M* J H BAT»-S. Ne*>M« ADWUWAG A?»nt. 41 Park Kow (Tinea BnjUßPj), X«w Yorii, ia to contract for laftnsw* mrcU Jo tlx# Cmzd. ___ THIS PAPEB Now Tb-D»y. Pension*. Men Wanted. Treasurer's Tax Sale*. Champ-on of the W«* Fanmn* Mill. Auditors' Be port —Poor Board of Botlar borough. Local and OennraL TH* meadows are a wearing of the green. WM. H. KEMBLE IS said to be worth $2,000,000. BRADFORD had a SIOO,OOO fire last Friday morning. TAB bark is scarce in Pittsburg and Allegheny and the price is looking up. Six women phvsicians were gradu ated in New York city last Thursday. PERRT A. Shannon has been ap pointed Postmaster at Bovard, this county. BOBTMASS k Co., of this place, will pay premiums on the best vegetables grown from plants bought of them. THK North Bend Chilled Plow, as good a chilled Plow, and S dollar and a half cheaper than any other, is for sale by cn per JACKSU.H A MJTCHKLI.. FISH WORMS are beginding to chin the surface of the earth and look around for boys with spades and fruit cans. MAWY ladies misinterpret their suf ferings. Trv a box of "Seller's Liver Pills." 25c. per box. Sold by all druggists. THERE is a dangerous crossing at Washington and Pearl streets, which our Street Commissioner and Town Council should look after immediately. TIIE Communion of the Lord's Sup per will be held next Sabbath in the U. P. Church. Rev. W. L. Wallace, of Sewickley, will preach on Saturday and Sabbath. KF.MEMBER! —The only perfect pro prietary medicine as a "Blood Search er" is "that bearing the name of "Dr. Lindsey," and which may be hpd from druggists. ONE of those men who cheat others on mining shares, and make their living by swindling, was shot dead in Leadyille a few days ago. Death loves a mining shark. THE children of a Mrs. Terpua, of Allegheny, were found half starved and nearly naked. Investigation showed that the mother had S3OO of her own money in the bouse. IT is surmised that China is about to go to war with Russia so as to thin out her own superabundant population. There is a large amount of food for powder in 400,000,000 people. AJ* exchange saya a silver half dol lars weighs almost exactly half an ounce, Consequently a letter weighing no more than one of these pieces may be sent far one three cent'stamp. TH« famed oil regions of Pennsyl vania bad better look out. Petrolenm has been discovered in Alabama and also in Prussia. This might be a good field for some "Standard Oil Com pany." LAST Friday was, indeed, hang man's day in this country. Eight exe cutions took place at different places, and at one of them the culprit's head was completely served from the body by the fall. IT is the greatest of mistakes, drug ging the system with medicines to cure kidney trouble while the applica tion of a DATS KIDNEY PAD to the small of the back will cure when noth ing else can. I» consequence of the rise in tbe price of rag* and other fibers, the price of South Carotin* clay, used by paper makers to increase tbe weight of their goods, has lately been advanced two dollars per ton. As THE time for gardening is com ing on every person should look to their interest in securing good plants of tbe latest varieties, which can lie had by calling on J. W. Bortmass k Co., west of town. OK Monday last the Court appointed Mr. Joseph Wbite a tipstave in tbe placeof ex-Sheriff McCandless resigned. Mr. McCandless intends being a can didate for tbe Republican Associate Judge nomination. TH* latest story of tbe origin of a fire is the oldest of all. Explosive pills have been heard of, and are bad enough, but what family can feel safe if concentrated conflagrations lurk in the shoe polish bottle ? AT Lcadville last Wednesday morn ing at 1 o'clock, Fred. A. Prentice, for merly of tlis connty, shot a man named Dickson, killing him instantly. Dickson bad attacked Prentice for an alleged insult to a woman. TH* liar may succeed for a time, but justice is sure to overtake bim. A Chicago man told tbe burglars around his bed tbat be badn't a dollar but wben they put a candle to tbe soles of his feet be shelled out $l5O quick as blftzes. Kiev. D. I. EDWABDS will preach at St. Peter's P. E. Church on Sunday morning next, April 11th, on "The Education of Children at Home," and by special request, in' tbe evening, on "The Sin of Intemperance." Seats free. All are invited. TH* Baltimore New* says "a mania for boms has seized upon young ladies who are beginning to tire of the borse shoe." This mania for "horns" seizes upon the other sex early in life, and young ladies should let them mo nopolize it. Tbere is more luck in horse shoes than in borns." Fou* years ago Joseph Forquer, Esq., went with a fishing party to Slipperyrock falls, and since that time has been troubled with a continual ear ache. Tbe other day a doctor examined bis ear and took a crystal! zed bug, about an inch long, out of it. Joe is feeling better than be did. TH* enormous advance in tbe cost of paper may be in part attributed to its extensive use in tbe various arts and manufactures not oonnected with printing. Tbe last application of paper Is tbe construction of an astronomical tower twenty-nine feet la diameter at tbe Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. T. OVER two hundred former* in this eoxxuty are wring the Diimoad Iron Plow, and will (ell jreu Uuit it ban no equal. For by J*vwrnm * Mmiysuu _ . -&lp» fintUt Citia*n: Z* l?