MB. J. H. BATES. NEW.PH*FWVWTIJI. A#*,.!. 41 P*rk How (Time. BuiMio*), No York, in authorized to ooutraot for •dtertim Knouts io fch® Cniziji. THIS PAPER Now Advertisements To-Day. The llevealer. Public Sale—Two Lots in Sunbury. Executors' Notice—Estate of Jacob Smith, de \otice to Stockholders of Building mad Loan A -AVIATION. _ Local and General. LAKE Erie is full of floating ice. LADIES will find a cure in DAYS KII>NIT PAD when everything else fails. IT is now taahionable for young ladies to have the mumps, they are very swell. NEVER plant trees when the soil is wet or cloddy, but wait until it is in a friable condition. MR. T. J. RCSSSLL has been ap pointed postmaster for Holvoke post office, this county. MARCH Ist was the one hundredth anniversary of the abolition of slavery in Pennsylvania THE Economites of Beaver county will build one hundred new dwelling houses this summer. HUGH MARTIN, a highly respectable citizen of Beaver county, was found dead in his bed lately. "SELLERS' Liver Pills'* uever fail to cure biliousness, indigestion, or headache Sold by all druggists. SAVE your rags and waste paper. They are now in lively demand and are selling for more than at any time since the war. THERE is but one county in Penn svlvania that has not heard the shriek of the iron horse within her border, and that is Fulton. WE are glad to hear that Mr. Cuth bert's son John is rapidly recovering. The loss of Samuel was a very heavy affliction to the family. MANY a man will confess to chills and fever who will not acknowledge that his mother-in-law has arrived for her annual six weeks' visit ON Monday of this week the County Commissioners appointed Mr. George W. Ziegler as the janitor of the Court House for the coming year. "THEY cannot all lie," was the ob servation of one while reading the endless testimonials to "Dr. Lindsey's Blood Searcher."' It is infallible. THE Lefevre murder trial is said to be the fourteenth case for murder tried before our County Court, not includ ing trials for manslaughter or attempts to murder. THE mails to and from this place are now taken to and from the depot in a band cart, the R. R Company finding sl6 a month too large a sum to pay for service. QUIT* a number of our Methodist friends will make an excursion to Mil lerstown this (Wedhesday) evening, to take part in the revival services now being held there. THE Connty Commissioners have fixed the tax for this year for county purposes at 5 mills on personal per sonal property and real estate, and 4 mills on money at interest. MB. WM. SCOTT has brought suit, in our Common Pleas Court, againßt Tbomas H Maber and James K. Dain, for conspiracy to indict him and to injure him in his reputation. THOSE of our citieens who live con tiguous to public street crossings de serve the thanks of our church-going people for the admirable Condition of said crossings on the past two Sundays. THE Court last week appointed Reuben McElvain, Abraham McCand less. Sr., Alexander Storey and Wm. R. Patterson, to serve as tipstaves of the Court for the coming year, and James Kearns, Sr., to be Court Crier COBONEB CAMPBELL held a pout mortem examination upon the body of Mrs. Margaret Roach, who was found dead at her residence in Millerstown, on the 15th inst. The finding of the jury was that she came to her death from tbe effects of alcohol. THE prospect for tbe spring session of the Pine Grove Normal Academy was never so encour«ging before. Spring Session will begin Tuesday, March 30, 1880. Send for Students' Journal and annual catalogue. J. C. KETLEB, Principal. NOTHING in modern history, except Mark Twain weeping over the tomb of Adam, has presented more elements of pathos than the scene described by Gen. Brisbin of that good little boy Ulysses S. Grant threshing bis Cana dian cousin for speaking disrespect fully of George Washington. THE following is the inscription on a letter that passed through our post office a day or two ago: The dominion is CANADA, the province QUE- BEC, ■> And SHKRBKOOKE is the name of the town. Where this letter I wish to be safely conveyed, Without a complaint or a frown. To HENRY BROOK, • blacksmith by trade, And not given to frolic or trick*, Ilis bos in well known, so make no mistake- No. FOUR HUNDRED NINETY AND SIX. MB. WILLIAM IIOWE, a brakeman on the gravel train of the Branch road, and a resident of Freeport, was thrown violently from the train s and over an embankment, between Dilks station and Great Belt, last Monday morning. He was severely cut about the head and his life is despaired of." The accident was result of the breaking of the brake lever he was working. The Anglo-American Cable Com pany is not discouraged by the open ing of the new line. At all events it proposes to lay another wire this sum mer, and is now negotiating for that purpose. But what the world is watch ing and waiting for at the present writing is the International Telephone Company. We must be on speaking terms with the effete despotisms. THE receipts of Pennsylvania last year