a *s. « ?.,k 0 "S SSS^j a «^S? Yo-k. l* *n : hon»»d to eotitr»et for «d*«rtin in thft OiiizW- New Advertisementa To-Day. ft. ray CalW. Notice in Divorce. Noli'-.- to Farmers. Jun* v 1 *v r^ntt. Bur-'lary—W»ttlW Stolen- Appeai* from ,vv>oi-ai«:ii»- lUmV* &:><] Shoe*- B.« . Hunelton. stock Soeculatloti and Stat.merit -Valuation o( (ouiitv Property. Local and General. THE Spring Term of the Wither spoon Institute will open next Monday. Act wiselv—be ready—have on hand "Dr. Relief' Cough Srrnp," *nd yna J sll have nothing to fear—not even a doctors bill. It is not a cure all. Bat for Diseases of the Kidneys. Bladder or I rinary DAY- KN SKY PAD is the first cure yet dis covered. IF the weather of last week was an illustration of "winter linserinjf in the lapoi spring," -prime's poor lap most have been completely chilled through by the operation. THE funeral of Bernard Roessing, llsq.. of thin place. Who died of poeoraonia Ust Sunday night at 10 o'clock, p. m-, w- pliwon Friday evenirjg, when ,a small art mission fee will be charged. OHIO wants a law passed providing that when a Judge sentences an offender to the peniteutiary it shall be ascertained if he has a family depending upon him for support. The fact thall be certified to the warden, who shall keep a record of the convict's earnings, and, af t-r deducting twenty-five cents a day for his f.xwl and clothing, shall pass the balance to his credit, and apply it to the support ot' hi» legal dependent*. IT is reported that the ex-President J* boflM irom He return* by way of New Orleans, it seems, and he mean* to reach hi* home at Galena early in May— time enongb. perhaps, to be chosen a delegate to the Illinois Republican Convention, which is to assemble on the l'tth of May. If he ebon Id swept that position it would five him an opportunity to explain to his fellow citizen win.l he wanui a third term of the Presidency for? LATEST styles in Men's, Youths'and Children'* <■*(*, at Charle* R. Grieb'». FARMERS, we adxiw you to plant a l>ed <>f strawberries the coming spring, if your earden i* net already supplied with this de liclon* little fruit. IfaTe you no time ? Pre pare a plot four feet square, make the ground rich and mellow. Boy or beg one doten plants ofSharplcus Charlea Downing or other good varieties. If the second rear yon do not en- Urge the plot and find time to take care of it. the 4'ITIZRX hereby agrees to pay 'lrtay a general tax on the whole property to the ntate. The only thing* that we have omitted ars the fbreign Insurance Companies (or In surance Companies whose headquarter* ars ontslde of the Htate) which do business In this county and pay a tax to the State, and the Ex press Companies, Union and United Mates, which do business la this eodtpaoy aad pay a tax to the Htate. WILMAM AT.AHD, Merchant Tailor, hii-i Jiiit or*nH th« lurirwt liu? of woolana for tmm W* I»'IT HP ■■■ We advise our readers to prepare a warm reception tor a uiaa who is likely to call on them soon to *ell small boxes of various colored rock salt, labeled "Prof. V\ m. L. B. Mc- Candless' Celebrated 1". B. Chemical Safetv Saving Brilliant and Ga» Tablets. This is all i that there is on the boxes ; no directions how I to nse it, nor for what purp<~e the "t..oiets are to be n-ed. This iu.'ent is an oilr-tougued I fellow. He represents that these tablets wii I make a quart of oil la-t iixt«en nighte, and i render it n m-ex*»!->«?. He persuade*! a I widow at Beaver Falls to give Kim **JO for ' thirtwn boxes. Hi 4 * stuff i« a fraud If he i call? on you, tell him y«»u have beard of linn, and the Mxmer he jreti* out of the way, the bet ter. — XewCoMtle (. our a,it. J trtT received from the East, some !of the latest patterns in White ami Colored Shirts. at CHARLES H. ORIEB'S. SOME of our fancy men at Washing ton are yet harping about the Monroe doctrine in connection with the canal acro«* the Isth mus ot* Panama that M. Lesser*, proposes shall be built bv subscriptions from capitalist- of anv and all Nations, and this in face of the fact that there is European capital in almost every large railroad in'lhiw tuntry. We can not see that the digging of a ship canal from New York to Sail Francisco by European or other capitalists would in any way interfere with our doctrine of non-interference on the part of foreign Governments with any Govern ment of this" country, and if the thing were practicable we have no doubt hut that every Stale through which the canal would pass, would cheerfully grant the company a charter. Speci altiss in v« nolens at William Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not to be had elsewhere in the county. Thk arrest of that blatant, foul mouthed incendiary Kearny last Thnrsdav attests the vigor which has been infused into the administration of justice in .San Francisco bv the "Citizens' Protective I'uion," which is the name a*.urued by the new vigilance com mittee. In Han Francisco a vigilance commit tee, whatever title it may deem it expedient to take, is a thing of power. No