#§0. .. . LAST Thursday was the first of April, and from time immemorial, among many peoples, the first of April has been set apart for fools. It is alto gether fitting that the fools should have a day celebrated in their honor, for they constitute a large and, as the word goes, highly respectable class of the community. ARMSTRONG county comes to the front with a newly discoverd cave on the farm of Jasper Fleck, in Madison township. It was discovered by some men who were digging for ore and is claimed to be larger than the Mam moth Cave of Kentucky. Kittanning is organizing a party to make a thor -1 ough exploration. IT was Senator Edmunds' day in the Senate, last Thursday, and he im proved it. His speech upon the Mar shals Appropriation Bill, or rather upon the subject of political riders to appro priation bills in general, was one of the finest efforts from the Republican side of the Benate Chamber that has been developed this season. ARK yon low-spirited, "down-in-the mouth,'' and weak in the back ? Does walking, lifting or standing cause pain tn the small of the back ? If so you have kidney disease, and Prof. Guil mette's French Kidney Pad is the only remedy which will cure you rapidly and permanently and without filling your stomach with nauseating medi cines. THE Congressional Committee on Printing has decided that 300,000 Re ports of the Department of Agriculture for 1879 shall be printed. We trust that some offectual means may be de vised by which these funds of useful and interesting information may be distributed where they will do the most good —among the farmers of the country. CONROY, the Erie man who went crazy over the 15 puzzle, while enroute to Dixmont asylum, broke up his din ner plate into 15 pieces and played the game with them. This brought on par oxysm, and the Sheriff had to lash him to "the seat with the bell rope. He bit an officer's watch in two, and made a desperate attempt to fling himself out of the window. LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at sls and upwards, at E. Grieh's. A STRIKING token of the sudden po litical revolution in England is con tained in the news that Southwark has chosen two Liberals by substantial majorities—Southwark being the place in which an election to fill a vacancy, held since the beginning of the year, resulted in a Conservative triumph, which was then claimed as typical of the national feeling. THE relations of sugar and meta physics are not so manifest as to com mand general and eager recognition. Nevertheless, General Omrfield pro nounces the plan for modifying the du ties on sugar agreed upon by the sub committee of the Committee of Ways and Means as "sensible and philo sophic." There is no doubt about the good sense of it, though. ONCE upon a time there was a heads man at Paris so deft in his art that he bad to administer pinches of snuff to his clients by way of convincing them that their heads were really off. And we might, good-naturedly, add, that some of the late officials about the Court House, had almost as much trouble convincing themselves that their heads were really off. A WESTERN paper speaks of the house-cleaning season as that when di vine woman has her own way at the house, while the "old man" takes his solemn repast from the top of the flour barrel, and, in sleeping, enjoys the free dom of the interval between his bed room and the front fence. It is a sea son of meditation, whitewash and calm, unimpassioned profanity. IN Pittsburgh, recently, a husband and wife were tried for killing man named Crow, who tried to force an en-! trance into their house. The husband, wbo was lying in the house in a drunk en sleep when the man was shot, was convicted of voluntary manslaughter, while the wife, wbo confessed that sbc shot Crow, was acquitted. The waysof Pittsburgh justice are past finding out. WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor, hM joKt opened the largest line of woolen* fur men and born wear ever offered in Kntler. INTEMPERANCE by the quart, or gal lon, or keg, or even barrel, is not an unusual thing. Hut temperance by the yard is. A petition one hundred arid eigty-eight yards lonjf was lately pre pentened to the House of Representa tives at Washington by Mr. Brewster of Michigan. It was signed by 34,000 women, who want Congress to prohibit the making and selling of ardent spir its in this country. A GENIUS living at Chelsea, Mass, has at last discovered perpetual motion; at least bis friends claim much for h-m. The machine contains the em bodiment of the old idea—a wheel with self-adjusting weights. The inven tor ban in course of construction a ma chine which will start its«lf, with about one hundred pounds power. He has secured patents in this and the principal countries of Europe. AFTER Washington had been Presi dent for two terms be was chosen Jus tice of the. Peace for his township in Virginia and John Adams, too, al thongh he retired from Washington to Quincy in no sweet temper of mind, consented to serve his neighbors in the same official capacity. These shining examples are commended to other ex- Presidents who are anxiously looking for some vent for their exuberant po litical activity. A W*I.K-K*OWN Oerniau minister, Rev. A. Opitz, of Schleisingerville, Wis., writes : "I was a sufferer with Rheumatism for years. Friends rec ommended tbe use of ST. JACOBS OIL I tried it, and must confess that the result was astonishing. Having hardly used up tbe first bottle, I found relief, and tbe second one cured me. I there fore feel under obligations, arid shall recommend tbis effective remedy when ever I have a chance." A ooo;» man has gone wron u over in Denmark. Tbe Baron tJedalia, a great banker, formerly Consul (general to Portugal, and possessed of a great many other titles to distinction, has been sentenced to a month's imprison ment for swindling the Government by using canceled stamps on stock aad Mils. Jt Hi painful to learn tbat all the prominent citizens who stray from tbe path of rectitude are not confined to this side of tbe