from ordinary sources were $5,- 392,361, and expenses, otherwise than the redemption of loans, $4,844,111. Taxation brought in nearly $4,000,000 chiefly from corporations, the taxes on writs, wills, deeds and personal prop erty, yielding less than $500,000. Li censes, chiefly those issued to retail store and tavern keepers, yielded $8 JO,- 000. TUE North Bend Chilled Plow, as (foo.l a ebiUed Plow, and a dollar and a half caeap 'i than auy other, M for Hale by ♦ Hi**CM THE most significant oi recent p » - tical "straws" is the fact that Mr. Edward Cowles, proprietor of the Cleveland Leader, has accepted the presidency of a Blaine club. Only a short time ajro Mr. Cowles was an enthusiastic Grant man. LAST Friday after-noon Gov. Hoyt issued the death warrants of Henry Wise, Israel Brandt aud Josiah Hum mell, three of four men who employed Charles Drews (executed last Novem ber) to murder Joseph Raber in Leba non county to obtain SIO,OOO insurance on his life. The date of the hanging is Thursday, May 13. Raber wa* mur dered by drowning in a small creek on December 7, 1878. METAL Plow Points, of all kinds, for sale at the Hardware Store of JACKSON MITCHELL. A HOUSE belonging to Capt. J. G. Bippus, of Oakland township, this couuty, was burned on Friday night last. The house was nearly a new one and was occupied bv two of the Captain's boys, in connection with the care of the farm on which it was lo cated. The boys were absent at the time and all the circumstances point to the conclusion that the burning was the act of an incendiary. There was no insurance on the house. THOUSANDS have been cured of dumb ague, billious disorders, jaun dice, dyspepsia and all diseases of the liver, blood and stomach, when all other remedies have failed, l>y using Prof. Guilmette's French Liver Pad, which is a quick and permanent cure for those disorders. • Ask your drug gist for this great remedy, and take uo other, and if he does not keep it send $1.50 in a letter to the French Pad Co., and receive one by mail post-paid. THE latest styles in Shirts, at CH ARLES It. GKIEB'S. AGAIN the sweet singer of the Con. noquenessing steps to the fore. This time with the second verse of his renowned poem on the beautiful snow. Here it is: L:ust night it snowed, An'l then it blo\vt*d, A ii'l llii u it suow-ed, Ami then il btow-ed. It will be seen that his poetry some what resembles the "Sandy loaned a man a mule" poetry, but however, the third verse will be looked for with in terest. THE Court yesterday afternoon de ferred action on the conviction of John Lefevre for murder, till the third Mon day in April next. Mr. Lefevre's coun -Bel stated that be had some matters of business to arrange, and that they bad concluded not to make a motion for a new trial. It is supposed that the coun sel for tbe defendant intend to appeal the case to the Supreme Court of the State on some of Judge Bredin's rul ings, get the defendant out on bail, and finally get a new trial. SPECIALTIES in woolens at William Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not to be had elsewhere in the county. WHEN you have an iuflamed eye. a swelled head, or decayed and aching tooth you do not lake and fill your stomach to cure it, but ap ply a cooling b.tion or some soothing narcotic directly to the parts. So if you have a week or lame back, sore kidneys, profuse or scanty urine, or the secretory system is clogged and inactive you should use Prof. Guil mette's French Kidney Pad, which is a directly local application, which al ways gives speedy reiief, and always cures the disease. Ask your druggist for it. THE Lower House of the Connec ticut Legislature have passed a bill al lowing women to vote, under the same restrictions as men, upon questions in volving the liquor traffic. Whatever may lie the objections urged against women having eqnal rights with men at the polls, there can l»e but little doubt that the gentler sex have the highest moral right to au effective ex pression of opinion on the business of retailing liquors and the privileges and restrictions under which tbe trade shall be conducted. FARMERS, don't forget that the Dia mond Iron Plow is still to the front, and for sale by JACKSON & MITL IIEI.L. THE Board of Pardons has fixed the 27th for hearing the pleas of Messrs. Kemble, Salter, Ruiuberger, Crawford and Petroff for the interposition of Ex ecutive clemency to modify or relieve the punishmern defined by the law for corrupt solicitation. While many of the pardons solicited attract but limited at tention, tbe board must well appreci ate the general interest felt in these cases that call tor the exercise of Un intended judicial attributes of that tri bunal, and neither partisan or individ ual favor should dictate its judgment. SUNSET Cox and a nnml>er of other benevolent members of Congress pro pose to vote SIOO,OOO of tbe public money for tbe re'ief of tbe starving peo ple of Ireland Nothing is more beau- I tiful than charity, but that sort which gives away other people's money is not tbe