Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 03, 1880, Image 1

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    s uanc AIPTIOM BATES S
?#t TPWj i3fciTMCB 3c
No subscription will be discontinued until ill
MT'-arages are paid. Postmaatere neglecting to
notify uk when subscriber* do not take out their
papers will be held liable for the subscription.
S ibnoribers removing from one postoiSce to
another should give us the name of the former
as .veil ws the present o;Sce.
All communications intended for publication
in ihis paper must be accompanied by the real
name of the writer, not for publication, bat as
a c'laiantee of good faith.
Marriage and death notices must be accompa
nied by a responsible name.
(Butler Time.)
Trains leave Butler for St. Joe, Mlllerstown,
Kr.rus City, Petrolin, Parker, etc., at 7.25 a. m.,
and 205 and 7.20 p m. [See below tor con
nections- with A. V R R.J
Tialue arrive at Butler from the above named
points at 7. 5 a. m.. ana 1.55, and 6.55 p_m.
The 155 train connects with train on the West
Peun ro'td through to Hittsbunrh.
Trains leave Hilliard's Mill, Butler roumy,
for Harrisvllle, Greenville, etc., at 7.40 a. tn.
and 12 20 and 2.20 p. ni.
SlasTßd lea* e Ptitroliu at 5.30 &• in. for 7.40
train, and at 10.00 a. m. tor 12 20 tram.
Return stages leave Hilliard on arrival of
trains at 10,27 a. in. and 1.50 p. ra.
Suae leaves Martinsburg at 9.30 for 12.30
Trains leave BuUer (Butler or 1 ittobnrgb Time.)
Market at 5.06 a. m., goes through to Alle
gheny, arriving at 9.01 a. in. This train con
i.eets at Freeport with Frecport Accommoda
tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. in.,
railroad time.
b.rjrre»» at 7.21 a. m., connecting at Butler
Junction, without cdange of cars, at 8.20 with
Exp.ess west, arriviug In Allegheny at 9.5S
a. m , and Express east arriving at Blsirsviile
at 11 00 a. m. railroad time.
Mail at 2.36 p. m., connecting at Butler Junc
tionwiibont change of cars, with Express west,
arriviug in Allegheny at 520 p. tn., and Ex
press east arriving at Blairsviile Intersection
al 6.10 p. m. railroad time, which connects w'th
Philadelphia Express east, when on time.
The 7.21 a. m. train connects at Blairsviile
at 11 05 a- m. with the Mail east, and the 2.36
p. m. train at 6.59 with the Philadelphia Ex
press east.
Trains arrive at Butler on West Peon K. K. at
0.51 a. m., 5 Of and 7.20 p. m., Butler time. The
f1,51 mid 5.06 trains connect with trains on
tbf Butler & Parker R. R. Sun ay train arrives
at Butler at 11.11 a. m., connecting with train
lor I'arkcr.
Main Line.
Through trains leave Pittsburgh for the Eap'
at 2-56 and 8.2K a. m. and 12 51, 4.21 and 8.06 p
in., arriving at Philadelphia at 3.40 and 7.20
p. in. and 3.00, 7.0 and 7.40, a. m.; at Baltimore
about the same time, at New York three hours
later, and at Washington about one and a halt
homs later.
inv2l-ly] BUTLER. PA.
0 1# WALDRON. Grnduate ot the Phil
■ adel pbia Dental College, is prepared
a II ■to do anything in the line of bis
proles-lon in a satisfactory manner.
Otlice on Main street, Butler, Union Block,
up sinirs, apll
Sheriff's Sale.
EDSo 178, March T. 1880. W AForqner, Atty.
By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. iaaued oat of the
Court of Common Pleas of Botler county, and to
me directed, there will be exposed to pnbiic sale
at the Court House, in the borough of Butler,
on Friday, the fifth day of March, A. D. 1880,
at 1 o'clock p m . the following described prop
erty to wit:
All the right, title, interest and claim of Adam
BcL uer of. in and to a lot or parcel of ground
situate in the borough of Butler. Bntler county,
Pa . bounded and described as follows : Begin
ning on Raee street at a line of lot No 6. tlience
east along race street 64 feet 6 inches to line of
lot No. 5: thence line of lot No. fi north 126 feet
ami 6 inches to line of lot No 9; thence west
aloi.g line of lots Nob. 9 and 8, 42 feet and eight
inc' a. to lot No. 7; thence south along line of
lot No. 7. 116 feet, to the place of beginning,
and teing lot No. U ill plan of lots laid out by D.