Atlantic. THS Diamond Iron Plow will clean In any kind Ot (Otl> For aaJe at the Hardware (tartar JmjvK/9 * UstauiA. THE most sensible remedy, and the only safe, sure and permanent cure for all diseases of the liver, blood, and stomach, including billious fevers, fever and ague, dumb ague, jaundice, dys pepsia, Ac., is Prof. Guilinette's French Liver Pad, which cures by absorption. Ask your druggi3t for this noted cure, and take no other, and if he has not got it or will not get it for you, send $1.50 to French Pad Co., Toledo, 0., and they will send you one postpaid by return mail. MAST who have gone out for wool have come home shorn, but when Mr. Edison started his quest for platinum he inaugurated a movement which bids fair to rival the fabled philoso pher's stone in marvellous results. His experiments were largely directed to treating the "tailings'' from mills with electricity, but, instead of the platinum he sought, gold was the invariable precipitation. Mr. Edison has now demonstrated that from cer tain classes of this refuse he can ex tract, at an almost nominal cost, more gold than the original treatment with stamp and quicksilver produced. METAL Plow Points, of all kinds, for sale at the Hardware Store of JACKSON 4 MITCHELL. THK Salvation Army has found in Philadelphia a heartier welcome th:in they received in New York. The ranks have there been recruited to the number of fifty, who are about evenly divided as to sex. They wear a uni form, march through the streets with banners flying, and sing: Satan'* mail and I'm glad, A little more faith in Jesus ; He'll mis 9 that soul he thought he had, A little more faith in Jesus. It's all I want, it's all I want, It's all I want, A little more faith in Je»ua. Oh, stand back, Satan, let me by, A little more faith in Jesus; I most gn by, I will go by, A little more faith in .lean*. It's al! I want, 4c. SILK manufacturing is destined to become a leading industry in Pennsyl vania. There are very many localit.es in the State where these and similar factories could be established, for the reason that in our rural districts there are populations which do not have as much employment as they arc desirous of securing. This surplus labor could be bad at very reasonable wages, and is of a character much more staple than the turbulent elements massed within and near the cities of the first and sec ond class. A very little study of these facts will convice capitalists of the practical advantages to be derived from seeking regions such as we refer to, for the establishment of their enter prises A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine American Movement as low as $lO, at E. GBI Kit's. A BRACE of mean men : Brassy, the owner of the battle field of Gettysburg, has filed in Congress a claim for rent for the use of the ground while the bat tle raged. That chap is well named. A druggist in Bangor, Maine, was re cently aroused from his sleep late at night by a man who wanted a little brandy for his wife, who was very ill, and might die if relief was not quickly afforded. After hesitating a moment, in fear of the penalty, the druggist's prey overcame his prudence, and he gave the fellow a small quantity of brandy. Next morning he was arrested for the violation of the law regulating the sale of liquor. The distressed hus band of the night before had bloomed into an agent of a temperance society, who informed on the kind hearted drug gist. A OREATLY increased demand of mut ton from America, for the consumption of England, is likely to ensue this year. In consequence of the continued cold and wet weather of the past sea son, foot and liver rot have been very destructive to sheep there. The Eng lish papers report them as dying off by thousands, whole flocks becoming ex tinct. In seven of the Southern coun ties, where upwards of 3,000,000 sheep have been kept, it is feared scarcely one-fourth of them will l»e saved. In some instances, after butcher ing sheep which it was supposed would be passable mutton, the inner part of the carcass was found rotten and uneatable, and tho only thing saved of any value was the pelt. The various breeds of Down sheep are the best for us to breed for the English market; for they are not only the most salable, bit the most profitable. SFICIAI.TIBS in woolens at William Aland'*) Merchant Tuilorinjf «-s>tnt>li-«liment not to b« had elwwherw in the county. M. DE LBSSRPS is ft rapid traveler. He eertainly goes ahead of flen. (irant in the celerity of his locomotion. It would not take long to inow all the (frass that ban grown under his loet j since he landed on the*- shores— hardly two months ago. Since then he has visited every part of the continent traveling nearly 8,000 mile. He has udergone the infliction of forty public and other formerly-tendered dinners: he ha* made more than a score of set speeches and shaken hand, aecordinjf to tbe specially Ameriean fashion, with 12,0'K) people, more or less. We have have beard of him, in bewildering quick succession, at New York, Wash ington St. Louis, San Francisco, Chi cago and Boston. Besides all this swinging around the circle he has ex amined the route of his proposed inter oeeanie eanal and gotten an idea of the physiea! and political obstacles to be surmounted in order to make it an ac complished fact. I.ast Thursday he left on his return to Europe. He prom ises to visit us again when the connect ing link between South America is broken by his eolossal ditch, lie may live to see the consummation of his en terprise- ; for, though an old man in the sense of having lived a good many years, he has a vast fund of vigorous vitality, and has evidently no notion of dying soon. FAIIMKRS, don'T forget that the Dia mond Iron flow ii utill to th«- front, ami for «ali-I.Y JACKSON A .MITCH KM.. New (ilorn, New Hosiery, new Buttons, new Trim mings, new liaces, new Kuchings, everything new, at IvITTKft A KAI,BTOJ»'B. Kbt-at! Wheat! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter A Boos' Mill, Bntler, I'a. WALTKR A Boos Emlenton Academy. The . Spring Term will open April sth and continue 11 weeks. Thorough instruction will be given in all branches usually taught in academies. Send for circular. Address 11. K. SHA#oa, A. 8., Principal, ttutlootVQi P»- COUHf. MEASURE AND WEIGH EVEHY THIN6 YOU BUY. No Advance In the Price of 6ood« —Have Reduced the Price on Carbon Oil. Corn Starch and Concentrated Lye. | White Sugar 11 tt.*. for *1 00 Brown Sugar 11 4 F>». for 1 0" Roasted foftee 12i to 22c. "f* lb. Rice ■* I*>s. for 2">c. Rice, best 3 lbs. for 25c. ' Corn Starch. Mayflower 4 ft.s. for 25c. Corn Starch, be*t brands 3 It's, for 25c. People's Gloss Starch 4 tt>s. for 25c. Cracked Wheat 1' tt>. for sc. Pried Peaches, crop '7B »>} ft>>. for 25c. Dried Peaches, crop '7!' .i H'S. for 2 >c. Babbitt's best Soap 4 bars for 25c. Kirk's Blue India Soap, tt.. bars 4 bars for 25c. " " " " i tti. " ..5 bars for 25c. i Wax Soap " bars for 25c. 1 Potash 3 balls for 25c. i Concentrated Lve_ 7 boxes for 50c. ; Lye 2 b»>xes for 25c. ! Bulk Baking Powder ...1 for 2.5 c. t Royal, Craig's and Banner [taking Powder, i tt>. boxes, 2 for 25c. ■ Strawlierries, per can 10c. I Blackberries, " 10c. Wmslow's Corn, " isc. Sugar Corn, " I^K:. Pie Peaches, " 10c. Carbon Oil, per gallon 10c. Lamp Chimneys, I.inc sc. Banner, Pearl White, Pure Diamond, Happy llnme, Pear! Mills, Bavard and Magnolia are are the brands of flour in store. Every sack ! guaranteed as represented. Test the weight of ' vour flour. Some brands only contain 47 to 4* lb*, that are marked J hbl. Remember, they should contain 4'' lbs. Weigh vour flour. M. REIBER, SB., Opt>os:te National Bank. Butler, Pa. Kllk I'riniccN, Knotted, Beaded, Grass, 4c. New stock just in, at RITTER k IIALSTON'S. Whoat! HIIOHI! The highest market price paid for Wheat, at Walter A Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER k Boos The Outlook. It is no easy task to analyze the Presidential outlook, and as the time for holding the National Convention approaches, it will he even more dill cult. The name* of four men are prin cipally before the people. Blaine. Grant, Sherman and Washburn. The lirnt boom waa that of Pennsylvania It was subsidized so as to make it ap pear favorable to Grant, but nothing is more certain in all the world than the stubborn fact that the undoubted choice of the Keystone State is for Blaine. Disguise it as you may, unit rule as you will, he is pre-eininently the enthusiastic idol of our people. Every day confirms this opinion. Xext came New York which was ma nipulated in the same way as the Con vention of this State and by the same meagre majority pronounced for Grant, but it does not* aptly reflect the popu lar sentiment of the fiiupire State. He doubtless has a larger following there than here, but the Utiea Convention was not a true index to the general sentiment of that people. Next was to have been Illinois, and with it the tri angular plan would have lieen JKT fected and the main preleminary work accomplished, but that State wisely postponed its Convention until a later date. The only county which has elected delegates, gives Blaine the lead. Rhode Island will support him solidly, BO will Maine, Kansas and lowa have similarly declared their intentions as far as heard from. Ohio is wheeling into line, notwithstanding Sherman hails from there, ami it becomes more and more apparent that the majority of the people prefer Blaine over and above all others. If their wishes shall be res pected, the National ticket will read, "For President, James G. Blain<- of Maine'"—and if they want him, they will elect him. We want the lu st man to win. As far as it is possible to un derstand the beatings of the public pulse, there can be no reasonable doubt that he leads the van. If there must be a compromise candidate it is probable that Washburne will be the man on whom the Chicago Convention will unite, and the party if they can not have Mr. Blaine, desire him as their second choice. Were we to be asked, what would lie our advice as to who to select, we should unheHita tinjfly sav—select that man whom the popular will points out. If that be done, they will take care of the rest. Let the people rule, and all will come out well in the end.— BV«< Chunter Republican. Don't Olve Up. What if you have tried different "put up" medicines in vain. Have you not licen equally disappointed in some physicians? I>o not consider your ease incurable until you have made a thorough trial of I>r. Pierce's Family Medicines. They are chemically pure, of uniform strength, and have come into general use by reason of superior merit. In cases of general anil ner vous debility, consumption, bronchitis, dyspepsia, "liver complaint," scrofu lous bunches, ulcers, and eruptions, the Golden Medical Discovery is a speedy and positive cure; while thous ands of women, who had for years lieen bed-ridden, have, by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, I wen restored to perfect health. The introduction of these two remedies has revolutioni/.ed the treatment of chronic diseases. Patients are no longer de pleted and salivated, as the tonic and alterative properties of the Discovery lontr since demonstrated a better way. Laities need no longer submit to thc use of the caustic and knife, as the Favorite Prescription is guaranteed to cure the diseases anil weaknesses pe culiar to women. Mrs. Samuel VI Kemper, of Gallandet, Ind., writes, "Vour Favorite Prescription and Pleas ant Purgative Pellets have saved inv life." . Necond NfocU Of Spring and Summer Goods just re ceived, at IIITTKR k RALSTON'S. In Dead Earnest. The Republicans in many counties of the State, feeling that they had been badly used at the State Conven tion, and fearing that their sentiments may be disregarded at Chicago, are calling- conventions, and holding mass meetings, with express reference to having their will properly reflected by their own district delegates. The c'ouutics of Crawford, Jefferson, Lancaster, Cumberland, Tioga and York, are moving in that direction in a manner which indicates that they are in dead interest, anil not in a mood to be trifled wHh by thost; clothed with delegate authority.