right kind. Let Mr. Cox and the other Congressmen give to the suffer ing masses in Ireland all tbe money that they are disposed to give aud that they can spare from their own pockets; but there is no rule of the Constitution which allows tbetn to vote mouey from the Treasury for any philanthropic or humanitary purpose. LATEST styles in Men's, Youths'and Children's Caps, at Charles It. (Jrieb's. SOME curious persons calling them- 1 selves the "Salvation Ariny" have < landed in New York from Kugland ! with the laudible intention of attack- J ing sin and making converts to Chris- j tianity. The "Salvation Army" is j composed of both men and women. I who wear a singular unifortn which serves to make them conspicious wher ever thov go. It is their purpose to sing psalms and preach in the streets and other places where men most do congregate, with the hope of gaioiug the attention of a busy worlding now and then aud turning his thoughts to higher things than earth affords. ALL the franchises, real, |»ersonal and mixed property of the Pennsylva nia transportation company was so.d at Meadville lately at Master Commis sioner's sale for $79,995. Roger Sher man, attorney, was the purchaser for £emble & Wright,of Philadelphia. The | sale includes among its property uine ' ty-one mHes of pipe line with stations, telegraph lines, tanks, pumps and ma ; chinery for the transportation of oil, lo ' cated in Crawford, Erie, Yeuango, Warren, Forest, Clarion, Butler and Armstrong counties, and among its j valuable franchises a charter for a pipe ' line to the seaboard with right of way , secured. THE latest styles in Neckwear, at Kljr* Stttbr THIS being Passion week, then- will l»e divine services every morning (ex cept Saturday) at 10 o'clock, at S . Peter's P. E.'Chureh, with reflections appropriate to each service. There will be a sermon by the rector, Rev. D I. Edwards, on Wednesday evemng at 7i o'clock, and special services on Good Friday at 10 A. M., and in the afternoon at' 4P. M On Easter Sun day there will be service and preach ing, in the morning at 11, in the even ing at 7£, with the administration of the sacrament of the Holy Communion in the morning. The subject at both services will l»e. "The Resurrection ol the Dead." WORKING and Dre«s Shirts of all kinds, from _*o cents up, at ( hark? R. Grieb's. THE emigrants are arriving in great numbers. During the month of Feb- I ruary just passed the number landed at Castle Garden was considerably over 150,000, whereas in the corres ponding month of last year only *2,- 000 arrived. March, April. May and June will of course show a heavy in crease, and durinir the summer an im mense horde of wanderers from the Old World will seek homes in America. Minnesota and Nebraska are just now prime favorites with persons seeking farms in the West, though other States and Territories will in due time have their boom. The supply of Uncle Sam's farms is still ample to meet all demands, so the more that comes the merrier. THE Diamond Iron Plow will clean in any kin Jof soil. i'or »aile ut Uie ILir-fwaiv Store of JACKSON MITCHELL. Six persons were lately killed dur ing a fight in a bar-room in New York city. While to get rid of such fellows is always such an inestimable blessing that the means are not likely to be closely criticised, the personal safety of such better men as occasionally drink liquor demands that a different sort of place should be selected for fights in which bullets meander aimlessly about from pistols held by drunken hands. Every man who keeps a bar know that quarrels are more than likely to take place in hi.s establishment, aud he should be prepared to maintain ord r in his own house. If through weakness or cowardice he permits fatal disturb ances his license should be revoke I and himself excluded by law from hi-> old business forever. A lew enforce nients of such a rule would perm i anently end the custom of fighting in bar-rooms. LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at sls :iud upwards, at E. Grieb's. THE reeent poisoning of a whole family in Canada, from eating cab bages, upon which it is supposed Paris green had beeb sprinkled, should prove a warning to farmers against a careless use ~f this class of insect rem edies. Paria green is largely com posed of arsenic, is almost insoluble in water, retaining its active principle for years, and a very little of it may prove fatal. It is well enough to em ploy it upon potato tops, and the foli age of such other plants as are not used for food for man or animals, but its use upon, or even near any other kind of vegetation, especially in the kitchen garden, is fraught with danger There are plenty of useful means by which the cabbage worm may bo de stroyed or its ravages lessened, with out resort to violent poisons. In the case to which reference is made, there was fortunately but one death, though live persons were affected. WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor, hits just opened the largest line of wooleus for men and