inhabitant of that city i* ignorant of the trr»at and decisive part plaved bv the famous vigilauce committee of lfws, "whiefi quelled the elements of corrup tion and disorder and made itself a terror to evil doers by its intrepid measures. The mem ory of that great uprising in the interest of or der and justice has not died out, and a vigi lance committee, whether under that name or any other, is a movement to cause quaking and trepidation through the ranks of the uucleao Kutter |*>litictans of san Francisco. A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine American Movement as low as *lO, at E. Orieb's. The body of Dr. Samuel Hahn, of New York, a irentleman of Jewish origin, was cremated at Washington, this Htate, on Tues day evening 'if last Week. Only two months ago Mr. Abraham Kaufmann, of New York, said to his son-in-law, \)r. Hahn : "Promise me to have my bslv cremated when I die." Ibe promise was given. "But," ".aid Dr. Hahn, though I am a younger man than you, 1 may die first. Promise me, in turn, that in that case you will have my laxly cremated." This promise, too. wa« given, and the men shook hands. Mr. Kaufmann, who is the senior part ner of the firm of A. . Recently I>r. Hahn, in a patient who erysip elas was infected witti the disease. The ery sipelas gave rise to roeningit* and pneumonia, lie wa« taken seriously ill on February 'Jo, and he died about a week after at his father-in law's house. The latefit stylea in Shirts, at Charlhb R. GKIEU'H. Carpel** It will pay you to call and examine our large aod varied arisortment of Carpets; we are positively selling them at less than tbe wholesale value at tbe manufactories, at Hitter & Halston'h. Coneuc ption Cured. An old physician retired from practice, hay ing hail placed in hi* hands by an Kast India ; missionary 'lie formula of a simple vegetable j remedy for the sjieedy and |ierinanent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, 4 atarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung A Section*, also a positive < and radical cure for Nervous liebility and all Nervous complaint*, after having tested it* wonderful curative in thousands of cases, ha* felt it hi* Wt,<|H4.o2. Next come the tax on coal com panies, jWH4,1M>2.27 ; tax in gross receipt* of corporations, ; commutation of tonnage tax, *4*10,000; tax on collateral inher itances, $303, 5M0.12 j on personal property, ♦.17f,3t!#.4">: retailer* licenses, ♦.ViOJxI.JI'; tavern license*, Ml; bank *tock*, ♦310,0#4.K!»; foreign Insurance <-o.'s SIW,- 721.34. The largest Items of expenses were : I.oans redeemed, *1 ,f>M4,S*r>2, interest on loans, ♦ 1,2441,1194 ; common schools, Mollis."® ; char table laatitutlon*. H.TO.OS ; Jodicary, #4-1".- 074.56; House of Representatives, Wao.'Si.l.lKi; , Senate, i146.71W.92; Holdier> Orphan Schools, ; public printing and binding, *2*7,- 924.545 ; National Guard, #171,222.4 H. HI Tt.KH COCftTY ASK THK HTATE. The following are the amount* received by the State from thi* county and Irom corpora tions entirely with'n this county : TAX Otf COKPOBATI4>!» ST4HK. Hutler Water Works >. $ I'M Karn* City .. sv/Ki K.'i TAX OS I.OANS. j Hutler borough .£2* /"Si TAX OS ISA N K STO< K. Hutler Saving* Hank .$. r >7o <*> First National Hank Hutler 470 nO Hutler county 71 'II* TAX ON SICT KAKNISOS. Hutler County Hank 4 71 72 John Herir A Co 272 ' ow j " H. 11. Gallagher, Heg. A Recorder . 4*>9 50 ] TAX OS ROLLA I KKAI. ISIIKKI RAXCK*. Per J. D Anderson. Keg. A Recorder *127 93 '* 11. 11. (iiilhigher, Keif. A Recorder.. I2li 03 j HTATF. TAX OS I KIWONAI. IMSOI'KKTY. Hutler county $2,818 M | TAVKKK 1,14 KNSKS. Per D. Cupp*, Treasurer * s*ll i*i " A. 1,. < raig, Trea*urer 2,'WI 25 KKTAII.KIIM l.lrkSHKa. Per I>. Cupiw, Treasurer >1,790 '«> " A. L. < ralg, Treasurer .* 2,010 15 EATISO HOISK I.IcrSMW. Per I). Cupfi*, Treiisurirs * M (i 0 " A. I<. '"raig, Treasurer 35»» 25 IIIHTII.I.rHH ASK ItBKWKKa I.ICKSMK*. Per 1). Cuppa, Treasurer 50 j " A. 1., ' raig, Treasurer 47 50 IIII.I.IARK I.H'KSSKM. Per I'. <'up[*>, Treasurer IH " A. L. 4 raig. Treasurer 47 50 r Al < RI Eli ISTEKKST. I Tax on Karusi'ity A Hutler R. R. Co J>*> UK I PAMI'HI ET t.AWH. , Per D. CuppSj late Treasurer.... J*l3 «)a The following companies and «jor|K»rutions I wboM pronr-rty is |mrtly within Hutler, |iay | th# following t*xe» to the Sute : TAX OH t,T)BI*ORATION aTOCJK. . Allegheny A Butler Plank KmJ Co.. 4 48 00 i Parker k Karn* City R. R. Co 900 00 . ghananfo * Allegheny R. R. Co 727 72 Weataru Union Telegraph Co 9/W7 «4 i Wot Fann R. R. Co <513 47 Cnltod Pipe Linaa 7,500 00 TAX OH ORoaa RE< EIPT*. ', Psrker A Karus City K. R. Co I 1,2fi0 58 r I. nited Pine Lines 20,78« i 38 Weston Onion sJp* AlnUUec (SifeUuett : ou.4JUec, 3JCxjwl| XT» 1880. TAX OX ACCRETED IXTEKEJ-T. Parker Jc Karns City R. H. Co •? 