— Heaver (fo.) Timek. Brocade Hillin, All colors, at KITTKR & RALSTON'S. At M Criiln l*«*r Yard, Plaid Dress Goods, at iUiiAM 4 iUurrva'* C'omuiuuM'aiiouM. Connoquenessintr Township Editor s 'Citizen —Seeing reports of schools from different parts of the county, I will a-k space for a short j report of school No. T, or better known !as Whitestown school, for the term j ending March 30th ult. The school was opened four months, with an average enrollment of 5S for the term. Average attendance, 53; average percentage for term, 94. Names of pupils who missed no days during the term : Maggie Shearer, Zelie Clark. Lizzie Cable, Bellie Martin, Cora Cooper, Willie Cooper, George Garwig, Charles Garwig, Kddie Gar wig, Willie Martin. Howard Graham. Orrie Graham. Clarence Heekart, Ben tie Heckart and Frank Clark. During the first month 29 pupils missed no days: the second, 28; the third. 33 : and the fourth, 2 r >. P. S. BARNHAKT. Teacher. Whitestown, March 31. 1880. Two Organs. Regulate first the stomach, second the liver; especially the first, so as to jierform their functions perfectly, and you will remove at least nineteeen twentieths of all the ills that mankind is heir to, in this or any other climate. Hop Bitters is the only thinjr that will give perfectly healthy natural action to these two organs.— Maine. Farmer. The English Elections. A dispatch from London dated April 4th, says: It is expected at the Lib eral headquarters that the total gains will reach 100 scats. The enthusiasm, excitement and confidence of the Lib erals are daily augmenting. It is re marked esj»ecially that the Lilieral gains have been hitherto exclusively English. Briefly, the whole contest turned on the question put last No vember by Mr. Gladstone in Midolo thian, "Do you want to be governed as you have been governed for the last six years?" England answers No! The extent of the victory surprises the most sanguine Liberals. The party chiefs expected a small majority, and intended, if unable to form a strong Ministry to carry on the Government without Home Rule help, immediately to introduce a bill reforming the county franchise, redistributing the seats, and then dissolve anew with the certainty of returning a large Lilieral majority. This scheme is probably now unneces sary, but reform is among the first measures. Regulate the Secretions In our endeavors to preserve health it is of the utmost importance that we keep the secretory system iu perfect condition. The well-known remedy. Kidney Wort, has specific action upon the kidneys, liver and bowels. Use it instead of dosing wuh vile bitters or drastic pills. It is purely vegetable, and is prompt but mild iu action. IfrooMle Kil»l»»nw. Persian Ribbons, stripe Ribbons, at RITTER k RALSTON'S. H'IIOIII ! Wheal ! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter k Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER k Boos. The Newspaper Advertising Bureau. To George P. Howell A; Co.'s Newspaper Ad vertising Bureau, Id Spruce street. New York, the press ami the public nre inilchtc'l for most of the statistics of American Newspapers. When this firm commenced business in 1HI;."I, there was not accessible to the public,anything which approximated a complete Ncwsjiaper List. It was the custom of the advertising agencies to keep their's secret, believing tlmt they thereby made it necessary for advertisers to consult them. In 18 Messrs. fieo P. Row ell & Co. issued the first American N< ws|>uper IHrectory. In the preface of that work oc curred this pnrngrnph: "We have always believed, and labored in the belief, that, im Advertising Agents, it w:i« and should be iu our jM.wcr to lie of material service to both advertiser and publisher, and we know no lietter way to convince them of the value of our services thnn by issuing this book, thus cunbling them to communicate with out our aid ; this we do in the belief that we shall thereby the sooner persuade them of the utility of employing and raging our Agency." The result showed the (xivition to be well taken. Within twelve months their firm was • n receipt of a patronage larger than had ever lie fore been accorded lobii Advertising Agency. It is a fact, frequently commented upon, that there is no other biisinens interest of the coun try, the statistics of which lire ho thoroughly set forth and made public, lis that of making New<pa|»ers ; and for tliii the American News papcr Hi rectory has the entire credit. In 1871, at the World's loir nI Philadelphia, Messrs. (ieo. I'. Ilowell A to. erected it build ing in which were received, tiled und exhibited, late copies of every American periodical puhli cation, numbering itt tlmt time eight one hundred and twenty.nine. Of this enter prise the liONlio* TIMKs correspondent, in the opening paragraph of Ins letter of July loth •>!' that year, writes as follows : "I have frequently bad occasion to notice the big way in which the A inericans do tilings,and