boys wear ever ottered in Butler. WE have received from the pub li.slier* of "Golden Day*'' the first two numbers of their publication. It i* a paper for boys and srirls. We have ex amined the first two numbers and as far as they are concerned can say, that it is the best paper of the kind we have ever seen. In his circular to us • the publisher very truthfully remarks: j You will agree with us that one of the most potent fountains of crime is the j vicious literature for the young, which is seen on every news stand, aud Hoods the country. These papers directly instigate crime and their extinction would be a blessing to humanity, but as there exists no means ol suppres sing them, ami as our children will read, it follows that the best antidote is to furnish the youth with good wholesome reading, presented in itf most attractive form with a view of j winning them away from the corrupt ing papers, to that which entertains and instructs. As the press has been i unanimous in its condemnation of the corrupting literature referred to, we trust it will be equally ready to say a good word in behalf of our enterprise. The object of "Golden Days*' is so clearly defined and will be so consci entiously pursued, that we feel it i.-* en titled to the countenance and support of all who have the welfare of the young at heart. A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine American Movement a* l«>w as Si", at E. (JKIEB'S. THE will of Mr. Eugene E Keefe, the Millerstown clothier who died lately in Florida, is to be contested by his father, his legal heir, a resident of Erie, this State. The will \va> writ ten in this county on the 27th of Jan uary last, and Mr. Keefe died 011 the 20th of February. In his will Mr. K. directed that his debts be paid, etc , j that $l,O JO be paid to a Mrs. Logau, i who nursed him during his sickness, I that SSO l»e paid to the priest who at i tended him to pay for masses to be said j for his soul, that ?>2OO a year be paid jto his father during his life time, but ! for which his father is to give his [notes; and that at the death of his father these notes are to be collected ! from his estate, and the amount thus collected with the whole of Eugene's estate is to go to the church to pay for masses to be said for the souls of him self, his father, mother aud sisters. The estate is said to consist of a large sum of money deposited in a I'itts burgh bank, Mr. K.'s store in Millers town and other proper.y. A law of this State invalidates all bequests for charitable or religious purposes made within 30 days of the death of the testator. Kev. I'. J. (Juilter, who is named as Executor in the will, has tiiken out letters testamentary, and Mr. j Kcefe's father has commenced proceed ings in equity. JUST received from the East, some of the laK>t patterns in White ami Colored Shirt", at CHARLES ft. GKIKB'S. Wlmu R U ! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter & Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTEU Boos. MEN'S, Youths' and Children's Hut*, from Usc. upward, at (Eiii&ett z Utttler* Miiiucxutii Flour! Tu arrive from the L. C. Porter M Ilinsr Co.. Winofia. Minnesota otie half thousand sacks of flour, all to l>e fold rapidly for cash. Minnesota Iloiir his a reputation "f it? own. the world over. There is uot a State in tbe Utnou raising the quantity and quality of wheat and possessing the facilities "for manufacturing flour as the State of Minnesota. It is indeed, the great wheat Hour State of our land. Anions; our assortment of this flour will In found. from the fanciest article ma chinery can produce, down to a cheap and substantial family flour. Owing to a redaction in freight rates west and a slight reaction in the grain market, we h.ive secured this ship ment at a favorable figure, and will be able to sell the cheapest at $1.25 per sack of 49 pounds, or ib per barrel. 111 barrels. KLINGLER FLOUR HOUSE. SOME thousands of workmen ordi narily engaged in a single trade in New Y'ork city are now in that unsatisfac tory financial condition which the peo ple in their homely phraseology des cribe as "living upon the interest of what they owe." About seven hun dred pianonrikers left their labor be cause of a dispute with their employ ers, and a little more than three thous and, as it is estimated, where thereupon dismissed by other employers in recog nition of the fact that the difficulty over which the first step was taken is a common one anil applies equally in all the different shops, and that if the laborers arc triumphant on their first field they will demand that the princi ple involved in their victory shall be applied in all shops. Not far from four thousand are out of employment now, therefore and it is thought the number will be increased within a few dtys by another thousand to he excluded from shops that have not yet acted upon the demand of the employers' union. \.n Hotter. It Sp3ib3 for Itself. \\l:rts of the remarkable cures of catarrh, I I aai induced to tell "what 1 know about •• i