37 Columbia Conduit Co Shenango & Alleghenv R. R. Co l'j. West Union Telegraph Co Host's OX CHARTER. United Pipe Liue* ' We find no reference in the report to the 1 . , A W. R. R. Co. BI'TI.fcK COrXTV ASD THE STATE. _ j The following are the amounts paid to this : countv by the State and to persons residing in j this county : JI'DGE'S SALARIES. E. McJunkin, from DA- Ist, I>7S to Sept. 11th, 1579 *',H" 1 James Bredin, from Sepr. Ist, I>7S to Sept. l«>t, ls7'.' 4,169 j Samuel Marshall, from "-ept, Ist. 1-7" U. May olst. 1«7!» 82" 70 Robert Story, from Sept. Ist, 1.-7S to SKSATK AM) II tSE OF REP. OF I*7 '. John M. Greer -$1,745 . Co. A, W. H. Ensminger, Capt., Al lowance, 187S ."W Armory Rent, IS7S lUO 00 Services Inspection, *'7 I*. A- K. C. It. R. Trensportatton 41 -•"> COMMON s< HOOLS. Butler County, D. F. McKee, Sup't for salary, from Dec. 1, '7B to 1 'ec. j '79 1,170 Appropriation for year I*7B 12,Wi l!i .Nrite —the iargvst amount was receiveil bv Fairview township. > 1 ,(ll: the lowest by Frankl.u, (Itid.; -S'JXfIS. PENSIONS (.RATI ITIF>. 12 Persons in Butler county »73 00 Pilgrima«eß to Buffalo, N. Y., are maile by thonaan'l* of invalids annually to consult with the medical and surtfical start' of the World's Dispensary and Invalids' Hotel, the largest private sanitarium in the world. All chronic diseases are treated by scientific methods. The practice is di vided among nine eminent specialist*. Among the most popular domestic medicines in the land are those manu factured by the Association, among which are Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, the irreatwt of alteratives or blood-cleanser*, and Dr. Pierce's Pellet* (little pills that have • largelv superseded the old-fashioned coarse pills. " Com pound Kxlrait or Smart- Weed is deservedly popular as a remedv for diarrh-ca, dysentery, tlux, and kindred ifi-eases : also as a 'pain-killer and remedy for cold*. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the great remedy for female weakness and associated Dr.Sage'* Catarrh Remedy is the "Old Reli able." Invalids'4iuide-Book— lo cent*, post paid. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. ~or London, Kng land. WE have an iiumt-nse stock of Bleached and I'nbleached Muslin, Sheetings, Pillow Casinirs, Table Damasks, Crashes. White Quilts, Percale, Chintzes, Ac., which we are selling at less than present Eaxtero price*, at RITTEP. A RAIJSTOM'S. Ir you want a snok of got>d Flour go to \Valt»T & BOOB' Mill. A S AS any city or Western flour in the mar ket, and made out of liutlcr county wheat. THE now Academy building nt Pine Grove, i'a., Hill lie entirely completed during the present month. .Spring Session will begin Tuesday, March .'SO, 1880. Send to the Principal for Catalogue and Students' Journal. J. C. KETLKR, Principal. Nlrnw Hn4l«FcallierTlcUln|{» At old Prices, at KITTF.R & UALHTON'B. Emlenton Academy. The Spring Term will open April sth anil continue 11 weeks. Thorough instruction will l»e given in all Branches usually taug-ht in academies. Send for circular. Address 11. K. SHANOR, A. H., Principal, Emlenton, Pa. Fine Millinery. In passing along the street, we no ticed the finest display of new pattern hots of the latest Parisian styles, that we have ever S4*en, in thi- show cases ami show windows of Miss A. T. Mul len's store, next door to I). 11. WUIICT'S Drug Store. This display was only on the out side, ami on glancing in, we discovered a real unique display ami assortment of all goods desired by la dies. This is the place to call when you wish a line and stylish hat or any thing in the Millinery line. Ladies switches, hair puffs, etc., made to order on short notice- RiiHerirk'N l*Mll«-rnM. Spring Style. Send for Catalogue lo HITTER II. cures Rhcuinati*ui; of thi* I am convinced. • I or two y< ar* I suffered with | Rheumatism in my left *houlder and right arm, 1 and la*t fall I wa* incapable of attending to my I duties, and Inv manv a night unable to sleep on account of terrible pain*. A few week* ago I a severe attack of this trouble struck me, and j thi* time I concluded to try the Sr. JACOIIH | I tin., | inn*i acknowledge. with but little eon- , | fidcnee in it* merit*. I freely confe** that the ! ' result ha* completely astonished me. The | (lr»t application relieved the jmin very materi- I ally, and the continued us>- ol only two b'lttb-s t has completely cured mc of this chronic evil, I and thiit, niter the most eminent physician* I and their prescription* had been of no avail. I therefore consider it a duty lo publish the nlmvf for the benefit of all sufferer' with Rheu matism and kindred complaints. (». A Hi U.MAS, Editor Jirpubtirrih, I'ttl, btir'fh, l' come to get a home. We have plenty of every thing onlv wood, and that is scarce— this i» a jrood farm country and a good place to raise stock. Since I came to Dakota I have got a home for myself. There are a great ruanv old Pennsy 1 vanians out here, and a great many of them from Butler countv. When I came on the Pine River Valley, there were hut few houses; now there are houses in every direction. Yours, etc., James Mackral. liosedale, Hanson Co., March *. Penn Township—School No. 2. March bth, I*Bo. Editors Citizen —We had the pleas ure of attending an exhibition on t ri dav evening at school Xo. 2, IVnn township, tougbt by Mr. H. E. Scott, which passed olf so pleasantly and wc hope profitably, that a few words may not lie amiss. Mr. Scott is a good teacher, and has the respect of both parents and scholars of the district. The programme was as follows: Song bv the school, entitled "Greet ing Glee." Sjielling then until recess. Mr. W. W. Barclay opened the way for the little boys by a declamation, entitled "Pat's Excelsior " Declama tions bv Masters (Jeorge and Albert Harbison and A 1 tort Cooper. Song, "Teaching Public School. Declamation by Willie Myers, sub ject "Watering a Mule." Select reading by .Vli.