L. Hyrer aud Theodore Haseltou. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of Adam
Bclianer. at the snit of Adam Kirk, for use.
Sheriff's office. Butler. Pa., Feb. 11. 18-40. —3t
Assignees' Sale.
The cndersluned will oflcr at public sale, on
Thursday, March 4, 1880,
at 2 o'clock, P. M., on the premises, located in
Bufltlo township, Bntler county, Fa.,
moie or less, bounded and described as lollowg:
On the north by lands ol the lieirs ol Jacob
Hej'ler et al., on the cast by a public road, on
the south by lands of tbc Wcsteimau heirs, and
on the west by lands of Frank Sarver et al.
Title clear of incumbrances will be given.
fob!ltd Assignees of M. N. Greer.
A handsome ?ix-room frame bouse, located
on Bluff street, northwestern part of Butler.
Lot 50x176. All necessary outbuildings,
TERMS—Ore-third cash and balance in four
equal annual payments. Inquire at this office.
Farm fox* Hale.
Tlic undersigned will sell the term of Jacob
Sintior, dee'd, situated in Centre township,
three miles from Butler. It consists ot 175
ai res, about a hundri d cleared, the balance In
good timber, two orchards, frame bank barn,
Iranie house, frame wash bouse and granary
It not sold in a body it can be divided without
injury. Inquire ®f
jatiH-2m Butler, Fa.
Valuable Farm for Sale.
The nndemigTied offers at private Bale the
f&rrn latelv owned by Robert Oilleiaud, dec'd,
late of Middlesex townnbip. containing
162 Acres,
moid or lews, with a two-atory brick honbe and
bank barn, hay hnttee vragon nhed and other
out juildiiigc. Two good orchard* thereon. 130
aciew cleared, balance in good timber, easy of
acc -h, bv about oi.e-half mile from Butler and
Pittsburgh plank road and i% miles from new
nairow-gaufie railroad, is well improved and in
good condition, and in well adapted for dairy
purposes. For terms applr to
doclTJf] Bakerstown, Allegheny Co., Pa.
For teale.
The well-improved farm of Rev. W. R. Hutch
ison, in the northeast corner of Middlesex town
ship, Butler county, Pa . is now offered for sale,
low Inquire of W. K. FHISBEE, on the prem
ises. apl6tf
85 will buy a one-half interest in a good ba»-
iu<**s In I'iushanrh. One who knows some
thing about farnilnsr preferred. An honeat man
with the above amount will do well to address
bv letter. SMITH JOHNS, care 8. M. James,
0.1 l iberty stret, Pltuburrli, Pa |au27-ly
Administrators' Notice.
Notice is hereby elven that letters of adniln
-I.atr.ition have been granted to the undcrsitrued
on the estate of Margaret Wilson, dec'd, late
wife of James L. Wilson, « !' Pike county, Ills.
All persons, therefore, know ine themselves in
del ted to said estate, will plea*e n like Immedi
ate payment, iud any havintr claims atrnttm the
same will present them, duly authenticated, to
the undersiifned lor settlement.
JeMl-4t Breakneck P. (>., Butler Co., Pa.
rr—h, melt. Box Box Cmpm »»<!
Wnd iViir/i. Also our CaUtyucd KrfturiiU
rtijle for siO. Vl mr no malt. Sul
f i UluMrated C*utoC« Pi ice Lwt to
Oua Work*. IM £s MSB Wooti ttt.,
am eiTTtißlt'.i -:. fl.
VOL. xvir.
Boot and Shoe Store
The largest and most complete stock of Goods ever brought
to Butler is now being opened b}- me at my store. It comprises
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers,
Misses' & Children's Shoes,
in great variety. All these Goods were purchased for CASH
in the Eastern markets, and therefore I can sell them at the
Old Prices, and
Lines of Philadelphia, New York and Boston Goods embrace
my stock, and customers can take their choice.
I Mean "Wlia/fc I Say:
All can call and see for themselves. The best of satisfaction
*vill be given for CA^H.
of Goods in my store cannot be excelled by any other house in
the county, for proof of which a personal inspection is all that is
Leather and J^iiidiiig;sss
at Pittsburgh prices Shoemakers should come and purchase if
they wish to obtain material cheap.
Proprietors of the Weil-Known Splendid
We wish to inform the public that we have remodeled our Mill with the
latest improved
Gradual Reduction System Machinery,
which i 9 well known by Millers to be the beat in existence. We can say to
Farmers and Producers of wheat that it will be profitable to them
to give us a trial. We claim that we can make a
out of the same number of bushels of wheat than any other Mill in the
county, and equal to anv first-class Mill in the city, or Western Mills.
