fciißM.'Mirrtox hatkh: Pur rrmr. in fc.i% .... •! M Otherwise ' * co So »at*crirt! *iH t* di»continned until aT arre*r«*cee w* i'cw flutter* ueglectiu* U> notilT Da irtieu h abßcrii«r» do not take out their papers will be held )i»We for the euboenption. Scbecribets removing frjm one poetoffioe to lacKbr-r »botiid give o» U;e name of the former v- w«il nn the present office. Ail communiotior* intende.l for publication i:i this p*per most be aacompmled bj the r®»: nisnf of tbe waiter. n«t for publication, but ftr k -i autre of goud f*itb. . , rriaff Mid d>*)h r.oticee mnut be «ocoa»p«- r; -1 br * r«n>oneible name. Ad.lrew tbk BIIT ,. KK ciTIZtS, BTTLIuP. PA. THAVKLERS' GUIDE. B ■ j.EK. JiiKN* CITY AND FAKKEH HAILKOAD (r.ntier lime.) : \r Hulier for St. Joe, MIIUTBIOWD. K .ri-K City, r*<'r...u, Parker, tic., at 7.35 a. lu . a-.-' 2.05 -1:1(1 7jd | in {See below lor con i,> ;ion- *ib A V K K.J Ti-.iu» arrive at Butler from the :i!iore point* ;t 7. 5 i. m una IA f ), :iu«l 0.-VS i in The 1-56 irain conned* »iih train tbe West Peun rtrui ■ br"Uift. to Piui-hariili. -U:VAMiO A*l> ALI.BC.HENT KAILHOAI> Trau- , Mrcenville, elf., al 7.40 a. m. a: <1 l> JO in 2.21 ip. m. -j T . r .. r >.ia it 530 a m lor <*< tn.ii i(l at 10. « i. tn '• r train H L .(urn le'ivc llt.iiaril on arrival of t. il a, IU. and 1.50 p. NI. - |.je leavt-« Martin-bur# at H..'10 for 12.30 triin. mnnmAiiA RAILRO -.D. 1 jin* leave Sutler tßutler or Pitutmrea Tiuie.) Market -it SOB a. ui., tciM to Alle gheny, ir<- vinz at »i*l a ra. Tbl- train coo l ■ at Krrvpwrt wilh Krwport A(dinn:otla l_uu. which arrl.'P# »t Alluhcny at 3.20 a. in., l.iltr-Hid time. F.xj-i 'tt .it 7.21 a. ni, eonßeetimr i«l Butlir JUMIOTI. wi!(j"oi «-tian>fe of enre, at H.'-fi with f xp.e-b W'*»t, a t r> ET'-ri** e*i>t arriving at Blain-villc A' ii .i. ui. r.ibrtmd time. \fail it 3 .'sfi |> a-, cotmoctine at Butler Junc t. .bWUtiout iiiui:ue ol Ci«r». with Exprew. west, arrtvintr In All« i.'bt-ny at 520 p. in., and Ex pr:-» i-iift nrrivinir at Blnirsrille lnfrvrtinr; a> I.TO p. m railr i.nl tiinf, which eonne. U w'th Y lil.ulcll'hia Kxpri-M eaot, when ou tiute. The 7.21 a. ni tri.in connects at Blaireville at 11.05 a tu the Mill t»«t, and ts.e 2M p. m. irtii at «.M with ibe Pliil tdelphia Et j r-*a e !-'t. Trfilis ariire at Boiler o 0 We»t Penn K. K at S i a tn , 5 <*' a (I 7.20 p. in.. Butler time Tbc £ M and Iraiiir, i-' iiuecl wiib taimi on ! t' Butler & Parker K. K. Sun ay triiu iiriirea i a! P.ntle*M 11.11 a. in., with train { for I'arker. Haiti Line. ■oa'rh trains I'-ATH Ptrishnrirfi tor the E.if j rr. .ind s i** a in. and 1251, 421 ar:d R.*'t p t irrivine a' Philadelphia at 5.40 nn«J 7.20 , I .i mi (13.00. 7" and 740 p m.; at Baltimore ' 3 < ~'it ihe oan.e t>ine. al New York three, hours Inter, and at Washington al>out one and a ball b>>ura Inter. PHYSICIANS! JOIIX E* BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, I mr-i-ly] HOTLER. l'A. j DENTISTS TISTi^y. o|# MTALDRON. Or dnale of tbe Phil fi adelpbls Dental College,!* prepiircd % fl •to do nnjtbine in tbe line of bU profi»-lon ir a-ati«faetory manner. Olß<* on Main street, Butler, Union Bioclt, n'. «t!iir«. apll LANI> KOK BALK. L 'VWD FO^dALE —AKD— • EXCHANGE. 1 i' i-m S. B 'Td h"» 3'Jll *rrrn of So. 1 Prairie I 1.-ml in Bn'ler conntv, Knii-nr. which he will i < 1 for 100 acres in this county. and pay { diffmiKtil auv. large tinnil er of CHEAP FAIIMN for -ale ii . n.m »v We*t Yirjrtnia, Mihiio'iri and Kan-i k Api>l?ti> W». K. BOYD. rS- 'Jut Vogeley Honae. butler. Pa lOIi SALE. A hiirf»ome -ix-r. mu frame h'>u-<-, located o" Blttf! Mreet. northwestern part »>( Butler. ' J."' iVtx 17' i All i v ouibuildintr*. : Eli MS— ()• •••-bird cash 'iijd balance in (our '■ e',:- Annual pa}mints. I:> quire at thin otliee j.riMlf \ aliuhle Farm for Sale Tl e undersigned offer* at private Bale the fa mi iai.-lv owued by fiobert Oilleand, dec'd, Jain of Middles* x t owi'sliip. containing 162 ArrrN, IB 1 ■<• of less. w.th % two-storr brick honoe and J \l barn, hay house wagon shed and other ont nildingr. Two good orchsrds thereon. 13<) n nu cieiied, balance in good timber, easy of l.v about o< e-lia,f nnle froui Butler and t Pittsburgh plank road Mid l„ l -j miles from new °natTou -gani.'e railroad. i.