I do not know that It would be ea<v to find an apter illustration of it than that furnished l>} the XeWHpHper Mini ling in the Kxliibition grounds." Messrs. (ieo. P. Ilowell A Co. point with sat isfaction to the two years iu which they in curred the greatest expense for extending to the public broad sources of information con cerning the business in which they are en gaged f ISO'I, IM7II), as the two iii which, not withstanding the extra ordinary outlay, did ac tually produce for them a net income iu excess of any other years of their business caree. One of the strongest holds whit II this Adver tising Bureau has upon the newspapers, is ob tained by their system of making prompt pay ments for work done. Newspaper men who have commended this feature, when visiting the ollice iu New York, have lieen invited to the cashier's desk and shown 11 conspicuous printed notice posted there, which reads : A 1.1. BILLS Itt BIT BO UfOU TWUVI o'CLOCK MCST |!K KXAMIVKK AMI I'AIII TO-OAY." The Advertising Agent avers to his patron, the advertiser, that he will procure for loin thr liin ' I /inKKihtr ruhit lln iirofit comes from a commission from the publisher. To take the advertisement, at a reduction from usual rates, and piiy the agent for securing it, is not always pleasant for the newspa|ier men, but the reflec tion "we shall surely get the money the day we send the bill," has often decided him to ac cept an oiler far below the price lie ought to have received, from those newspapers which have one price for everybody, and require ev erybody to pay that price, it is nnnecessary to say that Messrs. tieo. I'. Howell it I '». obtain no advantages beyond the established commis sion, nor do they desire anv. What they want, and inust have for their patrons, is the lowest price, and when they have that they are satis fied. They are quite well aware that the best jiajwr" are, as a general rule, the ehcajiest. <tnill« IIIMI Iteil Nprciids, Full line, at RITTKU k RALSTON'S. ♦ •» J. B LII'FIHCOTT a CO. »l Philadelphia, have just, published a work of real value to every one interested in literature. We refer to j "The Header's Handbook," by l»r. K. . Brewer, the author of severol similar t>ook«. I In reviewing the volume the Philadelphia Kwniiij llullrtin says : | "This surpasses nil that we have seen in a i l«s>k of reference for readers and writer*, ns it combines the best qualities of the eucyclopx' dies, biographical dictionaries, and quotation liooks. Apjiendnd to it is a list of authors and dates of dramas ami iqieras, numlicriiig 2,617, and a second aiqiendix given the datea of the poems, novels, etc., re/erred to in the book, which Is quite as thorough and complete. Al together The Header's Handbook' Would lie cheap at nuy price, and il will take a place in wvery well-ordered library- small or large, that Ijelong* to a person fond ol Uf uuuuptwi ta nnUftf w • prufcwurr." JUL£t,*fcjS cLXILd. I have just received from the East a large stock of UTS,CAPS! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. I offer to the public the COMET SHIRT, the boat Uulauud rii'd White Shirt in the rrarket for #l. ONE DOLLAR. #l. Also, a large stock of WHITE and COLOIiED SHIR r for Wen and R »vs, always on hand. Underwear, Half Hose, Gloves, vM,T,,K,vit>TsTYMs _ ,N Hats, Caps and Neckwear, Introduced as soon as they appear in the Ea>t, to be had at dtaL»,ss. 3ES.. €^3riel>'Sp >IAI\ STREKT, BUTLER, PA. The Lesson Taught. The Harrisburg Patriot, referring to the legislative bribery cases, says: "Hut the history uf their offense is nothing new under the sun. It may be asserted with entire fidelity to the truth that no Legislature for the last forty years has lieen exempt from the leprous disease of bribe-taking. Up wards of a third of u century ago there was a conviction in the Courts of Dauphin county for corrupt solicita tion of members of the Legislature. The truth is that the |)eople them selves are, in a great measure, in fault. Especially is this the fact in the great centres of population. "The party primaries, the real source of political power, are neglected by the intelligent and upright voter. Men without character, often without edu cation, are foisted upon the party at the nominating meetings and the party afterward sustains them at the polls. In this way the Legislature is tainted with an incompetent and corrupt mem bership, and the lobby, with all its de moralizing agencies, is a natural con sequence. While, therefore, it is well for the Court 'to vindicate the offended majesty of the law,' it were far Itetter for the people to vindicate their title to self-government by sending a superior class of men to the Legislature." « We are still selling Car|>ets at the extremely low prices we did at the opening of the season, >it ILLTTKIT k RALSTON'S. Dr. C. 11. LEE, lloniu'opalliif Ollice ..ml rei«idcnce near thu Wick House North .Maui street. Butler, Pa. jan7 The WILL lie IMeiiMcri To learn that Mrs. Lou Hitter has charge of the Millinery Department at RITTER k H ALSTON'S. BLAINE has swept through Kansas like a small tornado. The State Con vention has been held and the Maine Senator had not less than sixty major ity in the body. A solid Blaine dele gation from Kansas will LIE the result. It is safe to say thai the great West will come up to Chicago nearly or q.iite solid for Blaine. Itlnek IIIMI * olore«| Silk*. Full line, at HITTER k RALSTON'S. WlifHi ! U lii'iil ! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter & Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER k Boos. Itnller flarkelM. BPTTKR -- -Ooud 2H cents >* lt>. ItAfxin -Plain xngar cured hams 11 3t». V It': shoulders, H ; HHIM, 8 BEAKS— White, 1 1 fit) I '25 *E< bnsh ClK'lKiiii 25 t" SO cts. |>er pair Chkkhk -1H eta V IT). COHM VIKM,— '£ ctn. H ll'. OAI.K SKlNS— !Mler».