The new Under-running Mill, used for Regrinding, bought of Munson & 15 rO.,
Utiea, N. Y.; the George T. Smith Middlings Purifier, bought
at Jackson, Mich., together with Bolting Cloths,
Reals, Conveyers, &c., suitable for
the Machinery, cannot be
Excelled in the United States
or elsewhere. This may seem an exaggeration to some, but we wish the pub
lic to know that we are able to perform all that we publish, as we have given
our machinery a thorough test in the presence of several good Millers and
Millwrights, and it has proven even better than it was guaranteed to do.
We are also remodeling our Mill for
Grinding Other Kinds o£ Crrain,
which will be entirely satisfactory to our customers. Farmers wishing to
have their grist home with them the same day, can do so on
short notice. They will thereby save another trip.
Buckwheat Flour, Bolted and Unbolted Corn Meal, different kinds of Chop,
Bran and Mill Feed, all of the best quality and at the
Parties in town purchasing from us will have their orders promptly
atended to and articles delivered at their place of residence.
l We Pay tlfo Htyhwt market Prtoe for at) Kinds of Grain.
It is not the purpose of your writer
to give a treatise on the subject of
geology or mineralogy, but to relate
i facts as they exist. However, to aid
j the general reader in comprehending
j the theory, according to which moun
j tains are formed and the mineral with
in them, a few cursory statements in
regard to the early condition of- the
globe and the agencies that produced
I the varied changes on its surface, will
i prepare the mind for what is to follow.
It is nil accepted theory that at a
j time ail matter was in a gaseous con
| dition ; that it began to take a tangi
; ble form or shape by a slow process of
| cooling; that those forms or atomic
| elements began to take their place in
the economy of the universe in rela
i tion to each other according to chemi
cal or elective affinity, density and
specific gravity, etc.; that the heavier
combinations sought a position near
the centre of the earth, while the
lighter near the surface. The oceans
began to form by condensation of the
vaporous condition of the atmosphere
or ethereal envelop; as the oceans
grew larger the superimposed weight
grew greater, and as the cooling pro
grcssd there began a slow, gradual
process of foldings and flexions of the
crust of the earth near the shores of
the continents, from lateral pressure,
aided at times by volcanic agencies,
together with the power of contraction
of the cooling of the seething, boiling,
molten condition of the interior por
tions of the earth. These foldings,
tiltings, or plications followed the line
of least resistance; henee, mountains
were thrown up in every conceivable
shape, ami to a height far surpassing
to any which now appear, being eroded
and denuded during the successive
ages which followed, exposing to view
the rocks of the earliest formation, be
longing to azoic and paleozlc ages, as
well as amorphic volcanic matter.
During subsequent and successive
long periods there has been, owing to
some one of the above mentioned
agencies, or all combined, a breaking
through, cracking or splitting of the
mountains to an exceeding great depth.
These are sometimes exposed for miles,
while again vents or craters at inter
vals denote their existence beneath.
These fissures, the now mineral store
houses of nature, were filled by pro
cesses varying according to the char
acter of the formation and mineral
combinations which they contain. The
splitting and the filling may have been
simultaneous, or the iatter closely fol
lowing the former, and continuing for
a long period of time, by volcanic
agency, not only occupying the space
between wall rocks, but overflowing
with tremendous force, pouring down
the mountain sides and spreading over
vast areas, often many feet in thick
ness. Again, the fumes or volatile
gases, evolving or emanating from the
molten mass within the earth's crust,
deposit or sublimate slowly their min
eral on the sides of the rocky fissures.
Again, from out these fissures, or cra
ters leading downward to the same,
great volumes of mineral waters have
flowed, boiling, seething, hissing, roar
ing and emitting-with great violence,
like unto the geysers of the present
day. The superficial fissures travers
ing the surrounding country now be
come reservoirs of mineral held in so
lution, and by chemical action, evapo
ration, decomposition, recomposition or
crystallization, the mineral becomes a
solid mass from wall rock to wall rock,
or, if confined by natural boundaries,
would in time become a vast deposit
or mineral bed; and, as the forces
within grow less active, the channel
through which it flows becomes nar
rowed, and, when extinct, one solid
body of ore of dazzling brilliancy, ex
tending far into tho bowels of the
earth. These now veins or lodes dip
at various angles of incline, seldom
vertical, and often intersect each other;
the latter ma}- be due to subsequent
action. The richest have a trend usu
ally from the northwest to the south
east, and varying from a few lines in
thickness to many feet in width, widen
ing as depth is obtained, and likewise
increasing in value, yet frequently
narrowing down and growing lean,
but it is only a question of depth till
nature is made to unfold her hidden
By the first mentioned process the
Leadville carbonates were thrown to
the surface, not as carbonates, but be
came so by chemical agencies in vast
deposits occupying different planes of
elevation. The vein matter when found
and depth attained, exhibits different
mineral combinations, as sulphurets of
lead and silver, ch orides of silver, tel
lurides of gold and silver, also native
or free gold, &c.
The chloride belt, or formation at
Silver Cliff, was thrown up in like
manner and remained exposed, show
ing a vast area of volcanic disturbance,
while the formation at Leadville, being
niucb the same, is covered in many
instances hundreds of feet by the de
trites from erosions and denudations
going on for perhaps ages.
The Leadville carbonates are asso
ciated chiefly with iron, carrying silver
in all its combinations, whilst Silver
Cliff's chloride or horn silver formation
has for its mineral bearer the black
oxide of manganese chiefly.
By the third process the craters of
the famous Hull-Domingo mine, ad
joining the chloride belt, were filled
with galena ores, simply inexhausti
ble, and of almost unlimited extent.
By the same process the wonderful
Bassick mine, situated seven miles
distant, tbe richest mine probably in
the world, yielding some of the high
est grade ores known, worth $50,000
per ton, was formed, but its mineral
differing from that of the Bull-Domin
go, being chiefly tellurides of gold and
silver, zinc, blend, copper, etc.
It is now apparent how placer or
i free gold is deposited in gulches or in
I tbe beds of streams flowing from the
| mountains. The erosion, by means
■ of the atmosphere, has caused these
mineral veins—carrying free gold once
in molten condition, penetrating the
adamantiuo formation—to beQpme £X
• bttoU iu r<4ivf, wy
cial action, together possibly with elec
tric currents, have torn them asunder,
crushed and ground them to pieces,
'liberating the nuggets, which have
been carried down the gulches and de
posited in recesses or amongst the
gravel at bedrock.
Silver Cliff, Feb. 18-, 1880.
A Boston correspondent of the
Fon 4 and Stream tells the following
remarkable story. The scene is laid
in Long Island, where, on the shore
of a pond, the correspondent was
watching the play of swallows as they
skimmed just over the surface of the
water shortly before suuset. "About
a hundred yards out was a bed of lily
pads ; and as the swallows skipped it,
occasionally a good sized ripple could
be seen, and sometimes a break from
the edge indicating a fish there. This
fastened my attention to the particular
place. I had often seen cats play
with swallows, swooping at thein,
but the idea of fish doing the same
was something new to me. Presently
1 saw a clear breach, and a fine large
pickerel showed his whole size and
got a swallow, too, as he disappeared
beneath the water. This I saw re
peated several times, and I called the
attention of my companion to this
novel sight. While we were watch
ing we saw two large fish break at the
same swallow, the fish coming from
opposite directions, and each head on
to each. Both missed the swallow,
but, singular to relate, only one fish
was seen to fall into the water, and !
neither was seen to pass the other.
My companion and myself looked
with wonder. There was a great com
motion in the water with a continuous
spattering, and a boat l»eing haudj r we
jumped in and rowed to the spot, and
pic ked up the largest pond pickerel I
ever saw. When we had him in the
boat the mystery was solved; the
smaller of the fish had, in his eager
ness for the swallow, jumped clear
down the larger one's throat, and only
the tail, to the extent of about an inch,
showed. The large fish was com
pletely rent asunder and killed by the
catastrophe. Both together weighed
22 pounds."
[From the Detroit Xevrs.]
Ever since he ascended the bench
Judge Chambers has been much
bothered by lawyers who want to
whisper in his ear while cases are
being argued. Perhaps some lawyer
with a shocking bad breath has been
too persistent in this direction. Be
that as it may, the judge lost all pa
tience yesterday afternoon, and de
clared in open Court that he would
not allow this privilege to be run iuto
the ground any longer. He especially
requested the members of the bar to
let him alone, and deputy sheriffs
were instructed to sit on either side of
the clerk and prevent the obstreperous
lawyers from climbing up the steps.
This morning quite a number of young
lawyers looked hurt when the deputies
shoved them off the steps, and went
away with faces bearing an expression
of mingled astonishment and injured
innocence. At length it became ne
cessary for one of the deputies to
leave the Court room on an errand,
and while he was absent the judge
held a sort of informal reception.
Clerk Hosiner shoved the deputy's
empty chair against the legs of the
first young lawyer, who darted a fierce
look at him, but shoved past all the
same and began a whispered conver
sation with the judge. Another
young lawyer followed suit, and two
more were addressing the Court from
the proper place on the floor when the
reporter came away. The upshot of
the whole business will probably be a
wire fence around the bench, with a
big dog to guard the solitary opening.
A SMART PARSON. —A preacher
who had been preaching on trial in a
country church in Northern Pennsyl
vania was tackled by an older preacher
and told that it would please the con
gregation greatly if he would quote a
little Latin, Greek and Hebrew in his
sermons, as if taking for granted that
his hearers understood it, when in
reality none of them knew anything
about those languages. The preacher
was puzzled. He didn't kuow any
thing of either Hebrew, Greek or
Latin himself, but he was a native of
Wales and thought they wouldn't
know the difference if he gave th'em a
little Welsh every time. So he made
a Scripture quotation in his first ser
mon to them, and said : "This pass
age, brethren, has been slightly al
tered in the translation. It is only in
the original Hebrew that you can
grasp its full meaning. I will read it
to you in Hebrew, so that you may
comprehend it more exactly," and he
gave them the passage in very good
Welsh. They liked it first rate, and
presently he gave them some Welsh
as Greek, and then some more as
Latin. Then he was going to give
them the Chaldaic version in Welsh,
when he saw a Welshman sitting by
the door, almost bursting with sup
pressed laughter. The preacher didn't
let on, but instead of the Welsh quo
tation he was going to give, said in
Welsh, "for goodness' sake, my friend,
don't say a word about this till 1 have
a chance to talk with you." The
Welshman never told on him, and the
congregation, completely deceived,
called him to be their pastor.— Ex.
GREATER than faith, greater than
hope, is charity. In this Lenten sea
son it is well to remember that true
religion consists largely in comforting
the distressed.
A YEAR ago a Newark, N. J., mau
owned a house and a claim for §4O.
He went to law to recover the latter.
It cost him his bouse. Yesterday be
cut his throat.
OLD KINO COLE is outdone. A
Pennsvlvanian, more than a hundred
years old, uttered "Beer!" as bis last
d ing word, ToiuportUKXJ uieu s&crul4
ftot ivuii t&V.
| Many of our common sayings, so
trite and pithy, are used without the
least idea from whose mouth or pen
they first originated. Probably the
words of Shakespeare furuish us with
more of these familiar maxims than
any other writer, for to him we owe :
"All is not gold that glitters," "Make
a virtue of necessity," "Screw your
courage to a sticking-place" (not
point.) "They laugh that win." "This
is the long and sh >rt of it." "Compari
sons are odious," "As merry as the
day is long," "A Daniel came to
judgment," "Frailty, thy name in
Women," and hosts of others.
Washington Irving gives us "The
Almighty Dollar," Thomas Norton
queried long ago "What will Mrs.
Grundy say?" while Goldsmith ans
wers, "Ask me no questions and I'll
tell you no fibs." Charles C. Piekney
"Millions for defence but not one cent
for tribute." "First in war, first in
peace and first in the hearts of his fel
low-citizens" (not countrymen,) ap
peared in tiie resolutions presented to
the House of Representatives in De
cember, 1790, prepared by Gen. Ilenrv
From the same we cull "Make as
surance doubly sure," "Christmas
comes but once a year," "Count their
chickens ere they are hatched," and j
"Look before you leap."
Thomas Tasser, a writer of the six
teenth century, gives us, "It's an ill
wind turns no good," "Better late than
never," "Look ere thou leap," and
"The stone that is rolling can gather
no moss." "All cry and no wool," is
found in Butler's "Hubibras."
Dryden says: "None but the brave
deserve the fair," "Men are but chil
dren of a larger growth," "Through
thick and thin." "No pent-up Utica
contracts our power," declared Jona
than Sewell."
"When Greeks join Greeks then
was the tug of war." Nathaniel Lee,
"Of two evils I have chosen the
least," and "The end must justify the
means," arc from Matthew Prior.
We are indebted to Colley for the
agreeable intelligence that "Richard
is himself again." Johnson tells us
of "A good hater," and Mackintosh,
in 1791, the phrase often attributed to
John Randolph, "Wise and masterly
"Variety's the very spice of life."
and "Not much the worse for wear,"
Cowper. "Man proposes, but God
disposes," Thomas A. Kempis.
Christopher Marlowe gave forth
the invitation so often repeated by his
brothers in a less public way, "Love
me little, love me long." Edward
Cooke was of the opinion that "A
man's house is his castle." To Milton
we owe "The paradise of fools." "A
wilderness of sweets," and "Moping
melancholy and moonstruck m.;dness."
Edward Young tells us "Death
loves a shining maik," "A fool at
forty is a fool indeed," but, alas, for
his knowledge of human nature when
he tells us "Man wants but little, nor
that little long."
From Bacon conies "Knowledge is
power," "and Thomas Southerne re
minds us that "Pity's akin to love."
Dean Swift thought that "Bread is
the staff of life." Campbell found that
"Coining events cast their shadows
before," and "That distance lends en
chantment to the view." "A thing of
beauty is a joy forever" is from Keats.
Franklin said, "God helps them who
help themselves," and Lawrence
Sterne comforts us with the thought,
"God tempers the wind to the shorn
Even some of the "slang" phrases
of the day have a legitimate origin.
"Putting your foot in it" is certainly
not a very elegant mode of expression,
but, according to the Asiatic re
searches," it is quite a point of law;
when the title to land is disputed in
Hindostan, two holes are dug in the
ground and used to incase a limb of
each lawyer (?,) and the one who
cried first lost his client's case. Fancy,
if you can, some of our famous "limbs
of the law" pleading in such a man
ner ! It is generally the client who
"puts his foot in it."
When things are in disorder they
are often said to l>e turned topsy
turvy ; this expression is derived
from the way in which turf used for
fuel is placed to dry, the turf being
turned downward, and the expression
then means top-side turfway.
Plutarch, in his life of Argesileus,
King of Sparta, gives us the origin of
a quite familiar expression.
On a certain occasion an ambassador
from Epirus, on a diplomatic mission,
was shown by the king over his capi
tal. The ambassador knew of the
monarch's fame—knew that though
only nominally King of Sparta, lie
was yet ruler of Greece—and he had
looked to see massive walls rearing
aloft their embattled towers for the de
fence of the town ; but he found noth
ing of the kind. He marvelled much
at this, and spoke of it to the king.
"Sire," said he, "I have visited
most of the principal towns, and 1 find
no walls reared for defence. Why is
this ?"
"Indeed, Sir Ambassador," replied
Argesileus, "thou canst not have
looked carefully. Come with me to
morrow morning, and 1 will show you
the walls of Sparta."
Accordingly on the following morn
ing the King led his guest out upon
the plains where his army was drawn
up in full battle array, and pointing
proudly to the seried hosts, he said :
"There, thou beholdest the walls of
Sparta—ten thousand men, and every
man a brick!"'
Ano IT four years ago Congress
passed an act giving any railroad com
pany a right of way through the pub
lic lands to the exteut of a hundred
feet on each bide of its road, with some
other privileges, but excepting military,
Indian, and public park reservations.
A bill has now been introduced into
the Senate to remove Indian reserva
tions from this exception.
—The earliest meution of neckwear
of o*oVd CJdfej^TtcW.
Leap Tear is observed down in Vir
ginia with a good deal of spirit and
with a conscientious regard for detail
which is not common in other parts of
the country. In fact, there has just oc
curred in the little village of Onancock,
in the Old Dominion, a Leap Year ep
isode which decidedly eclipses any
thing that has yet been developed else
where, and which is likely to have
very melancholy results.
There lived, it seems, in Onancock,
a beautiful and accomplished voung
man by the name of Brown—Benjamin
Brown. Mr. Brown having, besides
personal charms of a high order, the ad
vantage of being of excellent family
and irreproachable character, his soci
ety has naturally enough been much
sought during the gay season just
passed, and there was hardly a night
that he was not in attendance upon
ball, party, or social gathering of some
kind. Among those who were most as
siduous in their attentions upon Mr.
Brown were two spirited young persons
named Louisa Wise and Margaret
Dowling. Either one or the other bore
the fair and blushing Benjamin off in
triumph to every entertainment which
occurred, and it soon became apparent,
and a matter of general comment in the
village, that Miss Wise and Mis Dow
ling were ardent rival suitors for the
fir=t place in Mr. Brown's affections.
In fact, so sharp did the rivalry become
that no one or two occasions the hot
headed young fellows, were with diffi
culty restrained from falling upon each
other in public places and settlingtheir
differences according to the rules of the
prize ring.
It may ho well imagined that this
state of affairs was mortifying in the
extreme to Mr. Brown. With all those
little tricks and arts for which his sex
is noted he endeavored to appease the
anger of the by this time thoroughly
infuriated rivals. Indeed, his conduct
under the very delicate circumstances
was commendable throughout, and, so
far as can lie learned, entirely free from
coquettishness or flippancy. He scru
pulously avoided giving Wise more en
couragement than Dowling, or Dow
ling mere than Wise. If either of the
two had really succeeded in awakening
in his bosom emotions of a tender na
ture he carefully concealed the fact;
doubtless fearing to precipitate a crisis
which could not fail to in a certain de
gree compromise his. But it was all in
vain. The blood of Wise and the blood
of Dowling were thoroughly up and
the explosion came.
It was at a ball. The blushing
Brown was swinging in the mazv
dance with the dashing Wise, when
suddenly Dowling, with a livid face
and eyes flashing fire, confronted them.
Then there followed a scene. Wise and
Dowling glared at each other and
clinched. Mr. Brown screamed. Confu
sion and uproar followed, and it was
only after a sharp tussle that the en
raged rivals were separated. Miss
Wise, somewhat mussed but not seri
ously hurt, bore the shrinking, trem
bling Brown to his home, and Dowling
disappeared. But it was evident the
matter was not to rest there. And it
did not.
Early the next morning- Miss Wise
received a note from Miss Dowling
asking her to call at Miss Bowling's
house. Miss Wise did as requested.
Miss Dowling, the moment Miss Wise
appeared, seized a murderous-looking
club she had in readiness and made a
blow at the head of her rival which
must unquestionably have ended the
dispute then and there had it taken ef
fect. Miss Wise fled to the garden pur
sued by the bloodthirsty Dowling, and,
finding a pitchfork in her way, picked
it up and turned upon her assailant.
Then followed one of the most appal
ling duels on record. The club of Dow
ling fell like a sledge hammer upon
the head of Wise. The cruel prongs of
Wise's pitchfork pierced the breast of
Dowling. Both the combatants drop
ped to the earth, only to rise and go at
it with renewed fury. Time after time
was Wise felled by Rowling's club,
and time after time was Dowling
gashed and torn by Wise's pitchfork.
The battle raged with unrelenting fury
until each combatant dropped in her
tracks, fainting from loss of blood.
When they were picked up by their
horrified friends it was found that the
head of Miss Wise was beaten to a
jelly, and that the face, hands, arms,
and breast of Miss Dowling were
pierced through and through by the
murderous pitchfork. Both the unfor
tunate young ladies are now in a criti
cal condition, and the innocent cause of
their trouble, Mr Benjamin Brown, has
fled from the scene. And that is the
way they attend to Leap Year duties
down in Old Virginia.
Cards were invented in France in
France abolished the slave trade, so
far as in her power, in 1815.
Windmills were first known in
France, Spain and Germany, in 1200.
Crucifixion, as a criminal punish
ment, was very common four or five
hundred years B. C.
The first building of the Egyptian
pyramids is supposed to have been
about 1500 years B. C.
Excess in dress was restrained bv
law in England under Edward IV.,
1485, and again in the reign of Eliza
bet li in 1574.
No wine was produced in France in
the time of the Roman occupancy. The
art of making wine was procured from
Alabama was originaly a portion of
Georgia. It was admitted into the
Union in 1830, with a population of
Sir John Chardin, in his "Travels in
Persia," says that the Persians
smoked tobacco long before the discov
ery of America.
The habeas corpus —the people's
writ of right, passed for the security of
individual right—was made a law Mav
29th, 1679.
Wheat sufficient for the food of one
hundred men fur one day, was worth
but one ahiiliuy in the year 1130, mid
is ctyet tfot IVurpetHe. -
t C-?% era Ci, es-Jirir**-
qn«i» ir. rri. n JruijUTczllMacj.rs
exceeding one-fourth of * column, per inch.
Figure work double these ratee; additional
charges where weekly or monthly changes are
uia.!e. Local advertisements 10 cents per line
for insertion, and 5 cents per line ror each
additional insertion. Marriages and deaths pr.b
lished free of charge. Obituary notices charged
i a« advertisL-raeuts, and payable when handed ill
Auditors' Notices. 44 ; Executors' and Admin is
trators' Notices. fS each; Estray, Caution an#
Dissolution Notices, not exceeding ten lines,
From the fact that the CITIZKN is the oldes'
established and most extensively circulated Be
publican newspaper in Butler county, (a Repub
licat' county) it must be apparent to businees
men that it is the medium they should use io
advertising their business.
NO. 15.
—Clerical errors—Long sermons.
—The moon is not an infinite but a
fine night thing.
—A water course—A series of tem
perance lectures.
—The general appearance of a tipsy
man is dizzy-pated.
