual matters. At 10 Cent* I'pr Yard, Batiste Lawns, Side Band Lawns, in all the ne\V shades, at RITTER & RALSTON'S. WE regret to learn, says the Frank lin (Pa.) Citizen, that some of the farmers in Jackson township have been victimized by confidence men. The swindlers represented themselves as agents for a commercial fertilizer, and, us usual, had blanks to be signed by their victims, who were to be made lo cal agents for the sale of phosphate. In the course of a few weeks after signing the blanks the farmers were surprised to receive notice from the nearest bank that their notes for a certain amount, generally exceeding SIOO, was due, and calling for a settle ment. The agents had written a note for the amount in the blank above the signature of the firmer and had it dis counted. I n the vicinity of Cambridge, Crawford county, farmens were victim ized to the extent of SI,OOO by the same parties. Beware of the phosphate man. Be sure you know what you are doing when you sign your name to anv paper presented by a stranger. It is quite likely the same chaps will visit this county, but as our people gener ally patronize their county papers they are not so likely to be taken in and done for. We have several resident merchants who deal in phosphates and from them purchases should be made. Two Organs. Regulate first the stomach, second the liver; especially the first, so as to perform their functions perfectly, and you will remove at least nineteeen twentieths of all the ills that mankind is heir to, in this or any other climate. Hop Bitters is the only thing that will give perfectly healthy natural action to these two organs.— Maine Former. Wholesale. We have now in stock an immense assortment of Pry (Joods, Carpets, Notions, &c., «fcc., which we are pre pared to sell to dealers at New York quotations, at RITTER ft RALSTON'S. Wheal! Wheal! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter & Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER & Boos. A LAW recently passed by the New York Legislature permits women in that State to vote for School Trustees. There was an election for School Trus tees in New Rocbelle lately and the women were expected out to vote. They didn't meet expectation. A puzzled election judge searched the law to find the reason for this general backwardness of the women in coming forward. lie professed to have found it in the clause restricting the vote to women over twenty-one years of age. There wasn't a woman in New lloehelle who dared to face an election judge privileged to inquire her age. .41 10 CcntN Per Yard, Stripe Dress Silks, at RITTER IT RALSTON'S. Dr. C. 11. LEG, floiiurMpailiie l»liy*i< ian. ..ml residence near the Wick House, North Main afreet. Butter, Pa. jaiw .Vt'H Naeqiieiujfs Just received, at RITTER & RALSTON'S. tl'licat ! Wheat ! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter Ac, Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER lb. BAGON- -Plain sugar cured bmua 11 3tn. V IH; shoulders, 8 ; sides, 8 BEANS—White. *1(5)1.25 V bush. CHICKENS —2S ti> 30 ets. PER pair. CHEKSK—IB eta V tb. COHN MEAL—2 cts. V tf>. CALF SKIJTS—9Oc bushel: oorn 45 ; wbeat 81 5 ; rye 75 cents . buckwheat, fiO. HONEY—2O cts. tb. LAHR—7c tb. Tallow, 6(87. MOLASSES—SOrtrfiOc V gallon. Syrap, 50loc. ¥ tb. i, $1.73 V IwswU Sk,TOLoSL C?£tz>s. I have just received from the East a large stock of HATS.CAFSi CENTS' FINMU GOODS. I offer to the public the COMKT SHIRT, the bjst Unlaundried White Shirt in the market for #l. ONE DOLLAR. #l. Also, a large stock of \V HITE and COLORED SHIRTS, iur Men and Boys, always on hand. Underwear, Half Hcse, Gloves, Ayi,iiu;ixT^TsTYi, - siN Hats, Caps and Neckwear, Introduced as soon as they appear in the East, to be had at 23L. ieb's P >IAI> STREET, BUTLER, PA. 