*l >' It.. E<H»K— 12 CIMV <*ozen. FYotin Wheat, TFIRTES L.L.L, sack *1.2.V 0 <F2 ; buckwheat. t2.M V ewt. oitA L N Oats, 4o cts V bnsbel: corn 16 ; wheat $1 6 : rye 7FT cents : buckwheat, 00. Iloanv -20 ots. F tt>. I, A HI) 7C V tt>. Tallow, 0A»)7. MOI.ASMKR -WWS'tJOc V gallon. Hyrnp, 50'« 60c ONI'LVH—*I V BUSH POTATOES— SOO. V bushel. HDOAB— Yellow 7<SeHc.; white !l(A»lllc. V lb. HALT— No. 1. EL.TO V barrel CANCER. This disease like ninny others |.« regarded NS incurable. It is not so. If it is taken in time it I"< as easily cured IU N wart OR » corn. We know very well that il is I» feartul disease aii'L will eat away until it destroys life, that is if it IN neglected, but if it i'l attended to when it first makes its appcii'imcc, or soon after there is no trouble in eradicat ing it from the system. PERSONS will liave to lie here during |»:« RF of the treatment, consequently there is no 11 HC writing to me lor information whether it can IN- cured w ithout my seeing the case. I also treat with success, Hupturc, I'ilcs, Fistula, I'lccrs, I'lei -riled legs, Varicose Vein*, Varicocele Tumors, Hydrocele, und every form of SK IN DISEASE. Or Keys'-r. 240 Penn Avenue, Opposite Christ's ( liurcli, Pittsburgh, I'D. 4 4'itrfl. To nil who arc sullcriug from the error* ami indiscretions of youth, nervoiia weakness, early ileeav, loss of manhood, AC., I will send a RECIPE that WI 11 cure you, I' I! 1.1 OF" I 'IIA lt< il\. Thin great remedy was discovered bv « mission ary in Houtli \frica. Semi II sell -addressed envelope to the ITL'.V. JOHKI'II I NMAS, Stminn /< \'ir ) ..,•/ nti/ M /I It It I KtltS. W \TSO.V 111 MI'IIILL March 26. IMSO, fit the reanlenee of the bride'a |>nrentx, by |{ev. I 1., T'otterel, Mr. A. II Wataon, of lliainonil City, Montana Territory, ami Miaa Surah A. Hemphill, of INrtaville, New York. 1 I CNI. KKI I)|;I, March .TO, IS. 11, at the resilience of Mr. Aibiin K re<l< I, Siimmit town- XLIIP. by Itev. I'. T'ronenwelt, Mr. Ileiirv I'erne aiel MITX \IIIIN Itnrbarii Kredel, both of tliii county, 1.1.1'1.r.Y WAItIt MN Mareb 2.. HSO, at the re«id>'nce uf Mr. ticort'C I!. Warren, of I'roapcct, I'LL , by Itev. tl. W. I'ritehlow, L>r. I!. I'. T,E|dcy and Miaa Lidie K. Warren. IIKUIIM. DAVIS March J4, I*SO, iu < linlon town* »hi|l, thi« county, Mr. Jwpli Davis 111 the DJIID year of his ai;e. MI . Davia waa a highly respected citizen of the lower part <>f thik county and liia death i" much regretted by many friend* and relation*, lie died without anv enemy. I'ATTON March 2T. I M-I», in Ilarri*vilb . thia comity , of citnccr, Mr, A. B. I "at ton, N;ID t.'L year*. The many friend* of Mr I'atton regret to learn of hi* early hiking off lie wa*nn agreea ble gentleman and a useful E|ti*en. IT V I»I, I' Y \pril I MHO, in (lay town ship, till* count v. V r John I, I 'liidley, SUN of Mr James I'imllev, in." d alxuit J I veara. At the time of hi* death Mr. I indb v waa a member of the Mophoinorc OF \Vtishiugl<>n and Jelferaon T'ollege llis prepiiration lor college had been maile while he wa« a student of West Sunbury Academy, Soon after en tering college, he acquired a very honorable ■landing in hi* ela*«, on account of hi* dili gence and acholorly attainments, thu* cauamg hi* friend* and former iuatructor* to look with gratification upon what MEMED to be thn bright opening of an honorable and uaefnl career. Of a genial nnd uiia*Miming diaposl tion, gifted with a clear and comprehenaive mind, he win I|Ul<liflcd lor being liolh IUI UMUTAUUVMI MM! U JUDICIOUS friend, I A. M. U. NEW BOOTS SHOE STORE, UNION BLOCK, Main Street; - Butler, Pa- EL-nff Has received his entire stock of Full and Winter BOOTS and SHOES. As I have an unusually large and attractive stock of HOOTS A: SHOES just opening, embracing all the newest styles, 1 invite the attention and close scrutiny of buyers. Men's Kip and Calf Boots very cheap. Ladies', Misses'and Children's Button, Polish ami Side Lace Boots in endless variety, and at bottom prices. Reynolds Brothers' celebrated fine Shoes always in stock. Parties wanting BOOTS SHOES made to order can do no better than by me, as 1 keep none but the best of workmen in my employ. I also keep a stock of LEATHER and FINDINGS. GRAND OPENING!' During this week we will open the largest and unquestionably best selected • stock of Spring Dry Goods ever exhibited west of the Allegheny Mountains. New arrivals of Novelties iu Dress Moods constantly receiving at U 100 & 102 FEDERAL STREET, AILEGM •3"We won't] call apecinl attention >o *>■ extra t/"Our Department in llooaeheepiag Good# bargain in Drone H nxlr which wo »r« welling ut lute never been H<» complete litretoforu- Cfiit*. l.iiien Table Cloth, SO. 25. :10c. In Cnahmcre. vii h P.ill.a Dot. wo offer a ilo- Linen Tallin Dainank. SO. fiO, 75c. tided liar am. eeliing it ai Turkey He I Tablo Cloth. JV 50, 73c. At 2' jC. wh offer a full line of colore in i?ro- lied Qui't*. largoet %H*ortineut in the city, race tirn'rH Good*. decidedly l>«itiltifnl etyle*. Ticking*. at 111. lillf. 15. Oc. In Plain Caehmore* we offer the following : Ticking". ln>Ht quality, only 25c. Double Width Caelum rn yond quality. 25 •. G>-utn' I'nl tuiitfried Shirt*. ut 50, 73c, *l. t"«lM!lmere, lii.tlor urade vert Hue. 35. MK. 1 . limilh 1 ud**rwear, 25, 1(5, 50c. Canlitnere. all-wixil, 10 t\ 800. l,adiee' I'nderwear, extra value, 50c. ' Gaehmere. all wool, eKli* value 00. 75c. *l. Cheviot H drting. H. 111, 12}yC. GaMliiuere, Silk Waip. •! $1 25. 91.5'. Cott«in Flannel, H. 10, 1 2J»'o Our Mock of Silkn i« mora ootuple <• than N•* etylo Clniit/c*, 10, li_Wf. ever, and wi'l be offered at mieh low prices a* rowelcig 5. C; s, 10.