« a ell improved an.l in ; gornl condition. and ii- well adapted for dairy . pKtjiofeOM. For terms apply to JAMFH WILSON. Agent. d< cl'tf] Bakerstown, Allegheny Co.. Pa. For teale. Tho well-impro\ed faitn of B«. W Ii Hutch is<-»i.in tho northeast comer of Middlesex town ship. Butter court*. Pa . is now ofTer«yl for sale. 10 > Inquire of W 1C FKISBEE, on the prem iers. aplfitf FOR SALE. fj will luij a otie-liall interest. in a tood bu»- i . iu.s« in One who knows koine- j 11 oiralw-ui larmlor prek-rred. An honest man | * tt; the alsm <■ iino.nit will do well to adores* i I , letter. SMITH JOHN#, care 8. M James, i f iherty -tr-et. Fitl-burtrh, Fa |au'J7-ly ! HANKS. I ll*. ttIiTLKR SAVINGS BANK! 811 T LEil. PA. NEARLY OPPOSiTE LOWRY HOUSE 1 CAPITAL STOCK" 60,000. Kx. CAMPbPi.r. JAM. D. Anukksox. Pre»id«nt. Vice President. Wm. Caxkbell, Jr., Cashier. UIRKCTORi William Campbell, J. W. Irwin, J an. D. Anderson. George Weber. Joeeph L. Purvis. O >ea a General Banking A Exchange business. Interact p iid on time deposits Collections made ti A nrornpt returns at low rates of Exchange Gol-1 Fxchange and Government' Bonds bought ami sold. Commercial pa|ier, bonds, judgment tod otherseriiritiee boiiaht at fair ratee la2fl:ly INSITKA Sir;. liirorpornlcil IHltt. /ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY «»F IIAKTFORD, CONNECTIt UT. A v\- #7 0<5,«4.4» I i»«-. in (sl>-.r., WI.OO ,000 « -IT McJ'NKIN ti. H"N, Agents, j"ii :Bly Jefferson street, butler, Pa. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. G. C. ROESSING, I'KZBIDENT. WM CAMI'BKLL. Tkkasuhkb II C. IIEINEMAN, SKCKKTAKT DIHECJTOKB: J L. Furrta, E. A. Heltuboldt. . V, illiam Campbell, J W. Bniktiart. A I'routiuuu, Jacoti Sctim-ne, G. C. R'ie»»lng, John Caldwell, Pr. W. Irvin, W. W D.^lds, J. W.Christy H. C. Helot-man. JAS. T, M'JUNKIN, Gen- A«'t STTT7X>^?'R < I 3 A. FOR RENT. Tl.ree acres of ground, large honae and utor g t< . with <• nth'jldiiigs good water at the door, aod good Tonng on-hard. Ia aix milea Iron - Put ler; and a good location for a country atore Will Ktve {KMwesaion ittmadtatelr Inquire at CITIZ! S OFFICE, '• Bntlur Pa. Ct fn '"".day at 1 rne Humpies worti. 'l'-* -ft (vtfu. A Cou sou*. Qb olj VOL. XVII. I NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! CALL AT TIIE | Boot and Shoe Store John Bickel, MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. The largest and most complete stock of Goods ever brought to Butler is now being opened b}' me at 1113* store. It comprises Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, Misses' & Children's Shoes, in great variety. AIL Goods were purchased for CASH in the Eastern markets, and therefore I can sell them at the Old Prices, and NO ADVANCE. Lines of Philadelphia, New Yoik and Boston Goods embrace mv stcck, and customers can take their choice. I M" ea.ll What I Say: ADVANCE ON OLD PRICES!-®^ All can cail and see for themselves. The best of satisfaction will be given li»r CASH. IKE IVAKE, STYLE AND FINISH of Goods in my store cannot be excelled by any other house in the county, for proof of which a prrsonal inspection is all that is necessary. and Findings at Pittsburgh prices Shoemakers should come and purchase if they wish to obtain material cheap. SUPERIOR MILLING J WALTER & BOOS, Proprietors of the Weil-Known Splendid FLOURING MILL BUTLER, We wish to inform th<; public that we have remodeled our Mill with the latent improved Gradual Reduction System Machinery, which is well known by Milli-rn to be the bent in existence. We can nay to Farmers and Producer* of wheat thut it will In* profitable to them to give UK a trial. We claim that we can make a BETTER ARTICLE OF FLOUR, AND MORE OF IT, out of the fnme number of bushels of wheat than any other Mill in the county, and equal to anv first-elans Mill in the citv, or Western Mills. The new Mill, un d f< r bought of Munson k Hro., 1 Utica, N. .; the (jcorpe '1". Smith Middlings Purifier, bought at .Jack.