'Treasurer's Sales. All persons interested will take notice that on MONDAY, Ji'NK 14, 18S0, and each succeed inc: day until all are sold, there will be offered nt public outcry at the Court House in Butler, by the County Treasurer, the following lands for taxes entered and returned, the owners bavins; refused or neglected to make payment of said taxes to Collectors : ADAMS TOWNSHIP. Reilly William, 6 acres 1 13 ] ALLEGHENY TOWNSHIP. Ada:n» M. S., 410 acres 24 SO Adams 11. C., 125 acres 6 12 Anderson William. 24 acres $ 14 30 Hartley Thomas, .">3 acres It; 70 Blakefey James, 100 acres 22 06 Hamilton Joseph, 22 acres 4 76 Meals Christian, 45 acres 14 23 Rosenberg David, 43 acres 2 16 Stewart William, 12 acres 5 92 Worner Samuel, 6 acres 1 77 BRADY TOWNSHIP. Phillips Bros., 47 acres 6 20 BUTI.EK TOWNSHIP. Graham W. L., 2 acres 1 90 Grpb'im John, heirs, 25 acres 4 75 Hart it Conkle, 6 acres 2 35 Rheilunder William, 5 acres 2 12 Young Amelia, 40 aeres 7 00 CONCORD TOWNSHIP. Bredin A Roessing, 20 acres 6 67 Black John, 94 acres 21 11 Curran William, 50 acres 10 35 Conway Albert, acres 4 02 Given George, 3 acres IS 69 Leonard 11. K. & Co., 28 acres 132 00 Mitchell Alexander, 33 acres 6 90 McCartney acres 18 33 | CLEARFIELD TOW NSHIP. Kearns J. R., 30 acres 8 70 Hagertv Margaret, 57 acres 11 40 Flick James, 1 lot 2 70 Goldiugcr David, 70 acres 19 45 Kelly Patrick, 3 lots 3 (Mi McMauus William, 77 acres 20 33 Stewart Robert, 300 acres 94 50 DONEGAL TOWNSHIP. Bradley C. A Co., 5 acres 2 52 Irons B. (>., 1 lot 75 McElroy Patrick, 100 aercs 16 20 McLaughlin Daniel, 11 acres 72 Mahoncy James, 1 acre 1 22 Nolan B. J., 100 acres 7 70 FA IFYI K W TOWNSHIP. Cowden W. R. Dr., 1 lot 1 01 Shakelv John, 1 lot 1 16 FORWARD TOWNSHIP. Piersol S. 11., M acres 24 56 Thompson J. M., 30 acres 1 14 FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. Rill Conrad, 96 acres 5 70 MARION TOWNSHIP. Campbell Samuel, 36 acres 4 40 OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. ITuselton Theodore, 1 lot 2!> Purviance John N., 140 acres 56 57 Storey A Eastman, 33 acres 6 00 PEN N TOWNSHIP. Brown Margaret, A acre 35 Green Miles, 165 acres 61 21 Marshall Thomas, 26 acres 8 0(5 Miller John, 20 acres 3 1" PARKER TOWNSHIP. Alverson Sarah, 70 acres 35 00 Ward Emily, 1U acres 6 90 Waril George, 15 acres 9 00 SUMMIT TOWNSHIP. McCandless & Wilson, 50 acres 18 23 Overy Joseph. 133 acres 9 95 Overv Joseph, 7"' acres... 5 42 Rheilunder William, 31 acres 35 VENA NGO TOWN'S!! IP. Addleman Robert, 17 acres 3 30 Briceland Alexander, 65 acres 13 98 Ivikin Joseph, 25 acres 45 lliggins Andrew, 50 acres 10 75 Lincoln Mary, 25 acres 1 58 Leison T. 8., 46 acres 11 00 Mcßride A., 50 acres 2 40 McLaughlin J. 1!., 50 acres 10 75 WASIII NIiTON TOWNSHIP. Anderson Samuel, 2 acres 1 67 Eakin William, 11 acres 3 00 llollv Ann, 1 acre 31 Milliard, Burnett & Co., 193 acres 34 69 Kelly Patrick, 90 acres 25 19 Maxwell Robert, \ acre 15 McMahan L. C., s acres 2 07 Stewart William L., house and lot 3 00 Thompson J. M., 60 acres 11 16 WORTH TOWNSHIP. Book Harlan, 50 acres 2 .SO Stoughton O. P., 33 acres 2 31 BCTI.ER BOROUGH. Aggas George, house and lot 7 05 Bell William, 1 lot 70 Clark Hale, house and lot 7 20 Cannon John, 5 lots 10 IN) Dougati Bridget, 2 lots 7 95 Diekev Henry, house and lot I 75 Fitzsimiuons Andrew, house and lot 8 58 Glenn Walker, 1 lot 5 30 (■lenn James, dee'd, house and lot 3 50 Ilaney John Mrs., 1 acre 2 40 Harlev Christian, house and lot 14 40 Hildeorand Henry, 1 lot 4 00 Johnston t ieorge, house and lot 5 80 Maxwell William Mrs , house and 10t... 6 60 McCandless Moore, house and lot 3 25 McCandless Matthew, house and lot 1 05 McQuistiou W. W., house and lot 24 30 Richards A. Mrs., house and lot 10 00 Roakc James, house and lot 6 5s Skillman James, I lot 3 30 Spangenberg Mary Mrs., house and lot.. 4so Smith 11. S., house and lot 3 15 Slater Valentine, house and lot 1 10 Tracy James, house and lot 5 SO Young John, 1 lot 4 65 GREECE CITY. Campbell George, 40 acres 54 40 Morrison James, (i acres 6 84 MeKibben A Co., S acres 39 10 V. L. CK.VIG, apr 7] County Treasurer. Wall Paper, Window Shades and Floor Cloths. ' largest and cheapest stock in Western Pennsylvania i» for sale bv -1- .1. EAST & SOX, 104 FEDEIiAL ST., ALLEGHENY, PA. mar2l -4t - PEWTSIOATSr New Laws. Thousands entitled. Every sol dier even slightly disabled, by wounds, disease, or accident, entitled to pension, dating back to dav of discharge. Even the loss of a linger or toe. entitles to pension. Also, ail widows and dependent parents, and minors, entitled. Time limited. Apply at once- Many pensioners now entitled to h.create. Bounty ye: due to thous ands. Land cases nettled Patents procured for inventors. Fees tixed by law. Bend two stamps for new laws, blanks and instructions to E. H. GEL3TON Jfc CO.". "Pension and Patent Attor wym Wok Uujt BOOTS and SHOES AL. WLtIWWm UNION BLOCK, Main Street, - - - - Butler, Pa. I have just received my entire Spring and Summer stock of BOOTS and SHOES direct from the manufacturer, and am able to sell them at OLD PRICES, and a great many lines at JSgr*LOWER PRICES THAN EVER. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Button, Polish and Side Lace Boots in endless variety, and at bottom prices. Reynolds Brothers' celebrated fine Shoes always in stock, and is the most complete I have ever offered. The prices are lower than ever, and styles elegant. Parties wanting BOOTS & SHOES made to order can do no better than by me, as I keep none but the best of workmen in my employ. LEATHER and FINDINGS will be found in my store in superior quality and at lowest market rates. All goods warranted as represented. A¥*. RUFF, GRAND OPENING ! During this week we will open the largest and unquestionably best selected stock of Spring Dry Goods ever exhibited west of the Allegheny Mountains. New arrivals of Novelties in Dress Goods constantly receiving at STREET, ALLEGHENY, Wo wou'd call social attention to an extra K-iTOur Department in Housekeeping Good* bargain in Dress Goods which we are selling at has never been so complete heretofore, cents. Unen Table Cloth. 20. 25. 30c. lu Cashmere, wi;h Polka Dot. we offer a de- Linen Table Damask. 50. 00, 75c. cided bargain. selling it at 12)v-\ Turkey Red Table Cloth. 35. 50, 75c. At i2 l e offered at s>»eh low prices as j Toweling, 5. 6#. 8. 10c. will astonish the buyer. Plajil Flannels, Beautiful Silks at 55, GO. 75c. sl. Plain Flannels, 10, 1 15c. Silks, extra good quality, $1.25, *1.50, $2.50. ' We received a now and very large stock of We liavtf now in stock a full line of Trimming , Shawls of an entirely new design, offering at sl, Silks, Satiiis. Silk Fiinges. Ac., and every tiling !il 50. .»!2 5o Broche Shawls, at -S6. #B, sl2. offering at prices to suit purchasers. i Black Thibet Shawls, $2.50, $3, #4, SB. The movements in the East point to much higher prices, and we would ad vise our friends and patrons generally to save money by laying in their supplies as early as possible. 100 «V 102 Federal Street, Allegheny. To the Ladies & Gentlemen: Prof. Gruilmette's FRENCH KIDNEY PAD A POSITIVE AND PERMANENT CURE GUARANTEED In all cases of GRAVEL, DIABKTER. DROPSY, Union's DISEASE or THE KIDNEYS. INCONTTWEWCT AND RETENTION OK URINE. INFLAMMATION ur THE KIDNEYS. CATAKUII OF THE "I.ADDEH HIGH COI/>BED URINE, PAIN IN THE BACK. SIDE OR LOISB. NERVOUS WEAKNESS, and in fact all disorder* of the Bladder and '"rinary Organs, whether contracted by prhute diseases or otherwise. This great remedy has been used with success for nearly ten years in France, with the most wondeiful cura tive effects. It cures by absorption, no nauseous internal medicines being required. We have bund,eds of testimonials of cures by this Pad when all else had failed. L.VDIKS, if you are suffering from Female Weakness, Lencorrlnipa, or diseases peculiar to fe males or in fait miv diseases of the Kid'cvs. Bladder or Urinary Organs ask your druggist for PROF. GUILMBITE'S FHENCtI KIDNEY PAD, AMI TAKE NO OTIIKU. If he has not got it send $2 and vou will receive the Pail by return rcail. Address U. S. Branch, FRENCH fAD CO., Toledo, Ohio. Prof. Guilmettc's French Liver Pad Will positively cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake. Billions Fever, Jaundioe, Dvspop sia. and all ihsoases of tiie Liver. Stomach and Blood. The pad cures by absorption, and !• per manent. Ask your druggist foi this pad and take no other. If he does not keen it send $1.50 to the FRENCH PAD CO , (U. S. Branch) TOLEDO. OHIO, and receive it by return mail. .1. IIKXDERNOV A TIRO., marfi-Gm Wholesale Drngsif-ts, Pittsburgh. General Agent*. |' I p \ l»I P To solicit orders for onr Nur v'l IXI DI-iEi aery stock. Men of integrity, II P V good habits. energy ami fair ill Hill business capacity can easilv ao- AIT t \TPII quire a knowledge of the bnsi " -/»•'' I 1>1" ness.niust give entire attention to tlio work and ho able to go to any part of their own or adjoiniuu counties. PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT, GOOD PAY AM) EXPENSES. Give a;,'?, previous occupation and references. Address It. G CHASE .V CO.. apr7-lm 10 N. Merrick St.. Puila. FARMERS, LOOK HERE! Ci4iPl}inn rriurncd N. R. I. Alias subpuna returned N. E. I. 80 answers W 11 HOFFMAN, Sheriff. To the respondent. Lina Hoelime: You are hereby notified tt» he an.l appear, in vour own proper person, belore our Judges at Itutlei, at a Court ot Common Peas there to he held tor the county «.f hutler, on the first ! Mondav ol June i'erm, lieing th« 7th day I ot said month, to answer the petition or libel ' ol the buhl Paul Boeh'ne, and to show causa, . if any you have, why the said Paul lioebme, ' your hu-haml. t-hould 11 >t ho divorced from the bond* ot matrimony, agreeably to the Act of Assembl}- in such case in vie and provided, mat 17" W. U. HOFFMAN, Sheriff. Notice Extraordinary. Persons desiring to have their Old Furniture 1 repaired, or New Work made to order, leioh m Music Stands, Rook Canes, Wardrobes. Offioe Desks. Office Tables. Ac., would do well to call oa A. 13. Practical Cabinet Maker. I hold that a piece of furniture made b- hand is worth two miide by machinery. and will ooat hut little more, if any. Then whv not have hand made i All work made hi the latest styles and of the beat material. I guarantee entire aat -Ist action in stvle, workmanship and price. Qt«% me a call. Shop on Milfliu street, four doora west of Main street, and opposite A. Troatmao% store, Butler, Pa. aepl7-ly 6Ztn C?n P* r d *y hom * Samples wortfc pj «5 free. Address Rrntsos & Oft., Portland. Maine. decS-ty 67J A WEEK. *l2 a day at home eatUjrpad* O• u Costly Outfit (Mb. AddJtoM TtfßF i Qju Jiaafc. - «-**