arri," nti 1 i fancy the '•■mulf" and ot ie" makes 'mere dollar gra'"her-t would be .'lad if they could eui'dazoa a similar care in the papers. For I>> yearn I Mirlere 1 with tarra. the nasal p i>-age Ite-rauie completely closed. '•Snutf," ".lust," "asnes," "iuhaling iube-f," and "otiek-,'' wouldn't work, though it intervals 1 would suitf up the se-called ra tarr.ili snuff, until I became a valuable tester or such medicines. I ,'radu illy grew worse, ind no one can know how much I suti'ered or >aht a miserable bein,' I was. My head ached iver mv eves so that 1 was confined to my bed ;'or many successful days, suffering the most intense pain, which at one time lasted continu ously for ItiS hours. Ail sense of .smell and taste gone, sight an 1 hearing impaired, body shrunken and weakened, nervous system shat tered, and constitution broken, and 1 was hawking anil spitting seven-eights of the time 1 prayed for death to relieve me of mv suffer ing. *A favorable notice in your paper of Dr ■sage's Catarrah ltoinedy induced me t > pur chase a package, and u-e it with Dr. Pi,-rev's Na-il Douche, which applies the remedy by hydrostatic preasure, tne only way compatih.e with common-sense. Well, Mr. IMitor, it did n >t eure me in ttiree-fourts of a second, nor in one hour or month, but in less than eight minutes I was relieved, and in three months entirely cure 1, an 1 have remained-o for over sixteen months. While usinj tiie Catarrh itemed)', 1 used Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery to purify my blood and strengtnen my stomach. I also k> pt my liver active and bowels regular by the Use of his Pleasant Pur gative lYllels. if my experience will indue.- other sufferers to -*ei; the same means ot re lief, this letter will have answered its purpose. Yours, truly, S. D. RKMICK. I*. K'M and Embroideries At old prices, at HITTER & RALSTON'S. LET the inventors of unsuccessful suspenders and tin underclothes, of pumps that won't pump and pulleys that won't pull, of impossible motors anil incredible fly-traps, take courage. One of the craft has found a new way to make a market for patented wares. Being the inventor of a certain des cription of cotton cordage which the Secretary of the Navy obstinately re fuses to make use of, this gentleman betakes himself to Congress, enlists tbe sympathies of Southern Senators j on the ground that this is a home man- j ufacture of a Southern product, and : induces the Senate to pass, as it did . last Thursday with all solemnity, a bill postively directing the Secretary to test the invention. Mr. Conkling was about right when he said the other day that legislation of this kind is "degrading" to Congress, if the Secretary has declined to test the cord age, as a friend of the bill has stated, it was probably for some good reason. ; The bill is therefore an argument | against the invention, and the passage { of the bill in necessarily a matter fori astonishment. IT can almost be asserted that ST. JACOUS j OH. works wonders. (Shortly before tin- New i Year, Alien I visited my family in Miteheil, 1 loutui my sou I'M ward, a lad little more than ten years oi l, very sick, lie suffered with Itheumatisni, an I so terrible that he was feet I y stiff in his limbs, could not possibly walk, and lia l to be carried from pile- • to place. At once I sent for some sr. .IAI OH -011., used il according to directions, nntl in a few days coll hi see evidence of eonodertble improvement. On the tenth of this month I again visited my family and was astonished to find him well and hearty, lie once more has fresh color in his face and can go to school again. Whenever the old trouble threatens to return, relief is immediately secured by the use of the celebrated Sr. ,J.u:oHs Oil.. From I sheer joy over this result I cannot withhold recommending ST. .IACOHS Oil. to suffering humanity as a true benefactor. ( IIAKI.KS MI:TZI>ORK, Office of the Vvltofrrunit, German paper of Stratford, Out. I'ilhlc It.llil INkx, Full line, from 25 cents up, at HITTER & KALSTON'S. OVER two hundred farmers in this county are using the Diamond Iron Plow, and will tell you that it has no et/itnl. For sale by JACKSON & MITHIKLI.. ■o • ■ II lieal! Wheal ! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter & Boos' Mill, Butler, I'a. WALTER A: Boos THE largest Stock of Half Hose ever offered in itutler, you can find at t'HAKI.EN R. tl HI Kit's. EnJenton Academy. The Spring Term will open April sth and continue 11 weeks. Thorough instruction will be given in all branches usually taught in academies. Send for circular. Address H. K. SIIANOR, A. 8., Principal, Etnlenton, Pa. Iny litidv Can be suited in Corsets, at HITTER «S: KALSTON'S. Farmer**. Ta»k«* \'«»lie«» We pav $1.40 per bushel for No. 1 Wheat at our Mill, south end of But ler, Pa. WALTER & Boos. Carpel!