-on. Mich., together with Bolting Cloths, Heals, Convey era, A:c., suitable for the Machinery, cannot be Excelled in the United States or elsewhere. This mny seem an exaggeration to some, but we wish the pub lic to know that we ore aUe to perform all that we publish, as we have given our machinery a thorough test in the presence of several good Millers and Millwrights, and it has proven even better than it was guaranteed to do. We are also remodeling our Mill for Grinding Other Kinds of Grain, which will he entirely satisfactory to our customers. Farmers wishing to have their grist home with them the same day, can do so ou short notice. They will thereby save another trip. WE HAVE ALWAYb ON BAND TIIE BEST GRADES OF WHEAT FUOUR. GRAHAM FfcQUft. RYE FLOUR, Buckwheat Flour, Bolted and Unbolted Corn Meal, different kinds of Chop, Bran and Mill Feed, all of tbe best quality and at the LOWEST PRICKS. p^Parties in town purchasing from us will have their orders promptly atended to aud articles delivered at their place of residence. j- We Pey Highest Market Prtoe for ail Kimfo of Grata i BUTLER. PA., WEDNESDAY. MARCH 17, I*Bo. THE MI'RDKR TRIAL. John I.efevrp, Charged with the Murder of His Wife, Before the Bar cf Justice, In our issue of the 24th of Decem ber last we made r. note of the circum stances that led to the arrest of John Left vre, of Jefferson township, this county, on the charge of murdering his wife Sarah, vee Harbison, aud in our issue of the Tih of January last we gave the proceedings and result of a bearing held before Esq. Keck, of this place, Mr Lefevre being held to await the action of the Grand Jury. That body having found a true bill against Mr. L.. the case came on for trial on Monday afternoon of last week, Bth in.-t. The Commonwealth was represented by llist. Attorney Forquer and Messrs. Bowser and McCandless, and the de fendant bv Messrs. Thompson k -Scott, Greer and McQuistion. Before arraigning the defendant, a motion was made by his counsel for furtiier specifications or particulars of the manner of the alleged killing than were set forth in the bill of indictment This reque.-t the Court ordered to be complied with to a certain extent, and the prosecution confining the charge of killing to strangulation and blows, and, after being done, the defendant was arraigned and plead not guilty, putting himself upon God and his country, ac cording to the forms required in such cases. A jury was obtained during the afternoon without much trouble, the following twelve of the regular panel summoned being cLosen and sworn: 1. J. M Clceland. 2. Isaac Wible. 3. Sutton Harper. 4. John Kifley. 5. William lJromfield. 6. F. T. Shaffer. 7. William Curry. 8. Joseph Lehman. !). S. P. Eakio. 10. Samuel Bolton. 11. Thomas Garvey. 12. Janie.~ Croft. The District Attorney opened the case on part of the Commonwealth, after which the examination of wit nesses was proceeded with. The fol lowing is a synopsis of THE TESTIMONY. Smith Greer was called and testified that he resided sixty rods from defend ant's house : that on Dec. 15th, about 11 A. M., he saw Lefevre motioning him to go to him ; he did so and fol lowed Lefevre to his house, saw body of Mrs. Lefevre iu the kitchen, her feet on the carpet strip of tbe hall door; her face was colored —a kind of reddish shade — and very much swol len ; blood in several spots on the stairs and floor, hair down and bloody; Lefevre said to witness that his wife had got the churn ready for him to do the churning, antl then went up stairs beans to cook, soon after which he heard a scream up stairs and then a fall, aud running, found the body at the foot of the stairs, the feet up on the stairs and the back of the neck over the lower step of the stairs ; this was Monday; Tuesday while Greer was at sup|>er, defendant complained of a sore hand and said be had hurt ir breaking a lump of coal ; his hand was much swollen. Court adjourned till to-morrow at A. M. TUESDAY Court convened at II o'clock. The room was well filled with spectators. The prisoner came in serenely, and several times during the day indulged in a smile at the witticisms of the counsel. Tbe first witness was Smith Greer, who was recalled to testify to the cor rectness of the diagram of the house. Mitchell Hcekert testified that he had made the model. Mrs. Eliza Kaufohl testified—Help ed to wash and lay out corpse on Tues day : head and neck yery much swol len ; mark about as wide as two fin gers around her neck ; face and neck was kind of bluish yellow color; mark on breast and under right eye ; thought side of head appeared soft anil as 1 washed blood out of her hair it came out ; her hair was all tangled and bloody ; her lift ear was slit up and her right ear was slit across ; I saw defendant that day in the bouse ; he looked sorry looking. Mrs. Thomas Greer, sworn — Reside about fiO rods from and iu sight of Lefevre's house ; saw him motion to my son Smith ; he went up, returned at once and I went up; think it was between half-past 11 and 12; found Mrs. L. lying in the kitchen, feet on carpet; the strip was off the door into the hall ; she was dead ; her right •rye was black ; Lefevre said they were churning ; she; told him to churn until she would go up stairs for beans to cook for the little folks'supper when they came home from school ; as he was churning he beard a scream and a fall; opened the door, ran to the foot of the stairs and found Mrs. Lefevre lying with the back of her neck on the lower step and feet up in the corner of the winding stairs; I saw blood on the first step of tbe stairs ; also on the floor in the hall, and by the pantry door near the stairs I saw quite a spot of blood that looked like as if some thing bloody had rolled over tin- floor; Lefevre said be had pulled Mrs. Le fevre off the stairs and straightened her out in tbe hali ; the spot where the blood was would correspond to the description of where she laid ; her eyes and mouth were closed, hands open and arms limber. Miss Louisa McCaskey, sworn — Reside within fifty rods of Lefevre's; got there about \2 o'clock; saw the body in the kitchen on the floor with a piece of carpet under the head ; Le fevre was standing in the kitchen ; did not speak when I went in; Mrs. Le fevre's eyes were shut, nicuth closed and tbe tongue not protruding; did not touch tbe body ; the face and neck was yery much swollen, and as near as I can describe it was of a dark mu latto color all over her face, and all around her nw;k was a swollen cord fJf uWJUttVvtt tfcjgwtf trtWOMj } ito uVb was very much swollen, ami there was a mark under one of her eyes; I noticed her right ear was cut across ; that was all the mark ; I saw blood ion the lower step : another mark of j blood about the size of my h«nd about 1 ten or twelve inches from the step on the floor; then about eighteen inches or two feet from the stair step a spot of blood about teu inches wide and fif teen long; this was neither a pool of blood nor a stream, but a smear ; I looked as if it had been rubbed there; I suggested to Lefevre that an inquest , had better be held ; be said it was no use; that he was there when she fell down the stairs. A. P. Cas key, Mrs. James Duffy and James Wike's testimony corrobor ates that of Mrs. Greer and Miss Mc- Caskey. Daniel Spires testified that la-t sum mer, about the time Lefevre*s wife had him arrested for desertion, be met him at Hannabstowu. lie told me he was going down to make up with his wife until he got his matter.- in shape, and then he would leave her; that it would not be long he would live with her; I saw Lefevre's hand the day alter Mrs. Lefevre 's death ; his right hand was very much swollen, the fingers ami back of the hand puffed up; he said he was out getting coal on Monday even ing, and iu breaking a lump with a mattock in the dark, struck the back ol' his hand against another lump of coal; saw it on Wednesday again ; there was no mark or abrasion of the skin ; I am a coal miner, and I do not think he could strike his hand against coal to cause such a swelling without mak ing marks; his hand was clear of marks both times 1 saw it. Harry Cooper, a little eleven year old son of the dead woman by her first hu.-band, testified. Resided with mother, stepfather and two brothers ; was at home on the Monday prior to mother's death ; her and John (mean ing stepfather) quarreled all day Sun day, as tbev usually did ; on Monday morning Henry Loudenslaker came to get a flail fixed while we were at break fast ; Lefevre said he had made two flails and got nothing, and would not make anv more, and besides he had no shav ing-horse ; mother said if it was for Pughs he could do it; he replied, "You're aG— D liar;" I went to school about 8 o'clock and that was all 1 saw that time. One time last summer, on Sunday, we went to prayer-meet ing, and some boys chased us home ; lie said for us to go back; mother said no ; he got a rod and was going to whip Willie ; mother said if he wanted to strike anybody to strike her; ho struck her three times on the back, knocked her down aud kicked her; she got up and seized the fire poker ; he said if she hit him he would knock her brains out; they nearly always fought on Sunday ; after mother was buried John Lefevre, son of the defendant, who lives in Butler, was there, and wanted his father to come and live with him ; he said maybe he would come up sooner than he expected ; John said you are your own now, and he said be was ; mother had shoes on when we left Monday to go to school. On cross-examination the counsel tried to get Harry to say be told Smith Greer that she had a pair of Lefevre's boots on, hut Harry stuck to the text. A long and tedious cross-examination by Col. Thompson failed to elicit any thing except that Dan Duffy had talked to him about the boots before he went before the grand jury lasl week. Harry's testimony was delivered in such an innocent and straightforward manner as to convince all he was tell ing the truth. All the ingenuity of the counsel and confronting him with his testimony before the committing mag istrate could not disturb him. Here Court took a recess until 2 i\ M. AFTERNOON SESSION. At 2 I*. M. the Court met and Harry Cooper's cross-examination was con tined. Col. Thompson quizzed him for half an hour, but to no purpose. Tommy Cooper, a thirteen-year old son of the dead woman, was then called. He corroborated his brother Henry in all respects, except that he thought his mother wore boots instead of shoes, and that Lefevre said to his wife, you are a d d infernal liar, instead of G d liar. The little German boy, Henry Lou derslaker, came next. He came to Lefevre to get a flail fixed ; he corrob orated the Cooper boys, except he says Lefevre told his wife it was a lie, leav ing off the adjectives. Daniel Duffy testified that about 12 M. he saw tbe body ; the face and neck were much sWollcn ; cartilage of botli ears cut through; body lying on the back ; both ears full of blood ; mark two inches wide clear around the neck, wider under the chin than any place else ; two marks on the forehead, as though made by the knuckles; mark | under the right eye, as if made by a thumb nail ; two marks on her breast ; face so much swollen he could not have told who she was if he had not seen her in the house of Lefevre ; the mouth and eyes were closed ; blood -an from the right nostril when she was raised from the floor ; black mark on the right wrist and elbow ; witness also corroborated Daniel Spiies as to the condition of Lefevre's right hand the Tuesday and Wednesday follow ing, and as to the cause of the hurt as told by defendant; after the arrest of defendant went with Bowser and For quer, attorneys, to the house of Lefe vre, to h t them Tn, the key being left with me. Up stair.-, on tbe wall plate under the roof, Mr. Forquer found a mop of woolen cloth of two different ■ colors, covered with loose boards and an old skillet; the cloth appeared to ' be bloody, aud contained hair; he sup posed from its length it to be the wo man's hair. Col. Thompson subjected witness to a crohs-oxarainatiou of two hours, forcing him to admit he had takeo an active part in bringing up 1 witnesses, and in fact urging the in formation against the defendant. He testified that Mrs. Pugh mopped up the blood with a coarse floor cloth, but the witness, without having it iu his bands, swears the cloth found by Mr. Forquer is not that cloth. IIi» posi tive testimony for tbe prosecution w.i» ifUUfrv tAAfc/u Ou WAX* lamtuwlu ■ The Cooper boys say Lefevre had dirty brown overalls on when they started to school on Monday. Duffy says he had dark pantaloons on at 12 o'clock, when he saw him first. Wrn. Smith corroborated the other witnesses as to the marks, and testified thi»t Lefevre hud overall* on when he saw him on Monday at 12 o'clock, thus flatly contradicting Duffy. WEDNESDAY. The first witness called was Rachel Reigcr, who swore that on Tuesday evening after the death of Mrs. Lefe vre she helped dress the corpse and saw the marks and the ring around the neck described by other witnesses Iti pulling one of the stockings off the body, witness observed that the leg was badly swollen. In sweeping up the beans in the hall she found some of thcin sticking- fa?.t in a spot of blood. Itefore the inquest Lefevre ap|»eared much distressed and down-hearted, but .-lie observed that as soon as the ver dict of accidental death was rendered , he became very lively and talked free I v. Lucy Lang, who also assisted to dress the corpse, testified upon that point and said Lefevre remarked as he he pulled off one of the stockings of his dead wife, "that is a good fat leg."' She also heard him tell Susy Harbison, mother of the deceased, that when he found the body he pulled it half way into the kitchen, through the door op posite tbe stairway, and then ran to notify the Greers. The next witness wi.s Win. Harbi son, brother of Mrs. Lefevre, who tes tified as to the marks on her head and neck. He said the head and face were swollen and disfigured so as to be be yond recognition. Joseph Harbison, another brother, testified: (Jot to Lefevre's house Tues day after sister was in her coffin ; ex amined the stairs; saw what I aui positive was a spot of blood on the fourth step from top of stairs ; saw blood on first ami second riser of stairs ; when stair door was closed tbe only part of stairs in view was first and sec ond riser and step. Dan. Duffy recalled — Saw a tin pan holding half a gallon in pantry lying on side ; defendant told me it was the pan Mrs. Lefevre went to get beans in. On cross-ex mination witness said be thought about the pan Monday even ing, and went and told District Attor ney Forquer at his office. Mary A. Dufl'y, sworn — Heard con versation between Lefevre and his son John after the funeral ; the wanted him to couie to Butler aud stay with him ; he said maybe he would when he did not expect him, he was his own now, . A SISTER'S STATEMENT. Susan Harbison, sister of the de ceased. sworn — Got to the house on Tuesday after sister was in her Coffin ; saw a ring around her neck as far as I could see ; also that there was a seri ous injury on her ear and that tbe skin ou her chin was grained ; deceased was about 42 years old and would weigh about 120; asked the defendant how it happened ; he said she went up to get beans ; he soon heard a little exclamation, "oh," or something, and fall ; he ran out and saw her false teeth lying in the corner ; picked them up and" laid them on the window, and then saw the body on the stairs, the back of the neck on the first step, bead on tbe floor and feet up the stairs; he caught her under the arms, dragged her into the kitchen and ran for the Greers; witness saw beans on top of stairs iu old cheese hoop"; could have reached them bv going half way upstairs; told defendant that it was not time to get beans for supper; he said she was getting them to put to soak; told him Sarah did not soak beans ; he said she had got to soak ing them in later years. Cross-examined by Col. Thompson — Was married twice and am now single; married Van Austen and got a divorce : married Col. Snodgrass and am divorced; my sister Sarah, the deceased, married Sain Cooper about 20 years ago ; she bad four children and was divorced; married (iral>c and was divorced ; married de fendant. ; she owned the house and ground where they lived. Defendant offered to show that the youngest of the Coopers (Willie) was born long after the divorce, and bis paternity fixed upon a man named Miller. Defendant also offered to show, if the Commonwealth would permit, that defendant paid the money to procure the divorce from Urabe. Huled out. TIIE DOCTOR'S STORY. Dr. Stephen Bredin was called and sworn, but before taking his testimony Court adjourned until 2 l* M. At the afternoon session Dr. Bredin testified that on Sunday, the sixth day after Mrs. Lefevre's death, he ex amined the body, which had been dis interred at the instance of Mr. Harbi son ; tbe face was of a copper color ; took scalp off, cutting from ear to car, stripping down and front; blood eehy tnosed; two spots on the forehead, under tin; right eye and above each ear; both ears were cut and the left had the marks of two distinct strokes crossing each other at an angle of ten degrees ; the right ear was cut hori zontally, but cut through the cartilage. The witness pointed out on the face of counsel Greer the location of the marks on deceased's face ; all marks on tin car* and under the eye must have been produced by the application of direct force and by some instrument with a point not larger than the marks, as there was no continuation of the wounds in any direction; witness saw a mark around the neck, an inch and a half wide, cut through the skin ; found cellular tissue full of blood, both in fluid aud coagulated stater ; took out fivo vertebr© of the neck and found no fracture or dislocation ; removed the skull cap and then the brain, which was in a healthy condition ; there was no fracture of any part of tbe skull ; opened the chest and examined tbe heart; it was found in healthy condi tion ; the lungo were laid open to view, but did u«t cut into them ; a mottled or granite appearuiice indicated tbe presence of L»!m>d ; think deceatwd e stricken out, because he gives an opinion or theory from a pre-existing state or oondition of the body not proven, and which can only be arrived at by inference, and upon infer ence he now banes or founds his opin ion. One inference cannot be founded upon another inference. Prosecution assert there is such a close connection between them as to render them competent. Powerful argument" were made on this point by Col Thompson lor and MoCandiess a»-aiii.->t. (AAflt UA* '4 AWljf Utffl I V Hi, ADIKRTIBIBFG BATES, One aqw*, on# insertion, «• aac&subev esoec one-tcnrtfc of « ociffffic. ♦& per tosh, l-gure 'ai double theee ium; charges wbsrs weekly or monthly chaagee are made Local advertisements 10 cant* par Una for flirt insertion, and S cents par Una for each additional Insertion. and deaths pub lished free of charge. Obit as 17 notices charged as advertisements, and payable when handed in Auditors' Notices. fI; Executors' and Adminia trators' Notices. 13 each; Est ray. Caution Dissolution Notioea, not exceeding ten linea, each. —_ From the fact that the Crnm la the oldee* established and most extensively circulated Be publican newspaper in Butler ooonty. (a Bepnt lican county 1 it must be apparent te buaineat men thai it is the medium they ♦'"'"M aae in advertising their buaineaa. NO. 17. when. this question being settled, the prosecution will rest. AFTERNOON SESSION. Court reserved the decision of ques tion of striking out Dr. King's testi mony. Little Harry Cooper identified boot* said to have been worn by deceased on the day of her death, and also his stepfather's dirty yellow overalls. Prosecution formally offer in evi dence the bloody cloth and hair found by Mr. Forquer under the rafter, and then rested. The opening for defendant was made by Lev. McQuistion, Esq., dur ing which defendant shed tears copi ously. The theory of defence is that the cloth under the rafter was secreted there by some one for purpose of man ufacturing evidence, and that tho Mood stains in the pantry were made while cutting and packing pork. Robert Cooper (father of Samuel Cooper, husband No. 1.) testified that he helped defendant butcher two hoga on Nov 28, and piled the meat along the petition between kitchen and pantry. Mrs. Pauline Pugh testified—On Tuesday, after the body was :coffined, 1 took water in a tin basin, and soap and old pant leg. and washed up the blood, throwing the cloth out. [The cloth found my Mr. Forquer shown witness.] I believe that is the same cloth I washed up the blood with; when the bodv was dressed, all of the skirts of her dress was torn up and used to wipe up blood. Common wealth allege it was burned by defen dant. Roltert Elliott, son-in-law of defend ant—l made a draft of the house; am a carpenter. [Witness goes into a de tailed statement about the stairs; five pieces of board cut out of the door and around the stairs, identified and offered in evidence.3 Andy Armstrong, another carpenter, corroborated him. Little Harry Cooper, recalled for de fence. flatly contradicts the theory of the defence, and says that the meat was piled against the other wall of the pantry, and not against the parti tion where blood was found. Smith Greer contradicted Harry Cooper in regard to statement made by him that his mother hadn't Lefevre's Iwiots on the morning of the difficulty. Greer, Smith, Wike, and several other witnesses, swore that Lefevre hud yellow overalls on, contradicting Dan. Duffy. Mrs. Wike said there was milk iu the churn, and she helped to churn it on Tuesday. Mrs. Lang, recalled—l assisted in laying out the corpse. In answer to question by Colonel Thompson, as to whether deceased was not in a condi tion peculiar to women, witness said that on account of the constant pres ence of John Lefevre in the room, the modesty of the women would not al low them to make an examination. John Pngh, foreman of the inquest, wa- asked to state what Lefevre swore before the inquest, to which the Com monwealth objected. Court adjourned. [CONTINUED ON SECOND PAGE.] RECTIFY THE MISTAKE The Wilkesbarre Record, alluding to the replies of the loeal leader? in various l»arts of this State to the circular ofthn New York Tribune inquiring for their preference on the Presidency, considered the result shown as the "most signifi cant development that has yet been made of Mr. Blaine's overwhelming popularity amonff the Republicans of I'ennsylvania." It adds that "such unanimity cannot bo ignored by the i« aders of any political organization that hopes for a long and victorious career in the future, and they are blind leaders who attempt it." Itcontinues: • The Republican press of the State is in almost unanimous accord with tho inn-ses of the party, and this constitutes a power that will certainly make itself felt and heard. Already in various * parts of the State there are movements looking to an organized demand for a rectification of the mistake made at llnrrisburg. County Conventions are l>eing called at an earlier day than usual, with a view to gh'ing authori tative expression of popular protest against so gross a misrepresentation of the Hepulilican party of Pennsylvania in the National Convention as the car rving out of the instructions fur General Grant would be. "There would lie neither sense nor reason in any attempt to ignore th« fact that popular dissatisfaction is man ifesting itself in the ranks of the Re publican party pretty generally through out the State. Under pressure of pop ular sentiment at least three or four of the district delegates chosen to tho Chicago Convention have already been con-trained to declare, iu an open and public way, that they refuse to abide by the unit rule and Grant instructions of the State Convention. It is useless and absurd to insist that a district del egate is hound by the instructions of the State Convention when he is under instructions from the party in the dis trict he represents. A delegate to a National Convention (except for the State at large) is simply the represen tative of the party in his Congressional district, and it is his business to repre sent that party faithfully and honestly. We do not go so far as to sav that a delegate should not exercise any dis cretionary powers, but he should not permit hiru-elf to act deibntly at vari ance with the wishes of the people whom he represents. "We maintain now, as we have heretofore, that the State Convention exceeded its just power when it M sumed to instruct district delegates to the Chicago Convention, and that an J such delegate may justly, in deference to the properly ascertained wiib <4d will of tho Republican party lQ bit Congressional dietrict, ignore these in» utructions, without making himself la the least liable to the charge of being a 'disorganizer.' If the Republican* of a Congressional district aro for Blaine tb«y havo a right to say so in the Na tional Convention through the medium of their delegates; if for Grant, wey have u right to dumaud that Grant tjii'iU have Utu bout-tit of t&uir vxrfco ttftl YUU*:'. ; .. .