-. will astoiur-li llio buyer. Plaid Fianneln, Beautiful ->ilk* at fift. CO. 75c. 91. Plain Flannel*. 10, I2>£, 13j Milk». extra good quality. *1.25. t'.BO. 92.51. Wo received a now and very largo *tock of We have now in Mock a full line of Trimming Shawl* or an entirely new dcaign. offering al 91, si Ike, latin*. Hilk Pi luge*. tVc.. and everything 91 50. 92 11 1 Broclie Shawl*, al #6. 9H. 912. offering at |trice* to Miit piitcliaHeix. Mock liiibet Sliawla, 92.50, 93, 91, 93. The movements in tin- East point to much higher prices, and wo would ad vise our friends and patrons generally to save money by layinpr in their supplies as early as possible. 100 Al lO'i Frileriil Nlreet. Illritlieii). To the Ladies & Gentlemen: Prof. < wiiilmetteV* FRENCH KIDNEY PAD A POSITIVE AND I'EIiMANENT Ct'lH' Gt'AHANTEFD 111 all C»HC- of lllnvrl. 11| Aliri 111. DftolMY. nturol'n llW'.»«r I 1» nil Kinsi V lN(!<>lTTXr.!fCr ANI» l!i TK • riiiv or t'Ki.sc Inh.a >i ian i> or nil Kinvi v ('*rworn <r TIP "i atinrn. limit Coi/>nifD i'lilM . I'»|S IN rill- B*' K Smr m l.oiv. N'MIV if-> WKAI: and in fact all diaortlerH of the Dladder and ' rinarv ()r|/iim. tvlietber contracted lo private diHe»«en or otherwiwj. '1 bin great reinr.lv liax been iiMwi willi -IICCOKM ror nearly ten yearn in Kraiicn witli the most wcndeifnl cura tive effecte. It eurea by al>e<ir|ition. m. tianeeoiw internal rnedleinee being reqnlred. We have liiltidiedH of teatiinrMliain of ciiren by I.ADIF.S, if von are enfT-ring from Female Weakin-fs, t.eucorrho a. or ilipea»fm (leculiar to fe male- or in • «et anv dieeaww of tb ■ |{i.|..«.yM lllndder or Urinary Orgatia aak foui dnigglat for Puor <H ll.ME'Pri'.'H l ItENCII KI'iNI'V 'PAD, A n r*l.r voorntiit If lie baa not got It aend ♦ 2 and von will receive the Pad bv leturn u.ail. Addr* eal H Br"tn h. FRENCII AD CO, Tolodo, Ohio. Prof. G nil motto's Kroncli Liver Pad Will pimitivelv cure Fever and Ague. Dumb Ague. Ague ( alio, IlilUoua Fever, .Tauudice. Dyajop- Mia and all iltaeawa 'if the l.ivi i stomach an llt I. The in I cure-, by a'worption, and la per maiient. Ank vmir drngg'i I foi t>iiw pad and t ike no ntber If lie doe* not keen it aend #1.60 to the FllKN'eil PAD CD , T S lirnncll) TOLFDO. OHIO, and receive it by return mail. J. IIH*I»F.RNO* A RK»„ marn-fliTi ' Wlioleeale Drugai»le, t'ittabnrgh, Oeiieral Agent*. Wall Paper, Window Shailrs anil Floor Cloths. £/"Tlio laryrnt ftfl r*irn|»«>t in \Ve«ti»rn l"« llMHVlvKllf* j* ft »r HftN- I'V .1. .1. IiAHT X HON, 104 FT.DEHAL HT. F ALLEGHENY. PA. mirti it : I in nloiV \ollrr. 1t« rn iiavinK l»#»#*ti I" (lio i»• i f|?#» of .f.ii'ol* Huiifli. into i,f Witift••!'! f. wiiMl.if. Itiitkr rttnntf. I n., nil ii» I**l -t#**! t'» * »» I r«tst« 1 iro tiotiflfil to iimK** itniiM li'»'o I'HViiicitt. awl j tinihi* 11hv1111' (*lniniM hk in.' ? tin* liftiik x will |»r*»- MfJllt t llf'lll lllllV •llt1l#»llt iPHf •*! HI ft lf»||| nt. NOMKItr < «m»H l«. tr t tM iioiti-.iti i i.i.i ir. r r "- m»r24-4t| J'pnuy r. ti., lluiliii Oo . I'n. Police. '/,.//(#• Situ X7l"/'/ri I '•/ thr J{ ,1 i/'lni'/ f'i,( I*'" 111 ttmtr Ift m n of lliitt'i , /''f.; TiiU"' t hilt, ill llir rnpii't of* »'ifflci<ul number of mm'k holder*, tln-rc will it tnppl iiiK of the «topk holder* <»f (lie IIIIIMIIIK HIKI I,milt \-"'M llU i<>n ol lliitlcr, I'II . MI lli<' 1I»(II ol April, \ I*. IHMI, at 8 o'plnpk, I*. M.. ut tin' IJnpk i'll«t» 111 lllllldillf. Ulllll-r tllP t >|HTIL limine, in lUnl«*r, I'M., i»r tlu* i»l <'l l ii iixi i w .•■ftimi time .'ti of Article IX (U; of lliu By- Law* of .mil Awinclntiou. By order of the President, ui*r24-.'lt * JOHN H. CAMPBELL, S«c'y. T)* (' ov»r. Rtool and Hook, only llflTl OS *'* **** Organ*. IHHtr.p#. I »pt» ltp«<d*. 2 Knr« W«(|m, HtiMil. Mi.l D'xik ifiilir.«H7.o" t,#"'H Ml#: O'iaui. bto"l Hook (inlr f.'-t 7fl. Ad'Utwa, lirNvriX * JlILLtm Lorlatuu. i'». I Notice in Divorce. In the ini»ll**r ..r thi' tif'tlllon of Piml Bonlimo |..i dlvori'M v». I.inn lloehtlto. A. D. No. '.HI, Di e T tin, l s 7o Hiiii|wi'nti relumed N. P. I. Aihi- fub|»i'im lottirned N. P. I. So :ln*Wor* vv || HOFFMAN, Phertff. To tli<' n »i">in'<'iit. I,lnn Hoplmir; You in 1 ht'i- •• v notified to hp nn.l appear, In roni own proper pern on, before on- JmlKAAiti ' itniti i.nl it Coiirt of Common P pn» thereto I tic In !d lor tln> ponntv i I Hutli'i, on the flrat Miiiul n o| .lime Terin, IHtn, lipirnr th>* Tih liny oi ««l'l month, to iini«wpr HIP p. tliloi or 1llj«l I oj tin mil I'iul II MII'IIP. mil to Kliow ■it >iiiv V"u It'ivr, wtiv ihp ■'il , l Putt Itm-hme, voiir tin 1' i ul. hliould n *t l»' d'.vnrtvd Irom Um i iniiii|« in HI iiliiiniik, u'.'iriiitilv tn lho Apt of \«.pn,ti|y hi Mill h ' I«P in i'l mil iiri,v lilpil, j 17" W II IMPKVAN "♦•iprltr. Notice Extrsordinary. IVrnotiM il> •irniL' lo litre tiinir Old I nriiitur« ip|i»ir d ot NPW Work mti'lo to or'lcr. N toll M Finnic Ht*n<li« lliK»l< WinirnliM, Otflo*» ' Dt.il.ii, t iOi"ti r»lil«p. A n.. would do w«ll to u»'l on vV. 11. WILHON, Practical Cabinet Maker. I hold th*l * pipi'ti of fnrnilura iu» l» by liaml . i' «'irtli two IIIIHIP h\ inwliliiwt. and will cwmt lint littM mor*. if ANY 'l'tipn -.*hv rf•»' lri*« IIHIMI ' • miv lp '< All woik madn In Iho !*»••» ulylpw «iul of tin- Iwt in»l.oi«l I Kii4raiitp«) ptitire hU i»t«i ti <n in ntvlp. wotkinnriMhlf *ml prip«. (l|ro in.' « call Hbop on Miflllu stf. et imr-louni wntt of Molti (trMt, •ml oppo»lle A. Trontmaa'a . •tor*. Butl»r, P»- »«pl7-ly C,£. n C; p* r LQm * Mamwlw wurtb ■ ' 10 *5 fr"«». Addrow Jt do., |'v.rilw< W.ltm ** diMjA-ly * C'~ ) K *1? * UAY ITIIOBM WMIIT UIMW. •. • ,* ( ii.tw t»«iat aw. Auawmi Tbot rtfe"/ Aaguots, Muuq. decS-lj
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers