feIIMC iiATK» : rrr twit. in . " 2 of> OthPTW!fB . No eube ription will be Jiacontiuue.l nut il all .. * ..a are raid. |»o*tnu»ter» neglecting to I Jtiix V- when B-abocribers do not take out their rapera - ill be held liable for ibe aubacnptu.n | S t; ! s;i removing from one jxratothce to ■ a : r should give twine name of the former j a* w-H »!• the preeeut office. .11 communicati <-na intended for publication j in thi* paper must be accompanied by the real | name of the writer, oot for publication, but a» , a guarantee of good faith. Marriage aud dehfh notices must be aocompa liied by a responsible name. Ad '.res* THK BIJX ,. BR CITIZKS. BUTLER. PA. ! TitAVEliEilS' GUIDE BCTI.EK, KAHN? CITY AS!. PARKER HAII.KOAI) (Cutler Tiuse.) f rains leave Butler for St. Joe, Millerstown, K inis Citv. fctroliti, Parker, etc., at 7/i> a. iu , an I 2.05 and 7.20 p. in. [See Wow lor con lici i'i.n- with A. V R R.| 1" rains arrive at Butler from the above named no'.- - a. ni.. and 1.55, and 0.->5 p ra. Th I V, irtin connects with train on the \v est Penu roud '.lirotmli to Pittsburgh. -HKN VNC.O AMI ALI.BGHENir KAILKOAD. T, j:;,«i..rdV Mill, Butler county, for II: rr: viilc, Greenville, etc., at 7.40 a. m. 81-1 IS.-.M and 2.2u p. ro- ~ in • e Pefrolia at 5.30 ft. m. for i.40 train, an.: at 10.00 a. ro. tor 12.00 train. ■ -n-i-s leave Milliard on arrival of trai l- it 11.27 a. in. and 1.50 p. m. t ii:t' leaves M.i:llutborj{ ut 9.30 for 12,80 train. PENNSYLVANIA RIILROAD. Trains Icavi Bui ler (Butler or Pittsburgh Time.) ■urrles at 5.06 a. m., files through to Aile eh'cnv, ir. Vuu nl 0.01 a. in. This train con- L.Hi-" at Fri< port With Fruport Accommoda tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. m., railr :d tim '. _ ;it 7.21 a. m , connectiDK at Bui er Jniicti. n, without ebunpe of care, at 8.-6 »>th E x .. -s w-st, arriving In Aliefrhtnv at 9--»8 r. in , and Express wist at Blairs\.ile at 11 00 a. m- railroad time. Mail at 2.36 p. m., connecting *1 But to. Jnne tionwiilnnit chance of ours, with Express west, arriving in Alle*h.ny - 526 p. in., and Ex „r cafl arriving at Blairsviiie Intersection at c ' . in. railroad time, which connects wth Philadelphia Kspn-s" east, when on time. Tl;<- "» I'» to train connects fit nlairsMile at 11 05 • iu. «:".ii the Mai! taist, and Uie 2.30 p.m." train at 0,5 a with the Philadelphia Er ' Tiftina arrive fit Bnlh-r on West Peon U. K_ al 0.51 a. m . 5.0» ; and 7.20 p. in , Butler time. The li ".l and /> 0'! trains unmet witii trains on tl Butler Parker K. K. Sun ay train arrive# at i«jr at 11.11 a. in., connecting with train for P;.j ki.T. Main Line. Tiiroti'jh trains Imvis Pittsburgh lor the Ka?« n» 2 ."it' s.r>6 a. in. and 12 51, 4.21 aud 5.06 p. r arriving at Philadelphia at 3.40 and 7.20 p. Li and J.OO, 7 0 and 7.40 n. iu.; at Baltimore about the fame time, at Sew York three hoars 1: r, ant! t Washington about one and a half hou.s later. "PHYSICIANS. ' JOHN K BTBRS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, liiv2l-ty] BUTI.EK. PA. DENTISTS. DEN'TISTEVY. 0 1/ WALDRON. dr. dnate ol the Phli ft adclpliia,Dentai Coilesre.is prepared a I* •to do anything in the line of hu pro! - ion in a satis factory manner. Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block, .-! lire. "H* 11 LAND FOR SALE. LAIIID FOR =SALE -AND— EXC MANGE. William 8. Boyd has 320 acres of So. 1 Praiiie I.and in Butler conntv. Kansas, which lie will exchange for 100 acres in litis county, and pay difference if any. , A large numl er of CHEAP FAl> S for sa.e in this eoniiiv, West Virginia, Missouri and Kan- Ma. ApiA to WM. M. BOYD mar3-2ra Vogeley House. Butler, Pa FOR SALE. A handsome six-room fiatne house, located on Bluff street, northwestern part of Buticr. Lot *>il\l7i>. All necessary ouilmildinifs. '1 I.UMS —Ore-'.hird cash and balance in four equ . annual payments. Inquire at this ofl'ce. jiiiHtf Farm lor SALE. The undtMaiitaed will sell the farm of Jacob Sh.mor, dee'd, situated in Centre township, three miles li< in Butler. It consists ol 175 a; res, about a hundred cleared, the balance in JJOO I timber, Iwo orchards, frame bauk burn, frame house, fiame wash house and granary It . t sold in a body it can be divided without ii>; irv. inquire of DANIEL 811 A NOR, ) j. a. MUVIZ, janl-i-2'n Butler, Pa. Valuable Farm for Sale. The undersigned offers at private sale the faun Intrly owned by Kobert Oilleland, dee'd, Ja'e cf Middlesex township, containing 162 Acres, more or less, with a two story brick house and h?nk lnro. hay house wagon shed and other outbuildings. Two good orchards thereon. 130 ari en cl -ired, balance in good timber, easy of ace.-s, bv about oi.e-ha!f mile from Butler and Pittbl plank road and 1 miles from new ige rail.-oad, is well improve ! ami in good erudition, and is well adapted for dairy purposes. For terms applv to JAMES WILSON, Agent. declTtf] Bakerstowu, Allegheny Co., Pa. For teale. The well-improved farm of Bev. W. R. Hutch ison, in the northeast corner of Middlesex town ship, Butler county, Pa . is now offered for sale, low. Inquire of W. K. FRISBEE, on the prem ises. apl6tf FOB SALE. ?"> will buy a one-half interest in a good hus lue-s in Pittsburgh. One who knows some thing a!..sits. Collections made an.) prompt returns at low rates of Exchange. Oold Kxchauge and Government Bonds bought an Isold. Commercial paper, bonds, judgment and other securities bought at fair rates. ia2o:ly INSURANCES. (n<'orp»rat««3 I S li>. 7ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. A-ets $7,078,224.49. 1.0-.-et. paid lii f>l years, $51,00P,000. J. T. Mi JI" N KIN ife SON, Ajrents, jan'3,siy Jefferson street, Butler, Pa. BITLKIv COILNTY" Kutual Fire Insurance Co. Crßcn C*)r. Main and Cunningham Sts. G. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. WM CAMPBELL. TREASURER. II C. II EI NEMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: J. 1,. Purvis, E. A. Helmboldt, Wiiliara Campbell, J. W. Barkhart, A. Trontnian, Jacob Sehoene, G. C. Roesilntr. John Caldwell, Dr. A lrvin, W. W Dodds, J. '".Christy 11. C. Heineman. JAB. M'JUKm. Gen. Ac't PA: pnHett Ojlwii. VOL. xvir. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! CALL AT THE Boot and Shoe Store OF ! i John Bickel, MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. j i .. - - ' ~ y I The largest and most complete stock of Goods ever brought < to Butler is now being opened bj- me at my store. It comprises ( 1 Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, | Misses' & Children's Shoes, • ; in great variety. All Goods were purchased for CASH in the Eastern markets, and therefore I can sell them at the Old Prices, and I NO ADVANCE.! i Lines of Philadelphia, New Ycrk and Boston Goods embrace \ my stock, and customers can take their choice. 1 i I Mean What I ©ay: 1 ADVANCE ON OLD PRICES ] I All can call and see for themselves. The best of satisfaction < will be given for CASH. ! THE MAKE, STYLE AND FINISH ! of Goods in my store cannot be excelled by any other house in < the county, for proof of which a personal inspection is all that is J necessary. 1 Leather and | at Pittsburgh'prices. Shoemakers should come and purchase if ] they wish to obtain material cheap. SUPERIOR MILLING 2 i WALTER & BOOS, of the Well-Known Splendid FLOURING MILL BUTLER, IP A.. We wish to inform the public that we have remodeled our Mill with the latest improved Gradual Reduction System Machinery, which is well known by Millers to be the best in existence. We can say to Farmers and Producers of wheat that it will be profitable to them to give us a trial. We claim that we can make a BETTER ARTICLE OF FLOUR, AND MORE OF IT, out of the same number of bushels of wheat than any other M'll in the county, and equal to any first-class Mill in the city, or Western M'"lls. The new Under-running Mill, used for Regrinding, bought of Munson & Bro., Utica, N, Y.; the (ieorge T. Smith Middlings Purifier, bought at Jackson, Mich., together with Bolting Cloths, Reals, Conveyers, Ac., suitable fop the Machinery, cannot be Excelled in the United States or elsewhere. This may seem an exaggeration to some, but we wish the pub-' lie to know that we are able to perform all that we publish, as we have given our machinery a thorough test in the presence of several good Millers and Millwrights, and it has proven even better thau it was guaranteed to do. We are also remodeling our Mill for Grinding Other Kinds of Grain, which will bo entirely satisfactory to our customers. "Farmers wishing to have their grist home with them the same day, can do so on short notice. They will thereby save anotlmr trip. WE HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND THE BEST GRA.DEB OF WHEAT FLOUR,GRAHAM FLOUR. RV6 FLOUR. Buckwheat Flour, Bolted and Unbolted Com Meal, different kinds of Chop, Brau and Mill Feed, all of the best quality and at the LOWEST PRICES. Jjj§T" Parties in town purchasing from us will have their orders promptly atended to and articles delivered at their place of residency. We PVy the Highest Market Price for all of Grtfn. BUTLER. PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, IXBO. [Written for the CITIZEN'.] HORSE SHOE IAG AXl> IIS ORIGIN. The origin of horse shoeing is a subject which has been enlarged upon by numerous writers. Although the horse is frequently alluded to in the Scriptures, there is nothing said of his being shod. Among the early Greeks and Egyptians the art was unknown, although by carelessness or license in the translation of elassieal history, the idea has been given in some instances that the hoofs of horses were shod, sometimes with iron, sometimes with brass. There is no foundation for such a supposition, at least so far as protect ing the sole of the foot with metal is coneerned. There is no doubt that the first shoeing of the horse was of leather, attached with thongs, as sandals were with men. In Egypt this method of protecting the camels' feet with raw hide attains to the present day. In Japan, before the introduction of the iron shoe, the horses wore shoes of straw, as many as half a dozen sets being worn out in a day's journey. In the wars of the ancient Greeks and Romans immense bodies of cavalry were rendered useless, because the hoofs of the horses were worn away during long and fatiguing marches. The flimsy protection spoken of not being of material use, various methods were resorted to of hardening the hoof, such as paving a track with small round stones, so that by long continued traveling upon them the hoofs might acquire hardness. From the use of rawhide, rushes, etc., the translation to metal productions for the horse's hoof was natural; by virtue of neces sitv. The question is: "When was the art originated, and where?" Fleming 1 , in his reeent work, is inclined to think that the Celts or Uallo Celts were the originators of the art. Now, there is no proof of this, as the < use of iron was not known to that people, nor ' have shoes of bronze or an}* other ma- ' terial been found among their remains. In the British Isles, horse shoes of the Romano-British period have been found, and almost all of them on Ro man sites. We will go back. Xeno phon and Vegetus, both of whom lived some centuries before Christ, in their works do not speak of horse shoes, although they both wrote upon the horse. Neither did their contempora ries of other nations speak of horse shoes. Catullus and Appian, Roman historians, the lirst of whom lived in the century before Christ, the latter in the first century A. D., wrote upon the horse. Catullus speaks of shoes made uf iron, wire, or plate iron. Appian ilso speaks of an iron shoe. Catullus, who died in the year 40 B. C., lived in the time of Julius Ca>sar. Fifty-five years before the birth of Christ, Ctesar invaded Britain, and althou/rh coming with lire and the sword among the ravage islanders, he brought civiliza tion in his train. Now, here is a cu 'ious circumstance. In Norfolk, Eng and, among other remains, were found [toman urns, and a horse shoe of a leeuliar shape, being round and broad n front, very narrow at the heels, jointing inward, and with the nail loies still perfect. l)iodarus, a Greek, ived in Caesar's time, and did not ;peak of horse shoes. Catullus, a Etonian, who also lived in Ctesar s ime, did speak of them, although no !ontemporary of his timedid. Is this lot conclusive evidence that they came nto use in Ciesar's time, and origi lated with the Romans'/ Leo, the )hiloeopher, Emperor of the East, who ■eigned in the ninth century, speaks of lorse shoes, which lie called bv the jreek name selenaiu, from their moon •hape, and that description answers ixactly to the shoe found in England. In fact, that shape was preserved for nany decades, as is proved by many »rints and works of the old masters, [f the art of horse shoeing hat. been n vogue in the East, it is not likely hat Leo would have called the shoe jy the foreign name. Some writers contend that the art originated in Sreece, because Leo used a Greek ivord. He simply did so because it was most expressive, the shoe resem bling the Ottoman symbol—the cres :ent- in shape. As an oflset to such i supposition, we will say that the ,vord "farrier" is derived from ferra ~iuß, (a worker in iron) from the Latin. There is no doubt that the art vas invented by the Romans, and roni them it extended to other people, is the face of the country changed, md as the military power of the lto nans became mightier, cavalry being he most important branch of the ser •ice, they were forced to render their mimals serviceable, in order to extend heir conquests. In the East there vas no necessity for artificial protec ,ion to the hoof, as from the dryness of he soil and the even temperature of he air, the hoofs became firm and ough. Thus it is easily seen that ne cessity first brought about the shoeing >f horses with metal, and practice con irmed the custom. The gold and sil ver shoes of Nero's mules were sup josed by some to have been simply dates of those metals, inclosing the ivalls of the hoof. There is no foun lation for such a supposition, as the >resent form of shoeitip was before bis ime. The system inaugurated by the [tomans spread throughout Europe During the Anglo-Saxon period the irt was practiced with clamps, so that .hey could be detached at pleasure. In the eleventh century, I think, we jave the first written intimation that ixen were shod for traveling. Guiltert le Nogent, a contemporary of Peter the Hermit, in describing the excitement ittending the preaching of that worthy n favor of the crusades and the rescue jf Jerusalem, gives as an illustration hat of "the rustic, who shod his oxen ike horses, and placing bis w hole amily on a cart, where it was amusing ,o bear the children, on the approach ,o any large town or cattle, inquiring f that was Jerusalem." This allusion s curious inasmuch as it informs us bat oxen were shod, and as if some ting very remarkable. It is not until he thirteenth century that we find iny positive record of special build ngs for shoeing. In 1202 A. D. there ITS* twxj ebYrft* for VtoAty, In Kngland, in 1235, during the reign of Henry 111., Walter C. Brown, a farrier, had a piece of land granted him in the strand, in the parish of St. Clements Dane, London, whereon to erect a forge, on conditions that he should render at the Exchequer, aunu ally, for the same, a quit rent of six horse shoes, with the sixty-two nails Ixdonging. The custom has continued ever since, and from it originated the "counting of the horse shoes and the hob nails" on swearing in the London Sheriffs at the Court of Exchequer of the present day. From the daily ex pense book of the 28th year of Ed ward I. (120JI) we loarn that the pay of the smiths was four pence per day, and that horse shoes were charged at ten shillings per hundred and nails twenty pence a thousand. Iron was sold at five pence per stone. Iron was known at least 1537 years B. C. The Lacedamonians coined it into money, and in Homer's time it was used in axes, plowshares, nails, etc. As to shoeing horses in the present day, a thorough knowledge of how to perform the art presupposes an inti mate understanding of the whole pro cess. In my opinion there is no rule that will apply to the shoeing of all horses. In no two horses are the feet exactly alike, yet in their essential functions all act and are governed by the same law. The movements of the horse's foot and limbs require that the bearing surface should come to the ground in a given line at every step, but that natural requirement is rarely presumed, and, when it is so, it is more by accident than by rule. There is a verv taking phrase always used by people who wish to be thought wise about shoeing, viz., that the shoe is to lie fitted to the foot, and not the foot to the shoe. If there be any truth in that saying, it does not lie so near the surface as is generally sup posed. In preparing the horse's foot to be shod, as well as the shoe, the re quirement in the skill of the operator above all is, that he should know the right form and required bearing surface of that particular foot, and set the shoe with the the proper bearing, on the wall of the foot, without burning the foot. There is a science in the punching of a shoe, in the forming of a shoe, in the paring of a foot, in the driving of nails, in the c inching of a nail, and many other points in making and driving a shoe, each of which would take a column to fully explain. WIN. DUNLAP. Coultersville, Feb. 2C», 1880. THE FIFTEEN GAME. AN EXPLANATION OF THE INTRICACIES OF THE OEM PUZZLE. Various accounts have been given of the invention of the "Fifteen Game," otherwise known as the "Gem Puzzle," which is just now having a run second only to that of "Pinafore." According to one story it is the invention of a deaf mute in Hartford, who made it for the entertainment of the inmates of the asylum where he lived, without a thought of the insane asylum for which it seems likely to mako so many pa tients. Another story ascribes the thing to the postmaster at Canastota, X. V., who gave the game to a lady in Syracuse, who sent it to a lady at Watch Hill, who took it home to Hart ford, where a Boston man saw it, and so on. But whoever invented it, it is the manufacturers who are reaping the profit. It is not patented, but the manufacture appears to have been con fined so far to twoXew England firms, who are said to have been turning out the games at the rate of six to eight thousand a day and still hardly have supplied the demand. The puzzle is to be seen everywhere. From the judge on the bench to the bootblack on the sidewalk, everybody is puzzling over it. The scientific people are discussing it. and for the last few days the news papers have been full of it. The appa ratus consists of sixteen little squares of wood, numbered consecutively from one to sixteen, and fitting exactly in a shallow square box. In use, the square numbered Ift is removed, and there is thus one blank space left, which allows the blocks to slide, one square at a time, and they are thus to be arranged without removing them from the box. The fifteen squares being mixed and placed indiscriminately in the box, the problem is to arrange them in regular arithmetical series, as in the following diagram : I I j j 1 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 j 9 .10 11 12 13 14 15 Anyone can make the game fur him self by cutting the little squares from a cigar box, or by dividing the bottom of a square pastboard box, first into quar ters and then into sixteenths, and us ing the lid of the box, which will of course, just contain them. Or it can be played with counters on a quarter see- I tion of a checker-board. The game as it is sold in the shops, however, is ! more convenient, and it can be had anvwhere lor a quarter or even less. THE PUZZLE. The early moves of the game are i simple enousrb. Starting with the 1 j and working it gradually toward the ! corner, and following with the 2, and !so ou, a beginning is easily made. Then you start this line in procession around the 6ides of the box gradually working the numbers in in the required order. This proces cannot be described minutely, but one soon discovers a cer tain sort of method in it, and it looks as though the solution of the puzzle were only a question of time and pa tience. Gradually the lines are formed : 1, 2, 3, 4; 5, 6, 7, 8, and so on. Vic tory it? at hand, apd the player subduus lookers-on say : "He has it." But he hasn't. Although so near, the end is yet so far that sanguine hope soon gives way to dispair. After working for a longer or a shorter time, accord ing to the familiarity of the player with the method of the thing, this is the way it comes out: 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 15 14 And no art can get that 15 into its right place. The more you struggle with it the worse it gets, and the labor iously-arranged rows Income all mixed up again. It is at this point that grim despair settles down upon all but the most courageous. Sometimes the 13. 14, 15 come in their right order, while two other numbers are misplaced, but we lx>lieve that every combination can be reduced ultimately to that given above, so that the real problem is to get the 15 after the 14. An enterpris ing Yankee lately advertised to send the solution of this problem for two stamps, and to the many who applied he sent back the answer: "Take up No. 15 carefully between the thumb and forefinger and place him where he belongs." This is on the Gordian prin ciple of Alexander's solution of the Gordian knot-; it is heroic, but not sat isfactory. THE sou TION. It is necessary, however, to resort to such heroic measures. The 13, 15, 14 combination is soluble, but only by chnnging the direction of the column*. This is the secret of the problem. The player has started with the purpose of arranging the numbers in horizontal rows, and he has failed. He has now to go on from this halting place and ar range them in vertical columns. This is the idea intended to be conveyed by those who have spoken of "turning the board," a phra.se apparently borrowed from chess, but only confusing in "fif teen." It is necessary to give ail of the twenty-nine moves required for the solution of the problem, but the follow ing will enable every one to work it out. 1 2 3 12341 2 3 1 2 " 567556"45t>74 i» 10 11 12 !> 10 11 8 9 10 11 5 13 15 14 il3 15 14 12 13 15 14 12 i 5 « 5123 5 123512 967490749673 13 10 11 813 10 11 813 10 11 4 15 14 12 15 14 12 15 14 12 8 Thus far we have been siniply mov- j ing the outer row around the board. We now make two more such moves I such movements, bringing the board to the position numbered 8, and then, J in three moves, bring the 15 into the | centre (as in 11). and then two forward movements more: § 11 1.1 961295129512 13 6 7 313 6 7 313 6 7 3 15 10 11 4 15 11 414 15 11 4 14 12 814 10 12 810 12 8 Following are the positions after everv other one of the next six moves : ! 15 17 1» 9 5 113 9 5 113 9 5 1 13 6 7 214 6 7 214 6 2 14 15 11 3 15 11 315 11 7 3 10 12 8 410 12 8 410 12 8 4 The player may now begin to see his way out. The next eight moves give the following results: 21 25 2K 13 9 5 113 9 5 1 13 9 5 1 15 14 6 215 14 6 214 10 6 2 11 7 3 10 7 315 7 3 10 12 8 412 11 8 412 11 8 4 It now remains only to move the 11 into its place and the 12 into its place, and the problem is solved : 13 9 5 1 14 10 G 2 15 11 7 3 12 8 4 But, it may be objected, the only legitimate arrangement is that repre sented on the lid of the box, with the numbers in horizontal order. Very well. But instead of starting out to ar range them in horizontal lines begin with the vertical arrangement in view, with the 1. in the lower left-hand corner. You can thus obtain this position: 4 8 12 3 7 11 14 2 6 10 15 • 1 5 9 13 which corresponds precisely with the first position in the above series, as can be seen by turning the board upon its side, and the same moves will bring the numbers into horizontal order, ex actly as shown in the large diagram at the beginning of this article. The num bers can be arranged either way, but the secret of success is, at the appa rently insuperable point, to change the direction of the columns. THE MAGIC SQUARE. Xo attempt has been made here to euter into a scientific explanation of the puzzle or to do anything more than present one practical method of solv ing its difficulties. As fifteen numbers are susceptible of no less than 1,307,- 674,308,000 different combinations, it is plain that the mathematical possibil ities of this puzzle cannot be treated in a single article. Another form of en tertainment which the "Gem" affords is iu arranging the whole sixteen squares in such order that the sum of the numbers in every continuous row, vertical, horizontal or diagonal, shall be the same. This is a form of the old magic square, which has furnished di version to mathematicians for so many centuries. Magic squares were known ia the East iu remote ages, but }he I "urhrt oft was a Greek of the sixteenth century, named Mosehopulus, whose work was translated into Latin by De la Hire and read liefore the French Academy in lfi9l. Since that time the subject has been elaborated by a great many famous mathemeticians, who have found in it an exhaustless field of study, and the combinations which have been made of compound squares, magic cubes, and what not. and the abstruse mathematical formula by which their constructions is explained, would ter rify an unlearned reader. THE COURTESY * OF TIIE SEN- A TE. [Harper's Weekly.] Among the changes which have grown up in the administration of our Government under the Constitution, one of the most important is that which is known as the "courtesy of the Sen ate." It was recently illustrated by the rejection of Mr. John Mortou, who was nominated to 1M; Collector of the part of San Francisco. Mr. Morton is a son of the late Senator Morton, of Indiana, and is now consul at Hono lulu. There was no question, as we understand, of his character or capac ity. or that he was not a fitting candi date. There was no assertion against him of any principle of a sound civil service. But he was not the choice of the Senators from California, and "the courtesy of the Senate" required that the nomination should be judged, not by its merits, but by the wishes of the Seimtors from the State. "The cour tesy of the Senate" further requires that when a Senator, or one who has been a Senator, is nominated, he shall lie confirmed without reference. In this way Mr. Reverdv Johnson was nominated as minister to England, and it is alleged that a motion of Mr. Sherman to refer the nomination of Mr. Simon Cameron as Secretary of War led Mr. Cameron to oppose the con firmation of Mr. Sherman as Secretary of the Treasury, in which opposition, as the Times correspondent an nounced, Mr. Conkling joined. 'The courtesy of the Senate" is not quite so absolute a rule as the laws of the j Medes and Persians, however, as this incident and the confirmation of the ( present chiefs of the New York Cus tom-bouse prove. But in the con firmation of local appointments it is generally supreme. "The courtesy of the Senate" is, therefore, very well defined by the In dianapolis Journal as an "alliance of fensive and defensive for the control of patronage." That it is a violation of the the Constitution is indisputable. The Constitution plainly intends that the President shall nominate upon his responsibility for the efficient execution of the laws, and that the nomination shall be confirmed except for reason affecting character of the proper dis charge of official duty. The power of j confirmation is not specifically quali fied, but it is obvious that it is a power looking to the welfare of the service, and not to the personal interests or preferences of individual Senators. This, indeed, as we say, is not ex pressly stated, but it is as much implied as that the Presideut shall nominate only with the same regard to the pub lic welfare, and not to subserve his personal aims. With the vast in crease of officers, however, there is an increased disposition to make appoint ment depend upon the confirmation of the Senate, and its "courtesy" is but another name for the agreement to se cure to each Senator his proportional share in the patronage. It is this prac tice which ffives to certain Senators a political importance and prominence which they could not have gained by intrinsic ability. It is sometimes said that such men do not personally in terest themselves in minor appoint ments. But that is not necessary. Generals do not deal with private soldiers, but with commanding officers. The former practice of the Senate was to confirm nominations unless some valid objection could be inter posed. It is enough now that a Sen ator, for any reason whatever, does uot favor an appointment proposed for his State, and it is rejected. We know an instance of nomination to an important judicial position in a State, which was defeated for a year, and the office left unfilled, simply because the person whom the Senator ironi the State dictated for appointment was not named bv the Executive. There was no objection whatever to any per son nominated, but the Senate abdi cated its duty and responsibility, and confided its whole power and authority, without debate, to a single Senator. It is not a practice in terms forbidden by the Constitution, but it shows how power may l>e usu ped under the form of law, and how readily the Senate mav grasp a disproportioned share of the Government. "The cour tesy of the Senate" is an exceedingly smooth phrase. It means control of patronage. It recalls Napoleon's bland professions of devotion to the Revolution. They meant empire. PROFESSOR S , whose loss is deeply lamented in the scholastic cir cles of New York, was nt one time a highly valued contributor to the journal "of which he afterward took charge, and being one day introduced to its editor, was greeted with every expression of cordiality and respect. It was a great pleasure to meet one whose learning and services hud been, etc., etc. "Hut, Professor," added the editor, turning upon him, and seizing his hand with sudden earnestness, and with solemnity in his face, 1 hope yon prav for my printers. 1 "' " The Professor replied that he was very happy to offer his prayers in be half of any who were in need of them ; but what was the special urgency iu this case ? "Ah!" answered tbe editor, shak ing hi* head impressively, "if you could hear them swear when they get to work on your manuscript!" "The moon is always just the same," he said, languidly ; "and yet I always find some new beauty in it." "ItVjust so with the opera," she an swered. He y>ok the hint-, aud bought iPYEBTISnft HAT FX Oee «TBtre. OLB insertion, $1: evh ret -- insertion, 60 cent J Tearlr ad7crtHr»nif exceeding one-fourth of a co.'tur.n, per ir. h Figure wcrs double rates: additional charge* where weekly or monthly change* are uia.lc Local advertisements 10 eent!< per line for flrrt insertion, and 5 cent* per line for each additional insertion. Mairiages and deaths pub lished free of charge. Obituary notices charged an advertisements. and payable when handed in Auditors' Notices. i 4 : Executor*' and Admiuis trators' Notices, <3 each; Estray, Caution am* Dissolution Noticea. not exceeding ten lines, each. From the fact that the Cmzrs is the olden' established and most extensively circulated Re publican ce»>paper in Butler county. (a Repnt lican county; it milst be apparent to business men that it is the medium thev should use in advertising their business. NO. 10. SCIENCE A 8 APPLIED TO TA NNING. Considering the immensity of the trade, modern science bos done but little for the tanning industry. Exeept in the perfecting of a few compara tively simple mechanical devices for the saving of labor, the work of tan nine heavy leather is row very nearly the same as it was a hundred years ago. The time required for tanning has been shortened by the use of stronger bark solution*, and more fre quent handling of the hide or in such liquor but the principle is the same ; a greater variety of tanning agents are employed, the astringent principle, similar to that found in oak bark, and which exists in greater or less proportions in almost every plant, must be sufficient to combine with the gelatine of the hide, which alone makes tanned or tawed leather. Yet there has been no lack of en deavor in this field, for a substantial, or even partial success, in the making of something which would compete with an article so universally used as leather, or in perfecting a cheaper mode of producing it, would be sure to bring to the discoverer or inventor large rewards. German chemist? have Wen especially active in this direction. One of them lias claimed that tanning is not, as it has always heretofore been considered, a chemical operation, but that it is simply mechanical, and that the tunning only surrounds, but does not actually combine with the particles of gelatine. This theory has not met with general acceptance, but it is, nevertheless, certain that leather tanned with some description of tan ning material, such as valonia, gam bier, and divi-divi, can be again so far brought back to the raw hide condi tion as to be suitable for use in the making of glue. The most noteworthy result of the recent efforts of German chemists has l>een, however, in th<* perfection of a method of making leather without the use of bark at all, by what is called a mineral tanning, with" a solution principally of iron, making what is called an iron canned leather. Some very fair samples of both upper and sole leather have been produced by this process, aud it is claimed that leather can be made thereby in much less time than it takes by the old method, and with a material saving of cost. It is to lie remarked, however, that the sole leather so made is very hard and brit tle, so that it is difficult to make up and finish in a boot or shoe, and is liable to chip out and wear away rap idly except in wet weather. It seems, however, to have sufficient toughness, when wet, to resist a good amount of wear, and its water resisting qualities are about equal to those of many kinds of bark tanned leather. That it will, as at present made, come into competition with our leather, does not appear at all likely, but the fact that hides and skins are now chemically treated so as to make an article nearly resembling bark tanned leather, and which will make serviceable boots and shoes, marks a step forward in the progress of an industry, which, though one of the* oldest in the world, has probably shown less change than any other. The German process above alluded to has boon covered by two patents in this country, but no leather of such manufacture has yet been made here. In fact the process can hardly be said to have met with any decided favor in Germany, where, from the high price of tanning material, and the general inferior quality of sole leather man ufactured, it would seem to have most chance of being adopted. The patents cover the process, and a new chemical compound, as mineral reagent, in the' place of a vegetable tanning material. The process includes the making of a •peculiarly prepared basic sulphate ol iron, which forms the tanning ma terial into which the hides or skins are placed for two or at the most four days, without any handling or chang ing liquors. It is this part of the pro cess of making leather in the ordinary way which requires so much time anil labor, heavy hides being kept in the bark liquors from two to six or seven months, and in some cases consider ably lonarer. The preparation of the hide for the liquor or compound, so far as the removal of the hair, flesh, etc., are concerned, is supposad to be the same for the new tanning process as by the old method of tanning, as are also the carrying and finishing operations. We can now make very cheap leather in this country, beearse bark is so abundant, and the iron tanned leather has not as yet been brought to such a standard of excellence that it can compete with the product which our native forests supply us with the means of furnishing; but it requires no long look into the future to see that these conditions mav, at 110 very dis tant dav. be reversed. Our woods are being rapidly destroyed, so that available bark for tanning is found, year bv year, only at a greater dis tance, and this will afford additional incentives to a spirit of investigation and research which may, in time, find us a substitute for bark in the manu facture of leather.— Scientific Ameri can. J i;r>GE .1 UNKiJi, of Perrv county, at a recent term of the county court at New Bloomfield, cautioned innkeepers about the peril of selling liquor by the bottle over their bars, lie admonishes land lords that they have no right to sell liquor to a sober man who would trans fer it to one in the habit of becoming intoxicated, or to minors, and lie was hound, as much as a drujryrist who dis pensed poison at the call of a custofner, to know who was to use the liquor. The purchase of a quart ol whiskey bv a sober man was itself a suspicious cir cumstance and raited the fair inference that it was being bought tor some one to whom the landlord would not sell it. And he added, proof of its transfer to and use by drunkards and minors was sufficient cause for revoking the innkeeper's license. Wt ifj iMW