—There is something high toned
about church belles.
—There were sounds of revelry by
night. It was the cat.
—What kind of wood comes nearest
to making a fire ? Fir.
—Walking matches ought to be pro
hibited during leap year.
—The baggage-man is not usually
regarded as a chest protector.
—Sensible men with gray heads are
like kind words—they never dye.
—A Utah paragraph speaks of a
man who "narrowly escaped being
—Don't play the devil when you're
young lest you have to work for him
when yon are old.
—There are too few men following
the plow in this country, and too many
following the women.
—"There is no place like Chicago,"
savs a journal of that city. That's so,
and a lucky thing it is.
—Au editor says that he never dot
ted an i but once, and that was in a
fight with it contemporary.
—A watch is a modest little piece
of mechanism, or why would it always
keep its hands before its face ?
—lllinois churches hold "tramp so
ciables," in which tha rivalry is to see
who can wear the worst clothes.
—The beauty of a man's parting his
hair in the middle appears to be that it
gives both ears an equal chance to flap.
—Don't judge a man by his family
connections, for Cain belonged to a
very good family—the best there was.
—The man who accidentally sat
down in some warm glue thinks there
are more ways than one of getting
—A little, girl being asked on the
first day of school, how she liked her
teacher, replied: "I don't like her; she
is just as saucy to me as my mother."
—The little State of Rhode Island
wants to stop bribery at elections.
The astonishing statement is made
that 8125,000 was paid for three offices.
—Bob Ingersoll, in his sarcastic
way, says he has noticed that people
who have the smallest souls make the
greatest fuss about getting them saved.
—"You promised to pay that bill
yesterday," said an angry creditor to
a debtor. "Yes," calmly replied the
other, "but to err is human, to forget
is divine, and I forgot it."
—A little boy refusing to take a pill,
his mother placed it in a piece of pre
served pear, and gave it to him. In a
few minutes she said, "Tonmy, have
you eaten the pear ?" "Yes. mother,
all but the pip."
—"What is your busiuess here ?"
asked an irate beauty of an Irish hotel
servant whom she found at her door.
"To answer the belles, marm," said
the ready Hibernian, which won him
a smile, a kiss and a shilling.
—The Burlington Hawkeye says
that a man never feels more forcibly
how true it is that "kind words never
die" than when his love letters are
read out, to the absorbing interest of
all present, in a breach of promise suit.
—We know that "the Lord loveth
a cheerful giver," but there's no use
chucking a copper cent into a contribu
tion box loud enough to make the
folks on the back seat think the com
munion service has tumbled off the
—When a woman is so very tired
that she "can hardly hold her head
up" she goes out shopping and walks
about ten miles, and when a man is
very, very tired he plays billiards, say
eight or ten games, and walks about
fifteen miles.
—"Well, girls," said the mother,
•'you are big enough to lie of some use.
It may make you mad to tell yon of it.
I am going to discharge the washerwo
man. "Wring out sweet belles!' is to be
the motto in this house." And visions
of parboiled hands running the scale
on the washboard instead of a piano
flitted before the minds of those sad
—A country boy, coming to school
in the city for the first time, was asked
by the teacher where South America
was situated. He scratched his head
and said: "Down in father's tater
field." The teacher thereupon corrected
him by telling him where it was. He
looked up with a broad grin and ex
claimed : "What ver asked me for ef
ycr know verself?"
—lt was proposed to erect a monu
ment in the village square to the
father of his country, and old Squire
Higgins was called upon for a liberal
donation. "I can't give anything this
time," he said, "but you may know I
always carry 'Washington in my
heart." "Well," answered the man
with the subscription paper, "all I can
say is that you've got the father of
his country in a very tight spot."
—The preacher was talking to the
Sunday school about the power of re
ligion and the devotion of the zealous
to the cause and their attendance upon
the services. Finally he asked if there
was anything to which people would
go twice every Sunday and through
the week as they did to church, when
a small boy with a twisted tongue on
the front seat spoke out, "Yetli, thir,
a thirctis would ketch 'em every pop
if they could get in free, like they do
to church."
—A minister wbo liad btvu roprov
iug one of bis eldera for over indul
gence, observed a cow going dowu to
a btreaui, to take a drink, and then
turn away. "There," said be, to bis
offending eldor, "ie an example for
you. The cow has quenched its thirst
and has retired." "Yes," replied tbe
elder "that is very true; but suppose
another cow had corno to the other
side of tbe stream and bad said,
Here's to you,' there's 90 spying fcoV
ftafc ti'eV amto Mw.gtoifc Ofi"