*. \ If you are in ueed of Carpets, now !is the time to buy. You will find an 1 immense stock at H-LTTFCJT K.4LSTON'*. at To arrive, a large shipment of Vmericusand Oriental Flour, all to lie sold at the former popular prices. Also, a larare lot of Wheat Bran. KF.IS'I.LKR FLOUR Hoi SE ALL over the country str kes among workmen areeitlier actually inaugu rated or threatened. These were to be expected from the rapid improvement in business, which has raised the price of manufactured goods from 25 to 100 per cent , and from the natural reluc tance of manufacturer- to sliaie their ncreased profits with their employes, in many places wages have been raised considerably, and it is to hoped that some compromise may, in other cases, be speedily effected, by which the stoppage of the wheels, of business may be prevented or removed. Strikes are lamentable occurrences at best, causing a world of sulTt ring to the strik'-rs. no small losses to be em ployers. and a s.ij amount of ill-feeling between the two classes whose friend ly co-operation is necessary to each others' prosperity. According to the Statistics ol the Massachusetts State Bureau of Labor, out of 159 strikes recorded in that State, 100 were fail ures, lf» were compromised and only 1 S were successful—a poor show for strikers. Vet had the employers com promised matters, it is not improba ble their gains would have been at least as great, and the prosperity of the S ate would certainly have been greater. It is not the accumulation of money in the hands of a few in a State or Nation, that renders its inhabitants happy and prosperous, hut its distribu tion among the people at large. STUDENTS of the IV in-ylv an: J State College e.ij >y a summer temperature throughout the year, l!i" entire College huildinu' being jiU-a ant- Iv wtrned hy t!ie steam heatiuir apparatus .itely introduce], tty tin- improvement students occu;>v:ii_r College dormitories are made comfortable, the charges lot fuel it is hoped will be lessened, and the Cucnucal and Piiy-if.il Laboratories are ren dered niueli more complete hy makinir pc SM ble the inlroduetion of various improved ap pliances requiring the use of -team. Send for Catalogue. Addres the President, Stale Col leue, Centre County, Pa. H titliji i'tulcriie ir Cheaper than you can make it, at HITTER A: KALSTON'S. THE surplus of imports over exports last month amounted t<> nearly £15,- 000.000. Official figures of the imports ami exports for the. eleven weeks of lsso shows that the imp >rtsamounted to $93,500,000, while the exports did not exceed $ i 0.500.000. The only thing likely to offset such an unfavora ble state of things is the prospect of an increased export of grain, with the opening of the water carriage of the country. A table has recently been compile ! by the Liverpool statistician, which shows that the Atlantic seaports will have to ship about 1,600,000 bushels a week to meet the demand of | the United kingdom : and if they do so j for twelve weeks from March 1, Great j Britain will have a stock of about 4,- 000,000 bushels left by the Ist of June j to meet the requirements from its own harvest. Keeping in view the fact, that the average consumption of the United Kingdom is about 2,400,000 bushels per week, we see there is a fair chance j of the whole of our stuck of grain, j which amounts at present to 25,000,- 000 bushels, being drained much sooner \ than is generally anticipated at present, i Should this be the ca-e, wheat is not f unlikely to reach by the middle of | April the price of $2 a bushel, and to j change the present proportion between I our weekly imports and exports. Answer This. Did you ever know any person to be ill, wit hout inaction of the Stomach, Liver or Kidneys, or did you ever know one who was well when either was obstructed or inactive; and did vou ever know or hear of any case of the kind that Hop Bitters would not cure. Ask your neighbor this same question — Time x. Heller Tliuu g iiihrt-lla*. 1 Ladies' Gum Circulars, at HITTER & KALSTON'S. Dr. G. II LEE, li 4»»MiM»(»af liie I 1 lij^icliiii. OffieA n] rear the Wick Ronee. North Jlain »tret. Butler. I'a. ja«7 j Wheat! Wheal! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter it Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER & Boos. If .MI niil Hoys' C'j»«i«lmeres, Fuil line, at HITTER KALSTON'S. T !.aro v.r. i t'."< C "st ! T h".ve v-n th'* Flexible ,1 s :.,i !i \ ry l ouO 1 C r*> r tine •i»• l: aud r th-? Li i\ . • "i. I \ rjr I. is rt i. 1 pcrlocL m is ill i ) J !■■ m % : ■ ltiTTi'Js a i: % iivrov, AGENTS FOB JB J TLB LR6, - - - PA. Files I Pilea ! Piles ! l)o you know what it is to suffer with Piles? If you do, you know what is one of the worst torments of the human frame. The most perfect cure evet known is Kidney-Wort. It cures constipation, and then it tonic action restores health to the diseased bowels, and prevents recurrence of the disease. Try it without delay. All I lie ,\t'H i'SiiiiKM In Spring Goods, at HITTER IT KALSTON'S Stl:»«k%itk*. < olored Silks, Black Satins, Colored Satins, Striped .Silks, Strijied Satins, at HITTER & KALSTON'S. Kuxier Flower*, Hats and Bonnets, at HITTER IT KALSTON'S. SproiK GIIMCS And Hosiery, full line, at HITTER A: KALSTON'S. llr'teadt'M. At 12ic., 15c., 25c., 4Uc. and 50c. per yard, at HITTER & KALSTON'S. t'aripci*, Made and Laid on short notice, at IvIXiLK & 4 oinmuiiiealionM. Summit Tow stip-S-bo i No. 2. BOWIE BR< OK, March 23, l^sO. Editor* Citizen —We had the pleas ure of attending an entertainment on Wednesday evening last at school No. 2, Summit township, tought by Mr. I). S. Clark, which passed off so pleas antly ami we hope so profitable, that a few words may not be amis-. Mr. Clark is a good teacher, and has the respect of both parents and scholars of the district. The programme was as follows: Music, subject "Gathered Once More." Declamations by Samuel B >ren, Bar ton Young and John GiiKland. Select reading by John Gilliland. lacob Criley, Samuel Boren and Ella Stevenson. Dialogue, subject "Personating Old er. " Class reading, subject "North Amer ican Indians." Recess. Music, subject ' My Native Land." by Jennie Gilliland and Nettie Boren. Dialogue, subject "Out VI! Hound." Class reading, subject "Orator ruff." Dialogue, subject "That Awful Tommv." bv and Bella Honey. Dialogue, subject " H ejected," bv Nettie Boren and Mary Gilliland. Dial >y gtv»>n that letters of almin istratiou have been grantor! to the undersigned on the estate of Stephen Kail), deceased, late of the borough of [Varoli i. . Putler county. Pa. AM persons, therefore, knowing themselves indebted to said e«tat«. will please make immediate pav .ient and any having claims agnin-t the snne will pre-enf 'hem duly authen ticate 1 to the underniiriK-d for settlement. WM. OIRHON. Adm'r. ''etrt lia, Butler Co . Pa. J. I>. MoJc* KIM, Vtt'y. mar!o-4t Administrators' Notice, Notice is hereby -riven that letters » »f admin i-t ration havi- been 'to the undersigned on the ciaieof M ty Elizabeth (litison. di c'd, late ot Y!iridl"-i \ township, Bull r <• nitty. Pa. All iitTr-t-us. therclore. knowinv thtm-i'lve- in del.tnl to S lit! estate, will plei-ic TI ike iiumcdi me |inviii'*t*I % *ni(] any havinir claims against tlie s mie wjll |ni"f nt them, duly authenticated, to lln* undesigned lor -i till*" i*ni JOHN } . , tVM. SHEPHEKO. S IS ' mr1l)-4t Bakerstowii, Allegheny ! 'o., Ha. 1«! in i»i.ii rule s-s* fee. Notice is hereny given that letters of admin istration have been grijited ro tt*e undersigned on t'ue eslate of Henry Smith, deceased, late of Buffalo township. Butler connty. Pa. Ml pens 'ns, therefore. knowing themselves in debted to said e-tate. w ill plea.se make immedi ate payment, and niv having claims stains the Manse will present tliem. d'lly authenticated, to the uudei>i_'iie l for -.et? lenient SAMPFE SHFAKFR , . MARGARET N. SMITH, i AamrB > mar3-4t Saiversville P. 0.. Hitler Co., Pa. Notice Exti soidi nary. Persons desirmsr to have their Old Furniture repair d or New Work made to older, such as Music St mils. Hook Cases. War Irolies. Ottioe Desks Office Tables. A c., would do well to call on .V. B. WILSON, Practical Cabinet Maker. J hold that a j iece of furniture male by hand is worth two made by machinery, and will cost but little more, il any. Thoti why not have hand ma*le ? All work made in the latest styles and of the bed material 1 guarantee entire sat isfaction in stvle, workmanship and price, tiive me a call. Shop on MiClin street four doom west of Main stroet, juid opposite A. Troutruau's store. Butler. Pa. s«pl7-ly Annual Finmiciiil Statement. Receipts and o' BRAIA SCHOOL I>li i;ICT, Huiler county, Pa., for the year ending Jilno Ist, 187 H. BTCHPTS. Gross amount ia- duplicate f a* school purposes ■? 0(17 06 Exonerations •? 12 *0 Outstanding tax 132 IX— 14-1 37 Total tax recoiptu . .. S 763 00 Cash from ex-Tieasurer 50 33 State Appropriation 170 13 Cash Horn ex-('ollector 125 00 From other eonrces 2'J 00 Total receipts *1 147 05 F.XPENLUTCKKH. Paid teachers' nalar.es .*j. only . >7.50. C.;"a - op Orcati. >*t'i"l Ho iK only A i'lrtuts, i>L N.NKLL A- MJI>LiEK, Eewi-ton, pa. }>ui7-ftai I *• ' I s' HliitwiiiK the Value ol KPHI and Per* *«»: us! i*ri»p«»r;y\ sh >:qnaii/c.l l>.y the Co, Commissioners, < < ih.- iiip. ..." _i.7•"• ■ .)1"> . ; >.non 11 <: *t 273,1,000 3,420 Butier T .ivn-h |» i;.- I ' •_» . I'.I'MI <>,-* 2 , '.'!.i;4.> ."in 703 'ir.i' 1 I I'.vn-.iiji 1/ • I.; 1 >o ' 102.2<>!> 100 1,045 T .WI: ilip _'">!>,•> >4 LL. '-' •">.!' - J.>.l'» 10,370 279,»4 375 1,655 Vw>r.l t-.w,>hip 4 11,7. 7,177 15,04t 11,7. 0 11,25:' r, .c"'J 5 i»"' 2.C70 250.556 97 C 50 township 23J.s">S i 0.4 '7 5."» v 2.075 &,40C 251,920 400 ('!• arlifKl townlup i 3." - 2,i*V 225.34'> 215 ;'h>»rry < ij. rry town-iiij> _.2.22' !•.;»;>:*. •». '' l.tftfl 11,080 275,0.".l 205 Conn •|• Miessiui.' t '\vnsh:p.. _ • ij.i 5 75." .",70 ' 10,157 2t 1,835 75 1,745 D int-ira! t<>wn>hip .si. 11,7*7 L-"> 7.3!> I 4*' 30.1,37 • 200 1,935 Fairvii iv r wn-!iip 512,'-. " !7,- : :•» 7,71 m 31,593 60-1.1)05 6,150 4,105 i'.irvv.irl iip 2! "ii 11,12" .74.131 C".2oy 204,721 175 2,835 FratiUiiu t• • vvii-1. j» 27">. Vv ' " 705 '.24 3,57u 13,174 25'4.410 275 1,537 Jtt''k«»n township 251,« 1.E.; ;'.217 .."J- s,<;xi 7,725 274,8*12 680 .leffers . a township. 201.571 72'.1 4.>11 4, i• > 12,050 27!>,10!» 200' 5S>7 I.mr- icor township 2 17.1 '1 12.4'" 4.-75 o,<■■*) 0,0.50 200,977 40 873 Mu lilv.-n- 'k township 25 ;l .*ss 7, • l." 1.200 1,325 204,220 100 1,425 Mercer townsl. 14 1," "' 0.07.'. 2,n00 12,72<» 7.55 105,745 50 1 t'>w:i.»liin 244 I's 11.575 ".202 1. 'su 75 202,382 125 500 MM'|V- 'x town-up 27 .54 10.20 • 5,:>22 4,4-n 7,150 299,153 23,* 890 < (aklanil township 23it,itOii .4.', • 4.' In 1 .-"»«• • 3,725 244,700 500 Parker town-hip 3-2,11- 12.404 I.ln, 30.i>0 41,850 42!',40J> SCH) 700 I'enn township 213.024 13,575 5,-1' 3.3>i0 20,100 205,80.* 1555 805 -Summit township 247. 01 1 '.4 <1 5,07- 4,'Hmi 13,250 260,500' 525 slipp.-rvrock ti vrnship 2- ! > 11."11 5.3''2 4. 10 15,010 Vi-nanao town-hip 21:',-'ol 11,702 .5,1.-0 5,495 242,344 50 307 U'a-hin/toa township 2 1 '- '• 1,01" 5,1.3. !V f 7O 18,9 AS 21(4,949 000 1,1t!5 W'nficM l >wn-' i;> ; 25.:. ; 7,5" 7 4,"12 5,020 2,70!) VV irtli township _ .77 12,7i>5 5,'-50 5,2"' 5,211 281.037 150 1,0;i5 llarri.-ville tvu Batter borough 898.001 5,138 1,136 41,130 10,900 945,387 1,800 750 Cer.tr.'vilh'lx.r >u,'h 0-0 1,75" 1 •:'•"< (>,(' os 0,025 75,2*4 185 530 Fairview lioroujh 01,3.-5 2,7-'5 413 0,320 O,,'HX 1 70,-43 1,015 850 Millerstown Pro-p'Ot borough 07.14 '. 2,5:".1 .-1 • 6,210 3,400 70,093 100 1,005 Pnrtersv.lle b>rou','h 35.'.";' 1,200 544 2,049 1,200 39,303 225 1,1>45 Peirolia borough "-axnnhuri; l"rni.'h 42,410 001 3.050 43,200 i 40,720 170 Stinhury borough 37.0tHi 1,0'2 37- 3.525 4,701' 42,595' 28 1 Kiirii* < itv Z. lienople' borough 7- 772 1,575 015 7,120 7,295 88,112 400 90K Harmony l»rotti»n r.. 7 .179 1,085 348 7,7' 1 ~,290j 88,312 3.50 405 Bv orih r of County C'omniisssioners, S. McCLYMOXDS, Clerk. Courtii -ioners' Office, I'utler, Pa., .March 15, 1880. N " W BOOT: SHOE STORE, UNION BLOCK, Main Street, - Butler, Pa* 2Sa.-i9.iaßE" Has received his entire stock of Fall and Winter BOOTS and SHOES. As 1 have an unusually large and attractive stock of BOOTS & SHOES just opening, embracing all the newest styles, I invite the attention and close scrutiny of buyers. Men's Kip and Calf Hoots very cheap. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Button, Polish and Side Lace Boots in endless variety, and at bottom prices. Reynolds Brothers' celebrated line Shoes always in stock. Parties wanting BOOTS . RUFF, MARCH Ist, 1880. OPENED CHOICE STYLES Spring Walking Jackets AT 84 AISTD UJ?. DAESS GOODS! NEW COACHING ULSTERS, . In the I'hoii'put materia h »nd .lenignn. all n>- W>H open this week the largest Btock of en ceived within the pas» f.-.v ,lavs mi l will he Hold tir,l . v ''"T" 0oo , ,1 . B ", Forel B" "d »°- »t pricew FLRTI v ill ,«are their rapid rale. AIHO, mannfacture wbirf» ,t }>« ever been onr larL-e an ortment ami CLildrenV Walk- P«e»-nre to offer Rich Kove tie« iu Bewnfol »*: 2 "■ l6 *-•" *"• uihS'st «*£. wo ?iistss: ai ' l>re»«s Goods at and tip to the finest quali- KT.EGANT LINF. OF NEW j ,ieß " ___ Muslin Underwear! j New and f'ech sto. k White (toods. inclnding Slack Cashmeres ill the deeirahle style". ISarred. Striped and Checked Nair.so lis. at 12'- ■■ up to finebt grades. ; 45c and 50c. 44-inch Biack Casluneres. 60c ftnd I 75c At 87*ijC and Al, the best values to be Spei ial Attention Invited to Onr New , found in any dry goods store. Fr c'i Jaconet & Organdy Lawns New Mom'e new Toi'e d Alnace. new MaAUGAJNS IN iw prohnhjv the an. *2 50. >2 75 gains we off. r. and would ask of the public an and > ! 25. Brocaded Silks and Satin d'L> oil ! examination, and to parties living away would Pekin Stupes, in 87' c.. rl, $1.25 and up. Also, say that samples and prices of anything will be all the eiioh-e shades"Colore 1 Pekin Stripes. I cheerfully and promptly furnished. JdOGGS & BU"HL, 118 120 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY GRAND OPENING! During we will open the largest and unquestionably best selected stock of Spring Dry Goods ever exhibited west of the Allegheny Mountains. New arrivals of Novelties in Dress Goods constantly receiving' at 1 " iOO h! MAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. (W" We won d call speci d attentio to ai extra tvruur I >.-pari men tin Housekeeping Goods hartrain m Drera Goods which we are selling at has never been so complete heretofore. HU'cents Linen Table C.oth, 20. 25. 30c. L ( asbmere wi 1. polka Do', we off, r a do- Linen Table Damask. 50. SO, 75c tided bar am. - Ming it a' 12- , Turkey Rei Table Cloth. 35, uO, 75c. \t c w.- off.-r a full tine of colors in IJro- Bed Qll ts, largest i.-sortin-ut m the city, cace I'less Goods, deci.ledlv beautiful etjl.s. Tickings, at 10. 12' V. 15. 20c. Iu Plain ('.e-hmeres we offer the fo'loning : Tickings, best .piality, only 25c. Double Wi.Uli C'arthuD re. good c. L'rilauiiaried HhirtH, at 50, 75c, sl. (' tshmere, better gr.a-le. verr line, i! 5. 1 ic. Gents Underwear, 25. f>, .s)c. Cashmere, all-wool, 40. 4 5-V. Ladies' Underwear, extra valuo, 59c. Cashmere, all-wool, extra value