-s Klla Bui ford, subject "He/.ckiah Bedott." Declamation by Chailes Kennedy, subject "Barber Spare That ouug Mustache." Declamation by Miss R. Cooper, subj-ct "Popping Corn." Song by Charles Patterson. Recitation by Miss Lula Kennedy, subject "Independence Bell." Declamation by Robert Patterson, subject "Old Santa Claus." Kdward Phillips, subject "Ja'k Frost." Select rearling by Miss Annie Ken nedy, f?ul>ject "lleverie in Church." Declamation by Mr. Fitziiumon, Huliject " I'he Troubled Dutchman " Songs by Messrf). Ariustrong, Shul mire, Uowun. Uennirks by Mr. J. Sliulmire. Cloning song by nchool, entitled "Oood Night." The performances and order were first-class. A SPECTATOR. No More Hard Times. If vou stop «|«"nding so niueh on fine clothes, rich food and style, bny good, healthy food, cheaper and la-tter clothing ; get more real and sub-tantial tiling* of life in every way, and es pecially slop the foolish habit of employing expensive, quack doctors or usinu so rnttch ot the vile humbug medicine that does you only harm, but i.ut your trust in that simple, pure remedies, Hop Bitters: that cures always at a trifling cost, and you will see uood time" and hare ;food health. < lu'inir/t. IF vrju want good Flour and a (food turn out, go to Walter Ac Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. DrTc. 11. LEE, I!OIIMK*O|)UI Iii<* riijsiclnii. Ollice and rrxidence near the Wick House, North Main atreet. Uutler, Pa. ]»II7 .41 141 OlifM, Bed Table Damask, at BITTER IT BAI.STON'H. M'liciii ! Whciii! The bifrliest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter At Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTKR Boos. • I 20 <'('■!lN, Jean for Pants, at BITTER ertv. Pa. Ni'.I.SON STEVF.NK Marcii 11. IssO. Nt ( raw fords Corner*, Pa., bv I'ev. .1 11. * onlter, Mr. J J Nelson and Mrs. Mary K. Steven*, diiuirhter of Mr. John < hamber*, of Six Point*, Butler comity. Pa. IIKI'I'IIN. I.ESME March 10th. IkMO, Mr. Jame* Les lie, of pneumonia, at hi* residence in Herub- Ifrßss township, Venfttigo county, Pa., in the TStli year ot hi age. ROKHH!N(»- At hi* residence in thi» place, on Sunday nitrht last 14th ln*t.,of pneumonia, Mr. Bernard Roe«*ing, aired year*. Mr. Koe*sinif was one of our most respected and useful citizen*, and a kind iieartcd and J affable man. Mis death is the cause of sincere j mourning among a large circle < f friends and relatives. WII,F,H A I her residence in Arm«troiig comity. March 6th. Mr* Klizalx'th Wile*, wife of Minion Wile*, formerly of tlih c.iinty, aged 64 year*. 11 mouth* and 2ft days. She A : as a lonur and patient sufferer, being confined to her bid for four mouths, and "iidi-r --inif intense pain, caused from ulceration of the stomach. She was a kind and loving wife and mother, and the loss i* *'»relv f»*lt by the husband and family. She was followed to the grave on the 7th by a large crowd of morn ing friends. W. ITNMI,AY March 3. I • srt, at her residence near I'rospi-ct, Butler county, Pa., Mrs. Mnrnh Fludlay in the 77th year of her age. The subject of this obituary wa» born and lived in early life near Be I lint, in the township of Knock bracken, county Down, Ireland She I was trnin<-d under the ministry ot llev Henry lladett, in the parish of Mrumlxi. With her husband Mr. James Findlay, she left the J country of her early life lor the I niteil States on the 10th of August, 1 x 17. They came to Pittsburgh, and remained there till the spring I «| ixr/i when they Mine out to llutler county i and settled on a farm. Ily diligence, economy and gixsl mail agcine nt tliey Increased in , worldly sulistancc and have .leen remarkably ! prosperous. They were member* o| the I nited Prc*byterian Courch of Prospect, lirst iindi r the ministry of Rev. William Findley, f>. It, and then under the present pastor for over .'t years. Mr*. Findlay was retired in her dispoeltlon and never courted public 'istentatlon and hence her virtues and excellencies were seen most in her home and by her familiar friends. After seven week* of great prostration and weakness 1 she departed this life leaving her husband and j six children behind her. We trust her soul is I happy with that Savior whom «he loved and served, and her body rests in the I'. P. < hlircli I grave yard awaiting the lUwu of a glorious I naairrwttun iJ. A* O. i^is-4 r r of jurors Mercantiic Appraiser's List for *^o. Crawn fur April Term. 1880. Commencing on the First Mendav, being the sth Day. Adams-William .lolin>ton. Amos M* tz. J<>hu Gilkev. Bnftalo—Sl.irrin Swcitzer. Clinton- ■Samuel Vndersoii. riiont:L<. Kcuticdv. ( lu-r,> -Jo-,epb B : .u k. Edward l-ogan. Concortl- h'l-fir.uiii 15!ain. ( lias. Coclirau. Tiios. Graham. Ontrc—Abraham n^cner. < -ariie". . F. (Jreeii, .1. M. Mcl-iughlin. cranlx-rry .loin Ijicy. tSeorse Ziesler. ( lav -R. '.M'-Camll'- I )onej;al I*, s. Itarnhart. K-irwar.l—John W. Martin. Franklin- s:ini!i.'l Mintrc. Samuel Patterson. Fairview N'lejiolas. Jack -on I-. \. I'. ff.'r. l«iuc.tst*T (aci.t) ll<-iii)iliill. Michael Marion Wm. Black, sr. Ml.ltirCSeX W. J. Sl.'tjp. Mioldycri'ck -.lacol* Khim-v. < 'aleb Covert. Oakland Kudol|ih lloi-tma-. I'arker -J. A. Ki;it< r. Summit —Andrew Vos(. Winficld—J. i'. Pricker. A'euango—James Stalker. E-'i. Butler I.or. —I. Campbell, Jo-i. 11. .Jack. 11. C. Linn W. W. McQuistion. Ccnlreville—Kiv.uk Bingham. S. S. Bard. Fairview—A. C. Gibson. Millerstown—fcter Lowry. s ■ivoubunt— Francis l.aube. Jr. Zellcnople John Wickhaus. TIIIKII WEFK -I!>TH DAY. An..in- John Hartuiii:. Allegheny— ls. 1.. Koidmyer. John Galoreath, Jam.- M. Sc. in. Butler John flenchberuer Ahram M-< andless. ltri'lv —\\ illiam Staff. ( rsinberry John .Murray. W. llarvin .of Jas.i ( .-litre s>. I!. Kliler. C!a\ Cr.ininer. t'icarfieid Jaia.-. c. AulluiMi. i iinton Martin Monks. < in-rr\ Wm. Jam. ■« Stix.p-. < oni»..|ii. ne-v-inir l»*-«.ru»' Stcvi-nso i. Fairvie'.v W. T. McCoj. J. C. Pat. Nel I'ti. H.'iirv Wasrner. Jetti-rs«'ii Wm. W right. Jos.-).li Hartuson. Jack Christian Texton. l.aic-.Lster J..lin Mid.de>"\ lc. ti. IMialifsou. Parker William l>aul>ens|H ck, Dsuiiel Walker. JoM-|.ii 11. < in. Penn John Weber. Joseph Brown. SliiiperyriM-k Ciitchl'iw, J. l>. stev--lison. Summit Samuel Mitchell. Venango Francis N. Mauree. Wn-.hliiKton I! (>. I-ewis. Thomas J. At well. Wmllelu Philouien lleck. Butler lior. Philip Bauer. Jeff. Burtner, Joseph I a!d» .-11. Jacob P.«h>S. < harles H. t 'entieviile —liols*rt Klssock, Harrl-v ille—S. I Israli.un. Mlllerston i>. I . Bamhart. Pr.vsr.ect Alnalom Sli inor. Sniiburj li, W. Mechliliß. MAY* TKKM. FIRST WKEK MONDAY. 311 L. DAY. Allegheny—O. 11. Anderson, \V. H. Grant, Jas. n. M«-Mah:iii. Adams W ilson llartung. Krudv William Radger. Itullalo Benjamin sarvercof John . roiiiMxiiK'iit'ssiiiK llfii). Knlkiuali, lleorge Itoh lllSOtl. « Hilton James (iibsoii. Clearfield- Thomas Humes. Clav Samuel Sutton. Donegal Solomon Pontius. Forward \. .1. Kvatin. I'alrvlew Christian (lamer..!. S. Jamison. Jefferson I'udolph Succolp. .Mcrcei 1.. IT. Cuiniuing-. Middle-ex Thomas 11. I.yon. Oakland .I.C. Hippie*. Anthony I loon. Parker John Ullnon. W. U. shryoek. Venango Calalii .latin on. Wlnfleld K tell hold. Allntisn Knuiw, J.C. (ialhrcath. Win. M. I>enuy, John Clow. Worth John Gardner. Butler borough—Charles Boyle, Frank Hoonan. Jacob Keck. John O'Neil. Kairviev Augustus (.row, Harrlsville .1. K. flmdmaii. Karns City .lame* Walker, 11. W. Winfleld, A. W. Rnscoe.'J. Sanlsltnry. Saxonbnrg -Charles Hoffman, Enill Bteubgcn, Francis l.aubc. Siinhnry Al. .Mechling. Zeilcnoplc Jaeoh , marlO-2t Administrator*. Administrator's Notice Notice in hereby given that letters of admin istration h*ve been granted to the undersigned oil the estate of Stephen Kain. deceased. lato of the borough of Pe'rolia, Butler county. P». All pontons. therefore. knowing them»elvow indebted to naid estate, will please make immediate payment, and any having claim* agalnnt the nuoo will preeont tliem duly authen ticated to the undermined for net tlenient. WM. OIHSON Admr. Petrolis, Under (Jo , Pa J. r>. Mi Jv> KIX, Att'y. m»rl0-4t Administrators' Notice. Notice In hereby given that letter* of admin istration have ts-eii gn.n'e ' to the undersigned on the e«iiiteof Mury Elliilietli IIIIIMIII. di c'd, late ot Middles x township, Bull- r county, I'a All person*, theielnre, know inv themselves iu det.ied to said estate, will please n:ake immedi ate payment, and any having claim* against the. same will prepitit Hum, duly authenticated, to the undersigned lor settlement. JOHN KK||(irßl)N,).. , WM, SIIFPHKKD, < "" rnrlO-lt H.ikerMown, Allegheny Co., Pa. Fairview Academy. Tin* institution, with Itov. H I> Darhaker a* Principal, will open tlx Hummer aexxion April Ist. A new feature of thlx school. which will nt once commend itself to pub'ic favor, will bo lo rit.vis STI;i>i:NTH FOII TF.AOHING BV AC- Tl'AI. i;x PF.IHF.NOK. Young perxonx nil end ing to teach xhould avail thenmclveM of thin advantage mar3-Ht Annual Financial Statement. Heeeiptx and F.' lIIIADY SCHOOL DISi IIICT. Bullet- county, Pa., for the year etiling June Ixl, IS7!>. IHWMtT*. Gross amoi iit tax duplicate for xchool put p6 r.xrr.NWTnar.*. Paid teacher*' xalariox 26 •• fuel 74 47 " repair* 0 60 " Kecretary'a xalarv 16 00 " Treasurer and Collector. IS 00 " mii-cellaneoti* expeuxe*. 0 jtt 1,0#2 14 Balance In Treasury t 64 PI HOLOMON FIHHEIt. Prea't. Attest-J". HUH M. THOMCHON. JOIIN AI.LEN: I uiarß .Il* W. p. lIINKH, i A«lin lii inf rn f«t pa' 1% ol Notice !H hereby «;V(>II tint lettern of mlmln miration have been «rn111•«>] to the undei Kilned (111 tlio nutate nf If ««riry Hmitll, doceawed. late of RufTalo town»hip lintlcr county. I'a. All peraoim. Ilmniforn, knowing tln in*nlv»» in debted to *aid eetate, will pieaen make immedi ittx payment. and any having claim* again* tlm xanie will preaont them. dill) authenticated, to the underpinned for «ettlement. HAMfJKI. NHKAItK.fI. I . . . mahoai:f.t n. smith, t' A " mr "' rnar.l-4t Harver»villo I'. 0., Rntler (Jo,. I'a Life Insurance Agents WANTED! A tlref-claw" I,if" liieurancc Company in New York want* Hl'K.rl M. (IKNKIIVI. ami I.OOAI. AQKNTM. in nnoconpicd tcnitor* In tlm state of |*«lTTll"ylvanla Addrcae MANHOF.H OR Autn no. lv>% 'OO, New YOIIK poiTorri' r (f2fV-4t Wcodlawn Academy, Situatey prominent F,ducatori» Vocal Mimic and Klocution without intra charge, lloatding ami room* reanonable For circular addret.* thn I'rliioipal, Itr.v I'. J (T'MMINOH. teVM-it Woodlawn. Heaver Co., I'a. Union Woolen Mills. I would de*ire to call th« attention of tlm public to tlm t'liion Woolen Mill, llntler, I'a., where I have new anil Improved miililtt»lj for tlm maiiufaetiire of Barred nnd Oriy Flannels, KnltttnK and Weaving Yarn«, and I nan reooinnrmnd them a* being very dura ble. a~ they are manufactured of pure llutlcr oonnty wool. Tlicy ar« l>eantiful in color, an terior in texture. and will he aold at very low pneea. For earn plea and price* aildreM, U. fULLEIUUN. , itiUi. 7H-»y) Ituttar, f» ZELIKSOPLE BOR. MILLRRSTOWN BOR. ' Class Class. C. P. Passavant 14 I). Frederick 1:1 Henry Miller 1 1 M. R. Marks 14 Summer & Milliman.l2 Small A Bro 14 Gwrge Snyder 14 O. Feske 11 Ziegier, Siller & F. Schweiger 14 llain i 4 J. McMiehael 14 John Pinilinger 13 I*. IV Aldinger 14 Henry Belts 14 S. Fleeter 14 F. G. Kline 14 M. J. Pembroke 14 Albert Winter 14 M. R. Marks 13 Edwin '/.■ huer 14 <'. Scharbacli 14 Henrv Dinlinger 14 K. L. KloppACo 13 Geo. B. Bastian 13 G. I>eGiorgia A C 0...13 >umm'-t A Milliiuan, We«terni:iii A Bros ,it patent medieiiie.... 4 51. J. Howes 14 Chas. Yonng. do 4R. Salva^-A Co 14 HARMONY I:T>I:. Frank Mtxon 14 Swain A. lloiiNhulder.il' 11. P. Hoskius 14 A. F'tehrinjfee 14 G. M. Glas 14 T. H.Wheeler '.4 l». S. Wakeaight 14 Frank Peplier 14 \. K. Ivory 13 Win. Stoutfer 1 } R. I'. !!■ kins 14 Zieirler, Sitler A K. S. Crooker 14 llain 13 L. A. Breunciuan 14 Lat.shaw A Staram...l3 Wm. Bowen 14 A. Latshaw 13 G. DeGiorgio A- C 0...14 Mnrphv, MeKean A A. I.uplier 14 Co., iniulier 12 C. F. Pierce 13 W. J. T. Saint 1" W. C. LANCASTER TP. S. S. Barkley 14 .lattib A. E. Metz A Son 13 .1. M. Landers 14 WORTH TP. M. Dieter 14 X. Gardner A 50n....13 A. J. Alston 14 POitTEUNViLI.E BOR. F.Ottinger 14 Humphrey A Co 11 W. .1. < ampbell 14 Wm. William- 14 E. F. Ki-efe 14 CrookshanV. Bros 14 W. M. Kelly 14 BKAHY TP. L\ Niesen...*. 14 F. I'ber A Sons 14 st SBT RY UOK. Bingham A Sons 14 P.S. A S. W. Rhodes..ll MERCER TP. IA. I>. Rhodes 14 Lewis Owen 14 1". P. Browr 14 W. C. Bryson 13 R. J. McMiehael 14 HARKISVII.I.K BOR. 'ConwayA Breaden...l2 Mrs. E Black 13 J. Pryor A Co 14 I). L. Cleland 14; John Mechling 14 J. E. Curry 14| PROSPECT 808. S. Ilodil II Will. Riddle 14 S. B. BitiL'ham 13 H. Young 14 11. C. Black 12 S. S. Forester 12 J. N. Cubbinon 12 Gelb A lleisberger....l4 T. W. Morrow 14 J. 11. McClure 14 W. I*. Brown A 50n.,14 C. Sullivan 13 R. R. Walker 11 T. Critchlow 14 MARIOS TP. UONNOyt'ENIiV'U TP. Joseph Bailey 14 Joseph Graham 13 Mrs. A. C. Brown it C. Nick las 14 Son. 14 P. Staff 14 Wm. May bold I ( .1. T. A \V. A. Purvt- Patrick jifeßride 14 anee 14 CIIKRKY TP. CRANBERRY TP. John Hall A Son 14 Wm.Garvin 14. A. W. Christy 13 I>. B. Wilson 14 W. C. McCoy A 50n..14 A. G. Hendrickson...l4 VENANGO TP. JACKSON TP. r>. C. Kohlmeyer 14 A. Hrebert A llro 14 Sloan A Blair 14 A. Slioup 14 ALI.EUIIKNY TP. F. V. Brooks 11 11. J. Thompson 14 Geo. HTi A Sons 13 M. A. Cross I I Bogg* A Cooper 13 J.C. MeKaiip 14 H. Barkey 14 I). X'oxon 14 H. C. Moore 14 C. E. Buck holder 13 Wall A Bishop 14 J. C. Wiliest A C 0...14 1). T. Kersting 14 J. E. A W. L.Coulter.l3, Lew is (iantz 14 Mrs. B. Mock 13 W. J. T. Saint 13 W. F. Harkin, 3 bil- G. G. Lot/ 14 liartl tables AIuMS TP. J. N. Gijfer, 2 do L J. Smith 14 W. 11. Feneil 14 W. A. MeCotnbs 14 Ellas Sloan 1 1 <\ B. Irvin 14 W. Fanpther 14 W. W. Walters 14 B. Baer 14 J. A. Anderson 14 A. P. Man rose 14 Miss Nancy Adams.,,l4 J. D. Shell ACo 1" Mllil>l.i s|:x TP. Small Brothers 11 J. J. Starr A Co 14 R.J. Flinn 12 W. T. \nderson A 11. Janowitz 1 I Marks 14 Tyrrole A Co 13 L. J. • ooper 14 Jo«iah Whitte«L. 14 J. B. Flick 11 PARK Kit TP. CL.tSToN TP. O. Cratty 1 lißobert Anderson I I J. A. McKallip 13! W. Woods 14 Wood A Marshall 12 Samuel Snyder 1 I J. W. Orr 14 UI KKALO TP. U.S. l>aubcnspeck...l4'J. M. Fleming 14 J. F. Agncw 14 G. W.Cramer 14 Martin A C< 13 Robert Watson 14 11. E. Dennison 14 cl.l vlti li:l.t> TP. G. 11. Gibson 1 I M. J. Mcllridn 1 I A. L. Illack 1 1 W. S McCrea 1 I T. G. Campbell 13 E. A. Finch II J. Cannon./ 11 WINKM I.D TP. W. Wilson 14 O. F. Katz 14 E. J. Cross 14 G. 11. Love 13 Robinson A llick 14 11. A J. Krluise 13 John Kelly. 3 bil- E. G Leithold 14 liard tables E. G. Leithold 14 PAIItVIEW JTP. Murtlaml A' Gordon. ) I J. L. Gilmorc 14 s YXONBTRG lioß. Kooucc A McClel- K. I'. Milder 14 land l 4 Sci|K'lA Miturhoir....ll W. (i. ii iys U' I'.. A lit Imholil 1.1 Taylor .V Co., "il 'John Muder, II Well Supply l.'i Theo. 11. lml.oM 11 J. C. Whitmore 11, .11.1 I I.I:VN TP. Waller Jackson M .1. K. A W. M0n1i1«...l I John llnNijjer 13 llendrickn, Marten- I'uul Troiitnmn 1.1 wtein ACo 11 I'KTRDI.IA 808. M. P. Ijjrill'h.. I- Con nelly limtheni...l4 I>. Ilockeiwtein II Map.-* Brother* I'J IH.VKOAI. TP. Jam.* l.azenliy .11 Mai Miller II (loixlnmii . Kepler 14 .1 It Klllroy I'.' I'INN TP. S. K. f.enehaiu II H.Sutton H 1.. I». URWIU 14 I INTIIK TP. I). ('. Itaeku- 1- .loHepli Coulter 14 .1. Itcnediet A M 011... !' I». ' Miller 14 1,. I >«jwcy I .' A. Met "amile*a 14 11. A. Cypher II M MMIT TP. It. J. liottner II Mary Binlth 14 F. Htcinherttor 14 KIIAVKI.IX TP. !■;. Irvine I I Flick A Allien 1 I I". Traver*. Ill'W. Watson I I Mrs. V. I turd.. 1-1 O. K0rnrumpf.........14 S. A Ideman 14 m i l Kit Hon. .1. A. Foot 11 M. .1. Iteiber 1» A. M. Kili-hi-nntlne. I I T. Stehle.. 14 S. F. tiiirady. IJ S. Syke* II .1. Aaron I I .1. P*. McKce 14 ri. M. Hill I I'.l.ti.A W.Cainphell. IJ 11. A. Klinttenmiith..|.l t'nulter A I.inn II John Cannon II M. Heilier.Sr 11! ,f. |till 11 Lewi* Binnop 11 Win 11 in<-lii■■({.?, I I". 1. Htehle l.'i I.illii.nl Wilde* 11. Collier! I I J. 11. Allen, -1 do V. M. Frederick 14 KAItVH CITY In .H. 'A. A I!. Kemper 14 J. Mii/./.y 1.1 I». T. Pape 1.1 1.. Newman II .1 F. Shaffer .14 M. 11. fiorilon II .lolin lliokcl 1-1 K. H. Harvey 14 A. Ituff 1.1 A A Wt»! II I'- H. Wilder 1.1 John Wench II 11. Nchiieidcninn I'J O. drown II Kitter A ItaUton H .1. Iletrlc I IIIC. lliiKcltmi 11 11. W. Koont/ II Ziin'rinaii A Hawk...l I If, 8. Mark* 1.1 l/oui* Slein 12 W. W J'aney 14 11. Iliekel A Co II J. Ro*cnberi(. II V. Trolitmaii II .(. 11. Itorland 14 I. Keek I I S. 11. Pettixrvw II ION. Rockenntein .14 P. 11. Ilurke |:i,Mr». C. Koch 1.1 E. W. Kelly 14 W. F. Miller 14 Mead <1 MeOulre, I C. Stock II liillinrd lal.le 'Mr* K. Selton II A. .1. Moorhead, 2do |K. f.rieh 14 CONCOIIII IP. | M. •'. lioekennieiii.... 1 1 W. C. White 1 l|. K uliii I t lierir A Cypher 11! .). r I li l'ho*. IflM ...II S. 11. Alliee, 1 l.i I - \| r«i. M K'.eken»lein.l I liard talile 11. C Heinetnaii I t W A-IHN'iTON TP. lA.Ktxcl .14 |[. 11, |,cwi*... I I A. N. Met Rlldle**....l I 1,. Ilentty.... II <>. W. Miller A dm..ln I' llilliard 1 I Miller l*r..«• M 1..1i1t MeCorkell I'!'.l. Nilflfle A* I In. II McKee .V Son I I X. II Purvl* A C 0.... N It A. MilllinA Hon II It. II I liirper A < iileuin . 1:: 11..1. .1. I . 11 iimlooii'l 11! 11. Ilauer A Mr. N*. M Hoover II HI.IPPKBYIIOCK TP. drown A Co I!! 11. I". Wlek 1.1 A. AM I S. Mereantlie Appraiser. Anv ineieliaiil wlin may l» oinltt.-il In the above 11*1. a* fnrllMli-.l l.\ tin- Men Hill 111- \ppral*er. w ill Ink" nolT.e ami a'pplv wltnlii llilr'y .lay* fr date ol .'omui.-ii'-liiK till-In.-**, to County I'II H tiref, Who will Kranl orlwue mu ll a lle.-tw iieeonl lll(J to amount of sale- II ollii.iwme lietleeleil over ililit\ ilav*, tli.-re K .MI |M*r ei-nf. a.lie'il aii'l lialilr to a |M-nall> if returned ami pnneeuled In til*- rmnmoiiweallli of I■ i» 111\ Ivyinlti NV liiili-*-ile llei iiKi-H are iliif llie Com IMOII Mi-aitli oil -full" I*l, I**o, ami tiiiiAt l.»> paid to tlie Treasurer on or lie loin July l»t. IMo, unim* alt» rerl ..r r«*vl«wl at lb« appeal. Apnl wth. 1880, at, which time "O'v '"*o *iiy revision hie A. V CltAli*, March 4. laan. [mrio] Treawrer. H 111-iii t WlM'iH ! Thf lini 11 for Wln'ftt, at VN niter BOOH' Id-tU, Dutiur, i'u- 4 JkMXh JiCstatolisliecl in. 1836. Hats, Caps & Straw Goods. rfM IIABVKV COLBERT -fUE s TAKES pleasure is announcing to Ills friends and ta- PB®%r TRONS THAT HE IS SOW OPENING THE FINEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK " OF GOODS EVEIi OFFERED. SII.K, FHIt, WOOL AXO CLOTU HATS AND CAPS FOR MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN, AND WILT- FE SOLD AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES EVERY NOVELTY OF THE SEASON WILL BE INTRODUCED AS SOON AS THEY APPEAR IN THE EAST. WE ALSO KEEP A FULL STOCK OF Crreiits 9 i lino- lioodN. |5gr*THE PATRONAGE OF THE PUBLIC SOLICITED REMEMBER THE PLACE : 8 Doors Worth of Berg & Go,'s Bank. To the Ladies & Gentlemen: Prof. Ciiiiiliiiette'^ FRENCH KIDNEY PAD A POSITIVE AND PERMANENT CURE GUARANTEED 111 lilt Cases of GUAVEI.. DIARI'THR. Duoixy. Biuou's Diskasf. or tkf Kidnkvu. IXOOTintKCI ASo Rrrrsriiw »r I iune Inflammation ok riir Kidneys. Catakrr or thf. "ladder, tluui Colohf.i> Übink. Pain in thk Uack Side mi I,oin». N*hv ,r* Weakness, and in fact all disorders of the Bladder and ''rinary Organs, whether contracted in private diseases or otherwise. Thin irroat remedv has been used with success for nearly ten veai* in France, with the most won le (ill cnra tive effects. It cure* by alieorption. no nameon* internal medicines being rorjuired. We have bundicls of testimonials of cnres by this Pad when all nine had failed. LVDIF.S. if yon are snfferiog from Female Weakness, Leucorrba-a. or diaoat.es (>eculi v to fe inaleK or in a>'t any diseases of the Kidney*. Bladder or t'rinarv Organs auk vout druggist for Prof GUILMF.TTE'H FRENCH KI'»NEY PAD, a i> take no ortir*. If lie has not j;ot it send i 2 and you will receive the Pad by return 11. ail Address U. 8. Branch, FUENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio. Prof. Gnilmette's French Liver Pad Will positively cure Fever and Ague. Dunib Ague, Ague Cako. Ilillioiin Fuver, Jauudioe. LHspep *ia a> d all dsease* of the Liver. Stomach and Woo l. The pud cure* by ataorption, Mid la |>er maimiit. Ask your drugg'St foi thin pad and take no other If lie doe* not keen it send #1.50 to the FKfN'CU PAD CO , (U- H Branch) TOLKDO. OHIO, and receive it by return mail, J. IIK%IftKRNO* A RKO., marH-Gm Wholesale Drugirirts, Pittsburgh. General Agents. 33* MARCH - lit, 1880. OPENED CHOICE STYLES Spi'ing Walking Jackets AT 8-1 AND UJr\ NEW COACHING UT.BTEIW, In the choicest materials and dei-igti*. all re- V\ 111 open this week tlie laroent stock of eil ceived within the pant few davn. and will tie sold ' lri new Dress Goods, of Foreign and Do «t price* that will insuro their rapid hale. Al-o, man u fact are. which it has ever been our large assortment Misses' and Children's Walk- l'lfWiro to otTer. lilch Novelties In Beautiful ing Jacket*, troin 2to 10 years, at $1.50 each Colorings Mid Effects. All-nool Cashmorn WK j u « Beiges, 40 u.ehes wide, at 500 Choice styles > Diess GtH'ds at and up to the finest quail- F I.EG ANT LINK OF NF.W U"*- Mtiwlin Underwear! New and f>e*h stock White Onod*. including Efcliiclx f» l> Sltl 1W C WfiKt *ll the desirable style". Barred. Striped Slid Checked Nainsook*, nt 1 up to ttnest grades 45e and 80c 44-inch Biack Cashmeres, f.oc and I 78c. At H7Vfc and al, the best values to bo Special Attention Invited to Our New found in any dry good* store. Fr»» ch Jaconet & Lnwns New Mom'e Cloth*, new Toi'e d'Alsaco. new Madras Ginghams and Zephyr Suiting* This RARE BAROA.INS IN i* probably the largest and choicest stock of j French Wash Fabrfc* in this market. j HOUFf keepillg GOODS. OUR SILK DEPARTMENT New Stock Lace Curtains, 92.50 a pair and np. I* especially attractive at this time. Large line t l.inen sheeting. Pillow Linen. Table Linens, lilnek, Colored. St ri|>ed and Fancy Silks at s<>c Itlearhed. Half Bleached and Creatr Damask Margain* in the following number* lilack Silks: Nupkilis, I'nwels and Toweling. It is impossi if> 1 25. £ I 5". i 1 75. t'i. fil'i and 92.50. New hie to enumerate the many attractions ami bar- Satin d l.voii at $1.75, *2. 92.2>, +2 50. ■'£'2 7. r i gain* we offer, and would aek of tho publio an and 4"U 2.'i. Itiot-nled Hilkn and Satin d'L'on examination, and to parties living away would Pekin Stripe*, in all the choice shades Colored Pekin Stripes. I cheerfully and promptly furnished. BOGGS &c BUHL, 118 A 12» FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY CAKPKTS! OILCLOTHS! MATS! RUGS! 3TAIK RODS = ItfßW STOCK! NEW STOCK! > H 3 5 HECK & PATTERSON S 1 I NEW CARPET ROOM I < {H CC NOW OPEN I ' '■£ On» Doop South of th»fr Clothfirg ffouso ( b, 5 nufly'N lllock, septao-tf Bntlor. ■*». 3 > r lo r IIO iSiadHVO m STREET, mm IMPORT ANT AiVNOnNCSMENT I Our t-ntin> virv lnrjff! stock of DRY (JOOPS to he clotted out regardless of font. NotwitliHtandinff the stetwlv ndviuice in K<>«>dH of mII dewriptioM in the Enstern market, we will sell everything i» our line nt former low prices. I, re»* Goods in ifreat vaiietv «, l'» and 12e | Towelings, a great bargain. 5 «V s . 10. lj^o |),j. H. 10, lIW, 150 Pr.M iide l)res» Hood*, new stvles..2", !/■'• and 15-d l 'a*hiiisres eoloied and blnek I"i and 25e lllankel* *1 25, $1 80. 92, W l ashmeres a gieal b«» nil. .. 25. :W and :|.V ! C .mf-rts «i 25. 91 60. 9'J Kreneli Cashmeres, all-w-01. .P». 45 and WH) Ticking* 10. I2,'|, 160 Fn-nch Cashmeres 00. 75c, 91 T cking. satrs heavy 2«i. 250 Hilk W n» Cashmere* . 91, 91.'-'5. *1 50 Hambnig Kdgtngs and insertions 2. 3. 4. 6o Satin colored and black *l.*l 25 lismbiirus, good quality tt, 10. 12, 16. 200 Silk Velvet " '^' r ' •' WI I."dies' llndernear, extra value ....WJu Cloal a I'losinu out M 60, 98 50. 9 r i Gents' t'lidm wear 23. 85, 500 Sun wis ill great varielv 91. *1 50, »2 5o Grey Flannel 10. ri,ll»et Soiiare and Long Shawls .. 92 * *' Plaid Flannel 12'J, 13. 350 iir..,-i.e Mhawl* 95.910.93" Heavv Countr* Flannel W, Mo Scarlet Flannel ». 80c Our motto, "Small Profit* nnd Quiek Sales." will Im< Ktrictly adhered to, and our friends and ctintoniers will find it to their interest to call with us before elscwbero. UnFIREIiiO 100 4 lVi Wrwft iutvben^.